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© 2022 Pater Amadeus All rights reserved.

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“There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon man alone, and on no other
mortal creature. These two are mind and speech; and the gift of mind and
speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts rightly,
he will differ in nothing from the immortals... and when he quits the body, mind
and speech will be his guides, and by them he will be brought into the troop of
the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss.” - Hermetica
You will see the term ‘magic’ appear quite a few times in this booklet, but also
in my other work. But what do I actually mean by magic? My own personal
definition of magic is the following:
“Magic is the art and science of intentionally changing consciousness through
the help of certain tools or practices. When you change consciousness, you
change reality, for The ALL is mind.”
In short, when I speak of magic I’m not talking about stage magic like pulling
rabbits out of hats, or the fantasy magic of Gandalf and Harry Potter. I am
speaking of the ability to influence and change our inner and outer realities.
If this sounds confusing to you, I highly recommend you to view my video
series on the Hermetic principles on my YouTube Channel. In that series I delve
deeper into the nature of reality according to the ancient Hermetic masters and
how you can use their principles to master reality itself.
In this particular case of practical magic, we use the book of Psalms as our tool
of choice to change (our) consciousness and affect our physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual reality. There are no limits as to what you can achieve and
accomplish using Psalm magic. You use it to double your income, reverse
curses, build a profitable business, marry your ideal partner, heal parts of your
mind or body that are holding you back, attain new and expanded levels of
consciousness and reach higher levels of enlightenment. These are just some
examples. As you experience the Psalms yourself you will learn the full scope
of their potential.


When I look at the esoteric and spiritual landscape, I unfortunately see too many
people simply consuming content and deluding themselves. Few people have
actually developed a true practice that they are actively using to change and
improve their life and themselves. My personal view on spirituality, mysticism
and magic, is that it should be used for two main reasons. The expanding of
one’s consciousness, and the fulfilling of all desires.
The beauty of Psalm magic, is that it can accomplish both at the same time. It is
also very simple and foolproof as long as you follow the basic instructions that I
will give you. All you require is a moderate level of dedication, and access to a
book of Psalms (I recommend a standalone Psalter, instead of using a Bible).
The Book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible, and definitely the most
magical. However, the actual Psalms are a collection of songs or spells that pre-
date the Bible by quite a bit. The Psalms have been used as the basis of amulets
and for their magical use for thousands of years by all kinds of different cultures
and peoples. They have been used by witches, magicians, mystics, priests,
sorcerers, gurus, prophets and many more reality deviants. There is a reason
why so many different people with clashing and largely incompatible ideologies
have used this same spell book. It works. It is important for me to point out that
the Psalms are not Christian. The early Christians merely incorporated them into
their practice because of their inherent power and profoundness. While
fascinating, I am personally less interested in the history of the Psalms, and
more in their practical application to which this booklet is dedicated.

“The which Psalms, are nothing else, but a means unto the seat and Majesty of
God: whereby you gather with yourselves due power, to apply your natures to
the holy Angels.” - The archangel Uriel to Dr. John Dee, March 10th 1582


It is no coincidence that the ancient gods of magic, beings like Thoth, Mercury
and of course, Hermes Trismegistus himself, were also known as scribe gods.
Alongside magic, the art of language and spelling was part of their repertoire as
well. This is exactly where we get the word ‘spell’ from. A spell is the simple
act of using language and words combined with intent to cause change in
reality. According to this logic, simple affirmations are spells as well. However,
if you’ve tried affirmations in the past, your success rate might have left you
with a sour taste. This is where the Psalms come in.
The book of Psalms may be described as a book of blessings, or even as the
spell book of God. Remember that when I speak of God, I do not speak of the
Abrahamic god, but of God as viewed through the lens of Hermeticism.
When studying, and especially when practically working the Psalms magically,
it is incredibly important to understand that the Psalms are all about YOU. They
are not about historical figures, or some Christian or Hebrew God in the sky.
They are about a psychological drama that takes place in the mind of man. They
were written by magicians for magicians, in the language of symbolism, the
language that is spoken by the subconscious mind.
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
- James 1:22


All you need to practice Psalm magic and experience truly wonderful results is
the actual Psalm itself. There is no need for extra tools like candles, incense,
robes, wands, etc. However, since Psalm magic is so simple and easy, you can
add a lot of things on top of it to make it more interesting and perhaps add more
potency. I do want to repeat again though, that this is not necessary. If you are
new to all of this, do not overcomplicate it. Always remember that magic works
from inside out. YOU are the most important ingredient in any magic.

