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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Diffusion of Artificial Intelligence in Human

Resource Domain with Specific Reference to
Recruitment Function: A Literature Review Study
Dr. Ansha Gupta Dr. ReenaPoojara
Atharva School of Business, Mumbai Atharva Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai

Abstract:- Artificial intelligence is the buzzword around revolution, is the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and the
the world in the current times. It has migrated into a Internet of Things (IoT). Organizations need to be prepared
number of fields, including the core areas of business for the different changes that technology will bring because
like marketing, finance, and human resource digitization is developing so swiftly.
management. The ability of a computer or a robot
controlled by a computer to do tasks that typically (Dimple Agarwal, Josh Bersin, Gaurav Lahiri, and Jeff
require human knowledge and discernment is known as Schwartz, 2018) assert that automated human resources
artificial intellect (AI).The application of AI is helping recruiting is streamlined by artificial intelligence
transfer the repetitive and mundane tasks to the applications like problem-solving, a data-driven function.
computer so that humans can concentrate on the Future work will be given higher priority across the market,
activities which need human intervention and cannot be with employers and employees considering knowledge,
performed by computers or robots. Human Resource skills, and traits to stay competitive in the market for long-
functions are a gamut of all the activities performed term sustainability. The industry is now considering using
throughout the life cycle of an employee starting from artificial intelligence in the hiring process. The recruitment
hiring new employees, ensuring their performance and industry is getting closer to integrating artificial intelligence
growth, and their exit from the organization. In the list into the hiring process by taking into account previous
of activities performed by the human resource function, studies, such as the study of artificial intelligence covered in
many activities are too much time taking, repetitive and earlier years.
monotonous. Such tasks can be delegated to robots, or
the use of AI in such tasks will free up a lot of time for In fact, according to several studies, AI is involved in
HR experts so they can focus on more inventive and the hiring process (Upadhyay & Khandelwal, 2018),
fruitful tasks. The function of recruiting is one of the (Bullhorn, 2018), (Paradox,2018). Considering this context,
main HR activities. This study reviews the research from the author's objective is to draw attention to a component of
the last five years with a particular emphasis on the use the hiring process that has gotten little attention in the
of AI in the recruitment function of human resource literature but is crucial to HRM from a strategic perspective.
management. Understanding the dissemination of AI in In fact, the author thought that successful recruiting
recruitment functions would be made easier through the strategies were essential for organizational success.
analysis of such material. Therefore, understanding the difficulties associated with the
hiring process can help to improve hiring practices, making
Keywords:- Artificial Intelligence, Human Resource a talent allocator more skilled and efficient. Based on the
Management, Recruitment. results of a systematic study, the paper will explore how
much the literature has addressed the spread of artificial
I. INTRODUCTION intelligence in the hiring process.

We are at the beginning of a revolution that will II. LITERATURE REVIEW

fundamentally change the way we behave, live, and work.
It's amazing to observe how the industry has evolved from Using qualitative and exploratory research methods,
the first industrial revolution in the late 1800s to the third, Edward Tristram Albert (2019) investigated the present use
which started in the middle of the 20th century and was of artificial intelligence (AI) in the recruitment and selection
driven by new information technology and automation. The of applicants. His study examined the degree, pace, and
fourth industrial revolution, often known as Industry 4.0, is possible applications of AI technologies across the
the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of recruiting process. To ascertain how many of the AI
Things (IoT). Because digitization is advancing so quickly, applications domains listed in the literature review are being
organizations need to be ready for the various changes that used in practise, a thorough literature review was followed
technology will bring. A revolution that will completely by primary research in the form of semi-structured thematic
alter the way we act, live, and work is just getting started. interviews with different types of R&S specialists, including
From the first industrial revolution in the late 1800s to the HR managers, consultants, and academics. They discovered
third, which began in the middle of the 20th century and was that there are places where AI applications can be used in all
propelled by new information technology and automation, 11 stages of the R&S Process. And the ones that are now
the industry has undergone an astounding evolution. used most frequently are task automation technologies,
Industry 4.0, also referred to as the fourth industrial screening software, and chatbots.Additionally, they were

