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Rotation of Rigid

What is one radian ?
• One radian is the angle subtended at the
center of a circle by an arc that is equal in
length to the radius of the circle.
• Radian describes the plane angle subtended
by a circular arc, as the length of the arc
divided by the radius of the circle.
How do we convert radians and degrees?

Using the following equation:

For example how many radians is 60 :

Thus 60 = .
Until now, we considered translational motions. Positions of the objects were described by numbers
called “coordinates” x,y and z. Units of the coordinates were “meters”.

Coordinates of an object in motion, were functions of time. Derivatives of the coordinates were the
components of the object’s velocity: Vx, Vy and Vz. Of course their units were m/s.

By taking their derivatives we used to obtain the components of the moving object’s acceleration:

ax,ay and az. Their units were m/s2.

But in our next topics, “rotational motion” will be considered. What matters now are the angular
position of the object and how many radian angles it rotates per unit time (angular velocity) and its
angular acceleration.

For example we will encounter the equation which is theequivalent of V2 = V02+2ax

in rotational motion. Linear velocity will be replaced by angular velocity and linear acceleration will
be replaced by angular acceleration. Of course, the coordinate will also be “angular position”.
• One complete
cycle of 360° is
one revolution.
• One complete
revolution is 2π
• Relating the two,
360° = 2 π
radians or 1
radian = 57.3°.
•A discus thrower moves the discus in a circle of radius
80 cm. At a certain instant, the thrower is spinning at an
angular speed of 10.0 rad/s and the angular speed is
increasing at 50.0 rad/s2. At this instant, find the tangential
and centripetal components of the acceleration of the
discus and the magnitude of the acceleration.
•You are asked to design an airplane propeller to turn at 2400 rpm.
The forward airspeed of the plane is to be 75.0 m/s (270 km/h),
and the speed of the tips of the propeller blades through the air
must not exceed 270 m/s. (a) What is the maximum radius the
propeller can have? (b) With this radius, what is the acceleration of
the propeller tip?
The tangential acceleration is zero because the angular speed is constant.
A disc that initially rotates with an angular velocity of 120 rad/s slows down with a constant angular
acceleration of magnitude 4rad/s . How long does it take the disc to stop? How many radians does it
rotate until it stops? How many rounds does it take? Calculate its angular velocity at t=10s.
A record rotating with 33 ½ revolutions per minute stops smoothly slowing down within 20s after
the turntable is turned off.

a) Calculate the angular acceleration of the plate.

b) How many radians does the plate turn until it stops after the turntable is turned off?
Angular position of a point on the rim of a rotating wheel is given as t – 3t2 + t3 (radians).

a) Find the angular velocity of this point at t=2s and t=4s.

b) What are the average angular velocity and average angular acceleration of the point in the
time interval t=2s to t=4s?
c) What is the point’s angular acceleration at t=2s?
Moment of Inertia
Rotational Kinetic Energy

Parellel Axis Theorem

In the problem we are going to solve now, we will
learn a new physical concept called the “moment
of inertia”. Its symbol is “I” and its unit is kg.m2

Remember that the translational kinetic energy of an object of mass m with a velocity V was ,
rotational kinetic energy of an object with an angular speed  is :.

So, what is the explicit expression of “moment of inertia” ? We shall see right now...
Two small balls with masses m1=2kg and m2=3kg respectively, are attached to both ends of a 80cm
long rod whose mass is insignificant. The rod rotates 1.2738 revolutions per second along its axis of
rotation in the direction of its central pillar.

a) In this case calculate the kinetic energies of the balls.

b) Calculate the total kinetic energy of the rotating system if the mass of the rod is m=4kg.
c) Solve the problem again when the rotation axis is shifted 20cm from the center of mass
towards the ball of mass m1.

m2 r=0.4m m1 m2 d=0.2m m1
Finding the moment of inertia for common
A part of a mechanical linkage has a mass of 3.6 kg. We measure its moment of inertia
about an axis 0.15 m from its center of mass to be IP = 0.132 kg . m2. What is the
moment of inertia Icm about a parallel axis through the center of mass?
In the system shown in the figure, the pulley with a radius of R=20cm and a mass of m=4kg can
rotate without friction around the axis passing through the center of mass. When the system is
released from rest, the block with mass m1=3kg moves downwards without slipping the rope over
the reel. The mass of the other block is m2=1kg. Using the conservation of mechanical energy, find
the blocks’ velocities at the instant m1 hits the floor from the point h=0.5m in terms of m,m1,m2, h
and g. Calculate the linear acceleration of the blocks and the angular acceleration of the pulley.
Note: Pulley’s moment of inertia: I = (½)mR2



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