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I. The Name of the Company Is Bulletcorporation. II. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Ill. The objects for which the Company is established are : (A) THE MAIN OBJECTS TO BE PURSUED BY THE COMPANY ON ITS INCORPORATION ARE :1. To carry on the business of gathering, accumulating, organising, tabulating, managing, obtaining, collecting, purchase, acquisition, import, dissemination, disposal, export, sales and marketing of and trading In, all types of information, data, statistics, computer based information systems and data bases and library and information sciences, both in the form and nature in which the same may be so gathered, accumulated, organised, tabulated, obtained, imported, acquired, collected or purchased and also in all types of modified forms, formats, manner and nature. 2. To carry on the general business of providing comparative Information, data and statistics, with or without the aid or means of computer based information systems and data bases, In respect of the characteristics, trails, interest and other attributes of individuals, communities, organisations, countries, Institutions, departments, companies, firms, or of any other social, economic, statutory, legal, artificial, cultural and similar units and of any article, commodity, product, service, patent, trademark, or of any other tangible or Intangible right, asset, property and of any social, economic or any other trend, affair or any such or other feature. 3. To carry on the business of preparing, making, drawing, formulating, purchase, acquisition, import, sale, disposal, export, marketing of and of trading in; all types of reports, summaries, conclusions, profiles, surveys and similar documents, papers and manuscripts and towards these purposes to carry on all activities, investigations, researches, purchases, sales, marketing, advertising. 4. To act as financial, management, marketing and project consultants and provide advice, services and consultancy in various fields like administrative, secretarial, commercial, financial, legal, economic, labour, Industrial, public relations, scientific, technical, business, feasibility reports, projects, joint ventures, foreign collaborations and market research.

(B) THE OBJECTS INCIDENTAL OR ANCILLARY TO THE ATTAINMENT OF THE MAIN OBJECTS ARE :1. To purchase and otherwise acquire, own, import, all materials, substances, appliances, machines, containers and such other articles and apparatus and things capable of being used in any of the main business and to own, lease and otherwise acquire and use facilities of whatever kind as may be convenient or useful or conducive to the effective working of the main business of the Company. 2. To acquire, build, alter, maintain, enlarge, remove or replace and to work, manage and control any buildings, offices, factories, mills, shops, machinery and conveniences which may seem necessary to achieve the main objects of the company. 3. To buy, repair, alter, improve, exchange, import, works, plants, machinery, tools, utensils, appliances, apparatus, products, materials, substances, articles and things capable of being used in the main business of this company. 4. To purchase, take on lease or tenancy or in exchange, hire take, options over or otherwise acquire any estate or interests, whatsoever and to hold, develop work, concessions, grants,

decrees, licences, privileges, claims, options, leases, property, real or personal or rights or powers of any kinds which may appear to be necessary for the main business of the Company. 5. To pay for preliminary and pre-incorporation expenses of the Company. 6. To exchange, mortgage, royalty or tribute, grant licences, easements, options and such other rights over and dispose of the whole or any part of the undertaking, property assets, rights and effects of the Company for such consideration as may be thought fit and in particular for stocks, shares debentures whether fully or partly paid up or securities of any other such company having objects whole or in part similar to those of the Company. 7. To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company and to remunerate any person, firm or body corporate rendering services to the Company either by cash payment or by allotment to him or them of shares or securities of the Company as paid up in full. 8. To advance money, either with or without security and give credit to such persons (including Government) and upon such terms and conditions as the Company may deem fit, provided that the Company shall not carry on banking business within the meaning of Banking Regulations Act, 1949. 9. To undertake financial and commercial obligations, transactions and operations of all kinds. 10. To guarantee the performance of any contract or obligations and the payment of money or dividends and interest on any stock, shares or securities of any company, corporation, firm or person in any case in which such guarantee may be considered directly or indirectly to further the main objects of the Company.

