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Project Report


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (2020-2023)

Under the Supervision of Submitted by:

Name: Dr. Nisha Jindal Name: Vishal Tomar

Designation: Assistant Professor Enrollment No: 14614701720

Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
PSP Area, Plot No. 1, Sector 22, Rohini, Delhi 110086, India
Student Declaration

This is to certify that I, Vishal Tomar have completed the Project Report
AUTOVIKAS under the supervision of Vivek Jain, toward partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management
Studies, Delhi. This is an original piece of work and I have not submitted
it earlier elsewhere.


Name of the Student: Vishal Tomar

University Enrolment No: 14614701720

Program BBA

Batch: 2020-23

Date: 30TH December 2022



Name of Internal Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Nisha Jindal

Designation: Assistant Professor


I have taken efforts in this internship project. However , it would not have been

possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organization.i

would like to extent my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to Vivek Jain for his guidance and constant supervision as well

as for providing necessary information regarding the internship and also for their

support incompleting this dissertation.

I would like to express my gratitute towards my faculty guide DR NISHA JINDAL

for her kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this



Sales and distribution management is a concept that has been around now for the last
two decades and whilst there has been a great deal written on the benefits that can be
accrued from adopting such a management approach there are very few companies
outside the retail sector that can truly say that they manage the Distribution Network.
Marketing strategy is the comprehensive plan formulated particularly for achieving
the marketing objective of the organization. The companies wish to influence
consumers' buying behavior, and thus they launch strong sales promotional
campaigns or introduce changes in their price policies, among other actions.
However, they are not always capable of achieving their goal, since, although they
may reach their objective in the short term, when the longer term is considered there
are undesirable consumer actions.

This project aims at looking at the sales and marketing strategy of Autovikas.
Autovikas Tata is the best Tata Dealer and has authorized Tata Showrooms in New
Delhi. The data has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. The
primary research includes the analysis and outcome of questionnaire survey which
was aimed at sales and marketing techniques. The survey was conducted with the
support of personal interviews and structured questionnaire. Customers expect best in
class quality products as they are paying huge amounts for buying the product. This
strategy of the company has helped in upholding the strengths, as a result, it has
gained huge popularity.


Contents Page No

Student Declaration i

Certificate from company ii

Acknowledgement iii

Executive Summary iv

Chapter 1: Introduction 1-32

Objectives of the Study

Review of Literature

Research Methodology

Limitation of the Study

Chapter 2: Profile of The Organization 33-39

Chapter 3: Data Analysis and Interpretations 40-60

Chapter IV: Conclusion and Recommendations 61-63

Bibliography 64

Annexures 65-67



Sales management is the process of developing a sales force, coordinating sales

operations, and implementing sales techniques that allow a business to consistently hit,
and even surpass, its sales targets.

The objectives of all business are to makes profits and a merchandising concern can do
that by increasing its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible, if the product is
widely polished to be audience the final consumers, channel members and industrial
users and through convincing arguments it is persuaded to buy it. Publicity makes a
thing or an idea known to people. It is a general term indicating efforts at mass appeal.
As personal stimulation of demand for a product service or business unit by planting
commercially significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining favorable
presentation of it upon video television or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor.

Sales management is the coordination of people and resources to effectively produce

the desired goal. These long term goals can be wide ranging, however they are
generally increased sales volume, contribution to profits, and continuous growth. To
achieve these objectives, sales managers have vast responsibilities including, but not
limited to: demand/sales forecasting, establishing quotas/objectives, budgeting,
organization, recruitment, training, compensation, and sales performance evaluation. In
the end of the day, however, the most important role of sales management is not to
manage sales, but to manage the people who make the sales.

Marketing is a strategy used by Indian organisations to communicate with the

consumer and make him knowledgeable about the different aspects of their product and
services. It is a necessary part of attracting the target buyer to specific products, and
firms apply many innovative or tried-and-tested methods to stay ahead of their rivals
and increase their market share.

Marketing Strategy is a practice of choosing target markets, construct a strong
positioning with differentiated product quality and functions which finally assist to
make a sturdy and sustainable value propositions to customers. Simply it is the
marketing logic through which business organizations achieve its merely objective,
increase revenue and market share. Sales and achieve sustainable competitive
advantage. A well-articulated marketing strategy enables to focus on marketing
activities which create strategic advantage for the company.

Marketing and sales managers have one of the most vital roles in any organization.
Without one, a sales team will most likely become dead in the water. A good manager
organizes and drives their sales team towards achieving their goals of increased
revenue and productivity. The tone and culture of the sales teams, created by sales
management, can help generate passion and boost moral among individual reps.

Sales Management

Sales Management refers to the process of developing a marketing team, leading a

marketing team, coordinating sales activities, and implementing sales techniques. The
general goal of sales management is to help a business achieve its sales objectives or,
ideally, exceed them. Sales management is part of an organisation's total marketing

Nature of Sales Management

To understand the concept of sales management clearly, we must go through its

following characteristics:

• Goal-Oriented: Similar to other management activities, sales management also

have a specific purpose and intended for the achievement of specified goals or

• Continuous Process: The sales manager needs to perform sales management

functions regularly, and this process is never-ending.

• Systematic Approach: It is an organized way of handling the sales function of
the company where every problem has a defined and proven solution.

• Relationship Selling: The salespeople make efforts to build a strong customer

relationship to sell the products or services effectively.

• Marketing Management Integration: Marketing is a broader concept; marketing

management includes all the activities related to sales management.

• Different Sales or Job Position: It is the combined efforts of the whole sales
team, including salesperson, sales executive, sales head, sales manager and
after-sales service personnel.

• Pervasive Function: It is a universally applicable concept which has been

adopted and tested by every kind of business organizations.

Key Aspects

A sales manager needs to concentrate on the three crucial elements of sales

management. Getting these three right can bring optimization of the sales management.

Let us now discuss each one of these in detail below:

Sales Operations – Team Building

Building an efficient sales team is the primary focus of a sales manager. He/she needs
to ensure that team members are handed over the responsibilities, which matches their
skills and knowledge.

Moreover, they have been provided with the required training to execute their duties in
the desired manner.

The sales manager then needs to:

• Determine challenging and realistic sales targets;

• Allot a particular area or territory to each salesperson;

• Set objectives and sales quota for the sales team.

The sales manager have to continually motivate his/her team and provide feedback on
their performance.

Marketing Strategy:

Marketing strategy is the goal of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable

competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in
the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial situation of a
company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies
and therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives.
Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and
partially unplanned. Strategies are dynamics

Your well-developed marketing strategy will help you realise your business's goals and
build a strong reputation for your products. A good marketing strategy helps you target
your products and services to the people most likely to buy them. It should be planned
and developed in consultation with your team. It is a wide-reaching and comprehensive
strategic planning tool that:

• describes your business and its products and services

• explains the position and role of your products and services in the market

• profiles your customers and your competition

• identifies the marketing tactics you will use

• Allows you to build a marketing plan and measure its effectiveness.

5 key of Marketing Strategy concepts –

1) Product Positioning and Product Differentiation – it influence how consumers

perceive a brand`s characteristics relative to those of competitive offerings

2) Environmental Analysis – it is the assessment of the external forces and how
they are changing that will influence the firm, its product and its customer, and that
create threats and opportunities.

3) Marketing Research – it applied consumer research designed to provide

managers with information on factors that impact consumer’s acquisition, consumption
and disposition of goods, services and ideas.

4) Marketing – Mix Developments – it involves development and coordination of

activities involving Product, Pricing, Promotion and Distribution

5) Segmentation of Customers – it involves subdividing the market place into

distinct subsets of customers having similar needs and wants, each of which can be
reached with a different marketing mix.

Marketing strategy is sorting out who your audience actually is, and then finding out
what has meaning for them. What do they care about, and how does this relate to your
offer? What message can you deliver that is both true and meets your consumer
squarely at the level of their needs? Marketing strategy is the process of uncovering
messages that can be heard. Marketing strategy allows you to answer the crucial
question your offer must address: “Why should I care?” To paraphrase Peter Drucker:
Consumers do not buy what you sell. They buy what has value to them.

In marketing, there is strategy and there are tactics. A lot of marketing, in practice, is
preoccupied with what I call tactical experimentation. This is the act of throwing all
kinds of things out at the world or at broad demographic targets to see what works. As
you do this you are spending money, potentially lots of it. The idea in this method is to
do this until you find some marketing actions that work, and when you find them you
can then do more of those.