Before we begin to work our Psalm magic you will want to define your goal and
know what you desire. Have a single goal that is measurable, specific and that
you believe to be obtainable. I highly recommend you write it down on a piece
of paper. If your intention is longer than two or three sentences, it’s probably
too long. Below are some examples of goals and statements of intent.
Bad examples:
“I want to be rich.”
“I have a girlfriend.”
“I want a gazillion dollars and be king of the moon”

Good examples:
“I am working a fulfilling job that earns me fifty thousand dollars a year.”
“I have a loving girlfriend that lives nearby and has plenty of free time to see
me every single day.”
Next you want to find a Psalm to use in manifesting your desire. Over
thousands of years, many different uses and purposes have been attributed to
each specific Psalm. Don’t get confused because of this. I want you to
remember something very important: any Psalm can be used for any goal!
The difference is usually the specific way your desire manifests. The Psalm is
the lens through which your energy and intention are manifested. Let’s say you
are in jail. Using Psalm 71 might result in a literal jailbreak in the middle of the
night. Using Psalm 52 might instead result in you finding an amazing lawyer
who will get you out the legitimate way because he can prove you were
innocent. Either way, the end result is you’re out of jail.
You will find a series on the Psalms on my YouTube Channel where I will
cover all 150 Psalms, their meanings, symbolism, and how you can use each
one specifically to manifest specific outcomes in your life.


Now that you’ve written down your intention and chosen your Psalm, you are
ready to actually begin to perform the magic. All you need to do now is follow
this simple blueprint to begin to manifest desires into reality.

1. Find a private place with minimal distractions. Close your eyes, relax
your body and mind. If you know how to, you can meditate to enter a
state akin to sleep or any other state to empower your magic.
2. State your desire in form of your statement of intent. Ensure that your
statement of intent is in the present tense. While doing so, it is useful to
make a physical connection with either your Psalter, and/or your written
down statement of intent. Hold them in your hand while you move
through the next steps.
3. Voice the Psalm by simply reading out loud the Psalm you’ve chosen
without pausing. Do so with authority and confidence in a clear and well-
formed voice. Don’t parrot the words, but use emotion and conviction.
4. Re-read the Psalm once more, however this time do so slowly, verse by
verse or even line by line. You may do this in silence, mentally.
Contemplate the words and sentences in front of you in order to plant
magical seeds in your subconscious mind. What do they mean? What is
truly written here? How do these words and verses apply to the magic I
am currently working? This is truly the most important step. Do not be
intellectually lazy and put in your best effort to decipher the symbolism.
Take your time with this step, and be open to any revelatory or unique
5. Close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a scene with your desire
fulfilled. Use your five senses to make it real. What would it be like if
you now had your desire. Don’t think of it in the future, collapse space
and time. Bring it into the now with your imagination, your spiritual
Repetition is key to success when it comes to Psalm magic. Repeat the above
blueprint once a day (at least) until you either feel it to be done, or when you are
beginning to see definitive signs that your desire is about to be fulfilled. An
excellent time to perform Psalm magic is right before going to bed, or early in
the morning. I recommend you do both, meaning you work a single Psalm twice
a day. Sometimes it is wise to repeat a specific Psalm a set number of times.
You can learn which Psalms by watching the Psalm playlist.
At this point you might be wondering which Bible or book of Psalms to use, as
there are many different versions and translations. Personally, I would
recommend a Catholic Bible, or the King James Version. You can also get a
dedicated Psalter.

