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Teacher’s Resource

Sue Parminter
With Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson
Introduction Page 4

This year’s trip Page 6

Our beautiful planet Page 16

Let’s celebrate! Page 26

Time of our lives Page 36

Let it snow! Page 46

Working together Page 56

Then and now Page 66

Space travel Page 76

Great bakers Page 86

This Teacher’s Resource Bank is designed to help you and Skills worksheets
your learners make the most of Power Up Level 4. There There are also two Skills worksheets per unit. These
are eight photocopiable worksheets for each unit, as well offer further practice of Listening, Reading, Writing
as teaching notes. and Speaking skills. Two skills are practised on each
worksheet, and the combination of skills varies between
What do the photocopiable worksheets units. In this way, there is a balance between productive
provide? and receptive skills in each unit. The worksheets focus on
The worksheets have been carefully designed to reinforce language from that particular unit, but they also recycle
and provide extra practice of the language and skills language from earlier units. The pairs of worksheets in
taught through the Pupil’s Book and Activity Book, with each unit are linked by their topic, which helps increase
the exception of the inclusion of some relevant topic learner confidence and motivation, and the activities
vocabulary in the Culture worksheets. contain fun or interesting information relevant to their
age group, which often encourages the learners to use
Each worksheet has accompanying teaching notes with their imagination.
suggestions for exploitation in the classroom, along with
answer keys and audioscripts. The teaching notes also The Skills worksheets are to be used in a mixture of ways,
include optional follow-up tasks, or in some cases pre- individually, in pairs or with the whole class. Tasks are
activity tasks, which are suitable for providing either extra varied and several task types are similar to those in the
support or extra challenge. Cambridge Flyers Test. There are a variety of listening
activities, all of which are practised in the Pupil’s Book and
Vocabulary practice worksheets Activity Book. Speaking activities usually have some kind
There are two Vocabulary worksheets per unit. These of information-gap element and require learners to work
worksheets reinforce each of the two new lexical sets in pairs or groups to share information and complete a
taught in the unit. The level of the activities progresses task or fill out a table. The teaching notes support you in
throughout the course. Activities in the Vocabulary setting up these tasks.
worksheets are varied and fun and using them also helps
The reading tasks are varied and include a range of text
learners to develop other skills, such as fine motor skills,
types and several task types. The writing tasks often
categorising, sequencing and drawing.
provide a model text and learners are asked to complete
Grammar practice worksheets a short text of their own, which is usually personalised.
There are two worksheets per unit which focus on the two This writing output is always supported and the level of
main grammar points presented in each unit. In these scaffolding reduces as the course progresses. Learners are
worksheets, activities use known vocabulary with the encouraged to be creative through these writing tasks and
new grammar point and provide practice in the context are sometimes asked to plan them in pairs or groups.
of the unit topic. Activities include writing answers, fun
Mission worksheets
games, interactive activities, personalisation activities
There are nine worksheets for the Mission sections, so one
and speaking activities. You can use the worksheets with
per unit. Each Mission, or project, has been broken down
learners or pairs of learners who finish classwork quickly.
into four different stages, occurring at different points in
Alternatively, you can use them with learners who need
the unit. The Mission worksheets support one or more of
further reinforcement of a particular grammar point.
these stages, depending on what is needed. They provide
some kind of output task which contributes to the whole
project. You may like to print and photocopy these pages
at a larger size to allow learners more room to record their
ideas. Generally these activities have a communicative
focus and work will be carried out in either pairs or groups,
and will require some teacher input. See the Teacher’s
Book Introduction for further information on the Missions.

Culture worksheets Learner portfolios
The Culture worksheets extend the cross-curricular lesson Many of the worksheets also lend themselves to being
topic of each unit and provide an opportunity to look at compiled and stored so that learners have a record of their
traditions and practices from other countries in some work for the year and they can see the progress they have
detail. The new content is still linked to the unit topic and made and reflect on the work they have done. Compiling
is presented via authentic text types, such as pamphlets, a portfolio can develop learner autonomy and is a good
podcasts and blogs. The worksheets focus on reading way to increase parental involvement, since it can be
or listening skills, followed by some written output. The shared with family and friends. Portfolios are also useful
writing practice is personalised so that learners can make for you as a teacher because they are something tangible
comparisons between the new culture and their own. to show parents at the end of a term or year.
Learners can either stick the worksheets into a scrapbook
How can the worksheets be used? or notebook, or keep them in a file or ring binder. A useful
You can use the Vocabulary and Grammar worksheets alternative is an electronic copy of the worksheets, where
with individuals or pairs who complete their work in class learners scan their worksheets and store them on a hard
quickly. Alternatively, you can set these worksheets for drive or cloud. Not only do learners have something that
homework, or use them with learners who would benefit they are more likely to keep, but also they can develop IT
from some extra practice. However, some worksheets skills at the same time.
need to be used in small groups and pairs, and can be
used when additional practice is necessary. Or, they can
provide you with an alternative when there is a change or
gap in your usual routine.

1 This year’s trip

Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the months of the ● This worksheet provides practice of the core transport
year and of ordinal numbers as used in dates. words: motorway, taxi, ambulance, bicycle, traffic,
1 Learners work on their own to write the missing letters railway, passenger and platform.
to complete the months of the year. If they can’t guess 1 Learners circle the core transport words.
a particular month, encourage them to continue with
the rest and they can then go back and complete the Key: motorway, taxi, ambulance, bicycle, traffic,
previous ones. railway, passengers, platform

Key: 1 April 2 August 3 December 4 February 2 Learners read the words in the legs of the word spiders
5 January 6 July 7 June 8 March 9 May and write one of the core words in the centre of each.
10 November 11 October 12 September
Key: 1 bicycle 2 railway
2 Learners write the months in the correct order on the
calendar pages, starting with January. 3 Learners make their own word spiders for four other core
3 Learners write an important date for themselves and transport words. Encourage them to use dictionaries.
their families and friends on each calendar page. Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement):
Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement): Work with the whole class to brainstorm all the words that
Learners mingle around the classroom asking and they know connected to transport. Write them up clearly
answering When’s your birthday? It’s the xx of xx. They have where all the learners can see them. Learners then work in
to stand in the order of their birthdays from the beginning small groups with a large sheet of paper and felt tip pens.
of the year to the end. You could also make an English They make a word spider for the transport words.
birthday calendar to use in class.
Grammar 2
Grammar 1 Using the worksheet
Using the worksheet ● This worksheet provides practice of the indefinite
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language pronouns.
of talking about future possibilities using may/might. 1 Learners look at the map of the UK and Ireland. Read
● Give out one worksheet to each pair. They cut out the out and check the pronunciation of the place names.
cards and read the game rules. Learners work on their own to read the short texts and
match them with a place on the map. They write the
● Learners work in pairs to do the activity. You may like
place names.
to do a few examples with the whole class before they
speak in pairs, e.g.
There are some dark clouds in the sky. Key: 1 Newcastle 2 Plymouth 3 Fort William
It might rain soon.
2 Read and drill the example with the class. Learners
Optional follow-up activity (extension): work in pairs to choose a place, person or thing and
Learners work with the same partner. They choose one then take part in similar dialogues.
of the situations and use it to improvise a short dialogue.
They can act out their dialogues for the class at the end of Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement):
the activity. Learners do a similar activity in the classroom with
classroom objects to play a version of I spy: I’m thinking
of something that starts with (a letter of the alphabet). Is
it anywhere near the window? No, it’s nowhere near the
window. Is it anywhere near you? Yes, it is. It’s somewhere
near me, etc.

Skills 1: Reading and speaking Key: Date of departure: 15th July, Date of return:
Using the worksheet 1st August, Transport: car, How long/stay: two
● This worksheet provides reading and speaking skills weeks, Where/stay: with aunt and uncle, Activities:
practice in talking about future possibilities connected swimming/camping/walking
to the unit topic.
3 Learners imagine that they are on holiday with Sam.
1 Learners look quickly at the holiday advert and read
Brainstorm ideas about the journey and the start of the
the possible titles. They then work on their own to read
holiday. Learners write a short social media post as if
the advert and match the headings with the holidays
they were on holiday in Switzerland with Sam.

Key: 1b 2d 3a 4c Stages 1, 2 and 3: Prepare a

holiday planner for this school year
2 Learners choose the holiday that they would prefer to
Using the worksheet
go on. They read the relevant part of the advert again
carefully and imagine that they are on the holiday. 1 Learners are going to prepare their year planner. Each
Learners make notes. Learners work in pairs or groups template page is for one month. You can give each
to describe the holiday they are on. learner 12 copies, one for each month, or assign each
pair just a few months. Learners add the dates and
month names to the templates. First ask them to work
Skills 2: Listening and writing
individually and prepare their year planner for their
Using the worksheet family. They can write their birthdays and their family’s
● This worksheet provides listening and writing skills birthdays, national holidays, etc. and any other
practice in talking about holiday plans. important event for their family.
1 Learners look at the photos and say what they can see 2 Learners suggest and discuss options for different
in them. Play the audio. Learners listen and identify the holidays. Ask learners to work with their Mission partner
holiday. and compare their individual calendars to see when
they might both be free to go on holiday together.
Key: c 3 The next stage is to plan the holiday journeys. Learners
research the holiday options they have decided on
Tracks 2 & 3 in Stage 2 and organise the exact date when they are
Girl: Hi Sam. You look excited! leaving and coming back, how they are getting there,
Boy: I am. I can’t wait for the holidays. what they have to pack considering climate, etc.
Girl: Are you going to go away? When they know, they write it down or draw it in their
Boy: Yes, we’re going to go to Switzerland. My aunt and uncle
individual planners.
live there and we’re going to stay with them.
Girl: That sounds fun. Where do they live?
Boy: I can’t remember the name, but it’s a little village in the Culture
mountains. My dad says it’s beautiful.
Girl: When are you going to go? The holidays start on the Using the worksheet
14th July, don’t they? 1 Brainstorm words and ideas connected to deserts. Ask
Boy: Yes, but we’re going to leave on the 15th of July. We’re going learners to skim read the text quickly to choose the best
to drive there and my dad says there’s lots of traffic on the title.
motorways on the 14th July because it’s a holiday in France.
Girl: Ah, I see. And how long are you going to stay?
Boy: For two weeks. We come back on 1st August! Key: 2 People of the tent
Girl: Two weeks!! Lucky you. What are you going to do there?
Boy: Well, it depends on the weather. It might be really hot so 2 Learners write True or False for each sentence. You may
we might go swimming in a lake near the village and we like to explain/check some of the new words such as
might go camping in the mountains. look for, goat, sheep, camel, adult, tradition and culture.
Girl: And what are you going to do if it isn’t hot?
Boy: We might go walking in the mountains.
Girl: Will you go camping if the weather is bad? Key: 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True 5 True
Boy: We might do. It depends. I really don’t mind. I love
camping and I’m sure we’re going to have lots of fun. 3 Learners work on their own or in pairs to imagine a
2 Learners listen to the dialogue again and complete the typical day in the life of a Bedouin child of their age.
table with notes. They may need to listen two or three They make notes and then write a short diary entry.

1 Vocabulary 1
1 Complete the months.
1 pr l 4 br r 7 J n 10 v mb r
2 g st 5 J n r 8 M r 11 ct b r
3 c mb r 6 J l 9 M 12 pt mb r

2 Write the months in the correct order on the calendar pages.



3 Write an important date for each month. Write why it’s important.
5th January. It’s my dad’s birthday.
8 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
1 Grammar 1
Cut out the cards and do the activity in pairs.

Shuffle your cards and put them face down in a pile.
One learner takes a card, reads and then says the sentence.
The other learner makes a future prediction using may/might. If it’s a sentence
that works, he/she keeps the card.
Learners then swap roles and continue describing situations and making
The activity finishes when there are no cards left in the pile. The winner is the
pupil with the most cards.

It’s Friday evening

There are some dark It’s cold and I’m not
and your parents are
clouds in the sky. wearing a jacket.
going out.

You’re very hungry but

It’s Monday morning and There’s a new film on
there isn’t any food in
you don’t feel very well. at the cinema.
the house.

You’ve got a lot of We’ve got an English It’s only seven o’clock
homework to do tonight. exam tomorrow. but you’re very tired.

It’s snowing and it’s It’s raining and we’ve I’m very good at
time to go to school. got a PE class. science at school.

We’re going to the We’re going to the beach It’s your mum’s birthday
mountains this weekend. this summer. next week.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 9

1 Vocabulary 2
1 Circle eight transport words.

xiambula g ersplatform
r wayta nce
bic s en
to ycl s
mo etrafficrailwayp

2 Write two words from Activity 1 in the word spiders.

seat two wheels train station

no motor ride platform travel

3 Make word spiders for four other transport words.

10 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Grammar 2
1 Look at the map. Read and write the place names.
1 My best friend comes from
a city somewhere in the
north of England. I know
it’s nowhere near London.
I think it’s somewhere near
Scotland. It’s in the east but
I don’t know if it’s anywhere
near the sea. He’s from
2 My granny lives in a small city
somewhere near the sea. It
isn’t anywhere near London.
It’s somewhere in the south
west of England. She lives in
3 Next summer we’re going to
go camping somewhere in
Scotland. The campsite isn’t
anywhere near a big city. It’s
somewhere in the mountains
and it’s near a famous town.
We’re going to stay near

2 Think of a place, person or thing. Play What is it?

Is it a person? Yes, it is.

Is it anyone in this room? No, it isn’t. It’s no one in this room.

Is it anyone famous? Yes, it is. It’s someone famous.

Is it someone who plays football? No, it isn’t. It’s someone who ...

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 11

1 Skills 1: Reading and speaking
1 Read and match the titles with the holidays. Write a, b, c or d.

a Exploring Europe by train c Journey to the jungle

b Camping in the desert d Discovering the north

Family Adventure Travel

1 Sleep out under the stars far from
anywhere. See the changing colours of the sand as you look for exciting
wildlife. Get away from winter in the north between December and March to
make the most of this amazing adventure.
2 If you like cold weather, come with us to explore the ice fields of the Arctic
Circle in July or August. Travel on skis and sleep in an igloo. You can go
fishing under the ice and you might catch your own breakfast!
3 Travel anywhere you like in Europe for a month with our Railway Adventure
Pass. There’s something for everyone in the family on this holiday. Explore
museums, go shopping or take photos of incredible city sights.
4 Start your trip at the beach where you can swim with colourful fish
and try the delicious local food. Then go on a journey into the rainforest
where you stay in Eco Camps. The best months for this trip are from
May to October.

