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Owen R.

Largo BIT – CT 3B DAY 12/10/2021


In this project I will build my own lock system that only can be unlocked by knocking 3
times. For this project I need 3 different color Led, some resistors, a switch, a capacitor and a
servomotor. By pressing the button, the system will get locked, which will be indicated by the
red LED. The knocks will be captured by the buzzer and each time it detects a knock the yellow
LED will blink once. When I had knocked 3 times, the servomotor will turn 90 degrees and the
green led will be on. Indicating that the system is unlocked. I need to connect the buzzer to an
analogic pin, due it generates a wide data range, not only 1 or 0. The 3 LED’s will be connected
to digital outputs, and the signal pin of the servomotor will be connected to a digital pin too.
But remember to connect it to pin that can act like an analogic output trough PWM. The
capacitor’s function is to stabilize the electric signal. The main objective of the program is to
turn 90 degrees the servomotor and turn the red light on when the button is pressed. Then, it
will start the knock countdown. Each time the buzzer detects a knock the yellow light will blink.
When the system has detected 3 knocks will return the servo to its natural position and turn
the green light on.

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