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Filing# 86788841 E-Filed 03/21/2019 04:58:24 PM



Case No.: 50-2016-CA-009292

Division AH


Successor by merger to Bank of
Coral Gables, LLC,



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'I




and through the undersigned counsel, file this Response in Opposition, and Incorporated

Memorandum of Law, to Plaintiff First American Bank's Motion for Assessment of Attorney's

Fees, Costs and Expenses and Incorporated Memorandum of Law [DE 235] and Plaintiff First

American Bank's Motion for Assessment of Appellate Attorney's Fees and Incorporated

Memorandum of Law [DE 237] and Incorporated Memorandum of Law, and in support hereof

states as follows:


In the absence of any controlling contractual or statutory provision as to the amount of a

reasonable attorney's fee, the court generally is required to consider a variety of factors, set forth

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS • 955 NW 17rn AVENUE, SUITE C •DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 • (561) 361-8700

in the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 1, in setting fees, including, for example, the time and labor

required, the novelty and difficulty of the question involved, and the skill requisite to perform the

legal service properly.

In light of these factors, the court must then:

(1) determine the number of hours reasonably expended on the litigation;

(2) determine the reasonable hourly rate for the type oflitigation;

(3) multiply the two, resulting in the "lodestar amount"; and

(4) when appropriate, adjust the fee on the basis of the contingent nature of the litigation

or the failure to prevail on a claim or claims.

Florida Patient's Compensation Fund v. Rowe, 472 So. 2d 1145 (Fla. 1985) (holding

modified on other grounds by Standard Guar. Ins. Co. v. Quanstrom, 555 So. 2d 828 (Fla. 1990));

Levine v. Keaster, 862 So. 2d 876 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003).

"Reasonably expended" means the time that ordinarily would be spent by lawyers in the

community to resolve this particular type of dispute. It is not necessarily the number of hours

actually expended by counsel in the case. Rather, the court must consider the number of hours that

should reasonably have been expended in that particular case. In this respect, the magnitude of the

case should be a consideration. Centex-Rooney Const. Co., Inc. v. Martin County, 725 So. 2d 1255

(Fla. 4th DCA 1999). Accordingly, the circuit court is not bound by the time and billing records

presented or by the expert witness' testimony about the reasonableness of the attorney fees

requested. Puleo v. Morris, 98 So. 3d 248 (Fla. 2d DCA 2012).

In determining reasonableness, the trial court can consider many criteria including:

R. Regulating Fla. Bar 4-1.5.
WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
1) The time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the question involved, and the skill
requisite to perform the legal service properly;
2) The likelihood, apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will
preclude other employment by the lawyer.
3) The fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services.
4) The amount involved, and the results obtained.
5) The time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances.
6) The nature and length of the professional relationship with the client.
7) The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services.
8) Whether the fee is fixed or contingent.
See Rowe, 472 So.2d at 1150 n. 6; Campbell v. Campbell, 46 So. 3d 1221 (Fla. 4th DCA

2010); Levine v. Keaster, 862 So. 2d 876 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003); Centex-Rooney Const. Co., Inc. v.

Martin County, 725 So. 2d 1255 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999).

Although a fee applicant has the burden of establishing its entitlement to an award of

attorney's fees, the opponent of the fee has the burden of pointing out with specificity which hours

should be deducted. Levine v. Keaster, 862 So. 2d 876 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003); Brake v. Murphy, 736

So. 2d 745 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1999); Nitram, Inc. v. Industrial Risk Insurers, 154 F.R.D. 274, 277

(M.D. Fla. 1994) (citations omitted); see also Norman v. Housing Auth. ofMontgomery, 836 F.2d

1292, 1301-1302 (11th Cir. 1988) (fee opponent must be reasonably precise in objecting to and

proving existence of unreasonable or unnecessary attorney hours).


Fee provision from HELOC Credit Agreement:

Collection Costs. We may hire or pay someone else to help collect this Agreement
if you do not pay. You will pay us the amount of these costs and expenses, which
includes, subject to any limits under applicable law, our reasonable attorneys' fees
and our legal expenses whether or not there is a lawsuit, including reasonable
attorneys' fees and legal expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), and appeals. If not prohibited
by applicable law, you will also pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums
provided by law. Credit Agreement, attached as Exhibit "A".
Fee provision from the Mortgage:

Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any
of the terms of this Mortgage, Lender shall be entitled to recover such sum as the
court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial and upon any appeal.
Mortgage, attached as Exhibit "B ".
Contractual provisions concerning attorney's fees must be strictly construed. Miller v.

Miller, 107 So.3d 430, 432 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012); See Pici v. First Union Nat'! Bank of Fla., 705

So.2d 50, 51 (Fla. 2d DCA 1997); Venetian Cove Club, Inc. v. Venetian Bay Developers, Inc., 411

So.2d 1323, 1324 (Fla. 2d DCA 1982); Wendel v. Wendel, 852 So. 2d 277, 282 (Fla. 2nd DCA


Florida disfavors the award of prevailing party attorney's fees in civil cases. The
state "follows the 'American Rule' that attorney's fees may only be awarded by a
court pursuant to an entitling statute or an agreement of the parties." Dade Cnty. v.
Pena, 664 So.2d 959,960 (Fla. 1995); see also R.J. Reynolds Tobacco v. Ward, 141
So.3d 236,238 n. 5 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014) (discussing the "American Rule" in place
in Florida). Fee shifting statutes and contractual provisions are contrary to the
"American Rule." As a result, statutes awarding attorney's fees must be strictly
construed. See, e.g., Dade Cnty., 664 So.2d at 960. Similarly, " 'contractual
provisions concerning attorney's fees must also be strictly construed.' " Miller v.
Miller, 107 So.3d 430,432 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012);
Air Turbine Tech., Inc. v. Quarles & Brady, LLC, 165 So. 3d 816, 821 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015).

Unequivocally, the language in the two documents differ. Although neither purports to be

as broad as some typical "prevailing party" fee provisions, they both clearly limit the award of fees

to "reasonable" attorneys' fees. The HELOC Credit Agreement restricts the fees awardable to

those that are "reasonable" and paid to a third party to collect under the Credit Agreement. The

Mortgage permits the award of reasonable fees if the Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce

any of the terms of this Mortgage

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
The doctrine of mutual construction, by which two documents executed by the same parties

as part of a single transaction regarding the same subject matter must be read and construed

together, applies to mortgages and the notes they secure. Biersack v. Oaks Renting, Inc., 606 So.

2d 439 (Fla. 2d DCA 1992); Grier v. M H C. Realty Corp., 274 So. 2d 21 (Fla. 4th DCA

1973); Slaughter v. Parsons, 148 Fla. 240, 4 So. 2d 328 (1941). Where other instruments are

executed contemporaneously with a mortgage and are part of the same transaction,

the mortgage may be modified by these other instruments. All the

documents should be read together to determine and give effect to the intention of the parties.

Boyette v. Carden, 347 So.2d 759 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

The primary rule of construction of a mortgage is to ascertain the intention of the parties.

This can be accomplished not only from the face of the instrument but also from the situation of

the parties and the nature and object of the transaction. Huntington Nat'! Bk. v. Merrill Lynch

Credit Corp., 779 So.2d 396 (Fla. 2d DCA 2000); Sardon Found. v. New Horizons Serv. Dogs,

Inc., 852 So. 2d 416,420 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2003). Here, clearly, the situation is that FAB loaned

money to Laurence Schneider under the terms of a Credit Agreement, using Mr. Schneider's

property (that he co-owned with Mrs. Schneider) as collateral.

A mortgage executed as security for the payment of a note is a mere incident of and

ancillary to such note. Scott v. Taylor, 63 Fla. 612 (Fla. 1912); Vance v. Fields, 172 So.2d 613

(Fla. pt DCA 1965). A "mortgage is the security for the payment of the negotiable promissory

note." Perry v. Fairbanks Capital Corp., 888 So.2d 725, 727 (Fla. 5th DCA

2004). A promissory note is not a mortgage. Bank of NY. Mellon v. Reyes, 126 So.3d 304, 308

(Fla. 3d DCA 2013). Instead,

"The promise to pay is one distinct agreement, and, if couched in proper

terms is negotiable. The pledge of real estate to secure that promise is

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
another distinct agreement, which ordinarily is not intended to affect in the
least the promise to pay, but only to give a remedy for failure to carry out
the promise to pay. The holder of the note may discard the mortgage
entirely, and sue and recover on the note."

Id. (quoting Taylorv. Am. Nat'! Bank ofPensacola, 63 Fla. 631, 57 So. 678 (1912)).

Where there is a direct conflict between the note and the mortgage provisions, the terms of

the Note control. Lewis v. Estate ofTureal, 709 So.2d 186 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998); Hotel Management

Co. v. Krick!, 158 So. 118 (Fla. 1934); Gibbs v. Hicks, 146 So.2d 391 (Fla. pt DCA 1962); Berg

v. Petty, 160 So. 4 (Fla. 1935); Lewis v. Estate of Turco!, 709 So.2d 186, 187 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998).

Cleveland v. Crown Fin., LLC, 183 So. 3d 1206, 1209-10 (Fla. 1st DCA 2016). To the extent the

fee provisions of the Credit Agreement and Mortgage differ, it is the language of the Credit

Agreement that modifies the terms of the Mortgage and controls; and is therefore the operative fee

entitlement language this Court must strictly follow when deciding the reasonableness of

Plaintiffs fee claims.



Where other instruments are executed contemporaneously with a mortgage and are part of

the same transaction, the mortgage may be modified by these other instruments. All the

documents should be read together to determine and give effect to the intention of the parties. Bo

yette v. Carden, 347 So.2d 759 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). The primary rule of construction of

a mortgage is to ascertain the intention of the parties. This can be accomplished not only from the

face of the instrument but also from the situation of the parties and the nature and object of

the transaction. Huntington Nat'! Bk. v. Merrill Lynch Credit Corp., 779 So.2d 396 (Fla. 2d DCA

2000); Sardon Found. v. New Horizons Serv. Dogs, Inc., 852 So. 2d416, 420 (Fla. 5th DCA2003).

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
FAB has obtained two judgments: i) a Final Judgment for money against Laurence

Schneider only ("Monetary Judgment"), and ii) a Final Judgment of Foreclosure against Laurence

Schneider, Stephanie Schneider and The Oaks at Boca Raton Property Owners' Association, Inc.

("Foreclosure Judgment"). 2 The Monetary Judgment found that First American Bank is "entitled

to reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with this action." Clearly,

this entitlement to fees contained in the Monetary Judgment applies only to Laurence Schneider

as he is the only debtor under the Monetary Judgment.

The Foreclosure Judgment found that First American Bank is "entitled to reasonable

attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with this action." Apparently the issue

of which Defendant(s) owe the amounts due under paragraph 2 of the Foreclosure Judgment, as

well as any awarded attorneys' fees, was not addressed in prior proceedings, and as such it was

not addressed in the Foreclosure Judgment which is vague in that regard.

It stands to reason that, logically, as the Borrower under the Credit Agreement only

Laurence Schneider could or should ever be held liable for Plaintiffs attorneys' fees and costs in

this matter. The situation of the parties here is clearly such that the Plaintiff loaned money only to

Laurence Schneider yet required Stephanie Schneider to execute the mortgage as she was a titled

owner to the property. As a non-borrowing spouse executing a mortgage, the case law is clear that

Stephanie Schneider has no obligation to pay any indebtedness due to Plaintiff whether principal,

interest, attorneys' fees, costs or deficiency. As the Second DCA clearly held in Aluia v. Dyck-

O'Neal, Inc., 205 So.3d 768 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2015), "a judgment of foreclosure is a judgment in rem

or quasi in rem that directs the sale of the mortgaged property to satisfy the mortgagee's lien ....

The Monetary Judgment and Foreclosure Judgment with Amendments of each are attached as Composite Exhibit
WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
As such, it 'applies only to the property secured by the mortgage and does not impose any personal

liability on the mortgagor." Aluia, at 773-774.

Defendant Laurence Schneider is the only defendant against whom a fee award can be

entered. Defendant Stephanie Schneider did not agree to be responsible for any indebtedness under

the Credit Agreement. Stephanie Schneider was a mere signatory under the Mortgage to reflect

her agreement to pledge the home as security for the loan of money to Laurence Schneider under

the Credit Agreement. She did not sign the Credit Agreement.

Furthermore, on July 25, 2018, the Fourth DCA entered an Order denying FAB's Motion

for appellate attorneys' fees against Stephanie Schneider. See Exhibit "D". Thus, none of the

Appellate fees are recoverable against Stephanie Schneider.


Although a fee applicant has the burden of establishing its entitlement to an award of

attorney's fees, the opponent of the fee has the burden of pointing out with specificity which hours

should be deducted. Levine v. Keaster, 862 So. 2d 876 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003); Brake v. Murphy, 736

So. 2d 745 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1999); Nitram, Inc. v. Industrial Risk Insurers, 154 F.R.D. 274, 277

(M.D. Fla. 1994) (citations omitted); see also Norman v. Housing Auth. ofMontgomery, 836 F.2d

1292, 1301-1302 (11th Cir. 1988) (fee opponent must be reasonably precise in objecting to and

proving existence of unreasonable or unnecessary attorney hours).

A. All fees sought by Plaintiff to be awarded for work performed in the case of
Schneider v. First American Bank, U.S.D.C. Southern District of Florida 9:17-cv-
80728 are not compensable by this Court in this litigation.

All fees and costs sought by Plaintiff to be awarded for work performed in the case of

Schneider v. First American Bank, US.D. C. Southern District ofFlorida 9: l 7-cv-80728 ("Federal

Court Case") are not compensable by this Court in this litigation for the following reasons:

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
First, the "Collection Costs" language that entitles FAB to its reasonable attorneys' fees in

the instant case is not a "prevailing party" fee language for all disputes under, or related to, the

HELOC. The narrowly tailored language (drafted by FAB) which entitles FAB to an award of fees

is not written broadly enough to encompass the work FAB' s attorneys put into defending Laurence

Schneider's Federal Court Case. Per the terms of the HELOC, the only fees that are compensable

are the "reasonable attorneys' fees" paid to someone else "to help collect this Agreement if you do

not pay".

Contractual provisions concerning attorney's fees must be strictly construed. Miller v.

Miller, 107 So.3d 430, 432 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012); See Pici v. First Union Nat'! Bank of Fla., 705

So.2d 50, 51 (Fla. 2d DCA 1997); Venetian Cove Club, Inc. v. Venetian Bay Developers, Inc., 411

So.2d 1323, 1324 (Fla. 2d DCA 1982); Wendel v. Wendel, 852 So. 2d 277, 282 (Fla. 2nd DCA


Florida disfavors the award of prevailing party attorney's fees in civil cases.
The state "follows the 'American Rule' that attorney's fees may only be
awarded by a court pursuant to an entitling statute or an agreement of the
parties." Dade Cnty. v. Pena, 664 So.2d 959, 960 (Fla. 1995); see also R.J.
Reynolds Tobacco v. Ward, 141 So.3d 236, 238 n. 5 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014)
(discussing the "American Rule" in place in Florida). Fee shifting statutes
and contractual provisions are contrary to the "American Rule." As a result,
statutes awarding attorney's fees must be strictly construed. See, e.g., Dade
Cnty., 664 So.2d at 960. Similarly, " 'contractual provisions concerning
attorney's fees must also be strictly construed.' "Miller v. Miller, I 07 So.3d
430,432 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012).
Air Turbine Tech., Inc. v. Quarles & Brady, LLC, 165 So. 3d 816, 821 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015).

Clearly, the Federal Court Case filed by Schneider is not an effort by FAB to "collect the

Agreement". The Federal Court Case was initiated by Laurence Schneider against FAB alleging

counts for i) Violation of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESP A), ii) Violation of the

Truth in Lending Act (TILA), iii) Breach of the HELOC Credit Agreement, and iv) defamation.

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
Federal Court Case First Amended Complaint [DE 26]. See Exhibit "E". There were no

affirmative claims by FAB in the Federal Court Case to collect on the HELOC.

Second, The Federal District Court still has jurisdiction over the Federal Court Case. There

has been no final determination as to the issues raised by Schneider in the Federal Court Case. The

District Court's judicial effort came to an end on February 1, 2018 by that Court granting First

American's Motion Asking the Court to Abstain From Exercising Jurisdiction Over This Matter

[DE34], by Order Granting Defendant's Motion for Abstention dated February 1, 2018 [DE 49]

("Federal Court Order") which also closed the case. No attorneys' fees were claimed by or awarded

to, FAB in the Federal Case.

The Federal Court Order (see Exhibit "F'') states in relevant part as follows:

"[A] stay, not a dismissal, is the proper procedural mechanism for a district
court to employ when deferring to a parallel state-court proceeding under
the Colorado River doctrine." Moorer, 374 F.3d at 998. A stay is, therefore,
appropriate. Accordingly, it is hereby

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Defendant First American Bank's

Motion Asking the Court Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction (DE 34) is
GRANTED. The case is STAYED pending final resolution of the
foreclosure action. All pending motions are DENIED without prejudice
subject to refiling if and when the stay is lifted. The Clerk of Court shall
administratively CLOSE this case. All deadlines, including the trial date
are TERMINATED. Any motion to lift the stay must be filed within 20
days of the resolution of the state foreclosure action.
The Federal Court chose to temporarily abstain from continuing the exercise of its

jurisdiction until "the resolution of the state foreclosure action", which has obviously not yet been

resolved, but left the door open for Schneider to lift the stay upon the conclusion of this foreclosure


Moreover, at the time the parties were briefing the issues raised by FAB's Motion for

Abstention in the Federal Court Case, the State Court had already issued its Final Judgments. So,

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
to whatever extent the issues raised by Schneider overlapped with issues raised in the state court

case, those issues had already been resolved and the fees sought by FAB in the state court case

would cover that work. See Board of County Commrs of County of Boulder v. Kraft Building

Contractors, 122 P.3d 1019. [HN6] (Col. Ct. App. Div. IV 2005) (once case was removed to

federal court, such fees could not be awarded by state trial court because counterclaims did not

generate any work product subsequently used in state court).

B. The State and Appellate Court claims for fees are infected with a number of
uncompensable activities.

In addition to reducing the outrageous number of hours spent by FAB' s counsel on general

and specific tasks, as will be testified to by Defendant's Expert Witness Randolph Brombacher,

Esq., the Court must also apply a reduction to the hours sought by Plaintiff due to the time spent

and billed by its counsel being unreasonable for at least some, if not all, of the following reasons:

a. Duplicative or Overlapping Services. A party has the right to hire as many

attorneys as it desires, Tomaino v. Tomaino, 629 So.2d 874, 875 (Fla. 4 th DCA
1993), but the opposing party is not required to compensate for overlapping efforts,
should they result. Franklin v. Stettin, 579 So.2d 245 (Fla. 3d DCA 1991), review
denied, 591 So.2d 180 (Fla. 1991); Thompson v. Thompson, 492 So.2d 1154 (Fla.
3d DCA 1986); see also, Brevard County v. Canaveral Properties Inc., 696 So.2d
1244, 1245 (Fla. 5th DCA 1997) (Fees "bloated because of excessive time spent,
or unnecessary services rendered, or duplicate tasks performed by multiple
attorneys does not meet the criterion of reasonableness"). The court in In re Estate
of Maxcy, 240 So.2d 93 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1970), expressed disapproval and ruled that
if multiple attorneys were engaged, they should receive fees in the aggregate equal
to only what one attorney would have received. See also Brake v. Murphy, 736
So.2d 745 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1999) (duplication of efforts by multiple attorneys will not
be compensated); Baratta v. Valley Oak Homeowners' Ass'n at the Vineyards, Inc.,
928 So. 2d 495 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2006).

b. Intercommunication Between Counsel. In Florida Birth Related

Neurological Injury Comp Association v. Carreras, 633 So.2d 1103 (Fla. 3d DCA
1994), the Third District Court of Appeal has held that intercommunication
between co-counsel constituted a duplication of work and such hours could not be
considered when calculating attorneys' fees. Further, duplicative time charged by
multiple attorneys working on the case is generally not compensable. N. Dade

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
Church of God, Inc. v. JM Statewide, Inc., 851 So. 2d 194 (Fla. 3d DCA 2003);

c. Ministerial Tasks. "[E]xcessive time spent on simple ministerial tasks such

as reviewing documents or filing notices of appearance is non-compensable." Id. at
196, see also Haines v. Sophia, 711 So. 2d 209, 212 (Fla. 4th DCA 1998); Ziontz
v. Ocean Trail Unit Owners Ass 'n Inc., 663 So. 2d 1334, 1335-36 (Fla. 4th DCA

d. Clerical Tasks. Courts are clear that purely clerical tasks should not be
billed at paralegal rates regardless of the qualifications of the biller. Where there
was no evidence that work done was paralegal work, as opposed to secretarial work,
courts have reversed an award of paralegal fees. Dayco Prods. v. McLane, 690 So.
2d 654 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997); Moore v. Hillsborough County Sch. Bd., 987 So. 2d
1288 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008). Although a paralegal was entitled to paid-legal fees for
some of the time spent on an appeal, the Second District Court of Appeal disallowed
the following work which was clerical in nature and therefore, not reimbursable: e-
mailing the answer brief; telephoning the circuit's judicial assistant to schedule a
hearing; telephone conferences with the client and opposing counsel; and reviewing
the file and file maintenance. Youngblood v. Youngblood, 91 So. 3d 190 (Fla. 2d
e. Overhead Tasks. Work done by librarians, clerical personnel and other
support staff is generally considered within the overhead component of a lawyer's
fees. See also Keith v. Volpe, 644 F.Supp. 1317, 1323 (C.D. Cal. 1986), disallowed
hours claimed for such items as "pick-up copies," "Xerox/distribute memo," "tag
exhibits," "file review," "organize files," and "reproduce documents." The court
found that all "such routine work" was reflected as overhead in the hourly rates.
f. Client-Driven Work. Guthrie v. Guthrie, 357 So.2d 247,248 (Fla. 4th DCA
1978) (work done that is not reasonably necessary but performed to indulge
eccentricities of client should more properly be charged to client rather than
opposing party). Baratta v. Valley Oak Homeowners' Ass'n at the Vineyards, Inc.,
928 So. 2d 495 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2006).
g. Travel Time. Palm Beach Polo Holdings, Inc. v. Stewart Title Guar. Co.,
132 So.3d 858 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) (Counsel's travel time is generally not
compensable unless being awarded as part of a sanction).
h. Unsuccessful Claims. Baratta v. Valley Oak Homeowners' Ass'n at the
Vineyards, Inc., 928 So. 2d 495 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2006) (Attorneys' fees should not
usually be awarded for claims on which the moving party was unsuccessful).

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS • 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 • (561) 361-8700
C. Plaintiff impermissibly seeks reimbursement for protective advances (real property
taxes) as part of its attorneys' fees and costs claims.

Plaintiffs claims for Florida Ad Valorem/real property taxes paid by FAB on the property

for 2017 should be denied. FAB alleges it paid $20,569.09 in property taxes on the property for

2017. This payment is a protective advance and is not a "cost of collection". While there may be

other language in the Credit Agreement that permits FAB to recover this amount, it is not properly

before the court as a cost or expense of collection.


Given the breadth and depth of the factors set forth in Rowe and in the Rules of Professional

Conduct, Rule 4-1.5(b )(1 ), to be considered by the Court in determining a reasonable fee and

hourly rate, it is abundantly clear that what is reasonable for any given case or issue is an intensive,

fact-specific determination. In other words, activities or time spent may be considered reasonable

in one case but not another.

Plaintiffs fee claims are in excess of $500,000.00 for a residential foreclosure case where

it prevailed at summary judgment against a defendant that was largely pro se in a case where no

depositions were taken, and discovery was extremely limited. The issues presented in this litigation

were typical of those seen every day in Palm Beach County foreclosure cases, and Plaintiffs

attorneys' fee claims are clearly outrageously inflated and opportunistic.

The Court needs to address certain threshold issues as identified above including i) that the

applicable attorneys' fee provision being enforced is the provision in the HELOC Credit

Agreement, and ii) that Plaintiff cannot be awarded any fees or costs against Defendant Stephanie

Schneider. After addressing these issues, it is clear that the work performed by Plaintiffs counsel

defending Mr. Schneider's Federal Court Case are not compensable whatsoever.

WYMAN LEGAL SOLUTIONS · 955 NW 17™ AVENUE, SUITE C · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 · (561) 361-8700
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing has been served via the Florida Court's

E-Portal Automatic Email service, pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516, on

all counsel and prose parties identified on the attached Service List on this 21 st day of March 2019.

P: (561) 361-8700
F: (561) 361-8899

BY: Isl Andrew D. Wyman, Esq.

[email protected]

HENRY H. BOLZ, Ill, Esq.
Attorney for First American Bank
121 Majorca Avenue, #200
Coral Gables, FL 33134
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Attorney for The Oaks at Boca Raton POA, Inc.
6111 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, #200
Boca Raton, FL 33487
[email protected]


Co-counsel for Schneider Defendants
181 Wells Avenue, Suite 201
Newton, MA 02459
[email protected]
[email protected]


Counsel for non-party subpoena recipients
1900 Glades Road, Suite 270
Boca Raton, FL 33431
[email protected]





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.• CRE□it'llMIT:. $1,s~o,oo·o.!3D. DATE OF.·AGREEMENT:. July.2~; 2006
ln~rodiii:tla~ ihis Crodlt.Aiir~cm~n~ j(iA9rcie!llc~t"I oovorn~ Y~.u·r linc_i,i cro~li (iha·'.•crodlt Una•·o~ tho "Crcdl~A,~ilnl'J T:su~d'throila~
B~!!k of Corel Gnblcs,. In 1hT_s Agracmont, ~o-~~ords ~D_Of!'(!War,~ "you~• ':your," llfld •Appl!con~" mcm caclf'.iln~ 1,1vcry·p~~on \yhD!Js th~.
tY!~l~;~~~~~,~~~~;~~ft~~re~ !1 !119~ ob~~o! :0 \'{9f~•-•wo~•:~~:~" -~~r,~ .en~ -~~n~~~ m~~:;:t.i~r:I qa:la~: :y~~ nor~r 19 ~he•
:Premise to P,ay. You pny_Bonk cf Col'lll Gobles, or ordcr,:tho total or all credit oc!Vl!nccs.:md•'FINANCE CHARGES, togcthor with an·
costs end cxpc_i1,c:1 _rcr.,"'.hlch ya1;1. ore rcspcilsibl,o ~.ndc_rthl:i Agrccmcn.t ·01:.un~c.rtha "!-1.o,~iJtig~~ -~hie~ :.oi;~rc:r your Credit U(io. You \YJII pay,
your:Ctcdlt~no occord_mg ·to_ tho pnyme11t termssi;t rorth bafow;: rr .~hero is mere than ono, D~rro\'.1er;'c;i~h fs-Jelntly 11nd ,nvc~lly li:lblo en 1hl:.
:Agrc~mant. ·Thl:: mo_:in:: w_o.c:in roqulro ;iny Derrawe_r to,p:iy 1111 :in:iounts due.under this:~orc_cm1:rit1 •~~c_ludlng crodJl 11dv:n=!=c ,n:ido to nny
· Bcrrow~r. Each Bcrro\v._cr:;i_ul_hnr_?z_c:: nny cth!)t B0~0.\:,tor,.on his_ or h!!r sl~~atu!o olcnc1 to ~en,ccl th~_Crod_1t·Uno~ tci ro~e.:~ 111d rocalv_o c_r,od)t
odvnncc::, and 10 do ell other.thing:: neccssnry to carry out the term:. 0fth1s A11roomcnt,· Y{P c:in rclanso nnY, Dorrowor,from respomlbtnty under •
thrs:~nrccmen~; :ind thli-~thc~i: 111111 iem:iln ~~sp~n$Jhte. ._ .. ·
• . ..AT"·;. . ·~ .: . _. . . · . ·
·:rcrm•. Tho term of your Credit.Uno Will.beam n:..of tho date cf'.thls Agreement roP.e·ntng• Dnto"J and wm·ccnUnUil_untll ~utv :ZB,,2016

.(•Miitur!tY !).it!)~). ·AIUnd~~t~~!!c:iuindar t!JT::-Ailre1:111~·nt; If ~~t·alf!lady:paJ.fjiu~u?nt~to ·t~~ paym~ilt provl_!:lon.~.b9!0w, \y~l.. ~li dliii iind ·
p_~y.iblo upqn mnturJ1y...,:1u: d!aw p_crlod o.r your. Crcqll Une wJII b_egtn·cn n d~_lii;,ar~rtho,~ponlng Data; ~han tho Agroamentls nc_c~ptod bv, 1/S
·in the Stalo of Aorldn;.(cllawang Iha oxplrnlion ofths.rfaht to canccl,•tho perfoctlon\0f,1ho-Mortoaoo,'tho racolpt cf nil rcqulred.carlllicates of.
·nenc:incol!~tlon, and 1ho moiitln11 of n!l'of cur·othiir condit!on~•lind wlll:cont!nlin"''iis(cillow:i:··torm cf.1ha loon, •You ,niiy 0btol1i criidlt lidv.:mc~
during this period (~Dto\v Perlod~J, · You agrot1 that wa miiy ronow ·or.extend Iha pi!rlo·d i:ludn1fwhlch you may obtain credit lllfvnncos er make .•
-~·Dvm~!lts~ •you•!u_rt~_~p1grca that~~ f!lllV rcn~v_; ~c~d y~ur Flt_dlt}fno~cjciin~ . 'I , . .... . .. .. ..... .. •
Minimum Paymont, Yciur "Hcnulnr Poymont• ·will cqual·tha:iimount'of: your, accrued flNANCE CHARGES. · You ·WIii m~kc 110 of ihosn
payments: you will than b~ ra·qulra·d ta pily tho' !]ntiro b_iilonc;cfw!ztr.i'lii'ojlnala balli;,cn payr:nn_ntdf_yi:iu ri)~~ai (!n!Y t~o ·rn1n1mum p.iymrnts, you
•"."Ill' net repll'f. ony of tho_piinclpul bntanco by·ttio i:nd of l)ils,p_oy!ll~.nt ilrcom •._.V9ur p_ayn:11:nts will bo duo monthly. Now "Mhlmum Payment':.
wlll bo th11 .Reoular. Poyment, plu:: anv. omcunt dua and 1111 other chom2s, An lncrc:nso Jrf tho ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE may Increase tho
iimci_l!:lt of_your Rogular Payment. Ycii '11groo to piiy nof lcs°=\than tlio Miotmtiin P.iymiinll~n oi &aroro tho duo diito lndlca.tcd en your poriodic
, bllling :itatc:rpcnt, '\_y ! ,.
D?lloo'! ('.oyr11c!1t• Your Cr~ll Unc Accoun_t _rs p_a~ln futl l}pon _m11°turl_1y tn ii ~inala b~tlocn P!IYlllon;, "Yo!! f!l~~ pay Iha ~ntlra ou~tiif!dlng
prlnclpal, fntorest and 11ny other ch:iraa:: than.duo, ..., Uniosi:"'Qthcrmsc rcqulrcd by oppITcobla ln1r1,-wc ore under no obllgatlon to rellninco lhc
b:illoo!'I pairefcnt ~t ~h:it tl,:ni• Y~u moy b_o tcii~Trcf~1:1)i}~ko PDY")a!lt:; !J~t ~f ~the~ nmts you·awn or fin~ :1 rc·ndcr. w~Jch f!1:IY bo ~, wiµi~!J to
lcn_d Ye:~•~!].a ~c~cy._ Ir you.r_ofl~ancc t~i;,bnll_!l.Jm., yell may ho1r11 ~o poy ::omc or oil '?qh_c closing cost:: norm DIil' ~~soc!ated lY!th Q new credit
nno account,
_._....... ovon obtain
· .. rclinancmg
. ~-.;.?
··,v-. . . . . . ,. . . . . . . -.... .
Hew Your_ P.iy.mc_ntc -A'ro ·Applled, .I.~ . as::. c;i~erwisa •illlf!!ed or required by, nppllcob.lo 1~w., payment= and othor. Cff?dits· wm b!!. nppUod .to

