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Thermal Management of a Lithium-Ion Battery Module

using a Thermoelectric Cooler with Stirling Engine Heat


Adan, John Vincent D.

Gruta, Joshua Roberto A.

A Thesis Report Submitted to the School of Electrical, Electronics, and

Computer Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Bachelor of Science in 

Electrical Engineering 

Mapúa University 
September 2022

This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the thesis paper
prepared by John Vincent D. Adan and Joshua Roberto A. Gruta entitled Thermal
Management of a Lithium-Ion Battery Module using a Thermoelectric Cooler with
Stirling Engine Heat Pump and that the said paper has been submitted for final
examination by the Oral Examination Committee.

Engr. Jesus M. Martinez Jr.


As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have examined this
paper and hereby recommend that it be accepted as fulfillment of the thesis requirement for
the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Name Name
Panel Member Panel Member

Committee Chairman

This thesis paper is hereby approved and accepted by the School of Electrical, Electronics
and Computer Engineering as fulfillment of the practicum requirement for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.

Arnold C. Paglinawan
Dean, School of EECE


First of all, we, the researchers, are really indebted to all the people who gave their
influencing support and encouragement that enabled us to tackle the challenges of
educational advancement without which, this thesis work would not have prospered.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the following -
To our advisor, Engr. Jesus Martinez Jr., for his continuous support of our study in order to
improve it.
To our panelists, Engr. Esperanza E. Chua, Engr. Gerard Ang, and Dr. Michael C. Pacis for
listening to our thesis proposal and recommending changes that could improve our thesis
To the staff and personnel of the Institutional Laboratory Management Office (ILMO) for
allowing us to reserve a laboratory to conduct our data gathering for our thesis work.
Above all, to the Omnipotent Creator for endowing us the knowledge, strength, courage, and
determination, to carry out and accomplish this research project.


TITLE PAGE..............................................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET.................................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................vii
I. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................xi
II. METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................xii
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................................xiv
IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................xvi
V. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................xvi
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1
Chapter 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................................5
2.1 Stirling Engine.................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Stirling Cycle................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Working Principle of Stirling Engine...........................................................................6
2.1.3 Types of Stirling Engine................................................................................................7
2.2 Thermoelectric Cooler...................................................................................................10
2.2.1 Working Principle of Thermoelectric Cooler.............................................................10
2.3 Heat Sink........................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Pin fin heat sinks.........................................................................................................12
2.3.2 Bonded fin type heat sinks..........................................................................................13
2.3.3 Plate-Fin type heat sink..............................................................................................14
2.4 Passive Cooling System.................................................................................................15
2.5 Active Cooling System...................................................................................................19
2.6 Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries............................................................23
2.7 C-rates of Batteries........................................................................................................25
Chapter 3: Thermal Management of a Lithium-Ion Battery Module using a Thermoelectric
Cooler with Stirling Engine Heat Pump..................................................................................26
3.1 Abstract..........................................................................................................................26

3.2 Introduction...................................................................................................................27
3.3 Conceptual Framework.................................................................................................30
3.4 Design of the System......................................................................................................31
3.5 Research Flow Chart.....................................................................................................33
3.6 Theoretical Background................................................................................................34
3.7 List of Materials.............................................................................................................35
3.9 Objective (1)..................................................................................................................37
3.10 Objective (2)................................................................................................................40
3.11 Objective (3)................................................................................................................42
3.12 Objective (4)................................................................................................................43
Chapter 4: Results and Discussion..........................................................................................44
4.1. Temperature measurement of Battery Module.............................................................44
4.2. Temperature Measurement for Thermoelectric Cooler combined with Stirling Engine
4.3. Power Consumption of Cooling Mechanisms...............................................................74
4.4. Statistical Test...............................................................................................................79
Chapter 5: Conclusion.............................................................................................................80
Chapter 6: Recommendation...................................................................................................81


Table 3.1 List of Materials.......................................................................................................36

Table 3.2 TEC Module Used for The Experiment..................................................................36

Table 4.1 Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge
Rate of 1C................................................................................................................................47

Table 4.2. Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge
Rate of 1.5C.............................................................................................................................51

Table 4.3. Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge
Rate of 2C................................................................................................................................56

Table 4.4. Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge
Rate of 2.5C.............................................................................................................................61

Table 4.5. Exact Value of the Temperatures of TEC+SE at Different Discharge Rates.........69

Table 4.6 Exact Values of the Maximum Temperatures of the thermal management systems
at different discharge rates.......................................................................................................69

Table 4.7 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for FC................................................75

Table 4.8 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for TEC.............................................76

Table 4.9 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for TEC + FC....................................77

Table 4.10 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for TEC + SE..................................78

Table 4.11 Summary of average power measured of cooling mechanisms............................78

Table 4.12 Tabulated Results of Statistical analysis...............................................................79


Figure 2.1 Stirling Cycle............................................................................................................6

Figure 2.2 Operating Principle of Stirling Engine.....................................................................7

Figure 2.3 Alpha-Type Stirling Engine.....................................................................................8

Figure 2.4 Beta-Type Stirling Engine........................................................................................9

Figure 2.5 Gamma-Type Stirling Engine................................................................................10

Figure 2.6 TEC Module...........................................................................................................11

Figure 2.7 Pin Fin type heat sink.............................................................................................12

Figure 2.8 Bonded Fin type heat sink......................................................................................14

Figure 2.9 The Plate bundle unit structure of a plate fin radiator............................................14

Figure 2.10 Schematic Diagram of a passive cooling system rig............................................16

Figure 2.11 Heat Sink System.................................................................................................16

Figure 2.12 18W TEG Module by TEGpro.............................................................................17

Figure 2.13 18W Pin Fin heat sink..........................................................................................17

Figure 2.14 Cooling Fan..........................................................................................................17

Figure 2.15 Illustration of the utilization of desiccants as a passive cooling technique on PV


Figure 2.16 Diagram of (a) PV module with a lapping fin configuration, and (b) a PV module
with a longitudinal fin configuration.......................................................................................19

Figure 2.17 Outdoor Control Cabinet with TEC Air Conditioner...........................................20

Figure 2.18 Refrigeration System for Vaccines Using TEC Modules....................................21

Figure 2.19 Intelligent TEC Air Conditioning System............................................................22

Figure 2.20 Schematic of the thermal management of battery module using TEC.................23

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Framework of the Cooling Systems....................................................30

Figure 3.2 Design of the system..............................................................................................32

Figure 3.3 Research Flowchart................................................................................................34

Figure 3.4 Schematic Diagram for using Natural Convection (N-C) for Thermal Management
of the Battery Module..............................................................................................................38

Figure 3.5 Schematic Diagram for using Forced Convection (F-C) for Thermal Management
of the Battery Module..............................................................................................................39

Figure 3.6 Schematic Diagram for using Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) for Thermal
Management of the Battery Module........................................................................................39

Figure 3.7 Schematic Diagram for using Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) with Forced
Convection (F-C) for Thermal Management of the Battery Module......................................40

Figure 3.8 Schematic Diagram for using Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) paired with Stirling
Engine (SE) for Thermal Management of the Battery Module...............................................42

Figure 4.1 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge

rate of 1C.................................................................................................................................47

Figure 4.2 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge

rate of 1C.................................................................................................................................48

Figure 4.3. Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at

discharge rate of 1C.................................................................................................................49

Figure 4.4 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at

discharge rate of 1C.................................................................................................................50

Figure 4.5 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge

rate of 1.5C..............................................................................................................................52

Figure 4.6 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge

rate of 1.5C..............................................................................................................................53

Figure 4.7 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at discharge
rate of 1.5C..............................................................................................................................54

Figure 4.8 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at

discharge rate of 1.5C..............................................................................................................55

Figure 4.9 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge

rate of 2C.................................................................................................................................57

Figure 4.10 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge

rate of 2C.................................................................................................................................58

Figure 4.11 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at
discharge rate of 2C.................................................................................................................59

Figure 4.12 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at

discharge rate of 2C.................................................................................................................60

Figure 4.13 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge

rate of 2.5C..............................................................................................................................62

Figure 4.14 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge

rate of 2.5C..............................................................................................................................63

Figure 4.15 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at

discharge rate of 2.5C..............................................................................................................64

Figure 4.16 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at

discharge rate of 2.5C..............................................................................................................65

Figure 4.17 Summary of the maximum temperature of NC, FC, TEC, and TEC + FC at
different discharge rates...........................................................................................................66

Figure 4.18. Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 1C.................................................................................................................70

Figure 4.19 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 1.5C..............................................................................................................71

Figure 4.20. Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 2C.................................................................................................................72

Figure 4.21 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 2.5C..............................................................................................................73

Thermal Management of a Lithium-Ion
Battery Module using a Thermoelectric
Cooler with Stirling Engine Heat Pump

Jesus Martinez Jr.

