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Rogers Communications Inc.

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About the Company

Our Purpose

To connect
Canadians to what
matters most in
their lives.

03 04 06 08
About A Message A Message Executive
Rogers from from Leadership
Tony Edward Team

09 10 146
Directors 2021 Corporate and
Financial shareholder
Report information


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About Rogers

We are a team of
proud Canadians
dedicated to delivering
world-class networks,
communications services,
and entertainment to
millions of customers
across Canada.

Our founder, Ted Rogers, believed

in the power of communication to
enrich, entertain, and embolden
Canadians. He followed in his father’s
footsteps, and at the age of 27,
purchased his first radio station, CHFI.

From our modest beginnings,

Rogers has grown to become a
leading Canadian technology and
media company, providing world-
class services in wireless, cable,
sports, and media to Canadians and
Canadian businesses on our award-
winning networks.


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A Message
from Tony

My fellow shareholders,
It is a privilege and an honour to serve you, our Board Network leadership
and Rogers in my new role with this company. This
year will be one of the most significant and exciting We are proud of our leading network position and
for our business since it was founded by Ted Rogers in 2022 we will increase investments in our award-
more than 60 years ago. winning networks that are critical to our long-term
growth and success.
As a company, we continue to have the best wireless,
cable and media assets in the industry. And this year, We were the first to bring 5G connectivity to
we will come together with Shaw to create a truly Canadians and today, our 5G network is the largest
national network operator that will offer Canadians and most reliable in the country. We will continue
more choice in more places, and allow us to compete to enhance and expand our 5G network, utilizing
more effectively in the Canadian marketplace. Our our spectrum licences to the fullest, including our
entrepreneurial roots have always encouraged us to recently acquired national 3500 MHz spectrum
make bold investments in our business and in this licences, critical to 5G advancements that will
country, and we are continuing that legacy. introduce a new generation of 5G innovation and
Importantly, the country and our businesses are now
emerging from the significant impacts of the COVID- Our investments in our cable business will also
19 pandemic. These last two years have been difficult ramp up this year as we continue to collaborate
for many, but the start of the recovery is positive and with CableLabs to bring the 10G initiative to life,
encouraging for all Canadians. All around us we see with DOCSIS 4.0 technology coming to market
signs of economic growth that provide a meaningful soon. Combined with our Ignite customer interface
and encouraging backdrop for our own growth platform, we will continue to deliver industry-leading
aspirations. value propositions to Canadians across our entire
cable footprint.
Our priorities will be centred on creating meaningful
long-term growth in shareholder value. To achieve Furthermore, we appreciate the role we play in
this, our strategy will be focused on continuing expanding our network to all Canadians and
investments to ensure network leadership combined bridging the digital divide. Too many homes and
with leading customer service. We know we have work businesses today are without adequate Internet. Our
to do in these areas in the near term, and our priorities Shaw transaction will be an important enabler for
are clear. this agenda, allowing us to reach more Canadians
through our wireless and cable networks. But in
addition to this transaction, we are increasing our
investments in expanding fibre and fixed wireless
access to cover more homes across the nation, and in
particular those in rural and isolated communities.


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Improve customer experience and execution across investing more in 5G and cable networks throughout
our business our nation, including funds dedicated to connecting
rural, remote and Indigenous communities across
To win in the marketplace, we know our leading Western Canada. As wireless and cable networks
assets alone won’t be enough. We can and will deliver converge to provide more efficiency and better
better customer service and improve our execution access and value for all Canadians, the merits of the
throughout our business. On this front, we are already transaction are compelling and clear.
investing in more resources to serve our customers in
the manner they choose, including more call centre Teams from Rogers and Shaw have been working
representatives and improving the experience for constructively with regulators to ensure they have
customers browsing and transacting online. the information they need to assess the significant
benefits the combined company will bring to
Our vision continues to be having the largest and Canadians and the Canadian economy. We are also
most reliable networks, combined with meaningful progressing our integration plans to make sure we
value propositions for our customers, delivered hit the ground running following the close of the
as easily and as simply as possible. Our capital transaction, to the extent permitted by our regulatory
allocations will be focused on realizing this vision with process. Finally, we continue to meaningfully
meaningful improvements as early as this year. strengthen our balance sheet so that we are prepared
for the closing of the transaction and the significant
A talented and committed team investments we will continue to make in our business.

Underpinning our success will be our 23,000 talented, As we come together with Shaw, renew our focus
entrepreneurial, and motivated employees across on execution, and build on the momentum across
Canada. Despite the ongoing challenges of the our businesses, I am confident that we will drive
pandemic, I have admired our team’s commitment to sustainable growth and increase value for our
our customers and our communities. As we move to shareholders.
capitalize on the opportunities ahead of us, I know we
are all excited about evolving our performance-based In closing, while we ended 2021 with improving
culture – taking the best of our talents and putting execution, increasing momentum, and solid
them together to create tangible and meaningful fundamentals, we know we need to perform better
outcomes for our customers. Importantly, I am proud for our customers and our shareholders. I am
of our strong new leadership team – collectively they confident that through our resetting of priorities
bring deep industry and company experience, and a for 2022, together with increased investments
proven ability to drive operational improvements and in our networks, enhancements to our customer
results. experience, improvements in our execution, and the
realization of meaningful cost efficiencies across our
Rogers and Shaw businesses, we will be well positioned to translate
our revenue growth into increased profitability and
The combination of Rogers and Shaw builds on more value for our shareholders. This is reflected in
the strong legacy of two family-founded Canadian our 2022 guidance for stronger growth across all our
companies. The combined company will have the businesses.
scale, assets, and capabilities needed to make
the levels of investment that Canada's digital I would like to thank our employees, customers, and
infrastructure needs, create jobs across Canada, offer you, our shareholders, for your continued support.
greater choice and competition, build on our shared You can count on all of us here at Rogers to make you
legacy of giving back to communities, and help proud of our next phase of evolution and growth.
Canada lead in the global digital economy.

Simply put, Rogers and Shaw can do more together Tony Staffieri
than each company can do on its own. This includes President and Chief Executive Officer


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A Message
from Edward

My fellow shareholders,
At Rogers we are proud to be continuing the Making progress, striving for better
legacy my father began more than 60 years ago.
Rogers is committed to ensuring the best for our As a board, our focus is on the long-term success of
customers, our employees, all Canadians, and all our our business, enabled by the right investments and
shareholders. decisions to drive both future growth, and strong
results over the short and medium term.
From the start, building this company has been about
making the long-term investments in the assets That is why we took important strategic steps in 2021
our business needs and bringing them to life for designed to capture the significant and exciting
Canadians. Throughout our history, from our very first opportunities ahead for Rogers. In addition to
radio station, to the first mobile phone call in 1985, announcing our agreement with Shaw, we made
to the latest in wireless 5G and cable DOCSIS 4.0 changes to our Board and management team to
technology, the importance of our role in connecting ensure we are well placed to improve the overall
Canadians together has never been clearer. performance of our business and deliver the full
benefits of the transaction.
The coming together of Rogers and Shaw this year
is another bold step that will give us the scale and I have full confidence in our Board of Directors,
capabilities to accelerate much-needed investment in our new CEO, our management team, our 23,000
our networks across Western Canada, increase choice talented employees and the durable foundation we
for consumers and businesses, and bridge the digital are building for the future together.
divide between rural and urban communities.
With our renewed focus on performance and
We believe passionately that Rogers and Shaw execution, our results are showing encouraging signs
together, two storied entrepreneurial Canadian of improvement and momentum continues to build
companies with the same vision, will contribute across our businesses.
to a stronger future for Canada. There is fulsome
stakeholder value associated with this transaction, As we look ahead, our prospects are strong, and our
and we have made extensive and meaningful future is bright. We are committed to completing
commitments to ensure this transaction benefits the transformational transaction with Shaw, driving
Canadians. growth across our lines of business, making the right
long-term investments in our networks and customer
experience, and generating strong returns for


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Investing for the future

When we invest in our networks, we are investing in

the long-term future of our company and our country.
We remain committed to maintaining our network
leadership position and offering consumers and
businesses access to world-class wireless and cable

Over two years ago, Rogers was the first Canadian

carrier to launch 5G, and today we have the largest
and most reliable 5G network in Canada. In our cable
business, working with CableLabs, our 10G initiative
will allow us to launch DOCSIS 4.0, delivering the best
experiences for our customers, wherever they live,
work, learn and play. We are continually innovating to
ensure our assets, products, and services are amongst
the best in the world. And our investment history
supports that commitment.

Our investment strategy for this year also prioritizes

expanding our reach to underserved communities
and regions. We invested more than any other
competitor in 3500 MHz spectrum licences across
Canada, which will bring forward a new generation
of 5G applications and services. The enhancement
and expansion of our 5G and cable networks will
enable us to advance our plans to bridge the digital
divide between rural and urban areas. While there
is much more to do, I am proud of our efforts so far, Looking Ahead
and we will continue to partner with governments and
communities at every level in this vital work. From our new CEO and management team to our
strong focus on performance and execution, and a
Supporting our communities historic opportunity to unite with Shaw, we have put
in place the building blocks which we expect will
In 2021, our commitment to the communities we deliver sustainable growth over the long term and to
serve was unwavering. We expanded eligibility for generate better returns for our shareholders.
Connected for Success, enabling more than 750,000
Canadians to access this low-cost, high-speed Internet I would like to thank our Board, our management
program to connect to government services, learning, team, and our employees for their commitment and
employment, and loved ones. hard work that made the above possible. Finally, I
also want to thank our shareholders for your ongoing
Furthermore, as part of our efforts focused on support.
giving the next generation the chance to get ahead,
we helped hundreds of young people realize the
opportunity for post-secondary studies with Ted
Rogers Scholarships. We also awarded almost one Edward S. Rogers
hundred Ted Rogers Community Grants across Chair of the Board
Canada to support organizations making a difference Rogers Communications Inc.
in the lives of thousands of young Canadians.


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Executive Leadership Team
As at March 3, 2022

1. Tony Staffieri 6. Phil J. Hartling

President and President, Wireless
Chief Executive Officer
7. Bret D. Leech
2. Glenn A. Brandt Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Financial Officer
8. Colette S. Watson
3. Robert Dépatie President, Rogers Sports & Media
President and Chief Operating
Officer, Home & Business Division 9. Mahes S. Wickramasinghe
Chief Administrative Officer
4. Lisa L. Durocher
Executive Vice President, Financial 10. Ted Woodhead
and Emerging Services Chief Regulatory Officer and
Government Affairs
5. Jorge Fernandes
Chief Technology and 11. Marisa L. Wyse
Information Officer Chief Legal Officer and
Corporate Secretary


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As at March 3, 2022

1. Edward S. Rogers 7. Jan L. Innes

Chair of the Board
Chair of the Finance, Nominating, 8. John (Jake) C. Kerr
and Executive Committees C.M., O.B.C.

2. Jack L. Cockwell, C.M. 9. Philip B. Lind, C.M.

Vice Chair
3. Michael J. Cooper
10. Loretta A. Rogers
4. Ivan Fecan
Chair of the Human Resources 11. Martha L. Rogers
Committee Chair of the ESG Committee

5. Robert J. Gemmell 12. Melinda M. Rogers-Hixon

Lead Director Deputy Chair
Chair of the Corporate
Governance and Audit and Risk 13. Tony Staffieri
Committees President and
Chief Executive Officer
6. Alan D. Horn, CPA, CA
Chair of the Pension Committee


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2021 Financial Report

11 MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 44 Managing our Liquidity and Financial Resources
44 Sources and Uses of Cash
13 Executive Summary 47 Financial Condition
13 About Rogers 49 Financial Risk Management
13 2021 Highlights 52 Dividends and Share Information
15 Financial Highlights 54 Commitments and Contractual Obligations
54 Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
16 Shaw Transaction
55 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
17 Understanding Our Business 55 Environmental and Social
17 Products and Services 57 Governance at Rogers
18 Competition 59 Income Tax and Other Government Payments
20 Industry Trends
60 Risk Management
22 Our Strategy, Key Performance Drivers, and Strategic 60 Risks and Uncertainties Affecting our Business
Highlights 69 Controls and Procedures
22 2021 Objectives
22 Key Performance Drivers and 2021 Strategic Highlights 70 Regulation in our Industry
24 2022 Focus Areas 72 Wireless
24 Financial and Operating Guidance 74 Cable

26 Capability to Deliver Results 77 Other Information

26 Leading Networks 77 Accounting Policies
28 Customer Experience 81 Key Performance Indicators
29 Powerful Brands 83 Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures
29 Widespread Product Distribution 85 Summary of Financial Results of Long-Term Debt
29 First-Class Media Content Guarantor
29 Engaged People 86 Five-Year Summary of Consolidated Financial Results
29 Financial Strength and Flexibility
30 Widespread Shareholder Base and Dividends

31 2021 Financial Results

31 Summary of Consolidated Results
32 Key Changes in Financial Results Year Over Year
33 Wireless
34 Cable
35 Media
36 Capital Expenditures
37 Review of Consolidated Performance
40 Quarterly Results
43 Overview of Financial Position


Management’s Discussion and Analysis
This Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) contains objectives and strategies to achieve those objectives, and about
important information about our business and our performance for our beliefs, plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates, or
the year ended December 31, 2021. This MD&A should be read in intentions.
conjunction with our 2021 Audited Consolidated Financial
Forward-looking information:
Statements, which have been prepared in accordance with
• typically includes words like could, expect, may, anticipate,
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the
assume, believe, likely, intend, estimate, plan, project, predict,
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
potential, guidance, outlook, target, and similar expressions,
All dollar amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated. although not all forward-looking information includes them;
All percentage changes are calculated using the rounded numbers • includes conclusions, forecasts, and projections that are based
as they appear in the tables. This MD&A is current as at March 3, on our current objectives and strategies and on estimates,
2022 and was approved by RCI’s Board of Directors (the Board). expectations, assumptions, and other factors, that we believe to
This MD&A includes forward-looking statements and assumptions. have been reasonable at the time they were applied but may
See “About Forward-Looking Information” for more information. prove to be incorrect; and
• was approved by our management on the date of this MD&A.
We, us, our, Rogers, Rogers Communications, and the Company
refer to Rogers Communications Inc. and its subsidiaries. RCI refers Our forward-looking information includes conclusions, forecasts,
to the legal entity Rogers Communications Inc., not including its and projections related to the following items, among others:
subsidiaries. Rogers also holds interests in various investments and • revenue;
ventures. • total service revenue;
• adjusted EBITDA;
We are publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RCI.A
• capital expenditures;
and RCI.B) and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: RCI).
• cash income tax payments;
Effective January 1, 2022, we will be changing the way in which we • free cash flow;
report certain subscriber metrics in both our Wireless and Cable • dividend payments;
segments. Commencing in the first quarter of 2022, we will begin • the growth of new products and services;
presenting postpaid mobile phone subscribers, prepaid mobile • expected growth in subscribers and the services to which they
phone subscribers, and mobile phone ARPU in our Wireless subscribe;
segment. We will also no longer report blended average billings • the cost of acquiring and retaining subscribers and deployment
per unit (ABPU). In Cable, we will begin presenting retail Internet of new services;
subscribers among other product metrics. These changes are a • continued cost reductions and efficiency improvements;
result of shifts in the ways in which we manage our business, • our debt leverage ratio;
including the significant adoption of our wireless device financing • statements relating to plans we have implemented in response
program, and to better align with industry practices. See “Key to the COVID-19 pandemic (COVID-19) and its impact on us;
Performance Indicators” for more information. • the expected timing and completion of the proposed
acquisition of Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) (Transaction);
In this MD&A, first quarter refers to the three months ended • the benefits expected to result from the Transaction, including
March 31, 2021, second quarter refers to the three months ended corporate, operational, scale, and other synergies, and their
June 30, 2021, third quarter refers to the three months ended anticipated timing; and
September 30, 2021, fourth quarter refers to the three months • all other statements that are not historical facts.
ended December 31, 2021, this year refers to the twelve months
ended December 31, 2021, and last year refers to the twelve Specific forward-looking information included in this MD&A
months ended December 31, 2020. All results commentary is includes, but is not limited to, information and statements under
compared to the equivalent periods in 2020 or as at December 31, “Financial and Operating Guidance” relating to our 2022
2020, as applicable, unless otherwise indicated. consolidated guidance on total service revenue, adjusted EBITDA,
capital expenditures, and free cash flow. All other statements that
™Rogers and related marks are trademarks of Rogers
are not historical facts are forward-looking information.
Communications Inc. or an affiliate, used under licence. All other
brand names, logos, and marks are trademarks and/or copyright of We base our conclusions, forecasts, and projections (including the
their respective owners. ©2022 Rogers Communications aforementioned guidance) on a number of estimates,
expectations, assumptions, and other factors, including, among
ABOUT FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION • general economic and industry growth rates;
This MD&A includes “forward-looking information” and “forward- • currency exchange rates and interest rates;
looking statements” within the meaning of applicable securities • product pricing levels and competitive intensity;
laws (collectively, “forward-looking information”), and assumptions • subscriber growth;
about, among other things, our business, operations, and financial • pricing, usage, and churn rates;
performance and condition approved by our management on the • changes in government regulation;
date of this MD&A. This forward-looking information and these
assumptions include, but are not limited to, statements about our



• technology and network deployment; These risks, uncertainties, and other factors can also affect our
• availability of devices; objectives, strategies, and intentions. Many of these risks,
• timing of new product launches; uncertainties, and other factors are beyond our control or our
• content and equipment costs; current expectations or knowledge. Should one or more of these
• the integration of acquisitions; risks, uncertainties, or other factors materialize, our objectives,
• industry structure and stability; and strategies, or intentions change, or any other factors or
• the impact of COVID-19 on our operations, liquidity, financial assumptions underlying the forward-looking information prove
condition, or results. incorrect, our actual results and our plans could vary significantly
from what we currently foresee.
Except as otherwise indicated, this MD&A and our forward-looking
information do not reflect the potential impact of any non-recurring Accordingly, we warn investors to exercise caution when
or other special items or of any dispositions, monetization events, considering statements containing forward-looking information
mergers, acquisitions, other business combinations, or other and caution them that it would be unreasonable to rely on such
transactions that may be considered or announced or may occur statements as creating legal rights regarding our future results or
after the date on which the statement containing the forward- plans. We are under no obligation (and we expressly disclaim any
looking information is made. such obligation) to update or alter any statements containing
forward-looking information or the factors or assumptions
RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES underlying them, whether as a result of new information, future
Actual events and results can be substantially different from what is events, or otherwise, except as required by law. All of the forward-
expressed or implied by forward-looking information as a result of looking information in this MD&A is qualified by the cautionary
risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond statements herein.
our control, including, but not limited to:
• technological changes; Before making any investment decisions and for a detailed
• economic, geopolitical, and other conditions affecting discussion of the risks, uncertainties, and environment associated
commercial activity; with our business, its operations, and its financial performance and
• unanticipated changes in content or equipment costs; condition, fully review the sections in this MD&A entitled
• changing conditions in the entertainment, information, and/or “Regulation in our Industry” and “Environmental, Social, and
communications industries; Governance (ESG)”, as well as our various other filings with
• sports-related work stoppages or cancellations and labour Canadian and US securities regulators, which can be found at
disputes; and, respectively.
• the integration of acquisitions;
• litigation and tax matters; FOR MORE INFORMATION
• the level of competitive intensity; You can find more information about us, including our Annual
• the emergence of new opportunities; Information Form, on our website (, on
• external threats, such as epidemics, pandemics, and other public SEDAR (, and on EDGAR (, or you can e-mail us
health crises, natural disasters, the effects of climate change, or at [email protected]. Information on or connected
cyberattacks, among others; to these and any other websites referenced in this document does
• risks related to the Transaction, including the timing, receipt, and not constitute part of this MD&A.
conditions related to the applicable approvals and expiry of
certain waiting periods under the Broadcasting Act (Canada), the You can also find information about our governance practices,
Competition Act (Canada), and the Radiocommunication Act corporate social responsibility reporting, a glossary of
(Canada) (collectively, Key Regulatory Approvals); satisfaction of communications and media industry terms, and additional
the various conditions to close the Transaction; financing the information about our business at
Transaction; and the anticipated benefits and successful
integration of the businesses and operations of Rogers and
Shaw; and the other risks outlined in “Risks and Uncertainties
Affecting our Business – Shaw Transaction” in this MD&A; and
• new interpretations and new accounting standards from
accounting standards bodies.


Executive Summary
Rogers is a leading Canadian technology and media company that Almost all of our operations and sales are in Canada. We have a
provides world-class communications services and entertainment highly skilled and diversified workforce of approximately 23,000
to consumers and businesses on our award-winning networks. Our employees. Our head office is in Toronto, Ontario and we have
founder, Ted Rogers, purchased his first radio station, CHFI, in numerous offices across Canada. We report our results of
1960. Today we are dedicated to providing industry-leading operations in three reportable segments. See “Understanding Our
wireless, cable, sports, and media to millions of customers across Business” for more information.
Canada. Our shares are publicly traded on the Toronto Stock
Exchange (TSX: RCI.A and RCI.B) and on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE: RCI).

Years ended December 31
(In millions of dollars, except margins and per share amounts) 2021 2020 % Chg
Total revenue 14,655 13,916 5
Total service revenue 1 12,533 11,955 5
Adjusted EBITDA 2 5,887 5,857 1
Adjusted EBITDA margin 2 40.2% 42.1% (1.9 pts)

Net income 1,558 1,592 (2)

Adjusted net income 2 1,803 1,725 5

Basic earnings per share $ 3.09 $ 3.15 (2)

Adjusted basic earnings per share 2 $ 3.57 $ 3.42 4

Capital expenditures 3 2,788 2,312 21

Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 4,321 (4)
Free cash flow 2 1,671 2,366 (29)

Service revenue 6,666 6,579 1
Revenue 8,768 8,530 3
Adjusted EBITDA 4,214 4,067 4
Adjusted EBITDA service margin 4 63.2% 61.8% 1.4 pts
Adjusted EBITDA margin 5 48.1% 47.7% 0.4 pts

Revenue 4,072 3,946 3
Adjusted EBITDA 2,013 1,935 4
Adjusted EBITDA margin 49.4% 49.0% 0.4 pts
Revenue 1,975 1,606 23
Adjusted EBITDA (127) 51 n/m
Adjusted EBITDA margin (6.4)% 3.2% (9.6 pts)
n/m – not meaningful
1 As defined. See “Key Performance Indicators”.

2 Adjusted EBITDA is a total of segments measure. Adjusted EBITDA margin is a supplementary financial measure. Adjusted basic earnings per share is a non-GAAP ratio. Adjusted

net income is a non-GAAP financial measure and is a component of adjusted basic earnings per share. Free cash flow is a capital management measure. These are not
standardized financial measures under IFRS and might not be comparable to similar financial measures disclosed by other companies. See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial
Measures” for more information about these measures.
3 Includes additions to property, plant and equipment net of proceeds on disposition, but does not include expenditures for spectrum licences or additions to right-of-use assets.

4 Calculated using Wireless service revenue.

5 Calculated using Wireless total revenue.




As at or years ended December 31
2021 2020 Chg

Subscriber results (in thousands) 1

Wireless postpaid net additions 448 245 203
Wireless prepaid net losses (94) (142) 48
Wireless subscribers 11,297 10,943 354

Internet net additions 49 57 (8)

Internet subscribers 2 2,665 2,598 67

Ignite TV net additions 244 218 26

Total Ignite TV subscribers 788 544 244

Customer relationships net additions 31 12 19

Total customer relationships 2 2,581 2,530 51

Additional Wireless metrics 1

Postpaid churn (monthly) 0.95% 1.00% (0.05 pts)
Blended ARPU (monthly) 1,3 $ 50.26 $ 50.75 ($ 0.49)

Additional Cable metrics 1

ARPA (monthly) 1,3 $132.58 $130.70 $ 1.88
Penetration 54.9% 55.3% (0.4 pts)

Capital intensity 1,3 19.0% 16.6% 2.4 pts
Dividend payout ratio of net income 1,3 64.8% 63.4% 1.4 pts
Dividend payout ratio of free cash flow 1,3 60.4% 42.7% 17.7 pts
Return on assets 1,3 3.7% 4.1% (0.4 pts)
Debt leverage ratio 4 3.4 3.0 0.4

Employee-related information
Total active employees 23,000 24,000 (1,000)
1 As defined. See “Key Performance Indicators”.
2 On September 1, 2021, we acquired approximately 18,000 Internet subscribers and 20,000 customer relationships as a result of our acquisition of Seaside Communications,
which are not included in net additions, but do appear in the ending total balance for December 31, 2021.
3 Blended ARPU, ARPA, capital intensity, dividend payout ratio of net income, dividend payout ratio of free cash flow, and return on assets are supplementary financial measures.
See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures” for an explanation as to the composition of these measures.
4 Debt leverage ratio is a capital management measure. As a result of our issuance of subordinated notes in December 2021 (see “Managing our Liquidity and Financial
Resources”), we have amended our definition of this measure. See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures” and “Financial Condition” for more information about this


Media adjusted EBITDA decreased by $178 million this year,
primarily due to higher programming and production costs as a
Our stable financial position throughout this year enabled us to result of the postponement of the start of the 2020-2021 NHL and
prioritize the actions we needed to take as a result of COVID-19, NBA seasons, higher general operating costs as a result of the
continue to make high priority investments in our network, and resumption of sports and increased activities as COVID-19
ensure customers stayed connected during this critical time. restrictions eased, and higher Toronto Blue Jays player payroll and
game day costs, partially offset by higher revenue as discussed
REVENUE above.
Revenue increased by 5% this year, driven by a 1% increase in
Wireless service revenue, a 3% increase in Cable revenue, and a NET INCOME AND ADJUSTED NET INCOME
23% increase in Media revenue. Adjusted net income increased 5% this year, primarily as a result of
the increase in adjusted EBITDA and lower finance costs. Net
Wireless service revenue increased by 1% this year, largely as a
income decreased 2%, and was also affected by higher
result of a larger postpaid subscriber base and higher roaming
restructuring, acquisition and other costs attributable to the
revenue, as COVID-19-related global travel restrictions were
Transaction. See “Review of Consolidated Performance” for more
generally less strict than in 2020, partially offset by lower overage
revenue. Wireless equipment revenue increased by 8% as a result
of higher device upgrades by existing customers and a shift in the
product mix towards higher-value devices, partially offset by fewer CASH FLOW AND AVAILABLE LIQUIDITY
of our new subscribers purchasing devices. We returned substantial cash to shareholders this year through the
payment of $1.01 billion in dividends. In addition, we declared a
Cable revenue increased by 3% this year as a result of the $0.50 per share dividend on January 26, 2022.
movement of Internet customers to higher speed and usage tiers,
the increases in our Internet and Ignite TV subscriber bases, and Our cash provided by operating activities decreased by 4% this
disciplined promotional activity and Internet service pricing year, primarily affected by higher income taxes paid and higher
changes in late 2020, partially offset by declines in our legacy restructuring, acquisition and other costs paid associated with the
television and home phone subscriber bases. Transaction. Although free cash flow decreased 29% this year, we
continued to generate substantial free cash flow of $1,671 million.
Media revenue increased by 23% this year, primarily as a result of The decrease was primarily as a result of higher capital
the postponement of the start of the 2020-2021 NHL and NBA expenditures to support increased network investments and higher
seasons, shifting revenue to 2021, and higher Toronto Blue Jays™ cash income taxes due to our transition to a device financing
attendance-related revenue as COVID-19 restrictions eased and business model.
fan attendance was permitted.
Our debt leverage ratio was 3.4 as at December 31, 2021, up from
3.0 as at December 31, 2020, driven by higher adjusted net debt,
primarily due to an increase in our short-term borrowings from our
Adjusted EBITDA increased 1% this year, primarily due to 4%
non-revolving credit facilities used to pay for 3500 MHz spectrum
increases in Wireless and Cable adjusted EBITDA, partially offset by
licences and the issuance of $2 billion of subordinated notes in
the decrease in Media adjusted EBITDA, with a consolidated
December 2021.
adjusted EBITDA margin of 40%.
Our overall weighted average cost of borrowings was 3.95% as at
Wireless adjusted EBITDA increased 4% this year, as a result of the
December 31, 2021 (2020 – 4.09%) and our overall weighted
flow-through impact of the aforementioned increases in revenue
average term to maturity on our debt was 11.6 years as at
and lower bad debt expense. Although a decrease from 2020, the
December 31, 2021 (2020 – 12.8 years).
ongoing long-term shift to customers financing their device
purchases is reflected in the general improvement in our We ended the year with approximately $4.2 billion of available
equipment margin. liquidity1 (2020 – $5.7 billion), including $3.1 billion (2020 – $2.6
billion) available under our bank and letter of credit facilities,
Cable adjusted EBITDA increased 4% this year, primarily as a result
$0.4 billion (2020 – $0.6 billion) available under our $1.2 billion
of higher revenue, as discussed above.
receivables securitization program, and $0.7 billion (2020 – $2.5
billion) in cash and cash equivalents.

1 Available liquidity is a capital management measure. See “Non-GAAP and Other

Financial Measures” for more information about this measure.



Shaw Transaction
On March 15, 2021, we announced an agreement with Shaw to Liquidity and Financial Resources” for more information on the
acquire all of Shaw’s issued and outstanding Class A Participating committed credit facility and the Shaw term loan facility. We also
Shares and Class B Non-Voting Participating Shares (collectively, expect that RCI will either assume Shaw’s senior notes or provide a
Shaw Shares) for a price of $40.50 per share. The Shaw Family guarantee of Shaw’s payment obligations under those senior notes
Living Trust, the controlling shareholder of Shaw, and certain upon closing the Transaction and, in either case, Rogers
members of the Shaw family and certain related persons (Shaw Communications Canada Inc. (RCCI) will guarantee Shaw’s
Family Shareholders) will receive (i) $16.20 in cash and payment obligations under those senior notes.
(ii) 0.417206775 Class B Non-Voting Shares of Rogers per Shaw
In connection with our application for Canadian Radio-Television
Share held by the Shaw Family Shareholders. The Transaction is
and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) approval to acquire
valued at approximately $26 billion, including the assumption of
Shaw’s licensed broadcasting assets, the CRTC held an oral hearing
approximately $6 billion of Shaw debt.
from November 22 to 26, 2021, during which Rogers, Shaw, and
The Transaction will be implemented through a court-approved 31 intervenors (including Canada Public Affairs Channel Inc.
plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta). (CPAC) as an interested party) had an opportunity to comment on
On May 20, 2021, Shaw shareholders voted to approve the and respond to questions from the CRTC regarding the
Transaction at a special shareholders meeting. The Court of application. Final written submissions from intervenors were
Queen’s Bench of Alberta issued a final order approving the accepted until December 13, 2021, and Rogers and CPAC
Transaction on May 25, 2021. The Transaction is subject to other submitted final replies on December 20, 2021.
customary closing conditions, including receipt of Key Regulatory
In accordance with the terms of the arrangement agreement,
Approvals. Subject to receipt of all required approvals and
Rogers and Shaw filed pre-merger notifications pursuant to Part IX
satisfaction of other conditions prior to closing, the Transaction is
of the Competition Act to trigger the Competition Bureau’s review
expected to close in the first half of 2022. Rogers has extended the
of the Transaction. Rogers and Shaw have worked cooperatively
outside date for closing the Transaction from March 15, 2022 to
and constructively to respond to further requests for information, as
June 13, 2022 in accordance with the terms of the arrangement
required under the arrangement agreement. On September 28,
2021, the Competition Bureau issued a public request for
The combined entity will build on the strong legacy of two family- information to help further gather and assess facts about the
founded Canadian companies. It will have the scale, assets, and Transaction. The Competition Bureau invited interested parties to
capabilities needed to deliver unprecedented wireline and wireless share their information or experiences confidentially by
broadband and network investments, innovation, and growth in October 29, 2021. The Federal Court also issued orders requiring
new telecommunications services, and greater choice for Canadian Xplornet Communications Inc., BCE Inc., TELUS Corporation, and
consumers and businesses. Quebecor Inc. to produce records and written information related
to mobile wireless services that are relevant to the Competition
The combination will also accelerate the delivery of critical 5G
Bureau’s review of the Transaction, which is ongoing.
service across Western Canada, from rural areas to dense cities,
more quickly than either company could achieve on its own, by In accordance with the conditions of Shaw’s spectrum licences,
bringing together the expertise and assets of both companies. Rogers and Shaw filed joint applications with Innovation, Science
and Economic Development Canada (ISED Canada) for approval of
In connection with the Transaction, we entered into a binding
the indirect transfer of those spectrum licences by the Minister of
commitment letter for a committed credit facility with a syndicate of
Innovation, Science and Industry. ISED Canada’s review is ongoing.
banks in an original amount up to $19 billion. During the year, we
entered into a $6 billion non-revolving credit facility (Shaw term The Transaction is subject to a number of additional risks. For more
loan facility), which served to reduce the amount available under information, see “Risks and Uncertainties Affecting our Business –
the committed credit facility to $13 billion. See “Managing our Shaw Transaction”.


Understanding Our Business
Rogers is a leading Canadian technology and media company. • wireless home phone;
• advanced wireless solutions for businesses, including wireless
THREE REPORTABLE SEGMENTS private network services;
We report our results of operations in three reportable segments. • bridging landline phones with wireless phones; and
Each segment and the nature of its business are as follows: • machine-to-machine solutions and Internet of Things (IoT)
Segment Principal activities
Wireless Wireless telecommunications operations for CABLE
Canadian consumers and businesses. We are one of the largest cable providers in Canada. Our cable
Cable Cable telecommunications operations, including network provides an innovative and leading selection of high-
Internet, television, telephony (phone), and smart speed broadband Internet access, digital television and online
home monitoring services for Canadian viewing, phone, smart home monitoring, and advanced home WiFi
consumers and businesses, and network services to consumers in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and
connectivity through our fibre network and data on the island of Newfoundland. We also provide services to
centre assets to support a range of voice, data, businesses across Canada that aim to meet the increasing needs of
networking, hosting, and cloud-based services for today’s critical business applications.
the business, public sector, and carrier wholesale In 2020, in response to COVID-19, we launched customer self-
markets. installation capabilities within Cable as a safe, easy, no-contact way
Media A diversified portfolio of media properties, for our customers to install our Ignite Internet™ and Ignite TV™
including sports media and entertainment, services. Since launching in late March 2020, over 86% of our Cable
television and radio broadcasting, specialty installations have been through the self-install program. We also
channels, multi-platform shopping, and digital launched Blitzz™, a remote visual assistance tool that enables
media. customers to access support virtually and reduces the need to
deploy field technicians for installation and service calls.
See “Capability to Deliver Results” for more information about our
In 2021, we launched Ignite Internet Gigabit 1.5 in select areas,
extensive wireless and cable networks and significant wireless
giving customers access to even faster Internet service. We also
spectrum position.
expanded the Ignite WiFi™ Hub app with enhanced Active Time
Wireless and Cable are operated by our wholly owned subsidiary, RCCI, Details and Advanced Security to give customers greater control
and certain of our other wholly owned subsidiaries. Media is operated over their home WiFi.
by our wholly owned subsidiary, Rogers Media Inc., and its subsidiaries.
Internet services include:
• Internet access through broadband and fixed wireless access
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (including basic and unlimited usage packages), security
solutions, and e-mail;
WIRELESS • access speeds of up to one gigabit per second (Gbps), covering
Rogers is a Canadian leader in delivering a range of innovative our entire Cable footprint, with some areas able to receive
wireless network technologies and services. We were the first access speeds of up to 1.5 Gbps;
Canadian carrier to launch a 5G network and we have the largest • Rogers Ignite™ and Fido Internet unlimited packages, combining
5G network in Canada, serving over 1,500 communities and 70% of fast and reliable speeds with the freedom of unlimited usage
the Canadian population as at December 31, 2021. Our postpaid and options for self-installation;
and prepaid wireless services are offered under the Rogers™, • Rogers Ignite WiFi Hub, offering a personalized WiFi experience
Fido™, and chatr™ brands, and provide consumers and businesses with a simple digital dashboard for customers to manage their
with the latest wireless devices, services, and applications including: home WiFi network, providing visibility and control over family
• mobile high-speed Internet access, including our Rogers usage; and
Infinite™ unlimited data plans; • Rogers™ Smart Home Monitoring, offering services such as
• wireless voice and enhanced voice features; monitoring, security, automation, energy efficiency, and smart
• Rogers Pro On-the-Go™, a personalized service experience for control through a smartphone app.
device delivery and setup to a customer’s location of choice
within the service area; Television services include:
• Express Pickup, a convenient service for purchasing devices • local and network TV, made available through traditional digital
online or through a customer care agent, with the ability to pick or IP-based Ignite TV, including starter and premium channel
up in-store as soon as the same day; packages along with à la carte channels;
• direct device shipping to the customer’s location of choice; • on-demand television;
• device and accessory financing; • cloud-based digital video recorders (DVRs) available with Ignite
• device protection; TV services;
• in-store expert device repair service; • voice-activated remote controls, restart features, and integrated
• global voice and data roaming, including Roam Like Home™ apps such as YouTube, Netflix, Sportsnet NOW™, Amazon Prime
and Fido Roam™; Video, and Disney+ on Ignite TV;



• personal video recorders (PVRs), including Whole Home PVR In Television, we operate several conventional and specialty
and 4K PVR capabilities; television networks, including:
• an Ignite TV app, giving customers the ability to experience • Sportsnet’s four regional stations along with Sportsnet ONE™,
Ignite TV (including setting recordings) on their smartphone, Sportsnet 360™, and Sportsnet World™;
tablet, laptop, or computer; • Citytv™ network, which, together with affiliated stations, has
• IgniteTM SmartStreamTM , an entertainment add-on for Ignite broadcast distribution to approximately 76% of Canadian
Internet customers, giving them access to their favourite individuals;
streaming services in one place; • OMNI™ multicultural broadcast television stations, including
• Download and Go, the ability to download recorded programs OMNI Regional, which provide multilingual newscasts nationally
onto your smartphone or tablet to watch at a later time using the to all digital basic television subscribers;
Ignite TV app; • specialty channels that include FX™ (Canada), FXX™ (Canada),
• linear and time-shifted programming; and OLN™ (formerly Outdoor Life Network); and
• digital specialty channels; and • Today’s Shopping Choice™, Canada’s only nationally televised
• 4K television programming, including regular season Toronto shopping channel, which generates a significant and growing
Blue Jays home games and select marquee National Hockey portion of its revenue from online sales.
League (NHL) and National Basketball Association (NBA) games.
In Radio, we operate 54 AM and FM radio stations in markets
Phone services include: across Canada, including popular radio brands such as 98.1
• residential and small business local telephony service; and CHFI™, 680 NEWS™, Sportsnet The FAN™, KiSS™, JACK FM™, and
• calling features such as voicemail, call waiting, and long distance. SONiC™.
Enterprise services include: We also offer a range of digital services and products, including:
• voice, data networking, IP, and Ethernet services over multi- • our digital sports-related assets, including NHL LIVE and SN
service customer access devices that allow customers to scale NOW™;
and add services, such as private networking, Internet, IP voice, • other digital assets, including Citytv NOW™; and
and cloud solutions, which blend seamlessly to grow with their • a range of other websites, apps, podcasts, and digital products
business requirements; associated with our various brands and businesses.
• optical wave, Internet, Ethernet, and multi-protocol label
switching services, providing scalable and secure metro and OTHER
wide area private networking that enables and interconnects We offer several credit cards, including the Rogers™ World Elite
critical business applications for businesses that have one or Mastercard, Rogers™ Platinum Mastercard, and the Fido™
many offices, data centres, or points of presence (as well as Mastercard, which allow customers to earn cashback rewards points
cloud applications) across Canada; on credit card spending.
• simplified information technology (IT) and network technology
offerings with security-embedded, cloud-based, professionally OTHER INVESTMENTS
managed solutions; We hold interests in a number of associates and joint
• extensive cable access network services for primary, bridging, arrangements, some of which include:
and back-up (including through our wireless network, if • our 37.5% ownership interest in Maple Leaf Sports &
applicable) connectivity; and Entertainment Ltd. (MLSE), which owns the Toronto Maple Leafs,
• specialized telecommunications technical consulting for Internet the Toronto Raptors, Toronto FC, the Toronto Argonauts, and
service providers (ISPs). the Toronto Marlies, as well as various associated real estate
holdings; and
MEDIA • our 50% ownership interest in Glentel Inc. (Glentel), a large
Our portfolio of Media assets, with a focus on sports and regional provider of multicarrier wireless and wireline products and
TV and radio programming, reaches Canadians from coast to services with several hundred Canadian retail distribution outlets.
We also hold a number of interests in marketable securities of
In Sports Media and Entertainment, we own the Toronto Blue Jays, publicly traded companies, including Cogeco Inc. and Cogeco
Canada’s only Major League Baseball (MLB) team, and the Rogers Communications Inc.
Centre™ event venue, which hosts the Toronto Blue Jays’ home
games, concerts, trade shows, and special events.
Our agreement with the NHL (NHL Agreement), which runs
through the 2025-2026 NHL season, allows us to deliver more than The telecommunications industry is a highly competitive industry
1,300 regular season games during a typical season across served by many national, regional, and reseller players giving
television, smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and consumers a broad choice in service providers and plan offerings.
streaming devices, both through traditional streaming services as The industry is very capital intensive and requires meaningful,
well as through NHL LIVE™. It also grants Rogers national rights on continual investments to implement next-generation technology
those platforms to the Stanley Cup Playoffs and Stanley Cup Final, and to support existing infrastructure. Given the highly regulated
all NHL-related special events and non-game events (such as the nature of the industry, the already competitive dynamic could be
NHL All-Star Game and the NHL Draft), and rights to sublicense further influenced by regulatory change (see “Regulation in our
broadcasting rights. Industry” for more information).


Traditional wireline telephony and television services are now CABLE
offered over the Internet. Consumers continue to change how they Internet
choose to communicate or watch video, including with a growing We compete with other ISPs that offer fixed-connection residential
selection of over-the-top (OTT) services, and this is changing the high-speed Internet access services. Rogers and Fido high-speed
mix of packages and pricing that service providers offer and could Internet services compete directly with, among others:
affect churn levels. • Bell’s Internet services in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
and on the island of Newfoundland, including Virgin Plus; and
In the media industry, consumer viewing habits continue to shift
• various resellers using wholesale telecommunication company
towards digital and online media consumption and advertisers are
digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable third-party Internet access
directing more advertising dollars to those media channels. In
(TPIA) services in local markets.
addition, we now compete with a range of digital and online media
companies, including large global companies. A number of different players in the Canadian market also
compete for enterprise network and communications services.
WIRELESS There are relatively few national providers, but each market has its
We compete on customer experience, price, quality of service, own competitors that usually focus on the geographic areas in
scope of services, network coverage, sophistication of wireless which they have the most extensive networks. In the enterprise
technology, breadth of distribution, selection of devices, branding, market, we compete with facilities- and non-facilities-based
and positioning. telecommunications service providers. In markets where we own
• Wireless technology – our extensive long-term evolution (LTE) network infrastructure, we compete with incumbent fibre-based
network caters to customers seeking the increased capacity and providers. Our main competitors are as follows:
speed it provides. We are also expanding our 5G network to • Ontario – Bell, Cogeco Data Services, and Digital Colony;
further these capabilities. We compete with BCE Inc. (Bell) and • Quebec – Bell, Telus, and Videotron;
TELUS Corporation (Telus) at a national level, and with Vidéotron • Atlantic Canada – Bell and Eastlink; and
ltée (Videotron), Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), • Western Canada – Shaw and Telus.
and Xplornet Communications Inc. (Xplornet) at a regional level,
all of whom operate 5G networks, and with Shaw at a national Television
level and Eastlink Inc. (Eastlink) at a regional level, each of whom We compete with:
operate LTE networks. We also compete with these providers on • other Canadian multi-channel broadcast distribution
high-speed packet access (HSPA) and global system for mobile undertakings (BDUs), including Bell, Shaw, and other satellite
communications (GSM) networks and with providers that use and IPTV providers;
alternative wireless technologies, such as WiFi “hotspots” and • OTT video offerings through providers like Netflix, YouTube,
mobile virtual network operators (MVNO), such as Primus. Apple, Amazon Prime Video, Crave, Google, Disney+, and other
• Product, branding, and pricing – we compete nationally with Bell, channels streaming their own content; and
Telus, and Shaw, including their flanker brands Virgin Plus (Bell), • over-the-air local and regional broadcast television signals
Lucky Mobile (Bell), Koodo (Telus), Public Mobile (Telus), and received directly through antennas, the illegal distribution of
Freedom Mobile (Shaw). We also compete with various regional Canadian and international channels via video streaming boxes,
players and resellers. and the illegal reception of US direct broadcast satellite services.
• Distribution of services and devices – we have one of the largest
distribution networks in the country, and compete with other Phone
service providers for dealers, prime locations for our own stores, While Phone represents a small portion of our business, we
and third-party retail distribution shelf space. We also compete compete with other telephony service providers, including:
with other service providers on the quality and ease of use of our • Bell’s wireline phone service in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova
self-serve options and other digital capabilities. Scotia, and on the island of Newfoundland;
• Wireless networks – consolidation amongst regional players, or with • incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) local loop resellers and
incumbent carriers, could alter the regional or national competitive voice over IP (VoIP) service providers (such as Primus
landscapes for Wireless. Additionally, certain service providers that Telecommunications Canada Inc. and Comwave Networks Inc.),
currently do not offer wireless products or services have purchased other VoIP-only service providers (such as Vonage and Skype),
spectrum licences and could enter the market in the future. and other voice applications that use the Internet access services
• Spectrum – we currently have the largest spectrum position in the of ISPs (such as Facebook and WhatsApp); and
country, including the spectrum licences we obtained through the • substitution of wireline for wireless products, including mobile
3500 MHz auction held in 2021. On August 27, 2020, ISED phones and wireless home phone products.
Canada launched a consultation, proposing changes to the
spectrum utilization of the 3800 MHz band, making 250 MHz of MEDIA
the spectrum available for 5G. On May 21, 2021, ISED Canada Competition in Sports Media and Entertainment includes other:
announced the decision to repurpose the 3800 MHz spectrum • televised and online sports broadcasters;
band to support 5G services. The 3800 MHz spectrum licence • Toronto professional teams, for attendance at Toronto Blue Jays
auction is expected to take place in early 2023. The 3800 MHz games;
spectrum licences, along with other frequency bands, are essential • MLB teams, for Toronto Blue Jays players and fans;
to the deployment of 5G networks. The outcome of this auction • local sporting and special event venues;
may increase competition. See “Regulation in our Industry” for • professional sports teams, for merchandise sales revenue; and
more information. • new digital sports media companies.



Television and Radio, both of which are focused on local and Wireless providers continue to invest in the next generation of
regional content, compete for audiences and advertisers with: technologies, like 5G, to meet increasing data demands. New
• other Canadian television and radio stations, including those products and applications on the wireless network will continue to
owned and operated by the CBC, Bell Media, and Corus rely on ultra-reliable, low latency transport networks, capable of
Entertainment; supporting both wireless and wireline traffic.
• OTT video offerings through providers like Netflix, YouTube,
In January 2020, we were the first Canadian carrier to launch a 5G
Apple, Amazon Prime Video, Crave, Google, Disney+, and other
network and, in December 2020, the first Canadian carrier to begin
channels streaming their own content;
rolling out a 5G standalone core network. Our 5G network is the
• OTT radio offerings, such as iHeartRadio, Apple Music, Spotify,
largest 5G network in Canada, reaching more than 1,500
Pandora, and Radioplayer Canada;
communities and 70% of the Canadian population as at
• other media, including newspapers, magazines, and outdoor
December 31, 2021.
advertising; and
• other technologies available on the Internet or through the To help make the cost of new wireless devices more affordable for
cloud, such as social media platforms, online web information consumers, Rogers and other Canadian wireless carriers offer
services, digital assistants, music downloading, and portable wireless device financing programs, whereby consumers can
media players. finance up to the full cost of the device over a 24-month term at 0%
interest. We believe being able to finance devices over 24 months
Today’s Shopping Choice’s model of live, hosted-video sales
helps reduce subscriber churn.
content and its robust online shopping experience competes with:
• pure play e-commerce retailers servicing Canada; In addition to the wireless device financing plans now available,
• select branded retailers in Canada and their related e-commerce subscribers are increasingly bringing their own devices or keeping
websites; their existing devices longer and therefore may not enter into term
• other available television-shopping channels and infomercials contracts for wireless services. This may negatively impact
that sell products on television; and subscriber churn, but may also create gross addition subscriber
• direct-to-consumer livestream video shopping events, social opportunities as a result of increased churn from other carriers. This
commerce, and shoppable video technologies that are rapidly trend may also negatively impact the monthly service fees charged
emerging online. to subscribers as they shop for plans that best meet their needs.
Our digital media products compete for readership and advertisers Wireless market penetration in Canada is approximately 98% of the
with: population (compared to penetration of 129% in the US) and is
• online information and entertainment websites and apps, expected to continue growing, per the Bank of America Merrill
including digital news services, streaming services, and content Lynch October 2021 Global Wireless Matrix.
available via social networking services;
• magazines, both digital and printed; and CABLE TRENDS
• other traditional media, such as TV and radio. Technology advancement, non-traditional competitors, consumer
behaviours, and regulatory developments are key areas influencing
INDUSTRY TRENDS Cable. This market is very capital intensive, and a strong Internet
offering is the backbone to effectively serving this market.
The telecommunications industry in Canada is very capital intensive Applications on the Internet are increasingly being used as a
and highly regulated. Our reportable segments are affected by substitute for wireline telephone services, and televised content is
various overarching trends relating to changing technologies, increasingly available online. Downward television tier migration
consumer demands, economic conditions, and regulatory (cord shaving) and television cancellation with the intent of
developments, all of which could limit essential future investments substitution (cord cutting) have been growing with increased
in the Canadian marketplace. See “Risks and Uncertainties adoption of OTT services.
Affecting our Business” and “Regulation in our Industry” for more
information. Below is a summary of the industry trends affecting our Cable and wireline companies are expanding their service offerings
specific reportable segments. to include faster broadband Internet. Canadian companies,
including Rogers, are increasingly offering download speeds of 1
to 1.5 Gbps and Internet offerings with unlimited bandwidth.
Consumers are demanding faster-than-ever speeds for streaming
The ongoing extensive investment made by Canadian wireless
online media, uploading personal content, and playing online
providers has created far-reaching and sophisticated wireless
video games, and for their ever-growing number of connected
networks that have enabled consumers and businesses to utilize
devices. In order to help facilitate these speeds, cable and wireline
fast multimedia capabilities through wireless data services.
companies are shifting their networks towards higher speed and
Consumer demand for mobile devices, digital media, and
capacity Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS)
on-demand content is pushing providers to build networks that can
3.1 and fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) technologies and they are
support the expanded use of applications, mobile video,
starting to evolve their networks to be DOCSIS 4.0-capable. These
messaging, and other wireless data. Mobile commerce continues
technologies provide faster potential data communication speeds
to increase as more devices and platforms adopt secure
than earlier technologies, allowing both television and Internet
technology to facilitate wireless transactions.


signals to reach consumers more quickly in order to sustain reliable We offer fixed wireless Internet access services in rural and remote
speeds to address the increasing number of Internet-capable areas and expect this offering to continue to grow as we work
devices. towards closing the digital divide.

COVID-19 has required many people to work or study from home

simultaneously, and workplaces have also started to shift to partial MEDIA TRENDS
or fully remote work, further establishing the need for strong cable Consumer viewing behaviours are continually evolving and the
networks that are able to handle increased capacity than previously industry continues to adjust to these changes. Access to live sports
existed. Cable and wireline companies have needed to continue and other premium content has become even more important for
adding capacity and managing traffic to continue reliably acquiring and retaining audiences that in turn attract advertisers
supporting the needs of Canadians. and subscribers. Therefore, ownership of content and/or long-term
agreements with content owners has also become increasingly
Our business customers use fibre-based access and cloud important to media companies. Leagues, teams, networks, and
computing to capture and share information in more secure and new digital entrants are also experimenting with the delivery of live
accessible environments. This, combined with the rise of sports content through online, social, and virtual platforms, while
multimedia and Internet-based business applications, is driving non-traditional sports are also growing in mindshare.
exponential growth in data demand.
Consumer demand for digital media, content on mobile devices,
Businesses and all levels of government are transforming data and on-demand content is increasing and media products have
centre infrastructure by moving toward virtual data storage and experienced significant digital uptake, requiring industry players to
hosting. This is driving demand for more advanced network increase their efforts in digital content and capabilities in order to
functionality, robust, scalable services, and supportive dynamic compete. In response to this trend, advertisers are shifting their
network infrastructure. spending to premium video and audio products on global digital
platforms and social media that enable marketers to narrowly
Canadian wireline companies are dismantling legacy networks and
target specific audiences instead of the previous mass marketing
investing in next-generation platforms that combine voice, data,
approach. This results in lower use of traditional advertising
and video solutions onto a single distribution and access platform.
methods and may require a shift in focus.
As next-generation platforms become more popular, our
competition will begin to include systems integrators and Competition has changed and traditional media assets in Canada
manufacturers. are increasingly being controlled by a small number of competitors
with significant scale and financial resources. Technology has
Devices and machines are becoming more interconnected and
allowed new entrants and even individuals to become media
there is more reliance on the Internet and other networks to
players in their own right.
facilitate updates and track usage.
Some of our competitors have become more vertically integrated
Broadcast television technology continues to improve with 4K TV
across both traditional and emerging platforms. Relationships
broadcasts and high dynamic range (HDR) for higher resolution
between providers and purchasers of content have become more
and improved video image colour and saturation.
complex. Global aggregators have also emerged and are
competing for both content and viewers.



