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*Time and The Primary Frequency*

Q: My question is about a comment that I'm told you spoke of about a year
or so ago - about the fact that in fourth density we will experience time
in a different way. In the sense that we will be on this earth - as we know
time now - for a much longer period. Could you comment on that?

B: The idea is that as you begin to live more in the now, in the present,
and not so much living in the past, not so much living or worrying about
the future - the more you live in the now - the less you experience the
idea of time itself. You will simply, in your terminology, lose track of
/when/ it is. You follow me?

Q: Yes I do.

B: The days, even though they may be observable by the coming and going
of, quote/unquote, daylight, will not necessarily have as much meaning to
you in the sense of absolutely having to know what time it is, what day it
is. You follow me?

Q: Yes, I do.

B: You will simply move as you feel you need to move, and you will
automatically be exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there -
whether you know what time you got there or not.

Days will blend into days, years into years. Years will pass; hundreds of
years will pass. And to you it may still seem like a day, so much in the
present are you living - in the now, the eternal now. You follow me?

Q: Yes. It does already.

B: That is why many of you will find that your life spans are increasing.
This, in a sense, is an abstract misnomer. It is not literally that you are
having more time; it is that you are creating less time.
So you simply come into your primal /now/ continuous existence, and simply
span the ages. Because they become reduced by comparison to you; because
you are no longer counting.

Now, because you will accelerate at that rate, it is our perception that
your civilization does not need to remain physically embodied for any more
than approximately two to three thousands years more. Then you will go on
to other realms. Other dimensions. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: And the second question is that, when I'm meditating especially, I'm
just like, vibrating.

B: Yes.

Q: Is that...

B: As you connect into the primal vibratory frequency of creation, you

become sustained by that energy, and you require less symbolic sustenance.
You follow me?
Q: Mhmm. And this other higher vibration - I feel, it's almost like...

B: You are being introduced to more of you; you are being accelerated by
you. You are becoming the higher self in physical terms. You are simply
acclimating to a new level, a new frequency. That is all. You are more

If you are in that sense, /more/, then there is, in your terms, more energy.
More energy - higher frequency. You follow me?

Q: Not really clearly.

B: Oh, all right. If you have a certain degree of energy, it vibrates in a

certain way. If you add energy to it, the vibration becomes higher. You
follow me?

Q: Okay, yes.

B: So you are - as you expand yourself into your higher self - simply
becoming aware of more of your energy; higher frequency vibration energy.
You are aligning with the primary frequency vibration energy. You are
aligning with the primary frequency of creation. Aligning, harmonizing,
synchronizing with that energy.

Q: I see.

B: Because the society you have created yourselves to be has existed on a

very low energy level. So comparatively, as you make the comparison in your
mind, you are now going to a higher vibratory level - you are speeding up
your frequency. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Does that explain it for you?

Q: Yes, it does.

B: Well, thank you very much.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: Sharing!

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