This process often results in the classic Wanamaker dilemma—” Half the money I
spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” He was
speaking of advertising, but the principle applies.

Types of Marketing Strategies

There are four (4) main types of marketing strategies that businesses can apply in
marketing their products or services.

1. Market Leader Strategies

Under this strategy, there are three ways in which you could use it to establish yourself
as a market leader. The first way is to expand your total market. This is done by
applying strategies that will increase the numbers of consumers using your product or
services. To lead you must find new uses of existing products or targeting a new
market. In identifying new markets, you might have to source consumers in locations
where your product is not known.

Defending the market share you are in control of is the second strategy. The most
effective ways of defending your current market is by capitalizing on improving the
quality of your products to be able to retain consumers. Market segmentation helps in
defending your market share.

The third strategy is to expand your market share. To expand your market share you
need to aggressively counter completion. A business can deal with completion by
doing what your competitor does not.

2. Market Challenger Marketing Strategy

The market challenger marketing strategy means that you research and identify minor
unmet needs that you believe your business can cater for competitively. There is little
or no competition here, and it makes it easy to establish yourself in the market.
Challengers use the weaknesses of their competitors as their selling point.

3. Market Niche Marketing Strategy

Having a market niche means that your market is differentiated into fine tuned
segments. The niches make it easier to address the need of consumers in each of the

market niches. This is a fundamental type of marketing strategy as you are able to
address the differing preferences of diverse consumers as well as moving with current
trends in the market. Diversifying the market will enable you to reach out to a wider

4. Market Follower Marketing Strategy

The market follower depend waits for his competitors to identify markets and carry out
research consumer preferences. As a follower, you need to be keen your competitor’s
weaknesses and improve on them. This marketing strategy saves you on cost arising
from having to carry out research because you only have to work on your competitors
weaknesses to better your products.

Some more types of Marketing Strategies

Marketing is the important aspect of an organisation. The success of the organisation is

largely attributed to the performance of the marketing. Therefore there must be suitable

1. Product Strategy

Every organisation must have appropriate product strategy. The product strategy
enables to take decisions in respect of

• Product Line/Mix

A company may follow either a single product strategy or a multi-product strategy. A

company may concentrate on core product line or a diversified product line business.

• Development of new products

A firm must decide about the development of new products or modified products to
face the competition in the market and to meet the needs and wants of the customers.

• Other Product policies

A firm must decide on other product policies in respect of Policies relating to - product
packaging, Product Positioning, Branding and Brand extension.

2. Pricing Strategy

While fixing prices, a firm may consider several factors such as cost of the product,
demand for the product, competition in the market, the nature of product, the nature of
consumers, objectives of the firm etc.

• Skimming pricing strategy

High prices are charged in order to earn high profit margins. A firm may follow either
–Rapid skimming - where high prices are charged and there is heavy promotion.

Slow skimming – where high prices are charged and there is low promotion.

• Penetration pricing strategy

Low price are charged in order to capture a good market share. A firm may follow
either –

Rapid Penetration – where low prices are charge and there is heavy promotion.

Slow Penetration - where low prices are charge and there is low promotion.

• Other Pricing strategies

There are several other pricing strategies such as – follow the leader pricing. Standard
pricing, Differential pricing, Trial pricing, Probe pricing.

3. Promotion Strategy

A firm must frame policies in respect of promotion. The various promotion strategies
are in respect of –

• Advertising Strategy

A firm must frame strategy in the area of advertising in respect of –

 Advertising budget strategies – brand-wise, area-wise, period-wise and media-

 Media scheduling strategies – bursting, flighting, pulsing etc.
 Media Selection strategy – depending upon nature of product, competitors,
advertising, consumers.
 Sales Promotion Strategy- A firm must give proper emphasis on sales
promotion techniques. Therefore a firm must frame sales promotion strategy in
respect of –
a. The amount of funds to be spent on sales promotion techniques like
discounts, exchange offers, free gifts, samples etc.
b. Decision on areas like after-sale-service, guarantees etc

 Duration and timing of sales promotion offers – whether during festival

 Products or brands and the market areas which needs to be given more focus
for sales.
 Publicity

Publicity plays an important role in promotion of goods and services. Publicity is

gaining public visibility or awareness for a product, service or your company via the
media. Therefore a firm needs to frame proper publicity strategy in respect of -

 The media to be concentrated for publicity,

 The period or timing of publicity,
 The relationships with various media people,
 The amount of funds to be allocated for publicity purpose, such as on event
marketing during product launch, gifts t the media people etc
 Personal Selling Strategy

Personal selling is a promotional method in which one party (e.g., salesperson) uses
skills and techniques for building personal relationships with another party (e.g.,

involved in a purchase decision) that results in both parties obtaining value. It plays an
important role in promoting the sale of products, especially in the case of industrial

Therefore proper decisions must be taken in respect of –

 The number of sales force, selection and training.

 The compensation to the sales force.
 The products, which require personal selling efforts.
 The markets or areas where personal selling is required etc.
 Marketing Research Strategy

Marketing research plays an important role in marketing of goods and services.

Marketing research is "the process or set of processes that links the consumers,
customers, and end users to the marketer through information. It is the systematic
gathering, recording, and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about issues
relating to marketing products and services. A firm must decide in respect of –

 The products which requires market research

 The markets where marketing research to be conducted.
 The type of marketing research such as sales research, product research,
consumer research, pricing research etc.
 The amount of funds to be invested in marketing research
 The duration and timing of marketing research.
 Whether marketing research to be conducted in-house, or by an external
 If in-house selection and training of marketing research staff.

4. Distribution Strategy

A firm must frame strategy in respect of distribution. The distribution strategy needs to
be framed in respect of –

 Channels of distribution – whether direct channels or indirect channels.
 Areas of distribution – whether local, regional, national or international.
 Dealers network – the number of dealers, area-wise, product-wise.
 Dealers training – training to the staff of dealers, especially in the case of
consumer durables so that they are familiar with the features and operations of
the product.
 Dealer’s incentives and compensation – commission to be paid to the dealers
and additional incentives to push the sales in the market.


 To know the effectiveness of sales and marketing strategies towards Autovikas

 To study the influence of various sales and marketing strategies on the buying
behaviour of the customers.
 To know the effectiveness of marketing strategies towards Autovikas to its
various dealers and industrial buyers so that much effort towards the promotion
of their product is done.


Rammwamy (2016) A strategy is a long-term plan to achieve certain objectives. A

marketing strategy is therefore a marketing plan designed to achieve marketing
objectives. For example, marketing objective may relate to becoming the market leader
by delighting customers. The strategic plan therefore is the detailed planning involving
marketing research, and then developing a marketing mix to delight customers. Every
organisation needs to have clear marketing objectives, and the major route to achieving
organisational goals will depend on strategy. It is important, therefore, to be clear about
the difference between strategy and tactics. These terms originate from military use
(military strategy before and during a military campaign is the general policy overview
of how to defeat the enemy). Developing a strategy involves establishing clear aims
and objectives around which the framework for a policy is created. Having established
its strategy, an organisation can then work out its day-to-day tools and tactics to meet
the objectives.

Kunjamma (2019) illustrated that the ever changing marketing scenario and heightened
competition over the world amplified the role of brand at unparalleled level. Every
person is a consumer of different brands at the same time. The choice and usage of a
particular brand by the consumer over the time is affected by the quality benefits
offered by the brand especially when it comes to brand of eatables and cosmetics.
Consumer satisfaction is derived when he compares the actual performance of the
product with the performance he expected out of the usage. The study observed that
satisfaction is a person's feelings of pressure or disappointment resulting from product's
perceived performance(outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. If the perceived
benefits turned out to be almost same as expected, customer is highly satisfied and that
is how the company achieves loyalty of the customer towards the products..

