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ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Information and Communication Technology, or ICT, is the field that deals with using electronic devices like
computers, smartphones, iPads, etc.
Information technology refers to the processes of gathering, controlling, storing, and transferring data. It
encompasses all available information management technologies.

Using ICT tools can lead to

• higher order thinking skills
• provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings
• Students are better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace.

Some of the advantages of ICT in education are:

• Complex topics can be easily explained to the students with the help of pictures, videos, presentations,
• Images and videos used for teaching improves the retention memory of the students.
• Presentations can make the lessons interesting.
• Practical demonstration can be given to the students.
• If the teaching process in the class is interactive, it will make the lesson more enjoyable.
• An e-learning program allows students to learn at their own pace, at any convenient time, and from any

ICT in different sectors

ICT in Healthcare
ICT plays an important role in healthcare. Some of the uses of ICT in health care are:
• Through the right communication media, a doctor can easily deliver treatment and care to the patient
who is located far away. Doctor can also continuously monitor the patient’s history, diagnostic report,
and track the current health condition. The Doctor can also interact with patient, recommend to take
medical examination and prescribe medicine.
• Using the ICT tool or a suitable communication system, government can make efforts to create
awareness among the public about the communicable diseases, prevention measures and various current
diagnostic & etc.
• ICT in healthcare research helps to find the possible prevention measures to eradicate and reduce the
spread of diseases.
• Through ICT, the traditional healthcare systems can be eliminated and new models can be formed for
effective quality care.
• Hospitals can use different electronic media to store medical data. This helps to retrieve the information
easily. This data can be transferred to the patient or to the Doctors for consultation.
• Computer based machines are used for MRI, CT-scan, ultrasound are done in hospitals, diagnostic
centres, to diagnose the diseases.
• Life support systems are provided to the patients
• You can search information on any disease, medicines, etc. on the internet.

ICT in Governance
ICT in governance can be help:
• Deliver government services efficiently
• E-governance sites enable people to perform various tasks such as filling a form, applying for passport,
paying bills, property tax, etc. even sitting at home.
ICT in Business

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ICT in business can be used for the following purposes:
• Keep records of the stock
• Prepare accounts and balance sheets
• Maintain database of staff and customers
• E-commerce enables people to buy and sell products online. This service is available 24 x 7.
• E-banking facility helps to make banking transactions at any time of the day.

Impact of ICT on society

ICT has divided the society into two groups:
1. Persons who can do their personal and professional work efficiently. They are efficient in using services
like, e-banking, e-learning, e-governance sites, etc.
2. People who do not have access to a computer and internet. They also do not have knowledge to use
facilities available on the internet.

ICT in our daily life

ICT has a great impact in our daily life. Some of the uses of ICT in our daily life are given below:
• We can read newspapers online.
• We can get connected with our friends, relatives or even family members far away from us using email,
messenger, video conferencing etc.
• With the introduction of video conferencing, business meetings are now easier.
• Nowadays people use mobile phone apps to meet and connect with new and old friends.
• Social networks like have played a big role in connecting both old and new relationships.
• We can access a full library of educational material via a mobile app or website on any smartphone or iPad.
• Technology has also made the buying and selling of goods and services flexible and a lot safer.
• Most banks now offer online banking facilities. People make use of this service daily to manage their
• Most businesses use online banking facility to pay employees and transfer money.

ICT Tools / Device

The simplest and most convenient form of communication is via a mobile phone. It is portable, lightweight, and
tiny in size. You can always and everywhere keep in touch with your friends and family.
Small personal computers with a touch screen are called tablets. Users of tablets can enter data and commands
using a keyboard or mouse.
Radio is the oldest tool used to provide entertainment and information to people. You can listen to music, radio
shows, etc. on radio.
Television is another important ICT tool. You can watch music, view programs, etc. on television.
Newspaper is another most important ICT tool. News related to all the issues , national, international, sports,
space, etc, are printed in newspapers.
Email is the most common way of communication in today’s world. It is the official way of communication. Some
of the advantages of using email are:
• You don’t have to pay anything extra for sending or receiving email. You just pay for the internet
• You can send bulk mails
• The receiver may not be online when you send the email.
• You can send documents, presentations, images, videos, etc. as an attachment to email.
• When you send an email, it reaches, the receiver at any part of the world in few seconds.
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Interactive White Boards
These boards a allow to project computer. Also handwritten notes can be taken on the board and saved for later
E-readers are electronic devices that can hold hundreds of books in digital form. E-readers are portable, have a
long battery life.

Identify the Various Components of Computer System


A computer is an electronic device that has devices to enter data, store data and process raw facts and figures
according to the given instructions and give the desired result on an output device.


A computer system comprises of hardware and software.
• Computer hardware – Physical parts of a computer such as Input devices, output devices, central
processing unit and storage devices are called computer hardware.
• Computer software – Software are the programs or applications that run on computer. For example, MS
Word, MS PowerPoint, Operating systems, etc.
Computer hardware
The physical components of a computer system are called hardware. A computer basically consists of following
physical components:
• Input unit
• Processing unit
• Storage unit
• Auxiliary storage
• Output unit

Input Devices
Input devices are used for entering data or instructions into the computer.

The Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer system.
Functions of Central Processing Unit are:
• It controls the sequence of operations within the computer
• It gives commands to other parts of the computer
• It controls the use of main memory for storing data and instructions

It consists of the following main units:

Arithmetic and Logic unit (ALU)
• Control Unit (CU)
• Main Memory Unit

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

All the calculations and comparisons are done in this unit.
The ALU performs all the following arithmetic operations:
+ (addition)
– (subtraction)

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The ALU also performs the following logical operations:

< (less than)

<(greater than)
<= (less than or equal to)
>= (greater than or equal to)
<> (not equal to)
These are temporary storage areas found in CPU of modern computers.

Computer Software
Software is a set of computer programs that perform a particular task.

Following are the categories of Softwares:

System Software
System software is a set of one or more programs designed to control the operation of a computer system.
Operating systems and language processors come under the category of system software.
Operating System
Operating system is a master control program that runs the computer. When the computer is switched on,
operating system is the first program loaded into the computer’s memory. Examples of operating system are
Windows, UNIX, MS-DOS, Mac OS, Solaris, etc.
Language Processors
A computer can understand commands expressed as machine code, such as 0 and 1. The source code for the
programmes is written in a high level language similar to English. To run, the source code needs to be translated
into machine language. Language processor refers to the programme used to translate source code written in
high level languages into machine code. The object programme is the programme that has been converted into
machine code.