John Vincent Adan School of Electrical, Electronics

Joshua Roberto Gruta
School of Electrical, Electronics and School of Electrical, Electronics and
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Mapúa University
Mapúa University Mapúa University
Manila, Philippines
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] h
the electric vehicles and energy storage stations sectors
Abstract— Electric Vehicles are being used as an [3]. However, despite of these advantages, lithium-ion
alternative to traditional locomotives to solve batteries overheat during their actual operation which
environmental challenges. EVs are powered by creates difficulties for their implementation in EVs and
lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery offers HEVs. With this, thermal management of battery
numerous advantages, including high power and module is necessary for its application. Thermoelectric
energy density, longer lifetime, and low self-discharge. cooler is considered as a technique for battery module
However, despite of these advantages, lithium-ion cooling. This is because they are lighter in weight and
batteries overheat during their actual operation which does not operate on a highly flammable fluid.
creates difficulties for their implementation in EVs Additionally, they operate at no moving parts, and it is
and HEVs In this study, Stirling engine (SE) paired more compact as compared to vapor compression.
with thermoelectric cooler (TEC) was designed and However, despite those advantages, its main
used as a cooling mechanism for the battery thermal
disadvantage is its low energy efficiency. Unlike
management system.
thermoelectric cooler, the traditional vapor
Keywords— thermoelectric cooling; Stirling engine; compression technology has advantages in terms of
lithium battery size, weight, power consumption, and cost. Vapor
compression is more efficient and effective in
I. INTRODUCTION providing cooling at below ambient temperature
cooling [5]. Therefore, a heat-dissipation mechanism
must be applied to thermoelectric cooler to optimize its
Global industrialization has resulted in advantages [6].
rising greenhouse gas emissions and a nonrenewable The study in [7] experimented the use of a
energy scarcity, both of which are major issues for the thermoelectric cooler to investigate the thermal
entire society. In addition, the climate change management of a lithium-ion battery module. The
produced by greenhouse gas emissions has a proponents of this research used a model by having a
significant impact on environmental sustainability [1]. real-time feedback of a temperature of the battery
To solve these environmental challenges, electric module. In addition, the study in [7] shows that a lower
vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are maximum temperature can be achieved by using
being developed as green-powered and thermoelectric cooling (TEC) compared to natural
environmentally-friendly cars [2]. These EVs are convection (NC) cooling and forced convection (FC)
powered by lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery cooling. Furthermore, the study also shows that a
offers numerous advantages, including high power and better cooling mechanism can be achieved by coupling
energy density, longer lifetime, and low self-discharge. the thermoelectric cooling with forced convection
Lithium-ion batteries are significant for the future of cooling (TEC+FC).

Despite the increase in performance of the Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling B. Design of the System
(TEC+FC) in achieving a lower maximum
temperature, as shown in [7], one of its disadvantages The design of the system is shown at Fig.
is the additional electrical power needed in forced 2.. The battery module is composed of three
convection cooling (fan). To make a better thermal batteries connected in series.The voltage rating and
management for lithium-ion battery with less power energy capacity of each battery is 3.7V and 2200
consumption, the group proposed a method of forced mAh, respectively. The chamber used in each
cooling the TEC without the need for additional prototype has a volume of 5L.
electrical energy by using a Stirling heat pump. DC electronic load is used to discharge the
The main objective of the study is to create batteries under constant-current condition.
and test a thermal management system for a lithium- Specifically, the researchers set the mode such that
ion battery module using a thermoelectric cooler with the current that the batteries produce will have a
Stirling engine heat pump. Specifically, it aims (1) to discharge rate of 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and 2.5C. When the
construct and test the different discharge rates of current in DC electronic load is not constant
batteries with thermoelectric cooling with forced anymore, then the researchers will stop the
convection cooling; (2) to construct and test the experiment since it implies that the batteries have
different discharge rates of batteries with very small charges.
thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling engine
heat pump; (3) To test and measure the power The open-source Arduino Software (IDE)
consumption of different cooling mechanism as stated was used to encode the program to be used by the
in objectives (1) and (2); and (4) to apply statistical researchers. The first program consists of measuring
treatment to analyze the power consumption of the temperature of the system. The next program
thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling, measured the voltage, current, and the power of the
and thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling system. The parameters measured by the sensors
engine heat pump. were logged using a data logger in the Arduino
using a personal computer.
To measure the temperature of the battery,
Arduino Uno and DS18B20 temperature sensors
were used. The temperature of the battery every
three seconds was logged. For each discharge rate,
A. Conceptual Framework the battery was run until the constant-current
condition was not met anymore. This is indicated
Fig. 1. shows the conceptual framework of by the DC electronic load used in the laboratory.
the study. This framework shows the inputs,
together with the process that will be done by the To measure the power of the system,
system, and the outputs that were measured. In the Arduino Uno and Adafruit INA219 Sensor were
input, these include the electrical parameters such as used. Every two seconds, the voltage, current, and
currents and voltages, and the discharge of the power consumption were logged. Each cooling
batteries in the module. For the process, these system ran for 30 minutes.
include the Peltier effect in the thermoelectric
cooler, and the function of the cooling systems for
the battery module. Lastly, regarding the output,
these include the temperature of the battery module,
and the electrical parameters such as the voltage,

current, and power consumption for each cooling


Fig. 2. Design of the System

C. Research Flow Chart

Fig. 3.Research Flowchart

The figure above shows the research

flowchart for this study. The first part would be the
design of the cooling systems for the thermal
management of the battery module. Then, these
designs will be implemented to make prototypes.
Then, DC voltage will be applied to each cooling
systems to run the battery at different discharge rate,
and to produce a Peltier effect on the cooling
systems that uses TEC module. Lastly, the
temperature of the battery module, and the voltage,
current, and power for each cooling systems at
different discharge rate are logged

D. List of Materials Stirling Engine Fan 1 2000

TABLE I. List of Materials

Coleman Personal Cooler 1 1350

Materials Quantity Price

Heat Sink 4 560

TEC1-127-06 4 480
18650 Lithium-ion battery 3 433

Arduino Uno 1 415

Total 6446

Adafruit INA219 Current 1 196


E. Prototype Design
Mini SD card module 1 100

The researchers designed a thermal

management system for lithium-ion batteries. The
schematic diagram for the main prototype TEC+SE
DS18B20 Temperature sensor 1 112
is shown in Fig. 5., and the benchmark is shown in
Fig. 4. The Stirling Engine type that was used is a
low-temperature-difference engine. For TEC+FC,
TEC1-12706 was used which as an operating
voltage of 12V. In addition, the electric fan that was
Connecting wires 1 pack 50 used has a rating of 12V and 0.20A. A key
difference in the prototype is that TEC+FC used a
DC voltage source, while the Stirling Engine in
TEC+SE is just attached adjacent to the heat sink.
Breadboard 1 550

Heatsink Electric Fan 1 200

A. Temperature Measurement of the Battery

The maximum temperatures of the battery

module with TEC+FC and TEC+SE at different
discharge rates were shown at Table II. TEC+FC has a
maximum temperature of 28.5°C, 34.38°C, 36.06°C,
and 47.13°C for discharge rates 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and
2.5C, respectively. On the other hand, TEC+SE has a
maximum temperature of 30.06°C at 1C, 43.42°C at
1.5C, 45.06°C at 2C, and 48.50°C at 2.5C.
For each cooling mechanism, it was
observed that the temperature of the batteries
increases continuously until it reaches the point of
maximum temperature. After that point, the
temperature decreases until the constant-current
mode shown in DC electronic load is not satisfied.
For all of the discharge rates, TEC+SE has
Fig. 4. Schematic Diagram for Thermoelectric Cooler paired with a higher maximum temperature than TEC+FC.
Thus, TEC+FC still provides better cooling than
Forced Convection (TEC + FC)
TEC+SE. This is because the electric fan dissipates
the heat in the heatsink at a much faster rate than the
Stirling engine. WIth this, better refrigeration is
achieved in TEC+FC than TEC+SE.

TABLE II. Exact Value of the maximum temperatures of TEC +

FC and TEC+SE at different discharge rates

Rate 1C 1.5C 2C 2.5C

TEC+FC 28.5 34.38 36.06 47.13

TEC+ SE 30.06 43.42 45.06 48.50

Fig. 5. Schematic Diagram for Thermoelectric Cooler paired with

Stirling Engine (TEC + SE)


Fig. 6. Bar graphs of the maximum temperatures of TEC+FC
and TEC+SE at different discharge rates.
Pearson Correlation -0.19708112
B. Power Consumption of Cooling Mechanisms

The average power consumption of TEC+FC

Hypothesized Mean
and TEC+SE were shown in Table III. TEC+FC has a Difference 0
power consumption of 21.608 W, while TEC+SE has df 29
20.213 W. It can be observed that TEC+FC have t Stat 10.8294271
higher average power consumption than TEC+SE. The
reason for this is the addition of electric fan in
TEC+FC. P(T<=t) one-tail 5.25E-12

TABLE III. Average Power Consumption TEC + FC and t Critical one-tail 1.69912703

P(T<=t) two-tail 1.05E-11

Cooling Mechanism Power (W)

t Critical two-tail 2.04522964

TEC + FC 21.608
TEC + SE 20.213
In this study, Stirling engine heat pump paired
with thermoelectric cooler (TEC+SE) was used for the
thermal management of a lithium-ion battery module.
The maximum temperature rise within the battery
C. Statistical Test module at various battery discharge rates using
TEC+SE were investigated and compared to NC, FC,
T-Test was conducted to analyze the average
TEC, and TEC+FC. And the power consumption of
power consumption of TEC+SE and TEC+FC. The
TEC+SE was measured, and compared to TEC+FC
alpha was set to 0.05. Table IV shows the results
using t-test paired two sample for means analysis.
gathered from t-test paired two samples for means
For all of the discharge rates, the maximum
analysis. The t-statistic value is 10.82943, while the t-
temperature of the battery module is the lowest when
critical value is 2.04523. Since t-statistic is greater than
TEC+FC is used followed by TEC+SE. It means that
t-critical value, then the null hypothesis is rejected.
TEC+FC is better in cooling the battery than TEC+SE.
With this, it means that there is a significant difference
The main reason for this is that TEC+FC provides
between the power consumption of TEC+SE and
better refrigerating capacity than TEC+SE which
decreases the temperature of the battery module. Still,
TEC+SE provides better cooling than NC, FC, and
TEC at all of the discharge rates.
The average power consumption of TEC+FC
is 21.6081 W which is 6.9% higher than TEC+SE
which consumes an average power of 20.2127 W. This
TABLE III. Average Power Consumption TEC + FC and difference is further confirm by using t-test, which
TEC+SE shows that there is indeed a significant difference
between the power consumption of TEC+FC and
  TEC + FC TEC+SE. So overall, TEC+FC provides excellent
Mean 21.6080667 cooling than TEC+SE, but TEC+SE consumes less
power than TEC+FC.
Variance 0.29749944 For further application, one might consider
Observations 30 integrating generator to Stirling engine and TEC while
they are being used as a cooling mechanism for battery

module to further optimize the power consumption of [7] X. Li et al., “Experimental Investigation on a
the cooling system. Thermoelectric Cooler for Thermal Management of
a Lithium-Ion Battery Module,” Int. J.
Photoenergy, vol. 2019, 2019, doi:
[1] M. Der Yang, M. Der Lin, Y. H. Lin, and K. T.
Tsai, “Multiobjective optimization design of green
building envelope material using a non-dominated
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[2] Q. Huang, X. Li, G. Zhang, J. Zhang, F. He,

and Y. Li, “Experimental investigation of the
thermal performance of heat pipe assisted phase
change material for battery thermal management
system,” Appl. Therm. Eng., vol. 141, no. April, pp.
1092–1100, 2018, doi:

[3] S. K. Mohammadian, Y. L. He, and Y. Zhang,

“Internal cooling of a lithium-ion battery using
electrolyte as coolant through microchannels
embedded inside the electrodes,” J. Power Sources,
vol. 293, pp. 458–466, 2015, doi:

[4] G. Jiang, J. Huang, Y. Fu, M. Cao, and M. Liu,

“Thermal optimization of composite phase change
material/expanded graphite for Li-ion battery
thermal management,” Appl. Therm. Eng., vol.
108, pp.

[5] K. Liang, Z. Li, M. Chen, and H. Jiang,

“Comparisons between heat pipe, thermoelectric
system, and vapour compression refrigeration
system for electronics cooling,” Appl. Therm. Eng.,
vol. 146, no. August 2018, pp. 260–267, 2019, doi:

[6] J. Patel, M. Patel, J. Patel, and H. Modi,

“Improvement In The COP Of Thermoelectric
Cooler,” Improv. COP Thermoelectr. Cool., vol. 5,
no. 5, pp. 73–76, 2015.




Global industrialization has resulted in rising greenhouse gas emissions and a

nonrenewable energy scarcity, both of which are major issues for the entire society. In

addition, the climate change produced by greenhouse gas emissions has a significant impact

on environmental sustainability [1]. To solve these environmental challenges, electric

vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are being developed as green-powered

and environmentally-friendly cars in comparison to traditional diesel locomotives [2]. These

EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery offers numerous advantages,

including high power and energy density, longer lifetime, and low self-discharge. Lithium-

ion batteries are significant for the future of the electric vehicles and energy storage stations

sectors [3]. However, despite of these advantages, lithium-ion batteries overheat during their

actual operation which creates difficulties for their implementation in EVs and HEVs. This

heat came from its electrochemical reaction. Specifically, lithium-ion battery modules create

a hazard when it is under a high-temperature environment during its discharging and

overcharging states. These overheating can lead to disasters including fire and explosion

accident if it is not properly managed [4]. With this, thermal management of battery module

is necessary for its application. Thermoelectric cooler is considered as a technique for battery

module cooling. This is because they are lighter in weight and does not operate on a highly

flammable fluid. Additionally, they operate at no moving parts, and it is more compact as

compared to vapor compression. However, despite those advantages, its main disadvantage is

its low energy efficiency. Unlike thermoelectric cooler, the traditional vapor compression

technology has advantages in terms of size, weight, power consumption, and cost. Vapor

compression is more efficient and effective in providing cooling at below ambient

temperature cooling [5]. Therefore, a heat-dissipation mechanism must be applied to

thermoelectric cooler to optimize its advantages [6].

The study in [7] experimented the use of a thermoelectric cooler to investigate the

thermal management of a lithium-ion battery module. The proponents of this research used a

model by having a real-time feedback of a temperature of the battery module. In addition, the

study in [7] shows that a lower maximum temperature can be achieved by using

thermoelectric cooling (TEC) compared to natural convection (NC) cooling and forced

convection (FC) cooling. Furthermore, the study also shows that a better cooling mechanism

can be achieved by coupling the thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling

(TEC+FC). It is documented in [8] that thermoelectric coolers that cool batteries comprises

of a cooling module, a radiator, a pump, and a cooling fan. There are numerous studies that

uses TEC’s for cooling, and it is being cooled down by an electric fan or the use of natural

convection. In a study from [9], they used TEC, and fan in order to optimize the efficiency of

CMP or chip multiprocessor systems. In [10], it is discussed that TEC were used for

temperature control for IGBTs. This is done because traditional heat sinks are bulky, and it

reduces the cooling efficiency as compared to alternative cooling techniques such as active

cooling where it uses TEC.

Despite the increase in performance in of the thermoelectric cooling with forced

convection cooling (TEC+FC) in achieving a lower maximum temperature, as shown in [7],

one of its disadvantages is the additional electrical power needed in forced convection

cooling (fan). To make a better thermal management for lithium-ion battery with less power

consumption, the group proposed a method of forced cooling the TEC without the need for

additional electrical energy by using a Stirling heat pump.

The main objective of the study is to create and test a thermal management system

for lithium-ion battery module using a thermoelectric cooler with Stirling engine heat pump.

Specifically, it aims (1) to construct and test the different discharge rates of batteries with

natural convection cooling, forced convection cooling, thermoelectric cooling and

thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling; (2) to construct and test the different

discharge rates of batteries with thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat

pump; (3) To test and measure the power consumption of different cooling mechanism as

stated in objectives (1) and (2); and (4) to apply statistical treatment to analyze the power

consumption of thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling, and thermoelectric

cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat pump.

Different sectors such as industrial sector, agricultural sector, energy sector, and

consumer electronics need an efficient active cooling system for its operation. TEC,

considering its advantages to vapor-compressor systems such as no moving parts involved,

current-controlled, flexibility, and environment friendly, can be the solution to this demand.

Thus, using an efficient heat-dissipation mechanism such as the Stirling engine to solve the

low efficiency problem of TEC will make it suitable for a radically better active cooling

system. Lastly, optimizing the thermal management of the Lithium-ion batteries will

facilitates its application for the EVs. From this, it can help to accelerate the advent of

sustainable transportation.

The researchers will only use natural convection, forced convection, thermoelectric

cooling, Stirling engine, and their various combinations as cooling mechanisms for the

battery module. In addition, the researchers will only use Lithium-ion batteries for creating

the battery module. Lastly, Parameters will be measured and recorded using a data-logger.



2.1 Stirling Engine

2.1.1 Stirling Cycle

Stirling cycle is one of the cycles that employs a regenerator. Regenerator is any

substance that takes energy from one part of the cycle to the other. Regenerator has an

efficiency of 100% and it transfers heat from process 4-1 to process 2-3. As shown in Figure

2.1, Stirling cycle consists of four processes that are all reversible. Process 2-3 is an isometric

or constant volume heating process wherein the gas receives energy from the regenerator.

Process 3-4 is an isothermal expansion wherein the gas receives an external thermal source

while increasing the volume. With this, the pressure decreases in this process. Process 4-1 is

an isometric cooling process wherein the gas transfer energy to the regenerator. Lastly,

process 1-2 is an isothermal compression wherein the gas gives off heat to an external object.

In this process, the pressure of the gas increases thus decreasing its volume [11].

Figure 2.1 Stirling Cycle

2.1.2 Working Principle of Stirling Engine

The combustion in Stirling engine takes place externally that is why it is also called

external fuel engine. It is one of the fundamental types of external-combustion engine which

can work with different heat sources. It was invented by Robert Stirling in 1800’s. As shown

in the Stirling cycle, it operates in an externally reversible process since it involves

isothermal heat addition and isothermal heat rejection. Also, it can be observed that it

operates in a closed regenerative cycle. Thus, it offers a theoretical high efficiency with

reduced emission since combustion takes place externally. The operating principle of Stirling

Engine is shown in Figure 2.2. The first step takes place in the process 3 which is isothermal

expansion. Heat addition occurs in the left cylinder (hot cylinder) that takes place in constant

temperature, while the right cylinder (cold cylinder) is fixed at the bottom dead center. The

next step is the process 4 which is a constant volume process. The hot cylinder is at top dead

center and is starting to come down, while the cold cylinder is at the bottom dead center and

starting to come up. The pistons will move in the same rate. The heat flow is now be

deposited from hot cylinder to regenerator. For the process 1, it is an isothermal compression

process wherein the hot cylinder will be fixed at bottom dead center, and the cold is at top

dead center and is starting to come down. In this process, the heat is rejected isothermally.

Lastly, process 2 is a constant volume process wherein the gas comes out of regenerator. The

hot cylinder will start to come up, while the hot cylinder starts moves down, wherein they

move at the same rate [12].

Figure 2.2 Operating Principle of Stirling Engine

2.1.3 Types of Stirling Engine

Stirling engines have three types according to the arrangement of the two pistons:

alpha, beta, and gamma types. An Alpha-Stirling configuration, shown in Figure 2.3, has two

mechanically linked power pistons, which means that it has a higher power-to-weight ratio

than the beta and gamma type. These two pistons are located with their respective cylinder in

which it determines the compression and expansion of the free spaces. The hot piston is 90

degrees ahead of the cold piston. In these two spaces, the working gas flows alternately from

the cooler, a regenerator, and a heater which gives the revolution of the flywheel [13].

Figure 2.3 Alpha-Type Stirling Engine

The second type is the Beta-type Stirling engine. Like alpha, beta-type Stirling

engine has a hot side and cold side. Unlike alpha, it only has one cylinder, but it has a

displacer, as shown in Figure 2.4. The purpose of the displacer is to shuttle the working gas

within the cylinder, which causes the movement of power pistons [14].