Our Strategy, Key Performance Drivers, and Strategic Highlights

As part of our long-term vision to become number one, we set annual objectives to measure progress and to address short-term
opportunities and risks.

Priority 2021 Objectives
Create best-in-class customer experiences by putting our Accelerate digital and self-serve adoption by building on
customers first in everything we do momentum generated during COVID-19; reinvent experiences
across all channels to optimize customer journeys; solve
customer problems the first time, or even before, they contact
us; and invest in tools, capabilities, and our team to create
frictionless digital and frontline experiences.
Invest in our networks and technology to deliver leading Invest in our cable and wireless networks to deliver industry-
performance, reliability, and coverage leading connectivity to our customers; grow our leadership in 5G
and reestablish leadership in IoT; expand our network footprint
and product reach to connect underserved communities; and
modernize our systems by leveraging cloud and data capabilities.
Drive market-leading growth in each of our lines of business Enhance our marketing and sales capabilities to propel
consistent and sustainable customer additions; grow our
business in key regional markets across Canada; create products,
services, and content that customers will love; and anchor our
Media strategy in sports and diversify into digital and sports-
related growth areas.
Drive best-in-class financial outcomes for our shareholders Improve financial performance and drive cost and productivity
improvements across Rogers.
Develop our people, drive engagement, and build a high- Ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and evolve
performing and inclusive culture our ways of working; build a culture of inclusion for our team
members, customers, and communities; and attract top and
diverse talent and develop our team as we build our future
Be a strong, socially and environmentally responsible leader in our Partner with communities across Canada to deepen
communities engagement and increase impact; grow our presence in a
sustainable and environmentally responsible manner; and build
our culture and reputation as a great Canadian company.


COVID-19 continues to significantly impact Canadians and The following achievements display the progress we made towards
economies around the world. For much of 2021, extensive public meeting the objectives we set for 2021, as discussed above.
health restrictions have been in place to varying degrees across the
country. In the third quarter, provinces generally began relaxing CREATE BEST-IN-CLASS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES BY
certain public health restrictions implemented in the first half of PUTTING OUR CUSTOMERS FIRST IN EVERYTHING WE DO
2021 as vaccines became more widely available in Canada and • Improved Wireless postpaid churn by 5 basis points to 0.95%.
vaccination rates continued to increase across the country. Late in • Continued to accelerate our digital-first plan to make it easier for
the fourth quarter, the Omicron variant re-accelerated the spread of customers, with digital adoption at 86.1%, up from 84.0% in 2020.
COVID-19 and many Canadian provinces reintroduced various • Rogers Pro On-the-Go service has continued expanding across
restrictions, including, amongst others, placing capacity limits on the country, bringing our device delivery and set-up support
organized gatherings and retail stores. We remain focused on program access to more than 16 million Canadians.
keeping our employees safe and our customers connected. While • Transformed 130 retail stores into dual-door locations that offer
COVID-19 continues to have a significant worldwide impact, we both Rogers and Fido brands, growing our distribution footprint
remain confident we have the right team, a strong balance sheet, nationally to a total of 140 dual-door locations, including our
and the world-class networks that will allow us to get through the flagship store at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto.
pandemic having maintained our long-term focus on growth and • Launched Express Pickup through our customer care channels, a
doing the right thing for our customers. free service that allows customers to purchase a new device
through a customer care agent and pick it up the same day in-store.


• Launched certified walk-in repairs in select Rogers and Fido DRIVE MARKET-LEADING GROWTH IN EACH OF OUR LINES
locations, offering our customers fast and reliable service to fix OF BUSINESS
batteries, screens, cameras, audio, software, and more. • Launched Ignite Internet Gigabit 1.5 to eligible customers,
• Expanded our Fido Payment Program so mobile customers can giving customers access to even faster Internet service.
get accessories for $0 down and 0% interest, and no taxes • Launched the first “Wireless Private Network” managed solution
upfront. nationally in Canada, through Rogers for Business™, enabling
large enterprises to transform their digital capabilities and drive
INVEST IN OUR NETWORKS AND TECHNOLOGY TO innovation in their business.
DELIVER LEADING PERFORMANCE, RELIABILITY AND • Unveiled Sportsnet’s new state-of-the-art NHL Studio, one of the
COVERAGE first entirely IP-based sports studios in North America, capable of
• Expanded Canada’s largest and most reliable 5G network which delivering interactive and immersive content through
reached more than 1,500 communities and 70% of the augmented and virtual reality, real-time data and statistics, and
Canadian population as at December 31, 2021. in-broadcast versatility.
• Invested $3.3 billion in 3500 MHz spectrum licences, covering • Launched eight streaming services on our Ignite TV and Ignite
99.4% of the Canadian population, to enhance and accelerate SmartStream platforms, including Disney+ and Spotify,
the expansion of Canada’s first, largest, and most reliable 5G enhancing Rogers industry-leading selection of streaming
network. This investment positions Rogers as the largest single services.
investor in 5G spectrum in the country across rural, suburban, • Relaunched Sportsnet NOW, delivering world-class stream
and urban markets. quality and reliability combined with new pricing and packaging
• Awarded Best In Test and recognized as Canada’s most reliable that gives customers more flexibility and choice; paid subscriber
4G and 5G network by umlaut, the global leader in mobile growth is up over 175% year-on-year.
network benchmarking, for the third year in a row in July, and • Launched a Cloud Unified Communications product in Rogers
ranked number one in 5G Reach, 5G Availability, 5G Voice App for Business, a feature-rich, cloud-based phone system for
Experience, 5G Games Experience, and tied first for 5G Upload enterprise business customers with complex needs.
Speed in Canada by OpenSignal in August.
• Recognized as Canada’s most consistent national wireless and DRIVE BEST-IN-CLASS FINANCIAL OUTCOMES FOR OUR
broadband provider by Ookla for Q4 2021, with the fastest fixed SHAREHOLDERS
broadband Internet in Ontario, New Brunswick, and • Earned total service revenue of $12,533 million, up 5%.
Newfoundland and Labrador. • Attracted 448,000 net Wireless postpaid subscribers, 49,000 net
• Completed the rollout of Canada’s first national standalone 5G Internet subscribers, and 244,000 net Ignite TV subscribers.
core to help bring the best of 5G to our customers and achieved • Generated free cash flow of $1,671 million and cash provided by
the first 5G standalone device certification in Canada. operating activities of $4,161 million.
• Announced a multi-year partnership with Coastal First Nations in • Paid dividends of $1,010 million to our shareholders.
British Columbia, which includes a commitment to build five new
cell towers, provide more than 100 kilometres of new service DEVELOP OUR PEOPLE, DRIVE ENGAGEMENT, AND BUILD
coverage along Highway 16 on Graham Island, and improve A HIGH-PERFORMING AND INCLUSIVE CULTURE
wireless connectivity throughout Haida Gwaii. • Awarded Canada’s Top 100 Employers, including in the Greater
• Announced a $300 million agreement, alongside the Toronto Area, for Young People, Best Diversity Employer, and
Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, and the Eastern Greenest Employers by MediaCorp Canada Inc. in November
Ontario Regional Network, to expand wireless connectivity in 2021; LinkedIn Canada’s Top 25 Companies in April 2021; and
rural and remote communities throughout eastern Ontario, the Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures by Waterstone
largest wireless private-public partnership in Canadian history. Human Capital in October 2021.
• Announced investments of over $350 million to connect almost • Announced and implemented mandatory vaccinations or rapid
50,000 homes and businesses in Ontario, New Brunswick, and testing for anyone entering our workplace sites, including all
Newfoundland and Labrador, fully funded by Rogers. team members, contractors, and visitors.
• In partnership with the Governments of Canada and British • Achieved a score of 89% for employee pride in our employee
Columbia, we announced 12 new cell tower sites to enhance pulse survey in June 2021.
wireless coverage along Highway 16 between Prince George
and Prince Rupert; we broke ground on the first tower in
December 2021.
• Announced the construction of seven new towers along RESPONSIBLE LEADER IN OUR COMMUNITIES
Highway 14 from Sooke to Port Renfrew in partnership with the • Awarded 90 Ted Rogers Community Grants across Canada in
Governments of Canada and British Columbia, and more than 2021, to organizations supporting Canadian youth. Nearly 400
90 kilometres of new coverage along Highways 95 and 97 in Ted Rogers Community Grants have been awarded since 2017.
partnership with the government of British Columbia. • Awarded Ted Rogers Scholarships to 375 young Canadians for
post-secondary studies. Nearly three quarters of all scholarships
in the Class of 2021 were awarded to youth from equity-
deserving communities.



• Expanded our ESG Report and introduced an interactive

multimedia Social Impact Report, celebrating and tracking our
impact on the environment and our communities. We now 2022 FULL-YEAR CONSOLIDATED GUIDANCE
disclose information in accordance with the Global Reporting For the full-year 2022, we expect growth in service revenue and
Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), adjusted EBITDA will drive higher free cash flow. In 2022, we expect
and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to have the financial flexibility to maintain our network advantages
standards, and we committed to supporting the United Nations and to continue to return cash to shareholders. We are providing a
Sustainable Development Goals. guidance range for total service revenue this year as this metric
• Launched a 2021 Orange Shirt Day campaign in support of more closely reflects our core business with our customers.
Indigenous communities across the country. Over the past two
(In millions of dollars, except 2021
years, the Orange Shirt Day campaign has raised $250,000 for
percentages) Actual 2022 Guidance Ranges 1
the Orange Shirt Society and the Indian Residential School
Survivors Society (IRSSS). Total service revenue 12,533 Increase of 4% to increase of 6%
Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 Increase of 6% to increase of 8%
• Launched our new corporate responsibility brand, Generation Capital expenditures 2 2,788 2,800 to 3,000
Possible™, the youth and education pillar focused on giving the Free cash flow 1,671 1,800 to 2,000
next generation the chance they need to succeed through Ted
1 Guidance ranges presented as percentages reflect percentage increases over full-
Rogers Scholarships, Community Grants, and Jays Care™
year 2021 results.
Foundation. Team Possible is about our team and partners’ 2 Includes additions to property, plant and equipment net of proceeds on disposition,
commitment to making a meaningful impact in communities but does not include expenditures for spectrum licences or additions to right-of-use
through volunteering, bridging the digital divide, and partnering assets.
with organizations like Women’s Shelters Canada.
The above table outlines guidance ranges for selected full-year
• Expanded eligibility for Connected for Success™, so even more
2022 consolidated financial metrics without giving effect to the
Canadians can connect to social services, learning, employment,
Transaction (see “Shaw Transaction”), the associated financing, or
and loved ones. Now available to upwards of 750,000 Canadian
any other associated transactions or expenses. These ranges take
households, the expanded low-cost high-speed Internet
into consideration our current outlook and our 2021 results. The
program is available across our Internet footprint in Ontario, New
purpose of the financial outlook is to assist investors, shareholders,
Brunswick, and Newfoundland to eligible customers receiving
and others in understanding certain financial metrics relating to
disability, seniors’ or income support, and through rent-
expected 2022 financial results for evaluating the performance of
geared-to-income community housing partners.
our business. This information may not be appropriate for other
purposes. Information about our guidance, including the various
2022 FOCUS AREAS assumptions underlying it, is forward-looking and should be read in
conjunction with “About Forward-Looking Information”, “Risks and
While we ended 2021 with improving execution, increasing Uncertainties Affecting our Business”, the material assumptions
momentum, and solid fundamentals, we want to perform better for listed below under “Key underlying assumptions”, and the related
our customers and our shareholders. To achieve this, we have set disclosure and information about various economic, competitive,
the following focus areas for 2022: and regulatory assumptions, factors, and risks that may cause our
actual future financial and operating results to differ from what we
1. Successfully complete the Shaw acquisition and currently expect.
2. Invest in our networks to deliver world-class connectivity to We provide annual guidance ranges on a consolidated full-year
Canadian consumers and business basis that are consistent with annual full-year Board-approved
3. Invest in our customer experience to deliver timely, high- plans. Any updates to our full-year financial guidance over the
quality customer service consistently to our customers course of the year would only be made to the consolidated
4. Improve execution and deliver strong financial guidance ranges that appear above. Guidance ranges will be
performance across all lines of business reassessed once the Transaction has closed.


Key underlying assumptions subscription streaming services and other over-the-top providers
Our 2022 guidance ranges presented in “2022 Full-Year continue to grow in popularity;
Consolidated Guidance” are based on many assumptions • in Media, continued growth in sports and relative stability in
including, but not limited to, the following material assumptions for other traditional media businesses;
the full-year 2022: • no significant sports-related work stoppages or cancellations will
• a gradual improvement in the general COVID-19 environment occur and the current MLB lockout between the owners and the
throughout 2022, including the continued reopening of the players’ union will be resolved;
economy, and no further significant restrictions, such as border • with respect to the increase in capital expenditures:
closures and travel restrictions, capacity restrictions and sports • we continue to invest to ensure we have competitive wireless
venue closures, or stay-at-home orders and no material negative and cable networks through (i) expanding our 5G wireless
impact resulting from global supply chain interruptions; network, including building on Canada’s first standalone 5G
• continued competitive intensity in all segments in which we core network and using our 3500 MHz spectrum licences to
operate consistent with levels experienced in 2021; introduce new 5G innovation and services and (ii) upgrading
• no significant additional legal or regulatory developments, other our hybrid fibre-coaxial network to lower the number of
shifts in economic conditions, or macro changes in the homes passed per node, utilize the latest technologies, and
competitive environment affecting our business activities; deliver an even more reliable customer experience; and
• Wireless customers continue to adopt, and upgrade to, higher- • we continue to make expenditures related to our connected
value smartphones at similar rates in 2022 compared to 2021; home roadmap in 2022 and we make progress on our service
• overall wireless market penetration in Canada grows in 2022 at a footprint expansion projects;
similar rate as in 2021; • a substantial portion of our 2022 US dollar-denominated
• continued subscriber growth in Internet; expenditures is hedged at an average exchange rate of
• declining Television subscribers, including the impact of $1.29/US$;
customers migrating to Ignite TV from our legacy product, as • key interest rates remain relatively stable throughout 2022; and
• we retain our investment-grade credit ratings.



Capability to Deliver Results

WIRELESS Our 5G network currently uses a combination of the 2500 MHz,
Rogers has one of the most extensive and advanced mobile AWS, and 600 MHz spectrum bands, and is also aggregated with
broadband wireless networks in Canada, which: our LTE spectrum bands. 600 MHz spectrum is best suited to carry
• is the only national network in Canada fully owned by a single wireless data across long distances and through buildings, creating
operator; more consistent and higher-quality coverage in both remote and
• was the first LTE high-speed network in Canada, reaching 96% of urban areas and in smart cities. We have deployed dynamic
the Canadian population as at December 31, 2021 on our LTE spectrum sharing, which allows our existing spectrum supporting
network alone; 4G to also be used for 5G networks. In the future, we will deploy
• was the first 5G network in Canada, reaching over 70% of the 3.5 GHz spectrum for 5G to add additional capacity to the network.
Canadian population as at December 31, 2021 on our 5G
A number of future investments will be required to successfully
network alone;
operate and maintain our 5G network, including, but not limited to:
• is supported by voice and data roaming agreements with
• refarming spectrum currently used for 2G and 3G to LTE and 5G;
domestic and international carriers in more than 200
• densifying our wireless network with additional macro and small
destinations, including LTE and a growing number of 5G
cells in key markets; and
roaming operators; and
• purchasing incremental 5G-ready radio network equipment with
• includes network sharing arrangements with two regional
lower unit and operational costs, and the ability to aggregate
wireless operators that operate in urban and rural parts of
more radio carriers and achieve greater spectral efficiency.

We are continuously enhancing our IP service infrastructure for all Significant spectrum position
our wireless services. Advances in technology have transformed the Our wireless services are supported by our significant wireless
ways in which our customers interact and use the variety of tools spectrum licence holdings in low-band, mid-band, and high-band
available to them in their personal and professional lives. frequency ranges. As part of our network strategy, we expect to
Technology has also changed the way businesses operate. continue making significant capital investments in spectrum to:
• support the rapidly growing usage of broadband wireless data
In early 2020, we launched our 5G network commercially in
downtown Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal and reached
• support the expansion and maintenance of our 5G network; and
over 1,500 communities across Canada as at December 31, 2021.
• introduce new innovative network-enabled features and
We also became a founding member of the global 5G Future
Forum, a first-of-its-kind 5G and mobile edge computing forum that
currently includes Verizon, Vodafone, Telstra, KT, and América Móvil.
Our spectrum holdings as at December 31, 2021 include:

Type of spectrum Rogers licences Who the licences support

600 MHz 20 to 40 MHz across Canada, covering 100% of the Canadian 4G / 4.5G LTE, and 5G subscribers.
700 MHz 24 MHz in Canada’s major geographic markets, covering 95% of 4G / 4.5G LTE subscribers; future 5G
the Canadian population. subscribers.
850 MHz 25 MHz across Canada. 2G GSM, 3G HSPA, 4G / 4.5G LTE
subscribers; future 5G subscribers.
1900 MHz 60 MHz in all areas of Canada except 40 MHz in northern 4G / 4.5G LTE, and 5G subscribers.
Quebec, 50 MHz in southern Ontario, and 40 MHz in the Yukon,
Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.
AWS 1700/2100 MHz 40 MHz in British Columbia and Alberta, 30 MHz in southern 4G / 4.5G LTE, and 5G subscribers.
Ontario, an additional 10 MHz in the Greater Toronto Area, and
20 MHz in the rest of Canada.
2500 MHz 40 MHz FDD across the majority of Canada except 20 MHz in 4G / 4.5G LTE, and 5G subscribers.
parts of Quebec and no holdings in Nunavut and the Northwest
Territories. Rogers also holds an additional 25 MHz TDD in key
population areas in Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia.
3500 MHz Between 20 MHz and 30 MHz across the majority of the Fixed wireless subscribers; future 5G
Canadian population. mobile subscribers.


We also have access to additional spectrum through the following network sharing agreements:

Type of spectrum Type of network venture Who it supports

2300 MHz Orion Wireless Partnership (Orion) is a joint operation with Bell in 4G subscribers.
which Rogers holds a 50% interest. Orion holds licences for
30 MHz of FDD 2300 MHz spectrum (of which 20 MHz is usable),
primarily in eastern Canada, including certain population centres
in southern and eastern Ontario, southern Quebec, and smaller
holdings in New Brunswick, Manitoba, Alberta, and British
Columbia. The Orion fixed wireless LTE national network utilizes
the jointly held 2300 MHz bands.
850 MHz, 1900 MHz Two network-sharing arrangements to enhance coverage and
AWS spectrum, network capabilities:
700 MHz, • with Bell MTS, which covers 98% of the population across 3.5G / 4G HSPA+, 4G LTE, 5G
2500 MHz FDD Manitoba; and subscribers.
• with Videotron to provide HSPA and LTE services across the 4G LTE subscribers.
province of Quebec and Ottawa.

CABLE frequency amplifiers, and reducing homes passed per node to

Our expansive inter-city and intra-city fibre and hybrid fibre-coaxial an average of 60;
(HFC) infrastructure delivers services to consumers and businesses • increasing capacity per subscriber by enabling the 1.2 GHz (and,
in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and on the island of over time, 1.8 GHz) of spectrum with additional DOCSIS 3.1
Newfoundland. We also operate a transcontinental, facilities-based downstream and upstream capacity and deploying DOCSIS 4.0
fibre-optic network with 81,000 kilometres of fibre optic cable that that, over time, are expected to support downstream speeds up
is used to service business customers, including government and to 10 gigabits per second (Gbps);
other telecommunications service providers. We also use our • improving video signal compression by moving to more
extensive fibre network for backhaul for wireless cell site traffic. In advanced video protocols;
Canada, the network extends coast-to-coast and includes local and • improving channel and on-demand capacity through switched
regional fibre, transmission electronics and systems, hubs, points of digital video; and
presence, and IP routing and switching infrastructure. The network • increasing our FTTH footprint by connecting more homes,
also extends to the US from Vancouver south to Seattle; from the multiple dwelling unit buildings, and business premises directly
Manitoba-Minnesota border through Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and to fibre.
Chicago; from Toronto through Buffalo; and from Montreal
Broadband Internet service is provided using a DOCSIS CCAP
through Albany to New York City and Ashburn, allowing us to
3.0/3.1 platform, which combines multiple radio frequency
connect Canada’s largest markets, while also reaching key US
channels onto one access point at the customer premise,
markets for the exchange of data and voice traffic.
delivering exceptional performance. Over the last 20 years, HFC
The network is structured to optimize performance and reliability node segmentation, along with analog-to-DTV spectrum
and to allow for the simultaneous delivery of video, voice, and repurposing and evolution from DOCSIS 1.0 to DOCSIS 3.1, has
Internet over a single platform. It is generally constructed in rings increased downstream and upstream capacity by approximately
that interconnect with distribution hubs, providing redundancy to 1,000 and 200 times, respectively. This track record of investing in
minimize disruptions that can result from fibre cuts and other our networks and demonstrating the capability to cost-effectively
events. deploy best-in-class service is one of our key strategies for ensuring
that we stay competitive with other service providers that provide
Homes and commercial buildings are connected to our network Internet service into homes and businesses over copper facilities. By
through HFC nodes or FTTH. We connect the HFC node to the the end of 2016, 100% of our cable network had been upgraded
network using fibre optic cable and the home to the node using to DOCSIS CCAP technology supporting DOCSIS 3.1 and Ignite
coaxial cable or fibre. Using 1.2GHz, 860 MHz, and 750 MHz of Gigabit Internet.
cable spectrum in Ontario and Atlantic Canada, respectively, we
deliver video, voice, and broadband services to our customers. HFC Fixed wireless access services and expanding our cable footprint is
node segmentation reduces the number of homes passed per a key priority for connecting all areas of Canada, including rural and
HFC node, thereby increasing the bandwidth and capacity per underserved areas. We are actively investing in the expansion of
subscriber. our network in both Wireless and Cable to leverage what’s needed
to offer fixed wireless Internet access. We are investing in the next
We continually upgrade the network to improve capacity, enhance generation of broadband wireless data networks, such as 5G
performance and reliability, reduce operating costs, and introduce technologies, to support the growing data demand and new
new features and functionality. Our investments are focused on: products and applications. This requires a strong network, capable
• uplifting our HFC network to 1.2 GHz (and, over time, 1.8 GHz) of supporting both wireline and wireless data at low latencies to
while at the same time improving network performance, quality, ensure new products and applications operate as intended.
and reliability by deploying digital fibre optics, removing radio



We have been deploying 1 GHz fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC) in new • voice authentication technology across all of our contact centres
development areas and transitioning to FTTH since 2005. In 2018, that automatically identifies our registered customers by their
we began upgrading our HFC network to a mix of 1.2 GHz FTTC voice, increasing security and protecting customers from
and FTTH. FTTC provides the foundation for subsequent potential fraud;
generations of DOCSIS, including Remote PHY and DOCSIS 4.0, • self-serve options, including:
which will improve high-speed Internet accessibility, quality, and • the ability for Fido and Rogers customers to complete price
tier speed attainability, while increasing the capacity of our HFC plan changes and hardware upgrades online;
network. Rogers FTTH is based on ten gigabit symmetrical passive • a simplified login, allowing Fido customers to log in to their
optical network (XGS-PON) technology that can support accounts online or through the Fido MyAccount app using
symmetrical downstream/upstream speeds up to 10 Gbps per their Facebook login credentials, eliminating the need to
node in select neighbourhoods, with the ability to upgrade the remember multiple login credentials and making self-service
opto-electronics to support even higher speeds in the future as easier to access;
required to meet demand for additional bandwidth. • the ability for customers to install their Internet, TV, home
phone, smart home monitoring, and Ignite SmartStream
We continue to invest in and improve our cable network services;
products at their convenience, without the need for a
for example, with technology to support gigabit Internet speeds,
technician visiting their residence;
Ignite TV, Rogers 4K TV, our 4K PVR set-top box, and a significant
• Rogers EnRoute™, a tool that gives customers the ability to
commitment to live broadcasting in 4K, including regular season
track on their phone when a technician will arrive for an
Toronto Blue Jays home games for 2022 and numerous NHL and
installation or service call; and
NBA games.
• the ability for chatr customers to use SMS to easily review
Voice-over-cable telephony services are also served using the account information, balance details, and top up their account;
DOCSIS network. Our offerings ensure a high quality of service by • customer care available over Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and
including geographic redundancy and network backup powering. online chat through our websites;
Our phone service includes a rich set of features, such as TV Call • Rogers Infinite unlimited data plans with no overage charges;
Display (available on our NextBox™ set-top boxes), three-way • 24-month, $0 down, interest-free wireless device financing on
calling, and advanced voicemail features that allow customers to be Rogers Infinite plans and through our Fido Payment Program;
notified of, and listen to, their home voicemail on their wireless • Rogers Pro On-the-Go, a personalized retail service whereby
phone or over the Internet. within hours of ordering a new wireless device, a connected
solutions professional will meet a customer at their time and
We own and operate some of the most advanced networks and location of choice (within the service area) and set up their device
data centres in Canada. Our data centres provide guaranteed based on their preferences;
uptime and expertise in collocation, cloud, and managed services • Ignite WiFi Hub for all Ignite TV customers to give them ultimate
solutions. We own and operate nine state-of-the-art, highly reliable, control over their WiFi experience;
certified data centres across Canada, including: • Family Data Manager, a data manager tool, and Data Top Ups,
• Canada’s first Tier III Design and Construction certified multi- both of which allow Wireless customers to manage and
tenant facility in Toronto; customize their data usage in real-time through MyRogers;
• Alberta’s first Tier III certified data centre; and • Fido 5 Extra Hours, which grant Fido customers an additional five
• a third Tier III certified data centre in Ottawa. hours of data, per billing cycle, at no extra charge;
We leverage our national fibre, cable, and wireless networks and • Fido XTRA™, a program that gives Fido postpaid Wireless and
data centre infrastructure to enable businesses to deliver greater Internet customers free access to new perks every Thursday, such
value to their customers through proactive network monitoring and as deals and giveaways from leading brands on food, drinks,
problem resolution with enterprise-level reliability, security, and apparel, entertainment, and more;
performance. Our primary and secondary Network Operation • a simple online bill, making it easier for customers to read and
Centres proactively monitor Rogers’ networks to mitigate the risk of understand their monthly charges;
service interruptions and to allow for rapid responses to any • Roam Like Home and Fido Roam, worry-free wireless roaming
outages. allowing Canadians to use their wireless plan like they do at
home when traveling to included destinations;
• DAY PASS™, a flexible daily payment option for chatr customers;
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE • Top Up as a Guest, which allows chatr customers to top up an
We are committed to providing our customers with the best account without signing in;
experience possible. To do this, we have invested in several areas to • Advantage Mobility™ and Advantage Security™, business-grade
make it easier and more convenient for customers to interact with solutions offered by Rogers for Business to support small- and
us, such as: medium-sized Canadian enterprises with reliable connectivity
• live customer support handled by customer solution specialists and network security;
located entirely within Canada; • a Premium Device Protection™ program, including AppleCare
• 24/7 customer support handled by virtual assistant tools that services for Rogers and Fido customers, offering customers more
provide customers the option for live chat or scheduled protection and choice;
callbacks; • Express Pickup, a free service that allows customers to purchase a
• an innovative Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system that can new device online or through a customer care agent and pick up
take calls in English, French, Mandarin, and Cantonese; it up the same day in-store;


• an online appointment booking tool, allowing customers to • our contact centres, outbound telemarketing, and door-to-door
conveniently schedule an appointment to speak to a Rogers agents; and
expert at a specific store and time; and • major retail chains.
• Certified Walk-in Repairs, a fast and reliable phone repair service
Our sales team and third-party retailers sell services to the business,
offering customers more convenience, flexibility, and reliability,
public sector, and carrier wholesale markets. An extensive network
in 15 cities across Ontario.
of third-party channel distributors deals with IT integrators,
consultants, local service providers, and other indirect sales
POWERFUL BRANDS relationships. This diverse approach gives greater breadth of
coverage and allows for strong sales growth for next-generation
The Rogers brand has strong national recognition through our:
• established networks;
• extensive distribution;
• recognizable media content and programming; FIRST-CLASS MEDIA CONTENT
• advertising;
We deliver highly sought-after sports content enhanced by the
• event and venue sponsorships;
following initiatives:
• community investment, including the Ted Rogers Scholarship
• an exclusive 12-year agreement with the NHL, which runs
Fund and Ted Rogers Community Grants; and
through the 2025-2026 season, that allows us to deliver
• naming rights to some of Canada’s landmark buildings.
coverage of professional hockey in Canada across television,
We also own or utilize some of Canada’s most recognized brands, smartphones, tablets, and the Internet;
including: • exclusive broadcasting and distribution rights of the Toronto
• the wireless brands of Rogers, Fido, and chatr; Blue Jays in Canada through our ownership of the team;
• the residential brands of Rogers and Fido; • NHL LIVE, an online OTT destination for NHL action on any
• 23 TV stations and specialty channels, including Sportsnet, screen;
Omni, Citytv, FX (Canada), and FXX (Canada); • SN NOW, Canada’s first OTT sports service, offering 24/7 access
• 54 radio stations, including 98.1 CHFI, 680 NEWS, Sportsnet The to Sportsnet’s TV content;
FAN, KiSS, JACK FM, and SONiC; • the MLB Network, a 24-hour network dedicated to baseball,
• major league sports teams, including the Toronto Blue Jays, and brought to Canada on Rogers television services; and
teams owned by MLSE, such as the Toronto Maple Leafs, the • a 10-year, multi-platform agreement that runs through August
Toronto Raptors, Toronto FC, and the Toronto Argonauts; 2024, which makes Rogers the exclusive wholesaler and
• an exclusive 12-year agreement with the NHL, which runs Canadian distributor of World Wrestling Entertainment’s (WWE)
through the 2025-2026 season, that allows us to deliver flagship programming.
coverage of professional hockey in Canada; and
• Today’s Shopping Choice, a premium online and TV shopping
For our team of approximately 23,000 employees, we strive to
create a great workplace, focusing on all aspects of the employee
experience, which include:
WIRELESS • engaging employees and building high-performing teams
We have an extensive national distribution network and offer our through initiatives including engagement surveys and leadership
wireless products nationally through multiple channels, including: development programs;
• company-owned Rogers, Fido, and chatr retail stores; • aiming to attract and retain top talent through effective training
• customer self-serve using,,, and development, performance-driven employee recognition
and e-commerce sites; programs, and career progression programs for front-line
• an extensive independent dealer network; employees;
• major retail chains and convenience stores; • maintaining our commitment to diversity and inclusion; and
• other distribution channels, such as WOW! mobile boutique™, as • providing a safe, collaborative, and agile workplace that provides
well as Wireless Wave and TBooth Wireless through our employees the tools and training to be successful.
ownership interest in Glentel;
• our contact centres;
• outbound telemarketing; and
• Rogers Pro On-the-Go, a personalized retail service that delivers We have an investment-grade balance sheet and substantial
and sets up new wireless devices to the customer’s location of available liquidity of $4.2 billion as at December 31, 2021. Our
choice within the service area. capital resources consist primarily of cash balances, cash provided
by operating activities, available lines of credit, funds available
CABLE under our receivables securitization program, issuances of US
We distribute our residential cable products using various channels, dollar-denominated commercial paper (US CP) under our US CP
• company-owned Rogers and Fido retail stores;
• customer self-serve using and;



program, and long-term debt. We also owned approximately restrictions on the flow of funds between RCI and its subsidiary
$1,581 million of marketable equity securities in publicly traded companies.
companies as at December 31, 2021.
We believe we can satisfy foreseeable additional funding
The following information is forward-looking and should be read in requirements through additional financing, which, depending on
conjunction with “About Forward-Looking Information”, “Financial market conditions, could include restructuring our existing bank
and Operating Guidance”, “Risks and Uncertainties Affecting our credit and letter of credit facilities, entering into new bank credit
Business”, and our other disclosures about various economic, facilities, issuing long-term or short-term debt, amending the terms
competitive, and regulatory assumptions, factors, and risks that of our receivables securitization or US CP programs, or issuing
could cause our actual future financial and operating results to equity. We may also opportunistically refinance a portion of
differ from those currently expected. existing debt depending on market conditions and other factors.
There is no assurance, however, that these financing initiatives will
The Transaction will have a significant impact on our capital
or can be done as they become necessary.
structure as we anticipate issuing significant debt in order to
consummate the Transaction; however, we expect we will have
sufficient capital resources to satisfy our anticipated cash funding WIDESPREAD SHAREHOLDER BASE AND
requirements in 2022, including the Transaction, funding of
dividends on our common shares, repayment of maturing short-
term borrowings and long-term debt, and other financing and RCI’s Class B Non-Voting common shares (Class B Non-Voting
investing activities. This takes into account our opening cash Shares) are widely held and actively trade on the TSX and the NYSE
balance, cash provided by operating activities, and funds available with a combined average daily trading volume of approximately
to us under credit facilities, our receivables securitization program, 1.9 million shares in 2021. In addition, RCI’s Class A Voting
our US CP program, and other bank facilities or debt issued, common shares (Class A Shares) trade on the TSX. At the discretion
including, for the purposes of the Transaction as necessary, the of the Board, we pay an equal dividend on both classes of shares.
$13 billion committed credit facility and the $6 billion Shaw term In 2021, each share paid an annualized dividend of $2.00.
loan facility. As at December 31, 2021, there were no significant


2021 Financial Results
See “Accounting Policies” in this MD&A and the notes to our 2021 competitors. Many of these are not defined terms under IFRS and
Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for important should not be considered alternative measures to net income or
accounting policies and estimates as they relate to the following any other financial measure of performance under IFRS. See “Key
discussion. Performance Indicators” and “Non-GAAP and Other Financial
Measures” for more information.
We use several key performance indicators to measure our
performance against our strategy and the results of our peers and


Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars, except margins and per share amounts) 2021 2020 % Chg

Wireless 8,768 8,530 3
Cable 4,072 3,946 3
Media 1,975 1,606 23
Corporate items and intercompany eliminations (160) (166) (4)
Revenue 14,655 13,916 5
Total service revenue 12,533 11,955 5
Adjusted EBITDA
Wireless 4,214 4,067 4
Cable 2,013 1,935 4
Media (127) 51 n/m
Corporate items and intercompany eliminations (213) (196) 9
Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857 1
Adjusted EBITDA margin 40.2% 42.1% (1.9 pts)

Net income 1,558 1,592 (2)

Basic earnings per share $ 3.09 $ 3.15 (2)
Diluted earnings per share $ 3.07 $ 3.13 (2)

Adjusted net income 1,803 1,725 5

Adjusted basic earnings per share $ 3.57 $ 3.42 4
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 1 $ 3.56 $ 3.40 5

Capital expenditures 2,788 2,312 21

Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 4,321 (4)
Free cash flow 1,671 2,366 (29)
1 Adjusted diluted earnings per share is a non-GAAP ratio. Adjusted net income, a non-GAAP financial measure, is a component of adjusted diluted earnings per share. These are
not standardized financial measures under IFRS and might not be comparable to similar financial measures disclosed by other companies. See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial
Measures” for more information about these measures.




Adjusted EBITDA increased this year, primarily due to increases in
OVER YEAR Wireless and Cable adjusted EBITDA, partially offset by the
decrease in Media adjusted EBITDA, which led to an adjusted
EBITDA margin of 40%.
Wireless service revenue increased this year as a result of a larger
postpaid subscriber base and higher roaming revenue as Wireless adjusted EBITDA increased this year primarily as a result of
COVID-19-related global travel restrictions were generally less strict the flow-through impact of the aforementioned increases in
than last year, partially offset by lower overage revenue. Wireless revenue and lower bad debt expense. This gave rise to a Wireless
equipment revenue increased this year as a result of higher device adjusted EBITDA margin of 48.1%. Although a decrease from 2020,
upgrades by existing customers and a shift in the product mix the ongoing long-term shift to customers financing their device
towards higher-value devices, partially offset by fewer of our new purchases is reflected in the general improvement in our
subscribers purchasing devices. equipment margin.
Cable revenue increased this year as a result of the movement of Cable adjusted EBITDA increased this year as a result of the
Internet customers to higher speed and usage tiers in our Ignite revenue growth as discussed above, which led to a Cable adjusted
Internet offerings and the increase in total customer relationships EBITDA margin of 49.4%.
over the past year, due to growth in our Internet and Ignite TV
subscriber bases, and disciplined promotional activity and Internet Media adjusted EBITDA decreased this year primarily as a result of
service pricing changes in late 2020, partially offset by declines in higher programming and production costs as a result of the
our legacy television and home phone subscriber bases. postponement of the start of the 2020-2021 NHL and NBA
seasons, higher general operating costs, and higher Toronto Blue
Media revenue increased this year as a result of the postponement Jays player payroll and game day costs, partially offset by higher
of the start of the 2020-2021 NHL and NBA seasons, shifting revenue as discussed above.
revenue to 2021, and higher Toronto Blue Jays attendance-related
revenue as COVID-19 restrictions eased and fan attendance was NET INCOME AND ADJUSTED NET INCOME
permitted. Net income decreased as a result of higher restructuring,
acquisition and other costs attributable to the Transaction.
Adjusted net income increased this year primarily as a result of
higher adjusted EBITDA and lower finance costs.


Service revenue
Service revenue includes revenue derived from voice and data
services from:
ROGERS IS CANADA’S LARGEST PROVIDER OF • postpaid and prepaid monthly fees;
• airtime;
As at December 31, 2021, we had:
• long distance charges;
• approximately 11.3 million wireless subscribers; and
• essential services charges;
• approximately 31% subscriber and revenue share of the • inbound and outbound roaming charges; and
Canadian wireless market. • certain other fees and charges.

WIRELESS FINANCIAL RESULTS The 1% increase in service revenue this year was a result of:
• a larger postpaid subscriber base; and
Years ended December 31 • higher roaming revenue as COVID-19-related global travel
(In millions of dollars, except margins) 2021 2020 % Chg restrictions were generally less strict than last year; partially offset by
• a decrease in overage revenue as a result of strong customer
Service revenue 6,666 6,579 1
adoption of our Rogers Infinite unlimited data plans.
Equipment revenue 2,102 1,951 8 The 1% decrease in blended ARPU was primarily a result of an
Revenue 8,768 8,530 3 increase in our subscribers on lower monthly price plans.
Operating expenses The stable blended ABPU was primarily a result of the increased
Cost of equipment 2,142 1,932 11 roaming revenue offset by the decline in overage revenue.
Other operating expenses 2,412 2,531 (5)
We believe the increases in gross and net additions to our postpaid
Operating expenses 4,554 4,463 2
subscriber base and the improved postpaid churn this year were a
Adjusted EBITDA 4,214 4,067 4 result of strong execution and an increase in market activity by
Adjusted EBITDA service margin 1 63.2% 61.8% 1.4 pts Canadians with the ongoing opening of the economy.
Adjusted EBITDA margin 2 48.1% 47.7% 0.4 pts
Capital expenditures 1,515 1,100 38 Equipment revenue
Equipment revenue includes revenue from sales of mobile devices
1 Calculated using service revenue.
2 Calculated using total revenue. to subscribers through fulfillment by Wireless’ customer service
groups, websites, telesales, corporate stores, and independent
dealers, agents, and retailers.
Years ended December 31
The 8% increase in equipment revenue this year was a result of:
(In thousands, except churn, blended • higher device upgrades by existing customers; and
ABPU, and blended ARPU) 2021 2020 Chg • a shift in the product mix towards higher-value devices; partially
Postpaid offset by
Gross additions 1,565 1,381 184 • fewer of our new subscribers purchasing devices.
Net additions 448 245 203
Total postpaid subscribers 2 10,131 9,683 448
Churn (monthly) 0.95% 1.00% (0.05 pts)
We record operating expenses in two categories:
Gross additions 512 550 (38)
• the cost of wireless devices and equipment; and
Net losses (94) (142) 48 • all other expenses involved in day-to-day operations, to service
Total prepaid subscribers 2 1,166 1,260 (94) existing subscriber relationships, and to attract new subscribers.
Churn (monthly) 4.20% 4.38% (0.18 pts)
The 11% increase in the cost of equipment this year was a result of
Blended ARPU (monthly) $ 50.26 $ 50.75 ($ 0.49)
Blended ABPU (monthly) 3 $ 63.45 $ 63.24 $ 0.21
the same factors discussed in equipment revenue above.

1 Subscriber counts and subscriber churn are key performance indicators. See “Key Although a decrease from 2020, the ongoing long-term shift to
Performance Indicators”. customers financing their device purchases is reflected in the
2 As at end of period. general improvement in our equipment margin.
3 Blended ABPU is a non-GAAP ratio. Adjusted Wireless service revenue is a non-GAAP
financial measure and is a component of blended ABPU. This is not a standardized The 5% decrease in other operating expenses this year was a result of:
financial measure under IFRS and might not be comparable to similar financial • lower bad debt expense as we recorded a provision last year
measures disclosed by other companies. See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial
due to the economic uncertainty relating to COVID-19; and
Measures” for more information about this measure.
• various cost efficiencies and productivity initiatives; partially offset by
• higher advertising and channel costs.
Our revenue depends on the size of our subscriber base, the
revenue per user, the revenue from the sale of wireless devices, and
The 4% increase in adjusted EBITDA this year was a result of the
other equipment revenue.
revenue and expense changes discussed above.



Service revenue
Service revenue includes revenue derived from:
ONE OF CANADA’S LEADING PROVIDERS OF HIGH- • monthly subscription and additional use service revenue from
SPEED INTERNET, CABLE TELEVISION, AND PHONE residential, small business, enterprise, public sector, and
SERVICES wholesale Internet access subscribers;
• monthly service revenue from our smart home monitoring
As at December 31, 2021, we had: products;
• approximately 2.7 million high-speed Internet subscribers; • modem, television set-top box, and other equipment rental fees;
• approximately 0.8 million Ignite TV subscribers; and • IPTV and digital cable services, such as:
• a network passing approximately 4.7 million homes in • basic service fees;
Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and on the island of • tier service fees;
Newfoundland. • access fees for use of channel capacity by third parties; and
• premium and specialty service subscription fees, including
CABLE FINANCIAL RESULTS pay-per-view service fees and video-on-demand service fees;
• monthly service fees;
Years ended December 31
• calling features, such as voicemail, call waiting, and caller ID; and
(In millions of dollars, except margins) 2021 2020 % Chg • long distance calling.
The 3% increase in Cable service revenue this year was a result of:
Service revenue 4,052 3,936 3
• the movement of Internet customers to higher speed and usage
Equipment revenue 20 10 100
tiers in our Ignite Internet offerings and the increase in total
Revenue 4,072 3,946 3 customer relationships over the past year, due to growth in our
Operating expenses 2,059 2,011 2 Internet and Ignite TV subscriber bases; and
• a 1% increase in ARPA as a result of disciplined promotional
Adjusted EBITDA 2,013 1,935 4
activity and Internet service pricing changes in late 2020; partially
Adjusted EBITDA margin 49.4% 49.0% 0.4 pts offset by
Capital expenditures 913 940 (3) • declines in our legacy television and home phone subscriber
Equipment revenue
Years ended December 31 Equipment revenue includes revenue generated from the sale of
(In thousands, except ARPA and
penetration) 2021 2020 Chg television set-top boxes, Internet modems and other equipment,
and smart home monitoring equipment. The increase in
Internet 2
equipment revenue this year was a result of higher Ignite
Net additions 49 57 (8)
Total Internet subscribers 3,4 2,665 2,598 67
equipment sales.
Ignite TV
Net additions 244 218 26 OPERATING EXPENSES
Total Ignite TV subscribers 3 788 544 244 We record Cable operating expenses in three categories:
Homes passed 3 4,700 4,578 122 • the cost of programming;
Customer relationships • the cost of equipment revenue (television set-top boxes, Internet
Net additions 31 12 19 modem and other equipment, and smart home monitoring
Total customer relationships 3,4 2,581 2,530 51 equipment); and
ARPA (monthly) $132.58 $130.70 $ 1.88 • all other expenses involved in day-to-day operations, to service
Penetration 3 54.9% 55.3% (0.4 pts) and retain existing subscriber relationships, and to attract new
1 Subscriber counts are key performance indicators. See “Key Performance Indicators”. subscribers.
2 Internet subscriber results include Smart Home Monitoring subscribers.
3 As at end of period.
The 2% increase in operating expenses this year was a result of:
4 On September 1, 2021, we acquired approximately 18,000 Internet subscribers and • higher customer care costs; partially offset by
20,000 customer relationships as a result of our acquisition of Seaside • various cost efficiencies and productivity initiatives.
Communications, which are not included in net additions, but do appear in the
ending total balance for December 31, 2021.
The 4% increase in adjusted EBITDA this year was a result of the
revenue and expense changes described above.


The 23% increase in revenue this year was a result of:
• higher advertising and subscription revenue, primarily as a result
of the delayed starts of the 2020-2021 NHL and NBA seasons;
• higher Toronto Blue Jays attendance-related revenue as
We have a broad portfolio of media properties, which most
COVID-19 restrictions eased and fan attendance was permitted.
significantly includes:
• sports media and entertainment, such as Sportsnet and the
• our exclusive national 12-year NHL Agreement, which runs We record Media operating expenses in four primary categories:
• the cost of broadcast content, including sports programming
through the 2025-2026 season;
and production;
• category-leading television and radio broadcasting
• Toronto Blue Jays player compensation;
• the cost of retail products sold; and
• multi-platform televised and online shopping; and
• all other expenses involved in day-to-day operations.
• digital media.
The 35% increase in operating expenses this year was a result of:
MEDIA FINANCIAL RESULTS • higher programming and production costs as a result of the
delayed starts of the 2020-2021 NHL and NBA seasons;
Years ended December 31
• higher other general operating costs as a result of the
(In millions of dollars, except margins) 2021 2020 % Chg resumption of sports and increased activities as COVID-19
restrictions eased; and
Revenue 1,975 1,606 23
Operating expenses 2,102 1,555 35 • higher Toronto Blue Jays player payroll and game day costs,
primarily as a result of the shortened 2020 MLB season.
Adjusted EBITDA (127) 51 n/m

Adjusted EBITDA margin (6.4)% 3.2% (9.6 pts) ADJUSTED EBITDA

Capital expenditures 115 79 46 The decrease in adjusted EBITDA this year was a result of the
revenue and expense changes described above.

Media revenue is earned from:
• advertising sales across its television, radio, and digital media
• subscriptions to televised and OTT products;
• ticket sales, fund redistribution and other distributions from MLB,
and concession sales; and
• retail product sales.




The increase in capital expenditures in Wireless this year was a
result of investments made to upgrade our wireless network to
Capital expenditures include costs associated with acquiring
continue delivering reliable performance for our customers. We
property, plant and equipment and placing it into service. The
continued to emphasize our 5G deployments in the 600 MHz
telecommunications business requires extensive and continual
band and other bands as we have deployed our 5G network in
investments, including investment in new technologies and the
more than 1,500 communities and we continued rolling out our 5G
expansion of capacity and geographical reach. Expenditures
standalone core network in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, and
related to the acquisition of spectrum licences and additions to
right-of-use assets are not included in capital expenditures and do
not factor into the calculation of free cash flow or capital intensity.
See “Managing our Liquidity and Financial Resources”, “Key CABLE
Performance Indicators”, and “Non-GAAP and Other Financial The decrease in capital expenditures in Cable this year was a result
Measures” for more information. of the recognition of capital efficiencies and improved capital
intensity. We have continued upgrading our network infrastructure,
Capital expenditures are significant and have a material impact on including additional fibre deployments to increase our FTTH and
our cash flows; therefore, our management teams focus on FTTC distribution. These upgrades will lower the number of homes
planning, funding, and managing them. We believe this measure passed per node and incorporate the latest technologies to help
best reflects our cost of property, plant and equipment in a given deliver more bandwidth and an even more reliable customer
period and is a simpler measure for comparing between periods. experience as we progress in our connected home roadmap,
Years ended December 31 including service footprint expansion and upgrades to our DOCSIS
(In millions of dollars, except capital 3.1 platform to evolve to DOCSIS 4.0, to offer increased download
intensity) 2021 2020 % Chg speeds over time.
Wireless 1,515 1,100 38
Cable 913 940 (3) MEDIA
Media 115 79 46 The increase in capital expenditures this year was primarily a result
Corporate 245 193 27
of higher broadcast infrastructure expenditures, including
Capital expenditures 1 2,788 2,312 21 investments in new production studios, partially offset by lower
Capital intensity 19.0% 16.6% 2.4 pts stadium and facility investments at the Toronto Blue Jays.

1 Includes additions to property, plant and equipment net of proceeds on disposition,

but does not include expenditures for spectrum licences or additions to right-of-use
assets. The increase in corporate capital expenditures this year was a result
of higher investments in our information technology.

Capital intensity increased this year as a result of higher capital
expenditures, partially offset by higher revenue, as discussed



This section discusses our net income and other expenses that do Years ended December 31
not form part of the segment discussions above. (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 % Chg
Years ended December 31 Interest on borrowings 1 745 780 (4)
Interest on lease liabilities 74 70 6
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 % Chg
Interest on post-employment
Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857 1 benefits liability 14 13 8
Deduct (add): Loss on foreign exchange 10 107 (91)
Depreciation and amortization 2,585 2,618 (1) Change in fair value of derivative
Restructuring, acquisition and instruments (6) (97) (94)
other 324 185 75 Capitalized interest (17) (19) (11)
Finance costs 849 881 (4) Other 29 27 7
Other expense 2 1 100
Total finance costs 849 881 (4)
Income tax expense 569 580 (2)
1 Interest on borrowings includes interest on short-term borrowings and on long-term
Net income 1,558 1,592 (2) debt.

The 4% decrease in finance costs this year was primarily a result of

ADJUSTED EBITDA lower interest on borrowings due to the repayment of our
See “Key Changes in Financial Results Year Over Year” for a $1.45 billion senior notes at maturity in March 2021.
discussion of the increase in adjusted EBITDA this year.
Foreign exchange and change in fair value of derivative instruments
DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION We recognized $10 million in net foreign exchange losses in 2021
(2020 – $107 million in net losses). These losses were primarily
Years ended December 31
attributed to our US CP program borrowings.
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 % Chg
These foreign exchange losses were offset by the $6 million gain
Depreciation of property, plant and related to the change in fair value of derivatives (2020 – $97 million
equipment 2,322 2,390 (3) gain) that was primarily attributed to the debt derivatives, which
Depreciation of right-of-use assets 246 217 13 were not designated as hedges for accounting purposes, we used
Amortization 17 11 55 to substantially offset the foreign exchange risk related to these US
Total depreciation and amortization 2,585 2,618 (1) dollar-denominated borrowings.

See “Managing our Liquidity and Financial Resources” for more

Total depreciation and amortization decreased this year, primarily information about our debt and related finance costs.
as a result of certain assets becoming fully amortized, partially offset
by, of the cumulative impact of increasing capital expenditures and
additions to right-of-use assets over the past several years. See
“Capital Expenditures” for more information.


During the year ended December 31, 2021, we incurred
$324 million (2020 – $185 million) in restructuring, acquisition and
other expenses, which included $137 million (2020 – nil) of certain
costs relating to the Transaction, including certain costs related to
the committed credit facility and other costs incurred directly
related to the Transaction. The remaining costs in 2021 were
primarily severance costs associated with the targeted restructuring
of our employee base, certain contract termination costs,
incremental, temporary costs incurred in response to COVID-19,
and other costs. In 2020, these costs were primarily incremental,
temporary employee compensation and other costs incurred in
response to COVID-19 as well as severance costs associated with
the targeted restructuring of our employee base.