According to Saxena (2014) marketing is involved in the strategic planning at all

organizational levels. Strategic marketing describes the marketing activities that affect
the corporate , business, and marketing strategic plans . Strategic marketing activities

can be classified into three basic functions. First, marketers help orient everyone in the
organization toward markets and the customers . Thus , they are responsible for helping
the organizations execute a marketing philosophy throughout the strategic planning
process. Second , marketers help gather and analyze the information required to
examine the current situation , identify trends in the marketing environment , and
assess the potential impact of these trends . This information and analysis provides
input for the corporate, business , and marketing strategic plans. Third, marketers are
involved in the development of the corporate , business , and marketing strategic
plans . Marketing's influence varies across the organizations. For organizations driven
by a marketing philosophy, marketing necessarily plays a key role in the strategic
decision making . The trend toward pushing the strategic planning responsibility
further down the organization is increasing the marketing's clout in an organization's
strategic planning process .

Kotler (2012) has conducted a study of marketing strategies for emerging markets. The
world economic order is changing and changing very fast. Emerging markets are
characterized by some unique features which can be applied to all situations like mass
dispersed markets; penetration is abysmally low in key product categories. Emergence
of information technology, high level of conspicuous consumption, antiquated rules
and procedures, shift from a protectionist regime to a free market economy, a young
and vibrant services economy are characteristics of emerging market in India.

"Marketing" is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target
markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products.
“Value” is worth derived by the customer from owning and using the product.
“Competitive Advantage” is a depiction that the company or its products are each
doing something better than their competition in a way that could benefit the customer.
Marketing is focused on the task of conveying pertinent company and product related
information to specific customers, and there are a multitude of decisions (strategies) to
be made within the marketing domain regarding what information to deliver, how
much information to deliver, to whom to deliver, how to deliver, when to deliver, and

where to deliver. Once the decisions are made, there are numerous ways (tactics) and
processes that could be employed in support of the selected strategies.(Smith, 2013)

Subrato Dey (2017) In the recent years, the way Indian consumers are spending their
money on various items has changed. The penetration of internet and social media has
increased, as a result the purchasing behavior of Indian consumers has changed
dramatically. Urbanization is a constant phenomena in India and is influencing the life
style and buying behavior of the consumers. The study is based on the perceptions,
buying behavior and satisfaction of the consumers in Indian market

Marketing is involved in the strategic planning at all organizational levels. Strategic

marketing describes the marketing activities that affect the corporate , business,and
marketing strategic plans . Strategic marketing activities can be classified into three
basic functions. First, marketers help orient everyone in the organization toward
markets and the customers . Thus , they are responsible for helping the organizations
execute a marketing philosophy throughout the strategic planning process. Second ,
marketers help gather and analyze the information required to examine the current
situation , identify trends in the marketing environment , and assess the potential
impact of these trends . This information and analysis provides input for the corporate,
business , and marketing strategic plans. Third, marketers are involved in the
development of the corporate , business , and marketing strategic plans . Marketing's
influence varies across the organizations. For organizations driven by a marketing
philosophy, marketing necessarily plays a key role in the strategic decision making .
The trend toward pushing the strategic planning responsibility further down the
organization is increasing the marketing's clout in an organization's strategic planning
process (Saxena, 2017) .

Sales Strategy – Sales Process

When the team is ready for sales performance, it requires proper guidance and support.

Therefore, the sales manager needs to prepare a sales pipeline which provides a
sequential presentation of the steps involved in the sales process, right from lead
generation to cracking the deal successfully.

There are varying strategies for different types of sales activities like customer
acquisition, customer retention, personal selling, distribution,

A sales funnel or pipeline guides the salespeople and proves to be a useful tool for
monitoring and controlling self-performance. The sales manager, however, needs to
take charge when the salesperson fails to achieve the desired results.

Sales Analysis – Reporting

Analyzing or reporting the performance of the sales team helps everyone to better-off
their tasks and efforts. Thus, it is one of the essential components of sales management.

The team becomes aware of where it stands, by going through the sales metrics,
performance index and other quantifiable indicators. Hence, it can find out the
loopholes and rectify the mistakes made earlier to ensure optimal results next time.

Using the standard sales pipeline, one can find out the following metrics:

• Number of deals

• The average size of each deal

• The average percentage of deals cracked

• The average time that is taken to close the deals

Sales Management Scope

Sales management is a field which has emerged from marketing management;

however, the latter is a broader concept. Let us now learn about the extent to which
sales management is applicable in business organizations: Sales Planning or
Forecasting: The sales-related activities need to be planned well in advance through
anticipation of future sales prospectives.

Sales Budgeting: The sales manager needs to determine or estimate the sales budget,
i.e., the expenses which will be incurred in carrying out the sales activities.

 Determining Structure and Size of Sales Organization: The department of a

company which is solely responsible for all the sales-related functions is termed
as a sales organization. Sales management provides for determining the size,
composition and structure of a sales organization.
 Human Resource Planning: The sales management ensures a proper estimation
of sales personnel requirement in the organization.
 Hiring Sales Personnel: It initiates the recruitment and selection of efficient and
suitable candidates for various vacant sales positions.
 Training and Development of Salespeople: It also includes providing training
and orientation to the selected candidates to develop their skills and knowledge
to match those required for the job position.
 Developing Salesperson’s Objectives: The sales manager set up achievable
objectives or goals for the salespeople appointed under him/her.
 Fixing Sales Quotas: Also, the sales quota (monthly, quarterly or yearly) is
fixed, either in terms of volume or value of sales to set targets for the sales
 Determining Sales Territories: Every sales team or salesperson is given a
particular region or area as a target market, where they need to penetrate for
selling products or services.

 Motivating Sales Personnel: It also emphasizes on reviewing the work of

salespeople and driving them frequently to perform better.
 Compensation and Remuneration of Salespeople: It ascertains appropriate
salary, remuneration, allowance, commission and other benefits to the salespeople.
 Controlling Salesforce: Exercising sufficient control by monitoring the
performance of the sales personnel is also a crucial function of sales

 Branding, Labelling and Packaging: The sales personnel gathers customer
feedback on the acceptability of the product packaging, presentation, branding
and labelling.
 Managing Distribution Channel: It also ensures keeping track of the marketing
channels and filling the loopholes if any.
 Sales Promotion: The product advertisements and other promotional tactics are
also determined through sales management functions.
 Organizing and Support Service: It includes handling of queries and solving
problems of the sales personnel through proper guidance and support service.
 After-Sale Services: The customer recognizes a company mostly through the
effectiveness and efficiency of the after-sale services it provides, which is the
concern of sales management.

Importance of Sales Management

Why is sales management considered to be an inevitable part of business


The following benefits of sales management will enlighten you over the above

 Realizes Organizational Objectives: Sales management is practised to attain the

pre-defined organizational goals or objectives which can be increasing
profitability, customer satisfaction, market acquisition, and so on.
 Manages Sales Force: The sales team includes personnel performing various
sales-related tasks; the activities of the sales force are hence monitored and
regulated through sales management.
 Better Planning: Planning is an essential function of sales management; it
includes the formulation of goals, strategies, programmes and budget.
 Sales Maximization: It also helps the management in setting sales target, which
are though higher than the previous goals but are possibly attainable.

 Builds Strong Relationship: The sales personnel emphasizes on building up
strong interpersonal relations with the customers, as their primary motive.
Since it ultimately drives the sales and profit maximization.
 Optimizes Distribution: It provides for maximum utilization of the marketing
channels by identifying the key problem areas and finding a solution to these
 Aids Top Management Decision Making: It comprises of the comparison
between the desired and actual result and thus, supports the top-level
management or directors to make crucial decisions (such as business expansion
and closure).
 Improves Profitability: The most critical concerns of top-level management is
profit maximization, which is, therefore, passed on as a primary objective of
the sales management.
 Develops Personnel: In the process of sales management, the sales personnel is
provided sufficient training, growth opportunities and support to ensure their
overall development.
 Product Development: The sales team are in constant touch with the clients or
customers, which helps the management to know about their preference and

Thus, leading to new product development or improving the existing products or


The important tasks in sales management:

1. Sales planning

This area of sales management involves setting the objectives toward which the sales
team will work. Some of the individual tasks involved are setting overall sales targets,
quotas, demand/sales forecasting and strategy.

2. Recruitment of sales staff

An integral portion of sales management. Sales managers are tasked with managing the
personnel they have under them. This extends from the recruitment and hiring of staff,
through training and one on one coaching. When it comes to the recruitment of staff,
sales managers must analyze the open position, create a job description, and qualify the

3. Sales reporting

Sales management is also tasked with developing and analyzing KPI’s for their sales
team. By understanding these indicators, managers are better able to track and make
adjustments to improve productivity. Reports passed up the ladder allow senior
management to evaluate the overall heath of sales, as well as the performance of the
sales manager individually.