Figure 2.4 Beta-Type Stirling Engine

Lastly, the gamma-type Stirling engine, shown in Figure 2.5, works by using the

temperature difference between two metal plates as. When the bottom plate is heated, the top

plate will be relatively colder. With this, a temperature difference exists between two plates.

As the displacer moves upward and downward, the working gas within the cylinder is in

contact with either the hot or cold plate. When the air is in contact with the hot plate, the

temperature f the working gas increases, which also increases its volume, thus forcing the

power piston to move upwards. On the other hand, if the working gas is in contact with the

cold plate, the volume decreases which creates a partial vacuum within the cylinder. Since

the pressure outside the cylinder is higher, then the power piston is forced to move

downwards. Gamma-type Stirling engine has a relative larger heat transfer area, and it can

works on low temperature difference between plates [15].

Figure 2.5 Gamma-Type Stirling Engine

2.2 Thermoelectric Cooler

2.2.1 Working Principle of Thermoelectric Cooler

Thermoelectric coolers work by utilizing the Peltier effect. It has two sides, and when a DC

current flows through the TEC device, the heat is transfer from one side to another, which

results to one side having lower temperature and the other having higher temperature. For its

cooling system, heat sink is attached to the high-temperature side of the TEC device so that

the low-temperature side continue to go below room temperature [16].

Figure 2.6 TEC Module

The TEC module has P-type and N-type semiconductors, connecting bridges

(usually a copper strips), and two ceramic substrate casing. These two semiconductors are

placed thermally parallel and electrically series to each other using the connecting bridges

and are compressed between two layers of ceramic substrate. When DC voltage is applied

across this loop composed of junctions of the semiconductors, the current that flows from n-

type semiconductor to p-type semiconductor leads to a drop in temperature in those

junctions, therefore it is the cold side wherein heat is absorbed in this side. On the other end,

the current that flows from p-type semiconductor to the n-type semiconductor leads to a

temperature rises in those junctions, therefore it is the hot side wherein the heat is released

from this side [17]. The design of TEC module is shown in Figure 2.6.

2.3 Heat Sink

Heat sinks are components of an electronic device where it acts as a thermal device

and as a heat exchanger, where the heat sink absorbs heat energy from electronic devices and

then transfers that heat through the process of conduction to another medium. The medium to

be transferred on may be air, or any phase change material (PCM).

2.3.1 Pin fin heat sinks

There are different types of heat sinks. These are the cylindrical pin fin, square pin

fin, and the bonded fin type. These are the most used heat sinks. Pin fin heat sinks have a

different from other heat sinks because they have pins that are extended from the base. The

pins of this heat sink are of many shapes ranging from elliptical, cylindrical, and square

shapes. The pin fin type heat sink is more efficient than those of bonded fin type heat sinks

because pin type allows coolant to flow properly on all parts of the surface. Figure 2.7 shows

a pin fin type heat sink. [19]

Figure 2.7 Pin Fin type heat sink

In the event of using fluid medium as a coolant, they perform in an optimal way

when they are placed in a tilted position because this position allows the fluid to flow through

the heat sink easier. These heat sinks are best used on spotlights and shot lights because of its

adjustable features. Also, the number of pins, the efficiency of the heat sink increases

because it allows more coolant through the heat sink. However, despite this cheap type of

heat sink, it has a disadvantage of being able to use it where the surface is in direct contact

with the coolant nearby [20]. It is also mentioned in [21] that it can dissipate larger amounts

of heat per unit mass as compared to plate-fin heat sinks.

2.3.2 Bonded fin type heat sinks

From [20], bonded fin type heat sinks are a type of heat sink that is made out of

aluminum or copper plate, that is then combined with a heat sink with grooves. This can be

seen in Figure 2.8. An advantage of bonded fin type heat sinks is that various materials can

be used for the plate and the fins of the heat sink. The heat dissipation of this type is also

good however, its disadvantage is its less surface area for its cooling property. Lastly, this

type is more costly as compared to pin fin type heat sinks.

Figure 2.8 Bonded Fin type heat sink

Construction of bonded fin heat sinks are made by having the individual fins to be

set inside a slotted base by utilizing a high-quality epoxy glue with powdered aluminum.

This is done to increase the thermal conductivity of the heat sink. This type of heat sink is

used with copper bases and copper fins that are made by having it soldered or brazed [21].

2.3.3 Plate-Fin type heat sink

A plate fin type heat sink is a type of heat sink that is made from three components.

These are the two pin plates, and the side bar. They are made of metal fins that are in

between by two flat metal plates that are called baffles. The basic unit of a plate fin heat sink

is made by placing a seal on the ends where this is going to be the fluid flow. This can be

seen in Figure 2.9. [22]

Figure 2.9 The Plate bundle unit structure of a plate fin radiator.

2.4 Passive Cooling System

Passive cooling system is a way of inexpensive way of cooling in a home or any

electronic devices. Passive cooling uses the principle of natural conduction, convection, and

radiation to cool the electronic device component. An example of passive cooling is the use

of large heat sinks with wide fin-to-fin spacing. This type of cooling is used by electronic

devices such as television sets, and any pole- or strand mounted telecommunication boxes.

The primary mode of heat transfer that is being used for a passive cooling system is with the

use of conduction, and radiation. This is done to maximize the thermal transport, and to have

a higher level of natural convection. There are different ways on cooling electrical devices,

these are the passive cooling techniques, and active cooling techniques. Passive cooling

techniques are known to have limited cooling capabilities as compared to active cooling

techniques, but they are cheaper and is more practical to use, with minimum investment,

where the benefits of active cooling techniques will be nullified by the energy wasted during

the cooling operation of an active cooling technique [23].

There are studies that utilizes passive cooling systems on devices. An example of

this is the study mentioned in [24] where they used a passive cooling system to enhance the

energy conversion efficiency of a thermo-electric generator. In this study, the proponents

recovered the wasted heat from a cement rotary kiln. They used a TEG with a high load

power. From their study in [24], the setup is shown in Figure 2.10. This shows the schematic

diagram of the heat sink cooling system. The heat sink system is shown in Figure 2.11, it

consists of a cooling plate, with pin fins, and a fane. The TEG in Figure 2.12, the pin fins

heat sinks in Figure 2.13, and Figure 2.14 for the cooling fan. From their experiment, it was

found that the passive cooling system increases the efficiency of the TEG when it was

compared to an active cooling system using a closed water cooling. Lastly, the experimenters

did an economical analysis and a payback period for both of these systems, and it was shown

that the passive cooling system is more economical than when a closed-cooling system was


Figure 2.10 Schematic Diagram of a passive cooling system rig

Figure 2.11 Heat Sink System

Figure 2.12 18W TEG Module by TEGpro

Figure 2.13 18W Pin Fin heat sink

Figure 2.14 Cooling Fan

In [25], desiccants were used as a passive cooling technique on PV modules. In the

study, it was mentioned that as the temperature of the PV device increases, the overall PV

conversion efficiency decreases. Hence, there was a need for a cooling system to operate

normally. Figure 2.15 shows the demonstration of using desiccants for a passive cooling

system of PV modules. This material on the PV module starts the adsorption of water from

the air during nighttime when the temperature of the PV module is cool, and the relative

humidity in the surroundings is high. Afterwards, the adsorbed water eventually evaporates

when the PV module gets heat up during the day. When it evaporates, it takes the excess heat

in the PV module, and therefore cools the Photovoltaic module.

Figure 2.15 Illustration of the utilization of desiccants as a passive cooling technique on PV


There are different designs on constructing passive cooling systems. From [26], they

used a design of experiment approach to determine whether among the two different designs

of novel passive fin heat sinks – lapping fins (Figure 2.16a) and longitudinal fins (Figure

2.16b) design are the most optimal design parameters in terms of the variables - fin height,

fin pitch, fin thickness, the number of fins, and the tilt angle. Based from this configurations,

and the experiments conducted, it was concluded that the lapping fin configuration has the

best performance in passive cooling as compared to longitudinal configuration.

Figure 2.16 Diagram of (a) PV module with a lapping fin configuration, and (b) a PV

module with a longitudinal fin configuration

2.5 Active Cooling System

Since the conventional passive cooling systems are not powerful enough to adapt to

the contemporary electronic devices, a demand for active cooling systems has increased in

the recent years. The active cooling system absorbs thermal energy from the surface to be

cooled and pumps it out using an energy conversion mechanism. Active cooling systems can

be realized by applying TEC to the existing passive cooling system, which are heatsink and

fan [27].

There are many knowledge outputs that utilized the use of TEC in active cooling

systems. In [18], TEC modules are used to create an air conditioner. The researcher used

aluminum for casing, Peltier modules, heat sink, and blower. These TEC modules air

conditioner can replace the traditional vapor compressor in cars which beneficial since it can

reduce the total weight of the vehicle. In relation with this, in [28], TEC was used as an air

conditioner for safety and long-term function of intelligent electronic devices inside the

control cabinet. The schematic diagram of this arrangement is shown in Figure 2.17. From

this, it was found out that the air conditioning of the control cabinet is greatly improved

while reducing its working time.

Figure 2.17 Outdoor Control Cabinet with TEC Air Conditioner

In [29], TEC modules were used for cooling the vaccine refrigeration. This is

significant because the refrigeration of vaccines requires continuous production of electrical

energy. Thus, it can help in rural zones where there is no access of electricity. Photovoltaic

energy is used to charge the batteries which are connected to the TEC modules for

refrigeration, as shown in Figure 2.18.

Figure 2.18 Refrigeration System for Vaccines Using TEC Modules.