11. To guarantee the payment of money unsecured or secured or payable under or In respect of promissory notes, bonds, debenture stocks, contracts, mortgages, charges, obligations, Instruments and securities of any company or of any Authority, Supreme, Municipal, Local or of any persons whether incorporated or not incorporated and to guarantee or become sureties for the performance of any contracts or obligations as may be necessary for the main business of the Company. 12. To subscribe for, acquire and hold shares, share-stock, debentures, bonds, debenture-stock, mortgages, obligations, securities of any kind Issued or guaranteed by any company (Body corporate undertaking) of whatever nature and whatsoever constituted or carrying on the main business and to subscribe for, acquire and hold shares, debentures and debenture-stocks and debenture-bonds, mortgages, obligations and such other securities issued or guaranteed by any Government, trust, Municipal, local or such other authority or body of whatever nature, whether in India or elsewhere as may be conducive to the main business of the Company. 13. To invest other than investment in Companys own shares, any money of the Company not immediately required in any investments movable or immovable as may be thought proper and to hold, invest in shares or stock in the company as may be necessary for the main business of the Company. 14. Subject to Section 58A, 292 and 293 of the Act and the Regulations made thereunder and the directions issued by Reserve Bank of India to receive money on deposit or loan and borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit and in particular by the issue of debentures or debenture-stock (perpetual or otherwise) and to secure the payment of any money borrowed, raised or owing on the mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the property or assets of the Company (both present or future) including its uncalled capital and also by similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company, or any other such person or Company, of any obligation undertaken by the Company. 15. To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate, execute and issue bills of exchange, promissory notes, bills of lading, debentures and other negotiable or transferable instruments or securities. 16. To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire and protect, prolong and renew in any part of the

world, any patents, patent rights, brevets dinventions, trademarks, designs,, licences, protections, and concessions conferring any exclusive or non-exclusive or limited right to their use of Information as to any Invention, process or privileges which may seem capable of being used for the main objects of the Company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly, to benefit the company and to use, exercise, develop or grant licences or privileges In respect of the property, rights and information so acquired. 17. To spend money in experimenting upon and testing and improving or seeking to improve any patents, rights, inventions, discoveries, processes or Information of the Company or which the Company may acquire or propose to acquire.

18. To do all or any of the main objects either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others and either by or through agents, subcontractors, trustees or otherwise. 19. To acquire and takeover all, or any part of the business property and liabilities of any person, firm or company carrying on or proposing to carry on any business which this Company is authorised to carry on or possess property, suitable for the main business of the Company. 20. To procure the registration or recognition of the company in or under the laws of any place outside India. 21. To form, incorporate or promote any company or companies whether in India or elsewhere having amongst its or their objects the acquisition of all or any of the assets or controls, management or development of the Company or any other such objects which in the opinion of the Company could or might directly or indirectly assist the Company in the management of its main business or the development of its properties or otherwise prove advantageous to the Company and to pay all or any of the costs and expenses incurred in connection with any such promotion or incorporation and to remunerate any person or company in any manner it shall think fit for services rendered or to be rendered in or about the formation or promotion of the Company or the conduct of its main business or in about the promotion of any other such company in which the Company may have any interest. 22. Subject to the provisions of Sections 391 to 394 and 394A of the Companies Act, 1956, to amalgamate or to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interest, co-operation, joint venture or reciprocal with any person or persons of company of companies carrying on or engaged in the main business of the Company. 23. To enter into any arrangements and take all necessary or proper steps with Governments or with other such authorities, supreme, national, local, municipal or otherwise of any place in which the Company may have interests and to carry on any negotiations or operations for the purpose of directly or indirectly carrying out the objects of the Company or effecting any modification in the constitution of the company or for furthering the interests of the members and to oppose any such steps taken by any other such company, firm or person which may be considered likely, directly or indirectly, to prejudice the interest of the Company or its members, and to assist in the promotion whether directly or indirectly of any legislation which may seem advantageous to the company and to obtain from any such Government Authority and company any charters, contracts, decrees, rights, grants, loans, privileges, or concessions which the company may think it desirable to obtain and carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, charters, decrees, rights, privileges or concessions. 24. To adopt such means of making known the main business of the Company as may seem expedient and in particular by advertising in the press by circulars; by purchase and exhibition of works of art or interest, by publication of books and periodicals and by granting prizes, rewards and donations. 25. (a) To undertake and execute any trust, the undertaking of which may seem to the Company desirable and either gratuitously or otherwise and vest any real or personal property, rights or interests acquired by or belonging to the company in any person of Company on behalf