Paymont: wlll bo appl!od In tho follo~[J order: lntorost, Prlnclpnl; Lota Fees &. Cclloctlcn Costs:;· -· •· ·· .
R~ccipt -~f P~ymcnt~~ .-AU;paymcnt~ m~(bnn~d&' ~v ~. ch~ck,- lllf~~m:iti~-DCCOU!Jl do~!t, ~lactrcnlo funds i~!D!, rr,anev o_rdcr, 9r_ 0_1h ~r
lnstrumont In U,S, dollars11md must'bir tcce1vod by us at tho rumittam:o uddro,:; i.hown,on your porlcdlo bllllng :italcmont;. PGymonti rccc1yod
ot-that oddrcisi;,prior to·2:00 P.;m;>Enstorii St2ndard Tlrria on·nny business ca·y will b'a credited to.your Credit Uno ns of'tha date rocctvad, If We
ra!=oivo pnymc_n~ ot other lociitlcins/z:uch payments will bo credited promptly ia your Crodlt Uno, but credltTno·m.iy (?Ji dfl~yecl for·usi to fi,io 16}·
. doy:i iirtor roi:elpt, A · ).- · · · · · · .1 · • • I •
· Crciciit Uii1it. T11ti1Ag'rocmiint covers D ravciving llno of crod!tfor ilia prlndpal cniount or'o&i:.Milllori Rvo Hundrct-11niu:iind l( 00/100' Dcllor:i
[~1,600,Q00,0_9/~Whfc~,~nl b? ,yo~r·."Crcd!t f:.llljlt• ii~_dar IJiT~ AgrocirW!JI, Durl~g lhc1QtnW ~erT~d wo \;iill hDJ!Of your request for <=!e'dit
-n.d-lan~c:; clJ.bJc.c(to tho ;;ccti_on ~clew.on Lender:'= Right::, •You m:iy botrcw 119:iln=t tho Crc~lt Uno; ropey npy pcr!lcn bf tho i111o~nt b~rrowc~,
and ~o-bcrrc;i~ up tt?)tho .~mc·unt_of.t~o Crc~l.t Umlt,.-Y-<;>ur--Gra~(l-t:lmlt T~:lh.a ma~m_um_-~meU,:il you m11y h~V':J o~ts~ondlng 11t any ono Umc, V~u
, cgrlio l}Ol to, nttomnt, raqurist, or obtol11 n credli ~dv~ncn that wlll-m:ik~;your qodlt U_!lo At:ccunt bcl~co. oxc~ed,your Crcdl_t Umlt Your. Credit
Umit W!ll'tlot·boJncron::nd s~ould .Y~!-1-~ll~rdl'l;IW ye~ _Cr~dlt Uno Acq~~t•. If ~u .o:ecu~~ your Cradlt Umtr,·yc!;f :igr_l!ll•t~. ~op~y 1.m~ad_l~toly 1ha·
.,111JJ0Upt~y~~lc~ '(Dur credit Unc Acqount e~cc~~s.ycur Credit UIT)Tt, oycn rr w9 ~avo !lat yqt blll~. you, f,ny credit ~~vcncas In l?~cm i;ir_your·
_Credit Uin!twnt not be sccurad by the Mortg1100 ccverlna your principal ~weUlna.. • ·
_Chers~1~:YQ_!f(C~c~i_t Uno, V/.o iriny_c½a;gli yotit .¢radlt i.inot~ p~~ 01hor fooi_Dnd ~ostii.ttio_t_ vc.u ziro pbllgo~cd 1o payundcr_thls:Agrccmcnt,
tho Mcrlongn_ or erv ether dc~umqnt rel:itc_d to your Crcd!~ Une,. In od_dltl~n, \'lo•may _cho'l'[Jo:fcUr Credit Unc, for f(!nd:: Jcqulrad•fC?r:~!:ntln~lng
JnsUl'ilflC_D c;ov!lron1:1.ns ~oscribod_ lri tha pDr~gr_oph titled •rnsuranca• bcl_aw._or os doscrllicd [n t_ho Morta ego for thl~ trnnsnc\lon, Wo may nlso; at
. our.option; charge your Credit PDY onv.~sts or.~:xp_onsas,to_pro.tect~cr·porrcct,our security !ntorasl f!l Yoo/ prln~pal dl"{elUna! Th~s?
• C?_st:: o( oxpan:ios lncludo, .without llmllntlon, poymant:i t?. i::uro."do(oult:i ~ndcr 1my oxistlng nan:i-on your principal ~wcll_ln11,; If!}~ pay
your propcny taxas, wo may chargo;your Credlt,Uno'ancl pay tnc dcllnq_uent tcxc:r, .. Any amount so charged.ta ypur ~c\Jlt. Una.wlll bo D credit
advance .Ind will d~cioii::o lh\J·funds:iiv;illobla, !f,ony, Updcr tho Cf8d(; l:lnc, HoWoin:r,: wii•t111vo 110 obllgntlcn t~ SlfDV..idc rny ~f ~ho credit
,ndvun~c:i referred to In this pDraornP.~, •· • ·1 1
Credit AdVilncc~. 'After the eircctivc O!:iburscmc!)t Dnia of this Anrccmcnt,·you may obtnlh cicdlt ii~voncos unif~r your f?lidlt Lino ill: roil ow::
Crcdll lamfC:hockii. Writing n pr~printod ,;H~mo Eqiiitv Ltrio Cr~dli:: Cho;k" tli:iiw~ l-ij11 i:ipply 10· you.
:Re,e_:it:: By Moll_, R~qti~~tlng cin'advanc~ b! maii,: _· : . • . . ~.. ·•. _; . . . • . .
~<ff~·· in Pc:-=on, .. Rcquc~U~g a crcdltndvanc~ fn pe_r~cn n; 11ny·or 9ur nuthcrfzcd Jc.o.itlons •
•• R~quc:.~ ·~~vopc~ rcquo:;!z; 1;7~n pl~~ ~tJ ~~nt yl! f?lC~ ,, . ';.
. . ..
., . --
• ~

.. 1 .;
. --,. '
-.. ·-.
I . :.


• '·
. • ·• I

- - •· .. ··•=
If t~em Is. mor,qh~ one person a~C!iorfud:to .USO· th!;C:Odit: U110 Ai;c;o~!, ·v~u· D(lf!f ~t ·ia. glvo ~!'!f~clfng rnstCU¢ol'$, g~~ BS ano
.: .P~ge~.'

-~arrowonallfng m n~tto ~tvo adv~ncqiqa I~! other._ _ · . 1 • · jj ·· · · • · ·

~l!11tl~~ on 1~~ Uiio ~r Ch11cks. W! ruan,~ th.a rlghtp*l1o Ji~11~r H~a Equity Uno ofJ:f:sdl~ Chacks In tha ~o~aw_iiJ ~~~ncos1
Credi$ Umt! Vlolatlon. Your Cf!!dll l,f!11!t hu baiil'! cr Wcfutd bo 111CCaacfad bV paying th9 Homo Equl!V Una or Cn:iflt ctia·cf<i
Post-dAteiJ Cheeb. • Your ffamo.EquTtv Una or Credit Ctuu:Jc fa pai:t-d11tcd~ ir ~ ·pa,t-tfiltod H~ma ~uity Uno. of Ciiidlt·aioct le pi!d and ·a
a rllSUlt ~ny othar choc~ fr r~t11rn~d !'' not patit; wa iire not roiP.O~Jltilo; .· :. ; • · · - ·
s1oi11n;chacks. Your Homa Equity Una of. ~r~lt Chee~ ~ave buon rupoi'tud I~ cit.sjo!ai,,
UnaU1hciritcd S1an11t11ro11. "Your Homo Equity Lina c;ir Crlidlt Chock Is nat :slsried by en-~Authorliid sfanor" BS ifcfinadbalow, •
Tcrmf11ilt1~~ Gt su~omilon. ·\tour Crcilit Uno IUl3 baci, tarminatad or :su=ipcnded as:L:.vldad In this Aureamant..o"r cobld ba tf wa p11id tho
.Ho111aEqyltVUJ!oorctedltC!JecJc. • - . · · ·-· · ··tu · · · · _., ·- ··
Tm~acllon 'VtolatTon•. Yoy, Home,Equiiy. Uno or. Cnldli ~eek ls•iess 1han iha mlnl,pum.omount rcquTrcd
vlolatlan af anv olhar. ll'Snsacllan requfrarnent or would bu ff wo pafd tho ffama EqultY.1.lna of Crcufll Chei:1,,~at-.,,;,,;;..'l..
. . . . .. -
. . - . . --. - . .
If we·pay env.Hama Equ?ty Uno of Credit Chock under these c:ondtlfons;yoli inust nipay!us, subject to II
. -,.. . . .
rlho amount or the·
ffoinlt EqililV -Uno. or Ctocllt. Chai:k. Thii. Homo l:qicty Unit ·of Cnidlt Chaclc Itself wITJ: ba ovfdcnca a toilatficir with· th!s
Agroamjnt.•. Our llabl!lly, lhny, ror:wiol'!eful dishonor or a chock rs llmfted io your ectilaUfwnagoJ:.. ~C.!IAY raason Ill pro\lldod In th!s
Agreamant_ls_ria(wtongruf:dls~cinoi'•. WD"'1JBV ~11S8 noft~ returii"lf~mo }:cl~Itv-Llii11l'of c_ .

·rano WIiii yDut' parl1?diC·bµJ1ng·

ya~ruaa of onal! Ho~a ~uily u~ of ~roillt cttcck wia bo rancotod OIJ your W BSD czedlt·11dy:i~oo? ·wa,
dp noJ "c11nlfy • ffoma E'quf1y Un~ of Credit ~hccJcrdrawn an yaur Credit Unri•. · · • -~- • ·• · ... · ·· · ·•
,Transcci~on R11quirelt!11;is.• Toa fol!o.wlng ~fllRSl!Cl{on ffmltatlonu will apply this uso_of,your.. iidlt U Bl :.
Ruqyust By MalJ, ·,n Person Requ11.11t, FDIC Request and CredltUne ffoma'Eqtiltr Una ~r '. •.. ck t.imltatians. The' roilawlng transactron·
limltatro~ wlD .11pplY. t~ .ya~; C~dlC Unit ~nd recit;i,stlng aii advani:il hy maU, rs · · · riq an ' ce tn pa,son, a~tnil liy other mathodil
· end lba wtttrng of Homa Equltv Una of Crodlt Chacb.. I •
.Mrntmurn Advaruio ·A'"'?~ni; Tha_-mfnlinups ainouitt· .of any cnidtt' adlJ.e~ . b~. mado OJI ~ut Ciodit Lino is ♦ao~.oo. 1hls
m~!'Jlli ~my ti911!D gquJtv IJn!I of Cru~t Chack must bi=.wdtten fur-et. siit th um Jdvam:a dqlaunt,
Au_thortzed stsmn. :nt~ \yards •i.uthorlzcd Slgna~ ~n Homa Eql!ltv-Un. . - It i::kJ 11S ~cd rn this Auruumuril maen and lncludl:! cioch
person who:·(oJ slsns tha appllcalfon ror lhts CradltUilo; · (bJ signs this r le' has·execullld a sopara1o·stgnat11re i11.11harlzatlon card-
•fonha Credit Uno Accaunt;- . • • . -· . !°~ 0
. ·· • ··
~st·Homa Eqillty Una ·o,;Credlt.C111icks. If yoti your Ho . . IV of".Crod li ~BCks or If somcano fs,US!n{diein withililt'i;otir'
p~rmbsto~; you _aan:!' 1~ la!'_us knDV{ t,nni~d!11tc!y. Thu f1111tos : .1try US Is by caWng il~ "nt l3~5J ~00-95~)1;. y~ ab~ CD~ f!l:lttrv·~ 11t:
~ o~ c;a.~I G_~Jcs S! M~f!.lc~ Wav,. ~~lt.o ,au,,~~~ G,f!bt • · •• · • ·· · · ·
FuMa Craillt Line ·Services•. Vow Dpplic11don for th!s ~ . S .as D request io rocoiva any new services (su:li es access ilovlctisj.
whtoh· mily bo · nv11Uobla at soma .future-tlmns -one o lnlconnilctf011 wldi thfs· Credit Uno•.. You undlirswiil ihit"thJs request Is
yalunt':IY ~per 1!-11; you !!l~Y i'cfusa any. of 1heait l)DW a.,, . e:: . " 11 tlmli th!3Y 'tlfo ~flered." iYou.r&izt~or tmiraptand tha~ Iha tenns and-~ifitrons
of 1h~. Agn:e!'l'lcnt
- . .
y.,i!I. gDvam any transc!ctlans m cfp
canoteral •. You.aalcnawledge this ·Agroomen · "' ,~
'\ .
uon anv or theso . new- servlee:i. ,..
v ilia followlnii coUatoral-d~lbed Jn tho sscurlty:Jnstrwnent Psted hure!n:-sn
Open-End Mortooais dated JulV 28~ 20D6, to . 11 r pu~ located Tri Palm ea·ach County,Steta of F!orfda•. ,
·tnsurani:c. You must obtoiri.lnsti~nca ~
tnsili1nc11•lhtai,gh Dl!Y coinpei,y af yo· h
pdrt :.silctuf~g thfs Agtliament that Ii reqsci~ebiy sallsfactorv to us, You may obtain PlllPllrtV'
·irrs raasa~blV sDtls actoiy to us•. ·Yotf fiavo tJia option or pfcivldlng any lnsuianca raqulrod ·
l;ffl~er this_.~ore~~f ~~!,lah an. o tfng P,D r· a poUcv lbi1aiizindo tly" oblm)liid :and P.fl?t! far:by vou, subJact to bilt rlaht, ror. f'8!3on11bl!I
, caUJa before credit Js ~~l!J)lfod,· 10 d(g,llne ,i,d, nsuranco provldod bV. you, Su_bfeA:t to oppJ!cabla law, If you foU Jo obll!lrl ~ maintain Insurance
as. req_ulrad J11 tho· Mdrtgage,' Wit iria~~sil m\iranca to-pi*lacl, cur own,lritoiast; add 1he. premium to ·' bulanco; pinuininy athot ·
•ie!!ia~lo~ 11\tallab~o~~ i:is~ ~ dl"!ny"onc;i or!J11?te of1h~athJ~gs; · . . · · !-j. ~- .. · · · ; .. ·
Rfght of Sotoff. ·ra tho axtan . lllcd by appllcabta law, W8 rilsorve II right of sotorr rn an your l!CCOUnts with us (whllther dieddng, SDVJngs,.
oraama other eccauntJ, lnclud ~ihaut limltatlan,·mll accountrr vau ml!Y'opon In tha future;· However, thl11 doas: notrnCMJa my IRA·or Koo11h
accounts, ar)nr.
chlll'BfJ or setof ,ii
ccotin or-whlch satoff. would tin piahlbJlad bv, law, You nillhorlm us; to tha men\ parmlu,iid by" i,ppllliabla law, to
. owl an.l~ls A!inicmcnt against Mi/ Bnd Ill! such iiccaunts;.amJ, at our optlan;•to·admlnlstra!Mly rreozo all sueh
1!«?~91!!l~1~ l?ll. . . tc9rour,cf?mil an~ ~ct~,r Jfg~tc ri~I~efd t11 t}\J: panigniph~. • ._-· . · ... • · : •. '
.Parl11dlo'Sla ~ -~ .. ; h.ava O~a!iinoa ·owfng on v~uf ~edit Una Aaoouni orhav; an•pccount activity, ·.we .~m semi you ti 'par'!odlc
statement. I · how, ·among oilier -thtnus,:credlt odvzlncDB;: FINI\NCE' CHARGES, .othar chargos,• paymon\S mad11, otl19f .cnidlis, .ya!Jr
and lbu"ib
coi e. .yaur·•New .
Balanca.11 Vciirt stntemint also wlll ldepUFV tho Mlrntnirm Payment '/DU must mcka Fat that bll!Jng period
'. . . I. • . . I . •
·• Wh "FIN CHARGES Bostn to Aoi:rua, Porlodio FINANc&·CffAitoei: ror.crodli advan;op under you, eroctic Lino Will bilefn lo accrila on tha
:doto c . dlt advilncm are· posted 10 your credit Um,.. Thare ts no •rrea ride period" which wo\Jld allow you tij evold a FINANCE CHARGE your.
Cnidll . cradit advani:os, . . • . • · J I. . • •. I ·
M~th~d U;q~ to D~~~e-~·~DID~~o onythich t~a flNMJ~-~A~G~)var !Jo'Cqmp\Jlll~.1. A dally-Flr-l"NCE CHA~G~.wio)o_~~cd iiiJ
cradlt.ndvencas mllifa undar.your Cradlt Una fmpo:sad from Ilia data of each credit mlvanau'bl!Scd an 1h11 •dally btd111l9a••matlmd. To gal 1he·
,dolly balancer, wo take the baglM!ng ballincit of \/9UI' Cnidlt Una Aci:ount,Hcll°doy; odd ilnV., dew.advances and subtract any payments or c~~lts.
and any unpold FINANCE CJ{ARGES•. This glvai:"thii ~dallV lialirieti.• . . . . • . .. .. .. . . . . • . .
Method of Dcitcrmtntni, the Amount or ~ANCE CHARGI:. Anv FINANCE CHARGE ts daterinlned by apply%n11 thn· '-'Periodic Rate• to tha bel1111cu,
dascrlbad harofn•. TJion wo "Bdd togathilr the pa,todlii f!NAN~E CffARGES-roniach day In -~~-~llliJ!o ~cJe. 'This J~·y9y:, FIN~C~ ~~)lGI;~
•cnlculated by applytnil B Perlodli: Rate. · ·~ •
You. olso 11gr~~
to . ., I . .
~ay FIN,ujce cHARGES, n9t cal~Jatcd by apj,iying Parlcdl~ ~te,-~ s;:t i'orth botows
I • . • ·
.. •
, Addlltoniil Rnance Charges. Thu following scfdltronal FINANc& CtJARGES Wt1! bo charded to.your Crod)t Uno or patd In cosh:.
:i. ..Und~WritJng to.llapk.~riiorpl GAbi~s: . .. .. . . . . •
. ,di! Cush . $301;)!0D
·Sa!~e." Atacus:tns· Fee to Bonk of · Con! .I • • ··f
I -,~3V.
·•,te ·
·Gabtas:· • . . . !.,, •,· In Cush t17&~0~
I.: ·
. - .• .!
,'I: .,
- ··---~,
• I i
!: II,
. [~ontinut;dl . -
. . .
_ . T.ixScrvrco io Flrst A"mi:,Tc:in: . . .• ·In C_:ich- 4170100 : .
Pci'rTcdlc ri:ito ;inci. Corresponding ~~~!!J;I.L. PE_RC~AGE RATE•.. Wo wtil. dolcrmlncipi,ii Pc!IDdlo. RD!O o~d'.tha COrtCSfCndifta ANN.UAL
, P_E!JC~IJ_A~E Rf\!_'? 11:i fal!aY':r•. Wa _:st.iri with 110 lndopcn~~nt Tndc:,c wlilch Is th11Well ~lrcqt Jo11rri11~ Pdm11 A11to (th~ "lndox"I, Wo y,m US!J ~ho
most recent Index vnlua nv111l11bla to .us 11s of tha data of 11ny ANNUAL PEllCENTAGE RATE adjustment,. Tho Index rs riot noc1JScerlty1hc lowest.
roti:. chlirac~. ~Y ijs !!~}Hr. lo:ins;_ -~f tho ll}dox ~oc?rii~s urwf.1i1ah!D du~na 1ha·.torm_or this ,Credit Uno Account, .wo may dodin:ito o·cu~stJtuto
;lf!daX oftor. notlc~ t!? yau•. ·To !fcterm!m1 1ho Periodic RIii? that.will cpply.ti,, ·your D_cccunt,· wa toke 1hc .vpluc or. tho-lndClC, round .the
no?ra=t o, 126%, lh!m ~lvl~o tho rounda~ ~alua by tho number of day:; 1.11 u yoar.(d111lyJ, Tc> obtain th'o ANNUA.1.:·penc;TAGERATE wa mutUply
. fnctudo·s only Interest ;:ind no other co::t!I,
. . "' . . . ·, . -· . ·. .. . .. . . . ..
! I
tho Periodic Raio by Iha number of days fit n ycat (daily)~ Thi: result Is tlla ANNUAL PERdENTAGE RATE.:Tha ANN Af; FS!CENTAGE RATE
. .-· ·, · .
. .

;"fho Periodic Raia and Iha corrcspondlng ..AtJNUAL PERCENTAGE 81\,:tj cn·your Cicilll Un!!.wlll Jnc:riiasil or dlicilioso fl:: tho L-idcx rncr011:ii::i er
d11cro3so:i from time to tJmo; Adjustments "to·1hii Pcrlodla Rato lirid tho com:spondlna AtJ~UAt; PEJICENTAGE RATE (osuJtlng from i:hangiis rn
thci lridox v1ill tako ·cffect.d111ty. In no·ovont.WUI lho:corraspcindlna ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE bis more "thiin.tha'.lossor or 18,000% or tho,
· m:llcimuni l'lllo ol!owod by appllcoblli law. Today Uta Ind ox J$ a~25or, 'poi" onitum, and th'cfaroro tho'lnltlol Poriadlo Rata ond tho i::0rr0:.pondln11
A_Nr,l~,AL ~ER(?~rJTAGE RATE Of'l your Cr'?~!; L!l'!D Zlftq1~ f!ID!~i:f bel~\I!; _ . . f .· . .· . .~.-.
t:.s-:.-:._~\_ • • • . •
'' !=urrent ff.nte~ ror1hc Firs! P~YIJIC!lt Sira;irn ! ~\1 Y
R:inna of 8:1hinco·, M.iio!n Added • ANNUAL PERC.EN'r.AO~ . . .· ··. , D.i~y Par)odfi:
·or Ccnditlan: . 'to Index. • . RATE· . ·: ! ~ ,Y Rote
•.A.(1 ~:ila_nc_'7-· :o_.ooor,,,. ·: f!,250~ • ' .Q,O~O~

Notwllhstan'dlng .iny oih1fr provision.of thts.Agroomont, we viill net ~liarga interest 0~ aC.dlsburscd roan pracl:cds, ~ci:pt l1S' m.iy ho
ii~r_m_Itt~d ~.udng a~y Right .af _ncsclssliin period, .• ll~ mnttor what ~l:;cinay IJc·stated To qiiy,otl!_~.prfivlsio!l ofthJs Ag~co~ent_ or In a'!y··othcr
~ocument you may huvo w,th us, n11t ~grc~ or lntond ~~·pay, nl!tf·VJo r:fo not agree or tnti;n~:ta chnrsc ~~y T11tc,ro:t or Ceo ~er tho Credit.
Ag'rccmcnt which Would In any w;,.y c:11.rsc u:do contract for, th3rgo or.collect morc,rodho Credit Uno Account than tho m~linum wa would:
bo pormittcd to_charno.or ariy.npplicob?a federal or Florid:i state l:iv1; "A{1}t::ucticic'css lntcrcst er unauthorfzcd fci:\tnl ba applled first
to roduco tho Linp:ifd principal b·crc·ncc orthc·c,cdlt Unc Acciitint, mid when 1hi: P.tlnc'lp:il hii¾ been pa?d In full, be refunded toycu, •. .· • .
Con~1ion:i U~dcr \\lhlch Other °Chilrgc::·May Be lrripti:cd,:·:vo~ ll~r~D to ·pay ~ufii;·olh~~s and chornus rolatnd ta ,jour Credit Lf110 DS ilol icrth ,
fl:elow;. ·• • · • . : . · · · · .· ~~ )·~ • • :· · . · . ·. · ·

or ,·
. Fco, A iicriiorundnblo
. ..... ··. ·.· Annual
. .fcii of ~50,00 will
.. . ba chllrno~yourCrcdlt
.,,...... '· "· / Uno nt 1hD fella
. . . . . . wing trmo: 'Annually;.
.• .
Riitul_llcd. lci:ms, :Yau moy: ~o chargod ~3p;oo If y~~ pay yo~r.9ii,a,11 Un~obllgallcns, With o cticck, draft, other Item lhaP1-.dbharaor9d
ra_r any_ ro;s~n! ~nlo~s ~Pf llc~blc lnvt_ requ'.r:s ~ !owe~ chz~o: or,~rof~ltc·~ny ch~D:-: -. . .· , - • • •
fc'? t.~·~t,a~ ~':l~.1:1_1!~ ~-o~r ~~c~IW_ll~ AESC!U,!lt.m_ay ~~?~cd !~C?-QQ Y,,h!!.rt.~c_µ ~~~~~st.~- ~t~p ~~Y,!11.~1'.1; on yo_ui'.~Ec:o~t.: : .....
Lnta Ch:irgc, Vour,P.avment·wllf bo Iota Ir lrfs·nat recelveifb}us:wfthfn 15 day:;-or1cr the •p.iymcnt.Duo Date" :iha\·11r011 yaur.iJcdoillc
=~~t~!fli;nt, ,lr.vaurpoyfi!o~;t!l !D!_? '!_Vi mlly chn~aa{o?-~o,.g~~~'of ~ci p~yrna11~ cir $s.9p!whic~qv~r1s· graato(, I" · · · ·
Crodlt Una Ch~c!c Prlntlna Chara~. ·Your Cr9dit Una Ac:~ount may ba chorgod $1i~50 plu.i: Shipping & Handllng,
...... . , / \ } · · ' ·; ..· •, . . . . · ... I
·Sc;urlty ln;crest Ch.iroos. You aorco to pny .ill ;,ll.E!!!l.!Y•'ntorcst chnroos rolntod to yo~r;<=rt?dit Uno oi. sat fort!) bolpw1
, .. · .· . . AX-, I· n·
Aood CcrtHi~otlon to First\.. · ~-1 e,oo
.App~!sol Fe11· ~ '\P$8SO:oo

.nacardlnu Filas• A ·
·occitinont Pioimatlo11 ~ --· . . $225,oo
:nlla Ex:imln:itlcin ta How11rifW, Moitofij:r!JO,OO,· .,.
Tctai • . ~ · $149a.10 i-
spadnt _TD~!)l:,. 'Y1;:11_! 11~,all t:J~S ro1:i,od,i1? '(O!fr Cr,;dit Un~ Ill: :;~t:forlh bolo~;.
lntonglbleTiix \/Y $3000;00: .
Dec Stampi:' y t6!260,po : i •i ,. I•
_Toia_i ~~ . $8250.00: . ·i J: I
~l?np~r·~ (!i~~,~~_!1$,l!r i~i:·~grccmc~_i; \VO havo tho f0Uawi119 tights; · _ . J . ": . . .
:r~~lf\.itlan nn,d Ac~oJom~lo_n 1. ·Wo your. Credit Linc Ac~aunt-.ind J~qui~Q ,you to ~ny us 1_h_o _anJlro ouJst~n_d)ng balcnco in ~ne
p:iymon\ cort:iln·tollll;"lf any or tho fcllowing'happcn:· 11J You ccmml\'fr.iud or.moko.a ma~or,fal r,nlsroprasont:illon 11t any
·~tln:i?Jn.-.,ccn!l~~t_fon wlPl tht9 Crodlt Aa_ro~mimt. This clin !11c!ii~o, ttir oxnmplo,· ~ffots·o stntcinont 11bo~t your:litc~mo, aml!I, ll_~b~lllos, or·
A11py,01hcr.o:pcct:i .of ya~r fi!J_~nclol cand1tfon, · (21 • yl?u da-no_t moot.iha rcpaymontto_rm_:i .of ihlc Crc~t·~oroomsil]t. (3) Y~ur ~tlon l?T
, liiuctlon odvcrsoly_ artcct~ tho collateral (or th;, plon·or our rlal)t:r 111 the collatcror,. This ca11 tncludc, for oxamplq, f.illuro to f!13Intaln r(!qUl!o~
lnsilriinco, WD$l0 or da:;lnic:tlvo ilso of.1ha ilivcl!lno,· foUuro lo pay tnxcis, den th or oil per:irins•tlabla on 1ho account;•trimsrcr o.f tltlo or cola ·
or. tho -dy1clllni,, oriipUtirr or ii :.onlar ll!lfl 011 !~a ~woplng ,vrthout ~r pcrmt;~lon, for111?lo~liro·by. tho h1?ldci' or :motltir non! :or.the uso of ·
.runclc or tha ~wclllnn fcrprchlbltod purpocc:i, : -1·
·suspcniron· er Reduction.. iri ~dclltlon t~:;ny other rla6u wa-mqyfhnvo;-wa•can su?ptind iiddltlonai-oxicnslons 6f cfi:d!t or-rodlico·yliur
·credit Umlt duriri1iiin;,,'parli:Jdlri which a·nyol thil followlna urain·crrc·cti • - • • q· · "· ·· · •·· · ·· : ...· · · ... · .
. • • . .. . .. I • •
(11 _Jlu;i value_ of your propofty ifocllmi:i sl.ontrrc11ntly_bclow tlic projii:ify'.s upprolsod_Ji.ilua ror p\lrpcsa:i o_f ~Ts Cr,cdlt l;l~i:AocoU~t_.. Thls-
:lncludc:s, ra·r cKomplo, a dccllna :such1fiat Ute lnlt!nl dlrroronca·batwoon tho Credit LlrnJt!ond tho l!Villlnblo aqulty li:'r_o~uc0d by llrty percent
.:11nd'fl'!llY lncltida" ii .smollo_r docl!na ~cp~nd_ln!I on ·1ha"lndlytd~iil clrc~msi_ll!ICC::, . : : I i . ,. . . ; . . ..
. (21 .'Wa ro~sonublV bcilcva. thot.~ou-wlll bo un~bla to ·rut ml ycur.roymont ob.llg~tJoqi(i.rndcr your Credit Une f.\~et>.IIJ1~ due -t_o:~ roilt~rlal
~ch3na~ !n y~ur ~rian;l~l"cir~iJ".1s~on.cci:,. • • : . . .· • I i: · ·; .
(31. Yau ·era In da!riillt under any:matorlal,obr.oaUii~ of this; CrddlfUria ·Acoount, ! Wa· con~ldcr all of your-obll11ntlo113 miitcrlnl;
~c~~acrlC!I or 111ot0rtol:c~Ugntl~n:1 !n~ludo l_~o •cvonts d~cribod a!i'ovo Unilci,Tiirmiriotron _and· Accoli:rollpn, oblio·atio·nst.o _pay foes mid
; i ~ obUoatloni..:and Umltatlons lin tho roct:!pt of- credit· adv:inccs, obllgntlons i:cncornlng molntenoncc,or u.s11 of iha proparty- or
?i!~c. _· . fads, -~bllo~tlons to ·P.~r en~ pciform· tho iorms of.oiir o!hor d~iid ·cf ~rust, ·!:Jloito~~ci ~ir limJ.~f ~ho .~r~p~rlY1 9bl!a~llcns t~ notlff tjs.
- -- . . .
... ,,_,..
ceonunucdl ·• Page4
. ~~-

