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| District Court, City and County of Denver, Colorado City and County Building, Room 424 1437 Bannock Street Deaver, CO 80202 Plaintiff: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. Defendant: BRANDON RAMOS COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Grand Jury No, 22CR2B | Div. Criminal Com: 424/___ | INDICTMENT ASSAULT IN THE SECOND DEGREE, C.R.S. 18-3-203(1)(@), (F4) < 02027 > 1, 2 (2 counts) ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, C.R.S. 18-3-204(1}(a), (M1) < 02038 > 3, 4, 5 (3 counts) ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, C.R.S. 18-3-204(1)(a), (Mi) < 02039 > 6, 7,8 (@ counts) PROHIBITED USE OF A WEAPON, CRS, 18-12-106(1)(b), (MI) < 3005C > 9 (1 count) RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, CRS. 18-3-208, (M2) < 02073 > 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (S counts) ‘The Grand Jury presents the within Indictment and the same is ordered filed. ‘oh 3 Datedthis Uf day of see +2023. Niger Poo - Presiding Judge Denver District Court Sth Me BETH MeCANN, Reg. No. 5834 District Attorney Denvet District Attorney's Office 201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept. 801 Denver, CO 80202 720-913-9000 COUNT ONE ASSAULT IN THE SECOND DEGREE, C.RS. 18-3-203(1)(@), (F4) < 02027 > On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS ualavfully, feloniously, and recklessly caused serious bodily injury to by means of a deadly weapon, namely: FIREARM; in violation of setion 18-3-203(1Kd), CRS. COUNT TWO ASSAULT IN THE SECOND DEGREE, CRS. 18-3-203(1X4), (F4) < 02027 > On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unlawfully, feloniously, and recklessly caused serious bodily injury to by means of a deadly wospon, namely: FIREARM: in violation of section 18-3-203(1}(d), C.R.S. COUNT TAREE ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, C.R.S. 18-3-204(1)(a), (M1) <02038> On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of, Bi 1OS unlawfully, and knowingly or recklessly, caused bodily injury tof in violation of section 18-3-204(1X{a), CRS. COUNT FOUR ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, CRS. 18-3-204(1)(a), (M1) < 02038> On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of 10S unlawfully, ond knowingly or recklessly, caused bodily injury to| in violation of seotion 18-3-204(1)(a), CRS. COUNT FIVE ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, CR.S. 18-3-204(1)(a), (M1) < 02038 > On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, N RAMOS unlawfully, and knowingly or recklessly, caused bodily injury to violation of section 18-3-204(1)(a), C.R-S. COUNT SIX ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, C.RS, 18-3-204(1}(a), (M1) <02039> On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of BRANDON RAMOS unlavfllly and with criminal negligence caused bodily injury to| [by means of a deadly weapon, namely: FIREARM; in violation of section 18-3- Eh CRD. COUNT SEVEN ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, C.R.S. 18-3-204(1)(a), (i1)-<02039> On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado BRAND (MOS unlawfully and with criminal negligence caused bodily injury to Ill oy means of a deadly weapon, namely: FIREARM; in violation of section 183+ DOACIKA), CRS, COUNT EIGHT ASSAULT IN THE THIRD DEGREE, CRS. 18-3-204(1)(@), (M1) < 02039> On or about July 17, 2022, ator triable in the City and County of Denver, Stae of: IN RAMOS unlawfully and with eriminal negligence caused bodily injury to means of a deadly weapon, namely: FIREARM; in violation of section Tet 204(1}fa), CRS, COUNT NINE PROHIBITED USE OF A WEAPON, CRS, 18-12-106(1)(b), (M1) < 3005C> On or about July 17, 2022, at ot triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unlawfully, recklessly, or with criminal negligence discharged a firearm; in violation of section 18-12-106(1)(b), CRS. COUNT TEN RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, CRS. 18-3-208, (M2) < 02073> On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unlawfully and 1ct which created a substantial risk of serious bodily injury 10] in violation of section 18-3-208, CRS. COUNT ELEVEN RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, C.R.S. 18-3-208, (M2) < 02073 > On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unis igaged in conduct which created a substantial tisk of serious bodily injury in violation of section 18-3-208, CRS. COUNT TWELVE RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, C.R.S. 18-3-208, (M2) < 02073> On of about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unlawfully and recklessh in conduct which created a substantial tisk of serious bodily injury to |: in violation of section 18-3-208, CRS, COUNT THIRTEEN RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, C.R.S. 18-3-208, (M2) < 02073 > On or about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unlawfully and recklessly engaged in conduct which created a substantial risk of serious bodily inn violation of section 18-3-208, C.R.S. COUNT FOURTEEN RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT, C-R.S, 18-3-208, (M2) < 02073 > On ot about July 17, 2022, at or triable in the City and County of Denves, State of Colorado, BRANDON RAMOS unlawii engaged in conduct which created a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to in violation of section 18-3-208, CRS. The facts supporting Counts 1 through 14 are as follows: 1. The facts supporting all other counts in this Indictment are incorporated herein by reference. 