of or for the benefit of the company and with or without any declared trust in favour of the Company. (b) To accept gifts including by way of awards/prizes from Govt. and semi-Govt. bodies and to give gifts and donations to create trust for the welfare of employees, members, directors and/or their dependents, heirs and children and for deserving object for and other persons. 26. To apply the assets of the Company in any way or towards the establishment, maintenance or extension of any association, institution or fund in any way connected with any particular trade or business or with trade or commerce and particularly with the trade, including any association, institution or fund for the interests of masters, owners and employers against loss by bad debt, strike, combustion, fire, accident or otherwise or for the benefit of any employee workman or others at any time employed by the Company or any of its predecessors in business or their families or dependents and whether or not in common with such other persons or classes of persons and in particular of friendly, co-operative and such other societies, reading rooms, libraries, educational and charitable institutions, dinning and recreation rooms, churches, chapels, schools, and hospitals and to grant gratuities, pensions and allowances and to contribute to any funds raised by public or local subscription for any purpose. 27. To aid pecuniarily or otherwise, any association, body or movement having for an object the solution, settlement of industrial or labour problems or troubles or the promotion of industry or trade. 28. To subscribe or guarantee money for any national, charitable, benevolent, public, general or useful object of and for exhibition, subject to the provisions of Sections 293, 293A & 293B of the Act. 29. Subject to the provisions of the Gift Tax Act, 1958 and the Statutory amendments thereof, the Company has power to make and receive gifts either in cash or other movable or immovable properties. 30. To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or superannuation funds for the benefit of, and give, or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any person who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or is allied to or associated with the company or with any such subsidiary Company or who are or were at any time Directors or officers of the company as aforesaid and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such persons and also establish and subscribe to any institutions, associations, clubs or funds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interest and well-being of the Company or of any such other Company as aforesaid and make payments to or towards the insurance of any such persons as aforesaid and do any of the matters aforesaid, either, alone or in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid. 31. To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the main objects.

(C) THE OTHER OBJECTS ARE :1. To carry on, in any mode, the business of store-keepers in all its branches and in particular to buy, sell, and deal in goods, stores, consumable articles, chattels arid effects of all kinds, both wholesale or retail. 2. To carry on business as importers and exporters of goods or merchandise of any description or to act as shippers, commission agents, advertising agents, travelling agents, transport agents, forwarding and clearing agents, brokers, estate agents and hardware merchants. 3. To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers of automobile parts, accessories, ancillaries, stores and spares and to engineer, develop, design assemble, manufacture, produce, import, and export, buy, sell, and otherwise deal in Tractors, Cars, Motorbikes, Cycles, Mopeds, petroleum and petroleum products, glass and glass products, Industrial,

mining, agricultural and such other machines and all types of tools, plants, equipments, instruments, appliances and hardware of all kinds, general fittings, accessories and appliances of all description made of metal, alloy, glass, synthetic and such other fibers, chemical and PVC compounds, plastics or any such other material related thereto. 4. To carry on the business of electrical engineers, electricians, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, contractors, suppliers and dealers in electrical and such other appliances, cables, wire-lines, dry-cells, accumulators, lamps and works and to generate, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity for the purpose of light, heat motive power and for all other such purposes for which electrical energy can be employed and to manufacture, and deal in all apparatuses and things required for or capable of being used in connection with the generation, distribution, supply, accumulation and employment of electricity, including in the term electricity all power that may be directly or indirectly, derived herefrom or may be incidentally hereinafter discovered in dealing with electricity. 5. To manufacture and/or produce and/or otherwise engage in the manufacture or production of or dealing in electrical kilowatt hourmeters, magnets, electromagnets, power cables, industrial jewels, ammeters, voltmeters and such other types of measure instruments, electrical or nonelectrical, die castings, screws, nuts, and bolts, transformers of all types, circuit-breakers, punched card machines, computers and calculators and their accessories, hoists, elevators, trolleys and coaches, winches, power generators, magnetic separators, winders, air compressors, welders fans of all types, switches and motors of all types, drills, electric grinders, air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, television and wireless apparatus, such as radio receivers and transmitters, electronic instruments, videos, transistors and allied items, watches and clocks, cameras and any house-hold appliances and any equipment used in the generation, transmission and receiving of sound, light and electrical impulses, and components or parts thereof. 6. To carry on the business as mechanical engineers, machinists, fitters, millwrights, founders, wire drawers, tube metallurgist, saddlers, galvanizers, japanners, annealers, enamellers, electroplaters and painters.

