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Chapter 1 & 2- Electric Charge & Field , Electric Potential & Capacitance

1. Derive Expression for Electric field on Axial & Equtorial Line.

2. State and Prove Gauss theorem.
3. What is Electric Flux? Prove Coulomb inverse Square law from it.
4. Derive Expression for electric field due to Linear Charged wire.
5. Derive Expression for electric field due to charged shell or Sphere
on every point(Inside, Outside & On the surface ).
6. Derive Expression for Potential energy stored &Torque acting on
7. Write principle of Capacitor. Expression for Capacitance of Parallel
plate capacitors.
8. Expression for capacitance of partially filled capacitor with
dielectric. On what factors capacitance of a Capacitor depends?
9. Relation between Electric field & Electric Potential (E=dv/dr).
Chapter 1 & 2- Electric Charge & Field , Electric Potential & Capacitance

1. Derive Expression for Electric field on Axial & Equitorial Line.

2. State and Prove Gauss theorem.
3. What is Electric Flux? Prove Coulomb inverse Square law from it.
4. Derive Expression for electric field due to Linear Charged wire.
5. Derive Expression for electric field due to charged shell or Sphere
on every point(Inside, Outside & On the surface ).
6. Derive Expression for Potential energy stored &Torque acting on
7. Write principle of Capacitor. Expression for Capacitance of Parallel
plate capacitors.
8. Expression for capacitance of partially filled capacitor with
dielectric. On what factors capacitance of a Capacitor depends?
9. Relation between Electric field & Electric Potential (E=dv/dr).
Chapter 3 Current Electricity
10. What is Drift Velocity? Relation b/w drift velocity & Current Intensity (I=
11. Derive expression for Drift Velocity. Also Write ohm’s law with Graph.
12. Explain Wheat Stone Bridge & Meter Bridge with Diagram.
13. Explain Kirchhoff’’s Current & Voltage Law.
14. Relation b/w E,V and r
15. Difference b/w EMF & terminal Potential difference.
Potentiometer and Voltameter
Resistance & Specific Resistance
Factor affecting Resistance of Conductor
16. Explain Principle of Potentiometer with well labelled diagram.
17. How Internal resistance of cell can be measured ? Also show how to
compare emf of two cell Using Potentiometer?
18. Series and Parallel Combination of Resistances & Cell.
Chapter 4, Moving Charge & Magnetic effect
19. Expression for Force acting on a Current Carrying Conductor in Magnetic field.
20. Derive Biot Savart Law to find magnetic field at any Point.
21. Write Ampere Circuital law and Prove it.
22. Expression for Magnetic field on the center of Coil.
23. What is Shunt? Explain its Principle.
24. How to Convert Galvanometer in Ammeter and Voltameter?
25. Expression for Magnetic field on the axis of current carrying Coil.
26. Expression for Force between two current Carrying Parallel conductors. Also
define 1 Ampere.
27. Explain Cyclotron with Diagram, Write formula for cyclotron frequency and energy
of Particle in cyclotron.
28. Torque on Current Carrying Coil in Magnetic field.
Chapter 5 Magnetism
29.Explain Properties of Dia para & Ferro magnetic material.
30.Magnetic moment of revolving electron.
Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction
• 31. State Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic Induction. Show how Lenz’s law
follows Conservation of Energy?
• 32. What are Eddy Current? Write its limitation & Application.
• 33.Expression for Self Induction & Mutual Induction of Solenoid
• 34. Moving Coil Galvanometer with Diagram. Also Show how sensitivity of
Galvanometer be Increased?
Chapter 7 Alternating Current
• 35.Average Value of AC for Full and Half Cycle.
• 36.Expression for Average Power of AC. Also Define Wattless current.
• 37.Relation between RMS value and Peak Value of AC
• 38.Explain Transformer along with Losses and Reduction.
• 39.Expression for Impedence in Series LCR. Also explain Resonance in LCR.
• 40.Explain AC generator with Diagram, Construction and Working.

Chapter 8 Electromagnetic wave
• 41. What are Electromagnetic Waves write its Properties?
• Which waves are used in fog to give signals, to heat water, to kill
germs, to communicate at remote places?
• 42. Write Properties and uses of different EMW.
• why radio waves get diffracted by big building while light does’nt?
Chapter 9 Ray Optics
43. Derive expression for lens maker formula.
44.Derive expression for Focal Length and Power of Combination of lens.
45.Expression for refractive index of glass prism, angle of minimum deviation
46.Draw Schematic Ray diagram of Reflecting Telescope (Cassegrain). Write its
advantages over refracting telescope.
47. Derive expression for magnifying power of Compound microscope
and TELESCOPE when image is forming at Least distance of distinct
vision(LDDV) & Infinity. Also draw Ray diagram for both cases.
Chapter 10 Wave Optics
• 48. State Huygen’s secondary wavelet theory.
• 49. Explain interference and its type. Write necessary condition for
Constructive & Destructive Interference. Also Write Condition for
Sustained Interference.
• 50. Derive Expression for Fringe width in Young’s double slit
experiment also tell how width of fringe will be affected if setup is
immersed in water?
• 51. Prove laws of reflection & refraction using Huygen’s wave theory.
• 52. Write Brewster’s law. Prove that reflected and refracted ray are at
right angle with each other.
Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation
53.What is Photo electric effect. Write its Laws?
54.Eshtablish Photo electric equation.
55. Establish debroglie wave equation also define matter wave.
56.Define stopping potential, Threshold frequency, Work function.
Chapter 12- Atom
57. Write Observations from Rutherford Experiment and Rutherford
atomic model.
58.State Bohr’s Pistulates write its limitations.
59. Obtain Expression for energy of electrons in nth Orbit of Hydrogen
60. Explain Emission spectrum of Hydrogen atom with Lyman, Balmer
and Paschen series.
Chapter 13 Nucleus
61. Draw Binding energy curve and Conclusion drawn from it.
62. Explain law of radio activity and expression for half life of radio
active substance.
63. What is the relationship between decay constant and mean life of a
radioactive nucleus?
Chapter 14 SemiConductor
64. What is Transistor? Explain Working of PNP & NPN Transistor.
65. What is Rectifier? Explain full wave & Half wave rectifier.
66. What is Oscillator? Explain Transistor as Oscilator.
67. Explain PNP & NPN transistor as Oscillator. Also write formula for
Current gain & Volatage gain.
68. Explain PNP & NPN Semiconductor. Write difference b/w P-TYPE &
N Type semiconductor.
• 69. Explain LED & Solar Cell with respect to LED .
• 70. Explain all logic Gates with their symbols and Logic gates.
Chapter 14 SemiConductor

1. Explain PNP & NPN Semiconductor. Write difference b/w P-TYPE & N
Type semiconductor.
2. What is Transistor? Explain Working of PNP & NPN Transistor as
3. What is Rectifier? Explain full wave & Half wave rectifier.
4. What is Oscillator? Explain Transistor as Oscilator.
5. Explain PNP & NPN transistor as Oscillator. Also write formula for Current
gain & Volatage gain.
6. Explain all logic Gates with their symbols and Logic gates.
7. Explain LED & Solar Cell with respect to LED .

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