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3. Damage Report / Statement of Facts / authorities or the like.

Restrict information to personal data of master, officers

and crew, until DGS Marine Management Services has appointed lawyers or a
The responsible person in charge must prepare a report, which as a standard local correspondent to assist you.
should contain details regarding:
Take the photographs of any damage or circumstances relating to the incident
• Name of vessel and all affected cargoes, damaged parts of vessels’ structure etc., if possible, but
• Name of assured ship owner do not give them out of your hands unless you are instructed to do so! This might
• Voyage details (insofar as relevant) strengthen your owners or the ship’s position.
• Position / Port of incident
• Date and time of the incident / damages caused Collect objects / parts and statements, if possible, in order to have evidences
• Bill of Lading no. (if relevant) safeguarded.
• Kind / Specie and approximate numbers/volume/value of
cargo or damaged property or person(s) injured in question All relevant documentation (e.g. Bill of Lading, Charter Party, Cargo Manifests,
• Name of claimant Mate’s Receipts, Instructions of Charterers or other parties interested in the car-
• Kind and estimation of extent of damages caused go), written claims from third parties, statement of facts, medical bills etc., con-
• Possible causes of damage / loss cerning damages to cargo, ship or other third party property or persons should
• Limit any report to facts, not personal opinions: be conveyed to DGS Marine Management Services Co. Ltd, London or Denmark
• Do not give an opinion, especially in the accident report, in copy. Originals to be taken into secure charge.
as to who was responsible
• Do not allow crew members to express opinions towards If any problems or doubts arise in connection with the handling of a particular
third parties outside the vessel case, please approach the stipulated parties (see above no.2) before taking any
• Do not already admit any liability, either verbally or writing action of which you are not sure to be appropriate.
• Do not sign a document, which you know contains
incorrect information
• Do not think the problem will go away if you do nothing

The report should be conveyed to DGS Marine Management Services immedi-


4. Public Authorities

Do not issue statement as regards the possible cause of any incident towards
authorities or other third parties, even if under pressure from the port captain

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