END YEAR ASSESSMENT (1 Hour 15 Minutes) English Year 6 Part 1 (5 Marks) 1

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Name : _____________ Class : _______

END YEAR ASSESSMENT (1 hour 15 minutes)

Part 1 ( 5 marks)
Dear Janice,

When you’re at the park, your friend Alina called. She wants to remind you to bring
your dictionary to school for the spelling bee competition.


What did Alina remind Janice to bring for the spelling competition?
A. paper B. ruler
C. dictionary

The Swan
The emperor wanted a perfect painting of a swan. Thus, he asked a painter Zhang
Wei to paint it. The emperor waited for 3 years before Zhang Wei painted the perfect
swan. The emperor was very angry with the painter. What will he do to Zhang Wei?
Read the story and find more about it.

What did the emperor want Zhang Wei to paint?

A. A deer B. A swan
C. A tiger

Aglio Oglio Recipe

Ingredients :
 spaghetti, olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes, black pepper, Italian parsley

The following ingredients are needed to cook Aglio Oglio except _____.
A. spaghetti B. chilli sauce
C. red pepper flakes

Miss Diane’s English Class

Lily : Have you seen my car keys? I can’t find it anywhere!
James : No, I haven’t. Have you checked your bag?
Lily : Yes, I have but it’s not there!
James : What about your pocket?
Lily : Oh, there it is! Thanks, James.

Where did Lily find her car keys?

A. In her car B. In her room
C. In her pocket

5. Do you know that listening to music can help you relax? In addition, it can reduce heart
rate and lower blood pressure. Listening to soothing music can help you sleep better and
elevate your mood.

Based on the text, there are many benefits of listening to music except
A. Reduce heart rate B. Increase heart rate
C. Lower blood pressure

Part 2 ( 4 marks)
And here are this morning’s programmes.
The news starts at 10 am. It is read as usual 0. by Garrett James. This is followed by a
documentary at 10.30 am about wildlife and how the animals 6. ______ in the jungle. You can
also find out about a new 7. ______. It’s a bread machine that is used to make bread at home.
It’s unique because it is portable and light. Stay with us for more programmes. At 12.00 pm, it’s
the 8. ______ badminton tournament of the year. Join us at the Bukit Jalil Stadium!

And now it’s time for the adverts.

Try our natural apple juice. It is 9. ______ with real apples and there are no preservatives added.
Check out Lila’s Apple Juice at all Aeon’s outlets. Mmm! It’s tasty.

0 A. a B. by C. with
6 A. live B. lives C. was living
7 A. invent B. invention C. inventing
8 A. big B. bigger C. biggest
9 A. make B. made C. making

Miss Diane’s English Class

Part 3 ( 5 marks)

On average, a person needs around eight hours of sleep per day. For children below 12, they
need around nine to twelve hours of sleep per day. Having enough sleep can help a person to
stay at a healthy weight. Besides, it helps to reduce serious health problems such as diabetes and
heart disease because enough sleep can strengthen a person’s heart.

In addition, sleep can improve our memory. This is because our brain functions better with
good sleep. Sleeping also enables a person to work better at school or at work. This is because
our brain can focus better with good rest.

Sleeping can also reduce stress and improve a person’s mood. Having adequate amount hour
of sleep can allow a person to think more clearly and do better in school or at work.

10. On average, how many hours of sleep does an adult need?

A. 5 hours B. 7 hours C. 8 hours

11. Having enough sleep can help us the following except

A. increase stress B. improve our memory C. improve a person’s mood

12. Which part of our body can focus better with good rest?
A. Hand B. Brain C. Fingers

13. Having enough sleep can make us feel _________ the next day.
A. tired B. sleepy C. energetic

14. Anny is eight years old. How many hours of sleep should she need?
A. 5 – 7 hours B. 6 – 8 hours C. 9 – 12 hours

Miss Diane’s English Class

Part 4 ( 6 marks)
A Penang
In Penang, you can explore Street Art in George Town. You can take pictures with the
mural on the wall. Also, you can take a stroll around the street food. You can try Penang
char kuey teow, nasi kandar, assam laksa, cendol and prawn noodles. Penang is famous
for its variety of delicious food.
In addition, you can also enjoy the scenery of Penang at the top of Komtar. The breath
taking view will definitely amaze you.
B Melaka
If you like to view the whole of Melaka, you can go to Menara Taming Sari. From a height
of 80 metres, you can see the whole of Melaka with a 360 degree view.
With the hot weather, A Famosa Water Park is just the right place. It’s the largest water
theme park in Melaka with the cool pools and awesome attractions. You will definitely
spend the whole day splashing water and playing with your family and friends all day long.
Next, Jonker Walk is popular for selling antiques, souvenirs and food. The highlight of
Jonker Walk is the night market which is open on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. At
the night market, visitors can try different type of local food such as chicken rice, cendol
and Nyonya kuih.
C Kuala Lumpur
Petronas Twin Towers are the world’s tallest twin skyscrapers. Step onto a unique
connecting structure, the world’s highest two-story bridge! The sky bridge connects the
two towers together on their 41st and 42nd floors and is located 170m above ground.
Next, Warisan Merdeka Tower is the latest tallest building in Malaysia and the second
tallest building in the world. You can enjoy the panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur at
Warisan Merdeka Tower.
In Kuala Lumpur, you can also visit Aquaria. An amazing showcase of 5,000 land bound
and aquatic creature exhibits spread over a sprawling 60,000 square feet. You can see
Green Sea Turtles, Sand Tiger Sharks, Giant Groupers and many more.

A – Penang
B – Melaka
C – Kuala Lumpur

15 If Anna likes sharks, where should she visit? ( )

16 John’s father loves antiques. Where should he visit? ( )

17 Which state has the tallest building in Malaysia? ( )

18 Where is Street Art, George Town? ( )

19 Amira and her family enjoy going to water parks. Which state should she visit? ( )

20 Siti went to Komtar last week. Which state did she visit? ( )

Miss Diane’s English Class

Part 5 ( 5 marks)
0. To speak in a very quiet voice. whisper
21. A person who shows people round places of interest. g____
22. Very good to eat. d________
23. Liking something and wanting to learn more about it. i_________
24. Healthy and able to do exercise without getting tired. f__
25. A material that comes from trees. w___

Part 6 ( 10 marks)
You saw an advertisement to the book fair. You want to invite your friend along. Write an email
to your friend and invite him / her.
In your email,
 Explain why you want to go
 Invite your friend to go
Write about 30 – 50 words.
Write your email below.
To :
From :


Miss Diane’s English Class

Part 7 ( 15 marks)
Your school is having a Charity Sale. Write an email to invite your friend to invite him / her to go
to your school’s Charity Sale.

Charity sale
You can buy food, books, pencils, coffee and many more. There are many games too!

Date : 10th December 2022 (Saturday)

Time : 9.00 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Venue : School hall, Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjung Bunga

Come and join us!

Write your email to your friend in about 60 – 80 words.

To :
From :


Miss Diane’s English Class

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