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Exhibit A iil)'Fo ",'-i
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Statement of Brett Payne '

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The belowinformation is provided by Brett Payne, who is a duly appointed, qualified and '''&l :iJ;lr
acting peace offtcer within the County of Latah, Sate of Idaho. Brett Payne is employed by

Moscow Police Departnent in the official capacity orposition of Corporal (CPL) and has been a

trained and qualified peace officer for approximately four (4) years. CPL Payne is beingassisted by

members of the Idaho State Police and agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

On November 13,2022, at approximately 4:00 p.m., Moscow Police Department (MPD)

Sergeant Blaker and I responded to ll22KingRoad, Moscow, Idaho, hereafter the "King Road

Residence," to assist with scene security and processing of a crime scene associated with four

homicides. Upon our arrival, the Idaho State Police (lSP) Forensic Team was on scene and was

' preparing to begin processing the scene. MPD Officer (OFC) Smith, one of the initial responding

officers to the incident, advised he would walk me through the scene.

OFC Smith and I entered the King Road Residence through the bottom floor door on the

north side of the building. OFC Smith and I then walked upstairs to the second floor. OFC Smith

directed me down the hallway to the west bedroom on the second floor, which I later learned

(through Xana's driver's license and other personal belongings found in the room) was Xana

Kernodle's, hereafter "Kernodle" room. Just before this room there was a bathroom door on the

south wall of the hallway. As I approached the room, I could see a body, later identified as

Kemodle's, laying on the floor. Kernodle was deceased with wounds which appeared to have

been caused by an edged weapon.

Also in the room was a male, later identified as Ethan Chapin, hereafter, "Chapin".

Chapin was also deceased with wounds later determined (Autopsy Report provided by Spokane

Cormty Medical Examiner dated December 15,2022) to be caused by "sharp-force


I then followed OFC Smith upstain to the third floor ofthe residence. The third floor

consisted oftwo bedrooms and one batlroom. The bedroom on the west side ofthe floor was

later determined to be Kaylee Goncalves, hereafter *Goncalves," room. I later learned (from

review of Officer Nunes' body caurera) there was a dog in the room when Moscow Police

Officers initially responded. The dog belonged to Goncalves and her ex-boyfriend Jack Duooeur.

I found out from my interview with Jack Ducouer on Novernber 13 , 2022 $arhe NA Goncalves

shaed the dog. OFC Smith then pointed out a small bathroom on the east side ofthe third floor.

This bathroom shared a wall with lvladison Mogen's, hereafter "Mogen" bedroom whioh was

situaled on the southeast comer ofthe third floor.

As I entered this bedroom, I could see two females in the single bed in the room. Both

Goncalves and Mogen were deceased with visible stab wounds. I also later noticed what

appered to be a tan leather knife sheath laying on the bed next to Mogen's right side (when

viewed from the door). The sheath was later processed and had "Ka-Bar" 'USMC" and the

Unicd State.s Marine Corps eagle globe and anchor insignia stamped on the outside of it. The

Idaho state lab later located a single source ofmale DNA (suspect Profile) left on the button

snap ofthe knife sheath.

As palt ofttre investigation, numerous interviews were conducted by Moscow Police

Deparbnent Officers, Idaho State Potice Detectives, and FBI Agents. Two of the interviews

included B.F., and D.M. Both B.F. and D.M. were inside the King Road Residence at the time of

the homicides and were roommat€s to ttre victims. B.F.'s bedroom was located on the east side

ofthe first floor ofthe King Road Residence,

Based on numerous interviews oonducted by MPD Officers, tSP Detectives, and FBI

Agents as well as my review of evidence, I have leamed the following:

On the eveaing ofNovernber 12, 2022, Chapin and Kemodle are seen by B.F. at the

Sigma Chi house on the University of Idaho cmrpus at 735 Nez Perce Drive from approximately