2 Imagine that you are on one of the holidays. Make notes and then
speak about it.

• How did you travel there? • What did you do yesterday?

• Where are you staying? • What are your plans for tomorrow?

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1 Skills 2: Listening and writing
1 2
Listen. Where is Sam going to go on holiday? Tick ✓ the photo.

a b c

2 3
Listen again and make notes about Sam’s holiday plans.

Holiday plans
Date of departure:
Date of return:
How long/stay:

3 Imagine you are on holiday with Sam. It’s the first day of the
holiday. Write a post about your journey and your plans.

My Holiday: Day 1

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 13

1 Stages 1, 2 and 3: Prepare
a holiday planner
1 Prepare your year planner. 3 Decide how to travel and
what you need for your
2 Suggest and discuss options holidays.
for different holidays.

14 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Culture

1 Look quickly at the article and choose the best title.

1 Life in the desert 2 People of the tent 3 Desert traditions

Bedouin people live in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle
East. The word Bedouin comes from the Arabic word badawi,
which means a person who lives in the desert. Traditional
Bedouins don’t live in houses. They move around the desert and
sleep in tents – they are nomads. In fact, they call themselves
‘the people of the tent’.

The first home of the Bedouins was the Arabian peninsula (where Saudi Arabia is now).
But there was very little food and water there, so the Bedouins travelled west to North
Africa to look for more.

In the past, Bedouins kept camels, sheep and goats. They didn’t ride their camels. They
used them to carry things. They walked or they rode Arabian horses.

A traditional Bedouin family usually has more than ten people – three or four adults and
a number of children. They live in a tent, or gio, and eat their meals together. When a
child is six or seven years old, he or she starts to work with the adults. Nomadic Bedouins
often don’t go to school.

In the past all Bedouins were desert nomads. Nowadays many of them live in houses in
villages, towns and cities and aren’t nomads. However, these city Bedouins still follow
traditional Bedouin culture. They sing and play music, they do traditional dances and
they make and speak beautiful poetry.

2 Read the article again and write True or False.

1 The Bedouins come from the deserts of North Africa.
2 The Bedouins kept animals in the desert.
3 A gio is a traditional Bedouin meal.
4 Some nomadic Bedouin children don’t go to school.
5 Many modern Bedouins live in houses in towns now.

3 Imagine a day in the life of a Bedouin nomad. Write a diary entry.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 15
2 Our beautiful planet

Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the following ● This worksheet provides practice of the core animal
words connected to the natural world: cave, desert, words: butterfly, beetle, camel, creature, dinosaur, eagle,
environment, hill, land, ocean, stone, stream and wood(s). extinct, octopus, swan and tortoise.
1 Learners work on their own to match the definitions 1 Learners work on their own to label the eight animal
with the natural words by colouring pairs of word and pictures.
definition the same colour.
Key: 1 swan 2 camel 3 butterfly 4 tortoise
Key: 1 environment 2 ocean 3 land 4 cave 5 dinosaur 6 octopus 7 eagle 8 beetle
5 stream 6 wood 7 desert 8 stone 9 hill 10 fire
2 Learners read the two fact cards and write one of
2 Learners draw pictures of six of the words of their the animals from the previous exercise in each card.
choice, one in each square. Play Bingo with the class Check that they understand that habitat means the
with the natural words. Instead of calling out the environment where an animal lives.
words, you could spell them out letter by letter to add
challenge and interest to the game. Key: 1 beetle 2 dinosaur

Grammar 1 3 Learners choose two animals (they can be from this

Using the worksheet core set or others that they know). They work on their
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language own using dictionaries to complete the fact cards.
of talking about the past using the past simple with 4 Learners work in pairs. They use their notes from the
both regular and irregular verbs. previous exercise to describe their animals for their
● Give out one worksheet to each pair. They look at the partners to guess.
people and say what they know about them. Alternatively,
you could assign the famous people to learners to Grammar 2
research and present to the class before doing this
Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of talking about
● Learners cut out the cards and arrange them face up in
abilities and situations using too and enough.
two groups – photos and phrases.
● They work as fast as possible to match two phrases
● Give out one worksheet to each pair. Learners read the
with each person. You can do this as a competition. instructions, cut out the cards and put them face down
in a pile.
● Check answers orally with the whole class asking them
to make full past simple sentences. Alternatively, you ● Each pair needs a coin to play.
can ask learners to write the full sentences. ● They play the game. Make sure that they understand
that they must give negative answers. E.g. Can you
Key: 1 Christopher Columbus discovered drive? No, I’m not old enough. / No, I’m too young.
America. He sailed across the Atlantic ocean four
times. 2 Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic on Skills 1: Listening and reading
her own. She wrote books about flying. 3 Marco
Polo travelled to China over 700 years ago. He told Using the worksheet
stories of his journey when he was in prison. 4 Neil ● This worksheet provides listening and reading skills
Armstrong flew into space in 1969. He landed on practice connected to the unit topic.
the moon. 5 Edmund Hillary climbed Mount 1 They look at the information form and identify the
Everest in 1953. He travelled to the North and South missing information. Play the dialogue. They listen and
Poles. 6 James Cook explored the coast of Australia complete the gaps.
more than 240 years ago. He made maps of many
countries in the Pacific ocean. Key: Opens: 9.30, Closes: 17.00, Getting there: by boat,
Prices: Adult $46; Child $26, Shopping: four zoo shops

Track 4
Man: Hello. How can I help you?
Stages 1, 2 and 3: An
Woman: Hi. I’m planning to visit the zoo tomorrow. Could you explorer’s diary
tell me when it opens, please?
Man: At half past nine. We open at half past nine every day Using the worksheet
of the year, even on 25th December and 1st January. 1 Learners are going to write an expedition diary of an
Woman: Right. That’s great. And when does it close? explorer’s trip. First they need to choose a research
Man: Well, it’s December now, so it’s the summer closing destination somewhere in the world. Then they write
times. That means that the gates close at five o’clock.
(and draw) what they packed and what they did on the
You don’t have to leave the zoo until half past five
first day. Encourage learners to use the past simple.
Woman: OK. And how about transport to get there? My friend 2 Give each ‘explorer’ another diary page template. Then,
says that there’s a lot of traffic, so it isn’t a good idea they share their incidents in groups. Encourage learners
to drive. to use the past simple.
Man: Your friend is right. The best way to get here is by
3 Give each ‘explorer’ another diary page. First learners
Woman: By boat! What fun! Where do the ferries leave from? find out about an endangered species at their
Man: They leave from the town centre, near the Opera House destination from Mission Stage 1. Put them into groups
– and the trip takes about ten minutes. It’s very quick. of learners who have chosen a destination in a similar
Woman: That sounds great. How much are the tickets? part of the world. Each group makes notes about ways
Man: For the ferry or for the zoo? to protect the animal. They write a short paragraph.
Woman: For the zoo. How much is the zoo? I’m going to visit
with my 8-year-old son and my 3-year-old daughter.
Man: Well, your ticket will cost $46, your son has to pay the Culture
child’s price – which is $26 – and you don’t have to pay Using the worksheet
for your daughter. Children under four can visit the zoo
1 You may like to find out what the learners already know
Woman: That’s great. Thanks so much. about Australian Aborigines, if anything. Pre-teach stick
Man: You’re welcome. Can I help with anything else? and dot. They read the text to themselves and write the
Woman: Oh, yes, just one more thing. Are there any shops at words in the gaps.
the zoo? I want to buy some presents to take back
home. Key: 1 Australia 2 ago 3 nomads 4 caves
Man: Yes, there are four shops in the zoo, with lots of lovely 5 fingers 6 paints 7 colours 8 desert
Woman: Great. Thanks again. Goodbye.
2 Teach/revise these words: background, light, circle, corner.
Man: Bye! And we look forward to welcoming you to the zoo
Learners listen and write colour words in the labels.

2 Learners work on their own to read the blog post about Key: 1 white 2 red, orange, yellow 3 light yellow
a visit to Taronga Zoo and complete the sentences with 4 brown, green 5 green
1, 2 or 3 words.
Track 5
Key: 1 Australia 2 yesterday 3 went by/took a Teacher: Well, today we’re going to do some Aboriginal art
boat 4 Australian animals 5 he was scared paintings. What can you see in this picture?
6 he was tired Pupil: Lots of dots!
Teacher: Yes, there are lot of dots. But the dots make a picture.
Can you see what it is?
Pupil: It’s Australia.
Skills 2: Writing and speaking Teacher: Well done, yes. It’s Australia. Now, can you see the
labels? Well, you need to write some colours in the
Using the worksheet labels.
● This worksheet provides writing and speaking skills First of all. Can you see the big dots that go around
practice connected to the unit topic. Australia? They are white. OK? Write white on the
label. Good. Now, the dots on the inside of Australia
1 Learners work on their own to select an animal and
are red, orange and yellow. Write red, orange and
complete the form. They may need to do some research yellow on the label. The background of the whole
to find all the answers. They present their animals picture is light yellow – so you need to colour the
orally to the class. background of the whole picture – in light yellow.
2 Learners work in pairs. They imagine that they are on Then, there are parts of circles in the corners of the
holiday in Sydney and read notes about the trip they picture – can you see them? These circles are brown
and green. Right, now there’s just a wide row of dots in
took the previous day. They then ask questions about
the middle, behind Australia. You can colour those in
the trip that their partners took. With weaker classes, you different shades of green. OK? They are all green – but
may like to drill the questions first with the whole class. lots of different greens. Great! Now check the colours
with a partner and you can colour in the picture.
2 Vocabulary 1
1 Read and colour to match.
1 the air, land 2
and water where
people, animals
the sea desert environment
and plants live

3 4
the part of the a large hole
Earth that isn’t inside a hill land
sea mountain

5 6
a small a large area
river of trees ocean stone

7 8
a large, hot and a small hard
dry place without piece of rock stream wood
many plants

9 10
a small low you make this
mountain to keep warm cave fire

2 Draw pictures of six of the nature words. Then play Bingo.

18 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Grammar 1
Cut out and match.

1 Christopher Columbus 2 Amelia Earhart 3 Marco Polo

✃ (1451–1506) (1897–1937) (1254–1324)

4 Neil Armstrong (1930– 5 Edmund Hillary 6 James Cook

2012) (1919–2008) (1728–1779)

explore the coast

climb Mount of Australia more travel to China
discover America
Everest in 1953 than 240 years over 700 years ago

fly across the make maps of

fly into space land on
Atlantic Ocean on many countries in
in 1969 the moon
her own the Pacific Ocean

sail across the tell stories of his

travel to the North write books about
Atlantic Ocean journey when he
and South poles flying
four times was in prison

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 19

2 Vocabulary 2
1 Label the animals.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 Read the cards and write the animals.

1 2
Habitat: land
Habitat: land, water, air
Description: small, hard body,
Description: large
six legs
Special fact: extinct
Special fact: can be 16cm long

3 Choose two animals and write notes about them.

Animal: Animal:
Habitat: Habitat:
Description: Description:
Special fact: Special fact:

4 Play a guessing game with a partner.

This animal lives in An octopus.
the ocean. It’s got
eight legs.
20 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
2 Grammar 2
Cut out the cards and play the game in pairs.

You need a coin.
Shuffle your cards and put them face down in a pile.
One pupil takes a card, reads it and asks the question.
The other pupil throws the coin and gives a negative answer using too or
heads = answers using too
tails = answers using enough
Learners then swap roles and continue asking questions and answering.
The game finishes when both learners have answered all the questions.

Can you run 25km? Can you travel by plane on Would you like to walk
your own? across the Sahara Desert?

Have you got the latest Can you drive? Would you like to learn to
mobile phone? write in Chinese?

Can you read

Are you going to work next Would you like to climb
Shakespeare’s poems in
summer? Everest next summer?

Would you like to sail

Do you want to be a Would you like to jump out
across the Atlantic Ocean
famous chess player? of a plane in a parachute?
on your own?

Can you jump over the Can you swim across the Would you like a pet
River Thames? English Channel? crocodile?

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 21

2 Skills 1: Listening and reading
1 4 Listen and write.

Zoo information

Opens: Closes:

Getting here:

Prices: Adult $ Child (5–12) $

Shopping: zoo shops

2 Read the blog post about a visit to the zoo. Then complete the

Whitecross family travel blog

This is our second week in Australia. Yesterday we visited Taronga Zoo in Sydney and we all had a
great time. The weather was fantastic – it wasn’t too hot and it didn’t rain all day!
We got up early and had breakfast in a cool place near the water. It was called the Octopus Café
– but we didn’t eat any octopus there! Then we took a boat to the zoo. The trip was quick – it only
took ten minutes. We could see both the Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge from the ferry.
The zoo is on lots of hills and it’s really big. One of my favourite places was the Australian Animal
Area. We saw kangaroos, emus, wombats and dingoes there.
One of the great things about the zoo is that a lot of the animals walk around freely. We went into
a place where you can walk with emus and kangaroos – but I wasn’t brave enough to go near them.
Emus are the second largest birds in the world and they’re scary!
We had lunch in a restaurant in the zoo. I watched the elephants eating while I ate my hamburger.
That was cool. After lunch I was too tired to walk anywhere, so we took the Sky Safari – it’s a cable
car – back down to the entrance.
Jamie Whitecross

1 Jamie and his family are on holiday in .

2 They went to visit a zoo in Sydney .
3 They from the city centre to the zoo.
4 Jamie enjoyed seeing the .
5 He didn’t go near the emus because .
6 They didn’t walk back to the entrance because .

22 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Skills 2: Writing and speaking
1 Imagine that you visited the zoo with Jamie.
Choose an Australian animal and write.

My favourite zoo animal

Name: Age:
What was your favourite animal?
What colour is it?
How big is it?
What does it eat?
What sound does it make?
How does it move?
What else do you know about it?