Language processor is of three types:

1. Assembler:- It is a program that translates an assembly language program into machine language.

2. Compiler:-It is a program that translates a high-level language program into machine language. For
example C++ compiler.

3. Interpreter:-It is a program that translates a high-level language into machine language program line by
line. For example, Visual basic Interpreter.
Application Software
Application software is a computer program that is designed to perform a certain type of work. This type of
software pertains to one specific application. For example, software written to calculate salary of the school
employees cannot be used to prepare school result.

Utility Program
A utility program is used to perform maintenance work on a system or on the components of the computer.

Antivirus software:- This program helps in detecting and removing viruses. For example, Norton antivirus,
McAffee virus scan, etc.

File management tools:-These tools help in storing, searching, and sorting files and folders on the system. For
example, Windows Explorer.

Compression:- This program helps in compression of large files so that they take less storage space. For example,

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Disk Management Tools:- These programs include
• Disk Cleaner:-This utility scans for the files that have not been used since long. These files may be
occupying large amount of space. It prompts the user to delete such files to create more disk space.
• Disk Defragmenter:-It rearranges the files and free space on the computer so that files are stored in
contiguous and free space is consolidated in one contiguous block. This speeds up the disk access.
• Backup:- backup means making a duplicate of the files and data stored on the computer. This program is
used to take backup copy of the data. In case the original data is lost, the backed up data can be used.


The storage unit consists of the following components:
• Primary storage
• Temporary Storage

Primary Storage
The primary storage is also called the primary memory. It is directly accessible by the CPU. It can be:
• RAM (Random Access Memory)
• ROM (Read Only Memory)

Functions of primary memory are:

• Here data is fed and held until it is ready to be accessed.

• It is used to hold the data being processed and the intermediate results of processing.
• It holds the result of the processing.
• It holds the processing instructions.

Memory Units
Units of computer memory are:- Bit (Binary Digit), Byte (Kilobyte, Megabyte, GigaByte, TeraByte, PetaByte,
ExaByte, ZettaByte, YottaByte)

The elementary unit of memory is a bit. A group of 4 bits is called a nibble and a group of 8 bits is called a byte.
One byte is the minimum space required to store one character.
1 Byte = 8 bits
One kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes
One Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB = 1024 x 1024 bytes
One Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB =1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
One Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
One petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB=1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
One ExaByte (EB)=1024 PB=1024 x 1024 x1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
One ZettaByte (ZB)=1024 EB)= 1024 x 1024 x 1024 x1024 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is utilized to store active data and instruction information. RAM stands for random access memory because
information is stored there in a random order. It is only a passing recollection. RAM is also referred to as volatile
memory because it is lost when the power is switched off. It is also referred to as read/write memory since data
may be read from and written to RAM. It is possible to overwrite or erase data kept in RAM.

Read-Only memory (ROM)

The primary memory of a computer includes ROM. It is used to store the manufacturer’s instructions for
checking the system’s hardware basics and loading the operating system from the proper storage device.

Until it is written over, data and instructions stored in ROM are permanent.
If the power is turned off, the contents of the ROM are not lost. ROM is referred to as non-volatile memory for
this reason.
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Secondary Storage
The secondary memory is used because the computer’s primary memory only temporarily saves the data and
information. The majority of information is stored in secondary memory. Secondary memory is also a non-
volatile memory because the data it contains is not lost when it is used. Since data is stored on these devices
until it is removed, they are non-volatile.
Hard drives, CDs, DVDs, Pen drives, and other secondary storage media are examples.


Input devices
Input devices are used for entering data or instructions into the computer.

Output Devices
The output unit comprises of devices such as Monitor, Printer, speaker, etc. to display information to the user.

Storage Devices
All computers have a hard disk drive installed in them. It is used to store files of Operating system, softwares and
other files.

Identify Various Peripheral Devices


An internal or external device that is directly connected to a computer but does not support the computer’s
main task, such as computing, is referred to as a peripheral device. It facilitates end users’ access to and usage of
a computer’s features.
Different peripheral devices, fall into following three general categories:
1. Input devices, such as a mouse and a keyboard
2. Output devices, such as a monitor and a printer
3. Storage devices, such as a hard drive or flash drive


Input Devices
Different types of keys of the keyboard are:
• Alphanumeric keys are used to type alphabets, numbers and special symbols like $, %, @, A etc.
• Special keys such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, etc. are used for special functions.
• Function keys such as Fl, F2, F3 etc. are used to give special commands and these commands may be
different for different softwares.
• Cursor Movement keys. These keys are used to move the cursor in a document. These include the arrow
keys, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, etc.

On a computer monitor, a mouse is used as a pointing device to move the mouse cursor. The mouse pointer on
the computer screen goes in the same direction as the mouse when it is moved on a flat surface.

A Joystick is used to play games on the computer. It consists of a vertical stick that is moved to control objects on
the computer screen.

Light pen
A light pen is a pointing device. It is used to draw directly on the screen. It can also be used to point to an object
or option directly on the computer screen.

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Graphics Tablet
Digital drawings are made using a graphic tablet by manually drawing images using a special pen on a flat surface
known as the tablet. Stylus is the name of this particular pen.

A scanner is a device that is sued to convert text or image into a digital file.

Barcode Reader
Vertical lines that are both thick and thin make up a barcode, which can be found on items. The product and the
manufacturer are identified by the bar code. A tool called a barcode reader can read these barcodes.

A microphone is a device used to record your voice and save it in the form of a digital file in the computer.

Output Devices
Computer Monitor
A computer monitor, resembles a TV screen and can display both text and images. The output displayed on
computer screen is called the soft copy.

A printer is a device used to print the files stored on the computer on paper. The output produced on paper is
called the hard copy. Commonly used printers are:
• Dot matrix printer – It is the most commonly used character printer, i.e, it prints one character at a time.
Most of the dot matrix printers are bidirectional, i.e., they print one line of text from left to right and then
the next line from right to left.
• Inkjet printer – These printers use a continuous stream of ink drops to print on paper
• Laser printer – These printers print one page at a time and are very fast.

