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Global Citizenship
Citizenship is the understanding and exercise of rights, our societies, our nation and the world, starting with
responsibilities and values in a democratic society. A healthy, individuals, in our school community and radiating
functioning, progressive, innovative, just and peaceful society outwards to the whole world. The attributes of a citizen
needs citizens who understand how society works, including do not develop unaided. They need to be learnt and an
politics, economics, rights, the law, the environment, explicit approach to citizenship education is required.
development, the role of technology and the big challenges
we face individually, as communities, as nations and as a What will you study?
whole world. Most importantly, these citizens need to be
active, and to know how to participate in society in a way that
makes a positive difference. UNIT 1

A citizen is s Political systems/forms of government

• a person aware of the wider world and who has a sense of s Human Rights
their own role as a citizen s International Law
• a person who respects and values diversity s Citizenship in action
• a person who has an understanding of how the world works
• a person who is outraged by social injustice
• a person who participates in the community at a range of UNIT 2
levels, from the local to the global
• a person who is willing to act to make the world a more s Economics and development
equitable and sustainable place s International Organisations and NGO’s
• a person who takes responsibility for their actions. s Protecting the environment
s UN sustainable development goals
Why study citizenship? s Globalisation, regionalization
s Citizenship in action
Citizenship is more than just a subject. Taught well, it will
strengthen and enhance our school, our communities,

s Global and national cultures

s Identity and migration
s Social attitudes and changing lifestyles
s Global language and communication
s Cultural changes associated with changing
patterns of wealth and poverty
s Citizenship in action

s Technology and development
IGCSE Global Citizenship is a clear and logical progression
s Technology and communities
from our new MYP curriculum, which begins the journey
s Technology, politics and citizenship
of teaching students the skills, dispositions and concepts
s Technology, energy and the environment
associated citizenship education. The IGCSE prepares
s Digital/social media-identities, rights and freedoms
students very well for group 3 IB subjects as it brings together
s Citizenship in action
understandings of politics, economics, history, geography,
development and philosophy. Critical thinking and a strong
focus on research, essay writing skills and presentation also
prepare students well for the IB Core (Extended Essay, Theory
s Citizenship community action project
of Knowledge, Reflective Project and CAS). The strong link in
Global Citizenship between content learning and community
action projects will provide students with a particularly strong
Assessment foundation for CAS.

Students will sit a final exam at the end of the course which
Title: Global Citizenship
will consist of questions about their citizenship project,
Qualification type: Full IGCSE
source based questions and also questions which assess
Awarding Body: Pearson/Edexcel
understanding of citizenship concepts and content.
Specification code: 4GL1


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