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
able to comprehend that larger, tech-focused, or inventive attempted to critically analyse the various roles that AI plays
businesses are more likely to utilise these AI solutions. in HR tasks. The paper also made an effort to define AI and
Finally, despite the exponential growth of AI use, ideas associated with it in the context of human resources.
corporations are still hesitant to invest in that technology for The study's literature evaluation on artificial intelligence in
R&S, indicating that they have not yet reached an inflection hiring (AIHr) led to the discovery of 200 research articles on
point. His study gave a thorough review of the state of AI in the topic that were published between 2010 and 2020.
R&S and opened up numerous potential for academic
research, both qualitative and quantitative, which will be Alall et al. (2021) conducted research to examine how
useful for researchers and practitioners trying to quickly get digital technologies improve the next steps of the hiring
a full grasp of AI in R&S. process, including talent identification, selection, and
retention. A new and diverse phenomenon called e-
AI-assisted hiring aids are now necessary rather than recruitment begins with the identification of candidates on
just pleasant to have. Black and Esch's paper, "AI-enabled social media, progresses to the gamification of hiring and
recruiting: What is it and how should a manager use it?," job interviews using chatbots, and concludes with the
looks at the reasons behind this move. (2019). As matching of a candidate with a position using artificial
competitive advantages have changed from tangible to intelligence. These tools are especially helpful for ethical
intangible assets, human capital has emerged from the organisations that want to hire not just talented workers but
background to take center stage. Second, digital human also staff members whose attitudes and beliefs align with
capital recruiting has emerged from the background as the their mission. Grounded theory, participant observation, and
economic and social landscapes have been transformed by gathering qualitative data form the methodology's
digitization. Third, managers shouldn't disregard or delay foundation.Several recruitment-related technologies were
incorporating recent and upcoming advancements in AI- analysed, contrasted, and combined in a multiple case study,
enabled recruiting since they have increased recruiting including a social network with LinkedIn, a MOOC with
effectiveness to the point where they should not be done Udacity, a serious game called Reveal from L'Oréal, a
so.Key strategic activities managers must undertake to chatbot named Ari from TextRecruit, and a massive data
benefit from AI-assisted recruiting systems have been analysis matching system with Randstad tech. The debate
outlined, along with the obstacles that have turned them focused on the individual strengths and weaknesses of these
from desirable to crucial. instruments as well as how they converge through a
progressive integration that causes an aberration in
In their article "Artificial Intelligence Chatbots are recruitment. To help recruiters implement e-recruitment,
New Recruiters" that was published in "International Journal managerial tips were developed.
of Advanced Computer Science and Applications," Nawas
and Gomes (2019) evaluated the impact of artificial Despite the fact that many businesses now use
intelligence chatbots on the hiring process. They looked into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in
how chatbots may give services to entice prospects to their hiring processes, research indicates that candidates
participate in the hiring process. The study sought to may not be amenable to AI/ML-based selection procedures.
determine how chatbots were affecting the hiring process In the current study, Gonzales et al. (2022) looked into how
overall. The study used secondary sources and data from businesses could reduce adverse reactions to AI/ML-based
websites, peer-reviewed articles, and conceptual papers. selection processes. In two between-subjects experiments,
After conducting study, it was discovered that artificial they gathered online samples of participants (undergraduate
intelligence chatbots are very effective tools in the hiring students and Prolific panellists, respectively) and showed
process and will aid in developing industry-specific them vignettes illustrating alternative selection processes.In
recruitment tactics. It also focused on resolutions to the Study 1, they altered (a) whether the system was run by a
complex issues in the process of recruitment.Researchers' human, AI/ML, or a combination of both (an "augmented"
interest in the amalgamation of the artificial intelligence method), and (b) the selection process in Study 2.
hiring process is growing, but there is still need for further (Screening is the last step). The results showed that
investigation. participants responded more positively to augmented and
human-based tactics than to AI/ML-based approaches,
In his work "How Far Have We Come with The Study which were further influenced by participants' prior levels of
of Artificial Intelligence for Recruitment Process," Nishad AI familiarity. They sought to replicate their results in Study
Niwas (2019) did a systematic review of the opinions from a 2 by employing a particular methodology (selecting hotel
number of referred publications, periodicals, and websites. managers) and application approach (handling interview
The study's findings complemented research on the AI- recordings). They found that participants' sentiments of the
based hiring process by fostering a more comprehensive augmented approach were significantly influenced by their
understanding of the subject and adjacent fields. familiarity with AI. Their conclusions have an impact on
who should use AI/ML-based procedures and how they
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a developing technology should be executed.
that is being utilised to improve the effectiveness of HR
processes across a number of commercial disciplines. In order to ascertain the stages at which organisations
However, there aren't many scholarly studies that look at are using AI in recruitment practises in Sweden and the
how AI affects hiring. With an emphasis on recruiting and attitudes of recruiters and recruitees toward the use of AI in
selection, George, Thomas, and Anson's research from 2021 the recruitment process in the Sweden organisational

