THC2 Modules 6 Risk Management

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Engaging Activities.

1. Search the different first aid resources and equipment. Identify the items and discuss the

potential use of these items.


Triangular bandage- A triangle bandage can be used as a trauma pad to apply pressure to a major
bleeding cut. You can also use a triangle bandage in various ways as a splint to prevent a broken or
fractured leg from additional harm.

Adhesive tape- Adhesive tapes is a combination of a material and an adhesive film and used to bond or
join objects together instead of using fasteners, screws, or welding. Applying adhesive tapes in lieu of
mechanical fasteners enables you to use lower temperature applications, which can simplify the
manufacturing processes.

4x4" gauze pads- The materials used in the production of gauze pads sponges for medical purposes
include cotton and non-woven fabrics. The typical open gauze tissue helps absorb wound fluid and helps
cleanse dead tissue from the skin. Common sizes are 5 cm × 5 cm (2 in × 2 in), 7.5 cm × 7.5 cm (3 in × 3
in) and 10 cm × 10 cm (4 in × 4 in).

Penlight- Penlights are made with either miniature halogen lightbulbs or LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs.
Unlike a regular flashlight, which illuminates a wider area, penlights are designed to illuminate one very
specific area with a bright light. Penlights for nurses and other medical practitioners are usually used as a
diagnostic tool.

Tweezers- Tweezers are small tools used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled with the
human fingers. The word is most likely derived from tongs, pincers, or scissors-like pliers used to grab or
hold hot objects since the dawn of recorded history.

2. Demonstrate and discuss the proper procedures in responding first aid to the following:

* Choking


5 Back Blows

• Stand to the side, just behind the victim.

• Bend the victim over the waist to allow the upper body to be in parallel to

the ground.

• Administer five separate back blows between the person's shoulder blades

using the heel of your hand.

5 Abdominal Thrust "Heimlich Maneuver"

• Stand behind the victim, placing your one foot in front of the other for


• Wrap around your arms around the victim's waist and instruct the person a

frontward position.

• If the victim is a child, kneel behind the child.

• Place your fist above the victim's navel and press hard into the abdomen

with a quick, upward thrust if you are lifting a person).

• Administer between 6 and 10 abdominal thrusts until the blockage is


* Burn

1. Cool the burn by bringing to cool running water or apply cool, wet compress

until the pain is relieved.

2. Remove tight items from the burned area. Try to do this quickly and gently

before the burn area swells.

3. Do not try to break blisters. Accumulated fluid from blisters helps protect

against infection.

4. If the blister breaks, clean the area with clean water.

5. Wrap loosely and cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage, do not use


6. If needed, take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Ibuprofen or



It aims to allow the blood to circulate and supply the oxygenated blood to the brain.

1. Place the person on his back on a firm and flat surface.

2. Put yourself in a kneeling position next to the victim's neck and shoulder.

3. Place the heel of your prominent hand over the center of the victim's chest

(between nipples).

4. Place your other hand on top of the first hand.

5. Keep your elbows straight and position your shoulders directly above your


6. Use your upper body weight (and not your arms) pushing down on the chest

at least 2 inches but not greater than 2.4 inches.

7. Push hard at a rate of 100 to 129 compressions a minute


Allows the air to enter.

1. If you are a trained person to perform CPR. Administer 30 chest


2. To open the airway, put your palm on the person's forehead and gently tilt

the head back.

3. On the other hand, gently lift the chin forward to open the airway.


Rescue breathing can be done by mouth to mouth or mouth to nose (if the mouth is

seriously injured or can't be opened).

1. Along with the airway (applying the head-title chin-lift maneuver). Pinch the

nostrils to close.

2. Provide a mouth to mouth. Seal the casualty's mouth with your mouth.

Prepare to give a rescue breath.

3. Give the first rescue breath (last for one second) and watch the casualty's

chest rises. If it rises, prepare to give the second breath.

4. if the chest doesn't rise, repeat the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver and then

give the second breath.

5. For one cycle: 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breathes.

* Heart attack

call for help ask for sir comfortably give aspirin and ask to chew slowly

What to do:

1. Call for help. Someone who can assist you and emergency number.

2. Ask someone to drive the victim to the nearest hospital.

3. While waiting for the medical emergency response. Keep calm.

4. Tell the victim to chew aspirin (if the person is not allergic to the


5. Begin CPR if the victim becomes unconscious and not breathing and no pulse.

6. If you do not have the proper training to administer the CPR. Administer 100-

120nchest compression a minute.