2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the trips.
✃ ✃

You went on this trip in Sydney Your partner went on a trip in Sydney
yesterday. Answer your partner’s yesterday. Ask questions to find out
questions about it. about it.
Trip Ocean walk from Bondi You went on this trip in Sydney
to Bronte yesterday. Answer your partner’s
Transport? bus 333 from city centre questions about it.
to Bondi Trip Darling Harbour
How long? 2 hours Transport? ferry from city centre
What/do? surfing lesson at How long? 5 hours
Bondi beach What/do? adventure playground
lunch at Bill’s Café Sea Life Sydney Aquarium
swim at Bronte beach Wildlife Park
What/like? ***** What/like? *****
Ask questions to find out about your
partner’s trip.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 23

2 Stages 1, 2 and 3:
An explorer’s diary
1 Choose a wilderness place. Then complete preparation details and
a description of your arrival to camp. Talk about the place where
you are, what you packed and what happened on the first day.

2 Describe an incident with some animals.

3 Write ideas about how to protect an endangered species.

Explorer name:

Expedition day:



24 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

2 Culture
Aboriginal art

1 Read and complete with the words in the box.

ago Australia caves colours desert fingers nomads paints

The oldest art in the world

The first people to live in 1 were the Aborigines. They moved there about
50,000 years . The Aborigines were 3 . They moved around
the land and looked for food and water. They painted pictures to tell stories about how
the world began. They painted them on rocks in 4 and on mountains.
The Aborigines used their or sticks to paint pictures. This is why they
painted with dots. They made from sand, stones and plants. This is why
they only paint with earth in their paintings: black, brown, red, orange,
yellow and white. They were the colours they could find in the 8 .

2 5 Listen to part of an art class and label the colours.

1 2


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3 Let’s celebrate!

Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the following words ● This worksheet provides practice of the core music and
connected to competitions: volleyball, match, chess, festival words: concert, drum, festival, flag, instrument,
race, prize, puzzle, quiz, team, winner, score and stadium. musician, pop, rock, stage, tune and violin.
● Learners work in A/B pairs to complete the crossword. 1 Learners work on their own to read the sentences and
● Cut up the worksheets and give them out. Learners look write the correct word with each one. There are five
at their puzzles and at the example. To check that they extra words.
understand the task, ask stronger learners to do one or
two more examples in open pairs. Key: 1 drum 2 musician 3 violin 4 festivals
5 rock 6 instrument 7 stage 8 concert
● In weaker classes, you may like learners to work in A
9 tune 10 pop
and B groups first to prepare their answers.
● Learners work in A/B pairs to ask, answer and complete 2 Learners work in pairs to play a guessing game with the
their puzzles. words, as in the example.
Optional follow-up activity (extension):
Key: Learners show each other their worksheet to You could collaborate with their music teacher on this
check their answers. activity. Play short extracts of music and ask the learners
to identify the instruments.
Optional follow-up activity (extension):
Do a sentence-making race with the class. Call out one of Grammar 2
the core words. Learners have to think of a true sentence
about themselves with the word in it, e.g. I won a prize Using the worksheet
for dancing last year. Our school team played badly on ● This worksheet provides practice of talking about
Saturday. They write the sentence on a mini whiteboard or the recent indefinite past using the present perfect
run up and write it on the board. They score points for the (focusing on the past participles of irregular verbs) with
number of words in a correct sentence. Continue with all just, yet and already.
the core words. 1 Give out one worksheet to each learner. They need
a red and a blue pen, highlighter or coloured pencil.
Grammar 1 Check that learners understand the instructions. They
can work on their own or in pairs to find the verbs in the
Using the worksheet wordsquare and write them in pairs.
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language
of talking about life experiences using the present
perfect and ever/never. Key: 1 do/done 2 drink/drunk 3 eat/eaten
4 go/gone 5 have/had 6 make/made 7 see/
● Give out one Bingo grid to each learner. Read the
seen 8 spend/spent 9 swim/swum 10 take/
instructions and example with the class and check they
understand them. Their aim is to find people for whom
each sentence is true and cross out the Bingo square
2 Learners read the statements and questions by writing
when they do so. The first person to cross out all the
the correct number in the boxes. Check answers by
squares shouts ‘Bingo’ and is the winner.
asking learners to read the matching items in pairs.
● Check his/her answers with the whole class. The learner
makes the sentences from memory and the others Key: 1 d 2 c 3 h 4 a 5 b 6 g 7 e 8 f
respond, e.g.
Maria has been in an ambulance.
(Maria) Yes, that’s right. I have./No, I haven’t!

Skills 1: Reading and speaking Key: 1 False 2 False 3 False 4 True 5 True
Using the worksheet 6 True
● This worksheet provides reading and speaking skills
practice connected to the unit topic and core language. 3 Learners imagine that they are at the camp in the
advert. They write a short postcard to their families.
1 Ask learners How brave are you? Check that they
remember the meaning of brave by asking learners to
give examples of a brave person. Learners work on their
Stage 1, 2 and 3 : A class quiz
own to read and do the quiz. They circle the answers Using the worksheet
that are true (or truest) for them. Learners may ask
1 Put learners into Mission groups. Give each group a
about the meaning of some of the words (view, heights,
photocopy of the quiz questions template. Remind
bite, horror film, ghost, haunted). Encourage them
them that they should use the present perfect for the
to guess the meaning in the context of the situation
questions, following the examples in the Mission box
described in each item.
on the Pupil’s Book page. Learners write the questions
2 Learners work in pairs to discuss their answers. about the Diversicus characters on the worksheet.
3 Learners give a short presentation about their partners. 2 Put learners in their Mission groups from Stage 1 and
hand out the worksheets from Stage 1. Learners write
Skills 2: Listening and writing three questions in the same way in their Mission groups.
Monitor and make sure each learner features in at least
Using the worksheet one question, and that the questions use the present
● This worksheet provides listening and writing skills perfect.
practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
3 In their Mission groups from Stages 1 and 2, learners
1 Learners look at the three adverts. They listen to a voice choose a country to research its music. Learners write
message that Amelia leaves for her mother and identify three questions about music in their chosen country on
where she is. their worksheets, each with three answer options.

Key: 3 Amelia is at a sports camp. Culture

Tracks 6 & 7 Using the worksheet
Hi Mum! I tried to call you but you didn’t answer, so I’m leaving 1 Discuss the question with the class.
this message. I can’t phone tonight because we’re going to go
out to a dance festival in town. 2 Learners look at the photo and suggest answers to the
I’m having a brilliant time. I can’t believe I’ve been here for three questions. They then look quickly at the encyclopedia
days already. We’ve done so many things that I don’t know what entry and check their answers. Use this activity to
to tell you about! revise/teach these words: hit, kick, touch, pitch, court,
Every morning we do sports and then we sometimes go on trips net, side (of a court) and pass.
in the afternoon.
My team won our volleyball match yesterday, but we lost our
Key: They are playing footvolley. Players can’t touch
hockey match this morning. We’re really bad at hockey!
Tomorrow morning we’re going to play baseball. I’ve never the ball with their hands. They have to kick it or use
played before and it looks difficult. I hope I can hit the ball – it’s any other part of the body.
really small. Then there’s a running race in the afternoon. We
have to run five miles. I’ve never run that far before and I’m a bit 3 Learners work on their own to read the text carefully
scared that I’m not fit enough. and answer the questions.
Anyway, what else? The food is terrible – but camp food
is always bad. It will be great to be back at home and eat
something you and Dad make.
Key: 1 two 2 1965 3 their hands 4 in summer
Oh, yes. On Friday evening they give out all the prizes in the
camp stadium and then there’s a short concert. The children 4 Learners work in pairs to do the writing task.
from the music camp in town are going to play some tunes.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Don’t forget to pick me
up from school! See you then.
2 Read the sentences with the class checking that
learners understand them. They listen again and decide
if they are true or false.

3 Vocabulary 1
Learner A
Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the crossword.
u Across ➔
z 3
s Down
l z t
o l a What’s 1 down?
s e d
e i It’s a word game.
u This crossword is
m 8
c one of these.
h r
10 11
e t e a m
s c
s e

Learner B
Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the crossword.

q u i z Across ➔
3 Down

v o l l e y b a l l What’s 2 across?

w i n n e r
It’s a game with
7 8
m a t c h

10 11
p r i z e

s c o r e

28 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Grammar 1
Play Class Bingo. Ask and answer questions with Have you ever ... ? and
cross out the square when you find someone.

Have you ever been in an ambulance? Yes, I have.

be in an drink coconut spend a night in

play badminton
ambulance milk a tent

see a football
swim in the
ride a camel go skating match in the

lose a lot of win a game play beach

eat Brazilian food
money of chess volleyball

Play Class Bingo. Ask and answer questions with Have you ever ... ? and
cross out the square when you find someone.

Have you ever been in an ambulance? Yes, I have.

be in an drink coconut spend a night in

play badminton
ambulance milk a tent

see a football
swim in the
ride a camel go skating match in the

lose a lot of win a game play beach

eat Brazilian food
money of chess volleyball

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 29

3 Vocabulary 2
1 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
drum 1 You play this instrument with your hands concert
or two sticks.
2 This person plays a musical instrument.

flag festival
3 This instrument is made of wood and
has four strings.
4 People go to these to listen to music
stage or watch special dances. They instrument
often last for two or three days.

5 People usually play this loud kind of

rock music on electric guitars and drums. musician

6 Something that people use to play

music, for example a guitar or a piano.
tune guitar

7 Musicians or actors stand on this when

they are performing.
pop 8 People go to this to listen to music violin
or singing.
9 A number of musical notes that sound
tour nice. whistle
10 Young people usually like this kind of
modern music.

2 Work with a partner. Choose a word from Activity 1. Ask and

answer questions to guess your partner’s word.

Can you play it? Do people stand on it? A stage.

No, you can’t. Yes, they do. That’s right!

30 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
3 Grammar 2
1 Circle the verbs in the word square. Then write them in pairs.

infinitive forms = blue past participles = red 5 h –h

Be careful! Don’t circle the past simple forms!
6 m –m

1 d –d T D O J G O W E N T P O
S R X H A V E A P T S M 7 s –
2 d – I N O D S E E S L K B J 8 s –
d M K O D I D D F H E J B s
3 e – L W J I G D S V B N R A
E U D N V L W Y M G U T 9 s –
A M A K E V A D D O N E s
4 g –g E S A W N T S B S E E N 10 t –
N S V B S P E N T D A W t

2 Match the sentences.

1 You look very tired! a I’m sorry. I
2 You have to make your haven’t done it yet.
bed before you go out. b No. I haven’t seen
3 You should try some her yet.
coconut milk. It’s delicious. c I’ve already made it.
4 Can I have your
d I’ve just been on
homework, please?
a long walk.
5 Did you give Mum
the message? e I can’t. I haven’t had
breakfast yet.
6 Would you like
something to eat? f I’ve already done it.
7 Do you want to go g No, thanks. I’ve just
to the park now? had lunch.
8 You need to do your homework
h I’ve already tried it.
before you watch a film.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 31

3 Skills 1: Reading and speaking
1 Read and answer the quiz questions.

How brave are you?

1 Have you ever climbed a mountain? 5 Have you ever explored a cave? e? ?
a Yes, I have. But I’m never going to a Yes, I have. It was so cool. I could
? do it again. I hated it.
b Yes, I have. I love looking at the
hardly see anything.
b Yes, I have. But I had a very strong
view from the top. torch so I could see well.
c No, I haven’t. I’m scared of heights. c No, I haven’t. I don’t like the dark.
2 Have you ever swum underwater in 6 Have you ever been in a building
the sea? where there was a ghost?

? a Yes, I have. But it was dark and cold.

b Yes, I have. I love looking for
a No, I haven’t. I don’t believe
in ghosts.
octopuses under the stones. b Yes, I have. It was cool, but I
c No, I haven’t. I’m scared that a fish didn’t see a ghost.
might bite me. c No, I haven’t. I’ll never go into
3 Have you ever watched a horror film
with your friends?
a Yes, I have. But I couldn’t sleep
a haunted house.
Have you ever performed in frontt
of lots of people?
after watching it. a Yes, I have. In a school concert
? b Yes, I have. I often watch them.
c Yes, I have. But I was so scared that
with all my class.
b Yes, I have. Often. I love being

I slept in my parents’ room.
Have you ever touched a snake?
on stage.
c No, I haven’t. And I never will!
a Yes, I have. I touched one at a zoo. 8 Have you ever stayed in a tent in
It felt horrible. the countryside?
b Yes, I have. I picked one up at a zoo. a Yes, I have. But I couldn’t
It was cool. sleep well because of all the
c No, I haven’t. Snakes are noises outside.
? frightening.
b Yes, I have. I love camping.
? ? c No, I haven’t. I’m scared of
wild animals and insects.

2 Discuss your answers with a partner.

Have you ever Yes, I have. But I
climbed a mountain? hated it.

Why didn’t you like it? It was really tiring.

3 How brave is your partner? Tell the class.

32 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
3 Skills 2: Listening and writing
1 6 Where is Amelia? Listen and tick ✓.

1 A concert:
Don’t miss the end of course
Music Camp performance!

2 A festival: 3 A sports camp:

Durham Dance Festival Marlow Sports Camp
Visit us on the web for more Residential and day camp
information. for boys and girls aged 6–12.

2 7 Listen again and circle True or False.

1 Amelia has just arrived at camp. True / False

2 She’s already been to a dance festival in town. True / False
3 Her team hasn’t won any matches yet. True / False
4 She’s already played hockey. True / False
5 She’s never played baseball before. True / False
6 On Friday there’s a concert in the stadium. True / False

3 Imagine that you are at this camp. Write a postcard about it

using the notes.

Dance Camp
Brazilian Drum and
● learn how to
play drums
● Samba danc
ing lessons
● home-cooked
Brazilian meals
● end-of-camp
ential courses.
One-or two-week resid

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 33

3 Stages 1, 2 and 3:
A class quiz
1 Write questions about Diversicus.
2 Write quiz questions about experiences in your group.
3 Research about music and write quiz questions.

? ? ?
? ? Quiz
Quiz Team Name:
1: 2: 3:

a. a. a.

b. b. b.

c. c. c.

4: 5: 6:

a. a. a.

b. b. b.

c. c. c.

7: 8: 9:

a. a. a.

b. b. b.

c. c. c.