To make a convenient TEC air conditioner, AL-Khalidy et al. [30] have paired it

with Internet of things and makes it an intelligent system. The prototype that they have

created is shown in Figure 2.19. For the intelligent system, they used PI controller and fuzzy

controller. These controllers are used to adjust the temperatures of the TEC modules with

respect to the ambient temperature. In addition, they used Arduino Nano and Wi-Fi to apply

these intelligent controllers via IoT. Overall, they concluded that TEC Air conditioner is

more Eco-friendly that its vapor compressor counterparts, but it still has lower efficacy.

Figure 2.19 Intelligent TEC Air Conditioning System

In addition, TEC modules are not only used as a replacement for traditional air

conditioner, but it can also be used for water heating system. As demonstrated in [31], Peltier

effect is used for cooling purpose which aims to replace the existing HVAC system. In

addition, the heat released from the hot side of the TEC module was optimized for the

purpose of water heating. Thus, in a system, TEC module was used for air conditioning and

water heating applications.

Lastly, In [5], the cooling performance between passive systems (heat pipe) and

active systems (thermoelectric cooling, and vapor compressor) for electronics cooling have

been compared. It was found out in this study that the passive system improved the COP of

TEC by 42%. In addition, they concluded that the passive system is better for the cooling of

relatively larger devices at higher temperatures, while two-stage Thermoelectric system is

better for the cooling at lower temperatures.

Figure 2.20 Schematic of the thermal management of battery module using TEC

2.6 Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries

In [32], the use of heat pipe as thermal management for Lithium-ion batteries is

investigated. Specifically, the performance of a pack with two batteries equipped with a heat

pipe is experimentally investigated. The tests are performed with different ambient

temperature using a chamber that have an ability to control the temperature. It was found out

that the decrease in the thermal resistance of the heat pipe moderated the temperature rise of

the surface temperature of the batteries. In addition, the use of heat pipe leads to a more

stable temperature with lower fluctuations during consecutive battery cycles.

The study in [33] numerically investigates the effectiveness of air cooled battery for

the heat removal during the discharge process in the battery module. The performance is

evaluated at different number of cells in the battery. It was found out that the cooling

efficiency of aire and the number of cells is negatively correlated.

Lastly, in [7], an experimental setup was made for the cooling of Lithium-Ion

battery module using TEC. In this, thermoelectric generator (TEG) was faired with forced

convection (fan) for the thermal management of the battery. The schematic was shown in

Figure 2.20. Also, they compare the cooling performance of the TEG cooling, natural

convection cooling, and force convection. It was found out that Teg cooling systems shown

better performance compared to other two systems in managing the temperatures of the

battery module. However, it also has the highest energy waste compared to two systems.

Thus, considering the energy consumption and optimization of the thermal management

performance, the best choice is the coupled TEG system and the forced convection. In

addition, the study in [7] shows that a lower maximum temperature can be achieved by using

thermoelectric cooling (TEC) compared to natural convection (NC) cooling and forced

convection (FC) cooling. Furthermore, the study also shows that a better cooling mechanism

can be achieved by coupling the thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling


2.7 C-rates of Batteries

Discharge current is commonly represented as a C-rate in battery description to

normalize with respect to the battery capacity, which varies greatly amongst batteries.

Therefore, a C-rate is a measurement of how quickly a battery is depleted in comparison to

its maximum capacity. A 1C rate indicates that the discharge current will completely drain

the battery in one hour. If the battery capacity is 100 Ah, then the discharge current will be

100 A if the C-rate is 1 [34].

Chapter 3: Thermal Management of a Lithium-Ion Battery Module using a Thermoelectric Cooler with Stirling Engine Heat Pump

Thermal Management of a Lithium-Ion Battery Module using a Thermoelectric Cooler

with Stirling Engine Heat Pump

3.1 Abstract

Electric Vehicles are being used as an alternative to traditional locomotives to solve

environmental challenges. EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery

offers numerous advantages, including high power and energy density, longer lifetime, and

low self-discharge. However, despite of these advantages, lithium-ion batteries overheat

during their actual operation which creates difficulties for their implementation in EVs and

HEVs. In this study, a Stirling engine (SE) paired with thermoelectric cooler (TEC) was

designed and used as a cooling mechanism for the battery thermal management system. It

was found out that the paired SE and TEC provides better cooling than natural convection

(NC), force convection (FC), and Thermoelectric cooler (TEC) at all discharge rates 1C,

1.5C, 2C and 2.5C. However, FC paired with TEC is still the best cooling system since the

battery module has lower maximum temperature at all discharge rates when it was used as

the cooling mechanism than when SE paired with TEC was used. Despite of this, power

consumption measurement reveals that SE paired with TEC consumes significantly less

power than FC paired with TEC.

Keywords: thermoelectric cooling; Stirling engine; lithium battery

3.2 Introduction

Global industrialization has resulted in rising greenhouse gas emissions and a

nonrenewable energy scarcity, both of which are major issues for the entire society. In

addition, the climate change produced by greenhouse gas emissions has a significant impact

on environmental sustainability [1]. To solve these environmental challenges, electric

vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are being developed as green-powered

and environmentally-friendly cars in comparison to traditional diesel locomotives [2]. These

EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries. This type of battery offers numerous advantages,

including high power and energy density, longer lifetime, and low self-discharge. Lithium-

ion batteries are significant for the future of the electric vehicles and energy storage stations

sectors [3]. However, despite of these advantages, lithium-ion batteries overheat during their

actual operation which creates difficulties for their implementation in EVs and HEVs.

Theseheat came from its electrochemical reaction. Specifically, lithium-ion battery modules

create a hazard when it is under a high-temperature environment during its discharging and

overcharging states. These overheating can leads to disasters including fire and explosion

accident if it is not properly managed [4]. With this, thermal management of battery module

is necessary for its application. Thermoelectric cooler is considered as a technique for battery

module cooling. This is because they are lighter in weight and does not operate on a highly

flammable fluid. Additionally, they operate at no moving parts, and it is more compact as

compared to vapor compression. However, despite those advantages, its main disadvantage is

its low energy efficiency. Unlike thermoelectric cooler, the traditional vapor compression

technology has advantages in terms of size, weight, power consumption, and cost. Vapor

compression is more efficient and effective in providing cooling at below ambient

temperature cooling [5]. Therefore, a heat-dissipation mechanism must be applied to

thermoelectric cooler to optimize its advantages [6].

The study in [7] experimented the use of a thermoelectric cooler to investigate the

thermal management of a lithium-ion battery module. The proponents of this research used a

model by having a real-time feedback of a temperature of the battery module. In addition, the

study in [7] shows that a lower maximum temperature can be achieved by using

thermoelectric cooling (TEC) compared to natural convection (NC) cooling and forced

convection (FC) cooling. Furthermore, the study also shows that a better cooling mechanism

can be achieved by coupling the thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling

(TEC+FC). It is documented in [8] that thermoelectric coolers that cool batteries comprises

of a cooling module, a radiator, a pump, and a cooling fan. There are numerous studies that

uses TEC’s for cooling, and it is being cooled down by an electric fan or the use of natural

convection. In a study from [9], they used TEC, and fan in order to optimize the efficiency of

CMP or chip multiprocessor systems. In [10], it is discussed that TEC were used for

temperature control for IGBTs. This is done because traditional heat sinks are bulky, and it

reduces the cooling efficiency as compared to alternative cooling techniques such as active

cooling where it uses TEC.

Despite the increase in performance in of the thermoelectric cooling with forced

convection cooling (TEC+FC) in achieving a lower maximum temperature, as shown in [7],

one of its disadvantages is the additional electrical power needed in forced convection

cooling (fan). To make a better thermal management for lithium-ion battery with less power

consumption, the group proposed a method of forced cooling the TEC without the need for

additional electrical energy by using a Stirling heat pump.

The main objective of the study is to create and test a thermal management system

for lithium-ion battery module using a thermoelectric cooler with Stirling engine heat pump.

Specifically, it aims (1) to construct and test the different discharge rates of batteries with

natural convection cooling, forced convection cooling, thermoelectric cooling and

thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling; (2) to construct and test the different

discharge rates of batteries with thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat

pump; (3) To test and measure the power consumption of different cooling mechanism as

stated in objectives (1) and (2); and (4) to apply statistical treatment to analyze the power

consumption of thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling, and thermoelectric

cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat pump.

Different sectors such as industrial sector, agricultural sector, energy sector, and

consumer electronics need an efficient active cooling system for its operation. TEC,

considering its advantages to vapor-compressor systems such as no moving parts involved,

current-controlled, flexibility, and environment friendly, can be the solution to this demand.

Thus, using an efficient heat-dissipation mechanism such as the Stirling engine to solve the

low efficiency problem of TEC will make it suitable for a radically better active cooling

system. Lastly, optimizing the thermal management of the Lithium-ion batteries will

facilitates its application for the EVs. From this, it can help to accelerate the advent of

sustainable transportation.

The researchers will only use natural convection, forced convection, thermoelectric

cooling, Stirling engine, and their various combination as cooling mechanism for battery

module. In addition, the researchers will only used Lithium-ion battery for creating the

battery module. Lastly, Parameters will be measured and recorded using a data-logger.

3.3 Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Electrical parameters Peltier effect in the TEC. Temperature of the
from the power Heat dissipation for the battery module for each
source. battery module. cooling systems.
Discharge of the Electrical parameters
batteries in the such as voltage, current,
module. power, and energy
consumption for each
cooling systems.

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Framework of the Cooling Systems

The figure above shows the conceptual framework of the study. This framework

shows the inputs, together with the process that will be done by the system, and the outputs

that were measured. In the input, these include the electrical parameters such as currents and

voltages, and the discharge of the batteries in the module. For the process, these include the

Peltier effect in the thermoelectric cooler, and the function of the cooling systems for the

battery module. Lastly, regarding the output, these includes the temperature of the battery

module, and the electrical parameters such as the voltage, current, and power consumption

for each cooling system.

