Economics: Code No. June/July, 2010

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Total No.

of Questions : 41

Code No. June/July, 2010


Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ( English Version ) Note : i) ii) Write the question numbers legibly in the margin. Answer for a question should be continuous. Max. Marks : 100

PART A I. Answer the following questions in one sentence each : 10 1 = 10


Define physical quality of Life Index.


What do you mean by birth rate ?


What is Yellow Revolution ?


Give the meaning of agro-based industry.


Expand INTUC.


What is internet facility ?


Which is the single item of import, that government spends large amount of foreign exchange ?


Mention any two types of budget.


When was National Planning Commission established in India ?

10. Who is the present Governor of Reserve Bank of India ?

PART B II. Answer any ten of the following questions in about four sentences each : 10 2 = 20

11. Define economic growth.

12. What do you mean by density of population ?

13. Give the meaning of daily status of unemployment and weekly status of unemployment.

14. What is food security ?

15. What are industrial estates ?

16. State any four social security acts passed by the government.

17. Mention any four Atomic Power plants of India.

18. What is primary capital market ?

19. What do you mean by Statutory Liquidity Ratio ( SLR ) ?

20. What is meant by Exim Policy ?

21. Give the meaning of current account balance.

22. Mention any four objectives of eleventh Five-Year Plan.

PART C III. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 15 sentences each : 8 5 = 40 23. Is India a developing economy ? Substantiate. 24. What is a table ? What are the components of a good table ? 25. Write a note on National Population Policy, 2000. 26. Define irrigation system. Explain the different types of irrigations practised in India. 27. Write a note on Green Revolution. 28. What do you mean by sick industry ? Suggest measures to overcome sickness and other problems of small scale industries. 29. Explain the salient features of new industrial sector reforms of 1991. 30. Discuss the role of self-help groups in women empowerment. 31. Explain the importance of road transport in economic development. 32. Analyse the conventional sources of energy. 33. Write a note on composition of India's exports. 34. Explain the structure and functions of National Development Council.

PART D IV. Answer any two of the following questions in about 40 sentences each : 2 10 = 20 35. Explain the composition of India's population. 36. Explain the different types of co-operative societies developed in India. 37. Explain the objectives & functions of WTO. 38. What are the sources of revenue of the Central Government ? Explain.

PART E V. Answer any two of the following project and assignment related questions : 2 5 = 10

39. Name any ten public sector undertakings and mention their locations. 40. To overcome energy crisis of India, suggest alternative sources of energy. 41. Draw a simple bar diagram by using the following population data : Years of Census Population ( in Crores ) 1951 361 1961 439 1971 548 1981 683 1991 844 2001 1028

FOR BLIND STUDENTS ONLY Name any ten Railway Zones and mention their


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