“All are on the Path, whose end is THE ALL. All progress is a Returning Home.
All is Upward and Onward, in spite of all seemingly contradictory appearances.
Such is the message of the Illumined.” - The Kybalion

Initiation means beginning. In this instance, it is the beginning of awakening to
the true nature of yourself and reality. The book of Psalms is a complete system
of (magical) initiation. While it certainly can (and I suggest you do!) be used to
obtain desires and fulfill wishes, it can, and most assuredly will, lead to an
expansion in consciousness as well. If you have goals of becoming a magical
adept or increasing your levels of consciousness to be akin to that of an angelic
being or enlightened master then you should work the book of Psalms in its
entirety. When you work through all 150 Psalms (in numerical order or
otherwise) you will achieve the first degree of (magical) initiation. Do so for the
second time, and you will have achieved the second, and so on. It is important
to note that attempting to rush through the Psalms to finish a degree of initiation
is not wise. Doing so will only hurt your progress. Give yourself some time for
the divine seeds that are the Psalms to be planted firmly in your subconscious
mind. A single seed might become a tree, a bush or a beautiful flower. When
you plant every 150 of them in a disciplined and orderly manner, you will create
a divine garden in your own mind and consciousness. I suggest working with a
single Psalm for at least three days. This means that if you were to commit
yourself to this path, it will take you around one and a half years to complete
your first degree of initiation. Each time you go through a new round of Psalmic
initiation you will notice your power and wisdom increasing. The Psalms will
work better, faster, and you will notice that their (or is it really your own?)
potency has increased.
It is once more important to mention that this path of initiation is closed to no
one. Do not let any potential bad experiences or biases you might have against
the Abrahamic religions discourage you from walking this wonderful path.
If you are interested in Psalmic initiation I highly recommend you to go to my
YouTube Channel and watch my playlist filled with videos on each Psalm.
Doing so will allow you greater understanding what each specific Psalm can be
used for and how you can do so step by step. Even if you are (for some strange
reason!) not interested in practicing Psalm magic, I would highly recommend
you to view my videos on the Psalms as I will explain their true meaning, and in
doing so you will learn much about yourself and the nature of reality.


The following collections of Psalms are incredibly potent when worked together
as a combination. They are the foundation of any magician or mystic who
desires to follow the Psalmic path of initiation. I highly recommend you work
those two collections regularly, especially if you are currently facing a lot of
problems in your life. They are also great options for those who (for some
reason) don’t wish to pursue complete Psalmic initiation, and would rather see
fewer but more specific benefits from their Psalm magic.

1. The Psalms of Purification - 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143

2. The Psalms of Contract - 23, 24, 27, 46, 91
3. The Psalms of Ascent – 120 through 134.

Using just the three collections of Psalms above you will be able to achieve any
goal you might have, including awakening or a massive ascension in
consciousness, often referred to as enlightenment.
I would still urge you to work through all of the 150 Psalms, especially if this is
the first time you are practically using the Psalms. Once you’ve obtained your
first degree of self-initiation you should look into using one or more of the
above listed collections on a regular basis.
The Psalms of Purification
The Purification Psalms is an incredibly potent collection of Psalms that I
myself and my students have used to purify ourselves from anything in life that
is holding us back, but mainly targets internal negative thoughtforms.
The magic number in this collection of Psalms is the number seven. If you are
facing problems that must be purified, work one of these Psalms each day for a
total of seven days. If your problems are of a greater nature, you may work one
Psalm seven times daily. If you are faced with absolutely life-ruining problems,
work it seven times seven for seven weeks.

“The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried by the fire, purged from
the earth refined seven times.” - Psalm 12:6

Working this collection of Psalms on a regular basis will get rid of all the
negative crap you’ve accumulated ever since you were born, returning you to a
more pure, divine state. The state that is the true you. If you’ve been facing a lot
of hardships in life, I highly recommend you to work this collection first before
you work on anything else.

The Psalms of Contract

This is another collection of Psalms I recommend all my students to work
regularly, and preferably, daily. These Psalms are aimed at the great work of
self-transformation. A practitioner who regularly works the Psalms from this
collection will find himself growing in power and magical ability. Manifesting
desires will become easier and all kinds of wonderful blessings will begin to
show up in your life.

The Psalms of Ascent

This collection of 15 Psalms is aimed at the ascent and initiation of the
practitioner's consciousness. Frequent working of this collection will set you on
the path of awakening to the true nature of reality and grant you the wisdom and
power of the divine qualities within man.
If you require any further assistance, or would like to share a Psalm magic
success story, you can contact me through the following link:

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