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2017 Magoosh

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Table of Contents


Meet the ACT

General ACT Tips and Strategies

ACT Scoring

ACT English Test

ACT Math Test

ACT Reading Test

The ACT Science Test

The ACT Writing Test (Essay)

ACT Study Schedules


This eBook is meant to serve as a roadmap that provides a comprehensive overview of the ACT,
combining crucial information on test structure and question types and providing essential
strategies and tips for helping students be successful on test day. The information in this eBook
is a synthesis of some of the best content on the Magoosh ACT blog. No matter where your
students may be in their studies, if they’re preparing for the ACT, this eBook is what you need!

If you’re reading this eBook as a PDF on a computer or tablet, you can click on specific sections in
the Table of Contents if you want to skip around.

If you’re already familiar with the exam and are looking for more study materials, head over to
the Resources section!
Meet the ACT

The ACT: A History Lesson

How much do you know about the origins of the ACT? Or what it even stands for? Time for a pop

The Origin of the ACT

Prior to 1959, the SAT (the Scholastic Aptitude Test) served as the United States’ only national,
standardized college entrance exam. As more students decided to pursue higher education,
however, and universities responded to the demand by opening up more seats, the need for
another measurement system emerged. Say hello to the American College Testing Program (or
A-C-T for short.)

Fun fact: In 1996, the ACT acronym became an official name for both the test and
the company behind it, meaning it no longer “stood” for anything. So if you didn’t
know what ACT meant, you were actually technically right, because today, it means

Originally, the ACT was designed to assess college-bound students’ specific knowledge of
English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science Reasoning. This multiple choice-based test is known
for testing a student’s ability to recall formulas and fundamentals from these subjects and also
for interpreting graphs. It would consist of four 35-40 minutes long sections. Sound pretty
familiar? That’s because it is. Unlike the SAT, which has undergone many formatting, grading and
timing changes over the years, the ACT has remained largely the same, a trait that has made it
more attractive to some modern test-takers. The only big change occurred in 2005 with the
addition of the Writing (essay) section.

Now, more students than ever are choosing the ACT over the SAT. All the more reason to take
advantage of the growing pool of resources at your studying disposal and to make Magoosh a
“go to” for valuable tips and information.
How Hard is the ACT?

Difficulty is a relative term. On a difficulty scale that ranges from learning your ABC’s to building
a space shuttle, the ACT probably ranks about here:

Compared to your ABC’s and a typical state standardized test, the ACT probably ranks about

Of course, this is just an illustration. For some people, learning the alphabet is hard–maybe they
are non-native English speakers or struggle with a learning difference such as dyslexia. But
multivariable calculus might be a piece of cake. The point is that it is ultimately impossible to
answer the question “How hard is the ACT?” because the answer is going to be different for

But we know you aren’t reading this to discover that very unsatisfying answer. So here are some
things we can tell you about how “hard” the ACT is:

It’s hard because it is very time-pressured.

The ACT gives you 3 hours and 25 minutes to answer 215 questions. The SAT by comparison
gives you 3 hours to answer 154 questions. Granted, certain questions take longer than others to
answer, but many ACT test-takers end up feeling that they could have done much better if they
only had more time. You won’t hear this from SAT test-takers to the same degree.

It’s hard because of the concentration and amount of reading demanded by the test.

On the ACT, there’s more to read than on the SAT. There are longer reading passages, longer
math word problems, and complex science scenarios to sort through. It can really tax students’
attention spans. This is why full-length practice tests are so important–so that students can build
the endurance and focus this test demands.

Relatively speaking, the ACT has gotten “harder” over the years.

As students start to do better on ACT, the test-makers gradually adjust the difficulty level of the
test. And students have gotten better. In 1970, the average composite score nationwide was
18.6. In 2014, it was 21.0. Although this may initially may seem as if the test has gotten easier,
the opposite is true. The ACT has more than compensated for the fact that the average student
has gotten better at the test by creating more difficult questions and passages that ensure only a
small number of students are at the tippy-top of the scale. This, by the way, is true of all
standardized tests, not just the ACT.

It is NOT hard because it is tricky.

The ACT is a pretty straightforward test. It’s not trying to play mind games (a common sentiment
students have about the SAT). The ACT requires students to be very detail-oriented so they don’t
make silly mistakes, but the answer is always in plain sight.

It is NOT hard because it has difficult vocabulary.

Students can catch a break here. The ACT does not directly test vocabulary, and the vocabulary
level of its passages is not as high as the SAT’s. The ACT, however, does reward reading speed.
The faster students can read and understand a passage, the more time they will have to find the
answers to the straightforward questions that follow.

The math level is “harder” than the SAT.

The ACT covers more higher-level math concepts than the SAT, including trigonometry,
logarithms, matrices, and conic sections. It also does not provide test-takers with formulas, and
some questions will require students to apply common math formulas from memory. But
remember, once again, that ACT math is very straightforward: the problems will more often look
like the ones encountered in school.

Above all, it’s important to remember that the ACT is specifically designed so that not everyone
can ace it. Only a small number of students score at the top, so this means that for the vast
majority of students, the ACT is going to be a “hard” test.

The best advice we can give is to help students set goal scores and then measure
success against that, not the perfect 36. Students who hit their goal should
consider themselves as having aced the test!
Top 10 Tips for Prepping for the ACT

A good ACT score can help students get into their top college choices, as well as qualify them for
college scholarships! So where should they start their ACT test prep? These ten ACT test prep
tips will help students start their study plans off right.

1. Buy at least 2 reputable study books

Students should start studying with the ACT Official Guide and the material on
Books from reputable companies such as Barron’s or McGraw-Hill can be excellent supplemental
materials (see the Resources section of this eBook for our expert book reviews!). Look for books
(or free online materials) with a lot of practice tests.

2. Use the entire time for each section

Even if for the naturally fast test takers, it’s important for them to use the entire given time. If
they finish a test (AKA a section) early, they need go back and review the questions, slowly “re-
taking” them and checking for simple mistakes. Even the smartest students get easy questions
wrong when rushing.

3. Get inside the heads of the test makers

Students and instructors should try to develop an understanding of what the test makers
“prefer” in terms of the answer choices. For example, after studying the ACT English test for
some time you’ll notice how the ACT test makers prefer concise answers, or “economy of
language.” This kind of understanding will help you and your students make better educated
guesses on harder problems.

4. Learn the most frequently tested concepts

For the ACT English and the ACT Math tests, there are a finite number of tested concepts:
grammar, algebra, geometry, trig, etc. You will need to figure out what your students already
know, and what they need to work on. The good news: the questions are predictable! If students
learn these concepts, they’ll see them pop up over and over again.
5. Plan out a reasonable study schedule

To make sure students get the ACT test date and testing center they want, students need to
register early - at least 3 months before the exam. That way they can create a study schedule
that they can reasonably complete between now and the test. Help your students set realistic
expectations. How much time can they commit each week to ACT practice questions?

It’s better to study 20-30 minutes a day than 4 hours once a week. Students should
aim to work on ACT material at least four days a week.

6. Pinpoint weaknesses and attack them

Are you working with a slow reader? Someone who’s ACT Math knowledge is only so-so?
Grammar got a student down? Know going into it which ACT test prep what areas need more
work, and plan to address them first with your students. You’ll need more time for the
weaknesses. Don’t let students put off studying for a section just because they dread it! Just
share the strategies, and students will begin to answer these questions with confidence!

7. Remember that test taking is a learned skill, not an inherent gift

Some people may seem to be “naturally” good at the ACT, but even those who are not can still
learn how to score highly! Help by messaging that making mistakes is necessary for
improvement. Incorrect practice ACT questions help students hone in on areas that need more
work (just make sure they understand why they got them wrong, so they can avoid repeating the
same mistakes in the future.)

8. Use timed practice to check in on pacing

The ACT is comprised of five tests: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing (in that order).
These sections have different challenges regarding pacing, with different numbers of questions
and different time limits. Students will need to develop a pacing strategy for each unique test,
and practice so they are confident that they can finish within the allotted time.

9. Students should memorize the instructions for each test

Because time is so precious on the ACT, students who have the instructions memorized won’t
waste valuable time on test day reading and re-reading instructions. Each test has its own set of
directions. Familiarize students with them now.

10. Spend some time with the free resources at

This is the official website, and yet it’s amazing how many students take the ACT without ever
having visited it! This should be the first stop in a student’s ACT test prep journey.
When to take the ACT

One of the most important decisions students make when studying for the ACT is when to
actually take the exam. Everyone has different schedules and goals, and so there’s no one “right”
time to take it. However, there are some important things to keep in mind about the ACT when
helping a student decide when to register and take the test.

ACT Test Dates

The ACT is offered six times a year — September, October, December, February, April and
June. ACT, Inc. has released the test dates for the next several years on their website. Students
typically have to register for an exam at least five weeks before the test date, and can pay for
late registration up to three weeks before the test date. If you live in a state where the ACT is
required, it’s likely that students will have less flexibility since they will be required to take the
test during a pre-determined district test date.

Note that if students plan to take the test outside of the US or in New York state, the February
option is not available.

Allow Time for a Retake

While we wouldn’t necessarily recommend everyone take the ACT more than once, we would
recommend that students leave themselves that option. Delaying the exam until senior year
means that students won’t be able to study and retake the exam if their scores are lower than
needed/hoped for.

The best bet is to take the ACT for the first time during the spring of Junior year.

Students who get their goal score on the first try are well placed to focus on the rest of the
college admissions process! For those who don’t score as high as they would like — or decide
that a higher score will help improve their college applications — they will have the summer to
prep and can still take the test again in the fall.
So how do you help students decide between the various dates? Really, there’s not much of a
difference. In the spring, it’s all about scheduling. Either the April or June dates will give students
plenty of time to study throughout junior year, and will still allow plenty of time to retake if they
don’t hit their target scores.

In the fall, students should take the September test if they’re applying early decision anywhere.
For those not applying early decision, either September or October is fine. December may be too
late for some schools, so have students check the application deadlines closely. Even if it works
with a student’s selected schools, we’d recommend not waiting for the December exam. If a
student gets sick or something goes wrong on test day in September or October, they can then
take the exam in December as a last resort.

ACT Registration

Students who have never taken the test before will want to set aside some time to register for
the ACT. They’ll need to create an account on the ACT website, make a profile, and fill out lots of
information about college goals and plans. Some of this information is optional, but it will help
ACT, Inc. connect students with colleges and scholarships that might be beneficial.

Next, students will want to select a test date, test bundle, and extras. The test costs $38 for the
standard four sections or $54.50 for the ACT + Writing (most top schools require the ACT +
Writing for admission). Registering late costs $24 (on top of the regular fee), and students can
purchase official ACT prep materials for various fees (between $20 and $40, depending on what
they need). Fee waivers are available for students who qualify.

What about taking the ACT as a Sophomore or Freshman?

People are increasingly taking the ACT even earlier than Junior year. Honestly, there’s not much
of a point. Yes, it’s good practice, but students can get just as good experience taking practice
exams at home. And the best practice will probably involve some study and review, not just
repeated practice tests.
Keep in mind that test scores are just one part of the college application. Spending
the time earning good grades, volunteering, or pursuing interesting extracurricular
activities will probably have a much larger impact on a student’s college
applications than taking the ACT five times.

The ACT is conquerable! With thoughtful planning and studying, you can help students get the
scores they need to take them where they want to go.
How Long Should Students Study?

What a great question. We know some students who have been preparing for college
admissions tests since sixth grade. We also know students who don’t think about them until their
mom flashes the lights on and off to force them out of bed the morning of the test.

That being said, most students probably fall somewhere in the middle. And there are a few
important questions you should pose when helping them determine how long they need to
study for the ACT:

1. How far are you from your goal score?

2. How much time do you realistically have to study?

3. What are the average scores of admitted students at your target/dream schools?

One of the first steps should be to administer a diagnostic test (or analyze a student’s PLAN or
Aspire results) to figure out a baseline score. Then, research the scores of admitted students at
the colleges the student is most interested in. Those who are still undecided should look at a
sampling of colleges they might be interested in, whether that means a highly selective private
liberal arts college, the state university system, or international schools. Finally, have students
realistically consider how much time they have to devote to studying on a daily and weekly
basis–taking into account school, work, extracurricular, and general life schedules. If a student’s
schedule is chock full of things to do, they may need a more extended study timeline to achieve
his or her desired score increase.

Everyone is different, and it takes some students more or less time than others to see the gains
they want to see on the ACT. But the categories below should give you some indication of
approximately how long students need to hit the books to achieve their goals. (Check out the
scoring guide in this eBook for more on what these score increases mean.)

3 Point Composite Score Increase = 1 to 2 Months

A 3-point increase (say from a composite score of 26 to 29) is reasonable to achieve within a
month or two if a student can devote a couple of hours three days a week to study, with at least
2-3 full-length practice tests over the course of a few weekends. The ACT is a very predictable
test, and with good study materials and/or a good teacher or tutor, students can quickly learn
the strategies that can help them achieve this goal. (Our One Month ACT Study Schedule might
be able to help.)

5-6 Point Composite Score Increase = 3 to 4 Months

This is a loftier goal, although it is certainly an achievable one for many students. These students
willl need to take practice tests at least every other week and go through the results with a good
teacher/tutor who can help target weaknesses and build on strengths. Students can also achieve
this gain through disciplined self-study with quality resources and answer explanations. But this
leaves no room to slack off. Studying for the ACT should be built into a student’s schedule like
any other school subject.

7-10 Point Composite Score Increase = 6 Months to 1 Year

Once you start talking about this kind of score increase, it’s time to think about a much longer-
term prep plan. Students in this category should start their prep by the summer after their
sophomore year (some students even start in spring) and block out two to three official test
weekends for the winter and spring of junior year with a back-up test in the fall of their senior
year as necessary. Students who find themselves hitting a score plateau may need to devote
extra time to conquering other issues that could be having an effect on their performance such
as test anxiety, time management, or attention span. These students also need a good
structured test prep program with a teacher or tutor they can rely on–in person or online. And if
they qualify, they’ll need to apply for testing accommodations such as extra time as early as
possible, and allow time for an appeal if needed.

It’s also important to remember that the higher a student’s baseline score, the harder it is to
make this kind of a jump. It is impossible to make a 10-point increase if a student is starting at a
29, of course, but even a 7-point increase from 29 to 36 may not be possible. Getting a 36 on the
ACT is extraordinarily difficult to do. In 2014, only about 1,400 students got a perfect score out
of 1.85 million test-takers! It’s more realistic to move from a 22 to a 29, but even that is
incredibly impressive. My suggestion is that students start with baby steps. They should begin by
aiming for a 3-point increase, then a 5-point increase, and only then a 7-point increase if they are
still chugging along. Three points may not sound like a lot, but on the ACT scale, it is a solid
improvement (the equivalent of 100-120 points on the SAT).

For the 32+ Club…

Let’s say you have a student who is starting at a 32, which already puts her in the 98th
percentile, and she wants to claw her way a little higher in the ranks…. to a 33, a 34, maybe even
a 35. At this level, there’s almost no room for error. These students may need anywhere from six
weeks to six months to make these jumps, and I would suggest practice tests every single
weekend if they are at the higher end of this range. I also suggest personalized prep if possible
(rather than a structured class) where the student can control what is covered. This could be
with an in-person tutor or online.

At this level, students just need to figure out what their personal weaknesses are
and target them.

Remember that ACT prep always works best when it is comfortably built into a student’s life like
any other class or activity. Cramming is a terrible idea and so is starting prep in preschool. You
can help students figure out a target score, determine how long they need to prep to make that
number happen, and get them started on the path to accomplishing their goals :).
Why Students Should Take the ACT Junior Year

We’ve already covered when students should take the ACT on a high level, but now we’d like to
take a more opinionated approach. As a team who has years of experience tutoring the ACT,
we’ve come to the conclusion that students who take the test junior year are better off. They
end up with better scores, they have an easier time applying to college, and they get more sleep.

And what teenager couldn’t get behind more sleep?

So, while our conclusion isn’t scientifically-based (we didn’t have a control group filled with
unfortunate students who had to take the test two weeks before college apps or not at all), we
stand firmly by it. Plus, the test makers agree with us, so you know we must be on the right

Without any further ado, here are our top five reasons why students should take the ACT junior

1. They’ll be well-prepared

By the time junior year rolls around, students will be well into the coursework required to get a
good score on the ACT. High-level math concepts like trigonometry, logarithms, and the
quadratic formula will be old hat by junior year. So, when students encounter these concepts on
the ACT, they won’t be panicked by new information and strange symbols.

Also, for most students, junior year is the most rigorous year of high school. Although they may
be feeling overwhelmed by AP and honors classes, extracurricular activities, volunteer hours,
sports, etc., they’ll have the advantage of already being in study mode. They’ll be used to
tackling long reading and math assignments each night. Plus, students will be used to taking
standardized tests and thinking critically about challenging problems. There is no better time to
take the ACT.

2. They’ll have the opportunity to re-test

It’s not hard to imagine a student taking the ACT and falling short of their goal score. It happens
to a lot of students the first time they take the test. Maybe they didn’t prepare at all (and the
score reflects this), they had a bad day, or they just missed that goal score by a few points.

Now, imagine that these students’ college applications are due in two months and they don’t
have time to take the test again. That’s very overwhelming, and not how you want your students
to enter college app season.

Whatever the reason for a student’s lower-than-desired score, taking the ACT junior year allows
them to avoid this unfortunate situation. They can always take the test a second time junior
year, or spend the summer studying and then schedule a retake for fall of senior year. This time
around, students will (hopefully) know their strengths and weaknesses, and will be able to
structure ACT prep accordingly.

3. They’ll have the opportunity to take the SAT

Maybe the ACT isn’t a student’s test. Some students prefer the ACT to the SAT, but the reverse is
also true. If a studetn takes the ACT and completely bombs the math and science sections, but
does well on the reading and writing sections, he might be more of an SAT person.

The SAT and ACT aren’t just scored differently – they are pretty different exams in a lot of ways.
The ACT tests students on science (more like data interpretation, really) and harder math.

Students who are naturally better at one test than the other will need to give themselves time to
take both. Preferably not back to back.

4. Students will have their scores before deciding where to apply to college

Having a student’s ACT scores in-hand before helping them make a college list is invaluable.
Maybe they’ll score higher than their goal and will have more options than anticipated. Or,
maybe they’ll have to hedge their bets by applying to a safer safety school. Either way, students
will be making their college lists with realistic expectations.

5. Students won’t be cramming senior year

First semester, senior year can be overwhelming. Aside from the normal course load students
are taking on, there’s the looming stress of college applications.

Students are often taking some of their most challenging courses while taking on leadership
roles for sports teams and joining clubs, and participating in extracurricular activities. On top of
that, students are making college lists and prepping applications. Students can underestimate
the toll that this type of stress can take on them. Guiding them towards taking the ACT in their
junior year can provide a much needed break by not adding the ACT to an already long list of

How to Study for the ACT

Students approach test prep from a wide variety of perspectives. Some are self-motivated and
have been planning for their college applications since middle school, while others are facing
pressure from family to get cracking. Others may be all but oblivious about the need to prepare
for the ACT.

Regardless of where students are in their test prep timeline or what their attitude
towards the test is, standardized test preparation can essentially be boiled down
into the following three categories:

1. Knowledge Review

2. Test Prep Strategy

3. Practice Tests

Let’s take a look at each of these in a little more detail:

Knowledge Review

There are going to be concepts tested by the ACT that students haven’t studied in a long time,
haven’t studied ever, or never fully understood when they did study them. Some of these might
be quick fixes (“Oh right, that’s the formula for the area of a trapezoid”); some might take a lot
more work (“The last time I read a book was…..ummmm……”) As students begin their ACT prep,
you should start by diagnosing their weaknesses. Take care of as many of the “quick fixes” as
possible and determine where it’s necessary to put in the extra work on the bigger issues like
improving reading comprehension or time management. Depending on how much time your
students have, you may need to prioritize based on what is fastest and easiest for you (and
them!) to tackle. And nothing boosts confidence like a quick score bump!

Test Prep Strategy

There’s a reason why there are so many prep books, classes, websites, and tutors out there. It’s
because the ACT is something that can be learned. For a student to get the best score they can
on the ACT, he need to know not only what it tests, but how it tests. Test prep resources can
teach students how to use the structure of the test to their advantage. They can learn how to
substitute numbers to make an algebra problem easier to solve. They can learn to recognize
answer choices that are too broad or too narrow on the ACT Reading test. It’ important that they
treat the ACT like any other subject or skill and study specifically for it.

Practice Tests

There’s no getting around it. Students must practice under conditions as close to the test as
possible. Whether this means taking complete practice tests (which students should definitely
do) or individual timed sections, it’s crucial that students learn how to develop the endurance
the test requires, manage their time, and deal with distractions. The only way to truly feel
prepared for the test is to take the test. This makes The Real ACT Prep Guide (which includes
past official ACT exams) a student’s best friend, in addition to the other practice test resources
you are providing to them.

Studying for the ACT doesn’t have to be overwhelming as long as students understand how to
break down the task into manageable chunks. So if you’re helping students develop a study plan,
make sure it includes work in each of these three categories, and you are bound to see
improvements in their scores!

Four out of the five tests that make up the ACT are multiple choice: ACT English, ACT Math, ACT
Reading, and ACT Science. The most challenging aspect of the test overall is managing the pacing
within each section so students get can to as many of the multiple choice questions as possible.
Here are our top tips to make sure students complete all of the questions on test day!

1. Beware of the middle!

Students usually find that time starts to run away from them when they start seeing harder
questions that they refuse to “give up” on. Let students know that this isn’t like a class test –
they don’t need let a few hard questions ruin their chance to finish all of them. A good rule is
that if students are spending more than 2 minutes on a single question, it’s time to guess and
move on. Tip #2:Always do the easiest questions first.

2. Rushing to finish the ACT English Test? Pick “OMIT”!

The ACT hates redundancy and wordiness, so a shorter answer choice is always better as long as
it doesn’t 1) change the meaning of the sentence in a way that doesn’t make sense, or 2)
introduce a new grammar error.

3. Learn the most commonly tested grammar errors.

Knowing the usage of proper punctuation and grammar will help students move quickly through
the English test. A great place to start is the red Official Guide’s section on ACT English!

4. Don’t leave any questions blank!

Students need to remember that there’s no wrong answer penalty on the ACT test, so if they
feel the clock ticking down and they’ve still not been able to get to the last few questions, it’s
always a good idea to bubble something in on the answer grid!

5. Science leave your students scared? Do the shortest passages first!

Many students are intimidated but the ACT Science Test. Students can complete the passages in
any order. The Data Representation passages tend to be less “text-heavy.” For those who are
slow readers but better at interpreting pictures should start with these. Completing practice
science sections will help students become more familiar with topics tested on the ACT Science

6. Ask questions during the ACT Reading passages.

Questions such as, “What’s the author’s point of view?”, “What is the function of each
paragraph?” and “What is the main point of the whole passage?” are invaluable to help students
answer the questions. Even better? Students who take notes as they go will move through the
ACT Reading test questions much more quickly.

7. Write down a prediction for the right answer.

Before students look at the Reading answer choices, they can use the passage to predict their
own answers. Then they can match the prediction to the answer choices. This will save time
weighing all the choices. They should match their prediction and move on!

8. Bring a familiar calculator.

ACT test day is not the place to try out a brand new calculator, or to borrow one from a friend.
Students should opt to use a calculator that they already know how to use.

9. Looking for the main idea of an English passage? Re-read the title!

For those ACT English questions that ask about the purpose or function of a paragraph, students
should go back and re-read the title of the passage. Every ACT English passage has one, and it’s a
great clue to find the main idea!

10. Be familiar with the test format.

Students should always be aware of how many questions they have left! The number of
questions per section never changes, and part of preparing for the ACT is knowing its format cold
and practicing.
• The ACT English Test has 75 test questions.

• The ACT Math test has 60 questions.

• The ACT Reading Test has 40 test questions

• The ACT Science test has 40 test questions.

11. Do a favorite type of Science passage first.

There is no rule that states students must do the ACT Science passages in the order in which
they are presented, so if a student isn’t a fan of Research Summaries, she can skip it and do the
Data Rep and Conflicting Viewpoints first. Using this test strategy doesn’t mean students won’t
answer those questions, it just means they can always come back to them at the end.

11. Take 10 minutes to plan out the essay before writing it.

A high level of organization is essential to better scores on the ACT Writing section. If students
don’t take this time to plan, they run the risk of rambling, contradicting themselves, or going off

12. Stressed out over a hard ACT Math question? Skip it!

Similar to tip #1, students don’t need to get bogged down in the middle of the ACT Math Test as
the questions get more challenging. If they are stuck on a particularly hard test question, they
need to mark it for later. Remember the rule? Students shouldn’t spend more than 2 minutes on
any one Math Test question. Bad ACT scores often result from students who linger too long in
the middle of the test and do not finish.

13. Finishing early is simply extra time to double check work.

Students who finish early need to go back and check their work, not to take a nap! While it’s
important to avoid second-guessing to the extreme, re-checking work on the medium-hard level
test questions is a good idea. Help students start practicing this tactic when they work on their
ACT practice tests, and they will be more likely to naturally apply this strategy on test day!
Common ACT Mistakes

If we had a nickel for every time a student hit his or her forehead and exclaimed, “Aaah! That
was a stupid mistake!” we’d have…. a lot of nickels. Nothing is more frustrating than knowing a
student could have correctly solved a problem, but instead made a silly error and lost that

Here are some of the most common mistakes students make on the ACT so you can be on guard.

On the Test Overall


Most students struggle with time on at least one section of the ACT. Rushing to get to every
single question is not necessarily a good idea if students are making careless mistakes along the
way. Focusing all of their attention on only three-quarters of the questions, or even two-thirds,
may in fact get students their best scores.

Not bubbling in answers for everything.

There’s no penalty for guessing on the ACT, so it’s a real shame to not get some points for lucky

On the English Test

Avoiding “No Change.”

Some students think answer choices like “No change” are traps, but this is not true, particularly
on the ACT English section. The vast majority of questions have “No change” as a potential
answer, and it is just as likely to be correct as any other answer choice.

Not reading the entire sentence.

The ACT often asks a question about one small part of a really long, complex sentence. Make
sure students read their answer choices into the entire sentence–there may be a punctuation
mark that doesn’t work with an answer, or the answer may inadvertently create redundancy or a
sentence fragment.

Answering questions on the entire passage or paragraph too soon.

Sometimes questions that pertain to a whole paragraph or passage appear before students have
gotten through the entire thing. It’s important that students skip these questions and save them
for last once they have read everything.

On the Math Test

Not answering the right question.

Students often get caught up in calculations and forget that the question asked for the value of
2y instead of y. A good strategy for them: Circle what the question is asking for and double-check
before answering.

Not using the calculator enough.

Students are allowed to use a calculator, so they should use it for all but the simplest
calculations. It’s easy to make a mistake dividing 84 by 6 with long division; they are less likely to
do that on a calculator. If a student has a graphing calculator, she can also use the graphing
function to solve some coordinate geometry problems or the sin, cos, tan buttons to solve trig

Not writing down work.

A good strategy is to use hypothetical numbers to help solve a word problem. However, students
need to make sure to write down the numbers they are using. The last thing they’ll want to do is
get to the solution and forget the original numbers they had used. Or if they are plugging
negative numbers into an algebra equation, they should make sure to use parentheses so they
don’t forget about the signs. For example: x = -6 and y = 14 – x, write y = 14 – (-6).

On the Reading Test

Inferring too much.

The ACT is very literal. Most of the answers will be directly stated in the passage. If they aren’t,
then the ACT only wants students to make teeny tiny inferences, not grand leaps in thinking.
Students who find themselves rationalizing how an answer could be true should stop. They’re
going down the wrong path.

Not noticing transitions.

If there is a change in perspective or a new counterargument or direction introduced, the ACT

will almost always ask about it, so students should be familiar with and note those transition
words and phrases.

Answering questions in order.

The Reading questions are all mixed together. If students can’t figure out the answer to one,
they can skip it and come back to it after answering the others on the same passage; they may
stumble upon the answer as they work through the other questions.

On the Science Test

Mixing up labels and data.

The ACT Science test will often use multiple charts, diagrams, and figures that include the same
or similar information. Students should be careful to always make sure to look at the right table
or the right line on a line graph.

Not noticing NOT and EXCEPT in the questions.

Sometimes it seems like putting words in all caps is a signal for students’ brains to ignore them
rather than notice them. Teach students that when they see “NOT” or “EXCEPT” in a question,
they should circle it, draw arrows to it, whatever it takes for them to remember they are looking
for what doesn’t fit, not what does.
On the Essay

Not addressing all three perspectives.

Students have to address all three perspectives; the prompt says so. If they don’t, they will lose
quite a few points.

Not having an argument.

It’s easy for students to focus too much on the analyzing the perspectives part and forget that
the most important thing is to present their own perspective. This means that they need to have
a thesis statement and should be supporting it throughout. Students’ theses need to present an
argument. (A good test is for them to ask themselves if someone could disagree with their
argument. If not, it’s not an arguable thesis.)

Straying too far from the question.

The ACT essay question always gives students the option to “present a different point of view”
on the topic. For all but the strongest writers, I strongly advise against this. It’s too easy for
students to go off-topic, which will get them a very low score. The best strategy is to stick with
agreeing with one of the provided perspectives.

Introduction to ACT Scores

When students receive their ACT score reports, they’ll look something like this:


So, as you can see, there is quite a bit going on.

Let’s break down what’s important:

Composite Score

The overall composite score is the most important number on the report. The composite score
can range from 1 to 36, and it is an average of the individual scaled scores received on the four
multiple-choice sections of the test.
So, let’s say a student scored a 24 on English, 19 on Math, 23 on Reading, and 18 on Science, his
overall composite score would be a 21.

The ACT does round its averages. This means that if the exact calculation of an average worked
out to 20.5, the test would round up to a 21. If an average worked out to 20.25, however, the
student would receive a 20.

Scaled Scores

But what do these numbers even mean? How does a student get an 18 or 21 or 36? This is
where it gets a little more complicated.

When scoring, the ACT takes the raw score (the exact number of correct answers)
on a section and converts it to a scaled score of 1 to 36.

The exact relationship between raw score and scaled score varies slightly between tests. So, for
example, a raw score of 54 questions right on the English might yield a 22 on one test and a 24
on another. This is because the difficulty level can vary a bit between tests. The ACT uses a
process called equating to hash this out: it measures a student’s results against the results of all
the other students who took the same test, as well as against some other factors.

Using scaled scores instead of raw scores or percentages means that the ACT can assure colleges
that a student’s score can accurately be compared to any other version of the test given. In other
words, a 28 on one test should mean the same thing as a 28 on another test.

Unless a student orders the Test Information Release service (available in December, April, and
June), the ACT won’t reveal the raw score, so ultimately the precise relationship between the
actual number of questions answered correctly and the 1 to 36 score will remain a mystery.


The percentages next to the scores compare a student to others who have taken the ACT, so
they can see where they rank among other test takers. If the percentile ranking is 73%, that
means the student did the same or better than 73% of test takers. Not too shabby.

The ACT will also provide students with subscores on the English, Math, and Reading sections.
Subscores tell students how well they did on different question types. The ACT has its own
formula for calculating these subscores, so the numbers listed here are relatively useless to
students. What is useful, however, are the percentages for these subscores. A student who
scored better than 88% of test takers on Pre-Algebra/Elementary Algebra, but only better than
37% of test takers on Plane Geometry/Trigonometry will know that she needs to work on her
advanced geometry and trig.

Writing Score

For those who took the optional essay, they will receive an essay score between 1 and 36, which
is a combined scaled score from two different graders who score students on four different
“writing domains”. Students will also receive what is called an English Language Arts score, which
is a score combining a student’s performance on the multiple choice English section and the
Writing test.

Receiving A Score Report

When will students get an ACT score report? The short answer is 2-8 weeks after taking the test.
Yep, you read that right. Sometime between two weeks and two months from when students
take the test. Though, to be honest, they’ll probably receive their scores within a month. The
ACT just gives a long range of dates in case something unexpected happens.
The Difference Between a Student’s Score Report and the School Report

The score report students receive will be different from the report that gets sent to your high
school, which is different from the one that’s sent to the colleges or scholarship programs that
students are applying to.