Storage Devices
Compact Disc (CD) and Digital Versatile disc (DVD) are optical media that is used to record data from computer.
Data can then be read from the CD. To read data from the CD, we need to have a CD Drive in our computer.

There are two variations of CD-

• CD-R and

Pen Drive/Flash Drive

A pen drive is a tiny, portable device used to store computer data. Additionally, it can be used to access and
move data. Pen drives come in a variety of sizes, including 1 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, and 32 GB.

External hard disk

A storage device called an external hard drive is one that is attached to a computer using a USB cable or
wirelessly. When compared to flash drives, an external hard drive has a larger storage capacity and is typically
used to back up essential data and computer files. There are external hard drives with capacities of up to 1 TB
and 2 TB.
Operating Systems
The foundational programme that manages a computer is called an operating system. It acts as a conduit for
communication between the user and the computer.
Some of the functions of Operating system are:
• It manages all the devices of a computer and keeps track of the status of the device, whether it is busy or

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• It also checks whether the device is functioning properly or not.
• It also controls software resources of the computer.
• It manages the computer memory and keeps track of which memory space is in use by which program and
which space is free.
• It manages the structure of the files and directories on a computer system.
• It keeps track of the amount of disk space used by a specific file.
• It allows you to create, copy, move and delete files.


DOS – DOS (Disk Operating System) is an operating system for a personal computer. Early computers were able
to run one program at a time. It had a command line interface in which a user has to remember the commands
to run the program and do other operating system tasks. For example, the DOS command, dir, will display the
list of files in the current directory.
Windows – It is an operating system developed by Microsoft. Some popular versions of Windows operating
system are- Windows 98, Windows, 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Linux – It is an operating system designed for personal computers. It is a free and open-source software, which
means it can be modified and redistributed.

Mobile operating Systems

Android – It is an operating system used in mobile phones and tablets. It is owned and maintained by Google and
is an open-source operating system. The android releases were nicknamed after sweets or dessert items like
Cupcake (1.5), Donout (1.6), Éclair (2.0), Frozen Yogurt (2.2), Honeycomb (3.0) and Jelly Bean (4.1), Kitkat (4.4),
marshmallow (6.0),

Symbian – It is an operating system used in mobile phones. Symbian was developed and sold by Symbian Ltd. It
is primarily used by Nokia. It is also used by Japanese mobile phone manufacturers for handsets sold in Japan.

Windows Phone – It is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft for smart phones and pocket PCs.
Windows Mobile. Windows 8.1 is the latest release of this operating system. iOS It is a mobile operating system
developed by Apple Inc. for iPhones, iPads, and iPods. It is supported only by Apple hardware. iOS 9 is the latest
release of this operating system.

Connect with the World Using Internet and its Applications

Internet is a network of networks. It is an interconnection between several computers of different types
belonging to various networks all over the world. The Internet is a medium of communication and exchange of
Exploring information on the web is called web surfing.
Some common terms related to Internet
WWW (World Wide Web) – WWW stands for world wide web is a network of world wide computers.

Protocol – Protocol is a set of rules to be followed while communicating or transferring data on internet.

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) – This protocol defines the rules to be followed while transferring the
information. The information may be in the form of text, images, videos, etc.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – Each web page has a unique address which identifies its location on the
network. This unique address is called the URL.
The URL has two parts:
• Protocol identifier: It identifies the name of the protocol used.
• Resource name: It specifies the complete address to the resource on the Internet.
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Some of the services provided by internet are:

• Email
• Chatting
• Video conferencing
• Social networking
• E-learning
• E-shopping
• E-reservation
• E-banking, etc.
E-mail stands for electronic mail. It is a message in an electronic form that is sent or received from one computer
to another.

Chatting on internet refers to textual communication that offers a real-time transmission of text messages from
one person to another. These messages are generally short.

Video Conferencing
Video conferencing using internet is a visual communication between two or more persons who may be present
at different locations.

Social Networking
Social networking is the use of internet based social media sites that is used by people to stay connected with
friends, family, etc.

E-learning or online learning refers to a learning system that is done using an electronic device with internet

Buying products online, i.e., using an electronic device with internet connection is called e-shopping. Customer
can buy products from the comfort of their home. It saves time and effort. You can even compare products, even
cancel the transactions. Most important, this facility is available 24 X 7 and 365 days.

E-reservation means booking of tickets online. You can book airline tickets, train tickets, movie tickets and even
hotel rooms and tour packages online.

A programme used to access websites is known as a web browser or internet browser. It serves as a conduit
between the web server and the internet. Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, opera,
etc. are some examples of widely used web browsers.
A web browser performs the following tasks:

1. It connects to the web server and sends a request for the information.
2. It displays the information on the computer
Web site
A web site is a collection of two or more related web pages. Web pages of a web site are linked together through

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Web page
An individual page of a web site is called a web page. It is written in a special computer language called HTML
(Hypertext markup Language).

There are two types of web pages:

• Static web pages
• Dynamic web pages

Some of the advantages of e-mail are:
• It is fast and easy to use.
• It is the fastest means of communication. A message can reach any part of the world in a fraction of a
• You can send text message, pictures, sound messages across the globe.
• Message can consist of few lines or more. It is not charge by weight.
• You don’t have to pay anything extra for the sending or receiving the email. You just pay for the internet
• You need not be on your computer or online to receive the e-mail.
• E-mails are eco-friendly as no paper is used.
• You can also send bulk messages to a large number of people at the same time.

To send or receive email messages, you first need to open your email account and have your email address.

Email address
An email address has two main parts:
• User name
• Host name
These two parts are separated by @ symbol.

For example, consider the following email address: [email protected]

In the above email address, myemail is the user name and is the host name.


Some of the options while composing an email are:

To – This option allows you to write the email address of the person you want to send the message to.
Cc – It stands for carbon copy. This option allows you to send the same message to several persons at the same
time and every recipient will know all the recipients of this mail. The multiple email addresses are separated by

BCc – It stands for Blind Carbon copy. This option allows you to send the same message to several persons at the
same time but a recipient will not know who the other recipients of this message are.