Below is a summary of the difference between income tax expense Adjusted net income was 5% higher compared to 2020, primarily
computed by applying the statutory income tax rate to income as a result of higher adjusted EBITDA, lower depreciation and
before income tax expense and the actual income tax expense for amortization, and lower finance costs, partially offset by higher
the year. income tax expense.

Years ended December 31 Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars, except per
(In millions of dollars, except tax rates) 2021 2020 share amounts) 2021 2020 % Chg
Statutory income tax rate 26.5% 26.6% Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857 1
Income before income tax expense 2,127 2,172 Deduct (add):
Depreciation and amortization 2,585 2,618 (1)
Computed income tax expense 564 578
Finance costs 849 881 (4)
Increase (decrease) in income tax
Other expense 2 1 100
expense resulting from:
Income tax expense 1 648 632 3
Non-deductible stock-based
compensation 1 – Adjusted net income 1,803 1,725 5
Non-deductible portion of equity Adjusted basic earnings per share $ 3.57 $ 3.42 4
losses 12 10 Adjusted diluted earnings per share $ 3.56 $ 3.40 5
Income tax adjustment, legislative
tax change – (3) 1 Income tax expense above excludes a $79 million recovery (2020 – $52 million
recovery) for the year ended December 31, 2021 related to the income tax impact for
Non-taxable income from security
adjusted items.
investments (11) (10)
Other items 3 5
Total income tax expense 569 580 Employee salaries and benefits represent a material portion of our
Effective income tax rate 26.8% 26.7% expenses. As at December 31, 2021, we had approximately 23,000
Cash income taxes paid 700 418 employees (2020 – 24,000) across all of our operating groups,
including shared services and the corporate office. Total salaries
Our effective income tax rate this year was 26.8% compared to and benefits for full-time and part-time employees in 2021 were
26.7% for 2020. The effective income tax rate for 2021 and 2020 $2,181 million (2020 – $1,847 million).
approximated the statutory income tax rate.

Cash income taxes paid increased this year primarily as a result of

the timing of installment payments. Our transition to a device
financing business model in 2020 resulted in earlier recognition of
equipment revenue for income tax purposes. As a result, our cash
income taxes for 2021 increased by approximately $300 million,
reflecting our final 2020 tax installment.

Net income was 2% lower than last year. See “Key Changes in
Financial Results Year Over Year” for more information.

Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars, except per
share amounts) 2021 2020 % Chg
Net income 1,558 1,592 (2)
Basic earnings per share $ 3.09 $ 3.15 (2)
Diluted earnings per share $ 3.07 $ 3.13 (2)


Consolidated revenue decreased in 2020, reflecting a revenue
Years ended December 31
decline of 8% in Wireless and decline of 22% in Media.
(In millions of dollars, except margins) 2020 2019 % Chg
Wireless service revenue decreased as a result of lower roaming
Revenue revenue due to global travel restrictions during COVID-19 and
Wireless 8,530 9,250 (8) lower overage revenue as a result of the continued adoption of our
Cable 3,946 3,954 – Rogers Infinite unlimited data plans.
Media 1,606 2,072 (22)
Corporate items and Cable revenue was in line with 2019.
intercompany eliminations (166) (203) (18) Media revenue decreased by 22% as a result of lower sports-
Revenue 13,916 15,073 (8) related revenues, including at the Toronto Blue Jays, due to the
Total service revenue 11,955 12,965 (8) impact of COVID-19, the suspension of major sports leagues from
mid-March until the third quarter, and the postponed start of the
Adjusted EBITDA 2020-2021 NHL and NBA seasons, which traditionally start early in
Wireless 4,067 4,345 (6) the fourth quarter, as well as lower advertising revenue related to
Cable 1,935 1,919 1 softness in the advertising market, partially offset by higher
Media 51 140 (64) revenues at Today’s Shopping Choice.
Corporate items and
intercompany eliminations (196) (192) 2
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA 5,857 6,212 (6) Consolidated adjusted EBITDA decreased in 2020 to
Adjusted EBITDA margin 42.1% 41.2% 0.9 pts $5,857 million, reflecting decreases in Wireless and Media, partially
offset by an increase in Cable.
Net income 1,592 2,043 (22)
Adjusted net income 1,725 2,135 (19) Wireless adjusted EBITDA decreased 6% as a result of the decrease
in service revenue as discussed above, partially offset by the shift to
device financing, which significantly improved the Wireless
equipment margin, and various cost efficiencies and productivity

Cable adjusted EBITDA increased by 1% in 2020 as a result of

various cost efficiencies.

Media adjusted EBITDA decreased 64% primarily as a result of

decreased revenue as discussed above, partially offset by lower
sports-related costs due to the suspension of major sports leagues
from mid-March until the third quarter and the postponed start of
the 2020-2021 NHL and NBA seasons.

Net income and adjusted net income

Net income and adjusted net income both decreased in 2020
primarily as a result of lower adjusted EBITDA. Net income
decreased to $1,592 million in 2020 from $2,043 million in 2019
and adjusted net income decreased to $1,725 million in 2020 from
$2,135 million in 2019.



Below is a summary of our quarterly consolidated financial results and key performance indicators for 2021 and 2020.


2021 2020
(In millions of dollars, except per share amounts) Full Year Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Full Year Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1

Wireless 8,768 2,415 2,215 2,064 2,074 8,530 2,291 2,228 1,934 2,077
Cable 4,072 1,023 1,016 1,013 1,020 3,946 1,019 988 966 973
Media 1,975 516 473 546 440 1,606 409 489 296 412
Corporate items and intercompany eliminations (160) (35) (38) (41) (46) (166) (39) (40) (41) (46)

Total revenue 14,655 3,919 3,666 3,582 3,488 13,916 3,680 3,665 3,155 3,416
Total service revenue 12,533 3,232 3,149 3,131 3,021 11,955 3,023 3,086 2,797 3,049

Adjusted EBITDA
Wireless 4,214 1,086 1,107 1,008 1,013 4,067 1,034 1,089 918 1,026
Cable 2,013 518 516 492 487 1,935 520 508 454 453
Media (127) (26) 33 (75) (59) 51 82 89 (35) (85)
Corporate items and intercompany eliminations (213) (56) (56) (51) (50) (196) (46) (48) (43) (59)

Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 1,522 1,600 1,374 1,391 5,857 1,590 1,638 1,294 1,335

Deduct (add):
Depreciation and amortization 2,585 658 642 647 638 2,618 666 663 650 639
Restructuring, acquisition and other 324 101 63 115 45 185 73 49 42 21
Finance costs 849 218 207 206 218 881 228 219 214 220
Other expense (income) 2 (12) 20 (7) 1 1 2 6 7 (14)

Net income before income tax expense 2,127 557 668 413 489 2,172 621 701 381 469
Income tax expense 569 152 178 111 128 580 172 189 102 117

Net income 1,558 405 490 302 361 1,592 449 512 279 352

Earnings per share:

Basic $ 3.09 $ 0.80 $ 0.97 $ 0.60 $ 0.71 $ 3.15 $ 0.89 $ 1.01 $ 0.55 $ 0.70
Diluted $ 3.07 $ 0.80 $ 0.94 $ 0.60 $ 0.70 $ 3.13 $ 0.89 $ 1.01 $ 0.54 $ 0.68

Net income 1,558 405 490 302 361 1,592 449 512 279 352
Add (deduct):
Restructuring, acquisition and other 324 101 63 115 45 185 73 49 42 21
Income tax impact of above items (79) (20) (17) (30) (12) (52) (22) (13) (11) (6)

Adjusted net income 1,803 486 536 387 394 1,725 500 548 310 367

Adjusted earnings per share:

Basic $ 3.57 $ 0.96 $ 1.06 $ 0.77 $ 0.78 $ 3.42 $ 0.99 $ 1.09 $ 0.61 $ 0.73
Diluted $ 3.56 $ 0.96 $ 1.03 $ 0.76 $ 0.77 $ 3.40 $ 0.99 $ 1.08 $ 0.60 $ 0.71
Capital expenditures 2,788 846 739 719 484 2,312 656 504 559 593
Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 1,147 1,319 1,016 679 4,321 947 986 1,429 959
Free cash flow 1,671 468 507 302 394 2,366 568 868 468 462


FOURTH QUARTER 2021 RESULTS roaming revenue. In Media, major professional sports leagues
Results commentary in “Fourth Quarter 2021 Results” compares postponed their 2019-20 seasons between March and July 2020 and
the fourth quarter of 2021 with the fourth quarter of 2020. recommenced with contracted seasons from July to September
2020. The NBA and NHL also postponed and condensed their
Revenue 2020-21 seasons to late December 2020 and early January 2021,
Total revenue and total service revenue increased by 6% and 7%, respectively. These changes caused sports-related revenue and
respectively, in the fourth quarter, driven by revenue growth in our expenses, such as programming rights amortization, to be
Wireless and Media businesses. recognized at different points in time than is typical. Furthermore, the
effect of the Toronto Blue Jays being able to allow limited game-day
Wireless service revenue increased by 6% in the fourth quarter, attendance this year and play a full season compared to the stricter
mainly as a result of larger postpaid subscriber base and higher public health restrictions in the prior year has resulted in increased
roaming revenue, as COVID-19-related global travel restrictions revenue and operating expenses this year.
were generally less strict than last year. Wireless equipment
revenue increased by 4%, as a result of higher device upgrades by We expect COVID-19 will continue to affect our operating results in
existing subscribers, and higher gross additions, partially offset by 2022 and there is continued uncertainty surrounding the duration
increased promotional activity during key selling periods. and potential outcomes of COVID-19.

Cable revenue was stable in the fourth quarter, primarily as a result Fluctuations in net income from quarter to quarter can also be
of the movement of Internet customers to higher speed and usage attributed to losses on the repayment of debt, foreign exchange
tiers in our Ignite Internet offerings and the increases in our Internet gains or losses, changes in the fair value of derivative instruments,
and Ignite TV subscriber bases, offset by declines in our legacy other income and expenses, restructuring, acquisition and other
television and home phone subscriber bases. costs, impairment of assets, and changes in income tax expense.

Media revenue increased by 26% in the fourth quarter, primarily as

2020 was impacted by the postponement of the start of the 2020- Wireless
2021 NHL and NBA seasons. Trends affecting both Wireless revenue and adjusted EBITDA
• the growing number of wireless subscribers;
Adjusted EBITDA and margins
• greater usage of wireless data;
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA decreased 4% in the fourth quarter
• higher wireless equipment revenue as more consumers shift to
and our adjusted EBITDA margin decreased by 440 basis points
financing higher-value devices, along with ongoing disciplined
driven by the impact of Media.
promotional activity; and
Wireless adjusted EBITDA increased by 5%, primarily as a result of • decreasing postpaid churn, which we believe is beginning to
the flow-through of revenue growth. This gave rise to a Wireless reflect the realization of our enhanced customer service efforts;
adjusted EBITDA service margin of 62.6%. partially offset by
• lower overage revenue as customers continue to adopt our
Cable adjusted EBITDA was in line with last year, resulting in a
unlimited data plans.
Cable adjusted EBITDA margin of 50.6% in the fourth quarter.
Additional trends affecting Wireless adjusted EBITDA reflect higher
Media adjusted EBITDA decreased by $108 million in the fourth
costs related to the increasing number of subscribers.
quarter, primarily due to higher sports programming and
production costs as a result of the postponement of the start of the We continue to target organic growth in higher-value postpaid
2020-2021 NHL and NBA seasons, partially offset by higher subscribers, reflected in the increasing proportion of postpaid
revenue as discussed above. subscribers relative to prepaid subscribers. Prepaid plans are
evolving to have properties similar to those of traditional postpaid
Net income and adjusted net income plans. We believe this evolution provides consumers with greater
Net income and adjusted net income decreased in the fourth choice of subscribing to a postpaid or prepaid service plan. Growth
quarter by 10% and 3%, respectively, primarily as a result of lower in our customer base over time has resulted in higher costs for
adjusted EBITDA. customer service, retention, credit, and collection; however, most of
the cost increases have been offset by gains in operating
Our operating results generally vary from quarter to quarter as a
Wireless operating results are influenced by the timing of our
result of changes in general economic conditions and seasonal
marketing and promotional expenditures and higher levels of
fluctuations, among other things, in each of our reportable
subscriber additions, resulting in higher subscriber acquisition- and
segments. This means our results in one quarter are not necessarily
activation-related expenses, typically in the third and fourth
indicative of how we will perform in a future quarter. Wireless,
quarters. Conversely, periods with higher activity may adversely
Cable, and Media each have unique seasonal aspects to, and
impact subscriber churn metrics as a result of heightened
certain other historical trends in, their businesses.
competitive activity. The third and fourth quarters typically
COVID-19 significantly affected our operating results in 2020 and experience higher volumes of activity as a result of “back to school”
2021 in addition to the typical seasonal fluctuations in our business and holiday season-related consumer behaviour. Aggressive
that are described below. In Wireless, the decline in customer travel promotional offers are often advertised during these periods and
due to global travel restrictions resulted in lower-than-pre-pandemic also contribute to the impact on subscriber metrics. In contrast, we



typically see lower subscriber additions in the first quarter of the Media
year. Trends affecting Media revenue and adjusted EBITDA are generally
the result of:
The launch of popular new wireless device models can also affect
• fluctuations in advertising and consumer market conditions;
the level of subscriber activity. Highly anticipated device launches
• subscriber rate increases;
typically occur in the spring and fall seasons of each year. Wireless
• higher sports and rights costs, including increases as we move
roaming revenue is dependent on customer travel volumes and
further along in our NHL Agreement;
timing, which is affected by the foreign exchange rate of the
• general cord shaving and cord cutting by television subscribers
Canadian dollar and general economic conditions.
regardless of service provider; and
• continual investment in primetime and specialty programming
Cable relating to both our broadcast networks (such as Citytv) and our
Trends affecting Cable service revenue primarily reflect: specialty channels (such as FX (Canada)).
• higher Internet subscription fees as customers increasingly
upgrade to higher-tier speed plans, including those with Seasonal fluctuations relate to:
unlimited usage; • periods of increased consumer activity and their impact on
• customers adopting Ignite TV; advertising and related retail cycles, which tend to be most active
• general service pricing increases; and in the fourth quarter due to holiday spending and slower in the
• the shift of business customers from lower-margin, off-net legacy first quarter;
long distance and data services to higher-margin, next- • the MLB season, where:
generation services and data centre businesses; partially offset • games played are concentrated in the spring, summer, and
by fall months (generally the second and third quarters of the
• competitive losses of legacy Television and Phone subscribers; year);
• Television subscribers downgrading their service plans; and • revenue related to game day ticket sales, merchandise sales,
• lower additional usage of our products and services as service and advertising are concentrated in the spring, summer, and
plans are increasingly bundling more features, such as unlimited fall months (generally the second and third quarters of the
usage or a greater number of TV channels. year), with postseason games commanding a premium in
advertising revenue and additional revenue from game day
Trends affecting Cable adjusted EBITDA primarily reflect: ticket sales and merchandise sales, if and when the Toronto
• higher Internet operating margins, as a result of the shift from Blue Jays play in the postseason (in the fourth quarter of the
conventional Television to Internet services; and year); and
• the shift to a self-install model for most of our Cable products; • programming and production costs and player payroll are
partially offset by expensed based on the number of games aired or played, as
• higher premium supplier fees in Television as a result of applicable; and
bundling more value-added offerings into our Cable products. • the NHL season, where:
Cable’s operating results are affected by modest seasonal • regular season games are concentrated in the fall and winter
fluctuations in subscriber additions and disconnections, typically months (generally the first and fourth quarters of the year) and
caused by: playoff games are concentrated in the spring months
• university and college students who live in residence moving out (generally the second quarter of the year). We expect a
early in the second quarter and cancelling their service as well as correlation between the quality of revenue and earnings and
students moving in late in the third quarter and signing up for the extent of Canadian teams’ presence during the playoffs;
cable service; • programming and production costs are expensed based on
• individuals temporarily suspending service for extended the timing of when the rights are aired or are expected to be
vacations or seasonal relocations; consumed; and
• the timing of service pricing changes; and • advertising revenue and programming expenses are
• the focused marketing we generally conduct in our fourth concentrated in the fall, winter, and spring months, with
quarter. playoff games commanding a premium in advertising
Cable operating results are also influenced by trends in cord
shaving and cord cutting, which has resulted in fewer subscribers Other expenses
watching traditional cable television, as well as a lower number of Depreciation and amortization trails capital expenditures and, in
Television subscribers. In addition, trends in the use of wireless recent years, has been trending upward as a result of an increase in
products and Internet or social media as substitutes for traditional our general depreciable asset base, related significantly to the
home phone products have resulted in fewer Phone subscribers. ongoing expansions of our wireless and cable networks. The
Cable results from our business customers do not generally have increasing trend is a direct result of increasing capital expenditures
any unique seasonal aspects. in previous years as we worked to upgrade our wireless network for
the launch of 5G services and roll out Ignite TV, Ignite Gigabit
Internet, and 4K TV to our Cable footprint. We expect future
depreciation and amortization to align with ongoing capital
expenditures and additions to right-of-use assets.




As at December 31
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 $ Chg % Chg Explanation of significant changes

Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents 715 2,484 (1,769) (71) See “Managing our Liquidity and Financial Resources”.
Accounts receivable 3,847 2,856 991 35 Primarily reflects the increase in financing receivables.
Inventories 535 479 56 12 Reflects an increase in Wireless devices to mitigate the risk of the COVID-19
impact on supply chains.
Current portion of contract assets 115 533 (418) (78) Reflects our transition of consumer offerings to device financing agreements.
Other current assets 497 516 (19) (4) n/m
Current portion of derivative instruments 120 61 59 97 Primarily reflects changes in the market value of certain interest rate derivatives as
a result of changes in the interest rate environment.
Total current assets 5,829 6,929 (1,100) (16)
Property, plant and equipment 14,666 14,018 648 5 Primarily reflects capital expenditures and additions to right-of-use assets
partially offset by depreciation expense.
Intangible assets 12,281 8,926 3,355 38 Primarily reflects the acquisition of 3500 MHz spectrum licences.
Investments 2,493 2,536 (43) (2) n/m
Derivative instruments 1,431 1,378 53 4 Primarily reflects changes in the market values of certain debt derivatives as a
result of changes in the interest rate environment.
Financing receivables 854 748 106 14 Reflects our continued transition of consumer offerings to device financing
Other long-term assets 385 346 39 11 n/m
Goodwill 4,024 3,973 51 1 n/m

Total assets 41,963 38,854 3,109 8

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity

Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings 2,200 1,221 979 80 Reflects an increase in borrowings under our receivables securitization program,
US CP program, and non-revolving credit facilities.
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,416 2,714 702 26 Reflects increased spending as the economy recovered from COVID-19.
Income tax payable 115 344 (229) (67) Reflects a decrease in taxes owed as a result of the final 2020 installment
Other current liabilities 607 243 364 150 Primarily reflects changes in the market value of certain interest rate derivatives as
a result of changes in the interest rate environment.
Contract liabilities 394 336 58 17 n/m
Current portion of long-term debt 1,551 1,450 101 7 Reflects the reclassifications to current of our US$750 million senior notes due
March 2022 and our $600 million senior notes due June 2022, including the
impact of foreign exchange on the US dollar-denominated debt, partially offset
by the repayment of $1,450 million senior notes in March 2021.
Current portion of lease liabilities 336 278 58 21 Reflects liabilities related to the current portion of new leases entered.

Total current liabilities 8,619 6,586 2,033 31

Provisions 50 42 8 19 n/m
Long-term debt 17,137 16,751 386 2 Reflects the issuance of our $2 billion subordinated notes, partially offset by
reclassifications to current of our US$750 million senior notes due March 2022
and our $600 million senior notes due June 2022.
Lease liabilities 1,621 1,557 64 4 Reflects liabilities related to new leases entered.
Other long-term liabilities 565 1,149 (584) (51) Primarily reflects changes in market values of certain debt derivatives as a result
of changes in the Canadian and US interest rate environment.
Deferred tax liabilities 3,439 3,196 243 8 Primarily reflects an increase in temporary differences between the accounting
and tax bases for certain assets and liabilities.

Total liabilities 31,431 29,281 2,150 7

Shareholders’ equity 10,532 9,573 959 10 Reflects changes in retained earnings and equity reserves.

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 41,963 38,854 3,109 8



Managing our Liquidity and Financial Resources

Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Cash provided by operating activities before changes in net operating assets and liabilities, income taxes paid,
and interest paid 5,626 5,880
Change in net operating assets and liabilities 37 (333)
Income taxes paid (700) (418)
Interest paid (802) (808)

Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 4,321

Investing activities:
Capital expenditures (2,788) (2,312)
Additions to program rights (54) (57)
Changes in non-cash working capital related to capital expenditures and intangible assets 67 (37)
Acquisitions and other strategic transactions, net of cash acquired (3,404) (103)
Other 46 (49)

Cash used in investing activities (6,133) (2,558)

Financing activities:
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) short-term borrowings 971 (1,146)
Net issuance of long-term debt 550 2,540
Net (payments) proceeds on settlement of debt derivatives and forward contracts (8) 80
Transaction costs incurred (31) (23)
Principal payments of lease liabilities (269) (213)
Dividends paid (1,010) (1,011)
Cash provided by financing activities 203 227

Change in cash and cash equivalents (1,769) 1,990

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 2,484 494

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 715 2,484


The 4% decrease in cash provided by operating activities this year This year, we received net amounts of $1,482 million (2020 –
was primarily affected by higher income taxes paid. received net amounts of $1,451 million) on our short-term
borrowings, long-term debt, and related derivatives, net of
INVESTING ACTIVITIES transaction costs. See “Financial Risk Management” for more
Capital expenditures information on the cash flows relating to our derivative instruments.
We spent $2,788 million this year on property, plant and
equipment before related changes in non-cash working capital Short-term borrowings
items, which was 21% higher than 2020. See “Capital Our short-term borrowings consist of amounts outstanding under
Expenditures” for more information. our receivables securitization program, our short-term non-revolving
credit facilities, and our US CP program. Below is a summary of our
Acquisitions and other strategic transactions short-term borrowings as at December 31, 2021 and 2020.
This year, we paid $3.3 billion for the acquisition of 3500 MHz Years ended December 31
spectrum licences. We also made four individually immaterial
acquisitions complementary to our existing lines of business in (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Cable and Media. Receivables securitization program 800 650
US commercial paper program (net of
the discount on issuance) 893 571
Non-revolving credit facility borrowings 507 –
Total short-term borrowings 2,200 1,221


The table below summarizes the activity relating to our short-term borrowings for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
Proceeds received from receivables securitization 150 –
Net proceeds received from receivables securitization 150 –
Proceeds received from US commercial paper 2,568 1.260 3,235 3,316 1.329 4,406
Repayment of US commercial paper (2,314) 1.259 (2,914) (4,098) 1.355 (5,552)
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) US commercial paper 321 (1,146)
Proceeds received from non-revolving credit facilities (US$) 1,200 1.253 1,503 – – –
Repayment of non-revolving credit facilities (US$) (800) 1.254 (1,003) – – –
Net proceeds received from non-revolving credit facilities 500 –
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) short-term borrowings 971 (1,146)

We have a US CP program that allows us to issue up to a maximum December 2021, we terminated the undrawn non-revolving credit
aggregate principal amount of US$1.5 billion. Funds can be facilities with an aggregate limit of US$1.2 billion. In February 2022,
borrowed under this program with terms to maturity ranging from we repaid the outstanding US$400 million and terminated the
1 to 397 days, subject to ongoing market conditions. Any issuances facility.
made under the US CP program will be issued at a discount. The
In March 2021, in connection with the Transaction, we entered into
obligations of RCI under the US CP program are unsecured and
a binding commitment letter for a committed credit facility with a
guaranteed by RCCI, and rank equally in right of payment with all
syndicate of banks in an amount up to $19 billion. The
our senior notes and debentures. See “Financial Condition” for
commitment remains subject to the satisfaction of conditions to
more information.
effectiveness and drawing, including, without limitation, the
Concurrent with our US CP issuances and non-revolving credit completion of credit documentation in respect of such
facility borrowings, we entered into debt derivatives to hedge the commitment and the completion of the Transaction. The
foreign currency risk associated with the principal and interest committed facility cannot be drawn upon until the closing date of
components of the borrowings. See “Financial Risk Management” the Transaction. It is only available to be drawn to fund part of the
for more information. acquisition cost of the Transaction and to pay fees and expenses
In June 2021, we entered into non-revolving credit facilities with an related to the Transaction. If drawn, any drawings must be repaid
aggregate limit of US$1.6 billion that mature in June 2022. Any within 364 days. If undrawn, the facility terminates on the closing
borrowings under these facilities will be recorded as short-term date of the acquisition. As a result of entering into the Shaw term
borrowings as they will be due within 12 months. Borrowings under loan facility (see “Long-term debt” below), the maximum amount
the facilities are unsecured, guaranteed by RCCI, and rank equally we can draw on this committed facility decreased to $13 billion.
in right of payment with all of our senior notes and debentures. In

Long-term debt
Our long-term debt consists of amounts outstanding under our bank and letter of credit facilities and the senior notes, debentures, and
subordinated notes we have issued. The tables below summarize the activity relating to our long-term debt for the years ended
December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
Credit facility borrowings (US$) – – – 970 1.428 1,385
Credit facility repayments (US$) – – – (970) 1.406 (1,364)
Net borrowings under credit facilities – 21
Senior note issuances (Cdn$) – 1,500
Senior note issuances (US$) – – – 750 1.359 1,019
Total senior note issuances – 2,519
Senior note repayments (Cdn$) (1,450) –
Net (repayment) issuance of senior notes (1,450) 2,519
Subordinated note issuances (Cdn$) 2,000 –
Net issuance of long-term debt 550 2,540



Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Long-term debt net of transaction costs, beginning of year 18,201 15,967
Net issuance of long-term debt 550 2,540
Gain on foreign exchange (50) (297)
Deferred transaction costs incurred (31) (23)
Amortization of deferred transaction costs 18 14
Long-term debt net of transaction costs, end of year 18,688 18,201

The revolving credit facility is unsecured, guaranteed by RCCI, and over the bank prime rate or base rate, or 0.65% to 2.25% over the
ranks equally with all of our senior notes and debentures. bankers’ acceptance rate or London Inter-Bank Offered Rate.

In April 2021, we entered into a $6 billion Shaw term loan facility In April 2021, we amended our revolving credit facility to, among
consisting of three tranches of $2 billion each. The facility cannot be other things, increase the total credit limit and extend the maturity
drawn upon until the closing date of the Transaction. The first tranche dates. We increased the total credit limit from $3.2 billion to
matures three years after the Transaction closing date and $4 billion by increasing the limits of the two tranches to $3 billion
subsequent tranches mature in years four and five thereafter, and $1 billion (from $2.5 billion and $700 million), respectively. We
respectively. At tranche maturity, any outstanding borrowings under also extended the maturity date of the $3 billion tranche from
that tranche must be repaid. The interest rate charged on borrowings September 2023 to April 2026 and the $1 billion tranche from
from the Shaw term loan facility ranges from nil to 1.25% per annum September 2022 to April 2024.

Issuance of senior and subordinated notes and related debt derivatives

Below is a summary of the senior and subordinated notes that we issued in 2021 and 2020. In 2021, the proceeds were used to partially
fund the purchase of 3500 MHz spectrum licences. In 2020, the proceeds were used to repay outstanding US CP and bank credit facility
borrowings, and for general corporate purposes.

(In millions of dollars, except interest rates and discounts)

Discount/ Total gross Transaction costs
Principal premium at proceeds 1 and discounts 2
Date issued amount Due date Interest rate issuance (Cdn$) (Cdn$)
2021 issuance
December 17, 2021 (subordinated) 3 2,000 2081 5.000% At par 2,000 20

2020 issuances
March 31, 2020 (senior) 1,500 2027 3.650% 99.511% 1,500 16
June 22, 2020 (senior) US 750 2022 USD LIBOR + 0.60% At par 1,019 5
1 Gross proceeds before transaction costs, discounts, and premiums.
2 Transaction costs, discounts, and premiums are included as deferred transaction costs and discounts in the carrying value of the long-term debt, and recognized in net income
using the effective interest method.
3 Deferred transaction costs and discounts in the carrying value of the subordinated notes are recognized in net income using the effective interest method over a five-year period.

The US dollar-denominated senior notes issued in 2020 were In February 2022, we issued US$750 million subordinated notes
issued pursuant to a public offering in the US. The Canadian dollar- due 2082 with an initial coupon of 5.25% for the first five years.
denominated senior notes issued in 2020 were issued pursuant to Concurrently, we terminated $950 million of interest rate derivatives
a public offering in Canada. entered into in 2021 to hedge the interest rate risk associated with
future debt issuances. We received net proceeds of US$740 million
Concurrent with the US dollar-denominated issuances, we entered
($938 million) from the issuance.
into debt derivatives to convert all interest and principal payment
obligations on the senior notes to Canadian dollars at a fixed Each of the subordinated notes can be redeemed at par on their
interest rate. See “Financial Risk Management” for more respective five-year anniversary or on any subsequent interest
information. payment date. The subordinated notes are unsecured and
subordinated obligations of RCI. Payment on these notes will,
The issued senior notes are unsecured and guaranteed by RCCI, under certain circumstances, be subordinated to the prior payment
ranking equally with all of our other unsecured senior notes and in full of all of our senior indebtedness, including our senior notes,
debentures, bank credit facilities, and letter of credit facilities. debentures, and bank credit facilities. In addition, upon the
In December 2021, we issued $2 billion subordinated notes due occurrence of certain events involving a bankruptcy or insolvency of
2081 with an initial coupon of 5% for the first five years. RCI, the outstanding principal and interest of such subordinated
Concurrently, we terminated the $750 million bond forwards notes would automatically convert into preferred shares. We
entered into in July 2021 to hedge the interest rate risk associated understand that S&P Global Ratings Services (S&P), Moody’s
with future debt issuances. We used the proceeds to partially fund Investors Service (Moody’s), and Fitch Ratings (Fitch) will only
the remaining payment required to obtain the 3500 MHz spectrum include 50% of the outstanding principal amount of these
licences. subordinated notes in their leverage ratio calculation for at least the
first five years after their issuance.


In connection with these issuances, the Board approved the creation US Securities and Exchange Commission) qualifies the public
of new Series I and Series II preferred shares, respectively. Series I and offering of up to US$4 billion of our debt securities in the United
Series II have been authorized for up to 3.3 million and 1.4 million States and Ontario (US Shelf). Both the Canadian Shelf and the US
preferred shares, respectively, have no voting rights, have par values Shelf expire in May 2022. We have issued nil under the Canadian
of $1,000 per share, and will be issued automatically upon the Shelf and an aggregate of US$750 million of securities under the US
occurrence of certain events involving a bankruptcy or insolvency of Shelf. The subordinated notes we issued in December 2021 and
RCI to holders of the respective subordinated notes. February 2022 were not issued under the Canadian Shelf or US Shelf,
Repayment of senior notes and related derivative settlements
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we repaid the entire FREE CASH FLOW
outstanding principal amount of our $1.45 billion 5.34% senior notes
Years ended December 31
at maturity. There were no derivatives associated with these senior
notes. We did not repay any senior notes or settle any related debt (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 % Chg
derivatives during the year ended December 31, 2020. Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857 1
Deduct (add):
Capital expenditures 1 2,788 2,312 21
Dividends Interest on borrowings, net of
In 2021, we declared and paid dividends on each of RCI’s capitalized interest 728 761 (4)
outstanding Class A Shares and Class B Non-Voting Shares. We Cash income taxes 2 700 418 67
paid $1,010 million in cash dividends. See “Dividends and Share Free cash flow 1,671 2,366 (29)
Information” for more information.
1 Includes additions to property, plant and equipment net of proceeds on disposition,
but does not include expenditures for spectrum licences or additions to right-of-use
Shelf prospectuses assets.
We have two shelf prospectuses that qualify the offering of debt 2 Cash income taxes are net of refunds received.
securities from time to time. One shelf prospectus qualifies the public
The 29% decrease in free cash flow this year was primarily a result
offering of up to $4 billion of our debt securities in each of the
of higher cash income taxes due to our transition to a device
provinces of Canada (Canadian Shelf) and the other shelf prospectus
financing business model and higher capital expenditures.
(together with a corresponding registration statement filed with the

Below is a summary of our total available liquidity from our cash and cash equivalents, bank credit facilities, letters of credit facilities, and
short-term borrowings.

As at December 31, 2021

(In millions of dollars) Total sources Drawn Letters of credit US CP program 1 Net available
Cash and cash equivalents 715 – – – 715
Bank credit facilities 2:
Revolving 4,000 – 8 894 3,098
Non-revolving 507 507 – – –
Outstanding letters of credit 72 – 72 – –
Receivables securitization 2 1,200 800 – – 400
Total 6,494 1,307 80 894 4,213
1 The US CP program amounts are gross of the discount on issuance.
2 The total liquidity sources under our bank credit facilities and receivables securitization represents the total credit limits per the relevant agreements. The amount drawn and letters
of credit are currently outstanding under those agreements. The US CP program amount represents our currently outstanding US CP borrowings that are backstopped by our
revolving credit facility.

As at December 31, 2020

(In millions of dollars) Total sources Drawn Letters of credit US CP program 1 Net available
Cash and cash equivalents 2,484 – – – 2,484
Bank credit facilities 2:
Revolving 3,200 – 8 573 2,619
Outstanding letters of credit 101 – 101 – –
Receivables securitization 2 1,200 650 – – 550
Total 6,985 650 109 573 5,653
1 The US CP program amounts are gross of the discount on issuance.
2 The total liquidity sources under our bank credit facilities and receivables securitization represents the total credit limits per the relevant agreements. The amount drawn and letters
of credit are currently outstanding under those agreements. The US CP program amount represents our currently outstanding US CP borrowings that are backstopped by our
revolving credit facility.



Subsequent to the final payment for the 3500 MHz spectrum Ratings for long-term debt instruments across the universe of
licence acquisition in December 2021, we cancelled $360 million composite rates range from AAA (S&P and Fitch) or Aaa (Moody’s),
of letters of credit and US$1.2 billion of non-revolving credit representing the highest quality of securities rated, to D (S&P),
facilities, which reduced total liquidity sources to $6.5 billion as at Substantial Risk (Fitch), and C (Moody’s) for the lowest quality of
December 31, 2021. securities rated. Investment-grade credit ratings are generally
considered to range from BBB- (S&P and Fitch) or Baa3 (Moody’s)
In addition to the sources of available liquidity noted above, we
to AAA (S&P and Fitch) or Aaa (Moody’s).
held $1,581 million of marketable securities in publicly traded
companies as at December 31, 2021 (2020 – $1,535 million). Ratings for short-term debt instruments across the universe of
composite rates ranges from A-1+ (S&P), F1+ (Fitch), or P-1
Weighted average cost of borrowings (Moody’s), representing the highest quality of securities rated, to C
Our borrowings had a weighted average cost of 3.95% as at (S&P and Fitch), and not prime (Moody’s) for the lowest quality of
December 31, 2021 (2020 – 4.09%) and a weighted average term securities rated. Investment-grade credit ratings are generally
to maturity of 11.6 years (2020 – 12.8 years). These figures reflect considered to be ratings of at least A-3 (S&P), F3 (Fitch), or P-3
the repayment of our subordinated notes on the five-year (Moody’s) quality or higher.
Credit ratings are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell
COVENANTS securities, nor are they a comment on market price or investor
The provisions of our $4.0 billion revolving bank credit facility suitability. There is no assurance that a rating will remain in effect for
described in “Sources and Uses of Cash” impose certain a given period, or that a rating will not be revised or withdrawn
restrictions on our operations and activities, the most significant of entirely by a rating agency if it believes circumstances warrant it.
which are leverage-related maintenance tests. As at December 31, The ratings on our senior debt provided by S&P, Fitch, and
2021 and 2020, we were in compliance with all financial covenants, Moody’s are investment-grade ratings.
financial ratios, and all of the terms and conditions of our debt
agreements. Throughout 2021, these covenants did not impose ADJUSTED NET DEBT AND DEBT LEVERAGE RATIO
restrictions of any material consequence on our operations. We use adjusted net debt and debt leverage ratio to conduct
valuation-related analysis and make capital structure-related
CREDIT RATINGS decisions. Adjusted net debt includes long-term debt, net debt
Credit ratings provide an independent measure of credit quality of derivative assets or liabilities, short-term borrowings, lease liabilities,
an issue of securities and can affect our ability to obtain short-term and cash and cash equivalents.
and long-term financing and the terms of the financing. If rating
agencies lower the credit ratings on our debt, particularly a As at As at
downgrade below investment-grade, it could adversely affect our December 31 December 31
cost of financing and access to liquidity and capital. (In millions of dollars, except
ratios) 2021 2020
We have engaged each of S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch to rate certain
of our public debt issues. Below is a summary of the credit ratings Long-term debt 1 18,873 18,373
on RCI’s outstanding senior and subordinated notes and Subordinated notes adjustment 2 (1,000) –
debentures (long-term) and US CP (short-term) as at December 31, Net debt derivative assets valued
2021. without any adjustment for
credit risk 3 (1,278) (1,101)
Issuance S&P Moody’s Fitch Short-term borrowings 2,200 1,221
Lease liabilities 1,957 1,835
Corporate credit BBB+ Rating Baa1 under BBB+ Rating
issuer default Watch Negative review Watch Negative Cash and cash equivalents (715) (2,484)
rating Adjusted net debt 2,4 20,037 17,844
Senior unsecured BBB+ Rating Baa1 under BBB+ Rating Divided by: trailing 12-month
debt Watch Negative review Watch Negative adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857
Subordinated BBB- Credit Baa3 under BBB- Rating
debt Watch Negative review Watch Negative Debt leverage ratio 3.4 3.0
US commercial A-2 Rating P-2 under 1 Includes current and long-term portion of long-term debt before deferred
paper Watch Negative review N/A 1 transaction costs and discounts.
2 For the purposes of calculating adjusted net debt and debt leverage ratio, we believe
1 We have not sought a rating from Fitch for our short-term obligations.
adjusting 50% of the value of our subordinated notes is appropriate as this
As a result of our agreement to acquire Shaw and the related methodology factors in certain circumstances with respect to priority for payment and
this approach is commonly used to evaluate debt leverage by rating agencies.
commitments in connection with the Transaction, both S&P and 3 For purposes of calculating adjusted net debt and debt leverage ratio, we believe
Fitch have placed us on credit watch with negative implications. including debt derivatives valued without adjustment for credit risk is commonly used
Moody’s has placed our credit ratings on review for downgrade. to evaluate debt leverage and for market valuation and transactional purposes.
We expect S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch to complete their reviews upon 4 Adjusted net debt is a capital management measure. See “Non-GAAP and Other
closing of the Transaction. See “Shaw Transaction” and “Risks and Financial Measures” for more information about this measure.

Uncertainties Affecting our Business – Shaw Transaction” for more

information on our agreement with Shaw and the Transaction.


In addition, as at December 31, 2021, we held $1,581 million of pension asset increased by $592 million primarily as a result of a
marketable securities in publicly traded companies (2020 – $1,535 net decrease in the plan obligations resulting from higher discount
million). rates and the return earned on the plan assets.

Our adjusted net debt increased by $2,193 million from We made a total of $177 million (2020 – $150 million) of
December 31, 2020 as a result of: contributions to our funded defined benefit pension plans this
• an increase in short-term borrowings from our non-revolving year. We expect our total estimated funding requirements for our
credit facilities, US CP program, and receivables securitization funded defined benefit pension plans to be $134 million in 2022
program; and to be adjusted annually thereafter based on various market
• a decrease in our net cash position; and factors, such as interest rates, expected returns, and staffing
• an increase in long-term debt from subordinated note issuances. assumptions.

See “Overview of Financial Position” for more information. Changes in factors such as the discount rate, participation rates,
increases in compensation, and the expected return on plan assets
PENSION OBLIGATIONS can affect the accrued benefit obligation, pension expense, and
Our defined benefit pension plans were in a net asset position of the deficiency of plan assets over accrued obligations in the future.
approximately $18 million as at December 31, 2021 (2020 – net See “Accounting Policies” for more information.
liability position of $574 million). During 2021, our net deferred


We use derivative instruments from time to time to manage risks related to our business activities, summarized as follows:
Derivative The risk they manage Types of derivative instruments
Debt derivatives Impact of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on Cross-currency interest rate exchange agreements
principal and interest payments for US dollar-
Forward cross-currency interest rate exchange
denominated senior and subordinated notes and
debentures, credit facility borrowings, commercial
paper borrowings, and certain lease liabilities Forward foreign exchange agreements
Interest rate derivatives Impact of fluctuations in market interest rates on Forward interest rate agreements
forecast interest payments for expected long-term
Interest rate swap agreements
Bond forwards
Expenditure derivatives Impact of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on Forward foreign exchange agreements and
forecast US dollar-denominated expenditures foreign exchange option agreements
Equity derivatives Impact of fluctuations in share price on stock-based Total return swap agreements
compensation expense

We also manage our exposure to fluctuating interest rates and we have fixed the interest rate on 89.3% (2020 – 93.6%) of our debt,
including short-term borrowings, as at December 31, 2021.

We use cross-currency interest rate agreements and forward foreign exchange agreements (collectively, debt derivatives) to manage risks
from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and interest rates associated with our US dollar-denominated senior notes and debentures,
lease liabilities, credit facility borrowings, and US CP borrowings. We designate the debt derivatives related to our senior notes,
debentures, and lease liabilities as hedges for accounting purposes against the foreign exchange risk or interest rate risk associated with
specific issued and forecast debt instruments. Debt derivatives related to our credit facility and US CP borrowings have not been
designated as hedges for accounting purposes.

Issuance of debt derivatives related to senior notes

We did not enter into any debt derivatives in 2021 on issued senior notes. We entered into US$2 billion of forward starting cross-currency
swaps to hedge the foreign exchange and interest risk associated with debt instruments we expect to issue in the future related to the
Transaction. These derivatives have been designated as hedges for accounting purposes.
(In millions of dollars, except for coupon and interest rates) US$ Hedging effect

Principal/Notional Fixed hedged (Cdn$)

Effective date amount (US$) Maturity date Coupon rate interest rate 1 Equivalent (Cdn$)

2020 issuances
June 22, 2020 750 2022 USD LIBOR + 0.60% 0.955% 1,019

1 Converting from a fixed US$ coupon rate to a weighted average Cdn$ fixed rate.



Settlement of debt derivatives related to senior notes

We did not settle any debt derivatives related to senior notes during 2021 and 2020.

As at December 31, 2021, we had US$9,050 million of US dollar-denominated senior notes and debentures, all of which were hedged
using debt derivatives.
As at December 31

(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates, percentages, and years) 2021 2020

US dollar-denominated long-term debt 1 US$ 9,050 US$ 9,050

Hedged with debt derivatives US$ 9,050 US$ 9,050
Hedged exchange rate 1.2069 1.2069
Percent hedged 2 100.0% 100.0%

Amount of borrowings at fixed rates 3

Total borrowings $ 20,514 $ 18,994
Total borrowings at fixed rates $ 18,323 $ 17,773
Percent of borrowings at fixed rates 89.3% 93.6%
Weighted average interest rate on borrowings 3.95% 4.09%
Weighted average term to maturity 11.6 years 12.8 years
1 US dollar-denominated long-term debt reflects the hedged exchange rate and the hedged interest rate.
2 Pursuant to the requirements for hedge accounting under IFRS 9, Financial instruments, as at December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, RCI accounted for 100% of its debt
derivatives related to senior notes as hedges against designated US dollar-denominated debt. As a result, as at December 31, 2021 and 2020, 100% of our US dollar-
denominated senior notes and debentures are hedged for accounting and economic purposes.
3 Borrowings include long-term debt, including the impact of debt derivatives, and short-term borrowings associated with our US CP program, receivables securitization program,
and non-revolving credit facilities.

Debt derivatives related to credit facilities and US CP

During the year, we entered into debt derivatives related to our credit facility and US CP borrowings as a result of a favourable interest rate
spread obtained from borrowing funds in US dollars. We used these derivatives to offset the foreign exchange and interest rate risk on our
US dollar-denominated credit facility and commercial paper borrowings.

Below is a summary of the debt derivatives we entered and settled related to our credit facility borrowings and US CP program during
2021 and 2020.
Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020

Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional

(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)

Credit facilities
Debt derivatives entered 1,200 1.253 1,503 970 1.428 1,385
Debt derivatives settled 800 1.254 1,003 970 1.406 1,364
Net cash paid on settlement (2) (21)

US commercial paper program

Debt derivatives entered 2,568 1.260 3,235 3,316 1.329 4,406
Debt derivatives settled 2,312 1.259 2,911 4,091 1.330 5,441
Net cash (paid) received on settlement (15) 101

Lease liabilities
Below is a summary of the debt derivatives we entered and settled related to our outstanding lease liabilities during 2021 and 2020.
Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020

Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional

(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)

Debt derivatives entered 132 1.273 168 115 1.374 158

Debt derivatives settled 81 1.333 108 43 1.372 59

As at December 31, 2021, we had US$193 million notional amount of debt derivatives outstanding related to our outstanding lease
liabilities (2020 – US$142 million) with terms to maturity ranging from January 2022 to December 2024 (2020 – January 2021 to December
2023), at an average rate of $1.301/US$ (2020 – $1.352/US$).

See “Mark-to-market value” for more information about our debt derivatives.


INTEREST RATE DERIVATIVES • interest rate swap derivatives to hedge the interest rate risk on an
From time to time, we use bond forward derivatives or interest rate additional $3.25 billion of debt instruments we expect to issue in
swap derivatives (collectively, interest rate derivatives) to hedge the future; and
interest rate risk on current and future debt instruments. Our • interest rate swap derivatives to hedge the interest rate risk on
interest rate derivatives are designated as hedges for accounting US$2 billion of debt instruments we expect to issue in the future.
Concurrent with our issuance of $2 billion subordinated notes in
We have entered into interest rate swap derivatives during the year December 2021, we terminated $750 million of bond forwards and
ended December 31, 2021, including: received $9 million upon settlement. As at December 31, 2021, we
• $1,250 million bond forwards to hedge the underlying had $500 million of bond forwards outstanding.
Government of Canada (GoC) interest rate risk that will form a
Concurrent with our issuance of US$750 million subordinated
portion of the interest rate risk associated with anticipated future
notes in February 2022, we terminated $950 million of interest rate
debt issuances;
swap derivatives and received $33 million upon settlement.

We use foreign currency derivative contracts (expenditure derivatives) to hedge the foreign exchange risk on the notional amount of
certain forecast US dollar-denominated expenditures. Below is a summary of the expenditure derivatives we entered and settled to
manage foreign exchange risk related to certain forecast expenditures.
Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)

Expenditure derivatives entered 438 1.244 545 1,560 1.343 2,095

Expenditure derivatives settled 960 1.360 1,306 940 1.299 1,221

The expenditure derivatives noted above have been designated as hedges for accounting purposes.

As at December 31, 2021, we had US$1,068 million of expenditure derivatives outstanding (2020 – US$1,590 million), at an average rate
of $1.287/US$ (2020 – $1.342/US$), with terms to maturity ranging from January 2022 to December 2023 (2020 – January 2021 to
December 2022). As at December 31, 2021, our outstanding expenditure derivatives maturing in 2022 are hedged at an average
exchange rate of $1.292/US$.

EQUITY DERIVATIVES During the year ended December 31, 2021, we entered into
We use stock-based compensation derivatives (equity derivatives) 0.4 million equity derivatives (2020 – 0.3 million) with a weighted
to hedge the market price appreciation risk of the Class B average price of $60.98 (2020 – $56.08).
Non-Voting Shares granted under our stock-based compensation
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we reset the weighted
programs. As at December 31, 2021, we had equity derivatives for
average price to $59.64 (2020 – $54.16) on 0.5 million (2020 –
5.0 million (2020 – 4.6 million) Class B Non-Voting Shares with a
0.5 million) equity derivatives and received net proceeds of
weighted average price of $53.10 (2020 – $51.82). These
$3 million (2020 – made net payments of $1 million). At the same
derivatives have not been designated as hedges for accounting
time in 2021, we reset the expiry dates to April 2023 (from April
purposes. We record changes in their fair value as a stock-based
compensation expense, or offset thereto, which serves to offset a
substantial portion of the impact of changes in the market price of Additionally, we executed extension agreements for the remainder
Class B Non-Voting Shares on the accrued value of the stock-based of our equity derivative contracts under substantially the same
compensation liability for our stock-based compensation commitment terms and conditions with revised expiry dates to
programs. April 2022 (from April 2021).



We record our derivatives using an estimated credit-adjusted,
mark-to-market valuation, calculated in accordance with IFRS.
As at December 31, 2021 As at December 31, 2020
Notional Notional Fair Notional Notional Fair
(In millions of dollars, except amount Exchange amount value (In millions of dollars, except amount Exchange amount value
exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (Cdn$) exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (Cdn$)
Debt derivatives accounted for Debt derivatives accounted for
as cash flow hedges: as cash flow hedges:
As assets 5,859 1.1369 6,661 1,453 As assets 4,550 1.0795 4,912 1,405
As liabilities 5,383 1.3025 7,011 (343) As liabilities 4,642 1.3358 6,201 (307)
Short-term debt derivatives not Short-term debt derivatives not
accounted for as hedges: accounted for as hedges:
As assets 1,104 1.2578 1,389 11 As liabilities 449 1.2995 583 (12)
Net mark-to-market debt Net mark-to-market debt
derivative asset 1,121 derivative asset 1,086
Interest rate derivatives Expenditure derivatives
accounted for as cash flow accounted for as cash flow
hedges: hedges:
As assets (Cdn$) – – 3,250 40 As liabilities 1,590 1.3421 2,134 (109)
As liabilities (Cdn$) – – 500 (6) Equity derivatives not
As liabilities (US$) 2,000 – – (277) accounted for as hedges:
As assets — — 238 34
Net mark-to-market interest rate
derivative liability (243) Net mark-to-market asset 1,011
Expenditure derivatives
accounted for as cash flow
As assets 438 1.2453 545 11
As liabilities 630 1.3151 829 (30)
Net mark-to-market
expenditure derivative liability (19)
Equity derivatives not accounted
for as hedges:
As assets – – 265 36
Net mark-to-market asset 895


Below is a summary of the dividends that have been declared and paid on RCI’s outstanding Class A Shares and Class B Non-Voting Shares.
Dividend per Dividends paid
Declaration date Record date Payment date share (dollars) (in millions of dollars)
January 27, 2021 March 10, 2021 April 1, 2021 0.50 252
April 20, 2021 June 10, 2021 July 2, 2021 0.50 253
July 20, 2021 September 9, 2021 October 1, 2021 0.50 253
October 20, 2021 December 10, 2021 January 4, 2022 0.50 252
January 21, 2020 March 10, 2020 April 1, 2020 0.50 252
April 21, 2020 June 10, 2020 July 2, 2020 0.50 253
July 21, 2020 September 9, 2020 October 1, 2020 0.50 253
October 21, 2020 December 10, 2020 January 4, 2021 0.50 252

On January 26, 2022, the Board declared a quarterly dividend of We currently expect that the remaining record and payment dates
$0.50 per Class A Voting Share and Class B Non-Voting Share, to for the 2022 declaration of dividends will be as follows, subject to
be paid on April 1, 2022, to shareholders of record on March 10, the declaration by the Board each quarter at its sole discretion:
Declaration date Record date Payment date
April 19, 2022 June 10, 2022 July 4, 2022
June 9, 2022 September 9, 2022 October 3, 2022
November 8, 2022 December 9, 2022 January 3, 2023


NORMAL COURSE ISSUER BID As at February 28, 2022, 111,153,411 Class A Shares, 393,771,907
In April 2020, the TSX accepted a notice of our intention to Class B Non-Voting Shares, and 6,412,258 options to purchase
commence a normal course issuer bid (NCIB) program (2020 Class B Non-Voting Shares were outstanding.
NCIB) that allows us to purchase, between April 24, 2020 and
We use the weighted average number of shares outstanding to
April 23, 2021, the lesser of 34.9 million Class B Non-Voting Shares
calculate earnings per share and adjusted earnings per share.
and that number of Class B Non-Voting Shares that can be
purchased under the 2020 NCIB for an aggregate purchase price Years ended December 31
of $500 million. Rogers security holders may obtain a copy of this
(Number of shares in millions) 2021 2020
notice, without charge, by contacting us. We did not purchase any
Class B Non-Voting Shares under the 2020 NCIB during the years Basic weighted average number of
ended December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020. shares outstanding 505 505
Diluted weighted average number of
OUTSTANDING COMMON SHARES shares outstanding 506 506

As at December 31
2021 2020 In relation to our issuances of subordinated notes in December
Common shares outstanding 1 2021 and February 2022, the Board approved the creation of new
Class A Voting 111,153,411 111,154,811 Series I and Series II preferred shares, respectively. Series I has been
Class B Non-Voting 393,771,907 393,770,507 authorized for up to 3.3 million preferred shares and Series II has
been authorized for up to 1.4 million preferred shares. Both series
Total common shares 504,925,318 504,925,318
have no voting rights, par values of $1,000 per share, and will be
Options to purchase Class B issued automatically upon the occurrence of certain events
Non-Voting Shares involving a bankruptcy or insolvency of RCI to holders of the
Outstanding options 6,494,001 4,726,634 respective subordinated notes.
Outstanding options
exercisable 2,373,717 1,470,383
1 Holders of our Class B Non-Voting Shares are entitled to receive notice of and to
attend shareholder meetings; however, they are not entitled to vote at these
meetings except as required by law or stipulated by stock exchanges. If an offer is
made to purchase outstanding Class A Shares, there is no requirement under
applicable law or our constating documents that an offer be made for the
outstanding Class B Non-Voting Shares, and there is no other protection available to
shareholders under our constating documents. If an offer is made to purchase both
classes of shares, the offer for the Class A Shares may be made on different terms
than the offer to the holders of Class B Non-Voting Shares.