What role does a sales manager play?

Being a good sales rep doesn’t directly translate into becoming a good sales manager.
Its is not up to them to create sales themselves; successful sales managers must create
sales through developing, motivating, and managing competent teams. Managers must
create an atmosphere based around comradery and common goals.

1. Share organizations vision

Sales managers must instill a shared, organization-wide vision into a sales team. This
vision will give reps an idea of what the company is trying to achieve, and help direct
everybody towards that goal. Having a shared vision will light a fire under the sales
teams as they move forward.

2. Communicate the mission statement

The mission statement is key to any company attempting to on-board new hires. It
creates a path that employees can latch onto coming into an organization. Without
clearly stating what a company is trying to achieve, employees will not have clear

3. Bring guide principles to sales team

Managers are tasked with providing guiding principles that are understood and
supported throughout the entire organization. These principles shape how decisions and
overall policy will be made and altered.

4. Instill the company values

A good sales manager must instill the core company values into his or her sales team.
These values will guide how they handle situations and make decisions down the line.
It is important to hire people who hold personal values that are in line with the values
of the company as a whole.

According to William J. Stanton, “Marketing and sales consists of all the activities
involved in presenting to a group a non-personal, oral or visual openly sponsored
message regarding a product service or idea. This message is called on advertisement is
disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by an identified sponsor”

“Sales promotion comprises a range of tactical marketing techniques designed within a

strategic marketing framework to add value to a product or service in order to achieve
specific sales and marketing objective.”

Sales promotion is a technique which has significant potential to improve short term
sales and like direct response work; its effectiveness can be tightly measured. Although
its strategic value is the subject of considerable debate, nevertheless, it is an important
tool of marketing. There are few markets or products where it cannot be used and few
brands to which it cannot be applied.

Types of Sales Promotion

 Consumer oriented sales promotions: Targeted to the ultimate users of a

product or service. Coupons, sampling, premiums, rebates, contests,
sweepstakes, and POP materials are induced the sales
 Trade oriented sales promotions: Targeted toward marketing intermediaries
such as retailers, wholesalers, or distributors. Promotion allowances,

merchandise allowances, price deals, sales contest and trade shows.

The traditional business world suggests that there are three different types of sales
promotion techniques: the push, the pull, and the combination.

(I) The push theory of sales promotion techniques supports that you promote your
goods to a retailer, who will then pass the wares along to their consumers.

A “push” promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade
promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product. The producer
promotes the product to wholesalers, the wholesalers promote it to retailers, and the
retailers promote it to consumers. A good example of "push" selling is mobile
phones, where the major handset manufacturers such as Nokia promote their
products via retailers such as Carphone Warehouse. Personal selling and trade
promotions are often the most effective promotional tools for companies such as
Nokia - for example offering subsidies on the handsets to encourage retailers to sell
higher volumes. A "push" strategy tries to sell directly to the consumer, bypassing
other distribution channels (e.g. selling insurance or holidays directly). With this
type of strategy, consumer promotions and advertising are the most likely
promotional tools.

(II) The pull theory varies by focusing on the consumer himself. Go directly to the
source to introduce your goods, and encourage a direct purchase.

A “pull” selling strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and
consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product. If the strategy is
successful, consumers will ask their retailers for the product, the retailers will ask
the wholesalers, and the wholesalers will ask the producers. A good example of a
pull is the heavy advertising and promotion of children's’ toys – mainly on
television. Consider the recent BBC promotional campaign for its new pre-school
programme – the Fimbles. Aimed at two to four-year-olds, 130 episodes of Fimbles
have been made and are featured everyday on digital children's channel CBeebies
and BBC2.As part of the promotional campaign, the BBC has agreed a deal with

toy maker Fisher-Price to market products based on the show, which it hopes will
emulate the popularity of the Tweenies. Under the terms of the deal, Fisher-Price
will develop, manufacture and distribute a range of Fimbles products including
soft, plastic and electronic learning toys for the UK and Ireland.

(III) The combination theory is a slight part of both. You may supply a retailer
with your consumable. He or she will then offer this to a customer with incentives
for shopping with them.

This strategy is usually used if the distributor is hesitant to carry a product, since it
gets its required consumers without having to go to retail outlets. “Car dealers often
provide a good example of a combination strategy. If you pay attention to car
dealers’ advertising, you will often hear them speak of cash-back offers and dealer

Because sales promotion is an initiative carried out by an organization to promote a

product to ensure increase in sales so it has varied methods of promotion. Most of the
time, sales promotions are creative and original therefore providing a comprehensive
list of all methods is not possible, however some examples of the regularly used sales
promotions activities are as follows:

 Buy-One-Get-One-Free
 New Media
 Merchandising
 CRM (customer relationship management)
 Free gifts
 Discounted prices
 Free samples
 Vouchers & coupons
 Joint promotions
 Competitions and prize draws/Cause-related or fair
 Finance deals

Sales promotion is directed at sales staff, customers and distribution channel members
which may include wholesalers, retailers etc. When targeted at consumers it is called
consumer sales promotion, when it is targeted at wholesalers and retailers it is called
trade sales promotions. However by many it is considered as ‘gimmick’ because of the
unusual methods some marketers use for sales promotion.

All of these sales promotion strategies can be victorious. Your business may choose to
use one or all of them when trading your products. When working to implement your
technique, you may also want to utilize some other methods. Allow people to try
samples of your goods. Engage the free advertising of in-store demonstrations and
exhibitions. All of these can be wonderful sales advancement strategies for your

Sales promotion is giving the customer something extra, rewarding them for their
behavior on this particular purchasing occasion. There are several theories which
support the concept of reward as a motivator. The conditions of sales promotion are
classical and operant conditioning. Whereas classical conditioning is largely associated
with advertising operant conditioning is seen as an explanation for consumer behaviour
in relation to sales promotion. Operant conditioning suggests the response of the
individual is likely to be affected by positive reinforcement (reward) or negative
reinforcement (punishment), although the affect is likely to cease when these
reinforcements are taken away. Edward Thorndike suggested that the ‘law of effect’,
which had to do with positive and negative consequences of actions, is also relevant to
sales promotion. The law states that the consequences of behavior now will govern the
consequences of that behavior in the future. In other words once a buying pattern is
achieved it will continue into the future. John Watson, US psychologist and founding
father of American behaviouralism, introduced the concept of shaping, chaining, and

Shaping: John Watson states shaping suggests that a final response can be explained as
‘appearing after preceding acts which; taken together, constitute a chain of successive

approximations’. Shaping breaks the desired behaviours in a series of stages and the
parts are learnt in sequence.

Chaining: Chaining suggests behavior emerges from sequences of actions in which the
preceding action becomes the discriminative stimulus for the final response
(inducement > purchase).

Priming: De Pelsmacker (2011) states, priming suggests that a short exposure to a

particular stimulus can evoke an increased drive to consume more of a product. So this
all theories offer reasons why we can motivate people to buy more by offering
incentives although the continuation of these behaviuor is open to doubt.

Channels of BTL activities

a) Database marketing: It involves use of proprietary database of consumer records

which can enhance prospect or customer data sources with unprecedented
demographic, lifestyle and transactional data. It can be utilized for tuning marketing
offers targeted at new prospects -- and provide their current customers with products
that more closely match purchasing preferences and habits.

b) Mail marketing: It involves creation of compelling branded Mail/email templates

and campaign messages, and also our data driven services to develop precise targeting
to reach the highest number of quality prospects

c) Interactive services: By designing online campaigns that generate valuable and

conversions by the use of Web Properties, Affiliate Network and Search Engine

d) Affinity marketing: Enhancing brand value and gaining new customers by affinity
programs like collaborations with

 Veteran's Organizations
 Sportsmen's Organizations
 Conservation and Wildlife Advocacy Organizations

 Seniors Advocacy Organizations
 Political Organizations
 Religious Organizations
 Youth Activity Organizations
 Ethnic Group Advocacy Organizations
 Cause Based Organizations

Direct Response Print: It’s most common form today is infomercials. It is achieved by
eliciting a direct response via television presentations. Viewers respond via telephone
or internet, credit card in hand. Other media, such as magazines, newspapers, radio,
and e-mail can be used to elicit the response, but they tend to achieve lower response
rates than television.

e) Event Marketing: It involves a strategic-based face-to-face contact designed to

impact a brand's perception among its constituents. It is set of promotional activities
involving an event such as a sporting or social event, designed to bring a product to the
attention of the public

f) Promotional Marketing: It is a non-personal promotional effort that is designed to

have an immediate impact on sales. Sales promotion is media and non-media
marketing communications employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase
consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability.