9:00 p.m. on November 12 to l:45 a.m. on November 13. B.F. also estimafed that at

appoximately, 1:45 a.m. Chapin md Kernodle rcttrmed to the King Road Residence. B.F also

stated ttrat Chapin did not live in the King Road Residence but was a guest of Kemodle'

Goncalves and Mogen were al a local bar, the Corner Club at 202 N. Main S$eet, in

Moscow. Goncalves and Mogen car be seen on video footage Fovided by the Comer Club

between 10:00 p.m. on November 12 and 1:30 a.m. on Novtrnber 13t. At approximately 1:30

am. Goncalves and Mogen can be seen on video at a local food vendor called the "13rub Truck"

at 3 1 8 S. Main Sheet in downtown Moscow. The Grub Truck live s&eams video from their food

Auck on the sheaming plaform Twitch rrhich is available for public viewing on their website.

This video was captured by law enforcemelrt. A private party reported that he

provided a ride to Goncalvcs and Mogen at spproximately 1:56 a-m. from doumtown Moscow

(in fiont ofthe Grub Truck) to the King Road Residence.

D.M. and B.F. both made statements during interviews ttraf indicated the occupants of the

King Road Residence werc at home by 2:00 a-m. and asleql or at least in their rooms by

approximately 4:00 a.m. This is with the exception of Kenrodle, who received a DoorDash order

at the residence at approximately 4:00 a"n (law enforcement identified the DoorDash delivery

driver who reported this information).

D.M. stated she originally went to sleep in her bedroom ou the southeast side ofthe

seoond floor. D.M. stated she was awoken at approximately 4:00 a-m. by what she stated

sounded like Goncalves playing wilh her dog in one of the upstairs bedmoms, which were

located on the third floor. A short time latil, D.M. said she heard who she thought was

Goncalves say something to the effect of"tlrere's someone here." A review ofrecords obtained

from a forensic download ofKemodle's phoae slrowed this could also have been Kemodle as her

cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12


D.M. stat€d she looked out of her bedroom but did not see mything when she heard the

comment about someone being in the house. D,M. staGd she opened her door a second time

when slre heard what she thought was crying coming from Kemodle's room. D.M. then said she

heard a male voice say something to the effect of "it's ok, I'm going to help you."

At approximately 4:17 a"m., a security camera located at I 112 King Road, a residence

irunediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road, picked up distorted audio ofwhat sounded like

voices or a r,rrhimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times

starting at 4:17 a-m. The security carnera is less than fifty feet from the west wall ofKernodle's


D.M. shted she oper.ed her door for the third time after she heard the crying and mw a

figue clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking

towards her. D.M. described the figure as 5' I 0" or taller, male, not very muscular, but

athletically built with bushy eyeb:ows. The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen

shock phase." The male walked towards the back stding glass door. D.M. locked herself in her

rcom after seeing the male. D.M. did not stete that slrc recognized the male. This leads

investigators to believe that the murderer left the scene.

The combination of D.M.'s statements to law enforrm€nt, reviews of forensic

doumloads ofrecords ftom B.F. and D.M.'s phone, and video ofa suspect video as described

below leads investigators to believe the homicides occurred between 4:00 a.m. and 4:25 am.

During the processing ofthe crime scene, investigators found a latent shoe print. This

was located during the second processing ofthe crime scene by the ISP Forensic Team by first

using a presumptive blood test and then Amino Blaclg a proteh stain thzt detects the presence of

cellular material. The detected shoe print showed a diamond-shaped pattern (simila,r to the

pattem ofa Vans rype shoe sole) just outside the door of D.M.'s berlroom (ocated on second

floor ). This is consistent with D.M.'s statemelrt regarding the suspect's path of travel.