34 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Culture
Sport in Brazil

1 Which sports do you think are popular in Brazil?

2 What sport are the boys playing? How is it different from
volleyball? Read and check your ideas.


Footvolley is a mixture of the two most popular sports in Brazil –

football and volleyball.
Footvolley is the same as beach volleyball with a few BIG differences:
– players can hit the ball with any part of the body except their hands
– the ball is a football
– the teams are smaller (there are only two players in each team).
Footvolley started in Brazil in 1965. Football clubs all over the country stopped their players
playing football in summer so that they didn’t get hurt. However, the players didn’t want to stop
playing, so they played on volleyball courts instead of on football pitches. Without meaning to,
these players invented a new sport.

The aim of the game is to get the ball over the net and to touch the sand on the other team’s side.
It mustn’t touch the sand on your side of the court.
Two players from each team stand either side of the net. The first team starts the game by
kicking the ball over the net.
One of the players on the other side of the net must stop the ball using their head, feet, legs or
body (but not their hands). This is the first touch. They pass the ball to the other person on their
team, who must hit the ball back over the net. This is the second touch. Each team can touch the
ball three times before they must hit the ball over the net.
Footvolley is now becoming a popular sport all around the world and is very popular with
Brazilian footballers, especially in the summer.

3 Read again and answer.

1 How many players are there in 3 Which part of the body can’t
a team? players use to hit the ball?
2 When did people first play 4 When do people usually play
footvolley? footvolley?
4 Choose a sport. Write a rules sheet.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 35

4 Time of our lives

Vocabulary 1 Grammar 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the core verb set ● This worksheet provides practice of talking about the
related to the unit topic: look after, repair, tidy, fetch, recent indefinite past using the present perfect with for
prepare (for an exam), send (a message), make sure and and since.
meet (somebody somewhere). ● Give out one worksheet to each pair. They each need a
1 Learners work on their own or in pairs to write out the coin. Check that learners understand the instructions.
sentences with the correct punctuation. You may like to They work together to ask questions and make present
set this as a class competition. perfect negative statements with for or since.

Key: 1 I have to look after my little brother today. Skills 1: Listening and speaking
2 My mum helped me to repair the wheel on my bike.
3 I have to tidy my room on Saturday morning. Using the worksheet
4 I mustn’t forget to fetch the post. ● This worksheet provides listening and speaking skills
5 We have to prepare for our English exam. practice using the core unit language.
6 Can you send a message when you arrive? 1 Learners look at the pictures and say what they can
7 I need to make sure I get up early tomorrow. see in each one. Use this stage to pre-teach/check these
8 He’s meeting me outside school this afternoon. words: rain, traffic lights, puddle, splash, wet and cross
(the road). Play the audio. Learners listen and complete
2 Learners work on their own to read the questions and the pictures.
write short answers. They then work in pairs to ask and
answer the questions. Key: 1 Learners draw the hands on the clock face
to show 3.45. 2 Learners write the shop sign: TOY
Grammar 1 SHOP.
3 Learners colour the boy on the bike’s jacket green.
Using the worksheet 4 Learners draw a biscuit in each of their hands.
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language
of describing past actions using the past continuous
Track 8
and the past simple with when and while.
Mum: I was worried about you. I’ve been here for twenty
● Give out one worksheet to each pair of learners. They minutes. Did you leave school late?
cut out the cards and play a memory game with them. Adam: No, we didn’t. We left at quarter to four – the same as
● Learners put the cards upside down in two groups. One every day.
learner turns over a card in each group and tries to Mum: Was it raining when school finished?
Adam: No, it wasn’t. It was cloudy. It started raining when we
make a sentence using them both.
were walking past the toy shop. Zoe wanted to go in and
● If the sentence makes sense, he/she keeps both the look at the toys, but I told her we couldn’t. I wanted to
cards. If it doesn’t make sense, he/she has to turn them make sure that we got home on time.
both over again and it’s their partner’s turn. Mum: Thanks, Adam. It’s really good of you to look after Zoe.
Adam: Don’t worry, Mum. She was very good – although she
cried a little bit.
Vocabulary 2 Mum: Why did she cry? Because she couldn’t go into the shop?
Using the worksheet Adam: No, she was fine about that. When we were waiting to
cross the road, it started raining very hard. We were
● This worksheet provides practice of telling the time. standing next to the traffic lights and there was a pool
● Learners work on their own to read the situations, draw of water in front of us – a really big puddle. Anyway,
the times on the clock faces and then calculate the suddenly a boy from St Thomas’ School – I know he
length of time to answer the questions. was from St Thomas’ because he was wearing a green
jacket – well, he rode past us really fast on his bike and
he splashed water all over us.
Key: 1 Two hours and five minutes 2 Forty-five Mum: Oh, dear! Did you get very wet?
minutes 3 One hour and forty minutes 4 Two Adam: Well, I didn’t get very wet, but Zoe did. We crossed the
hours and twenty minutes road and I sent you a text message with my phone but
you didn’t answer. I wanted you to come and fetch us.

Mum: Oh, dear, I’m sorry. I didn’t see it. I was coming home on 3 Ask children to get into their groups. Give each group
the train and there were lots of people, so I couldn’t look a worksheet from a different group (not their original
at my phone. So, what did you do? stories or the ones they worked on in Stage 2). They
Adam: Well, I know I promised not to buy Zoe anything, but she
have to read what is written and continue with the
was really sad and wet … so we went into the café and
I bought some chocolate biscuits. We ate them on the
story, writing a solution to the problem.
way home in the park. Final: Put learners into their Mission groups and hand
Mum: Good idea! Was it still raining? out the worksheets – it should be a story which the
Adam: No, it wasn’t. It stopped raining when we were walking group hasn’t worked on yet, if possible. They read the
through the park. And we met someone there … story and work together to write an ending.
Mum: Who did you meet?
Adam: The boy from St Thomas’ School. He was trying to repair
the wheel on his bike – and he looked sad and wet. Zoe Culture
and I were really happy!
Mum: Adam, that wasn’t very nice of you! What happened Using the worksheet
next? 1 Tell learners to read the three titles and listen to the
2 Learners work in pairs to invent and act out the podcast. They choose the best title. Pre–teach the
dialogues between the boy and his sister in each of the following words and phrases: devil, fireworks, parade,
pictures. bullfight, dress up, costume and donkey.

Skills 2: Reading and writing Key: 3

Using the worksheet Tracks 9 & 10

● This worksheet provides reading and writing skills Hello! My name’s Ivan and this is today’s Class 4 World Festivals
practice connected to the unit topic and core language. podcast. My podcast is about Colombia.
1 Learners read the descriptive sentences and match There are lots of really cool festivals in Colombia, but I’ve chosen
them with the pictures from the picture story. the two most interesting ones – I think. I’m not going to tell
you about the famous Carnival in Barranquilla because people
Key: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 d 5 e celebrate carnival all over the world and we’ve already heard
about carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

2 Learners choose the right word to go in each gap. There’s a different carnival that I want to speak about – the
Carnival of the Devil. I’ve never been to it. It takes place in
Riosucio, a town in the jungle! The carnival takes place every two
Key: a while b rode c leaving d send e were
years at the beginning of January.
The Carnival of the Devil sounds scary, but it isn’t. This devil isn’t
3 Learners imagine what happened at the end of the
really bad, he’s happy and playful. There are parades, fireworks,
story. They can draw the picture in the frame if they
bullfights and lots of music.
like drawing. They note down words to continue one
of the phrases. At Easter in a little town called San Antero, on the Caribbean
coast, there’s a special Donkey Festival.
4 Learners write the ending in three or four short
sentences. The main event of the five-day festival is a donkey parade.
People dress up their donkeys as famous people. The two
donkeys with the best costumes win a prize and become the
Stages 1, 2, 3 and Final: king and queen of the festival. You can also enjoy concerts,
street theatre and a great food market. I’d really love to go
Write a chain mystery story there one day.
Using the worksheet
2 Learners listen again and write True or False.
1 Learners decide the setting (where their story takes
place) and the characters and also write a title for their Key: 1 False 2 False 3 True 4 False 5 True
story. Give each group one template. 6 False 7 True 8 False
2 Ask learners to get into their groups. Give each group
the template from another group that they completed 3 Learners work on their own or in pairs to do online
at Stage 1. Ask them to continue the story. They have to research and complete the fact card.
think about what happens in the story and describe
the problem.

4 Vocabulary 1
1 Break the code and write the sentences and questions.
weha vetop utup theten tqui ckly
We have to put up the tent quickly.

1 iha vetolo ok aft ermy litt lebro the rtod ay

2 mym umhel pedm etore pairth ewhe elon myb ike

3 ihav etot idym yroo monsat urda ymor ning

4 imus tnt forg ettof etch thep ost

5 weha vetop repa refo roureng lis hex am

6 cany ousen dam essa gew henyo uarr ive

7 ine edtoma kesure ige tupear lytom or row

8 hes mee tingmeo uts idesch oolt hisaf tern oon

2 Answer the questions.

1 Who looks after you after school?
2 How often do you tidy your room?
3 Did you meet anyone last weekend?
4 When did you last send a letter to someone?
5 Who usually fetches you from school?
6 Have you ever repaired anything? What?
7 How long do you take to prepare for school?
8 What do you have to make sure you do this evening?
38 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
4 Grammar 1
Cut out the sentence parts and play a game.

I was having breakfast he fell off and hurt his leg.

I was preparing for an exam I dropped my phone and broke it.

our teacher went out of

She was watching a boring film
the classroom.

she found some money under

We were doing a maths test
my bed.

the cat jumped onto my desk

I was walking to school
and got my books dirty.

My brother was climbing a tree it started to rain, so I got wet.

the fire alarm went off so

I was sleeping
she stopped.

My mum was tidying

he cut his finger.
my room

My dad was making dinner the doorbell woke me up.

Our teacher was writing the branch broke and he

on the board fell down.

He was riding his bike she fell asleep.

I was sending a message

I burned the toast.
to my mum

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4 Vocabulary 2
Read, draw the times on the clocks and answer.

1 I started preparing for the exam at five past four and I finished at ten past six.

How long did I take?

2 We left home at twenty to eight and arrived at school at twenty-five past eight.

How long did we take to get to school?

3 I looked after my baby sister from quarter past seven until five to nine.

How long did I look after her for?

4 The plane took off from Madrid at five past seven and landed in Berlin at
twenty-five past nine.

How long was the flight?

40 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Grammar 2
Cut out the cards and play the game in pairs.

You need a coin. Shuffle your cards and put them face down in a pile.
One learner takes a card, reads it and asks a question.

I haven’t written
When did you last write a letter?
a letter.

The other learner throws the coin and answers the question with a present perfect
negative sentence:
heads = answers using for
tails = answers using since
I haven’t written a letter for a long time.
I haven’t written a letter since my birthday.
Learners then swap roles and continue asking questions and answering.

I haven’t sent I haven’t

I haven’t called I haven’t been I haven’t been
my best friend looked after a
my grandma. skating. to a concert.
a message. baby.

I haven’t I haven’t I haven’t

I haven’t eaten I haven’t ridden
brushed my washed my climbed a
a hamburger. my bike.
teeth. hair. mountain.

I haven’t been I haven’t

I haven’t tidied I haven’t seen a I haven’t flown
swimming in bought a new
my room. funny film. in a plane.
the sea. toy.

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4 Skills 1: Listening and speaking
1 8 Listen and complete the pictures.

1 What time did they leave school? 2 What shop did Zoe want to go into?

3 What colour was the boy’s jacket? 4 What did they eat?

2 Work with a partner. Invent and act out the dialogues in the

Come on, Zoe. We need to You’re walking too

get home quickly. I think fast! My legs are
it’s going to rain. shorter than yours.

42 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Skills 2: Reading and writing
1 Read and match the descriptions with the pictures.
1 2 3 4 5

a It started raining they were walking down the street past some
of their favourite shops.
b While they were waiting to cross the road, a boy past on a bike
and splashed water all over them.
c When the children were the playground, they saw dark clouds in
the sky.
d They hid from the rain in the shop doorway and Adam tried to
a message to his mother.
e While they crossing the park, they saw something that made
them laugh.

2 Read the descriptions again and choose the right words.

a before after while d sent send sended
b ride rided rode e was were are
c leave left leaving

3 What happened next in the story? Imagine and note down some
words and phrases.

When they saw the boy …

While they were walking out of the park …

Before they reached home …

4 Write the story ending.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 43

4 Stages 1, 2, 3 and Final:
Write a chain mystery story

Stage 1: Setting and characters

Stage 2: The problem

Stage 3: Resolution

Final: The end

1 Plan your mystery story. Write 3 Describe how the problem is

the setting and the characters solved.
of the story and choose a title.
Finish and read the stories.
2 Describe the problem.
44 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
4 Culture
Festivals in Colombia

1 9 Listen to the podcast. Choose the best title.

1 Carnival in Colombia

2 Strange Colombian customs

3 Colombian festivals

2 10 Listen to the podcast again and write True or False.

1 Ivan talks about the Carnival in Barranquilla.
2 Ivan has been to the Carnival of the Devil.
3 It takes place every two years.
4 The devils in the carnival are scary.
5 The Donkey Festival takes place at Easter.
6 It lasts for two days.
7 The donkeys in the festival wear costumes.
8 There are donkey races during the festival.

3 Research and complete the country profile for Colombia.

Country: Colombia Rivers:

Continent: South America

Capital: Neighbouring countries:


Official language: Animals:


Mountain ranges: Colours of the Colombian flag:

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5 Let it snow!