Examples include:

 Coupons
 Discounts and sales
 Contests
 Point of purchase displays
 Rebates
 Free samples (in the case of food items)
 Gifts and incentive items
 Free travel, such as free flights

Sales promotions can be directed at the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel
members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are called
consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesale are
called trade sales promotions.

The Indian market is witnessing some major changes. More consumers, more buying
power and more media reach. Then there is the rise of digital media, the fragmentation
of mass media, the growing power of young consumers and the growing BTL

Marketers acknowledge that advertising is just one variable that impacts sales among
other including pricing, distributions etc. Products and services that are promotion
elastic tend to be highly impacted by price-offs and discounts which increase the
likelihood of consumer buying the same. In comparison, products and services that are
advertising elastic see higher sales with increased advertising. Many successful
categories and brands in Key Urban Towns (KUT) are price sensitive and hence
promotion elastic. Marketers then choose to divert advertising budgets to on-ground
promotions (including BTL and activation) that show a direct impact. In comparison,
premium brands that have a greater uptake in metros (given higher purchasing power)
tend to be advertising elastic which means that the more they are advertised, the higher
is the likelihood of sales.

Shreekumar.K.Nair (2014)5 in his article “Emotional intelligence and consumer

reactions to emotional advertisements: a conceptual framework” found that emotional
advertisements probably work well on those consumers who have difficulty in delaying
the gratification of their urges or have a tendency to surrender easily to their impulsive
urges. That means, marketers were not successful in influencing the attitudes of high
EQ consumers using emotional appeals. They will have to find newer ways and means
to woo this market segments which was less prone to impulsive buying and more prone
intelligent buying. This implied that advertisements have to be more realistic and
credible if they ought to create some impact on emotionally intelligent consumers. It is
essential for marketers to study the perception, beliefs, attitudes, intentions of

consumers and other behavior patterns of emotionally intelligent individuals towards
different types of products before embarking on promotional campaigns.

Roli Seghal (2014)6 , in his article “Challenges faced in advertising of services –Use of
narratives” concluded that services are becoming progressively significant in all major
economies of the world. As the role of services increased in the market, so did the
enormity of research conducted in this area. Service marketing and service advertising
have also been under considerable study in the last two decades. Services are marked
by distinctive features of being intangible, perishable, heterogeneous and inseparable
from the provider. These features make advertising and communication of services a
challenging task.

Jullian Villanueva et al (2008) in their article, “The impact of marketing induced virus
word-of-mouth customer acquisition on customer equity growth” analyzed investments
or companies could acquire customers through costly but fast acting marketing
investments or through slower but chapter word-of-mouth processes. Their log term
success depends critically on the contributing of each acquired 36 customer to overall
equity. An application to a web hosting company reveals that marketing-induced
customers add more short-term value word-of-mouth customers add nearly twice as
much long term value to the firm.

Rashmiprakash (2008) in her article, “The role of women in advertisement” concluded

that advertisements seem to be obsessed with gender and sexuality and continue to
represent an arena in which gender display plays a major role. Television has a wide
reach and it could be effectively utilized to empower women through innovative
programs. Women are aware that the trends in advertisements in particular and the
media large are to be seen within the broad historical social context. Many women and
men professionally engaged in advertising do have sensitive consciences. High ethical
standards. But even for them external pressures-from the events who commission their
work as well as from the competitive internal dynamic profession could create
powerful inducements to unethical behavior.


Tata Motors Product Strategy:

The product strategy and mix in Tata Motors marketing strategy can be explained as

Tata Motors is involved in manufacturing of vehicles in categories that include cars

Hatchback, Sedan and utility vehicles, Trucks, Buses, Municipal Solutions, and
Defence and homeland security. The product portfolio in the marketing mix of Tata
Motors also covers brands like Jaguar and Land Rover. The consumers perceive the
Tata Motors brand that produces vehicles that provides reliability, high quality, and
efficiency. Tata Motors ranks in top four passenger vehicle brands in India. It focuses
on innovation and due its vast industrial experience, they continuously work on
developing new vehicles with robust technical specifications. In addition, Tata Motors
follow stringent Quality norms and abides by the rules laid down by the regulatory
agencies. In its focused developed on innovation, Tata Motors had unveiled electric
versions of Tata Indica car and Tata Ace commercial vehicle that runs on lithium
batteries. During Commonwealth games, Tata Motors presented CNG – electric hybrid
buses to Delhi Transport Corporation that were part of environment friendly buses. The
Tata 407, of the Light commercial vehicle category has sold over 5,00,000 units since
its initial launch.

 Tata Motors Price/Pricing Strategy: Below is the pricing strategy in Tata

Motors marketing strategy:

Tata Motors has a diverse portfolio, which means a diverse pricing strategy.

In 2008, Tata Motors launched Tata Nano the cheapest passenger car in the world. It
followed penetration-pricing strategy and vehicles manufactured by Tata Motors are
comparatively cheaper than its competitors are. Due to its low price, it attracted media
attention and the vehicle reported an increase in sales figure within short time during
the initial days of the launch. The lower pricing of Tata Nano also resulted in

consumers perceiving it as a cheap product. The penetration pricing strategy can act as
entry barrier for new players in the segment targeting lower income group. The pricing
strategy in the marketing mix of Tata Motors caters to the lower class as well as the
affluent upper class. Tata Motors’ international acquisition Jaguar Land Rover targets
niche customers providing high quality features.

Tata Motors Marketing Strategy comprises of not only its Marketing Mix, but also
segmentation, targeting, positoning, competition and analysis like SWOT. Also read
Tata Motors SWOT Analysis, STP & Competitors

 Tata Motors Place & Distribution Strategy:

Following is the distribution strategy in the Tata Motors marketing mix:

Tata Motors has the third largest service and sales network in India. To distribute its
vehicles, it has partnered with various distributors across India and the service centres
are well equipped with the spare parts and accessories. Tata Motors has extensive
distribution network set up across India, also major launches are displayed in
showrooms to experience the product. To purchase defence vehicles, Tata Motors has
set up regional offices in the states of West Bengal, Maharashtra, Delhi and Karnataka.
It is also involved in the sales of Pre – Owned Cars and provides features such as
extended warranty.

 Tata Motors Promotion & Advertising Strategy:

The promotional and advertising strategy in the Tata Motors marketing strategy is as

Tata Motors has been known to having an aggressive marketing strategy. To endorse
its passenger vehicles globally, Tata Motors declared Lionel Messi as their brand
Ambassador. It also signed film celebrities as brand ambassador for its commercial
vehicle business. Tata Motors is the prime sponsor of many events and it helped in
creating awareness about its new product Tata Tiago in the minds of the consumers.

The company offers discount to its customers as part of festival offers in India hence
developing interest among consumers. The promotional strategy in the marketing mix
of Tata Motors is carried out in the form of TV, Newspapers, and electronic media.
Tata Motors leverages upon Social media marketing to target customers based on the
search results. The Tata brand is considered a trusted brand hence it uses the same to
tap on the customers.


Research is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of

science to the general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique which
provide precise tools, specific procedure and technical rather than philosophical means
for getting and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulation.
Different type of research designs is available depending upon the nature of research
project, availability of able manpower and circumstances.


The research design is the blueprint for the fulfillment of objectives and answering
questions. It is a master plan specifying the method and procedures for collecting and
analyzing needed information.


The source of data includes primary and secondary data sources.


Primary data has been collected directly from sample respondents through
questionnaire and with the help of interview.


I was collected the secondary data from Standard textbooks, Newspapers, Magazines
and Internet sources.


Research instrument used for the primary data collection is Questionnaire.


 Probability Sampling.




100 Respondents.   


This project helps in projecting the impact of Marketing & Promotional Mechanism on
sales of Autovikas Pvt Ltd. When the customer’s while selecting a product or service
what is the role play by promotional strategies. We very well know that marketing
strategies is not only use for awareness it also play a important role in brand
preference. It also shows how celebrity endorsement impact customers. The scope of
study for management student gets to apply all their theoretical knowledge in the
market. During study they solve the particular problem given by the market and come
to know the various things practically.