-;~d t!' piovfd"' .cf~i:um.enti or. int~nnlllfa.!l ~~ lis.(sudJ -ii~ ~doted i~11~fiil ,;rannatloll)~obligull~~ to -~Of!lP!i wilh,i,ppliciiiin_ l!!W~,
·;z!)nfng. r~stdcifonsJ, lliul obligations or. anv comaker, Na. d!Jr~ult. will occtif lmtD we Pl!l11 er deDvcr-12 natlCIJ of dqr~uino you; S~·YOU ~an
. "!store vaur 1fuht ta.credlt·11dvonces. ! :; ·
,~,. ~~ ara procludad by government nc~Jcin fio,n lmpo~ritg •h~ ANNUAL PERCENT~~~ RATE_ provlded rpr ';lltdeifrJa Atireemani.
. l~J ·~e priof!!}' ~f our so.ciiilty Interest ts udvarseJy arractad by uovcrrvnant acUon t9 1ha extent.that the wluo pf the sucudCV Interest ts
•· less than anr;t'hundrod twenty paraant 1120'6) ortho C,lidlt Um!c. · .. · · · · •
(SJ ·wo hiivo bOCI\ notified ~.; govommitiitol ~illho;ity that i:r;intlnii~ advances may canslliu~ :iri unsnfo 011d unsound li;tsfnlls.!Ipnictfca.
C~nnsa tn :Tenns•. Wa may.mafca changes tho terms ·or this Agroilinant Ir voii ·auraii 1r;i 1ha c:hilngci fn wridn11 Dt that tlms, if the change
·r,n, ~B_qutyacally banant-vau .th1~ho~t ~hit tmmitriilsr '!r vaur·Ciodlt ~o :Al!c;ouq~. iir If thii chanos lsJru;lgnllleii,1t ls~ch U "cf!anses
roratlng to our data proi,ossJno systo111sJ•. If tho Index Is no '°m1ar avallable,·wa wUI choasa· a now Index and marnlri, Tiui naw-lndot WIii
have an htsaorlcal ,ni>yemorit: iub:tan~ollV .slmlfir, 10 th~• alfnlllJ!I Jndmc, ond thi>1 naw· lndoic .~ marg~n. resut1 Jn ·eri· 4NNUAL
r~c~AOE fl;ATE·that I~ 1ubstnnl10Dy 1tmilar-to 1hr, rate _In cffr:pt at tho 1!1110 "tha orlefnal Index b_acoinDs ~DIiie, -Wo mny pfDhlbJ&
'~ildlllon111 DJCtonslans. 9f aredl~ or r11du_!:0 yaur Qodlt Umtt·d11rfn1111ny_parfad fo whlc}I tho maxlmum ANf'I A , . CENTAOE 11;'\TE under
vaur Credit Una Account b n:mihad, . • • . 1• · · •· ;s •
Col?acllon Com•. Wri may h!ra silineoruulsa to hefj, dei:l 1hls Agteilmant tfLou"da not pay, Ill pay us 1hil amount of these
cos111 oqd ~c111os, \Vhlc~ fl!oluifils, ·subJaiitt(I anv ~!!llllt ilp!fer"cpP.)lcablo !aw, o"~e~so,ioblo • f111uf end 0111 lcli~l o>rp11n1111
whetha~_ar.~1?t.1here ~ a rav,sult,·Jncr_u~l111J.rl!nso11t1~Ja·l!ti?fl!DW_. feo? an!f leaal_exp~~as fC?r b . al(lngs !k!:ludlna efforts to
, madlfv or yaoata 11nv D!J~matla stay or tr,lunctlon), end appeal's; If nal ptnhih1111d b\t tPPllC?b w, :wlD PDV mr/ ~urt costs, In
• addltfan to all athar sunu: provided bV law. 1 • , ~ • • • :· •
Rato.lncro=e. In-addition io our other rights during tarm!natlon and ncce!arotlon;·we av. In tho wrlllbla ANNUAL PERCENTAGE
•RATE umfer·lh~ Aurvemenuo :a a,ooa p_erccnt per annum. :Iha ·AN1'UAL: Pl:flCENT~GE :TE. · riot OlCCIVod tho ~um 111~0 p'11nn!tted
~y-applfc~bla l,!l'(V, ~f _w~ do no.t l~ci:oaso the Atu~UAL PERC~~GE R~TG ~on.tlirillJna .ccaferaclan ~r.vaur Cndlt Uno Account; It
wlll cantlnuo at.the var111bla rnta In arfact es of ttio Ifate or.termlnatlon or acccle · edit Uno Accounr..
l\cciiis-Devic~. ·rr ~aid Cnrdlt Una Is silspandcd·.;f trirrilriuiia~; you mi.iit ratum to WI~u Ham~ Equity iJna of Credit. Ch11clcs
and znv othancccss del/Jaas. ·Any use of Heme Equltv Una of Credlt Ch11 cciss devliioc follawfiig ailspcnslon or.tarmlnntion
may b~ consido~dJnn~uJrin~ "Yo1{w,1J·also ram11In ~Iii for~V ~ Equ!tY·Une of Crccf!t C!Ulcli orolhar.Crcdlt Uno
accau dovlces not retumed to us,. · ·· .• · · · · ·
Delay:tn ltnror~ent•. W.e may· dalav or weivo tha enfarccmiint ar any:
rfght; If..wii "d_rilay or _weiri. arr; qf aur.: 1Tohts; w~ mi,y.crifol?, that ib t
·urm!nallng yo·u·r accou~t far i,on•p~ymr:~t will n~t bc·a waiver of. g .t ,
or.'1hts Agreement wtlhcut (osfng that lfght or.ant either
m9 In future wtth~ut iidvlincc ~dee, For _cixa_m?!ir; ·1\11t·
lnata yo occount ln tho ruttlfe !aU:hayo_ notp~ld.: -
Cnncellallon by you. · csncul ycur.rlght to credit ndvon Agreement, y ii must,nollfV usnmd rattitria!l Homa
Cnidlt:~• and any athei acciuis .devJces .10 .1n: . Dasplt ·. , :Votrr. ob!IQilUons :undor·thfs Aaiea~ilnt wifl!raaiim rn ~ fcrc9 arid.".
untD you- . hove paid-
us alJ amounts due uncfr:r.1hts A
. . . .. .. . . .. . •. ! . -
. . -
• Ptcpayi111:nt.: Yau inav prepay all or any.amaum: owln s t Lfne at any 1Jm11 .without pona?ty, axc:eP.l wa wJU bo cnUlfad to rocvW11•
. a!f accrued FINANCE _c_HAHGEs,. end o~~r ctiarges,
to cantlnuo to mako vaur Mlnhnwn Pa)'f!lents.
~.ntsIn ex~es.s of your _Mr~r!JjuJ!1 ~ymiin1 ~DI not ru!Jiia yo~ c(yoilr abllgatlan
reducq tho pdncfpal billil{lco.awed an tho Crecflt Urie, ·.Yau egrua not to send
-us pilyniiml:I marked "paaf fn fuU"; •w1tliaufra lier llinau1J911. :icnd euah II poy,nant, wa may accept It wtlllllutrosing any of
out rfshts W\der this Atiroamonr, and you aied w·poy eny. rurttier umaunt"owed to us~. All written corilniun!callcns.cancemlng
. dlsp_uted amounts, Jndudtnu. ~!IV ~·adc ~i.. . . . :. l that fndlcate~ thaj th_a,piiyment constitutes -~pny~nt 1n fu!!\o~ ~-umou,:it .
• •awod o(1ha~ Is 1e11~orad with olh.11r con ta&lans or uJu!J aa~ractlan of o dtap~lcd amount must ba mD!!_!l~!ori:fal!vef!d ,o:· Ban~ of"
Corel Gab!es, Attn: Loan Oparatlons, , , SU?to-106 Caial crabfos, Fl: 33134,. : . . · •· . -
· Notices. All i'!otfc~ Will ],o ~nt ~~-V. a~df. .as sho"!!1·fn th?s ~greem~qt, ~otlces \'flll;b~ 1118Ded to _yo~ al'a dliiarepl nirdrass if you give us
writton n~tlao ~f a.dlJrorent iir!~s.s.. • e to ~dvlse ~ _P!o~pUy tr.".°u ch~go your 1f~D ~ddtll!IS, i"• _ . .
~t:dlt fnfolf!IDl10~ ~d 1t_ela. MoHlirs, . o~ a~harlio ~ ,o refa~.e lnfarmallon about yo~ thfid p~os _as d9!lcrlbad rn ~ur p:iv11av policy a~
·ourla~ Croiflt Rr:partlng Act rovldod yau dfd·not opt.nut of 1h,1c,.eppl!c11bla Rall br. as pen.nltted by taw.. "1iu.agroo lhal, upon·cur.
requesl, you WDI p10vlda us w rtoilf ffnanclpl statamont. anew ctcdlt appUcatlon,. 6ath,,on fonns provided by us, Yau also agree wo
111~y ob~tn credit_ re . s•on. · t"me, a_t our solo option mi!f a,cponsa; -f~r. any roalon,"lncludfng,but not Dmlted .tii d~enntnbig wheth~t
t!1i:ru (an liocn D~ .c.':l~IIU. fn ~·pn11m:l11~ 1?1J1nllllon, ·Wa may 1aquTrr: a naw apJitD!sal uflhtt Prvpa~ ~hti:h 11~~ ~urCrcdl~ !,!no 11~-
anv trrila, fncl~dt ,n~ fnspncUa~, at our scla apllmi and DlCJJc~a.. • I · • · •· · . - · . -
'TraP1rar or cm thDUt. iirtor nollco or opprovul. rrom .vau, W\J resarie Iha rtghtlto sail or ttaniifor your Cradlt i.rne Aaco11nt and aur
rlilhts .anrf n or 1h'ls Agr011moni to anothor lander, entity, or porson, and to asslan our rights under tho Mort911ga. Your rloli1s undrir
1ht:i Allfl° be
g to yau o'n!y and inay'.mit tninsfarrad ar·es:sfonad, Yciur 'abU011ttons,.howevlir, 11ra binding an.yoiit,h11lr1r iliid big:il
robp~san_, .~ ,nv s.~i:h slil~ rjr-trirnsfer. wa wm n~
hava ~~h~ oblfgctlan to P.i'ovido you wTlh ci;.adl\ edV!!iices or~ perform any other
,Tiiic 5 .....ureomant. 1
~sr•.' 'you undorstend -~et "ofthnr. wo,. nor. any of our ofnp!oyiicrs or .ngonts,~ mako ~IIY rep~ontii~n ~ wmninj'/:wJra~auyor
cont:~f!l thil-tex ~!lqucnc!IS of ycut.e_st!l~l1~1ng ~~~ usln9.~lir-Cl'lldll 1:fno,1ncl\ftllno tba C,cduatlbnltY or r~tcnmt;,nnd tf!et n11tthor we net·
(?Ur ernpl yeas or aoents·wJII be llabl11 fn the event Tntorau on your era11t·Una Is nat dediMlbte. ·•voµ ;~o~!d consult-t,ut own tax advisor-for.
gufd11110!' an lbti subJao~ · ·• . · · - . ~• · . i : .. .
Nritiry Us 11.i tn.uc~imite lnfarmatton Wt?- Rcp~rt To Coniumei Repliitfntr ~ganc!s. PJii"a n~ttf'I us'lf wo tnp~ri any lnactt?!a lnfom,atliin _zibouJ
yailr 11caount'5J to a· consumer repartlng .aocn~, '·Yow \Vrlttvn· naUorr dascrlbfno ·tha:spedltc .lnacclirecyPesJ shoU!d ba ;ienMo us at-1h••
· foUciwlnii addtcss::_Benk'of Coral Gablos Attn: Loan 9patjitfons·95 Menlck Way, SUJte·108•~ral Gable~, fL 33134, • .. .. . • ' .••
:Ju,v' Watver. Wo and you hereby \vaivii the rlght to any ).try triai tn any action, pracaerffng, or i:ountirclalm &,ciual\t lfy cldiiii us ~r;yc~ ngu1nst.
tho·ot~cr,' (lnltl:il Hara - -· I • . .. · ' •. . . . , •
. Gcii.ieintns Liw, ··11ir., Agraoment. wlll .ba govemed by feduriil law applfcabto to us and, ta the extent not. picempted bVtfederal law,•the'faw:i or
. ~~11.StaJe_of fl!'!ld~ v,ltho.ut ra~d to Us !:°nfqc;t&"af l11yi ~iovlsJol!~ Th!FAg~~men! hes brJ~ ~c;~ep~d by !n tho_ StDto af florl~o_, ·. . 1
i~e~C:•.9f. Vonu11, If thera b a law1111lt, you agree upon ~r ra~uostto \ilbmlt to th!! Jurfsd_lctlon ~f llui cqurta at M.f=n.11-1?~~~ ~•-~~ al
i: 'hmrint: !v'au consent 10 the Jssuunc, or a cantfrtillng .wr~ ,;if gam~hinent or anaciuJenl agafnst your dlsposabla~namfnss; fn accordanca
· w! ·sac1f0~ ~~11, florlda';3tiltulcs; In ard11rt4? i:l!tlary; rn_ v~I1oro or(ri plirt,·any mo~y.JlidliJt1i:n~ontar~ lrt favor of UC:. •• ·•
• : i:.
•·, .
. . .I

-···- ·------
. (•
T •:
...Loan,· ..
.... CREo·rr AGREEMENT•,=:
· (ContfnuedJ'.
. ,· .
., ·i
-e: I
• . . • .• • .. . • . .>... • :• ' •• . - • •
c:ip1fan 1:f~adhig~. Olptlon h11adings 111 this Aoroamant'•ara ran:onv11,ntenco purp01os CIJllY nnd aro nat to·_bo wad to fntC1ptot or dollne .lho
· provistons prthJs Agl'l!ement. . · · · - .; · · ~ .• •
lnt~rp~t!!lf~I!-: You 1111reli ~t this•Aoroa~u:nt,-~ogaui~r.wi_lh tlta M?rtaaao. is tim bast avldenca ~f your ligieeinan;s.with ~•- •~~ uc;, tc?_ C9U~.
ror IIJ!V·reusun, ·w~ con· use· u copy,. fffrnud .or _ol~clmnla, of· ![nY p~rlo"'a statcmonl; this Agreement, th11 Martgago or any olliet·_documant to
p~o What you ~wo us or 1't~l .o t~ns!!clfo_n has.taken p~ca, tho ~apy, mtcrofllm,.mlcrpffcho,.~r. optla!_!I rmaaa will hav~ 1he.sema v~ldllV ~,.
·tha. orlolnal. Yau egreo thnt, ox~t to tho oxtant you .can shaw thora rs a liltltna crr9r, your most·t;t1t,ant perlodio atlltcmantJs.tha ba11t
ovJda11co.'ofyour ~bUoa~c;,n ta pay;- · · • · ·· · · ..., i · ·· ·
Scvon,IJl!lty. •11 u court flntrs that. any ptavtstari of tilts Agrvsrriant Is not v:a11ii or shauJci riai bu eriroic:iid, that iact by Itself wm not maan ihat.lh1t ·
•• , ,est of thls,Agrc11·ment wm not bo votfd er enforaad•. !J'haroforo; a·court. wfll•enfCIIC8 tl;lo.rost of tho provlstails-af tht,:Agrecmant ovon Ir a,
provision oflhlo Ailruiirnonl may lia found ID ba tnviitld orunonrorca11blo., . I • .

Ac!snowlcdumcnt•. You undarstanci and nsroa to tho t~rrri; and oa~dltialiis lri 1h~ Agroam~i.. By sronlne this Agrcu Ot, yozi ack'nowl11deo 1hnt·
·you hnva road 1hts AgieDmant. -You also ai:lcriowledga rocillpt of al:oinplnlod copy of this :Agreement, lncludlniJ 1ha r Crad!I BIiiing Notice mpd
,~c~\t~:;~:K ~ef a1iiW:n~t~Jl~C,~ll!'.'#Jscfa~uie, In o~!ff~an·1~ -~! h~n~b~~li ~ntt~' "'!'{hat ~u ~~ould _ ~u~ H~me ~ty Un11:1
. . . •·

:>C•- -
LDllrence ~c:hnolder

t; ,.
. ,
Errecttvc Dl,sbursement D~te: ,.

·!·Fta~lde Documen_ ,-i+: ·•

Ro,1~a. crocumen~arv stamp. ta~ io ·tfio am~unt roquire
: Mortgage se~tirlng this Agreement~ ..
s ~ecn i,atri!~lt~ ~spec~.

to 1'Jls ~groemen~ on the
... ·;•
.,.. :
·,. ..
I' .•;i
•1 "••!

·1 ...

, .
.. i
-d ;.
·i i

·!l·•· I,
!' •


.. '
·I •

..·•· ·...-:-- ... ---------
~ -~ ··; r-i · CREDIT-AGREEMENT • • . .
• ,.•'"i.o\n•·No: I · ·· · 1coritliiuedJ°


- .
. .

This notlco cantibu lrilportnni tniorm111Ian ahilui your rlghts and cur ri:sponsaallltias ilniferth'a Flllr Crodlt Billing Aor.
• • • • •• I • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• ·• • • • . • • • • , • •• • • •

Notify iis J~·caso. of err(?rs _or. questions i!~C?Ut your.bill~ •· '

·• · · •
· · . ·· ·· · • · l -,l: :
If vou th?nk your bill Js v,,tang, Of If you nemi
fflll"1 rnrar~ obciut D ti;w11cllo11 an youi'&n~ write~ on 8 rn:paratit sli~ al:
' . . lia11k cif Coiaf Gcblvs •.. .. .• • . 4 .
,. Attn: I.clan DplCflltlons ~ !'
ss Meirrck WDy;:suiio-1os,
Coraf.G~tei:;R: 33134- . . . . t· • . .
or at th1t.alfd1oss !lated OIi your bllJ;. Wdlo to us asscon ea pCISlllbfe, Wo must"hcur from you no latar tho . ·&if1or wa sent jail Uii:·
·flrff ~Ill a~ .WJl~.,tta B!~Dr or Pfl:l~l~m BPJl!J~d.· You -l?~n 10l~Jlfiono \I~, but dofns f!a w.111 ilo! prasaiva.V~!l
In vciur lou11r,·etva ua tho follawfsjg lnforrnallonJ ·

. ;:d;:~a:~~~t;:";!:;~ cr~r, . . •_
Daili:tlbi tho orror 11nd oxploln, If you can,'why yati b11IJ11vo thoro Ii en.eiror, If~
;., _. .. ,. ::~.
. ·; •
· d are lnform111Ion, dc:crlba the ttom you 11rti

·• Ila~ ~ie !l~D~t, . . . ' . .: . ., . '

·it vou ltave authoriziui ~• io pay y~ui-iiui aJ!iomatlcaDr frvm .Your aavfn~.or-~,i • t, ;you "!'I p;ayniel)t.;,. RAY mnaim(you
·th!nk fs wrong, Ta st~ 1h11 paVIJlcnt, yaurlott~r.must raaoh us 1hr~a.13J lius1 !' !_he ~uto111atlo paymenUs ~ch~~~~ C?~r, ·
. . ·•
~ts a~d ~ur,respanslblnties aflcir. WO racafvo your wr ..
Voµr rig_
Wo must acknowladgo Your lotU11',within thirty (aoj dai,s; un!ass \iio the.emir
•. . .. • .• ~
b; thiln,·•. •
nTnetr (BO)'d~,
. •
wu• inusta!ther
• •t
, carreci-iho orror ar 011plo!n Yih¥ wri bcllovo tho bDI wac ocr,aiit; · . .:
, After Yio rccclva .Your iallar, WO cannot ttvta. collect nn\•aMD~ stla~ ar rapart you as del!nqttant. We can cpn!lnuo to_ blll,yolJ for the ·
, umount you'.qumtlon, fncludlrig flnanao chiitsjas, and wa'c. a an porer amount.ogn!nat your.Crcicflt Uinft, ·.You ~o-not have 10 pav uriy
!ll!~~o~~~ ~~o~i.wh~ ~o &!9 ~~a~ttrig; bu~ ~II · ill ~~ ~op~~ .~a; b!ll 1hal ~ qot In ~Dstlon.
ko C!" yo1tt ~111, you
ff.W!' ffnd ~iit.Vfo rnadi, a mtsta_ I to p11y any, fi?anco ~~9?.rel~tod.~? qu~ncd amount. If YfO didn't •~n.V
mako a mlsto~u, you m11v have '" PAY fin1111C_u ~ .yo QI hava to make up any '!!~sod payments.on thu qu~llonad em.oul\t• In o!thar
oese, wo wlU sonit you a statement of lha nlrioim 1h1t data on whlch It Is dlla; • ·· • :

,; yo~ fall to pey the amiiuni that·wa t h ~ ·

you write rci us wl_lhin ten·(10J d~'
may ripo~ yiu
as dcltiiquant~ Hdwovci, -,; our ~Tanatian•£aas not sotbfy you end
·. iti9 ,still rcirusc.ta· pliy,.we mils~ tep ~ny~o \VO repoit:yail ta thut you have a quill!~ nba_ui
your bDI;. A:nd,.we m~t tell ya~ the mo· ,. o wa roportcrd you ta. Wo must mn anyono ·wo repa1' ~1:1 ~ that th~ ma~er has bean
Sllttl~d botwoon ~i:rwhan It f!rially rs. " Ir • • • . • • ..

Ir Vf!' d~n•t t~lloyt ~D?O,iut~s, viii~-
• • ...
J~ha nrsit~o o, ~~ q\iastia~d-~!!'ll?UR~, ovo;n If your bD! wss·carract.
. . • • - • '1 •


1 .;· :i
..... .

. •·
• 4


·r '
. .



. \


MORTGAGE (7/28/2006) _
_.,.4._ t
f•-;:: --:-:,-.-..

CFil 200604420:39 .
OR BK· 2<?1662.."· PG' 0250"
llECDRDE~ 07/3ll20DG.C9:03rl0
County~, Florido··
·P11lt1 Ei:i110h·
·AHT J;5e0,c00,c0 ·
·Dec~ Dca·5j25D.CD
' WHEU. RECORDl!D. MAll:Ttl°t:
Dmk er Coral aoi,tra
· Lcndln:i Dlv41cn • · -
: !JS MCJT!ok W~y
.. .Intnna :i, Cll0. 00
Sh0rim --~·: Dook;:CLnRK •ti C0}lPTllDLLEll
Poa;~25~•:- 2:15; ~6pga). ··

"Sl!lla 1D6
, Corel 03blca; FL ·,:13134·

.,. SEND TAX N•o,icesTO:

•Don% or Coro! 011bliii•
•Lt11d!n11 01,r.rcn •
!15 Mml=k Woy
•Sllllt 1 D!J'.. • •
~ · (:(lral Onbh, 1 Ft. :!l134_