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
context, Aysha Khatun Lisa and Valerie RostanTalla Simo potential detrimental consequences of networking and
(2021) used a qualitative approach with semi-structured insecure employment situations on quality of work life.
interviews with three recruiters and five recruitees in
Sweden. The results show that the majority of businesses This study looked into the adoption of artificial
employ AI in the initial phases of the hiring process. intelligence (AI) in business recruiting procedures in the
However, more than 50% of staff at some companies are context of a new workplace setting and provided insights on
hired using AI. Additionally, they learned that the study's the topic. Pillai and Shivathanu (2020) addressed goals by
recruits had a positive outlook and indicated that they would looking at the decision-making criteria for AI adoption
be fine with AI being employed in conventional through three studies that employed the Delphi method.
hiring.Additionally, they welcome innovation since they Then, two multi-criteria decision-making procedures were
think that in order to compete in this industry, it is employed to examine the amount of AI used in recruiting:
imperative to accept new technology. They further claimed the analytical hierarchy process to construct weights of the
that AI-assisted hiring will help to eliminate bias and criterion and fuzzy methodology for ranking preference by
guarantee fair hiring. resemblance to ideal answer. The results demonstrated that
while contemplating the use of AI in the hiring process,
In their article "Antecedents and outcomes of artificial human resource managers should give high priority to
intelligence adoption and application in the workplace: The information security and return on investment.It was found
socio-technical system theory perspective," Xinying Yu, Xu, that sourcing and initial screening for jobs are good places
and Ashton (2022) developed a theoretically grounded for AI adoption. Furthermore, it has been shown that
conceptual framework on the socio-technical system theory between before and after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis
that captures the essence of AI's impact on the workplace. started, the appropriateness of the recruiting stage at which
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now more prevalent in HR AI may be utilised changed.
Information Systems and Human Resource Management
Systems (HRMS) as a result of Human Resource Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now more prevalent in
Management (HRM) digitization (HRIS). Recruiting, HR Information Systems and Human Resource Management
employee performance reviews and satisfaction, wage and Systems (HRMS) as a result of Human Resource
benefit analyses, best practise analysis, disciplinary Management (HRM) digitization (HRIS). Recruiting,
management, and employee training and development employee performance reviews and satisfaction, wage and
systems are just a few tactical activities that are increasingly benefit analyses, best practise analysis, disciplinary
using AI.We plan to review literature and public sources management, and employee training and development
that cover the application of AI in HRM in order to have a systems are just a few tactical activities that are increasingly
better grasp of this trend. Using a systematic literature using AI. We plan to review literature and public sources
review technique, this study identifies which tactical HRIS that cover the application of AI in HRM in order to have a
(T-HRIS) components are discussed in the literature and better grasp of this trend. This study by Voto et al. (2021)
how each T-HRIS component is portrayed. This study sheds used a systematic literature review technique to identify
light on the tactical HRM/HRIS components that are given which tactical HRIS (T-HRIS) components are covered in
attention and identifies areas for future research needs. the literature and how each T-HRIS component is portrayed.