 The project relied mainly on the primary data.

 Consumer gives very unclear picture.
 The study is based on limited sample.
 It begins my first attempt to undertake such a study, thus the inexperience is
also an obstacle to accomplish the project in a proper way.
 The main limitation was time. There was problem to contacting the
businessmen and servicemen due to shortage of time with them.
 The data is collected from the consumer is qualitative in nature. i.e. views,
opinions and perceptions. These factors may be changed from time to time.




Automotive industry in India is one of the main pillars of the economy. With strong
backward and forward linkages, it is a key driver of growth. Liberalization and
conscious policy interventions over the past few years created a vibrant, competitive
market, and brought several new players, resulting in capacity expansion in automobile
industry and generation of huge employment. In 2020, India was the fifth-largest auto
market, with ~3.49 million units combined sold in the passenger and commercial
vehicles categories. It was the seventh-largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in
2019. The two wheelers segment dominate the market in terms of volume owing to a
growing middle class and a young population. Moreover, the growing interest of the
companies in exploring the rural markets further aided the growth of the sector.

India is also a prominent auto exporter and has strong export growth expectations for
the near future. In addition, several initiatives by the Government of India and major
automobile players in the Indian market is expected to make India a leader in the two-
wheeler and four-wheeler market in the world by 2020.

Market Size

Domestic automobiles production increased at 2.36% CAGR between FY16-20 with

26.36 million vehicles being manufactured in the country in FY20. Overall, domestic
automobiles sales increased at 1.29% CAGR between FY16-FY20 with 21.55 million
vehicles being sold in FY20. In FY21, the total passenger vehicles production reached
22,652,108. In October 2021, the total production volume of passenger vehicles
(except for BMW, Mercedes, Tata Motors & Volvo Auto), three wheelers, two
wheelers and quadricycles reached 2,214,745 units.

Two wheelers and passenger vehicles dominate the domestic Indian auto market.
Passenger car sales are dominated by small and mid-sized cars. Two wheelers and

passenger cars accounted for 80.8% and 12.9% market share, respectively, accounting
for a combined sale of over 20.1 million vehicles in FY20.

In July-September 2021 quarter, the luxury car market registered sales of 8,500 units.
Overall, automobile export reached 4.77 million vehicles in FY20, growing at a CAGR
of 6.94% during FY16-FY20. Two wheelers made up 73.9% of the vehicles exported,
followed by passenger vehicles at 14.2%, three wheelers at 10.5% and commercial
vehicles at 1.3%. Premium motorbike sales in India recorded seven-fold jump in
domestic sales, reaching 13,982 units during April-September 2019. The luxury car
market is expected to register sales of 28,000-33,000 units in 2021, up from 20,000-
21,000 units sold in 2020. The entry of new manufacturers and new launches is likely
to propel this market in 2021.

Some of the areas causing distress in the automotive sector are: slowdown in economic
growth, high cost of vehicle finance, high interest rates, high fuel prices, high inflation
and negative market sentiments, increase in the commodity prices, high customs duty
on Alloy Steel, Aluminium Alloy and Secondary Aluminium Alloy, high rate of
service tax and excise duty, high and varied rate of road taxes in the States, low growth
of export markets etc. Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises has been
consistently taking up the matter of providing some kind of stimulus package with
prompt fiscal and other measures to put the industry back on track. As a result, in the
interim budget for the year 2014-15, reduction in excise duty in case of cars, two
wheelers and truck chassis was announced. Further, some other measures are urgently
required to be taken, such as, removal of customs duty of raw materials such as steel.
Aluminium etc. revisit of CENVAT rules, review of import policy, duty draw back
schemes, excise and customs rules, direct tax benefit to promote automotive R&D,
and , above all, containing inflation and control of interest rates to make loans more
affordable to the people etc. Immediate steps are required so that the Indian Auto
Industry once again becomes the engine of growth of the Indian manufacturing sector.

2022 is the best-performing year for the passenger vehicle industry in India due to a
tailwind of pent-up demand

September 2022 happens to be the best month in the history of the PV market with
3,54,744 unit sales

SUV body style continues to dominate the market with 41% share

Tata and Mahindra gained 3.9% and 2.3% market share, respectively

Maruti and Hyundai lost 2.4% and 2.6% respectively

Maruti Wagon-R continues to be the best selling product in the Indian passenger
vehicle market


Autovikas Sales & Service Pvt. Ltd., is the sole retail arm of Vikas Group. The
company is presently associated with Tata Motors Limited as an authorized dealer for
their complete range of passenger cars.

Autovikas is a leading brand in the region for passenger vehicle dealership having rich
experience of more than six decades in automobile trade.

Presently it is an authorized dealership of Tata Motors Limited, one of the leading

manufacturers of commercial and passenger vehicles in India. Our facility was
inaugurated on 5th February 2014 by the chairman of Tata Group. We have now our
four state of the art showrooms in Delhi & Haryana- Motinagar, Dwarka, Wazirpur and
newly opened at Faridabad. All the showrooms are strategically placed at prominent
locations. We also have very spacious and modern service facility at Rama Road which
is one of the best facilities in Delhi NCR. Our workshop is also fully equipped with
modern facilities for body paint solutions.

Autovikas is retail arm of Vikas Group which is reputed name for being a manufacturer
and supplier of world-class automotive products in air-conditioning and other
applications for various OEMs across the country.

The facility boasts of state-of-the-art showroom designed by the renowned European
designer Flitch displaying contemporary & stylish decor consisting of car display
provisions & high-tech features. Showrooms at ShivajiMarg(Motinagar) & Dwarka
along with top-notch Workshops caters to the TATA product needs across West/South-
West Delhi.

Quality Objectives

• Maintain customer satisfaction index above 95%.

• Maintain sales satisfaction index above 810.

• Achievement of training Norms set by MUL to the extent of 95% in all departments.

• To sustain present sales volume without additional cost.

• To achieve growth of service provision.

Why Autovikas?

Autovikas strives to consistently improve the environmental performance. The

Company identifies environmental impact and develops strategies to mitigate impacts
in each of these areas.

Quality Policy

“Autovikas Sales and Services Pvt. Ltd. is committed to enhance customer satisfaction
through quality management system for products, services and continuous
improvement by using innovative practices and technological upgradation in all
functions and levels of our organisation.”

Sales: Tata Motors has registered a domestic sales growth of 55 per cent in the
passenger vehicle segment selling 46,037 units in November 2022 (including EVs) as
compared to 29,778 units sold in the corresponding month a year ago. The company
also exported 388 units in the same month as compared to 169 units sold in the
November last year, witnessing a growth of 130 per cent. The company's overall sales

(Domestic + Exports) in November 2022 stood at 46,425 units as compared 29,947
units sold in the same month last year, registering a growth of 55 per cent. As far as
Tata Motors EV sales are concerned, the company sold 4,451 units of electric vehicles
in November 2022 as compared to 1,811 units sold in November last year, an uptick of
146 per cent.

Coming to Tata Motors commercial vehicle (CV) business, its domestic sales saw a
drop of 3 per cent selling 27,430 units as compared to 28,295 units sold in the same
period a year ago. While sales of medium & heavy commercial vehicles (MHCV) went
up by 42 per cent selling 8,879 units as compared to 6,266 units sold a year ago. Its
intermediate & light commercial vehicle (ILCV) segment saw a slump of 32 per cent
selling 3,462 units as compared to 5,099 units sold in the corresponding month last
year. Passenger carriers' sales went up by 73 per cent selling 2,041 units as compared
to 1,183 units sold a year ago. Sales of cargo and pickup trucks went down by 17 per
cent selling 13,048 units as compared to 15,747 units sold a year ago. As far as exports
are concerned, the company exported 1,623 units, recording a de-growth of 59 per cent
as compared to 3,950 units sold a year ago. Overall (domestic + exports), the company
recorded a decline of 10 per cent selling 29,053 units of CVs as compared to 32,245
units sold in November last year.


Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values and beliefs, which

governs how people behave in organization. These shared values have a strong
influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act and perform
their jobs.