There are three types of ACT score reports:

1. Student Report

The report that students receive from The ACT is called a Student Report. They’ll be able
to access it online, through their ACT Web account. It’ll include their ACT scores (by test
and combined), as well as college and career information.

2. High School Report

The report that the high school receives is called a High School Report. Not a very
inspired name, but it gets the job done. This report includes all the same information
that’s in the Student Report, plus an image of any essays from students who chose to
take the ACT Plus Writing test.

3. College Report

Finally, there’s the College Report, which students will eventually need to send to each
university or scholarship agency that they apply to. The College Report is a bit different
from the Student and High School Reports, in that it contains additional information.

The ACT College Report includes ACT scores, an image of the ACT Plus Writing
essay, the grades students reported on up to 30 courses in high school, and
predictions for a student’s performance in specific college programs and courses.

Yeah, it’s pretty serious.

Scoring Student Practice Tests

If students are using official practice tests from the ACT, they should find a chart at the back of
the test that shows them how to convert a raw score to a scaled score specific to that test. If you
and your students don’t have that, you can use the raw to scaled ACT score chart in the next
section to give you a rough idea of how students are performing. But be aware that tests from
other companies don’t always match up exactly with the ACT in terms of difficulty, so take any
results you obtain this way with a grain of salt.

Sending Score Reports

When students register for the ACT, they can select up to four schools to receive their score
reports. The advantage of this is that these first four score reports are free. The disadvantage is
that students’ scores are going to be sent before they have a chance to see them. If students
have the means to wait, I recommend waiting to look at scores first, and then decide to send a
paid score report to selected colleges once students know what those scores look like. That way
if students are unhappy with their scores, they have control over the situation.
Score Conversion Chart

As students take full-length ACT practice tests, you’ll need to find a way to convert students raw
scores on each section into the type of scaled score that they’ll receive on the actual ACT. That
way, you can compare student practice test scores to their goal ACT scores and see how much
your students are improving!

Every official ACT test has its own chart that converts raw scores to scores on the 1 to 36 point
scale, but if you find yourself in need of a rough estimate for a practice test, or if you simply want
an estimate of many questions students need to get right to get a certain score, the following
official ACT test score chart can help.

The chart below presents the raw scores on ACT Tests 1-4 (English, Mathematics, Reading, and
Science), with their equivalent scaled scores in the left- and right-most columns.

Raw ACT Scores and Scaled ACT Scores:

(Because the Reading and Science sections have fewer questions, sometimes missing a question
causes the scaled score to go down two points instead of one, hence the reason for the dashes on
the chart. This is true on all ACT tests, although where the “dashes” fall will vary).

Scaled Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Scaled
Score English Math Reading Science Score

36 75 59-60 40 40 36

35 73-74 57-58 39 39 35

34 71-72 55-56 38 38 34

33 70 54 – 37 33
32 69 53 37 – 32

31 68 52 36 36 31

30 67 50-51 35 35 30

29 66 49 34 34 29

28 64-65 47-48 33 33 28

27 62-63 45-46 32 31-32 27

26 60-61 43-44 31 30 26

25 58-59 41-42 30 28-29 25

24 56-57 38-40 29 26-27 24

23 53-55 36-37 27-28 24-25 23

22 51-52 34-35 26 23 22

21 48-50 33 25 21-22 21

20 45-47 31-32 23-24 19-20 20

19 42-44 29-30 22 17-18 19

18 40-41 27-28 20-21 16 18

17 38-39 24-26 19 14-15 17

16 35-37 19-23 18 13 16

15 33-34 15-18 16-17 12 15

14 30-32 12-14 14-15 11 14

13 29 10-11 13 10 13

12 27-28 8-9 11-12 9 12

11 25-26 6-7 9-10 8 11

10 23-24 5 8 7 10

9 20-22 4 7 6 9

8 17-19 – 6 5 8

7 14-16 3 5 4 7

6 11-13 – 4 3 6

5 9-10 2 3 – 5

4 6-8 – – 2 4

3 5 1 2 1 3

2 3-4 – 1 – 2

1 0-2 0 0 0 1
Average ACT Scores

In such a numbers-obsessed world, it’s easy for students to become obsessed with comparing
their “numbers” to those of others. Who has more Instagram followers? Who has the better
GPA? Who can eat the most Peeps in 30 seconds?

With that in mind, it’s easy to understand why students want to know how their test scores
compare to average ACT scores, although there is not always an easy answer.

First, the typical answer…

Average ACT Scores by the Numbers:

In 2014, US students averaged a composite score of 21.0 on the ACT, broken down like this:

Composite English Math Reading Science

21.0 20.3 20.9 21.3 20.8

Keep in mind that these numbers are being drawn from an incredibly large pool of students
(over 1.8 million, to be exact) each of whom is taking the ACT for different reasons: because it
counts as their high school assessment, because they are trying to get into Harvard, because
their parents made them, because they couldn’t think of anything better to do on a Saturday

So it’s really not all that helpful.

A Better Answer:

To get a better idea of how a student’s scores compare to an average ACT score, it’s better to
look at a smaller pool of students.

●First of all, look at average ACT scores for your state.

Although you will find that scores don’t vary drastically between states, you may live in a slightly
less or more competitive one.

●Look at average ACT scores for your school.

Many students can access this data on their high school’s “Profile” sheet. This might be posted
on your school’s website or you can ask your college counseling department for it. In fact, this is
a really crucial piece of paper. Did you know that this is the cheat sheet colleges use to
understand how your high school compares with other high schools and how you compare with
your fellow students? So, yeah, you might want to have it too.

An Even Better Answer:

You need to know how a student’s ACT scores compare to the average ACT scores
at the colleges or universities they are targeting.

You can typically find average test scores directly on admissions websites. But if a student
doesn’t have a college list yet (or even if he does), I highly recommend doing some exploratory
searches on College Navigator, a great free tool you can use to find the average test scores at
any U.S. college or university along with a ton of other useful statistics.

Some colleges are still stuck in the stone ages of only publishing average SAT scores, but if this is
the case, students can easily convert this SAT score to an ACT score to see where their scores
shake out.

The Magoosh Answer:

True, a student’s ACT score can be a very important factor in determining college admissions. So
make sure to help arm them with all of the above facts and figures before helping them set their
ACT goals. It’s also important to keep in mind that ACT scores are only one part of a student is as
an applicant–most have lots of other talents, both quantifiable and unquantifiable, to offer a
SAT to ACT Score Conversion

How Do You Convert an ACT Score to an SAT

If you have student scores from the SAT that you wish to convert to ACT scores, you can use
our ACT to Old SAT to New SAT Score Conversion Chart.

A Handy Tool! → If you are feeling too lazy to look at a chart or graph, you can plug your ACT or
SAT scores (or practice test scores) into the College Board’s Score Converter app and presto! Your
score will be converted.

How Accurate is the ACT to SAT Score

The ACT and SAT worked together in 2005 to study all of the graduating seniors who took both
tests and developed concordance charts out of that study.

But SAT scoring has changed with the new SAT. The College Board and ACT have not yet
collaborated on a study comparing new SAT and ACT scores.

Still, what you in the ACT to Old SAT to New SAT Score Conversion Chart is official information
from the College Board. Colleges will need to use something to compare test scores for students,
and it is our guess they are going to use these charts. But if something happens in the meantime,
we will keep you posted!

You’ll notice that there are jumps in scores provided for the SAT for each ACT score point. This is
because the SAT has more score points (1600, to be exact, in increments of 10), whereas the ACT
has only 36. So if you’re looking at an ACT score of 28, you could assume this equates roughly to
an SAT score of 1320, but really it could be anywhere between 1300 and 1350.

However, students should always keep in mind that the ACT and the SAT are very different tests.
These concordance tables are a convenience not a fact. Some may be more naturally adept at
one test or the other. It’s certainly not unusual for a student’s scores to vary significantly
between the tests, so for those who are just starting, or in the midst, of exam preparation, it is a
good idea to check out both tests to see which test suits them best.
Avoid Score Drama

Obviously, studying for the ACT is no piece of cake. But the obnoxious drama that surrounds the
whole process can make it nearly unbearable. Here are our top tips for helping students to avoid
catfights, gossip and more:

Don’t have students check scores around their peers

We can advise against this from personal experience: tears because some students got lower
scores than their friends; guilt over higher scores. It’s always a bad scene.

Moral of the story: make sure you provide students with a private place to be when they check
scores. And message students to not feel pressured to share their scores with friends if they
don’t want to.

People’s responses to scores will vary

If it’s inevitable that students will be around each other when everyone is checking scores, try to
have them focus inwards. Students shouldn’t have to worry about their responses, happy or sad.
Everyone is different, so everyone will have different reactions.

It can be helpful to talk with your students about scores before they come out. For instance, a
student may be enthusiastically happy with what another thinks is a low score. Students should
let each other be. If someone is sobbing over a score that’s higher than average, let them sob.
That’s also their prerogative. Students never know how much work their peers may have put in
to studying, or what kind of emotional stress they are under.

Students shouldn’t spread scores around

To many, ACT scores are private information. Just because a student shares her score with one
person doesn’t mean she wants it to become common knowledge to the whole student body.
News of various students’ scores can be a big source of gossip in high school. But students
shouldn’t care (easier said than done?) Discussing issues around scores ahead of time can help
avoid some of the conflict that may otherwise arise.

Understand context

It doesn’t make sense for students to compare themselves to others because everyone prepares
for the test differently. If someone got a higher score than someone else, it most likely means
that they studied more. Maybe they were able to afford tutoring that others couldn’t. You never

Intro to ACT English

The ACT English Test assesses student knowledge of the conventions of standard written English.
This means their understanding of usage/mechanics issues such as grammar, punctuation, and
sentence structure and also comprehension of rhetorical skills, such effective writing strategy,
organization, and style. The following section will be addressed directly to students, so feel free
to share it with them or simply review for your own benefit!

What to Know:

●It’s the first section of the ACT

●The time limit is 45-minutes

●There are 75 multiple choice questions

What to Study:

●Punctuation (including commas, apostrophes, colons, semicolons, and dashes)

●Subject-verb agreement

●Verb forms and verb agreement

●Pronoun forms and pronoun agreement

●Adjectives and adverbs

●Comparative and superlative modifiers (such as “Magoosh is more fun than my most
entertaining friend.”)

●Idioms (common English phrases or two-part phrases that always go together like “Not
only did Magoosh help me improve my grammar, but also it helped me learn math.”)

●Sentence structure (such as independent and dependent clauses, misplaced modifiers,

run-on sentences and comma splices)

●Effective essay and paragraph organization and clear, concise writing style

What Not to Study:



●Rote memorization of grammar rules (you will be asked to correct grammar, but not
asked to explain why)

●Slang ( is not going to help you here)

Top 3 Tips to Improve Your ACT English Score

Sometimes you just want the quickest and most effective ways to give your ACT score a boost–
maybe it’s the week before the test or maybe you just need a surge of confidence early on in
your test prep. Well, we hear you. Here’s three tips for fast improvement:

Tip 1: Read well before and after the underlined portion

This is both a rookie mistake and a veteran one (heck, even we do it when we’re not being
careful). Many times an answer choice will seem just fine in the part of the sentence where it is,
but it is not fine in the grander scheme of things. Something earlier in the same sentence, or–
even trickier–something later in the following sentences may make this answer choice incorrect.
So make sure you are vigilant!

Tip 2: Learn Punctuation

There are SO many punctuation questions on this test. Around 20% of the questions have
something to do with commas alone, so you can see huge gains by studying the major
punctuation marks: commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, and dashes.

Tip 3: Be Concise

The correct answer is often the shortest one, particularly on questions that provide different
phrasing options for a portion of a sentence. It is not always correct, so you need to be careful to
check for errors, but when in doubt, keep it short and simple. Generally speaking, the ACT really
likes for you to choose the answer that states things in the simplest, most direct manner.
Usage and Mechanics Questions



The rules governing commas can be tricky; often, there’s some flexibility for your personal style.
For the ACT, the “style” rules either have one “right” answer or are just not tested.

So, for our purposes here, it’s easiest to think of commas as separators: they point out
information that, for whatever reason, needs to be set apart from the rest of the sentence. Here
are some examples to show you what I mean.


Here, the commas are separating the individual items in a list of three or more items:

Othello didn’t realize that Iago was conniving, two-faced, and evil.

See those commas there? They’re pointing out all of Iago’s finer qualities, of which Othello is
unaware. We have to use commas to separate them or the end of the sentence would be a bit of
a mushy mess.

(Note: the comma before the “and” is called the “Oxford comma.” In real life, the Oxford comma
is largely a matter of style, but it can make certain sentences clearer. On the ACT, always include
the Oxford comma in lists. It’s unlikely that an Oxford comma will be the only difference between
two answer choices, but the ACT prefers it, so, as far as the test is concerned, so should you!)


You use a comma to separate two adjectives when the word “and” could be inserted between

Romeo’s choice to take poison was a rash, foolish decision.

(It was a rash and foolish decision. The comma is necessary.)

Hamlet was a sad young man.

(Hamlet was a sad and young man? No, that sounds odd. Don’t use a comma here.)

Additional (Parenthetical) Information

Let’s say I’m telling you a story about a guy named James. Here’s my beginning:

James is rather fond of “Slim Jim’s.”

A simple enough sentence, no? But it leaves us with a major unanswered question: Who is
James? Clearly, he must be someone I know, or I wouldn’t be able to discuss his dietary
preferences, but I haven’t told you who he is or how I know him.

Well, James is my cousin. I know he likes “Slim Jim’s” because we’re family. I need to put that
information into the sentence to satisfy my readers’ burning curiosity about James. I could
rephrase it to say “My cousin James is rather fond of ‘Slim Jim’s’,” and it would be 100%
grammatical, or I could do this:

James, my cousin, is rather fond of “Slim Jim’s.”

The difference here is one of style, and neither one is “more right” than the other. However, if
I’m going to include the information that James is my cousin after I introduce his name, I need to
separate it in commas.

The two-commas rule works in many cases. If the extra information isn’t grammatically
necessary to the sentence, you can separate it with two — only and always two — commas. (You
can also use dashes or parentheses for a similar effect. Again, it’s a style thing, and differences in
style won’t be tested on the ACT.)

Here’s another example:

James is rather fond of “Slim Jim’s.” My aunt, however, would rather starve than eat
The sentence would be perfectly understandable without the word “however,” but I wanted to
include it anyway. It’s additional information, a non-essential word. Therefore, I separate it with
two commas.


This point is closely related to the last one. If you’re starting a sentence with a transition or other
introductory word or phrase, separate it from the rest of the sentence with a comma.

In my life, I’ve made many mistakes. Very few of them were grammatical.


In case you don’t remember or were never taught, here’s a quick run-down on clauses, phrases,
and the differences between the two. Don’t worry, it’s mostly painless.

● Phrases are groups of related words that don’t have a subject or verb.

(Examples: “over the rainbow,” “singing in the rain,” “a tale as old as time,” etc.)

● Clauses are groups of related words that do have a subject and verb. They come in two

Independent clauses are complete sentences.

(Examples: “I think I’ll try defying gravity,” “The sun’ll come out tomorrow, etc.)

Dependent clauses have a subject and verb, but are not complete sentences.

(Examples: “under the sea,” “if I only had a brain,” etc.)

Independent – Dependent

You can use commas to separate independent clauses from dependent clauses. Usually, a
dependent clause will have a subordinating conjunction at the beginning. Sadly, there are too
many subordinating conjunctions to list them all, but here are some of the most common ones:

until, if, since, because, although, once, as, when, where, why, before, than, that, though,
If you see these words (or similar ones) at the beginning of a clause, that clause is dependent
and needs an independent clause to be a complete sentence. An example for you (and bonus
points if you can name that musical):

Once I’m with the Wizard, my whole life will change.

(dependent clause) (independent clause)

The word “once” in this sentence is the subordinating conjunction. The clause that has the word
“once” in it is the dependent clause, so it leans on the other half to make one complete,
grammatically correct sentence.

Independent – Independent

In one and only one situation, you can use a comma to separate two independent clauses. This is
only permissible if you have a coordinating conjunction immediately following the comma.

If we just made your brain seize up with the grammatical jargon there, don’t worry! We have a
nifty mnemonic for you. A coordinating conjunction is one of your FANBOYS:








You can use a comma and one of your FANBOYS to separate two complete sentences. Make sure
you’re using the right FANBOYS for your situation, and you will never ever need more than one in
a row. (We’re looking at you, students who use “but yet” in sentences! One or the other will do!)

Here’s a few examples:

Most students find grammar dull, so I try to spice it up a bit with silly pop culture

I always enjoyed grammar, but I understand why some people might not.

Did you want to continue talking about commas, or should we discuss something else?


The colon ( : ) is a fairly straightforward punctuation mark. The rules for colon usage are clear-
cut and don’t leave much room for error. Master these, and the day is yours!

Colons are used after independent clauses (a.k.a. “complete sentences”) in four
situations. You can remember them by remembering the letters LEQ.

No, it doesn’t mean “for the way you look at me,” like in one of our favorite songs. Here, the L
stands for list. You use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a series of items.

I have three things on my to-do list for this summer: sitting, loafing, and goofing off.

The E stands for explanation. You can use a colon after a complete sentence to expand on what
you’re talking about.

This I know: Do or do not. There is no ‘try.’ – Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

While I was in Ireland, I had heaven in a cup: a Cadbury “Flake” bar in vanilla ice cream.

The Q stands for quote. You can use a colon to introduce a quotation.

Well, it’s like Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “I hate quotations.”

Semicolons are great. They’re our favorite punctuation mark—no, seriously. They’re
sophisticated; use them properly, and people will be impressed at your mastery of the English

Here are the rules for semicolons:

●Use a semicolon to separate two closely related independent sentences. When we say
“closely related,” we mean that they clearly belong as part of the same thought. The two
sentences are grammatically complete, but make much more sense when joined

With educated people, I suppose, punctuation is a matter of rule; with me it is a matter of feeling.
But I must say I have a great respect for the semi-colon; it’s a useful little chap. – Abraham

●Use a semicolon to separate items in a list that already contain commas. In this
example, the narrator is meeting with three people. If we hadn’t used semicolons, you
might think the narrator was meeting five people.

Clear version: I have a meeting with Donna Jones, the school principal; Ms. Hawkins, my
daughter’s English teacher; and Jim Jackman, the volleyball coach.

Unclear version: I have a meeting with Donna Jones, the school principal, Ms. Hawkins, my
daughter’s English teacher, and Jim Jackman, the volleyball coach.


Before we start talking about this, we need some clarity of language. A hyphen ( – ) is often used
to join words together. We’ll talk about those later in this section. A dash ( — ) is a versatile and
often dramatic punctuation mark, and since it’s more fun to talk about, we’ll discuss it first.

There are actually two different kinds of dashes. The en dash, which is slightly shorter, and the
em dash, which is the one you can see in the previous paragraph. The good news is that the ACT
isn’t going to test you on the differences between the two. You will only be tested on the rules of
the em dash, which is what we’ll cover here.

There are three major uses for the em dash, and they’re fairly straightforward.

●Use an em dash to show a change in flow in the middle of a sentence. Here, a pair of
em dashes set off additional information in the same way commas or parentheses would.

Critics of the Pokémon video game franchise—also known as people who have no fun—say that
each game in the series feels exactly the same.

(Note: The difference here is style only, so you won’t have a question on the ACT that will ask
you to choose from among dashes, commas, or parentheses. You may be asked to make sure
that they are used in pairs or that the additional information really needs to be separated from
the rest of the sentence.)

●Use an em dash to introduce an explanation in the same way you would use a colon.
Remember: always make sure you have an independent clause before the colon or em

I’m not a big fan of Skyrim—if I can’t figure out where the story is going in the first hour, then I
don’t want to play the game!

●Use an em dash to indicate a change in thought or a humorous or dramatic addition to

the sentence.

Pac-Man, at its core, is a game about consuming food pellets and pieces of fruit while trying to
outrun beings who are out to destroy you—sounds like a typical day in high school to me!

Wait! What About Hyphens?

Oh. Right. I promised you we’d talk about those.

Well, to be honest, the ACT isn’t really going to test you much on hyphen usage. You should
know the rules anyway, just in case it comes up, but it’s not one of their favorite topics.
Use a hyphen to join two or more adjectives together when they act as a single idea and come
before the noun they modify.

●a 5-page paper

●a one-year-old girl

●an all-too-common mistake

●a friendly-looking dog (remember, even though it ends in -ly, “friendly” is an adjective!)

Don’t use a hyphen when you have an adjective and an adverb before a noun. Adverbs can’t
modify nouns, so it’s already clear without the hyphen.

●Katie was terribly tired.

●Danny was really generous.

Use a hyphen for all spelled-out numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine and fractions.

●one-third of high school students

●seventy-six trombones

Use a hyphen for most compound last names.

●Lady Guinevere Hopkins-Drake will attend the soirée.

Use a hyphen for some compound nouns.



Subject-Verb Agreement

When working on any type of ACT English question, you should be watching for verbs that are
underlined. Of course, part of the reason for that is that the ACT tests tense problems, but
there’s also the matter of subject-verb agreement.

What does subject-verb agreement mean?

Let’s look at some simple examples. Which is correct?

Rihanna win hot-dog eating competitions all the time.

Rihanna wins hot-dog eating competitions all the time.

The verb “win” has to match up with the subject of the sentence, Rihanna, which means it has to
have an “s” at the end, like in the second sentence. Even if you think these sentences sound
alright without the “s”, they’re not proper English; you can’t write them like that—definitely not
on the ACT.

If the subject is singular (he, it, the pope, white-pepper ice cream), then it needs a singular verb
(does, was, is prancing, has congealed).

If the subject is plural (they, we, the Spice Girls), then it needs a plural verb (do, are speeding,
have mutated).

Subjects separated from their verbs

The verb may not be next to its subject like it is in the examples above. Instead, it might be
separated by a pretty big chunk of text.

The results of the contest, hotly debated by the members of the audience, was announced
soon after the first contestant became sick.

If you haven’t already noticed the problem there, take a look at the verb “was announced.” Can
you find the subject that it refers to? It’s all the way back at the beginning of the sentence.

Since that subject—the results—is plural, the verb should be “were announced.”
Neither, either, everyone, everything, and each are singular

Some nouns aren’t so clear in number. “Everything” sounds like a lot, right? So it should be
plural, right? Well, no.

All of the words listed above refer to the individual pieces of a group. The verbs that get paired
with them will also be singular to reflect that.

✗ Neither of us think that competitive eating is a good career choice for pop singers.

✓Neither of us thinks…

✗ Everyone who watched the show were simultaneously entranced and disgusted.

✓Everyone who watched the show was…

These can be especially tricky, so keep an eye out.

Automatically check for matches

Every time you see a verb whose subject isn’t immediately obvious, go back and find it in the
sentence. Do it again and again until it’s second nature. It should only take a fraction of a second
by the time you’re doing it on your ACT.
Verb Tense

The Basics: Verb Tenses on the ACT

Are you a native English speaker? If you are, then forget the ACT for a moment and just be
grateful that you don’t have to learn our language, because it’s riddled with some really
complicated verb patterns. Whereas some languages are happy enough to live simpler lives and
only use a few patterns for past, present, and future, English has flashy tastes and likes to
overindulge. Take for example, this sentence:

That stadium will have been being built for three years come May.

There are five words in that verb construction. Five. It’s like a gaudy necklace of helping verbs.
And they’re mostly just there to show when the verb happens.

The good news is that you don’t need to know the names or explanations of English tenses for
the ACT. And there’s no bad news! Instead, there’s actually some more good news.

You already know which tenses are right in ACT English.

To be fair, that’s only really true if you are a native speaker. If you’re not, then we won’t lie: you
do have an extra obstacle to overcome.

But the point is that for English speakers, the different times that different tenses signify are
already hard-wired into your thought patterns. All you have to do on the ACT is make sure the
times given in the sentence are consistent and logical. Any time you see a verb underlined on the
English section, you should check that the tense given feels natural with the times that the rest
of the sentence presents. Do you smell anything fishy in this example?

Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, including the favorite “Indian Camp,” continue to be
highly influential pieces of fiction despite the fact that they have been written over fifty
years ago.

If you do, then you might be onto something. It might be rotten.

The time “over fifty years ago” sounds pretty strange when put next to “have been written.” You
don’t need to know why; you just need to know it’s wrong. When you see that verb underlined,
think twice about the time it refers to.

If there’s a sequence of events, make sure their tenses put them in the right logical order.
“Having just been swimming, Maria smelled like chlorine” makes much more sense than “Having
just been swimming, Maria had smelled like chlorine.”

Speaking of swimming, there’s something else you need to watch out for.

Swim, swam… swammed?

Each English verb has a few basic forms. Kids who learn English in other countries can often
rattle off lists like do/did/done and eat/ate/eaten faster than we native speakers can. And there
are some verbs, like swim, which we get a little confused about at times. Take a look and make
sure you know these sets.








There are countless others, most of which you wouldn’t think twice about. But some of them
might have you making things up in conversation (e.g., “I would’ve swang if I’d known he was
going to keep throwing strikes.”) that the ACT just won’t stand for.

Preparing for ACT English is all about getting into the habit of looking for specific problems
associated with the type of word that’s underlined. If you see a verb underlined, look for one of
the problems above.
The Perfect Tense

Two of the more confusing tenses in English are the present perfect and the past perfect. What
makes them so is both describe continuous actions. To illustrate, let’s take a look at the following

1) Last night, I walked my dog.

2) I have walked Bucky every night for the last two years.

In the first sentence, I am doing the action, ‘walk’, only once. In the second sentence, I am
describing something that has taken place on a number of occasions in the past and continues
on till today (meaning tonight I will most likely walk Bucky).

The first tense is the simple past (if you look at our description it is very simple). The perfect
tenses, on the other hand, aren’t so simple. To show you what we mean, let’s take a look at the
past perfect.

1) Before I moved to California, I had walked Bucky in the mornings, not at nights.

Whenever we use the past perfect, we want to use the following tense:

Past Perfect: Had + Participle (plus another verb in the Simple Past)

Why use past perfect in this sentence? Well, if you notice, we are talking about two events that
happened in the past: my walking Bucky and my moving to California.

Whenever you are dealing with two events in the past, one of which started or
happened before the other, you must use the past perfect tense to describe the
event that started first.

First Event: I walked Bucky in the morning = Past Perfect Construction

Second Event: I moved to California = Simple Past

Another way to think of the past perfect is with specific dates. Let’s say I moved to California in
1984. I walked Bucky every morning from 1981 to 1984. The sentence implies that once I moved
to California I no longer walked Bucky in the morning. That is, an event that happened
repeatedly in the past stopped when another event happened. That interrupting event uses the
simple past.

Now let’s try a couple of practice questions:

1) After she graduated/had graduated from high school, Jessica decided/had decided to
backpack through Europe.

2) Though he studied/had studied the entire weekend, Bobby was only able to get a B-
on his Calculus midterm.

For sentence #1, we have the first event: Jessica graduating. This event must be in the past
perfect tense: had graduated. The more recent event, her deciding to backpack, is in the simple
past: backpacked.

For #2, the first action is the studying, so we need had studied.

Key Points

1.Present Perfect: Has/Have + Participle = describes action/event that happened in the past and
continues in the present.

2. Past Perfect: Had + Participle = describes an action/event in the past that happened before
another action in the past.

3. Whenever we use the past perfect, we must also have another verb in the sentence that is in
the simple past.
ACT Verb Tense Quiz

Do you know your perfect tense from your past tense? Do you know whether you can mix past
tense with present perfect? Below are a few questions to help you hone your grammar chops!

1. Before moving to New York, she has lived in California for five years.

2. Ever since I was a child, the Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie.

3. We waited for Mary for an hour before she had finally shown up.

4. She has been at the top of her class for four consecutive quarters.

5. In 1994, few have known of the Internet; by 2020, few in the developed world will
have been without an Internet connection.

Check your answers on the next page!


1. had lived

We want the past perfect because we are describing an ongoing event in the past that happened
before another event (moving to New York).

2. has been

Present perfect is used to describe an event that started in the past and continues in the

3. had waited…showed up

We need the past perfect to describe the event that happened first: waited. The second event in
the past, takes the simple past.

4. Correct

5. Knew…will be

Simple past is used to refer to an event at a specific point in the past (1994). Simple future is
used to describe an event at a fixed point in the future (in 2020 few will be without an….).

You thought you were safe with your parts of speech once you left the sixth grade. Well, think
again! The ACT English section, while testing advanced grammatical concepts, will try to nail you
on one type of parts of speech: the adverb.

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb or adjective. It usually answers any of the
following questions: How much, how often, and where.

For Example:

• He frequently studied (how often did he do the verb ‘study.’)

• She was extremely displeased (to what extent was she the adjective displeased).

• He was known to run through the mountains (where did he do the verb ‘run’)

The ACT’s focus on the adverb is not that surprising. Few people in everyday speech use adverbs
properly. And when there is a disconnect between the way people speak and the proper way to
speak, you can bet the ACT will test it on a difficult English question.

To see how we can fail to spot the proper use of the adverb, consider the following examples:

Mary yelled to Tina, “Drive safe – it’s wet out there.”

The new PC was the most clever designed computer the market had seen in years.

If you rely on your ear, you will probably think that both sentences are fine as is. When looking
for an adverb in a sentence, determine if there are any words modifying a verb or adverb.

In the first case, the verb is ‘drive.’ The word that modifies ‘drive’ is ‘safe.’ ‘Safe’ is an adjective,
and you cannot modify a verb with an adjective—you need an adverb. To make ‘safe’ an adverb
simply add –ly: Drive safely.

For the second sentence, we need an adverb to describe how a computer is designed. ‘Clever’ is
an adjective. So by adding –ly, we know have an adverb: most cleverly designed computer.

Know your adverbs, and always be on the lookout for them on the ACT English test—they are
very difficult to spot, especially if you rely on your ear.
Adjectives vs. Adverbs

If you did many Madlibs as a kid, you know your parts of speech already. But in case you didn’t,
let’s make the distinction between adjectives and adverbs clear.

Adjective: Modifies a noun. “Big,” “noxious,” and “friendly” are adjectives. (Putting
those words together makes me think of a guy I used to sit next to in chemistry.)

Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb. Some examples are “completely,”

“carefully,” and “soon.” (Those ones, on the other hand, describe how students say
they’ll do their homework.)

How to tell the difference between adjectives and adverbs

The easiest difference to spot is the –ly construction. Adverbs end in –ly, and adjectives don’t.
But wait a minute…looking back at those examples above, you see that’s not always true.
“Friendly” is an adjective; at the same time, “soon” is an adverb. Use –ly just as a rule of thumb.
To be certain, you have to check what the words modify.

If you can do that, the problem is usually pretty easy to spot. But they can be tricky,
sometimes—the test makers always have a trick up their sleeves.

Adjectives with sensation words

The ACT uses adverbs after sensation verbs to make modifier problems that aren’t so blatant. If I
say, “She put her hand on mine because she felt badly,” there’s a problem, however subtle.

In this case, “badly” doesn’t describe the action of feeling. Instead, it describes her emotions. Or
at least, it should. But if we want that to be the case, we have to change it to “bad.”

If you used the words “feel” and “badly” together, it would describe an action the action of
physically feeling something, i.e. touching.
If the words “smell,” “feel,” “taste,” and “look” are followed by an adverb, think twice. Is the
verb supposed to be an action or not?

Allen looked quick. = Allen seemed fast.

Allen looked quickly. = Allen glanced at something.

Subconscious error correction

Sometimes these problems are hard to see not because of anything so tricky as sensation words
but because of our own reading habits. Because the difference between a correct and incorrect
answer is often just two letters (-ly), we sometimes read the sentence wrong, substituting the
correct word for the error.

You may know that “heavy loaded” is wrong, but if you read quickly, you might think it says
“heavily loaded” and miss the problem.

This is why you should always read ACT English questions again if you don’t see a
problem the first time around. Go through systematically, checking each word for
the problems it could create.