In their 2019 study, Parry and Battista looked at the III. METHODOLOGY USED IN THE PAPER
effects of current and emerging technologies on the
workforce as well as the role of the human resource (HR) This study is a review of the literature. About 35
function in helping people and companies adapt to these research papers were reviewed for this study, of which 20
changes. Evidence suggests that businesses are utilising were used in the literature review based on the use of
cutting-edge tools like robots and artificial intelligence to artificial intelligence in the field of human resource
automate routine, uncomplicated tasks and predictive management, specifically with reference to the recruitment
algorithms to make complex decisions more quickly and function. This study only uses secondary data, and the
accurately. Additionally, more and more flexible working majority of the publications published in SAGE,
methods, like telecommuting and virtual work, are being EMERALD, and SPRINGER journals over the previous five
implemented thanks to new technologies.However, this will years were used in the data gathering. In order to
provide difficulties for HR professionals, who must help comprehend the dissemination of Artificial Intelligence in
workers upgrade their abilities in order to compete in the the field of HRM with particular reference to the actions
future workplace and develop solutions to deal with any carried out in the recruitment function, the collected papers
were reviewed of the variables analyzed.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Sr. No Name of the Article Variables Methodology adopted and Findings

1 Artificial Intelligence in AI and In the Using a systematic literature review methodology, this study
Tactical Human context of examines which tactical HRIS (T-HRIS) components are
Resource Management: complete HR mentioned in the literature and how each T-HRIS component is
A Systematic Literature domain described. The application of AI in tactical operations such as
Review hiring, employee performance assessment and satisfaction, wage
and benefit analysis, analysis of best practises, disciplinary
management, and employee training and development systems is
on the rise.
2 The impact of emerging Emerging Using secondary data, this study examines how new technologies
technologies on work: a technologies and are affecting the workplace and how HR can help people and
review of the evidence its implications on organisations deal with these changes. Additionally, new
and implications for the HR function technologies are rapidly being used to support the adoption of
human resource more flexible working patterns, such as gig and virtual labour.
function However, HR professionals will have a number of challenges in
assisting workers in updating their skills to compete in the future
workplace and dealing with potential adverse effects of increased
connectivity and unstable working conditions on employee well-
3 Evolution of Artificial AI in HR domain Based on a quantitative descriptive study of journals and
Intelligence Research in -Evolution proceedings in the Library of Online Knowledge (B-on) database,
Human Resources it offers a glimpse of AI-based HR research from 2000 to 2018.
The use of artificial intelligence in the subject of human resources
is covered in 32 research articles. Three time periods were created
out of the 18-year period under study as a didactic tool and to
make the analysis simpler to understand (First decade, Reduction
Period, and Period of Growth). As a result, it was discovered that
utilisation of AI in human resources is dispersed and that there
are few studies on the subject.
4 Impact of Artificial AI, HR practices, A mixed-method approach was used to investigate and test the
Intelligence on HR UAE study's questions. Surveys, semi-structured interviews, and
practices in the UAE research designs were completed for both. People in HR and AI
were asked to participate in the study as volunteers. Thematic
analysis and PLS-SEM were used to analyse the data (Partial
least squares path modeling). Positive and significant outcomes
were obtained from the planned training and development process
(0.2310.021), the tactical performance appraisal and AI
integration (0.7190.000), and the AI integration and effective HR
practises (0.2040.131). The ease of use has a negative and
negligible effect on the integration of AI and efficient HR
procedures. The digitalization of HR tasks relies heavily on AI.
5 Artificial intelligence AI and Human In their research, Arslan et al. (2021) discovered that human
and human workers Workers workers and robots interact and cooperate in a range of
interaction at the team interaction at the organisational tasks and industries where they both function as
level: a conceptual Team level team members. Modern firms' HRM departments must deal with
assessment of the employees' concerns about working with AI, particularly those
challenges and potential related to potential job loss and the challenging dynamics of
HRM strategies building trust between human employees and AI-enabled robots
as team members.
6 Perceived trust in Trust in AI The current study is a conceptual work that synthesises data from
artificial intelligence several literature streams to provide a very complete yet critical
technologies: A analysis of how AI (particularly robots) and HRM interact in
preliminary study modern enterprises. The authors found that organisational support
measures such a supportive environment, training opportunities,
and ensuring a proper technological competence level are crucial
before organising human workers in teams with robots. Finally,
they found that performance evaluation in teams that comprise
both humans and AI poses one of the most challenging challenges
for HRM (including robots). This study examined users' views of