Autovikas is a company that goes out of its way to give employees challenging project
and then provide trust and support to help them meet those challenges carefully. While
it is offers benefits and perks like any modern creative company, Autovikas is a culture
that avoids micro managing in favour of trusty employees to do their best Continual
training culture that provides positive working environment in the company. Putting
trust in their employees goes a long way towards positive company culture, because
trust leads to independent employees who help their company grow.

Task / Achievement Orientation

(a) Availability and adherence to benchmark. Each employee has to successfully done
work in the company.

(b) the organization structure is hierarchical

(c) the consistency of the employees is good in terms of turnover

1. What made you to buy Tata car?

Features No. of Respondents %

Model 23 23
Price 13 13
Quality 21 21
Brand Name 29 29
Other Benefits 14 14
TOTAL 100 100

No. of Respondents

30 29

25 23
14 Series1
15 13
Model Price Quality Brand Other
Name Benefits

Inference :

29% of the customer’s opted Tata vehicle basing on the brand name, 23% basing on the
model, 21% basing on the quality, 14% basing on other benefits and 13% basing on the

2. Are you satisfied about the explanation about the benefit / features / warranty
of the vehicle and the financial schemes and the delivery procedure at the time of
purchase of car

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 27 27

Satisfied 45 45

Neutral 12 12

Dissatisfied 4 4

Very Dissatisfied 12 12

TOTAL 100 100

50 45
30 27
15 12 12
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 45% of the customers are satisfied about the explanation about the
benefits, features, etc., at the time of purchase, 27% are very satisfied, 12% are
somewhat dissatisfied, 4% are dissatisfied and 12% had not responded to the above

3. How is the reception at the time of enquiry by the sales personnel for purchase
of car?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 42 42

Satisfied 30 30

Neutral 12 12

Dissatisfied 4 4

Very Dissatisfied 12 12

TOTAL 100 100

45 42
35 30
15 12 12
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 42% of the customers are very satisfied by the reception of the sales
personnel at the time of enquiry, 30% are very satisfied, 12% are neutral, 4% are
dissatisfied and 4% had not responded to the above question.

4. It is ease of obtaining appointment i.e., are you satisfied with the reception of
the service advisor for car .

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 11 11

Satisfied 50 50

Neutral 30 30

Dissatisfied 9 9

Very Dissatisfied - 0

TOTAL 100 100

11 9
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 50% of the customers are satisfied by the reception of the service advisor,
30% are neutral, 11% are very satisfied and 9% are dissatisfied

5. Are you satisfied with the time taken to open the job card (work order) for Car.

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 23 23

Satisfied 44 44

Neutral 25 25

Dissatisfied 8 8

Very Dissatisfied - 0

TOTAL 100 100

30 25
25 23
10 8
5 0
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 44% of the customers are satisfied by the time taken to open the job
card, 25% are satisfied, 25% are neutral and 8% are dissatisfied.

6. How is the attitude of the service personnel ?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 46 46

Satisfied 28 28

Neutral 11 11

Dissatisfied 14 14

Very Dissatisfied 1 1

TOTAL 100 100

50 46
30 28
15 11
5 1
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 46% of the customers are very satisfied by the attitude of the service
personnel, 28% are satisfied, 14% are dissatisfied, 11% are neutral and 1% is very

7. Are you satisfied with the facilities of the service station like customer waiting
room etc.?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 51 51

Satisfied 30 30

Neutral 8 8

Dissatisfied 11 11

Very Dissatisfied - 0

TOTAL 100 100

10 8
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 51% of the customers are very satisfied by the facilities of the service
station, 30% are satisfied, 11% are dissatisfied and 8% are neutral.

8. Have you been informed about any other extra jobs required for your vehicle
that you are unaware?

Features No. of Respondents %

Yes 73 73

No 27 27

TOTAL 100 100




Inference : 73% of the customers say that they are being informed if any extra job
is required to their vehicle. Where as 27% of the customers are not informed about the
extra job required for their vehicle.

9. Are the services being attended correctly to the relevant complaint?

Features No. of Respondents %

Yes 85 85

No 15 15

TOTAL 100 100




Inference :

85% of the customer’s say that the service is being attended correctly to relevant
complaint. Where as 15% feel that the service is not attended correctly to relevant

10. Are you satisfied with the solutions to all the problems reported by you ?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 34 34

Satisfied 40 40

Neutral 6 6

Dissatisfied 16 16

Very Dissatisfied 4 4

TOTAL 100 100

45 40
20 16
10 6
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 40% of the customers are very satisfied with the solutions to all the
problems reported by them, 40% are satisfied, 16% are dissatisfied, 6% are neutral and
4% are very dissatisfied.

11. Are you satisfied with the quality of washing?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 12 12

Satisfied 53 53

Neutral 27 27

Dissatisfied 7 7

Very Dissatisfied 1 1

TOTAL 100 100

30 27

10 7
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 53% of the customers are satisfied with the quality of washing, 27% are
neutral, 12% are very satisfied , 7% are dissatisfied.

12. Are you satisfied with the delivery made i.e., is the delivery made in time as
per the conditions desired by you from service station.

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 34 34

Satisfied 33 33

Neutral 10 10

Dissatisfied 19 19

Very Dissatisfied 4 4

TOTAL 100 100

35 34 33
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 34% of the customers are very satisfied with the delivery made from the
service station, 33% are satisfied, 19% are dissatisfied, 10% are neutral and 4% are
very dissatisfied.

13. Are you satisfied with the explanation of job done and bill at the time of

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 10 10

Satisfied 41 41

Neutral 37 37

Dissatisfied 12 12

Very Dissatisfied - 0

TOTAL 100 100

45 41
40 37
15 12
5 0
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 41% of the customers are satisfied with the explanation of job done and
bill at the time of delivery, 37% are neutral, 12% are dissatisfied and 10% are very

14. Is the general appearance of the workshop satisfactory ?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 46 46

Satisfied 40 40

Neutral 8 8

Dissatisfied 4 4

Very Dissatisfied 2 2

TOTAL 100 100

50 46
45 40
10 8
4 2
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference : 46% of the customers are very satisfied with the general appearance of
the workshop, 40% are satisfied, 8% are neutral, 4% are dissatisfied and 2% are very

15. Do you feel the labour and spare part charge reasonable?

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 42 42

Satisfied 7 7

Neutral 3 3

Dissatisfied 42 42

Very Dissatisfied 6 6

TOTAL 100 100

45 42 42
10 7 6
5 3
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference: 42% of the customers are satisfied by the labour and spare parts charge,
42% are dissatisfied, 7% are very satisfied, 6% are very dissatisfied and 3% are neutral

16. Are your receiving our service reminders regularly?

Features No. of Respondents %

Yes 56 56

No 44 44

TOTAL 100 100

56% No

Inference :

56% of the customers are receiving the service remainders regularly. Whereas 44% of
the customers are not receiving the service remainders regularly.

17. Have you been informed about the next service schedule?

Features No. of Respondents %

Yes 60 60

No 40 40

TOTAL 100 100


60% No

Inference :

60% of the customers have been informed about the next service schedule. Where as
40% of the customers are not informed about the next service schedule.

18. Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the workshop.

Features No. of Respondents %

Very satisfied 46 46

Satisfied 42 42

Neutral 4 4

Dissatisfied 7 7

Very Dissatisfied 1 1

TOTAL 100 100

50 46
45 42
10 7
5 1
Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissat -

Inference: 46% of the customers are very satisfied with the overall performance of
the workshop, 42% are satisfied, 7% are dissatisfied, 4% are neutral and 1% is very


 29% in relation to the patron opted vehicle basing about the producer name, 23%

basing regarding the model, 21% basing upon the quality, 14% basing about mangy

advantages but 13% basing regarding the price.

 45% regarding the purchasers are comfortable about the clarification as like regards

the benefits, features, etc., at the period regarding purchase, 27% are at every

satisfied, 12% virtually satisfied, 12% are honestly dissatisfied, 4% are primitive

and 12% had in modern times not spoke back according after the on question.

 42% regarding the customers are comfortable by means of the acceptance above the

profits personnel at the length in regard to enquiry, 30% are entirely satisfied, 12%

are neutral, 4% are definitely dissatisfied then 12% had no longer answered

according to the upon question.