If, while going through piece by piece, you come to an adverb or adjective, link it to the word it
should modify and check whether or not you want the –ly.

Here are the two big things you have to know about pronouns. A pronoun refers to a noun in the
sentence. A pronoun can either take the Subject Case or the Object Case.

Mary lent her book to Tom. She told him to return it to her soon.

In these two sentences we have the nouns, Mary and Tom. Instead of repeating Mary and Tom,
we use the pronouns she and he (she for Mary and he for Tom, of course).

Notice that the sentence does not use he but him. If we are talking about the subject of the
sentence and we are referring to Tom, then we want to use he. If Tom is the object of the
sentence, then we want to substitute him. Therefore, he is the subject case and him is the
object case.

For Mary, she is the subject pronoun and her is the object pronoun. Notice how in the second
sentence, the recipient of the action is Mary, which means the pronoun must be in the object
case. So we use her.

Singular Pronouns

I gave Tom an apple. Tom handed it back to me.

I is the first person subject pronoun. Me is the first person object pronoun. It refers to the apple
and is a third-person singular pronoun.

Plural Pronouns

We gave them a call. They did not answer but called us back later.

We is the first-person plural subject pronoun (We know, that’s a mouthful). And us is the first-
person plural object pronoun. They is the third-person plural subject pronoun and them is the
third-person plural object pronoun.

Subject vs. Object Pronouns: “And I” vs. “And me”

The stereotypical English teacher has a few grammar rule favorites, some of which are,
unfortunately, not even real rules.

Do you remember the childhood saying “step on a crack, break your mother’s back”? Imagine if
that was so ubiquitous (a good vocab word—look it up!) that everyone repeated it any time you
stepped on a sidewalk crack, even now? And what if they believed it?

Although it’s not quite to that extreme, the sad truth is that some “common knowledge” about
English grammar isn’t so different. It’s been repeated and repeated and repeated, but it’s pretty
much just a myth. And the ACT does not peddle in myths.

My friend and I? My friend and me?

There is, admittedly, plenty of truth in the rule touted by your 8th grade English teacher: When
you’re listing other people as well as yourself, I or me should come last. Think of it as being polite
and holding the door for the other names.

However, on the ACT, it’s important that you get the “I” or “me” right. When the names are the
subject, use I. If they are not—a notable example being after prepositions—then use me, the
object form. If we always used I when making lists of people, we’d be confusing subjects and

✓ My pinkie toe and I have been through some hard times.

✗ The world is against my pinkie toe and I.

✗ A polar bear ate my pinkie toe and I.

That second example comes after a preposition (against) and should take the object form,
me. “And I” can be wrong even without the preposition, though, as long as those two or more
people are objects in the sentence, as in the third example above. The correct forms are:

✓ The world is against my pinkie toe and me.

✓ A polar bear ate my pinkie toe and me.

By the same token, don’t start a sentence with “… and me.”

✗ My pinkie toe and me fought off a polar bear.

✓ My pinkie toe and I fought off a polar bear.

Just focus on whether or not it’s the subject of the sentence. If that distinction isn’t clear for you,
then take out the other player (e.g. “my pinkie toe”) and see how it sounds. That’s the best
method to decide. Saying “A polar bear ate I” sounds good to approximately nobody, so don’t
write it—even if there’s a pinkie toe that comes first.

And if it’s still a bit unclear, then you can roughly assume that I is more likely correct near the
beginning of the sentence, while me is more common at the middle or end.
Sentence Structure

Sentence Fragments

Sentence fragments are like fish without gills, birds without feathers, sneakers without
shoelaces. They just can’t be themselves. They are incomplete.

Here are a few examples:

• Biking through the wilderness.

• The great wizard of the west.

• Without a dream to hold on to.

• For example, chocolate-dipped strawberries.

Sentence fragments are usually missing either a subject or a verb (and sometimes both).

To fix a sentence fragment, we need to add the missing element(s):

• My girlfriend is biking through the wilderness.

• The great wizard of the west broke the spell.

• I am like a drifter without a dream to hold on to.

• For example, chocolate-dipped strawberries are her favorite breakfast.

On the ACT, you want to particularly watch out for gerunds (-ing words).

For example:

✗Finishing his lab experiment before the rest of the class, then deciding to leave early. ←
Sentence Fragment

✓Finishing his lab experiment before the rest of the class, he decided to leave early. ←
add a subject and change the verb form.

Sometimes gerunds can make it look like you have a complete sentence, but a gerund does not
act alone as a verb; it needs a helping verb (such as “She is running.”).
You also want to watch out for sneaky sentence fragments that seem to be connected to the
previous sentence, but can’t grammatically stand along.

For example:

✗ She was a wonderful professor. The most wonderful professor ← Sentence Fragment

✓ She was a wonderful professor. In fact, she was the most wonderful professor. ← add
a subject “she”.

Sentence fragments pretend to be sentences, but they are lacking all of the elements of an
independent clause. By turning them into independent clauses (with subjects and verbs) or
attaching them to an independent clause, all can be mended.
Comma Splices (and Run-On Sentences)

We have a friend who likes to put commas everywhere in his sentences; he jokingly calls them
“artistic commas.” And while artistic commas might be fine when you are writing poetry, a diary
entry, or an email to your friend, they are not ok when they are breaking a fundamental English
grammar rule--one of the biggest there is. This offender is called the “comma splice.” Dun-dun-

You might be familiar with splicing from horror films. To splice is to join two things together by
interweaving their parts. In everyday life, you might splice together two cable wires. In horror
movies, sometimes two scary beasts are spliced together to create one ultra-scary beast. A
grammatical comma splice is almost as bad. Maybe worse.

Comma splices join together two independent clauses that would really rather be

Here’s an example:

I run five miles along the river on Saturdays, I do this even when it’s raining.

That little offending comma in the middle is creating a comma splice.

“I run five miles along the river on Saturdays” is a complete sentence (an independent

“I do this even when it’s raining” is a complete sentence (an independent clause).
And we can’t join them with just a comma.

To fix a comma splice, we can do one of four things:

1.We can separate these two disagreeable independent clauses with a period.

Example: I run five miles along the river on Saturdays. I do this even when it’s raining.

2. We can join them together with a friendly coordinating conjunction that says “Hey, guys, let’s
hold hands.” There are seven of these happy mediators we can choose from: for, and, nor, but,
or, yet, so.

Example: I run five miles along the river on Saturdays, and I do this even when it’s raining.

3. We can force them together with a semicolon. Semicolons are sophisticated and sometimes
this makes for a rather elegant solution.

Example: I run five miles along the river on Saturdays; I do this even when it’s raining.

4. We can subordinate one clause to the other, so that it becomes a dependent clause, not an
independent clause.

Example: I run five miles along the river on Saturdays, even when it’s raining.

So don’t let the horror of comma splices keep you at night up any longer. They are all over the
ACT, and they often appear in far more complex sentences. So if you see two independent
clauses spliced together with only a comma, make sure you bring in some reinforcements so
they can live in harmony.

Run-on Sentences

Run-on sentences have the same problem as comma splices, except there is no comma. A run-
on sentence mashes two independent clauses together. Like this:

I had a hard childhood my mother was constantly forcing me to do extra homework.

“I had a hard childhood” can stand alone as a sentence, and so can “My mother was constantly
forcing me to do extra homework” so we have a run-on sentence. To fix this run-on we can apply
any of the same fixes we did to the comma splice.

Conjunctions are the mediators of the grammar world. They bring words and phrases together
and say, “Hey, you guys go together like peas AND carrots.”

Or, they agree to disagree: “You’re cool, BUT we have really different opinions.”

Or they sometimes get feisty and issue ultimatums: “We are going to have to break up UNLESS
you come up with a really amazing promposal.”

You get the idea. Conjunctions bring words and phrases together to the table to talk, and we all
find out how they relate to one another.

The ACT is all about conjunctions. It will test you not only to make sure you know how to use
conjunctions correctly grammatically but also that you know how to pick which one to use to
convey the intentions of a sentence or sentence(s).

There are two major categories of conjunctions you need to be familiar with: coordinating
conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are the FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. They are the ones
used to create compound sentences when combined with a comma, but they can also just
connect any words or phrases and show how they relate. (“I like pizza and ice cream.” “I like
pizza, but I don’t like ice cream.”)

Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions provide a transition between ideas and subordinate a clause to a
main clause. There are many subordinating conjunctions. Here are a few common ones:

after, although, because, if, than, that, when, where, while, before, as soon as, since,
though, unless, until, once

For example, “I plan to launch my career as a poet once I finish this novel I am writing because
my English teacher told me I could do it for extra credit.”

In this example above, the main clause is, “I plan to launch my career as a poet.” The
subordinating conjunction “once” gives us more information on when the speaker plans to
launch her poetic career and the second subordinating conjunction “because” gives more
information on why the writer is writing a novel first. These subordinating conjunctions are
subordinating the phrases to the main clause and clearly showing how they build on the main

The Logic of Conjunctions

Often the ACT will check to make sure you understand the underlying message a sentence is
trying to convey and that you can pick the correct conjunction to do this.

Take a look at this example:

The first few months have been relatively dry because/although weather forecasters
predicted a rainy year.

Should it be “because” or “although”?

“Because” doesn’t quite make sense because if forecasters predicted a rainy year we wouldn’t
expect the first few months to be relatively dry. And they definitely aren’t dry because
forecasters said they would be rainy.

“Although” correctly sets up the contradiction between the two parts. And we’ve nailed what
the sentence is trying to convey: even though forecasters said it would be rainy, it’s actually
been dry so far. Of course, it gets a little more complicated on the ACT, but the important thing
when it comes to conjunctions is that you are on the lookout not only for grammar but also for
Misplaced Modifiers

Caused by a fatal error in design, the airship S.S. Doanblowup met its tragic end in 1915 in
a sudden, ironic explosion.

If you saw a sentence like this on the ACT English test, you’d definitely want to make a
correction. If you haven’t spotted what the problem is already, go back and look at the first part
of the sentence, up until “airship.” Then ask yourself what exactly was “caused by a fatal error.”
Was it the airship? No.

Everything that comes before that first comma is supposed to modify or give details about one
specific noun in the main sentence. If we go back and try to find that noun, we’ll come pretty
naturally to the word “implosion.” Those two pieces—the noun and the modifier, have to be
placed near each other in the sentence for the reader to make clear sense of it. As it is now, it’s
just plain old wrong, and the ACT English section is going to test whether you know that.

How to spot modifier problems on the ACT

Any time you see an introduction like that set off by a comma, check to see if it should modify
one specific noun in the sentence. Then check if that noun comes soon after the comma. If it
doesn’t, and there’s another noun instead, then you’ve found the error.

How to fix the problem

There are two ways to fix this. First, we can move the modifier.

The airship S.S. Doanblowup met its tragic end in 1915 in a sudden, ironic explosion
caused by a fatal error in design.

The other option is rearranging the main sentence.

Caused by a fatal error in design, a sudden, ironic explosion brought the airship S.S.
Doanblowup to its tragic end in 1915.
In both cases, that modifier now falls next to the noun it’s meant to give details about, which is
the explosion.

Below, we are going to take a look at errors in parallel structure, how to find them, and examine
how to correct them on the ACT.

Did you catch the mistake we made in the above sentence?

If you did, gold star to you. If you didn’t, that’s completely ok. People mess this up all the time.
So let’s get to work.

Lists of items

When two or more items are given equal weight in a sentence, they should be written as
similarly as possible. The simplest example of this is a list of items:

For breakfast, I like to eat cereal, fruit, and I also like yogurt.

“Yogurt” is getting a little extra love there, and grammatically-speaking, that’s a no-no.

To correct the parallel structure we need to get rid of the stuff in front of “yogurt” so we just
have a list of three nouns:

For breakfast, I like to eat cereal, fruit, and I also like yogurt.

Lists in a sentence don’t necessarily have to be a group of nouns; they could be verb phrases, for

✗To escape the wicked witch, the boy ran out of the gingerbread house, rolled down the
hill, and went jumping across a river of fire.

✓To escape the wicked witch, the boy ran out of the gingerbread house, rolled down the
hill, and went jumping jumped across a river of fire.

So let’s go back to the sentence we started with:

✗Below, we are going to take a look at errors in parallel structure, how to find them, and
examine how to correct them on the ACT.
See that extra verb in the third part? All of the items in the list follow from “take a look…” We
are “taking a look” at errors in parallel structures, how to find them, and how to correct them.

Here’s the smoothed out version:

✓Below, we are going to take a look at errors in parallel structure, how to find them, and
how to correct them on the ACT.

Parallel Comparisons

Trickier parallelism questions will make an appearance in comparisons.

Take a look at the following sentence:

✗Danny’s test scores weren’t as good as Bryan.

In this case, you know what the sentence means, so in ordinary life, you might just go right past
a question like this one. But on the ACT English test, you need to have eagle eyes. A closer look
reveals the parallel structure is faulty. We are comparing Danny’s test scores to Bryan’s test
scores. Not Danny’s test scores to Bryan, the person.

✓Danny’s test scores weren’t as good as Bryan’s test scores.

So when you see comparisons on the test, make sure they are comparing apples to apples and
not apples to oranges.

Prepositional Phrases

Sometimes even trickier parallel structure questions have to do with prepositional phrases.

Take a look at the following sentence:

I wasn’t informed or interested in the after-dance party.

You may have a feeling something is off here, but may not be sure what. Well, let’s take out “or
interested” for a moment. Then we just have “I wasn’t informed in the after-dance party,” which
doesn’t make sense. We need a preposition to go with “informed” that works with that verb and
sets up the parallel structure with “interested in.”

Here’s one solution:

I wasn’t informed about or interested in the after-dance party.

So when it comes to parallelism on the ACT English test, make sure you watch out for three
specific scenarios:

1.List of items that are supposed to be weighed equally (nouns, verb phrases, etc.).
Remember: a “list” could just be two items!

2. Comparison of two or more items. Make sure that, grammatically-speaking, the lists
are comparing the same type of thing.

3. Multiple prepositional phrases in the same sentence. Take care that a preposition
essential to understanding the meaning (and maintaining elegant parallel structure) isn’t
Rhetorical Skills

Strategy Questions

Strategy questions on the ACT English test fall under the broader category of “Rhetorical Skills”
questions. To give you some context, 35 out of the 75 questions on the English test are
Rhetorical Skills questions and about 11 to 15 of these are strategy questions.

Strategy questions, like all rhetorical skills questions, don’t test specific grammar or usage issues;
rather, they focus on larger issues about the choices a writer makes in order to communicate
ideas clearly and effectively to an audience. This might mean helping the writer improve a
sentence or paragraph so that it is more clearly written or more relevant to the topic or
audience. The most common type of strategy questions ask test-takers to determine the effect
of adding, revising or deleting a phrase or sentence.

Here’s an excerpt from an ACT English passage and a strategy question:

The following winter, a blizzard shut down banks in the city for days, and ATM usage
suddenly increased by 20 percent. This blizzard also launched Citibank’s long-running
“The Citi Never Sleeps” campaign, with posters and billboards showing customers
trudging through snow drifts to get to Citibank ATMs. After Citibank’s success, other
banks followed suit, and ATMs popped up in every major city in the world.

1.If the writer were to delete the underlined portion, deleting the comma and ending the
sentence with a period, the paragraph would primarily lose:

A. an explanation of why so many people used ATMs during the blizzard.

B. descriptive detail about the imagery of the advertising campaign.

C. a restatement of an idea expressed earlier in the paragraph.

D. an explanation of why ATMs became necessary in the late 1970s.

(The answer is B. See below for the strategy for approaching a question like this one.)
Here’s another example of a common ACT English question stem that asks you whether or not a
writer should make an addition or deletion:

2.At this point, the writer wishes to add the following sentence:

The Liberator was founded in 1831 and was published in Massachusetts.

Should the writer make this addition here?

A. Yes, because it gives the reader specific information regarding The Liberator.

B. Yes, because it helps the reader understand why Garrison could not speak about
slavery from personal knowledge.

C. No, because the reader can infer the date The Liberator was founded from the

D. No, because it distracts the reader from the focus of the paragraph.

(see below for the answer and explanation for this one)

As you can see in the above examples, strategy questions are about the content of a selected
section, not the grammar. You should always be answering strategy questions in the context of
the whole passage and particularly the paragraph in which it appears.

How to Approach ACT English Strategy Questions:

1. Read well above and below the referenced portion.

ACT English questions are often best answered as you go. Read through the passage until you
get to a question, answer it, and keep moving. But with strategy questions, you need to be very
careful that you are reading well above and below the highlighted portion. Sometimes, what
comes after the section in question will give you the clues you need to answer the question
correctly. If a question specifically says “In the context of the passage as a whole,” be extra
careful that you are considering the entirety of the passage, and if need be, wait to answer this
question until you have read the entire passage.

2. Focus on whether or not an underlined portion is on topic.

Most of the answers to the strategy questions on the ACT will revolve around adding sentences
that help clarify a point or help support the development of an important point and deleting
those that don’t. If a paragraph is missing an introductory or concluding sentence, the test may
be looking for you to add one. If it is missing a connection between ideas or a supporting detail
or example that would help a reader understand the content, the test will be looking for you to
add that as well. If there is information that is off-topic or unnecessary, the test will be looking
for you to get rid of that excess.

3. For “Yes/No” Questions, make eliminations based on the rationale first.

In questions such as the second example above, the rationale is the reason that comes after the
“Yes” or “No.” On these questions, ignore the yes or no at first and just focus on eliminating
reasons that are not true regardless. So, for example, let’s look at the above question on The
Liberator again:

At this point, the writer wishes to add the following sentence:

The Liberator was founded in 1831 and was published in Massachusetts.

Should the writer make this addition here?

A. Yes, because it gives the reader specific information regarding The Liberator.

B. Yes, because it helps the reader understand why Garrison could not speak about
slavery from personal knowledge.

C. No, because the reader can infer the date The Liberator was founded from the

D. No, because it distracts the reader from the focus of the paragraph.

Without even reading this passage, we can eliminate answer choice B because that sentence
says nothing about Garrison or why he could not speak about slavery from personal knowledge,
so it cannot possibly be the answer.

Now here is the paragraph in question (the highlighted portion indicates the point referred to in
the question):
What made Angelina and Sarah unique and defined within abolitionist circles was neither their
oratorical and literary talents nor their energetic commitment to the causes of racial and gender
equality. Rather, it was their first hand experience with the institution of slavery and its negative

effect on slaves. Abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison, editor of The Liberator, and
Theodore Weld, who Angelina married in 1838, could give stirring speeches about the need to
abolish slavery. However, they could not testify to either its impact on African Americans or on
their masters from personal knowledge.

After reading this paragraph, we can eliminate answer choice C because there is no reference to
when The Liberator was founded elsewhere in this paragraph.

So now we are down to A and D and need to apply the principles in point #2 above and decide
whether or not the proposed sentence is on topic and helps develop the paragraph. Since this
paragraph is focused on two women named Angela and Sarah and their contributions to the
abolitionist movement, it’s not crucial to this paragraph that we give so many specifics about The
Liberator. It’s simply mentioned in passing, and so our answer is D.

4. Don’t overthink.

If a question asks you what a sentence will lose or gain by deleting or adding certain information,
think to yourself, “This sentence will lose/gain exactly the content in the underlined phrase.”
That means on our first example above, we should think to ourselves, “This sentence will lose
the fact that posters and billboards showing customers trudging through snow drifts to get to
Citibank ATMs.” This means the answer is B. It would lose specific descriptive detail of the
campaign (what’s on the posters and billboards). Be careful not to over think and rationalize one
of the other answer choices as true. Be VERY literal.

Once you get the hang of them, strategy questions often become quite easy because the ACT
repeats the same pattern over and over with these questions, Knowing what to look for is more
than half the battle!
Organization Questions

ACT English essays are organization freaks; your English teacher would love them. If they don’t
have clear topic sentences, they want one; if sentences aren’t in chronological order, they flip
out. Well not really, but your score might if you don’t look out for these question types. So here
are the most important things you need to know about organization questions on the ACT
English section.

There are three particularly common types of organization questions:

1.Ordering sentences or paragraphs

2. Choosing the best introduction or conclusion

3. Choosing the best transition word or phrase

Ordering sentences or paragraphs

If a question asks you to reorder sentences or paragraphs to present the most

“logical” order, you are looking for one of two things: 1. chronology or 2.

Chronology is pretty straightforward. If the passage is working through a biography of a famous

person’s life starting with their childhood and ending with their death, then you want to make
sure a paragraph about their college years does not appear at the end. Sometimes, chronology
questions will be about putting seasons or other things with a clear order in line.

Coherence means that every sentence should follow from the previous one in terms of how it
builds on content. Take a look at this challenging example:

What is the most logical placement for sentence 2?

(1) Many scholars believe that Thomas Kyd wrote a play about Hamlet a decade before
Shakespeare’s famous play. (2) Although Kyd’s “Ur-Hamlet” is now lost, it is believed that
it probably bore many similarities to Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy, or rather that The
Spanish Tragedy bore many similarities to it. (3) This is a revelation that surprises many
fans who believe that Hamlet was solely a product of Shakespeare’s imagination.

This is a tricky one, and you need to look closely at it. The best way to tackle a question like this
is to paraphrase the essence of each sentence in your head. Sentence 1 tells us Kyd wrote a play
about Hamlet before Shakespeare. Sentence 2 tells us it bore many similarities to The Spanish
Tragedy. Sentence 3 tells us that the fact that Kyd wrote a play about Hamlet surprises many
Shakespeare aficionados.

Ah, ha, there’s the kicker. It’s not the stuff about The Spanish Tragedy (sentence 2) that surprises
Shakespeare’s fans. It’s the fact that Kyd wrote a play about Hamlet. So this means sentence 3
should follow after sentence 1. And sentence 2 should be moved to after sentence 3.

Choosing the best introduction or conclusion

In order to answer these types of organization questions correctly, it’s important that you review
the main idea of the paragraph and make sure you pick an option that best accomplishes two

1. It summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

2. It connects to what comes before and after it. (This means the previous paragraph if
we are talking about an intro sentence and the current paragraph and following
paragraph if we are talking about a concluding sentence.)

Be wary of answer choices that are too broad or too narrow: the ones that seem to
encompass more than what the paragraph talks about or only give one specific

Choosing the best transition

Let’s jump right into an ACT example for this one:

As she got older, Katerina did not find ice skating as appealing as she once did. Though,
she cut back on her practice time and spent more time on other activities.

B. Therefore,

C. In fact,

D. Furthermore,

On a question like this, we need to pick the transition that best communicates the relationship
these sentences are trying to express. One way to handle this is to temporarily put a blank in the
sentence where the transition is supposed to go, ignore the answer choices, and try to come up
with your own connection → Katerina did not find ice skating appealing. ______, she cut back
on her practice time and spent more time on other activities.

The connection between these two ideas is about cause and effect (Katerina didn’t like ice
skating so much anymore, so she cut back on her training), so we need a word or phrase that
communicates this. Words and phrases such as “so,” “as a result,” or “consequently” would best
achieve this goal and, so, answer choice B “therefore” consequently fits in best with this group.
Style Questions

Some ACT English questions are about choosing the best answer not based on grammatical
correctness, but rather style or tone.

Quite frequently on the test, you’ll come across a phrase or sentence that isn’t technically
grammatically incorrect, but nevertheless is confusing, wordy, or poorly written. Your job in
these instances is to help the writer out with his or her style. Not everyone can be as cool as you.

(Shakespeare knew a lot about style.)

In other instances, you’ll need to change a word or phrase that clashes with the tone of the
essay. Or you might need to eliminate ambiguous pronoun references, redundant material, or
awkward expressions. Since there aren’t hard rules about style, style questions on the ACT can
sometimes be a little tricky, so let’s break down the common types roughly from the easiest to
hardest errors to spot.

If you don’t know to be looking out for redundancy, you may not catch these errors. But once
you know to watch out for them, points galore!

Here’s an example:

Annually, I donate to the scholarship fund each year.

Since “annually” means every year, we don’t need to say “each year.”

Most of the time, redundancy questions are easy to spot as long as you make sure to read
before and after the underlined portion in case the repetitiveness is elsewhere in the sentence.

A BIG CLUE to look out for is an answer choice that says “OMIT the underlined

That doesn’t always mean you should, but it is a big flashing signal that you very well might be
dealing with a redundancy question and that omitting the underlined portion would fix it.

Ambiguous Pronouns

Sometimes a pronoun might not be grammatically incorrect, but it is unclear to whom or what
the pronoun is referring to. Take a look at this example:

Because Samantha is less interested in her Calculus homework than in her English reading
assignments, she sometimes neglects it.

Now, you may be thinking that logically “it” is referring to Samantha’s Calculus work because she
is less interested in it. But this isn’t good enough for the ACT. We have two things that “it” could
be referring to--Calculus homework or English reading assignments--so we need to clarify what
“it” is referring to. Here’s one way to do it:

Because Samantha is more interested in her English reading assignments, she sometimes
neglects her Calculus homework.

Sometimes an underlined portion will be in the wrong style for the essay in which it appears.
Maybe it’s too formal for a personal narrative about the writer’s first pet. Maybe it’s too informal
for a serious biographical study. Generally speaking, most of the tone errors on the test fall into
the second category. When in doubt, choose the phrase you would turn in in a paper to your
English teacher (in other words, standard written English).

This question type isn’t incredibly common on the ACT, but you should be aware of it. Here’s an

Instead of presenting a rebuttal to my argument, she simply nodded and went that it
sounded fine.

Some people tend to use “went” in informal conversation describing dialogue they had with
others, but it’s not grammatically correct. We would need to replace this phrase with something
along the lines of “muttered,” “replied,” or “responded.”

Vague phrases

Quite often on the ACT, you’ll be asked to pick the phrase that best illustrates a certain situation.
In this case, you are always looking for the most specific, most vividly detailed response. Take a
look at the following ACT example:

The weather forecast prepared us for a deluge of rain; instead we emerged from our
vacation tired of sunshine.

Which choice most effectively uses ironic imagery to emphasize that the weather was the
opposite of what was expected?


B. basking in

C. having received our fill of

D. soaking wet
Since we are looking for “ironic imagery,” our best and most vivid descriptor is answer choice D
“soaking wet.” Obviously you can’t literally be soaking wet in sunshine, but that is what makes it
ironic. And most importantly, it is the most vivid expression of the bunch.

Wordiness and Awkward Expressions

One of the most common types of style questions asks students to choose the clearest
expression of a phrase. Sometimes these questions can be very easy: three of the answer
choices are noticeably confusing or awkward. At other times they can be quite tricky because,
again, this is a matter of trusting your ear over finding specific grammar errors.

Here’s an ACT test example:

No one meteorological model is fully being able to account for the sweltering summers
that have brought nearly fifty consecutive days of triple-digit highs to some parts of the


B. is able to be accountable to

C. can fully account for

D. has been able to account fully for

The answer is C. It uses the least amount of words and chooses active voice over passive voice.
When in doubt, choose the shortest answer choice. But BE CAREFUL. Just because an answer
choice uses fewer words doesn’t mean there isn’t an error in it that makes it wrong. So avoid the
temptation to always choose the shortest phrase until you check it thoroughly for grammar

Introduction to ACT Math

The ACT Math Test assesses the mathematical skills students are expected to obtain before
grade 12 (meaning through advanced algebra and basic trigonometry, but not calculus). As with
the English section, the following pages are addressed to the test taker!

What to Know:

●It’s the second section of the ACT

●Students have a 60-minute time limit

● There are 60 multiple choice questions

●Students can use a calculator for the whole test (but it must be an approved one)

What to Study:

●Geometry formulas for the area, volume, and surface area of basic shapes (unlike the
SAT, the ACT won’t give you these!)

●Multiple-choice math test strategies such as “back solving” the problem using the
answer choices, substituting in numbers, and estimating.


Decimals, fractions, integers, positive and negative numbers, square roots, scientific
notation, factors, ratios, proportions, percent, charts and graphs of statistics

●Elementary Algebra

Exponents, evaluating algebraic expressions through substitution, using variables to

express relationships, algebraic operations, and factoring quadratic equations

●Intermediate Algebra

Quadratic formula, rational and radical expressions, absolute value equations and
inequalities, sequences and series, systems of equations, quadratic inequalities,
functions, matrices, roots of polynomials, probability, and complex numbers
●Coordinate Geometry

Evaluating points and lines on a graph, polynomials, circles and other curves, graphing
inequalities, slope, parallel and perpendicular lines, distance, midpoints, and conics

●Plane Geometry

Angles and relationships among perpendicular and parallel lines, properties of circles,
ellipses, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, transformations, area, volume,
three-dimensional geometry

●Trigonometry (on a very basic level)

Trigonometric relations in right angles, values and properties of trig functions, graphing
trig functions, using trig identities, solving trig equations

What Not to Study:

●Trigonometry beyond the very basics. However, what you SHOULD definitely study as
far as trig goes includes:


■how to solve right triangles

■the unit circle

■tan θ = sin θ / cos θ

■sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ = 1

■what sine, cosine, and tangent graphs look like

Top 3 Tips to Improve Your ACT Math Score

Quick, pop quiz!

Approximately how long is a new, standard, unsharpened #2 pencil?

A. 7 centimeters

B. 7 inches

C. 7 feet

D. 7 yards

You may not know the exact length of a standard pencil, but I bet you could take a REALLY good
guess among the above answer choices just by using a little common sense. But so often we
forget to use this common sense on the ACT Math test. We get caught up in our calculations and
forget to measure our answer against the original problem to see if it checks out. Let’s say an
$80 dress is on sale for 20% off. if you do the math and get an answer of $96….well, that sounds
like a really bad sale. That couldn’t possibly be the answer, so don’t pick it. And that’s why being
realistic is our first tip to help you improve your ACT Math score.

Tip 1: Think Realistically

So many of the ACT word problems are based on real-world situations, and they usually present
realistic scenarios, so make sure the answer you get makes sense in the context of the problem.
Thinking realistically also applies in a slightly different way to the geometry problems on the test.
Unlike the SAT, you aren’t likely to see figures that are not drawn to scale. So even if you don’t
know how to solve a problem, you can use visual estimation to narrow down the answer choices,
sometimes even to the correct answer, without doing any work at all.

Tip 2: Use the Answer Choices

On every single ACT question, the correct answer is literally sitting right in front of your face. You
just have to pick it out of a multiple choice lineup. This means you can do things on the ACT you
can’t do on a lot of school math problems, such as plug in answer choices to see which one
works. So don’t forget about working backwards. There are so many questions on the test that
are just begging to be solved this way.

Tip 3: Move Quickly

The questions on the ACT Math test aren’t exactly arranged easy to hard. They do tend to get
more advanced in concept as you move through the section, but most students find there isn’t
an exponential increase in difficulty level. If you just studied identities in your trig class, for
example, you might find question 59 to be easier than question 12. This means you can’t let
yourself get stuck on any one problem. Make quick decisions to skip and come back to problems
if there is time. It’s a real shame to spend 3 minutes wrestling with a question you ultimately will
get wrong and run out of time to see a problem you could absolutely get right.
Number Basics

What do you need to know for the ACT math section, at a basic level? Well, below is a pretty
good answer. Though the information below won’t pertain to every question, it contains
important fundamentals/terminology that you should know walking into the test.

Prime numbers

A prime number is a number divisible by itself AND 1.

1 is not a prime number because 1 IS itself. Don’t worry if your head can’t wrap around that
logic. Just remember, 1 is not a prime number.

2 is the lowest prime number and the only even prime. It is good to be familiar with the prime
numbers up to 30, though you don’t have to memorize them.

Multiples, divisors, and factors

A multiple of n results if you multiply n by any positive integer. For instance,

3 x 1 = 3

3 x 2 = 6

3 x 3 = 9

3 x 4 = 12

These are all multiples of 3.

A factor is a smaller part of a larger number. Mathematically, factors are the numbers that form
a larger number when you multiply them. In the example using 24 below, ‘2’ and ‘12’ are factors
of ‘24’ because when you multiply them together you get 24.