Vocabulary 1 Grammar 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the core weather ● This worksheet provides practice of complex sentences
and season words: fog, ice, storm, warm, spring, with so/because.
summer, autumn and winter. It also revises words for 1 Learners work on their own or in pairs. They need
talking about the weather that the learners already coloured pencils. Read the example sentence on the
know as well as clothing and free-time activities shaded parts across from left to right. Learners need
connected to the seasons. seven colours to build sentences by colouring in the
● Using the months, elicit the four seasons and write different parts from left to right.
them on the board. Learners take a sheet of paper and 2 Learners copy out the sentences from the previous
divide it into four rectangles. They write a season in exercise.
each and then sort the words into seasonal groups.
Key: 1 We were late for school today because
Grammar 1 there was a lot of snow on the roads. 2 My hands
Using the worksheet are very cold because I left my gloves at home.
3 It was raining hard this morning, so I took my
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language
umbrella to school. 4 My dad drove me to school
of expressing decisions made at the moment of
because it was very foggy this morning. 5 There
speaking and making offers using will/won’t.
was a bad storm on Friday, so we didn’t go skiing at
1 Learners work on their own to make mini dialogues the weekend. 6 We’ll go sledging after school today
by matching the utterances in the jigsaw pieces. They because it’s going to stop snowing soon. 7 My mum
colour pairs the same colour. is repairing my skis, so I’ll go snowboarding instead
of skiing.
Key: 1 c 2 a 3 h 4 g 5 e 6 d 7 f 8 b

2 Learners work on their own to write responses. They Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement):
read out the problems and responses in pairs. ● Make a copy of and cut out the sentence parts. Give
out a set to each pair in the class. They have to put
Vocabulary 2 the sentences in order as quickly as possible without
looking at their answers to the previous exercise.
Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the core winter Skills 1: Listening and speaking
Using the worksheet
1 Learners work on their own to circle the words.
● This worksheet provides listening and speaking skills
Key: glove snowball skiing snowboard pond practice using the core unit language.
snowboarding sledge snowman pocket 1 Learners look at the pictures and say what they can
see in each one. They read the questions. Pre-teach the
2 Learners label the picture with the words from the scarf. words coach, slip (v) and crash. Play the audio. Learners
listen and tick the pictures that answer the questions.
Key: 1 snowboard 2 snowboarding 3 skiing
Key: 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 b
4 sledge 5 snowman 6 glove 7 pond
8 pocket 9 snowball
Track 11
Grandma: Did you have a good time last week on the school
trip, Tabatha?
Tabatha: It was great, Grandma. I want to go again next
winter. Skiing isn’t difficult at all – I loved it!
Grandma: That’s brilliant! Did it take a long time to get there?
Tabatha: Yes, we were on the coach for the whole day, so we
got really bored. It took a long time because it was

very foggy when we were driving on the motorway,
so the driver had to go slowly.
Grandma: Was it foggy when you arrived at the hotel?
Stage 2: Prepare a TV
Tabatha: No, it wasn’t. It was really cold, but it was very clear. weather report
There was ice on the streets and I slipped as soon as
I got off the coach. Using the worksheet
Grandma: Oh, dear! So you had an accident before you started 2 On a large sheet of paper, learners draw a map of the
skiing! country they have chosen in Stage 1. They include
Tabatha: Yes, but it wasn’t bad. I fell over but I didn’t hurt
the main natural features and label the main cities.
myself. Not then, anyway.
Give each group a photocopy of the weather symbols
Grandma: What do you mean, ‘not then’. Did you hurt yourself
afterwards? template. They discuss what the the weather for each
Tabatha: Well, the next morning – that was our first morning area of the country is like on a winter day. They colour
there – we didn’t have our equipment, so we couldn’t and cut out the relevant weather symbols and stick
go skiing. We decided to go sledging instead. They them on their maps.
had lots of sledges at the hotel that we could use.
Grandma: Did you fall off the sledge?
Tabatha: No, I didn’t fall off it, but I crashed into a tree and
hurt my foot. Using the worksheet
Grandma: Oh, dear! How did that happen?
Tabatha: It was so silly … you see, before we went sledging, 1 Learners talk about how they get to school.
we made a big snowman and then we had a 2 Learners skim the article quickly and answer.
snowball fight. My gloves got really wet because I
touched a lot of snow, so I took them off and I put
Key: He rides a horse.
them in my pocket. When I was going down the hill
on the sledge, one of my gloves fell out of my pocket.
I was looking back for the glove when I crashed into 3 Learners read the questions then read the article
the tree because I didn’t see it. carefully and note down the answers. Use this activity
Grandma: Oh, dear! to revise/check these words: farm, vet and countryside.
Tabatha: Don’t worry, Grandma! I was fine.
2 Learners ask and answer questions about their Key: 1 seven 2 1 1/2 hours 3 there isn’t a road
favourite seasons. Learners look at the table and write 4 Yes 5 be a vet/work on the farm
the names of four classmates across the top. Elicit and
drill the questions that they will need to ask: What’s 4 Learners draw a large Venn diagram on a sheet of paper
your favourite season? Why do you prefer (autumn)? and make notes about their school journeys.
What do you like doing in (autumn)? Learners ask and 5 Learners imagine that they are writing an email to
answer the questions and take notes. Marco. They can start like this:
Dear Marco,
Skills 2: Reading and writing I read an article about your journey to school. It’s very
different from mine!
Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides reading and writing skills
practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
● Learners read the messages and complete the gaps
with one or two words.
● They check their answers in pairs by reading one part
each. They can act out the dialogue as if it was a phone
call rather than a message chain.

Key: 1 ’ve/have 2 might/may 3 ’ll/will 4 won’t

5 snowboard 6 so 7 enough 8 was

5 Vocabulary 1

fog rain boots windy

ice cloud kite cold

storm tent rainbow tennis

warm snow wind sunglasses

swimming sunny cloudy hot

coat scarf shorts sweater

sandcastle football hockey beach

hat cap skating T-shirt

48 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Grammar 1
1 Read and colour to match.

1 2 a b
I don’t I’ll put it in
I haven’t got I’ll lend you the washing
know where mine. They’re
Patagonia is. any boots. machine for you.
really warm.

3 4 c d
I can’t shut I’ll show That won’t be a
I can’t find
my suitcase. you a map problem. You can
my camera.
of South use the translator
America. on your phone.
5 6 e f
I’ve broken I’ll repair
I can’t speak I won’t forget
the wheel on it for you.
Spanish. to look after it.
my bike.

7 8 g h
My cat will I’ll sit on it I’ll look for it
My winter for you. When
miss me while for you while
coat is dirty. did you last
I’m away. you close it.
use it?

2 Write responses using will or won’t.

I’m really hungry.

I need to take the dog

for a walk but I’m tired.

I don’t feel very well.

It’s raining and I have

to walk home.

These bags are very heavy.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 49

5 Vocabulary 2
1 Circle the winter words in the scarf.

hosnowb c
ngs hsled
ng o d i





lov ll m np sn tra

ersnowba on w owm
dowsno anunepocke

2 Label the picture with the words from Activity 1.

1 2

7 8 9

50 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Grammar 2
1 Use colours to make sentences.

took my this
Itt snowed aree very cold
co to
o school
schoo at home.
umbrella morning

We were la
late snowing
drove me so we cause it’s
because it before
for soon.

eavily a
heavily all
My hand
hands today was a lot ery foggy
very fogg
ast night
last nigh

It was sledging
so I ause it was
because w go skiing reakfas
ning hard
raining ha fter
after scho

made a going to
My dad a bad stor
storm on Friday skiing.
snowman stop

because go
here was
There wa hool today
school tod of snow
there wboard

pairing my
repairing m on the
We’ll go so I’ll glov
left my gloves nstead o
instead of
skis roads.

at the
y mum is
My thiss morni
morning because I didn
so we didn’t o schoo
to school.

2 Write the sentences.

It snowed heavily all last night, so we made a snowman before breakfast.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 51

5 Skills 1: Listening and speaking
1 11 Listen and choose the correct picture.

1 Which season is it?

a b c

2 What was the weather like when they got to the hotel?
a b c

3 What was Tabatha doing when she hurt her foot?

a b c

4 Why did Tabatha have an accident?

a b c

2 Interview four classmates and make notes of the answers.




52 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Skills 2: Reading and writing
Complete the messages with 1 or 2 words in each gap.

Hi! We 1 just arrived

at the hotel. It’s snowing
and there’s ice on the
streets. It’s fantastic :)!

Be careful when you go out!

You 2 fall down
and hurt yourself.
Of course I 3 be
careful, Mum! And don’t
worry, I 4 hurt myself
in the street! I’m going
to go snowboarding,
You’ll get very cold when
you’re on your
. You must
remember to wear your
scarf so you don’t get a
sore throat.
Um, Mum. I think I left my
scarf in the car, 6
I can’t wear it …
What? Well, then you’ll have
to buy yourself a new one!
But don’t spend too much
on it, or you won’t have
to buy presents!
;) Hee hee! I 8
joking. Of course I’ll wear
my scarf – and my hat
and gloves too.
Huh! Not funny! So, you
start your snowboarding
lessons tomorrow … ?

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5 Stage 2: Prepare a TV
weather report
2 Draw a map. Cut out the weather symbols and stick them on.

54 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Culture
Going to school in Patagonia
1 How do you get to school? Tell the class.
2 Look quickly at the article. How does Marco get to school?

Journey to school
Since he was six years old, Marco Grom has ridden 15 km every day to get to school in
Marco, now 14 years old, has ridden his horse, Rocinante, to school for seven years. He
gets up at six o’clock every day and rides 15 km with his little sister, Pupi, behind him to the
nearest school.
It takes him an hour and a half to get to school. He stays at school until two o’clock. Then
he helps his parents with the animals on the farm. The Groms live in a small farm a long way
from the nearest village.
Most of the other children also live on farms, but they can either walk there or they can get
the school bus. Marco and Pupi can’t get the bus because their farm isn’t on a road. They have
to ride Rocinante across the countryside to get to school.
Sometimes the weather is terrible and he and Pupi arrive late because it’s snowing or there’s
a storm.
When he grows up, he wants to go to university and to study to be a vet so he
can live and work on his parents’ farm.

3 Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 How old was Marco when he first rode to school?
2 How long does the journey to school take?
3 Why can’t Marco and Pupi get the bus to school?
4 Do they ride to school in bad weather?
5 What does Marco want to do when he’s an adult?

4 Make a Venn diagram to compare your school life with Marco’s.

5 Write an email about your journey to school to send to Marco.
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6 Working together

Vocabulary 1 Grammar 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the core job words: ● This worksheet provides practice of the core language
businessman / woman, engineer, firefighter, manager, of showing surprise or acknowledgement by
mechanic, pilot, police officer and uniform. It also responding to information with short questions.
provides revision of the job words from PEC Level 3. 1 Learners work on their own to write a true sentence
● Give each pair a worksheet. They need a dice and they about themselves for each prompt. The sentence should
each need at least ten counters in two different colours, be connected to the topic and should be as unusual as
i.e. one colour for one learner and a different colour for possible.
the other learner. 2 Learners work in pairs to say their sentences and react
● Learners read the instructions and play the game. with short questions as in the example.
Most learners will be familiar with the game Three in a
Row, but you could draw a grid on the board and play
Optional follow-up activity (reinforcement):
Learners choose one or two of their sentences – they
a quick game with the class first to make sure they
should be the most surprising ones. They mingle around
understand the rules.
the class and stop and talk to a partner when you clap
● Learners throw the dice to find out how many sentences your hands or blow a whistle. The pair say their sentences
they need to make about the job that they want to put and respond appropriately and then move on. To feed
their counter on. back at the end of the activity, ask learners to say which
piece of information was the most surprising.
Grammar 1
Using the worksheet Skills 1: Reading and writing
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language Using the worksheet
of tag questions. ● This worksheet provides reading and writing skills
1 Learners work in pairs. For this activity they shouldn’t practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
work with their close friends, so you might want to 1 Talk about blogs. Ask learners if their families have got
choose the pairs yourself. Learners complete the form one or if they read any. Learners skim read the blog
for their partners, but without asking any questions. and suggest what they think might be in the photos.
They have to write what they think is the right Feed back with the whole class, comparing ideas. There
information. are no right answers. Check or pre-teach the following
2 Learners work with their partner to check the words and phrases: hose, fashion show, bank account,
information that they have written on the form, as in credit card and cash machine.
the example. They must use tag questions to do so. 2 Learners read the blog again and complete the
Read the examples first with the class and focus on the statements.
responses to make sure that learners understand the
use of the affirmative and negative.
Key: 1 an airport 2 four hours 3 the
job centre 4 a firefighter 5 choose some
Vocabulary 2 clothes 6 the music academy
Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the core world of
work words: office, factory, news, newspaper, fire engine,
Skills 2: Listening and speaking
businessman, meeting, police station and fire station. Using the worksheet
● Learners work on their own to read the definitions, and ● This worksheet provides listening and speaking skills
cross out and write the letters to form the words. practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
1 Learners read the notes and then listen and complete
Key: 1 office 2 factory 3 fire station 4 news them. They may need to listen two or three times.
5 businessman 6 newspaper 7 fire engine
8 meeting 9 police station