 50% regarding the customers are truely cosy by using the adoption concerning the

work advisor, 30% are satisfied, 11% are venerable or 9% are extremely


 44% upon the clients are at every unembarrassed by using the duration done in

conformity with open labor card, 25% are satisfied, 23% are ancient then 8% are

fantastically dissatisfied.

 46% related to so clients are at ease through course regarding the mindset over the

assignment personnel, 28% are very satisfied, 140% are extremely dissatisfied,

11% are historic yet 1% at every dissatisfied.

 51% involving the customers are at happiness via access of the applications

regarding the assignment station, 30% are dead satisfied, 11% are actually

disenchanted since 8% are neutral.

 73% upstairs the customers lecture hence an awful lot up to expectation are

lifestyles knowledgeable proviso any more labor is required between consequence

regarding theirs vehicle. Where so 27% in regard to the clients are no longer

educated about the more labor required due to the fact their vehicle.

 85% respecting the customer’s say up to expectation the situation is life attended

successfully in accordance in accordance with applicable complaint. Where as 15%

trip to to that amount quantity the situation is currently not attended effectively

afterwards applicable complaint.

 40% regarding the customers are at every cosy together together with the solutions

between conformity including whole the troubles noted by potential of them, 34%

are satisfied, 16% are pretty dissatisfied, 6% are primitive and 4% are very


 53% regarding the clients are dead blissful alongside the virginity over washing,

27% are satisfied, 12% are neutral, 7% are as an alternative disenchanted longevity

but 1% is at entire dissatisfied.

 34% concerning the consumers are cosy together including the transport instituted

beside the labor station, 33% are absolutely satisfied. 19% are particularly

dissatisfied, 10% are elderly yet 9% are useless disappointed 41% concerning the

clients are dead relaxed collectively with the rationalization of job taken but bill at

the time in relation to delivery, 37% are satisfied, 12% are sincerely disenchanted

or 10% are neutral.

 46% atop the customers are relaxed along the normal look over the workshop, 40%

are sincerely satisfied, 8% are neutral, 4% are rather disappointed and 2% are

entirely dissatisfied.

 42% concerning the clients are glib through the labour below extra parts charge,

42% are exceedingly dissatisfied, 7% are dead satisfied, 6% are completely

dissatisfied yet 3% are neutral.

 56% regarding the customers are arrival the service remainders regularly, where as

kind of 44% regarding the customers are no longer adoption the employment

remainders regularly.

 60% concerning the consumers endure been educated so regards the following

situation agenda the area as plenty 40% of the purchasers are no longer educated of

bracing in conformity with the subsequent job schedule.

 46% over the customers are comfy along the average average overall performance

over the manufacturing unit 42% are entirely satisfied, 7% are fairly dissatisfied,

4% are sensible but 1% is lifeless dissatisfied.




During the research process it was found that an amazing world of big machineries &
their process which were in continuous operation to deliver the final product. It can
never be thought that developing a small sheet Autovikas require such immense &
arduous tasks of both men & machinery. Also. apart from processes some major
findings on behalf of the data collected from in and outside the Autovikas helped in
drawing a contain conclusion it can cited as follows: The new era of upcoming
generation is going to be knowledge based. so demand for would go on increasing in
upcoming years. In view of Autovikas strategic role for the society & also for the
overall industrial growth it is necessary that the Autovikas performs well is growing
due to increase in population 81 more & more facilitation. These developments are
expected to give all up to the industry. Due to industrialization & globalization there is
huge demand 8: potential of allied products. Corporate sector.

To develop on its internal capabilities, Tata had to integrate all its resources and align it
to the manufacturing operations to be carried out. So bringing together all the products
and packaging under one brand name was challenging.

Tata was focusing on the domestic market only, so they were not sure to get benefits of
economies of scale as the volumes to be produced were thought to be low.

There was major shortfall in the marketing area of Tata Motors as they did not have
showrooms to create customer base. After sales service in terms of spare parts
availability and servicing facility was also poor.

Marketers tend to segregate audiences as they do in the traditional media avenues. On

the digital platform, a user navigates to different types of content - popular mass
content & niche content at a mouse click. So the obvious segregation of premium &
mass publications seems irrelevant. It is really important on the digital medium to

ensure that the advertisements are better targeted based on the geographical, socio-
economic, demographic characteristics of the users.

This study tried to investigate the associations amongst service quality, customer
satisfaction and loyalty of AutoVikas. The survey results that perceived services
quality absolutely affects both customer satisfaction and loyalty towards the company.

Improve quality of after sale services to recognize customer expectation affects

potential to provide moderately proper services that please car buyers, as a result
having the inclination to retain customer patronages and boost revenues. In other
words, to require to make and enhances customer satisfaction, AutoVikas should
provide quality service that meet and exceed client expectation, in order to improve
customer loyalty.

Many customers expect better warranty policy, less services cost, quick reimbursement
in case of damage and more no. of service stations. AutoVikas should take quick
measures to boost satisfaction level and to retain customers in prospect.

The research study confirms the association amongst the cultural backgrounds of
customers and service quality perception, and consequently, loyalty programmes must
be changed to have the great impact on customers, and there must be stable attempts to
training and development of employees to be receptive to meet the expectation of


AutoVikas has realized that the core of the corporation must change, the focus should
be on customer. It is the choice empowered customer who will decide the enterprise’s
fate. Competition, global quality and new economic realities are conspiring to limit
success only to those companies that are focused completely on their customer.

Tata Motors must confirm uniformity in its pricing policy or else car buyers think
cheated. Tata Motors needs to improve the car financing schemes. Tata Management
must enlarge its dealer network and service quality especially in rural areas.

Consumer perceptions and their loyalty with other already established brands is another
factor that also make this market unattractive, there are negative perceptions associated

with low priced cars regarding safety, self-image and performance. So in such a high
society where consumers are brand conscious, it will be nightmare to get the brand

Automobile firms must expand strategies that will boost positive behavioral intention.
AutoVikas has been capable to meet the expectations of the customers in regards to the
performance of the service at the promised time, instilling self-assurance in the
customers, knowing the necessities of the clients and concerning convenient business
hours. However, the Maruti has to progress more on all the other attributes of
Tangibility, Assurances, Reliability, Responsiveness and Empathy so that the customer
expectations are met on its overall service quality.


Books and Journals

V. S. Rammwamy. e1 al: "Marketing Management“, 4"‘ Edition. 2016. P.No.- 246-295

Macmillan Publishers India Ltd

Zikmund, William G. “Business Research Methods” Thomson south – western 7th


Philip kotler, “Marketing Management” prentice hall of India, 13th edition.

Chunawalla, S.A., “Foundation of advertising theory & Practice”. Himalaya Publishing

House, 5th edition.

Sengupa (2021) Top 3 auto companies hold 70% market share, The Times of India, Jan
28, 2021

Chowdhury G., Sanchita & Chatterjee, Suhita. (2020). Determinants of Indian

Automobile Industry Growth. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics. 13. 65-91

Internet Sources:



1. What made you to buy Tata car

a) Model c) Quality

b) Price d) Brand name e) Other benefits

2. Are you satisfied about the explanation about the benefits / features/ warranty of the

vehicle and the financial schemes and the delivery procedure at the time of purchase?
a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

3. How is the reception at the time of enquiry by the sales personal?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

4. Is it ease of obtaining appointment i.e., are you satisfied with the reception of the

service advisor?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

5. Are you satisfied with the time taken to open the job card (work order)?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

6. How is the attitude of the service personnel?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

7. Are you satisfied with the facilities of the service station like customer waiting room

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

8. Have you been informed about any other extra jobs required for your vehicle

that you are unaware?

a) Yes b) No

9. Are the services being attended correctly to the relevant complaint?

a) Yes b) No

10. Are you satisfied with the solutions to all the problems reported by you?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

11. Are you satisfied with the quality of washing?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

12. Are you satisfied with the delivery made i.e., is the delivery made in time as per the

conditions desired by you from service station?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

13. Are you satisfied with the explanation of job done and bill at the time of


a) Yes b) No

14. Is the general appearance of the workshop satisfactory?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

15. Do you feel the labor and spare part charge reasonable?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied

16. Are your receiving our service reminders regularly?

a) Yes b) No

17. Have you been informed about the next service schedule?

a) Yes b) No

18. Are you satisfied with the overall performance of the workshop?

a) Very satisfied c) Neutral e) Very dissatisfied

b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied


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