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A Project Report on


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirement for the problem solving in python
Bachelor of technology
Computer Science and Engineering


M.Harsha Vardhan



T.Chandan kumar

G.Bharadwaj Muneendra


Under the Guidance of

Dr.Pvs Shiva Prasad
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
(Formerly Anurag Group of Institutions)
(An Autonomous Institution, Approved by AICTE and NBA Accredited)
Venkatapur(V),Gatkesar(M),Medchal(D)., T.S-500088
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

This is to certify that the project entitled “information generator for medicine
bags” is being submitted by M.Harsha Vardhan ,T.Chandan kuma,
G.Bharadwaj Muneendra and P.Manikyaraju bearing the Hall ticket numbers
21EG105H39 ,21EG105H57 ,21EG105H14 ,21EG105H65 ,21EG105H46 in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of the
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering to Anurag
University (Formerly CVSR College of Engineering) is a record of bonafide work
carried out by them under our guidance and supervision from September
20222 to October 2022. The results presented in this project have been
verified and found to be satisfactory. The results embodied in this report have
not been submitted to any other University for the award of any degree or
Internal Guide External Examiner
Dr. Pvs Shiva Prasad
Associate Professor

Dept. of CSE
Dr. G Vishnu Murthy
Professor & Head (Dept of. CSE)

We here by declare that the project work entitled “information generator

for medicine bags” submitted to the Anurag University (Formerly CVSR
College of Engineering) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer
Science and Engineering is a record of an original work done by us under
the guidance of Dr. Pvs Shiva Prasad, Associate professor and this
project work has not been submitted to any other university for the award of
any other degree or diploma.

M.Harsha Vardhan D.vishnupreetham

21EG105H39 21EG105H14

T.Chandan kumar G.Bharadwaj Muneendra

21EG105H56 21EG105H65


It is our privilege and pleasure to express profound sense of respect, gratitude and
indebtedness to our guide Dr.Pvs Shiva Prasad, Associate professor, Dept. Of
Computer Science and Engineering, Anurag University (Formerly CVSR College of
Engineering), for his/her indefatigable inspiration, guidance, cogent discussion, constructive
criticisms and encouragement throughout this dissertation work.
We express our sincere gratitude to Dr. G. Vishnu Murthy, Professor &
Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anurag University (Formerly
CVSR College of Engineering), for his suggestions, motivations and co-operation for the
Successful completion of the work.
We extend our sincere thanks to Dr. V. Vijaya Kumar, Dean, research
and Development, Anurag University, for his encouragement and constant help.

M.Harsha Vardhan D.vishnupreetham

21EG105H39 21EG105H14

T.Chandan kumar G.Bharadwaj Muneendra

21EG105H56 21EG105H6

Problem Statement:

The software application should output the information about the intravenous
Medications such as quantity of the fluid to be infused and the rate at which
it should be infused into blood. This information will be printed on the labels
which are attached to the medicine bags by the pharmacists.

The relavant formulas to caliculate the required information –

1litre = 1000 millilitres

1 hour = 60 minutes

Rate of infusion = volume of infusion /time of infusion

Basically the quantity (or) volume of the fluid of medicine is defined as the
integer ,whose units are ml and the time of infusion is also defined as
integer whose units are minutes.
Software Requirements:

The functional requirements or the overall description documents

include the product perspective and features, operating system and
operating environment, graphics requirements. design constraints and
user documentation. The appropriation of requirements and
implementation constraints gives the general overview of the project in
regards to what the areas of strength and deficit are and how to tackle
 Python
 Visual Studio code
 PyCharm
 Jupyter
Minimum hardware requirements are very dependent on the particular
software being developed by a given a thought Python/PyCharm/ VS
Code user. Applications that need to store large arrays/objects in
memory will require more RAM, whereas applications that need to
perform numerous calculations or tasks more quickly will require a
faster processor.
 Operating system : Windows/Linux
 Processor : minimum intel i3
 Ram :minimum
Requirement specification:
The required inputs to calculate the information for labels are 1.volume
(or) quantity of the fluid to be infused into blood. 2.No of minutes over
which it should be infused.
Ex : enter the volume of medicine

Basically the quantity (or) volume of the fluid of medicine is defined as

the integer ,whose units are ml and the time of infusion is also defined as
integer whose units are minutes.

 Declaring the variables of volume as vol, units as v_units
and time of infusion as time and reading or inputing the
data from the user
 Changing the units of the volume from litre to millilitre if
the user enters the volume in litres

 Calculating the rate of infusion of medicine by using the formula

rate = vol/(time/60) ml/hr
 .printing the whole information such as volume of infusion and
rate in a string variable

Output: Printing the medicine information on to the console

Code of the Project:
i = 0
while 1:
print('''press -
'n' - to make new label
'p' - to get previous label''')
command = input('command: ').lower()
if command == 'n':
vol = int(input('''
volume of medicine to be infuced : '''))
v_unit = input('volume in "ml" or "l": ')
time = int(input('time of infusion in minutes: '))

if v_unit.lower() == 'l':
vol = vol * 1000
rate = vol / (time/60)
label = f'''
|********************** MEDICINE USAGE INFORMATION ***************** |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| |
| volume of medicine to ,be infused = {vol} ml
| --------------------------------- |
| |
| rate of infusion = {rate} ml/hr
| ---------------- |
| |
| |
elif command == 'p' and i>0:
here is your previous label!''')
elif command == 'p' and i==0:
print('sorry! you did not make any label before.')
please enter the correct option!''')

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