This Moil;izg,i prci,irad i:!1

.. . . .. :~ us~\ytnj ~~unED PLV~~ c~EDrr ~••-::~ • •

,MAXIMUM UEN, :rha-totnl amount or lntfcbtcdncs:1 sccurod by.this Mortg1:1ne,ni11v 0dccra11so or rncrc11s11 from· 0
time. to tlmi:i, but.tha m11xlinum .11m0unt.orp1!ncfpzil Jndahtadnesc vihlch,mov liofou1!: fondln11 at oriy oria tlmii
,.iiiill ~ot i,~co~·~- U 150~,00[!,_00,, ),lu~ T~fotci!, 1m·d ~~a·u~ta cicpcndc·d_R_r-iulvanc:~lly.Londor for the pcymont
~~~~~~;• ~II~~~~ ?::fn_cur~nc~ en tho_ ~:~Pill~~• DI\~ !/ltcrOS~ ~'l sU,;h DAUt~~ . _ . .• . ..
""THIS, MORTGAGE,dotoif July 2B,:2Q06, rii moda 11n·d cxccuto4 6c.twocn l.uuruncu,Schm:ldor ond Slcphonla
:~chfiqidor: h~sbcnd 1i'nt1 ,viro lr_iiforrii~ ia bo'ioW _DS !'._Grcritor•J,11pd,Dimfor,ccrcl ~iiblal!, Wh0110 oilclilllla Ja,95,.
··Merrick V/ny, Sulla .106', Ccrr:il'Gabtes; FL 33'134 Crderrcd to'bolovt:as "J.ondcr•J. 1

OllAlrl" OF r:ioni-aAOI?..• r;, v,!u,~ro 'eon;ldaral!on, Or~nlar mort;asi aa1a lon~ar1n"af ai~nralii"rtaht, tl~a, end fo111ut (n and lo tho
foUawlni, lf1mt:,ad roar pro;uiny, 1aaolhor \\-1111 an ullllnD or eubuqilonll{mClod{or atl!Rd bulld:n111; lmF/DVCmsnl2 end. ~uro,J IUI
ca1amcntr, rlshts er wuy, and tpwr1on1n1:1t1 •II watar, ,ut,r rl;htr, wotoiccurus end d~cli rloh11 l!no!llllbil •tac:11 In llllll:l,:s wllh ditch
er rrrto1llon rl;htol! end ell othnr 1lghl2, ro~ldar, er.ti proIlls rdallno 10 Iha real pioP.OltY, laclud!ni wllho111 r.mlll!Ucn en mlllC/ll!i, 011; g111,
gaatllermalandstmllMmnttcr~ (the. •neat Propcrty"J loceri:11 ln'Palm ll'oach County, StDto of Flcrldo:. · · ·· • ·•
'. l.ot;37.of,FOX Hill: ESTATJiS OF.BOCA RA,Tori;{i:c'o~dlng to" 1ho Pl11t.th0rcor, 11$ rocordod Iii Plat·Dogk
: B7; Pogo 1r of 1h~ _P_ub!fc noccrd: of Pnlp:B~n~ go-!Ptvi Florida! : • . . .- •• • .;
Tho Tiool Property oi-J111·cddrcsa la ccmmanly:.linown il11 -17686,Clrcla Pond Court, Dcca R11t0n,·FL 334911,
Tho ncol Property tnx ldcnl1Rc11tJ0n numb Ctls 00421103101D0D0B70,. · ·
iievoiwia WI!! OF ciitori. rllli Moiiilag~,tf11rc1 Iha ~d~fcdno;,Licradl.,0: Wllhoul 1tn11111icn, DrevaMn11 Iha iii crcdll um!orwht;h,
upori roquoat by llarrow•r•. Ltndsr; wll!,fn lWCf\lt, (2111 Y=!• riom Iha dA~ cl Wa r~crtg:go, ~y m:kci f11l11rA ;i~~z=a lo DmQV1cr: Suell
t~tJr• edv;iicn, 1a11clh1r w1111 l~tarut thoraark 1r1 uc,ir11:f by 1h11 M:rta~g,. nuch 11d~ners may ba m2d1, to?Dld, 1111d nmato ftom •
trma lo Um,, :,~bloat lo Iha llmltallon ~I Uia (0tcloub1arulll111 bllonca awlna ct ,ny'ono limo, nal l11tldln11 llrulACa charger.en ouch
~bnca 11t II flue! er v~r~bla rota o(■ um 11, prnvldsd t, tho Ctadil A:rcemear, 1n)' lcmpor.:ir cvuricu, other cb:ra1s, 1111d urt lll!l~Ulltr •
expondod or cdvencad ar provided tiiolthcrtbo ltldclit:dnoss p:ir.,gr.r;l1 or w, par.1i;rnm.· 1~rt nae ono,d Iha Cndll llmlt 01 pr0vii!1d 11
· the Cradil'Acieemant, • 11 ,~ Iha foleiJ.11011-af Granlar and Lender tli1t thr. rlo11c1co ucm• lh• b1bnc, eut,1ond:n~ umhr lho·Crodit:
Agraomtnl r,em lime lo Urno_f.r•~ uro '!'I U)h• CndlC Umll 11 ~~ad In tlio ~~I Agmf!"'nt •n~ any ln14rm•db~• ~ibncr. •
aisnicr pi'uanilt 1u!an1 1o"Landa11t1 Gm1t:ra ll~hl; !Illa, end lntartit In and to ell piuont ind fuluri ioms ai Iha Propartv and n!l
1\onts Jrarn th, r.ropony,"'ln 11dadlon,·Grsn1ot 11rant1 le> Londar a Uniform Commotolal Ccdo oacut11y lntcm1 In lha· Pm•n•I Froportv ind
Rontc, · · · ',<-~'\_ · , · · · · · ··· · · ·· ··· · · · · ·· · ·.·
niis r,IDIITt!AGE, lllCUIDtNi:t:nrE ASSIGI/Mt!IT OF narrs MD TIii! SECUnrn', lllTtntST Ill THE nEUTS Ario PDISOIIAL pnoPErrtY•.
t.lDIITOI\GE•• TlllS MOhTGAGEIS GIVEtl AND ACCEf'T[ll DIITlll!fDU.OWlllGTEflMS: . . • . • • . • . • .• · • •
'OIV\llTDt-s,wAIVEns./a~niorwiirva1 ill rlaht• e; 1Mon,o,· irh!no by raii,on or Dn'I •en, ecl!an~ or •cn~-doadoncv• bw, •r any other
r,w whlcli r:i:y pravuiit Lcmfor from brln;ti; ony ocdcn 11901.,~1 crcntor, !Ac~Jdln;i a dllm for dan~rcnov to th, ct.tent Lcnd,r. Is ctliorwlu •
cntl,1:d_ta II claim.for, l:alora er ellor La;,t!1r's r:ilm:111n;emon1 or cClllpl1llcn or iir( (0/l~csura ilollon, 1lllltlr (~dl:Wly er by
mmctsur, powcrorura.: ·• • ·
•OMtlTDR~.;RfPRESalTATIOIJS AfJD \VAruwms•. Gr;nto, Vl'otunii Uiiii iaJ th111 MOC~aa ;, cmcuicd ., D0rr0wo,;. i•rri111t nnd
nat nf.lhl riu;uut cl..lcnd~r, "{b)•Gr1ntpr.ha: Iha full pcwor, right, end outlic,Uy la cntor lnto,t~!, MC11gaga~11<f.h:hypOS/11oat,•\h.!
Prcport-n tel Iha provision: "I this Mollaaca da not canU!:I Wit!,, ornm,!t In a dafcult unrfor any a11roomon1 er Dthtr lnslrumont bL,i£,,g
UjlCll 011nlcr ~ da not rasull In a ~•llcn ol cny l&w, ro;tlollon, cowl d~craa ar ort!ar 1ppCc1L!1 10.arantan, (di 011ntar hu asl~llshod _.
11d1q1111to mai:ns "' Dbtclnln11 rram II c::1nllnutn11 ba:b lnfcmiAllcin &bout llonC\vo1'• lloncl1l CC/1:!lt!on; ccd lo) 1.tnilor 1',111
made no 1oprma11lilll011 (c, Drontcr 1bau1 Dorrawar ll,1cllldtnil wnhe1.11 lm!,at1on lflQ cr,dllvtorthlno11 ct Bcn0wa1J. •
PAYMEIIT Atio PERFORLtAr.i~•. ,£la:;pl II otlurwl;a provldad'h 11i1~· r&rraago, Daiirow~r and ..Or~nl~ ;hen ,;y '" U?,dor II~

lntbbl4c!nau 10:urod by !his Mi:rtg1g11 a: It baccmir1 dw. tnd Dc1rowcr Jnd Grentar 1hs~ 11r!cUy purarm 112 l!cmm11'c 1rd Grantor'•
~ obDa•tlcn• under 1h11 Mon11coa. · • · · · · · ·· •· · •
pos'sis:.1ou·11,io f,tAi:rruiruicE OFTHEPROPOITY, DonDl'IDt iinii lilOlllar c~cci 1h~I Dorrcvfelil end circntci~ ii=:irulOII i:nd U:o iir
• t.'la Prcparty1h~ l>a galiumrrHiytha f0!1awfn;provlslon21' • · ~ · •·· ·
ra"mulcri ~nd u;;.; U~ID Crin1cr'• h11eicii 111 eliy oi iii of i.ha ('roparti lr iprcclriaclt, a renter may· 111 rim~ti In piiini•lall 1111d'
ccntrcl cl Ilia Prcpe1!YJ· l2J 111~, e~aral~ er r;iaQ~ca ll!a Pf~~IY! znd '131. cc~act ~a ncn11 f1cizn ~ l'£~•1!i'• . • .
Ouiy la Malnlcl~. Graritar th1Ji ITltlnUlii Iha P1cp1tiy In gaod can~lllllll. and P,f?lllptly p~lcrm Ill! repalr~,-rofUecm1nts, ■nd,
• J!lelntanllllt'? nccau~ry le> prnclV!I 11• ¥thll, • . ·
. Cam;tun:o ~ytlh Enva,;,!llll•nl:f . . ·Gronlarr~pt~Ull!J e!"f \'f!rfln!:
lllWr, . Ill Lcndu thct;: (IJ Dining th: ~~rlcd of G1en1cr'• ~ncrthlp
. . . .
. ~
. .
.. . .

oaa..; . •

. .
• I
1 -:-.:,;._ :.: ;..:. • .....:...
. - ' - ~-··-:..-..
. -.:. ,..

• #·•
"al"lh• Pra;ony, lhtrri her l,a1n'no uoa, 111n1rail011i in111ut1c:iu111, ·a101ago, r101inicnr, dl,p .. at, rctouo odhioatonod nlono ol any•
Hanrdaua Subal•IIC• by 1ny p,r,an en, u.,d,r1 tbou1 cr.rrcm 1hr Ptc~at1y1 121 arcntor tu• n~ ltn•~lodgo at, rr,auan lo hU•~•-
•thn l~ro hua bean, ox:npl ca p1o'rlcu1,Vdl1C101od lo c111hc~ow1Gdg1d by londir Li wt11l011, ·l•I any bruch ot \lfol;lkll ol any ·
Envlronmanlel l,,w.-, lb) cqy via, 11onrr•ll~1 ,n,.nvlaclllr,1 11010_..,, t,i,rtmcnt, dl,paHl, .raluJ"D Dt thrarlaml rdauo al arry·
•Ha1D1dou~ Sllbi!Dnca an, undir, cbcu1 er frcm 11\D Prcpcny by any prior owner, er cawpanls al ma Propmy, er •lei .any.11t1ual ar·

·1llraa1ancd Ullgollan or clclm• ol _cny kind by Oll'f.PDIIOn riJallll; to.1ueh mollorii and . IJI •. Elc=PI H protcu1ly df1dcaed ID end
-ulnQwledgod by lar4ct In wrllln~, ·•(OJ na!wr Crantcr n,r u.y llnenr, cenueclor, agent er c1hsr eut11ct11Dd i:,,r of Iha PrOjlortY
1h1a uro; 11ano1a1a, msaulocluro, store, l!'at, cll.,pau of er rC:ouo any llomdaUJ Sllbslcn:a on, under, abcut er from lh:I P1opany1
ond. !bl. any ,uc!i .lc!MI'/ 11lall ba candllclOd In r:ompDanca Wltli aU,oppll;obla fodcr11l, 1111o;•ar.d .~ol lew,,·10;11'.111lcn, and
ordln:ncor, ln;tu~ln:i wllhc:ut 11:nllatlon ell Envlran.m:nlal LaTt1;: G1u11ar 1ulharlzv1 lotdcr and 11, egantr Ill enter upon tho r(l)pcny
I• 10 mab 11.'l:h lnspoctlans emf 1e11r, 01 Grcn10111 cirpcnu, u Lender mev dum appropriate to.dolarm!na c:cl:IS>llt-iai or Iha Pt~p•~
wllh UJ1 ·11cllcn ol th11 Mar1g1ga, . /ltrf bspacllans er taw: mac!a by lender ,1ui2 bo for londc,'.1 purp01a1 arJy znd diall nat b11 .· .
cc111uucd 1a·cra11a ,my racpanslbDlry at 11.lblllry on Iha parfal Lilndcr la Grcnlw cny_alllor JllnQII, Tho 1apruen11llon1 and ·--:\,
wonanlles i:onta!ticd heroin 010 baud on G11nzot'• di/I dll'aanc• I~ lllvulloallng Iha l'top, fot Hnardaur S\ibtlan=r, Gn:ntari · ·.:
• htroby: Ill "nln1a1 ind wdvn Jrr/ futu10 e;cfnJl Lindor for fnrfcmnltl' ar eonlri!>Ullo~ tho avonl Grelllcr b1camn U.bl1,.J:r
cleanup er olherc01la u,dot 11.,v auch r,w,; and 121 aaroo• la lnd,mnlry ond hol6 harrnloH lcn~or cgaln•I any •nd •llcbl'mr, lonaaf'-..
lrabUltlcr, mf'lloaor, pancJll01, ll!ld a,pimns wt1ch llindar mu, dlraallt er lndlcoollt ,ualtln er 1utrarra,11lrlog from a bro:ch_of-~a,;_;; .
.aocllm of tha.Mcrt:eaa.ct.u II amyusa, ccaaral!cn, manulac11110, &tcrrar; dl>Fastl, ulaua a(ll\:latc~cd rele~•a \;
occurrln11 i:rlor lo 011n101'1 awnorrhlp er ln1cra1t In Illa J>rcp011y; whc11lor er n01 Iha 1ama wn or ,hou:d h:va boan .knawn lo\
arzn1ar,·:Tu1 i:rovl1t:111 er th!• 11cll0n ar Iha Morlgcgc,lncludln11 Iha abUgall=n .10 lnrfamnllr, alaU NVl-ia th• pavman\ of,lhal
lndd:1edn11111nd Iha u1ld1crtan and rocaivavanca or lhe Jen al I'" M0r1aa0a an:! :hall n01 b) lllci:lcd by I.Atder'i. ac~u!s~ cn er
1ny lnU!JSI !n ~ f'.'~P.etl)'! Wh~lh,r ~v raro~.111_12 DI 'tlh.•~lra~ . , . . . : ·_ . . .- /( : · ~
flulunco, Wuu, . Granier &hall nae cauio; conduct or porrn!I any fllllnnc11 ncr acmmlr, poniilt, er 1ullcr ury 1u!ppll'!f of ~ waslo_on

i ct.ta Iha Pr=pany or ~v ponlcn al Ula Pto?DIIY, WllhoUI Dmlllll~ UlD 11anon:D1Y ol 1111 fa1111atng; Gr=tcl w!IJ not romcy,, 'C f grunt ta.
cnY clhcnarty lho rl!lhl la r11.10'"• 1nY il1:1br,-r,i!a1r1t, Unc~dln:a oil 111d guJ,ccal, c(ay; acart,; coll, gr1v,10(1ilclc i:romt• ·
.whh~I Lai:d!J s Friot ~IIICII cans~nl.. .· .. . . • . . . . -. • • .. : ,,.a::::\.
h•m•'!'d al lmpro•cmc11ta-, Granier ahaU nat c!cim,Ush er nmov11 cnflmpravclllllnl:I fccm.lM ncd.l"tapi:tlV, nlihcuc l.andc1'# p,lor
: ' . ..
Wlltton consent, A• a candlllcn 10 lho ran,ov,1 cl r:ny l111prmmenu,l.cnt1ar rMY rurJlro aron1cr t1J mah 1nanccman1s nttsr,cmy
.t;o ':!?nc1~no r,placa ~u~,lm~[DVf!ll•~I! ~,11111'.'11'ro_v•'_1l•11,u o!_•~lant.■qu•lvalll~'.· • . . /-;- ~ y . · .
I. 1-:ndu_•• Rl;hqa Enter, · l.cnd1r and londc1'uoa1111 end 1CFrt1C11lcllvu_mar Cl\t:rupc11 thc.na1{PropcflV al cll 1ac:icnab~ t!mca 10 .
c.tlen:f to.l,ndDJ1a L1lmalo ,r.d la larpact lh• 0111 l"lapmy lat p111p01n cl Cll•nl•r'II cems,Ucnco \\llh 'lh:I tom11 and cani!l~ona cl
I thlr, . • • ·. . . . · · _- · . . . _A...).._ "-Y. . · · . . · ·· ·
Sabnq'Jenl U1111. · Guntar shaQ nat eUow rmy 111bssquant fen ■ or mc1101001 en • ~ or cny,pcrtlo11 cl Iha Prcp1nv Wllhaut Iha prior
r Wrlll1ncaim:11lofl.,,ndor.· • · · A ~ )Y. ·
Ccmpllcrii:a ,,1ui.ciovainraontd Rc11diomcnlr,• Giintiir ;hill piompUy campfrwlth cD'law,, crdlninccii, ind rogulallans; now ~r
Mtcalt•t 1'1 clfcct, of ell cnvcrninontel 11ulho1llbs epj'l!!c:abla 10 tha_un c:r,~ccupinGy)il.tha Pr•?•IIV,. Grcnlar 111oy conl~•I ltt 1100d
I: faith Dll'f su;b 1,w, ard~ance, 11t 10C11lallcn end \'111hho14 cornr:!l•n~ du1L,a cny P10::i:cd:n11, w.llidlng 1pi:ro~datt 1rp11lr, ■ a lcn;r u
Gun tor hs• nollncd landar 11 wrlllna prior to doltlg 1a end sa lcca ■ ri· In lffld11!s sali cpl1lan, laadu's llltamzs In lhe P(l)ptrJV ere,
not Jcopardliad. • Londar m:rt 11c;ul1D Gr1nlcr la poll adoq1111D 1ocurlty~r,is__•uraiv)lond; rn:iro111bl\l ulfsfectetY la IJlndcr, la prolact
Lnnd1r•• lrltaraar, · 1. · ·:.;_'),,_ · · ·
Duiy ia Prclo;f. .. arar.icr aaiou nDllhar la abDAdon er loaw;:n111,nd1d 1iii P10pc11y, Granier ah,11 dg ol! 111h;r att,, In 1dd;Uqn ia
1!1010 ac1110t ronh aba~a Ii, thlo nctlon; whklt r1om tho ch1112,1cr and ,mi oft= rropcrty •re ro1:cnat.11 n,couary 10 pro!oct ind
~-=•~ tho Prcp;rty,,' _ · ·· ~""-t:::.:::;,' . · • :
, DUI! Oil SAU:• COIIS£lrT DY l[l/DDI. ltndcr m1yi ai l.cndci'~ cpl/an, dotlarc lmmcaotoly dua ud pipbla cl s11mi ic~d bjl this,
Mortaaga u;on Iha 1cl: er tronslllr; w11110uc Lendor', prior written 11cn:on1, Ill all er any part er Illa noal r1opartY, er any lntororl lei 1ho ,
.noal Property, A.•,t10 ortunlfar~ ni11n1 Iha c:anvoyonc, not! Ptc;unv er 1ny rla!lt,"tlll1 er ltllaml In t!la rtsil frcp111r, w11a11nr laaar.
bsnall:lal ar ,~llblo; whalhar VO[anury or ltlv•lutit:,r. \'lhclh:r bf outright J~la, d'aC<I, lmullmcnl =la gialroct, bnd canlm:t; coAtract
lot deed, rauahold 1r1urut wllh I tcrm 11raa1ar;thl11 throa' l3J:yurr;.ba,c•opUon ccntracr, or by ctlr, aulgr.mcnl, ar llwlor ol 1rrv •
bendlcbl lnlcmt In or tii cnv lapd tnlat ha~nO'.'llda to tho Jlrel Prep any; er by any clhar molhod ol ccnvll'(wo ol an lntoroil tn·lho Jloel
i Prcp_crty,· HoweVDfilh!a apllan 1h01 nat ba ,x~clud by lDndar If 1uch non;lsa !J proh.'bllad byJodml lav, er by f!orlda law,.
TI\XES i.,10 i.iuis; ·no ·,oaow£igp1c'vb!i1111 rcl~;"ta;1' tms and.
ne~, en i!11 r10pall'( era port er ui, i11oria1u11· .. -
Pa~oni,: Gnnto11h11J ·pay wh•n d~D i~d Isl;; ~Vt~I, pdar ia ·i1~1lnqv;ncyJ e11 '1iu;, ps~II 11~01;·,pac!al laxar, ium1m,nt,,
• watar oha111a1 end uwcr •~•'Fi!t;asJo!ad agrli;:it or on ■ cc:unt cf Iha l'rcpcrty, 1nd zh:U pay w!lon cfua 1D cl:lma r:rvrr:rk
d:na on er. Ior 1arvlca2 rcndarad or. 111:tc:M twn!amd lo lho Prcp1rty, .. G11n1or 1h;n 111olnteln Iha Prcplllt)' t:raa ar any lle111 tuwi:r .
prlcrlly ever er oqual la Ille: lnlarc,1 of lailtlot undar !his Manca;o. except lat Lhou U,ns 1p1c!Uc1Uy agnad la In \Yrllln11 l>Y Lender,•
and ncopllor tho lien aftues aad 11un1ra1nt1 nol d~a ar fu11haup1cl!lod In lhi fllghlta Conlcsl pmgraph,' • · . · ·
toohl to Conlnl; Gfon'ior raaj \,lthhctd i,avmint 111 ilny hir. imminont; Dr ~b~ In ccruiircllon viilh a ii cad ldlll dlaputi ;.,., lhs
• obl!ga1ton ID pay, 11,1 Iona.ii• ltnaa,•11 ln1ara11 In Iha rropony l1 not Jaajltrdltad;: 1111 Pon ailsas or 11 ntorS a1 o m1111 or na~lll'(llltnr;
<lnnlarslltll whhln lllrcan 1161 lier. altDf Iha !Ion ~has er, II a l!t11 l:i 1cad;.w11111n llllcan (161 d'ay:1 aflcr.onntar
,mill!, sce\Jre'lh ■ clsdi:11Da,cr lhs l!on, er If 1oi;11cst:d by Lcni!ar, i!cpo1l1 Wllh Lender cuh or 11 ,u!Oclont ccrpculoha,urol)'
nollca cl Iha
tend ct.·
,athor ■ ccllllly 11Ut11ctol'f lo lander In ari•a111ou11111111lclonl lo cl!Jcharga tho 1!011 pluo t:IIY cosll and roe:cniblo 1110moya' fan, ct
.j • 1111\ot chare?o,tbat cinlld 11CC11Ja a,.a mult cl I ro1c~lan1tcs_ar,!! lien.. In anv con1011, Grcntat ~holl cfalcnd,luall and
·Larder end ah:10 aetlaf;' 1ny advcraa ful111111nl ~clc:o ,nlorcomenl aooLul Iha Ptap•rl)', Grcnlor ahcll noma undu ■ a 111 •&flllantl
cblli]1a under crtt 11ira1v bend lutnbhad In lh■ CC11tast proccadln~•• •· · • ·• •.•
E~ldo~;;r;.~ymcnt. a1antct •hnU ~1111 demand 'i111nbh fa t.enci,;_,iU1J1c10,v ,vlcl,ne,ci pavmint ol 111' ioxa, Ct D,Ullffllll\ll ind · ,·,
chtlhulhcrlu 111, epproprlda vovcmmml:I ctnd&l lci tlcUvrr to Lander al any time a v.'l'Jlcn s1111mcnt Df Iha 11n, tnd 1ucnn:c~tJ
~~~~~~ .
N;llc; {r Canatriiii1ton,: llrcn!Dt ;hiD notllt lander oi loiui 11/iic~ (Iii) "dnyj ~claic'i cin'i/ Work Is Cliniinoilced; 1ny
1arvka1 aia
· furl'llshcd, arany rnctortw era suppUad 10th, P1opcr1Y, Uiny mcch,nl,'• l!a11, rmtcrl:lmon•• n,n, ar 01!11r Uon could 1:a.onorlal'cn
a:caunl olth• wcr1', acrvlca,; or 1111110~!1, GtMlor W1ll u;011 ralll!CH ol lenlfor rurn[ah tlJ lcndar ~dwn:il cu1111nc111 rau.rcclcrv 111
, Landor th:l G10n1cr can ind W1l pay Iba 1:9al ~huch lmi:iayc11101'11~,. . · • •• • • ·
PnCl'UIT'( DA1:1Ji01i°1llSIJIIAUCI!. Tllo fa!~lnll pmldcria rrtcllng to lr.cizilng ihii rropony erii a part cl lhl; Martgs11c1 .1
·NG!nlaii11n01 er rruur:uica. Granlar shsD piccuro ar,1 nulnloln pe!ld1■ , cir flta !n111rona,·· ~ilt ai1nd:rd cli1nrfod ciivcrcga,
0ndo11!"11ont1 on a 1op!acDrnont b!ol• ronlio_ru:i ln1\lfoblo vehla. cayorlnlJ ·•~ lmJlrt1emo!)l1.11n lho naal Ftcpcrtr In an amount:

, 1utnclcnl la avald cppVca~n ol on)' cc!nsuranc, ctawo; 11n<: wllh • s14n4ard mortgo;u douso·rn fovor al Lo;icltr, ro11cto1 ahall In ·
·I . w111tcn by aucri rn,r.rronw compmlas end rn 1urh rcrm cs rmy bo 1aa,a1111Hy =p1,bla lo lender, Clrcnm ,.111: t!allrcr la l.cil~a,
ccrdn:ctcr al .cavcroga rrcm each lnauror c:or.lolnlnc • ,upu11IIDl'I lhit ·cc\'llroga ""11:not bo c1ncal01S at dlm!nlahocf wlrhCUI •
·I · , minimum cl lcrtr,lll'o 14G) days' prier wrlllan ncllco ta landarend not con rat/lino any a1,e1armer al IM lruum•• uatimv ror f~!IUIO to
l c!Vc ,u:h n:ll:o, Each ln11111n:a pcU,:Y also 1!ull lnclud1 111 on~rsaman:. Flev!dlnli lhal ca,or,;a In favor Ill lrln~•r wl1I net b11-
lmp~lu:d I~ ur/ mv by 1ny c:r, cmlnlan c: d1tuutt or Gren10r11r cny other parson, Shol!d Iha Rael Ptepo11y tio locmd Ill an eru
.l dulgnalad bythu D~ac1or ol Iha fadarat tmaiocncy M1n1garnanl J\goncy ■ a a spacloll!acd ~z.iril ■:DD 1 Granier agrees lo eb!Jln ar,d
m1tn11111 Ftdoral flacd lt&curena,, II avalable,' fct Iha maximum cmcuct al \'DUr crodll l!na end lhll full un11=1d F•lncl;tl 1>~1:nco cl ~ny
: prier liaii: on th, Flcprrty soc..-lno _ll)a l01n, up to tho rna1lmurn p;Uay l!mlt• ut'und!t.1h1 !IGll~I Fl~cd In~• Praarrm, or ~a
~ • -•~qulrod lly ~•ndo~, ~~d lo matnta~ au:h 1ta1uranco ID! 1hr urm DI~• la■n,
·By .

... ...--------------
. Da · , ~ •:·

-----------:-. :•
.. ..,
I ·.(Contfriuod)

AppllCllUon or Proco ad~, · Orantor .diaU prompU)' nolllr Lmdcr of ony lau or dom1g11 ta 1ha r1111icny,. Landarm~y mckai proof ol l0111,
II Granter raa1 ta do 10 wlltlln nrtoon 1161 day, ol lh• cuuoltr, W1111h1r or nor landol'a ■ ocurltY I• lmpalto<f, I.ender mty, et Litn<f•r'.s .
, olacUon;•rcl:ll"o end rotat:, th, procaods cl any Luut1nca end ■PP:,, Iha proci,al!J to Iha reduction ol Iha lnc!abladncu; p:ymcnl cl
011ylla11 atrocllna 1h1 Propart)', of tho rii ■ tonllon cnd.ropalr iii Iha Propany,.11 landor oloou 10':ipplf tho pracooda 10 rasrcra1lon and
I ,opalr, Granter ohcU rtpa!r of uplac■ lht damaged er du110y1d lmprovamonta In a manner 1ctld1010,Y to lor\ller, Lendor shall, up011
·• • ntlslcotcriprool of such o,:pondlturo, poy or robnburso Gron1or lrcm tho prccooda for tho roc1ond,l11 001t al roptlr er rntorollcn If°
·orcntor IJ nol 111 dolcurt under this Martgcgo, Noy procnda w!Jth h•va n,t bcm dl,bmcd vrllhln -180 c!4y, tiler lhc!t rocolpt cn:f
whloh' Lendor ha ■ not comrnluod 10 1111 ro(lclr or rc11ar1tlon ol Iha P1opo11y 1l11U ha u,cd rriat ta p~y any cm0unt awing IQ Land1r·
undor 1h11' tllcrtaaao, ·1hsn .1c, pay acauad ln1a101r. znd 'tha .romalndor,·11 ruiy; ahlll bo 1ppll1d .ta Iha prlnclp1I b1l1nco of 1113
lndabtcdtlau, tr.Landor holds criy pr!)tccd1 atru JmY!TICnt In Cull of Iha ~cbtadllau, sucl\ prcccod1 ,h:la t:~ pal~ ta Orant~r n ~
Gunter'• lnto1a111 may appoor, • • • • • · • ·· • • ·
LEND En's EXPEtlcirunr.s•• 11 Granier rolls ;,., lo kcop tho P1opoi1y trao oi air tllico,, Iron,, iaclrrll'f intaic11,; onc~~bririico,· cnil a1hrir ~
. qolm,,, IDJ •.la provlda 1my r•~ul,1d 1111111,nca cn lho Prcpany, er ICJ :10 make r,palrl lo Iha Ptcpctty then l.cnd,r ,:ioy do 10.· II Ctt'f · •· : .
• &cllcn or prcccadlng Ir ac1MUU1cad that would ma1orl1tl)' ■ rrcct l.cndcr'.2 lnt~ro11s In lh•.Prcpcrty, Ilion I.ender en Granter'• bc!t•lf mai~ -. . ·. ·
but b nal required 10, 10h any aatlan that L1111dar.bcllovos la bo 1pproprl1la ta protoct Landor'• lnlarost,, •All Cll'pons~ lllourud er paid .br._ ·,
, Landor for cuch pWpa111 \Vl!l lhtn ll111 lntarai1 al Iha r111 chargad t.111dcr lh• Credli AaraarMnl rrom tho dato lnoumrd of f.lld by londorta't,.
Iha dela of ropll)'lllonl by Gnntcr,. Aa ivch cn,cn1cs wtl bacama 11 pelt 11f tho lndahtai!noss end, at Lsndct'a 11pllcn, W'J · !Al ba payabl• ...,~
, co demand;, (DI• bo nddad ta 1ha' htinca· cf rho Crarllt Agrumont and Ito appartlonod among and !:a p1y1hla wllh •rrt tnmnmar.t · ·
poymonla to bocoma dLla ·dllrfno cllhct.· 111 tho·lorm cl any 1pp(lo1blo ln1urono0 pallor, or 121 tho romolntn; t•rrn ofj\ho Crodlt.
Aor1cm1n1:"or (CJ l:ia IIOllod ■ a a btUocn pavmrnt Which \Ym ba dua end payablo atllio Crodlt l\~omant'• molll!lty, Tho Mort~•D• ,1,01
Wllf Htl/fa psymont of thuo amountJ. Tho sfghta provfdcd for Ill this pzng11ph shall ba In addition ta 1111'1 o!hcr rbhts er.el,r romod!o, tci,
which Lendor mov be antldod on ucourit or any 110101,II, •Any wch action bV Lendor 1h1ll n•t bo construed cc curlrnJ 1!ia c!af:ul1 •a cYto
b~r ~n~cr from any r~rnady 1hat11 olhaiwr,a w_oul~ hMI ~•~•. . . .... .. . .. •• • . . ••_!,\ : J
WASIRAlltYI D~SE Of '!11~. TIJo _faR~!Jf!J. prcvWor.1 rolnL,g la _owntnhlp_ol ~ frcpclly ~ro ~ ~Ill ~f this r:Jcrtat~c:~ .
lllfo, Gien1ar warrant= thnu (cl Grontcrholc/1 ocod and m11kotcblo Ilda ar record ta tho Property fn loo t!mpla; lroo ind clcsr al an
llm• end oneumbroncaa alhor thin lhoam 111 lorlll In Iha 1!4el P10pc11y,do1crlpU011 or In rmy Ulla lnaumico pi,:;~y, Ulla ropon. er On1I
t11lo opWcn luuod fn rover of; ecd aci:1pud Ly, l.cnd~r In oannoctlan with this Matta1110, and lbJ G11ntor hsc the full rig hr, powor,
en~ &Utl\01l1~ ta IIXOCIIIO ~rul deliver~ t.!ort~gela Linder; ...· • • . . •. • . • • • A, ~\... YJ . . . • . .. .
Dofcnse rif Tl~a. Sut:!cct ta Iha oiiccj,tl011111 Iha pai:igroph abovii, Gr11ntar WorrintJ and wUI fiira\lar doland the lltla ta tho P10por1y
, agrilsi11 thcl l~wM cl:lmc ar all p,r1anc, In lh:J 1v1nt any action er procnd!/111 I• i:c:nmancrid that r;uullan, Gnntcr'.a lll!o er tha
lntorcat er Lendor under 1h11 Mc!lgogo. Grinter 1h1D do lend Iha action u Grantor'a a~ns~ ;'.Griintcr.inay bo ths nom!nd pmy 111
auch pracoadln;, but bndcr 1hc!I bo cntl1lcd ta punlclpclo t:, Iha pracoadln; end ra.bir ronraonlcd .ln'1ha pracacd!tla by cou11Scl or
t..ndot'.s own chclca; and Grinter \'112 dcl!Var, er e1un 10 ba ddlvcrod, ta lander such ln1uumontc os lllndar msy roquut rrom t!rno
ta~~ ta ~rmluu~h portlclpotlon. . ." · • . • •/._, \ '\-_,y' . . ,· ..
compUanco Y/llh lawo •. Gran1ot wonan11 1h11 Iha Pto;ianv end Grontar'.a usa cf .ths ·p,opartv cornpttas Wllh ell awtltla eppUaabla
r_aw,, o~!'•nc~r, •~d !c11ulotl~ns of 11av~r!'mcnlol aut~arllln, . .6'., . ~ '-. ., .. . . . ..
-sur,twt of Pramlu,. 1\11 prcinltoo, 1graomontc.1nd ct11amcnls Orontot;hn rnor!a In Jhb Morta1g11 ahoU ll/lVMI Iha cucullc11 ind,
• dtllvar,' of thb Mc1tgogo;,1h11I ba conllnulng la rr.clllro.cnd 1ha1I rat'noln ln"•full.forca and ulhot untn such 11:na et Dorrawn'a
l.nd~blJ~ncsc b pa~ In full.· . • ..I\.,'>,._ • . Y .· · ·
·COflDEWlAllDll,.This foffawltiO pravlslona rd:tll!g la ccndomibn pracoad!na1 era D (!'Ill ollhla Martgiigal:
Piocaadlngi, • "1ny.pracaari1nii In ccndornnc1lon b Mid, aranfor:'~ri~u .p roin~ nolll~ Lendor In wrllbl;, and Granter ab:11 P.ramptly
ult ■ 111:11· 1top1 as m•v ba· n1:aau,y·10 doland Iha 'ecllon erid'. cbt1!1J Iha ■ward, Grontot r.ioy ha Iha nominal p111y 'l11 cue:,
• praocadlna, l:ln Landor 1hall bo anUll1d lo pa,l!clpall ln,llisprcic!oc!ln11_1rid tr, br, nprucn1od In Iha procrnllr.11 J,y ca1111ul of It■ cwn ,
i:hllll:o, end Grcntor wtl dolivar or c:li,o ta !Jo deCvtrcd ta Lcni!S,•Uch l:11lnnncn11 end documontttlan III may Ira 1cr;u11tod by,
Lo_ndar frcm t!J:n~ ta tlm_a !a pcrmtt ~u:h panlclp,f.:_, \,, . , ) ": . • . • .. . •• · · • •
J\pplle11tl0n al Ilat l'rococd,. If &ti er 1ny p;rr al tho Ptcpcrry J1 c1111domnad by ~lncnt tlomcln proccadlng1 or l,y.criy U11ot1dlng er·
• purch~sa In 114u cl condomnallon, tandar moy at Its olactlon roqll!ro lh:t tll er ,ny parllan or tho nil prccur!r or lilt ow■rd tio cpplfod •
to th ■ lndottalfna11 cr·tha rop11tcrra110T1tlon 111thii P1Ppatiy:. Tfia nor p10r:aod1 cl the awerd ahcU moan th011mrd 1!1orpoymont al·
. all r!o!on•':'o com, ~p~nn~, ~d a1_1~!11~¥?~re~: lnoJl1id by_Lrif!,~C! !n caMcctl4n Willi l~a ca11dojnnellOJ1," ·• • · ·. · ·. '.
IMPOsmorl OFTAXES,•FEES·JUID CIIARGES llY:ODVflllll~Elrl'Al AtmlcnmES, T?ui foUawlng r:,awloris ialatln:i la 11ovcrnmontcl
taxos-, lcoa end chtr;cs ara • part ol this Martg,au_,.. •• · · • · • •• · • · · • ·
• ciincnt Tues, Foai end Chara•~ Up011 request by Land11; Orcnlcr ah~ CXc:IJI;111:h documonts In 11ddl1lcn ta lhls Moitli1110 •nd
1 toh w11,1ovor ci1tiar ccll011 II to~uoncd by tanr!tr ta pirr,011nd contlnua litnr!ar'a Uon en lho naal l'tapany, Gnn1or 1h1U nlmburia ,
Linder ror,1ll ux,;, 111 do1ctlbod 1bolow{togclh1r.wllli all oxp1ns1: lncunod f11'ra0otdln17;.pcrfcotlniJ er ccnllnulno·1hls Mcrtg,gc,,
Including without Umlt~ll=rt riD lnt=n;lblo porscnsl propony taxo,, dotlrmant:ty ~lomp tcxo:, ron,·and clhar oh:roos for rocordlllg or·,
• rcabtorlng th!: Monu:o·e. · · P' · · • · · •·
Taic,;,• Th• ·,auowlll~h)II i:cnstltuta iai:cs wllch this nr:llcn ~ppITa,1 IIJ D ,pccrno tiix, Including vt11hciri llml1itlon an lnionglbla
• p'monal p:op,ny lit, lip11it 1h11 typo al Mc11~cgo _er Upon oU ct inv port or U1a · lndobtadnaas aai::usod by W2 t.lcrtooilci , 12.J • a
1pctlllc: l~x on D0rrov1or which Dorr0war 1, culh011ud er 1oqultod 1a do~uct rrom payment, 011 lh• lndobtrdllcn :mutnd lty 1111s typo
• of Marraaoof• m 'a in an'thb IYjlO cf Mcrtgcoo clmoaaUo 1g1ln1t lho londor or Iha tho ctcdrt A;1aaniiilt; end 111 ••
, spc:lli~U~c'tclJ or~jY panlon·or tho ~o~\a~•! ~ ~ P~\:TI!n!~ _cl pr?'clpel ~d ln!cr~•t m~~o ~Y Bo~\'(Or, : _ : • •
Subsaqaant Toros,'.I.U cny tix whldl 1h11 aoct!M epj,Uu II 11n,01od 1ubuqy1nt lo Iha dota cf lhli Marlg1so, 1h11 eyont ah,11 fisva
lh!).OG!!la'crroct ca an E~anl er D~fcll'lr, and Lander ,nay oxcrcho cny er ell ol !Is 1voP1hla ro111cdlas for ,n Ennl cl D9fault a,
• PrD'lldad b·~tcw unlau Granter elthor 111 p;y, lb bx bdora It bcci,mae dollnquonl, cir 121 con\0111 lha tax 10 pr0\fd1d tbcva In !ho
• . To_x!~r~ U~~ac~ ~n.d dapcsltr with Lon_d4r c111i er a ■ Ulllflon\ corpcr11a •1!111y bant! or athor 1acur[1Y nu1rcct~ry \~ land~r! .•
'SECUflm' I\GfltEMUlTI flrlAr:clNG STATEr.lD'lTS, 'The fO:lov1Jng provla!an1 rolcUn!J lri this i.lortaogoii1 a accirilly og11om1nt tni a port.
ollhl= Mor1aaa01 ·· • • · · • · · · '· · · · · · ·· · ·
• scciiityl\~ai111ont. T!ii. in,11ur:1cnuha!I conot!Niil i, i:ocii,uv ,Agnicm·ont i~ tho oxtcntcny orthi,-Propoiiv con1'ci1utcit f!ltvics, end
Lendor ,hoU ~va all cl tho rlohtJ ar a ncund party undor Iha Uniform Cammarct.l Cllda IIS nmandod from t1m; lo limo;. · ·
' s.·curri.,. i11ii;11i, Up en ro"qUotl by.Lend~,. Grentor ~heir toka wiioiovo"r iollo~ la ·r,..,;0~1,d by lender to-pcrrccl ciiii conrinuii i.,ndari•
, sccur(l't fnlcml In Iha Poracnzl Prcpcrtr, In ar:dlllon ta rccoic!ln11 1h11 Mcttgogo Ill tho raol proporty rcccrd,, lender roay; •t r.riy llm•.
. and \,lthout further 1u\h0rtutlon from Granlcr,:ruo axaautad ooun11rp111s, ccplop er rrproduc:llons cl w, ?Jcrtgtga es a nnanclna
· ,1at1m1nl, Grantor aha!J 1Dlmbur11 Lender for an al<pcn101 lnouuad In pcrla clln11 er continuing thla aocurltr tntorcsl, · UpCII ilclaull;.
Grontor shill not rnnov,, savor er detach tho Porroncl Property !ram thli Property,, Upon doliull; Granter 1h1D 11ncmbla any Poi■ cnol
• Ptoporiy net aflbcod ta Iha PtC11crly In ■ nu:Mcz' and at a placa rouonablt canv1r1hnl lo arontcr cnlf Lcnr!ar end mob II ov;llohla lo·
undor within llvc11 131 r:bya altar rocclpt cl wrllton doinind from 1.anr!or 10 tho 01r.tont pcrriilttod by o~pllc1bl1 r,w. ·
•l\d.iiom;. Tho motina eddro.m i or Grariior°Cdcb1~,1 ~~d lender (iactrrcd. p~r1rl.f111m whlch"llircnn11iron.c'cn~rnin;. tho murlty.