Subject – This option allows you to write in few words about the content of the message. Attachment This icon
helps you to attach files such as, documents, presentations, images, videos, etc with your email message.


The benefits of social networking websites are:
• These sites provide a way to connect with people around the world.
• Social Networking site, like Facebook can be used to stay in touch with the family, and connecting with old
friends has become very easy
• These sites help us to learn about current events.
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• These sites also work as a platform to launch new business ides, or for advertisers to market their
products and services to their subscribers.
• Social networking sites can be used to disarm social stigmas.

Disadvantages of Social Networking websites

• These sites expose people to a lot of information, which may or may not be authentic.
• If you share your current location over social media, you can easily become a target.
• Peer pressure and cyberbullying are also important issues.
• Online interactions have now substituted the face-to-face interactions and this has reduced the social
• Social networking has become a distraction for most of the people. Students who use social networking
too often have lower grades.
• Using social networking for long hours in a day can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.
• Social networking sites can spread false or unreliable information quickly.

The following actions keep you safe on social networking websites:

• Do not post and share private information like mobile phone number, home address, etc. on social
networking websites.
• You should be familiar with the privacy policy of the social networking sites. You can adjust your privacy
settings on social networking websites, so as to control who can access your information.
• Use a strong password. Longer password is more secure than a shorter one.
• Use a different password for each social media account.
• Be selective with friend requests. Don’t accept the friend request if you don’t know the person personally.
• Be careful while clicking at any link or any pop-up window.
• Protect your computer with anti-virus software and keep it updated.
• Always Log Off when you are done.

Introduction to Cyber Crime
Cyber-crime refers to any crime done using computer or any electronic device with internet connection.
Some of the cyber crimes are:
• Cyber Bullying
• Cyber Stalking – It refers to harassing an individual or an organization using internet. This may include
making false accusation or defaming, threatening, damaging data, etc.
• Hacking – If someone tries to get into computer systems in order to steal, corrupt or illegitimately view
data, then it is called hacking. The person who does hacking is called a hacker.
• Phishing – Phishing means an attempt to acquire a sensitive information such as username, password, etc.
• Spamming – Spam refers to unsolicited email which is sent in large quantities to a large number of users.

Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying is when a student posts text and images on any electronic device, such as a computer, smart
phone, tablet, etc. with the goal to harm, humiliate, threaten, or embarrass the victim. Cyberbullying typically
entails posting or transmitting rumours, abusive, or nasty messages in an effort to harm a person’s reputation or
relationships with others.

Cyber Addiction
The internet has grown to be a necessity in our lives. We use the internet for a variety of things, including
communication, knowledge enhancement, shopping, bill payment, in schools, at home, and at work.

Some of the factors responsible for cyber addiction are:

• Lack of family interaction
• Change in life style
• Lack of social circle

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• To compete with latest up comings and technology to keep updated.
• Mostly both the parents are working and doesn’t have time for kids and want their kids to be busy on
computer or mobiles.
Some warning signs of cyber addiction
• Loss of control when trying to stop or limit the amount of time on the internet.
• Breaking promises to self or others
• Feeling of depression or anxiety when someone stops or interrupts while working on the computer.
• Feeling of guilt over excessive use of internet
After Effects of Cyber Addiction
Over use of internet may lead to:
• Headaches
• Back aches
• Irregular eating habits
• Sleep disturbances
• Neglect of family and friends
• Dry eyes and eye problem
• Feeling of depression, irritation

Questions and Answers

Q1. Objectives of Information and communication technology? Advantages and disadvantages of ICT.
Answer – Full form of ICT is Information and communication technology. The goal of ICT is to bridge the gap
between parents, educators, and students by encouraging sustainable, cooperative, and transparent
communication methods.
Advantages of ICT
• Enhanced the modes of communication
• Independent learning platforms Cost – efficient
• Enhanced data and information security
• Paperless – Eliminate the usage of paper
• Better teaching and learning methods
• Web – based LMS tools
Disadvantages of ICT
• Traditional book and handwritten methods are at risk.
• Managing courses online is difficult
• Teachers require experience to handle ICT
• Risk of cyber attacks and hacks
• Misuse of technology

Q2. What are the default apps installed on smartphones?

Answer – Some of the default apps installed on smartphones are
• Camera
• Phone
• Calendar
• Mail
• Maps
• Clock
• Message
• Web Browser
• Music
• Google Play store
• Apple Store

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Q3. Differentiate between smartphone vs. tablet.
Answer –
Smartphone – Smartphones are just like a phone with some additional features, Smartphones are compact and
easy to use. Operating systems are the main software. Some of the smartphones use Apple iOS, some are using
Android OS or some are using Microsoft OS. editing the videos or photos is difficult on the smartphone.
Tablet – It is a portable personal computer with a touchscreen interface which makes it more user friendly than
the notebook computer. Android OS, Apple iOS or Windows OS are the most common operating systems used in
the tablet. As compared to smartphones, tablet screens are bigger in size.

Q4. What are the features of mobile devices?

Answer – Some of the features present in mobile devices are
a. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology which connects with other Bluetooth devices within 30 feet,
you can send photos, songs or video with the help of the Bluetooth.
b. Chargeable Battery: This is a portable power bank which can be recharged. if once the battery is charged you
can use this device anywhere.
c. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity, basically it is a wireless network technology that connects your
device to the internet or you can connect to the local area network also.
d. Touch Screen: Touch Screen is an interface where you can manage your device. Whatever information you
want to type in the device you can type using the touch screen.
e. Cellular network connectivity: Cellular network connectivity provides the network through which you can
make calls.
f. Global Positioning System: It is a navigation system which helps you to find the direction of place using a

5. What is the purpose of gestures in mobile devices?

Answer – Gestures help users to interact with the touchscreen. for example if you want to open an app instead
of clicking you just touch the app the application will be open.
Some of the gestures in mobile phone are
a. Tap and hold: Tap and hold is similar to right-clicking on a computer.
b. Swipe: Swipe the finger to right, left, up or down on the screen, automatically the page will move to the next
c. Tap: Touch the screen with your finger, once, to click.
d. Double tap: Tap the screen twice time quickly the screen will zoom, it is used to making the word appear
e. Drag: To tap, hold and move your finger across the screen.
f. Pinch: To bring your thumb and finger together on the screen automatically the screen will be zoomed in. it is
used to making the word appear smaller.