24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 are factors of 24 (note that ‘24’ is both a factor and a multiple of
‘24’). In math terms, for every integer n, n is both a factor and a multiple of itself.
The prime factors of a number are the factors broken down to prime numbers. To find the prime
factors, choose two factors of a number, say ‘3’ and ‘8’ (3 x 8 = 24). Keep figuring out the factors
for the number(s) that remain that are not primes. ‘3’ is a prime; however, ‘8’ is not. It can be
broken into 2 x 2 x 2. Therefore, the prime factors of ‘24’ are 2, 2, 2, and 3.

Evens and odds

Odd + odd = even

Odd + even = odd

Even + even = even

Don’t feel you have to memorize these. You can just plug in any odd or even number to derive
the relationships.

Percent = fraction = decimal conversion

1% = 1/100 = .01

10% = 1/10 = .10

50% = 1/2 = .5

Adding fractions and multiplying fractions

A quick trick for adding two fractions in which the numerator for both is the number 1:

The numerator equals the sum of the numbers in the denominator; the denominator is the
product of these two numbers. In the fraction below, all I have to do is add 2 and 3 for the top
(giving me 5) and multiply 2 x 3 for the bottom (giving me 6).

1/2 + 1/3 = 5/6

Another example:
* * *- /
+ = =
+ , .+ *.

For multiplying fractions, just multiply across the numerator and across the denominator.
. + , .
× = =
0 / */ /
The Dreaded Exponent

Exponent Basics

Exponents oftentimes scare the bejeezus out of students. The word exponent alone conjures up
numbers so big that they seemingly dwarf the number of atoms in the known universe. But do
not fear: there are no atoms on the test, and the exponents on the ACT deal with far smaller

Let’s rewind to well before you started thinking about the ACT. Do you remember learning
addition and subtraction? All right, so it was a long time ago, and most of us don’t have very
clear memories from first grade, other than that time Amy Carson ate a dead fly off the radiator
and you got in trouble for it. But you probably remember being posed with a question along the
lines of “If I have 30 gummy bears, and you eat the arms off 17 of them, how many gummy bears
that can do pushups do I have left?” An unimaginative kid might’ve said zero, believing gummy
bears don’t buff up, but the rest of us learned how to “take away” using concrete images like

We could picture the situation that the equation described. Moving up to multiplication, it was
still relatively quick to find real world applications. By the time we got to exponents, though,
things started getting kind of abstract, especially when dealing with roots.

So knowing how to deal with exponents on your SAT might get you a little confused at points if
you can’t remember a few rules that aren’t so easy to figure out by yourself. You’ll need to
remember them, even if you don’t quite understand why they are true.

Radicals other than square roots

Numbers over radicals occasionally throw people off. Just remember that it’s the opposite
process of exponents. So if 2*2*2=8, then 8 = 2. This is totally fundamental, but it’s a good
place to start.

Fractions in exponents
These are just the same as above. If you see a fraction in an exponent on your ACT, go right
ahead and convert it into a radical. So 81/3 equals 2, just the same as 8 = 2.

If you have something other than a 1 in the numerator, like 82/3, then just put the denominator
3 .
into the radical and keep the numerator as an exponent: 8 . From there, it doesn’t matter
which operation you carry out first. 22 = 4 just as 64 = 4.

0 in an exponent

Any number to the 0th power is one. 20=1 and 9,9990=1. We don’t need to worry about why for
the purposes of the ACT (but if you enjoy math puzzles and want to figure it out, here’s a hint: it
has to do with the next fact).

Negatives in exponents

Careful not to get x-2 confused with x1/2. Instead, 𝑥 6. = . Although fractions in exponents are

tested more often, negatives are also liable to show up on your ACT, so you should get
comfortable with this if you aren’t already.

How you can imagine that using gummy bears, we’re not sure, but that doesn’t make it difficult
to use—and that’s true for all of the rules above. As long as you know the facts, you can work
pretty easily with exponents on your ACT that might seem daunting at first.
The 4 Rules of Exponents

You can almost bet there will be an exponent problem on the ACT. In fact, you can bank on there
being several. Here is what you have to know:

#1: The base (it’s the big number)

An exponent all alone would be nothing more than a tiny speck floating in space. Every exponent
needs a base:

32: base 3

25: base 2

#2: Don’t add the bases

32 + 22 DOES NOT equal 52

32 + 32 DOES NOT equal 62

#3: When multiplying similar bases add the exponents

32 x 35 = 37

24 x 24 = 28

#4: When taking an exponent to an exponent multiply the exponents

(42)3 DOES NOT equal 48 or 45

(42)3 = 46
Combining Exponents

While the basic rules of exponents will really help on your ACT, you’re also going to need to
know how to combine exponents. Like this:

𝑥 9 × 𝑥 : = 𝑥 9;:

7 <
= 𝑥 96:

There are a number of common mistakes here, and they’ll all lose you points if you’re not

If you’re multiplying two powers with the same bases (which is x, here), then you can just add
the two exponents. Let’s use actual numbers:

22 x 23 = 25

It’s pretty easy to see why if we expand the equation.

22 = 2x2

23 = 2x2x2

24 = 2x2x2x2

Similarly, if we divide powers that have a common base, then we can just subtract the exponent
in the denominator from the one in the numerator.

= 2* = 2

Be careful that you only do this when the bases are the same!

When to multiply or divide exponents

When you have a power of a power, you can multiply those exponents. Don’t add them!
(𝑥 9 ) : = 𝑥 9×:

Since roots are the opposite operation of powers, just like division is the opposite of
multiplication, you can divide an exponent by the radical.

𝑥9 = 𝑥:

Again, if we use real numbers and expand it, the reasons why are pretty clear.

(20 ). = (2×2×2)×(2×2×2) = 2,

3 3
2, = (2×2)×(2×2)×(2×2) = (2×2) = 2.

When to distribute exponents and roots

If you have an exponent outside of parentheses that contain two multiplied numbers, you apply
the power to both factors.

(xy) : = 𝑥 : 𝑦 :

= =
xy = 𝑥 = 𝑦

For example:

(2x3)2 = 62 = 36

(2x3)2 = 22 x 32 = 4 x 9 = 36

(2x3) . DOES NOT equal 2x3. 2

The FOIL method makes it pretty clear why that doesn’t work.

Radicals follow the same rules. If you have numbers under the radical that are added, then you
can’t just find the root of each one. You have to combine them first.

But you can take a number under a radical, break it into factors, and simplify it that way.
3 3 3 3
56 = 8×7 = 20 7 = 2 7

Keep in mind:

Don’t treat exponents and radicals like other operations—they have their own set
of rules to follow.

Geometry Basics

A quarter of ACT Math problems need some geometry skills to be solved, and most of these ask
you to use geometry knowledge alone. Those ACT geometry questions are mostly about three
topics: triangles, circles, and angles.

Triangles (and angles) in ACT geometry

The most important of these three is triangles. The ACT loves triangles. Specifically, the ACT uses
a lot of right triangles in questions. You’ll get plenty of chances to use the Pythagorean theorem.
If that sounds dull, then make it easier by knowing some Pythagorean triples ahead of time. Here
are a few:

The smaller the triples are, the more common they are on the ACT (so 3-4-5 triangles are the
most common). Of course, they show up as their multiples pretty often too; instead of a 3-4-5,
you might see a 6-8-10 triangle. If you have two sides of a right triangle that match up to any of
the ones above, then you know the third side even without using the Pythagorean theorem.

The special right triangles are also among the ACT’s favorites. Recognize and know the
proportions of 30˚-60˚-90˚ and 45˚-45˚-90˚ triangles and you’ll save yourself time and energy
both. These are special right triangles:

You might not even see a triangle at first. A lot of times, the question doesn’t ask you specifically
about a triangle, but if you add a bit of info to the figure (or draw your own figure), you’ll see a
triangle appear. And more often than not it’s going to be a right triangle.

Circles in SAT geometry

Circles don’t just appear like triangles do. They’ll be given to you specifically, so when you see
the word circle, a picture of one, or a picture of a piece of a circle (like an arc), then you should
be pretty clear on where to start.

Take a quick look at the formulas for circle measurements.

Diameter = 2r

Circumference = 2𝝅r

Area = 𝝅r2

Area of a cylinder = 𝝅r2h

Also, it’s good to remember a couple other things about the radius of a circle:

●Any two radii of one circle are equal in length

●A line tangent to the circle is perpendicular to a radius line

Using circles and triangles on the SAT

There are a lot of problems that aren’t as simple as “What is the length of side XY?” or “What is
the area of circle O?” on the SAT.
In fact, you’ll need to combine those skills on several SAT questions. Be ready to move
information around, and always remember to write in any information that’s not given to you in
the figure.
Coordinate Geometry

The first thing you got to know is that there are four quadrants in a coordinate plane. What’s
wacky is how these quadrants are arranged:

A good way to think of it is to imagine yourself on a cross-country trip in which you start off in
New York (the northeast = quadrant I), drive on over to Seattle (the northwest = quadrant II),
then drive down to Los Angeles (southwest = quadrant III) and finally end up in Miami (southeast
= quadrant IV).

The next two important things you have to learn are the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis runs
from left to right (this is the horizontal line), whereas the y-axis runs up and down (this is the
vertical line).

Next, it’s all about integers, or what I call “people numbers”: you can have one more person or
one person fewer. However, you can’t have .3 people or ½ a person. In coordinate geometry
land you’ll have integers running from left to right, like on a number line, from negative to
positive. On the left hand side the negative numbers will decrease until they hit the middle of
the graph (the intersection of the x- and y-axis—of what’s known as the origin). At that point,
you’ll see the number zero. Then the numbers continue up from zero (1, 2, 3, etc.).

For the y-axis, the vertical one, the negative numbers start at the bottom, decreasing until they
get to zero. Then, from the origin going up, each number will go up by one for each “notch” in
the graph.

Next up are the coordinates. Coordinates are always presented as two numbers, the first
number corresponding to the x-axis, and the second one to the y-axis. For instance, point A has
the coordinates (2, 4). That is you “go over” two points to the right on the x-axis and up four
points on the y-axis. Point B has the coordinates (-1, -3).

Even though the numbers on the x-axis and y-axis are always broken down via integers,
coordinates can have fractions, as point C shows (1/2, -7/2).
The slope

Now that we’ve gone over the “basic basics,” next up is something that might sound familiar to
you: rise over run. You’ve probably had this hammered in for so long you can’t even remember
when you first heard it. Sadly, most people forget exactly what it means. So here it is: you can
figure out the slope of a line by seeing how many squares on the coordinate plane one point is
above the other. In the graph below, point D has a y-coordinate of 3 and point E has a y-
coordinated of -2. So point D is five squares higher than point E. This is the “rise,” how far up it
goes from the lowest point, is 5.

When you are figuring out the slope, which consists of a fraction, always put the “rise” in the

As for the “run,” “it” is how far away two points are in a left-to-right sense. If you count how
many squares point D (3, 2) is from point E (-2, -3), in a left-to-right sense, you’ll get the “run,”
which in this case is 5. I know, you are probably thinking, why the heck is that called the “run.”
You can run from left to right, right to left, up to down, and just about everything in between. It’s
just one of those conventions you have to learn. The key is you always put the “run,” or
whatever you want to call it, in the denominator.

You might have already figured out that there is a faster way of doing this besides counting
squares. All you have to do is take the y-coordinate from point E and subtract it from point D,
which gives you (2-(-3)) = 5. And to find the “run” just subtract the x-coordinate of point E from
the x-coordinate of point D, which gives you (3-(-2)) = 5, so the slope is 5/5 = 1.

Now as far as the slope goes, I’ve left something out that would make your geometry teacher’s
face turn red.

𝑦. − 𝑦*

𝑥. − 𝑥*

As you can tell, this is pretty ugly. It’s useful for sure, but it’s just not that most straightforward
way of dealing with the slope. For one, students usually get flustered trying to remember which
one is the y2 and which one the y1. It actually doesn’t matter—as long as you make sure to start
with the same point for both coordinates. So above we have the y-coordinate in D – the x
coordinate in E. Therefore, we have to make sure that we have the x-coordinate in D – the x-
coordinate in E.

It’s also okay to switch the points D and E around, as long as you do it for both coordinates. You
will end up getting the same thing.
Equation of a line

There are several ways to write the equation of a line. The most important one to remember is
slope intercept form:


where m stands for the slope and b stands for the y-intercept. If you move an equation around
to this form, you can easily see what the line’s slope or y-intercept is.

The Basics

The good news: the algebra tested on the ACT is pretty straightforward. The bad news: if you are
not up on your basics, then you are in trouble. Below, is the one major tip that will help you solve
almost any algebraic problem you encounter.

Balancing the equation

In an algebra equation in which there is an equal sign, think of the equation in balance. If you do
anything to one side you do the exact same thing to the other side. If you multiply one side by 4,
you have to multiply the other side by 4. If you subtract 3 from one side, you subtract 3 from the
other side.

The goal in balancing the equation is isolation.

That’s right – you want to isolate x, or get x (or whatever variable happens to be in the equation)
by itself. Think of the variable as the unpopular person in the room. Everyone – that is the other
numbers – wants to get away.

4x + 3 = 15

To get x by itself, first subtract 3 from both sides of the equation.

4x + 3 = 15

(Subtract 3 from both sides)

4x = 12

Now divide both sides of the equation by 4:

4x/4 = 12/4

x = 3

Let’s try one more:

𝑥 = 9

Notice how x has a square root sign on top of it. We want x to be all by itself. Therefore, we have
to get rid of the square root sign by squaring both sides:

( 𝑥 ). = 9.

𝑥 = 81

By correctly isolating x by balancing the equation, you are well on your way to solving most of
the algebra on the ACT!

FOIL Method

The ACT loves testing questions that rely on the FOIL method. A subset of algebra, FOIL relates
to polynomials, and, unlike many other algebra sections, you cannot rely on plugging in (a
method I otherwise encourage you to use often).

Before I tell you exactly how to use FOIL, it is important that I tell you what a polynomial is. Take
a look at the equation below:

(x - y)(x + y) = 0

Remember that parentheses stand for multiplication. Multiplying x and y may seem daunting but
using the FOIL method makes things easy!

Think of the position of the x’s and the y’s above. The first position in each parenthesis consists
of x’s. The last position consists of y’s.’ Using this logic, let’s apply the FOIL method:

F: First, x2

O: Outer, xy

I: Inner, -xy
L: Last, -y2

Now think of the variables above as part of a large addition problem:

x2 + xy - xy - y2 = 0

x2 - y2 = 0.

Practice FOIL-ing!

(x + 2)(x - 4) = 0

F: x2

O: -4x

I: 2x

L: -8

x2 - 2x - 8 = 0

You can also reverse the direction in which you do FOIL. For instance:

x2 - 4x + 4 = 0

First, set up the parentheses.

(x - ?)(x - ?) = 0

The question marks are in the last position. When we multiply them together we get 4 (notice
the +4 at the end of the equation). So we know that the last numbers (the question marks),
when multiplied, have to equal +4.

Now note, the -4x in the middle of the equation. The outer (x * ?) + (x * ?) = -4x. Which two
numbers, when multiplied equal +4, and when added = -4? You may have to play around with
the factors a little, but since the only factors of 4 are 2, 2 and 4, 1, this problem isn’t too tough. 4
and 1 would add up to 5. Therefore, 2 and 2 are the answers, and we can replace the question
marks with 2’s, giving us:

(x - 2)(x - 2) = 0

Practice Question:

Which of the following is a root of the equation 2x2 - 20x = 48?




D. 8


Answer and Explanation:

Combination vs. Substitution

Algebra is by far the most important part of ACT Math. Isolating a variable is a step in many ACT
Math problems, depending on whether or not you use elimination strategies. That’s as it should
be; after all, you’ve been doing that in math class for the entirety of your high school career, and
it’s the foundational block that most other math is built on. It’d be worrying if ACT Math didn’t
use a lot of algebra.

Of course, that algebra comes in many shapes and forms. Some of it’s relatively basic, while
other questions involve so many steps that little slip-ups become a serious threat. One way to
make that algebra longer is to include two variables (or more). If you have as many equations as
variables, then it’s only a matter of using substitution or combination to get your answer.

You’ve seen at least one of these methods in school, of course, but you may not be equally
comfortable with the two. If that’s the case, then take some time getting familiar with the other;
you’ll want to have both options to choose from during your ACT.

When substitution is better

If either x or y (or whatever variable you have) stands alone on one side of the equation or can
be isolated really quickly, substitution is the way to go. Take a look at the example below.

If x=(11-y), and y2=x+(y-1)2, then what is the value of x?

This is also ideal for substitution because of the other somewhat complicated stuff going on… if
you used combination, you might make a mistake when combining the y terms of the two

So let’s solve it.

First, substitute the x out of the second equation by plugging in the right side of the first

And we’re done, right?

Nope. Almost done.

Remember to check what the question is asking for. In this case it’s the value of x, not y.

But that’s not hard. Just plug that value of y back into the simpler of the two equations we were

𝑥 = 11 − 𝑦

𝑥 = 11 − 4

𝑥 = 7

Now it’s done.

When combination is better

If there’s one variable that has the same coefficient in both equations, then combination is
probably a good idea. Or better yet, if the coefficient in one equation is the negative of that in
the other equation, then we’re set.
What does that mean? Good combination questions look like this:

𝐼𝑓 3𝑥 − = 19, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 5𝑦 − 3𝑥 + 1 = 0, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑥?

With that 3x in one equation and -3x in the other equation, it’s pretty quick to cancel them out.
So let’s line up the two equations over each other, and then combine them into one.

3𝑥 − = 19

5𝑦 − 3𝑥 + 1 = 0 this equation can be re-arranged: −3𝑥 + 5𝑦 + 1 = 0

Now, we can add the equations together, cancelling the 3x and -3x.

3𝑥 − = 19

−3𝑥 + 5𝑦 + 1 = 0


5𝑦 + 1 − = 19
5𝑦 − = 18

10𝑦 − 𝑦 = 36

9𝑦 = 36

𝑦 = 4

If you fell for that trap the first time, we hope you’re not going to do it again. Find x.
3𝑥 − = 19

3𝑥 − = 19

3𝑥 − 2 = 19

3𝑥 = 21

𝑥 = 7

And now we’re done.

Use whichever method is easier on the day of your ACT

While you’re practicing, it’s a good idea to try to vary which method you use, so you have both
tools at your disposal. But on the day of your test, you don’t want to spend any time
deliberating. Just pick whichever seems easiest and go for it.
ACT Shortcut: Avoid Algebra by Drawing Word Problems

It’s pretty often on the ACT that you’ll have the choice of doing something algebraically or by
some other route. While you might be pretty comfortable working with equations, it’s often not
so easy to figure out how translate the words on the page into a workable algebra problem. And
you might not even have to; sometimes, just figuring out the logic behind a problem is all you
need to do. And the best way to do that is to start sketching the situation out.

Why creating equations can be difficult

Carrie invites some friends to a party. For every two friends who bring snacks, there are
five who bring nothing with them. If the number of friends who bring nothing is 15 more
than the number of friends who contribute snacks, how many friends in total arrive at the

We’re missing a couple pieces of information in this question. We don’t know the total number
of friends who bring Hot Cheetos and Takis, nor do we know how many of her friends are total
bums. (We do know that Carrie needs to find better friends, though).

But let’s try writing out an equation, if we can.

We’re trying to arrive at the total number of people at the party, which we’ll call g (for guests).
That’s the sum of two numbers that have a difference of 15. Let’s call those numbers f (friends
with Funyuns) and m (moochers).




Hm. So far, nothing’s jumping out. But we do know something else: there are 2 friends with
Funyuns for every 5 moochers. That means that of the guests, g, have Funyuns, f, and of g are
moochers, m.




And from here, things are relatively simple. Plug those into our equation for the difference of m
and f.

And there’s our answer. But…

Drawing the Word Problem is faster

If the equation above isn’t totally clear, don’t worry. This problem is about to get easier.

But maybe you got the right answer pretty comfortably with the algebra—and if that’s true, then
great—but remember that the ACT is timed, which means that the fastest way is the best way.

By just drawing some of Carrie’s crummy friends, we’ll get there faster.

Alright, so on the actual ACT, you won’t have the luxury of this Microsoft Paint masterpiece.
You’ll just draw some circles and squares, or something similar.

It’s pretty clear on seeing this that 2 of the friends have snacks and 5 don’t. You can also see
what the difference is… that’s 3. So just do a little mental highlighting and copy/pasting of that

…How many groups of these guys will we need to make the difference be 15? If there are 3 in
each group, we’ll need 5 groups. Five groups of seven people total? That’s… 35 total. Right.

Pictures and diagrams help keep you focused on the ACT

It’s a lot easier to stay focused and get your foot in the door of a Word Problem if you start
sketching out the situation like this. Even if you saw the mathematical relationship pretty quickly
in this example, there will almost definitely be more difficult problems on the ACT that are best
drawn, at least in the beginning. And if the math becomes clear soon after, then great—the
picture has served its purpose.
Word Problems

The Basics

ACT Word Problems are notoriously convoluted. Especially during a nearly four-hour test, you
can easily become ruffled sorting through all the words, trying to figure out what the question is
asking. Below are several vital points you need to remember when dealing with Word Problems.
Additionally, there are also three questions, from medium to challenging, which will apply to the
different points.

Strategies for Word Problems

1. One piece at a time

ACT Word Problems were not written so that they would be easy to understand. Indeed, there is
simply too much information for the question to be easy to understand. However, many
students try to read the entire problem at once, instead of slowing down to absorb each piece of
information. So slow down. And bite off only as much as you can chew.

2. Always remember the question

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in all the words. When we finally have figured out what the
question is asking, we rush to come up with a solution, forgetting that the problem had thrown
in a specific word at the very end (“even,” “integer,” “positive,” “not” are some of the usual
suspects). If you find yourself making many careless errors along these lines, make sure to
underline the actual question. That way, once you’ve come up with your answer, you’ll be to
make sure that the question is actually asking for that.

3. It’s probably not that easy

If it seems way too easy, it probably is (unless you are on the first few questions). Make sure
you’ve read the question carefully.

4. It’s not about just the formula; it’s about thinking

ACT problems aren’t just about plugging numbers into some formula and having the answer
appear magically before you. A formula is just one part of the unraveling process. So understand
what the question is about, follow the necessary steps, and at the very end–and only then–a
formula will be handy.

Point #4 especially applies for the more difficult questions. Also, there are sometimes shortcuts,
so you don’t have to even use the formula (as you’ll see in one of the questions below).

Practice Word Problems

Below are several questions that will incorporate aspects from the four points above. In doing
these problems, you should constantly refer to points #1-4, and see which one(s) are most

The problems below are labeled according to difficulty. If you are dealing with a difficult
question, and it seems easy…well, just keep in mind point 3.


Kyle drives 40 miles due north and stops. He then heads due west for 60 miles and stops.
Finally, he heads north another 40 miles and stops. How far is he from his starting point?

A.50 miles

B.80 miles

C.92 miles

D. 100 miles

E.160 miles


A bag contains only red, blue, and yellow beads. If half of the beads are red and a third of
the remaining marbles are blue, how many beads are yellow if there are a total of 36
beads in the bag?



D. 18



A book setter wants to print pages from a book. For each number at the top of the page,
she has to pay 5 cents. For example, printing page 1 would cost her 5 cents, whereas
printing page 100 would cost her 15 cents. If the book setter pays a total of $1.05 for 11
consecutive pages, what is the highest page number the book setter decides to print?




D. 20

E. Cannot be determined by the information provided.


Easier: Kyle drives 40 miles due north and stops. He then heads due west for 60 miles and
stops. Finally, he heads north another 40 miles and stops. How far is he from his starting

A.50 miles

B.80 miles

C.92 miles

D.100 miles

E.160 miles
For this one, you want Point #1 to be your guide: bite off one piece of info at a time. First off,
draw the picture out by using a straight, vertical line. This line should denote 40 miles north. At
the top of the line, next draw a line branching out perpendicularly to the first line (this will be the
60 miles due west line). Finally, draw a vertical line at a right angle to the horizontal line. This line
will be the last leg of Kyle’s trip.

Now if you found yourself reading and re-reading the question several times, only to give up in
frustration, know that is not you or your math aptitude, but your approach (something easily
changed!). So, again, start with one piece of info at a time.

Next, we can complete this vertical line so that we end up getting a triangle. And, just like that,
we have our 3:4:5 ratio. So, the answer is 100 miles. (D). If you found yourself scrambling to the
calculator after wracking your brain for the Pythagorean formula, remember point 4 and

Medium: A bag contains only red, blue, and yellow beads. If half of the beads are red and
a third of the remaining marbles are blue, how many beads are yellow if there are a total
of 36 beads in the bag?





The trick to this problem is noticing the wording “remaining” marbles. If you just sped through
the question, thinking, heck, that’s easy, I’ll just add and the remaining fraction times 36 will
give me 6, answer (A), remember point #3: it’s probably not that easy.

See, once you throw the “remaining” in there, it changes how many beads are yellow, and, by
extension, how many are blue. So if of the beads are red, of the remaining 18, (or 6) are yellow,
then that leaves us with 12 blue beads, or answer (B).

So make sure to slow down and read carefully.

Harder: A book setter wants to print pages from a book. For each number at the top of
the page, she has to pay 5 cents. For example, printing page 1 would cost her 5 cents,
whereas printing page 100 would cost her 15 cents. If the book setter pays a total of
$1.05 for 11 consecutive pages, what is the highest page number the book setter decides
to print?





E. Cannot be determined by the information provided.

This is the toughest of the questions. Mostly, because both the context (pages and book setters)
and what the question is asking seem vague. But read slowly, bite off a piece at a time, and you
should be able to get it.

At first, the question may seem unsolvable. For there are a number of different ways in which
she could print eleven pages and end up spending $1.05, right? So isn’t the answer just (E)? Well,
remember point #3. It’s probably not going to be that straightforward. There has to be exactly
one set up that conforms to 11 pages/$1.05. At this point, you may think, Oh, but I need to know
some formula for that … and I don’t know the formula.

But remember Point #4: it’s not about the formulas. This question tests your raw thinking
mechanisms. In others, you have to experiment a little. How many ways can you get 1.05? Well,
if you start from page 1 and move up to page 9, you get 45 cents worth. Then you would need 6
more two-digit pages (page 10, page 11, etc.). That would give us 15 pages, which is way over

We can’t use an even number of single-digit pages, or we won’t get the .05. Since 15 is way off,
it is good to start from the other side of the spectrum. What if we only have one single-digit
page, meaning page 9. Well, that costs 5 cents. And that leaves me with 1.00, which corresponds
to, at 10 cents a page, the double-digit numbers (10, 11, and so on).

But we are not out of the woods yet. What is the 10th double-digit page? You may be tempted
to add 10 + 10 =20, but that answer is wrong. See, the number 10 counts as one of the numbers,
and therefore costs 10 cents. You wouldn’t say that two pages, including page 10, would give
you 10 + 2 = 12. That would be three pages – 10, 11, and 12 – and therefore 30 cents. So, since
we are including page 10 in our 10-page count, we just want to add 9 to 10 to give us page 19.
Answer (C).


The takeaway from this lesson is to apply the above to questions that are at your difficulty level.
If question #17 completely blew your mind, that is fine. You don’t have to be able to get the
toughest Word Problems right off the bat. If all three questions were tough, then you can start
with Word Problems under question #10. The key is to improve from your current level.
Simplifying ACT Word Problems Using Elimination

Hey, hey, c’mere. We have a secret. Lean in close. We’re going to whisper it in your ear...

Okay, so it turns out it’s hard to make an eBook talk, so never mind that. The secret is this: the
ACT is a multiple-choice test.

Blown-away, huh. No? Well, if you already know that, have you been using it?

How to make Word Problems easier to work with

Because the ACT is multiple-choice, you don’t really have to understand how to transform Word
Problems into equations for a lot of the questions. You can use the answers to your advantage
and totally circumvent it.

You don’t know where to start on a question? Did drawing the situation fall flat?

Then take a look at the answer choices. If there are concrete numbers there (and not algebraic
expressions), then you should try putting some of them through the process that the Word
Problem describes.

Using a number from the answer choices

Here’s a relatively low-level Word Problem:

At 8:00 a.m., there are exactly as many chocolate donuts as there are jelly donuts on a
table in the teacher’s lounge. Within five minutes, 15 of the chocolate donuts are eaten,
but nobody has eaten the jelly donuts. There are then four times as many jelly donuts as
there are chocolate donuts on the table. How many jelly donuts are left?




D. 20

So maybe you’re totally fine writing out the equation here. But like a lot of ACT questions, it can
be a little hard to picture the math (especially if you’re feeling test anxiety).

In that case, you would definitely want to start checking the answers. Sometimes that may be a
bit too slow, but most of the time it’s actually really fast.

Let’s say that a little more clearly. A lot of the time, process of elimination is faster than
straightforward math.

So where should you start?

How about with (C). After all, Neither (A) nor (B) is divisible by four, which the answer probably
will be, since the number of jelly donuts is four times that of the chocolate. And (A) is definitely
too small.

In (C), there are 16 jelly donuts left, which means there must be 4 chocolate. If there are 4
chocolate donuts after the five minutes are up, there must have been 19 at the start. 19
chocolate and 16 jelly don’t match up, so that’s no good.

Let’s try (D), then, so we’ll have more jelly donuts. 20 jelly means 5 chocolate left. 5 chocolate
remaining means 20 chocolate at the start. 20 and 20 match up.

And we’re done. Doing that in your head is even faster.

Practicing important math strategies like this

You should be using answer choices to work backwards as often as you can when you first start
your ACT prep. You want to learn how the strategy works, when it works, and when it’s not
applicable (because sometimes it isn’t). The best way to learn that is by experience.

Need practice problems? Magoosh has hundreds of them waiting for you.
Plugging In and Ball-parking

The Basics of Plugging In

All too often, I find students reluctant to pick numbers when trying to solve a problem. Some
balk saying, “Doesn’t that take too much time?” Others exclaim, “Are you allowed to do that?”

So the bottom-line: if you want to be successful on the ACT Math Section, plug in whenever you
can. And if you are unsure whether a problem lends itself to plugging in, plug in! Don’t hold back
and dilly-dally, unsure how to approach a problem. That wastes time.

For instance, a great problem type to plug in involves variables and inequality signs, arranged
with Roman Numerals. The words MUST BE TRUE or COULD BE TRUE accompany the problem.
Let’s have a look:

1. If a > b > c, and a, b, and c are integers, which of the following MUST be true.

I. a + b > b + c

II. a2< b2

III. (a - b)(b - c) is even.

A.I only

B.III only

C.I and II

D. II and III

E. All of the above


For (I) if we plug in any numbers, this equation will always hold true. Note we can drop b from
both sides of the equation. If you are unsure, plug in numbers. (I) MUST always be true.
For II, your initial hunch is that this condition MUST be true. However, do not simply rely on your
first instinct (it may be wrong). Plug in and test using numbers. Remember, ‘MUST be true’
means that the condition must hold in every case. If you find that one exception, then the
condition must not always be true. If you plug in a negative number for b that has an absolute
value that is greater than a, then you have found a case where (II) doesn’t hold true. For
instance, plug in -2 for b, and -1 for a. And we have a case where b is greater than a.

For III, plug in a = 3, b = 1, c = 0. Just like that we’ve found a case where III is odd.

Therefore, the answer is (A) I only.

More Practice

The following question could be solved by a formula. Yes, I already can sense some of you
cringing. But that’s the beauty of the ACT – you don’t need no stinking formulas!

Think of it this way – you already have the answer. It’s one of the five below the question. If
you’ve ball-parked, you can get the number of possible answer down to two: answer choice B or
answer choice C (assuming you recognize that it can’t be A because it wouldn’t make sense for
the original price to be more than the sale price and estimate that D and E are too big).

Mike saved 20% on a shirt before taxes. If he paid $60 for the shirt, what was the original
price of the shirt?




D. 80


One of these is the answer. Which one? Let’s choose (C) and plug it back into the problem. If the
shirt was originally 75 dollars, and he saved 20%, let’s take 20% of 75. You can use your
calculator, or you can use the shortcut.
What’s 10% of 75? 7.50. 20% is twice 10%. So twice 7.50 is 15. So what’s 15 dollars less than 75?
60. The answer.