7. To carry on a general business of providing comparative information about the characteristics, interest or such other attributes of individuals, communities, organisations, countries or such other social units and of any articles or commodities or economic trends or persons whatsoever, to design, invest, prepare, own, make and on lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and generally to deal in and with computers, data processing machines, tapes, cards, memory equipment or any other such equipment and materials of every kind and description useful in connection with the business, to license or otherwise authorise others to engage in the forgoing, and to engage in general research and development in areas related to or involving the foregoing. 8. To grow, take on lease, acquire, develop, deal in plantations and to process in all aspects, timber wood, plywood and all kinds of wood and to make products where wood is constituent part and to design, develop, fabricate any products involving the use of wood. 9. To produce, manufacture, use, or otherwise acquire, sell, distribute, deal in and dispose of, alkalies and acids, gases, compounds, fertilizers, chemical and chemical products of every nature and description and compounds, intermediates, derivatives and by-products thereof and products to be made therefrom (hereinafter for convenience referred to generally as, chemicals and products) including specifically, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing calcium carbide, calcium cynamide, vat, solubilished vat, azoic salts, naphthols, all types of floatation reagents, wetting agents, insecticides and fumigants, plastics and resins, dyestuffs, explosives, catalytic agents, foods, direct colours, basic and rapid fast colours pigments, drugs, biologicals, pharmaceuticals, serums, vitamin products, hormones, sutures, ligatures, drugs for disease or disabilities, in men or animals, and products derived from

phosphate mines, limestones, quarries, bauxite-mines, petroleum, natural gas and such other natural deposits useful or suitable in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products as hereinabove defined. 10. To manufacture, produce, refine, prepare, store, sell and to trade and deal in petroleum and all kinds of mineral oils, all products and by-products thereof such as wax, paraffin, soap, paint varnish, lubricants, illumination and butter substitutes, oil cloth, candles, glycerene, steering and in connection therewith to acquire, construct, repair, operate and use oil and such other refineries, buildings, mills, factories, oil wells, derricks, distilleries, ghanies, rotaries, expellers, mechanical or hydraulic press. 11. To carry on business of manufacturers and dealers, importers and exporters of natural and synthetics resins, moulding powders, adhesives and cements, oil paints, distempers, cellular paints, colours, varnishes, enamels, gold and silver leaf enamels, spirits, tobacco, cigars, snuff, soap, cosmetics, perfumes, medicines, drugs, dyes, fats, waxes hides, skins and leather and such other allied articles thereof. 12. To carry on development and research work and to manufacture, process, import, export, buy, sell, and deal in petroleum, coke, calcined, coke and coaltar, anthracite coal and to draw out, manufacture and deal in coaltar, canlion products and such other by-products as may be possible and to utilise waste gases for industrial uses and purposes.

13. To engineer, develop, design, assemble, manufacture, produce, import, export, buy, sell, operate, run, let on hire and otherwise deal in : (a) all kinds of earth moving and agricultural machines, petrol and diesel engines, tools, plants, tractors, equipments, spares, appliances, impliments, accessories, mobile or otherwise; (b) heavy vehicles and machines for agricultural and land reclamation, drainage, irrigation, water works, engineering, forest clearing, pumping and such other purposes of all types; (c) spraying machines, vehicles and equipments whether mobile or otherwise; (d) mobile workshops and garage equipments for repair and service machinery; (e) tubewells, pumps, floating or otherwise, motors and irrigation machinery; (f) transportation equipments for movements of its products or stores, machines or personnel and as general purpose freight carriers; 14. To undertake the business of distribution and application of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, aerial or otherwise and to maintain and run vehicles, aeroplanes and equipments for spraying and to run the said vehicles and aeroplanes for hire and as passenger carrying crafts also. 15. (a) To construct a cinematography theatre and such other building and works and conveniences, for said purpose thereof and to manage, maintain and carry on the said theatre and to let out other such buildings when so erected or constructed. (b) To carry on the business as proprietors and managers of theatres (cinemas, picture places and concert halls) and to provide for the production, representation and performance (whether by mechanical means or otherwise) of operas, stage plays, operators, burlesques, vaudevilles, revues, ballets, pantomimes, spectacular pieces, promenade, and such other concerts, musical and dramatic performance and entertainments of all types. (c) To carry on the business of restaurant keepers, wine, and spirit merchants, licensed victuallers, theatrical agents, box office keepers, dramatic and musical literature publisher and printers. (d) To manufacture films and such other appliances and machines in connection with mechanical reproduction or transmission of pictures, movements, music and sounds and to organise and conduct theatrical production and entertainment of all kinds.