As part ofthe investigation, an extensive search, commonly referred to in law

enforcement as a'tideo canvass," was conducted ia the area of the King Road Reside'lrce. This

video canvass was to obtain any footage from the early moming hours of November 13,2A2, n
the area of the King Road Residence and surrounding neighborhoods in an effort to locare the

suspec(s) or suspect vehict{s) haveling to or leaving from the King Road Residence. This

video canvass resulted in the collection ofnumerous surveillance videos in the area from both

residential and business addresses. I have reviewed nurnerous videos tlat were collected and

have had conversatiom with the other MPD Officers, ISP Detectives, and FBI Agents that are

simil6ly sevi6vvillg footage that was obtained.

A review of camera footage indicated that a white sedan, hereafter "Suspect Vehicle 1",

was observed taveling westbound in the 700 block of Indian Hills Drive in Moscow at

approximately 3:26 a.m and westbormd on Styner Avenue at Idaho State Highway 95 in Moscow

at approximately 3:28 a.m. On this video, it appeared Suspect Vehicle 1 was not displaying a

front license plate.

A review of footage from multiple videos obtained from the King Road Neighborhood

strowed muitiple sightings of Suspect Vehicle I starting at 3:29 a.m. and ending at 4:20 a.m.

These sightings show Suspect Vehicle I makes an initial three passes by the 1122 King Road

residence and then leave via Walenta Drive. Based offof my experience as a Patrol Officer this

is a residential neighborhood with a very limited number of vehicles tlat travel in the area during

the early moming hours. Upon review of the video there are only a few cars that enter and exit

this area during this time ftame.

Suspect Vehicle 1 can be seen entering the area a fourth time a approximalely 4:04 a.m. It

can be seen driving eastbound on King Road, stopping and tuming around in front of 500 Queen

Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When Suspect Vehicle I is in front of

the King Road Residence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or tum around in the

road. The vehicle then continued to the intersection of Queen Road and King Road where it can

be seen completing a three-point tum and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road.

Suspect Vehicle I is next seen departing the area oftle King Road Residence at

approximately 4:20 a.m. at a high rate of speed. Suspect Vehicle I is next observed traveling

southbound on Walenta Drive. Based on my knowledge ofthe area and review of camera footage

in the neighborhood tlat does not show Suspect vehicle 1 dwing that timeframe, I believe that

Suspect Vehicle I likely exited the neighborhood at Palouse River Drive and Conestoga Drive.

Palouse Nver Drive is at the southem edge of Moscow and proceeds into Whitrnan County,

Washington. Eventually the road leads to Pullrnaq Washington. Pullman Washington is

approximately l0 miles from Moscow, Idaho. Both Pullman and Moscow are small college

towns and people commonly travel back and forth between them.

Law enforcement officers provided video footage of Suspect Vehicle I to forensic

examiners with the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation that regularly utilize surveillance footage to

identi$ the year, make, and model of an unknown vehicle that is observed by one or more

cameras during the commission of a criminal offense. The Forensic Examiner has approximately

35 years law enforcement experience with twelve years at the FBL His specific training includes

identifuing unique characteristics of vehicles, and he uses a database that gives visual clues of

vehicles across states to identiS differences between vehicles.

After reviewing the numerous observations of Suspect Vehicle 1, the forensic examiner

initially believed that Suspect Vehicle 1 was a20ll-2013 Hyundai Elantra. Upon further review,

he indicated it could also be a2011-2016 Hyundai Elantra. As a result, investigators have been

reviewing information on persons in possession of a vehicle that is a 201 1-2016 white Hyundai


Investigators were given access to video footage on the Washington State University

(WSU) campus located in Pullman, WA. A review of that video indicated that at approximately

2:44 a.m. on November 13,2022, a white sedan, which was consistent with the description of the

White Elantra known as Suspect Vehicle 1, was observed on WSU surveillance cameras

travelling north on southeast Nevada Street at northeast Stadium Way. At approximately 2:53

a.m., a white sedan, which is consistent with the description of the White Elantra known as

Suspect Vehicle 1, was observed traveling southeast on Nevada Street in Pullman, WA towards

SR 270. SR 270 connects Pullman, Washington to Moscow, Idaho. This camera footage from

Pullman, WA was provided to the same FBI Forcnsic Examiner. The Forensic Examiner

identified the vehicle obscrved in Pullman, WA as being a 2014-2016 Hyundai Elantra.

