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12 Chemical Systems and Equilibrium Cheat Sheet

by NescafeAbusive32 (nescafeabusive32) via

Introd​uction Reaction Quotient (Q) Equilibria of Slightly Soluble Compounds

Equil​ibrium = the point in a chemical reaction Helps to dete​rmine the position of the Molar solubi​lity: The amount of solute (in
where the reactants and the products are equili​brium of a system using the rate law for mol) that can be diss​olved in 1 L of solvent at
formed and broken at the same rate the system and comparing it with the Keq a certain temper​ature

Dynamic equili​brium = a balance between the If Q < [products] < [reactants] T α solubi​lity: as temper​ature increases, so
forward and backward rates that are Keq Reaction has not reached ⇌ yet; does molar solubility
occu​rring simult​ane​ously reaction needs to shift right
All compounds have some solubi​lity , even if
Equil​ibrium law = math​ema​tical descri​ption they are considered "​ins​olu​ble​" (really very low
If Q > [products] > [reactants]
of a chemical system at equili​brium Keq Reaction has not reached ⇌ yet; molar solubi​lity)
Equil​ibrium constant (K or Keq) = the numerical reaction needs to shift left
Very soluble compounds (high molar
value defining the equili​brium law for a If Q = [products] = [reactants] solubi​lity) = no ⇌ (com​plete disass​oci​ation
system at a given temper​ature (changes with Keq Reaction has not reached into ions)
temper​ature) equili​brium yet; no shift will occur
Slightly soluble compounds (low molar
Heter​oge​neous equili​brium = products and solubi​lity) = has ⇌ (inc​omp​let​e/p​artial
reactants are in at least 2 different states; Variables Affecting Chemical Equilibria
disass​oci​ation into ions)
pure solids​/li​quids are not included in Keq
Le Châtel​ier's Princi​ple: When a chemical As a compound is placed in a solvent,some
formula system at equili​brium is dist​urbed by a part of it will dissol​ve, but at the same time,
change in proper​ty, the system responds in a the reverse reaction starts
Equili​brium Constant (Keq) way that opposes the change
Eventually the two reactions reach equili​brium,
Keq formula: Concentration/Temperature creating a satu​rated solution (at this point,

If a[A] + b[B] ⇌ c[C] + d[D]; then  [conc]/T = shift to cons​ume [conc] of ions remains cons​tant)  solubility
Keq = ([C]c​[D​]d) ÷ ([A] a​[B​]b)  [conc]/T = shift to repl​ace
Equilibrium formula for solubi​lity:
Magnitude of Keq: states whether the If you add more reacta​nt/heat to a system, the
system will consume it to make more product, If x[A​a Bb] (s) ⇌ a[Ab+] (aq) + b[Ba-]
equi​librium position favours
produc​ts/​rea​cta​nts and vice versa (aq), then

If K = 1 [products] = If you remove reacta​nt/heat from a system, the Ksp = [Ab+​] a​[B​a-​] b
[react​ants] system will replace it from the existing product,
Ksp (Solub​ility product consta​nt): the product
and vice versa
If K  1 [products]  of the [conc] of ions in a saturated solution
[react​ants] Volume/Pressure (gases only)
If Amount (mol) of aqueous ions 
If K  1 [products]   V =  P = shift toward side with more gas Ksp amount (mol) of solid substance
[react​ants] entities (i.e. more mol of gas) (more space for 1
Kforward vs Kback​ward particles)
If Amount (mol) of aqueous ions 
 V =  P = shift toward side with fewer gas Ksp amount (mol) of solid substance
If a[A] ⇌ b[B], then
entities (i.e. less mol of gas) (less space for 1
Kfo​rward = ([B]b) Kba​ckward = ([A]a)
÷ ([A] a) ÷ ([B] b) Molar solubility and the Ksp describe the
Catalysts/Inert (noble) gases  No effect
solubility of a substa​nce in different ways,
So ∴ Kforward = 1/K​bac​kwa​rd @
meaning you can use one to solve for the other
(using an ICE table)
Purpose of Keq: to dete​rmine equili​brium
Using Q and Ksp to predict precip​itate
concen​tra​tion of chemical entities given
initial condit​ions (I.C.E. table)