6. What is the basic function of a Computer?

Answer – A computer is an electronic device which can accept data from the user, process the data and generate
meaningful results. Computer have a three main units –
1. Input Unit,
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) and
3. Output Unit.

7. What are the different parts of the CPU?

Answer – A computer is made up of multiple parts that work together to perform the processing and effective
functioning of the computer.
The CPU performs all the basic arithmetic and logical operations of the computer.
There are three main components of a CPU (Central Processing Unit)
1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
2. Control Unit (CU)
3. Memory Unit (MU)

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a. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) – Arithmetic and logical unit performs all arithmetic and logical operations.
for example subtraction, addition, division and multiplication.
b. Control Unit (CU) – Control Unit instructs the computer system to perform a particular task. It takes
instructions from memory and executes them.
c. Memory Unit (MU) – Memory Unit used to store data or instructions. there are two type of memory unit

i. Primary Memory – Primary memory is also known as main memory. This memory is directly accessed by
the microprocessor. Primary memory have two type RAM and ROM
i) RAM – RAM stands for Random access memory it is short term memory, RAM is also known as
Volatile memory and it stores data temporarily.
ii) ROM – ROM stands for Read only memory it is long term memory, ROM stores the data
ii. Secondary Memory – The device which is used to store data permanently with the help of external
devices is known as Secondary memory. Example – Hard Disk, Flash drive, External drive etc.

8. What is Motherboard?
Answer – A motherboard provides connectivity between the hardware components of a computer. It is also the
backbone of the computer and shares the information between them. It is a main circuit board inside a
computer that connects input, processing and output devices.

9. How is the data measured in the computer?

Answer – In the memory devices data is stored in the form of bits and bytes. Bit is the smallest unit which
represents 0 or 1. combination of eight bits make a one byte. which store the numerical, letters or symbols value
in the memory.
• 8 Bits = 01 Byte
• 1024 Bytes = 01 Kilobyte (KB)
• 1024 Kilobyte (KB) = 01 Megabyte (MB)
• 1024 Megabyte (MB) = 01 Gigabyte (GB)
• 1024 Gigabyte (GB) = 01 Terabyte (TB)

10. Where are the different ports in the computer system?

Answer – A port is a physical docking point using which an external device can be connected to the computer.
We can connect our keyboard, mouse, printer and scanner through the port
There are several types of ports that you can use to connect a computer to external devices.
a. Universal serial bus or the USB port – USB port is used to transfer data, It also works as an interface for
peripheral devices. It connects, such as a mouse or a keyboard or a printer to a computer using the cable.
b. Display port – Separate video connector is used for transmitting only video signals. Display port connect the
monitor to the display unit. Different types of video connector are available, like High Definition Multimedia
Interface (HDMI) and Video Graphics Array depending on the requirement.
c. Audio ports – Audio ports are used to connect speakers or other audio devices with the computer. like
headphones, speakers or microphone. headphones and speaker port is known as line out port and
microphone port is known as line in port.
d. Ethernet – Ethernet port is used for connecting computers to the network, with the ethernet port we can
transfer data from one computer to another or we can transfer high speed internet.
e. Power port – Power port is used for connecting the computer system to the power supply.

11. Difference between Hardware and Software?

Answer – A computer system consists of two main parts – the hardware and the software.

a. Hardware – The physical parts of the computer are hardware, hardware devices can be touch and feel. for
example Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor, CPU, etc.
b. Software – Software is made by programs; it is a set of instructions used to execute specific tasks. for
example Microsoft Office, Operating System, Photo editing software.

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12. In computer systems, what is the function of the BIOS?
Answer – BIOS stands for Basic Input/ Output System, Computer automatically runs a basic program called BIOS
as soon as it is switched on or the power button is pushed on.
The BIOS first does a self-test. If the self-test shows that the computer is fine, the BIOS will load the Operating

13. What are the different types of keys in Keyboard?

Answer –
a. Function keys – F1 to F12 are function keys in the keyboard, function keys are used for specific purposes.
b. Control keys – SHIFT, CONTROL (CTRL),ALT, SPACEBAR, TAB AND CAPS LOCK are known as a control key,
these keys are used as per the demand.
c. Enter key – ENTER or RETURN keys are known as Enter key, depending on the brand of computer that you
are using.
d. Punctuation keys – It includes keys for punctuation marks, such as colon (:), semicolon (;), question mark
(?), single quotation marks (‘ ’), and double quotation marks (“ ”).
e. Navigation keys – END, HOME, PAGE DOWN, PAGE UP and Arrow keys are known as navigation keys, these
keys are used to move up, down, left or right in the document.
f. Command keys – BACKSPACE, INSERT (INS) and DELETE(DEL) are known as command keys. INSERT key
allows you to overwrite characters to the right side. The DELETE command key and BACKSPACE key are used
to remove typed text, character, or any other objects from the right and left side of the cursor.
g. Windows key – Windows key is used to open the Start menu.

14. What are files and folders in a computer system?

Answer –
a. File – File is a collection of information different types of files store different types of information. Every
file has a file name and extension that identifies the type of file.
b. Folder – Folder is a collection of files or a group of files.

15. What is Bandwidth?

Answer – Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred or received every second. and it is measured
by bps (Bite per second).
For example, In the water pipe the amount of water transmitted in a certain time is known as bandwidth. The
maximum amount of water that can flow through the pipe is maximum bandwidth. Similarly, the amount of data
that can be sent or received in the network depends on the bandwidth.
Bits per second is the unit of measurement for bandwidth (bps) in computer networks and in analog devices it is
measured as a cycle per second.
Data transfer speed measured by the bits per second.
• 1 Kbps (kilo bits per second) = 1,000 bits per second
• 1 Mbps (megabits per second) = 1,000 kilobits per second
• 1 Gbps (gigabits per second) = 1,000 megabits per second

16. What is the World Wide Web?

Answer – WWW stands for World Wide Web, it is also known as a Web. Web is a collection of websites and a
website is a collection of web pages. All websites and webpages are stored in the web server. The Web is a vast
network interlinked with each other.
It is made up of
• A web page
• A web browser
• A system to transfer information between the web browser and the web pages
17. What is email?
Answer – An electronic communication invented in the 1970s to do communication faster, Email is fast and easy
to use and it can be sent to multiple people at the same time, Email containing videos, documents, spreadsheets
etc. can be sent along with the email as attachments.