Key: Present: robot pet From: parents
Colour: black and green Body: strong back legs, Using the worksheet
short front legs, big head Can: walk, sit down, 1 Learners look at the pictures and say the words. Check
climb Can’t: make a noise How it works: voice that they understand them. They work in pairs to invent
control a possible story, including the things in the pictures,
and write short sentences. Use this stage to pre-teach
Track 12
plant (a seed).
Adult: Did you have a good weekend, Thomas? It was your
birthday, wasn’t it? 2 Learners listen and compare the story/stories that they
Boy: Yes, it was. It was fantastic! I had a party on Saturday created. Use examples to check that they understand
afternoon with all my friends from school. these words: greedy, rich, poor, cut, chase (away).
Adult: Ah, yes. Your mum told me about it. You had a magician’s Tracks 13 & 14
show, didn’t you? Teacher:
Boy: Yes, we did. It was really cool. I learnt two new magic Today I’m going to tell you a story. It’s an old story from Korea.
tricks! The names in the story are unusual because they’re old Korean
Adult: Did you? Fun! Will you show me them? names, but the meaning of the story isn’t very different from
Boy: Of course, but I want to show you my favourite present some of our old stories. We’ll talk about that later.
first. Look. This is it! A long, long time ago, there were two brothers called Nolbu
Adult: Ummm … it looks interesting, but what is it? and Heungbu. Nolbu was the older brother. He was unkind and
Boy: It’s a pet – a robot pet. greedy and he always took everything from his younger brother,
Adult: Is it? But … it’s black and green. It looks like a dinosaur. Heungbu. Heungbu was poor and kind and he loved helping
It doesn’t look like a pet. people. Nolbu was rich and he lived in a big house. Heungbu
Boy: But it’s a robot – and it’s a pet. lived in a small house and he didn’t have much money.
Adult: Wow! Who gave it to you? One day Heungbu – the younger brother – saw a snake in a tree.
Boy: My parents. It was climbing up the tree to catch a swallow. The bird was very
Adult: Right. Was it a surprise? scared when it saw the snake, so it fell out of the tree and it broke
Boy: No, it wasn’t. I asked for it. You see, my friend Alex has its leg when it hit the ground. Heungbu chased the snake away
got one. and he looked after the swallow. When the swallow’s leg was
Adult: Has he? Is his the same? better, it flew away.
Boy: No, it isn’t. Mine has got strong back legs and short front The next spring the swallow came back to Heungbu’s garden
legs – and a big head. Alex’s is brown and it’s got four with its family and it gave Heungbu a small brown seed as a
legs, a long neck and a small head. thank you present. Heungbu planted the seed in his garden, and
Adult: Ah. Yours is a different kind of dinosaur, isn’t it? by autumn he had a beautiful big pumpkin. Heungbu and his
Boy: That’s right. family cooked the pumpkin and when his wife cut it open, it was
Adult: So, what can it do? full of gold coins. With the money they bought a new house and
Boy: Well, it can walk and sit down and it can climb up things. they always had good food to eat.
Adult: Wow! Does it make a noise? Nolbu heard about his brother’s new house and he went to visit
Boy: No, it doesn’t. But it can understand my voice. It works him to ask him about the money. Heungbu told his brother the
by voice control. story and Nolbu immediately ran into the forest, he found a
Adult: Voice control? That’s amazing! swallow and he broke its leg. Then he took it home to look after it.
2 Learners work in pairs to tell their partners about the The next spring Nolbu’s swallow came back to visit him and it
robot pets that they want to buy. They respond to their gave him a seed. Nolbu planted the seed and waited greedily
partner’s information with short questions. all year for it to grow. By the autumn he had three beautiful big
pumpkins. Nolbu cut them open in his garden, but there weren’t
any gold coins inside. A demon jumped out of the first pumpkin
Stage 1: Invent something and hit Nolbu because he was so greedy. A man from the bank
to help with a job jumped out of the second pumpkin and he took away all of
Nolbu’s money. But Nolbu still hadn’t learnt his lesson. He cut
Using the worksheet open the third pumpkin and a river of dirty water poured out of
it and filled his house with water.
1 Ask learners to get into four or five groups and give each
Finally Nolbu learnt that he shouldn’t be greedy. He went to visit
group a photocopy of the thinking map. Tell them that
his brother, said sorry to him and they became good friends.
they have to choose a job and write the name in the
centre bubble. Next, they have to think of tools required 3 Learners listen again and write True or False.
for that job. They can write crazy and fun ones, like an
alarm clock to keep busy people (e.g. doctors) awake or Key: 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True 5 False
a one-piece suit for a firefighter. 6 True 7 True 8 True
A firefighter who helps people in danger needs to be able
to dress quickly. He needs an easy-to-wear uniform. 4 Learners choose one of the titles and invent a story.

6 Vocabulary 1
Read the instructions and play the game with a partner.

Three in a row
You need a dice and ten counters each.
The aim of the game is to put three of your counters in a row (vertical, horizontal or diagonal) on
three different jobs.
Put one of your counters on a job and throw the dice. You have to make this number of sentences
about the job, e.g.
Dentists work inside.
They don’t wear a uniform, but they wear a white coat.
They look inside people’s mouths.
They repair and take out teeth.
If you can make the correct number of sentences, leave your counter on the job and it’s your
partner’s turn.
The winner is the first person to place three counters in a row. You can play various rounds of
the game.

58 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Grammar 1
1 Complete the notes for a partner. You can’t ask any questions.

Brothers / Sisters:
Special abilities:
Daily Routine:
gets up
goes to school
after-school activities
goes to bed

Countries visited:

Dream job:

2 Work with your partner. Check your notes using tag questions.

You live in … street, Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

don’t you?

Your birthday is on Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

… , isn’t it?

You haven’t got any No, I haven’t. Yes, I have.

brothers, have you?

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6 Vocabulary 2
Use the letters to write the words.





1 A room or a building
g where people work.

2 A big
g building
g where people make things.

3 The building
g where firefighters
g wait for a call.

4 The important events that journalists tell people about.

5 A man who works in a company.

6 People can read the news in this.

7 This vehicle helps to stop fires.

8 A group
g of people have this in order to discuss problems and make decisions.

9 The building where police officers work.

60 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Grammar 2
1 Write one true sentence about you. Make your sentences as
unusual as possible.

1 your family

2 your pets

3 your last holidays

4 the countries you’ve visited

5 last weekend

6 this evening

7 yesterday evening at 9 o’clock

8 something you can do well

9 your plans for next summer

10 what you’re doing now

11 something you love doing

12 something you hate doing

13 something you’d like to buy

14 an unusual possession

15 something you aren’t good at

2 Work with a partner. Say your sentences and respond with

short questions.

My mum was born on a boat. Was she?

My brother has got a pet snake. Has he?

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6 Skills 1: Reading and writing
1 Read the blog quickly. Imagine the missing photos. What are
they like?

Holly’s Blog > A visit to Kidzania

Yesterday was really exciting! I went to to fight fires. I had to pay five dollars for that!
Kidzania with Auntie Amy. I’ve wanted to go Before the video finished, there was an alarm
for a long time but Mum and Dad said it was because there was a fire at the hotel. I jumped
too expensive. Auntie Amy took me for my into the fire engine and we drove to the hotel.
birthday present. When we got to the hotel, I jumped out, took
When we arrived it was like we were in an a hose and helped to put out the fire with
airport. We had to leave our bags and they water.
gave me a special watch to wear and some After that I went to the fashion studio where I
money – Kidzania dollars!! It was like a real could choose the clothes that I wanted to wear.
city, but all inside and on two floors. There’s a There were six children in the studio with me.
TV studio, a beauty salon, a chocolate factory We did a fashion show in the theatre and they
and even an aviation academy, where you can took lots of photos of us. The music academy
learn to fly. You can try working as a racing was great too. I went there after doing the
car mechanic, a fashion model or a detective. fashion show. I played the drums and we made
Well, you can’t try them all because your ticket a short music video.
only works for four hours!
After going to the music academy, I had 75
After we bought our tickets, we walked dollars so I could open a bank account at the
around the whole city and then I went to Kidzania Bank. They gave me my own credit
the job centre. I answered some questions card and a secret number, and I went to a cash
on a computer and it told me the jobs that I machine and took out some money. It wasn’t
should do. real money though! I gave it to Auntie Amy
My favourite activity was the fire station. First and she bought herself a coffee and a cake.
they gave me a uniform and a helmet to put It was a fantastic day. I’d love to go again and
on and then we watched a video about how do some of the jobs that I didn’t have time for.

2 Read the blog again and write some words to complete the
sentences. You can use 1, 2, or 3 words.

1 You start a visit to Kidzania in what looks like .

2 Children spend there trying different jobs.

3 First of all Holly went to .

4 She liked working as best.

6 In the fashion studio she could to wear.

7 After dressing up as a model, Holly went to .

62 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Skills 2: Listening and speaking
1 12
Listen and complete the notes about Thomas’s birthday present.

My favourite birthday present

How it works:

2 Work with a partner. Tell your partner about the toy you would like
to buy and respond with short questions.

I want to buy a … . Do you?

✃ ✃

You want to buy this toy. Tell your You want to buy this toy. Tell your
partner about it. partner about it.
Toy: RoboPup Toy: BowWowie
Price: £38.99 Price: £99.99
Colour: brown and white Colour: blue and white
Body: big ears; furry Body: plastic; big blue
body eyes
Size: small dog size Size: small cat size
Weight: 2 kilos Weight: 1 kilo
Can: walk, sit, lie down, Can: sing, play music
bark Can’t: walk, bark
Can’t: eat, drink How it works: remote control
How it works: voice control Special feature: eyes light up
Language: Spanish, English

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6 Stage 1: Invent something
to help with a job
1 Choose a job and think what people need for that job.


64 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Culture
Folk story from South Korea

1 You are going to hear a folk story. These things are

important in the story. What do you think happens?

gold coins demon pumpkin

seed snake swallow

2 13 Listen to a teacher telling the story and compare your ideas.

3 14 Listen again and write True or False.

1 The older brother in the story, Nolbu, was kind.

2 The younger brother, Heungbu, helped a sick bird.
3 The bird gave Heungbu some gold coins to say thank you.
4 Heungbu’s seed grew into a magic pumpkin.
5 Nolbu asked Heungbu to give him a magic seed.
6 Nolbu’s seed grew into three pumpkins.
7 There were terrible things inside Nolbu’s pumpkins.
8 At the end of the story Nolbu became a nicer person.

4 Choose one of the other titles and write a folk story.

The blind man’s daughter The farmer and the mother tiger
Three years hill The special medicine
The three questions The tiger, the man and the rabbit

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7 Then and now

Vocabulary 1 1 Learners work on their own to write questions using the

verbs in the box as in the example.
Using the worksheet 2 Learners swap worksheets with a partner, read the
● This worksheet provides practice of the core home questions and write short answers. Alternatively, they
words: gate, toilet, shelf, shampoo, soap, comb, brush, could do this stage orally, asking and answering in
fridge, oven, telephone and key. It also provides revision pairs.
of these other home words from previous levels of the
course: balcony, bath, clock, cupboard, fan, lamp, roof, Vocabulary 2
rug and stairs.
● Give each learner a Bingo sheet. Revise the words Using the worksheet
quickly with the class and then ask them to choose ● This worksheet provides practice of the core adjectives
twelve of the items and to draw them in the Bingo grid. for describing objects: broken, cheap, empty, expensive,
● Play Bingo with the class. Instead of calling out the full, heavy, light, tidy, untidy and unusual.
words for them to cross out, call out the following 1 Learners work on their own to write words in the
definitions at random: shapes. They read the items one by one and write a
balcony a small place outside a house where you true answer in the shape of their choice.
can sit 2 Learners swap worksheets with a partner. They look at
bath a place where you sit or lie to wash your the words in their partners’ shapes and try to imagine
body which of the items on the list they correspond to.
brush a thing you use to tidy your hair or clean
your teeth Grammar 2
clock a thing that tells you the time
comb a long thin thing that you use to tidy your Using the worksheet
hair ● This worksheet provides practice of the core language
cupboard a piece of furniture that you keep things in of asking about and explaining function with be used
fan a thing that you use to feel cooler for + gerund/to + infinitive as well as revising the home
fridge a large thing that you put food in to keep it words vocabulary.
cold ● Learners work in A/B pairs to complete the crossword.
gate an outside door in a wall They have to explain the function of the home words to
key a small piece of metal that you turn in a do so.
door to open or close it
● Cut up the worksheets and give them out. Learners look
lamp a thing that produces light
at their puzzles and at the example. To check that they
oven a thing that you put food in to cook it
understand the task, ask stronger learners to do one or
roof this covers the top of a house
two more examples in open pairs.
rug a thing that you put on the floor and is nice
to walk on ● In weaker classes, you may like learners to work in A
shampoo a liquid that you use to wash your hair and B groups first to prepare their answers. They can do
shelf a piece of wood that you put things on in a this orally or take notes.
cupboard ● Learners work in A/B pairs to ask, answer and complete
soap you use this with water to wash your body their puzzles.
stairs you walk up and down these to move from
one floor to another in a building Key: Learners show each other their worksheet to
telephone you use this to talk to someone who is in check their answers.
another place
toilet you use this in the bathroom
Skills 1: Reading and speaking
Grammar 1 Using the worksheet
Using the worksheet ● This worksheet provides reading and speaking skills
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
of talking about past experiences using the present 1 Look at the pictures and discuss the questions with the
perfect and focusing on irregular past participles. class. Encourage them to be as imaginative as possible.

2 Learners scan the article quickly and tick the two 2 Learners read the sentences and then listen again and
pictures that are mentioned. write True or False. Check their answers and then focus
on the invention itself. Elicit and teach windscreen wiper
Key: earmuffs & ice lolly and for hanging towels on (a hook) using pictures. Ask
learners to draw a picture of the invention on the board.
3 Learners read the article again and write the names to
show who the sentences are true for. You may like to Key: 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True 5 False
ask stronger learners to guess and then look up and 6 True
check the meaning of the following words from the
texts: a band (of metal), sew, fur, patent (v), mixing stick 3 Learners work in pairs, small groups or as a whole class
and frozen. to brainstorm and make a list of possible ideas.
4 Learners work on their own or in pairs to design an
Key: 1 Both 2 Frank 3 Both 4 Frank 5 Both invention.

Stages 1, 2, 3: Create an
Skills 2: Listening and writing encyclopedia entry
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides listening and writing skills
Learners use this template to make notes at each
practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
Mission stage. They will use these notes to write their
1 Play the dialogue once and learners answer the encyclopedia entry in the Final Mission task.
1 Put the class in Mission groups. Give each group a
photocopy of the template. They choose a household
Key: 3 object for their mission. They have to write it on their
Tracks 15 & 16
Dad: Hi, Helen! Why are you drawing? Have you finished 2 In Mission groups, learners discuss the uses of their
helping at home? object. They write notes on their template next to
Helen: Hi, Dad. Well, not yet … but I’ve almost finished. ‘What’s it used for?’.
Dad: Is your room tidy? 3 In Mission groups, learners research the history
Helen: Yes, it is. I’ve tidied my room and I’ve taken the rubbish
and evolution of their object using the internet or
out too. The bins are empty – and clean.
Dad: So, what haven’t you done?
Helen: Well, do you remember that you asked me to clean the
bathroom mirror? Culture
Dad: Oh, yes. You put soap all over it. I remember.
Helen: Well, I’ve cleaned it twice, but it still doesn’t look clean, Using the worksheet
so that’s why I’m here drawing. 1 Learners read the three text types and then look quickly
Dad: You’re drawing something so the mirror looks cleaner … at the text and identify what it is.
I’m not sure I understand that!
Helen: No! Look! I’m inventing a special mirror cleaner!
Dad: A mirror cleaner! How does it work? Key: 3
Helen: Well, why don’t you have a look at my drawing?
Dad: OK. Let’s see. So what’s this long, straight thing on the 2 Pre-teach the following words and phrases from the
mirror? text: exhibition, wall, ramp, bars (on windows). Learners
Helen: It’s from a car – it’s for cleaning the car window – the read the text again and make notes about Egyptian
front one.
Dad: Ah, I see. A windscreen wiper. And what’s this round
thing here?
Helen: Well, that’s from the kitchen. It’s for hanging towels on.
My idea is to put it here, at the top of the mirror. And to
hang the windscreen wiper from it.
Dad: I see, and then … ?
Helen: Well, you move the wiper from left to right with your
hand and it cleans the mirror.
Dad: Wow, that’s a great idea! Shall we try it?
Helen: Really?
Dad: Yes, come on! And you can help me clean the car as well!
Helen: Oh, Dad!!