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
task complexity, task trustworthiness, and application
performance when adopting AI-based technologies.

7 Exploring Artificial AI, HRM domain 23 pertinent papers were discovered when searching the Scopus
Intelligence online database from 1991 to 2020 and used in the study as a
Applications in Human sample. In order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in their
Resource Management human resource management operations and satisfy consumer
requests, organisations can apply artificial intelligence in nine
different areas of human resource management tasks, according
to the report. Other facets of human resource management could
be covered by the research.
8 Integration of Artificial AI and HR domain The study used an interview method with the use of tailored
Intelligence in Human questions to target HR professionals in corporate settings and
Resource primarily depended on secondary data. For the study to better
understand AI applications, 117 professionals provided primary
data. Many businesses are seeking to integrate AI in HR despite
the obstacles because the advantages outweigh the difficulties.
9 AI adoption by human AI, Impact, HR This study suggests a model to explain the variables affecting
resource management: system HRM's adoption of AI. The proposed model makes use of the
a study of its effectiveness task-organization-environment and task-technology fit models.
antecedents and impact Two-step partial least squares-based structural equational
on HR system modelling was used to test the model (PLS-SEM). Information
effectiveness was gathered from 210 HRM employees working in IT
companies in the Delhi-NCR area (only senior-level or
specialised HR positions). Analysis of the literature indicates that
organisational preparation, perceived benefits, and technical
readiness all have an impact on the adoption of AI, which can
increase the efficiency of HR systems. The recommended model
is supported by the PLS-SEM findings, which also support all
hypothesised correlations.
10 Adoption of artificial AI, Talent The use of AI technology for talent acquisition is favourably
intelligence (AI) for acquisition, IT and influenced by cost-effectiveness, relative advantage, top
talent acquisition in ITES management support, HR readiness, competitive pressure, and AI
IT/ITeS organizations Organizations vendor support, according to this study. Security and privacy
problems impede the use of AI technologies. It is discovered that
task and technology features have an impact on the task and
technology fit of AI technology for talent acquisition. Adoption
and job technology fit have an impact on how effectively AI
technology is used for hiring. The association between AI
adoption and actual application in talent acquisition is found to be
negatively impacted by stickiness to conventional methods of
talent acquisition. The proposed model was empirically tested and
revealed determinants of the uptake of AI technology and its real
application for hiring.
11 AI adoption in the AI, Extent, and The results of this study indicate that human resources managers
hiring process – Criteria for view information security and return on investment as two very
important criteria and adoption important factors when thinking about the usage of AI in the
extent of AI adoption hiring process. Adoption of AI for job sourcing and initial
screening has been proven to be appropriate. And between before
and after the COVID-19 pandemic problem started, the recruiting
stage where AI can be deployed has become more appropriate. In
light of altering external and internal circumstances, the findings
and discussion enable businesses to make more informed
decisions regarding the integration of AI into their hiring