lntcrasl 111anhd by this Mortoo'ao moy tia oblalnod lailth 11i rar;ultod by Iha Unllotm Comnm~l•I Ccdol 110·11 ■ tatod m Iha rrr,1 ptac
•.cl lhls_l!'ollgaga, . • • ·· • . ;· . •. • • · • .
. ~~ll~~osa~~Mii*: AlTO_RI/EY-lii•rn~!~: T~! i~(io"!!inD ptcvl!lon, !Dlotlng I~ ru,~cr anur,nc~• Dfld nt~ornay-rn-ric! Ila I P!li ~r I

'DY. -· •I
oai fj.51:J,·
•. I

'·. ,-,---. -.--------- ---------- :...:_...;...

·•· ·• ·•

. •.
·, FUl1hor A111111nocs, •Al anr llin11, 1711d r,cm tLna ro dma, 11pan rci;unt al Lender, <ir?nlllr wi:r me~, exccura znci, ar wr.i caun
ro ba rnadc, axacutad ar dol!~ai!, la lcn:!ar or ID LDn:!ol'• daalou,, 111d when nq1101tad by_londar, c1u10 ID be 1:ed, raacrdad,
ralllod, ar rorooordc:!, aa Iha casa may ba; ■ t t110h \!11101 and In 1ut11 arncu and placas as lender rnay doom 1pp1ap1lat,,' 111y and an
auch mall9a9cs, dlfld& 0r lrusr, sac111!1y deeds, =acv1lty agracmanl•i lln•ncln; 111111mantc, ccnUnuallon 1tatamcnta, IMWtnonh cl,
f1.111har nsvranca, 1:1111Utc01a1, and other dccumanu 01 ,noy, In Iha aola aplnlcri ar lender; ba,naconiuy er daalrablt In ordar ta
ell101uoto,· 11omplalo, po1r,01,, or frnoiva Ill l!arroW111's end 01111101'• abHgot!o112 'll!ldcr Iha Credit A11mm1nr, thls
M1111gago',1nd Iha natarad Documan1,; and ,12I Iha Uan111nd sacutlry l'Ato1a11s craatad by thlJ Mangaga u 11111 end prior Poni: an.
Iha Prcparty, whether naw 0wncd er haroaf1cr 11c~ll!lad by Granter, Untoai: prohlbltad by law or lander 11aron 10 lhl contraiy In
· wlllln;, Guntor ~b•D rolmbur,a landar fer nil caata and 1>:p1nua·rn."'111ad.h connccUon Wllh tho m1t1D11 1aforrtd.lo "1•lhl•.
paucroph; • · •• · · • •• · · • • •. · · · · · · · •
-,Al~rnor-ln-Fac1: ,i Gron tot rau,.·1D ifo any al tho may
lhlnoi rehricid la,,;. Iha pr;ia°'"ii prira;ioph,' i..;,~dai da ,ii fer and In lh~ n•.ma
,c,I auntor ind 11 a,antar'c 11:rponsa, For ~vcll w,posos, GrCJ1tcr ~raby ltrovoc1bfy appoints Landor 01 Granter'• 111arnoy.fn.f:c1 for. ., .
tha pL"rpcn ar malc!,n, ,,,.,,cllllng, dcl!vo1ln11,, rccord!n~, end da!na •II ethar tl-Jng1 H ~y ba nccaaury er dcaft&ll!.,; ~, lonlfar'c:. -.....;,·· :
-~~la_aptnra~f _1011cc~~pU•~ ~• m_=~!!r& rafc~ad ,ar~ tho pn~!~rnrn11_1o_ro_~ : • •• • • • · ;:--..,~ - ·- •
FULL'PERF0!IMAtlCE. If Dcrrawcr 1nd_G11ntar.p•V 1U tho lndcbtadJ\011 whan du~, tarrntna1a ■ tho crodlt llna aoccw11, 0/ld Grinter,.
ctha,wlro parlormi: all Illa aWcotlq111 lm1101od 11p0n Gr11t1tot Wider \hla f.10110101; Lcnl!er 1h1U 1xocvt11 end do~'V•t to Granter • 1ult1bb ·,
aotl,rcctlcn ar thla 1,lanacca and eu!tablo ctalcrnants al tcnnlnatlcn al ::.ny lln:,lll:lng 11,tcmont an lllo cvlclomln11 Lendor'• ac:wlty lntorcs1 \.>...,
·.1n tho ncn12 and Iha Pai,onal Propony; Gr:ntor wlll poy;rr pormlllcd by cppUcoblo law, cny,100,cnablo tormlltlllon fu ca'dol(rmlncd by·. y
Lendor from limo to llrna, • • · . . '• .. . • : • A \c1
. -- . . -.. . . ..• •• . • •• • • -. • . '. t!\.... .'"i/
'EVENTG OF DEFAULT, · orcntor wm bo In dafault undar thlJ Monga11a II rny ar tho ranm1n11 h:pp1n:• IAJ Gran tor camml11 rrrv:! er rncllcs •
a matDllcl rn!J1cpronntollc11 at any tlm11n·conn1ctlan wlrli Iha C(alflt Agraorntnr. This cari Include, lar axlllf1ple, a falsa £tttambnt abilut,
, Dorrow11'c ar Granlor'$ (ncamo, auatr, Uobtlltlct, ar any athor cspacts •f Bcfl'Dwo,•, or G11nta1'a fl91nctat ccnlfl1lonl',IDI Dorrowor doo1
not IIIDOt tho ro~ylli011t torma ·er th, Cradll A!JrHm•nr. ICJ Guntar', acllon ct ln1ol1on ad~oracly al/acla th" cotlstiii•I or ltndjr'• ·r1ght1
· 1n th11 conm~; 1111• can Include, lor ■ l!lll'lple, lllluta tii ~lntaln ra~u!tod lastlRllcc, wnlo ar d.,truotlva uso 01 th~ dwct!nr,, h111Uo la •
pay t•Ki,, doth al ell ponons Uoblo 011 th• ar:caunl, 1unslor or llllo ar sol~ al tho dwollln;; ucallon or.11-~enlcr ccii•on·1~ dwall!na
wlll_!O'!I_ ~~!t~ ~Dl!"lulc~, f011:~'?Jllla by ~c hold•r or Of!Olhar Uc!'• a! th~"!~ o! r'!fld~ f?C !f!o.d~nrn~r!f~ro!!!_~!lad pUrpalOI! • •
mams AIID ntr,IEDIES OIi DEFAULT, Upcn tho ecamcncn al an tvont er Ddcutr orid at r.ny limo tharaatier, landor, et ltadcr'J: option,
~•Y cinrcl!o any o!'o or rncra or tho rollawlna rlsht• ind nmodlar, In 1ddlllon ta ~llY alh=i rights ~ff!tdlac_f.fll~id by hw; ·
Accelerate Jndcbiadnou, 1-andar ,hoD hayo tho 1lght et Ii• o;Ucn ·rt!thcvt noUca lo GJcntor1io dccliJa Iha onl!io l11dobtadncn
~mo~cl!_I)' ~uo an~ P.•!tblo! lnol~d~g ~~ fl!J•rn"l!tr!n~lly ~M,h Ora~~r\vo'!f~ bo ,toriull(d I~ p.DYp • • •. ." . _ : .•
ucc n1111clllc1, · \Vllh raspecr t;, 1111 er ~ny p11l 01111, Por10nd P"pctty, Lander shall hova au th• rtahtund ronadl:s cf a JDCUrcd
PDIIYU!)d~t~~-~jllf~~~!l:ff!!r~lel~a~,· . • ·• r.,
. '.• . • :y ~~ : . .
• Appoint n_ccolnr, Lcn4cr shell h•V• tho Jlaht to h1va a rocc!vor Cfpotnted ta tclca_pc~,c•olon.o(IIII or 1nv pan cl th, rrcp1ny, Willi
1lho llOWCr to protect and proco,vo tho Property, lo cpcraro Iha Pm;arty,prc~cdllls rorocloauro ar ulo, ccnoct U:t nants rrorn
tha Properly end appft the proccod,, 0vcr end ebova tho coat af tha rccolvauh!p,'ogcln,t tho lndcblodn.,:,. Tho racclvor may 1c1va
•with cut bond II 1mml11td by law, Lindsr'• rfghl to Iha appointment or• receiver s'b4ll oxlst Who th or or not tho"app11on1 v,tuo urtha
f'roporty c,ccud, lha llldoblar!noas by :i svbslln~t amaunr. · Er!lploymant by 11:ndcr.ihan ruit dlsquinty a pa nan lrezn 10rrln11 n 11
·rac:olvor, •· . •· ' ·• · . · ~ " ' · :y" · · · · · ·. · ·
, .i.Jdloial F0rcclosu1a, lcnt!or may abloln II Jud!cldc!ocrao forcclo1inq 010~1oi'.i llliornt In 111 ar ■ny put al Iha Prcp1rty, ' •
D0DchiicyJ1.1dani~nt, · 11 "prirmlllcd by ;ippne.1bl1 l~w, l.ondorni~YC>!ita!n iudgmDnl for iny doiidcncy romDlnl02 in °tho l'Ad1blodiiai1
~Q to LDn~or ■ !IC~ •~pU~ollon !h~ 0_P!0'."!1! r~C!M~ '!c!' ~ i,~~!'r lho_ r~ht! Pi:>Vld•~ In-~· ~o•\1011,. • •. •. . . .
Tcnancrr ct Sulfcranaa, II Orcnlor romol'As In ponoaalon cl·tha-Pr0p11ty .alter 'Iha r,opart)' b aold 111 provldod cbGVll or Lendor
• a1hc1w1Jo boccmos fllllllfcd ta i,o,inolcn c,I tha.P~icil111,iioii" dllcult al Oren tar; Granter slwl Income a tcntnt •t 111llor&noo c,f ·
lander or tho p111chuar of Iha rrcpony and ,ha!J. et Lande,'~ optlori, cllhor· UJ p='f a roasc.,1bla rental fer tho 11,0 or lh:I Prapany, er
121 vi:aa10 Iha P10114rty lmrncrllatcl)' upon tho dcni~nd c,f llndar,' • · • · · .. · • · .... · ··
• • • .. • . • • • ~ 'I. ...... ,,, . • • •• • • • • • • ·;· • • ••
Other n,m1dlo1, Landotaholl hAw an athcr 1lghti: end 1omodlo1 provided In \hl1 Martgago ortha Crodll /lgrcem,nt cravaUeblo cllaw·
orlncquity~ . . I(·· y . · · ·. · :. .
Solii er tho Propcrtr: Ta tha CJctcnt permitted by cppncablo low, Dorrow,r.cnd ountiir heroby wotvo any and eU r!ilhl lo hava ih,
I .Prcportr morahol!crf,, In c:xerclslna l1s rl0h11:cntS,omodlor, Londo! ahal bo rrn to 101111l111t eny part cf tho P,0110111 tcoothor or
.,I ccp:r.toly, Ir, ana 111!0 c,r f,yeoparato ,olos, Landor shell bo anllllod to bid ot a11ypubll4 slllo 011 ell er ony portion er tho Property, · •

I 'll~!lco or'Salc;,Lrindir "'i:i lllV~ 'Gr:nior rcmmblo riotlcii of 1h11 l!:nc ;n:I pltco ar any pub!!c nlo ol tho Parac:nal r1cp1rti_ ci 01 tlio
tlmo 11tar'whlch any prlVJlo nlo 'ar cth·cr.lnlo~od ll!rpoaltlcn ar tht POllanaJ Prope1ty I• to bil made,· noa1enablo n,11:o ,hall main
110tlco given ct least ten 1101 doy'1.boforo Iha limo cl tho ulo or dllpo1ltJon, AnV 1110 of.tho Personal P1opony Illa)' bo modo In
cci~Ju~~on~~~nlor;,_rth,Jloi!]'aporl)'! .. -; • · · · · :.·,_- ·• ·• ·. ·• · ·• ·• ·•· · . •·. •. ·
Daollan al n1111alfio,(I\U 01 Lendor', 1l~h12 ond rcmcdlu will bo armulallve end rnoy ba axcral,od 11lona er togothor, Ari oloctlcn by
londe1 ca choora.ei,y orio r_omady wDI not bar lonc!or.f,om udna anv athar ramcdy, . rr l.1,ndot docldoa ta 1pond mon1y crto perform
eny ol Grontor's_abVaalloni·undorlh!a Marrgsgo, 1!1.1r Orontol'a lcl!\rra ta da n, l111t decision by lcnikr ,Yl!I not arroct lon:fo1'.s•
ta dotl>ra Cr:ntcr In d:lauu end 10 11a1cl1a len~11•• ramodln, · • · • • · .. • • · · • .. · · · ·
'Allamay,•;foi,, £i~nac~: II I.Clntfar 1n,uiu'io, 1ny'~ult or:1~tlcn.lo cnlc1c11 any or Iha lcnnl 01 lhb Mortii=ai, l.ciidoi ahAII iro
1nU1lc~ 10 1ccavcr such cum 111 tho oourt may 11~/Ullao r,ucnal>la H aucmays' rau DI trial end llpon any appeal, \\'h3lhtr ar nol any
ca\.'ll'iicllon f•' lnvcl-Jid, 'and to tha extent nol prchlbRcd Ly hw, di uuana~lo axs:anui l.a:ulcr lncu~ that In llnd11'1 c,pWcn ara
n1c111scry,a1 •ny t!mo rar lha protcct!cn arll1 ln1orc11 er lhi enrc/Clmant al l11 rl~hts 1h1U t11ccm0 11 PIii al Iha !Mtttcc!noss poy,hla
,en dcniind'and 1haQ bur l~tarnl at tho crodltAgmmcnt roro Item tho data cl Jh= upcndlluia unlll rop•ld, E1pon101 cavcrad by•
· lhl1 paiiai.iiph lnaludo, without llmlrollorr, however subject ta any llrnlls uru!or appllcabto raw, lan:!a1•, roc1cnubl1 11tcrnsy,1 r,01 anil
l11nd1f.1•logal D~onsos, whether er nat lhc11 la a f:1Yt1ull,' 11\chld!n; 1eucn1bl1 1ttomoyc• raa, and axpr:iius for b:nl:ru;tcy

praccod'inos (lnoludlna olfell• ta modlf1•0r. vacate any cut0lll1llc 1tay or l~1.111oll•nl, op~ot,, and ::.nv enll:!potad P••l{iidgmcnt ·
collooUc\n service,, \lio coat cf 111111chlna. roocrd,,. obtaining tllla,rcporta •l!nc!lldlng roraclo1u1a rap0rt1J, ,uivaycra• repo!I,, 1nd •
cpp1t.11cl lcoa end Ulla lnsu,anco, ta tho axtanl pcrinlttcd by cpp!lcablo l:w,. Gt:nlcrcl,o v,tl pay any ca1111 co111, In 1dlllllcn la ell
alhcrs~~p,ovldcdby!Jw, · • • •• • · • ·. ... • ... •• •• • .. · · ' :
· iiimcEs, Airy na1ic0 i'ot;ulrod ia bis i;tvcn under this Mortgage, lno:Ud!na wllltout lrnllction ony nol1eo er dcfcull 111d iirj riollca a"r aalo
• ,h~ll bo g!van In wrltlno, i:nd 1haQ bo ol/cc1lvo when a~1u1Ui' delivered, whc11 cctuollV ro~otvcd liy tclola~,tmno [union 01~orvil10 roqu!rod•
by fawJ, whan·dopcsltcd whh o natlcn•II;' 1ccoanl:cd avcrnl.alil cmlor, or, II rnatlcd, wh•n· dopoo!tod In lh• Unllod Shin mlD, as nrn·
clur, c,rtl!lod er raghtercd mDll portego prcpora;c!!Jcctod to th• cdd1011011h0wn cinrtllt l;9glnn!ng or this Morr;,;,, Arrt poison m:V
, ahanga his ::.r hor cddmi ror ncllcos under !his Mo1100aa'by gMng w,111,n no1lco ·10 tho ether pcricn c,r pmons, spcdlJ"111 that Iha
• l)llfpo1a cl t1ia·nollca Is la chllllga tho P•ta•n•• 1dd1css.• Far nolla pur,ous, Grontor cgrao, to Jcoop londor lnlcnnod el 111 limo ■ of
Grnntor'o illurcnl 11dd10u, Unless cthamln provided or rvqulrod by law, II thera t, 111011 than ana 01ontoi', cnr oollca given by JJ,ndar I<> ·
eny Grcntc1 II dnmad to lio nallc11 alvrn ta eU Gran 1011. II w~ bo Glllltcr'• r11pons1W111y 10 loll tho 0th01s er Iha ncllco lmn Lcrmr.
,.~S~EllA~$)us l'IIOVIS!O.Ns.:r110 ,;ifoy,rna ;,.,rcoll~nci~i,~ F!D\'11lcna dlDI pcii 1ii"lhii r-io;1iioao1 .. . • • • ;
Al'!londmi~t,,, \'r'lllt Is wrlUcn fn 11-J, Mo,ta•il• end io tho nar.itod Dcc11m1111s ia.GIAnlar'• onil!a oa-roomant wrih loaclcr ccncomlng
.th, m•IIIP cov1rcd ty lhts Morlgaac,. Ta ba elfocllvo, any c.'11ngo ar ·cm•nlfmont to lhls Mongago mint h 111 wrllln11 end mu,t ba
afgnc~ by whom!~ bo bcuncl c! obl!gotod by~ ~hang~ ara"mandm:nt. · · ·

._ _________________. ·:


. .. ..

· caption }laeli111r.,, C1pllc11 haadlna• In 1h11 Martgoga ua for canvonlenca purpa1a1 anly and era not ta bo u1od la Interpret er dollna ,
· Iha 11rcvWcnc cllhb M•rtaaaa, • • • • ·:· • · · · · •· • • • • · ·· · · · · • •• :-- • • • ·•
• i::av"cmtno lllw. Thi• r11011aaa11. v,t.l be a~verned by ra¥_ia1 la\'( ;ppITc~,. to lander anJ, io Uta Gllllllt nol_ prcon,plad i,y fcdarcf.lcw,'
•tho bw, ol Iha llbla or Flerldo wj\haal reg11d ta 11, 11e11me10 111 law l'l•vlslen,, ·This Merl;oaa hu ba•n naeplad Ly Lendor In 1ha •
SIJU ar Fler!da, •. • . • . • ." • •. · , · •. .. .• • · . • .. ·• •
' c11ci,i ol .Vcnuci, Ir tiwio i, a lswcult; Gran\ar agraoi Up0r1t.andiii'; rcquoit la ~ubrnli ia Iha (111l;dl0itcin 11!ilia a0u11r oi l.lloml·Dada

• Ccunty,'Stclo cf Florida, · • · •• · - • · · •
•Join\ ~nd sa;i;a1· Uebutty, All abl!aalloni: al Dorrowor an·~ G/:nl•_r under lhl•. Mallilsaq .&~•11 Ila Joint 1111. d iovaral, and all roraronc~i__ la ~
· Gronlar 1hall mean acch·ond overt Granter, ,net ell rara11ncn 10 llot/Qwor ,11011 maon cach and avvrt llonawor; •Thi• moan, 1h11
ooch Dorrawar and G1antor1Jgnlll11 below I• IG1parulbla fcrc!I cbUgall•n• L-, llils MartaollO; • · • ·
• •
,,~ \Vcivcr by L;,nde~. Gt~ntoi und;;,1~·~. lc nd1r wui 11~-, niv~ Ill! ~v i,j lende;•~ 'rriihi; umror lhb Mcr1;1go Unlii2• Lemht dee, CD .. . .
Iii writing, Tho flcl 1b1t lundcr da!\Y, or cmtl, to oxcn:l,o any rlghl will not mo1111h:t l.cnd,r h~• alven up !hit rr;hr,, Ir tond1r docsi ·
, cgrot In wlllln1110 ctvo up_cno or Lcnd01•s rights, 1h11 _doea ·1101mccn Grontctwl:I nctm.vo ID i:omptvWllh lho_atllor prcv!alon• cf lhl•· ·
Maira;,aa:· G1c111cr r.liDUiu!ar111nd11h11 II L■ m!ir den con:nnt lo a roqunti thn daa•·not mo111 that G11n10rwlll net hlvo ta not-.,
• Lender•• conaont agllln Jr 11111Jtu1tlon 1t1pprn1 a;1ln, li11ntat r1111h1run~rsl1nds lhBI !11&1 bcCDUm Lendor conionts ID ena crmcro : .
er. G11nlor'11 iaqunta; lhat daac not n101n l.ont!ar wlll bo roqulrod lo con1ont to any cl li11ntar'• ruturo rllli1!all1, lironlar'wclv01 :•.
pto••n~I; ~•~nt! f~rpoymony ~101~,r, ond_notli:o ~f dllho_n~; _ •• . · . · /... •• :'\.\
Scvcr1btu1y, II ii ccun find• that •Ill' pro-.filon cl thl,1 Man111ao I• not~ or 1hauld not ho onlorcod, lhac' ract by lt:o!I \1tl 1101 moaq
1h1t tho rael er 1h11 Mcrtgollo WIii not bo v1Ud er 1nloteod, •-Thorofara, 11 court wCI an!orco tho tut cl tho Fov!slons of lhl$ Mortga110
~V!_!l 11 ~ p~~lcn_ cl tht~ M~llg~~o may~!' r~~ ho lqv~ ~ru_ne~rar~i~l~, · •. . • t · :....._, ·
_ •
Mo1111t, ,Th,ra;,hlll bona niargor cil,lho lnterastcr astalo cr1otod by 1h11 Mor1g1iJo with cnr cthorln\cml or ~1101!.-_'"_··. th.~1°l'1oparty
aJ any limo hald by c! Car tho benoli~ ol Lcndor I'.' ~ny c1p1c!l)'1 wlthcullh• wrlt11ncennnl o lo~~or;: • \:_ .¥ ·. ·
siiccinara and, Subleot la rn)' 1/mltcllc,u ::rtitad !.'I 1h11 Mortgego on ticnafor ol 011intc1'a lnto1a1t, 1h11 Mo1tgog1 1ha!I ba
binding upon end lnura to tho 6anellt cl tho partlc,, thclnucccuors end ualgn,; II cwnmh!p cl thc'Ptepcll)' boccmcc welod In a
parson clhor tha11 Cronlcr, Lander~ wllhcut nollco ID lirantor, mey dccl with G11ntcr's s111:cossc11: wllli"ro!cnincli la this Ucr101aa end
tho lndob1od11eu by way al l01bo111n:a or 0X1ons!e11 \vllhcut reloaslno Grinter Crom tho abUge1lons cl 1h11 Morta•oa or l~hl/11)' undor
Iha lndcl:tadnass. • ·· · · · ·· • ~ '-...V" · · · · ·
1111!~ J! _cl !ho f::'J!'=D• llf!!O I~ cl l'!UJC~~~o In !h_o ro_rfO~:J!C~ ~ri1..i! ~1~110011~! / ~~ }> >:" . .
\'{c1'11 J111y, All p111iu ta llil• 1/1~1lg•go hereby \f:lya th, right to ~y lurr 1'1~ In a11y,11cUon, procc~dJnl1, !'rcaunhrdAl<n ~rccoh~ by
• • ~y_p111y DO~!nsuny a1hor r.artv, lln!Oc! 111!0 · . , , . 'I•. . - ,A_'\(\... --y· . . ..
, DEflllrTIOIIS. TI1~ rattawlno wcids shall h:vo the l~owln:, mcenlncll wJian t11id In Ihle Mor11111c_,:,JY • •
B011aw•r_•. TIIII w01d •oorrower• mazni: lmminco Schncildof Md lncludaa a~_-ataia'nc_r~_iind ca,mikoni a!onlna Iha Cridli Agricmont,
and a~ ll_>Dlt 1u:cm0;und D~!fgnr.: • _ • /4.'\,. ·,~ . . • . .
C1tdl1 Agioerncnt•• -Tha wa,ds .•cn:d!t ·Agroomont• mun ,ho credl11acrurnant·d1fcd 'July 20, 20011, ·with crcdlt.llmlt· or
· ~1,500,DD0.D0 Item Dattawcr,ta Linder, tocaiher wllla.cll·r•ri~wal# af;, rnodiReetlons 0r,.1or1111ne!na• ar,,
,can1el!d'ctlon1 ar, and 1ub11f1ullon1 fctlho ~ssorynoto er cg111cmonr,, iha flnil ina!IIIIIY dc111·01 Iha crcil!t Agr1cm011tlt July 2B, •
-~~to, '!°.11:~T(! OM~rr0~1TII~ C~E_DIT A~II_EEr,mlJ ~ormwi~ ~ v~~~t.El?{TEIIESTJIA~ ·. • • . • . •
Eilwcnmcntol Lllws •.,iha wo1ds •Envlionmontll ll:w.c." m0&11 ciiy end ell atotc, fadonl and load 1tatalu, ra11Ul1tlon1 and cidlncnan
relating ~ tha pro100Ucn-cl'lurman llo3l"1• ar•aflll :cn-.f,1011mon~ lncllrllriil wl1ha111 llml1411a11 tho .Co111?111h1nslvo l"nvi,pnmcnlll
Ro1pcn10; Ccmpenaatlon, and Uobll11y Act cl ·1000, alr"amcndod,-42.>U,s,c•. Scctlon DDDI, ct ecci, l'Ca\CtA'I, Iha S\lp01fund:•
.l\mondtn1nta and l!Qcu1ho1Iu1lan l\cl or tnso, Pub;L.tlo. DD~SD l'SAM'I, tho Ho~rd0111 Mated~• T1cnapbrtallenAd," 49 U,s.c.
,Sccllan 1001, at seq,, tho Roaourco Co111crvct1011 end RicoVrtY /let, 42.U,S.C, Sccllen OSOi; ct r;1cj.; ct other •Jll'l!aabl:I :11110 DI
Jofcrc!_l3i:,s, ~!~~!cfr•o~~llanud~ll~P.11~111/~nt~~!C?:. \ •.">' · . . .· :. · •. · . • ..• :
.Evmtcf Oclav!i. lho words "EYc!)t er Defllllt!.rnoen ~y~lh• ovants cl dcflllll set fallh In thlc M•rt~gc In tho events of dal•ul!
~octlo11 cf th!• Mong~40, • • tf. _y ·· · - · ·
.cront:r•• Tho wcrc1.•a1ani0r- moani Lcurcncii Schnelder end siophcnlo Sclmcldcr, , •
~1111do1a· Subi·b~c~•. Tho \V~ida-~Hez~ i4c~~.suli;tenc~s~ moon,rn:t~del~ tli11, Lomsa·or tlielr quendty, concontmllcn .er
0 0