Below is a summary of our obligations under firm contractual arrangements as at December 31, 2021. See notes 3, 17, and 28 to our 2021
Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for more information. In addition to the below, our share of commitments relating to
associates and joint ventures is $387 million.

Less than After

(In millions of dollars) 1 Year 1-3 Years 4-5 Years 5 Years Total
Short-term borrowings 2,200 – – – 2,200
Long-term debt 1,2 1,551 2,312 3,520 11,490 18,873
Net interest payments 804 1,444 1,321 7,789 11,358
Lease liabilities 336 677 308 1,177 2,498
Debt derivative instruments 3 213 (318) 86 (385) (404)
Expenditure derivative instruments 3 23 (3) – – 20
Interest rate derivatives 3 243 – – – 243
Player contracts 4 129 204 222 – 555
Purchase obligations 5 327 192 85 19 623
Property, plant and equipment 82 85 42 – 209
Intangible assets 21 – – – 21
Program rights 6 659 1,151 824 1 2,635
Other long-term liabilities – 7 2 5 14
Total 6,588 5,751 6,410 20,096 38,845
1 Principal obligations of long-term debt (including current portion) due at maturity.
2 Reflects repayment of the subordinated notes issued in December 2021 on the five-year anniversary.
3 Net (receipts) disbursements due at maturity. US dollar amounts have been translated into Canadian dollars at the Bank of Canada year-end rate.
4 Toronto Blue Jays players’ salary contracts into which we have entered and are contractually obligated to pay.
5 Contractual obligations under service, product, and wireless device contracts to which we have committed.
6 Agreements into which we have entered to acquire broadcasting rights for sports broadcasting programs and films for periods in excess of one year at contract inception.


As a regular part of our business, we enter into agreements that
provide for indemnification and guarantees to counterparties in
transactions involving business sale and business combination
agreements, sales of services, and purchases and development of
assets. Due to the nature of these indemnifications, we are unable
to make a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential amount
we could be required to pay counterparties. Historically, we have
not made any significant payment under these indemnifications or
guarantees. See note 27 to our 2021 Audited Consolidated
Financial Statements.


Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
• Safety and Well-being: We are committed to supporting our
employees’ safety and well-being holistically, focusing on the
Our purpose is to connect Canadians to a world of possibilities, whole employee, including their safety and physical and mental
and the moments that matter most. For more than 60 years, health at work and in their lives. Our top priority throughout the
through the vision of our founder, Ted Rogers, we are committed pandemic has been the safety and well-being of our team. To
to being a good corporate citizen and making a positive impact in increase our support, we gave employees and their families
the communities we serve. access to additional benefits like increased mental health
coverage and virtual healthcare. We regularly host company-
In 2021, as COVID-19 evolved, we continued to adapt aspects of
wide information sessions on COVID-19 and bring in well-being
our operations to keep our customers connected and our
and medical experts to share their knowledge. On average,
employees safe. We also launched our new corporate
almost 4,000 team members join these sessions with an average
responsibility brand, Generation Possible and Team Possible.
effectiveness score of 94%. We continuously share ongoing
Generation Possible focuses on giving the next generation the
updates from our CHRO on our policies, safety procedures
chance they need to succeed through Ted Rogers Scholarships,
guided by Canada Public Health, and resources on mental
Ted Rogers Community Grants, and Jays Care Foundation. Team
health and well-being. We launched a voluntary Return to
Possible is about our team’s and partners’ commitment to make a
Workplace Pilot Program with more than 600 team members
meaningful impact in communities through areas such as
across Canada and announced mandatory vaccinations or rapid
volunteering, bridging the digital divide, and partnering with
testing will be required for anyone entering workplace sites,
organizations like Women’s Shelters Canada to provide critical
including team members, contractors, and visitors. We also
digital lifelines.
introduced a new Flexible Benefits Program to all benefits-
We are focused on growing in a socially and environmentally eligible team members to provide more personalization and
responsible manner through an environmental, social, and choice to meet the diverse needs of our team and implemented
governance program, building on our reputation as a great dedicated mental health and well-being campaigns to drive
Canadian company. adoption of self-care and resilience.
• We are also committed to providing and maintaining safe
The material aspects of our ESG platform are grouped into six working environments for employees, volunteers, contractors,
focus areas that are listed below, along with our approaches in visitors, and members of the public who may be affected by our
addressing them: activity. We have a robust, risk-based safety management system
that is focused on identifying our greatest safety risks, preventing
EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE injuries through multi-faceted programs, and auditing our
• Employee Experience: We were recognized as one of the best performance to ensure continuous improvement over time. Our
places to work in Canada across numerous awards in 2021, results show significant improvements in areas of focus and this
including: Canada’s Top 100 Employers, Greater Toronto Area approach will continue in years to come.
Top Employers, Top Employers for Young People, Best Diversity
Employer, and Greenest Employers. We reclaimed certification CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE
for Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures 2021 and Jim • Customer Service and Transparency: We believe in putting
Reid, our former Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), was customers first in everything we do to deliver the best
recognized as one of Canada’s 50 Best Executives in the Globe & experience, regardless of how customers choose to interact with
Mail Report on Business. us. We continue to focus on self-serve options for our customers
• Talent Management: It is our goal to invest in building the skills, and invest in training and tools for our customer-facing teams.
capabilities, and careers of our people to support their success • Network Leadership and Innovation: Innovation is part of our
and to make Rogers the best place to work in Canada. It is DNA, whether it is bringing new products or the latest network
important we live our values, develop our teams, and continue to technologies to market. In 2021, we invested $2.8 billion in
support our employees on their career journeys. Our CHRO capital expenditures, with much of that investment going to our
oversees talent management, while the Human Resources wireless and cable networks. We focus on core performance and
Committee assists the Board in monitoring, reviewing, and reliability and invest in our wireless network to build and maintain
approving compensation and benefit policies and practices. our 5G network.
• Inclusion and Diversity: We continued to deliver on the five-year • Product Responsibility: We have programs and policies in place
Inclusion & Diversity strategy we launched in 2020. We to manage a range of product responsibility issues. For example,
recognized and celebrated days of significance for equity- we have policies in place to comply with all relevant safety
deserving groups, evolved structure and governance of our I&D regulations and codes, we have programs and teams to manage
Council to accelerate our plan, developed and introduced new and advise on our accessibility offerings, and we operate
training and resources to our teams including Allyship, stewardship programs to manage the proper disposal and
Psychological Safety, Unconscious Bias, and Inclusive Hiring, and recycling of our used products, including Rogers Trade-Up and
hosted over 100 safe talk sessions with 3,200 participants across FidoTrade™.
our teams.



• Customer Privacy and Information Security: We actively work to • Continued to bridge the digital divide by expanding Connected
improve transparency and we strive to be an industry leader in for Success eligibility so even more Canadians can connect to
the privacy space. Our Privacy Policy outlines our responsibilities social services, learning, employment, and loved ones. Now
and practices regarding the protection of the personal available to over 750,000 Canadian households, the expanded
information of our employees and customers. Our Chief Privacy low-cost high-speed Internet program is available across our
Officer oversees our compliance with this policy and all Internet footprint in Ontario, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland
applicable laws, and responds to requests from law enforcement to eligible customers receiving disability, seniors’ or income
for customer data. support, and through rent-geared-to-income community
housing partners.
COMMUNITY INVESTMENT • Extended our goodwill devices and plans donation program to
Giving back and supporting the communities where we live and provide thousands of phones and plans as digital lifelines to
work was especially important in 2021. In 2021, we provided more than 325 shelters and transition houses across Canada.
$70 million in cash and in-kind donations to support various These devices help women and their children safely escape
organizations and causes. violence and abuse, connect youth to mentors, and support
LGBTQ2S+ youth and allies.
Below are some of the impacts Rogers had on communities in • Committed to donating $1 million through a multi-year
2021 through Generation Possible and Team Possible. partnership with the B.C. Search and Rescue Association
(BCSARA) to support immediate disaster relief in the province
Generation Possible and provide long-term support to critical services following the
• Continued to invest in the next generation of leaders and devastating floods in British Columbia. It also supports the
change makers, awarding Ted Rogers Scholarships to more than organization’s legacy fund and new technology and specialized
375 young Canadians for their post-secondary studies. Nearly equipment for the 79 local teams and 3,000 professional
three quarters of all scholarships in the Class of 2021 were volunteers.
awarded to youth from equity-deserving communities (BIPOC, • Supported Indigenous communities across the country with our
LGBTQ2S+, and women). With the Class of 2021, almost 1,800 2021 Orange Shirt Day campaign. Since 2020, the Orange Shirt
students have received a Ted Rogers Scholarship since the Day campaign has raised $250,000 for the Orange Shirt Society
program launched in 2017. and the Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS). The
• Awarded 90 Ted Rogers Community Grants across Canada in new 2021 Orange Shirts were available on Today’s Shopping
2021, to support organizations that are making a meaningful Choice, with proceeds being divided between the Orange Shirt
difference in the lives of thousands of Canadian youth. With Society and the IRSSS.
more funding across more communities this year than ever
before, nearly 400 Ted Rogers Community Grants have been ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY
awarded since launching the program in 2017. • Environmental Policy: We maintain a formal Environmental Policy
that sets out how we conduct business in an environmentally
Team Possible responsible manner. Rogers also maintains an Environmental
• Rogers Group of Funds and Creative BC, with the support of the Management System, including 25 separate procedures to
Indigenous Screen Office, announced a new $1 million multi- support our Environmental Policy and manage environmental
year fund to support Indigenous storytellers in British Columbia. risks across our operations.
The fund will further enable Indigenous screen content with • Oversight: We have an Energy Executive Council and an
representation across all aspects of production and it will amplify Environmental Compliance Committee to manage and govern
Indigenous voices within Canada’s motion picture industry for a our energy utilization and environmental risks, respectively,
rapidly expanding audience at home and around the world. supporting decision-making to advance our strategies and
• Rogers Group of Funds, the Black Screen Office, and the program effectiveness in both areas. In addition, the ESG
Canadian Independent Screen Fund for BPOC Creators Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight
launched a first-of-its-kind $750,000 script development fund for responsibilities of relevant environmental sustainability, social
Black and People of Colour creators across Canada. The fund responsibility, and governance policies, strategies, and programs
supports creators’ projects for networks, studios, cable, and and the actions we can take to be a responsible corporate
streaming platforms with the first 16 recipients announced in Fall citizen.
2021. • Energy Use and Climate Change: We recognize the implications
• Awarded $7.5 million in funding through Rogers Group of Funds of our energy use and the potential climate change impacts
to support Canadian storytellers and content creators through associated with increasing worldwide energy usage (such as
the Rogers Cable Network and Documentary Funds, with a focus droughts, water shortages and quality, extreme weather events,
on supporting projects from equity-deserving creators. flooding, wildfires, social inequities, etc.). We are committed to
• Rogers employees successfully completed the 60,000 Hours managing our operations in order to reduce our impact on the
Volunteer Challenge in July 2021, contributing almost 22,000 environment, strive to ensure stakeholder satisfaction, and
volunteer hours in 2021. Through our annual Give Together maintain investor confidence. Annually, we measure and disclose
Month, employees had the opportunity to donate to the charity details on our energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
of their choice in November 2021, with Rogers matching up to across our buildings and retail stores, cell transmission sites,
$1,000 per employee. This helped our team contribute to over power supply stations, data centres, fleet, employee travel and
1,000 charities last year.


commuting, and the operations of the Toronto Blue Jays and 2021 (2020 – 29%) through its ownership of a combined total of
Rogers Centre. We continue to invest in programs that reduce 147 million (2020 – 147 million) Class A Shares and Class B
energy and associated GHG emissions, including LED lighting Non-Voting Shares. As a result, the Trust is able to elect all
retrofits, cooling optimization strategies across our headends, members of the Board and to control the vote on most matters
and decommissioning equipment for better energy submitted to shareholders, whether through a shareholder
performance and space utilization. To drive continuous meeting or a written consent resolution.
improvement in our performance, we also have targets to reduce
The Board is currently made up of four members of the Rogers
our GHG emissions and energy use by 2025 based on 2011
family and another nine directors who bring a rich mix of
experience as business leaders in North America. Each of our
• Waste Reduction: Reducing the amount of waste we produce is
directors is firmly committed to effective governance, strong
another important way in which we manage our environmental
oversight, and the ongoing creation of shareholder value. The
footprint. To reduce and responsibly manage the waste we
Board as a whole is committed to sound corporate governance and
produce, we look for opportunities to avoid waste generation
continually reviews its governance practices and benchmarks them
through collaboration with our supply chain, run programs to
against acknowledged leaders and evolving legislation. The Board
recycle and reuse end of life materials and equipment, and work
believes that Rogers’ governance system is effective and that there
to increase employees’ recycling behaviours through our “Get
are appropriate structures and procedures in place.
Up and Get Green” program.


We have adopted many best practices for effective governance,
• Economic Performance: We strive to offer innovative solutions for
customers, create diverse and well-paying jobs, support small
• separation of the CEO and Chair roles;
businesses, pay taxes to all levels of government, and deliver
• an independent lead director;
dividends to shareholders. In 2021, we directly contributed
• formal corporate governance policies and charters;
$14.3 billion to the Canadian economy and, as at December 31,
• a code of business conduct and whistleblower hotline;
2021, employed 23,000 team members across the country.
• director share ownership requirements;
Beyond these direct economic impacts, our performance
• Board and committee in camera discussions;
produces indirect economic benefits, including locally procured
• annual reviews of Board and Committee performance;
goods and services and significant charitable donations.
• Audit and Risk Committee meetings with internal and external
• Supply Chain Management: Suppliers are key to our success,
which is why we ensure we have strong supplier selection
• an orientation program for new directors;
processes and management, and we strive to conduct business
• regular Board and committee education sessions;
with socially and environmentally responsible companies that
• committee authority to retain independent advisors; and
share our values. We have strong, sound procurement processes
• director material relationship standards.
and demand that our suppliers adhere to our Supplier Code of
Conduct. This code sets out expectations for our suppliers in We comply with all relevant corporate governance guidelines and
terms of ethical, social, labour, health and safety, and standards as a Canadian public company listed on the TSX and as a
environmental behaviours. We continue to support inclusion and foreign private issuer listed on the NYSE in the US.
diversity in our communities through the development and
implementation of our supplier diversity program and through BOARD OVERSIGHT
collaboration with non-profit organizations. The Board delegates certain responsibilities to its eight standing
See our 2020 ESG report on our website ( committees to ensure proper oversight and accountability:
our-impact) for more information about our social, environmental, • Audit and Risk Committee – reviews our accounting policies and
and governance performance. We expect to release our 2021 ESG practices, the integrity of our financial reporting processes and
report in the coming months. procedures, and the financial statements and other relevant
disclosure for release to shareholders and the public. It assists
the Board in its oversight of our compliance with legal and
GOVERNANCE AT ROGERS regulatory requirements for financial reporting, assesses our
Rogers is a family-founded, family-controlled company and we take accounting and financial control systems, and evaluates the
pride in our proactive and disciplined approach to ensuring that qualifications, independence, and work of our internal and
our governance structure and practices instill confidence in our external auditors. It also reviews risk management policies and
shareholders. associated processes used to manage major risk exposures.
• Corporate Governance Committee – assists the Board to ensure
Voting control of Rogers Communications Inc. is held by the it has appropriate systems and procedures for carrying out its
Rogers Control Trust (the Trust), the beneficiaries of which are responsibilities. This committee develops governance policies
members of the Rogers family. The Trust holds voting control of RCI and practices, recommends them to the Board for approval, and
for the benefit of successive generations of the Rogers family via leads the Board in its periodic review of Board and committee
the Trust’s ownership of 98% of the outstanding Class A Shares of performance.
RCI (2020 – 98%). The Rogers family are substantial stakeholders
and owned approximately 29% of our equity as at December 31,



• Nominating Committee – identifies prospective candidates to as are specifically designated and authorized at a preceding
serve on the Board. Nominated directors can be elected by Board meeting to consider matters that may arise from time to
shareholders at a meeting, appointed by the Board, or time.
appointed by written consent resolution. The committee also • Finance Committee – reviews our investment strategies, general
recommends nominees for each Board committee, including debt, and equity structure and reports on them to the Board.
each committee chair. • Pension Committee – oversees the administration of our retiree
• Human Resources Committee – assists the Board in monitoring, pension plans and reviews the investment performance and
reviewing, and approving compensation and benefit policies provisions of the plans.
and practices. It is also responsible for recommending the
You can find more details about governance at Rogers on our
compensation of senior management and monitoring senior
Investor Relations website (, including:
executive succession planning.
• a complete statement of our corporate governance practices;
• ESG Committee – assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight
• our codes of conduct and ethics;
responsibilities of relevant environmental sustainability, social
• charters for each of the Board’s standing committees;
responsibility, and governance policies, strategies, and programs
• director biographies; and
and the actions we can take to be a responsible corporate
• a summary of the differences between the NYSE corporate
governance rules that apply to US-based companies and our
• Executive Committee – assists the Board in discharging its
governance practices as a non-US-based issuer listed on the
responsibilities between meetings, including acting in such areas

Board of Directors and its Standing Committees Chair Member

As at March 3, 2022
Audit and Corporate Human
ESG Executive Finance Nominating Pension
Risk Governance Resources

Edward S. Rogers 1
Jack L. Cockwell, C.M.

Michael J. Cooper
Ivan Fecan

Robert J. Gemmell 2
Alan D. Horn, CPA, CA

Jan L. Innes
John (Jake) C. Kerr, C.M. O.B.C

Philip B. Lind, C.M.

Loretta A. Rogers
Martha L. Rogers
Melinda M. Rogers-Hixon

Tony Staffieri

1 Chair of the Board

2 Lead Director


In October 2021, the Board was reconstituted with the
appointment of Jack L. Cockwell, Michael J. Cooper, Ivan Fecan,
Jan L. Innes, and John C. Kerr. The Board appointed Robert J.
Gemmell, an independent director, as Lead Director in November

In November 2021, Tony Staffieri was appointed Interim President

and CEO and subsequently, in January 2022, appointed President
and CEO and a member of the Board. He had previously served as
Chief Financial Officer. In September 2021, Paulina Molnar was
appointed Interim Chief Financial Officer. In January 2022, Glenn
Brandt was appointed Chief Financial Officer.

As a result of the above changes, the Board now consists of six

independent directors and seven non-independent directors.


As outlined in the table below, the total cost to Rogers of these
payments in 2021 was $1,384 million.
Years ended December 31
We proactively manage our tax affairs to enhance our business
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
decisions and optimize after-tax free cash flow available for
investment in our business and shareholder returns. We have Income taxes paid 700 418
comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure we are compliant Add:
with all tax laws and reporting requirements, including filing and Unrecoverable sales taxes paid 9 8
making all income and sales tax returns and payments on a timely Payroll taxes paid 135 137
basis. As a part of this process, we pursue open and cooperative Regulatory and spectrum fees
relationships with revenue authorities to minimize audit effort and paid 1 490 492
reduce tax uncertainty. We also engage with government policy Property and business taxes paid 50 50
makers on taxation matters that affect Rogers and its shareholders,
Taxes paid and other government
employees, customers, and other stakeholders.
payments 2 1,384 1,105


1 Includes an allocation of $252 million relating to the $3.3 billion, $24 million, and
$1.7 billion we paid for the acquisition of spectrum licences in 2014, 2015, and 2019
Our total income tax expense of $569 million in 2021 is close to the respectively.
expense computed on our accounting income at the statutory rate 2 Taxes paid and other government payments is a non-GAAP financial measure. This is
of 26.5%. Cash income tax payments totaled $700 million in 2021. not a standardized financial measure under IFRS and might not be comparable to
The primary reason our cash income tax is higher than our income similar financial measures disclosed by other companies. See “Non-GAAP and Other
Financial Measures” for more information about this measure.
tax expense is due to the timing of installment payments and our
transition to a device financing business model, which results in We also collected on behalf of the government $1,995 million in
earlier recognition of equipment revenue for income tax purposes. sales taxes on our products and services and $667 million in
employee payroll taxes.
In addition to paying income tax on the profits we earn, we
contribute significantly to Canadians by paying taxes and fees to
federal, provincial, and municipal governments, including:
• various taxes on the salaries and wages we pay (payroll taxes) to
approximately 23,000 employees;
• property and business taxes;
• unrecoverable sales taxes and custom duties; and
• broadcast, spectrum, and other regulatory fees.



Risk Management
We strive to continually strengthen our risk management incident management and planning to maintain customer service,
capabilities to protect and enhance shareholder value. The operation of our network and businesses in the event of threats and
purpose of risk management is not to eliminate risk but to optimize natural disasters. Such threats include cyberattacks or equipment
trade-offs between risk and return to maximize value to the failures that could cause various degrees of network outages;
organization. As such, Rogers will knowingly take certain risks in supply chain disruptions; natural disaster threats; epidemics;
order to generate earnings and encourage innovation that advance pandemics; and political instability. Our ERM program also
us as a customer-centric market leader. To maintain our reputation includes insurance coverage allowing us to transfer certain
and trust, we will always work to ensure the impacts (financial, risks. Lastly, ERM works with Internal Audit to monitor the adequacy
operational, strategic, regulatory, privacy, and cybersecurity) of our and effectiveness of controls to reduce risks to an acceptable level.
risk-taking activities are understood and are in line with our strategic
Annually, ERM carries out a corporate risk assessment. The
objectives and company values.
assessment includes reviewing risk and audit reports and industry
benchmarks and, conducting an annual risk survey of all senior
RISK GOVERNANCE leaders. Based on the survey results, ERM, in consultation with
The Board has overall responsibility for risk governance and senior management, identifies the key risks to achieving our
oversees management in identifying the key risks we face in our corporate objectives. ERM reports the results of the annual
business and implementing appropriate risk assessment processes corporate risk assessment to the Executive Leadership Team, the
to manage these risks. It delegates certain risk oversight and Audit and Risk Committee, and the Board and provides quarterly
management duties to the Audit and Risk Committee. risk updates.
The Audit and Risk Committee discusses risk policies with ERM also facilitates management’s completion of the financial
management and the Board and assists the Board in overseeing statement fraud risk assessment which aims to ensure there is no
our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. potential fraud or misstatement in our financial statements and
The Audit and Risk Committee also reviews: disclosures and to assess whether controls are adequately
• the adequacy of the internal controls that have been adopted to designed and operating effectively to mitigate financial statement
safeguard assets from loss and unauthorized use, to prevent, fraud risk.
deter, and detect fraud, and to ensure the accuracy of the Internal Audit is the third line of defence. Internal Audit is an
financial records; independent and objective assurance function that evaluates the
• the processes for identifying, assessing, and managing risks; design and operational effectiveness of internal controls and risk
• our exposure to major risks and trends and management’s management processes supporting the mitigation of risks that may
implementation of risk policies and actions to monitor and affect the achievement of our objectives.
control these exposures, including cybersecurity, privacy,
technology, and environmental; The Executive Leadership Team and the Audit and Risk Committee
• the implementation of new major systems and changes to are responsible for approving our enterprise risk policies. Our ERM
existing major systems; methodology and policies rely on the expertise of our
• our business continuity and disaster recovery plans; management and employees to identify risks and opportunities
• any special audit steps adopted due to material weaknesses or and implement risk mitigation strategies as required.
significant deficiencies that may be identified; and
• other risk management matters from time to time as determined
by the Audit and Risk Committee or directed by the Board.
ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT This section describes the principal risks and uncertainties that
Our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program uses the “3 Lines could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial
of Defence” framework to identify, assess, manage, monitor, and results. Any discussion about risks should be read in conjunction
communicate risks. Our business units and departments, led by the with “About Forward-Looking Information”.
Executive Leadership Team, are the first line of defence and are
accountable for managing or accepting the risks. Together, they
identify and assess key risks, define controls and action plans to
The Transaction with Shaw is subject to a number of risks, many of
minimize these risks, and enhance our ability to meet our business
which are outside the control of Rogers and Shaw. These are
described below.
ERM is the second line of defence. ERM helps management
identify the key and emerging risks in meeting our corporate and Key Regulatory Approvals and other conditions
business unit objectives in line with our risk appetite. At the To complete the Transaction, each of Rogers and Shaw must make
business unit and department level, ERM works with management certain filings with, and obtain certain consents and approvals from,
to provide governance and advice in managing the key risks and various governmental and regulatory authorities, including the
associated controls to mitigate these risks. Business Continuity is a Competition Bureau, ISED Canada, and the CRTC. Rogers and
function within ERM which also assists the business in mitigating Shaw have not yet obtained the Key Regulatory Approvals, all of
key risks. Specifically, the Business Continuity function oversees


If the Transaction is not completed or is delayed, our share price


which are required to complete the Transaction. In addition,
governmental or regulatory agencies could deny permission for, or and future business and financial results could be negatively
seek to block or challenge, the Transaction or the transfer or affected. Any non-completion or delay of the Transaction may also
deemed transfer of specific assets, including spectrum licences, or negatively impact the relationships we have with our employees
impose material conditions relating to the Transaction or any such (including a potential lack of focus on our business), suppliers,
transfer. If any one of the Key Regulatory Approvals is not obtained, vendors, distributors, retailers, dealers, or customers, including that
or any applicable law or order is in effect which makes the such groups could cease doing business with us or curtail their
consummation of the Transaction illegal, the Transaction will not be activities with us.
Financing and potential credit rating consequences
In addition, a substantial delay in obtaining the Key Regulatory The arrangement agreement does not contain a financing condition.
Approvals could result in the Transaction not being completed. In Although we have a binding commitment letter for a committed
particular, if the Transaction is not completed by June 13, 2022, credit facility of up to $13 billion and have entered into the $6 billion
either Rogers or Shaw may terminate the arrangement agreement, Shaw term loan facility in order to finance the Transaction, the
in which case the Transaction will not be completed. Rogers has obligation of the lenders under each of the committed facility and
extended the outside date for closing the Transaction from the Shaw term loan facility to provide the financing is subject to
March 15, 2022 to June 13, 2022 in accordance with the terms of certain conditions, including, in the case of the committed credit
the arrangement agreement. facility, the completion of credit documentation in respect of such
commitment. In the event the Transaction cannot be completed due
Under certain circumstances, if the Key Regulatory Approvals are to a failure to obtain the financing required to close the Transaction,
not obtained, or any law or order relating to the Key Regulatory either because the conditions to the committed credit facility and/or
Approvals or the Competition Act is in effect that would make the the Shaw term loan facility are not satisfied or other events arise which
consummation of the Transaction illegal, and the failure to obtain prevent us from consummating the debt financing, we may be
the Key Regulatory Approvals is not caused by, and is not a result unable to fund the consideration required to complete the
of, the failure by Shaw to perform in all material respects any of its Transaction, in which case we would be required to pay the reverse
covenants or agreements under the arrangement agreement, we termination fee of $1.2 billion and certain costs relating to the May
would be obligated to pay a $1.2 billion reverse termination fee to 2021 exercise of our right to require Shaw to redeem its issued and
Shaw (see “Termination of the arrangement agreement, costs, and outstanding preferred shares.
termination fee” below). We would also be responsible to
In addition to assuming approximately $6 billion of existing Shaw
reimburse Shaw for certain costs relating to the May 2021 exercise debt, we expect to issue up to $19 billion in new debt to finance
of our right to require Shaw to redeem its issued and outstanding the Transaction. As a result, we anticipate the combined company
preferred shares. will have over $40 billion of consolidated debt upon closing. The
The completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of other increased level of debt could decrease our flexibility in responding
conditions precedent, some of which are outside of the control of to changing business and economic conditions, increase our
Rogers and Shaw, including there not having occurred a Material interest expense, and potentially make it more difficult to obtain
additional financing or refinance existing financing. The increase in
Adverse Effect or Purchaser Material Adverse Effect (as such terms
our debt service obligations could adversely affect our results,
are defined in the arrangement agreement) and the satisfaction of
financial condition, and our ability to fund growth prospects and
certain other customary closing conditions.
could reduce our funds available for other business purposes.
There can be no certainty, nor can Rogers or Shaw provide any
Additionally, as a result of the significant increase in outstanding
assurance, that all conditions precedent to the Transaction will be
debt, there is a risk that our credit ratings could be adversely
satisfied or waived, nor can there be any certainty of the timing of affected, including the potential for a downgrade below
their satisfaction or waiver. investment-grade. A downgrade in our credit ratings could result in
difficulty issuing debt in the future or higher borrowing costs and
Termination of the arrangement agreement, costs, and termination may otherwise affect our share price. If Shaw’s existing senior notes
fee are subject to a downgrade below investment-grade constituting a
The arrangement agreement may be terminated by Rogers or “change of control trigger event” (as defined in Shaw’s senior note
Shaw in certain circumstances, in which case the Transaction will indenture), Shaw would be required to offer to purchase its senior
not be completed. Accordingly, there is no certainty, nor can we notes at 101% of their principal amount plus accrued interest
provide any assurance, that the arrangement agreement will not be following closing of the Transaction, potentially having an adverse
terminated by us or Shaw prior to completion of the Transaction. impact on the combined company’s financial condition.

We must pay certain costs relating to the Transaction, such as legal,

Expected synergies and integration
accounting, tax, and financing-related fees, even if the Transaction
Achieving the anticipated benefits of the Transaction depends on
is not completed, which may be significant. In addition, if the our ability to consolidate and integrate Shaw’s businesses,
Transaction is not completed for certain reasons, we may be operations, and workforce in a manner that facilitates growth
required to pay a reverse termination fee of $1.2 billion to Shaw opportunities and achieves the projected cost savings and revenue
and certain costs relating to the May 2021 exercise of our right to growth without adversely affecting the combined company’s
require Shaw to redeem its issued and outstanding preferred current operations. Even if we successfully integrate Shaw’s
shares, the result of which could have a material adverse effect on businesses, the anticipated benefits of the Transaction may not be
our business, results of operations, financial position, and our ability fully realized or they could take longer to realize than expected.
to fund growth prospects and current operations.



In addition to the day-to-day operations of Rogers, management amongst others, including placing capacity limits on organized
will need to focus on the Transaction and all related activities, gatherings and retail stores.
including integration. If completion of the Transaction is delayed,
Additionally, COVID-19 has caused a global semiconductor chip
there could be adverse effects on our business, results of
shortage due to supply chain disruptions and an increase in demand
operations, or financial condition.
for electronics. Although we are taking proactive steps to minimize its
impacts, this has resulted, and could continue to result, in increased
Shaw actions prior to closing
lead times on our network equipment and wireless devices.
The arrangement agreement restricts Shaw from taking certain
actions outside of the ordinary course of business while the The full future extent and impact of COVID-19 is unknown.
Transaction is pending, including, among other things, certain Potential adverse impacts of the pandemic include, but are not
acquisitions or dispositions of businesses and assets, entering into limited to:
or amending certain contracts, repurchasing or issuing securities, • the risk of a material reduction in demand for our products and
making significant capital expenditures, and incurring services due to businesses closing or downsizing, job losses and
indebtedness, in each case subject to certain exceptions. As a associated financial hardship, or, more generally, a declining
result of these restrictions, Shaw may not have the flexibility to level of retail activity, which may lead to a decline in revenue as a
appropriately respond to certain events, which may result in us result of:
recognizing lower-than-expected synergies once the Transaction • lower Wireless subscriber activity, including lower equipment
closes. revenue;
• lower roaming and overage revenue as customers are unable
OUTBREAK OF COVID-19 AND RELATED PANDEMIC or unwilling to travel and continue to stay home;
As COVID-19 continues to significantly impact the well-being of • customers downgrading or cancelling their services;
individuals and the Canadian and global economies, we • the restriction of fan attendance at major sports league
maintained our programs to help employees manage through games, the potential suspension or shortening of future major
COVID-19 and provide support and services to our customers and sports league seasons, and the associated television
audiences. We are focused on operating and maintaining our programming; and/or
wireless and cable networks, our media operations, and the key • a decrease in population growth resulting from lower levels of
business operations required to ensure service continuity for immigration due to travel and border restrictions;
customers. We have continued work-from-home arrangements for • an increase in delinquent or unpaid bills, which could lead to
employees while we review and follow directions from the increased bad debt expense;
government to ensure the safety of our team and to provide us • issues delivering certain products and services, or maintaining or
time to implement necessary safeguards to accommodate a upgrading our networks, due to store closures and supply chain
gradual approach in reopening our sites to employees. disruptions; and
• additional capital expenditures to maintain or expand our
Public and private sector regulations, policies, and other measures networks in order to accommodate substantially increased
aimed at reducing the transmission of COVID-19 include the network usage.
imposition of business closures, travel restrictions, the promotion of
physical distancing, and the adoption of work-from-home and While we expect certain cost savings to offset some of the lower
online education by companies, schools, and institutions. These revenue, we also cannot predict the extent to which they would be
measures are impacting how customers use our networks, offset.
products, and services, the manner or extent to which we can offer Due to the uncertainty surrounding the duration and potential
certain products and services, and the ability of certain suppliers outcomes of COVID-19, including the results of measures taken to
and vendors to provide products and services to us. Notably, due slow the spread and the broader impact COVID-19 may have on
to travel restrictions and advisories, roaming revenue has decreased the Canadian and global economies or financial markets, it is
from pre-pandemic levels. Additionally, our cable network difficult to predict the overall impact on our operations, liquidity,
experienced a significant increase in data usage as employers financial condition, or results; however, COVID-19 has had, and
shifted to work-from-home models and as schools shifted to online may continue to have, a material, adverse impact on our results.
education. Any future epidemic, pandemic, or other public health crisis that
In early 2021, public health restrictions that were implemented in occurs in the future may pose similar risks to us.
late 2020 were lifted to certain extents across the country. In March
2021, several Canadian provinces declared a third wave of CYBERSECURITY
COVID-19 had commenced and provinces adjusted restrictions. In Our industry is vulnerable to cybersecurity risks that are growing in
the third quarter, provinces generally began relaxing certain public both frequency and complexity. Rogers, along with our suppliers,
health restrictions implemented in the first half of 2021 as vaccines employs systems and network infrastructure that are subject to
became more widely available in Canada and vaccination rates cyberattacks, which may include theft of assets, unauthorized
increased across the country. In August 2021, Canada entered a access to proprietary or sensitive information, destruction or
fourth wave of COVID-19 and several Canadian provinces corruption of data, ransomware attacks, or operational disruption.
introduced proof of vaccination requirements to access A significant cyberattack against our, or our suppliers’, critical
non-essential businesses and services. Late in the fourth quarter, network infrastructure and supporting information systems could
the Omicron variant re-accelerated the spread of COVID-19 and result in service disruptions, litigation, loss of customers, incurring
many Canadian provinces reintroduced various restrictions, significant costs, and/or reputational damage.


Management has committed to an information and cybersecurity Several technologies have affected the way our services are
program designed to reinforce the importance of remaining a delivered, including:
secure, vigilant, and resilient organization. Our ongoing success • broadband;
depends on protecting our sensitive data, including personal • IP-based voice, data, and video delivery services;
information about our customers and employees. We rely on • increased use of optical fibre technologies to businesses and
security awareness training, policies, procedures, and IT systems to residences;
protect this information. Success also depends on Rogers • broadband wireless access and wireless services using a radio
continuing to monitor these risks, leveraging external threat frequency spectrum to which we may have limited or no access;
intelligence, internal monitoring, reviewing best practices, and and
implementing controls as required to mitigate them. We have • applications and services using cloud-based technology,
insurance coverage against certain damages related to independent of carrier or physical connectivity.
cybersecurity breaches, intrusions, and attacks, amongst other
These technologies may also lead to significantly different cost
structures for users and therefore affect the long-term viability of
External threats to the network and our business generally are some of our current technologies. Some of these technologies
constantly changing and there is no assurance we will be able to have allowed competitors to enter our markets with similar
protect the network from all future threats. The impact of such products or services at lower costs. These competitors may also be
attacks may affect our customer service or our financial results. larger, have greater access to financial resources, and/or have fewer
regulatory restrictions than Rogers. Additional competitors with
PRIVACY advances in technology, such as high-speed Internet service from
In the evolving digital world, privacy and how organizations are low Earth orbit satellite operators like Starlink, have entered the
handling personal information is becoming an increasing priority Canadian market and could potentially have a material adverse
for consumers. Ensuring appropriate governance over this data has impact on our operations and results.
become even more critical. As the move to digital transactions has The continued emergence and growth of subscriber-based satellite
been accelerated by COVID-19, companies continue to gain and digital radio products could affect AM and FM radio audience
greater amounts of data on customers and employees. The nature listening habits and have a negative effect on the results of our
of the products and services we offer our customers means we are radio stations. Certain audiences are also migrating away from
entrusted with a significant amount of personal information. This traditional broadcast platforms to the Internet as more video and
means that ensuring there are appropriate safeguards and privacy audio content streaming becomes available.
protections in place is a priority for us. We are the stewards of this
data and this responsibility is of the utmost importance to us. If a
Reliance on technology
privacy breach were to occur and personal information was made
Our technologies, processes, and systems are operationally
public, there could be a material adverse effect on our reputation
complex and increasingly interconnected. Further, our businesses
and our business.
depend on IT systems for day-to-day operations and critical
elements of our network infrastructure and IT systems are
TECHNOLOGY concentrated in various physical facilities. If we are unable to
New technologies operate our systems, make enhancements to accommodate
Our network plans assume the availability of new technology for customer growth and new products and services, or if our systems
both wireless and wireline networks, including 5G technology in experience disruptions or failures, it could have an adverse effect
the wireless industry and future DOCSIS enhancements and on our ability to acquire new subscribers, service customers,
evolutions in the wireline industry. While we work with industry manage subscriber churn, produce accurate and timely subscriber
standards bodies and our vendors to ensure timely delivery of new invoices, generate revenue growth, and manage operating
technology, there are no assurances these technologies will be expenses. This could have an adverse impact on our results and
available as and when required. financial position.
As new technologies become available, we expect a substantial
portion of our future revenue growth may come from new and Impact of failures on customer service
advanced services, and companies such as Rogers will need to Customers have high expectations of reliable and consistent
continue to invest significant capital resources to develop our performance of our networks. Failure to maintain high service levels
networks and implement in an agile framework to meet customers and to effectively manage network traffic could have an impact on
and business timelines. It is possible, however, that there may not the customer experience, potentially resulting in an increase in
be sufficient consumer demand, or that we may not anticipate or customer churn. Due to the increased demand and traffic on our
satisfy demand for certain products and services or be able to offer networks, there could be capacity and congestion pressures. If our
or market these new products and services successfully to networks or key network components fail, it could, in some
subscribers. If we do not attract subscribers to new products and circumstances, result in a loss of service for our customers for
services profitably or keep pace with changing consumer certain periods and have an adverse effect on our results and our
preferences, we could experience slower revenue growth and financial position.
increased churn. This could have a material adverse effect on our
business, results of operations, and financial condition.



We work to protect our networks and our service from the impact Continued deployments of fibre networks by competitors may lead
of natural disasters and major weather events such as ice storms, to an increase in the reach, speed, and stability of their wireline-
wind storms, forest fires, flooding, earthquakes, or landslides where related services. This could result in an increase in churn pertaining
it is necessary and feasible to do so. There are no assurances that a to our wireline business segment services.
future event will not cause service outages and that such outages
Improvements in the quality of streaming video over the Internet,
would not affect our results. Service disruptions or outages could
coupled with increasing availability of television shows and movies
also affect our operations if not quickly resolved, potentially causing
online through OTT content providers, has resulted in competition
a risk of billing delays or errors. If we fail to have appropriate
for viewership and increased competition for Canadian cable
response strategies and protocols in place to handle service
television service providers. As a result, we have noticed an increase
outages in the face of these types of events, they could have an
in cord cutting and cord shaving as consumers continue to
impact on our revenue and our customer experience. Recovering
withdraw from traditional cable services. If advances in technology
from these disasters could require significant resources and
are made to any alternative Canadian multi-channel broadcasting
remediation costs, which are difficult to estimate.
distribution system, our cable services may face increased
competition. In addition, as the technology for wireless Internet
COMPETITIVE INTENSITY continues to develop, it is, in some instances, replacing traditional
Competitive behaviour and market dynamics are continuously wireline Internet.
changing in our fast-paced industry. There is no assurance that our
current or future competitors will not provide services that are
superior to ours or at lower prices, adapt more quickly to evolving
Changes in government regulations
industry trends or changing market requirements, enter markets in
Substantially all of our business activities are regulated by ISED
which we operate, or introduce competing services. The federal
Canada and/or the CRTC. Any regulatory changes or decisions
government also continues to promote competition and
could adversely affect our consolidated results of operations. The
affordability, and is committed to universal high-speed Internet for
most significant outstanding regulatory proceedings to our
every Canadian by 2030. Any of these factors could increase churn
business are various appeals related to the wholesale Internet
or reduce our business market share or revenue.
costing and pricing regime (see “Regulation in our Industry” and
The strategic offering of unlimited wireless plans continues to offer “Litigation Risks”).
greater value to our customers and has helped us take a significant
Regulatory changes or decisions made by these regulators could
step towards simplifying our products and services. However,
adversely impact our results on a consolidated basis. This
depending on economic conditions and the response from our
regulation relates to, among other things, licensing and related
competitors and/or current and potential customers, we may need
fees, competition, the cable television programming services we
to extend lower wireless pricing offers to attract new customers and
must distribute, wireless and wireline interconnection agreements,
retain existing subscribers. As wireless penetration of the
the rates we may charge to provide access to our networks by third
population deepens, new wireless customers may generate lower
parties, the resale of our networks and roaming on our networks,
average monthly revenue, which could slow revenue growth.
our operation and ownership of communications systems, and our
Global technology giants continue to ramp up content spending ability to acquire an interest in other communications systems. In
into new markets such as sports media, resulting in increased addition, the costs of providing services may be increased from
competition for our Media and Cable segments. This may result in time to time as a result of compliance with industry or legislative
an increase in subscriber churn as customers now have additional initiatives to address consumer protection concerns or such
choices of supplementary sources of media content. Internet-related issues as copyright infringement, unsolicited
commercial e-mail, cybercrime, and lawful access.
Competition is increasing for content programming rights from
both traditional linear television broadcasters and online Generally, our licences are granted for a specified term and are
competitors. Online providers are moving towards self-made, self- subject to conditions on the maintenance of these licences. These
hosted exclusive content, and may compete for rights more licensing conditions and related fees may be modified at any time
aggressively than expected, such that traditional broadcasters may by the regulators. The regulators may decide not to renew a licence
not gain access to desirable programming. Overall increased when it expires, and any failure by us to comply with the conditions
competition for content will likely increase costs of programming on the maintenance of a licence could result in a revocation or
rights. As broadcasters and distributors sign longer-term forfeiture of any of our licences or the imposition of fines. Our
agreements to secure programming rights, this could affect the cable, wireless, and broadcasting licences generally may not be
availability of desirable programming rights and result in lower transferred without regulatory approval.
revenue due to a lack of access to these rights. Lower revenue in
The licences include conditions requiring us to comply with
turn could adversely affect the operating results of our business if
Canadian ownership restrictions of the applicable legislation. We
we are unable to recover programming investments through
are currently in compliance with all of these Canadian ownership
advertising revenue and subscription fee increases that reflect the
and control requirements. If these requirements were violated, we
would be subject to various penalties, possibly including, in the
In addition, the CRTC Broadcasting Distribution Regulations do not extreme case, the loss of a licence.
allow cable operators to obtain exclusive contracts in buildings
where it is technically feasible to install two or more transmission


Spectrum measures that will make access to such poles more efficient. We
Radio spectrum is one of the fundamental assets required to carry are actively participating in the process.
on our Wireless business. Our ability to continue to offer and
On December 10, 2021, a regulation was filed under Part VI.1 of
improve current services and to offer new services depends on,
the Ontario Energy Board Act, O. Reg. 842/21 requiring the
among other factors, continued access to, and deployment of,
Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to establish a generic, province-wide
adequate spectrum, including the ability to both renew current
pole attachment charge for 2022. The Regulation further requires
spectrum licences and acquire new spectrum licences.
the OEB to set the charge for 2023 and subsequent years by
If we cannot acquire and retain needed spectrum, whether due to adjusting the prior year’s charge for inflation, resulting in the
the government providing favourable spectrum auctions for calculation of the charge becoming a mechanistic exercise. On
regional carriers through set asides and lower rates, through December 16, 2021, the OEB published Decision and Order
increased costs for us to purchase spectrum licences at auction, or EB-2021-0302, Wireline Pole Attachment Charge. The OEB
otherwise, we may not be able to continue to offer and improve calculated the charge for 2022 at $34.76 per attacher per year per
our current services and deploy new services on a timely basis, pole, in accordance with the directions set out in O. Reg. 842/21.
including providing competitive data speeds our customers want. The 2021 charge was $44.50. This charge applies to every
As a result, our ability to attract and retain customers could be distributor that is required as a condition of licence to provide
adversely affected. In addition, an inability to acquire and retain access to telecom attachments and to charge the amount
needed spectrum could affect network quality and result in higher approved by the OEB.
capital expenditures.

Changes to government spectrum fees could significantly increase CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE

our payments and therefore materially reduce our net income. Creating best-in-class customer experiences is an important
strategic priority for us, as we understand that great customer
experience is key to our long-term success. Our customers’ loyalty
Radio frequency emissions
and their likelihood to recommend Rogers are both dependent
From time to time, media and other reports have highlighted
upon our ability to provide a service experience that meets or
alleged links between radio frequency emissions from wireless
exceeds their expectations. We handle many customer interactions
devices (including new 5G technology) and various health
annually, ranging from potential new customers making in-store
concerns, including cancer, and interference with various medical
purchases to existing customers calling for technical support and
devices, including hearing aids and pacemakers. This may
everything in between. We understand that every time a customer
discourage the use of wireless devices or expose us to potential
uses one of our services, such as making a call on their wireless
litigation even though there are no definitive reports or studies
device, browsing the Internet or watching their favourite show using
stating that these health issues are directly attributable to radio
their Internet or television services, or listening to one of our radio
frequency emissions. Future regulatory actions may result in more
stations, their experience affects all future interactions with the
restrictive standards on radio frequency emissions from
Rogers brand. If our products do not deliver the usage experience
low-powered devices like wireless devices. We cannot predict the
our customers expect from us, and if we do not have clear, simple,
nature or extent of any restrictions.
and fair interactions with our customers, it could cause confusion
and frustrate our customers. This could result in the potential for
Obtaining access to support structures and municipal rights of
lost sales opportunities and increased churn, both of which could
have negative effects on our reputation, results of operations, and
To build and support the rollout of 5G, and to continue upgrading
financial condition.
our cable network, we must continue to have access to support
structures and municipal rights of way to install equipment on
municipal poles and buildings, and on First Nations land. We can RESULTS PERFORMANCE
apply to the CRTC to obtain a right of access under the We strive to drive profitable growth in all markets we serve. This
Telecommunications Act in areas where we cannot secure access means we will focus on core growth drivers in each of our
to municipal rights of way. Failure to obtain access could increase businesses, including increasing subscribers and reducing churn,
our costs and adversely affect our business. expanding products in our enterprise business, and stabilizing our
Media performance. At the same time, our goal is to continue to
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2003, however, that the develop strong capabilities in cost management to support
CRTC does not have the jurisdiction to establish the terms and investments that will fuel our future. If we are not successful in
conditions of accessing the poles of hydroelectric companies. As a achieving these goals, as a result of economic conditions or the
result, we normally obtain access under terms established by the competitive landscape, this could negatively impact confidence
provincial utility boards. with investors and external stakeholders, and ultimately our stock
On October 30, 2020, the CRTC launched consultations 2020-366
regarding potential regulatory measures to make access to poles
owned by Canadian carriers more efficient. The CRTC expressed TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION
concerns that untimely and costly access to poles owned by A significant transformation is underway in our industry, and as
Canadian carriers has negative impacts on the deployment of competition for talent increases, our success is highly dependent
efficient broadband-capable networks, particularly in areas of on our ability to attract and retain a high-performing, diverse, and
Canada with limited or no access to such networks. Therefore, the engaged workforce, including in key growth areas, such as the
CRTC initiated a proceeding to identify and implement regulatory network, IT, and digital fields. Our focus must be on providing



career and development opportunities, competitive compensation agencies lower the credit ratings on our debt, particularly a
and benefits, fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace, and a downgrade below investment-grade, it could adversely affect our
great employee experience. Failure to maintain and achieve this cost of financing and access to liquidity and capital.
focus, and changes to our workforce as a result of factors such as
turnover and restructuring, failing to develop internal succession, Capital markets
cost reduction initiatives, ongoing union negotiations, or other External capital market conditions could affect our ability to make
events, could have an adverse effect on the customer experience, strategic investments and meet ongoing capital funding
and as a result our revenue and profitability. requirements. Risk factors include a reduction in lending activity,
disruptions in capital markets, and regulatory requirements for an
RELIANCE ON SUPPLY CHAIN AND THIRD PARTIES increase in bank capitalization, which could either reduce the
We have outsourcing, managed service, and supplier availability, or increase the cost of capital.
arrangements with third parties to provide certain essential
components of our business operations to our employees and Income taxes and other taxes
customers. These include, but are not limited to, certain critical We collect, pay, and accrue significant amounts of income and
infrastructure components and devices; facilities or property other taxes, such as federal and provincial sales, employment, and
management functions; contact centre support; installation and property taxes.
service technicians; network and IT functions; and invoice printing.
We have recorded significant amounts of deferred and current
Some of these essential suppliers are relatively small in number and
income tax liabilities and expense, and calculated these amounts
we have limited operational or financial control over them. If
based on substantively enacted income tax rates in effect at the
interruptions in these services or at these suppliers occur, including
relevant time. A legislative change in these rates could have a
due to the ongoing global supply chain issues, it could adversely
material effect on the amounts recorded and payable in the future.
affect our ability to service our customers. Additionally, in the
course of fulfilling service arrangements, third-party service We provide for income and other taxes based on all currently
providers must ensure our information is appropriately protected available information and believe that we have adequately
and safeguarded. Failure to do so may affect Rogers through provided for these items. The calculation of applicable taxes in
increased regulatory risk, reputational damage, and damage to the many cases, however, requires significant judgment in interpreting
customer experience. tax rules and regulations. Our tax filings are subject to audits, which
could materially change the amount of current and deferred
FINANCIAL RISKS income tax assets, liabilities, and expense, and could, in certain
Capital commitments, liquidity, debt, and interest payments circumstances, result in the assessment of interest and penalties.
Our capital commitments and financing obligations could have
While we believe we have paid and provided for adequate
important consequences, including:
amounts of tax, our business is complex and significant judgment is
• requiring us to dedicate a substantial portion of cash provided
required in interpreting how tax legislation and regulations apply to
by operating activities to pay interest, principal amounts, and
dividends, which reduces funds available for other business
purposes, including other financial operations;
• making us more vulnerable to adverse economic and industry OTHER RISKS
conditions; Economic conditions
• limiting our flexibility in planning for, and reacting to, changes in Our businesses are affected by general economic conditions and
our business and industry; consumer confidence and spending. Recessions, declines in
• putting us at a competitive disadvantage compared to economic activity, and economic uncertainty can erode consumer
competitors who may have more financial resources and/or less and business confidence and reduce discretionary spending. Any
financial leverage; or of these factors can negatively affect us through reduced
• restricting our ability to obtain additional financing to fund advertising, lower demand for our products and services,
working capital and capital expenditures and for other general decreased revenue and profitability, and higher churn and bad
corporate purposes. debt expense. A significant portion of our broadcasting and digital
revenue comes from the sale of advertising and is affected by the
Our ability to satisfy our financial obligations depends on our future strength of the economy.
operating performance and on economic, financial, competitive,
and other factors, many of which are beyond our control. Our Strategy and business plans
business may not generate sufficient cash flow in the future and Our strategy is vital to our long-term success. Changing strategic
financings may not be available to provide sufficient net proceeds priorities or adding new strategic priorities could compromise
to meet our obligations or to successfully execute our business existing initiatives and could have a material adverse effect on our
strategy. business, results of operations, and financial condition.