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18. Differentiate type of email provider?
Answer – If you want to create an email account, you can follow any one of the provider
• Gmail (run by Google)
• Yahoo mail (run by Yahoo)
• Outlook mail (run by Microsoft)

19. Differentiate between CC & BCC?

Answer –
• CC – When you want the email list to be visible to all recipients, and you want to include all the
• BCC – When you want to include additional recipients but don’t want the recipient to know who else is
receiving the email.

20. What are the different types of folders in email?

Answer – There are different folders that could help you manage and organize your emails.
a. Inbox – By default email is received in the inbox.
b. Send – Send folder store emails that you have sent to other peoples.
c. Drafts – When you are writing an email and you have not sent the email to any other user, that time email
will be stored in draft by default.
d. Trash – Trash holds deleted email from the inbox. To delete an email, you select an email and then click on
the Delete button for it to be moved from inbox to trash folder

21. In email, what is the difference between respond and forward?

Answer –
a. Reply – Replying to an email means that you are answering the mail you have got.
b. Forward – Forwarding an email is sending the mail to someone else the way you have got.

Q1. ICT stands for __________________.
a. Information and Communication Technology
b. Informed and Communicated Technology
c. Informal and Communication Technology
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Information and Communication Technology
Q2. _______ skills help us to communicate, run our business and stay connected with our family and friends.
a. ICT
b. ITI
c. Mobile App
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. ICT
Q3. How we can save Information in digital form.
a. Using Computer
b. Hand Written on paper
c. Typed using typewriter
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵a. Using Computer
Q4. Which one is the ICT device__________.
a. Tablet
b. Smart Phone
c. Laptops
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above

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Q5. The ICT skills that you need are
a. Knowing how to operate computer
b. Knowing how to browse the Internet for collecting
c. Storing and dissemination information
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q6. Modern ICT employs a variety of media forms, which includes
a. Text & Graphics
b. Audio & Video
c. Animation
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q7. ____________ are some of the most popular smart phone operating systems:
a. Android OS
b. Apple iOS
c. Windows Mobile
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q8. A ___________ is a small computer with input, output and process.
a. Micro Computer
b. Mini Computer
c. Super Computer
d. Mainframe Computer
Answer ⟵b. Mini Computer
Q9. _____________ Device is used to receive broadcast audio sound.
a. Radio
b. TV
c. Computer
d. Laptop
Answer ⟵a. Radio
Q10. How does a Smartphone perform so many functions using –
a. Android App
b. Mobile Hardware
c. Computer Software
d. None of these
Answer ⟵a. Android App
Q11. Some of the apps are already present on the phone or tablet, These are called __________ apps.
a. Android App
b. Apple App
c. Default App
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Default App
Q12. __________ wireless portable personal computer with a touch screen interface which makes it more
useful than the notebook computer.
a. Tablet
b. Smartphone
c. Laptop
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Tablet
Q13. This is a short-range wireless technology that allows you to communicate with other devices within 30
feet of you. You can send messages and songs once you’ve linked.
a. Cellular network connectivity
b. Bluetooth

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c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Bluetooth
Q14. This is a type of wireless network that allows you to connect to a local area network. This is used to
connect to the Internet and work with e-mail, social media, and anything else that necessitates the use of the
a. Bluetooth
b. Wi-Fi
c. Cellular network connectivity
d. Global Positioning System
Answer ⟵b. Wi-Fi
Q15. This provides the network through which you can make calls.
a. Bluetooth
b. Wi-Fi
c. Cellular network connectivity
d. Global Positioning System
Answer ⟵c. Cellular network connectivity
Q16. It is a navigation (direction finding) system that helps you to navigate, find direction and maps to specific locations.
a. Bluetooth
b. Wi-Fi
c. Cellular network connectivity
d. Global Positioning System
Answer ⟵d. Global Positioning System
Q17. _________ are used to interact with the touch screen of your mobile device.
a. Display
b. Gestures
c. Status Bar
d. Apps
Answer ⟵b. Gestures
Q18. Tap and hold, this is similar to ____________ your mouse.
a. Left – Click
b. Right – Click
c. Double – Click
d. None of these
Answer ⟵b. Right – Click
Q19. What is the name of the technology used for short-range wireless communication?
a. Wi-Fi
b. Internet
c. Bluetooth
d. PS
Answer ⟵a. Wi-Fi
Q20. On all pages, which part of the home screen is visible?
a. Status bar
b. Main icon area
c. Dock
d. Clock
Answer ⟵a. Status bar
Q21. In analog technology, information is translated into ________.
a. bits (0 and 1)
b. Electric Pulses
c. Mechanical Pulses
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵b. Electric Pulses

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Q22. In digital technology, information is translated into ________.
a. Electric Pulses
b. bits (0 and 1)
c. Mechanical Pulses
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵b. bits (0 and 1)
Q23. A computer system is a __________designed to store and retrieve information and perform arithmetic
and logical operations to produce meaningful results in desired format.
a. Programmable machine
b. Analog Machine
c. Coding Machine
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵a. Programmable machine
Q24. Computer consists of three main units: Input Unit _____________ and Output Unit.
a. Central Processing Unit
b. Digital Unit
c. Computer Unit
d. None of these
Answer ⟵a. Central Processing Unit
Q25. Example of Input Device
a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. Scanner
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q26. Example of Output Device
a. Monitor
b. Printer
c. Speaker
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q27. _______helps the user to enter raw data and instructions into the computer system.
a. Input Unit
b. Output Unit
c. Central Processing Unit
d. None of these
Answer ⟵a. Input Unit
Q28. The __________ is divided into three parts, control unit (CU), arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), and
memory unit (MU).
a. Central Processing Unit
b. Input Unit
c. Output Unit
d. None of these
Answer ⟵a. Central Processing Unit
Q29. ________ works as a receptionist and a corporate manager. It receives all of the user’s commands and
coordinates between various sections to accomplish various activities.
a. Arithmetic Logic Unit
b. Control Unit
c. Memory Unit
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Control Unit