7. If AED is available, follow the device instruction until the help arrives.
3. Analyze the following case.

Romeo is a company electrician. While doing his routine work on the morning of November 13, 2019,
around 9 am, he was asked to reconnect some electrical wirings inside the kitchen. The wiring is not in a
secure position and was located between the two metal cabinets, so he had to put more effort to access
the wiring. Without any warning, there was a sudden loud bang and a flash of bright light coming out
from the two metal cabinets. Instantly, Romeo was blown backward unto the concrete floor and severely
electrocuted. His left arm was black as charcoal, the burning pain had started to set in.

a. What can you do to ensure the safety of Romeo, your safety and the safety of people

around you?


To ensure the safety of remeo including myself and the safety of people around me i will secure
the livelihoods of everyone who interacts with my business. Since it’s all about people, the first place i
should be concerned with is exactly that: my people. Promoting, growing, and maintaining a culture of
safety is crucial to creating an environment of safety.

b. When rendering first aid to Romeo how would you monitor his condition while providing

first aid?


While rendering first aid to Romeo i will Ensure first that the area around the casualty is as safe
as possible, that there is enough space for the first aider to work in and that the emergency services
have been called.

c. To whom you may seek assistance when performing first aid to the casualty?


Seek out a bystander or ‘walking wounded’ (GREEN casualty) or uninjured person and get them
to keep an eye on the quiet casualty. Give the walking wounded person some first aid kit to treat any
wounds they may have. Seek out the severely wounded casualties next.

d. Provide a written report on this incident.


What? Electrical Damage to the person involved

Where? Electrical Company

Who? Romeo

When? November 13, 2019, around 9 am

What will do if someone is experiencing this kind of situation? It will safeguard the livelihoods of
everyone who interacts with business in order to ensure the safety of Romeo, myself, and those around
me. Since it’s all about people, the first place we should be concerned with is just that: people. For a
place to be safe, it is essential to promote, develop, and maintain a culture of safety. Before starting to
treat Romeo, make sure the area is as safe as it can be, that there is adequate room for the first
responder to work in, and that the emergency services have been contacted. Seek out a bystander or
‘walking wounded’ or undamaged individual and encourage them to keep an eye on the quiet casualty.
To address whatever wounds the walking injured person may have, give them a first aid kit. Find the
gravely injured victims next.


I. Classify the first aid kit according to their uses. Write the corresponding letter

on the space provided.

a. Airway, breathing and circulation

b. Personal protective equipment

c. Instrument and equipment

d. Medication e.

e. Trauma and injuries

f. Common items



3._____a______ stethoscope

4._____b______face shield

5.______f____ban aid

6.______f_____cotton balls





11.______d_____hydrogen peroxide

13._____b______surgical mask

14.______e_____butterfly closure strips


II. Identify the acronym and discuss.


D- for danger check if there is a possible danger around the situation;

R- for a response, this means you need to check if the casualty is conscious

and able to respond to stimuli;

A- for airway check if the casualty is free from breathing obstructions:

B- for breathing, check if the casualty is breathing by watching the victim's chest going up and down or
placing vour cheek near the victim's mouth, see if he/she is breathing;

C- for circulation, absence of a heartbeat and pulse means the oxygenated blood does not circulate.


F- Facial weakness. (Eyes and mouth may be droppy)

A -Arms weakness. (Ask the person to raise both arms over the head. If one arm begins to fall, the
person may be having a stroke)

S- Speech Problem. (Trouble with speaking and understanding)

T- Time to call the emergency number

3. CAB

C- Compression (It aims to allow the blood to circulate and supply the oxygenated blood to the brain)

A- Airway (Allows the air to enter)

B- Breathing ( Rescue breathing can be done by mouth to mouth or mouth to nose (if the mouth is
seriously injured or can't be opened).

III. Enumerate the symptoms and the step by step first aid response to the following injuries and
1. Choking person


• Helplessness and inability to talk

• Struggling to breathe or breathing noisily

• Squeaky sound when trying to breath

• Weak or forceful coughing

• The skin may turn blue or pale

• Lips and nails turning blue

• Loss of consciousness

First Aid reponse (step by step)

• Stand to the side, just behind the victim.

• Bend the victim over the waist to allow the upper body to be in parallel to

the ground.

• Administer five separate back blows between the person's shoulder blades

using the heel of your hand.

• Stand behind the victim, placing your one foot in front of the other for


• Wrap around your arms around the victim's waist and instruct the person a

frontward position.

• If the victim is a child, kneel behind the child.

• Place your fist above the victim's navel and press hard into the abdomen

with a quick, upward thrust if you are lifting a person).

• Administer between 6 and 10 abdominal thrusts until the blockage is


2. A person suffering from stroke


• Numbness of the face, arm, leg;

• Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes;

• Blurred vision or double vision;

• Headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting; and.

• Loss of balance and coordination

First Aid response (step by step)

* Keep the person comfortable.

* Do not give anything to eat or drink. the person may have difficulty to


* Keep monitoring the level of response.

* If the victim becomes unconscious, apply the DRABC before administering

the CPR.

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