Credit ratings We develop business plans, execute projects, and launch new
Credit ratings provide an independent measure of credit quality of ventures to grow our business. If the expected benefits from these
a securities issuer and can affect our ability to obtain short- and do not materialize, this could have a material adverse effect on our
long-term financing and the terms of the financing. If rating business, results of operations, and financial condition.


Our products, services, and networks rely, in part, on certain and demand trends. It is possible that we may not effectively
vendors. Should our vendors not deliver solutions that operate as forecast the value of consumer demand or risk of competing
intended, our business and financial results could be adversely technologies resulting in higher valuations for acquisitions or
affected. This may result in subscriber losses, lower revenue, and missed opportunities.
unfavourable customer satisfaction.
Services, technologies, key personnel, or businesses of companies
we acquire may not be effectively integrated into our business or
Monitoring and controlling fraudulent activities
service offerings, or our alliances may not be successful. We also
As a large company with tens of thousands of employees and a
may not be able to successfully complete certain divestitures on
range of desirable and valuable products and services, fraud
satisfactory terms, if at all.
prevention requires a disciplined program covering governance,
exposure identification and assessment, prevention, detection, and
Decline of television subscribers in Canada (cord-cutting and
reporting. This program must consider corruption and
misappropriation of assets by employees and/or external parties.
The number of households that subscribe to television service in
Fraud events can result in financial loss and brand degradation. In
Canada continues to decline. Other video offerings available to
addition to unauthorized access to digital boxes and Internet
consumers (for example, direct-to-consumer subscription and free
modems, a sample of potential examples of fraud relevant to us
services), as well as piracy, have contributed to this trend. If this
include (i) inappropriate use of our cable or wireless networks,
decline continues, it could have a material adverse effect on our
(ii) subscription fraud and fraudulent account takeovers for purpose
results of operations.
of hardware theft or SIM swapping, (iii) intentional manipulation of
financial statements by employees and/or external parties, and
(iv) copyright theft and other forms of unauthorized use that Migrating from conventional to digital media
undermine the exclusivity of our content offerings. Our Media business operates in many industries that can be
affected by customers migrating from conventional to digital
media, which is driving shifts in the quality and accessibility of data
Unauthorized access to digital boxes or Internet modems
and mobile alternatives to conventional media. We have been
With a significant number of Canadians purchasing illegal
shifting our focus towards the digital market. Increasing
pre-loaded set-top boxes and illegally streaming our television
competition for advertising revenue from digital platforms, such as
products, cord-shaving, cord-cutting and customer churn rates
search engines, social networks, and digital content alternatives,
could increase. To address this, we use encryption technology
has resulted in advertising dollars migrating from conventional
developed and supported by our vendors to protect our cable
television broadcasters to digital platforms. The impact is greater
signals from unauthorized access and to control access to
on conventional over-the-air broadcast networks, such as Citytv and
programming based on subscription packages. We also use
OMNI, which do not have a second revenue stream from
encryption and security technologies to prevent unauthorized
subscription revenue. Our Media results could be adversely
access to our Internet service.
affected if we are unsuccessful in shifting advertising dollars from
There is no assurance that we will be able to effectively prevent conventional to digital platforms.
unauthorized decoding of television signals or Internet access in
the future. If we are unable to control cable access with our Our market position in radio and television
encryption technology, and subscriptions to digital programming, Advertising dollars typically migrate to media properties that are
including premium video-on-demand and subscription leaders in their respective markets and categories, particularly when
video-on-demand, this could result in a decline in our Cable advertising budgets are tight. Our radio and television properties
revenue. may not continue performing how they currently perform.
Advertisers base a substantial part of their purchasing decisions on
Legal and ethical compliance ratings data generated by industry associations and agencies. If our
We rely on our employees, officers, Board, suppliers, and other radio and television ratings decrease substantially, our advertising
business partners to behave consistently with applicable legal and sales volumes and the rates that we charge advertisers could be
ethical standards in all jurisdictions in which we operate, including, adversely affected.
but not limited to, anti-bribery laws and regulations. Situations
where individuals or others, whether inadvertently or intentionally, Climate change
do not adhere to our policies, applicable laws and regulations, or Climate change is an increasingly important consideration in all
contractual obligations may expose us to litigation and the businesses, including the telecommunications business. Failure of
possibility of damages, sanctions, and fines, or of being disqualified climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts could affect our
from bidding on contracts. This may have an adverse effect on our business through potential disruption of our operations or supply
results, financial position, reputation, and brand. chains, damage to our infrastructure, and the effects on the
communities we serve. The physical risk to our infrastructure caused
Acquisitions, divestitures, or investments by extreme weather disturbances related to climate change can
Acquiring complementary businesses and technologies, significantly affect our ability to maintain secure communication
developing strategic alliances, and divesting portions of our services to all our customers, including governments and health
business are often required to optimally execute our business and emergency services.
strategy. Some areas of our operations (and adjacent businesses)
Climate change and the environment are drawing more attention
are subject to rapidly evolving technologies and consumer usage
through evolving public interest. Many aspects of our operations



are subject to evolving and increasingly stringent federal, provincial, was granted on September 15, 2021. We, along with several other
and local environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. cable companies, have intervened in these matters.
Such laws and regulations impose requirements with respect to
matters such as the release of substances into the environment, System access fee – Saskatchewan
corrective and remedial action concerning such releases, and the In 2004, a class action was commenced against providers of
proper handling and management of substances. These evolving wireless communications in Canada under the Class Actions Act
considerations and more stringent laws and regulations could lead (Saskatchewan). The class action relates to the system access fee
to increased costs for compliance and rising costs of utilities. Failure wireless carriers charge to some of their customers. The plaintiffs
to recognize and adequately respond could result in fines, are seeking unspecified damages and punitive damages, which
regulatory scrutiny, or damage to our reputation or brand. would effectively be a reimbursement of all system access fees
Controlling shareholder ownership risk
In 2007, the Saskatchewan Court granted the plaintiffs’ application
Rogers is a family-founded, family-controlled company. Voting
to have the proceeding certified as a national, “opt-in” class action
control of Rogers Communications Inc. is held by the Trust for the
where affected customers outside Saskatchewan must take specific
benefit of successive generations of the Rogers family and, as a
steps to participate in the proceeding. In 2008, our motion to stay
result, the Trust is able to elect all members of the Board and to
the proceeding based on the arbitration clause in our wireless
control the vote on most matters submitted to shareholders,
service agreements was granted. The Saskatchewan Court directed
whether through a shareholder meeting or a written consent
that its order, in respect of the certification of the action, would
resolution. The beneficiaries of the Trust are a small group of
exclude customers who are bound by an arbitration clause from
individuals who are members of the Rogers family, several of whom
the class of plaintiffs.
are also directors of the Board. The trustee is the trust company
subsidiary of a Canadian chartered bank. In 2009, counsel for the plaintiffs began a second proceeding
under the Class Actions Act (Saskatchewan) asserting the same
As at December 31, 2021, private Rogers family holding
claims as the original proceeding. If successful, this second class
companies controlled by the Trust owned approximately 98% of
action would be an “opt-out” class proceeding. This second
our outstanding Class A Shares (2020 – 98%) and approximately
proceeding was ordered conditionally stayed on the basis that it
10% of our Class B Non-Voting Shares (2020 – 10%), or in total
was an abuse of process.
approximately 29% of the total shares outstanding (2020 – 29%).
Only Class A Shares carry the right to vote in most circumstances. At the time the Saskatchewan class action was commenced,
corresponding claims were filed in multiple jurisdictions across
LITIGATION RISKS Canada. The claims in all provinces other than Saskatchewan have
Wholesale Internet costing and pricing now been dismissed or discontinued. We have not recognized a
On August 15, 2019, in Telecom Order CRTC 2019-288, Follow-up liability for this contingency.
to Telecom Orders 2016-396 and 2016-448 – Final rates for
aggregated wholesale high-speed access services (Order), the 911 fee
CRTC set final rates for facilities-based carriers’ wholesale high- In June 2008, a class action was launched in Saskatchewan against
speed access services, including Rogers’ TPIA service. The Order providers of wireless communications services in Canada. It involves
set final rates for Rogers that are significantly lower than the interim allegations of breach of contract, misrepresentation, and false
rates that were previously billed and it further determined that advertising, among other things, in relation to the 911 fee that had
these final rates will apply retroactively to March 31, 2016. been charged by us and the other wireless telecommunication
providers in Canada. The plaintiffs are seeking unspecified damages
We did not believe the final rates set by the CRTC were just and
and restitution. The plaintiffs intend to seek an order certifying the
reasonable as required by the Telecommunications Act as we
proceeding as a national class action in Saskatchewan. We have not
believed they were below cost. On May 27, 2021, the CRTC
recognized a liability for this contingency.
released Telecom Decision CRTC 2021-181 Requests to review and
vary Telecom Order 2019-288 regarding final rates for aggregated
Videotron Ltd.
wholesale high-speed access services. The CRTC decided to adopt
On October 29, 2021, Videotron Ltd. launched a lawsuit against
the interim rates in effect prior to the Order as the final rates, with
Rogers in the Quebec Superior Court, in connection with the
certain modifications, including the removal of the supplementary
agreement entered into by the parties in 2013 for the development
markup of 10% for incumbent local exchange carriers.
and operation of a joint LTE network in the province of Quebec.
The final rates are lower than the rates we previously billed to the The lawsuit involves allegations by Videotron Ltd. that Rogers has
resellers for the period of March 31, 2016 to October 6, 2016. We breached its contractual obligations by developing its own network
have recognized a refund of amounts previously billed to the in the territory. Videotron is seeking compensatory damages in the
resellers of approximately $25 million, representing the impact on amount of $850 million. We intend to vigorously defend this
a retroactive basis for that period. lawsuit. We have not recognized a liability for this contingency.

On May 28, 2021 a wholesale ISP petitioned the Governor in

Other claims
Council to, among other things, restore the 2019 Order and make
There are certain other claims and potential claims against us. We
the rates established in that order final. In addition, on June 28,
do not expect any of these, individually or in the aggregate, to have
2021, the same wholesale ISP filed a motion seeking leave to
a material adverse effect on our financial results.
appeal the 2021 Decision to the Federal Court of Appeal, which


Outcome of proceedings Our internal control system is designed to give management and
The outcome of all the proceedings and claims against us, the Board reasonable assurance that our financial statements are
including the matters described above, is subject to future prepared and fairly presented in accordance with IFRS as issued by
resolution that includes the uncertainties of litigation. It is not the IASB. The system is intended to provide reasonable assurance
possible for us to predict the result or magnitude of the claims due that transactions are authorized, assets are safeguarded, and
to the various factors and uncertainties involved in the legal financial records are reliable. Management also takes steps to
process. Based on information currently known to us, we believe it assure the flow of information and communication is effective, and
is not probable that the ultimate resolution of any of these monitors performance and our internal control procedures.
proceedings and claims, individually or in total, will have a material
Management assessed the effectiveness of our internal control over
adverse effect on our business, financial results, or financial
financial reporting as at December 31, 2021, based on the criteria
condition. If circumstances change and it becomes probable that
set out in the Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued
we will be held liable for claims against us and such claim is
by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
estimable, we will recognize a provision during the period in which
Commission (COSO), and concluded that it was effective at that
the change in probability occurs, which could be material to our
date. Our independent auditors, KPMG LLP, have issued an
Consolidated Statements of Income or Consolidated Statements
unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal
of Financial Position.
control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2021. This
report is included in our 2021 Audited Consolidated Financial

DISCLOSURE CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES All internal control systems, however, no matter how well designed,
We conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and have inherent limitations, and even systems that have been
operation of our disclosure controls and procedures as at determined to be effective can only provide reasonable assurance
December 31, 2021, under the supervision and with the about the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
participation of our management, including the Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Financial Officer, pursuant to Rule 13a-15 CHANGES IN INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL
promulgated under the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE CONTROLS AND
amended. Based on this evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and PROCEDURES
Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and There have been no changes in 2021 that materially affected, or are
procedures were effective at that date. reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over
financial reporting.
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining
adequate internal controls over financial reporting.



Regulation in our Industry

Our business, except for the non-broadcasting operations of basic cable television service ordered by the CRTC and introduced
Media, is regulated by two groups: in 2016, as the CRTC believes there is enough competition for
• ISED Canada on behalf of the Minister of Innovation, Science these services provided by other carriers to protect the interests of
and Industry; and users and has forborne from regulating them. Regulations can and
• the CRTC, under the Telecommunications Act and the do, however, affect the terms and conditions under which we offer
Broadcasting Act. these services.

Regulation relates to the following, among other things:

• wireless spectrum and broadcasting licensing; SPECTRUM LICENCES
• competition; ISED Canada sets technical standards for telecommunications under
• the cable television programming services we must, and can, the Radiocommunication Act (Canada) (Radiocommunication Act)
distribute; and the Telecommunications Act. It licences and oversees:
• wireless and wireline interconnection agreements; • the technical aspects of the operation of radio and television
• rates we can charge third parties for access to our network; stations;
• the resale of services on our networks; • the frequency-related operations of cable television networks;
• roaming on our networks and the networks of others; and
• ownership and operation of our communications systems; and • spectrum for wireless communications systems in Canada.
• our ability to acquire an interest in other communications
systems. ROYALTIES
The Copyright Board of Canada (Copyright Board) oversees the
Regulatory changes or decisions can adversely affect our results of administration of copyright royalties in Canada and establishes the
operations. royalties to be paid for the use of certain copyrighted works. It sets
Our costs of providing services may increase from time to time as the copyright tariff royalties that Canadian broadcasting
we comply with industry or legislative initiatives to address undertakings, including cable, radio, television, and specialty
consumer protection concerns or Internet-related issues like services, pay to copyright collectives.
copyright infringement, unsolicited commercial e-mail, cybercrime,
and lawful access. BILLING AND CONTRACTS
Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Quebec
Generally, our spectrum and broadcast licences are granted for a have enacted consumer protection legislation for wireless, wireline,
specified term and are subject to conditions for maintaining these and Internet service contracts. This legislation addresses the
licences. Regulators can modify these licensing conditions at any content of such contracts, the determination of the early
time, and they can decide not to renew a licence when it expires. If cancellation fees that can be charged to customers, the use of
we do not comply with the conditions, a licence may be forfeited or security deposits, the cancellation and renewal rights of customers,
revoked, or we may be fined. the sale of prepaid cards, and the disclosure of related costs.
The licences have conditions that require us, amongst other things, Rogers is also currently subject to the CRTC Wireless Code, the
to comply with Canadian ownership restrictions of the applicable CRTC Television Service Provider Code of Conduct that became
legislation. We are currently in compliance with these conditions. If effective on September 1, 2017, and the CRTC Internet Code that
we violate the requirements, we would be subject to various became effective on January 31, 2020. See “CRTC Wireless Code
penalties, including the loss of a licence in extreme cases. of Conduct” and “CRTC Internet Code” for more information.

Cable, wireless, and broadcasting licences generally cannot be

transferred without regulatory approval.
Non-Canadians can own and control, directly or indirectly:
• up to 33.3% of the voting shares and the related votes of a
CANADIAN BROADCASTING AND holding company that has a subsidiary operating company
TELECOMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS licenced under the Broadcasting Act, and
The CRTC is responsible for regulating and supervising all aspects • up to 20% of the voting shares and the related votes of the
of the Canadian broadcasting and telecommunications system. operating licensee company may be owned and controlled
Our Canadian broadcasting operations – including our cable directly or indirectly by non-Canadians.
television systems, radio and television stations, and specialty
services – are licensed (or operated under an exemption order) and Combined, these limits can enable effective foreign control of up
regulated by the CRTC under the Broadcasting Act. to 46.7%.

The CRTC is also responsible under the Telecommunications Act The chief executive officer and 80% of the members of the board
for the regulation of telecommunications carriers, including: of directors of the operating licensee must be resident Canadians.
• Wireless’ mobile voice and data operations; and There are no restrictions on the number of non-voting shares that
• Cable’s Internet and telephone services. may be held by non-Canadians at either the holding company or
the licensee company level. Neither the Canadian carrier nor its
Our cable and telecommunications retail services are not currently parent may be otherwise controlled in fact by non-Canadians.
subject to price regulation, other than our affordable entry-level


Subject to appeal to the federal Cabinet, the CRTC has the September 27, 2018. Two calls for applications occurred in 2019.
jurisdiction to determine as a question of fact whether a given 2020 marks the first year of payments into the fund, with a
licensee is controlled by non-Canadians. maximum funding level of $100 million in the first year of
implementation. This level will increase by $25 million annually over
Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act and associated
the following four years to reach an annual cap of $200 million, with
regulations, the same rules also apply to Canadian
the incremental increases in years four and five contingent on a
telecommunications carriers such as Wireless, except that there is
review of the fund in the third year to ensure it is being managed
no requirement that the chief executive officer be a resident
efficiently and is achieving its intended purpose.
Canadian. We believe we are in compliance with the foregoing
foreign ownership and control requirements. A percent of revenue levy has been applied on wireline and
wireless voice revenues since 2000 to support providing voice
On June 29, 2012, Bill C-38 amending the Telecommunications Act
service to designated high-cost local voice serving area and to
passed into law. The amendments exempt telecommunications
provide a national video relay service (VRS). In 2019, a 0.52% levy
companies with less than 10% of total Canadian
on wireline and wireless voice revenues generated $94.2 million in
telecommunications market measured by revenue from foreign
subsidies. The voice service subsidy component is declining year-
investment restrictions. Companies that are successful in growing
over-year because in Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2018-213,
their market shares in excess of 10% of total Canadian
Phase-out of the local voice service subsidy regime, the CRTC
telecommunications market revenue other than by way of merger
determined that the current $115 million local service subsidy for
or acquisitions will continue to be exempt from the restrictions.
incumbent local telephone company high-cost serving areas would
be phased out in six equal increments between 2019 and 2021
CRTC REVIEW OF BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES such that the voice subsidy will be eliminated by the end of 2021.
After an extensive proceeding examining which
telecommunications services Canadians require to participate For 2020, the $100 million funding requirements of the Broadband
meaningfully in the digital economy and the CRTC’s role in Fund will be added to the voice and VRS requirements, resulting in
ensuring the availability of affordable basic telecommunications an increased projected subsidy requirement of $170.7 million per
services to all Canadians, the CRTC released Telecom Regulatory Telecom Decision CRTC 2019-395, Final 2019 revenue-percent
Policy CRTC 2016-496, Modern telecommunications services – The charge and related matters, released on December 4, 2019. The
path forward for Canada’s digital economy, on December 21, 2016. percent of revenue levy currently applied to wireline and wireless
voice revenues will be extended to also apply to Internet and
The CRTC set as its universal service objective that Canadians, in texting revenue and is set for 2020 on an interim basis at 0.45% on
urban areas as well as in rural and remote areas, have access to this expanded revenue base, subject to finalization based on actual
voice services and broadband Internet access services, on both revenues in late 2020.
fixed and mobile wireless networks. To measure the successful
achievement of this objective, the CRTC has established several
criteria, including:
Canada’s anti-spam legislation was passed into law on
• 90% of Canadian residential and business fixed broadband
December 15, 2010 and came into force on July 1, 2014. Sections
Internet access service subscribers should be able to access
of such legislation related to the unsolicited installation of
speeds of at least 50 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload, and
computer programs or software came into force on January 15,
to subscribe to a service offering with an unlimited data
2015. A private right of action that was to come into place under
allowance by 2021, with the remaining 10% of the population
the legislation effective July 1, 2017 was deferred. We believe we
receiving such service by 2031; and
are in compliance with this legislation.
• the latest generally deployed mobile wireless technology should
be available not only in Canadian homes and businesses, but on
as many major transportation roads as possible in Canada. MANDATORY NOTIFICATION OF PRIVACY BREACHES
On June 18, 2015, Bill S-4 – the Digital Privacy Act was passed into
To help attain the universal service objective, the CRTC will begin to law. It made several amendments to PIPEDA, including the
shift the focus of its regulatory frameworks from wireline voice introduction of mandatory breach notification rules that came into
services to broadband Internet access services. As such, the force on November 1, 2018. Businesses must now notify impacted
following services that form part of the universal service objective individuals and the federal Privacy Commissioner of a privacy
are considered basic telecommunications services within the breach where it is reasonable to believe the breach creates a real
meaning of subsection 46.5(1) of the Telecommunications Act: risk of significant harm to the individual. Notification must be
• fixed and mobile wireless broadband Internet access services; completed as soon as feasible after it is determined a breach
and occurred. Businesses must also keep records of breaches and
• fixed and mobile wireless voice services. provide these records to the Privacy Commissioner upon request.
The Privacy Commissioner may also launch an investigation or audit
To assist in extending broadband into under-served rural and
based on the information contained in the breach report. Failure to
remote locations, the CRTC stated that it would establish a new
provide notification or maintain records could result in fines up to
broadband fund to which all entities providing Internet services in
$100,000 per violation. In late 2019, the Privacy Commissioner
Canada must contribute. The specifics of the fund, including
conducted a review of breach reporting among seven
guiding principles, fund design, and assessment criteria, were
telecommunications services providers, issuing a report with
established in Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2018-377,
recommendations for best practices for industry.
Development of the Commission’s Broadband Fund, released on



GOVERNMENT OF CANADA REVIEW OF THE publicly released on July 29, 2021. Twenty-three companies
BROADCASTING ACT participated in the auction and 1,495 of 1,504 licences were
On February 2, 2022, the Federal Government introduced Bill C-11, awarded to fifteen of those participants, with a total value of
the Online Streaming Act. Bill C-11 will amend the Broadcasting $8.91 billion. We won 325 licences across the country at a cost of
Act and make related and consequential amendments to other $3.3 billion. We made our first deposit of $665 million on
acts. The goal of Bill C-11 is to support Canada’s cultural policy August 13, 2021 and had expected to make final payment and
objectives of producing Canadian stories in the midst of a receive the spectrum licences on October 4, 2021.
changing broadcasting landscape. The main amendments would On September 22, 2021, due to concerns of possible interference
subject online streaming services to CRTC regulation and require between the frequency bands used for 5G communications and
specific investment in Canadian cultural enterprises and include the bands used for certain aviation navigation tools, ISED Canada
diverse programming, including Indigenous content. The CRTC will published its Addendum to Consultation on Amendments to
decide how the new regulatory regime is to be implemented SRSP-520, Technical Requirements for Fixed and/or Mobile
subject to the guidance that would be provided by the Systems, Including Flexible Use Broadband Systems, in the Band
Government in a policy direction to be issued when (and if) the Bill 3450-3650 MHz, thereby delaying the issuance of, and final
is passed. payment for, the spectrum licences.

In November 2021, ISED Canada published an updated version of

WIRELESS SRSP-520, which imposes measures to address the protection of
3500 AND 3800 MHZ SPECTRUM LICENCE BANDS certain aviation navigation tools from interference. The revised date
The 3500 MHz band is key spectrum needed to support 5G for final payment and issuance of the spectrum licences was
technologies. To align with international standards, ISED Canada December 17, 2021. We took possession of these licences after
moved to implement a fundamental reallocation to allow flexible making final payment.
use of both mobile and fixed services in the band. On August 27, 2020, ISED Canada launched its Consultation on
On June 6, 2019, ISED Canada released its Decision (2019 the Technical and Policy Framework for the 3650-4200 MHz Band
Decision) on its Consultation on Revisions to the 3500 MHz Band to and Changes to the Frequency Allocation of the 3500-3650 MHz
Accommodate Flexible Use and Preliminary Consultation on Band to address potential changes to the spectrum utilization
Changes to the 3800 MHz Band. The 2019 Decision determined policy, band plans, and the technical and policy considerations to
that ISED Canada would issue flexible use licences in a 200 MHz optimize the use of the 3700-4200 MHz bands to support 5G
frequency range from 3450-3650 MHz. Existing wireless licensees wireless technologies deployment. On May 21, 2021, ISED Canada
in this range that meet all of their conditions of licence were released its Decision on the Technical and Policy Framework for the
eligible to be issued flexible use licences covering the same 3650-4200 MHz Band and Changes to the Frequency Allocation of
geographic area for the following spectrum amounts: the 3500-3650 MHz Band, announcing the decision to repurpose
• any licensee that holds 75 MHz of existing spectrum or more will the 3800 MHz spectrum band to support 5G services. On
be eligible to apply for 60 MHz; December 17, 2021, ISED Canada launched a follow-up
• any licensee that holds 50 MHz of existing spectrum will be proceeding, Consultation on a Policy and Licensing Framework for
eligible to apply for 50 MHz; and Spectrum in the 3800 MHz band, to determine the auction format
• all other licensees will be eligible to apply for 20 MHz. and rules. Initial comments were due on February 15, 2022. The
3800 MHz auction is expected to take place in early 2023.
Rogers and Bell previously held 3500 MHz spectrum licences
across the country in Inukshuk™, a partnership between the two TRANSFERS, DIVISIONS, AND SUBORDINATE LICENSING
companies. Inukshuk held between 100-175 MHz of 3500 MHz
spectrum in most major urban markets in Canada. Because
In June 2013, ISED Canada released Framework Relating to
Inukshuk held 75 or more MHz of 3500 MHz spectrum in each of
Transfers, Divisions and Subordinate Licensing of Spectrum
the top 10 service areas in Canada by population, it was eligible to
Licences for Commercial Mobile Spectrum. The Framework lays
retain 60 MHz in those areas. In September 2020, Rogers and Bell
out the criteria ISED Canada will consider and the processes it will
unwound Inukshuk and transferred to each partner 50% of
use when it reviews spectrum licence transfers, including
Inukshuk’s 3500 MHz holdings. As such, in accordance with the
prospective transfers that could arise from purchase or sale options
Decision and the transfer, Rogers in effect, will retain 30 MHz of
and other agreements. Key items to note are that:
3500 MHz spectrum licences for re-designation to flexible use
• ISED Canada will review all spectrum transfer requests, and will
licences in each of the top 10 service areas in Canada by
not allow any that result in “undue spectrum concentration” and
reduced competition. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case
Because much of the 3500 MHz spectrum band is currently in use, basis and will be issued publicly to increase transparency; and
the 2019 Decision set out a transition process to protect existing • licensees must ask for a review within 15 days of entering into
users and new licensees from interference as they transition to new any agreement that could lead to a prospective transfer. ISED
flexible use licences. The transition process will follow a six-month Canada will review the agreement as though the licence transfer
cycle and last approximately five years. that could arise from it has been made.

ISED Canada’s 3500 MHz spectrum licence auction began on

June 15, 2021 and ended on July 23, 2021. The results were


CRTC WIRELESS CODE OF CONDUCT In Telecom Regulatory Policy 2015-177, Regulatory framework for
In June 2013, the CRTC issued its Wireless Code of Conduct wholesale mobile wireless services, released in May 2015, the CRTC
(Wireless Code) that came into effect in December 2013. The determined that it would not mandate or require general
Wireless Code imposes several obligations on wireless carriers, wholesale tariffs for tower and site sharing. At the same time, it
including maximum contract term length, roaming bill caps, device determined that its existing powers and processes are sufficient to
unlocking requirements, and contract summaries. It also lays out address tower and site sharing disputes related to rates, terms, and
the rules for device subsidies and early cancellation fees. Under the conditions. As a result, carriers may use the arbitration process
Wireless Code, if a customer cancels a contract early, carriers can established by ISED Canada, or they may request the CRTC to
only charge the outstanding balance of the device subsidy they intervene in the event that tower and site sharing negotiations fail.
received, which decreases by an equal amount every month over
no more than 24 months. POLICY DIRECTION TO THE CRTC ON
On June 15, 2017, the CRTC released its decision on the three-year TELECOMMUNICATIONS
review of the Wireless Code (Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC On February 26, 2019, the Minister of Innovation, Science and
2017-200, Review of the Wireless Code). The CRTC determined Economic Development tabled a Proposed Order Issuing a
that as of December 1, 2017, all individual and small business Direction to the CRTC on Implementing the Canadian
wireless service customers will have the right to have their cellular Telecommunications Policy Objectives to Promote Competition,
phones and other mobile devices unlocked, free of charge, upon Affordability, Consumer Interests and Innovation. The Direction
request. In addition, all newly purchased devices must be provided signals the government’s intention to require the CRTC to consider
unlocked from that day forward. The CRTC also determined that for competition, affordability, consumer interests, and innovation in its
family or shared plans (multi-line plans), the account holder must, telecommunications decisions and to demonstrate to Canadians in
by default, be the one who consents to data overage and data those decisions that it has done so.
roaming charges beyond the established caps ($50 and $100 per On June 17, 2019, the Order Issuing a Direction to the CRTC on
month, respectively). Wireless service providers may, however, allow Implementing the Canadian Telecommunications Policy Objectives
account holders to authorize other users on a family or shared plan to Promote Competition, Affordability, Consumer Interests and
to consent to additional charges. The CRTC also made clear that in Innovation came into effect after review and revision. It requires the
all instances, the caps apply on a per account basis, regardless of CRTC to consider competition, affordability, consumer interests,
the number of devices, for multi-line plans and individual lines on and innovation in its telecommunications decisions and to
the account. demonstrate to Canadians in those decisions that it has done so.
In July 2019, Rogers introduced wireless device financing
agreements with both 24- and 36-month terms. On August 30, CRTC REVIEW OF MOBILE WIRELESS SERVICES
2019, the CRTC initiated Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC On February 28, 2019, through Telecom Notice of Consultation
2019-309, Show cause proceeding and call for comments – The CRTC 2019-57, Review of mobile wireless services, the CRTC
Wireless Code – Device financing plans, to consider whether device initiated its five-year review to examine the state of the mobile
financing plans, including those with terms longer than 24 months, wireless market and to determine whether further action is required
are compliant with the Wireless Code. We voluntarily ceased to improve choice and affordability for Canadians. After extensive
offering device financing arrangements with terms greater than 24 written submissions were filed in 2019, a two-week oral hearing
months at that time. Final reply submissions were filed on began on February 18, 2020. Final written submissions were filed
October 29, 2019. On March 4, 2021, the CRTC released Telecom on July 15, 2020.
Decision CRTC 2021-98, Wireless Code – Application to device On April 15, 2021 the CRTC issued Telecom Regulatory Policy
financing plans, confirming that the Wireless Code does apply to 2021-130, Review of mobile wireless services. The CRTC mandated
device financing plans sold with a wireless service plan and that wholesale mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) access,
device financing plans must comply with all relevant protections of seamless handoff for mandated wholesale roaming, and new
the Wireless Code. The CRTC also established that device financing mandatory low-cost and occasional-use retail rate plans; however,
plans are similar to device subsidies when determining early mandated MVNO access will only be provided if certain conditions
cancellation fees under the Wireless Code. are met as described briefly below.

TOWER SHARING POLICY The CRTC decided that mandated wholesale MVNO access must
In March 2013, ISED Canada released Revised Frameworks for be offered by the national carriers, and SaskTel in Saskatchewan,
Mandatory Roaming and Antenna Tower and Site Sharing, but only made available to eligible regional wireless carriers that
concluding a consultation initiated in 2012. It sets out the current hold mobile spectrum licences, and only in the areas that are
rules for tower and site sharing, among other things. The key terms covered by their licences. The terms and conditions associated with
of the tower and site sharing rules are: mandated MVNO access must be approved by the CRTC, while
• all holders of spectrum licences, radio licences, and rates will be subject to commercial negotiation, backstopped by
broadcasting certificates must share towers and antenna sites, final offer arbitration, with the CRTC acting as arbitrator. Mandated
where technically feasible, at commercial rates; and MVNO access will be limited to a seven-year period commencing
• the timeframe for negotiating agreements is 60 days, after which on the date the CRTC finalizes the terms and conditions. This time
arbitration according to ISED Canada arbitration rules will begin. limit is intended to provide the regional carriers sufficient time to
expand their networks while maintaining investment incentives.



The national wireless carriers must also provide seamless handoff as Of these criteria, the degree to which data is treated agnostically
part of the mandatory roaming they must offer to the regional will generally carry the most weight. The overriding expectation is
wireless carriers. Seamless handoff will ensure that calls in progress that all content and applications will be treated in a neutral manner.
are not dropped when customers travel outside their home Zero-rating of account management functions (e.g., monitoring of
network coverage and into the coverage of their roaming provider. Internet data usage or the payment of bills online) will generally be
The CRTC also directed the national wireless carriers to offer 5G permitted.
roaming where the roaming network offers 5G service on its own
network and to file proposed revised terms and conditions within WHOLESALE INTERNET COSTING AND PRICING
90 days for CRTC approval. On August 15, 2019, in Telecom Order CRTC 2019-288, Follow-up
Finally, the CRTC mandated retail rate plans for low-cost and to Telecom Orders 2016-396 and 2016-448 – Final rates for
occasional use. These plans were implemented on July 14, 2021. aggregated wholesale high-speed access services (2019 Order),
the CRTC set final rates for facilities-based carriers’ wholesale HAS,
including Rogers’ TPIA service. The 2019 Order set final rates for
CABLE Rogers that are significantly lower than the interim rates that were
previously billed and it further determined that these final rates will
apply retroactively to March 31, 2016. We do not believe the final
Pursuant to section 31(2) of the Copyright Act, television service
rates set by the CRTC are just and reasonable as required by the
providers are permitted to retransmit programming within distant
Telecommunications Act as we believe they are below cost.
over-the-air television signals as part of a compulsory licensing
regime. Rates for the distribution of the programming are On September 13, 2019, Rogers, in conjunction with the other
established through negotiation or set by the Copyright Board. large Canadian cable companies (Cable Carriers), filed a motion for
Distributors and content providers (the Collectives) were unable to Leave to Appeal pursuant to Section 64(1) of the
agree on a new rate for the distribution of distant signals after the Telecommunications Act with the Federal Court of Appeal (Court)
expiration of the then-current agreement in 2013. A proceeding and an associated motion for an interlocutory Stay of the 2019
was initiated by the Copyright Board in 2015 and a decision was Order. On November 22, 2019, the Court granted Leave to Appeal
rendered on December 18, 2018. The decision increased the rate and an interlocutory Stay of the 2019 Order. On September 10,
paid by broadcast distribution undertakings (BDUs) by 2020, the Court dismissed the Cable Carriers’ appeal and
approximately 8% for 2014, a further 7.5% for 2015, and a further simultaneously vacated the interlocutory Stay previously granted.
2.5% for 2016, with 2017 and 2018 held constant at the 2016 rate.
On November 13, 2019, Rogers, again in conjunction with the
For the period of 2019 to 2023, an interim rate was set at the 2016
other Cable Carriers, filed an appeal of the 2019 Order with the
rate of $1.17.
Federal Cabinet, pursuant to Section 12(1) of the
The Collectives appealed the Copyright Board’s decision on the Telecommunications Act, asking the Cabinet to order the CRTC to
2014 to 2018 rates, seeking to have the rates increased to an reconsider its August 15, 2019 decision in conjunction with the
average of approximately $2.20 for the five-year period. On July 22, CRTC’s previously announced review of the entire wholesale
2021, the Federal Court of Appeal (Court) released a decision in regulatory framework. On August 15, 2020, the Federal Cabinet
which it determined the 2014 and 2015 rates would be final but recognized that the final rates did not always appropriately balance
agreed with the Collectives that errors were made with respect to the policy objectives of the wholesale network and were concerned
the 2016 to 2018 rates. The Copyright Board could hold a new that they would undermine investment in high-quality networks.
proceeding as soon as early 2022 to determine the rates from They however decided not to refer the matter back to the CRTC,
2016 onwards. In the meantime, the BDUs, including Rogers, have given that the matter was already before them as a result of the
filed a motion for Leave to Appeal the Court’s decision with the review and vary application filed by Rogers and the other Cable
Supreme Court of Canada. Due to the significant uncertainty Carriers.
surrounding both the outcome and the amount, if any, we might
On December 13, 2019, Rogers, again in conjunction with the
have to pay, we have not recorded a liability for this contingency at
other Cable Carriers, filed an Application with the CRTC seeking
this time. The fees we currently pay the Collectives are not material.
review and variance and stay of the 2019 Order pursuant to
sections 27(1), 61(2), and 62 of the Telecommunications Act, Part 1
DIFFERENTIAL PRICING RELATED TO INTERNET DATA of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
PLANS Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, and
On April 20, 2017, the CRTC released Telecom Regulatory Policy Telecommunications Information Bulletin CRTC 2011-214, Revised
CRTC 2017-104, Framework for assessing the differential pricing Guidelines for review and vary applications. Specifically, we seek:
practices of Internet service providers, setting out the evaluation a) review and variance of the methodology and the resulting
criteria it will apply to determine whether a specific differential rates approved for the Cable Carriers’ aggregated wholesale
pricing practice complies with subsection 27(2) of the HAS in the 2019 Order in conjunction with the CRTC’s
Telecommunications Act on a case-by-case basis, as follows: planned review of its approach to setting the rates for
• the degree to which the treatment of data is agnostic (i.e., data is wholesale telecommunications services generally;
treated equally regardless of its source or nature); b) review and variance of the determination in the 2019 Order
• whether the offering is exclusive to certain customers or certain regarding retroactivity such that any new wholesale rates for
content providers; Cable Carrier HAS services apply only on a prospective basis;
• the impact on Internet openness and innovation; and and
• whether there is financial compensation involved.


c) in the event that the interlocutory stay of the 2019 Order On September 20, 2016, the CRTC released Telecom Decision
granted by the Federal Court of Appeal is terminated or CRTC 2016-379, Follow-up to Telecom Regulatory Policy 2015-326
varied, an interim stay of the 2019 Order pending completion – Implementation of a disaggregated wholesale high-speed access
of the Commission’s determinations in respect of both (a) and service, including over fibre-to-the premises access facilities,
(b) above. addressing the technical implementation of new, disaggregated,
high-speed access TPIA, a service that will provide access to FTTP
On September 28, 2020, the CRTC issued a Stay of Order
facilities as ordered in the CRTC’s July 22, 2015 ruling. The decision
2019-288 pending review of the appropriateness of the rates
is consistent with the positions submitted by Rogers in our filings.
established in the 2019 Order. On November 12, 2020, Rogers,
Proposed tariffs and supporting cost studies for the new service
again in conjunction with the other Cable Carriers, filed a motion
were filed on January 9, 2017, with further information filed later in
for Leave to Appeal the Court’s decision with the Supreme Court of
2017 and 2018. A decision on final rates was anticipated in 2020
Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada dismissed the request for
but was temporarily suspended on June 11, 2020 by CRTC
Leave on February 25, 2021 without reasons.
Telecom Notice of Consultation 2020-187, Call for comments –
On May 27, 2021, the CRTC released Telecom Decision CRTC Appropriate network configuration for disaggregated wholesale
2021-181 Requests to review and vary Telecom Order 2019-288 high-speed access services. Initial comments for this proceeding
regarding final rates for aggregated wholesale high-speed access were filed on October 5, 2020 and reply comments were filed on
services (2021 Decision) in which it adopted the interim rates in December 7, 2020.
effect prior to the 2019 Order as the final rates, with certain
modifications, including the removal of the supplementary markup CRTC REVIEW OF LOCAL AND COMMUNITY
of 10% for incumbent local exchange carriers. PROGRAMMING
On May 28, 2021, a wholesale ISP petitioned the Governor in On June 15, 2016, the CRTC released Broadcasting Regulatory
Council to, among other things, restore the 2019 Order and make Policy CRTC 2016-224, Policy framework for local and community
the rates established in that order final. In addition, on June 28, television. The CRTC created a new model for BDU contributions to
2021, the same wholesale ISP filed a motion seeking leave to Canadian programming that took effect on September 1, 2017.
appeal the 2021 Decision to the Federal Court of Appeal, which Annual contributions will remain at 5% of annual gross
was granted on September 15, 2021. We, along with several other broadcasting revenues; however, of that amount, in all licensed
cable companies, have intervened in these matters. cable systems, up to 1.5% (rather than the previous 2%) can be
used to fund community channel programming. Of this revenue,
0.3% must now go to a newly created Independent Local News
Fund for independently owned local TV stations, and the remaining
On July 31, 2019, the CRTC released Telecom Regulatory Policy
funding will continue to go to the Canada Media Fund and
CRTC 2019-269, The Internet Code, establishing a mandatory code
independent production funds. This decision provides the flexibility
of conduct (Code) for large facilities-based ISPs that applies to the
for BDUs that operate community channels in large markets
companies’ provision of fixed wireline Internet access services to
(Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver) to now
individual customers. As is the case for the Wireless, Deposit and
direct their community channel revenues from those markets to
Disconnection, and Television Service Provider Codes already in
fund either community channel programming in smaller markets,
place, the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television
or to fund local news on TV stations (such as Citytv, in the case of
Services Inc. (CCTS) will administer the Code. The Code came into
Rogers). Rogers has closed its Greater Toronto Area community
effect on January 31, 2020.
channels and redirected these revenues.


TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES On March 19, 2015, the CRTC released the third of its decisions
On July 22, 2015, the CRTC released its decision on the regulatory related to its Let’s Talk TV proceeding. The CRTC ordered
framework for wholesale wireline services (Telecom Regulatory distributors to offer customers an option for a small basic service
Policy 2015-326, Review of wholesale wireline services and consisting only of Canadian local channels (local radio is optional),
associated policies), determining which wireline services, and under national mandatory services, community and provincial legislature
what terms and conditions, facilities-based telecommunications channels, and, should they wish, US 4+1 networks beginning
carriers must make available to other telecommunications service March 1, 2016. The retail rate for this entry-level service will be
providers, such as resellers. The CRTC determined that wholesale capped at $25 per month (excluding equipment). Effective
high-speed access services, which are used to support retail March 1, 2016, we began offering a small basic service consisting
competition for services, such as local phone, television, and of Canadian local channels, national mandatory services,
Internet access, would continue to be mandated. The provision of community and provincial legislature channels, and the US 4+1
provincially aggregated services, however, would no longer be networks.
mandated and would be phased out in conjunction with the
implementation of a disaggregated service with connections at The CRTC also adopted phased-in requirements for selling
telephone company central offices and cable company head-ends. channels to customers “à la carte” and as part of “pick-packs”. All
The requirement to implement disaggregated wholesale high- channels above the basic tier must be offered on an à la carte basis
speed access services will include making them available over and in smaller, reasonably priced packages as of December 2016.
fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) access facilities. Regulated rates will As a BDU, we are permitted to continue to offer our existing basic
continue to be based on long-run increment cost studies. service and programming packages. The CRTC also revised its



existing “preponderance” rule so that consumers will have to be distribution undertakings, the CRTC renewed Rogers’ Broadcasting
offered, but will not have to receive, a majority of Canadian services. Distribution Undertaking licences in Ontario and Atlantic Canada
for a full seven-year licence term with conditions substantially
A number of changes to the Wholesale Code (formerly the Vertical
consistent with Rogers’ application.
Integration (VI) Code) addressing, amongst other matters,
penetration-based rate cards and minimum guarantees were also
made. All licensed programmers and BDUs are to comply with the CRTC PROCEEDING ON FUTURE PROGRAMMING
Wholesale Code, which came into effect on January 22, 2016. DISTRIBUTION MODELS
On October 12, 2017, prompted by Order in Council P.C. 2017-
The decision also addressed rules for distribution of foreign 1195, the CRTC initiated a proceeding (Broadcasting Notice of
services authorized for distribution in Canada, including Consultation CRTC 2017-359, Call for comments on the Governor
requirements that foreign services make their channels available “à in Council’s request for a report on future programming distribution
la carte” and in “pick-packs” or in smaller pre-assembled packages models) to report on the distribution model or models of
and abide by the Wholesale Code. Access rules for VI-owned programming that are likely to exist in the future; how and through
services and independent services, channel packaging, and whom Canadians will access that programming; and the extent to
buy-through rules for multicultural services were also addressed. which these models will ensure a vibrant domestic market that is
On March 26, 2015, in the final decision related to Let’s Talk TV, the capable of supporting the continued creation, production, and
CRTC announced plans to establish a Television Service Provider distribution of Canadian programming, in both official languages,
(TVSP) Code of Conduct to govern certain aspects of the including original entertainment and information programming.
relationship between TVSPs and their customers as well as to allow On May 30, 2018, the CRTC issued its report on future
consumers to complain to the Commissioner for Complaints for programming distribution models requested by the government in
Telecommunications Services about their providers which came September 2017 through Order in Council P.C. 2017-1195. The
into effect on September 1, 2017. report proposes new tools and regulatory approaches to support
the production and promotion of audio and video content made
ROGERS CABLE TV LICENCE RENEWALS by and for Canadians. The report will inform the government’s
On August 2, 2018, in Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2018-265, review of the Broadcasting Act and Telecommunications Act.
Rogers – Licence renewal for various terrestrial broadcasting


Other Information
We estimate the lease term by considering the facts and
CRITICAL ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES AND JUDGMENTS circumstances that can create an economic incentive to exercise an
extension option, or not exercise a termination option. We make
Management makes judgments, estimates, and assumptions that certain qualitative and quantitative assumptions when deriving the
affect how accounting policies are applied, the amounts we report value of the economic incentive.
in assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses, and our related
disclosure about contingent assets and liabilities. Significant USEFUL LIVES
changes in our assumptions, including those related to our future We depreciate the cost of property, plant and equipment over their
business plans and cash flows, could materially change the estimated useful lives by considering industry trends and company-
amounts we record. Actual results could be different from these specific factors, including changing technologies and expectations
estimates. for the in-service period of certain assets at the time. We reassess
These estimates are critical to our business operations and our estimates of useful lives annually, or when circumstances
understanding our results of operations. We may need to use change, to ensure they match the anticipated life of the technology
additional judgment because of the sensitivity of the methods and from a revenue-producing perspective. If technological change
assumptions used in determining the asset, liability, revenue, and happens more quickly, or in a different way, than anticipated, we
expense amounts. might have to reduce the estimated life of property, plant and
equipment, which could result in a higher depreciation expense in
future periods or an impairment charge to write down the value.
ESTIMATES We monitor and review our depreciation rates and asset useful lives
at least once a year and change them if they are different from our
previous estimates. We recognize the effect of changes in
Determining the transaction price
estimates in net income prospectively.
The transaction price is the amount of consideration that is
enforceable and to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for
the goods and services we have promised to our customer. We CAPITALIZING DIRECT LABOUR, OVERHEAD, AND
determine the transaction price by considering the terms of the INTEREST
contract and business practices that are customary within that Certain direct labour, overhead, and interest costs associated with
particular line of business. Discounts, rebates, refunds, credits, price the acquisition, construction, development, or improvement of our
concessions, incentives, penalties, and other similar items are networks are capitalized to property, plant and equipment. The
reflected in the transaction price at contract inception. capitalized amounts are calculated based on estimated costs of
projects that are capital in nature, and are generally based on a
Determining the stand-alone selling price and the allocation of the per-hour rate. In addition, interest costs are capitalized during
transaction price development and construction of certain property, plant and
The transaction price is allocated to performance obligations based equipment. Capitalized amounts increase the cost of the asset and
on the relative stand-alone selling prices of the distinct goods or result in a higher depreciation expense in future periods.
services in the contract. The best evidence of a stand-alone selling
price is the observable price of a good or service when the entity IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS
sells that good or service separately in similar circumstances and to Indefinite-life intangible assets (including goodwill and spectrum
similar customers. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly and/or broadcast licences) are assessed for impairment on an
observable, we estimate the stand-alone selling price taking into annual basis, or more often if events or circumstances warrant, and
account reasonably available information relating to the market finite-life assets (including property, plant and equipment and
conditions, entity-specific factors, and the class of customer. other intangible assets) are assessed for impairment if events or
circumstances warrant. The recoverable amount of a cash-
In determining the stand-alone selling price, we allocate revenue generating unit (CGU) involves significant estimates such as future
between performance obligations based on expected minimum cash flows, terminal growth rates, and discount rates. If key
enforceable amounts to which Rogers is entitled. Any amounts estimates differ unfavourably in the future, we could experience
above the minimum enforceable amounts are recognized as impairment charges that could decrease net income.
revenue as they are earned.
FAIR VALUE The fair values of our derivatives are recorded using an estimated
We use estimates to determine the fair value of assets acquired and credit-adjusted mark-to-market valuation. If the derivatives are in an
liabilities assumed in an acquisition, using the best available asset position (i.e. the counterparty owes Rogers), the credit spread
information, including information from financial markets. These for the bank counterparty is added to the risk-free discount rate to
estimates include key assumptions such as discount rates, attrition determine the estimated credit-adjusted value. If the derivatives are in
rates, and terminal growth rates for performing discounted cash a liability position (i.e. Rogers owes the counterparty), our credit
flow analyses. spread is added to the risk-free discount rate. The estimated credit-



adjusted value of derivatives requires assessment of the credit risk of Restricted share unit (RSU) and deferred share unit (DSU) plans
the parties to the instruments and the instruments’ discount rates. We recognize outstanding RSUs and DSUs as liabilities, measuring
the liabilities and compensation costs based on the awards’ fair
For all derivative instruments where hedge accounting is applied,
values, which are based on the market price of the Class B
we are required to ensure that the hedging relationships meet
Non-Voting Shares, and recognizing them as charges to operating
hedge effectiveness criteria. Hedge effectiveness testing requires
costs over the vesting period of the awards. If an award’s fair value
the use of both judgments and estimates.
changes after it has been granted and before the exercise date, we
recognize the resulting changes in the liability within operating
PENSION BENEFITS costs in the year the change occurs. For RSUs, the payment amount
When we account for defined benefit pension plans, assumptions is established as of the vesting date. For DSUs, the payment
are made in determining the valuation of benefit obligations. amount is established as of the exercise date.
Assumptions and estimates include the discount rate, the rate of
future compensation increase, and the mortality rate. Changes to
these primary assumptions and estimates would affect the pension
expense, pension asset and liability, and other comprehensive REVENUE FROM CONTRACTS WITH CUSTOMERS
income. Changes in economic conditions, including financial Distinct goods and services
markets and interest rates, may also have an impact on our pension We make judgments in determining whether a promise to deliver
plans, as there is no assurance that the plans will be able to earn goods or services is considered distinct. We account for individual
the assumed rate of return. Market-driven changes may also result products and services separately if they are distinct (i.e. if a product
in changes in the discount rates and other variables that could or service is separately identifiable from other items in the bundled
require us to make contributions in the future that differ significantly package and if the customer can benefit from it). The consideration
from the current contributions and assumptions incorporated into is allocated between separate products and services in a bundle
the actuarial valuation process. based on their stand-alone selling prices. For items we do not sell
Below is a summary of the effect an increase or decrease in the separately, we estimate stand-alone selling prices using the
primary assumptions and estimates would have had on our adjusted market assessment approach.
accrued benefit obligation as at December 31, 2021.
Determining costs to obtain or fulfill a contract
Increase (decrease) Determining the costs we incur to obtain or fulfill a contract that
in accrued
(In millions of dollars)
meet the deferral criteria within IFRS 15 requires us to make
benefit obligation
significant judgments. We expect incremental commission fees
Discount rate paid to internal and external representatives as a result of obtaining
Impact of 0.5% increase (251)
contracts with customers to be recoverable.
Impact of 0.5% decrease 285
Rate of future compensation increase
Impact of 0.25% increase 17 Residual value arrangements
Impact of 0.25% decrease (17) Under certain customer offers, we allow customers to defer a
Mortality rate component of the device cost until contract termination. We use
Impact of 1 year increase 67 judgment in determining whether these arrangements constitute
Impact of 1 year decrease (72) revenue-generating arrangements or leases. In making this
determination, we use judgment to assess the extent of control
over the devices that passes to our customer, including whether the
customer has a significant economic incentive at contract inception
Stock option plans
to return the device at contract termination.
Our employee stock option plans attach cash-settled share
appreciation rights (SARs) to all new and previously granted
options. The SAR feature allows the option holder to elect to LEASES
receive a cash payment equal to the intrinsic value of the option, We make judgments in determining whether a contract contains
instead of exercising the option and acquiring Class B Non-Voting an identified asset. The identified asset should be physically distinct
Shares. We measure stock-based compensation to employees at or represent substantially all of the capacity of the asset, and should
fair value. We determine the fair value of options using our Class B provide us with the right to substantially all of the economic
Non-Voting Share price and option pricing models, and record all benefits from the use of the asset.
outstanding stock options as liabilities. The liability is marked to We also make judgments in determining whether or not we have
market each period and is amortized to expense using a graded the right to control the use of the identified asset. We have that
vesting approach over the period during which employee services right when we have the decision-making rights that are most
are rendered, or over the period to the date an employee is relevant to changing how and for what purpose the asset is used. In
eligible to retire, whichever is shorter. The expense in each period rare cases where the decisions about how and for what purpose
is affected by the change in the price of our Class B Non-Voting the asset is used are predetermined, we have the right to direct the
Shares during the period. use of the asset if we have the right to operate the asset or if we
designed the asset in a way that predetermines how and for what
purpose the asset will be used.