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Q30. _____________ unit perform all the mathematical and logical calculations.
a. Arithmetic Logic Unit
b. Control Unit
c. Memory Unit
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Arithmetic Logic Unit
Q31. _________ is used to convert the information on a paper document into a digital information document.
a. Barcode Reader
b. Printer
c. Scanner
d. Web Cam
Answer ⟵c. Scanner
Q32. In order to construct the receipt/bill, ____________ is used to record the product purchased.
a. Barcode Reader
b. Printer
c. Scanner
d. Web Cam
Answer ⟵a. Barcode Reader
Q33. RAM stands for ___________
a. Read Access Memory
b. Read Applicable Memory
c. Random Applicable Memory
d. Random Access Memory
Answer ⟵d. Random Access Memory
Q34. ______________is usually an external device which is a mix of both RAM and ROM.
a. Flash memory
b. Random Access Memory
c. Read Only Memory
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵a. Flash memory
Q35. _________ is also known as volatile Memory.
a. Read Only Memory
b. Random Access Memory
c. Flash Memory
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Random Access Memory
Q36. _______________ referred to as a system board and it is the main circuit board inside a computer.
a. Mother Board
b. Hard Disk
c. Random Access Memory
d. Read Only Memory
Answer ⟵a. Mother Board
Q37. The smallest storage unit
a. Bit
b. Byte
c. KB
d. MB
Answer ⟵a. Bit
Q38. Bits is a Binary digit and it is represented as
a. 0 and 1
b. 1 and 9
c. A and B
d. None of the above

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Answer ⟵a. 0 and 1
Q39. _______ bits make a 1 byte.
a. 32
b. 16
c. 8
d. 4
Answer ⟵c. 8
Q40. ________ bytes make a kilobyte
a. 1156
b. 1024
c. 1056
d. 1000
Answer ⟵b. 1024
Q41. ________ Kilobyte make 1 megabyte (MB)
a. 1156
b. 1024
c. 1056
d. 1000
Answer ⟵b. 1024
Q42. The slots or channels into which we connect the mouse/keyboard/external hard disk wires are called _______.
a. Connector
b. Plug
c. Posts
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Posts
Q43. USB Stand for ____________
a. Universal Serial Bus
b. Unit Serial Bus
c. Unit Serial Backup
d. Universal Serial Backup
Answer ⟵a. Universal Serial Bus
Q44. VGA stands for ____________
a. Video Graphics Array
b. Video Graphics Adapter
c. Video Graph Array
d. Video Graph Adapter
Answer ⟵a. Video Graphics Array
Q45. HDMI Stands for ____________
a. High Digital Media Interface
b. High Definition Multimedia Interface
c. High Definition Multi Interface
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. High Definition Multimedia Interface
Q46. __________ ports help to connect microphone, speakers and headphones to a computer system.
a. VGA Port
b. Audio Port
c. Serial Port
d. Parallel Port
Answer ⟵b. Audio Port
Q48. _________ port is used for connecting the system to high speed Internet cable.
a. Ethernet Port
b. Power port

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c. Audio Port
d. VGA Port
Answer ⟵a. Ethernet Port
Q49. A Computer system consists of two main parts_________ and _________.
a. Hardware and Software
b. Physical and Logical
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Hardware and Software
Q50. The most important software in any computer is _______________.
a. Antivirus Software
b. Operating System
c. Application Software
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Operating System
Q51. Example of computer operating system__________
a. Ubantu
b. Windows 10
c. Mac OS
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q52. Example of mobile operating system _______________
a. Apple iOS
b. Android
c. Microsoft
d. All of the following
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q53. BIOS stands for_______________
a. Basic Input/Output System
b. Beginners Input/Output System
c. Best Input/Output System
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Basic Input/Output System
Q54. When multiple people use the same computer, each person has his/her own files and applications.
a. In and Out
b. Login and Logout
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Login and Logout
Q55. Keys labelled from F1 to F12 are ___________ keys.
a. Alphabetical keys
b. Special keys
c. Function keys
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵c. Function keys
Q56. Keys, such as Control (CTRL), SHIFT, SPACEBAR, ALT, CAPS LOCK and TAB are special control keys that
perform special functions depending on when and where they are used.
a. Alphabetical keys
b. Special keys
c. Function keys
d. Control key
Answer ⟵d. Control key

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Q57. Keys, such as the arrow keys, HOME, END, PAGE UP, and PAGE DOWN are ____ keys.
a. Alphabetical keys
b. Special keys
c. Navigation keys
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵c. Navigation keys
Q58. Keys, such as INSERT (INS), DELETE (DEL), and BACKSPACE are ___________ keys.
a. Alphabetical keys
b. Command Keys
c. Function key
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵b. Command Keys
Q59. ___________ key opens the start menu.
a. Windows key
b. Special key
c. Function key
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵a. Windows key
Q60. Which of the following functions is carried out with the help of a mouse?
a. Turn on computer
b. Typing
c. Right click
d. Drag and Drop an Icon
Answer ⟵d. Drag and Drop an Icon
Q61. What is the term for moving the mouse around while pressing and holding the left mouse key?
a. Highlighting
b. Dragging
c. Selecting
d. Moving
Answer ⟵b. Dragging
Q62. __________ helps to store all the information in the computer system.
a. Files
b. Folder
c. Image
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Files
Q63. What is extension of Notepad file
a. .txt
b. .jpg
c. .png
d. .mp3
Answer ⟵a) .txt
Q64. Extension of Image file __________.
a. .jpg
b. .png
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Both a) and b)
Q65. To paste a file, which of the following shortcut keys is used?
a. Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + P
c. Ctrl + V
d. Ctrl + X