3.4 Design of the System

The design of the system is shown at Figure 3.2. The battery module is composed of

three batteries connected in series. The voltage rating and energy capacity of each battery is

3.7V and 2200 mAh, respectively. The chamber used in each prototype has a volume of 5L.

DC electronic load is used to discharge the batteries under constant-current condition.

Specifically, the researchers set the mode such that the current that the batteries produce will

have a discharge rate of 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and 2.5C. When the current in DC electronic load is

not constant anymore, then the researchers will stop the experiment since it implies that the

batteries have very small charges.

The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) was used to encode the program to be used

by the researchers. The first program consists of measuring the temperature of the system.

The next program measured the voltage, current, and the power of the system. The

parameters measured by the sensors were logged using a data logger in the Arduino using a

personal computer.

To measure the temperature of the battery, Arduino Uno and DS18B20 temperature

sensors were used. The temperature of the battery every three seconds was logged. For each

discharge rate, the battery was run until the constant-current condition was not met anymore.

This is indicated by the DC electronic load used in the laboratory.

To measure the power of the system, Arduino Uno and Adafruit INA219 Sensor were

used. Every two seconds, the voltage, current, and power consumption were logged. Each

cooling system ran for 30 minutes.

Figure 3.2 Design of the system

3.5 Research Flow Chart

Figure 3.3 Research Flowchart

The figure above shows the research flowchart for this study. The first part would be

the design of the cooling systems for the thermal management of the battery module. Then,

these designs will be implemented to make prototypes. Then, DC voltage will be applied to

each cooling system to run the battery at a different discharge rate, and to produce a Peltier

effect on the cooling systems that use the TEC module. Lastly, the temperature of the battery

module, and the voltage, current, and power for each cooling system at different discharge

rates are logged.

3.6 Theoretical Background

The TEC module has P-type and N-type semiconductors, connecting bridges

(usually copper strips), and two ceramic substrate casing. These two semiconductors are

placed thermally parallel and electrically series to each other using the connecting bridges

and are compressed between two layers of ceramic substrate. When DC voltage is applied

across this loop composed of junctions of the semiconductors, the current that flows from n-

type semiconductor to p-type semiconductor leads to a drop in temperature in those

junctions, therefore it is the cold side wherein heat is absorbed in this side. On the other end,

the current that flows from p-type semiconductor to the n-type semiconductor leads to a

temperature rise in those junctions, therefore it is the hot side wherein the heat is released

from this side [14].

Discharge current is commonly represented as a C-rate in battery description to

normalize with respect to the battery capacity, which varies greatly amongst batteries.

Therefore, a C-rate is a measurement of how quickly a battery is depleted in comparison to

its maximum capacity. A 1C rate indicates that the discharge current will completely drain

the battery in one hour. If the battery capacity is 100 Ah, then the discharge current will be

100 A if the C-rate is 1 [34].

3.7 List of Materials

Materials Quantity Price (PhP)

TEC1-127-06 4 480

Arduino Uno 1 415

Adafruit INA219 Current 1 196


Mini SD card module 1 100

DS18B20 Temperature 1 112


Connecting wires 1 pack 50

Breadboard 1 550

Heatsink Electric Fan 1 200

Stirling Engine Fan 1 2000

Coleman Personal Cooler 1 1350

Heat Sink 4 560

18650 Lithium-ion battery 3 433

Total 6446

Table 3.1 List of Materials

The specification of the TEC module TEC1-127-06 is obtained in [6].

TEC Module: Model TEC1-127-06

Pmax 60 W Dimensions

Imax 6A Width 40 mm

Vmax 15.4 V Length 40 mm

Tmax 90 ̊C Thickness 3.5 mm

Number of 127


Seebeck Coefficient (S) 0.01229 V/k

Module Thermal 0.1815 W/k

Conductance (K)

Module Resistance (R) 4Ω

Table 3.2 TEC Module Used for The Experiment

3.9 Objective (1)

3.9 Objective (1): To construct and test the different discharge rates of batteries with natural

convection cooling, forced convection cooling, thermoelectric cooling, and thermoelectric

cooling with forced convection cooling.

In this objective, the researchers aim to create a thermal management system for

lithium-ion battery using natural convection (N-C), forced convection (F-C), thermoelectric

cooling (TEC), and thermoelectric cooling paired with forced convection (TEC+F-C). The

schematic diagrams for each cooling systems are shown in Figure 3.3 to Figure 3.6. Then,

these cooling systems will be run, and the corresponding temperatures of the battery module

are logged for different discharge rates, as shown in Table 4.1 to Table 4.4. Then, the graphs

for the temperatures variations of each cooling systems as time changes are made for each

discharge cycle. Finally, since there is no active cooling used in NC, then the temperature of

the battery module in NC served as the benchmark temperature for this study.

Figure 3.4 Schematic Diagram for using Natural Convection (N-C) for Thermal

Management of the Battery Module

Figure 3.5 Schematic Diagram for using Forced Convection (F-C) for Thermal Management

of the Battery Module

Figure 3.6 Schematic Diagram for using Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) for Thermal

Management of the Battery Module

Figure 3.7 Schematic Diagram for using Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) with Forced

Convection (F-C) for Thermal Management of the Battery Module

3.10 Objective (2)

3.10 Objective (2): To construct and test the different discharge rates of batteries with

thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat pump.

In this objective, the researchers aim to create a thermal management system for

lithium-ion battery using thermoelectric cooling coupled with Stirling engine heat pump

(TEC+SE). The schematic diagram for the cooling system is shown in Figure 3.7. Then, the

cooling system will be run, and the corresponding temperatures of the battery module are

logged for different discharge rates, as shown in Table 4.5. Then, the graphs for the

temperatures variations of each cooling systems as time changes are made for each discharge

cycle. Finally, the temperature of the battery module when TEC+SE is used will be compared

to that in objective (1). Specifically, it can be shown that the battery module is cooled if the

temperature in TEC+SE is less than that in NC.

Figure 3.8 Schematic Diagram for using Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) paired with Stirling

Engine (SE) for Thermal Management of the Battery Module

3.11 Objective (3)

3.11 Objective (3): To test and measure the power consumption of different cooling

mechanisms as stated in objectives (1) and (2).

In this objective, the researchers aim to measure the voltage, current, and power for

each cooling system as stated in objectives (1) and (2). These values are logged in Table 4.7

to Table 4.10

3.12 Objective (4)

3.12 Objective (4): To apply statistical treatment to analyze the power consumption of

thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling, and thermoelectric cooling coupled

with Stirling engine heat pump.

In this objective, the researchers will apply statistical treatment to analyze the power

consumption of thermoelectric cooling with forced convection cooling, and thermoelectric

cooling coupled with Stirling Engine heat pump.

The power consumption of the system will be analyzed by using t–test. T-test is a

statistical method that is used to determine whether there exists a significant difference

between the means among two groups that can be related in a certain way. T - test will be

conducted to analyze the average power consumption of TEC + SE and TEC + FC.

Chapter 4: Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

Thermal Management of a Lithium-Ion Battery Module using a Thermoelectric Cooler

with Stirling Engine Heat Pump

4.1. Temperature measurement of Battery Module

Table 4.1 shows the tabulated data of the exact temperatures of four thermal

management systems at 1C. Figure 4.1, Figure 4.2, Figure 4.3, and Figure 4.4 shows the plot

of the temperature every minute. Table 4.2 shows the tabulated data of the exact temperatures

of four thermal management systems at 1.5C. Figure 4.5, Figure 4.6, Figure 4.7, and Figure

4.8 shows the plot of the temperature every minute. Table 4.3 shows the tabulated data of the

exact temperatures of four thermal management systems at 2C. Figure 4.9, Figure 4.10,

Figure 4.11, and Figure 4.12 shows the plot of the temperature every minute. Table 4.4

shows the tabulated data of the exact temperatures of four thermal management systems at

2.5C. Figure 4.13, Figure 4.14, Figure 4.15, and Figure 4.16 shows the plot of the

temperature every minute.

The maximum temperature of the battery with different cooling models at different

discharge rates were determined. NC has a maximum temperature of 44.19°C at 1C, 52.06°C

at 1.5C, 57.25°C at 2C, and 58.56°C at 2.5C. FC has a maximum temperature of 40.82°C,

47.31°C, 53.44°C, and 54.61°C for 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and 2.5C, respectively. For TEC, it has a

maximum temperature of 47.63°, 48.19°C, 50.32°C, 50.38°C, for discharge rates 1C, 1.5C,

2C, and 2.5C, respectively. Lastly, for TEC + FC, the maximum temperatures are 28.5°C,

34.38°C, 36.06°C, and 47.13°C, respectively. Fig. 19 visualizes the value of the maximum

temperature of the battery with N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC cooling models at different

discharge rates.

For 1C discharge rate, TEC had the highest maximum temperature, followed by

FC, NC and TEC + FC, respectively. In 1.5C, NC has the highest maximum temperature,

followed by TEC, FC, and TEC + FC, respectively. In 2C, NC has the highest maximum

temperature, followed by FC, TEC, and TEC + FC, respectively. Lastly, at 2.5C, NC has

the highest maximum temperature followed by FC, TEC, and TEC + FC, respectively.

For each cooling system, it was observed that the temperature of the batteries

increases continuously until it reaches the point of maximum temperature. After that point,

the temperature decreases until the constant-current mode shown in DC electronic load is

not satisfied. In addition, it was observed that at most of the discharge rates, FC, TEC, and

TEC+FC are better in cooling the batteries than NC. At all discharge rates, It was also

observed that TEC+FC presents the most effective cooling than NC, FC, and NC. This

finding may have happened because TEC+FC provides refrigeration to the adjacent

batteries. This finding is consistent in the study in [7].