If we do the same with answer (D), we get 20% off 80, which is 80 – 16 = 64. Mike did not pay 64
for the shirt so we know this is not the answer.

And just like that – no boring formulas – we were able to get the answer. See, we told you – ACT
Math can be fun. Just don’t carried away and start scribbling numbers on your bedroom wall!


1.When dealing with variables presented in three Roman numerals, plug in. It will make
the question much less abstract and help you quickly hone in on the right answer.

2. When you see numbers in the answer choices, treat it as a sign that back solving, or
plugging in the answer choices, might be a better route than solving the problem from
the top-down.
The Basics of Ball-Parking

If you are thinking of greasy hotdogs and the seventh-inning stretch, you are in the wrong
ballpark. In the ACT world ballpark means ‘guess-timating’ and is a quick trick to get a solution.

For instance, take a look at the following question (it’s the same one we used earlier):

Mike saved 20% on a shirt before taxes. If he paid $60 for the shirt, what was the original
price of the shirt?




D. 80


We know that Mike paid $60 for the shirt after the 20% discount. On what planet would the shirt
have cost less before the discount? Obviously not Earth – so we can get rid of (A). (B) is also
suspect because it is so close to 60. A 20% is pretty decent drop in price.

On the upper range, 95 is way too much. For if Mike is saving $35 on a shirt that costs less than a
100, he is obviously saving way more than 20%.

That leaves us with either (C) or (D). Ballparking won’t always help you get the answer, but it is a
very effective way of eliminating most of the answers.

To figure out whether it is (C) or (D), use the trick we just learned: plugging in.

In math class, you probably learned a formula to find the average of a series of numbers. You still
have to know that formula, but instead of applying it robotically to a bunch of similar questions,
you have to first figure out how to crack the problem. That is, you are not going have all the
numbers neatly arranged waiting for you to plug them into the equation that will cough up the

Below are several average problems. Note how they are all Word Problems – this is how almost
all of the average problems will be on the ACT. And by the way, in some cases (though not in all!)
you will need the formula: Average = Total/Number of Elements.

1. Mike scored 78, 77, and 82 on his first three algebra tests. If he wants to average 80,
what is the least he can score on his fourth test?




D. 89



This is the ACT! Don’t take the long road – find the quick solution, and eliminate wrong answer
choices when possible.

So instead of plugging these numbers into the formula (yeah, you can tell by now that I’m not a
fan of the formula!), let’s find a short cut. Notice that Mike has scored 78 (which is 2 less 80), 77
(which is 3 less than 80) and 82 (which is 2 more than 80).

Let’s put this information together: -2 -3 + 2 = -3. So we are 3 lower than 80. To balance things
out – remember we are looking for an average of 80 – the next test score has to be three more
than 80: 83. (B).
Let’s not forget smart elimination: 80 – too low. 89, 90 too high. Even if you have no idea where
to go from there you still have a 50/50 chance.

2. w, x, y, and z are distinct positive integers. If w + x + y + z = 100, what is the greatest

possible value of w?




D. 94



If you follow the formula and reason that the average is 25 (100/4 = 25), then you will fall for the
ACT’s trap. 25 is not the answer.

Think of it this way: none of the integers can equal 100, because then the other three integers
would have to all be zero (which they can’t be because they are distinct positive integers). Since
we want to know the greatest possible value of w, let’s start high and work our way down.

Can w = 99? Nope. 98? Nope. Using logic, we can see that if w is a big number, that’s close to
100, then the other integers have to be small numbers. What are the smallest numbers they can
be and still be distinct, positive integers? 1, 2, and 3. If x = 1, y = 2, and z = 3, what is w? It has to
be 94.

Let’s check that that works:

Are 1, 2, 3, and 94 distinct integers? Yes. They’re all different.

Are they positive integers? Yes.

Do they add up to 100? 1+2+3+94=100. Yes!

The answer is D.

Types of Averages

There are three basic types of averages on the SAT that you should be pretty comfortable with at
this point, and all of them start with the letter “m.” Those are the mean, the median, and the
mode. In case those aren’t second nature, let’s define them, quickly.


This is the most commonly used type of average and the most commonly tested on the SAT. The
formula is simple enough.

𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐+. . .


where n is the number of terms added in the numerator. In the set of numbers {2,3,4,5}, 3.5
would be the mean, because 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14, and 14/4 = 3.5


If the numbers in a set are listed in order, the median is the middle number. In the set {1,5,130},
5 is the median. In the set above, {2,3,4,5}, the median is 3.5, which is the mean of the middle
two terms since there’s an odd number of them.


The mode is just the number that shows up the most often. It’s perfectly possible that there is
no mode or that there are several modes. In the set {5,7,7,9,18,18}, both 7 and 18 are modes.

What’s important to know about averages on the ACT

Averages come up in Algebra or Word Problems. You’ll usually have to find some value using the
formula for a mean, but it may not be as simple as finding the average of a few
numbers. Instead, you’ll have to plug some numbers into the formula and then use a bit of
algebra or logic to get at what’s missing.
For example, you might see a question like this:

If the arithmetic mean of x, 2x, and 7x is 127, what is the value of x?

To solve the question, you’ll need to plug it all into the formula and then do some variable

𝑥 + 2𝑥 + 7𝑥
= 126

𝑥 + 2𝑥 + 7𝑥 = 378

𝑥 = 42

Medians and modes, on the other hand, don’t show up all that often. Definitely be sure that you
can remember which is which, but expect questions on means, most of the time.

One more averages practice problem

If three sisters have an average (arithmetic mean) age of 24, and the youngest sister is
16, what is the sum of the ages of the two older sisters?




D. 60


If you’re careful to remember that the question is asking you for the sum of the sisters’ ages, you
can solve this one pretty quickly. Keep in mind that we can’t find their individual ages, though.
There’s not enough information for that. First we find the total combined age of the three, which
must be 72, since 24*3=72. Careful not to fall for the trap that is (E), we take the last step and
subtract 16 from that total age to find the leftover sum, which is 56, or (C).
Weighted Averages

The phrase “weighted average” may be a little scary sounding, but it’s nothing to get freaked out
over. Usually weighted averages on the ACT will use the basic formula for finding the mean . It’s
pretty much the same skill.

150 + 200
= 175

What is a “weighted average”?

Basically, weighted means uneven, here; the numbers that you’re looking at don’t carry the
same importance. For example, if I’m trying to find the average number of fleas that my pets
have, and each cat has 150 while each dog has 200, then those two numbers have equal
“weight” only if I have the same number of cats as dogs. Let’s say I have 1 of each.

That’s just a normal mean, so that’s no problem. Well, the fleas are a problem, I guess. And the
fact that I’m counting fleas might have my family a little worried…anyway, the math is easy. But
that’s a non-weighted average.

For a weighted average, I would have a different number of cats than dogs. Let’s say I had 3 cats
and 2 dogs. (And they all have fleas…things are starting to get kinda gross. Sorry.)

In order to give them the appropriate weight, we’d have to multiply each piece appropriately
and change the total (denominator) to reflect it.

3(150) + 2(200)
= 170

But if you expand that, you’ll see that it’s the same as the standard mean formula.

150 + 150 + 150 + 200 + 200

= 170

Just make sure you divide by five (because I have seven pets) not two (for two types of pets).
Finding average rates

Average rates are a type of weighted average. Your SAT will include a problem or two about
these, and you need to be sure not to fall for the common trap.

Maria’s drive to the supermarket takes her 20 minutes, during which she averages a
speed of 21 miles per hour. She takes the same route home, but it only takes 15 minutes
to cover the equal distance. What was Maria’s average speed while driving?

A.15.5 mph

B.21 mph

C.24 mph

D. 24.5 mph

E.28 mph

This is a tricky, multi-step problem, and you can’t plug in the answer choices to solve it, sadly.

Let’s first find all of our information, because the question has only given you part of it. You need
to know the formula:

𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑟 = (𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = )
𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

This formula can also be expressed as d=rt (easily remembered as the “dirt” formula). We’re
going to use it both ways.

Using that formula, let’s look at the first leg of her trip. She travelled for ⅓ of an hour at 21 mph,
so she must have travelled 7 miles.

That’s 21x0.333 = 7

Using that info, we can figure out the rate of her trip back home. Going 7 miles in ¼ of an hour
on the way home, she went an average of 28 mph.
That’s 7/0.25 = 28

So now we need to find the total average. That’s not the average of the two numbers we have!
Because each mile she travelled on the way there took more time than each mile on the way
home, they have different weights!

so NOT = 24.5

Instead, you need to take the total of each piece—total time and total distance—to find the
total, average rate.

14 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 14 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠
= = 24 𝑚𝑝ℎ
. 333 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 + .25 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 . 5833 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠

Simply put

If you’re finding the average of two sets of information that already are averages in their own
right, like the number of fleas per cat and the number fleas per dog, you can’t just take the mean
of those averages. You have to find the totals and then plug them into the formula. You should
be excited for these kinds of problems, if for nothing more than having the opportunity to bust
out your handy-dandy, brand-spankin’ new ACT calculator.

You’re going to find about 2-6 function questions on your ACT, and if you haven’t been working
with them recently in math class, they might throw you for a loop. Just to be clear, we’re talking
about equations that look a bit like this:

𝑔(𝑥) =

And that format might bring to mind a couple of things. You might be getting ready to graph it
out off the bat, which is great, but not necessarily what you’ll need to do on the ACT. Or if you’re
not so familiar with the type of equation, you might make a lethal error and assume the g here is
a variable. It’s not, by any means, but…

…these functions aren’t always a separate skill. They’re just wearing costumes.

Some good news: the majority of ACT function questions are actually designed to
test the same skills as non-function equation questions.

The biggest difference is that they come later on in the section, being categorized as harder,
which is great; that’s a medium to high-difficulty question that’s solvable in low-difficulty time.

Let’s take a look at an example of a relatively simple function question.

76+ a
𝐼𝑓 (𝑥) = ,𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔(𝑎) = , wℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎?
. 0

g(x) is basically just another variable, here. Let’s replace it with a y. As an equation question, it
would look like this:

76+ 7
𝐼𝑓 (𝑥) = ,𝑎𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑑 𝑥 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑦 = ?
. 0

The algebra from here on will bring you to the same result for either question (because they’re
the same question!).

That g is just shorthand

Let’s say you have a neurotic friend. Most of us have one or two… but let’s go even more
neurotic than whoever you have in mind. More toward obsessive-compulsive. Let’s call her Gina.

Gina brings grapes to school every day, but she has a really bizarre habit: she eats four, splits the
rest into two equal piles, then throws away one of piles and gives away what’s left. The thing is
that she brings a different number of grapes every day. What she gives away at the end, then,
also varies. You might recognize this process from above… it’s just an example of that earlier
function g(x).

x is how many grapes Gina comes to school with. Everything done to x (on the right side of the
equation) just details her bizarre habit. What she has left at the end—what she gives away—is
g(x) or y, depending on the equation.

What that g really means is to follow Gina’s process with the number x. She brings xgrapes, and
she then “gs” the grapes. In a way, it’s a verb, not a noun. It indicates the process, not the piece,
without writing out each step of the way.
Functions inside functions?

So let’s say you’ve got a whole group of neurotic friends. Gina does her grape ritual and then
hands off what’s left to Hailey. Hailey gets a bit weird, too, and goes through a whole other
process. She won’t eat them unless she gets the same amount of grapes from somebody else,
and she then squashes one of them under her foot. So Hailey’s equation would be h(x) = 2x - 1.
What she has, then, is described by h(x) . But first we need to think about how many Gina gave

So let’s put the two processes together into one: h(g(x)). Take it from the inside out, and you’ll
have no problem. Gina brought 20 grapes? First find how many she’ll end up giving away with
her function, g(x), then put it through the process that Hailey uses, h(g(x)), to find out how many
end up going down her gullet (it would be 15). More friends with more weirdo habits? Just keep
nesting the function, e.g. f(h(g(x))).

In the end, ACT functions like this will end up being no different than the simpler-seeming ACT

Percentages can be surprisingly complicated on the ACT. Part of that is because we can’t always
translate them into fractions, which are easier to work with algebraically. While it’s easy enough
to think of 50% as ½, it’s rarely so easy to make the conversion on the ACT, especially when the
percentages given are, say, 35% or 15%.

To make matters worse, the ACT won’t just test you on the simple process of finding the
percentage of a number (like calculating a tip). Instead, it’ll ask you to calculate in reverse
(finding the whole from the part), find a combination of percentages, find a percent change, or
give some other scenario-specific piece of information.
The percentage formula

Finding a percent is pretty easy, as long as you have a calculator. Just divide the part by the
whole and multiply the decimal that comes out by 100. So if you ate 10 out of a serving of 12
buffalo wings, then you ate (10/12) x 100 = 83.33%. Remembering that formula can save you
some grief when you have to use it algebraically.

Matt and two of his cousins ordered a plate of 24 buffalo wings at a restaurant. Matt ate
x wings, while his cousin Laura ate half as many. If Matt’s cousin Alli ate four times as
many wings as Laura, and the three together finished 87.5% of the wings, how many
buffalo wings did Laura eat?




D. 18


The first thing to do here is change that Word Problem into an algebraic expression:

𝑥 + 0.5𝑥 + 2𝑥
× 100 = 87.5

But let’s make sure that equation is clear. On the left, we have the fraction of wings eaten. x +
0.5x + 2x represents the number that Matt and his cousins went through. x is Matt’s share, 0.5x
(equal to half) is Laura’s share, and 2x is what wing-lover Alli picked clean (since 0.5x x 4 = 2x).
Divide that by the total number, and multiply by 100, and we’ve followed the percentage

Then, it’s just a matter of isolating x.

𝑥 + 0.5𝑥 + 2𝑥
× 100 = 87.5
x + 0.5𝑥 + 2𝑥 = 21

35. 𝑥 = 21

𝑥 = 6

And you can be sure that 6 is going to show up in our answer choices.

BUT take a look at our question one more time. What’s the number we’re looking for? That’s
exactly the kind of trap the ACT might set up for you.

The number of wings that Laura ate is half of x, which would be 3.

Avoiding the formula

It’s perfectly possible to avoid having to use the formula on a lot of ACT percentage questions—
specifically, you can do that by plugging in some values.

And if the answer choices don’t have number values that you can test out? Check out this

A pair of shoes went on sale for a 40% discount. Then, in a clearance event, the reduced
price was lowered once again by 25%. If the original price was x dollars, what was the
final price in terms of x?





You can still plug in, but you’ll have to choose your own number to use for x. In this case, you
want something that’s easy to take 40% of. What’s the easiest number to get a percentage of?

Try out either 10 or 100; I prefer the second. And 40% of 100 is 40, so after the first sale, the
shoes were 60 bucks. Then, after 25% was taken off of that, they were 45 dollars. If you plug in x
= 100 to all of the answer choices, only one of them comes out to 45, and that’s answer choice

While it’s good to know the percentages formula, remember that you don’t usually need
formulas on ACT Math that aren’t given to you in the beginning of the section.
Absolute Values

Before we get into the rules, let’s see an example of an ACT question that uses absolute values:

2× 𝑥 − 9 = 24

|𝑦×𝑥| = 15

1. In the equations above, x < 0 < y. What is the value of x + y?

(A) -8

(B) -5

(C) 2

(D) 16

(E) 26

Rule 1: Absolute values are grouping symbols

In the question above, there are two ways that we can deal with the first equation.

The first way is to treat the absolute value bars like parentheses. They serve a very similar
purpose (the operations inside them have to be carried out before you can do any addition or
subtraction), and you can distribute in the same way. So we can figure this:

2x − 18 = 24

Rule 2: Isolate absolute values

Alright, so maybe you saw the other way to work with that equation. Instead of distributing, you
could just divide out the 2 from both sides. It works the same way, in the end.

|x − 9| = 12

In either case, you’ve done exactly what you need to: get that absolute value alone. Only then
can you get rid of the bars.
Rule 3: Make two equations

Getting rid of the bars means splitting the equation into two: one positive equation and one
negative. So that first equation ends up like this.

|x − 9| = 12 becomes x − 9 = 12 or x − 9 = −12

𝑥 = 21 or 𝑥 = −3

By following the instructions in the question, we know that only one of those is possible.

𝑥 = −3

After we plug that into the second equation, we’ll take away the absolute value bars and, again,
split it into two equations.

𝑦×−3 = 15

𝑦×−3 = 15 or 𝑦 × −3 = −15

𝑦 = −5 or 𝑦 = 5

The rest is pretty straight forward. Since y is greater than 0 according to the question, we know
y=5, so the answer must be 2, which is (C).

Rule 4: Reverse inequalities for the negative value

If you have an inequality rather than an equation, you still have to split it into two possibilities.
But you could also put those two possibilities into one expression. Let’s look at an example of

Without any absolute value, the inequality 𝑦 < 10 looks like this on a number line:

But if we put in some absolute value bars, it’ll look different.

|𝑦| = 10

That’s because while y can be -2 or -9, it can’t be -11. If it were -11, the absolute value would be
11, which is too high.

Splitting the inequalities, then, gives you this:

𝑦 < 10

𝑦 < 10 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 > −10

Double check the rules

When you have absolute values on your ACT, always double check what information the
question gives you. Does is define whether anything is positive or negative? Then, after you split
the equation, be ready to scrap the value which doesn’t work.

You’ll probably get one or two questions about sequences on your ACT. Since they’re not a really
big deal, don’t start your ACT studies here. Instead, spend some time on the bigger issues, like
ACT geometry and ACT graphs. But if you’ve already mastered those, then it certainly doesn’t
hurt to dig into the smaller details.

Before getting into the ACT’s dirty tricks, we’ll review the two basic types of sequences.

Arithmetic sequences

An arithmetic sequence increases by addition. It might look like this:

1, 3, 5, 7, ...

As a formula, this sequence is:

a, a + r, a + 2r, a + 3r, ….

If "a" is the first term, (1 in the example), and r is the change (2 in the example), an arithmetic
sequence just adds one more r for each term of the sequence.

The formula for any one term in an arithmetic sequence is:

an = a + r(n - 1)

But don’t just memorize that formula. Look back at that sequence of odd numbers and ask
yourself why the formula is true. You’ll be much better off on your ACT if you can understand
how systems work. You want to be able to come up with the formula yourself without knowing it
by heart.

Geometric sequences

Geometric sequences increase by multiplication. For example:

3, 6, 12, 24, ...

Each number is the previous term multiplied by some constant. In this case, (the first term) is 3,
and (the change) is 2. Since you’re multiplying that again with each term of the sequence, the
change is exponential.

a, ar, ar2, ar3, ...

Again, look closely at how that example sequence represents the pattern. You should be able to
create the formula yourself after spending enough time looking at the variables and the

The formula to find the value of a term, then, is:

an = ar(n - 1)

How the ACT uses sequences: easier questions

If you get an easier sequence question, it’ll probably just be about finding some the value of a
term in the first few numbers of a sequence. You might see something like this:

1 ,3, 9, x, 81,...

1. In the sequence above, what is the value of x?

On a harder question, there might just be some simple twist

x, 3, 9, y, 81, ...

2. In the sequence above, what is the value of y–x?

If you don’t know whether a sequence is geometric or arithmetic, you need three terms to
decide. Without that 81 above, this could easily have been an arithmetic sequence where x = -3
and y = 15.

Harder ACT sequences

Of course, you might get a whole other kind of sequence with its own made up rules. In that
case, those formulas won’t really help. Or, similarly, you might be asked how many numbers in a
sequence share some property.

If you’re not sure what to do, it’s a good idea write out a few terms (or a few more terms) of a
sequence and look for patterns.

As a matter of fact, that’s a good idea when you’re stuck on any ACT Math problem. Map out the
situation and look for a pattern.

Probability is actually pretty rare on the ACT. So don’t freak out about this topic. In fact, we’d
only recommend this section for those looking for a near perfect score—those who want to
make sure they have all their bases covered.

What you’ll have to know is the following:

Probability (Likelihood of something happening) = #of desired outcomes/# of

possible outcomes

Let’s say we want to know what is the probability of rolling “snake eyes,” or two ‘1’’s, on a pair of
fair dice. Well, how many ways can you roll two ‘1’s? There is only one way. So for a desired
outcome—the quantity in the numerator—we are going to write ‘1’.

Now how many different ways can you roll two six-sided dice? (For a review of the Fundamental
Counting Principle, see below). Well, there are six possibilities on each die, so that gives us 6 x 6
= 36.

Therefore, the probability of rolling “snake eyes” with two dice is 1/36.

Of course things do get a little more complicated with probability—that’s why so many people
dread it. Below are some medium- to medium-difficult questions for you to sink your teeth into.
If you nail all three, the probability of you struggling with a probability question on the test is
very low.

If not, make sure you understand the concepts (see explanations below), and you should do just
fine on the probability questions the SAT throws at you.

1. A basket contains a total of 24 balls of yarn. ⅓ are white, ¼ are red, ⅙ are blue, and the
rest are black. What is the probability, if you reach into the basket, of pulling out either a
red or black yarn?

A. 1/4
B. 1/3

C. 1/2

D. 7/12

E. 5/6

2. A six-sided die is thrown three times. What is the probability that on all three rolls a
prime number will never come up?

A. 1/2

B. 1/6

C. 1/8

D. 1/64

E. 3/216

3. A coin is tossed three times. What is the probability that three “tails” in a row will not
show up?

A. 1/8

B. 3/16

C. 1/2

D. 5/8

E. 7/8


1. Hey, a little fun with fractions never hurt! So, if we do the math, we get 8 white, 6 red, and 4
blue. That means the remaining 6 are black. Since the question asks for red AND black, that gives
us 12 (desired outcomes) out of 24 (total outcomes), or 1/2. Answer: (C).

2.First off, there are three prime numbers on a six-sided die: 2, 3, and 5. What is the probability
of NOT rolling one of these three numbers? 1/2, since rolling a 1, 4, or 6 would count. Now, the
probability of rolling an outcome of 1/2 (or 50%) is much like tossing a coin. In this case, we are
tossing the coin, or rolling a die with a ‘1’, ‘4’ or ‘6’, three times ½ x ½ x ½ = ⅛. Answer: (C).

3.Speaking of coins! A quick way of doing this problem is subtracting the probability of getting all
tails by the total probability. Before we do that a quick thing on the probability space. Usually,
we talk about something definitely happening as having a probability of 100%. However, 1 also
represents a 100%. How? Well, if the probability of something happening is ½ or 50%, what
happens when you multiply both those numbers by 2? You get ‘1’ and 100%. So probability can
be defined along a scale from ‘0’ to ‘1’. So for the coin toss, ‘1’ represents all possible outcomes.
Subtracting the probability of all tails from ‘1’ will give us the probability of NOT getting on tails:
1 - (½)3 = 1 = ⅛ = ⅞ . (E).
Fundamental Counting Principle

Knowing this rule–or principle as it is called–will make certain questions on the ACT much, much
easier. Before I tell you the rule though, let’s take a look at the following scenario.

Jane has white socks, red socks, and black socks (she must be a baseball fan!).
Additionally, she has four different shoes: tennis, basketball, casual, and golf shoes. If she
can wear any pair of socks with any pair of shoes, how many different ways can she

The big question here is whether you should you add the number of shoes and socks or multiply
them. One good way to answer this is by doing a little thought experiment (something you can
repeat if the solution slips your mind).

Let’s say Jane has got her white socks on. How many different shoe choices does she have? Four,
since there are that many pairs of shoes. Now, how many different shoes can she choose from if
she has red socks on? The answer, again, is four. At this point, she is already at 8 different shoe-
sock getups. So you know that when you are seeing how many ways you can combine two
different sets of things, always multiply. Another way of looking at it is for each pair of socks
(there are 3 total), Jane has four choices: 3 x 4 = 12.

And that brings us to the Fundamental Counting Principle:

If option #1 has P alternatives and option #2 has Q alternatives (assuming that the
two sets of alternatives have no overlap), then total number of different pairs we
can form is P*Q.

I know that sounds scary. So don’t labor to wrap your head around it–just remember the logic
from Jane and her socks.


Hailey, a dog-walker, has to look after three poodles and two dachshunds. There is one
bowl for the poodles, since they are quite picky when it comes to cleanliness, and another
for the dachshunds, who aren’t nearly as finicky. If a feeding consists of one dachshund
and one poodle eating at the same time, how many different ways can Hailey pair off the
dogs for feedings?




D. 9



A youth symphony orchestra is to consist of five violinists, three clarinetists, and two
bassoonists. The conductor wants to put together a trio of each instrumentalist. How
many different possible trios are there?




D. 24



A rectangle is broken up into 4 squares. A modern artist can use any of 6 colors to paint
the four squares. If no square can be the same color as an adjacent square, and the
extreme left square and the extreme right squares are the same colors, how many unique
ways can the artist paint the square?

A. 120

B. 150

C. 360
D. 750

E. 900


1. There is a lot of verbiage in this problem. All the question is really asking is how many ways
can you pair two dachshunds with three poodles: 2 x 3 = 6. (C).

2.We are seeing how many ways we can combine three different sets, so we just multiply the
three groups together: 2 x 3 x 5 = 30. Answer (D).

3.Tricky question. The first square can be painted any color. The square next to it can be painted
any color, except for the color of the first square. So we have 5 choices for the second square.
For the third square, it can be any color (even the same color as the first square), except for the
color of the second square. So we also have 5 options for the third square.

And for the last square? Well, the twist is that it must be the same color as the first square, so
we actually don’t have a choice. In the end, we are left with 6 possibilities for the first square, 5
for the second square, and 5 for the third square: 6 x 5 x 5 = 150. Answer (B).

The name alone conjures up something arcane and impenetrable. Once students learn the
concept, it only intensifies their fears. All that said about how scary permutations are, by keeping
your cool, you will be able to handle this tough concept and show the ACT who is boss.

Number One Thing You Have to Know: Arrangement = Permutation

If we were the Gods of math and could decree the way things should be, we would call
permutations arrangements. Of course that is because we would be a nice math Gods, and
would want to make math seem as easy possible. It is not that mathematicians are evil math
Gods, their wrath raining down upon us in the form of tongue-twisting concepts. Simply put,
every field has its jargon and if you want to learn that field you have to know the lingo.

Anyhow, I’m here to make things easier.

Rule #1: Whenever you are dealing with the total number of ways things can be arranged, use

If you have five students sitting in a row and want to see how many ways there are to arrange
them, use permutations. With this example all you would have to do is take the number of things
being arranged (five students), and put a (!) next to it. This sign is called a factorial and means
the following:

5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.

An easy way to think of how to deal with factorial is what I call the Space Shuttle Countdown:
Whatever number you are ‘factorial-ing,’ countdown a number at a time—as though you are the
guy announcing the takeoff of the space shuttle. So 10! = 10 x 9 x 8… x 3 x 2 x 1 = Takeoff! Well,
actually a very large product.

The good news is the factorials on the ACT usually won’t be over 5!
Whenever you are asked the find the total number of ways you can arrange something, use
permutations (and don’t forget the factorial!).

Like permutations, combinations is a concept that unnecessarily frightens students: there are
very few, if any combination questions, on a test that a student may have to take the ACT for an
entire year to even see one or two of these question types.

Why then even talk about combinations? Well, to make the announcement above (basically,
don’t sweat it). But if you want to make sure you have all your math bases covered, then read

“C”ombinations are about “C”hoosing

The ‘C’ in combinations equals ‘c’hoosing. A silly mnemonic perhaps, but one that will hopefully
help you tell the difference between permutations and combinations.

Mark has a brown, white, blue, red, and black T-shirt. If he wants to pack two T-shirts for a
weekend trip, then how many different T-shirts can he take with him?

Notice that, unlike a permutation question, Mark is not arranging his shirts in an order. He is
choosing two to take with him. We do not care whether his red T-shirt is packed on top of his
white T-shirt. This ordering (or arrangement) is key to a permutation problem but does not
relate to a combination problem.

So now that we know we are dealing with a combination problem (after all this is a section on
combinations), we need to use the following formula:

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠)!

(𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑛)!×(𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑛)!

5! 5×4×3×2×1
2!×3! (2×1)×(3×2×1)

Notice how we can easily cancel out the 3 x 2 x 1 from both the numerator and the
denominator. This leaves us with 5 x 4/2 = 10. Therefore, Mark can take a total of 10 shirts.
Don’t fret combinations. They aren’t very likely to show up on the test, and when they do, they
are no more difficult than the question above.

Lots of students have minor panic attacks when they are first faced with a matrix on the ACT
Math Test, but never fear! Even if matrices look completely foreign to you, a quick read through
this blog will calm your nerves.

Luckily, matrix questions are quite rare on the ACT (you might not see a single one throughout
the 60 questions on the ACT Math Test!), and require only basic addition and subtraction skills
(or *cough* a TI-83 calculator *cough*) to solve. If you can add 5 and 6, you’ll be fine!

The word matrix refers to a rectangular-looking box filled with numbers arranged in rows and
columns. Each number in the matrix is called an element.

Here’s How to Add Two Matrices

−𝟑 𝟒 𝒙 −𝟐 −𝟏 𝟗 −𝟓 𝟑 𝟏𝟏
+ =
𝟒 −𝟕 𝟎 𝒚 𝟓 −𝟖 −𝟏 −𝟐 −𝟖

Notice that the size of the matrices is the same, and that each element in the first matrix is
added to the corresponding element in the second matrix to get the corresponding element in
the third matrix. -3 + -2 = -5.

With that understanding, we can solve for x by writing a simple equation: x + 9 = 11; x = 2.

Let’s look at a question involving subtracting matrices.

Guided ACT Matrix Practice Question

[𝟏𝟔 𝟑] - [𝟐 −𝟒] = [𝒙 𝒚]

What is the sum of x and y?

To answer this, we will set up two equations to solve for x and y independently.

16 – 2 = x and 3 – (-4) = y
14 = x and 7 = y

Their sum is 14 + 7 = 21.

Sometimes a variable will be introduced to stand for an entire matrix. Let’s look at an example:

4 3 1 −1 −3 −7
𝐼𝑓 𝐴 = 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐴 − 𝐵?
−11 2 −6 −3 8 5

Carefully subtract each corresponding element.

The Answer

5 6 8

−8 −6 −11

Now try a practice question on your own!

Matrix Practice Question

The Answer & Explanation

The correct answer is (A).

−6 − 3 5 − −2 0−0

2−1 3 − −1 −1 − 8

To subtract matrices, subtract each corresponding element, as shown above. Remember that
subtracting a negative number becomes addition.

With practice, you’ll see that the math involved in ACT matrix questions is rarely challenging –
just keep the rows and columns lined up and you can’t help but get them right!
Complex Numbers

Remember, a complex number is very similar to a binomial. We’re dealing with imaginary and
real numbers at the same time. We already took a look at addition and subtraction, so let’s move
on to multiplication and division. These are a little trickier, but only division involves a skill you
may not have used yet. Take a look!


Do you remember having to learn how to FOIL? You multiply the terms of a binomial or complex
number in this order: First, Outer, Inner, Last. Let’s take a look at how to do it with a complex

(5 + 3𝑖)×(4 + 5𝑖)

𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡: 5 ×4 = 20

𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟: 5 ×5𝑖 = 25𝑖

𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟: 3𝑖 ×4 = 12𝑖

𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡: 3𝑖 ×5𝑖 = 15𝑖 .

That leaves us with this:

20 + 25i + 12i + 15𝑖 .

Now remember, i2 = -1. So we get this:


All right, here’s where things get a little tricky, but stick with us. We promise, we’ll come out on
the other side (mostly) unscathed.

Let’s say you had to divide 5 + 2i by 6 + 3i.

5 + 2𝑖

6 + 3𝑖

Now, remember, i is just another way of writing −1. And, according to the ancient laws of
math, we can’t have a radical in the denominator (or bottom part) of a fraction. So, it looks like
we have to simplify in order to solve this problem.

Step One: Conjugate

In order to divide complex numbers, what you have to do is multiply by the complex conjugate
of the denominator. We heard about half of you get sudden migraines there, but we promise,
that’s not as complicated as it sounds. The complex conjugate is just the same exact
denominator with one tiny change. Instead of 6 + 3i, we take 6 – 3i.