pby&l:cl, i:hcrnfcll ot.lnlactlous chD1Gcleristlci';rniy ·a~o er pasa a pmanl er potonU~ hazard to h:tm1n haallh \ha 1nvlt01llllcnt •
.when lmpropc1I)' u,ad, t[Oaloif,t:starcd, dlspasod c_r, 11cnc111t~d,.mcnulacwrad, 111n1pc,rad or clhamlso hancled, .. ~ wards
•11~zudous·sub1tnncaa• C/Q used~J.1,1holt;vor1 b:cct!at aen1a emf lnclllda w!lhcut·Cn,Ilatlon cnv·i:nd•&ll'hmrdc111 or 10x!0
, 111bcUncu, motadlf1 ar w11111 ai dcllned bV or l!Jlod under-ti\• E:'.nvlto11111ontd Lowa, Tho torrn •Hczotd011• M1tcncoa• else
lncltldH; Without lfmltaUon, pclrclo~m and poltclcum by-picduc11 cranyfrcollon lhcriol and aoboatae, .
lmpia,onmt1. :ni, w·~imprawn¥nis~ ~Dins cti axlstl1111 end lll!Ura ~i,,~anioriu, biitdl~,; ,tdia"1uru, moblla home, arnxad en
Iha nae! Pr,eporty; fac!1!1ic,, 1dcll!cnrj"rcptacemonturid cth1rcim1tn1ollon en tho Jlacl Prapa11y. · · · · · · •
ln~obtcdo;s,,. ii;}w~id;,;;doblo~~=~· nioui• all prlndpcl; lnuiresi, ~ml ether E!IIOIIIIIS, costs-and oiponscs pll'(ab!a undoriha
Crcl!lt Ac1oomfo1'or,Rcl419d Decurncntr, 10n11her V<lth all nnawall,of,' cxt1ndot11 cl,' rn0'J!l1.cct!oni· af, ccnsc!tdallo:is-cl •nd.
1ubsU1111fans lot thii Cr1dlt Agroomant er. nolctcd •Dccumcnti and znv amouilti DJl!ondcd ar. ac!Vonacd by Landor to dl1c11nr1Ja
: Grtntcr!o cbl!sclloni\cr llCpancot Jnaurrcd by Lander ta cnlarco Grantor•• abllg:tlcns under 1h11 fJcrtocn,, tagith:r wllll L,tcroil en·.
,~c!om...,oitnt~!ls,fJ~do_~ _!~_th!~ r1cr!_ao~o! • . • .. ·! · • • • • - •
Ltndcr,.,:iho ward 'Lcndor• mcc.ns Danie of Cotcl 01blar. It, i11cco11011 end 11ulgns; ,Tha wcid., ".:11ceana1:; er essfgns• mun cnv •
~/son cr.e~mpanyth~tccqulrc1 any lnterui IR t(ii Cradic Acrcomanr.. • _- • · . ·•
Mo7l;1ga. 'Tho Word "Mongoga• mccns tills r.iortgcga bctwaon lirantori:nd lender.
Porran~IP1op~·rty:: iii"o° ward; .!Po~i;;.;, Prep-any• rna~ ·1111 111111ip~an°t, ilitiiias,·and,aihor ar!l::ics ci pauancl r:rcpcrty·,11aw er
~ • hc1ocl10r·11wniid by tlicntar, end now er hcraal1cr allcchcd 11r all!Jcod to tha noel Plapcitr, togi,lhar with all acoonlaiu,·part,, ana ••
• a~i!ltlon1 to, a!J rcpl~oarnon\: 111, cAd aQ 11bbatl111Uon1 fct,_i:ny cl auch ~ap·orty: an_d logolhu \\'Ith cij praond, l1mhnlln2 wllhaU!,
llrnlmlon en lnsurane11 procaod,·and raruncl, er prcmtum1) from Cll'f nllr or ether dlspDllllon ol tha P10part;', • · •
• P1opirir, •jho wcid "Pm,c,ry• niccn, ~i:lleetivcir ilia flat! Pr&ip~rlt ~nd 1111; rcii,~ncl r,ap;ny,. . ~ •.
n;ci 1'1ofi011y: Tho Wllrd• •noni Ptapcri-t' moeri Iha r110I p1cpi111y; ltiicrcsu and tlghU, H flJnha I ,:;,crlbad In ui, i.icr1gase,
• ii,i1iicl Do~umcnis. jha wcrds •notated DaCl/mc~ti; nion~ aii prom!~IOI'/ n~lllri crc1!tu"11reamonu: ia~ iiorocm~J. cn\ircnmontcl
agreement=; 1111:11nllu;. ac~urlly ■ ijlU1111nll,· mo11gcgaa1 decd,f ol Wit,' 11ocu1tt, dead,, cc!lo1c101'morlaego1,· ind c3 · ether
, lnsltL'lllonk, ;groorncnt ■ and dccumonlr, whalhar new or hcroallcr c>thtlng, cxaeulad In cannocllen wtlla tho lnd1bt1tlnau..
'Rent, •. jb~ ;,aid i.nont,~ nic'iii~ all J>imni end lut~a io;is, r~vcnuer, 1-ic~mi,: iu~cr, 1~iit1;;, ptclltr, i111folhc~· t~n~llr1 daitvo·d'
(r~ ~? Propally,. · ·• · ·• • · · •· • ·

•· •· ...e
(~C:J~~'J~':'d). •Pago 6

I EACH GMNTOH"Acitm>wuiur:m
.1EIIMS. . • HAWlG
.•. .• • Ali.
RllAb . . movisioNs OPTHIS MOl1TOAOE', I\ND
. • 1HE • i1Aci1.1111ANTI>il..AGRm TO irs .
J ·:· -
:~ L~~iri cli i~=
I . '

I STA1ECF.· PM4~f ·i.
. r.
·.(#4: Jr. fJ#v -~
c~1nv·o~ : l.

lba fmcoinl fnslnlmanl wa 1aiaiawr1dQad ~,foto cii!i mi . v./1.

IIV ~~cttdar and St9Pbaclo Sclmdlfu, \'rho Ito pars1111ulh' lrllllWll Ill fflD
I :1) t • ('llU,fO · • · ~Ill•~= ~ldld!JOnab
r .:.


..i;'\:rf'.t_.,S ,."~;:'31

. . . . .:. -· I -:-• - --.:..


B ~ · ·•


CFN 20170234342
OR BK2918 7 PG 733
RECORDED 06/28/20 1715:54 :56
Palm Beach County, Florida
Sharon R. Bock


CASE NO.: 502016-CA-009292

1° ~ 0



succe ssor~ merge r to Bank of

Coral Gab ~LC ,

~tif f,

V. ~

THIS CAUSE came on ~ e this Court upon the Motion for Summary Judgm
specially set
filed by First American Bank whi ~s heard by the Court at a 45-minute
~,)) -o~ ,-...,
con si~ ~
hearing on Monday, June 26, 2~n d the Court, having heard and ::C:::o _,
nm a <- "'11
;5~:::r: ~ _
argument from First American Bank, it is
-::co, N_, r
;;g8 .-a m
<C:" :JI:

1. Judgment is GRANTED in favor of Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK,

andPcl'@st '£1 0
. '"" 0
"Tl::::0 O'\
, Florida
2. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, 2295 Galiano Street, Coral Gables
per year.
33134, is due $1,625,072.71 which shall bear interest at the rate of 5.05%
3. The Court finds that Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, is entitled to
. The Court
attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with this action
CFN 20170234342
BOOK 29187 PAGE 734

will retain jurisdiction to determine the total amounts of attorneys' fees, costs and

ex~ nses to which Plaintiff is entitled.

ONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Palm Beach County. Florida on this 2 i,

~\.,w.,>,... .2017.
@ 0

Copies furnishe~

Henry H. Bolz, 111, ~

Keller & Bolz, L L P ~
Attorneys for First n Bank
121 Majorca Avenue, o
Coral Gables, FL 33134 ~

Laurence S. Schneider @
360 E Coconut Palm Road 7'Q:-!>
Boca Raton, FL 33432 V

Stephanie L. Schneider
360 E Coconut Palm Road
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Jay S. Levin, Esq.

Sachs, Sax, Caplan
Attorneys for The Oaks at Boca Raton Property Owners' Association, Inc.
6111 Broken Sound Parkway, N.W., #200,
Boca Raton, FL 33487

Page 2 of 2
CFN 20170234535
OR BK29187 PG 1515
RECORDED 06/28/201716:31:38
Palm Beach County, Florida
Sharon R. Bock

CASE NO.: 502016-CA-009292



successor~rger to Bank of
Coral Gab C,

v. ~
STEPHANIE L. SCH , et al.,
Defendant ~
00 1


THIS CAUSE came on b ~ i s Court upon the Motion for Summary Judgment

filed by First American Bank whic~ heard by the Court at a 45-minute specially set

hearing on Monday, June 26, 20~d the Court, having heard and consid~ :
nmo C... .,,
argument ',rom First American Ban k, It. Is
. :of'T1Z
n>::o §§
-- • r


<c:?= :JC
~gg -o m
1. Judgment is GRANTED in favor of Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, and ag~t 'a O
"'71::0 c:,
r::,;: O"\


2. Amounts Due. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, 2295 Galiano Street, Coral

Gables, Florida 33134, is due:

Principal ............................................................................................. $1,488,554.76

CFN 20170234535
BOOK29187 PAGE 1516

Interest from March 16, 2016 to date of this Judgment ..................... $69,646.52

lorida Ad Valorem/real property taxes for 2014, 2015 and 2016 ..... $66,870.93

I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $1,625,072.21
M~II bear interest at the rate of 5.05% per year.

3. ~of Property. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, holds a lien for the total

sum supe~o all claims or estates of Defendants, on the following described property

in Palm Bea~nty, Florida:

"Lot 37 ofMa Fox Hill Estates of Boca Raton, according to the Plat thereof,
as recordeein Plat Book 87, Page 4, of the Public Records of Palm Beach
County, Flo~

Commonly known a ~ Clrcle Pond Court, Boca Raton, Florida 33496-1002

('Property"). -~ ~
4. Sale of Property. If ~~I sum with interest at the rate described in Paragraph

2 and all costs accrued subseq~to this Judgment are not paid, the Clerk of this Court

shall sell the Property at public sa~~ ~ \D Q....C)\'1, to the highest bidder for
~ \ I
cash, except as prescribed in Para~ 5, at the Courthouse located at 205 N. Dixie

Highway in Palm Beach County in West Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with section

45.031, Florida Statutes (2013), using the following method: By electronic sale beginning

at \O•,cmf\l't\ at the prescribed date at

5. Costs. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, shall advance all subsequent costs of

this action and shall be reimbursed for them by the Clerk if Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN

BANK, is not the purchaser of the Property for sale, provided that the purchaser of the

Property for sale shall be responsible for the documentary stamps payable on the

certificate of title. If Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, is the purchaser, the Clerk shall.

Page 2 of 4
CFN 20170234535
BOOK 29187 PAGE 1517

credit Plaintiff's bid with the total sum with interest and costs accruing subsequent to this

ment, or such part of it as is necessary to pay the bid in full.

istribution of Proceeds. On filing the certificate of title the Clerk shall distribute

tm:>GeEMis of the sale, so far as they are sufficient, by paying: first, all of Plaintiff's

costs; ~ d , documentary stamps affixed to the certificate; third, Plaintiff's attorneys'

fees; fourt~e total sum due to plaintiff, less the items paid, plus interest at the rate

prescribed ~raph 2 from this date to the date of the sale; and by retaining any

remaining amou~nding further order of this Court.

7. Right of R~ption/Right of Possession. On filing the certificate of sale,


Defendants and all p~~ claiming under or against Defendants since the filing of the

Notice of Lis Pendens SNnMriie foreclosed of all estate or claim in the Property and

Defendants' right of redemi~rescribed by section 45.0315, Florida Statutes (2013)

shall be terminated, except as ~ laims or rights under chapter 718 or chapter 720,

Florida Statutes, If any. Upon th~ of the certificate of title, the persona named on

the certificate of title shall be let into ~ssion of the Property.

8. Attorneys' Fees. The Court finds that Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, is

entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with

this action. The Court will retain jurisdiction to determine the total amounts of attorneys'

fees, costs and expenses to which Plaintiff is entitled.

9. Jurisdiction Retained. Jurisdiction of this action is retained to enter further

orders that are proper including, without limitation, a deficiency judgment.



Page 3 of 4
CFN 20170234535
BOOK29187 PAGE 1518






DON~ ORDERED in Chambers in Palm Beach County, Florida on this~

dayof411, 0 ~2017.

~o Circuit Court Joqe

Copies furnished to: ~~

Henry H. Bolz, Ill, Esq. /?5\
Keller & Bolz, LLP ~~
Attorneys for First American Bank~
121 Majorca Avenue, #200 @~
Coral Gables, FL 33134 ~

Laurence S. Schneider
360 E Coconut Palm Road
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Stephanie L. Schneider
360 E Coconut Palm Road
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Jay S. Levin, Esq.

Sachs, Sax, Caplan
Attorneys for The Oaks at Boca Raton Property Owners' Association, Inc.
6111 Broken Sound Parkway, N.W., #200,
Boca Raton, FL 33487

Page 4of 4
CFN 20170244727
Filing# 58504652 E-Filed 06/30/2017 02:13:33 PM OR BK 29205 PG 1606
RECORDED 07/10/2017 10:32:15
Palm Beach County, Florida
Sharon R Bock
THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCµ,T Pgs 15oe-1eo7 ; <2 Pgs)

io ~ 0
CASE NO.: 502016-CA-009292


successo~erger to Bank of
Coral Gab~LC,


v. ~


THIS CAUSE came bef~tlis Court ·on June 26, 2017 upon Plaintiff's, FIRST
- -~ .

AMERICAN BANK, Motion for S u ~ Judgment (bearing a Certificate of Service dated

May 25, -2017) and the Court havin~ed "the aforementioned Motion,


1. Judgment is GRANTED in fav~r of Piaf iltiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, and against


·2. Plaintiff, FIR$T AME81CAN BANK, 2295. Galiano Street, Coral Gables; .Florida

33134, recover from Defendant, LAURENCE S. SCHNEIDER, 360 E Coconut Palm Road

Boca Raton~ FL 33432, Social Security No. , the sum ·of $1,625,072.21,

which shall bear interest at the rat~ of 5~05% per year, for which let ·execution issue.

C'II en. nAI 1U1 DCl\l"U l"l"\111'.ITV C'I C.-Ul\01"\l\1 0 01"\l"V l"I CCV n~/1)/\/,.,n,c-, /\,.,.,.,,.,,,, n u
CFN 20170244727
BOOK29205 PAGE 1607

3. The Court fii:tds that Plaintiff, FIRST AMER.ICAN BANK~ is .entitled to reasonable

neys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in connection with this action. The Court

ain jurisdiction to detennine the ·total amo4nts of attorneys' fees, costs and
oetiSes to which Plaintiff is entitled.

~ERED In Palm Beach County, Florida on this .So day of_ _

9u'dq !~2017.

~ ' Circuit CourtJ

Copi~s furnished "t«]

Henry H. Bolz, Ill, ·Es

Keller & Bolz, LLP
Attorneys for First Amerrc;atll\1:lank
121 Majorca Avenu.e, #2
Coral Gables, FL 33134.

Laurence S. Schneider
360 E Coconut Palm Road
Boca Raton, FL 33432

Stephanie L. Schnelder
360 E Coconut Palm Road
Boca Raton, FL 33432.

Jay S. Levin, Esq.

·Sachs, Sax, Caplan
Attorneys for The Oaks at Boca Raton.Property Owners'. Association, Irie.
6111 Broken Sound Parl<'A'ay; N.W., #200,
Boca Raton, FL 33487

Page 2 of 2
CFN 20170245538
OR BK 29207 PG 353
RECORDED 07/10/201714:02:16
Palm Beach County, Florida
Sharon R. Bock
THE.·FIFTEENTH JUDICiAL Cl'fiCUiT Pgs o353-o 354 ; (2 Pgs)

CAS.E. NO.! 502016~CA-()09292


successor ~~rger to Bank· .of
Coral Gabl~~c.


·. . -~:1

~ -

, , etal.,

Oefelldi!nt 1


THiS cAOSl: came b ~ Gourt on June'2li, Z0-17 upon Plalotiits, FIRST

AME~CAN.BANK, Motio11 fQ1'$Q~~m ent <tiea:ril'!9 a~i'tfficate ot.S e,v~ !'(ajed

May251 2017.) and the Qourt:having granted the-aforementioned Motion,

1•.. Judgment is·GRANTED ·,n favor off>'laintiff; FIRST AMERICAN BANK,.and ~gainst.


.2. Plaintiff; FIRST AME-RICAN .BAN't<1 2295 ·Gaiiano. Street-. Coral Gables-. Florida
'33134, recover from Defendant, LAURENCE.s. :SCHNEIDER, .a·eo :e· co·eonut Palm Road

which shall .bear interest at the rate:.of5.05.%·year,.for which:let.execution .issae.

FTLP.n·PAT.M'RF .At:Ht:OTTNTV FT . SHARONR 'ROr.K r.T.FRK 7/n/?.0171·06-00 PM ···

CFN 20170245538
BOOK 29207 PAGE 354

$, The CO.Uri finds ·that. P-iaintHt. FIRST AMERiCAN BANK; is entitied .to reasonable·
.eys•· ·tees, -cost~ ·';)net e)(pen$$S ' lh conn:ect.i~O With$ action. The Coa,,rt .

'in jurisalction to. .determine· the total amounts ·of attorneys' ·, costs· and
•(lfJlitfl'~ to. Which P.laihtiff j$ ·enttt.led.
~R~D ·in Chambers in Palm Beach.Coonty•.Florida on.Ibis 3o day of_ _ ,


Copies t'umished ~
Hen·ry:H. Bqlz, IU, E $ ~ .
Keliet &·Bolzi LLP . O
.Attomers ·for First:Ameri_ · ·: 'k.
12t Ma,.orca Avenue, -#20 . //4)\
Co~I, Ga.~l~s. FL 33134 ~~

Laurence .s. Schneider t"n..

::=.~L~~3~oad ~
Stephanie L Schnelder
360 E Coconut· Palm Road
BQ~ R~ton, FL.3343'2.

Jay .S. Levin, .Esq.

Sachs, -Sax-, C~plan
Aitomeys ·fdr The Oak$.at Boca. R.atC>h Ptqp~riy' Ow.ners' :Association., I.tie,
61 t1 Broken So.und Parkway,: N.W., #200,,
Boea Raton, FL. 33487

.. . -~, .
FTT .F .n·PAT.MRF.Ar.Hr.OTTNTV FT. ~HARONR ROf'.K f'.T ."P.RK 7/n/?0171 ·06·00PM '.i·· .
CFN 20180392544
Filing# 79291769 E-Filed 10/12/2018 05:09:58 PM OR BK 30184 PG 1587
RECORDED 10/15/201814:45:03
Palm Beach County, Florida

NO.: 502016-CA-009292 AH

or by merger to Bank of
Co~bles, LLC,

~ Plaintiff,

v. ~

Defendants. ((]


THIS CAUSE cam:~ o r e this Court upon the Mandate issued by the Fourth District
Court of Appeal dated Septemo~ 18, and, its Opinion dated July 25, 2018, and
accordingly, this Court enters this ~ e d Final Judgment of Foreclosure as follows:
The Cause having come befo~ Comtupon the Motion for Summuy Judgment filed
by First American Bank which was h e ~ e Court at a 45-minute specially set hearing on
Monday, June 26, 2017, and the Comt, having heard and considered argument fromFirst
American Bank, it is
1. Judgment is GRANTED in favor of Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, and
2. Amounts Due. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, 2295 Galiano Street,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134, is due:
Principal $1,488,554.76
JnterestfromMarch 16, 2016 to date of this Judgment $69,64652

Page 1of4

11 , - " ' '"'A I a. ~r- A"' I " " ' IA.1-r..l r- ■ rl,I I A"'"'"· I l""'I, P--."-""1.1 " ' ,-..,.,, ... ft IA ftlft"A,,.. ftr- I'\,-.,. r,,.. ~- ■
CFN 20180392544
BOOK 30184 PAGE 1588
Case No.50-2016-CA-009292-XXXX-MB 20F4

Florida Ad Valorem'real property taxes for 2014, 2015 and 2016 $66, 87093

Total $1,625,072.21
That shall bear interest at the rate of 5.05% per year. Interest began accruing as of June

6, 2017, the date the FinalJudgmentwas entered

Lien of Property. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, holds a lien for the

~~um superior to all clahm or estates of Defendants, on the following described

p ~ inPalmBeachCounty, Florida:
"Lo~of the Fox Hill Estates of Boca Raton, according to the Plat thereof, as
reco~latBook87, Page 4, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County,
Commonly~nas 17685 Circle Pond Co~ Boca Raton, Florida 33496-1002

("Property"). @
4. Sale o erty. The Comt is withholding having a sale of the Property,

Property and ce · · t the Amended Final Judgment, dated June 30, 2017
("Monetary Judgment''),~ damages has not been satisfied. Upon application by

Plaintiff, FIRST AMERIC~ANK, requesting a sale of the Property and certifying

that the Monetary Judgment ~ n satisfied, this Cow:t shall enter an Onler
instructing the Clerk of Court to e e Property.

5. Costs. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, shall advance all subsequent costs

of this action and shall be reimbursed for them by the Clerk if Plaintiff, FIRST

AMERICAN BANK, is not the purchaser of the Property for sale, provided that the

purchaser of the Property for sale shall be responsible for the documentaly stamps

payable on the certificate of title. If Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, is the

purchaser, the Clerk shall credit Plaintiff's bid with the total sum with interest and costs

accruing subsequent to this Judgment, or such part of it as is necessary to pay the bid in


6. Distn1nrtion of Proceeds. On filing the certificate of title the Clerk shall

distnbute the proceeds of the sale, so far as they are sufficient, by paying: first, all of

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Plaintiff's costs; second, documentary stamps affixed to the certificate; third, Plaintiff's

attorneys' fees; fourth, the total sum due to plaintiff, less the items paid, plus interest at

the rate prescnoed inParagraph2 from this date to the date of the sale; and by retaining

t any remaining amowrt pending further order of this Court

Right of Redemption/Right of Possession. On filing the certificate of sale,

~fljldants and all persons claiming under or against Defendanls since the filing of the

~ e of Lis Pendens shall be foreclosed of all estate or claim in the Property and

D e ~ ' right of redemption as prescnoed by section 45.0315, Florida Statutes

(2013)~e terminated, except as to claims or rights under chapter 718 or chapter 720,

Florida S ~ , if any. Upon the filing of the certificate of title, the person named on the

certificate of~ shall be let into possession of the Property.

8. Attorn,~_..,_, ees. The Court finds that Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, is
!Bk!~nmeys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in comection with

1 retain jurisdiction to determine the total am:>wrts of attorneys'

fees, costs and expense~chPlaintiff is entitled.

9. Jurisdiction Reta~. Jurisdiction of this action is retained to enter further

orders that are proper i n c l ~ u t limitation, a deficiency judgment





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ilNE AND ORDERED in West Palm Beach, P~_Beach County, Florid~.

WJlho so)"rC,,oo,~;,~ _·d#

~ -h /:~·-·4··.·
~ .. 5~-201~~cA-009292-XXXX-A1B ioJiiiioia
~ LlsaS._S~l
~ Judg_e

Copies furnished to:@
Herny H. Bolz, III, Es
Keller & Bolz, ILP
Attorneys for First Ameri __ ~ -~~-
121 Majorca Avenue, #200
Coral Gables, FL 33134 @
Email: [email protected] ~

Ryan D. Gesten, Esq. ({]

The Law Offices of Ryan 0. Geste~
Attorneys for Laurence and Stephani ider
200 South Andrews Avenue, 9th Floo ~
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Email: [email protected]

Aleksandra Novakovich Gonzalez, Esq.

Sachs, Sax, Caplan
Attorneys for The Oaks at Boca Raton Property Owners' Association, Inc.
6111 Broken Sound Parkway, N.W., #200,
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Email: [email protected]

Page4 of4
CFN 20180392544
Filing# '?9291769 E-Filed 10/12/2018 05:09:58 PM OR BK 30184 PG 1587
RECORDED 10/15/2018 14:45:03 .
Palm Beach County, Florida

NO.:502016-CA-009292 AH


ssorby merger to Banlcof
C~tes, LLC,

J111111 i.Biil Uill lllii lflffiflll lllll lllf(Of-
c FN
RECORDED 10/16/2018 10:34:27
PG 0720
Palm Beach Count~, Florida
v. ~ _P9.!_01.20_~ 723; (4P9S)
.. -· - - - ... -· ... -- -·- --
S T E P ~ ~ E R . etal,


_ THIS CAUSE c ~ o r e this Court ~on the Mandate issued by the Fourth District
Court of Appeal dated Septe~,018, and, its Opinion dated July 25, 2018, and
Q .
accordingly, this Court enters Amended Final.Judgment of Foreclosure as follows:
The Cause having com, be%_. Court upon the Motion fur Summuy Judgment filed
by First American Banlcwhich wash~ the Court at a 45-nmD:Jte specially set hearing on
Monday,.June ·26, 2017, and the Court,~ heard and considered argument fromFirst
AmericanBank, it is
1. Judgment is GRANTED infavorofPJaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, and
2. Amounts Due. Plaintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, 2295 Galiano Street,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134, is due:
Principal $1,488,554.76
Interest fromMarch 16, 2016 to dat~ of this Judgment $69,646.52

Page 1 of 4 ·

CFN 20180392544
...,..,"''"'"' "'""'
..... ~'"". ~ .
BOOK 30184 PAGE 1
Case No.50-2016-CA-009292-XXXX-MB 2 OF 4 Page 2 of 4

Florida Ad Valoremlreal property taxes for 2014, 2015 and 2016 $66,87093
Total $1,625,072.21
That shall bear interest at the rate of 5.05% per year. Interest began accruing as of June
26, 2017, the date the FinalJudgmentwas entered.
0 .

~- Lien of P~operty. ·Plaintiff, .FIRST AMERICAN BANK, ho Ids a lien for the
~s~ superior~ all claims or estates of Defendants, on the following· described
. ~eey inPalmBeach Count;y, Florida: ·
" of the Fox Hill Estates of Boca Raton, according to the Plat thereof, as
reco in Plat Book 87, Page 4, of the Public Records of Palm Beach Count;y,
Commonl~wna s 17685 Circle Pond Court, Boca Raton, Flo_rida 33496-1002
("Property'').@ _
4. Sale ~erty. The Court is withholding having a saie of the Property,
pending applicati~.Plain tiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, requesting a sale of the
Property and c e ~ t h e Amended FinalJudgment, da~dJune 30, 2017 ,

("Monetaiy Judgment'~~i ng daimges has not been satisfied Upon application by

Plaintiff, FIRST ~ A N K , requesting a sale of the Property and certifying
·that the Monetary Jud~ment~ t been satisfied, this Court shall enter an <?rder
instructing the Clerk of Co~the Property.
S. Costs. Plaintiff, FIR~~CAN BANK, shall advance all subsequent costs
of this action and shall be reimbursed for them by the Clerk if Plaintiff, FIRST
AMERICAN BANK, is not the purchaser of the Property for sale, provided tbatthe
purchaser of the Property for sale. shall be respomible for the documentary stamps
payable _on the certificate of title. If~laintiff, FIRST AMERICAN BANK, is·the
pw-chaser, the Clerk shall credit Plaintiff's bid with the total sum with interest and costs
accruing subsequent to this Judgment, or such part of it as is necessary to pay the bid in
6. Distribution of Proceeds. On filing ~ certificate of title the Clerk.shall
distribute the proceeds of the sale, so far as they are sufficient, by paying: first, all of

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CFN 20180392544
. ~~""· ......
..,""""''""' ...,...,,.
BOOK 3 0184 PAGE 1 CFN#20180393416
Case No.50-2016-CA-009292-XXXX-MB 3 OF 4 Page 3 of 4

~laintiff's costs; second, docwnentary stamps affixed to the certificate; third, Plaintiff's

attorneys' fees; fourth, the tof:111 sum due to plaintiff, less the ite~ paid, plus interest at
the rate prescribed in Paragraph 2 from this date to the date of the sale; and by retaining
any remiining ~unt pending further order of this Court. .

°J. Right of Redemption/Right of Possession. On filing the certificate of sale,

~~flmdanls and all peISons claiming under or against Defendm$ since 1he fding of the
~ce of Lis Pendem shall be foreclosed of all estate or claim in the Property and

D~nts' right of redemption as prescribed b~ section ~5.0315, Florida.Statutes .

Florida .s,
(20 I ~ be te~ted, except as to claims or righls under chapter 718 or chapter 720,
if any. Upon the filing of the certificate of ~tie, the person named on the
certificate o ~ shall be let into possession of the Property.

8. · Attor~ees. The Court f'mds that Plaintiff~ FJRST AMERICAN BANK, is

entitled to reaso~rneys' fees, costs and expenses incmred in connection with

this action. The Co~retainjurisdiction to de~rmine the total amounts of attorneys'

fees, costs and expe~ "?{hichPtaintiffis entitled

9. , J urisdlctlo~R ~- Jurisdiction of this action is retained to enter further

Qrders that are proper includi~~tthout limitation, a deficiency judgmmt. .





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CFN 20180392544 ...,..,...,,,....,v • """'' • ._,..~....,, -"
BOOK 30184 PAGE 1590 CFN#201803934 16
. Case No.50-2016-CA-009292-XXXX-MB 40F4
Page 4 of 4



t w»

DONE AND O~ERED in West Palm Beach, ~~:Beach Co~, ~lo rid~.. .

;z.·. ,.r~--:, -~·-.

· ~1~·.
o~:ooe2112 ~10~ _·-/?/!?.:
~ ~ sme~-~4.e
·.. s0-20~~::!i2-~- MB . iliiimo11i
~v UsaS•.Saiall
~ . Jwfg_e .

Copies~ d t o : ·

Henry H. a@Esq.
Keller & Bolz,
Attorneys for F----= ~rican Bank

121 Majoroa Ave._,,.K....00

Coral Gables, FL .
Email: hbo lz@lmllerbalr:lk>•

Ryan D. Gesten, Esq.