At approximately 5:25 a.m., a white sedan, which was consistent with the description of

Suspect Vehicle l, was observed on five cameras in Pullman, WA and on WSU Campus

camerias. The first camera that recorded tlre white sedan was located at 1300 Johnson Road in

Pullman. The white sedan was observed traveling northbound on Johnson Road. Johnson Road

lcads dircctly back to West Palouse River Drive in Moscow which intersects with Conestoga

Drive. The white sedan was then observed tuming north on Bishop Boulevard and northwest on

SR 270. At approximately 5:2? am., the White Elantra was obsewed on cameras traveling

northbound on Stadium Way at Nevada Strcet, Stadium Way at Grimes Way, Stadium Drive at

Wilson Road, and Stadium Way at Cougar Way.

Depiction showing Moscow and Pullman:


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Depiction showing white Elantra's path of travel (not to scale)

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On Noracmbcr 25, 20\ MPD askd arca law enforccosnt agcncics to bc on thc lookout

for whirc Hyundai Elantras itr lh. arca Ou Novqmbcr 29, 2022, at aptoximately 1228 a.m.,

Washington Satc Univcrsity (WSU) Policc Officcr Danicl Ticngo, qucricd whit Elsnlras

registcred u WSU. As a result of tlut qucry he locsted I 20 I 5 whitc Elsrtrs with a Pennsylvania

liccnsc plate LFZ-86{9. This vehiclc was rcgistcrcd o Bryao Kohbcrgcr hcrcafter 'Kohbcrgcr"

rcsiding u 1530 NE Vatlcy Roa4 funrtmcnt 201, Pulknt!, WashinSlon. 1630 NE Vallcy Road

is app,roximarcly tlnccquartcrs of a mitc &om thc intctscction of Stadiuo Way and Cougar Way

(last csmcra locdion thal pickcd ry &c whitc Eletra)'

Tha saurc day at aprroximacly 12:58 a-m., SfSU O6ccr Curtis Whitnan was looking

for u/hitc HyuDdai Elantra's and locacd a 2015 whitc Hyundai Elsrtra 8t 1530 NE Vallcy Road

in Pullmatr h tlrc prkitrg lol 1630 NE Vdlcy Road is an aparmeat complcx thd housa WSU

students. Officer Whitnan also rao the car and it retumed to Kohberger with a Washinglon tag. I
reviewed Kohberg's WA state driver license hformation and This license indicates

that Kohberger is a white male with a height of 6' and weighs 185 pounds. Additionally, the

photograph of Kohberger shows that he has bushy eyebrows. Kohberger's physical description is

consistent with the description of the male D.M. saw inside the King Road Residence on

November 13th.

Further investigation, including a review of Latah County Sheriff s Deputy CPL Drke's

body cam and reports, showed that on August 21, 2022, Bryan Kohberger was detained as part of

a traffic stop that occurred in Moscow, Idaho, by CPL Dlke. At the time, Kohberger, who was

the sole occupant, was driving a white 2015 Hyundai Elanta with Pennsylvania plate LFZ'8649

which was set to expire on November 30, 2022. During the stop, which was recorded via a law

enforcernent body camerq Kohberger provided his phone number as 8458, hereafter the

Phone" as his cellular telephone number. Investigators conducted electronic database

queries and leamed that the 8458 Phone is a number issued by AT&T.

On October 14,2022, Bryan Kohberger was detained as part of a traffic stop by a WSU

Police Officer. Upon review ofthat body cam and report ofthe stop, Kohberger was the sole

occupant and was driving a white 2015 Hyundai Elantra with Pennsylvania plate LFZ-8649.