Time Temperature (°C)

(Minutes) NC FC TEC TEC+FC
1 25.75 25.69 26.56 25.37
2 26.06 25.94 26.31 24.75
3 26.44 26.19 26.44 24.56
4 26.87 26.44 26.69 24.56
5 27.37 26.75 27.12 24.62

6 27.81 27 27.5 24.69
7 28.31 27.25 27.94 24.75
8 28.75 27.56 28.31 24.81
9 29.19 27.75 28.75 24.87
10 29.69 28 29.12 24.94
11 30.06 28.25 29.56 25
12 30.56 28.56 29.87 25.06
13 30.94 28.94 30.25 25.12
14 31.37 29.25 30.62 25.12
15 31.75 29.56 31 25.19
16 32.19 29.87 31.31 25.25
17 32.56 30.19 31.62 25.31
18 32.88 30.5 31.94 25.31
19 33.25 30.81 32.25 25.37
20 33.63 31.12 32.56 25.37
21 33.94 31.37 32.88 25.44
22 34.25 31.69 33.19 25.44
23 34.63 31.94 33.5 25.5
24 34.94 32.25 33.75 25.56
25 35.25 32.5 34.06 25.56
26 35.56 32.81 34.38 25.62
27 35.88 33.19 34.56 25.69
28 36.13 33.63 34.88 25.75
29 36.44 34.38 35.19 25.81
30 36.75 35.5 35.44 25.81
31 37.19 37.06 35.75 25.87
32 37.69 38.63 36 25.94
33 38.13 38.75 36.31 26
34 38.69 39.11 36.63 26.06
35 39.13 39.41 36.94 26.12
36 39.69 39.88 37.31 26.19
37 40.19 40.12 37.75 26.25
38 40.69 40.4 38.19 26.37
39 41.25 40.52 38.63 26.56
40 41.75 40.7 39.19 27
41 42.19 40.82 39.69 27.56
42 42.5 40.76 40.19 28.25
43 42.88 40.38 40.63 28.5
44 43.13 40.14 41.06 27.82
45 43.44 39.72 41.44 27.13
46 43.69 39.06 41.88  
47 43.94   42.5  

48 44.13   43.63  
49 44.19   45.19  
50 43.31   46.69  
51 42.88   47.63  
52 42.75   46.94  

Table 4.1 Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge

Rate of 1C

Figure 4.1 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge

rate of 1C

Figure 4.2 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge
rate of 1C

Figure 4.3. Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at
discharge rate of 1C

Figure 4.4 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at
discharge rate of 1C

Time Temperature (°C)

(Minutes) NC FC TEC TEC+FC
1 28.37 26.94 28.37 24.5
2 28.69 27.19 29.06 24.69
3 29.62 27.56 29.75 24.94
4 30.69 27.94 30.5 25.19
5 31.81 28.31 31.19 25.44
6 32.94 28.69 31.81 25.69
7 33.94 29 32.44 25.87
8 34.94 29.37 33 26
9 35.88 29.69 33.56 26.19
10 36.75 30 34.06 26.31
11 37.56 30.31 34.56 26.37
12 38.44 30.62 35 26.5
13 39.19 30.87 35.44 26.56
14 40.06 31.25 35.81 26.62

15 41.75 31.87 36.25 26.75
16 41.5 32.63 36.63 26.87
17 42.19 33.19 37 26.94
18 42.63 33.75 37.38 27.06
19 43.19 34.25 37.69 27.12
20 43.81 34.75 38.06 27.25
21 44.38 35.25 38.38 27.37
22 45.06 35.69 38.75 27.5
23 45.63 36.19 39.19 27.62
24 46.19 36.69 39.5 27.81
25 46.81 37.19 39.94 28.12
26 47.38 37.69 40.38 29
27 48.06 38.19 40.81 31.31
28 48.69 38.75 41.25 33.44
29 49.38 39.38 41.69 34.38
30 50.19 40.13 42.13 34.13
31 51.19 41.44 42.63 33.44
32 51.81 43.44 43.25 32.69
33 52.06 45.56 45.38 31.94
34 51.88 47.06 47.13 31.25
35 51.32 47.31 47.94  
36 51.05   48.19  
37 50.1   47.94  
38     47.56  

Table 4.2. Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge

Rate of 1.5C

Figure 4.5 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge
rate of 1.5C

Figure 4.6 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge
rate of 1.5C

Figure 4.7 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at
discharge rate of 1.5C

Figure 4.8 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at
discharge rate of 1.5C

Time Temperature (°C)

(Minutes) NC FC TEC TEC+FC
1 28.62 25.94 28.12 24.31
2 29.44 26.44 28.94 24.69
3 30.56 26.94 29.69 25.19
4 31.87 27.5 30.56 25.75
5 33.25 28.12 31.37 26.25
6 34.69 28.75 32.25 26.75
7 36 29.31 33.06 27.19
8 37.38 29.94 33.94 27.62
9 38.63 31.56 34.75 28
10 39.81 33.44 35.5 28.37
11 40.94 35.06 36.25 28.69
12 42.06 36.56 37 29.06
13 43.19 38.06 37.75 29.44

14 44.25 39.44 38.44 29.81
15 45.44 40.81 39.19 30.31
16 46.5 42.13 39.94 31.69
17 47.56 43.44 40.69 34.38
18 48.63 44.69 41.44 35.94
19 49.75 46 42.19 35.94
20 50.94 47.25 43.06 35.44
21 52.06 48.5 44.13 35.63
22 53.25 49.75 45.94 36
23 54.75 51 47.63 36.06
24 56 52.19 48.88 35.88
25 57.25 53.44 49.75 35.63
26 57.06 52.6 50.19 34.88
27 56.3   50.32 34

Table 4.3. Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge

Rate of 2C

Figure 4.9 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at discharge
rate of 2C

Figure 4.10 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge
rate of 2C

Figure 4.11 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at
discharge rate of 2C

Figure 4.12 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at
discharge rate of 2C

Time Temperature (°C)

(Minutes) NC FC TEC TEC+FC
1 28.94 26 25.37 25.5
2 30.44 26.5 25.85 26.37
3 32.06 27.62 26.69 27.75
4 33.69 28.94 29.25 29.12
5 35.25 30.37 31.94 30.5
6 36.81 31.94 34.06 31.81
7 38.25 33.5 36.81 32.94
8 39.69 35.13 38.94 34.06
9 41.06 36.63 41.06 35.25
10 42.31 38.19 42.69 37.19

11 43.44 39.69 43.75 41.63
12 44.44 41.13 45 45.56
13 45.56 42.5 46.06 47.13
14 46.69 43.81 46.94 45.94
15 47.88 45.13 48 44.63
16 49.06 46.44 48.94 43.56
17 50.44 47.81 49.31 41.88
18 52.88 49.13 49.31 39.94
19 56.88 50.56 49.88 38.56
20 58.38 52.44 50.25 37.31
21 58.56 54.61 50.37 35.63
22 58.13 54.28 50.38 33.5
23 57.44 52.3 50.02 31.87
24     49.66  

Table 4.4. Exact Value of the Temperatures of N-C, F-C, TEC, and TEC + FC at Discharge

Rate of 2.5C

Figure 4.13 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of NC at
discharge rate of 2.5C

Figure 4.14 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of FC at discharge
rate of 2.5C

Figure 4.15 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC at
discharge rate of 2.5C

Figure 4.16 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + FC at
discharge rate of 2.5C

Figure 4.17 Summary of the maximum temperature of NC, FC, TEC, and TEC + FC at
different discharge rates.

4.2. Temperature Measurement for Thermoelectric Cooler combined with Stirling

Table 4.5 shows the exact values of the temperatures at different discharge rates of

1C, 1.5C, 2C, and 2.5C at TEC + SE configuration. The temperature versus time graph of

this configuration at discharge rates of 1C, 1.5C, 2C, and 2.5C can be seen at Figure 4.17,

Figure 4.18, Figure 4.19, and Figure 4.20, respectively.

From the table, the maximum temperature of the battery for each discharge rate was

determined. Specifically, TEC+SE has a maximum temperature of 30.06°C at 1C, 43.42°C at

1.5C, 45.06°C at 2C, and 48.50°C at 2.5C. Comparing it to the result in objective (1),

TEC+SE provides lower temperatures for all discharge rates than NC, FC, and TEC. On the

other hand, TEC+SE has higher maximum temperature than TEC+FC at all discharge rates.

Thus, TEC+FC still provides better cooling than all cooling systems including TEC+SE.

Despite of this, result shows that TEC+SE still cools the battery module since it has lower

maximum temperature than the benchmark NC for all discharge rates.

A summary shown in Table 4.6 shows the summary of the exact values of the

maximum temperature of NC, FC, TEC, TEC + FC, and TEC + SE.