The Law Offices of Ry·aM~le;
Attorneys for Laurence and~b@l~
200 South Andrews Avenue, ah

Fort Lauderdale, FL33301 /?)\

Email: [email protected] \&~

Aleksandra Novakovich Gorrzalez,~1'.

Sachs, Sax, Caplan • ~h .
Attorneys for The Oaks at Boca Ra~rty Owners~ Association, Inc.
6111 Broken Sound Parle.way, N.W., #200,
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Email: [email protected]

Page4 of4

I hereby certify the foregoing is a true copy of the record in my office

with r e d ~ If any as required by law aS of this day, Oct 16, 2018.
Sharon= I m Beach County, Florida
BY v7. Deputy Clerk




July 25, 2018

CASE NO.: 4D17-2239

L.T. No.: 2016CA009292


Appellant/ Petitioner(s) Appellee / Respondent(s)


ORDERED that the appellee, First America Bank's October 18, 2017 motion for
appellate attorney's fees against appellant Stephanie Schneider is denied.


cc: Jay S. Levin Henry H Bolz Ill John W. Keller Ill

Ryan D. Gesten




Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 1 of 32








successor by merger to Bank of Coral Gables, LLC



Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 15 and L.R. 7.l(c), Plaintiff Laurence Schneider (hereinafter

referred to as "Plaintiff') hereby submits this amended Complaint in response to Defendant First

American Bank's (hereinafter referred to as "FAB") Motion to Dismiss Complaint, pursuant to

Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b) (DE 25):


This action arises out of Defendant's failure to properly service Plaintiffs mortgage loan

in a manner consistent with its legal obligations under: (a) the Real Estate Settlement Procedures

Act (hereinafter referred to as "RESPA"), 12 U.S.C. §§ 2605; (b) the Truth in Lending Act

(hereinafter referred to as "TILA"), 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.; (c) the Home Equity Line of Credit

(hereinafter referred to as "HELOC"), and (d) the resulting defamation to Plaintiff from

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 2 of 32

Defendant's violations of the above. Pursuant to this action, Plaintiff seeks to obtain monetary

civil penalties, a permanent injunction, restitution, disgorgement, monetary damages, and other

equitable relief for Defendant's violations of the aforesaid Acts, breach of contract, and



1. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action because it is brought

under Federal consumer financial law, 12 U.S.C. § 5565(a)(l), as well as it presents a federal

question pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331.

2. This Court has diversity jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332(a) as the amount

in issue in this action exceeds $75,000, exclusive of interest, costs, and attorneys' fees, and is

between citizens of different states (Plaintiff is a citizen of Florida and Defendant is a citizen of


3. A national banking association is a citizen, for diversity purposes, of "the state

designated in its articles of association as its main office." Wachovia Bank v. Schmidt, 546 U.S.

303,318 (2006).

4. This Court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendant pursuant to Fla. Stat. §

48.193 .

5. Venue lies in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because the property

whose mishandling by Defendant is at issue in this present lawsuit lies within the jurisdictional

limits of this Court.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 3 of 32



6. Plaintiff is a citizen and domiciled in Palm Beach County, Florida, and the lawful

owner of a parcel of real property (hereinafter referred to as "Subject Property") located in Palm

Beach County at 17685 Pond Court, Boca Raton, FL 33496.

7. The Subject Property was purchased with a HELOC as Plaintiffs principal


8. The Subject Property is a residential structure containing one to four family housing


9. The mortgage loan in question is a "residential mortgage transaction" as defined

under 15 U.S.C. § 1602(x).

10. The mortgage loan in question is a "federally related mortgage loan" as defined

under 12 U.S.C. § 2602(1).


11. Defendant FAB is an Illinois banking corporation conducting business in Palm

Beach County, Florida, with its principal place of business in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

12. Defendant FAB merged with the Bank of Coral Gables, effective December 5,

2014, acquiring the assets and assuming the contractual obligations of the Bank of Coral Gables.

13. Defendant FAB's deposits or accounts are insured by an agency of the Federal

Government, and is regulated by an agency of the Federal Government.

14. RESPA and TILA are federal consumer financial laws. 12 U.S.C. § 5481(14).

Under Section 1036 of the CFPA, it is unlawful for any covered person "to offer or provide to a

consumer any financial product or service not in conformity with Federal consumer financial law,

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 4 of 32

or otherwise commit any act or omission in violation of a Federal consumer financial law." 12

U.S.C § 5536(a)(l)(A).

15. Violations of RESPA and TILA are therefore violations of Section 1036 of the

CFPA. 12 U.S.C § 5536(a)(l)(A).

16. Defendant FAB is, and at all times relevant to this Amended Complaint, has come

within the definition of "covered persons," as defined by 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6)(A), because it

offers or provides a consumer financial product or service for use by consumers primarily for

personal, family, or household purposes, or that is delivered, offered, or provided in connection

with such a product or service by: servicing mortgage loans; collecting on consumers' mortgage

debts; and marketing and processing and transmitting payments for credit monitoring products,

financial advisory products, and other products that are added on to the accounts of borrowers

whose loans they service ("add-on products"). 12 U.S.C. § 5481(15) (A)(i), (iv), (vii), (viii), and


17. At all times material hereto, Defendant FAB was, and is, a creditor as the term is

defined in 15 U.S.C. § 1602(g).

18. At all times material hereto, Defendant FAB was, and is, an assignee pursuant to

15 U.S.C. § 1641.

19. At all times material hereto, Defendant FAB was, and is, a loan servicer as the term

is defined in 12 U.S.C. § 2605(i)(2), that services the loan obligation secured by a HELOC upon

the Subject Property.

20. The Subject Property is a residential structure containing one to four family housing


Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 5 of 32


21. Plaintiff had a longstanding business relationship with the Bank of Coral Gables,

beginning in 2006.

22. Plaintiff is in the business of acquiring mortgage loans and pools of loans from

numerous lenders, servicers, and mortgage insurance companies since 2005 through three separate

entities: (1) S&A Capital Partners, Inc.; (2) pt Fidelity Loan Servicing, LLC; and (3) Mortgage

Resolution Servicing, LLC.

23. Plaintiff is the principal investor in all three entities, and the Bank of Coral Gables

had provided business lines of credit to S&A Capital Partners, Inc. in the past.

24. Because of Plaintiffs prior excellent business relationship with the Bank of Coral

Gables, he chose them to for his purchase money, federally related first lien mortgage loan, which

Plaintiff executed simultaneously upon the closing and acquisition of the Subject Property.

Execution of HELOC on Subject Property

25. On July 26, 2006, Plaintiff and his wife, Stephanie L. Schneider, purchased the

Subject Property with cash and a cashier's check for $1,427,471,19 to serve as their principal


26. On the same date, Plaintiff closed on a HELOC with the Bank of Coral Cables in

the amount of $1,500,000.00 on the Subject Property. A true and correct copy of the HELOC is

attached hereto as Exhibit A to the Amended Complaint.

27. The HELOC was obtained for personal and household purposes, which included a

substantial amount of interior woodwork, build out and completion of certain design elements of

the home, along with landscaping and required code upgrades, which the HELOC covered.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 6 of 32

28. Plaintiff alleges that the funding for the HELOC was based upon a faulty and

inflated property appraisal performed in March 2006, valuing the home at $2,000,000.00.

29. According to the terms of the HELOC, Plaintiff's payment was due by the

"payment due date."

30. Under the written terms of the HELOC, Plaintiff's payment would be late if it was

not received within 15 days after the "Payment due date" on the periodic statement.

31. The written terms of the HELOC did not specify a fixed day of the month by which

payment must be received.

32. Under the terms of the HELOC, the balance upon which finance charges are

chargeable was determined by the beginning balance of the prior day, to which new advances are

added and from which payments and credits are subtracted. Finance charges are calculated on this

balance daily in accordance with the "daily balance method."

33. The written terms of the HELOC, in relevant part, do not define new advances to

include interest charges.

34. Plaintiff took the first draw on the HELOC on March 3, 2007 and made regular

interest payments by the first of every month, which included interest calculated up to the 15th day

of the prior month.

Bank of Coral Gables' Merger with FAB

35. Upon information and belief, FAB merged with the Bank of Coral Gables sometime

between the months of November and December of 2014.

36. FAB has not provided evidence to Plaintiff that a merger with the Bank of Coral

Gables included an assignment and/or transfer and vested right to the Subject Property or the

executed HELOC.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 7 of 32

37. Plaintiff did not receive any letter of transfer of servicing from FAB or from the

Bank of Coral Gables regarding the subject HELOC. It was only by Plaintiff's own efforts that he

received notification of the merger and/or acquisition by FAB.

FAB's Error(s)

38. Plaintiff's first contact from FAB was by telephone in May 2015, in which FAB

advised Plaintiff that ifhe "did not pay past due amounts owed on the subject HELOC, FAB would


39. During the call, FAB representatives advised the Plaintiff that FAB had merged

with the Bank of Coral Gables, and FAB now owned both his HELOC and underlying mortgage.

40. During the same May 2015 telephone conversation, FAB representatives confirmed

that FAB had sent notification of loan transfer (RESP A Letter) and statements to an incomplete

post office box mailing address and without the Subject Property's city, state, and zip code.

41. Plaintiff advised FAB that all incorrect mail would not necessarily be forwarded,

and that he had not yet received any such forwarded mail from FAB.

42. On May 28, 2015, Plaintiff received wire instructions for the May 1, 2015 and April

1, 2015 payments from FAB representatives.

43 . Plaintiff requested verification of the account number because there was no pre-

existing account or loan number with FAB.

44. FAB advised Plaintiff to continue using the Bank of Coral Gables account number

and his name for identification for wire payment purposes.

Plaintiff Made Timely Payments on the HELOC

45. On May 28, 2015, Plaintiff sent his April 1, 2015 and May 1, 2015 payments by

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 8 of 32

46. On May 29, 2015, upon request, FAB confirmed receipt of payments that were due

on April 1, 2015 and May 1, 2015.

47. On June 1, 2015, Plaintiff wrote to FAB, advising that he had not received an

invoice for his June 1, 2015 payment, and therefore did not know the amount owed for the June 1,

2015 payment.

48. On June 3, 2015, James Kielbasa of FAB apologized to Plaintiff via email for the

late response and advised that the amount due for the June 1, 2015 payment was $4,427.64. Mr.

Kielbasa requested confirmation of receipt of the July 1, 2015 statement.

FAB's Misrepresentations and Misappropriations

and Dual Tracking of Plaintiff's Loan

49. On June 5, 2015, Jennifer Anderson, Vice President at FAB, sent Plaintiff a letter

which acknowledged that FAB' s clerical errors occurred during the recent merger with Bank of

Coral Gables.

50. FAB sent confirmation that it had erroneously printed an incorrect billing address

and due to FAB's clerical error, Plaintiffs payments were "not considered late" [Emphasis


51. Ms. Anderson also stated, "Today, we have asked the credit agencies to correct

your credit file to satisfactory status." Ms. Anderson provided Plaintiff the name, address, phone

number and website information for Experian, Trans Union, Equifax and Innovis.

52. A true and correct copy of the June 5, 2015 Letter from Jennifer Anderson is

attached herewith as Exhibit B to the Amended Complaint.

53. FAB' s clerical error occurred during its merger with the Bank of Coral Gables, and

FAB assured Plaintiff that the delinquencies reported in April 2015 with all three credit bureaus

would be immediately corrected.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 9 of 32

54. This was not done, neither at the time of filing the original Complaint, nor now with

the filing of this Amended Complaint, despite reassurances from FAB, which failure by FAB was,

and is, a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealings, along with the express

terms of the HELOC.

55. FAB, however, has continued to calculate accrued interest on the outstanding

balance, which included the late fees, even though the late fees were represented to Plaintiff as

having been reversed.

56. On June 8, 2015, Plaintiff reaffirmed to FAB that payment for the periodic billing

due June 1, 2015, was immediately made on June 5, 2015, as instructed.

57. On June 20, 2015, Plaintiff wrote to FAB's James Kielbasa, affirming receipt of

the statement for the July 1, 2015 payment due date and confirmed FAB's use of Plaintiff's correct

mailing address.

58. On the same day, Plaintiff sent a written request for the year to date charge/payment

history and a copy of the promissory note to reconcile the interest with the outstanding balance

owed on the HELOC.

59. On June 26, 2015, Plaintiff informed Milton Espinoza, Vice President, and

Commercial Loan Relationship Manager at FAB, that he was continuing to be billed for late

charges prior to the payment due date and that this advanced billing was part of the continuing

problems Plaintiff was encountering with his account.

60. Plaintiff advised FAB that the loan was boarded by FAB with numerous errors,

including a wrong billing address which delayed Plaintiff's receipt of monthly statements, and

made yet another written demand for copies of the note, mortgage, and the year to date payment

history in an attempt to reconcile interest charged and outstanding balance to date.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 10 of 32

61. Milton Espinoza of FAB provided Plaintiff with a partial loan history, which was

dated June 26, 2015, but which neither offered nor provided an explanation of the partial loan

history extracted from FAB's recordkeeping systems.

62. On June 26, 2015, Milton Espinoza emailed Plaintiff portable document format

("PDF") version(s) of the promissory note and mortgage from the Bank of Coral Gables.

63. On June 27, 2015, Plaintiff emailed a written request for explanation to Milton

Espinoza regarding FAB's s July 1, 2015 statement and attached the July statement referenced in

the letter to request clarification about whether the due date was the 1st or 15th of every month,

due to the fact that FAB' s system continued to record payments as late and assessed a late charge

on each of Plaintiff's payments.

64. On July 15, 2015, FAB received $4,055.91 through a wire payment from Plaintiff

for the July 1, 2015 billing amount owed.

65. In July 2015, Plaintiff called the customer servicer number listed on the FAB

periodic statement for clarification of the amount due and confirmation that the account was in

good status; however, the customer service agent could not provide Plaintiff any accurate

information as to either question. After keeping Plaintiff on hold for fifteen minutes, the customer

service representative came back on the phone, informing Plaintiff that he had to check with his

supervisor and would return the call. Plaintiff never received a return call from FAB customer


66. On August 8, 2015, Plaintiff wrote to FAB's Brian Hagan regarding the settlement

of the HELOC, noting the derogatory reporting on credit due to incorrect loan boarding and

incompetence by FAB and provided a copy of the June 5, 2015 letter from Ms. Anderson to

Plaintiff, acknowledging that it was FAB's fault for the billing errors.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 11 of 32

67. On August 28, 2015, FAB received $4,297.83 via a wire payment from Plaintiff.

68. On September 30, 2015, FAB received $3,977.53 via a wire payment from Plaintiff.

69. On the same day, Plaintiff wrote to FAB's authorized representative, Brian Hagan,

confirming his September 30, 2015 payment on the HELOC account, advising of flawed

information in the servicing system of records, directing FAB to apply the payment accordingly,

and noting his frustration concerning FAB' s continuing erroneous and derogatory reporting of the

account, despite numerous requests to FAB to correct the information and Defendant's promises

to do so.

70. On October 1, 2015, Brian Hagan confirmed receipt of Plaintiff's September 30,

2015 payment and requested that Plaintiff call him with any questions regarding the October 1,

2015 payment.

71. On October 27, 2015, Plaintiff again called the FAB's customer service number

listed on the Periodic Billing Statement; however, customer service once again responded that they

were "unable to determine the HELOC account information with accuracy at that time."

72. On October 27, 2015, Plaintiff again wrote to Brian Hagan to address FAB's failure

to address and remediate its flawed systems of records, which continued to report that the HELOC

account was delinquent for six months and more than 30 days past due for October 2015, thereby

fraudulently corrupting Plaintiff's credit worthiness, and resulting in several failed attempts to

secure financing due to FAB' s customer service department's inability to determine the last paid

date and next due date of the mortgage loan.

73. An October 27, 2015 credit report obtained by Plaintiff indicated that FAB had,

contrary to its representation to Plaintiff, reported delinquencies for payments due on September

2015 and October 2015 with all three credit bureaus, along with a balance of $1,495,469.00.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 12 of 32

74. A true and correct copy of the October 27, 2015 credit report is attached hereto as

Exhibit C to the Amended Complaint.

75. According to the October 27, 2015 credit report of Plaintiff, FAB reported the last

activity was in October 2015. According to the tri-merge credit report, FAB reported Plaintiff to

be $3,982 past due. Furthermore, the report stated that Plaintiff was delinquent between 30-59

days late twice, in October 2015 and September 2015.

76. Again, before the month of October had even expired, FAB had already informed

the credit bureaus that Plaintiffs October 1, 2015 payment was already more than 30 days late, in

addition to not removing the late payment notification for the September 1, 2015 HELOC payment.

77. On October 30, 2015, Plaintiff wrote to Brian Hagan to inquire about how FAB

would remediate the continued erroneous credit reporting of the HELOC account and the harm

such erroneous reporting had caused Plaintiff to date. Plaintiff again requested a complete

payment history of the account from origination, as well as a copy of the entire origination file,

along with any and all prior billing statements, notices, and other correspondence pertaining to the

origination and servicing of the loan and asked that the request be deemed a qualified written


78. On the same date, Plaintiff also asked for an explanation for the failure of the

application of the September 2015 payment, as the promised verification did not occur and the

September 2015 payment was not applied properly.

79. On October 30, 2015, Brian Hagan wrote back to thank Plaintiff for the email and

to advise him that the October 1, 2015 payment in the amount of $4,646.05 was due, along with

the November 1, 2015 payment in the amount of $3,823.29. Brian Hagan also requested that the

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Plaintiff provide his personal tax returns and personal financial statement for consideration of a

deed in lieu.

80. On October 30, 2015, FAB received $4,646.05 from Plaintiff.

81. On November 4, 2015, Plaintiff again wrote to FAB's authorized representative,

Brian Hagan, requesting information and documentation regarding the steps F AB had taken to

ensure that the erroneous reporting made by FAB to the credit bureaus had been remedied, as

Plaintiff's credit was continuing to suffer as a direct and proximate result ofFAB's failure to apply

Plaintiff's payments to the HELOC account and continued reporting of negative and inaccurate

information to all credit agencies. Plaintiff specifically cited the need for documentation and

included a copy of the correspondence that FAB sent to the credit agencies, acknowledging that

Plaintiff's payments had been timely.

82. On November 4, 2015, Brian Hagan responded that he was in possession of the

payment history, which would be sent to Plaintiff, and that although he had been advised that the

credit reporting was accurate, he would "double check" and provide Plaintiff with the

correspondence between FAB and the credit reporting agencies regarding the matter. A true and

correct copy of the email exchange between Plaintiff and Brian Hagan is attached hereto as Exhibit

D to the Amended Complaint.

83. No such correspondence was ever [Emphasis Added] received from Brian Hagan

or FAB, and to date, there has been no correction to Plaintiff's credit report.

84. On November 5, 2015, Plaintiff again wrote to Brian Hagan expressing extreme

concern over assurances by FAB employees regarding the accuracy of the credit reporting since

Plaintiff's payments were continuing to be reported as late.

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85. When Plaintiff asked for an explanation from Brian Hagan as to why he was marked

delinquent on the account when Brian Hagan himself confirmed that his status was current,

Plaintiff was advised to deal only with Brian Hagan.

86. Plaintiff alleges that this was specifically because FAB's billing records were

severely corrupted by FAB's multiple clerical errors, misapplication of HELOC payments,

incorrect billing cycles and erroneous boarding of Plaintiff's HELOC information at the time of

merger with the Bank of Coral Gables. The culmination and compounding of these errors made it

impossible for anyone at FAB to provide Plaintiff with timely and accurate information regarding

Plaintiffs federally related mortgage loan.

87. Plaintiff alleges that FAB also wanted to keep the matter contained and not

expanded through inquiries with FAB's loan servicing department.

88. Plaintiff was now to rely on Mr. Hagan's information and communication as to how

much the monthly payment would be each month.

89. Thus, based on FAB's directive, Plaintiff made multiple payments as directed by

Brian Hagan himself.

90. Plaintiff again requested detailed explanations for interest rate calculations, specific

billing cycle information for the months of September 1, 2015, October 1, 2015, and November 1,

2015, and the reason "the information which you have provided to me below and represented to

be accurate differs from the information contained in the bank's servicing system of records for

these two periods."

91. On November 12, 2015, Brian Hagan advised Plaintiff that he had not yet received

the financial information requested by FAB.

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92. On November 16, 2015, Plaintiff communicated with Brian Hagan regarding the

completion of the financial information form and FAB' s requests for information from Plaintiff,

and provided FAB with the documentation requested by FAB, which included tax returns and W-

2 forms.

93. On November 17, 2015, Plaintiff had absolutely no idea of how much his monthly

HELOC payment was supposed to be. Plaintiff, in a show of good faith, wired FAB an arbitrary

amount of $4,500.00.

94. On November 18, 2015, Plaintiff, in his capacity as guarantor of 1st Fidelity Loan

Servicing, received a communication from Ms. Cabrera of Bank United, in which she explains,

"Per our conversation, as part of our loan conditions from time to time we review guarantor's

credit and yours has been addressed. Please provide letter of explanation and supporting

documentation ofresolution to credit report."

95. Apparently, the proof of wired payments and several communications between

Plaintiff and FAB was not sufficient evidence.

96. On November 18, 2015, Brian Hagan advised the Plaintiff that "it looks like FAB

has received everything it needs from [Plaintiff] and will review it promptly." Later the same day,

Plaintiff advised Brian Hagan that because of the false credit information provided by FAB, Bank

United had suspended business lines of credit solely on the basis of the negative reporting on the

personal credit report, which was, and continues to be, erroneous.

97. On November 19, 2015, Brian Hagan and Plaintiff met, but FAB did not provide

Plaintiff with an explanation for or the requested details regarding the loan, payment histories or

the accounting for the HELOC loan. Late the same day, Plaintiff again wrote to FAB to request

remediation of the reporting errors and a letter to rectify the damaging information supplied to

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credit agencies which was destroying Plaintiff's credit rating, score, and worthiness in the eyes of

potential lenders. Furthermore, Plaintiff reminded Mr. Hagan that, "during a QWR, the bank is

required to NOT make any negative reporting to the credit ... repositories."

98. On November 20, 2015, Brian Hagan wrote to Plaintiff regarding possible loss

mitigation options and confirmed that FAB had run a credit report to ensure that Plaintiff's account

was not showing past due payments and that, as agreed, reporting included all payments. Later

the same day, Plaintiff wrote to express his gratitude to Brian Hagan for making corrections to the

credit reports and requested documentation regarding the payment history of the loan since

origination and all executed loan documents.

99. On November 30, 2015, Plaintiff received a letter from Henry Bolz, of Keller &

Bolz, LLP, notifying Plaintiff the he represents FAB. Mr. Bolz' letter stated:

"This letter responds to that email which you sent to Brian Hagan at 3:05 p.m. on
Friday, October 30, 2015. That email can arguably be viewed as an attempt by you to
dispute directly with FAB, in accordance with 15 U.S.C. § 1681s-2(a) (8) of the
Consumer Credit Protection Part of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"),
information that FAB provided to credit reporting agencies earlier this year."

"In accordance with the FCRA, FAB has conducted an investigation and reviewed that
information in which you provided with respect to the disputed late payment
information you identified. After completing its investigation, FAB communicated
with all of the major/national credit reporting agencies and advised them that all of your
past due payment notices have been reversed, and that you had been making all
payments as agreed. This letter is being timely sent to you in accordance with 15 U.S.C.
§ 1681i".

"Your November 18, 2015 (7:48 p.m. EST) and November 19, 2015 (4:37 p.m. EST)
emails to Brian Hagan indicate that in addition to "immediately remediating the
reporting errors" (done), FAB needs to "send any letters needed to rectify the harms"
and identifies the Bank United- I st Fidelity revolving line of credit as having been
affected. Do you still want/need FAB to write to Bank United (or might a letter now
be unnecessary)? Please let me know."

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A true and correct copy of the letter to Plaintiff from Mr. Bolz is attached hereto as Exhibit

E to the Amended Complaint.

100. This was now the fourth time a representative of FAB, or counsel representing

FAB, had acknowledged the ongoing billing errors, and their requirement to rectify FAB systems

of record to properly report Plaintiffs credit file.

101. Mr. Bolz' letter also specifically instructed Plaintiff that all future correspondence

regarding these matters addressed should specifically be with his firm, and not FAB:

"All further requests for information for documents in any fashion relate to any
complaints or disputes that you might have pursuant to the FCRA should be addressed
to the undersigned at the above address of this correspondence."

102. Thus, and based on the above and foregoing, Mr. Bolz has not only admitted that

FAB made errors, but that he was, and is, also aware of the Bank United- I st Fidelity Line of Credit

being terminated due to FAB's reporting errors.

103. According to this letter and a communication confirmed by Mr. Hagan, Plaintiff

was now supposed to receive his payment billing and payment information from Mr. Bolz, who

did not identify himself as a debt collector in his November 30, 2015 letter to Plaintiff.

104. On January 7, 2016 and January 9, 2016, FAB reported Plaintiff was 30 days late

in making a payment on the HELOC. A true and correct copy of the email notifying Defendant

about the derogatory credit reporting on January 7, 2016 and January 9, 2016 is attached hereto as

Exhibit F to the Amended Complaint.

105. Again, since Plaintiff had absolutely no idea of how much his monthly HELOC

payment was supposed to be, on January 14, 2016, Plaintiff wired FAB an arbitrary amount of

$4,800.00 via wire payment. Mr. Hagan confirmed receipt of the payment.

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106. On January 18, 2016, Plaintiff wrote to Henry Bolz and carbon copied Brian Hagan,

Gary Smith, and James Berton ofFAB, to reiterate the ongoing erroneous servicing caused by the

lack of quality control and openly questioned why no one at the bank would investigate, provide

an account history, or review the loan documents, and requested the correction of the false

reporting and a retraction of the erroneous information, which was causing financial difficulties as

a result of the balloon mortgage on the Subject Property.

107. On January 25, 2016, Plaintiff once again had absolutely no idea of how much his

monthly HELOC payment was supposed to be, and thus wired FAB an arbitrary amount of


108. On February 17, 2016, Plaintiff once again wired FAB an arbitrary amount of


109. On March 15, 2016, Plaintiff once again wired FAB an arbitrary amount of


110. On April 6, 2016, Plaintiff once again wiredFAB an arbitrary amount of$4,500.00.

111. On June 13, 2016, Brian Hagan requested that Plaintiff provide FAB with a

completed personal financial statement.

112. On June 30, 2016, Plaintiff wrote to Brian Hagan regarding the sensitive financial

information requested by FAB, and provided attachments to several of Plaintiff's financial forms

that documented the remitted debt.

113. On July 7, 2016, Plaintiff received a delinquency letter from FAB for the months

of May, June, and July 2016, which advised Plaintiff that the current amount owed was $59,481.27,

of which $50,154.44 was due for the June 1, 2016 payment.

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114. Plaintiff alleges that no rational explanation, calculation, or information was

included with the one-page request for payment.

115. On August 9, 2016, Plaintiff contacted Brian Hagan to provide the financial

information requested by FAB.

116. Plaintiff subsequently advised that FAB has caused delinquency and severely

compromised the ability of entities in which he is a guarantor to obtain personal and business credit

on multiple occasions due to FAB' s negligent servicing practices.

117. FAB had not, and to date has not, remedied the past due status of the subject


118. FAB reported to the Equifax credit agency that Plaintiff was 30 days late in making

payment in May 2016, 60 days late in June and July of 2016, and 120 days late every month since.

119. Since April 3, 2017, the TransUnion credit agency has reported that the outstanding

balance has been $1,495,457.00

120. The credit agencies, Equifax and Experian, continue to report an unpaid balance of

$1,708,894.00 and falsely state that the Plaintiff is using 114% of the HELOC limit.

121. On February 20, 2017, an Experian report revealed data that contradicted the verbal

and written statements of FAB and reported no data for the months of January and February 2016,

even though FAB received $9,300.00 on January 25, 2016 from the Plaintiff. A true and correct

copy of the Experian credit report is attached hereto as Exhibit G to the Amended Complaint.

122. FAB has added fees for which no explanation or information has been provided;

and upon information and belief, FAB has added, and will continue to add, fees and costs not

contemplated or agreed to by the HELOC that would make the loan usurious. A true and correct

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copy of a response to a Qualified Written Request made by Plaintiff with a full payment history

until May 24, 2017 is attached as Exhibit H to the Amended Complaint.

123. On June 13, 2016, Brian Hagan forwarded to Plaintiff a package entitled "Personal

Financial Statement.pdf' for the purposes of the bank determining whether other loss mitigation

options were available.

124. On August 8, 2016, Plaintiff followed up with Hagan regarding whether they had

received his completed "Personal Financial Statement.pdf' and there was no response.

125. On August 17, 2016, FAB filed a Notice of Lis Pendens on the Subject Property,

and initiated foreclosure proceedings on the Subject Property.



126. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs.

127. Fundamental functions of a mortgage servicer including processing and applying

borrower payments, communicating accurate payment information to borrowers, and maintaining

loan balance information. Servicers also respond to borrower inquiries, handle loss mitigation

requests and initiate foreclosure proceedings, among other functions.

128. To perform these tasks, servicers input loan and borrower information into

electronic databases, often referred to as systems of record. Systems of record are essential to a

servicer's ability to service loans in accordance with applicable legal requirements. If the

information the servicer inputs into the system of record is inaccurate, or the system itself has

deficiencies that produce inaccurate information even when the servicer inputs correct

information, a servicer can make critical errors that harm borrowers.

129. Upon information and belief, when the Bank of Coral Gables was purchased by

FAB, the boarding of loan information to FAB' s System of Records was full of inaccurate and
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incomplete borrower loan information, as denoted by the fact that the bank had the incorrect

address for Plaintiff and never sent him a Notification of Loan Transfer. F AB inputted inaccurate

and incomplete information causing Plaintiffs loan to be marked late by credit reporting agencies,

as well as inaccurately denoting the true balance of the loan, as indicated on numerous occasions,

as noted above.

130. Plaintiff alleges that FAB' s use of inaccurate and incomplete information to collect

mortgage payments, communicate with Plaintiff about loss mitigation issues, proceed with

foreclosures, and its improper transfer of Plaintiffs loan from Bank of Coral Gables to FAB, is a

violation of RESPA and its implementing regulation, Regulation X.

131. As of January 10, 2014, Section 6(e)(2) and (k)(l)(c) of RESPA, 12 U.S.C. §§

2605(e)(2) and (k)(l )( c), requires FAB to conduct an investigation of a qualified written request

and make appropriate corrections to a consumer's account.

132. The acts and practices described above constitute violations of Section 6(e)(2) and

(k)(l)(c) ofRESPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 2605(e)(2) and (k)(l)(c).

133. RESP A and its implementing regulation, Regulation X, apply to "federally related

mortgage loans," including the servicing of the loan on the Subject Property, the administration of

their escrow accounts, error resolution procedures, force-placed insurance, general servicing

policies and procedures, and loss mitigation procedures.