On November 18,2022, according to WA state licensing, Kohberger registered the 2015

white Elantra with WA aud later received WA ptate CFB-8708. Prior to this time, the 2015 white

Elantra was registered in Pennsylvania, which does not require a front license plate to be

displayed (this was leamed through communications with a Pennsylvania officer who is

currently certified in the State ofPennsylvania). Based on my own experience and

communication with Washington law enforcement, I know that Idaho and Washington require

front and back lic€nse plates to be displayed.

lnvestigators believe that Kohberger is still driving the 2015 white Elanta because his

vehicle was captured on December 13,2022,by a license plate reader in Loma, Colorado

(inforruation provided by a query to a database). Kohberger's Elanta was then queried on

December 15,2022 by law enforcement in Hancock Cormty, Indiana- On December 16,2022 at

approximately 2:26 p.m., suweillance video showed Kohberger's Elantra in Albrightsville,

Pennsylvania" The sole occupant of the vehicle was a white male whose description was

consistent with Kohberger. Kohberger has family in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania (leamed

through a TLO search and locate tool database query).

Based on infomration provided on the WSU website, Kohberger is cr:rrently a Ph.D

Student in Criminology at Washington State University. Fursuant to records provided by a

member of the interview panel for Pullman Police Departnen! we leamed that Kohberger's past

education included undergnduate degrees in psychology and cloud-based forensics. These

records also showed Kohberger wrote an essay when he applied for an intemship with the

Pullrnan Police Deparbnent in the fall of2022. Kohberger wrote in his essay he had interest in

assistitrg rural law enforcement agencies with how to better collect and analyze technological

data in public safety operations. Kohberger also posted a Reddit survey which can be found by

an open-source intemet search. The survey asked for participants to provide information to

*rurderstand how emotiors and psychological traits furfluence decision making when committing

a crime."

As part of this investigation, law erforcernent obtained search warrants to deteruine

cellular devices that utilized cellular towers in close proximity to the King Road Residence on

November l3,2022bettteen 3:00 a-m. and 5:00 a.m. After deterrnining that Kohberger was

associated to both the 2015 White Elanta and the 8458 Phone, investigators reviewed these

search warrant rotums. A query of the 8458 Phone in these retums did not show the 8458 Phone

utilizing cellular tower resources in close proximity to the King Road Residence between 3:00

a-m. and 5:00 a.m.

Based onmy training, experience, and conversations with law enforcement officers that

specialize in the utilization of cellular telephone records as part of investigations, individuals can

either leave their cellular telephone at a different location before committing a crime or tum their

cellular telephone off prior to going to a location to commit a crime. This is done by subjects in

an effort to avoid alerting law enforcement that a cellular device associated with them was in a

particular area where a crime is committed. I also know that on numeroui occasions, subjects

will surveil an area where they intend to cornmit a crime prior to the date of the crime.

Depending on the circumstances, this could be done a few days before or for seveml months

prior to the commission of a crime. During these types of surveillance, it is possible that an

individual would not leave their cellular telephone at a separate location or tum it off since they

do not plan to commit the offense on that particular day.

On December 23, 2022, I applied for and was granted a search warrant for hislorical

phone records between November 12,2022 ar 12:00 a.m. and November 14, at 12:00 a.m. for the

8458 Phone held by the phone provider AT&T (approximately 24 hours proceeding and

following the times of the homicides).

On December 23,2022, pursuant to that search warrant, I received records for the 84i8

Phone from AT&T. These records indicated that the 8458 Phone is subscribed to Bryan

Kohberger at an address in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania and the account has been open since

Jwre 23,2022. These records also included historical cell site location information (CSLI) for

the 845 8 Phone. After receiving this information, I consulted with an FBI Special Agent (SA)

that is certified as a member of the Cellular Analysis Survey Team (CAST). Members of CAST

are certified with the FBI to provide expert testimony in the field ofhistorical CSLI and are

required to pass extensive training that includes both written and practical examinations prior to

be certified with CAST as well as the completion of yearly certification requirements.