7 Vocabulary 1
Draw one of the household items in each square and play Bingo.

balcony bath brush clock comb cupboard

fan fridge gate key lamp oven roof rug
shampoo shelf soap stairs telephone toilet

Draw one of the household items in each square and play Bingo.

balcony bath brush clock comb cupboard

fan fridge gate key lamp oven roof rug
shampoo shelf soap stairs telephone toilet

68 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Grammar 1
1 Write ten Have you ever … ? questions for a partner using the verbs
in the box.

break hurt drive fall fly forget

find go leave put ride see stand take

Example break Have you ever broken your arm?


2 Swap questions with your partner and write short answers.

1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

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7 Vocabulary 2
1 Read, think and write your answers in the shapes.

Something in your house that is broken.

Something cheap that you often buy.
Something in your classroom that is empty.
Something expensive that you would like to buy.
Something in your classroom that is full.
Something heavy that is in your school bag.
Something light that is in your pocket.
A very tidy place that you sometimes go to.
A very untidy place that you sometimes go to.
An unusual thing that you did last week.

2 Swap with a partner. Look at your partner’s word and guess.

Would you like to buy an expensive bicycle? No.

Is your bicycle broken? Yes, that’s right.

70 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Grammar 2
Learner A
Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the
definitions crossword.
What’s 2 down used for?
1 2
r o It’s used for tidying
u v your hair.
4 5 6 7
f s e s
8 9 10 11 Across ➔
a h n s c o k
n h u a e
a p p y
m b
13 14
l p o
i o a
f o r
t d

Learner B
Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the
definitions crossword.
What’s 1 across used for?
1 2
c o m b
It’s used for tidying
your hair.
4 5 6 7
s h e l f
b a t h r 9 10
c l o c
k Across ➔
i Down
d l a m p
13 14
t e l e p h o n e

g a t e

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7 Skills 1: Reading and speaking
1 Look at the pictures. What are the things used for? When and
where do you think people first used them?

woolly hat earmuffs scarf ice ice cream ice lolly

2 Read the article quickly and tick ✓ the inventions you read about.

Creative kids
Chester Greenwood lived in Maine in One winter night in 1905 in San Francisco,
the northeast of the United States, where it was extremely cold. Frank Epperson
winters are very cold. One day when he was 11 years old at the time and he was
was 15, he was ice skating. His ears got playing outside. He made himself a drink
terribly cold. Chester decided that he with some fruit powder and water. His
had to solve the problem. He went back mother called him in for dinner while he
home and made a band out of metal was mixing the drink, so he left the mixing
to go over his head. Then he asked his stick in the glass and he ran inside. The
grandmother to sew two round pieces of next evening he found a frozen drink in
fur on each end. When he put it on his the glass.
head, the furry circles covered his ears In 1922, many years after making his
and they didn’t get cold at all. accidental invention, Frank took some ice
Chester patented this invention in 1877, lollies to a party for firefighters. They loved
when he was 19. He went on to invent them so much that Frank patented them
many more things in his life and became and opened a factory. By 1928 Frank’s ice
very rich. lollies made him a rich man.

3 Read the article again. Who are they true for? Write Chester, Frank
or Both.
1 It was winter when he invented it.
2 He invented it by accident.
3 He was playing outside at the time.
4 He patented it many years later.
5 He became rich because of the invention.

72 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Skills 2: Listening and writing
1 15 Listen to Helen and her dad. What does she want to invent?

1 Something to help her tidy her room. 3 Something to clean mirrors.

2 Something to empty the rubbish bin. 4 Something to clean cars.

2 16 Listen again. Are the sentences True or False?

1 Helen hasn’t tidied her room.

2 She’s cleaned the rubbish bins.
3 She hasn’t cleaned the bathroom mirror.
4 She wants to invent a mirror cleaner.
5 Her invention has lots of parts.
6 Her dad likes her invention.

3 What inventions do you need at home? Make a list of ideas.

something to do my homework
something to make my bed

4 Choose one of your ideas and design an invention. Draw, label and
write notes.

What it does:

What it’s made of:

How it works:

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7 Stages 1, 2, 3: Create an
encyclopedia entry
1 Choose a household object.
2 Write a description of it.
3 Talk about how people used it in the past.

My encyclopedia


What’s it used for?

Different models, history and evolution

74 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

7 Culture
Life in Ancient Egypt

1 Look quickly at the text. What is it?

1 a leaflet for tourists in Cairo
2 a page from a school book about Ancient Egypt
3 an information sheet from a museum

Life in Ancient Egypt

Visit the Life in Ancient Egypt exhibition to find out how people lived.

Rich people lived in big homes – or villas – next to the River Nile. The houses were
white on the outside to keep them cool. The insides were beautiful. They painted
the walls with light colours so they looked bright and clean and artists painted
pictures on them.

Houses in Ancient Egypt usually had doors at the back and the front. These were
about two metres higher than the ground to stop sand getting in. They didn’t use stairs
to get into their houses, they used ramps. The windows were high up in the walls. This
was also to keep sand out. They had bars on them because of wild animals.

The living room was in the middle of the villa and the other rooms were all around
it. There were bedrooms, children’s rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.

Look at the model villa in the exhibition. You can see mirrors, an oven, shelves,
beds, lamps, heating and a fountain. In the bedrooms, you can see make-up,
perfume and lots of clothes.

Walk around the rest of the exhibition to find out about the homes of poorer people
in cities and the countryside. Enjoy your visit to Ancient Egypt!

2 Read again and make notes.

Houses in Ancient Egypt – Villas

Where were they? What were the windows like?
Who lived there? Which rooms did they have?
What did they look like? Some examples of their furniture.
How did people get into them? Some examples of their possessions.

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8 Space travel

Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the core space ● This worksheet provides practice of the core adventure
words: astronaut, deep, engine, enormous, planet, words: enter, follow, leave, stay, touch, turn on, turn off,
rocket, space, spaceship and telescope. land, exit, entrance as well as press, push, explore, put on
1 Learners work on their own to circle the space words in and prepare.
the puzzle. They label the pictures with the words. 1 Make sure learners understand the situation. They work
on their own or in pairs to match the heads and tails of
Key: the instructions. Pre-teach spacesuit.
t e l e s c o p e
Key: 1 d 2 i 3 a 4 f 5 k 6 c 7 n 8 b
p r o c k e t
9 l 10 o 11 j 12 e 13 g 14 h
l s p a c e
a s t r o n a u t 2 One learner reads the instructions and the other acts
them out. Then they swap roles.
n g d
e i e Grammar 2
t n e
Using the worksheet
s p a c e s h i p
● This worksheet provides practice of the core language
of narrating past events using the past simple and the
e n o r m o u s past continuous with when.
● Learners work in pairs. They cut out the story cards and
2 Learners look at the word spiders and write words from place them face up on the desk in front of them.
Activity 1 in the centre of each. ● Write up this sentence: Last night I dreamed I was
travelling in space.
Key: 1 enormous 2 astronaut ● Learners work together to put the cards in order to
continue the story. They can add elements of their own
3 Learners choose two other space words and make word e.g. (watch / Milky Way) I was watching the Milky Way
spiders for them. They can show their spiders to other out of the rocket window when suddenly … (see / alien)
learners and ask them to guess the core words. … I saw an alien.

Grammar 1 Skills 1: Reading and listening

Using the worksheet Using the worksheet
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language ● This worksheet provides reading and listening skills
of talking about intentions and making predictions practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
about the future using going to and will. 1 Learners look quickly at the leaflet and answer the
● Learners play the game in small groups. They each questions, giving their personal opinions.
need a counter and they use a coin instead of a dice: 2 Learners read again and answer the questions.
heads = move one square, tails = move two squares
● Learners place their counters on a blank square Key: 1 6 pm 2 no (you should arrive early)
anywhere on the board. The youngest player starts. 3 rocket training 4 more than 3.8 billion years
He/She tosses the coin and moves clockwise around old 5 an astronaut
the board. When a player lands on a question square,
the other players read out the question. The first player 3 Learners listen to an extract in which a teacher is asking
must answer the question and pass the coin to the next three learners about their visit to the Space Centre.
player. Read the list of activities first and then they listen and
● Learners tick the questions as they ask them. The first match the children with their favourite activities there.
group to ask and answer all the questions are the winners.
Key: David 3 Helen 5 Harry 1
Track 17 that they are about to go on a space mission and they
Teacher: Did you all have a good time yesterday at the Space have to plan it. They have to invent the name of their
Centre? I really enjoyed it. How about you, David? mission.
David: I really loved it. I’ve asked my Dad if I can go with him
again in the holidays. It was so cool – and I’ve decided 2 Tell learners to imagine they are in Mission Control and
that I want to be an astronaut. they need to tell an astronaut who is in an unfamiliar
Teacher: Wow. That’s good. So you’ll have to work really hard spaceship how to fly it. Learners draw a diagram of the
at science then. control panel (with appropriately coloured buttons)
David: Yes, I know. My dad told me that too. and write instructions for taking off and landing.
Teacher: Anyway, what did you like best at the centre?
David: I really liked the International Space Station room –
3 Put learners in their Mission groups. Tell them to think
where you can go into the space station and see what about what they are going to take.
it’s like to live in a spaceship. That was my favourite.
Teacher: Thanks, David. How about you Helen? What did you Culture
Helen: Well, I liked the life in a spaceship room too, but for Using the worksheet
me the most amazing thing was the Moon Room. You 1 Learners work in teams (pairs or small groups) to do
know, putting on the astronaut’s suit and walking
the quiz. Make sure they all understand these words:
down the rocket steps … it was so cool.
Teacher: Did you touch the moon rock in that room? lawyer, bridge, tunnel, helicopter, parachute, tank,
Helen: Yes, I did! It was incredible. That was my favourite vegetarian and angel.
thing in the whole day – touching a piece of the 2 Learners listen to an extract from a children’s radio
moon!! programme and check their answers to the quiz.
Teacher: Yes, I enjoyed that too. And you, Harry? Did you have
a good time?
Harry: Yes, I did. I’ve already been there with my parents, Key: 1 in Vinci 2 his father 3 14 4 computers
so it was my second visit. The first time I went I loved (they didn’t exist) 5 Mona Lisa 6 a telephone
the Deep Space Room and learning about all the 7 he was left-handed; he wrote from right to left
planets – that was so cool! I’ve got a planet map on (mirror writing) 8 He was a vegetarian.
my bedroom ceiling which I look at every night before
I go to sleep.
Teacher: So you liked the trip into deep space activity best, did Track 18
you? Radio presenter:
Harry Well, I liked that best last time, but this time my The incredible thing about Leonardo da Vinci is that he was good
favourite activity was having tea with an astronaut. at everything that he did.
The cakes weren’t very good, but it was so great to Leonardo was born in 1452 in the town of Vinci near Florence, in
be able to talk to the astronaut and ask her lots of Italy. His father was a lawyer and an artist in his free time. He
questions about going into space. gave him art classes at home.
Teacher: Right, thank you. Now, we’re going to read some more When Leonardo was about 14 he went to study painting with an
about the first trip to the moon … artist.
Leonardo also studied maths and science when he was a teenager.
Skills 2: Speaking and writing He loved music and he was very interested in nature – particularly
in the sky, the moon, water and the human body. He learnt about
Using the worksheet these things and did many drawings of them. The only reason that
● This worksheet provides speaking and writing skills he didn’t study computers is because they didn’t exist!
practice connected to the unit topic and core language. You’ve probably heard of Leonardo’s most famous painting, the
Mona Lisa. Did you know that he took four years to paint it and
1 Learners work in pairs with the graphic organiser to that he never finished it? He continued to paint all his life.
plan a story linked to the topic of space and space He was an incredible inventor and there are drawings of many
exploration. Learners write notes on the graphic inventions in his notebooks. He drew designs for bridges and
organisers. Ask pairs to summarise their stories using tunnels, buildings, a helicopter, a parachute, a bicycle and even
going to: We’re going to write a story about a … and a … a tank.
. It’s going to take place … . First of all … . We know about Leonardo’s inventions because we can see and
2 Learners work in pairs to write their story as a past read about them in his notebooks. It isn’t easy to read his writing
though. He was left-handed and he wrote backwards. Most
people need to use a mirror to read his notebooks.
One more thing about Leonardo before the programme finishes.
Stages 1, 2, 3: Plan a space It’s my favourite fact about him. He was a vegetarian – like me.
mission And that was very unusual in the fifteenth century.

Using the worksheet

1 Put learners in Mission groups and give each learner a
copy of the Mission planning template. Tell the groups
8 Vocabulary 1
1 Circle the words in the wordsearch. Then label the pictures.

a t e l e s c o p e
p v f m r o c k e t
l s p a c e s p g y
a s t r o n a u t a
n h e j d g b f g d
e b q z c i e l e e
t c i t u n h a w e
a s p a c e s h i p
d o n e o x o j r i
e n o r m o u s h k

2 Write two words from Activity 1 in the word spiders.

Jupiter big job space

large huge spaceship rocket

3 Make word spiders for two other space words.

78 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 Grammar 1

What time are you

going to go to bed
Where do you
think people will
go on holiday?
How do you think
people will travel?
Talk, talk, talk …
about the future
What kind of
toys will children
play with?

What do you think

school will be like?
What are
you going
What will people do in to do this
their free time? evening?

Who are you

going to see next
How are you going
to get home this

What do you think

houses will be like?
What do you
Where are you going to
think clothes
go this summer?
will be like?

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8 Vocabulary 2
1 Imagine you are on a trip into space. Read and match to make the
alien’s instructions.

Thank you for flying with Alien Air.

You’re going to land soon. Please
follow my instructions.