So our problem now looks like this:

/ ; .€ ,60€
( )
, ; 0€ ,60€
Really, all we’re doing is multiplying by a fancy form of 1, so we’re not actually changing the
problem; we’re just simplifying it.

Step Two: Multiply

It looks like we’re out of plastic wrap, which is okay, because all we need is FOIL. Yes, the good
old First-Outer-Inner-Last method of multiplying binomials and complex numbers is back again.
And this time, it’s personal.

Okay, not really. But let’s FOIL anyway. We’ll do the numerator first.

(5 + 2𝑖)(6 − 3𝑖)

𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡: 5 ×6 = 30

𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟: 5 × −3𝑖 = −15𝑖

𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟: 2𝑖 ×4 = 12𝑖

𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡: 2𝑖 × −3𝑖 = −6𝑖 .

That leaves us with this:

30 − 15i + 12i − 6𝑖 .

And now, do the denominator the same way:

(6 + 3𝑖)(6 − 3𝑖)

𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡: 6×6 = 36

𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟: 6 × −3𝑖 = −18𝑖

𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟: 3𝑖 ×6 = 18𝑖

𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡: 3𝑖 × −3𝑖 = −9𝑖 .

That leaves us with this:

36 − 18i + 18i − 9𝑖 .

Step Three: Simplify

Here’s our problem so far:

30 − 15𝑖 + 12𝑖 − 6𝑖 .

36 − 18𝑖 + 18𝑖 − 9𝑖 .

We already know that 𝑖 . = −1 , so let’s change that in both the numerator and the

30 − 15𝑖 + 12𝑖 + 6

36 − 18𝑖 + 18𝑖 + 9

And now, combine like terms! Watch the magic!

Notice how the denominator suddenly doesn’t have any more i in it. We’ve fully simplified this
problem! Woo-hoo! Take a nice deep breath! You’ve earned it.

Ah, ACT Trigonometry. We can hear your reactions from here. “Oh, wow, trigonometry is tested
on the ACT? Let me do my best cheerleader cheer! Cosine, secant, tangent, sine, 3.14159!
Goooo Trig! Woo-hoo!”

Okay, we know most of you aren’t reacting that way (…yet), but we promise you’ll quake in fear
just a little less when this is all over.

The Basics

To reiterate what we’re all going on about, we’ll need to review the basics of trigonometry, as
far as the ACT is concerned. ACT Trig is pretty much concerned with right triangles and little else.
If you like right triangles, you’re going to do well here.

To help illustrate our next point, let us tell you a brief story.

Once upon a time, there was a young man. He wanted to practice his baseball skills, so he
started with throwing and catching. First he threw golf balls high into the air to see how high he
could throw them without missing a catch. After a while, he got quite good at throwing golf balls,
so he moved on to tennis balls. Once he felt confident enough with tennis balls, he moved to
actual baseballs. Again, he became quite skilled at throwing baseballs, and decided to practice
with bowling balls to keep improving his arm.

Of course, throwing bowling balls straight up into the air is not, generally speaking, standard
practice for an aspiring baseball player, and he dropped the bowling ball directly onto the big toe
of his right foot. He went to the hospital and met a lovely German doctor who told him that,
luckily, his toe wasn’t broken, but he would have to take care of himself until he healed
completely. He asked the doctor what he should do to take care of his foot. The doctor replied,
“You must SOHCAHTOA.”
We know, we know, that was terrible. We hang our heads in shame for the awfulness of that
joke. But seriously, SOHCAHTOA is the answer to your trigonometry fears. It is an acronym that
tells you everything you need to know to figure out basic trigonometry problems. It means:

Sine = Opposite / Hypotenuse (SOH)

Cosine = Adjacent / Hypotenuse (CAH)

Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent (TOA)

So, if you were looking for the cosine of a particular angle, you would take the value of the
adjacent side to the angle and divide it into the value of the hypotenuse. Remember to keep
things from the right point of view. Opposite always means “opposite to the angle you’re being
asked about” and adjacent always means “next to the angle you’re being asked about.”

You might also have to deal with reciprocal trig identities. Again, the above link details this very
well, but for ease of reading, I’ll explain here, too. Basically, these are the flipped-around
versions of SOHCAHTOA.

Cosecant = Hypotenuse / Opposite

Secant = Hypotenuse / Adjacent

Cotangent = Adjacent / Opposite

I don’t know why sine and cosecant are reciprocals (or why cosine and secant are paired up), but
I’ve found it’s always best not to pry too deeply into other people’s relationships.

To illustrate, take a look at this lovely little triangle:

So if we were looking Sin A for it would be . Make sense? Let’s list out our SOHCAHTOA, to

make it easier to see.

“But wait!” we hear you cry, “What about C?”

We’re glad you asked. C, as we already know, is a right angle. In other words, it’s 90°. Right
angles follow special rules, as do a few others. [ACT Spoiler Warning] These angles are tested
frequently, so memorizing these values is probably a really good idea.

Here’s a “cheat sheet” to help you out:

Some Helpful Hints

Let’s revisit our lovely little triangle:

You should know that you can do this:

sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 sin 𝐶

= =
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐

This is what’s called the law of sines. Usually, if you have to use this formula, the question will
give it to you, but it’s a handy tool to have in your pocket.
Next up is a nifty little equation that you can use on any angle. We’ll follow mathematical
convention here and use the symbol θ (pronounced “theta”) to stand in for the value of the

sin. 𝜃 + cos . 𝜃 = 1

To translate from math back into English, the sine of any angle, squared, plus the cosine of any
angle, squared, equals 1. Could be useful if you’re trying to figure out a tough problem on test
day, no? If you see this equation anywhere on your math test, just remember that it’s equal to 1.

And to round out our helpful hints, here’s one last equation for you:

sin 𝜃
tan 𝜃 =
cos 𝜃

Translation: The tangent of any angle equals the sine of the angle divided by the cosine. So if a
problem ever asks you to divide the sine by the cosine, you can just plug the tangent right in!
(And you can figure out the value of the tangent by using SOHCAHTOA!) Easy!

With all of this in mind, let’s do a sample problem!

The correct answer is… D! Let’s walk through it.

To find the sine of ∠A, you need to know the values of the opposite side (line BC) and the
hypotenuse (line AC). You know the hypotenuse is 8, but the problem didn’t give you a value for
line BC. It did give you line AB, though, which is 6. So we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to
figure out line BC!

𝑎. + 𝑏 . = 𝑐 . is the Pythagorean Theorem, as you might recall from the review on triangles.
Substitute in the values we know, and it becomes:

Now that we know the value of line BC, we can figure out the sine of ∠A.

2 7 7
8 4

And we have our answer!

How to Graph Sine and Cosine

Sine, cosine, and tangent are the three main trig identities you might remember from Math
class. You’ll only see them on the toughest ACT Math Test questions, but getting them correct
can really raise your score!

These graphs are usually graphed and expressed in degrees, but you may also see them
expressed in radians.

There are 2π radians in one circle. Each point on a circle corresponds to a certain
number of radians. To convert degrees to radians, simply multiply by π/180.

Sine and cosine both have standard graphs that you need to memorize for the ACT Math Test.
The standard equation for sine looks like this: y = sin x. The “period” of the wave is how long it
takes the curve to reach its beginning point again. The coefficient in front of “sin” (here 1) is
called the amplitude. It affects how high and how low the wave reaches vertically. If that
coefficient changes, then the height changes. For example, y = 5 sin x, would show a curve that
reaches +5 on the y-axis and extends down to -5 on the y-axis.

Cosine also has a standard equation. It looks like: y = cos x. For the graph of cosine, notice how it
begins at its highest y-value and descends, whereas sine begins at the origin. Cosine and sine
have the same period of 2π. Questions involving trig graphs will likely require you to match given
equations with graphs, or interpret the meaning of certain graphs, such as in a question like this:
What is the smallest positive value for x where y = cos 2x ?

The difference between y = cos x and y = cos 2x is that the coefficient in front of x is halving the
period, so it will now take just one pi to complete its cycle. The smallest x-value for cosine usually
occurs at π/2. For the new graph, it will occur at π/4, which is ½ of π/2.

How will the graph of the function f(x) = 4sin x + 0.2 differ from the graph of f(x) = sin x?

A) The graph’s period will be 4 times as much and the graph will shift 0.2 units down.

B) The graph’s period will be 4 times as much and the graph will shift 0.2 units up.

C) The graph’s amplitude will be 4 times as much and the graph will shift 0.2 units down.

D) The graph’s amplitude will be 4 times as much and the graph will shift 0.2 units up.

We know that the coefficient in front of sine changes the amplitude, so (A) and (B) can quickly
be eliminated, since 4 multiplies the amplitude by 4. Just like a linear equation, adding to the end
of an equation shifts a graph upwards. For example, the only difference between y = 8x and y =
8x + 7 is that the latter is 7 places higher on the y-axis. The answer is (C).
How to Use Your Calculator Wisely

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your calculator on test day.

●You can use a calculator on the ACT Math Test. You cannot use a calculator on the Science
Test. (Or the English and Reading Tests… not that you’d want to.)

●Make sure the calculator you want to use will be allowed by the ACT proctors. You can use any
four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator, unless it has prohibited algebra software on it.
For full details on which calculators are not allowed, please look here.

●Make sure to use a calculator you’re familiar with. Don’t go out and buy a new calculator the
night before the test. You need to know how to use it, and you need to be comfortable with all
of the functions you might need.

●Replace your batteries the night before the test, even if they’re not that old; the last thing you
want is a dead calculator in the middle of your math section.

●Please don’t use the calculator for checking extremely basic arithmetic (e.g., double-checking
that 10 – 2 = 8). It wastes your time.

●Please don’t use the calculator when the answer choices all have fractions or radicals in them.
The calculator isn’t going to help you get to those answers anyway, so you’re wasting your time.

●Pick up your calculator only when you’re sure of how to solve the problem and how the
calculator will help you do so. Using it any other way is a waste of time.

●Remember that ACT problems are meant to be solved quickly. If you’re picking up your
calculator to try to solve √597, you’ve probably made a mistake somewhere. Double-check your
work up to that point.

●Just remember, you are the one taking the ACT. Your calculator is not. The ACT Math section is
testing your math skills, not how well you can use a calculator.
Now, there’s one final thing we want you to do. If you have the calculator you want to use for
the ACT, I’d like you to enter this problem into your calculator:

1 + 2 x 3

If you get the answer of 7, congratulations! Your calculator follows the standard order of
operations. You probably learned this as PEMDAS, or “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.” It’s the
order that you’re supposed to follow when solving an equation: Parentheses, Exponents,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. All of the math problems you’ll be dealing
with on the ACT will follow this order, and your calculator already takes that into consideration
automatically. That makes things easier for you.

If you entered the problem into your calculator and it came back with 9, then your calculator
does not follow the order of operations. This means a little more work for you; you will have to
separate problems out into the proper order yourself before entering anything into your
calculator. So, to get the right answer, you would have to enter the above problem into your
calculator like this:

2 x 3 = 6

6 + 1 = 7
ACT Math Formulas

Must Know Formulas:


S/T (Average = Sum/Number of things)


Slope intercept form:

y = mx + b (where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept)

𝒚𝟐 Š𝒚𝟏
𝒙𝟐 Š 𝒙𝟏


Perimeter of a rectangle:

2l + 2w (where l is the length and w is the width)

Area of a rectangle:

lw (length x width)

Volume of a box:

lwh (length x width x height)

Surface area of a rectangle:

2lw + 2wh + 2lh

Diagonal in a rectangle:

Apply the Pythagorean theorem twice or 𝑙 . + 𝑤 . + ℎ. = 𝑑 .


Area of a triangle:

1/2bh (1/2 base x height)

Circles and Spheres:

Area of a circle: 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 .

Circumference of a circle: 𝐶 = 2𝜋r

Volume of a sphere: 𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 0


Volume of a cylinder: 𝑽 = 𝜋𝑟 . ℎ

Pythagorean Theorem:𝑎. + 𝑏 . = 𝑐 .



sin x = opposite/hypotenuse

cos x = adjacent/hypotenuse

tan x = opposite/adjacent

sin 𝜃
tan 𝜃 =
cos 𝜃

sin. 𝜃 + cos . 𝜃 = 1

You should also know your quadrants and where sine, cosine, and tangent are positive or


Probability → Number of desired outcomes / number of total outcomes

Factorials (e.g. 8!):

To find the factorial of any integer, multiple it by every positive integer below it,

8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

Formulas that are Good to Know

Equation of a circle:

(𝒙 − 𝒉)𝟐 + (𝒚 − 𝒌)𝟐 = 𝒓𝟐 (𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒔 (𝒉, 𝒌)

Volume of a cone:

1 .
𝑉= 𝜋𝑟 ℎ

Volume of a pyramid:
𝑉= 𝐵ℎ (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐵 = 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ = ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)

Arithmetic sequences:

𝑡œ = 𝑡* + 𝑑(𝑛 − 1)

Geometric sequences:

𝑡œ = 𝑡* × 𝑟 (œ6*)



If log a 𝑏 = 𝑐, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑎• = 𝑏

Change of base rule:

log 𝑏
If log a 𝑏 =
log 𝑎


Area of a trapezoid:

𝑏* + 𝑏.


(Add the bases, divide by two, then multiply by the height.)

30-60-90 Triangle Ratio:

𝟏: 𝟐: 𝟑

45-45-90 Triangle Ratio:

𝟏: 𝟏: 𝟐
Exponential Growth Formula:

𝒓 𝒏𝒕
𝑨 = 𝑷 (𝟏 + )

Where P = principal (starting value), r = rate of growth, n = number of months, t =

time in years, and A = new amount.

Bonus Things to Know

Quadratic Equation:

−𝑏 ± 𝑏 . − 4𝑎𝑐

Often, you will be better off applying a strategy such as back solving to solve a complicated
algebra problem, but if you are comfortable with the quadratic equation, keep it in the back of
your mind.



(𝒏 − 𝒓)!



r! (𝒏 − 𝒓)!

Quizzing yourself on these formulas will help them stick and make them easy to recall on test
day. Use our ACT Flashcards App to practice.

Introduction to the ACT Reading Test

The ACT Reading Test assesses a student’s ability to understand what she reads. It will ask
students to find information that is directly stated in a passage as well as understand and
interpret it on a basic level. Again, these tips are directed at students and are meant for sharing!

What to Know:

●Reading is the third section of the ACT

●There is a 35-minute time limit

●Students must read 4 passages (one fiction, one social science, one humanities, and one
natural science)

●There are 40 multiple choice questions (10 for each passage)

What to Study:

●If you aren’t reading regularly, start now. Read high-quality fiction and nonfiction, such
as newspapers and news magazines covering a variety of topics.

●Active reading. Whenever you read something new, practice:

○Determining the main idea of the entire piece as well as individual paragraphs

○Finding cause-effect relationships

○Figuring out the sequence of events

○Understanding the author’s tone and purpose

○The ACT will test you on all of the above!

●Vocabulary, only if it is a real weakness of yours. The ACT will not test you on very
difficult words, but you will see a few “word-in-context” vocabulary questions and you
will need a decent high school-level vocabulary to fully understand the passages.

What Not to Study:

●Outside knowledge (although we at Magoosh are fans of knowledge in general,
everything you need to answer the reading questions are contained within the passages,
whether you are familiar with the topic or not)

●Difficult vocabulary words.

Ten Tips to Quickly Improve Your Reading Score

The keys to the ACT Reading test are strategy and pacing. You’ll need to have a plan for HOW
you will read each passage, tackle the questions, and finish in the allotted time; otherwise it’ll be
hard to achieve your desired score.

Ready for some specific tips for ACT Reading success? Let’s get to it.

1. Find the author’s point of view as you read

Do you find yourself getting lost in the details, or reading too quickly and missing some of the
important information? For the ACT Reading Test, you’ve got to strike a balance between
reading for the author’s point of view and for the function of each paragraph, while also noting
the location of important details in case you need to come back later. How do you do all of this
at the same time?

2. Make sure you underline anything that seems significant to you

Look for words and phrases that reveal the author’s opinion, or give the main idea of each
paragraph. The test booklet is basically one large piece of scratch paper, so it doesn’t matter if
you write all over it. In fact, it’s better if you do! Underline, circle, write 3-5 word summaries of
each paragraph…whatever works for you. Just don’t get so carried away with the note taking
that you run out of time…

3. Time yourself as you practice

If you are spending more than 3 minutes reading and marking passages, you are risking not
being able to finish all of the questions on test day. As you become more and more confident
with your accuracy, try to get as precise as possible with the timing of your note taking.

4. Do at least ten ACT Reading practice tests

Full-length practice tests are available in ACT practice books at local bookstores, at your local
library, and are even downloadable online. Find a quiet place where you can take the practice
ACT, and clear off the table or desk. Try to eliminate any distractions and do the best you can to
mimic your test-day environment. Keep a clock or timer in front of you so you can periodically
check and see how you are doing. You may want to set the timer to go off every 9-10 minutes.
Don’t rush, but make sure you can move confidently from one passage to the next and answer
ALL questions in the time allotted.

5. For Vocabulary in Context questions, go back to the passage

A commonly used vocab word often takes on a secondary definition within ACT passages. Do not
assume that the common meaning is the correct answer; there may be several meanings you do
not know. Go back to the passage and see how the word is being used in context.

6. Always pre-phrase an answer

Before you look at the answer choices, use the passage to predict your own answer. Then match
your prediction to the answer choices. This will save you time. Don’t get stuck weighing answer
choices. Cross out all answer choices that don’t match your prediction, pick the best available
answer, and move on!

7. Dumb down complicated questions

If you read a question and it is confusing or unclear to you, rephrase it in simpler terms. Think of
it as though you were going to explain the question to a small child. What is it really asking?

8. After 9 minutes, move on to the next passage

The ACT Reading Test is 35 minutes long and contains 40 questions (10 questions on each
passage). This means you’ll have slightly less than 9 minutes to spend on each of the 4 passages,
so pacing yourself is essential.

9. Do the passages in any order

You will always see 4 passages and you must always answer all 40 questions (even if you just
guess – the ACT does not penalize you for wrong answers like the SAT does!) But that doesn’t
mean you have to approach the passages in the order in which they are presented on the test.
As you practice, you will start to realize which passages are easier and which are more
challenging for you. For example, if Literary Narrative is your strong point but Natural Science
passages make you nervous, it may make sense for you to do the Literary Narrative passage first
and save the Natural Science passage for last. Just make sure you’re bubbling in the right
question number on your answer sheet…

10. Bubble your answer carefully

If you do decide to skip around, make sure you are still bubbling your answers into the
corresponding numbers on the answer grid. You don’t want to lose points because you bubbled
Passage Types

The ACT Reading test is very predictable: Four passages in four different “genres,” always in the
same order.

First, you will see a Literary Narrative passage (the fiction passage), followed by three non-fiction
passages: one on a social science topic, one on a humanities topic, and one on a natural science
topic. Each passage is around 700 to 850 words long and has 10 questions following the passage.

Here’s what to specifically hone in on as you read each one:

Literary Narrative passages generally include a narration of events and revelation of character.
You should be particularly looking for the passage’s mood or tone, the relationship of the
characters, and the emotions and perspective implied by what the characters say and how they
say it. Fiction passages often ask questions about how an author uses dialogue to both explain a
situation to a reader and reveal character.

Social Science passages present information gathered by research. As you are reading, focus on
names, dates, and concepts. You should pay close attention to which name goes with which
concept in a discussion and keep track of who said what. You should also particularly watch for
cause-effect relationships, comparisons, and sequences of events.

Humanities passages describe or analyze ideas or works of art. Some humanities passages that
are from memoirs or personal essays may seem a bit like fiction passages, but they are treated
as fact here. You should pay close attention to the author and point of view. Sometimes a
question will ask students to predict the author’s likely response to a hypothetical argument or
situation. In these passages, the kinds of relationships students are asked to infer or identify are
those between events, ideas, people, trends or modes of thought.

Natural Science passages usually present a science topic and an explanation of the topic’s
significance. In a natural sciences passage, the author is typically concerned with the
relationships between natural phenomena. As with social science passages, you should pay
special attention to cause-effect relationships, comparisons, and sequences of events. You
always need to keep track of any specific laws, rules and theories--so underline them as you go!

Many of the nonfiction passages, especially natural science passages, will include some
specialized or technical language. But don’t worry, the passage should provide clues to the
word’s meaning (if it doesn’t, you’ll often find a footnote with a definition; the ACT Reading test
does not explicitly test difficult vocabulary).

As with every subject on the ACT, remember you can do the passages in any order. Some
students are not fans of fiction and prefer to leave the literary narrative passage for last.

Work with your preferences and strengths and complete the four passages in that
Question Types on the ACT Reading Test

Out of all the sections on the ACT, the Reading test is the one students tend to approach with
the least rhyme or reason: read the passage, answer the questions, there’s not much more to it
than that, right?


In addition to learning how to reading strategically, getting familiar with the question types on
the ACT Reading test can help you learn how to approach certain questions, which questions you
might want to skip or save for last, or which questions have certain tricks or traps. By
understanding how the test works, you’ll be able to get more questions right.

Hopefully that’s enough to convince you. Now. let’s break it down.

There are 8 basic question types on the ACT Reading test:

● Detail

● Main Idea

● Comparative Relationships

● Cause-Effect Relationships and Sequence of Events

● Inferences/Generalizations

● Meaning of Words

● Author’s Voice

● Author’s Method/Purpose

Here’s what you need to know about each of them:

Detail Questions

Detail questions ask you to (go figure) find details in the passage. Most of the time, they involve
nothing more than simply locating a word or phrase in the text. These are the easiest questions
out of the bunch. The trick, though, is that ACT Reading passages are long, and detail questions
often don’t give line numbers or paragraph references, so don’t get caught up in a three-minute
long fruitless search of the passage as you attempt to find out whether the girl’s coat is yellow or
blue. If you can’t find the answer within 30 seconds or so, take a guess and move on to the other
questions. Often, you might find the answer you are seeking as you search the passage for other

Example: The passage states that, on average, students in 2015 applied to how many

more colleges than students in 2005?

Main Idea Questions

Main idea questions ask you to determine the primary message of a paragraph, section, or an an
entire passage. You will see a main idea question on just about every single ACT Reading passage
so you should always be prepared to answer it. After you finish reading the passage, summarize
for yourself the main idea of the passage so you have it straight in your mind and won’t be
tempted by distracting answer choices that misstate what the passage says or pick up on only
one part of the passage. For questions that ask you about a specific paragraph or section,
remember that the first and last sentences of paragraphs are often key.

Example: The main purpose of the third paragraph is to demonstrate the author’s:

Comparative Relationships

Comparative relationship questions ask you to evaluate how two or more people, viewpoints,
events, theories, or so on compare. They are certainly more higher level than detail questions,
but they aren’t too scary. To get these questions right, you just need to understand the gist of
two things.

Examples: According to the author, the significant difference between the director’s

opinion and the star actor’s opinion was:

According to the passage, high school students today are different from teenagers in the
past because:
Cause-Effect Relationships and Sequence of Events

Cause-effect and sequence of event questions are categorized separately by the ACT, but we’re
grouping them together because they are fairly similar. Basically, they both require you to
understand what happened before something else or what happened to cause something else.
These questions are like detail questions in that the answer will be directly stated in the passage.
The only thing you need to be careful about is realizing that the order events are discussed in the
passage is not necessarily the order in which they happened.

Example: The narrator conveys that her dismissal from her first job directly resulted in:


Inference and generalization questions are typically the hardest questions on the ACT because
the answer won’t be directly stated in the passage but will require you to take a lot of
information and boil it down. The most important thing to remember with these question types
is never to infer TOO much. You will only ever have to make a teeny, tiny leap beyond what the
passage states. So if you find yourself rationalizing how an answer choice could be true, STOP,
you are going too far.

Example: It would be reasonable to infer that the boy was not surprised by the arrival of

his mother because:

Meaning of Words

Meaning of words questions are also known as word-in-context questions. Typically, you are not
being quizzed on difficult vocabulary here. Most of the time, the passage will pick a word that
might have multiple meanings depending on the context and ask you to pick out the right one.
There are two main strategies to approach these types of questions. The first is to put a blank
where the word is in the passage and then fill it in with your own word. Then go to the answer
choices and see which one best matches up with what you chose. The other strategy is to read
each of the answer choices back into the passage and see which one makes the most sense in
the context of the passage (even if it doesn’t grammatically make sense).
Example: As it is used in line 58, combed most nearly means:

Author’s Voice

Author’s voice questions ask you to draw a conclusion about how an author (or narrator) feels
about his or her subject. These can be difficult questions, but you should know that about half of
ACT Reading passages are going to ask you a question like this, so you should prepare for them
as you are reading. It can be really difficult to go back and determine tone without rereading
(which you likely don’t have time for). As you are reading, look for clues that indicate how an
author or narrator feels about something: often these are strong choices in adjectives, adverbs,
or verbs. Tone or voice questions are often particularly important on the fiction passage.

Example: The narrator recalls her childhood in a remote area of Canada with a feeling


Author’s Method/Purpose

Author’s method or author’s purpose questions ask you to draw conclusions about what an
author is trying to achieve with a passage or why he or she developed the passage in a certain
way. These are not incredibly common questions, but you should be prepared for them. The best
way to prepare for these question types is to pay close attention to the structure of the passage
as you read and how each paragraph builds on the previous one.

Example: In the context of the whole passage, the author most likely chose to include

the examples of the extinction of certain bird species in order to:

Comparison Passages

Comparison passages (or dual passages) are relatively new on the ACT Reading test (they only
popped up in the last couple of years). But they are now customary, and you can expect to see
one as one of the four sections on the ACT Reading test. These passages tend to intimidate
students, but they aren’t nearly as scary as you might think they are. Most of the questions you
will encounter will only apply to one of the two passages in the set and you’ll only see 2 to 4
questions that have to do with both.

Here’s how to strategically tackle these comparison passages:

1. Know in advance that there are going to be certain obvious ways in which these two passages
compare or contrast.

This is why they were chosen, after all! So read the first passage as you would any other
passage–looking for main idea and key points. Then, when you read the second passage,
look specifically for the ways in which it is similar to and different from the first one in
how it approaches its topic. Make note of these similarities and differences; we
guarantee the questions will ask about them.

2. Read the first passage and then answer the questions on it, then read the second passage and
answer the questions on it, and then answer the questions on both.

The upside to the dual passage section is that you can break up your reading into smaller
chunks. There will be a clearly marked list of questions that pertain only to the first
passage, so you will have all the information you need to answer those questions after
you have read the first one. So take a break at this point and do those first. This also
helps you avoid any distractor answer choices that appear in the second passage because
you won’t even have read it yet. Follow the same procedure for the second passage and
then answer the questions that are about both passages.

3. Know that almost all of the questions on both passages will have to do with big ideas, namely
main idea, tone, and purpose.
You might see questions that compare details, but most of the questions that are on
both passages have to do with big ideas. So you want to be extra sure on these passages
that you have the main idea, tone/attitude, and purpose of each passage straight. Jot
them down after you finish reading. So, for example, on a natural sciences passage
examining the connections between meditation and heart rate, you might jot down
something like “New studies show meditation increases heart rate (main idea); skeptical
(tone); to inform (purpose).” Do this for both passages, and it will become MUCH easier
to answer those questions on both passages. Promise.

4. If timing is an issue for you or comparison passages are not your thing, leave this one for last
and strategically use the time you have left.

If you are prone to running out of time on the ACT Reading test, the dual passage is a
great one to leave for last. Check the list of questions before you begin to see which
passage has the most questions on it and do that passage first (they might have the same
number, in which case read the shorter passage first). Then do the other passage and
questions. This will help you make the most of the precious dwindling minutes at the end
of the Reading test.
Pacing for ACT Reading

Procrastination: We’ve all been there. Whether we get easily distracted, put off work we find too
overwhelming or intimidating, or, hey, we just have better things to do, sometimes we start a
task behind schedule–and then it’s too late. As much as we can all relate to this, though, it’s a
risky game to play on the ACT, and sometimes test-takers don’t even know they’re doing it. With
even the best of our intentions, it is difficult to give the maximum number of questions the
maximum amount of attention to get that maximum number of points.

It is time to come up with a game PLAN. These strategies will keep you moving through ruts and
progressing at the right pace, so that time will be on your side:

1) Once you start on a passage, commit to it. Going in test order may not be so
important, but not wasting time jumping back and forth is. Valuable time will be lost
confusing yourself, and even those precious page-turning seconds should not be wasted.

2) Don’t pore over the passage. Since ACT writers only include questions that should
respond to your understanding of the passage after a few minutes of reading, spending
that extra time won’t help you answer the questions. Be attentive, but also quick: you
don’t want to do all that careful reading to not be able to get the correct answers to
show for it.

3) Take the Guesswork out of Guessing. There is no penalty for guessing on the ACT. If
you have only a matter of seconds to finish a question without even taking the time to
read it, you should–and your chances of getting it right expand greatly with each answer
choice you are able to eliminate. Unless you are aiming for a 30+, some guesswork won’t
kill your score. Of course, with effective time management, you should only need to
resort to guessing on a handful of the more challenging questions.
Why You Might Need to Skip A Passage to Get a Higher Score

In an ideal world, we can do all 40 questions on the ACT Reading Test in 35 minutes, but many
students find that they’re either rushing through them with low accuracy, or only able to do 2 or
3 passages.

One of the things we hear a lot from frustrated students is that there isn’t enough time on the
test to take notes or follow the recommended ACT Reading strategies. Let’s look at two students
and their scores and see how slowing down and taking notes, even at the expense of leaving an
entire passage blank, can actually increase your score on the ACT Reading Test!

Student 1: Marion

Let’s say Marion does not take any notes. She skims the passage and reads the questions quickly,
then scans back to the passage hoping to locate the correct answer. Her goal is try to complete
all 40 questions, which she is able to do by spending approximately 8-9 minutes on each
passage. But because she rushed without really understanding any of the passage, she only gets
5/10 questions correct on each Reading passage, or 20 correct answers total.

Final Scaled Score: 20

Student 2: Steven

Now let’s look at another student. Steven reads each passage, carefully taking notes and
breaking the passage down. He practices active reading and asks himself questions about the
author’s main idea and point of view as he reads. This means that he only has time to do 3 out of
4 passages. For the last passage, he quickly guesses on the 10 questions since he knows there is
no wrong answer penalty on the ACT. He spent about 11-12 minutes on each of the three

Because he really understood the passages, he gets 8/10 questions right on the first three
passages he completed. His accuracy is much higher because of the time he spent thinking
critically and analyzing the passage. For the last passage, he gets 2 questions correct out of the
10 guessed questions. This makes his total correct a 26.
Final Scaled Score: 25

The Outcome

It’s pretty amazing how Steven took three more minutes on each passage, got only three more
questions correct on each of the first three passages, did not even read the 4th passage, and yet
received a scaled score that was a full 5 points higher than Marion’s!

The Lesson: If you’re struggling with pacing and accuracy on the ACT Reading Test,
try the “3 out of 4” method that Steven used!

Introduction to the ACT Science Test

The ACT Science Test assesses the skills of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and problem-
solving using scientific experiments and situations. While the Science Test includes passages
from the content areas of biology, chemistry, earth/space sciences, and physics, only a basic
knowledge of these fields is necessary. Students can use the below information directly, or you
can pick and choose what to share with them!

What to Know:

●Science is the last multiple-choice section of the ACT

●The time limit is 35-minutes

●This section generally includes 6 or 7 passages (3 Data Representation passages, 2 or 3

Research Summaries, and 1 Conflicting Viewpoints passage)

●There are 40 multiple choice questions

●Students will encounter a few, but not many, questions that will ask them to use some
outside science knowledge.

What to Study:

●Basic scientific concepts

●Practice reading scientific charts and graphs (your high school science textbooks and
The Real ACT Prep Guide are good sources).

●You can read science articles for the general population, such as from Popular Science,
to get more comfortable with the topics. If you are really motivated, check out the
academic science articles from the Public Library of Science.

●Learn how to work fast! ACT Science is a notoriously time-pressed test that overwhelms
students with information. Doing practice tests under timed conditions can help you
learn what you need to read and what you don’t.