(e) To enter into agreements with author or other persons, for the dramatic or other rights of operas, plays, films, operatus burlesque, vaudevills, revues, ballet, pantomimes, spectacular pieces, musical compositions and such other dramatic and musical performances and entertainments or for the representation thereof in India and elsewhere, as well as of foreign rights and to enter into agreements of all kinds with artists and such other persons related thereto.

16. To carry on business as tourists, agents and contractors and to facilitate travelling and to provide for tourists and travellers and promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in the ways of through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars or berths, reserved places, hotel and lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, lavatories, reading room, baggage transport and otherwise. 17. To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer house, restaurant room, boarding and lodging house keepers and beer merchants, maltsters, manufacturers of aerated minerals and artificial waters and such other drinks purveyols, caterers, for public amusements general coach, cab, carriage and motor-car proprietors, livery stable and garage keepers, importers and brokers of food, live and dead stock, hairdressers, perfumers, chemists, proprietors of clubs, baths, dressing rooms, laundries, reading, writing and newspaper rooms, libraries, grounds and places of amusements and recreation, sport, entertainment and instruction of all kinds tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for railways road, air and shipping companies and carriers, theatrical and opera-box office proprietors and general agents and to provide services and facilities of all kinds on commercial basis that may be required for the tourist and entertainment industry. 18. To promote, establish, acquire and run or otherwise carry on the business of any plastic or rubber industry or business of manufacture of materials for use in such industries or business such as wax, paper, bakelite, plywood, celluloid, products, chemicals of all sorts and such other articles or things and similar or allied products, or process thereof. 19. To carry on business of processors, combers, spinners, weavers, knitters, manufacturers, dyers, bleachers, finishers, laminators, balers and pressers of any fibrous or textile material whether an agricultural or animal or natural products or its bye-products or chemical or synthetic fibre and more specially jute, hemp, silk, cotton, wool, mesta, nylon, terene, terylene, staple fibre or such other synthetic fibre and to manufacture and produce from such raw material or textile material and to carry on the business of buyers, sellers and dealers of all such raw or processed or semi-processed material and to transact all manufacturing, cutting and preparing, process and mercantile business that may be beneficial to the said business. 20. To carry on the businesses of transport, cartage and haulage contractors, garage proprietors, owners and charters of road vehicles, aircrafts, ships, tugs, barges, and boats of every description, lightermen, carriers of goods and passengers by road, rail, water or air, carmen, cartage contractors, stevedores, wharfingers, cargo superintendents, packers, haulers, warehousemen, store-keepers, and jobmasters. 21. To carry on the business of farming, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, dairies, cultivators, of all kinds of foodgrains, seeds, fruits, proprietors of orchards and traders, exporters, dealers, and sellers of the products of farming, dairy, horticulture, floriculture, sericulture and pisciculture and fishing and manufacturers of drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, including beverages produced from such products or otherwise, to carry on the business of cultivators, growers, manufacturers, millers, grinders, rollers, processors, cold stores, canners and preservers and dealers of food grains and such other agricultural, dairy, horticultural and poultry products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines flowers, drinks, fluids, and other fresh and preservable products and to extract bye-products and derivatives whether edibles,

pharmaceutical medicines or any such other kind or nature whatever and food preparations of every kind and description and generally the business or manufacture of and trading in