2. Atapproximately 1:30 am on July 17, 2022, several Denver Police Officers, including Officers Kenneth Rowland, Meghan Lieberson and Brandon Ramos were at a parking lot on the comer of 20th Street and Larimer Street, in the lower downtown (LoDo) area of Denver, Colorado. These officers were present as part of the Denver Police Department’s LoDo Violence Mitigation Operation, an attempt to interrupt gua violence in the area on weekend nights. Officers have broken up fights and retrieved ffrearms in the past in the area. Larimer Street was closed to traffic for pedestrian’s safety. 10, Immediately adjacent to the parking lot is a bar called the Larimer Beer Hall. Shortly before 1:30 am the bar began to close. As a result, a large crowd of people —_ in and around the and the adjacent ot. This crowd included and many, = — IW PETSODS. Jordan Waddy (Waddy) was also in and around the front of the Larimer Beer Hall. While outside and in front ofthe bar Waddy punched an unknown person who later left the area. During this assault Waddy made a motion to indicate he may have a firearm on his person. A witness officer observed both the assault and Waddy’s motion. In response, several officers, including Officers Kenneth Rowland, Meghan Lieberson and Brandon Ramos, attempted to contact Waddy. Officers shined their flashlights on Waddy and requested that he speak with them. Instead, Waddy fled, walking quickly through the crowd on the sidewalk away from the officers. The officers, including Officers Rowland, Lieberson, and Ramos, walked paraliel on the street, keeping pace with Waddy. The officers intercepted Waddy as he passed between two cars (0 go into the street. Officers again made commands to Waddy asking him io “stop” and “show his hands.” Waddy briefly stopped and put his hands up but then tumed back between the cars now with his left hand moving to his front waistline area, Once on the sidewalk Waddy began to move back in the direction he originally came toward the crowd in front of the Larimer Beer Hall. Officer Ramos and another officer followed Waddy onto the sidewalk as Officers Rowlend, Lieberson, and another officer stayed in the street and moved toward a space between a food truck and a car to intercept Waddy. ‘As Waddy continued toward the crowd, he pulled a handgun from his hooded jacket’s front pocket with his left hand. Officer Rowland and Officer Lieberson were standing in the street facing southeast, Both officers were directly in ftont of Waddy when he began to pull the handgun from his hooded jacket. Fearing for their lives and those of their fellow officers these two officers fired their weapons. Officer Rowland fired his firearm four times and Officer Lieberson fired twice, both in the direction of Waddy. From these officers’ view, a brick wall and the front of the Larimer Beer Hall were behind Waddy and no persons were behind Waddy. No one ‘was between them and Waddy. Officer Ramos was now standing on the sidewalk facing southwest. He was aware that Officer Rowland and Officer Lieberson were armied and standing directly in front of Waddy. Only seeing the side of Waddy, Officer Ramos fired his | tw Ramos knew that a large crowd of people, i a 14, PE «I es ats ne he did not have a clear back drop. At no point did Waddy turn and face Officer Ramos with the firearm. 1es by officers’ bullets and received non-lethal injuries. Waddy was struck several ti was struck by a bullet in his upper right arm resulting in as siruck by a bullet in her right lower leg striking an artery a MR 62s struck by a bully upper right rear shoulder area with an exit injury at the right shoulder cansin| a — as suck Dre et on her lower left leg with a graze wound causing} struck on the inside of his left foot with a bullet causing The grand jury heard testimony from 17 witnesses and received 140 exhibits, Officers Rowland and Licberson did.nop cause the injuries (0 I MMR. wren Wacey pulled a gun trom his hooded jacket pocket Officers Rowland and Lieberson both reasonably believed that their lives or their fellow offic lives were in danger. Their decisions to shoot were legally justified because they reasonably believed they faced the imminent use of unlawful physical force by Mr. Waddy. They both used a degree of force witch was reasonably necessary to defend themselves and they put no one else at risk. PE cased th injuries oI = m "| Officer Ramos was not in immediate danger himself’ wien icy began to pull his gun from his hooded jacket while facing Officer Rowland and Officer Lieberson. Officer Ramos’ decision to shoot was not legally justified because it was reckless, unreasonable, and unnecessary for the purpose of protecting himself or other officers and he consciously disregarded an unjustifiable risk of injury to the crowd behind Mr. Waddy.

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