We make judgments in determining the incremental borrowing RESTRUCTURING, ACQUISITION AND OTHER COSTS
rate used to measure our lease liability for each lease contract, We make significant judgments in determining the appropriate
including an estimate of the asset-specific security impact. The classification of costs to be included in restructuring, acquisition
incremental borrowing rate should reflect the interest that we and other.
would have to pay to borrow at a similar term and with a similar
Certain of our leases contain extension or renewal options that are We make significant judgments in determining whether our
exercisable only by us and not by the lessor. At lease financial instruments qualify for hedge accounting, including our
commencement, we assess whether we are reasonably certain to determination of hedge effectiveness. These judgments include
exercise any of the extension options based on our expected assessing whether the forecast transactions designated as hedged
economic return from the lease. We typically exercise extension items in hedging relationships will materialize as forecast, whether
options on our leases, especially related to our networks, primarily the hedging relationships designated as effective hedges for
due to the significant cost that would be required to relocate our accounting purposes continue to qualitatively be effective, and
network towers and related equipment. We periodically reassess determining the methodology to determine the fair values used in
whether we are reasonably certain to exercise the options and testing the effectiveness of hedging relationships.
account for any changes at the date of the reassessment.
USEFUL LIVES AND DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION We make significant judgments in determining our operating
METHODS segments. These are components that engage in business activities
We make significant judgments in choosing methods for from which they may earn revenue and incur expenses, for which
depreciating our property, plant and equipment that we believe operating results are regularly reviewed by our chief operating
most accurately represent the consumption of benefits derived decision makers to make decisions about resources to be allocated
from those assets and are most representative of the economic and to assess component performance, and for which discrete
substance of the intended use of the underlying assets. financial information is available.

We amortize the cost of intangible assets with finite lives over their INCOME TAXES AND OTHER TAXES
estimated useful lives. We review their useful lives, residual values, We accrue income and other tax provisions based on information
and the amortization methods at least once a year. currently available in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate.
We do not amortize intangible assets with indefinite lives (spectrum While we believe we have paid and provided for adequate
licences, broadcast licences, and certain brand names) as there is amounts of tax, our business is complex and significant judgment is
no foreseeable limit to the period over which these assets are required in interpreting how tax legislation and regulations apply to
expected to generate net cash inflows for us. We make judgments us. Our tax filings are subject to audit by the relevant government
to determine that these assets have indefinite lives, analyzing all revenue authorities and the results of the government audit could
relevant factors, including the expected usage of the asset, the materially change the amount of our actual income tax expense,
typical life cycle of the asset, and anticipated changes in the market income tax payable or receivable, other taxes payable or
demand for the products and services the asset helps generate. receivable, and deferred income tax assets and liabilities and could,
After review of the competitive, legal, regulatory, and other factors, in certain circumstances, result in the assessment of interest and
it is our view that these factors do not limit the useful lives of our penalties.
spectrum licences, broadcast licences, and certain brand names.
Judgment is also applied in choosing methods for amortizing our Considerable judgment is involved in the determination of
intangible assets and program rights that we believe most contingent liabilities. Our judgment is based on information
accurately represent the consumption of those assets and are most currently known to us, and the probability of the ultimate resolution
representative of the economic substance of the intended use of of the contingencies. If it becomes probable that a contingent
the underlying assets. liability will result in an outflow of economic resources, we will
record a provision in the period the change in probability occurs.
IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS The amount of the loss involves judgment based on information
We make judgments in determining CGUs and the allocation of available at that time. Any provision recognized for a contingent
goodwill to CGUs or groups of CGUs for the purpose of liability could be material to our consolidated financial position and
impairment testing. The allocation of goodwill involves results of operations.
considerable management judgment in determining the CGUs (or
groups of CGUs) that are expected to benefit from the synergies of ONEROUS CONTRACTS
a business combination. A CGU is the smallest identifiable group Significant judgment is required to determine when we are subject
of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent to unavoidable costs arising from onerous contracts. These
of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. Goodwill judgments may include, for example, whether a certain promise is
and indefinite-life intangible assets are allocated to CGUs (or legally binding or whether we may be successful in negotiations
groups of CGUs) based on the level at which management with the counterparty.
monitors goodwill, which is not higher than an operating segment.



TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES financial reporting after the reform of an interest rate benchmark.
There is significant uncertainty over the timing of when the
We have entered into certain transactions in the normal course of replacements for IBORs will be effective and what those
business with related parties in which we have an equity interest, replacements will be. We will actively monitor the IBOR reform
being primarily MLSE (primarily broadcasting rights) and Glentel and consider circumstances as we renew or enter into new
(Wireless distribution support). The amounts received from or paid financial instruments.
to these parties were as follows: • Amendments to IFRS 16, Leases, allowing lessees to not assess
Years ended December 31 whether a COVID-19-related rent concession is a lease
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 % Chg

Revenue 31 26 19
Purchases 180 121 49
We have entered into business transactions with Transcontinental The IASB has issued the following new standard and amendments
Inc., a company that provides us with printing and prepress that will become effective in future years and could have an impact
services. Isabelle Marcoux, C.M., is chair of the board of on our consolidated financial statements in future periods:
Transcontinental Inc. and was a Director of RCI until June 2021. • IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, a replacement of IFRS 4, Insurance
Years ended December 31 Contracts, that aims to provide consistency in the application of
accounting for insurance contracts (January 1, 2023).
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
• Amendments to IFRS 3, Business Combinations – Updating a
Printing and prepress services 3 4 Reference to the Conceptual Framework, updating a reference in
IFRS 3 to now refer to the Conceptual Framework (January 1,
We have also entered into business transactions with companies 2022).
controlled by our Directors Michael J. Cooper and John C. Kerr, • Amendments to IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment:
which, as a result of the Board reconstitution in October 2021, are Proceeds before intended use, prohibiting reducing the cost of
now related parties. These companies include Dream Unlimited property, plant and equipment by proceeds while bringing an
Corp. and Vancouver Professional Baseball LLP, respectively. asset to capable operations (January 1, 2022).
Dream Unlimited Corp. is a real estate company that rents spaces • Amendments to IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
in office and residential buildings. Vancouver Professional Baseball Contingent Assets – Onerous Contracts, specifying costs an entity
LLP controls the Vancouver Canadians, the Toronto Blue Jays’ should include in determining the “cost of fulfilling” a potential
High-A affiliate minor league team. Total amounts paid to these onerous contract (January 1, 2022).
related parties during the period from October 2021 to December • Amendments to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements –
2021 were nominal. Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current, clarifying the
classification requirements in the standard for liabilities as current
We have also entered into certain transactions with the Trust and
or non-current (January 1, 2023).
companies it controls. These transactions are subject to formal
• Amendments to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements –
agreements approved by the Audit and Risk Committee. Total
Disclosure of Accounting Policies, requiring entities to disclose
amounts paid to these related parties generally reflect the charges
material, instead of significant, accounting policy information
to Rogers for occasional business use of aircraft, net of other
(January 1, 2023).
administrative services, and were less than $1 million for each of
• Amendments to IAS 8, Accounting Policies – Changes in
2021 and 2020.
Accounting Estimates and Errors, clarifying the definition of
These transactions are measured at the amount agreed to by the “accounting policies” and “accounting estimates” (January 1,
related parties, which are also reviewed by the Audit and Risk 2023).
Committee. The amounts owing are unsecured, interest-free, and • Amendments to IAS 12, Income Taxes – Deferred Tax related to
due for payment in cash within one month from the date of the Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction, narrowing
transaction. the scope for exemption when recognizing deferred taxes
(January 1, 2023).
NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS ADOPTED IN We do not expect IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, or the
2021 amendments effective January 1, 2022, will have an effect on our
consolidated financial statements. We are assessing the impacts, if
We adopted the following IFRS amendments in 2021. They did not
any, the remaining amendments will have on our consolidated
have a material effect on our financial statements.
financial statements; however we currently do not expect any
• Interest Rate Benchmark Reform – Phase 2 (Amendments to
material impacts.
IFRS 9, IAS 39, and IFRS 7), addressing issues that might affect


• Cable Ignite TV and Internet subscribers include only those
subscribers who have service installed and operating, and who
We measure the success of our strategy using a number of key are being billed accordingly.
performance indicators, which are outlined below. We believe • Subscriber counts exclude certain business services delivered
these key performance indicators allow us to appropriately over our fibre network and data centre infrastructure, and circuit-
measure our performance against our operating strategy and switched local and long distance voice services and legacy data
against the results of our peers and competitors. The following key services where access is delivered using leased third-party
performance indicators are not measurements in accordance with network elements and tariffed ILEC services.
IFRS and should not be considered alternatives to net income or
any other measure of performance under IFRS. They include: Homes passed (Cable)
• subscriber counts; Homes passed are represented by the total number of addresses
• Wireless; that either are Cable subscribers or are non-subscribers, but have
• Cable; and the ability to access our cable services, within a defined
• homes passed (Cable); geographical area. When there is more than one unit in a single
• Wireless subscriber churn (churn); dwelling, such as an apartment building, each unit that is a Cable
• Wireless blended average billings per user (ABPU); subscriber, or has the ability to access our cable services, is counted
• Wireless blended average revenue per user (ARPU); as an individual home passed. Institutional or commercial units,
• Cable average revenue per account (ARPA); such as hospitals or hotels, are each considered one home passed.
• Cable customer relationships;
• Cable market penetration (penetration); SUBSCRIBER CHURN
• capital intensity; Subscriber churn (churn) is a measure of the number of subscribers
• total service revenue; that deactivated during a period as a percentage of the total
• dividend payout ratios; and subscriber base, usually calculated on a monthly basis. Subscriber
• return on assets. churn measures our success in retaining our subscribers. We
calculate it by dividing the number of Wireless subscribers that
SUBSCRIBER COUNTS deactivated (usually in a month) by the aggregate numbers of
We determine the number of subscribers to our services based on subscribers at the beginning of the period. When used or reported
active subscribers. When subscribers are deactivated, either for a period greater than one month, subscriber churn represents
voluntarily or involuntarily for non-payment, they are considered the sum of the number of subscribers deactivating for each period
deactivations in the period the services are discontinued. We use divided by the sum of the aggregate number of subscribers at the
subscriber counts to measure our core business performance and beginning of each period.
ability to benefit from recurring revenue streams. We use homes
passed (Cable) as a measure for our potential market penetration BLENDED AVERAGE BILLINGS PER USER (WIRELESS)
within a defined geographical area. We use blended ABPU as a measure that approximates the
average amount we invoice an individual subscriber on a monthly
Subscriber count (Wireless) basis. Blended ABPU helps us identify trends and measure our
• A wireless subscriber is represented by each identifiable success in attracting and retaining higher-value subscribers.
telephone number. Blended ABPU is also a non-GAAP ratio. See “Non-GAAP and
• We report wireless subscribers in two categories: postpaid and Other Financial Measures” for more information about this
prepaid. Postpaid and prepaid include voice-only subscribers, measure.
data-only subscribers, and subscribers with service plans
integrating both voice and data. BLENDED AVERAGE REVENUE PER USER (WIRELESS)
• Usage and overage charges for postpaid subscribers are billed a Blended ARPU helps us identify trends and measure our success in
month in arrears. Prepaid subscribers cannot incur usage and/or attracting and retaining higher-value subscribers. Blended ARPU is
overage charges in excess of their plan limits or account balance. a supplementary financial measure. See “Non-GAAP and Other
• Wireless prepaid subscribers are considered active for a period Financial Measures” for an explanation as to the composition of this
of 90 days from the date of their last revenue-generating usage. measure.

Subscriber count (Cable)

• Cable Ignite TV and Internet subscribers are represented by a
Average revenue per account (ARPA) measures total average
dwelling unit.
spending by a single customer account on Cable products. We use
• When there is more than one unit in a single dwelling, such as an
it to identify trends and measure our success in attracting and
apartment building, each tenant with cable service is counted as
retaining multiple-service accounts. ARPA is also a supplementary
an individual subscriber, whether the service is invoiced
financial measure. See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures”
separately or included in the tenant’s rent. Institutional units,
for an explanation as to the composition of this measure.
such as hospitals or hotels, are each considered one subscriber.



CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS the Toronto Blue Jays, which are also core to our business. We
Customer relationships are represented by dwelling units where at calculate total service revenue by subtracting equipment revenue
least one of our Cable services (i.e. Internet, legacy television or from total revenue.
Ignite TV, and/or home phone) are installed and operating, and the
service or services are billed accordingly. When there is more than DIVIDEND PAYOUT RATIOS
one unit in one dwelling, such as an apartment building, each We calculate the dividend payout ratio by dividing dividends
tenant with at least one of our Cable services is counted as an declared for the year by net income or free cash flow for the year.
individual customer relationship, whether the service is invoiced We use dividends as a percentage of net income and free cash
separately or included in the tenant’s rent. Institutional units, like flow to conduct analysis and assist with determining the dividends
hospitals or hotels, are each considered one customer relationship. we should pay. Dividend payout ratio of net income and dividend
payout ratio of free cash flow are also supplementary financial
MARKET PENETRATION measures. See “Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures” for an
Market penetration (penetration) measures our success at explanation as to the composition of these measures.
attracting new households to our brands and products within our
network footprint. Market penetration is calculated by dividing RETURN ON ASSETS
customer relationships by homes passed. An increasing market We use return on assets to measure our efficiency in using our
penetration rate reflects more new customer relationships than assets to generate net income. Return on assets is also a
new homes passed. supplementary financial measure. See “Non-GAAP and Other
Financial Measures” for an explanation as to the composition of this
Capital intensity allows us to compare the level of our capital
expenditures to that of other companies within the same industry. 2022 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR CHANGES
Our capital expenditures do not include expenditures on spectrum Effective January 1, 2022, we will begin disclosing mobile phone
licences or additions to right-of-use assets. We use it to evaluate the subscribers in Wireless, which will represent devices with voice-only
performance of our assets and when making decisions about or voice-and-data plans. Our current definition includes devices on
capital expenditures. We believe that certain investors and analysts data-only plans and customers who subscribe to our wireless home
use capital intensity to measure the performance of asset phone service. As a result, our definition of ARPU will also shift to
purchases and construction in relation to revenue. Capital intensity mobile phone ARPU. We will also no longer report ABPU given the
is also a supplementary financial measure. See “Non-GAAP and significant adoption of our wireless device financing program
Other Financial Measures” for an explanation as to the composition resulting in this metric being less meaningful.
of this measure.
In Cable, we will adjust our definition of an Internet subscriber such
that it will only include retail Internet subscribers, which will
represent customers who have Internet service installed and
We use total service revenue to measure our core business
operating, and are being billed directly by us. Our current
performance from the provision of services to our customers
definition includes TPIA subscribers and Smart Home Monitoring
separate from revenue generated from the sale of equipment we
have acquired from device manufacturers and resold. Included in
this metric is our retail revenue from Today’s Shopping Choice and


We use the following “non-GAAP financial measures” and other “specified financial measures” (each within the meaning of applicable
Canadian securities laws). These are reviewed regularly by management and the Board in assessing our performance and making
decisions regarding the ongoing operations of our business and its ability to generate cash flows. Some or all of these measures may also
be used by investors, lending institutions, and credit rating agencies as indicators of our operating performance, of our ability to incur and
service debt, and as measurements to value companies in the telecommunications sector. These are not standardized measures under
IFRS, so may not be reliable ways to compare us to other companies.

Non-GAAP financial measures

Most directly
Specified financial IFRS financial
measure How it is useful How we calculate it measure

Adjusted net • To assess the performance of our businesses before the effects of the Net income Net income
income noted items, because they affect the comparability of our financial add (deduct)
results and could potentially distort the analysis of trends in business restructuring, acquisition and other;
performance. Excluding these items does not imply that they are loss (recovery) on sale or wind down
non-recurring. of investments; loss (gain) on
disposition of property, plant and
equipment; (gain) on acquisitions;
loss on non-controlling interest
purchase obligations; loss on
repayment of long-term debt; loss
on bond forward derivatives; and
income tax adjustments on these
items, including adjustments as a
result of legislative changes.
Taxes paid and other • To assess how much cash we pay in taxes and fees to federal, Income taxes paid Income taxes paid
government provincial, and municipal governments. add
payments unrecoverable sales taxes paid;
payroll taxes paid, regulatory and
spectrum fees paid; and property
and business taxes paid.
Adjusted Wireless • To facilitate the calculation of Wireless blended average billings per Wireless service revenue Wireless service
service revenue user (see Non-GAAP ratios). add (deduct) revenue
amortization of contract assets and
contract liabilities to accounts
receivable; and financing receivable

Non-GAAP ratios

Specified financial
measure How it is useful How we calculate it

Adjusted basic • To assess the performance of our businesses before the effects Adjusted net income
earnings per of the noted items, because they affect the comparability of our divided by
share financial results and could potentially distort the analysis of basic weighted average shares outstanding.
trends in business performance. Excluding these items does not
Adjusted diluted imply that they are non-recurring. Adjusted net income including the dilutive effect of stock-based
earnings per compensation
share divided by
diluted weighted average shares outstanding.
Wireless blended • To help us identify trends in our total monthly billings per Adjusted Wireless service revenue
average billings per subscriber and to measure our success in attracting and divided by
user (ABPU) retaining higher-value subscribers. average total number of Wireless subscribers for the relevant

Total of segments measures

Specified financial
measure Most directly comparable IFRS financial measure

Adjusted EBITDA Net income



Capital management measures

Specified financial
measure How it is useful

Free cash flow • To show how much cash we generate that is available to repay debt and reinvest in our company, which is an important indicator of
our financial strength and performance.
• We believe that some investors and analysts use free cash flow to value a business and its underlying assets.
Adjusted net debt • We believe this helps investors and analysts analyze our debt and cash balances while taking into account the impact of debt
derivatives on our US dollar-denominated debt.
Debt leverage ratio • We believe this helps investors and analysts analyze our ability to service our debt obligations.
Available liquidity • To help determine if we are able to meet all of our commitments, to execute our business plan, and to mitigate the risk of economic

Supplementary financial measures

Specified financial
measure How we calculate it

Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA

margin divided by
Wireless blended Wireless service revenue
average revenue per divided by
user (ARPU) average total number of Wireless subscribers for the relevant period.
Cable average Cable service revenue
revenue per account divided by
(ARPA) average total number of customer relationships for the relevant period.
Capital intensity Capital expenditures
divided by
Return on assets Net income
divided by
total assets.
Dividend payout Dividends declared
ratio of net income divided by
net income.
Dividend payout Dividends declared for the year
ratio of free cash flow divided by
free cash flow (defined above).


Years ended December 31

2021 2020 Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) (In millions of dollars. except subscribers (in 000s)
Net income 1,558 1,592 and months) 2021 2020
Add (deduct): Wireless service revenue 6,666 6,579
Income tax expense 569 580 Add (deduct):
Other expense 2 1 Amortization of contract assets and contract
Finance costs 849 881 liabilities to accounts receivable 362 1,209
Restructuring, acquisition and other 324 185 Financing receivable billings 1,388 410
Depreciation and amortization 2,585 2,618
Adjusted Wireless service revenue 8,416 8,198
Adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857 Divided by:
Average Wireless subscribers 11,054 10,804
Months per period 12 12
Blended ABPU $ 63.45 $ 63.24
Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Net income 1,558 1,592
Add (deduct):
Restructuring, acquisition and other 324 185
Income tax impact of above items (79) (52)

Adjusted net income 1,803 1,725


Our outstanding public debt, amounts drawn on our $4.6 billion bank credit and letter of credit facilities, and derivatives are unsecured
obligations of RCI, as obligor, and RCCI, as either co-obligor or guarantor, as applicable.

The selected unaudited consolidating summary financial information for RCI for the periods identified below, presented with a separate
column for: (i) RCI, (ii) RCCI, (iii) our non-guarantor subsidiaries on a combined basis, (iv) consolidating adjustments, and (v) the total
consolidated amounts, is set forth as follows:

Years ended December 31 Non-guarantor Consolidating

(unaudited) RCI 1 RCCI 1 subsidiaries 1 adjustments 1 Total

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020
Selected Statements of Income data measure:
Revenue — — 12,769 12,400 2,073 1,703 (187) (187) 14,655 13,916
Net income (loss) 1,558 1,592 1,528 1,316 105 171 (1,633) (1,487) 1,558 1,592

As at December 31 Non-guarantor Consolidating

(unaudited) RCI 1 RCCI 1,2 subsidiaries 1 adjustments 1 Total

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020
Selected Statements of Financial Position data measure:
Current assets 29,982 27,186 28,825 26,326 10,089 9,929 (63,067) (56,512) 5,829 6,929
Non-current assets 33,290 31,184 28,959 24,835 3,717 3,650 (29,832) (27,744) 36,134 31,925
Current liabilities 30,993 27,264 32,942 28,167 9,378 9,294 (64,694) (58,139) 8,619 6,586
Non-current liabilities 18,943 18,740 4,960 5,080 181 152 (1,272) (1,278) 22,812 22,694
1 For the purposes of this table, investments in subsidiary companies are accounted for by the equity method.
2 Amounts recorded in current liabilities and non-current liabilities for RCCI do not include any obligations arising as a result of being a guarantor or co-obligor, as the case may be,
under any of RCI’s long-term debt.




As at or years ended December 31
(In millions of dollars, except per share amounts, subscriber count
results, churn, ARPU, ARPA, percentages, and ratios) 2021 2020 2019 2018 1 2017 2
Wireless 8,768 8,530 9,250 9,200 8,569
Cable 4,072 3,946 3,954 3,932 3,894
Media 1,975 1,606 2,072 2,168 2,153
Corporate items and intercompany eliminations (160) (166) (203) (204) (247)
Total revenue 14,655 13,916 15,073 15,096 14,369
Total service revenue 12,533 11,955 12,965 12,974 12,550
Adjusted EBITDA
Wireless 4,214 4,067 4,345 4,090 3,726
Cable 2,013 1,935 1,919 1,874 1,819
Media (127) 51 140 196 127
Corporate items and intercompany eliminations (213) (196) (192) (177) (170)
Total adjusted EBITDA 5,887 5,857 6,212 5,983 5,502
Net income 1,558 1,592 2,043 2,059 1,845
Adjusted net income 1,803 1,725 2,135 2,241 1,902
Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 4,321 4,526 4,288 3,938
Free cash flow 1,671 2,366 2,278 2,134 1,685
Capital expenditures 2,788 2,312 2,807 2,790 2,436
Earnings per share
Basic $ 3.09 $ 3.15 $ 3.99 $ 4.00 $ 3.58
Diluted $ 3.07 $ 3.13 $ 3.97 $ 3.99 $ 3.57
Adjusted earnings per share
Basic $ 3.57 $ 3.42 $ 4.17 $ 4.35 $ 3.69
Diluted $ 3.56 $ 3.40 $ 4.15 $ 4.34 $ 3.68
Statements of Financial Position:
Property, plant and equipment 14,666 14,018 13,934 11,780 11,143
Goodwill 4,024 3,973 3,923 3,905 3,905
Intangible assets 12,281 8,926 8,905 7,205 7,244
Investments 2,493 2,536 2,830 2,134 2,561
Other assets 8,499 9,401 7,427 6,894 5,637
Total assets 41,963 38,854 37,019 31,918 30,490
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Long-term liabilities 22,812 22,695 21,639 16,903 16,111
Current liabilities 8,619 6,586 5,964 6,836 6,883
Total liabilities 31,431 29,281 27,603 23,739 22,994
Shareholders’ equity 10,532 9,573 9,416 8,179 7,496
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 41,963 38,854 37,019 31,918 30,490
Subscriber count results (in thousands) 3
Wireless subscribers 4 11,297 10,943 10,840 10,783 10,482
Internet subscribers 5,6 2,665 2,598 2,534 2,430 2,321
Ignite TV subscribers 7 788 544 326 n/a n/a
Customer relationships 6,7 2,581 2,530 2,510 n/a n/a
Additional Wireless metrics 3
Postpaid churn (monthly) 0.95% 1.00% 1.11% 1.10% 1.20%
Blended ARPU (monthly) $ 50.26 $ 50.75 $ 55.49 $ 55.64 $ 54.23
Additional Cable metrics
ARPA (monthly) 7 $132.58 $130.70 $131.71 n/a n/a
Penetration 7 54.9% 55.3% 56.1% n/a n/a
Additional consolidated metrics
Revenue growth 5% (8)% –% 5% 5%
Adjusted EBITDA growth 1% (6)% 4% 9% 9%
Dividends declared per share $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 1.92 $ 1.92
Dividend payout ratio of net income 3 64.8% 63.4% 50.0% 48.0% 53.6%
Dividend payout ratio of free cash flow 3 60.4% 42.7% 44.9% 55.8% 58.6%
Return on assets 3 3.7% 4.1% 5.5% 6.5% 6.1%
Debt leverage ratio 3.4 3.0 2.9 2.5 2.7
1 2018 and prior reported figures have not been restated applying IFRS 16.
2 2017 reported figures have been restated applying IFRS 15.
3 As defined. See “Key Performance Indicators”.
4 Effective October 1, 2019, and on a prospective basis, we reduced our Wireless postpaid subscriber base by 53,000 subscribers to remove a low-ARPU public services customer that was in the process of migrating
to another service provider. We believe adjusting our base for a customer of this size that migrates off our network provides a more meaningful reflection of the underlying organic performance of our Wireless
business. Effective April 1, 2019, we adjusted our Wireless prepaid subscriber base to remove 127,000 subscribers as a result of a change to our deactivation policy from 180 days to 90 days to be more consistent
within the industry.
5 Internet subscriber results include Smart Home Monitoring subscribers.
6 On September 30, 2020, we acquired approximately 2,000 Internet subscribers and customer relationships as a result of our acquisition of Ruralwave Inc., which are not included in net additions, but do appear in
the ending total balance for 2020. On October 1, 2020, we acquired approximately 5,000 Internet subscribers and 6,000 customer relationships as a result of our acquisition of Cable Cable Inc., which are not
included in net additions, but do appear in the ending total balance for December 31, 2020. On September 1, 2021, we acquired approximately 18,000 Internet subscribers and 20,000 customer relationships as a
result of our acquisition of Seaside Communications, which are not included in net additions, but do appear in the ending total balance for December 31, 2021.
7 Ignite TV subscribers, customer relationships, ARPA, and penetration have not been presented for periods prior to 2018. We commenced using the aforementioned measures as key performance indicators in the
first quarter of 2020. See “Key Performance Indicators”.


Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting


December 31, 2021
The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Rogers reviewing and approving the consolidated financial statements. The
Communications Inc. and its subsidiaries and all the information in Board of Directors carries out this responsibility through its Audit
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) are the and Risk Committee.
responsibility of management and have been approved by the
The Audit and Risk Committee meets regularly with management,
Board of Directors.
as well as the internal and external auditors, to discuss internal
Management has prepared the consolidated financial statements controls over the financial reporting process, auditing matters, and
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as financial reporting issues; to satisfy itself that each party is properly
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. The discharging its responsibilities; and to review MD&A, the
consolidated financial statements include certain amounts that are consolidated financial statements, and the external auditors’ report.
based on management’s best estimates and judgments and, in The Audit and Risk Committee reports its findings to the Board of
their opinion, present fairly, in all material respects, Rogers Directors for its consideration when approving the consolidated
Communications Inc.’s financial position, results of operations, and financial statements for issuance to the shareholders. The Audit and
cash flows. Management has prepared the financial information Risk Committee also considers the engagement or re-appointment
presented elsewhere in MD&A and has ensured that it is consistent of the external auditors before submitting its recommendation to
with the consolidated financial statements. the Board of Directors for review and for shareholder approval.

Management has developed and maintains a system of internal The consolidated financial statements have been audited by KPMG
controls that further enhances the integrity of the consolidated LLP, the external auditors, in accordance with the standards of the
financial statements. The system of internal controls is supported by Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) on
the internal audit function and includes management behalf of the shareholders. Our internal control over financial
communication to employees about its policies on ethical business reporting as of December 31, 2021 has been audited by KPMG
conduct. LLP, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accountability Oversight Board (United States). KPMG LLP has full
Management believes these internal controls provide reasonable
and free access to the Audit and Risk Committee.
assurance that:
• transactions are properly authorized and recorded;
March 3, 2022
• financial records are reliable and form a proper basis for the
preparation of consolidated financial statements; and
• the assets of Rogers Communications Inc. and its subsidiaries are
properly accounted for and safeguarded.

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing management’s

responsibility for financial reporting and is ultimately responsible for Tony Staffieri Glenn Brandt
President and Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of Rogers Critical Audit Matter
Communications Inc. The critical audit matter communicated below is a matter arising
from the current period audit of the consolidated financial
Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements statements that was communicated or required to be
We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of communicated to the Audit and Risk Committee and that:
financial position of Rogers Communications Inc. (the Company) as (1) relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the
of December 31, 2021 and 2020, the related consolidated consolidated financial statements and (2) involved our especially
statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The
shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way
two-year period ended December 31, 2021, and the related notes our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a
(collectively, the consolidated financial statements). In our opinion, whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matter
the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material below, providing a separate opinion on the critical audit matter or
respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, on the accounts or disclosures to which it relates.
2021 and 2020, and its financial performance and its cash flows for
each of the years in the two-year period ended December 31, Recoverability of the carrying value of goodwill in the Media
2021, in conformity with International Financial Reporting segment
Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards As discussed in Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements, the
Board. Company tests goodwill for impairment once per year as of
October 1, or more frequently if they identify indicators of
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the
impairment. Goodwill is impaired if the recoverable amount of a
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States)
cash-generating unit (CGU) or group of cash-generating units
(PCAOB), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as
(CGUs) that contain goodwill is less than the carrying amount. The
of December 31, 2021, based on criteria established in Internal
Company makes judgments in determining CGUs and the
Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of
allocation of goodwill for the purpose of impairment testing.
Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, and our
Goodwill is monitored at an operating segment level in the Media
report dated March 3, 2022 expressed an unqualified opinion on
segment. The goodwill balance in the Media segment as of
the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial
December 31, 2021 was $969 million. A number of businesses
within the Company’s Media segment are partially reliant on
traditional advertising revenues, are subject to a highly competitive
Basis for Opinion environment and continue to have profitability challenges due to
These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of declining advertising revenue growth rates and increasing costs of
the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an producing and/or providing content. The estimate of the
opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our recoverable amount, which is determined based on the higher of
audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB fair value less costs to sell and value in use, is based on significant
and are required to be independent with respect to the Company estimates developed by the Company relating to future cash flows,
in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the the terminal growth rate, and the discount rate applied in its
applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange valuation model.
Commission and the PCAOB.
We identified the assessment of the recoverability of the carrying
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the value of goodwill in the Media segment as a critical audit matter.
PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the There was a high degree of auditor judgment applied in assessing
audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the the level at which goodwill was tested and in evaluating the key
consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, assumptions used in the valuation models, which included the
whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing CGUs’ future cash flows, the discount rate and the terminal growth
procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the rate.
consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud,
and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such The following are the primary procedures we performed to address
procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence this critical audit matter. We evaluated the design and tested the
regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated operating effectiveness of certain internal controls related to the
financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the Company’s impairment testing process, including controls related
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by to the determination that goodwill should be tested at the Media
management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the segment level and the key assumptions used in estimating the
consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audits recoverable amount of the Media segment. We compared the
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. Company’s historical cash flow forecasts to actual results achieved


to assess the Company’s ability to accurately forecast financial


results. We compared the cash flow forecasts used to estimate the
recoverable amount to approved plans. We assessed the
assumptions used to determine the Media segment’s future cash
flows by comparing to underlying documentation and external
market and relevant industry data. We involved valuation
professionals with specialized skills and knowledge, who assisted in
evaluating the discount rate, by comparing the Company’s inputs
to the discount rate to publicly available data for comparable
entities, independently developing a range of reasonable discount
rates and comparing those to the Company’s rate, and the terminal
growth rate for the Media segment, by comparing to underlying
documentation and publicly available market data. We performed
sensitivity analyses over the Company’s key assumptions used to
determine the recoverable amount to assess the impact of changes
in those assumptions on the Company’s determination of the
recoverable amount.

Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 1969.
Toronto, Canada
March 3, 2022



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of Rogers audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective
Communications Inc. internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all
material respects. Our audit of internal control over financial
Opinion on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control
We have audited Rogers Communications Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness
over financial reporting as of December 31, 2021, based on criteria exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating
established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our
issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the audit also included performing such other procedures as we
Treadway Commission. In our opinion, Rogers Communications considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our
Inc. (the Company) maintained, in all material respects, effective audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2021,
based on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Definition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial
Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Reporting
Organizations of the Treadway Commission. A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process
designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the
of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States)
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
(PCAOB), the consolidated statements of financial position of the
accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial
Company as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, the related
reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to
consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income,
the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately
changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the
and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of
years in the two-year period ended December 31, 2021, and the
the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions
related notes (collectively, the consolidated financial statements),
are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial
and our report dated March 3, 2022 expressed an unqualified
statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
opinion on those consolidated financial statements.
principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are
being made only in accordance with authorizations of
Basis for Opinion management and directors of the company; and (3) provide
The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of
effective internal control over financial reporting and for its unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s
assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
reporting, included under the heading Management’s Report on
Internal Control over Financial Reporting contained within Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial
Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the year ended reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also,
December 31, 2021. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are
the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because
our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the
PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and
the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the

PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants
Toronto, Canada
March 3, 2022


Consolidated Statements of Income


(In millions of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts)

Years ended December 31 Note 2021 2020

Revenue 5 14,655 13,916
Operating expenses:
Operating costs 6 8,768 8,059
Depreciation and amortization 7, 8, 9 2,585 2,618
Restructuring, acquisition and other 10 324 185
Finance costs 11 849 881
Other expense 12 2 1

Income before income tax expense 2,127 2,172

Income tax expense 13 569 580

Net income for the year 1,558 1,592

Earnings per share:

Basic 14 $ 3.09 $ 3.15
Diluted 14 $ 3.07 $ 3.13

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

(In millions of Canadian dollars)

Years ended December 31 Note 2021 2020

Net income for the year 1,558 1,592

Other comprehensive income (loss):

Items that will not be reclassified to net income:

Defined benefit pension plans:
Remeasurements 23 592 (121)
Related income tax (expense) recovery (157) 32
Defined benefit pension plans 435 (89)

Equity investments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI):
Increase (decrease) in fair value 18 10 (302)
Related income tax (expense) recovery (3) 40
Equity investments measured at FVTOCI 7 (262)
Items that will not be reclassified to net income 442 (351)

Items that may subsequently be reclassified to net income:

Cash flow hedging derivative instruments:
Unrealized loss in fair value of derivative instruments (210) (320)
Reclassification to net income of loss on debt derivatives 50 286
Reclassification to net income or property, plant and equipment of loss (gain) on
expenditure derivatives 100 (36)
Reclassification to net income for accrued interest (15) (49)
Related income tax recovery 42 50
Cash flow hedging derivative instruments (33) (69)
Share of other comprehensive income (loss) of equity-accounted investments, net of tax 2 (5)
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to net income (31) (74)
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year 411 (425)
Comprehensive income for the year 1,969 1,167

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position


(In millions of Canadian dollars)

As at As at
December 31 December 31
Note 2021 2020
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents 715 2,484
Accounts receivable 15 3,847 2,856
Inventories 16 535 479
Current portion of contract assets 5 115 533
Other current assets 497 516
Current portion of derivative instruments 17 120 61
Total current assets 5,829 6,929
Property, plant and equipment 7, 8 14,666 14,018
Intangible assets 9 12,281 8,926
Investments 18 2,493 2,536
Derivative instruments 17 1,431 1,378
Financing receivables 15 854 748
Other long-term assets 5 385 346
Goodwill 9 4,024 3,973
Total assets 41,963 38,854

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity

Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings 19 2,200 1,221
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,416 2,714
Income tax payable 115 344
Other current liabilities 17, 20 607 243
Contract liabilities 5 394 336
Current portion of long-term debt 21 1,551 1,450
Current portion of lease liabilities 8 336 278
Total current liabilities 8,619 6,586
Provisions 20 50 42
Long-term debt 21 17,137 16,751
Lease liabilities 8 1,621 1,557
Other long-term liabilities 22 565 1,149
Deferred tax liabilities 13 3,439 3,196
Total liabilities 31,431 29,281
Shareholders’ equity 24 10,532 9,573
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 41,963 38,854

Guarantees 27
Commitments and contingent liabilities 28
Subsequent events 17, 21, 24, 30

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

On behalf of the Board of Directors:

Edward S. Rogers Robert J. Gemmell

Director Director



Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

(In millions of Canadian dollars, except number of shares)

Class A Class B
Voting Shares Non-Voting Shares
Number Number FVTOCI Equity Total
of shares of shares Retained investment Hedging investment shareholders’
Year ended December 31, 2021 Amount (000s) Amount (000s) earnings reserve reserve reserve equity
Balances, January 1, 2021 71 111,154 397 393,771 7,916 999 194 (4) 9,573
Net income for the year — — — — 1,558 — — — 1,558
Other comprehensive income (loss):
Defined benefit pension plans, net of tax — — — — 435 — — — 435
FVTOCI investments, net of tax — — — — — 7 — — 7
Derivative instruments accounted for as
hedges, net of tax — — — — — — (33) — (33)
Share of equity-accounted investments, net
of tax — — — — — — — 2 2
Total other comprehensive income (loss) — — — — 435 7 (33) 2 411
Comprehensive income (loss) for the year — — — — 1,993 7 (33) 2 1,969
Reclassification to retained earnings for
disposition of FVTOCI investments — — — — 13 (13) — — —
Transactions with shareholders recorded directly
in equity:
Dividends declared — — — — (1,010) — — — (1,010)
Share class exchange — (1) — 1 — — — — —
Total transactions with shareholders — (1) — 1 (1,010) — — — (1,010)
Balances, December 31, 2021 71 111,153 397 393,772 8,912 993 161 (2) 10,532

Class A Class B
Voting Shares Non-Voting Shares
Number Number FVTOCI Equity Total
of shares of shares Retained investment Hedging investment shareholders’
Year ended December 31, 2020 Amount (000s) Amount (000s) earnings reserve reserve reserve equity
Balances, January 1, 2020 71 111,154 397 393,771 7,419 1,265 263 1 9,416
Net income for the period — — — — 1,592 — — — 1,592
Other comprehensive (loss) income:
Defined benefit pension plans, net of tax — — — — (89) — — — (89)
FVTOCI investments, net of tax — — — — — (262) — — (262)
Derivative instruments accounted for as
hedges, net of tax — — — — — — (69) — (69)
Share of equity-accounted investments, net
of tax — — — — — — — (5) (5)
Total other comprehensive (loss) income — — — — (89) (262) (69) (5) (425)
Comprehensive income (loss) for the year — — — — 1,503 (262) (69) (5) 1,167
Reclassification to retained earnings for
disposition of FVTOCI investments — — — — 4 (4) — — —
Transactions with shareholders recorded directly
in equity:
Dividends declared — — — — (1,010) — — — (1,010)
Total transactions with shareholders — — — — (1,010) — — — (1,010)
Balances, December 31, 2020 71 111,154 397 393,771 7,916 999 194 (4) 9,573

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(In millions of Canadian dollars)

Years ended December 31 Note 2021 2020

Operating activities:
Net income for the year 1,558 1,592
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 7, 8, 9 2,585 2,618
Program rights amortization 9 68 77
Finance costs 11 849 881
Income tax expense 13 569 580
Post-employment benefits contributions, net of expense 23 (5) 13
Other 2 119
Cash provided by operating activities before changes in net operating assets and
liabilities, income taxes paid, and interest paid 5,626 5,880
Change in net operating assets and liabilities 29 37 (333)
Income taxes paid (700) (418)
Interest paid (802) (808)
Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 4,321
Investing activities:
Capital expenditures 7, 29 (2,788) (2,312)
Additions to program rights 9 (54) (57)
Changes in non-cash working capital related to capital expenditures and intangible
assets 67 (37)
Acquisitions and other strategic transactions, net of cash acquired 9 (3,404) (103)
Other 46 (49)
Cash used in investing activities (6,133) (2,558)
Financing activities:
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) short-term borrowings 19 971 (1,146)
Net issuance of long-term debt 21 550 2,540
Net (payments) proceeds on settlement of debt derivatives and forward contracts 17 (8) 80
Transaction costs incurred 21 (31) (23)
Principal payments of lease liabilities 8 (269) (213)
Dividends paid 24 (1,010) (1,011)
Cash provided by financing activities 203 227
Change in cash and cash equivalents (1,769) 1,990
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 2,484 494
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 715 2,484

Cash and cash equivalents are defined as cash and short-term deposits that have an original maturity of less than 90 days, less bank
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

We, us, our, Rogers, Rogers Communications, and the Company refer to Rogers Communications Inc. and its subsidiaries. RCI refers to the
legal entity Rogers Communications Inc., not including its subsidiaries. Rogers also holds interests in various investments and ventures.

Page Note Page Note

96 Note 1 Nature of the Business 115 Note 17 Financial Risk Management and
97 Note 2 Significant Accounting Policies Financial Instruments
99 Note 3 Capital Risk Management 125 Note 18 Investments
101 Note 4 Segmented Information 126 Note 19 Short-Term Borrowings
102 Note 5 Revenue 128 Note 20 Provisions
105 Note 6 Operating Costs 129 Note 21 Long-Term Debt
106 Note 7 Property, Plant and Equipment 132 Note 22 Other Long-Term Liabilities
108 Note 8 Leases 132 Note 23 Post-Employment Benefits
109 Note 9 Intangible Assets and Goodwill 136 Note 24 Shareholders’ Equity
112 Note 10 Restructuring, Acquisition and Other 137 Note 25 Stock-Based Compensation
112 Note 11 Finance Costs 139 Note 26 Related Party Transactions
113 Note 12 Other Expense 140 Note 27 Guarantees
113 Note 13 Income Taxes 141 Note 28 Commitments and Contingent Liabilities
114 Note 14 Earnings Per Share 142 Note 29 Supplemental Cash Flow Information
115 Note 15 Accounts Receivable 143 Note 30 Shaw Transaction
115 Note 16 Inventories


Rogers Communications Inc. is a diversified Canadian owned subsidiaries. Media was operated by our wholly owned
communications and media company. Substantially all of our subsidiary, Rogers Media Inc., and its subsidiaries.
operations and sales are in Canada. RCI is incorporated in Canada
See note 4 for more information about our reportable operating
and its registered office is located at 333 Bloor Street East, Toronto,
Ontario, M4W 1G9. RCI’s shares are publicly traded on the Toronto
Stock Exchange (TSX: RCI.A and RCI.B) and on the New York Stock
Our operating results generally vary from quarter to quarter as a
We report our results of operations in three reportable segments. result of changes in general economic conditions and seasonal
Each segment and the nature of its business is as follows: fluctuations, among other things, in each of our reportable
segments. This means our results in one quarter are not necessarily
Segment Principal activities indicative of how we will perform in a future quarter. Wireless,
Wireless Wireless telecommunications operations Cable, and Media each have unique seasonal aspects to, and
for Canadian consumers and businesses. certain other historical trends in, their businesses, which are
described below. Fluctuations in net income from quarter to
Cable Cable telecommunications operations, quarter can also be attributed to losses on the repayment of debt,
including Internet, television, telephony other income and expenses, impairment of assets, restructuring,
(phone), and smart home monitoring acquisition and other costs, and changes in income tax expense.
services for Canadian consumers and
businesses, and network connectivity The COVID-19 pandemic (COVID-19) significantly affected our
through our fibre network and data centre operating results in 2020 and 2021 in addition to the typical
assets to support a range of voice, data, seasonal fluctuations in our business that are described below. In
networking, hosting, and cloud-based Wireless, the decline in customer travel due to global travel
services for the business, public sector, restrictions resulted in lower-than-pre-pandemic roaming revenue. In
and carrier wholesale markets. Media, major professional sports leagues postponed their 2019-20
seasons between March and July 2020 and recommenced with
Media A diversified portfolio of media properties, contracted seasons from July to September 2020. The NBA and NHL
including sports media and entertainment, also postponed and condensed their 2020-21 seasons to late
television and radio broadcasting,
December 2020 and early January 2021, respectively. These changes
specialty channels, multi-platform
caused sports-related revenue and expenses, such as programming
shopping, and digital media.
rights amortization, to be recognized at different points in time than
is typical. Furthermore, the effect of the Toronto Blue Jays being able
During the year ended December 31, 2021, Wireless and Cable
to allow limited game-day attendance this year and play a full season
were operated by our wholly owned subsidiary, Rogers
compared to the stricter public health restrictions in the prior year
Communications Canada Inc. (RCCI), and certain other wholly
has resulted in increased revenue and operating expenses this year.


Wireless • revenue related to game day ticket sales, merchandise sales,
Wireless operating results are influenced by the timing of our and advertising is concentrated when games are played, with
marketing and promotional expenditures and higher levels of postseason games commanding a premium in advertising
subscriber additions, resulting in higher subscriber acquisition- and revenue and additional revenue from game day ticket sales
activation-related expenses, typically in the third and fourth and merchandise sales, if and when the Toronto Blue Jays play
quarters. The third and fourth quarters typically experience higher in the postseason (in the fourth quarter of the year); and
volumes of activity as a result of “back to school” and holiday • programming and production costs and player payroll are
season-related consumer behaviour. Aggressive promotional offers expensed based on the number of games aired or played, as
are often advertised during these periods. In contrast, we typically applicable; and
see lower subscriber-related activity in the first quarter of the year. • the National Hockey League (NHL) season, where:
• regular season games are concentrated in the fall and winter
The launch of new products and services, including popular new
months (generally the first and fourth quarters of the year) and
wireless device models, can also affect the level of subscriber
playoff games are concentrated in the spring months
activity. Highly anticipated device launches typically occur in the
(generally the second quarter of the year). We expect a
spring and fall seasons of each year. Wireless roaming revenue is
correlation between the quality of revenue and earnings and
dependent on customer travel volumes and timing, and is also
the extent of Canadian teams’ presence during the playoffs;
impacted by foreign exchange rates and general economic
• programming and production costs are expensed based on
the timing of when the rights are aired or are expected to be
consumed; and
Cable • advertising revenue and programming expenses are
Cable’s operating results are affected by modest seasonal concentrated when games are played, with playoff games
fluctuations, typically caused by: commanding a premium in advertising revenue.
• university and college students who live in residences moving
out early in the second quarter and canceling their service as well
as students moving in late in the third quarter and signing up for
Due to the uncertainty surrounding the duration and potential
cable service;
outcomes of COVID-19, and the unpredictable and continuously
• individuals temporarily suspending service for extended
changing impacts and related government responses, there is
vacations or seasonal relocations;
more uncertainty associated with our assumptions, expectations,
• the timing of service pricing changes; and
and estimates. We believe the most significantly affected estimates
• the concentrated marketing we generally conduct in our fourth
are related to our expected credit losses and allowance for
doubtful accounts and as a result, for the year ended
Cable results from our enterprise customers do not generally have December 31, 2020, we recognized an incremental $90 million in
any unique seasonal aspects. allowance for doubtful accounts expense on our accounts
receivable, financing receivables, and contract assets based on
Media changing economic conditions.
Seasonal fluctuations relate to:
• periods of increased consumer activity and their impact on STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE
advertising and related retail cycles, which tend to be most active We prepared our consolidated financial statements in accordance
in the fourth quarter due to holiday spending and slower in the with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by
first quarter; the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The Board of
• the Major League Baseball season, where: Directors (the Board) authorized these consolidated financial
• games played are concentrated in the spring, summer, and statements for issue on March 3, 2022.
fall months (generally the second and third quarters of the


All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted. Our Subsidiaries are entities we control. We include the financial
functional currency is the Canadian dollar. We prepare the statements of our subsidiaries in our consolidated financial
consolidated financial statements on a historical cost basis, except statements from the date we gain control of them until our control
for: ceases. We eliminate all intercompany transactions and balances
• certain financial instruments as disclosed in note 17, which are between our subsidiaries on consolidation.
measured at fair value;
• the net deferred pension liability, which is measured as (c) FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION
described in note 23; and We translate amounts denominated in foreign currencies into
• liabilities for stock-based compensation, which are measured at Canadian dollars as follows:
fair value as disclosed in note 25. • monetary assets and liabilities – at the exchange rate in effect as at
the date of the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position;



• non-monetary assets and liabilities, and related depreciation and (g) RECENT ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS NOT YET
amortization – at the historical exchange rates; and ADOPTED
• revenue and expenses other than depreciation and amortization The IASB has issued the following new standard and amendments
– at the average rate for the month in which the transaction was that will become effective in a future year and could have an impact
on our consolidated financial statements in future periods:
• IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, a replacement of IFRS 4, Insurance
(d) BUSINESS COMBINATIONS Contracts, that aims to provide consistency in the application of
We account for business combinations using the acquisition accounting for insurance contracts (January 1, 2023).
method of accounting. Only acquisitions that result in our gaining • Amendments to IFRS 3, Business Combinations – Updating a
control over the acquired businesses are accounted for as business
Reference to the Conceptual Framework, updating a reference in
combinations. We possess control over an entity when we
IFRS 3 to now refer to the Conceptual Framework (January 1,
conclude we are exposed to variable returns from our involvement
with the acquired entity and we have the ability to affect those
• Amendments to IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment:
returns through our power over the acquired entity.
Proceeds before intended use, prohibiting reducing the cost of
We calculate the fair value of the consideration paid as the sum of property, plant and equipment by proceeds while bringing an
the fair value at the date of acquisition of the assets we transferred, asset to capable operations (January 1, 2022).
the equity interests we issued, and the liabilities we incurred to • Amendments to IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
former owners of the subsidiary. Contingent Assets – Onerous Contracts, specifying costs an entity
We measure goodwill as the fair value of the consideration should include in determining the “cost of fulfilling” a potential
transferred less the net recognized amount of the identifiable assets onerous contract (January 1, 2022).
acquired and liabilities assumed, which are generally measured at • Amendments to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements –
fair value as of the acquisition date. When the excess is negative, a Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current, clarifying the
gain on acquisition is recognized immediately in net income. classification requirements in the standard for liabilities as current
or non-current (January 1, 2023).
We expense the transaction costs associated with acquisitions as
• Amendments to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements –
we incur them.
Disclosure of Accounting Policies, requiring entities to disclose
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we made several individually material, instead of significant, accounting policy information
immaterial acquisitions and recognized $51 million of related goodwill, (January 1, 2023).
$37 million of which has been allocated to our Cable operating segment • Amendments to IAS 8, Accounting Policies – Changes in
and $14 million of which has been allocated to our Media operating Accounting Estimates and Errors, clarifying the definition of
segment. During the year ended December 31, 2020, we made several “accounting policies” and “accounting estimates” (January 1,
individually immaterial acquisitions and recognized $50 million in related 2023).
goodwill, all of which was allocated to our Cable operating segment.
• Amendments to IAS 12, Income Taxes – Deferred Tax related to
Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction, narrowing
(e) GOVERNMENT GRANTS the scope for exemption when recognizing deferred taxes
We recognize government financial assistance when there is (January 1, 2023).
reasonable assurance that we will comply with the conditions of the
assistance and the assistance will be received. Assistance related to We do not expect IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, or the
expenses is recognized as a reduction of the related expense; amendments effective January 1, 2022, will have an effect on our
assistance related to assets is recognized as a reduction to the consolidated financial statements. We are assessing the impacts, if
carrying amount of the asset. During the year ended December 31, any, the remaining amendments will have on our consolidated
2020, we qualified for $91 million of funding associated with the financial statements; however we currently do not expect any
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) program, a federal material impacts.
government initiative offered to eligible employers who kept
individuals employed during COVID-19.
When preparing our consolidated financial statements,
management makes judgments, estimates, and assumptions that
We adopted the following IFRS amendments in 2021. They did not
affect how accounting policies are applied and the amounts we
have a material effect on our consolidated financial statements.
report as assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses. Our significant
• Interest Rate Benchmark Reform – Phase 2 (Amendments to
accounting policies, estimates, and judgments are identified in this
IFRS 9, IAS 39, and IFRS 7), addressing issues that might affect
financial reporting after the reform of an interest rate benchmark. note or disclosed throughout the notes as identified in the table
There is significant uncertainty over the timing of when the below, including:
replacements for IBORs will be effective and what those • information about assumptions and estimation uncertainties that
replacements will be. We will actively monitor the IBOR reform have a significant risk of resulting in a material adjustment to the
and consider circumstances as we renew or enter into new amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements;
financial instruments. • information about judgments made in applying accounting
• Amendments to IFRS 16, Leases, allowing lessees to not assess policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts
whether a COVID-19-related rent concession is a lease recognized in the consolidated financial statements; and
modification. • information on our significant accounting policies.