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
12 Antecedents and AI, Antecedents On order to capture the essence of AI's impact in the workplace,
outcomes of artificial and Outcomes this paper evaluates the literature and develops a theoretically
intelligence adoption grounded conceptual framework based on socio-technical system
and application in the theory. Acceptance and application of AI have antecedents in the
workplace: the socio- personnel subsystem, technical subsystem, organisational
technical system theory structure subsystem, and environmental factors. Adoption and
perspective implementation of AI have an impact on outcomes for
individuals, organisations, and employment.
13 AI-enabled recruiting in AI and Examine how, by bridging the gap between human resource
the war for talent Recruitment management and military escalation literature, three key onset
conditions associated with the adoption of AI-enabled recruiting
tools have the potential to spark an arms race for such tools.
14 Factors that influence AI and In this study, researchers looked at how social media use,
new-generation Recruitment inherent benefits, fairness, and perceived trendiness affected job
candidates to engage candidates' intents to participate in and finish digital, AI-enabled
with and complete hiring processes.
digital, AI-enabled
15 AI-enabled recruiting: AI and Despite several issues and worries, there is enough demand for AI
What is it and how Recruitment and its potential in recruiting that working managers are looking
should a manager use for guidance on how to use and interact with AI-enabled
it? recruiting solutions.
16 Allying with AI? Reaction towards In two between-subjects experiments, the researchers gathered
Reactions toward AI in recruitment online samples of participants (undergraduate students and
human-based, AI/ML- Prolific panellists, respectively), offered them with vignettes
based, and augmented illustrating various selection algorithms, and assessed how they
hiring processes reacted to them. The results impact how (and to whom)
businesses should use AI/ML-based processes.
17 Intelligent recruitment: AI and The approach of this study employed grounded theory, participant
How to identify, select, Recruitment observation, and qualitative data gathering. The topic of the paper
and retain talents from examines the effectiveness and constraints of various tools as
around the world using well as their convergence through growing integration that results
artificial intelligence in the uberization of recruiting.
18 A Systematic Review AI and 200 research articles that were pertinent to AI in Hiring (AIHr)
of Artificial Recruitment were discovered between 2010 and 2020 as a result of the study's
Intelligence and Hiring: literature evaluation. As a result, even if there have been research
Present Position and and papers written on the subject, the majority of them have not
Future Research Areas produced any certain conclusions about the use of AI in hiring.
Similar to this, less study was conducted earlier in 2018 due to a
lack of knowledge and experience with AI and its associated
terminologies. Another significant aspect is that the majority of
research is limited to the use of AI in entry-level recruitment and
19 How Far Have We A systematic review of seven cited articles, five magazine
Come With The Study articles, and twenty websites took into account the viewpoints of
Of Artificial the topic and related fields. The study's findings complement
Intelligence For previous research on AI-based recruitment processes and help
Recruitment Process provide a more complete picture of the subject and related
20 Artificial Intelligence The study exclusively uses secondary sources, including
Chatbots are New conceptual papers, peer-reviewed articles, and websites, to
Recruiters provide the current research. According to the survey, artificial
intelligence chatbots are extremely effective tools in the hiring
process and would be helpful in creating recruitment strategies
for the sector. Additionally, it concentrates more on finding
solutions to challenging problems in the hiring process. Although
the use of artificial intelligence in hiring is growing among
professionals, more research has to be done in this area. The
study suggested potential directions for further research in the
field of chatbots and recruiters.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
21 AI in talent acquisition: This study produced a number of conclusions. It started by listing
a review of AI 11 places in the R&S Process where AI can be applied. However,
applications used in chatbots, screening software, and task automation technologies
recruitment and appear to be the three tools that practitioners currently rely on the
selection most. Second, the bulk of companies using AI technologies are
bigger, more technologically advanced, or both. Last but not
least, despite the exponential growth of AI usage, businesses have
not yet reached a tipping point because they are still reluctant to
invest in the technology for R&S.


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