Time Temperature (°C)

(Minutes) 1C 1.5C 2C 2.5C
1 24.62 24.5 25.56 26.25
2 23.94 24.31 26.12 26.94
3 23.69 24.56 26.94 27.69
4 23.62 24.94 27.69 28.5
5 23.75 25.37 28.5 29.31
6 24 25.87 29.12 30.12
7 24.31 26.31 29.87 30.81
8 24.56 26.69 30.62 31.44

9 24.94 27.12 31.19 32.06
10 25.19 27.5 31.69 32.56
11 25.44 27.87 32.25 33.06
12 25.69 28.19 32.81 33.56
13 25.94 28.5 33.25 34.13
14 26.12 28.81 33.81 34.63
15 26.37 29.12 34.31 35.13
16 26.56 29.44 34.81 35.69
17 26.69 29.69 35.44 36.5
18 26.87 30 36.25 38.63
19 27.06 30.37 38 42
20 27.25 30.69 40.63 44.88
21 27.37 31 43.06 46.31
22 27.5 31.37 44.88 47.13
23 27.62 31.81 44.19 48.19
24 27.81 32.19   48.44
25 27.94 32.63   48.14
26 28.06 33.06    
27 28.19 33.75    
28 28.31 35.31    
29 28.44 38    
30 28.62 41.13    
31 28.69 43.12    
32 28.87 43.36    
33 29.06 43.3    
34 29.25      
35 29.5      
36 29.75      
37 30      
38 29.88      
39 29.7      
40 29.63      
41 29.5      
42 29.31      
43 29.07      
44 28.94      
45 28.7      
46 28.4      

Table 4.5. Exact Value of the Temperatures of TEC+SE at Different Discharge Rates

Rate 1C 1.5C 2C 2.5C

NC 44.19 52.06 57.25 58.56

FC 40.82 47.31 53.44 54.61

TEC 47.63 48.19 50.32 50.38

TEC+FC 28.5 34.38 36.06 47.13

TEC + SE 30.06 43.42 45.06 48.50

Table 4.6 Exact Values of the Maximum Temperatures of the thermal management systems

at different discharge rates

Figure 4.18. Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 1C

Figure 4.19 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 1.5C

Figure 4.20. Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 2C

Figure 4.21 Graph of temperature vs time of thermal management system of TEC + SE at

discharge rate of 2.5C

4.3. Power Consumption of Cooling Mechanisms

The researchers measured the power readings for thirty minutes of every cooling

system. Table 4.7 tabulates the data for FC cooling system electrical measurements. Table

4.8 shows the data of the electrical measurements using the TEC cooling system. Table 4.9

shows the electrical measurements of the combined TEC + FC cooling system. Lastly, Table

4.10 shows the electrical measurements for the TEC + SE cooling system.

Table 4.10 summarizes the average power consumed by the cooling mechanisms. FC

has an average power of 2.597 W, TEC has an average power of 19.428 W, TEC + FC has an

average power of 21.608 W, and TEC + SE has an average power of 20.213 W. TEC + FC

has the highest power consumption, followed by TEC + SE, TEC, and FC. TEC+FC have

higher power consumption than TEC+SE and TEC because of the addition of electric fan.

Time (Minutes) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)

1 12.52 0.2669 3.348
2 12.52 0.2016 2.51
3 12.54 0.2405 3.008
4 12.45 0.2152 2.516
5 12.5 0.195 2.442
6 12.54 0.1912 2.392
7 12.58 0.2315 2.526
8 12.48 0.2383 2.824
9 12.49 0.2161 2.55
10 12.54 0.2042 2.334
11 12.53 0.1635 2.034
12 12.61 0.1923 2.65
13 12.54 0.1991 2.506
14 12.6 0.191 2.406

15 12.59 0.2008 2.428
16 12.61 0.1936 3.096
17 12.56 0.2022 2.546
18 12.6 0.1927 2.424
19 12.62 0.2266 2.504
20 12.6 0.1921 2.418
21 12.6 0.1953 2.444
22 12.61 0.1906 2.596
23 12.6 0.1983 2.488
24 12.57 0.2447 3.084
25 12.65 0.2308 2.52
26 12.61 0.1905 2.602
27 12.56 0.1944 2.448
28 12.61 0.1992 2.966
29 12.59 0.2299 2.886
30 12.59 0.1922 2.422
Average Power 2.597

Table 4.7 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for FC

Time Current Power

(Minutes) Voltage (V) (A) (W)
1 9.07 2.2942 20.244
2 9.09 2.1921 20.222
3 9.14 2.2701 20.196
4 9.12 2.1932 19.114
5 9 2.187 18.514
6 9.1 2.1571 19.226
7 9.15 2.1343 19.022
8 9.03 2.2228 19.746
9 9.11 2.2109 19.642
10 9.02 2.1282 19.51
11 9.09 2.1106 18.626

12 8.95 2.1606 18.528
13 9.23 2.1371 18.97
14 9.13 2.2365 20.074
15 9.1 2.2271 19.972
16 9.26 2.138 19.054
17 9.15 2.1604 19.262
18 9.16 2.2165 19.966
19 9.21 2.1313 18.976
20 9.22 2.149 19.36
21 9.2 2.2073 19.91
22 9.14 2.2139 19.9
23 9.26 2.2407 19.216
24 9.21 2.1486 20.028
25 9.22 2.1441 19.864
26 9.12 2.2164 19.904
27 8.96 2.174 19.218
28 9.03 2.1741 18.832
29 9.11 2.1378 18.892
30 9.14 2.2153 18.858
Power 19.428

Table 4.8 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for TEC

Time Current
(Minutes) Voltage (V) (A) Power (W)
1 8.77 2.4147 19.93
2 8.88 2.3409 20.244
3 9 2.4259 21.24
4 9.23 2.4104 21.404
5 9.22 2.4412 21.902
6 9.16 2.4128 22.218
7 9.2 2.3906 21.22
8 9.12 2.4406 21.896
9 9.04 2.4167 21.66
10 9.25 2.4215 21.686
11 9.08 2.4688 21.99

12 9.17 2.4923 22.342
13 9.14 2.4104 21.424
14 9.11 2.4774 22.118
15 9.1 2.4401 21.526
16 9.19 2.4158 22.516
17 9.18 2.4111 22.312
18 9.23 2.4176 21.718
19 9.23 2.4681 21.562
20 9.11 2.4306 21.584
21 9.1 2.4611 21.936
22 9.07 2.4216 21.936
23 9.26 2.4343 21.804
24 9.17 2.4141 21.254
25 9.22 2.3945 21.254
26 9.13 2.4097 21.342
27 9.22 2.3982 21.372
28 9.24 2.4204 21.676
29 9.22 2.4804 21.346
30 9.23 2.4666 21.83
Power 21.608

Table 4.9 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for TEC + FC

Time Current
(Minutes) Voltage (V) (A) Power (W)
1 9.27 2.3351 20.952
2 9.25 2.2129 20.432
3 9.15 2.2267 20.484
4 9.21 2.2097 19.7
5 9.35 2.1817 19.76
6 9.21 2.2249 19.916
7 9.36 2.2556 20.578
8 9.32 2.1728 20.442
9 9.4 2.1755 19.986
10 9.35 2.2714 19.956
11 9.29 2.2161 20.622
12 9.38 2.1426 20.468

13 9.44 2.1626 19.654
14 9.46 2.1772 20.936
15 9.51 2.2669 20.182
16 9.5 2.246 19.904
17 9.46 2.1687 20.126
18 9.38 2.2129 20.464
19 9.42 2.1599 20.244
20 9.48 2.1922 20.356
21 9.45 2.156 20.134
22 9.49 2.2325 20.176
23 9.38 2.1812 20.248
24 9.46 2.1591 19.668
25 9.36 2.1953 20.228
26 9.4 2.2048 20.15
27 9.46 2.1499 19.648
28 9.33 2.1752 20.038
29 9.37 2.1839 20.316
30 9.33 2.1658 20.614
Power 20.213

Table 4.10 Exact Value of the Voltage, Current, Power for TEC + SE

Mechanism Power (W)
FC 2.597
TEC 19.428
TEC + FC 21.608
TEC + SE 20.213

Table 4.11 Summary of average power measured of cooling mechanisms

4.4. Statistical Test

T-Test was conducted to analyze the average power consumption of TEC+SE and

TEC+FC. The alpha was set to 0.05. Table 4.11 shows the results gathered from t-test paired

two samples for means analysis. The t-statistic value is 10.82943, while the t-critical value is

2.04523. Since t-statistic is greater than t-critical value, then the null hypothesis is rejected.

With this, it means that there is a significant difference between the power consumption of


Mean 21.6080667 20.2127333
Variance 0.29749944 0.12464151
Observations 30 30
Correlation -0.19708112
d Mean
Difference 0
df 29
t Stat 10.8294271
P(T<=t) one-
tail 5.25E-12
t Critical
one-tail 1.69912703
P(T<=t) two-
tail 1.05E-11
t Critical
two-tail 2.04522964

Table 4.12 Tabulated Results of Statistical analysis

Chapter 5: Conclusion

In this study, Stirling engine heat pump paired with thermoelectric cooler (TEC+SE)

was used for the thermal management of a lithium-ion battery module. The maximum

temperature rise within the battery module at various battery discharge rates using TEC+SE

were investigated and compared to NC, FC, TEC, and TEC+FC. And the power consumption

of TEC+SE was measured, and compared to TEC+FC using t-test paired two sample for

means analysis.

For all of the discharge rates, the maximum temperature of the battery module is the

lowest when TEC+FC is used followed by TEC+SE. It means that TEC+FC is better in

cooling the battery than TEC+SE. The main reason for this is that TEC+FC provides better

refrigerating capacity than TEC+SE which decreases the temperature of the battery module.

Still, TEC+SE provides better cooling than NC, FC, and TEC at all of the discharge rates.

The average power consumption of TEC+FC is 21.6081 W which is 6.9% higher than

TEC+SE which consumes an average power of 20.2127 W. This difference is further confirm

by using t-test, which shows that there is indeed a significant difference between the power

consumption of TEC+FC and TEC+SE. So overall, TEC+FC provides excellent cooling than

TEC+SE, but TEC+SE consumes less power than TEC+FC.

Chapter 6: Recommendation


For further application, one might consider integrating generator to Stirling engine

and TEC while they are being used as a cooling mechanism for battery module to further

optimize the power consumption of the cooling system.


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Temperature Measurement Program

Power Measurement Program

Data logging of temperature results in Arduino


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