Additionally, the FBI CAST SA that I consulted with has over fifteen years of federal law

enforcement experience, which includes six years with the FBI. From information provided by

CAST, I was able to determine estimated locations for the 8458 Phone from November 12,

2022 to November 13,2022,the lime period authorized by the court.

On November 13,2022 al approximately 2:42 a.m., the 8458 Phone was utilizing cellular

resources that provide coverage to 1630 Northeast Valley Road, Apt G201, Pullman, WA,

hereafter the "Kohberger Residence." At approximately 2:47 a.m., the 8458 Phone utilized

cellular resources that provide coverage southeast ofthe Kohberger Residence consistent with

the 8458 Phone leaving the Kohberger Residence and traveling south through Pullman, WA'

This is consistent with the movement of the white Elantra. At approximately 2:47 a.m. the 8458

Phone stops reporting to the network, which is consistent with either the phone being in an area

without cellular coverage, the connection to the network is disabled (such as putting the phone in

airplane mode), or that the phone is tumed off The 8458 Phone does not report to the network

again until approximately 4:48 a.m. at which time it utilized cellular resources that provide

coverage to ID state highway 95 south of Moscow, ID near Blaine, ID (north of Genesee).

Between 4:50 a.m. and 5:26 a.m., the phone utilizes cellular resources that are consistent with the

8458 Phone traveling south on ID state highway 95 to Genesee, ID, then traveling west towards

Uniontown, ID, and then north back into Pullman, WA. At approximately 5:30 a.m., the 8458

Phone is utilizing resources that provide coverage to Pullman, WA and consistent with the phone

traveling back to the Kohberger Residence. The 8458 Phone's movements are consistont with the

movements of the white Elantra fiat is observed traveling north on Stadium Drive at

approximately 5:27 a.m. Based on a review of the 8458 Phone's estimated locations and tavel,

the 8458 Phone's travel is consistent with that ofthe white Elanta.

Further review indicated that the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources on November 13,

2022 thsl are consistent with the 8458 Phone leaving the area ofthe Kohberger Residence at

approximalely 9:00 a.m. and traveling to Moscow, ID. Specificaily, the 8458 Phone utilized

cellular resources that would provide coverage to the King Road Residence between 9: 12 a,m.

and 9:21 am. The 8458 Phone next utilized cellular resources that are consistent with the 8458

Phone traveling back to the area ofthe Kohberger Residence and arriving to the area at

approximately 9:32 a.m.

Below is a depictioo (not to scale) ofthe possible route taken based off of cellular site


Thir ir a Fcrlbb rout}lased
off celluar devlce locelion ,r

1 tat


Investig*on found thet the 8458 Phonc did eonnect to a cell phonc tow€r tbat provides

service to Moscow on Nowmbcr l4,2D22,but invcstigarors do not bcliwe tbe t458 Phone was

in Moscow sl rhat datc. The E{58 Phone has not connccted to ary towEs thrt provide scrvicc to

Moscow sincc that datc.

Bascd on my trainin& ereericncc, and fu facts of thc invcstigation thus fu, I bclicve &rt

Kohbcrger, the uscr of thc 845t Phonc, was likely thc &ivcr of the ufritc Elatrta ftx is observed

dcparting psttmsn, WA aod &at this vchicle is likely Srspect Vchicle

l. Additioodly, the route

13,2022 and thc lack

of trrvel of the 8458 Phonc dtning the early moming hours of November

of tbc 845E Phonc rsporting to AT&T bctrrccn 2:47 am' and 4:48
am' is consistent with

quadnrplc homicidc &at occured at ths

Kohbcrger ancmpting to conccal his location during the

KingRosd Rcsidcoce-

On December 23,2022,Iwas granted a search warrant for Kohberger's historical CSLI

from June 23, 2022 to current, prospective location information, and a Pen Register/Trap and

Trace on the 8458 Phone to aid in efforts to determine if Kohberger stalked any of the victims in

this case prior to the offense, conducted surveillance on the King Road Residence, was in contact

with any of the victims' associates before or after the alleged offense, any locations that may

contain evidence of the murders that occurred on November I 3 , 2O22, the location of the white

Elantra registered to Kohberger, as well as the location ofKohberger.