134. RESP A and Regulation X apply to the conduct of "servicers." Regulation X defines

a servicer as a person "responsible for servicing of a federally related mortgage loan." Under

Regulation X, "servicing" means "receiving any scheduled periodic payments from a borrower

pursuant to the terms of any federally related mortgage loan ... and making the payments to the

owner of the loan or other third parties of principal and interest and such other payments with

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respect to the amounts received from the borrower as may be required pursuant to the terms of the

mortgage servicing loan documents or servicing contract."

135. FAB is a servicer under RESPA and Regulation X because it receives payments

from borrowers pursuant to the terms of federally related mortgage loans and is responsible for,

among other things, distributing the payments to investors who own the borrowers' loans and,

when borrowers' loans include escrow accounts, to the borrowers' taxing authorities or insurance


136. As of January 10, 2014, Regulation X, which the Bureau promulgated pursuant to

Sections 6(j)(3), 6(k)(l )(C), 6(k)(l )(E), provides borrowers with a variety of protections during

their loss mitigation application and foreclosure processes.

137. Under Regulation X, if a servicer receives a loss mitigation application, which is

an oral or written request for a loss mitigation option that is accompanied by any information

required by a servicer for evaluation for a loss mitigation option ("Loss Mitigation Application"),

from borrowers whose mortgage is secured by their principal residence, certain protections are


138. Under Regulation X, if a servicer receives a Loss Mitigation Application 45 days

or more before a foreclosure sale, it must send the borrower an acknowledgement letter within five

days that indicates if the application is complete and, if it is not, states the additional documents

and information that the borrower must submit to complete the application ("Acknowledgment


139. A Loss Mitigation Application is complete under Regulation X when the servicer

has received all of the information it requires from a borrower to evaluate the borrower's

application for all available loss mitigation options ("Complete Application"). An application is

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facially complete under Regulation X if a borrower provides the information and documentation

that the servicer requests in the Acknowledgment Letter or if no additional information is requested

in the Acknowledgment Letter ("Facially Complete Application").

140. Regulation X also requires that, if a servicer receives a Complete Application more

than 37 days before a foreclosure sale, it must evaluate the borrower for all available loss mitigation

options and provide the borrower with a written notice within 30 days indicating, among other

things, whether it will offer the borrower any loss mitigation options.

141. Regulation X also generally prohibits servicers from, among other things,

commencing a first notice of filing of a foreclosure ("First Filing"), obtaining a foreclosure

judgment, or conducting a foreclosure sale if: (1) the servicer discovers that additional information

or corrections to a previously submitted document are required to complete a Facially Complete

Application and the borrower has not had a reasonable opportunity to complete the application;

(2) the servicer has timely received a Complete Application but has not yet evaluated the

application; (3) the time for the borrower to respond to a loss mitigation offer or to appeal a loan

modification denial has not expired; or (4) the borrower is performing upon a loss mitigation

agreement (e.g., a trial loan modification or short-term payment forbearance program).

142. FAB received several Loss Mitigation Applications from Plaintiff.

143. Despite this, FAB made First Filings even though FAB was still evaluating

borrowers' Complete Applications that it had received.

144. FAB has obtained a foreclosure judgment against Plaintiff from whom it received

a Complete Application or Facially Complete Application more than 37 days before a foreclosure

sale, and who: (1) was waiting for FAB to evaluate his Complete Application; (2) still had time to

accept a loss mitigationoffer; (3) were performing upon a loss mitigation agreement; or (4) had

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not been provided with a reasonable opportunity to provide FAB with missing information or

corrected information required to complete a Facially Complete Application.

145. The acts and practices described above constitute violations of Sections 6(j)(3),

6(k)(l)(C), 6(k)(l)(E) and 19(a) ofRESPA, 12 U.S.C. §§ 2605(j)(3), (k)(l)(C), and (k)(l)(E),

and Regulation X, 12C.F.R. §§ 1024.41(b)(2)(i)(B), 1024.41(c)(l)(i) and (ii), 1024.41(f)(2), and


146. Section 6 ofRESPA, 12 U.S.C. 2605(f) states that: "Whoever fails to comply with

any provision of this section shall be liable to the borrower for each such failure in the following

amounts: (1) Individuals In the case of any action by an individual, an amount equal to the sum

of- (A) any actual damages to the borrower as a result of the failure; and (B) any additional

damages, as the court may allow, in the case of a pattern or practice of noncompliance with the

requirements of this section, in an amount not to exceed $2,000."



147. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs.

148. As of January 10, 2014, Regulation Z generally requires FAB, when it receives a

full periodic payment, to credit the payment as of the date of receipt unless the failure to do so

does not result in a charge to the borrower or negative reporting. 12 C.F.R. § 1026.36(c)(l)(i). If

FAB retains a partial payment, or a payment less than the full periodic payment, which it holds in

a suspense or unapplied funds account, FAB must also, after an accumulation of sufficient funds

to cover a periodic payment, treat such funds as a periodic payment. 12 C.F.R. § 1026.36(c)(l)(ii).

149. Further, under Regulation Z, FAB must, subject to certain exceptions, provide

borrowers with a monthly periodic statement or billing statement detailing information such as the

amount due, how FAB will break down and apply monthly payments, all payments received since
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the last statement, the total of all payments received since the beginning of the current calendar

year, all transaction activity since the last statement, and the amount of payments in a suspense or

unapplied funds account. 12 C.F.R. § 1026.41(d).

150. As detailed previously, FAB has failed to timely and appropriately credit full

periodic payments made by Plaintiff as of the date of receipt. The erroneous boarding and

servicing caused FAB to make false statements of material fact consisting of wrong postings of

interest and principal payments and inflated monthly billings that included improper late charges

and fees.

151. FAB has failed to send Plaintiff periodic statements accurate Iy detailing

information such as the amount due, how FAB will break down and apply monthly payments, all

payments received since the last statement, the total of all payments received since the beginning

of the current calendar year, all transaction activity since the last statement, and the amount of

payments in a suspense or unapplied funds account.

152. The acts and practices described above constitute violations of 15 U.S.C. § 1639f,

12 C.F.R. §§ 1026.36(c)(l)(i) and (ii), 1026.41(d).

153. TILA and its implementing regulation, Regulation Z, at 12 C.F.R. § 1026.36(c)(l),

prohibit certain acts and practices and contain certain requirements relating to payment processing

in connection "with a consumer credit transaction secured by a consumer's principal dwelling."

154. "Consumer credit" as defined by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. § 1026.2(a)(12) means,

"credit offered or extended to a consumer primarily for personal, family, or household purposes."

155. "Credit" as defined by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. § 1026.2(a) (14) means "the right

to defer payment of debt or to incur debt and defer its payment."

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156. A "dwelling" as defined by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. § 1026.2(a) (19), means a

"residential structure that contains one to four units, whether or not that structure is attached to

real property. The term includes an individual condominium unit, cooperative unit, mobile home,

and trailer, if it is used as a residence."

157. FAB is the servicer of consumer credit secured by consumers' principal dwellings

where it services mortgages that have been extended to consumers primarily for personal, family,

or household purposes and secure consumers' principalresidential structures that contain one to

four units.

158. Plaintiff is entitled to the following damages for violations of TILA by Defendant

FAB: statutory damages of not less than $400 nor greater than $4000 pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §

1640(a)(2)(A)(iv), and the costs of this action together with a reasonable attorney's fee as

determined by the Court, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1640(a)(3).


159. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs.

160. The contract at issue is the HELOC signed by Plaintiff with the Bank of Coral

Gables, which bank subsequently merged and/or was acquired by FAB.

161. The HELOC, the written contract upon which FAB relies for payments from

Plaintiff, states in relevant part, "to be effective any change or amendment to this mortgage must

be in writing and must be signed by whoever will be bound or obligated by the change or


162. Pursuant to the HELOC, the balance upon which the finance charge is applicable

is to be calculated as follows: "To get the daily balance, we take the beginning balance of your

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Credit Line Account, each day, add new advances and subtract any payments or credits and any

unpaid finance charges."

163. The HELOC defines a specific "payment due date" as "the date on the periodic


164. Since 2007, all statements and course of dealings relating to the HELOC designated

the 1st of the following month as the payment due date.

165. Since 2007, and in the course of business dealings relating to the HELOC, the 15th

of the prior month was designated as the date cutoff for finance charges due by the 1st of the

following month.

166. Since 2007, and in the course of business dealings relating to the HELOC, an

"average daily balance" on the monthly statements was intended for purposes of illustration only.

167. FAB unilaterally changed the periodic finance charge cutoff dates.

168. FAB unilaterally added charges in calculating the daily balance in contravention of


169. FAB employed inadequate and failed processes and systems to board Plaintiffs

loan, and proceeded to erroneously service the loan without remedying the deficiencies in the

onboarding process.

170. FAB's faulty servicing included erroneous porting of the mailing address of

Plaintif~ which caused Plaintiff to fail to receive notices and monthly statements for a period of

more than 5 months, unilateral change to the payment due dates, unilateral change to the cut-off

date for calculation of applicable interest due each payment period, and erroneous application of

payments to interest and principal.

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171. If and when FAB properly took over the servicing of the loan, FAB assumed the

obligations of the HELOC.

172. The erroneous boarding and servicing caused F AB to make false statements of

material fact consisting of wrong postings of interest and principal payments and inflated monthly

billings that included improper late charges and fees.

173. FAB's conduct represented a breach of the HELOC.

174. Along with the contractual breaches, FAB, through its actions, also breached its

contractual covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

17 5. The contractual covenant of good faith and fair dealing required each party to the

contract to be honest in its dealings and to not purposefully take actions that would unfairly prevent

other parties from enjoying their rights or benefits under the contract or disappoint their reasonable

expectations. Good faith and fair dealing in connection with the discharging of performance and

other duties according to their terms means preserving the spirit-not merely the letter-of the

bargain. Evading the spirit of the bargain and abusing the power to specify terms constitutes

examples of bad faith in the performance of contracts.

176. FAB was notified in writing on numerous occasions of the errors by Plaintiff, and

failed time and time again to rectify the flawed servicing processes causing the incorrect data and

faulty reporting to continue.

177. FAB further breached the contractual covenant of good faith and fair dealing when

its representatives stated to Plaintiff that the errors had been corrected and issues rectified when in

fact they had not.

178. FAB, through its representatives, continued to breach the contractual covenant of

good faith and fair dealing by making materially false assertions regarding the corrections and

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rectification of servicing errors while aware that F AB's agents could not ascertain whether or not

they were true or, in the alternative, while FAB's agents knew or should have known that the

statements were false and likely to damage Plaintiff.

179. FAB knew that the continuation of such statements would interfere with Plaintiffs

ability to establish creditworthiness, a necessary component for establishing payment alternatives

and financing as a principal guarantor of other businesses.

180. In failing to disclose all information as required by law and requested by Plaintiff,

FAB willfully rendered imperfect performance, abused the power of the creditor in the HELOC

by unilaterally changing terms, failed to cooperate and hindered Plaintiffs performance, and thus

materially breached the HELOC before Plaintiffs performance became due.

181. FAB further breached the HELOC and the contractual covenant of good faith and

fair dealing contained therein by instituting flawed boarding procedures, failing to provide written

notices to Plaintiff as required, unilaterally changing the terms of the loan, failing to remedy faulty

payment calculations and applications of payments received, starting from January 2015 through

July 2016 that Plaintiff was late each month despite receiving payments as directed, failing to

provide information to the Plaintiff, as requested repeatedly to remedy any issue, and, ultimately,

failing to cooperate and interfering with Plaintiffs continued performance under the HELOC.

182. Plaintiff has been seriously and significantly harmed for damages by Defendant's

breach of the HELOC in an amount to be proven at trial, but not less than $220,000.00.


183. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs.

184. Defendant owed Plaintiff a duty not to publish a false and defamatory statement to

the credit reporting agencies.

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185. Defendant breached that duty in dealing with Plaintiffs credit information by

transmitting and disseminating erroneous, false, and misleading information about the HELOC

loan to the credit reporting agencies.

186. This breach by Defendant caused Plaintiff great harm in the nature of both general

compensatory and special damages pled, as it impeded his ability to conduct his business as lines

of credit were closed and his ability to refinance the mortgage on the Subject Property was


187. Defendant assured Plaintiff that it would correct the errors that it had made and

repair the damage caused to Plaintiff.

188. To date, Defendant has taken no meaningful action to remedy the harm done to

Plaintiff as a result of the defamatory statement by Defendant against Plaintiff.

189. 15 U.S.C. § 1681h(e), states that "no consumer may bring any action or proceeding

in the nature of defamation ... with respect to the reporting of information against ... any person

who furnishes information ... except as to false information furnished with malice or willful intent

to injure such consumer."

190. Proof of malice under Florida law may be established indirectly. Defendant's

persistent failure to correct Plaintiffs credit report in the face of repeated requests by Plaintiff to

do so, and in spite of its own promises, is evidence of malice. Morgan v. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.,

421 F.2d 1241, 1243 (5th Cir. 1970) ("[T]he refusal of the defendant to retract or to issue a

corrected report on request is likewise evidence of malice.").

191. FAB has maliciously defamed Plaintiff, which constitute a pattern or practice of


192. FAB is liable to Plaintiff in an amount to be proven at trial.

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 31 of 32


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court:

1. Award such relief as the Court finds necessary to redress injury to Plaintiff resulting from

Defendant's violations of RESPA and TILA including but not limited to, rescission or

reformation of contracts, restitution, the refund of monies paid, and the disgorgement of

ill-gotten gains;

2. Award Plaintiff monetary civil penalties for each violation of RESP A and TILA as alleged

in this Amended Complaint;

3. Award Plaintiff monetary damages for Defendant's breach of the HELOC; and

4. Award Plaintiff monetary damages for Defendant's malicious defamation to his credit and

impairment on his business lines of credit, and the impairment caused to his ability to

refinance his HELOC loan on the Subject Property.

Plaintiff requests a trial by jury for all issues so triable.

Dated: August 21, 2017

Respectfully Submitted,

By: Isl Brent S. Tantillo

Brent S. Tantillo
[email protected]
1629 K Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: (786) 506-2991
(pro hac vice)


Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 26 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/21/2017 Page 32 of 32

Manjit Singh Gill

[email protected]
6810 N. State Road 7, Suite 300
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
Telephone: (954) 617-8188
Fax: (954) 246-5662

Attorneys for Plaintiff


Counsel for Plaintiff hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was

delivered to the addressee below via transmission of Notice of Electronic Filing generated by

CM/ECF on this 21 st day of August, 2017.

Henry H. Bolz, III

Attorneys for First American Bank
121 Majorca Avenue, #200
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Telephone: (305) 529-8500
Telefax: (305) 529-0228
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Isl Maniit S. Gill

Manjit S. Gill
Florida Bar No. 0189601



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(2/1/2018) .

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 1 of 10








by merger to Bank of Coral Gables, LLC,


THIS CAUSE comes before the Court on Defendant First American Bank's ("First

American") Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction ("Motion"), filed

September 6, 2017. (DE 34). Plaintiff Laurence Schneider ("Schneider") responded on

September 20, 2017, (DE 38), to which First American replied on September 27, 2017 (DE 41).

For the following reasons, the Motion is granted.


This case arises out of First American's alleged mishandling of Schneider's mortgage

loan, and Defendant's ultimate foreclosure on Schneider's home which secured the loan.

(Federal Docket Entry ("FDE") 26). Schneider alleges he and the Bank of Coral Gables

executed a HELOC loan ("the loan"), the proceeds from which Schneider used to purchase a

home ("the Property"). Schneider alleges that in 2014, First American merged with the Bank of

Coral Gables, acquiring its assets, including the bank's rights in Schneider's loan. The terms of

the loan required Schneider to make recurring monthly payments, however the Parties did not

specify a date upon which payment was due each month. Instead, the agreement stated that
Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 2 of 10

payment was due every month by "the payment due date" and payments not received within 15

days of the payment due date were deemed late. (FDE 26 at 6).

Schneider alleges that his first contact with First American was in May of 2015 when a

First American representative called to inform him that he was late in his payments and that if he

did not pay the past-due amounts, First American would foreclose on the mortgage. (FDE 26 at

7). Schneider alleges that he was current in his payments at the time of this phone call. He

alleges that a First American representative later admitted that Schneider was not late on his

payments and that the confusion was due to First American's own clerical mistakes. The

representative allegedly assured Schneider that First American would immediately correct any

delinquencies reported to the credit bureaus. (FDE 26 at 8). Schneider alleges that First

American made many other mistakes in handling his loan, including telling him on other

occasions that he was late in making payments when he was not. He alleges that First American

representatives consistently assured him that their own mistakes caused him to appear late in

their system, however, they recognized that he was not late in his payments. Schneider alleges

that First American repeatedly assured him that they would correct any delinquency reported to

the credit agencies. Schneider alleges that despite First American's assurances, First American

misrepresented to credit bureaus that Schneider was late in his payments and did not cure these


a. Federal Complaint

Schneider alleges that First American violated 12 U.S.C. §§ 2601 et seq. (Real Estate

Settlement Procedures Act ("RESPA")) (Count I); and 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq. (Truth in

Lending Act ("TILA")) (Count II); Schneider also alleges that First American breached the terms

of the Parties' loan agreement (Count Ill); and defamed Schneider (Count IV).

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 3 of 10

a. State Court Complaint

First American initiated foreclosure proceedings on the Property on August 17, 2016 in

the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County Florida in case no.

502016CA009292. (the "State Court proceedings"). Schneider, as Defendant in the foreclosure

action, filed an Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim ("Counterclaim"). The

Counterclaim alleged the Affirmative Defense of Unclean Hands, and in support recited a

summarized account of the allegations contained in the instant federal Complaint. Further,

Schneider alleged the following counterclaims: Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15

U.S.C. § 1681) (Count I); Negligent and/or Fraudulent Misrepresentation (Count II); and

Conversion (Count III). Schneider's Counterclaim supports both Counts I and II with allegations

similar to those alleged in the instant Complaint. On June 27, 2017, the State Court entered a

Final Judgment of Foreclosure against Schneider and Granted First American's Motion for

Summary Judgment. (State Docket Entry (hereinafter "SDE" 125, 126). Schneider appealed the

State Court's entry of judgment and that appeal is currently pending in the Fourth District Court

of Appeals. See Schneider v. First American Bank, et al, 4DI 7-2239 (Fla. 4th DCA 2017).


Defendant argues that I should abstain under the doctrine enunciated by the Supreme

Court in Colorado River. In Colorado River, the Supreme Court recognized that, in certain

"exceptional" circumstances, abstention may be appropriate "due to the presence of a concurrent

state proceeding." Colorado River Water Conservation Dist. v. United States, 424 U.S. 800, 818

(1976). As a threshold matter, for Colorado River to apply, there must be "federal and state

proceedings involv[ing] substantially the same parties and substantially the same issues."

Ambrosia Coal & Const. Co. v. Pages Morales, 368 FJd 1320, 1330 (11th Cir. 2004). Once the

threshold has been met, there are six factors a court considers in determining abstention:

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 4 of 10

(1) whether one of the courts has assumed jurisdiction over property, (2) the
inconvenience of the federal forum, (3) the potential for piecemeal litigation, (4)
the order in which the fora obtained jurisdiction, (5) whether state or federal law
will be applied, and (6) the adequacy of the state court to protect the parties'

Id. at 1331. In addition to the six factors, "'the vexatious or reactive nature of either the federal

or the state litigation may influence the decision whether to defer to a parallel state litigation

under Colorado River."' Id. (quoting Moses H. Cone Memorial Hosp. v. Mercury Constr. Corp.,

460 U.S. 1, 17 n.20 (1983)). Finally, "whether the concurrent cases involve a federal statute that

evinces a policy favoring abstention" is considered as well. Id.

"[T]he decision whether to dismiss a federal action because of parallel state-court

litigation does not rest on a mechanical checklist, but on a careful balancing of the important

factors as they apply in a given case, with the balance heavily weighted in favor of the exercise

of jurisdiction." Moses H. Cone, 460 U.S. at 16. "One factor alone can be the sole motivating

reason for the abstention." Moorer v. Demopolis Waterworks & Sewer Bd., 374 F.3d 994, 997

(11th Cir. 2004).

A. Threshold Issue: Concurrent State Litigation Involving the Same Parties and
Substantially the Same Issues.

As noted above, Schneider appealed the state Court's entry of judgment in favor of First

American and that appeal remains pending in the Fourth District Court of Appeals. First

American argues that the state court proceeding involves substantially the same issue as those

presented here, noting that "they [both] relate to the validity of the [loan] and the Parties'

performance of their obligations under the loan." (DE 34 at 6).

Without specifically distinguishing the two proceedings, Schneider argues that they are

neither related nor parallel. (FDE 38). I find that the two proceedings involve substantially the

same issues. In essence, Schneider's state Counter-Claim and his federal Complaint raise the

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 5 of 10

same issues but seek different relief. Schneider's Counter-claim alleges that First American

improperly serviced the Loan, and therefore, any non-payment or late payment did not constitute

a default on the Loan. (DE 35-1 , 14). Thus, Schneider alleged, foreclosure was inappropriate.

Schneider's federal Complaint alleges that First American improperly serviced the loan and

therefore Schneider is entitled to damages. Both proceedings relate to First American's handling

of Schneider's loan with First American and First American's foreclosure on the Property

securing that loan.

While Schneider's state Counter-Claim and federal Complaint allege somewhat different

causes of action, the allegations giving rise to each cause of action are substantially the same.

For instance, the Counter-Claim alleges that First American violated the Fair Credit Reporting

Act in part by "furnish[ing] information, which in many instances was inaccurate, to the three

major credit bureaus, about Schneider's credit worthiness." (DE 35-1 at 6). In the federal

Complaint, Schneider argues that First American Bank defamed him in part by "disseminating

erroneous, false, and misleading information about the HELOC loan to the credit reporting

agencies." (DE 26 at 30). Both the state and federal pleadings raise the substantially the same

issues regarding whether First American improperly serviced Schneider's loan, and therefore, the

two proceedings involve substantially the same Parties and issues. Accordingly, I find that the

threshold issue is satisfied, and I will therefore consider the six factors.

B. Balancing the Factors

i. Jurisdiction over property.

The first factor the court must consider is "whether one of the courts has assumed

jurisdiction over property." Ambrosia, 368 F.3d at 1332. This factor weighs against abstention

when "neither the district court nor the state circuit court assumed jurisdiction over any

property." Jackson-Platts v. Gen. Elec. Capital Corp., 727 F.3d 1127, 1141 (11th Cir. 2013).

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 6 of 10

Where the state court has asserted jurisdiction over real property, this factor weighs in favor of

abstention. Beepot v. JP. Morgan Chase Nat. Corp. Servs., Inc., No. 3:10-CV-423-J-34, 2011

WL 4529604, at *8 (M.D. Fla. Sept. 30, 2011) ("Most significantly, the Florida court in the State

Court Foreclosure Proceeding has assumed jurisdiction of the Florida property, satisfying the

first, and in this case, the most important factor."). 1 Here, the State Court assumed jurisdiction

over the Property. (FDE 34 at 7). This factor, therefore, weighs in favor of abstention.

ii. Convenience of the federal forum.

The Parties agree that "the convenience of the federal forum is neutral." (FDE 34 at 7;

PDE 38 at 6).

iii. Potential for piecemeal litigation.

First American argues "there is a potential for piecemeal litigation because there is a risk

of inconsistent results." (PDE 34 at 7). Schneider responds that there is no potential for

piecemeal litigation "as any ruling from either court will not affect nor impact the litigation in

the other venue." (PDE 38 at 6). "Run of the mill piecemeal litigation will not do: this factor

does not favor abstention unless the circumstances enveloping those cases will likely lead to

piecemeal litigation that is abnormally excessive or deleterious." Jackson-Platts, 727 F.3d at

1142 (internal quotations omitted). Here, although exercising jurisdiction may lead to

inconsistent results, any piecemeal litigation is not abnormally excessive. Accordingly, this

factor weighs against abstention.

Some district courts have found this factor weighs against abstention unless the federal court
asserts jurisdiction over the property. See e.g., Burdick v. Bank of Am., N.A., 99 F. Supp. 3d
1372, 1377 (S.D. Fla. 2015). However, the language from the Eleventh Circuit in Ambrosia and
Jackson-Platts indicates that either court's assertion of jurisdiction over the property weighs in
favor of abstention.
Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 7 of 10

iv. The order in which jurisdiction was obtained.

Here, the State action was filed on August 17, 2016, while the Federal Action was

initiated on June 13, 2017. However, the fourth factor "should not be measured exclusively by

which complaint was filed first, but rather in terms of how much progress has been made in the

two actions." Ambrosia, 368 F.3d at 1333 (quoting Moses H Cone, 460 U.S. at 21). First

American argues that the State foreclosure proceeding was filed 10 months before this

proceeding and notes that the State Court has already entered Final Judgment, whereas the

Parties in this action have not yet begun discovery. (FDE 34 at 8). Schneider apparently

concedes that this factor weighs in favor of abstention as he does not address it in his Response.

Given the entry of Final Judgment in the State case and the fact that the Parties have not yet

begun discovery in this proceeding, this factor weighs in favor of abstention.

v. State versus federal law.

First American argues that both proceedings are "at their cores, disputes over [the

Property] and the validity, and enforceability of the loan instruments secured by the Property ...

[which are] signally[] state law concern[s]." (FDE 34 at 8) (citation omitted). Schneider argues

that in this case, "the principal law at issue to be applied to the facts is federal law, unlike the

purely state law based claims raised in the state court foreclosure proceedings." (FDE 38 at 7).

The federal Complaint alleges causes of action under both federal and state law. However, it

does not present any "complex questions of state law that a state court might be best suited to

resolve" and therefore, I find that this factor is neutral. Noonan South, Inc. v. Volusia County,

841 F.2d 380,382 (11th Cir. 1988).

vi. Adequacy of the state court.

First American argues that Florida State Court is best suited to protect the Parties' rights

as this is fundamentally a dispute relating to real property in Florida, citing Preston v. Fishman,

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 8 of 10

2011 WL 129843 (M.D. Fla. 2011) ("[t]he state forum enJoys a surpassing advantage in

experience in, and knowledge of, foreclosure and pertinent state property law."). Schneider

responds that "the state court proceedings will not adequately protect [his] rights under federal

law" without providing any reasons why he believes that to be the case. (FDE 38 at 7).

Schneider's contention is especially unpersuasive in light of the fact that Schneider's state
Counter-claim in the state proceedings seeks relief under federal law. (FDE 35-1). Further,

"Florida state courts routinely entertain federal statutory TILA, RESP A and FDCP A claims, and

common law claims, as counterclaims or affirmative defenses in state foreclosure actions."

Beepot v. JP. Morgan Chase Nat. Corp. Servs., Inc., No. 3:10-CV-423-J-34, 2011 WL 4529604,

at *8 (M.D. Fla. Sept. 30, 2011) ("citing Harper v. Chase Manhattan Bank, 138 Fed. Appx., 130,

133 n.2). Accordingly, the state court can protect Schneider's rights. The "fact that both forums

are adequate to protect the parties' rights merely renders this factor neutral." Jackson-Platts, 727

F.3d at 1143 (internal quotations omitted).

C. Reactive nature of the instant litigation.

A court should consider the "sequence of events," in determining whether a case is

vexatious and reactive. Lops v. Lops, 140 F.3d 927, 964 (11th Cir. 1998) (citing Allen v.

Louisiana State Bd. of Dentistry, 835 F.2d 100, 105 (5th Cir. 1988)). The sequence of events

here suggests that Schneider's choice to file this action was at least in part reactive to the state

court proceedings. It appears that on June 12, 2017, the Parties attended a hearing before Judge

Ferrara in the State Foreclosure proceeding. (SOE 105, 106). The very next day, on June 13,

2017, Schneider filed this action. (FDE 1). Two weeks later, on June 27, 2017, the State Court

entered a Final Judgment of Foreclosure against Schneider and Granted First American's Motion

As noted above, Count I of Schneider's state Counter-claim alleges that Defendant violated the
Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681).
Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 9 of 10

for Summary Judgment. (SDE 125, 126). To the extent a timeline can shed light on whether a

party's filing a federal complaint was "vexatious or reactive" to a pending state court proceeding,

I find that the timeline here suggests that Schneider's choice to file the federal complaint may

have been, in part, reactive to the state court proceedings. Schneider fails to address this policy

consideration in his response and provides no explanation as to why he filed the federal action

when he did. Accordingly, the reactive nature of this suit weighs in favor of abstention.

D. Policy in favor of abstention.

Defendant argues that because RESP A provides concurrent jurisdiction in state and

federal courts, the statute evinces a policy favoring abstention. (FDE 34 at 8). The fact that a

statute provides concurrent jurisdiction in both state and federal courts is insufficient by itself to

demonstrate a policy favoring abstention. See Willson v. Bank of America, NA., 684 Fed. Appx.

897 (11th Cir. 2017) ("Although it is true that the statute at issue in Colorado River granted

concurrent state and federal jurisdiction, ... it was 'the clear federal policy for the avoidance of

piecemeal adjudication of water rights in a river system; that evinced a policy favoring

abstention.'"). Finding no other evidence indicating a policy favoring abstention, I find that this

factor is neutral.


Having reviewed the Colorado River factors-noting that the jurisdiction over property,

the order in which jurisdiction was obtained, and the reactive nature of this action each weigh in

favor of abstention-I find abstention is warranted under these circumstances. This conclusion

is in line with other cases similarly finding that Colorado River abstention is appropriate where

there is an ongoing foreclosure action. See e.g., Willson v. Bank of America, NA., 684 Fed.

Appx. 897 (11th Cir. 2017) (affirming district court's choice to abstain from exercising

jurisdiction over a case involving RESP A claims where a concurrent state foreclosure action was

Case 9:17-cv-80728-DMM Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 02/01/2018 Page 10 of 10

pending in state appellate court under Colorado River); Delaney v. Specialized Loan Servicing,

LLC, No. 15 C 5260, 2015 WL 7776902, at *4 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 3, 2015) (abstaining under

Colorado River from adjudicating RESP A claims in light of ongoing foreclosure action and

compiling cases finding the same); Shedd v. Bank of Am., N.A., No. 4:13-CV-18 CDL, 2013 WL

4056359, at *7 (M.D. Ga. 2013) (abstaining under Colorado River based on concurrent

foreclosure action).

"[A] stay, not a dismissal, is the proper procedural mechanism for a district court to

employ when deferring to a parallel state-court proceeding under the Colorado River doctrine."

Moorer, 374 F.3d at 998. A stay is, therefore, appropriate. Accordingly, it is hereby

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Defendant First American Bank's Motion Asking

the Court Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction (DE 34) is GRANTED. This case is STAYED

pending final resolution of the foreclosure action. All pending motions are DENIED without

prejudice subject to refiling if and when the stay is lifted. The Clerk of Court shall

administratively CLOSE this case. All deadlines, including the trial date, are TERMINATED.

Any motion to lift the stay must be filed within 20 days of the resolution of the state foreclosure


DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in West Palm Beach, Fl

of January, 2018.

Copies to: Counsel of Record UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE

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