What Not to Study:

●Science! (Well, for the most part. Very few questions ask students to use outside
science knowledge, and you likely will have learned it in school already. Maybe even in
middle school.)
Top 3 Tips to Improve Your ACT Science Score

ACT Science tests are a little like olives; either you love them or you hate them. Yes, skeptical
readers, there are some students out there who love the ACT Science test. The nice thing,
though, is that no matter where you fall on this love/hate spectrum, you absolutely can learn to
at least like the ACT Science test a little more; you just have to get used to it. And this only comes
with practice.

So here are some of the top strategies that will help you get more cozy with the ACT Science test
and be fully prepared for it.

Take Practice ACT Science Tests

The ACT Science test is unique. Unlike the English or Math sections, you can’t do effective
preparation for it simply by studying, say, grammar rules or geometry formulas. Heck, you can’t
even really prepare for it by studying science. This sounds rather ironic, but it is true. The ACT
Science test is far more a test of scientific reasoning and data analysis than a test of science
content. So the most effective preparation for the ACT is to do lots of ACT Science questions. We
have passages for you to practice with on Magoosh. You can also find five full-length tests in The
Real ACT Prep Guide and official practice passages and a full-length test for free on the ACT
Student website.

Take Timed Practice Tests

Once you develop a familiarity with the ACT Science test, it is crucial that you practice doing
tests under timed conditions. There are 6-7 passages on the Science test and a 35-minute time
limit, meaning you have about 5-6 minutes per passage. Some passages will take you more or
less time than others, but time yourself to see if you are able to work at this approximate pace. If
you are not, don’t get discouraged; this may just mean you need to focus doing fewer passages
to get your best score (and plan to entirely skip 1 or even 2 passages). But it’s really important
that you figure this out in practice and not on the real thing.

Read Scientific Writing

The more you read about science, the more comfortable you will be with the lingo, terminology,
and strange units on the ACT Science test. The Public Library of Science has some good free
sources for you to read, but be forewarned that these articles are written for scientists and are
more complex than what you will see on the ACT. Therefore, I only recommend this for students
who are VERY serious about their science score. If you aren’t ready to get that intense about
your ACT Science study, you can devote a little more attention to your school’s science textbooks
and lab experiments. Focus particularly on understanding the hypothesis, the control, the
variables, and the results of the experiments you encounter.

Review Fundamental Scientific Concepts

Every ACT Science test will have a few questions that require you to bring in outside science
knowledge. There won’t be many of these, and any outside knowledge required will be on a
pretty basic level. The ACT doesn’t provide a list of what could be tested, but we’ve taken our
best guess at what is fair game: study the following list of concepts, and you should be in pretty
good shape for whatever the ACT throws at you!
Science Knowledge on the ACT

The ACT Science section will occasionally include questions in which the answer requires science
knowledge that is not provided in the passage.

Here is a list of basic scientific topics that the ACT might test. But don’t panic! Anything tested
will be on a very basic level (something you might have learned in an introductory class or even
remember from middle school), and you will only see a few questions per test that require any
outside knowledge at all.


●classifications: genus, species (e.g. knowing that lizards are mammals, reptiles or

●human anatomical systems (circulatory, digestive, respiratory)

●eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms




●genetics (allele, genes, chromosomes, X and Y chromosomes)









●dominant and recessive traits

●crossing over of dominant and recessive alleles



●cellular division phases (interphase, etc.)


●understanding (and balancing) chemical equations and reactions











●atomic mass

●solid, liquid, gas









●atomic number

●atomic mass

●molar mass


●solid, liquid, gas and melting, boiling, freezing points (very generally speaking; not
specific to any particular substance, except maybe water)

●important elements (e.g. water is H20)










●charges (like charges attract; opposite charges repel)

●circuits (capacitor, resistor)






●kinetic energy

●potential energy

●gravitational potential energy

●mechanical energy


Earth and Space

●metamorphism (state change)

●layers of earth



●air resistance


●terrestrial planet/gas giants

Other Science Terms

●independent variable

●dependent variable







Magoosh has a free flashcard app that will help you quickly quiz yourself on these science
Passage Types

There are three distinct passage types on the ACT Science test: Data Representation, Research
Summaries, and Conflicting Viewpoints. Here’s how the numbers break down on most tests.

Passage Type Number on Test

Data Representation 3

Research Summaries 2 or 3

Conflicting Viewpoints 1

In the past, there always used to be 3 Data Representation passages, 3 Research Summaries
passages, and 1 Conflicting Viewpoints passage on each test (7 passages total). However, on
recent tests, there have been 3 Data Representation passages, 2 Research Summaries passages,
and 1 Conflicting Viewpoint passage (6 passages total). This means that there have been more
questions per passage on these more recent tests since the total number of questions on an ACT
Science test is always 40.

Here’s what you are going to face in each passage type:

Data Representation Passages

ACT Science Data Representation passages are typically the most straightforward of the three
ACT Science passage types. Unlike the Research Summaries passages, which recreate various
experiments, and Conflicting Viewpoints passages, which present alternative hypotheses on a
scientific phenomenon, Data Representation passages present students with a few figures,
graphs, or charts to analyze without accompanying experiment descriptions.

This doesn’t mean that they are always easy, but generally speaking, most students find them to
be the easiest out of the three types because they rarely ask students to do the kind of higher-
level scientific reasoning that the other passage types require. As a result, students who are
uncomfortable with the Science section often like to concentrate on these passages first.

You can recognize them because they won’t have headers such as “Experiment 1,” Study 2” or
“Scientist 1,” and they often have a lot less text.

Research Summaries

Research Summaries provide descriptions of one or more related experiments or studies

conducted by hypothetical scientists or science students. These passages generally have more
text than Data Representation passages because they detail the design and procedures of a
particular study in addition to presenting the results on tables or graphs. The questions on these
passages ask students to understand, evaluate, and interpret the design and procedures of the
experiments and analyze the results.

You can recognize them because they will typically include one or more experiments or studies
with headers such as “Experiment 1,” “Trial 2,” or “Study 3.”

Conflicting Viewpoints

There is generally only one Conflicting Viewpoints passage on each ACT Science test. This
passage typically presents two (although sometimes three) alternative viewpoints, hypotheses or
theories on a specific scientific phenomenon. Some students refer to these passages as “Fighting
Scientists” passages because these different viewpoints always fundamentally disagree with one
another, even though they may agree on some points. Your job is to notice all the similarities
and differences between the viewpoints and answer the questions that follow. These questions
might ask you to determine which scientists or theories would agree with a certain point,
determine how a certain point might strengthen or weaken the different hypotheses, or how
new information might affect the viewpoints.

You can recognize Conflicting Viewpoints passages because they typically have no figures or
diagrams, or only one or two simple diagrams, and a lot of text. Because you have to read these
passages in full and because the questions often involve a lot more critical thinking, many
students like to save this passage for last.

Remember that you can do the passages in any order that you want! As you practice, notice
whether or not you struggle with one passage type over another and start with the ones you find
to be easier to get your feet wet (and in case you run out of time). If any passage seems to
complicated or intimidating, remember you can skip it and come back to it at the end!
More on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage

In Conflicting Viewpoints passages on the ACT Science Test, several different viewpoints or
hypotheses will be presented on a specific scientific phenomenon.

The first few paragraphs will describe the phenomenon and the remaining paragraphs will
outline each student or scientist’s viewpoint. These passages typically contain more words than
Research Summaries or Data Interpretation passages, so your reading skills will definitely be
useful here!

Let’s look at some tips for handling Conflicting Viewpoints passages.

1. Identify what’s being studied.

This information is usually located in the very first paragraph. What is the main subject the
students or scientists are studying? This paragraph will often include unfamiliar scientific
terminology, but don’t panic! They are trying to confuse you, but you don’t have to worry
because any new vocabulary will eventually be defined by the passage. Locate and underline the
phenomenon before you move on to the viewpoints.

2. Figure out the opinions.

Each student or scientist will have a basic theory in regards to the phenomenon. This opinion can
usually be found in the first sentence underneath the person’s name. Try and put yourself in
each scientist’s shoes. Ask yourself, how are the basic theories different? How are they similar (if
at all)? Underline this information, as well, so you can easily reference it later. You could even jot
down a quick summary of each scientist’s viewpoint, so you don’t forget.

3. Circle any relevant data.

Once you’ve located and underlined the basic theories of each scientist, identify what data they
are using to support their theory. Are there any graphs or figures involved? Make sure to draw
on the figure exactly what is described by each theory and label it “Student 1”, “Student 2,” etc.
Consider whether any of the supporting data is contradictory. For example, if Student 2’s theory
is correct, does that make Student 3’s theory incorrect? If no support is provided for a theory,
make sure to write “No Support” next to the paragraph.

The main goal of the Conflicting Viewpoints passages is for you to understand what the
argument or conflict is about, and determine what is different about each point of view.

As you carefully read and understand the phenomenon, basic theories, and
support, it is also helpful to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each
argument. What needs to be true in order for each theory to be correct? What
assumptions are the scientists making?

You may find yourself taking a little more time than you do on the other passage types to
understand all of the viewpoints and answer the questions. Make sure you get plenty of practice
with Conflicting Viewpoints passages before your test so you are comfortable and confident with
the format.

You may feel more pressure on the Science test in terms of timing, but don’t skim the Conflicting
Viewpoints passages – you’ll need to truly understand each viewpoint to correctly answer the
questions. Otherwise, you will waste more time re-reading later as you answer the questions.
Using Key Terms

One of the most fundamental strategies for doing well on the ACT Science test is knowing how
to identify the key terms in the question and find them in the passage. Because you don’t have
time to read and understand everything in the Science passages, it’s essential to be able to
quickly pull out the key pieces of data and find and use them. It’s about training your brain to
hone in on finding key terms rather than understanding everything that is going on in the
passage, and it will allow you to increase the number of questions you can confidently get right.

So, what are “key terms”?

Key terms are the words, phrases, units, and numbers you will be looking up on the figures and
in the passage or that you will be applying to answering the question.

Key terms are always:

● the name and number of the figure, table, or experiment to which the question refers

● names of substances, objects, categories, etc.

● any numbers or percentages that appear in the question

● any trial or group numbers that appear in the question

● anything that is capitalized or has a numerical value

● what the question is actually asking you to find

For every single question on the Science test, underline the key terms. This helps keep you
engaged and focused on what is important.

Here’s an example question:

Based on the results in Figure 1, which of the following could be the absorbance values for
samples containing 4 ppm of chromium and copper, respectively?

And here it is again with the key terms underlined:

Based on the results in Figure 1, which of the following could be the absorbance values for
samples containing 4 ppm of chromium and copper, respectively?

Now let’s try to answer it:

Based on the results in Figure 1, which of the following could be the absorbance values for
samples containing 4 ppm of chromium and copper, respectively?

A. Copper: 23%, Chromium: 25%

B. Copper: 23%, Chromium: 34%

C. Copper: 13%, Chromium: 25%

D. Copper: 13%, Chromium: 34%

Now, here is the figure you need to answer the question with the key terms circled on it. You
should do this as well when you are annotating the Science test to help avoid making mistakes.

See how the key terms automatically point us to the answer? Copper at 4 ppm is at about 13%.
Chromium is off the charts but if the line continued (to where the arrow I drew in is pointing) we
could guess that it would be at about 34% ppm, so our answer is D. This strategy will help you
out on even more complex questions as well.
It takes a little self-discipline to force yourself to underline or circle the key terms on every single
question, but it will greatly reduce the number of errors you make on the ACT Science test and
help your brain zoom in on what is important, and this makes it well worth it!
Finding Trends and Patterns

One of the most important skills you need to master for success on the ACT Science test is how
to quickly and accurately determine trends and patterns in figures and tables.

Imagine you see the following figures on a Science passage (don’t worry about understanding
what they mean right now; you don’t need to):

Now imagine you see a question like this:

Between days 14 and 42, the percentage of patients testing positive for Plasmodium vivax
after being treated with Drug Combination A:

A. increased only

B. decreased only

C. increased then decreased

D. decreased then increased

What do you need to know?

Well first of all, you need to know what it means when lines slope downward or upward on a
graph. We can figure this out by looking at our x-axis and y-axis. The x-axis (the horizontal axis)
shows days of the study increasing from left to right, so the study is progressing in time from left
to right. The y-axis (the vertical axis) shows percent of patients testing positive for parasites and
the percentage values increase from bottom to top.

So this means that if a line is trending upwards as the days go on, then the percentage of
patients testing positive for parasites is increasing, and if it is trending downwards, then the
percentage of patients testing positive is decreasing. Note that if we look at the Drug
Combination A line for Plasmodium vivax (the one with the triangles) over the course of all of the
days, the line goes down, then levels out at the bottom, then shoots up again. So this is why you
might see answer choices on the ACT such as C and D in the question above (in this case though,
we are limited to what happens between days 14 and 42, which is different than the whole
length of the study.)

Second of all, on these trend and pattern questions, you always need to make sure you are
looking at the right figure. This is a common mistake students make on the ACT Science test. If
you neglected the reference to Plasmodium vivax in the question and looked at the first figure
for Plasmodium falciparum, you might select “B. decreased only” for your answer. But we need
to look at the second figure. Now, if you correctly look at the second figure, but neglect to note
that the question asks about days 14 to 42, you might incorrectly select “D. decreased then
increased” because the line for Drug Combination A seems to do that over the course of the
study. But if we look at the correct figure and the correct line and limit our scope to between
days 14 and 22, we see that the percentage of patients infected increases only, so the answer is

Trends and patterns questions might also refer to tables of data. In this case, you don’t have
lines to help you and you need to look at increases and decreases in the values in the table to
help you figure out the trend.
So, imagine you see this table:

And this question:

As the percentage of patients infected with P. falciparum and treated with Drug
Combination C decreased, the percentage of patients infected with P. vivax and treated
with the same drug combination:

A. increased only

B. decreased only

C. increased then decreased

D. decreased then increased

This one might trip you up if you don’t note one important detail: the chart shows “percent of
patients free of parasites” NOT “percent of patients infected.” This is a common way that the
ACT Science test might cause you to slip up. So if we look down the column for patients infected
with P. falciparum and treated with Drug Combo C, we see that the number of patients free of
the parasite increases (this, therefore means, that the number of patients infected decreases as
we go down the column.) So we are looking to read the trend going down the column, not going
up the column.

I’d suggest drawing in an arrow there to keep it straight in your head:

Now we need to look at what happens to the numbers in the Drug Combination C column under
P. vivax as we follow the column in this same downward direction. We can see that the percent
of patients free of parasites increases from 62 to 100 then decreases from 100 to 20. So this
means that the number of patients infected decreases then increases, so our answer is D. This
might seem a little confusing at first, but it is a good thing to get used to, as this will pop up all
the time on the test.

Learning how to find patterns and trends on ACT Science tables and figures (and making sure
you are following them in the right direction) is such an important skill to master to get a higher
ACT Science score, so practice reading tables and figures to determine when values are
increasing or decreasing, and most importantly, make sure you are looking at the right data!
Linking Tables and Graphs

While many questions on the ACT only require you to look at one figure or table, there are also
many that require you to combine information gleaned from multiple figures, tables, or even
information in the passage. This is not as intimidating as it might initially seem if you follow one
key process. We call this “finding the link” (a really creative title, we know).

Here’s how it works:

If a question asks you to look at multiple sources, you want to find the key term that appears on
both sources. This is your “link” that helps you connect the dots between the data.

Let’s look at an example question:

Considering the data in Figure 1 and Table 1, which of the following could have been the
absorption level measured for lead in Sample 5?

A. 5%

B. 7%

C. 13%

D. 17%

Here are the related figures:

The fact that there are two different sources (Figure 1 and Table 1) referenced in the question
clues us into the fact that we should be looking to apply this strategy of “finding the link”.

We can see that Figure 1 contains several of the key terms from the question: “lead”,
“absorption”, but not “Sample 5”. On Table 1, we find “lead”, “Sample 5”, but not “absorption”.
So “lead” is the link here because it appears on both figures. But we need a little more help to
actually connect the dots for this question. So what else appears on both Figure 1 and Table 1?
The answer is “ppm”. And this is our key link.

If you notice, on the horizontal axis of Figure 1 we have ppm listed across the bottom, and along
the top of the Table 1 we see ppm as well (ppm, if you are curious, stands for “parts per
million.”) So, since the question asks about Sample 5, let’s start there in Table 1 and look at the
“Lead in 100 ml” column. The value here is 2.3 ppm. So now, we can link this to Figure 1, find
where 2.3 would fall along the horizontal axis of Figure 1 and follow the lead line (our other link),
to see where it is at that point. Looks like it is closest to 13% and so our answer is C.

So, as a recap, the basic process for linking charts and graphs is to find the key terms in your
question, figure out which terms appear in both places referred to in the question and use these
key terms to connect the dots. This takes a little practice, but once you get used to it, you’ll be
surprised how quickly you can answer some questions without even needing to fully understand
what the question is asking!

Introduction to the ACT Writing Test

The ACT Enhanced Writing Test measures students’ abilities to evaluate different perspectives
on a debatable topic and write an essay (within a time limit!) presenting their own arguments on
the issue and supporting them with specific details and examples. It is an optional component of
the ACT, although there are many colleges and universities that require or recommend it for

As with the above sections, the following is written for students:

What to Know:

●The Writing Test is the last section of the ACT (meaning you have to suck it up and keep
going after your non-Writing Test friends scamper off to freedom).

●You have a 40-minute time limit to plan and write your essay.

●There will be one essay prompt that will present you with a debatable topic and three
different perspectives on it. The prompt will ask you to evaluate the three different
perspectives, present your own perspective (which may agree in part or in full with any of
the provided viewpoints), and explain the relationship between your viewpoint and the
provided ones.

●The essay is scored by two graders, each of whom will assign you a score of 1 to 6 on
four different writing “domains.” Your total points added up between these two graders
are converted to a scaled score of 1 to 36, which is the final score you will see on your
score report.

What to Study:

●Practice planning and writing essays on practice ACT essay prompts. Although writing
full essays is the best practice, ten-minute outlining sessions in which you plan out your
essay (like you will do on the test) can go a long way in helping you learn how to quickly
generate and organize your ideas.
●Share your writing with the strong writers you know and get feedback from them. Have
them score your practice essays using the ACT rubric.

●Review the sample essays on so that you can get a sense of what kinds
of essays get which scores. This can be incredibly helpful!

●Learn about current events and form your own opinions on them. Engage in lively
debates with your friends and family so that you can practice supporting your opinions
and anticipating opposing arguments!
FAQs about the New ACT Essay

Here are our expert answers to your most pressing questions about the ACT Writing test
(introduced Sept 2015) so you can write an essay worthy of the Pulitzer on your upcoming test.

What’s the difference between the old and new ACT essay question?

In short, the new ACT essay prompt asks students to do a lot more. The old essay asked test-
takers to consider issues such as whether or not students should be required to wear school
uniforms or whether or not fast food chains should be required to post nutrition information. In
other words, as the ACT puts it, it was an exercise in persuasion. The new essay is an exercise in
both persuasion and analysis. Students are given three perspectives on an issue and asked to
“evaluate and analyze” the three perspectives, “state and develop” their own perspective, and
“explain the relationship” between their perspective and the given perspectives. They can
choose to agree with one of the provided viewpoints or may come up with their own.

This is a lot to ask high school students to do! Particularly in a timed writing situation (the silver
lining is that the ACT is giving you a little more time to do it…see below!). This makes it all the
more important to have a strategic approach to make sure you hit all of the required parts of the
question in an organized, well-written essay. Keep reading for our best tips on how to do this.

Where can I find examples of the new ACT essay?

You can find one official ACT sample prompt on You can find another practice
essay prompt released by the ACT in the 2015-2016 Preparing for the ACT guide.

We’ve also made you an additional sample essay prompt to practice with below.

How can I prepare for the new ACT essay?

Practice planning and drafting an essay based on the sample essay prompts above. Do them
within the time limit. Then review the samples posted on and the rationale for
the scores they received. Review the rubric the graders will be using. This knowledge is power.
Remember, you are writing for the graders, so give them what they want.
What are your top tips for success on the new ACT essay?

Here is what will help you get your best score:

1. Make sure your introductory paragraph introduces the perspectives provided in the prompt
and ends with a thesis statement that states your own perspective and why you believe it.

For example, based on the released ACT example prompt on Intelligent Machines, this could
potentially be your introduction:

Although intelligent machines might cause us to question what makes us human, it is too
extreme to say that they cause us to either to lose our humanity or push us to become
super-human. Humans and machines can work in concert: machines can be employed to
take on tasks that are menial, tedious, and time-consuming, leaving humans free to work
on tasks that require a human mind and spirit.

Notice that the first sentence summarizes the first and third perspectives in the prompt and the
thesis statement agrees with the second. This sets up a structure for your essay in which you will
evaluate the three perspectives and explain why you agree with one of them.

2. Choose one of the given three perspectives to agree with (at least mostly) and avoid the
option to present your own.

With three different perspectives to evaluate and a limited amount of time to write, you are
going to be able to cover more ground if you choose to agree with one of provided perspectives.
Three viewpoints is already a lot to evaluate. If you choose to present your own viewpoint, this
means you now have to elaborate on FOUR perspectives. You can get a perfect score by agreeing
with one of the given perspectives. Don’t make your life harder.

3. Know your essay structure in advance. Here’s one organization strategy that should work well
if you follow my advice to agree with one of the perspectives.

●Brief intro paragraph (2-3 sentences)

●Evaluation of the first perspective you did not choose with specific examples
●Evaluation of other perspective you did not choose with specific examples

●Evaluation of the perspective you agree with and further development on why you
agree with it using specific examples (this should be a longer paragraph than the first
two, or it could be split into two paragraphs)

●Brief conclusion (approx 2 sentences): make a final case for your argument

This structure ensures that you answer all three parts of the question: evaluating the three
perspectives, developing your own, and explaining the relationship between your perspective
and the others.

4. Give VERY specific examples

This has always been the case on the ACT essay. For each of the three perspectives, make sure
you give specific examples. And the more specific they are, the better. But you don’t need a lot;
two or three good ones do the trick. Examples from historical and contemporary events and
circumstances tend to go over best. Personal examples can also work, but graders seem to be
biased towards outside examples–they seem to carry more weight.

5. Leave time to proofread at the end

Since “Language Use” is its own separate grading category now, it is worth your time to catch
any errors you may have inadvertently made while while writing quickly.

Is the new ACT essay still optional?

Yes. Students can still choose whether or not they want to take the essay, and it will still be the
last section of the test for students who choose to take it. As always, keep in mind that many
colleges require or recommend the ACT with Writing, so know your potential college
requirements before registering for the test. If you are not sure, you can register for Writing and
drop it before the test date if you change your mind (you can even do that on test day, but you
won’t get a refund).
How is the new ACT essay scored?

On the old essay, students received an essay score from 2-12. This was based on the combined
score of two graders grading the essay from 1-6. Now students receive a scaled score out of 36
(similar to the other multiple choice sections of the test). They also receive what are called
domain scores out of 12 in four categories: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support,
Organization, and Language Use and Conventions. These scores do not add up to the overall
score, but are intended to give students and schools more information on the writer’s strengths.
Two graders will independently score students out of 6 on each of the four domains. These
points will be added up to a raw score, which will then be converted to a scaled score out of 36.
Students will also receive an ELA score, which combines their essay score with their score on the
ACT English multiple choice section.

What is the time limit for the ACT Writing test?

You have 40 minutes to read the prompt, plan your response, and write your essay.
Top Tips for the ACT Writing Test

Tip 1: Choose to agree with one of the three perspectives rather than presenting your own. You
can get a perfect score by agreeing with one of the perspectives; with such a limited amount of
time to write, why make your life harder (and risk going off topic) by developing a fourth
perspective? (For VERY strong writers, you may be able to score a slam dunk by modifying one of
the perspectives or narrowing its focus slightly but avoid the temptation to do something
completely different. It’s too easy to get off track.)

Tip 2: Never, ever, ever be wishy-washy. Pick a side. You have three perspectives to evaluate, but
this definitely doesn’t mean that you should agree with all of them. At least two of these
perspectives will be in conflict with one another, and the essay asks you to develop and support
one argument. And you can’t possibly do that if you try to agree with all the perspectives. Decide
what your stance is on the debatable issue and then agree with the perspectives that help
support your argument and challenge the ones that don’t.

Tip 3: On that note, when you pick your perspective, pick the one that you can more easily think
of concrete, specific examples for, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.

Tip 4: Use a five-paragraph essay structure: an introduction with a clear thesis; one body
paragraph on each of the perspectives (ending with the one that fits in best with your
perspective) including concrete piece of evidence; and a conclusion that ties everything

Tip 5: Consider including counter-arguments and examples where appropriate regarding the
perspectives you don’t agree with. (But make sure that it’s a criticism someone might actually
use. Making a weak counter-argument only makes you look weak!)

TIp 6: Try to vary your types of evidence among historical circumstances, personal examples,
common knowledge, and objective reasoning; it makes your argument much more persuasive,
which leads to a higher score!
Tip 7: Remember to keep your handwriting legible. An essay the graders can’t read will be given
a zero, no matter how great the content is.

Tip 8: Resist the urge to edit too much as you go. Changing a word here or there is fine, but don’t
worry about perfection in a forty-minute essay. The graders know you don’t have a lot of time.

Tip 9: Finally, keep an eye on the time. Devote about 10-15 minute to prewriting, 20-25 minutes
to writing, and 2-3 minutes to proofreading. Wear a watch so you know for a fact how much
time you have left. Your proctor may not be the greatest at reminding you how much time has
passed, and on the essay, every minute really counts. (And, no, you won’t be able to use your
phone, even to keep time!)
ACT Writing Tips for Top Scorers

Ok, so you’ve read what is above but are still thinking to yourself, “Yeah, yeah, I got that, but I
want a 32 (or a 33, or a 34, or a 35, heck even a 36 on the ACT Writing test)”? Well, if that
sounds like you then you’ll want to check out the tips below for ADVANCED students who want
to achieve the highest score possible on the ACT essay.

Here are my top two tips for an essay that is going to knock the socks off the graders. In order to
do that, you need to remember that your graders are human beings. They are reading lots and
lots of essays. And a lot of them start to sound alike. So if you are shooting for a good score on
the essay, all you really need to do is to write a clear, argumentative thesis, address all three of
the perspectives, include good examples, and have a coherent structure. But if you want a
GREAT score, you need to stand out from the crowd.

Here’s how you can do it:

Use Less Obvious Examples on your ACT Essay

On the first new essay on the September 2015 ACT, a whole lot of students wrote about the Civil
Rights movement. It really just was an obvious example that a lot of students had studied, and it
was certainly the first thing that jumped to my mind as well. Now, technically, graders are not
supposed to be punishing you for an unoriginal example as long as you do it well. But remember
the golden rule: they are only human!

If a grader reads 50 essays about the Civil Rights movement in a row, and then
they get to yours, and you are writing about something totally different, they are
going to sit up and pay attention.

Not only that, but it will be more difficult to compare your essay to others. If you write about the
same topic as everyone else, it is likely that some people won’t do it as well as you, but that
others will do it better. So try not to open yourself to these comparisons. Be original.
Again this doesn’t mean that you can’t write about a common topic, but if you are going to do it,
make sure you pick very specific examples within that topic to demonstrate your knowledge. But
if you can think of something that would be less obvious–well, I would go that route.

Choose the option to provide your own perspective on the ACT essay, but only switch it up

Now, this is tricky. You can get a perfect score simply by completely agreeing with one of the
three presented perspectives, and for the vast majority of students, this is the best course of
action to make sure you don’t go completely off track and end up hurting your score. However, if
you consider yourself to be a very strong writer, you might be able to truly impress by adding
your own twist on the prompt. In most cases, the easiest way to do this is to narrow the scope of
one of the perspectives. For example, if you look at sample essay #5 on, you’ll see
that the graders applauded the student for evaluating the perspectives through the “lens of a
particular ideology”: capitalism →

The prompt is about a larger issue–the positive or negative impact of “intelligent machines” in
our society–but this student has narrowed the scope, and in doing so, was able to provide a
specific compelling argument that didn’t try to address all of life in a five-paragraph essay.

So for you ACT Writing superstars out there who are looking for a score in the 32 to 36 range,
take these key tips to heart and get practicing with ACT Writing prompts. The new ACT essay
prompt is tough, but practicing with sample prompts and coming up with arguments on the fly
will help!
ACT Essay Sample Prompt

Before you peek at the prompt on the next page, set aside some time to either do a timed
outline (about 10 minutes) or an entire essay (about 40 minutes), so you can make the most of

Almost since human beings began sharing ideas, the issue of censorship (officially suppressing
ideas or writing) has been debated. Proponents of censorship argue, for example, that offensive
material might morally corrupt children or that governments have the right to protect their
national secrets. Opponents argue that censorship infringes on individual freedom and hinders
progress. Censorship has long been an issue regarding books and papers; now, it has become a
critical issue concerning the great amount of information on the Internet. Given the continued
impact of censorship on various aspects of our lives, it is an issue worth examining.

Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about
the impact of censorship.

Perspective One

Selective censorship prevents children from being exposed to offensive material. It allows
parents and caretakers to determine what material children are ready for and when they are
ready based on their maturity level.

Perspective Two

Censorship intrudes upon freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Individuals have the
right to learn about their world, both its positive and negative aspects, and express their ideas on

Perspective Three

Censorship should not be condoned because it places too much power in the hands of a few: no
government or leadership system should be allowed to decide what information should reach
the public.

Essay Task
Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on the impact of
censorship on society. In your essay, be sure to:

●analyze and evaluate the perspectives given

●state and develop your own perspective on the issue

●explain the relationship between your perspective and those given

Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partial agreement, or wholly
different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive

Making the most of a study schedule

The first challenge of studying for the ACT is helping students find the time and energy to get
started. The second challenge? Having them commit to their study plans.

As you’ve likely noticed, high school is a game of time management for students. They spend
four years finding ways to complete all their homework, study for tests, finish projects, manage
all extracurricular activities, sleep, and maybe even have some time leftover for themselves.

Even the most well-organized students can struggle once you throw standardized tests into the
mix. It might be best to start by understanding that many of your students may be feeling
overwhelmed! But you can help them find ways to make their lives easier.

Finding an ACT study plan that works for you and your students, and sticking to that plan, can
help your class stay organized and self-motivated while keeping procrastination at bay. With a
good study plan, students will study a little bit every day, preventing the weekend-long cram
sessions that ruin sleep patterns and social lives.

Rather than create your own study guide, from scratch, check out the Magoosh ACT Study
Schedules online. They list all the materials and resources students need to study for the ACT
(many of which are even free), and then give day-by-day assignments covering all ACT topics and
test strategies.

How to Use an ACT Study Guide

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all study schedule. However, adapting a study schedule
to fit individual needs shouldn’t take too much effort. Here’s what you do:

1) Honestly assess your students’ ACT strengths and weaknesses.

Do they always struggle with a certain ACT test (that’s what they call each section), or with a
certain question type? Focus extra time and energy here. For example, assign extra practice
problems or readings on the subject, or teach specific strategies for outsmarting the ACT’s
questions on that subject. Is the problem time management? A great place for students to start
is by practicing with a timer, and always answering the easiest questions first.

2) Determine how much time students will realistically devote to ACT prep.

If students are working, playing sports, volunteering, and maintaining a course load all at the
same time, they probably can’t commit to an hour of ACT prep each day. In this case, you might
want to break the One Month ACT Study Schedule into smaller units for students, and have them
tackle it over two or three months. With the exception of mandatory district tests, it’s okay if
students need to reschedule an exam to give themselves more time to study. Guide them in
setting realistic goals – it’s important that they have time to sleep!

3) Teach the value of always checking work and understanding where they are making mistakes.

Just doing practice problems won’t improve student ACT scores very much. Students need to
figure out why they are missing the problems that they’re getting wrong, and then re-do those
problems until they get them right.

There’s no use in making the same mistakes over and over during ACT prep – it just
means that students will get the same types of problems wrong when they show
up on the ACT.

4) Set small goals and keep track of progress.