preserved, dehydrated canned or converted agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, foods, dairy and poultry products and articles and such other derivatives, of all kinds and descriptions and to set up and run machinery for processing and preserving the same. 22. To establish experimental farms and research stations anywhere In India for conducting experiments, tests and research for developing, better qualities of foodgrains and agricultural products and for developing milk strain in cattle by cross breeding or otherwise and Increasing eggs laying capacity in poultry and also for finding such other ways and means of Improving other such agricultural crops, produce, seeds, fodder crops and cattle feed of all kinds. 23. To manufacture, process, chemically, electrically or by any other such means reline, extract, hydrolize, manipulate, mix, deodries, grind, bleach, hydrogenate, buy, sell, Import, export, produce or otherwise deal in seeds and agricultural products, food products, dietic products and preparations of patent drugs and proprietary articles of all kinds, whether basic or derived and in all forms and in particular protein foods of all kinds and all other such ingredients thereof. 24. To buy, sell deal in shares and securities, foreign exchange, gold, silver cotton, jute, hessian, oil, oils-seeds and hold them as permitted under the law, from time to time, in force. 25. To organise, run, maintain operate, promote the business of Interior decorators, furniture and carpet designers and manufacturers, boutiques, operators of fashion centres, fashion shows and to make, acquire, deal in any way in handicrafts, objects of art, precious stones, jewellery, whether artificial or otherwise and articles wherein precious metals or precious stones may be used, in textile fabrics and to manufacture and deal in any products as are dealt in by boutiques, fashion shows and interior decorators. 26. To establish, provide, maintain and conduct research and such other, laboratories, training colleges, schools and such other institutions for the training, education and instruction of students and others who may desire to avail themselves of the same and to provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions, classes, meetings and conferences in connection therewith. 27. To be interested to promote or undertake the formation and establishment and to take hold and dispose of shares in such organisations, institutions, business or companies whether industrial, hoteliers, restaurants, agricultural, trading, manufacturing or otherwise as may be considered to be conductive to the profit and interest of the company and also to acquire, promote, aid. foster, subsidise or acquire interests in any such industry or undertaking. 28. To acquire from or sell to any person, firm or body corporate or unincorporate, whether in India or elsewhere technical and managerial information, know-how, processes, engineering, manufacturing, operating and commercial data plans, layouts and blue prints useful for the design, erection and operation of any plant or process of manufacture and to acquire and grant or license or such other rights and benefits in the forgoing matters and things and to render any kind of management and consultancy services.

29. To carry on business as general, commercial, colour, craft and graphers, photographers, engravers, diemakers, publishers of newspapers, books, magazines, art and musical production, plan and chart printers, press and advertising agents, contractors, Ink, die and colour manufacturers, manufacturers and dealers in containers and components and dealers in printing machines, type and all printers supplies, book binders and stationers and dealers in all kinds of supplies and equipment for mercantile and such other uses thereof. 30. To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of classes of paper and pulp such as sulphate and sulphate wood pulp, mechanical pulp and soda pulp and paper such as transparent, vellum, writing, printing glazed, absorbent, news printing, wrapping, tissue, cover, blotting, filter, bank or bond, badami, brown, buff or coloured, lined, azure laid, grass or waterproof, hand made parchment, drawing, crafts, carbon, envelope, and box and straw duplex and triplex boards and all kinds of articles in the manufacture of which In any

form pulp, paper or board is used and also to deal in or manufacture artificial leather of all varieties, grades and colour. 31. To acquire and hold shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company constituted or carrying on business in the Republic of India or elsewhere any debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any Government, sovereign-ruler, commissioners, public body or authority, supreme municipal, local or otherwise, whether at home or abroad, to acquire any such shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, obligations or securities by original subscription, tender, purchase, exchange or otherwise and subscribe for the same either conditionally or otherwise and to guarantee the subscription thereof and to exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incidental to the ownership thereof, to issue shares, debenture stocks, bonds, obligation and securities of all kinds and to frame, constitute and secure the same, as may seem expedient, with full power to make the same transferable by delivery or by instrument of transfer or otherwise and either perpetual or terminable and either redeemable or otherwise and to charge or secure the same by trust deed or otherwise on the undertaking of the company, or upon any specific property and rights, present and future of the company (including, if thought fit, uncalled capital) or otherwise however; to export, import, buy, sell, barter, exchange, pledge, make advance upon, invest in and otherwise deal in gold, silver, bullion, stocks, shares, securities of all kinds and description. 32. To secure sound investments of foreign capital in Indian undertakings and enterprises and Indian Capital in foreign undertaking and enterprises. 33. To carry on the profession of consultants on management, employment, engineering industry and technical matters to industry and business and to act as employment agents. 34. To carry on the business as manufacturers of or dealers in glass products such as sheet and plate glass, optical glass, glass wool, laboratory ware and thermometers. 35. To carry on the business as manufacturer of, agents or dealers in leather, leather products, textiles and grains such as man-made fibres, cotton, silk, jute, woollen, synthetics foodgrains and products thereof, oils of all kinds, seeds and pulses.