Note Topic Page Accounting Policy Use of Estimates Use of Judgments

4 Reportable Segments 101 X X

5 Revenue Recognition 102 X X X
7 Property, Plant and Equipment 106 X X X
8 Leases 108 X X X
9 Intangible Assets and Goodwill 109 X X X
10 Restructuring, Acquisition and Other 112 X X
13 Income Taxes 113 X X
14 Earnings Per Share 114 X
15 Accounts Receivable 115 X X
16 Inventories 115 X
17 Financial Instruments 115 X X X
18 Investments 125 X
20 Provisions 128 X X X
23 Post-Employment Benefits 132 X X
25 Stock-Based Compensation 137 X X
28 Commitments and Contingent Liabilities 141 X X


Our objectives in managing capital are to ensure we have sufficient KEY METRICS AND RATIOS
available liquidity to meet all of our commitments and to execute We monitor adjusted net debt, debt leverage ratio, free cash flow,
our business plan. We define capital that we manage as and available liquidity to manage our capital structure and related
shareholders’ equity, indebtedness (including the current portion risks. These are not standardized financial measures under IFRS and
of our long-term debt, long-term debt, short-term borrowings, the might not be comparable to similar capital management measures
current portion of our lease liabilities, and lease liabilities), cash and disclosed by other companies. A summary of our key metrics and
cash equivalents, and derivative instruments. ratios follows, along with a reconciliation between each of these
measures and the items presented in the consolidated financial
We manage our capital structure, commitments, and maturities
and make adjustments based on general economic conditions,
financial markets, operating risks, our investment priorities, and
working capital requirements. To maintain or adjust our capital Adjusted net debt and debt leverage ratio
structure, we may, with approval from the Board as necessary, issue We monitor adjusted net debt and debt leverage ratio as part of
or repay debt and/or short-term borrowings, issue or repurchase the management of liquidity to sustain future development of our
shares, pay dividends, or undertake other activities as deemed business, conduct valuation-related analyses, and make decisions
appropriate under the circumstances. The Board reviews and about capital. In so doing, we typically aim to have an adjusted net
approves the annual capital and operating budgets, as well as any debt and debt leverage ratio that allow us to maintain investment-
material transactions that are not part of the ordinary course of grade credit ratings, which allows us strong access to capital
business, including proposals for acquisitions or other major markets. Our debt leverage ratio can increase due to strategic,
financing transactions, investments, or divestitures. long-term investments (for example, to obtain new spectrum
licences or to consummate an acquisition) and we work to lower
The wholly owned subsidiary through which our credit card the ratio over time. As at December 31, 2021 and 2020, we met
programs are operated is regulated by the Office of the our objectives for these metrics.
Superintendent of Financial Institutions, which requires that a
minimum level of regulatory capital be maintained. Rogers’ On March 15, 2021, we announced an agreement with Shaw
subsidiary was in compliance with that requirement as at Communications Inc. (Shaw) to acquire all of Shaw’s issued and
December 31, 2021 and 2020. The capital requirements are not outstanding Class A Participating Shares and Class B Non-Voting
material to the Company as at December 31, 2021 or Participating Shares (collectively, Shaw Shares) for a price of $40.50
December 31, 2020. per share (Transaction). The Transaction is valued at approximately
$26 billion, including the assumption of approximately $6 billion of
With the exception of our credit card programs and the subsidiary Shaw debt. See note 30 for more information about the
through which they are operated, we are not subject to externally Transaction.
imposed capital requirements.



We expect to raise up to $19 billion in new debt to finance the Free cash flow
Transaction. To address this risk and requirement, we entered into a We use free cash flow to understand how much cash we generate
binding commitment letter for a committed credit facility with a that is available to repay debt or reinvest in our business, which is
syndicate of banks in an amount up to $19 billion (see note 19) in an important indicator of our financial strength and performance.
March 2021 and a $6 billion term loan facility (Shaw term loan
facility, see note 21) in April 2021, as a result of which, the Years ended December 31
maximum amount we can draw on this committed credit facility
decreased to $13 billion. We anticipate adjusted net debt will (In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020
increase correspondingly with any debt issued or drawn and our Adjusted EBITDA 4 5,887 5,857
debt leverage ratio will increase significantly in the short- to Deduct (add):
medium-term. Capital expenditures 1 7 2,788 2,312
Interest on borrowings, net of
As at As at capitalized interest 11 728 761
December 31 December 31 Cash income taxes 2 700 418

(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020 Free cash flow 1,671 2,366

Current portion of long-term debt 21 1,551 1,450 1 Includes additions to property, plant and equipment net of proceeds on disposition,
Long-term debt 21 17,137 16,751 but does not include expenditures for spectrum licences or additions to right-of-use
Deferred transaction costs and assets.
discounts 21 185 172
2 Cash income taxes are net of refunds received.

18,873 18,373
Years ended December 31
Add (deduct):
Subordinated notes adjustment 1 (1,000) – (In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020
Net debt derivative assets 2 (1,260) (1,086)
Cash provided by operating activities 4,161 4,321
Credit risk adjustment related to
Add (deduct):
net debt derivative assets 3 (18) (15)
Capital expenditures 7 (2,788) (2,312)
Short-term borrowings 19 2,200 1,221
Interest on borrowings, net of
Current portion of lease liabilities 8 336 278
capitalized interest 11 (728) (761)
Lease liabilities 8 1,621 1,557
Interest paid 802 808
Cash and cash equivalents (715) (2,484)
Restructuring, acquisition and other 10 324 185
Adjusted net debt 20,037 17,844 Program rights amortization 9 (68) (77)
Change in net operating assets and
liabilities 29 (37) 333
As at As at
Other adjustments 1 12, 23 5 (131)
December 31 December 31
Free cash flow 1,671 2,366
(In millions of dollars, except ratios) Note 2021 2020
1 Other adjustments consists of post-employment benefit contributions, net of
Adjusted net debt 20,037 17,844
expense, cash flows relating to other operating activities, and other expense from our
Divided by: trailing 12-month financial statements.
adjusted EBITDA 4 5,887 5,857

Debt leverage ratio 3.4 3.0 Available liquidity

1 For the purposes of calculating adjusted net debt, we believe adjusting 50% of the
Available liquidity fluctuates based on business circumstances. We
value of our subordinated notes is appropriate as this methodology factors in certain continually manage, and aim to have sufficient, available liquidity at
circumstances with respect to priority for payment and this approach is commonly all times to help protect our ability to meet all of our commitments
used to evaluate debt leverage by rating agencies. (operationally and for maturing debt obligations), to execute our
2 Net debt derivative assets consists of the net fair value of our debt derivatives on
business plan (including to acquire spectrum licences or
issued debt accounted for as hedges.
3 For accounting purposes in accordance with IFRS, we recognize the fair values of our consummate acquisitions), to mitigate the risk of economic
debt derivatives using an estimated credit-adjusted mark-to-market valuation by downturns, and for other unforeseen circumstances. As at
discounting cash flows to the measurement date. For purposes of calculating December 31, 2021 and 2020, we had sufficient liquidity available
adjusted net debt, we believe including debt derivatives valued without adjustment
to us to meet this objective.
for credit risk is commonly used to evaluate debt leverage and for market valuation
and transactional purposes.


Below is a summary of our total available liquidity from our cash and cash equivalents, bank credit facilities, letters of credit facilities, and
short-term borrowings, including our receivables securitization program and our US dollar-denominated commercial paper (US CP)

As at December 31, 2021

(In millions of dollars) Note Total sources Drawn Letters of credit US CP program 1 Net available

Cash and cash equivalents 715 – – – 715

Bank credit facilities 2:
Revolving 21 4,000 – 8 894 3,098
Non-revolving 19 507 507 – – –
Outstanding letters of credit 21 72 – 72 – –
Receivables securitization 2 19 1,200 800 – – 400
Total 6,494 1,307 80 894 4,213
1 The US CP program amounts are gross of the discount on issuance.
2 The total liquidity sources under our bank credit facilities and receivables securitization represents the total credit limits per the relevant agreements. The amount drawn and letters
of credit are currently outstanding under those agreements. The US CP program amount represents our currently outstanding US CP borrowings that are backstopped by our
revolving credit facility.

As at December 31, 2020

(In millions of dollars) Note Total sources Drawn Letters of credit US CP program 1 Net available

Cash and cash equivalents 2,484 – – – 2,484

Bank credit facilities 2:
Revolving 21 3,200 – 8 573 2,619
Outstanding letters of credit 21 101 – 101 – –
Receivables securitization 2 19 1,200 650 – – 550
Total 6,985 650 109 573 5,653
1 The US CP program amounts are gross of the discount on issuance.
2 The total liquidity sources under our bank credit facilities and receivables securitization represents the total credit limits per the relevant agreements. The amount drawn and letters
of credit are currently outstanding under those agreements. The US CP program amount represents our currently outstanding US CP borrowings that are backstopped by our
revolving credit facility.

Subsequent to the final payment for the 3500 MHz spectrum credit facilities, which reduced total liquidity sources to $6.5 billion
licence acquisition in December 2021 (see note 9), we cancelled as at December 31, 2021.
$360 million of letters of credit and US$1.2 billion of non-revolving


Reportable segments We make significant judgments in determining our operating
We determine our reportable segments based on, among other segments. These are components that engage in business activities
things, how our chief operating decision maker, the Chief Executive from which they may earn revenue and incur expenses, for which
Officer and Chief Financial Officer of RCI, regularly review our operating results are regularly reviewed by our chief operating
operations and performance. They review adjusted EBITDA as the decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated
key measure of profit for the purpose of assessing performance of and assess component performance, and for which discrete
each segment and to make decisions about the allocation of financial information is available.
resources, as they believe adjusted EBITDA reflects segment and
consolidated profitability. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as income REPORTABLE SEGMENTS
before depreciation and amortization; (gain) loss on disposition of Our reportable segments are Wireless, Cable, and Media (see note
property, plant and equipment; restructuring, acquisition and other; 1). All three segments operate substantially in Canada. Corporate
finance costs; other expense (income); and income tax expense. items and eliminations include our interests in businesses that are
We follow the same accounting policies for our segments as those not reportable operating segments, corporate administrative
described in the notes to our consolidated financial statements. functions, and eliminations of inter-segment revenue and costs.
We account for transactions between reportable segments in the Segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as
same way we account for transactions with external parties, but well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.
eliminate them on consolidation.



Year ended December 31, 2021 items and Consolidated
(In millions of dollars) Note Wireless Cable Media eliminations totals
Revenue 5 8,768 4,072 1,975 (160) 14,655
Operating costs 6 4,554 2,059 2,102 53 8,768
Adjusted EBITDA 4,214 2,013 (127) (213) 5,887

Depreciation and amortization 7, 8, 9 2,585

Restructuring, acquisition and other 10 324
Finance costs 11 849
Other expense 12 2
Income before income tax expense 2,127

Capital expenditures 7 1,515 913 115 245 2,788

Goodwill 9 1,160 1,895 969 — 4,024
Total assets 25,247 7,887 2,665 6,164 41,963

Year ended December 31, 2020 items and Consolidated
(In millions of dollars) Note Wireless Cable Media eliminations totals
Revenue 5 8,530 3,946 1,606 (166) 13,916
Operating costs 6 4,463 2,011 1,555 30 8,059
Adjusted EBITDA 4,067 1,935 51 (196) 5,857
Depreciation and amortization 7, 8, 9 2,618
Restructuring, acquisition and other 10 185
Finance costs 11 881
Other expense 12 1
Income before income tax expense 2,172

Capital expenditures 7 1,100 940 79 193 2,312

Goodwill 9 1,160 1,858 955 — 3,973
Total assets 20,639 7,877 2,569 7,769 38,854

ACCOUNTING POLICY distinct good or service. We also determine whether a customer
Contracts with customers can modify their contract within predefined terms such that we are
We record revenue from contracts with customers in accordance not able to enforce the transaction price agreed to, but can only
with the five steps in IFRS 15, Revenue from contracts with contractually enforce a lower amount. In situations such as these,
customers as follows: we allocate revenue between performance obligations using the
1. identify the contract with a customer; minimum enforceable rights and obligations and any excess
2. identify the performance obligations in the contract; amount is recognized as revenue as it is earned.
3. determine the transaction price, which is the total Revenue for each performance obligation is recognized either over
consideration provided by the customer; time (e.g. services) or at a point in time (e.g. equipment). For
4. allocate the transaction price among the performance performance obligations satisfied over time, revenue is recognized
obligations in the contract based on their relative fair as the services are provided. These services are typically provided,
values; and and thus revenue is typically recognized, on a monthly basis.
5. recognize revenue when the relevant criteria are met for Revenue for performance obligations satisfied at a point in time is
each performance obligation. recognized when control of the item (or service) transfers to the
Many of our products and services are sold in bundled customer. Typically, this is when the customer activates the goods
arrangements (e.g. wireless devices and voice and data services). (e.g. in the case of a wireless device) or has physical possession of
Items in these arrangements are accounted for as separate the goods (e.g. other equipment).
performance obligations if the item meets the definition of a


The table below summarizes the nature of the various performance obligations in our contracts with customers and when we recognize
performance on those obligations.

Performance obligations from contracts with customers Timing of satisfaction of the performance obligation
Wireless airtime, data, and other services; television, telephony, As the service is provided (usually monthly)
Internet, and smart home monitoring services; network services;
media subscriptions; and rental of equipment
Roaming, long-distance, and other optional or non-subscription As the service is provided
services, and pay-per-use services
Wireless devices and related equipment Upon activation or purchase by the end customer
Installation services for Cable subscribers When the services are performed
Advertising When the advertising airs on our radio or television stations or is
displayed on our digital properties
Subscriptions by television stations for subscriptions from cable When the services are delivered to cable and satellite providers’
and satellite providers subscribers (usually monthly)
Toronto Blue Jays’ home game admission and concessions When the related games are played during the baseball season
and when goods are sold
Toronto Blue Jays revenue from the Major League Baseball In the applicable period, when the amount is determinable
Revenue Sharing Agreement, which redistributes funds between
member clubs based on each club’s relative revenue, and other
league revenue sharing
Today’s Shopping Choice and Toronto Blue Jays merchandise When the goods are sold to the end customer
Radio and television broadcast agreements When the related programs are aired
Sublicensing of program rights Over the course of the applicable licence period

We also recognize interest revenue on credit card receivables using obligations, the financing receivable we recognize is greater than
the effective interest method in accordance with IFRS 9, Financial the related equipment revenue. As a result, we recognize a
Instruments. contract liability simultaneously with the financing receivable and
equipment revenue and subsequently reduce the contract liability
Payment for Wireless and Cable monthly service fees is typically
on a monthly basis.
due 30 days after billing. Payment for Wireless and Cable
equipment is typically due either upon receipt of the equipment or We account for contract assets and liabilities on a
over the subsequent 24 months (when equipment is financed contract-by-contract basis, with each contract presented as either a
through our equipment financing plans). Payment terms for typical net contract asset or a net contract liability accordingly.
Media performance obligations range from immediate (e.g.
Toronto Blue Jays tickets) to 30 days (e.g. advertising contracts). Deferred commission cost assets
We defer, to the extent recoverable, the incremental costs we incur
Contract assets and liabilities to obtain or fulfill a contract with a customer and amortize them
We record a contract asset when we have provided goods and over their expected period of benefit. These costs include certain
services to our customer but our right to related consideration for commissions paid to internal and external representatives that we
the performance obligation is conditional on satisfying other believe to be recoverable through the revenue earned from the
performance obligations. Contract assets primarily relate to our related contracts. We therefore defer them as deferred commission
rights to consideration for the transfer of wireless devices. Our long- cost assets in other assets and amortize them to operating costs
term contract assets are grouped into “other long-term assets” on over the pattern of the transfer of goods and services to the
our Consolidated Statements of Financial Position. customer, which is typically evenly over 24 consecutive months.

We record a contract liability when we receive payment from a

customer in advance of providing goods and services. This includes ESTIMATES
subscriber deposits, deposits related to Toronto Blue Jays ticket We use estimates in the following key areas:
sales, and amounts subscribers pay for services and subscriptions • determining the transaction price of our contracts requires
that will be provided in future periods. Our long-term contract estimating the amount of revenue we expect to be entitled to for
liabilities are grouped into “other long-term liabilities” on our delivering the performance obligations within a contract; and
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position. • determining the stand-alone selling price of performance
obligations and the allocation of the transaction price between
A portion of our contract liabilities relates to discounts provided to performance obligations.
customers on our device financing contracts (see note 15). Due to
the allocation of the transaction price to the performance



Determining the transaction price the devices that passes to our customer, including whether the
The transaction price is the amount of consideration that is customer has a significant economic incentive at contract inception
enforceable and to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for to return the device at contract termination.
the goods and services we have promised to our customer. We
determine the transaction price by considering the terms of the CONTRACT ASSETS
contract and business practices that are customary within that Below is a summary of our contract assets from contracts with
particular line of business. Discounts, rebates, refunds, credits, price customers and the significant changes in those balances during the
concessions, incentives, penalties, and other similar items are years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.
reflected in the transaction price at contract inception.
Years ended December 31
Determining the stand-alone selling price and the allocation of the
transaction price (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
The transaction price is allocated to performance obligations based Balance, beginning of year 621 1,791
on the relative stand-alone selling prices of the distinct goods or Additions from new contracts with
services in the contract. The best evidence of a stand-alone selling customers, net of terminations and
price is the observable price of a good or service when the entity renewals 121 104
sells that good or service separately in similar circumstances and to Amortization of contract assets to
similar customers. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly accounts receivable (538) (1,274)
observable, we estimate the stand-alone selling price taking into
account reasonably available information relating to the market Balance, end of year 204 621
conditions, entity-specific factors, and the class of customer. Current 115 533
Long-term 89 88
In determining the stand-alone selling price, we allocate revenue
between performance obligations based on expected minimum Balance, end of year 204 621
enforceable amounts to which Rogers is entitled. Any amounts
above the minimum enforceable amounts are recognized as
revenue as they are earned. CONTRACT LIABILITIES
Below is a summary of our contract liabilities from contracts with
customers and the significant changes in those balances during the
years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.
We make significant judgments in determining whether a promise
to deliver goods or services is considered distinct, in determining
the costs that are incremental to obtaining or fulfilling a contract Years ended December 31
with a customer, and in determining whether our residual value (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
arrangements constitute revenue-generating arrangements or
Balance, beginning of year 405 224
Revenue deferred in previous year
and recognized as revenue in
Distinct goods and services
current year (393) (184)
We make judgments in determining whether a promise to deliver
Net additions from contracts with
goods or services is considered distinct. We account for individual
customers 434 365
products and services separately if they are distinct (i.e. if a product
or service is separately identifiable from other items in the bundled Balance, end of year 446 405
package and if the customer can benefit from it). The consideration
Current 394 336
is allocated between separate products and services in a bundle
Long-term 52 69
based on their stand-alone selling prices. For items we do not sell
separately, we estimate stand-alone selling prices using the Balance, end of year 446 405
adjusted market assessment approach.

Determining costs to obtain or fulfill a contract

Determining the costs we incur to obtain or fulfill a contract that
meet the deferral criteria within IFRS 15 requires us to make
significant judgments. We expect incremental commission fees
paid to internal and external representatives as a result of obtaining
contracts with customers to be recoverable.

Residual value arrangements

Under certain customer offers, we allow customers to defer a
component of the device cost until contract termination. We use
judgment in determining whether these arrangements constitute
revenue-generating arrangements or leases. In making this
determination, we use judgment to assess the extent of control over


DEFERRED COMMISSION COST ASSETS We have elected to utilize the following practical expedients and
Below is a summary of the changes in the deferred commission not disclose:
cost assets recognized from the incremental costs incurred to • the unsatisfied portions of performance obligations related to
obtain contracts with customers during the years ended contracts with a duration of one year or less; or
December 31, 2021 and 2020. The deferred commission cost • the unsatisfied portions of performance obligations where the
assets are presented within other current assets (when they will be revenue we recognize corresponds with the amount invoiced to
amortized into net income within twelve months of the date of the the customer.
financial statements) or other long-term assets.
Years ended December 31
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 Years ended December 31

Balance, beginning of year 262 305 (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Additions to deferred commission Wireless
cost assets 315 248 Service revenue 6,666 6,579
Amortization recognized on Equipment revenue 2,102 1,951
deferred commission cost assets (265) (291)
Total Wireless 8,768 8,530
Balance, end of year 312 262
Current 219 194 Service revenue 4,052 3,936
Long-term 93 68 Equipment revenue 20 10
Balance, end of year 312 262 Total Cable 4,072 3,946
Total Media 1,975 1,606
The table below shows the revenue we expect to recognize in the eliminations (160) (166)
future related to unsatisfied or partially satisfied performance
obligations as at December 31, 2021. The unsatisfied portion of the Total revenue 14,655 13,916
transaction price of the performance obligations relates to monthly Total service revenue 12,533 11,955
services; we expect to recognize it over the next three to five years. Total equipment revenue 2,122 1,961

(In millions of dollars) 2022 2023 2024 Thereafter Total Total revenue 14,655 13,916

service 2,045 795 218 181 3,239


Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Cost of equipment sales 2,161 1,946
Merchandise for resale 271 261
Other external purchases 4,155 4,005
Employee salaries, benefits, and
stock-based compensation 1 2,181 1,847
Total operating costs 8,768 8,059
1 Net of government grants received (see note 2).




ACCOUNTING POLICY We capitalize development expenditures if they meet the criteria
The following accounting policy applies to property, plant and for recognition as an asset and amortize them over their expected
equipment excluding right-of-use assets recognized under IFRS 16. useful lives once the assets to which they relate are available for use.
Our accounting policy for right-of-use assets is included in note 8. We expense research expenditures, maintenance costs, and
training costs as incurred.
Recognition and measurement, including depreciation
We measure property, plant and equipment upon initial Impairment testing, including recognition and measurement of an
recognition at cost and begin recognizing depreciation when the impairment charge
asset is ready for its intended use. Subsequently, property, plant See “Impairment Testing” in note 9 for our policies relating to
and equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation impairment testing and the related recognition and measurement
and accumulated impairment losses. of impairment charges. The impairment policies for property, plant
and equipment are similar to the impairment policies for intangible
Cost includes expenditures (capital expenditures) that are directly assets with finite useful lives.
attributable to the acquisition of the asset. The cost of self-
constructed assets includes:
• the cost of materials and direct labour;
Components of an item of property, plant and equipment may
• costs directly associated with bringing the assets to a working
have different useful lives. We make significant estimates when
condition for their intended use;
determining depreciation rates and asset useful lives, which require
• expected costs of decommissioning the items and restoring the
taking into account company-specific factors, such as our past
sites on which they are located (see note 20); and
experience and expected use, and industry trends, such as
• borrowing costs on qualifying assets.
technological advancements. We monitor and review residual
We depreciate property, plant and equipment over its estimated values, depreciation rates, and asset useful lives at least once a year
useful life by charging depreciation expense to net income as and change them if they are different from our previous estimates.
follows: We recognize the effect of changes in estimates in net income
Asset Basis useful life We use estimates to determine certain costs that are directly
attributable to self-constructed assets. These estimates primarily
Buildings Diminishing balance 15 to 40 years
Cable and wireless network Straight-line 3 to 40 years
include certain internal and external direct labour, overhead, and
Computer equipment and Straight-line 4 to 10 years interest costs associated with the acquisition, construction,
software development, or betterment of our networks.
Customer premise equipment Straight-line 3 to 6 years Furthermore, we use estimates in determining the recoverable
Leasehold improvements Straight-line Over shorter of
amount of property, plant and equipment. See “Estimates” in
estimated useful
note 9 for how we use estimates to determine the recoverable
life or lease term
amount of property, plant and equipment.
Equipment and vehicles Diminishing balance 3 to 20 years

We calculate gains and losses on the disposal of property, plant
We make significant judgments in choosing methods for
and equipment by comparing the proceeds from the disposal with
depreciating our property, plant and equipment that we believe
the item’s carrying amount and recognize the gain or loss in net
most accurately represent the consumption of benefits derived
from those assets and are most representative of the economic
substance of the intended use of the underlying assets.


The tables below summarize our property, plant and equipment as at December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Cable and Computer Customer Total Right-of- property,
Land and wireless equipment premise Leasehold Equipment Construction owned use assets plant and
(In millions of dollars) buildings networks and software equipment improvements and vehicles in process assets (note 8) equipment

As at January 1, 2021 1,210 21,913 6,078 1,954 618 1,230 848 33,851 2,248 36,099
Additions and transfers 29 1,167 849 142 62 57 482 2,788 380 3,168
Acquisitions from business
combinations 2 29 1 6 – 3 – 41 – 41
Disposals and other – (802) (321) (147) – (37) – (1,307) (2) (1,309)

As at December 31, 2021 1,241 22,307 6,607 1,955 680 1,253 1,330 35,373 2,626 37,999

Accumulated depreciation
As at January 1, 2021 496 14,268 4,253 1,515 313 839 – 21,684 397 22,081
Depreciation 35 1,170 751 245 41 80 – 2,322 246 2,568
Disposals and other – (796) (322) (156) (1) (39) – (1,314) (2) (1,316)

As at December 31, 2021 531 14,642 4,682 1,604 353 880 – 22,692 641 23,333

Net carrying amount

As at January 1, 2021 714 7,645 1,825 439 305 391 848 12,167 1,851 14,018
As at December 31, 2021 710 7,665 1,925 351 327 373 1,330 12,681 1,985 14,666

Cable and Computer Customer Total Right-of- property,
Land and wireless equipment premise Leasehold Equipment Construction owned use assets plant and
(In millions of dollars) buildings networks and software equipment improvements and vehicles in process assets (note 8) equipment

As at January 1, 2020 1,179 20,804 5,653 1,939 587 1,184 1,320 32,666 1,911 34,577
Additions and transfers 31 1,863 620 168 34 68 (472) 2,312 337 2,649
Acquisitions from business
combinations – 4 37 – 1 1 – 43 – 43
Disposals and other – (758) (232) (153) (4) (23) – (1,170) – (1,170)

As at December 31, 2020 1,210 21,913 6,078 1,954 618 1,230 848 33,851 2,248 36,099

Accumulated depreciation
As at January 1, 2020 461 13,814 3,749 1,387 281 776 – 20,468 175 20,643
Depreciation 37 1,196 747 288 36 86 – 2,390 217 2,607
Disposals and other (2) (742) (243) (160) (4) (23) – (1,174) 5 (1,169)

As at December 31, 2020 496 14,268 4,253 1,515 313 839 – 21,684 397 22,081

Net carrying amount

As at January 1, 2020 718 6,990 1,904 552 306 408 1,320 12,198 1,736 13,934
As at December 31, 2020 714 7,645 1,825 439 305 391 848 12,167 1,851 14,018

During 2021, we recognized capitalized interest on property, plant Annually, we perform an analysis to identify fully depreciated assets
and equipment at a weighted average rate of approximately 3.4% that have been disposed of. In 2021, this resulted in an adjustment
(2020 – 3.7%). to cost and accumulated depreciation of $1,157 million (2020 –
$978 million). The disposals had nil impact on the Consolidated
Statements of Income.



ACCOUNTING POLICY The lease liability is remeasured when there is a change in future
At inception of a contract, we assess whether that contract is, or lease payments arising from a change in an index or rate, if there is
contains, a lease. A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract a change in our estimate of the amount expected to be payable
conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a under a residual value guarantee, or if we change our assessment
period of time in exchange for consideration. To assess whether a of whether or not we will exercise a purchase, extension, or
contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset, termination option. When the lease liability is remeasured in this
we assess whether: way, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount
• the contract involves the use of an identified asset; of the right-of-use asset. The lease liability is also remeasured when
• we have the right to obtain substantially all of the economic the underlying lease contract is amended.
benefits from use of the identified asset throughout the period We have elected not to separate fixed non-lease components and
of use; and account for the lease and any fixed non-lease components as a
• we have the right to direct the use of the asset. single lease component.

LESSEE ACCOUNTING Variable lease payments

We record a right-of-use asset and a lease liability at the lease Certain leases contain provisions that result in differing lease
commencement date. The right-of-use asset is initially measured at payments over the term as a result of market rate reviews or
cost, consisting of: changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or other similar indices.
• the initial amount of the lease liability adjusted for any lease We reassess the lease liabilities related to these leases when the
payments made at or before the commencement date; plus index or other data is available to calculate the change in lease
• any initial direct costs incurred; and payments.
• an estimate of costs to dismantle and remove the underlying
Certain leases require us to make payments that relate to property
asset or restore the site on which it is located; less
taxes, insurance, and other non-rental costs. These non-rental costs
• any lease incentives received.
are typically variable and are not included in the calculation of the
The right-of-use asset is depreciated on a straight-line basis over right-of-use asset or lease liability.
the lease term, unless we expect to obtain ownership of the leased
asset at the end of the lease. The lease term consists of: LESSOR ACCOUNTING
• the non-cancellable period of the lease; When we act as a lessor, we determine at lease inception whether
• periods covered by options to extend the lease, where we are each lease is a finance lease or an operating lease.
reasonably certain to exercise the option; and
• periods covered by options to terminate the lease, where we are In order to classify each lease as either finance or operating, we
reasonably certain not to exercise the option. make an overall assessment of whether the lease transfers to the
lessee substantially all of the risks and rewards incidental to
If we expect to obtain ownership of the leased asset at the end of ownership of the underlying asset. If it does, the lease is a finance
the lease, we depreciate the right-of-use asset over the underlying lease; if not, it is an operating lease.
asset’s estimated useful life. In addition, the right-of-use asset is
periodically reduced by impairment losses, if any, and adjusted for We act as the lessor on certain collocation leases, whereby, due to
certain remeasurements of the lease liability. certain regulatory requirements, we must allow other
telecommunication companies to lease space on our wireless
The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of lease network towers. We do not believe we transfer substantially all of
payments that are not paid at the commencement date, the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the underlying
discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate leased asset to the lessee and therefore classify these leases as
cannot be readily determined, our incremental borrowing rate. We operating leases.
generally use our incremental borrowing rate as the interest rate
implicit in our leases cannot be readily determined. The lease If an arrangement contains both lease and non-lease components,
liability is subsequently measured at amortized cost using the we apply IFRS 15 to allocate the consideration in the contract
effective interest rate method. between the lease and the non-lease components.

Lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability We recognize lease payments received under operating leases into
include: income on a straight-line basis. All of the leases for which we act as
• fixed payments, including in-substance fixed payments; lessor are classified as operating leases.
• variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate;
• amounts expected to be payable under a residual value ESTIMATES
guarantee; and We estimate the lease term by considering the facts and
• the exercise price under a purchase option that we are circumstances that can create an economic incentive to exercise an
reasonably certain to exercise, lease payments in an optional extension option, or not exercise a termination option. We make
renewal period if we are reasonably certain to exercise an certain qualitative and quantitative assumptions when deriving the
extension option, and penalties for early termination of a lease value of the economic incentive.
unless we are reasonably certain not to terminate early.


Lessee We make judgments in determining whether a lease should be
We make judgments in determining whether a contract is or classified as an operating lease or a finance lease based on if the
contains a lease, which involves assessing whether a contract agreement transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental
contains an identified asset (either a physically distinct asset or a to ownership of the underlying asset.
capacity portion that represents substantially all of the capacity of
the asset). Additionally, the contract should provide us with the LEASE LIABILITIES
right to substantially all of the economic benefits from the use of We primarily lease land and buildings relating to our wireless and
the asset. cable networks, our retail store presence, and certain of our offices
We also make judgments in determining whether we have the right and other corporate buildings, as well as customer premise
to control the use of the identified asset. We have that right when equipment. The non-cancellable contract periods for our leases
we have the decision-making rights that are most relevant to typically range from five to fifteen years. Variable lease payments
changing how and for what purpose the asset is used. In rare cases during 2021 were $21 million (2020 – $23 million).
where the decisions about how and for what purpose the asset is Below is a summary of the activity related to our lease liabilities for
used are predetermined, we have the right to direct the use of the the twelve months ended December 31, 2021. Certain of our lease
asset if we have the right to operate the asset or if we designed the liabilities are secured by the underlying right-of-use assets; the
asset in a way that predetermines how and for what purpose the underlying right-of-use assets have a net carrying amount of
asset will be used. $338 million as at December 31, 2021 (2020 – $240 million).
We make judgments in determining the incremental borrowing
rate used to measure our lease liability for each lease contract, Years ended December 31
including an estimate of the asset-specific security impact. The (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
incremental borrowing rate should reflect the interest that we
would have to pay to borrow the funds necessary to obtain a similar Lease liabilities, beginning of year 1,835 1,725
asset at a similar term, with a similar security, in a similar economic Net additions 386 320
environment. Interest expense on lease liabilities 74 70
Interest payments on lease
Certain of our leases contain extension or renewal options that are liabilities (69) (67)
exercisable only by us and not by the lessor. At lease Principal payments of lease
commencement, we assess whether we are reasonably certain to liabilities (269) (213)
exercise any of the extension options based on our expected
Lease liabilities, end of year 1,957 1,835
economic return from the lease. We are typically reasonably certain
of exercising extension options on our leases, especially related to Current liability 336 278
our networks, primarily due to the significant cost that would be Long-term liability 1,621 1,557
required to relocate our network towers and related equipment.
Lease liabilities 1,957 1,835
We reassess whether we are reasonably certain to exercise the
options if there is a significant event or significant change in
circumstance within our control and account for any changes at the
date of the reassessment.


ACCOUNTING POLICY Indefinite useful lives
RECOGNITION AND MEASUREMENT, INCLUDING We do not amortize intangible assets with indefinite lives, including
spectrum licences, broadcast licences, and the Rogers and Fido
brand names.
Upon initial recognition, we measure intangible assets at cost
unless they are acquired through a business combination, in which
Finite useful lives
case they are measured at fair value. We begin amortizing
We amortize intangible assets with finite useful lives, other than
intangible assets with finite useful lives when the asset is ready for
acquired program rights, into depreciation and amortization on the
its intended use. Subsequently, the asset is carried at cost less
Consolidated Statements of Income on a straight-line basis over
accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses.
their estimated useful lives as noted in the table below. We monitor
Cost includes expenditures that are directly attributable to the and review the useful lives, residual values, and amortization
acquisition of the asset. The cost of a separately acquired intangible methods at least once per year and change them if they are
asset comprises: different from our previous estimates. We recognize the effects of
• its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable changes in estimates in net income prospectively.
purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates;
and Intangible asset Estimated useful life
• any directly attributable cost of preparing the asset for its
intended use. Customer relationships 3 to 10 years



Acquired program rights If our estimate of the asset’s or CGU’s recoverable amount is less
Program rights are contractual rights we acquire from third parties than its carrying amount, we reduce its carrying amount to the
to broadcast programs, including rights to broadcast live sporting recoverable amount and recognize the loss in net income
events. We recognize them at cost less accumulated amortization immediately.
and accumulated impairment losses. We capitalize program rights
We reverse a previously recognized impairment loss, except in
on the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position when the
respect of goodwill, if our estimate of the recoverable amount of a
licence period begins and the program is available for use and
previously impaired asset or CGU has increased such that the
amortize them to other external purchases in operating costs on
impairment recognized in a previous year has reversed. The
the Consolidated Statements of Income over the expected
reversal is recognized by increasing the asset’s or CGU’s carrying
exhibition period. If we have no intention to air programs, we
amount to our new estimate of its recoverable amount. The
consider the related program rights impaired and write them off.
carrying amount of the asset or CGU subsequent to the reversal
Otherwise, we test them for impairment as intangible assets with
cannot be greater than its carrying amount had we not recognized
finite useful lives.
an impairment loss in previous years.
The costs for multi-year sports and television broadcast rights
agreements are recognized in operating expenses during the ESTIMATES
applicable seasons based on the pattern in which the We use estimates in determining the recoverable amount of long-
programming is aired or rights are expected to be consumed. To lived assets. The determination of the recoverable amount for the
the extent that prepayments are made at the commencement of a purpose of impairment testing requires the use of significant
multi-year contract towards future years’ rights fees, these estimates, such as:
prepayments are recognized as intangible assets and amortized to • future cash flows;
operating expenses over the contract term. To the extent that • terminal growth rates; and
prepayments are made for annual contractual fees within a season, • discount rates.
they are included in other current assets on our Consolidated
Statements of Financial Position, as the rights will be consumed We estimate value in use for impairment tests by discounting
within the next twelve months. estimated future cash flows to their present value. We estimate the
discounted future cash flows for periods of up to five years,
Goodwill depending on the CGU, and a terminal value. The future cash flows
We recognize goodwill arising from business combinations when are based on our estimates and expected future operating results
the fair value of the separately identifiable assets we acquired and of the CGU after considering economic conditions and a general
liabilities we assumed is lower than the consideration we paid outlook for the CGU’s industry. Our discount rates consider market
(including the recognized amount of the non-controlling interest, if rates of return, debt to equity ratios, and certain risk premiums,
any). If the fair value of the consideration transferred is lower than among other things. The terminal value is the value attributed to
that of the separately identified assets and liabilities, we the CGU’s operations beyond the projected time period of the
immediately recognize the difference as a gain in net income. cash flows using a perpetuity rate based on expected economic
conditions and a general outlook for the industry.
IMPAIRMENT TESTING We determine fair value less costs to sell in one of the following two
We test intangible assets with finite useful lives for impairment ways:
whenever an event or change in circumstances indicates that their • analyzing discounted cash flows – we estimate the discounted
carrying amounts may not be recoverable. We test indefinite-life future cash flows for five-year periods and a terminal value,
intangible assets and goodwill for impairment annually as at similar to the value in use methodology described above, while
October 1, or more frequently if we identify indicators of applying assumptions consistent with those a market participant
impairment. would make. Future cash flows are based on our estimates of
expected future operating results of the CGU. Our estimates of
If we cannot estimate the recoverable amount of an individual future cash flows, terminal values, and discount rates consider
intangible asset because it does not generate independent cash similar factors to those described above for value in use
inflows, we test the entire cash-generating unit (CGU) to which it estimates; or
belongs for impairment.
• using a market approach – we estimate the recoverable amount
Goodwill is allocated to CGUs (or groups of CGUs) based on the of the CGU using multiples of operating performance of
level at which management monitors goodwill, which cannot be comparable entities and precedent transactions in that industry.
higher than an operating segment. The allocation of goodwill is
We make certain assumptions when deriving expected future cash
made to CGUs (or groups of CGUs) that are expected to benefit
flows, which may include assumptions pertaining to discount and
from the synergies and future growth of the business combination
terminal growth rates. These assumptions may differ or change
from which the goodwill arose.
quickly depending on economic conditions or other events. It is
therefore possible that future changes in assumptions may
Recognition and measurement of an impairment charge negatively affect future valuations of CGUs and goodwill, which
An intangible asset or goodwill is impaired if the recoverable could result in impairment losses.
amount is less than the carrying amount. The recoverable amount
of a CGU or asset is the higher of its:
• fair value less costs to sell; and
• value in use.


JUDGMENTS generate. After review of the competitive, legal, regulatory, and
We make significant judgments that affect the measurement of our other factors, it is our view that these factors do not limit the useful
intangible assets and goodwill. lives of our spectrum and broadcast licences.

Judgment is applied when deciding to designate our spectrum Judgment is also applied in choosing methods of amortizing our
and broadcast licences as assets with indefinite useful lives since we intangible assets and program rights that we believe most
believe the licences are likely to be renewed for the foreseeable accurately represent the consumption of those assets and are most
future such that there is no limit to the period over which these representative of the economic substance of the intended use of
assets are expected to generate net cash inflows. We make the underlying assets.
judgments to determine that these assets have indefinite lives,
Finally, we make judgments in determining CGUs and the
analyzing all relevant factors, including the expected usage of the
allocation of goodwill to CGUs or groups of CGUs for the purpose
asset, the typical life cycle of the asset, and anticipated changes in
of impairment testing.
the market demand for the products and services the asset helps


The tables below summarize our intangible assets as at December 31, 2021 and 2020.
(In millions of dollars) Indefinite-life Finite-life
Acquired Total intangible
Spectrum Broadcast Brand Customer program intangible assets and
licences licences names relationships rights assets Goodwill goodwill
As at January 1, 2021 8,371 333 420 1,623 233 10,980 4,194 15,174
Accumulated impairment losses – (99) (14) – (5) (118) (221) (339)
Cost, net of impairment losses 8,371 234 406 1,623 228 10,862 3,973 14,835
Additions 3,343 – – 46 54 3,443 51 3,494
Disposals and other 1 – (3) – – (77) (80) – (80)
As at December 31, 2021 11,714 231 406 1,669 205 14,225 4,024 18,249
Accumulated amortization
As at January 1, 2021 – – 270 1,589 77 1,936 – 1,936
Amortization 2 – – – 17 68 85 – 85
Disposals and other 1 – – – – (77) (77) – (77)
As at December 31, 2021 – – 270 1,606 68 1,944 – 1,944
Net carrying amount
As at January 1, 2021 8,371 234 136 34 151 8,926 3,973 12,899
As at December 31, 2021 11,714 231 136 63 137 12,281 4,024 16,305
1 Includes disposals, impairments, reclassifications, and other adjustments.
2 Of the $85 million of total amortization, $68 million related to acquired program rights is included in other external purchases in operating costs (see note 6), and $17 million in
depreciation and amortization on the Consolidated Statements of Income.

(In millions of dollars) Indefinite-life Finite-life

Acquired Total intangible
Spectrum Broadcast Brand Customer program intangible assets and
licences licences names relationships rights assets Goodwill goodwill
As at January 1, 2020 8,331 333 420 1,611 253 10,948 4,144 15,092
Accumulated impairment losses – (99) (14) – (5) (118) (221) (339)
Cost, net of impairment losses 8,331 234 406 1,611 248 10,830 3,923 14,753
Additions 40 – – 12 57 109 50 159
Disposals and other 1 – – – – (77) (77) – (77)
As at December 31, 2020 8,371 234 406 1,623 228 10,862 3,973 14,835
Accumulated amortization
As at January 1, 2020 – – 270 1,578 77 1,925 – 1,925
Amortization 2 – – – 11 77 88 – 88
Disposals and other 1 – – – – (77) (77) – (77)
As at December 31, 2020 – – 270 1,589 77 1,936 – 1,936
Net carrying amount
As at January 1, 2020 8,331 234 136 33 171 8,905 3,923 12,828
As at December 31, 2020 8,371 234 136 34 151 8,926 3,973 12,899
1 Includes disposals, impairments, reclassifications, and other adjustments.
2 Of the $88 million of total amortization, $77 million related to acquired program rights is included in other external purchases in operating costs (see note 6), and $11 million in
depreciation and amortization on the Consolidated Statements of Income.



In July 2021, Innovation, Science and Economic Development licences covering the vast majority of the Canadian population at a
Canada announced the results of the 3500 MHz spectrum licence total cost of $3.3 billion. In December 2021, we made the final
auction that began in June 2021. We were awarded 325 spectrum payment and obtained these licences.


For purposes of testing goodwill for impairment, our CGUs, or groups of CGUs, correspond to our operating segments as disclosed in
note 4.
Below is an overview of the methods and key assumptions we used in 2021, as of October 1, to determine recoverable amounts for CGUs,
or groups of CGUs, with indefinite-life intangible assets or goodwill that we consider significant.

(In millions of dollars, except periods used and rates)

Carrying value Period of
Carrying value of indefinite-life Recoverable projected cash Terminal growth Pre-tax discount
of goodwill intangible assets amount method flows (years) rates (%) rates (%)
Wireless 1,160 8,517 Value in use 5 2.0 8.5
Cable 1,895 – Value in use 5 1.5 8.0
Media 969 232 Fair value less cost to sell 5 2.0 10.6

Our fair value measurement for Media is classified as Level 3 in the We did not recognize an impairment charge related to our
fair value hierarchy. goodwill or intangible assets in 2021 or 2020 because the
recoverable amounts of the CGUs, or groups of CGUs, exceeded
their carrying values.


We define restructuring costs as employee costs associated with
the targeted restructuring of our employee base, or other costs Years ended December 31
associated with significant changes in either the scope of business
(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020
activities or the manner in which business is conducted. Acquisition
and integration costs are directly attributable to investigating or Restructuring and other 187 185
completing an acquisition or to integrating an acquired business. Shaw acquisition-related costs 30 137 —
Other costs are costs that, in management’s judgment about their Total restructuring, acquisition and other 324 185
nature, should be segregated from ongoing operating expenses.
The restructuring and other costs in 2021 primarily consisted of
JUDGMENTS severance costs associated with the targeted restructuring of our
We make significant judgments in determining the appropriate employee base, certain contract termination costs, incremental,
classification of costs to be included in restructuring, acquisition temporary costs incurred in response to COVID-19, and other costs.
and other. In 2020, these costs were primarily incremental, temporary employee
compensation and other costs incurred in response to COVID-19 as
well as severance costs associated with the targeted restructuring of
our employee base. The Shaw acquisition-related costs primarily
consist of costs related to a committed credit facility (see note 19)
and other costs incurred directly related to the Transaction.


(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020 DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS
We recognized $10 million in net foreign exchange losses in 2021
Interest on borrowings 1 745 780
Interest on lease liabilities 8 74 70 (2020 – $107 million in net losses). These losses were primarily
Interest on post-employment benefits attributed to our US CP program borrowings (see note 17).
liability 23 14 13
These foreign exchange losses were offset by the $6 million gain
Loss on foreign exchange 10 107
Change in fair value of derivative related to the change in fair value of derivatives (2020 – $97 million
instruments (6) (97) gain) that was primarily attributed to the debt derivatives, which
Capitalized interest (17) (19) were not designated as hedges for accounting purposes, we used
Other 29 27 to substantially offset the foreign exchange risk related to these
Total finance costs 849 881 US dollar-denominated borrowings.
1 Interest on borrowings includes interest on short-term borrowings and on long-term


Years ended December 31
(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020
Losses from associates and joint
ventures 18 44 40
Other investment income (42) (39)
Total other expense 2 1


Income tax expense includes both current and deferred taxes. We
recognize income tax expense in net income unless it relates to an Years ended December 31
item recognized directly in equity or other comprehensive income.
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
We provide for income taxes based on all of the information that is
currently available. Total current tax expense 458 712
Deferred tax expense (recovery):
Current tax expense is tax we expect to pay or receive based on Origination (reversal) of temporary
our taxable income or loss during the year. We calculate the differences 111 (129)
current tax expense using tax rates enacted or substantively Revaluation of deferred tax balances
enacted as at the reporting date, including any adjustment to taxes due to legislative changes – (3)
payable or receivable related to previous years.
Total deferred tax expense (recovery) 111 (132)
Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise from temporary differences
Total income tax expense 569 580
between the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities we
recognize on our Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
Below is a summary of the difference between income tax expense
and their respective tax bases. We calculate deferred tax assets and
computed by applying the statutory income tax rate to income
liabilities using enacted or substantively enacted tax rates that will
before income tax expense and the actual income tax expense for
apply in the years in which the temporary differences are expected
the year.
to reverse.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally Years ended December 31
enforceable right to offset current tax assets and liabilities and they (In millions of dollars, except tax rates) 2021 2020
relate to income taxes levied by the same authority on:
• the same taxable entity; or Statutory income tax rate 26.5% 26.6%
• different taxable entities where these entities intend to settle Income before income tax expense 2,127 2,172
current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or the tax assets Computed income tax expense 564 578
and liabilities will be realized and settled simultaneously. Increase (decrease) in income tax expense
resulting from:
We recognize a deferred tax asset for unused losses, tax credits, Non-deductible stock-based
and deductible temporary differences to the extent it is probable compensation 1 –
that future taxable income will be available to use the asset. Non-deductible portion of equity
losses 12 10
JUDGMENTS Income tax adjustment, legislative tax
We make significant judgments in interpreting tax rules and change – (3)
regulations when we calculate income tax expense. We make Non-taxable income from security
judgments to evaluate whether we can recover a deferred tax asset investments (11) (10)
based on our assessment of existing tax laws, estimates of future Other 3 5
profitability, and tax planning strategies. Total income tax expense 569 580
Effective income tax rate 26.8% 26.7%




Below is a summary of the movement of net deferred tax assets and liabilities during 2021 and 2020.

Property, Contract and

plant and Goodwill Non-capital deferred
Deferred tax assets (liabilities) equipment and other loss commission
(In millions of dollars) and inventory intangibles Investments carryforwards cost assets Other Total
December 31, 2020 (1,484) (1,450) (130) 16 (183) 35 (3,196)
(Expense) recovery in net income (122) (116) (2) 8 59 62 (111)
(Expense) in other comprehensive income – – (3) – – (115) (118)
Acquisitions (2) (12) – – – – (14)
December 31, 2021 (1,608) (1,578) (135) 24 (124) (18) (3,439)

Property, Contract and

plant and Goodwill Non-capital deferred
Deferred tax assets (liabilities) equipment and other loss commission
(In millions of dollars) and inventory intangibles Investments carryforwards cost assets Other Total
December 31, 2019 (1,366) (1,318) (168) 12 (570) (27) (3,437)
(Expense) recovery in net income (108) (129) (2) 4 387 (20) 132
Recovery in other comprehensive income – – 40 – – 82 122
Acquisitions (10) (3) – – – – (13)
December 31, 2020 (1,484) (1,450) (130) 16 (183) 35 (3,196)

We have not recognized deferred tax assets for the following items: There are taxable temporary differences associated with our
investments in Canadian domestic subsidiaries. We do not
As at December 31 recognize deferred tax liabilities for these temporary differences
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 because we are able to control the timing of the reversal and the
reversal is not probable in the foreseeable future. Reversing these
Realized and accrued capital losses in taxable temporary differences is not expected to result in any
Canada that can be applied against future significant tax implications.
capital gains 75 82
Tax losses in foreign jurisdictions that expire
between 2023 and 2040 68 67
Deductible temporary differences in foreign
jurisdictions 40 43
Total unrecognized temporary differences 183 192


We calculate basic earnings per share by dividing the net income
or loss attributable to our RCI Class A Voting and RCI Class B Years ended December 31
(In millions of dollars,
Non-Voting shareholders by the weighted average number of RCI
except per share amounts) 2021 2020
Class A Voting and RCI Class B Non-Voting shares (Class A Shares
and Class B Non-Voting Shares, respectively) outstanding during Numerator (basic) – Net income for
the year. the year 1,558 1,592

We calculate diluted earnings per share by adjusting the net income Denominator – Number of shares (in
or loss attributable to Class A and Class B Non-Voting shareholders
Weighted average number of
and the weighted average number of Class A Shares and Class B shares outstanding – basic 505 505
Non-Voting Shares outstanding for the effect of all dilutive potential Effect of dilutive securities (in millions):
common shares. We use the treasury stock method for calculating Employee stock options and
diluted earnings per share, which considers the impact of employee restricted share units 1 1
stock options and other potentially dilutive instruments.
Weighted average number of shares
Options with tandem stock appreciation rights or cash payment outstanding – diluted 506 506
alternatives are accounted for as cash-settled awards. As these Earnings per share:
awards can be exchanged for common shares of RCI, they are Basic $ 3.09 $ 3.15
considered potentially dilutive and are included in the calculation Diluted $ 3.07 $ 3.13
of our diluted net earnings per share if they have a dilutive impact
in the period.