You can do this a few ways – either having students set goals with you, with an accountability
buddy, or simply by writing down their goals at the beginning of the week. They can range from
“by the end of the week, I will be able to do matrix problems without consulting my notes.” Or,
“I’ll follow the One Month Schedule day by day, and reward myself at the end of the week with a
trip to a guilty pleasure food joint or an hour of TV time.” Make sure students are logging their
progress in a notebook, or on your computer, so you can keep track of your goals and note
which topics give you the most trouble.

5) Have students prioritize general health as part of their ACT prep.

Achieving a goal score on the ACT takes more than just studying. Students also need to eat right,
exercise, and get enough sleep. If their bodies and minds are healthy, they’ll be much more calm
and confident heading into this challenge. So, encourage them to take meaningful study breaks,
such as hanging out with friends, watching a favorite Netflix show, going on a leisurely jog … all in
the name of test prep.

Which Strategy Will Work Best for My Students?

It’s ok if your students’ ACT study plans are unique! Making the most of an ACT study schedule
requires adapting it to an individual’s particular needs. Students may want to experiment with
various strategies from the red ACT Official Guide, and see which ones work best for them
(there’s no “one size fits all” approach to the ACT). Be patient if you don’t see their scores shoot
up immediately. New strategies may slow students down initially, but practicing them will give
them extra tools on test day.

Once students have practiced enough problems, schedule a time for them to sit down and take a
4-hour practice test. Set a timer for each section and try and find a quiet room to mimic test-
taking conditions. The goal is not that students get every question correct, but for them to get a
feel for what the timing of each section is like. Students may not finish each test on the first try,
but they’ll know what strategies they need to practice.

How Do I Know if the Study Plan Works?

Focus on student progress, and encourage students to take the first couple practice tests in
stride if they aren’t as high-scoring as they’d like. Preparing for a test takes organization, practice
and a positive mental attitude. There is no such thing as a “good” or a “bad” test-taker. Some
students are just more familiar with the content areas and strategies than others. Test-taking is a
learned skill. Create a checklist of student study sessions and set up periodic rewards as they get
work done!

Finding and Using Great ACT Resources

A great place to begin learning about the test itself is at If you can, order
an official copy of the Real ACT Prep Guide. It includes full-length practice tests as well as
answers and explanations.

Free ACT practice materials abound online, but make sure that they are high quality, or students
may end up with outdated materials. For help finding great ACT resources online, check out our
Free ACT Practice Materials post on our blog.

Start assigning some practice problems to help students get a feel for the format of the test and
to begin to learn their personal strengths and weaknesses. Don’t worry if students get a lot of
questions wrong at first. Each student should have an ACT study folder and add a “Formula
Sheet” and a “Vocab Sheet,” where they can write any unfamiliar math formulas and vocabulary
words they come across while studying. Many students make their own flashcards, finding that
it’s a useful way for them to learn.
Study Schedules

Whether your students are preparing for a test in a week, a month, or a year, it always helps to
add some structure to an ACT study plan. Using a study schedule can help students stay
motivated and hold them accountable, even on days when they’d rather not study for the ACT
(and there will probably be many days like this).

With this in mind, we created some study plans to help students ace their ACT prep. The plans
include recommended materials, as well as steps for each stage of prep.

(All of our Study Schedules require Magoosh ACT Prep. If you have any questions about
purchasing plans for your students, please email us at [email protected] for more

And be sure to let us know if you need help adapting a study schedule to your students’ needs.
Just send us an email to the address above, and we’ll do our best to help you out.

Happy Studying, Magooshers!

Magoosh ACT Study Plans

Click a link below to go to the corresponding ACT Study Schedule:

● One Week

● One Month

● Two Month

● Three Month

Test Day Tips for Students

After all this time, ACT test day is finally looming. Here are some tips to make sure it goes as
smoothly as you hope.

ACT Tip #1: Pack the day before.

The last thing you want to worry about as you shake yourself awake on test day is what you need
to bring.

Here’s a complete list:

●admissions ticket (print from

●photo identification (crucial! You will not be admitted without it. Check acceptable
forms of identification here.)

●several sharpened soft lead No. 2 pencils (the old fashioned wooden kind; NOT

●a permitted calculator (did you know that using a TI-89 is the most common reason
students are dismissed from the ACT? Check the list of prohibited calculators here.)

●extra batteries

●a watch to pace yourself (you can’t rely on the fact that the test room will have a clock.)


●pencil sharpener

●healthy snacks (see below)

●a water bottle

●gum (did you know chewing gum improves accuracy and reaction times? Check out this
and other test prep lifehacks on our blog – written for SAT prep but totally applicable to
the ACT!)
●an outfit with layers (your test room may be too hot or too cold. It is rarely just right,

ACT Tip #2: Go to bed early.

Make sure you are giving yourself a solid night of sleep. For most teenagers, this is 8-9 hours.
Figure out when you need to get up to be completely ready and at the test center stress-free
and work backwards from this time to figure out when you need to go to bed. If you can’t sleep,
though, don’t force it. Get up and do something else and try again in a half hour. Don’t lie there

ACT Tip #3: Wake up early and do some physical and mental exercise.

Go for a jog; do some jumping jacks. Waking your body and mind up is crucial. Read some
articles from the newspaper and focus on finding the main idea. Try a couple math problems.
Avoid the urge to do any last-minute ACT prep, but it is important that your brain is warmed up
for the test.

ACT Tip #4: Eat a healthy, long-sustaining breakfast.

We like granola, fruit, eggs and veggies. Drink coffee only if you are used to it. Don’t try it now if
it is new– you might get crazy jitters.

ACT Tip #5: Bring a cheat sheet.

Not THAT kind of cheat sheet. But we recommend bringing an “ACT strategy cheat sheet” that
you can review before the test and then tuck safely away in a bag. This should include the most
important reminders you’ve learned from your test prep such as “Don’t forget to watch out for
comma splices!” and “Make sure to stick to a pace of 5 minutes per passage on the Science.”
Having a last-minute review list can help you remember that you are, in fact, prepared and you
do, in fact, got this.

ACT Tip #6: Don’t lose your cool before the test.
Libraries or cafeterias full of arriving test-takers are generally not good places. You could cut the
nervous energy with a knife. So many anxious students fretting about whether or not there will
be a comparison reading passage or quizzing each other on logarithms. Or even worse, the kid
leaning up against the wall who looks like he could care less. Or a group of your friends pulling
you into some Homecoming Dance drama that distracts you from the task at hand. Of course,
eventually you need to check in, but if you get to the test center early, by all means, pull out your
headphones, blast your favorite pump-me-up music and hang out outside. You’ve done too
much preparation to let these other students shake your confidence.

ACT Tip #7: Keep your focus during the test.

A surefire way to not get the score you want is to constantly pay attention to the test-takers
around you. How does that girl in front of you answer math problems so fast? Why can’t that kid
stop tapping his foot? Try to stay in the zone and focus on your particular strategies. Everyone is
different, and what these other students are doing is irrelevant. And it should go without saying
that you should avoid any temptation to peer at your neighbor’s answer sheet. Cheating is not a
risk you want to run here. And he’s probably wrong anyway.

ACT Tip #8: Eat on your breaks even if you aren’t hungry.

Your brain needs fuel just like the rest of your body, even if your nervous stomach doesn’t think
so. And the last thing you want is to let a perfectly good snack break go to waste only to regret it
later when your stomach is howling halfway through the Science section. Fruit is great test fuel:
the natural sugars help give you energy. Make sure to have something with protein too, like a
handful of nuts. Many of our students swear by peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or trail mix
with chocolate for the perfect combo of sugar and sustenance. Don’t forget the water!

ACT Tip #9: Reward yourself.

You worked hard for this, and no matter how you think the test went, afterwards treat yourself
to something you enjoy. You need the mental break and relaxation. But as important as an after-
test reward is, I think that what is even more important is rewarding yourself during the exam.
No, you can’t whip out a cookie in the middle of the English section, but give yourself mental
pats on the back when you catch yourself doing something right. So many students beat
themselves up during a test for what they think they are doing wrong. Put a stop to this
destructive mentality and instead congratulate yourself when you find yourself doing something
right: sticking to your pacing or recognizing a grammar error you’ve missed before. It’s a long
test and a positive attitude is crucial!

Cheers to a fantastic test day!

Book Reviews

Looking for an honest, straightforward review of an ACT prep book? They aren’t easy to find.

ACT prep materials aren’t all equally qualified to help raise your score, and not all books on the
market are worth the money. Which is why we’re here to offer our advice. Our ACT expert,
Kristin, tested the most popular ACT prep books and wrote up honest, straightforward reviews of
their strengths and weaknesses.

What’s the Best ACT Prep Book?

It’s The Real ACT Prep Guide, 3rd Edition. Published by, the makers of the ACT exam, this
book offers official materials for you to study with. Has it been updated recently? No. Is it 100%
factually correct? No. But it’s the best we’ve got!

Magoosh ACT Book Reviews

So, whether you’re browsing the ACT prep section at your local book store (or library), or you’re
trying to decide how much money to drop on Amazon, make sure to check out our list of reviews
first (follow the links on the Magoosh Blog for more). We’ll help you spend your money wisely.

● The Real ACT Prep Guide, 3rd Edition from the Makers of the ACT

■Strategy: C

■Practice Tests: A-

■Style: B

● ACT Prep Black Book by Mike Barrett

■Strategy: A

■Practice Tests: N/A

■Style: C

● Barron’s ACT
■Strategy: B+

■Practice Tests: B+

■Style: B

● Barron’s ACT 36: Aiming for the Perfect Score, 2nd Edition

■Strategy: B

■Practice Tests: A-

■Style: A-

● Cracking the ACT Premium 2015 Edition from The Princeton Review

■Strategy: B-

■Practice Tests: C-

■Style: B

● ACT 2015: 6 Practice Tests with 12 Expert Video Tutorials from Kaplan

■Strategy: B+

■Practice Tests: C-

■Style: B+

You can find links to full reviews of all the books above (and more!) on the Magoosh blog’s Best
ACT Test Prep Books page!
Free Practice Materials

Where can you find free practice ACT resources?

Released ACT Exams

Your best source for free ACT practice tests is the actual people behind the ACT. ACT, Inc. has
released several past exams. You can find an official practice test in the Preparing for the ACT
Guide, available online, and additional practice sections on (Note: the ACT refers
to each section as a “test,” so when you see “Math Test” it means the math section from a
complete ACT).

These are the best practice tests you can find — straight from the test creators. However, they
don’t release a ton of free stuff. A simple Google search will give you lots of additional options,
but not all free ACT practice tests are created equal.

Why Are They Free?

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Well, it’s true in
every arena — including test prep.

If your students are taking a free practice test, you should think about why it’s free.
releases free tests so that people can prep for the exam and do as well as possible. Other
companies (like Magoosh!) will give away free materials in the hopes that it will lead you to
purchase additional resources. Companies like us have an incentive to make sure that our
materials are good — you won’t buy premium service if the free stuff isn’t good, after all.

But there are other companies that will give away free stuff because they’re going to sell
advertisements or — worse — data about you. You should be wary of these sources — they have
no incentive to give you top-quality test prep materials, and moreover they may end up selling
your email address to any number of random third parties. Before you know it, you’re getting
emails for Rogaine or Donkey Rental.
Just because practice tests are free doesn’t mean they’re a good use of your students’ time.
There are lots of publishers out there that produce content quickly and — let’s face it — poorly.
If students are going to spend multiple hours taking a practice test, make sure that test is as
close to the real ACT as possible.

If you’re assigning something created by ACT, Inc. then you can be pretty sure it will be good.
But for other materials, it will be well worth your time to do some quick
evaluation before you start printing out practice tests. First, use materials from
sources you trust. and Magoosh are great places to start. You can also get
a good sense of a company’s test quality by reading some student reviews of the
other materials that are available. Finally, you can evaluate the practice test
yourself by quickly scanning to make sure the passages look like what you’ve seen
on the officially released exams.
Additional Test Prep Resources

Magoosh ACT YouTube Channel

We help you ace the ACT with short, informative videos that aren't totally boring to watch. :)
Click here to check us out (or search for MagooshACT on YouTube).

ACT Challenge Questions

Looking for some super-hard questions students can practice with to get a super-awesome ACT
score? We have a series of ACT Challenge Questions on our blog. You can find them here.

SAT Prep Resources

We all know that the ACT and SAT test are pretty different from one another: different formats,
different scoring, different subjects tested. However, for those preparing for both exams, they’ll
start to notice that there is quite a bit of overlap when it comes to required skills.

It helps not to think about the two exams as the ACT vs. the SAT, but as more of an ACT/SAT
venn diagram. They share a lot of content, especially at a basic level.

So, with that in mind, feel free to use some of Magoosh SAT’s free resources to help with
building basic skills:

●SAT Vocabulary Flashcards: To help reading comprehension skills.

●SAT Math Formula eBook: For brushing up on basic math skills.

●Best Free Vocab Resources: Because online tools to make learning vocab more fun.
The College Search – For Students

Not sure where to begin your college search? Feeling completely lost and confused?

Well guess what? In my humble opinion, I think that means you are actually one step ahead of
the game. Despite all the talk out there about a “college search,” the vast majority of college
applicants never truly search for a school themselves. They make a list of colleges their friends
like, their parents like, their counselors like, or simply schools they’ve seen on t-shirts or on TV. I
was one of these students. I never looked outside of my own backyard, and when I started
learning about all the amazing colleges and universities that are out there later on, boy, did I
have some regrets.

So, first, pat yourself on the back just for being on the mission to uncover the right college for
you. Now, let’s talk about how you can find it.

Step 1: Take an Inventory of Yourself

Ask yourself these questions: What do I like and dislike about my current school? How do I learn
best? Do I like to study alone or with a group? Do I like to have personal interactions with my
teachers? Do I like socializing in large or small groups? Does climate have a serious impact on
me? Do I need to be close to home? Do I like to be involved in a lot of activities? Do I need school
spirit? sports? theatre? There are so many questions to ask and lots of resources for self-
assessments out there. Here is one that we particularly like (on Taking stock of
what you want and need will help you know what to look for as you research schools.

Step 2: Establish Your Must-Haves

Take a look at the following list of criteria and determine what your requirements are for each
category. Are there any deal-breakers? Are there any you don’t have particularly strong feelings
about? Be careful of eliminating anything you aren’t sure about at this point: If you’ve never
seen a small liberal arts school before, how do you know you don’t want to go to one? If you
don’t know, then make some college visits before you rule anything out.
Curriculum: Have you already decided on a major to pursue? Do you want to make sure you
have options? Do you want to have a core curriculum or total freedom? Do you want to double
major? Do you want to design your own major?

Location: Is it important for you to be close/far from home? In a certain geographical

region or climate?

Size: Small? Medium? Large? Mega? Don’t forget to consider the size of the individual
program you are looking at, not just the whole school.

Resources: Do you need specific resources for learning needs or psychological, social, or
medical concerns? Desire a strong cultural or ethnic group support network? Want robust
internships or research opportunities?

Activities: What types of activities are you interested in participating in in college, both on
and off campus? What type of leadership, service, study abroad, etc. opportunities would
you like to pursue?

Cost and Financial Aid: How much can you/your family afford to pay for college? What
level of financial aid do you need?

Step 3: Research, Explore, and Visit

Once you’ve determined what you are looking for in a college experience, you can begin
exploring schools that meet your criteria. College Navigator and College Scorecard are good tools
to launch your college search based on the criteria you’ve established. (You can also check out
our list of the best free online resources for your college search below!)

Once you’ve developed an exploratory list, lay out a plan for visits. If you don’t have the time or
means to visit colleges far away, pick a selection of different types of schools within a day’s drive.
Plan out a handful of weekend trips to visit 2 to 4 schools each weekend (any more and they will
all start to run together in your mind).
For the schools you can’t visit (and even for the ones you can), do research online, get on mailing
lists, visit with the rep when they come to your school, talk to current students and alumni, and
go to college fairs. Learn as much as you can!

Step 4: Refine Your List

Once you’ve done your exploration, refine your college list. The length of this list can vary. Some
students have three or four schools, others have fifteen. Whatever you do, make sure to cover
your bases. You should have a balance of good bets (schools you have more than a 75% chance
of getting into), targets (schools you have a 25% to 75% chance of getting into), and reaches
(schools you have less than a 25% chance of getting into).

Step 5: Express Your Interest

Now that you know which schools you are interested in, make sure they know it too! Take
advantage of opportunities for interviews and meetings with representatives and alumni; get on
their mailing list. Even if these contacts don’t seem to lead anywhere, when it comes time for
your application, you will be able to check off all sorts of boxes that show your demonstrated
interest in the school and your essays will reflect your effort. Go to each school’s website and
find the admissions representative who will be reading your application (sometimes this is based
on the alphabet or geography, sometimes on other criteria). This person is going to be your
contact throughout the admissions process. Definitely don’t pester them, but don’t hesitate to
reach out if you have important questions or if you need to follow up with information regarding
your application.

Remember, this is YOUR college search! All sorts of people–from your parents to your friends to
your teachers–are going to have their own thoughts about it. Listen to them, but don’t be
swayed by the opinions of others. If you have a better sense of who you are and what you want
in a school, you’ll be much less likely to fall into this trap and far more likely to fall in love with
your chosen school once you get there.
Free College Search Resources

Fortunate college applicants of the Internet age! They have so many resources at their fingertips
to find the right school! Here are ten of our favorite free resources for an online college search.

College Scorecard: A user-friendly and engaging tool to search for schools from the U.S.
government College Affordability and Transparency Center based on a range of criteria. You can
also find out how much the average student pays for a school, how much they borrow, and
graduation and employment prospects.

College Confidential SuperMatch: A search tool that uses 20 criteria (attributes such as location,
major, diversity, special services, and party scene) to help students find the right schoo. It uses a
“fuzzy” approach to ranking schools based on student preferences, meaning it finds not only the
perfect matches, but also the schools that are pretty darn close.

College Navigator: Not quite as fun as College Confidential’s tool, but it is an authoritative one
hosted by the National Center for Education Statistics. Students can search for schools by
criteria, compare them side by side, and pinpoint school locations on an interactive map.

Big Future from the College Board: Another well-respected search tool. Of particular note is the
ability to find schools based on test scores, those that offer academic credit for advanced high
school courses, and those that meet financial aid needs.

U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges: The most famous national source of college rankings,
highly anticipated each year. You will need either a website subscription or a purchase of the
magazine for full details on the rankings.

Colleges that Change Lives: A non-profit organization promoting a small group of liberal arts
colleges supporting a student-centered college experience. Also has numerous quality resources
for a general college search.
Best Colleges: Uses compiled information from various sources to rank colleges on specific
features (for example, online colleges that offer free laptops, tuition-free colleges, and colleges
with lowest out-of-state tuition)

eCampus Tours: Offers 360-degree virtual tours of 1300 campuses.

College Week Live: A virtual college fair. Live chat with admissions representatives and students
at 300+ colleges and universities.

Niche (formerly College Prowler): aims provides the “real dirt” on colleges; students review
aspects of the college experience at their respective schools, such as the sports scene or campus
food. Lots of information; take individual student opinions with a grain of salt, though.

Unigo: Similar to Niche. Compiles student reviews on various schools.

Intro to Financial Aid

For high school seniors everywhere, navigating the ins and outs of financial aid can be
completely confusing. So many deadlines, so many forms, so many weird acronyms that would
make interesting band names (FAFSA NATION, anyone?).

In all honesty, everything can get a bit overwhelming. In this section, we’ll try to
guide you and your students through the basics of the process step-by-step.

But first of all…

Why do students need financial aid?

College is a wallet demolisher. Costs not only include tuition, but room and board, textbooks,
personal and travel expenses, and well, you name it. It’s expensive! More and more students
these days are graduating with enormous amounts of debt — debt that would not exist in such
considerable quantities if more people had known how to maximize the amount of financial aid
they were eligible for.

There is a nifty calculator on for calculating how much financial aid students can
qualify for based on their EFC (Estimated Family Contribution). Even if a student doesn’t think
she will qualify for much aid, she should try anyways. There really is no risk involved.

Financial aid can come in the form of institution-based financial aid, given out by the school;
federal aid; and separate scholarships run by private organizations. They are all important, and
they can all save students from becoming bankrupt, becoming homeless, and living in a
cardboard box crying over a framed diploma.


The FAFSA, CSS, scholarship applications, Cal grants, tax return information…there are so many
forms to send in! All colleges usually have a specific deadline as to when they’d like to receive
Before students start any of this process, it’s important to write down all of the deadlines for all
of the schools they’re interested in. When mailing material in, deadlines are usually a lot more
flexible — but it’s still important to get all the materials mailed in on time.

For a lot of colleges, these forms are due at the beginning of February. Other colleges have
deadlines toward March or even April and May. If a student can’t find deadline information on
one of his colleges, have him call the Admissions Office! It doesn’t hurt to check.

So…what are all these forms they have to submit?

The most popular and well-known form is the infamous FAFSA.

It stands for the “Free Application for Federal Student Aid,” which basically speaks for itself. It’s
completely free, and if students enter in all their financial info and submit their application, they
can receive an estimate for how much the government can give them. This application is nice
because students can submit the same one to all of their schools. Within a few weeks of
submitting the FAFSA, a paper Student Aid Report will be mailed out, detailing information from
the student’s FAFSA and their Expected Family Contribution. If students also provided an email,
they’ll receive a link to their results after just a few days.

Overall, the FAFSA a bit faster and easier to complete than the other major financial aid form…


The “College Scholarship Service” is not required by every school — in fact many schools only
require the FAFSA! There are about 200 colleges, however, that do require the CSS Profile. These
colleges include a lot of the top schools, like the Ivy Leagues. Students should check with their
school to see if it requires this form. Otherwise, they might be missing out on a huge portion of
financial aid.

Using information provided on the CSS, schools will compute how much institutional aid a
student is eligible for. If the Estimated Family Contribution is less than the college’s tuition fees,
the student can qualify for need-based financial aid!
The CSS Profile is run by College Board, and because College Board hasn’t milked high schoolers’
wallets enough already, there is a $25 application fee and a $16 fee for every additional school.
For those applying to 10+ schools, we sympathize.
Separate financial aid documents

1) Institution-specific

There are some schools like Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania that have their own
separate financial aid forms as well. For Princeton, students who already submitted a CSS form
can sync the information from CSS to Princeton’s own application form to make the process
quicker. These institution-specific forms can be difficult to find. Make sure students know if any
of their schools require this!

2) Cal grants

Students applying to any school in California need to make sure they have this done! Cal grants
offer financial aid/grants to anyone attending a California university — and according to its
website, students can receive up to $12,192 in financial aid that they don’t have to pay back. All
they have to do is fill out the FAFSA and have a counselor fill out a GPA verification form. The
deadline is normally early March.

3) Tax returns

This is a particularly annoying part of the financial aid process, but it’s necessary nonetheless.
Lots of schools require copies of tax returns in order to verify the imputed information. This
means the entire tax return packet: all forms and schedules included, signed by both parents.
College Board has a nifty service called IDOC through which students can send these digitally.
They can also make copies and physically send it out to colleges, but this is very labor intensive.

Guaranteed Scholarships

Sometimes, students can receive an institutionally based scholarship just by sending in an

application. Many colleges around the country offer guaranteed scholarships. These scholarships
are automatically awarded to accepted students who have earned a certain minimum SAT score.
The cool thing about them is that students don’t even have to fill out a separate application.
When researching colleges, students should keep their eyes open for what guaranteed
scholarships are out there.

General Merit Scholarships

This is another type of student aid which is awarded based off of academic, athletic, musical, etc.
achievements, rather than family situation. These scholarships usually have the same minimum
SAT score requirements, but students are in competition with other accepted students for a
limited number of awards. These scholarships may require a separate application, along with a
personal or themed essay. In short, students need to read those directions closely!
Unfortunately, most of the elite colleges in the U.S. do not offer academic merit aid (and only
offer need-based aid), so this is considerably less common.

Private Scholarships

There are tons of other scholarships out there that require a little bit more initiative on the
student’s part. Students need to look up scholarships that are being offered locally, or
scholarships that pertain to their demographic, career goals, major choice, etc. Forbes has a nice
list of 10 highest-paying scholarships for college. But students need to be limited to just those!
Proactive students should cast a wider net after exhausting their college list.

This book does not cover all of your financial aid options by far, but hopefully it helped out a bit
with clearing up the process! It’s tricky, but in the end it will definitely be worth it.

Students need not let the cost of college get them down. With the right financial aid, they can do


Thank you for reading this E-book on strategies and tips to prepare you to take the
ACT. We have many resources for students who are getting reading for this exam
and others. You can check out all of our test prep at and all of our
ACT resources on our High School blog at You can also read
more about the authors and about Magoosh below.
The Magoosh Team

We’re a team of passionate educators in Berkeley, California. We like word games, video games,
and helping students do really well on standardized exams so that they can achieve their
educational dreams! :)

You can learn more about us and what we do on our Team page. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact us at [email protected]!
What is Magoosh?

Magoosh is an online ACT prep course that offers:

● 200+ unique lessons on all ACT subjects

● 700+ Reading, Math, Science, English, and Writing practice questions, with video
explanations after every question

● Material created by expert tutors, who have in-depth knowledge of the ACT

● Access anytime, anywhere from any internet-connected device

● Email support from experienced ACT tutors

● Customizable practice sessions and quizzes

● Full-length timed practice test

● Personalized statistics based on your performance

Why Our Students Love Us

“I really liked it! I would recommend it to anyone who wants to prepare for the ACT online.”

“It was genuinely helpful, especially in math and science. I used the technique of focusing on the
subjects that I didn’t score too well in the first time. Some of the colleges I’m applying to
Superscore. It brought my Superscore up to a 32. Thanks!!!”

“Magoosh helped me improve my readiness for taking standardized test[s]. I was well prepared
with strategies and basic concepts. My ACT test score improved 8 points!!!!!!!”

“The math questions here were really tough and it helped me improve my mathematical skills.”

“Magoosh is the best prep I ever had.”

Meet the Authors

Here are the awesome instructors (and students) who wrote the content for this eBook:

Kristin Fracchia

Kristin is the ACT Expert at Magoosh who creates awesomely fun lessons and practice materials
for students. With a PhD from UC Irvine and degrees in Education and English, she’s been
working in education since 2004 and has helped students prepare for standardized tests, as well
as college and graduate school admissions, since 2007. She enjoys the agonizing bliss of
marathon running, backpacking, hot yoga, and esoteric knowledge.

Rita Kreig

Rita helps high schoolers find Magoosh, improve their SAT/ACT scores, and get into their dream
schools. She earned both her BA and Master of Pacific International Affairs from UC San Diego,
where she also studied Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Rita loves education and community
development, just as much as she loves vinyasa yoga and baking chocolate chip cookies.

Chris Lele

For the last ten years, Chris has been helping students excel on the SAT and the GRE. In this time,
he’s coached 5 students to a perfect SAT score. Some of his GRE students have raised their
scores by nearly 400 points. He has taken many GMAT students from the doldrums of the 600s
to the coveted land of the 700+. Rumor has it he does a secret happy dance when his students
get a perfect score. You can read Chris's awesome blog posts on the Magoosh GRE blog and SAT

Lucas Fink

Lucas is the teacher behind Magoosh TOEFL. He’s been teaching TOEFL preparation and more
general English since 2009, and the SAT since 2008. Between his time at Bard College and
teaching abroad, he has studied Japanese, Czech, and Korean. None of them come in handy,
Peter Poer

Peter helps make sure Magoosh students have the best possible content. A proud Arizona
Wildcat and Teach for America alum, he worked as an instructional coach before getting an MBA
at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. He is passionate about student achievement and
educational equity. Also prime numbers. Peter enjoys cooking, running (slowly), and going to bed
comically early.

Catrina Coffey

Catrina graduated from Rider University with a B.A. in English. She’s been helping students
prepare for standardized tests since 2011. In her spare time, you can find her reading anything
within arms’ reach, playing video games, correcting grammar, or studying word derivations. (Did
you know that procrastinate comes from the Latin word cras, which means “tomorrow”?)

Susanna Langholm

Susanna holds a BA in Education & Liberal Studies from Smith College and has spent the better
part of her college and postgraduate years helping students achieve success both in and outside
of the classroom. Most recently, Susanna served as the Assistant Director for a tutoring franchise
catering to college-bound exam prep students, learning a thing or two about the ACT in the
process. When she’s not navigating the test-taking waters for the sake of her students, Susanna
can be found reading, writing on her education blog, skiing, or planning a future filled with
international travel - her favorite (but most expensive) hobby.

Maddi Lee

Maddi started writing for Magoosh as a high school junior in Southern California. She is an avid
freelance writer and has been featured in multiple literary publications and anthologies. When
she isn’t writing, she loves traveling, doodling, and most of all, sleeping. Through her own
experience and passion, she hopes to help guide fellow students through the roller coaster that
is SAT and college admissions…that is, as long as she survives the journey herself! Maddi
currently attends Yale, where she is a freshman.

From the Authors of this eBook

Hello! We are so glad you have read this. For we know that the ACT can seem like a daunting
task. You’ve heard whispers of it in the hallways of your high school, but when it comes time for
you to sit down and begin studying, where to start may seem like a giant unknown.

There’s a pesky, yet persistent, myth circulating out there that standardized tests like the ACT
and the SAT measure your intelligence. That practicing for such tests is futile.

As tutors, we know that nothing could be farther from the truth.

The ACT is a skill that can be learned: like basketball or basket-weaving. Like any other skill
involving some talent, there may be limits to the level you can ultimately attain, but nevertheless
everyone has the potential to make improvements, doggone it! You may never become a
professional soccer player, but you can learn to improve your passing accuracy. And your training
starts now.

Here’s how to get started:

Spend some time with the free resources at

This is the official website, and yet it’s amazing how many students take the ACT without ever
having visited it! This should be your first stop in your ACT test prep journey. You’ll find free
practice tests and advice from the test-makers themselves.

Use reputable study sources.

Every ACT student should get The Real ACT Prep Guide (aka “The Red Book”), which includes a
handful of old official exams. You can supplement your study with other great sources like
Magoosh or the Barron’s or Princeton Review books. (You can find links to our ACT book reviews
later in this eBook.) Most importantly, make sure you are getting the most up-to-date books. The
test does change.

Get inside the heads of the test-makers.

Try to develop an understanding of what the test-makers “prefer” in terms of the answer
choices. For example, after studying the ACT English test for some time you’ll notice how,
overall, the ACT test-makers prefer answer choices that aren’t wordy and employ economy of
language. This kind of understanding will help you make better educated guesses on more
difficult problems.

Plan out a reasonable study schedule.

To make sure you get the ACT test date and testing center you want, register early – at least 3
months before the exam. That way you can create a study schedule, working backwards from
the test date. Be realistic with yourself. How much time can you commit each week to ACT
practice questions? It’s better to study 20-30 minutes a day than a 4-hour block once a week.
Aim to work on ACT material at least four days a week to keep your mind fresh.

Learn the concepts tested the most often.

For the ACT English and the ACT Math tests, there are a finite number of tested concepts:
grammar, algebra, geometry, basic trigonometry. You will need to figure out what you already
know, and what you need to work on. The good news: the questions are predictable! If you learn
these concepts, you’ll see them pop up over and over again, and you will know exactly what to
do. Talk about a confidence booster.

Pinpoint your weaknesses and improve them.

Know which sections need more work and plan to address them first. You’ll need more time for
your weaknesses. Don’t put off studying for a section just because you dread it!

But don’t forget your strengths are particularly valuable on the ACT.

This is even truer for the ACT than the SAT. Most colleges focus on your overall ACT composite
score in admissions, while SAT scores are scrutinized more often by section. Because this
composite score is an average of all your section scores, doing even better on your strongest
sections can help make up for your weaker sections when everything averages out.
Don’t Stress

Remember that test-taking is a learned skill, not an inherent gift!

Some people may seem to be “naturally” good at the ACT, but even if you’re not one of them,
you can still learn how to score highly! Think positively, and focus on your progress in your ACT
test prep. Recognize that making mistakes is necessary to improvement. Incorrect practice ACT
questions help you hone in on areas that need more work, so welcome them!

This eBook will help you along your test prep journey! And if you have any questions, we’re real
people (not robots) ready to help! You can contact us at [email protected].

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