36. To undertake and transact all kinds of agency business and to carry on and promote any business, commercial or otherwise, under sound principles and/or to act as distributors, agents, underwriters, brokers, estate agents, middlemen, contract man, representation and indenting agents on commission, allowance, as may be deemed fit in all commodities, merchandise and such other allied articles/lines of business. 37. To undertake, manage, finance or otherwise carry on either individually or in association in any manner with any other person or Government authority, programme of Rural Development in India including any programme for promoting the social and economic welfare of, or the uplift of the public in any rural area, and without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing to subscribe, donate, establish, provide, maintain, conduct, subsidise, undertake, associate with carry on and promote studies, research, experimental work and application of technology, in any field of human endeavour, by establishing, endowing or assisting workshops, laboratories, schools, hospitals, first-aid centres and other technical, scientific, agricultural or any other institutions and bodies for the development of education, medicine, human welfare, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, dairy products, cottage, small-scale and any other industry and in order to implement any of the above mentioned objects or purposes, transfer without consideration or at such fair or concessional value as the Directors may think fit and divest the ownership of any property of the company to or in favour of any Public or Local Body or Central or State Government or any Public institution or Trusts of Funds recognised or approved by the Central or State Government or established under any law for the time being inforce. 38. To undertake, carry out, promote and sponsor or associate with or assist any activity for the promotion and growth of national economy and for discharging what the Directors may

consider to be social and moral responsibilities of the company to the Public or any section of the Public as also any activity which the Directors consider likely to promote national welfare or social, economic or moral uplift of the Public or any Section of the public and In such manner and by such means as the Directors may think fit and the Directors may without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, undertake carry out, promote and sponsor any activity for publication of any books, literature, newspapers or for organising lectures or seminars likely to advance these objects or for giving merit awards, for giving scholarships, loans or any other assistance to deserving students or other scholars or persons to enable them to prosecute studies or academic pursuits or their researches and for establishing, conducing or assisting any institution fund, trust, person or Government authority having any one of the aforesaid objects as one of the objects by giving donations or otherwise in any other manner, and the Directors may at their discretion, in order to Implement any of the above mentioned objects or purposes, transfer without consideration or at such fair or concessional value as the Directors may think fit and divest the ownership of any property of the company to or in favour of any Public or Local Body or Authority or Central. 39. To instal the Electric furnaces for melting steel scrap and for producing steel castings and for re-rolling mild steel sections.

40. To manufacture steel castings of ail kinds such as used for Textile Machine parts, Railways, Tramway, Motor parts, Tractors, Sugar Industry and Cement industry machinery parts. 41. To manufacture bolts, nuts, buckets, kerais, gate channels and to carry on the business of fabrication of steel and its by products. 42. To weld steel tubes and boring of different steel and galvanising iron sections. 43. To manufacture utensils and such other goods of all kinds of brass, bronze, copper and other metals and alloys. 44. To carry on business of importing and exporting machinery, plants tools, implements, metal goods, hardware and plumbing material and to sell, let out the otherwise deal in such imported goods or articles. 45. To carry on the business as financiers (not amounting to banking business within the meaning of Banking Regulations Act, 1949) by way of loaning, lending, and advancing money, to industrials, individuals, commercials and other enterprises. 46. To carry on the business of mechanical fitters, wire drawers, galvanizer, Japaneers, annealers, enamellers and packing case makers. 47. To carry on the business of a leasing and hire purchase company and to acquire, to provide on lease or to be provided on hire purchase basis all types of industrial and offices plants, equipments, machinery, vehicles, buildings and real estate, required for manufacturing processing, transportation and trading business and other commercial and service business. 48. To build, construct, establish, own, purchase, sell, take on lease or exchange or otherwise acquire, hold, maintain and manage industrial, commercial or residential buildings, apartment houses, hotels, motels, hostels, restaurants, factory premises godowns, golas, warehouses, flats, hostels, boarding houses, clubs, pleasure grounds and amusement parks, theatres, cinemas or such other show houses, meeting or lecture halls, libraries, dharamshalas and sarais, health resorts and sanatoriums, gardens, swimming pools and baths, huts Bazar and markets, melas and exhibition arid to let, sublet, give on lease or otherwise to permit use and occupation of the same for rent or hire charges and to provide for the tenants and occupiers thereof all or any of the conveniences commonly provided in residential, commercial and industrial quarters. IV. The Liability of the members is Limited. V. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs. 40,00,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Crores) divided into 4,00,00,000 (Four Crores) Equity Shares of Rs.10/- (Rupee Ten) each.

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