Hookup Meeting

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Where is my strong, pickle-jar-opening man when I need him?

2. Wish we could’ve called in sick today. ;-)

3. How did I get so lucky?

4. Thanks for always killing the spiders when I need you to. :-)

5. You, me, takeout, and a movie. Tonight.

6. When you get home, you’d better be ready for me.

7. You’re the best for putting up with as much as you do… thanks. :-)

8. Come over later, and I’ll let you touch my butt. 😉

9. All my friends are jealous of how happy you make me.

10. I can’t believe you did _____! That’s so impressive.

12. Can’t stop thinking about the other day/night.

11. Hey, sexy.

13. I’m crazy about you.

14. I don’t know anyone that can do ___ like you.

15. Your work ethic is so hot.

16. Remember our first date?

17. Your personality is just as hot as you are.

18. No one can make me smile like you do.

19. My friends were totally checking you out the other day!

20. I bet you’ll smile when you read this!

21. I don’t think anyone can make me laugh like you do.

22. When do I get to see you again?

23. What are you doing? *You answer – Oh, you know, just talking to this amazing

24. You make me feel so confident in myself.

25. I hope you know how great you are…

26. I am SO into you right now.

27. You’re one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met.

28. Wow! You’re really smart.

29. Missing you!

30. Currently bragging about my awesome man.

31. Are you even real? Because someone like you can’t exist.

32. I normally don’t like scary movies, but with you there, I know I’ll be safe.

33. Nobody gets me like you do.

34. I can’t wait to get my hands on you later.

35. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on me later!

36. I’m so glad we met!

37. I’m debating calling in sick, just to come see you at work today.

38. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone whose smile I like more than yours!

39. If there’s one thing I would change about you, it would be your current
location…so you could be with me.

40. You make me blush, and you’re not even here!

41. Waking up to a text from you seriously makes my day.

42. I love the way you smell when you’re hugging me.

43. Come home soon. I miss you.

44. I wish my all my friends would meet a guy as good as you.

45. Thanks for being you.

46. You make me so happy every day.

47. You’re the kind of guy I always hoped I’d meet.

48. I love thinking about all the ways I’ll get to love you in the future.

49. Just wanted to say I’m thinking of you.

50. You’re my Prince Charming.

51. I can’t help but smile when I think of you.

52. I hope I dream about you tonight.

53. My life is happier because you’re in it.

54. You have my heart.

55. Thank you for making me feel so safe.

56. We could do anything together and I’d have a good time.

57. Hello handsome.

58. I hope I make you as happy as you make me.

59. I love how much I love you.

60. Thank you for loving me like you do.

61. I don’t know how I survived all these years without you.

62. I can’t picture my life without you.

63. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Mine will be better once I see you.

64. I’m in bed. Want to come over?

65. What would you do if you were here right now?

66. I can’t wait to see you! I’m going to give you the biggest kiss!

67. I miss your smell 🙁

68. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you. I even miss your morning breath.

69. I’m wearing the shirt/boxers/sweats you left here 😉

70. You’re simply the best!

71. It’s like we were made for each other.

72. I couldn’t ask for a better dog/cat dad for _____.

73. I can’t wait to grow old with you.

74. I love you the most!

75. I’m picking out a cute outfit for this weekend. 😉

76. What do you think of this look? *With a picture*

77. This is how sad I am that you’re not here with me right now. *With a cute sad

78. Want to video chat?

79. I couldn’t have dreamed up someone better than you.

80. I didn’t know what to say, but I want to make you smile today.

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