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Answer ⟵c. Ctrl + V
Q66. Which of the following is an appropriate Notepad file extension?
a. .jpg
b. .doc
c. .text
d. .txt
Answer ⟵d) .txt
Q67. When you copy something, what key do you use?
a. Ctrl+X
b. Ctrl+C
c. Ctrl+Z
d. Ctrl+T
Answer ⟵b. Ctrl+C
Q68. WWW stands for____________
a. World Widest Web
b. World Wide Web
c. Word Wide Web
d. None of these
Answer ⟵b. World Wide Web
Q69. If your computer is connected to the Internet, you say that your computer is _____.
a. Online
b. Offline
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of these
Answer ⟵a. Online
Q70. You can get the latest information about anything that is uploaded on the web, whether it is the result,
news about an earthquake, a cricket match or the election details.
a. News Website
b. Youtube
c. Search Engine
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Search Engine
Q71. You can talk or send messages to people all around the world quickly and easily.
a. E-mail
b. Chatting
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Both a) and b)
Q72. You can do banking operations, like checking details of your bank account or transferring money from
one account to another through mobile banking/NEFT/RTGS.
a. Social Networking
b. Online Banking
c. Online Learning
d. Online Shopping
Answer ⟵b. Online Banking
Q73. Your hobbies, knowledge, and stories can be shared with family and friends all around the world.
a. Social Networking
b. Online Banking
c. Online Learning
d. Online Shopping
Answer ⟵a. Social Networking

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Q74. ISP stands for ________________.
a. Internet System Provider
b. Interanet Service Provider
c. Internet Service Provider
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Internet Service Provider
Q75. When our computer is connected to the Internet using a wire, it is called a ______.
a. Wireless Connection
b. Wired Connection
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Wired Connection
Q76. We use _____________ cables to connect to the modem which connects to the modem which connects
to the ISP using a phone line.
a. Ethernet Cable
b. Router
c. Hub
d. Repeater
Answer ⟵a. Ethernet Cable
Q77. __________is amount of data that may be transmitted via a network in a given amount of time is called .
a. Ethernet Cable
b. Bandwidth
c. Hub
d. Repeater
Answer ⟵b. Bandwidth
Q78. The bandwidth is usually expressed in ___________ .
a. Bits Per Second (bps)
b. Bytes Per Second
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Both a) and b)
Q79. In the analog devices the bandwidth is expressed in ____________.
a. Cycles Per Second
b. Hertz (Hz)
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Both a) and b)
Q80. Data transfer speed over the networks is calculated in terms of _____________.
a. Bits Per Second (bps)
b. Bytes Per Second
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Both a) and b)
Q81. 1 Kbps (Kilobits per second ) = ___________.
a. 1000 bits per second
b. 2000 bits per second
c. 1024 bits per second
d. 3000 bits per second
Answer ⟵a. 1000 bits per second
Q82. An Internet __________ is an application or a Software program on your computer or laptop which helps
you visit the various websites.
a. Search Engine
b. Browser

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c. Website
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Browser
Q83. To connect to the Internet, the computer has to be connected to the ___________.
a. Internet Society
b. Internet Architecture
c. Internet Service Provider
d. Large Area Network
Answer ⟵c. Internet Service Provider
Q84. It is a vast network of linked hypertext files, stored on computers throughout the world, that can provide
a computer user with information on a huge variety of subjects.
a. World Wide Web
b. Browser
c. Search Engine
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. World Wide Web
Q85. If you click, it will take you to another part on the same page or to a different page.
a. Address
b. Hyperlinks
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Hyperlinks
Q86. You are not seeing the entire page correctly. By pressing the button, you can reload the page.
a. Back Button
b. Refresh Button
c. Reset Button
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Refresh Button
Q87. What do I need to access information on the Internet?
a. Computer
b. Browser
c. Internet Connection
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q88. Identify the web browser?
a. Internet
b. Chrome
c. Windows
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵b. Chrome
Q89. __________ is a message sent over the Internet from one person to another.
a. Mail
b. E-Mail
c. Speed Post
d. Registry Post
Answer ⟵b. E-Mail
Q90. A message delivered through the Internet from one person to another is known as electronic mail. First
part is known _________ and the second part is known as ________.
a. User name & Domain name
b. Name & address
c. Name type & address
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. User name & Domain name

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Q91. Which of the following is a popular E-Mail provider.
a. Gmail
b. Yahoo
c. Outlook
d. All of the above
Answer ⟵d. All of the above
Q92. To sign in to your Gmail account, follow these instructions.
(1) Type the username
(2) Go to web browser and type
(3) Click on Sign in button
(4) Type the password
Choose the option with the correct order.
a. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
b. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
c. 2> 1 > 4 > 3
d. 2 > 4 > 1 > 4
Answer ⟵c. 2> 1 > 4 > 3
Q93. You can use the _________option to save an incomplete email without sending it.
a. Save as Draft
b. Sent Items
c. Trash
d. Inbox
Answer ⟵a. Save as Draft
Q94. What is an E-Mail address made up of?
a. Domain name followed by user’s name
b. User’s name followed by postal address
c. User’s name followed by domain name
d. User’s name followed by Street address
Answer ⟵c. User’s name followed by domain name
Q95. What does Carbon Copy (CC) mean?
a. Recipients are visible to all of the other recipients of the message in CC
b. Recipients are invisible to all of the other recipients of the message in CC
c. Recipients are invisible to only one recipient of the message in CC
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Recipients are visible to all of the other recipients of the message in CC
Q96. If you want to receive mail from other person, you need to ________ the message.
a. Forward
b. Reply To
c. Reply All
d. Copy
Answer ⟵a. Forward
Q97. Which of the following is mandatory for sending an email?
a. Body
b. Attachment
c. Sender Mail ID
d. Subject
Answer ⟵c. Sender Mail ID
Q98. The _______________ folder holds e-mails that may not be useful.
a. Trash
b. Drafts
c. Junk/Spam
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵c. Junk/Spam

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Q99. The ________ can or folder holds e-mails that you no longer need and have deleted.
a. Trash
b. Draft
c. Junk/Spam
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Trash
Q100. In the “To” area, what do you type?
a. The topic of the e-mail
b. The main message of the e-mail
c. Email address of the person to whom a copy of the e-mail should be sent
d. Email address of the person you are sending the mail to
Answer ⟵c. Email address of the person to whom a copy of the e-mail should be sent
Q101. Imagine your friend sends you an e-mail. The e-mail will appear in your _________.
a. Inbox
b. Trash
c. Draft
d. None of the above
Answer ⟵a. Inbox

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