By NescafeAbusive32 Published 25th January, 2018. Sponsored by

(nescafeabusive32) Last updated 27th January, 2018. Measure your website readability!
Page 1 of 2.
Gr. 12 Chemical Systems and Equilibrium Cheat Sheet
by NescafeAbusive32 (nescafeabusive32) via

Equilibria of Slightly Soluble Compounds Acids and Bases (cont) Autoio​niz​ation of Water and Water Constant
(cont) (Kw) (cont)
Amphi​protic substa​nce: substance that can
If Q < Not enough ions in solution behave like an acid or as a base (i.e. can [H+] = 1.0⋅10​-7  [H3​O+] = 1.0⋅10​-7
Ksp (unsat​ura​ted); no precip​ita​te; donate and receive H+ ions)
pH + pOH = 14  pOH = 7 
reaction will shift to the right
Neutralization reacti​ons [OH¯] = 1.0⋅10​-7

With strong acids/​bases: If [H3​O+] = 1.0⋅10​-7, and [OH¯] = 1.0⋅10​-7,

If Q > Lots of ions in solution
acid + base  salt + water then:
Ksp (satur​ated); prec​ipitate can form;
reaction will shift to the left *Co​mpl​ete ioniza​tion, so no equili​brium Kw = (1.0⋅10 -7)(1.0⋅10 -7)
analys​is* = 1.0⋅10​-1​4*
If Q = System is at ⇌; no precip​itate
Ksp (saturated solution) With weak acids/​bases: [1] H​ 3 ​O+​(​aq): Hydr​onium ion

acid + base ⇌ conj​ugate base + conj​ugate

pH and pOH acid * Value of Kw is always 1.0⋅10​ -14

pH/pOH: The measure of acid​ity​/al​kal​inity of *Pa​rtial ioniza​tion, so equi​librium has to be

a solution analyz​ed*

pH: The measure of [H+] in a solution Acid/Base Constants (Ka and Kb)

pH = -log[H +] [H3​O+] = [H+] Ka/Kb indicate the stre​ngth of an acid/base

= -log[H​3​O+] = 10 -pH
If Ka/Kb  Strong acid/base (com​plete
pOH: The measure of [OH¯] in a solution 1 ioniza​tio​n/d​isa​sso​cia​tion)
pH = -log[O​H¯] [OH¯] = 10-pOH If Ka/Kb  Weak acid/base (par​tial

The pH and pOH values are related to the 1 ioniza​tio​n/d​isa​sso​cia​tion)

exponent of Kw (14): If one K is known, the other can be determined
pH + pOH = 14 using Kw through the formula:

Kw = Ka (of acid) ⋅ Kb (of conjugate base)

Acids and Bases
Kw = Kb (of base) ⋅ Ka (of conjugate acid)
Arrhenius acid/base = solution that ioni​zes
into H + (acid)​/​OH¯ (base) ions Autoio​niz​ation of Water and Water Constant

Brons​ted​-Lowry acid/base = solution that (Kw)

dona​tes (acid)​/​rec​eives (base) H + ions
Water can diss​oci​ate into ions on its own:
Strong acid/b​ase: solution that comp​letely H2O(l) ⇌ H+(aq) + OH¯(a​q)
ionizes (acid)​/​dis​ass​oci​ates (base) into ions
But the H+ ion can also attack other H2O
Weak acid/b​ase: solution that part​ially
ionizes (acid)​/​dis​ass​oci​ates (base) into ions
H2O(l) + H+(aq) ⇌ H3O​+​(aq​)1
Monop​rotic acids: acids that donate one H+ ion
Adding both reactions together:
Polyp​rotic acids: acids that donate more than
one H+ ion 2 H2O(l) ⇌ H3O​+​(aq) + OH¯(a​q)

(diprotic = 2 H+, tripr​otic = 3 H+, etc.) All equilibria have a constant (K) value,

Kw = [H3O+][OH¯]
(H2O(l) not included because it is not (aq))

Since water is neut​ral (pH = 7):

By NescafeAbusive32 Published 25th January, 2018. Sponsored by

(nescafeabusive32) Last updated 27th January, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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