On December 23, 2022 pursuant to that search warrant, I received historical records for

the 8458 Phone from AT&T from the time the account was opened in June 2022. After

consulting with CAST SA, I was able to determine estimated locations for the 8458 Phone from

June2022 to present, the time period authorized by the court. The records for the 8458 Phone

show the 8458 Phone utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to the area of I 122 King

Road on at least twelve occasions prior to November 13,2022. All of these occasions, except for

one, occurred in the late evening and early moming hous oftheir respective days.

One of these occasions, on August 21,2022, the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources

providing coverage to the King Road Residence from approximately 10:34 p.m. to 11:35 p.m. At

approximately I 1:37 p.m., Kohberger was stopped by Latah County Sheriffs Deputy CPL Duke,

as mentioned above. The 8548 Phone was utilizing cellular resources consistent with the location

of the traffic stop during this time (Farm Road and Pullman Highway).

Further analysis of the cellular data provided showed the 8458 Phone utilized cellular

resources on November 13, 2022 consistent with the Phone travelling from Pullman, Washington

to Lewiston, Idaho viaUS Highway 195. At approximately 12:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized

cellular resources that would provide coverage to Kate's Cup of Joe coffee stand located at 8 l0

Port Drive, Clartston, WA. Stnrcillance footage firom the US Chefs Storc locarcd at t20 Port

Drivc, Clarkson, WA and adjaccnt to Katc's Ctp of Joe showed a ntit Elantrs, consistcnt with

Suspect Vehiclc l, drive past Kate's Cup of Joe at a time consistcot with the ccllular dara from

thc 8548 Phonc.

At aproximarcly 12:45 p.m., the &458 Plpre thcn Uilizcd cellular data in thc arca of tbe

Albcrtson's grcccry storc at 400 Bridge Str€et in Clartston, Washingtm Sunreillance fooAge

obtaincd from the Albcrtson's shoud Kotrbogu acit tbc whitc Elanta, consistcnt with Suspect
Vchicle l, at approximately 12:49 p.m. Intcrior surveillance camcras sbosrod Kohboger

tbrcugh thc storc, prchasc u*nown itcms at &c chcckou( and leavc at approximdcly 1:O4 p'm'

Kohbcrger's possiblc parh of trevcl is dcpictcd bclow (not to scalc):



Additional analysis ofrecords for the 8458 Phone indicated that between approximately

5:32 p.m. and 5:36 p.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to

Johnson, ID. The 8458 Phone then stops reporting to the network from approximately 5:36 p.m.

to 8:30 p.m. That is consistent with the 8458 Phone being the area that the 8458 Phone traveled in

the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.

On December 27, 2022, Pennsylvania Agents recovered the trash from the Kohberger

family residence located in Albrightsville, PA. That evidence was sent to the Idaho State Lab for

testing. On December 28,2022, the Idaho State Lab reported that a DNA profrle obtained ftom

the trash and the DNA profile obtained from the sheath, identified a male as not being excluded

as the bioiogical father of Suspect Profrle. At least 99.9998% of the male population would be

expected to be excluded from the possibility of being the suspect's biological father.

Based on the above information, I am requesting an arrest warrant be issued for Bryan C.

Kohberger, (DOB) 1112111994, for Burglary at I 122 King Street in Moscow, Idaho, and fow counts

of Murder in the First Degree for the murders of Madison Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kemodle,

and Ethan Chapin.

I declare under penatty ofperjury pursuant to the law ofthe State of Idaho that the

foregoing is true and correct.

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