1 We’re going to explore a on the planet.

2 Sit down and prepare b because they’re dangerous.

3 We’ve just landed c to open the exit door.

4 First of all turn off d Planet Beta.

5 Put on your spacesuit e with the button next to the door.

6 Press the red button f the engine.

7 Walk down the steps and follow g and sleep.

8 Don’t touch any of the plants h here for two nights.

9 You’ll see a i to land.

10 Walk to j door and enter the house.

11 Push open the k so you can leave the spaceship.

12 Turn on the lights l spacehouse in front of you.

13 Pull the space bed out n the path on your right.

14 You’re going to stay o the entrance.

2 Work with a partner. Read and act out the instructions.

80 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE
8 Grammar 2
Play Space story with a partner.

turn on leave / follow hear /

/ engine spaceship / alien loud noise

touch / look through /

press / red button fly / rocket
purple plant telescope

put on / stay / on
turn off / computer push / door
spacesuit the planet

enter / watch / explore / meet /

alien home Milky Way planet X an astronaut

stay / take / leave eat /

space hotel photos / planet moon cheese

land on speak to
see / alien put / flag
/ planet / alien

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8 Skills 1: Reading and listening
1 Read about the Space Centre. Would you like to visit it? Why?
Why not?

Space Centre International Space Station

Welcome on board and enjoy an Find out what it’s like to live on the ISS.
exciting adventure! Watch a presentation which shows
you how astronauts eat, sleep, work,
Opening times exercise and do scientific experiments
when they’re living in the space
10 am to 6 pm
Please come as early as possible if you
want to visit during the weekend and Moon rock
holidays so you don’t have to wait a Come and touch a piece of the moon
long time to buy a ticket. today! This one is more than 3.8 billion
years old!
Starship gallery
Climb into a large rocket training Special this month: tea with
simulator to learn what it feels like to an astronaut!
fly through space. Have tea with an astronaut who
has been in space and listen to their
Astronaut gallery
See photos of every astronaut who has
flown in space, put on a helmet and
take a selfie with them.

2 Read the leaflet again and answer the questions.

1 What time does the centre close? 4 How old is the piece of moon rock?
2 Do you have to reserve tickets? 5 Who can you have tea with?
3 What kind of simulator can you go inside?

3 17 Listen and match the children with their favourite activities.

David Helen Harry

1 tea with an 2 trip into 3 life in a 4 rocket 5 moon

astronaut deep space spaceship simulator rock

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8 Skills 2: Speaking and writing
1 Work with a partner to invent a space story. Make notes.


What happened?




2 Write and illustrate your story.

Once upon a time …

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8 Stages 1, 2, 3: Plan a space
1 In groups, decide what you are going to see and do.
2 Give instructions on how to fly the spaceship.
3 Decide what to take on your mission.

Mission name:

Where are we going to go?

What are we going to do?

What will we see?

How to fly the spaceship

Take off:


What are we going to take?

84 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

8 Culture
Leonardo da Vinci

1 What do you know about Leonardo da Vinci? Do the quiz.

1 Where was he born?

in Vinci in Rome in London

2 Who wanted him to be an artist?

his mother his father his art teacher

3 How old was he when he first studied painting with a professional?

4 14 16

4 Which of these didn’t he study?

water the human body the moon maths

music computers art

5 What is the name of his most famous painting?

Smiling Lady Mona Lisa Mama Lisa

6 Which of these didn’t he design?

a helicopter a tank a parachute

bridges tunnels a telephone

7 What two things were special about his writing?

He was left-handed. He wrote from right to left.

He wrote upside down.

8 What else was unusual about him for the 15th century?

He was a vegetarian. He had long hair.

He didn’t have children.

2 18 Listen and check your answers.

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9 Great bakers

Vocabulary 1 ● Learners look carefully at the picture. They may

recognise it from their Activity Book. You can ask them
Using the worksheet to make sentences describing it.
● This worksheet provides practice of the core words ● Learners read the sentences below the picture and
connected to meals and snacks: fork, knife, olives, decide if they are true or false.
pepper, piece, pizza, salt, snack and spoon.
1 Learners work on their own to read the definitions and Key: 1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 No
write the mealtime words. 6 Yes 7 Yes

Key: 1 fork 2 knife 3 olives 4 pepper Optional follow-up activity (extension):

5 piece 6 pizza 7 salt 8 snack 8 spoon Learners look at the other picture on page 111 in their
Activity Books. They write similar sentences (some true,
2 Learners need coloured pencils of the six colours. some false) about the picture. They swap sentences with a
They colour in the word boxes according to the partner and decide if they are true or false. You could also
word categories. do the follow-up stage as a class quiz.

Key: drinks: juice, water, milk, coffee

Grammar 2
fruit: apple, grape, mango, strawberry, tomato
vegetables: bean, carrot, potato Using the worksheet
meat: chicken, burger, meatball, sausage ● This worksheet provides practice of the core language
used for eating: plate, spoon, knife, fork of talking about feelings and reactions using make +
verbs: cook, wash, boil, fry somebody + adjective.
● Learners work in pairs. They cut out and make the
Optional follow-up activity (extension): spinners by putting a pencil through the centre of each.
Learners use the words and categories from the previous Learners spin each pencil and use the word on the
exercise to make a food mind map. They add other words spinner that touches the table when it falls. Then they
connected to food and meals that they know. ask and answer questions as in the example.
● You may like to do some more examples with the whole
Grammar 1 class to check that they use the present simple when
speaking about general routine situations, e.g. What
Using the worksheet
often makes you angry?/Does anything often make you
● This worksheet provides practice of the target language angry?
of describing things using smell/taste/feel/look/sound +
adjective or + like + noun.
Skills 1: Listening and speaking
1 Read the example with the learners and check that
they understand it. You could also ask them to act it Using the worksheet
out, imagining that they are walking into a baker’s and ● This worksheet provides listening and speaking skills
responding with the examples. Learners work on their practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
own to imagine the situations and write two possible 1 Learners look at the artwork and talk about the dishes
utterances for each one. They should use a variety of they can see. They can talk about the ones they like
the sense verbs in their statements. and dislike or the ones they have often. Use this stage
2 Learners work in pairs. They read out their sentences in to check/revise the vocabulary and to teach any
random order for their partners to guess the situations. new items they may ask you about. Learners hear a
dialogue between Amy and her father about a cookery
Vocabulary 2 class at school. They listen to find out which dish each
child made and write a letter corresponding with the
Using the worksheet dish for each child.
● This worksheet provides practice of the core baking
words: bake, biscuits, butter, egg, flour, honey, jam, Key: Amy: j tomato soup; Ben: h roast chicken;
cooker/oven, sugar and wash up. Catherine: d salad; Daniel: f pasta with tomato sauce

Track 19
Narrator: What did the children make in their cooking class at Key: 1 bowl 2 spoon 3 knife 4 piece
school today? 5 plate 6 freezer 7 snack 8 taste
Dad: What did you do at school today, Amy?
Amy: It was great, we had a cooking class. 3 Learners work on their own to research and produce a
Dad: Cooking? I didn’t know that you did cooking classes. recipe.
Amy: Well, we don’t usually, but the kitchen was empty, so
we had a class there.
Dad: I see. So what did you make? Stage 1: A challenge card for
Amy: I made tomato soup. It was very easy to make. a cooking competition
Dad: That sounds good! What did it taste like?
Amy: It was delicious – of course! I made it. Using the worksheet
Dad: Did you all make tomato soup? That’s a bit boring!
1 Put learners in Mission groups and give each group a
Amy: No, we didn’t. Ben made roast chicken – in the oven.
It smelled delicious while it was cooking. It smelled copy of the challenge card template for the cooking
like when you make it here at home. competition they are all going to participate in. Tell
Dad: Good for Ben. How about your friend Catherine? What them that they have to think of a cooking challenge
did she make? for another group. Encourage them to think of 3 or 4
Amy: Catherine … I can’t remember … oh, yes. I remember instructions that the other group have to follow, such
now. She made a salad with lettuce, tomatoes and as what it should taste/smell like, what occasion it
olives – black olives. I love black olives.
should be for, whether it should have/not have certain
Dad: I thought you didn’t like olives. You said they taste
ingredients, how you should eat it. When they finish
too strong.
Amy: Well, I didn’t like them, but I do now. I tasted they give their challenge card to another group.
Catherine’s salad and it was good. My favourite dish
was the one that Daniel made – pasta with tomato Culture
sauce. It smelled so good, and it tasted delicious!
Dad: So Daniel made that, did he? Well, it makes me very Using the worksheet
happy to find out that they’re teaching you how to 1 Learners look at the picture and talk about what they
cook at school. I didn’t learn anything like that at my
can see. Ask questions to guide them to make as many
sentences as possible about the picture. Learners
Amy: But that was a long time ago, Dad.
Dad: You know what? Talking about food is making me discuss the two questions.
hungry! Now you’re a professional, let’s make dinner 2 Read the sentences with the class and check that they
together! understand them. Learners then read the article and
Amy: OK! answer. Feed back and check answers with the whole
2 Learners play a speaking game in pairs or small groups. class. You may want to check that learners understand
Read the example with the class and ask them to these words: Easter, Lent, rich food, full moon, fry, (frying)
suggest which dish it is, (salad, wrap). Play one or two pan, toss, flip.
rounds with the whole class before putting learners into
pairs or small groups to play. Key: 1 Yes 2 No 3 No 4 Yes 5 No

Skills 2: Reading and writing 3 Ask the class to think about a day when they eat special
food in their country. Ask them to research the reasons
Using the worksheet
why and write a webpage.
● This worksheet provides reading and writing skills
practice connected to the unit topic and core language.
1 Read the three recipe titles with the class and ask them
to say what ingredients they think each one has. Use
mime to pre-teach bite as a verb and explain that the
noun means small pieces that people can eat with one
bite. Learners skim the recipe as quickly as possible and
match it with the dish.

Key: Banana bites

2 Pre-teach powder and mixture. Learners work on their

own to write the correct words from the box in the gaps.

9 Vocabulary 1
1 Write the mealtime words.
1 You use this to hold food and put in your mouth.

2 You use this to cut food.

3 You eat these. They are small and green or black.

4 You put this in food to make it taste stronger. It’s black.

5 This is the part of a cake or pizza you cut to eat.

6 This food is usually round and comes from Italy.

7 You put this in food to make it more tasty. It’s white.

8 This is something small you eat between meals.

9 You use this to eat soup or yoghurts.

2 Colour the words.

drinks = yellow fruit = orange vegetables = green

meat = red used for eating = blue verbs = purple

apple juice boil spoon strawberry

chicken potato burger plate fork

water carrot tomato meatball

wash grape fry milk cook

mango knife sausage bean coffee

88 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

9 Grammar 1
1 Write two speech bubbles for each situation using smell/taste/feel/
look/sound (like) …

It smells like they are
That smells delicious. You’ve just walked making fresh bread.
into a baker’s shop.

You can hear a loud
ringing noise.

Your sister is making a
cake and has given
you some to taste.

Your dad has given
you a present and you
haven’t opened it yet.

You’ve just washed
and dried your hair.

You’re feeling ill and
the doctor has given
you some horrible

2 Read your speech bubbles to a partner. Guess the situation.

PHOTOCOPIABLE Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 89

9 Vocabulary 2
Look and read. Write Yes or No.

1 The man has baked some bread.

2 There’s a jar of strawberry jam on the table.

3 The man hasn’t washed up yet.

4 There are four sandwiches.

5 There’s a fork near the jam.

6 Both of the eggs are broken.

7 The man has just taken some biscuits out of the oven.

90 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

9 Grammar 2
Work in pairs. Make the spinners. Then ask and answer questions.

Play in pairs. One learner spins the two spinners and asks a question using the
two words on the spinners. The other learner has to answer with a true sentence
about themselves.
Example: angry + yesterday What made you angry yesterday? My little sister
made me angry because she used my felt tip pens.








happy yesterday





last weekend

last week




at school

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9 Skills 1: Listening and speaking
1 19 Listen and match the children with the food.
Amy Ben Catherine Daniel

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

m n o p

2 Play a guessing game. Choose one of the dishes in the picture and
ask and answer questions.

Does it smell good? No. It doesn’t smell much.

Are there any vegetables in it? Yes, there are.

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9 Skills 2: Reading and writing
1 Read the recipe quickly. What’s it for?
Banana bites Coconut ice cream Banana bread fingers

Instructions Ingredients
1 Put the chocolate powder and coconut into a 1/2 cup chocolate powder
and mix well with a wooden 2 .
1 cup dried coconut
2 Peel the bananas and use a 3 to cut them
into bite-sized slices. 3–4 bananas
3 Put each 4 of banana into the chocolate
coconut mixture until they are completely covered.
4 Put them on a plastic 5 and put them in
the .
Freeze for two hours or overnight.
Eat as a cold 7 in summer or as pudding
any time you like. They delicious!

2 Read the recipe again. Complete the gaps with words from the box.
bottle bowl feel fork freezer oven knife
meal part piece plate snack spoon taste

3 Write a recipe card for a dish that you can cook.

Instructions Ingredients

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9 Stage 1: A challenge card
for a cooking competition
Design a challenge card for a cooking competition.


Group name:
Challenge description:

What should it taste like?

What should it smell like?

What should it look like?

How do people eat it?

94 Power Up TRB4 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

9 Culture
Pancake Day

1 Look at the picture and answer.

Do you ever make pancakes? How do you make them?

2 Read the webpage and write Yes or No.

1 Many people in Britain eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.
2 Pancake Day is on the same day every year.
3 British pancakes don’t have eggs in them.
4 People toss pancakes so they cook well.
5 There are bicycle races in Britain on Pancake Day.

In Britain, Shrove Tuesday is the day when nearly

everyone makes and eats pancakes. Why is Pancake
Day on Shrove Tuesday?
Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent (the forty days
when Christians stop eating rich food before Easter). In
the past, on Shrove Tuesday, people used up all the rich
foods in their kitchens. They made pancakes on this day
because they contain butter, sugar and eggs, which they Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday)
couldn’t eat during Lent.
Pancake Day is always on a Tuesday in February or March. It is exactly 47 days before
Easter Sunday. Easter takes place on a different date each year because it depends on
the moon.
English pancakes are round and thin and we fry them in a pan. They’re not as thin as
French crepes, and they’re much bigger and thinner than American style pancakes.
Look at the picture at the top of the page. In it you can see a woman tossing a pancake.
To toss a pancake, you have to throw it up, make it flip and catch it in the pan. You have
to toss a pancake so that it cooks on both sides.
Pancake races are another tradition on Pancake Day in Britain. People run races holding
a pancake in a pan. As they run, they have to toss the pancake. In some pancake races
people dress up in fancy dress costumes.

3 Design a webpage about a day in your country when you eat

special food.

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