For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, accounting for For the year ended December 31, 2021, there were 4,148,549
outstanding share-based payments using the equity-settled options out of the money (2020 – 3,895,948) for purposes of the
method for stock-based compensation was determined to be calculation of earnings per share. These options were excluded
more dilutive than using the cash-settled method. As a result, net from the calculation of the effect of dilutive securities because they
income for the year ended December 31, 2021 was reduced by were anti-dilutive.
$3 million (2020 – $7 million) in the diluted earnings per share



Accounts receivable represent amounts owing to us that are
currently due and collectible, as well as amounts owed to us under As at December 31
device or accessory financing agreements that have not yet been
(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020
billed. We initially recognize accounts receivable on the date they
originate. We measure accounts receivable initially at fair value, and Customer accounts receivable 4,150 3,170
subsequently at amortized cost, with changes recognized in net Other accounts receivable 791 656
income. We measure an impairment loss for accounts receivable as Allowance for doubtful accounts 17 (240) (222)
the excess of the carrying amount over the present value of future
Total accounts receivable 4,701 3,604
cash flows we expect to derive from it, if any. The excess is allocated
to an allowance for doubtful accounts and recognized as a loss in Current 3,847 2,856
net income. Long-term 854 748
Total accounts receivable 4,701 3,604

The long-term portion of our accounts receivable is recorded within

“financing receivables” on our Consolidated Statements of
Financial Position and is composed of our financing receivables
that will be billed to customers beyond the next 12 months.



We measure inventories, including wireless devices and
merchandise for resale, at the lower of cost (determined on a As at December 31
weighted average cost basis for wireless devices and accessories
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
and a first-in, first-out basis for other finished goods and
merchandise) and net realizable value. We reverse a previous Wireless devices and accessories 436 399
writedown to net realizable value, not to exceed the original Other finished goods and merchandise 99 80
recognized cost, if the inventories later increase in value. Total inventories 535 479

Cost of equipment sales and merchandise for resale includes

$2,432 million of inventory costs for 2021 (2020 – $2,207 million).


We initially recognize cash and cash equivalents, bank advances, accounts receivable, financing receivables, debt securities, and accounts
payable and accrued liabilities on the date they originate. All other financial assets and financial liabilities are initially recognized on the
trade date when we become a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

Classification and measurement

We measure financial instruments by grouping them into classes upon initial recognition, based on the purpose of the individual
instruments. We initially measure all financial instruments at fair value plus, in the case of our financial instruments not classified as fair value
through profit and loss (FVTPL) or FVTOCI, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issuance of the financial
instruments. For derivatives designated as cash flow hedges for accounting purposes, the effective portion of the hedge is recognized in
accumulated other comprehensive income and the ineffective portion of the hedge is recognized immediately into net income.



The classifications and methods of measurement subsequent to initial recognition of our financial assets and financial liabilities are as

Financial instrument Classification and measurement method

Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents Amortized cost
Accounts receivable Amortized cost
Financing receivables Amortized cost
Investments, measured at FVTOCI FVTOCI with no reclassification to net income 1
Financial liabilities
Bank advances Amortized cost
Short-term borrowings Amortized cost
Accounts payable Amortized cost
Accrued liabilities Amortized cost
Long-term debt Amortized cost
Lease liabilities Amortized cost

Derivatives 2
Debt derivatives 3 FVTOCI and FVTPL
Interest rate derivatives FVTOCI
Expenditure derivatives FVTOCI
Equity derivatives FVTPL 4
1 Subsequently measured at fair value with changes recognized in the FVTOCI investment reserve.
2 Derivatives can be in an asset or liability position at a point in time historically or in the future.
3 Debt derivatives related to our credit facility and commercial paper borrowings have not been designated as hedges for accounting purposes and are measured at FVTPL. Debt
derivatives related to our senior notes and debentures are designated as hedges for accounting purposes and are measured at FVTOCI.
4 Subsequent changes are offset against stock-based compensation expense or recovery in operating costs.

Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

We offset financial assets and financial liabilities and present the net amount on the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position when
we have a legal right to offset them and intend to settle on a net basis or realize the asset and liability simultaneously.

Derivative instruments
We use derivative instruments to manage risks related to certain activities in which we are involved. They include:

Derivatives The risk they manage Types of derivative instruments

Debt derivatives Impact of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on Cross-currency interest rate exchange agreements
principal and interest payments for US dollar-
Forward cross-currency interest rate exchange
denominated senior and subordinated notes and
debentures, credit facility borrowings, commercial
paper borrowings, and certain lease liabilities Forward foreign exchange agreements
Interest rate derivatives Impact of fluctuations in market interest rates on Forward interest rate agreements
forecast interest payments for expected long-term
Interest rate swap agreements
Bond forwards
Expenditure derivatives Impact of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on Forward foreign exchange agreements and foreign
forecast US dollar-denominated expenditures exchange option agreements
Equity derivatives Impact of fluctuations in share price on stock-based Total return swap agreements
compensation expense

We use derivatives only to manage risk, and not for speculative instrument and hedged item, including the risk management
purposes. objectives and strategy and the methods we will use to assess the
ongoing effectiveness of the hedging relationship.
When we designate a derivative instrument as a hedging
instrument for accounting purposes, we first determine that the We assess, on a quarterly basis, whether each hedging instrument
hedging instrument will be highly effective in offsetting the continues to be highly effective in offsetting the changes in the fair
changes in fair value or cash flows of the item it is hedging. We value or cash flows of the item it is hedging.
then formally document the relationship between the hedging


We assess host contracts in order to identify embedded derivatives. Financial assets that are significant in value are assessed individually.
Embedded derivatives are separated from the host contract and All other financial assets are assessed collectively based on the
accounted for as separate derivatives if the host contract is not a nature of each asset.
financial asset and certain criteria are met.
We measure impairment for financial assets as follows:
• contract assets – we measure an impairment loss for contract
Hedge ratio
assets based on the lifetime expected credit losses, which is
Our policy is to hedge 100% of the foreign currency risk arising
allocated to an allowance for doubtful accounts and recognized
from principal and interest payment obligations on US dollar-
as a loss in net income (see note 5);
denominated senior notes and debentures using debt derivatives.
• accounts receivable – we measure an impairment loss for
We also hedge up to 100% of the remaining lease payments when
accounts receivable based on the lifetime expected credit losses,
we enter into debt derivatives on our US dollar-denominated lease
which is allocated to an allowance for doubtful accounts and
liabilities. We typically hedge up to 100% of forecast foreign
recognized as a loss in net income (see note 15);
currency expenditures net of foreign currency cash inflows using
• financing receivables – we measure an impairment loss for
expenditure derivatives. From time to time, we hedge up to 100%
financing receivables based on the lifetime expected credit
of the interest rate risk on forecast future senior note issuances
losses, which is allocated to an allowance for doubtful accounts
using interest rate derivatives.
and recognized as a loss in net income (see note 15); and
• investments measured at FVTOCI – we measure an impairment
Hedging reserve loss for equity investments measured at FVTOCI as the excess of
The hedging reserve represents the accumulated change in fair the cost to acquire the asset (less any impairment loss we have
value of our derivative instruments to the extent they were effective previously recognized) over its current fair value, if any. The
hedges for accounting purposes, less accumulated amounts difference is recognized in the FVTOCI investment reserve.
reclassified into net income.
We consider financial assets to be in default when, in the case of
Deferred transaction costs and discounts contract assets, accounts receivable, and financing receivables, the
We defer transaction costs and discounts associated with issuing counterparty is unlikely to satisfy its obligations to us in full. Our
long-term debt and direct costs we pay to lenders to obtain certain investments measured at FVTOCI cannot default. To determine if
credit facilities and amortize them using the effective interest our financial assets are in default, we consider the amount of time
method over the life of the related instrument. for which it has been outstanding, the reason for the amount being
outstanding (for example, if the customer has ongoing service or, if
FVTOCI investment reserve they have been deactivated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily),
The FVTOCI investment reserve represents the accumulated and the risk profile of the underlying customers. We typically write
change in fair value of our equity investments that are measured at off accounts receivable when they have been outstanding for a
FVTOCI less accumulated impairment losses related to the significant period of time.
investments and accumulated amounts reclassified into equity.
Impairment (expected credit losses) Fair value estimates related to our derivatives are made at a specific
We consider the credit risk of a financial asset at initial recognition point in time based on relevant market information and information
and at each reporting period thereafter until it is derecognized. For about the underlying financial instruments. These estimates require
a financial asset that is determined to have low credit risk at the assessment of the credit risk of the parties to the instruments and
reporting date and that has not had significant increases in credit the instruments’ discount rates. These fair values and underlying
risk since initial recognition, we measure any impairment loss based estimates are also used in the tests of effectiveness of our hedging
on the credit losses we expect to recognize over the next twelve relationships.
months. For other financial assets, we will measure an impairment
loss based on the lifetime expected credit losses. Certain assets, JUDGMENTS
such as trade receivables, financing receivables, and contract assets We make significant judgments in determining whether our
without significant financing components, must always be recorded financial instruments qualify for hedge accounting. These
at lifetime expected credit losses. judgments include assessing whether the forecast transactions
designated as hedged items in hedging relationships will
Lifetime expected credit losses are estimates of all possible default
materialize as forecast, whether the hedging relationships
events over the expected life of a financial instrument. Twelve-
designated as effective hedges for accounting purposes continue
month expected credit losses are estimates of all possible default
to qualitatively be effective, and determining the methodology to
events within twelve months of the reporting date or over the
determine the fair values used in testing the effectiveness of
expected life of a financial instrument, whichever is shorter.
hedging relationships.



FINANCIAL RISKS with our accounts receivable. As at December 31, 2021,

We are exposed to credit, liquidity, market price, foreign exchange, $442 million (2020 – $435 million) of gross accounts receivable are
and interest rate risks. Our primary risk management objective is to considered past due, which is defined as amounts outstanding
protect our income, cash flows, and, ultimately, shareholder value. beyond normal credit terms and conditions for the respective
We design and implement the risk management strategies customers.
discussed below to ensure our risks and the related exposures are Below is a summary of the aging of our customer accounts
consistent with our business objectives and risk tolerance. Below is receivable, including financing receivables, net of the respective
a summary of our potential risk exposures by financial instrument. allowances for doubtful accounts.

Financial instrument Financial risks As at December 31

Financial assets (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Cash and cash equivalents Credit and foreign exchange Customer accounts receivable
Accounts receivable Credit and foreign exchange Unbilled financing receivables 2,646 1,806
Financing receivables Credit Less than 30 days past billing date 895 793
Investments, measured at Liquidity, market price, and 30-60 days past billing date 214 207
FVTOCI foreign exchange 61-90 days past billing date 89 66
Financial liabilities Greater than 90 days past billing date 66 76
Bank advances Liquidity Total customer accounts receivable (net of
Short-term borrowings Liquidity, foreign exchange, allowances of $240 and $222, respectively) 3,910 2,948
and interest rate Total contract assets (net of allowance of $3
Accounts payable Liquidity and $28, respectively) 204 621
Accrued liabilities Liquidity
Total customer accounts receivable and
Long-term debt Liquidity, foreign exchange,
contract assets 4,114 3,569
and interest rate
Lease liabilities Liquidity and foreign
Below is a summary of the activity related to our allowance for
doubtful accounts on total customer accounts receivable and
Derivatives 1
contract assets.
Debt derivatives Credit, liquidity, and foreign
exchange Years ended December 31
Interest rate derivatives Credit, liquidity, and interest
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Expenditure derivatives Credit, liquidity, and foreign Balance, beginning of year 250 114
exchange Allowance for doubtful accounts
Equity derivatives Credit, liquidity, and market expense 155 307
price Net use (162) (171)
1 Derivatives can be in an asset or liability position at a point in time historically or in the Balance, end of year 243 250

We use various controls and processes, such as credit checks,

CREDIT RISK deposits on account, and billing in advance, to mitigate credit risk.
Credit risk represents the financial loss we could experience if a We monitor and take appropriate action to suspend services when
counterparty to a financial instrument, from whom we have an customers have fully used their approved credit limits or violated
amount owing, failed to meet its obligations under the terms and established payment terms. While our credit controls and
conditions of its contracts with us. processes have been effective in managing credit risk, they cannot
Our credit risk exposure is primarily attributable to our accounts eliminate credit risk and there can be no assurance that these
receivable, our financing receivables, and to our debt, interest rate, controls will continue to be effective or that our current credit loss
expenditure, and equity derivatives. Our broad customer base experience will continue.
limits the concentration of this risk. Our accounts receivable and
financing receivables on the Consolidated Statements of Financial Derivative instruments
Position are net of allowances for doubtful accounts. Credit risk related to our debt derivatives, interest rate derivatives,
expenditure derivatives, and equity derivatives arises from the
Accounts receivable possibility that the counterparties to the agreements may default
Our accounts receivable do not contain significant financing on their obligations. We assess the creditworthiness of the
components as defined by IFRS 15 and therefore we measure our counterparties to minimize the risk of counterparty default and do
allowance for doubtful accounts using lifetime expected credit not require collateral or other security to support the credit risk
losses related to our accounts receivable. We believe the allowance associated with these derivatives. Counterparties to the entire
for doubtful accounts sufficiently reflects the credit risk associated portfolio of our derivatives are financial institutions with a S&P
Global Ratings (or the equivalent) ranging from A to AA-.


LIQUIDITY RISK monitoring actual and projected cash flows to ensure we will have
Liquidity risk is the risk that we will not be able to meet our financial sufficient liquidity to meet our liabilities when due, under both
obligations as they fall due. We manage liquidity risk by managing normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable
our commitments and maturities, capital structure, and financial losses or risking damage to our reputation.
leverage (see note 3). We also manage liquidity risk by continually

Below is a summary of the undiscounted contractual maturities of our financial liabilities and the receivable components of our derivatives
as at December 31, 2021 and 2020.

December 31, 2021 Carrying Contractual Less than 1 to 3 4 to 5 More than

(In millions of dollars) amount cash flows 1 year years years 5 years
Short-term borrowings 2,200 2,200 2,200 – – –
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,416 3,416 3,416 – – –
Long-term debt 1 18,688 18,873 1,551 2,312 3,520 11,490
Lease liabilities 1,957 2,498 336 677 308 1,177
Other long-term financial liabilities 14 14 – 7 2 5
Expenditure derivative instruments:
Cash outflow (Canadian dollar) – 1,374 1,240 134 – –
Cash inflow (Canadian dollar equivalent of US dollar) – (1,354) (1,217) (137) – –
Equity derivative instruments – (36) (36) – – –
Debt derivative instruments accounted for as hedges:
Cash outflow (Canadian dollar) – 11,313 1,297 1,504 1,607 6,905
Cash inflow (Canadian dollar equivalent of US dollar) 2 – (11,717) (1,084) (1,822) (1,521) (7,290)
Debt derivative instruments not accounted for as hedges:
Cash outflow (Canadian dollar) – 1,390 1,390 – – –
Cash inflow (Canadian dollar equivalent of US dollar) 2 – (1,401) (1,401) – – –
Interest rate derivatives – 243 243 – – –
Net carrying amount of derivatives (asset) (895)
25,380 26,813 7,935 2,675 3,916 12,287
1 Reflects repayment of the subordinated notes issued in December 2021 on the five-year anniversary.
2 Represents Canadian dollar equivalent amount of US dollar inflows matched to an equal amount of US dollar maturities in long-term debt for debt derivatives.

December 31, 2020 Carrying Contractual Less than 1 to 3 4 to 5 More than

(In millions of dollars) amount cash flows 1 year years years 5 years
Short-term borrowings 1,221 1,221 1,221 – – –
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 2,714 2,714 2,714 – – –
Long-term debt 18,201 18,373 1,450 3,274 1,490 12,159
Lease liabilities 1,835 2,353 278 647 300 1,128
Other long-term financial liabilities 22 22 – 14 2 6
Expenditure derivative instruments:
Cash outflow (Canadian dollar) – 2,134 1,305 829 – –
Cash inflow (Canadian dollar equivalent of US dollar) – (2,024) (1,222) (802) – –
Equity derivative instruments – (34) (34) – – –
Debt derivative instruments accounted for as hedges:
Cash outflow (Canadian dollar) – 11,114 86 2,516 937 7,575
Cash inflow (Canadian dollar equivalent of US dollar) 1 – (11,702) (81) (2,772) (891) (7,958)
Debt derivative instruments not accounted for as hedges:
Cash outflow (Canadian dollar) – 585 585 – – –
Cash inflow (Canadian dollar equivalent of US dollar) 1 – (573) (573) – – –
Net carrying amount of derivatives (asset) (1,011)
22,982 24,183 5,729 3,706 1,838 12,910
1 Represents Canadian dollar equivalent amount of US dollar inflows matched to an equal amount of US dollar maturities in long-term debt for debt derivatives.



Below is a summary of the net interest payments over the life of the hedges for accounting purposes. We use expenditure derivatives
long-term debt, including the impact of the associated debt to manage the foreign exchange risk in our operations,
derivatives, as at December 31, 2021 and 2020. designating them as hedges for certain of our forecast operational
and capital expenditures. As at December 31, 2021, all of our US
December 31, 2021 Less than 1 to 3 4 to 5 More than dollar-denominated long-term debt, short-term borrowings, and
(In millions of dollars) 1 year years years 5 years lease liabilities were hedged against fluctuations in foreign
Net interest payments 804 1,444 1,321 7,789 exchange rates using debt derivatives. With respect to our long-
term debt and US CP program, as a result of our debt derivatives, a
one-cent change in the Canadian dollar relative to the US dollar
December 31, 2020 Less than 1 to 3 4 to 5 More than would have no effect on net income.
(In millions of dollars) 1 year years years 5 years
A portion of our accounts receivable and accounts payable and
Net interest payments 747 1,322 1,167 8,331
accrued liabilities is denominated in US dollars. Due to the short-
term nature of these receivables and payables, they carry no
MARKET PRICE RISK significant risk from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates as at
Market price risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as December 31, 2021.
fluctuations in the market prices of our investments measured at
FVTOCI or our share price will affect our income, cash flows, or the INTEREST RATE RISK
value of our financial instruments. The derivative instruments we use We are exposed to risk of changes in market interest rates due to
to manage this risk are described in this note. the impact this has on interest expense for our short-term
borrowings and bank credit facilities. As at December 31, 2021,
Market price risk – publicly traded investments 89.3% of our outstanding long-term debt and short-term
We manage risk related to fluctuations in the market prices of our borrowings was at fixed interest rates (2020 – 93.6%).
investments in publicly traded companies by regularly reviewing
publicly available information related to these investments to Sensitivity analysis
ensure that any risks are within our established levels of risk Below is a sensitivity analysis for significant exposures with respect
tolerance. We do not engage in risk management practices such as to our publicly traded investments, expenditure derivatives, debt
hedging, derivatives, or short selling with respect to our publicly derivatives, interest rate derivatives, short-term borrowings, senior
traded investments. notes, and bank credit facilities as at December 31, 2021 and 2020
with all other variables held constant. It shows how net income and
Market price risk – Class B Non-Voting Shares other comprehensive income would have been affected by
Our liability related to stock-based compensation is remeasured at changes in the relevant risk variables.
fair value each period. Stock-based compensation expense is
affected by changes in the price of our Class B Non-Voting Shares Other
during the life of an award, including stock options, restricted share comprehensive
units (RSUs), and deferred share units (DSUs). We use equity Net income income
derivatives from time to time to manage the exposure in our stock- (Change in millions of dollars) 2021 2020 2021 2020
based compensation liability. As a result of our equity derivatives, a Share price of publicly traded
one-dollar change in the price of a Class B Non-Voting Share investments
would not have a material effect on net income. $1 change – – 17 14
Debt derivatives
0.1% change in interest rates – – 46 –
FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK Interest rate derivatives
We use debt derivatives to manage risks from fluctuations in 0.1% change in interest rates – – 76 –
foreign exchange rates associated with our US dollar-denominated Expenditure derivatives – change in
long-term debt, short-term borrowings, and lease liabilities. We foreign exchange rate
designate the debt derivatives related to our senior notes and $0.01 change in Cdn$ relative to US$ – – 8 12
debentures and lease liabilities as hedges for accounting purposes Floating interest rate senior notes
against the foreign exchange risk associated with specific debt 1% change in interest rates 7 7 – –
instruments and lease contracts, respectively. We have not Short-term borrowings
designated the debt derivatives related to our US CP program as 1% change in interest rates 16 9 – –


DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS As at December 31, 2020
As at December 31, 2021 and 2020, all of our US dollar- Notional Notional Fair
denominated long-term debt instruments were hedged against (In millions of dollars, except amount Exchange amount value
fluctuations in foreign exchange rates for accounting purposes. exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (Cdn$)
Below is a summary of our net asset (liability) position for our Debt derivatives accounted for
various derivatives. as cash flow hedges:
As assets 4,550 1.0795 4,912 1,405
As at December 31, 2021 As liabilities 4,642 1.3358 6,201 (307)
Short-term debt derivatives not
Notional Notional Fair
accounted for as hedges:
(In millions of dollars, except amount Exchange amount value
As liabilities 449 1.2995 583 (12)
exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (Cdn$)
Net mark-to-market debt
Debt derivatives accounted for derivative asset 1,086
as cash flow hedges:
As assets 5,859 1.1369 6,661 1,453 Expenditure derivatives
As liabilities 5,383 1.3025 7,011 (343) accounted for as cash flow
Short-term debt derivatives not hedges:
accounted for as hedges: As liabilities 1,590 1.3421 2,134 (109)
As assets 1,104 1.2578 1,389 11 Equity derivatives not accounted
for as hedges:
Net mark-to-market debt As assets – – 238 34
derivative asset 1,121
Net mark-to-market asset 1,011
Interest rate derivatives
accounted for as cash flow
hedges: Below is a summary of the net cash (payments) proceeds on debt
As assets (Cdn$) – – 3,250 40 derivatives.
As liabilities (Cdn$) – – 500 (6)
As liabilities (US$) 2,000 – – (277) Years ended December 31
Net mark-to-market interest rate (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
derivative liability (243)
Proceeds on debt derivatives related to US
Expenditure derivatives commercial paper 2,911 5,542
accounted for as cash flow Proceeds on debt derivatives related to
hedges: credit facility borrowings 1,003 1,364
As assets 438 1.2453 545 11
As liabilities 630 1.3151 829 (30) Total proceeds on debt derivatives 3,914 6,906
Payments on debt derivatives related to
Net mark-to-market expenditure US commercial paper (2,926) (5,441)
derivative liability (19) Payments on debt derivatives related to
Equity derivatives not accounted credit facility borrowings (1,005) (1,385)
for as hedges: Total payments on debt derivatives (3,931) (6,826)
As assets – – 265 36 Net (payments) proceeds on settlement of
Net mark-to-market asset 895 debt derivatives (17) 80



Below is a summary of the changes in fair value of our derivative instruments for 2021 and 2020.

Debt Debt
Year ended December 31, 2021 derivatives derivatives Interest rate Expenditure Equity Total
(In millions of dollars) (hedged) (unhedged) derivatives derivatives derivatives instruments
Derivative instruments, beginning of year 1,098 (12) – (109) 34 1,011
Proceeds received from settlement of derivatives – (3,914) (9) (1,201) (3) (5,127)
Payment on derivatives settled – 3,931 – 1,305 – 5,236
Increase (decrease) in fair value of derivatives 12 6 (234) (14) 5 (225)
Derivative instruments, end of year 1,110 11 (243) (19) 36 895

Mark-to-market asset 1,453 11 40 11 36 1,551

Mark-to-market liability (343) – (283) (30) – (656)
Mark-to-market asset (liability) 1,110 11 (243) (19) 36 895

Debt Debt
Year ended December 31, 2020 derivatives derivatives Expenditure Equity Total
(In millions of dollars) (hedged) (unhedged) derivatives derivatives instruments
Derivative instruments, beginning of year 1,412 (29) 1 55 1,439
Proceeds received from settlement of derivatives – (6,906) (1,261) 1 (8,166)
Payment on derivatives settled – 6,826 1,221 – 8,047
(Decrease) increase in fair value of derivatives (314) 97 (70) (22) (309)
Derivative instruments, end of year 1,098 (12) (109) 34 1,011

Mark-to-market asset 1,405 – – 34 1,439

Mark-to-market liability (307) (12) (109) – (428)
Mark-to-market asset (liability) 1,098 (12) (109) 34 1,011

Below is a summary of the derivative instruments assets and 2021, 100% of our outstanding expenditure derivatives and interest
derivative instruments liabilities reflected on our Consolidated rate derivatives have been designated as hedges for accounting
Statements of Financial Position. purposes (2020 – 100% of our outstanding expenditure
As at December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Debt derivatives
We use cross-currency interest rate agreements and foreign
Current asset 120 61 exchange forward agreements (collectively, debt derivatives) to
Long-term asset 1,431 1,378 manage risks from fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and
1,551 1,439 interest rates associated with our US dollar-denominated senior
Current liability (467) (110)
notes and debentures, lease liabilities, credit facility borrowings,
Long-term liability (189) (318) and US CP borrowings (see note 19). We designate the debt
derivatives related to our senior notes, debentures, and lease
(656) (428) liabilities as hedges for accounting purposes against the foreign
Net mark-to-market asset 895 1,011 exchange risk or interest rate risk associated with specific issued
and forecast debt instruments. Debt derivatives related to our
As at December 31, 2021, US$11.2 billion notional amount of our credit facility and US CP borrowings have not been designated as
outstanding debt derivatives have been designated as hedges for hedges for accounting purposes.
accounting purposes (2020 – US$9.2 billion). As at December 31,


During 2021 and 2020, we entered and settled debt derivatives related to our credit facility borrowings and US CP program as follows:

Year ended Year ended

December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
Credit facilities
Debt derivatives entered 1,200 1.253 1,503 970 1.428 1,385
Debt derivatives settled 800 1.254 1,003 970 1.406 1,364
Net cash paid on settlement (2) (21)

US commercial paper program

Debt derivatives entered 2,568 1.260 3,235 3,316 1.329 4,406
Debt derivatives settled 2,312 1.259 2,911 4,091 1.330 5,441
Net cash (paid) received on settlement (15) 101

We did not enter into any debt derivatives in 2021 on issued senior notes. We entered into US$2 billion of forward starting cross-currency
swaps to hedge the foreign exchange and interest risk associated with debt instruments we expect to issue in the future related to the

In 2020, we entered into debt derivatives to hedge the foreign currency risk associated with the principal and interest components of the
US dollar-denominated senior notes issued (see note 21). Below is a summary of the debt derivatives we entered to hedge senior notes
issued during 2020.

(In millions of dollars, except for coupon and

interest rates) US$ Hedging effect
Principal/Notional Fixed hedged (Cdn$)
Effective date amount (US$) Maturity date Coupon rate interest rate 1 Equivalent (Cdn$)
2020 issuances
June 22, 2020 750 2022 USD LIBOR + 0.60% 0.955% 1,019
1 Converting from a fixed US$ coupon rate to a weighted average Cdn$ fixed rate.

During 2021 and 2020, we entered and settled debt derivatives related to our outstanding lease liabilities as follows:

Year ended Year ended

December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
Debt derivatives entered 132 1.273 168 115 1.374 158
Debt derivatives settled 81 1.333 108 43 1.372 59

As at December 31, 2021, we had US$193 million notional amount • interest rate swap derivatives to hedge the interest rate risk on an
of debt derivatives outstanding related to our outstanding lease additional $3.25 billion of debt instruments we expect to issue in
liabilities (2020 – US$142 million) with terms to maturity ranging the future; and
from January 2022 to December 2024 (2020 – January 2021 to • interest rate swap derivatives to hedge the interest rate risk on
December 2023), at an average rate of $1.301/US$ (2020 – US$2 billion of debt instruments we expect to issue in the future.
Concurrent with our issuance of $2 billion subordinated notes in
December 2021 (see note 21), we terminated $750 million of
Interest rate derivatives
bond forwards and received $9 million upon settlement. As at
From time to time, we use bond forward derivatives or interest rate
December 31, 2021, we had $500 million of bond forwards
swap derivatives (collectively, interest rate derivatives) to hedge
interest rate risk on current and future debt instruments. Our
interest rate derivatives are designated as hedges for accounting Concurrent with our issuance of US$750 million subordinated
purposes. notes in February 2022 (see note 21), we terminated $950 million
of interest rate swap derivatives and received $33 million upon
We have entered into interest rate swap derivatives during the year
ended December 31, 2021, including:
• $1,250 million bond forwards to hedge the underlying
Government of Canada (GoC) interest rate risk that will form a
portion of the interest rate risk associated with anticipated future
debt issuances;



Expenditure derivatives
Below is a summary of the expenditure derivatives we entered and settled during 2021 and 2020 to manage foreign exchange risk related
to certain forecast expenditures.
Year ended Year ended
December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)

Expenditure derivatives entered 438 1.244 545 1,560 1.343 2,095

Expenditure derivatives settled 960 1.360 1,306 940 1.299 1,221

As at December 31, 2021, we had US$1,068 million of expenditure value of our private investments by using implied valuations from
derivatives outstanding (2020 – US$1,590 million), at an average follow-on financing rounds, third-party sale negotiations, or market-
rate of $1.287/US$ (2020 – $1.342/US$), with terms to maturity based approaches. These are applied appropriately to each
ranging from January 2022 to December 2023 (2020 – January investment depending on its future operating and profitability
2021 to December 2022). As at December 31, 2021, our prospects.
outstanding expenditure derivatives maturing in 2022 were
The fair values of each of our public debt instruments are based on
hedged at an average exchange rate of $1.292/US$.
the period-end estimated market yields, or period-end trading
values, where available. We determine the fair values of our debt
Equity derivatives
derivatives and expenditure derivatives using an estimated credit-
We have equity derivatives to hedge market price appreciation risk
adjusted mark-to-market valuation by discounting cash flows to the
associated with Class B Non-Voting Shares that have been granted
measurement date. In the case of debt derivatives and expenditure
under our stock-based compensation programs (see note 25). The
derivatives in an asset position, the credit spread for the financial
equity derivatives were originally entered into at a weighted
institution counterparty is added to the risk-free discount rate to
average price of $50.37 with terms to maturity of one year,
determine the estimated credit-adjusted value for each derivative.
extendible for further one-year periods with the consent of the
For these debt derivatives and expenditure derivatives in a liability
hedge counterparties. The equity derivatives have not been
position, our credit spread is added to the risk-free discount rate for
designated as hedges for accounting purposes.
each derivative.
As at December 31, 2021, we had equity derivatives outstanding
The fair values of our equity derivatives are based on the
for 5.0 million (2020 – 4.6 million) Class B Non-Voting Shares with a
period-end quoted market value of Class B Non-Voting Shares.
weighted average price of $53.10 (2020 – $51.82).
Our disclosure of the three-level fair value hierarchy reflects the
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we entered into
significance of the inputs used in measuring fair value:
0.4 million equity derivatives (2020 – 0.3 million) with a weighted
• financial assets and financial liabilities in Level 1 are valued by
average price of $60.98 (2020 – $56.08).
referring to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we reset the weighted and liabilities;
average price to $59.64 and reset the expiry dates to April 2023 • financial assets and financial liabilities in Level 2 are valued using
(from April 2021) on 0.5 million equity derivatives and received net inputs based on observable market data, either directly or
proceeds of $3 million. indirectly, other than the quoted prices; and
• Level 3 valuations are based on inputs that are not based on
During the year ended December 31, 2020, we reset the weighted observable market data.
average price to $54.16 and reset the expiry dates to April 2021
(from April 2020) on 0.5 million equity derivatives and made net There were no material financial instruments categorized in Level 3
payments of $1 million. as at December 31, 2021 and 2020 and there were no transfers
between Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 during the respective periods.
Additionally, we executed extension agreements for the remainder
of our equity derivative contracts under substantially the same
commitment terms and conditions with revised expiry dates to
April 2022 (from April 2021).


The carrying values of cash and cash equivalents, accounts
receivable, bank advances, short-term borrowings, and accounts
payable and accrued liabilities approximate their fair values
because of the short-term natures of these financial instruments.
The carrying values of our financing receivables also approximate
their fair values based on our recognition of an expected credit loss

We determine the fair value of each of our publicly traded

investments using quoted market values. We determine the fair


Below is a summary of the financial instruments carried at fair value.

As at December 31
Carrying value Fair value (Level 1) Fair value (Level 2)
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020
Financial assets
Investments, measured at FVTOCI:
Investments in publicly traded companies 1,581 1,535 1,581 1,535 – –
Debt derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges 1,453 1,405 – – 1,453 1,405
Debt derivatives not accounted for as cash flow hedges 11 – – – 11 –
Interest rate derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges 40 – – – 40 –
Expenditure derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges 11 – – – 11 –
Equity derivatives not accounted for as cash flow hedges 36 34 – – 36 34
Total financial assets 3,132 2,974 1,581 1,535 1,551 1,439
Financial liabilities
Debt derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges 343 307 – – 343 307
Debt derivatives not accounted for as hedges – 12 – – – 12
Interest rate derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges 283 – – – 283 –
Expenditure derivatives accounted for as cash flow hedges 30 109 – – 30 109
Total financial liabilities 656 428 – – 656 428

Below is a summary of the fair value of our long-term debt.

As at December 31
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Carrying amount Fair value 1 Carrying amount Fair value 1
Long-term debt (including current portion) 18,688 20,790 18,201 22,006
1 Long-term debt (including current portion) is measured at Level 2 in the three-level fair value hierarchy, based on year-end trading values.

We did not have any non-derivative held-to-maturity financial assets during the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.


ACCOUNTING POLICY consent for strategic financial and operating decisions. We classify
Investments in publicly traded and private companies our interests in joint arrangements into one of two categories:
We have elected to irrevocably classify our investments in • joint ventures – when we have the rights to the net assets of the
companies over which we do not have control or significant arrangement; and
influence as FVTOCI with no subsequent reclassification to net • joint operations – when we have the rights to the assets and
income because we do not hold these investments with the intent obligations for the liabilities related to the arrangement.
of short-term trading. We account for them as follows:
We use the equity method to account for our investments in
• publicly traded companies – at fair value based on publicly
associates and joint ventures; we recognize our proportionate
quoted prices; and
interest in the assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses of our joint
• private companies – at fair value using implied valuations from
follow-on financing rounds, third-party sale negotiations, or
market-based approaches. We initially recognize our investments in associates and joint
ventures at cost and subsequently increase or decrease the
Investments in associates and joint arrangements carrying amounts based on our share of each entity’s income or
An entity is an associate when we have significant influence over the loss. Distributions we receive from these entities reduce the
entity’s financial and operating policies but do not control the carrying amounts of our investments.
entity. We are generally presumed to have significant influence
We eliminate unrealized gains and losses from our investments in
over an entity when we hold more than 20% of the voting power.
associates or joint ventures against our investments, up to the
A joint arrangement exists when there is a contractual agreement amount of our interest in the entities.
that establishes joint control over activities and requires unanimous



Impairment in associates and joint ventures Toronto Raptors, MLS’ Toronto FC, the CFL’s Toronto Argonauts,
At the end of each reporting period, we assess whether there is the AHL’s Toronto Marlies, and other assets. We, along with BCE
objective evidence that impairment exists in our investments in Inc. (BCE), jointly own an indirect net 75% equity interest in MLSE
associates and joint ventures. If objective evidence exists, we with our portion representing a 37.5% equity interest in MLSE. Our
compare the carrying amount of the investment to its recoverable investment in MLSE is accounted for as a joint venture using the
amount and recognize the excess over the recoverable amount, if equity method.
any, as a loss in net income.
INVESTMENTS BY TYPE Glentel is a large, multicarrier mobile phone retailer with several
hundred Canadian wireless retail distribution outlets. We own a
As at December 31 50% equity interest in Glentel, with the remaining 50% interest
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 owned by BCE. Our investment in Glentel is accounted for as a joint
venture using the equity method.
Investments in:
Publicly traded companies 1,581 1,535 Below is a summary of financial information pertaining to our
Private companies 53 97 significant associates and joint ventures and our portions thereof.
Investments, measured at FVTOCI 1,634 1,632
Investments, associates and joint ventures 859 904 As at or years ended December 31

Total investments 2,493 2,536 (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Current assets 537 512
Long-term assets 3,254 3,409
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Long-term liabilities (1,177) (1,358)
Publicly traded companies
We hold a number of interests in publicly traded companies, Total net assets 1,624 1,706
including Cogeco Inc. and Cogeco Communications Inc. This year, Our share of net assets 855 900
we recognized realized losses of nil and unrealized gains of
Revenue 1,805 1,310
$17 million (2020 – nil of realized losses and $296 million of
Expenses (1,912) (1,410)
unrealized losses) in other comprehensive income.
Net loss (107) (100)
We have interests in a number of associates and joint ventures,
some of which include: One of our joint ventures has a non-controlling interest that has a
right to require our joint venture to purchase that non-controlling
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Limited (MLSE) interest at a future date at fair value.
MLSE, a sports and entertainment company, owns and operates
the Scotiabank Arena, the NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs, the NBA’s


Below is a summary of our short-term borrowings as at
December 31, 2021 and 2020.

As at December 31
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Receivables securitization program 800 650
US commercial paper program (net of the
discount on issuance) 893 571
Non-revolving credit facility borrowings 507 –
Total short-term borrowings 2,200 1,221


Below is a summary of the activity relating to our short-term borrowings for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
Proceeds received from receivables securitization 150 –
Net proceeds received from receivables securitization 150 –
Proceeds received from US commercial paper 2,568 1.260 3,235 3,316 1.329 4,406
Repayment of US commercial paper (2,314) 1.259 (2,914) (4,098) 1.355 (5,552)
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) US commercial paper 321 (1,146)
Proceeds received from non-revolving credit facilities (US$) 1,200 1.253 1,503 – – –
Repayment of non-revolving credit facilities (US$) (800) 1.254 (1,003) – – –
Net proceeds received from non-revolving credit facilities 500 –
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) short-term borrowings 971 (1,146)

RECEIVABLES SECURITIZATION PROGRAM We continue to service and retain substantially all of the risks and
We participate in a receivables securitization program with a rewards relating to the receivables we sell, and therefore, the
Canadian financial institution that allows us to sell certain receivables remain recognized on our Consolidated Statements of
receivables into the program. Financial Position and the funding received is recognized as short-
term borrowings. The buyer’s interest in these trade receivables
As at December 31, 2021, the proceeds of the sales were ranks ahead of our interest. The program restricts us from using the
committed up to a maximum of $1,200 million (2020 – $1,200 receivables as collateral for any other purpose. The buyer of our
million) and the program has a term of three years, ending on trade receivables has no claim on any of our other assets.
December 22, 2023.


As at December 31
We have a US CP program that allows us to issue up to a maximum
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 aggregate principal amount of US$1.5 billion. Funds can be
Receivables sold to buyer as security 2,679 2,130 borrowed under this program with terms to maturity ranging from
Short-term borrowings from buyer (800) (650) 1 to 397 days, subject to ongoing market conditions. Issuances
Overcollateralization 1,879 1,480 made under the US CP program are issued at a discount.
Borrowings under our US CP program are classified as short-term
borrowings on our Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
Years ended December 31 when they are due within one year from the date of the financial
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 statements.
Receivables securitization program,
beginning of year 650 650
Net proceeds received from
receivables securitization 150 –
Receivables securitization program,
end of year 800 650

Below is a summary of the activity relating to our US CP program for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
US commercial paper, beginning of year 449 1.272 571 1,223 1.298 1,588
Net proceeds received from (repayment of) US commercial
paper 254 1.264 321 (782) 1.465 (1,146)
Discounts on issuance 1 1 n/m 2 8 1.250 10
(Gain) loss on foreign exchange 1 (1) 119
US commercial paper, end of year 704 1.268 893 449 1.272 571
n/m – not meaningful
1 Included in finance costs.



Concurrent with the US CP borrowings, we entered into debt borrowings under these facilities will be recorded as short-term
derivatives to hedge the foreign currency risk associated with the borrowings as they will be due within 12 months. Borrowings under
principal and interest components of the borrowings under the US the facilities are unsecured, guaranteed by RCCI, and rank equally
CP program (see note 17). We have not designated these debt in right of payment with all of our senior notes and debentures. In
derivatives as hedges for accounting purposes. December 2021, we terminated the undrawn non-revolving credit
facilities with an aggregate limit of US$1.2 billion. In February 2022,
NON-REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITY we repaid the outstanding US$400 million and terminated the
In June 2021, we entered into non-revolving credit facilities with an facility.
aggregate limit of US$1.6 billion that mature in June 2022. Any

Below is a summary of the activity relating to our non-revolving credit facilities for the year ended December 31, 2021.

Year ended December 31, 2021

Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$)
Non-revolving credit facility, beginning of year – – –
Net proceeds received from non-revolving credit facilities 400 1.250 500
Loss on foreign exchange 1 7
Non-revolving credit facility, end of year 400 1.268 507
1 Included in finance costs.

COMMITTED CREDIT FACILITY cannot be drawn upon until the closing date of the Transaction. It is
In March 2021, in connection with the Transaction (see note 30), we only available to be drawn to fund part of the acquisition cost of the
entered into a binding commitment letter for a committed credit Transaction and to pay fees and expenses related to the
facility with a syndicate of banks in an amount up to $19 billion. The Transaction. If drawn, any drawings must be repaid within 364 days.
commitment remains subject to the satisfaction of conditions to If undrawn, the facility terminates on the closing date of the
effectiveness and drawing, including, without limitation, the acquisition. As a result of entering into the Shaw term loan facility
completion of credit documentation in respect of such commitment (see note 21), the maximum amount we can draw on this
and the completion of the Transaction. The committed facility committed facility decreased to $13 billion.


Decommissioning and restoration costs We make provisions for restructuring when we have approved a
We use network and other assets on leased premises in some of detailed and formal restructuring plan and either the restructuring
our business activities. We expect to exit these premises in the has started or management has announced the plan’s main
future and we therefore make provisions for the costs associated features to the employees affected by it. Restructuring obligations
with decommissioning the assets and restoring the locations to that have uncertain timing or amounts are recognized as
their original conditions when we have a legal or constructive provisions; otherwise they are recognized as accrued liabilities. All
obligation to do so. We calculate these costs based on a current charges are recognized in restructuring, acquisition and other on
estimate of the costs that will be incurred, project those costs into the Consolidated Statements of Income (see note 10).
the future based on management’s best estimates of future trends
in prices, inflation, and other factors, and discount them to their Onerous contracts
present value. We revise our forecasts when business conditions or We make provisions for onerous contracts when the unavoidable
technological requirements change. costs of meeting our obligation under a contract exceed the
benefits we expect to realize from it. We measure these provisions
When we recognize a decommissioning liability, we recognize a at the present value of the lower of the expected cost of
corresponding asset in property, plant and equipment (as terminating the contract or the expected cost of continuing with
property, plant and equipment or a right-of-use asset, as applicable the contract. We recognize any impairment loss on the assets
based on the underlying asset) and depreciate the asset based on associated with the contract before we make the provision.
the corresponding asset’s useful life following our depreciation
policies for property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets,
as applicable. We recognize the accretion of the liability as a
We recognize a provision when a past event creates a legal or
charge to finance costs on the Consolidated Statements of Income.
constructive obligation that can be reasonably estimated and is
likely to result in an outflow of economic resources. We recognize a
provision even when the timing or amount of the obligation may
be uncertain, which can require us to use significant estimates.


JUDGMENTS Decommissioning and restoration costs
Significant judgment is required to determine when we are subject Cash outflows associated with our decommissioning liabilities are
to unavoidable costs arising from onerous contracts. These generally expected to occur at the decommissioning dates of the
judgments may include, for example, whether a certain promise is assets to which they relate, which are long-term in nature. The
legally binding or whether we may be successful in negotiations timing and extent of restoration work that will ultimately be
with the counterparty. required for these sites is uncertain.


(In millions of dollars) Liabilities Other Total
December 31, 2020 45 1 46
Additions 7 – 7
December 31, 2021 52 1 53
Current (recorded in “other
current liabilities”) 3 – 3
Long-term 49 1 50


As at December 31
Due Principal Interest
(In millions of dollars, except interest rates) date amount rate 2021 2020
Senior notes 2021 1,450 5.340% — 1,450
Senior notes 2022 600 4.000% 600 600
Senior notes 2022 US 750 Floating 951 955
Senior notes 2023 US 500 3.000% 634 637
Senior notes 2023 US 850 4.100% 1,078 1,082
Senior notes 2024 600 4.000% 600 600
Senior notes 2025 US 700 3.625% 886 890
Senior notes 2026 US 500 2.900% 634 637
Senior notes 2027 1,500 3.650% 1,500 1,500
Senior notes 2029 1,000 3.250% 1,000 1,000
Senior debentures 1 2032 US 200 8.750% 254 255
Senior notes 2038 US 350 7.500% 444 446
Senior notes 2039 500 6.680% 500 500
Senior notes 2040 800 6.110% 800 800
Senior notes 2041 400 6.560% 400 400
Senior notes 2043 US 500 4.500% 634 637
Senior notes 2043 US 650 5.450% 823 827
Senior notes 2044 US 1,050 5.000% 1,331 1,337
Senior notes 2048 US 750 4.300% 951 955
Senior notes 2049 US 1,250 4.350% 1,585 1,592
Senior notes 2049 US 1,000 3.700% 1,268 1,273
Subordinated notes 2 2081 2,000 5.000% 2,000 —
18,873 18,373
Deferred transaction costs and discounts (185) (172)
Less current portion (1,551) (1,450)

Total long-term debt 17,137 16,751

1 Senior debentures originally issued by Rogers Cable Inc. which are unsecured obligations of RCI and for which RCCI was an unsecured guarantor as at December 31, 2021 and
2 The subordinated notes can be redeemed at par on the five-year anniversary or on any subsequent interest payment date.

Each of the above senior notes and debentures are unsecured and, the foreign exchange risk associated with the principal and interest
as at December 31, 2021, were guaranteed by RCCI, ranking components of all of our US dollar-denominated senior notes and
equally with all of RCI’s other senior notes, debentures, bank credit debentures (see note 17).
facilities, and letter of credit facilities. We use derivatives to hedge



The tables below summarize the activity relating to our long-term debt for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Notional Exchange Notional Notional Exchange Notional
(In millions of dollars, except exchange rates) (US$) rate (Cdn$) (US$) rate (Cdn$)

Credit facility borrowings (US$) – – – 970 1.428 1,385

Credit facility repayments (US$) – – – (970) 1.406 (1,364)
Net borrowings under credit facilities – 21

Senior note issuances (Cdn$) – 1,500

Senior note issuances (US$) – – – 750 1.359 1,019
Total senior note issuances – 2,519

Senior note repayments (Cdn$) (1,450) –

Net (repayment) issuance of senior notes (1,450) 2,519

Subordinated note issuances (Cdn$) 2,000 –

Net issuance of long-term debt 550 2,540


(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 Our $4.0 billion revolving credit facility is available on a fully
Long-term debt net of transaction revolving basis until maturity and there are no scheduled
costs, beginning of year 18,201 15,967 reductions prior to maturity. The interest rate charged on
Net issuance of long-term debt 550 2,540 borrowings from the revolving credit facility ranges from nil to
Gain on foreign exchange (50) (297) 1.25% per annum over the bank prime rate or base rate, or 0.85%
Deferred transaction costs incurred (31) (23) to 2.25% over the bankers’ acceptance rate or London Inter-Bank
Amortization of deferred transaction Offered Rate.
costs 18 14 In 2021, we amended our revolving credit facility to, among other
Long-term debt net of transaction things, increase the total credit limit and extend the maturity dates.
costs, end of year 18,688 18,201 We increased the total credit limit from $3.2 billion to $4 billion by
increasing the limits of the two tranches to $3 billion and $1 billion
(from $2.5 billion and $700 million), respectively. We also extended
In April 2021, we entered into a $6 billion Shaw term loan facility the maturity date of the $3 billion tranche from September 2023 to
consisting of three tranches of $2 billion each. The facility cannot April 2026 and the $1 billion tranche from September 2022 to April
be drawn upon until the closing date of the Transaction. The first 2024.
tranche matures three years after the Transaction closing date and
subsequent tranches mature in years four and five thereafter,
respectively. At tranche maturity, any outstanding borrowings
under that tranche must be repaid. The interest rate charged on DEBENTURES
borrowings from the Shaw term loan facility ranges from nil to We pay interest on all of our fixed-rate senior and subordinated
1.25% per annum over the bank prime rate or base rate, or 0.65% notes and debentures on a semi-annual basis.
to 2.25% over the bankers’ acceptance rate or London Inter-Bank We have the option to redeem each of our fixed-rate senior notes
Offered Rate. and debentures, in whole or in part, at any time, if we pay the
premiums specified in the corresponding agreements.
As at December 31, 2021, our effective weighted average interest
rate on all debt and short-term borrowings, including the effect of
all of the associated debt derivatives and interest rate derivatives,
was 3.95% (2020 – 4.09%).


Issuance of senior and subordinated notes
Below is a summary of the senior and subordinated notes that we issued in 2021 and 2020.

(In millions of dollars, except interest rates and discounts)

Discount/ Total gross costs and
Principal premium at proceeds 1 discounts 2
Date issued amount Due date Interest rate issuance (Cdn$) (Cdn$)

2021 issuance
December 17, 2021 (subordinated) 3 2,000 2081 5.000% At par 2,000 20

2020 issuances
March 31, 2020 (senior) 1,500 2027 3.650% 99.511% 1,500 16
June 22, 2020 (senior) US 750 2022 USD LIBOR + 0.60% At par 1,019 5
1 Gross proceeds before transaction costs, discounts, and premiums.
2 Transaction costs, discounts, and premiums are included as deferred transaction costs and discounts in the carrying value of the long-term debt, and recognized in net income
using the effective interest method.
3 Deferred transaction costs and discounts in the carrying value of the subordinated notes are recognized in net income using the effective interest method over a five-year period.

Concurrent with the 2020 US dollar-denominated issuances, we In connection with these issuances, the Board approved the creation
entered into debt derivatives to convert all interest and principal of new Series I and Series II preferred shares, respectively. Series I
payment obligations to Canadian dollars (see note 17). and Series II have been authorized for up to 3.3 million and
1.4 million preferred shares, respectively, have no voting rights, have
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we issued $2 billion
par values of $1,000 per share, and will be issued automatically upon
subordinated notes due 2081 with an initial coupon of 5% for the
the occurrence of certain events involving a bankruptcy or insolvency
first five years. Concurrently, we terminated the $750 million bond
of RCI to holders of the respective subordinated notes.
forwards entered into in July 2021 to hedge the interest rate risk
associated with future debt issuances. We used the proceeds to
Repayment of senior notes and related derivative settlements
partially fund the remaining payment required to obtain the 3500
During the year ended December 31, 2021, we repaid the entire
MHz spectrum licences.
outstanding principal amount of our $1.45 billion 5.34% senior
In February 2022, we issued US$750 million subordinated notes notes at maturity. There were no derivatives associated with these
due 2082 with an initial coupon of 5.25% for the first five years. senior notes. We did not repay any senior notes or settle any
Concurrently, we terminated $950 million of interest rate derivatives related debt derivatives during the year ended December 31,
entered into in 2021 to hedge the interest rate risk associated with 2020.
future debt issuances. We received net proceeds of US$740 million
($938 million) from the issuance. PRINCIPAL REPAYMENTS
Each of the subordinated notes can be redeemed at par on their Below is a summary of the principal repayments on our long-term
respective five-year anniversary or on any subsequent interest debt due in each of the next five years and thereafter as at
payment date. The subordinated notes are unsecured and December 31, 2021.
subordinated obligations of RCI. Payment on these notes will,
under certain circumstances, be subordinated to the prior payment (In millions of dollars)
in full of all of our senior indebtedness, including our senior notes, 2022 1,551
debentures, and bank credit facilities. In addition, upon the 2023 1,712
occurrence of certain events involving a bankruptcy or insolvency of 2024 600
RCI, the outstanding principal and interest of such subordinated 2025 886
notes would automatically convert into preferred shares. We 2026 1 2,634
understand that S&P Global Ratings Services (S&P), Moody’s Thereafter 11,490
Investors Service (Moody’s), and Fitch Ratings (Fitch) will only
include 50% of the outstanding principal amount of these Total long-term debt 18,873
subordinated notes in their leverage ratio calculation for at least the 1 Reflects repayment of the subordinated notes issued in December 2021 on the five-
first five years after their issuance. year anniversary.



TERMS AND CONDITIONS public debt securities are assigned investment-grade ratings by at
As at December 31, 2021 and 2020, we were in compliance with all least two of three specified credit rating agencies. As at
financial covenants, financial ratios, and all of the terms and December 31, 2021, these public debt securities were assigned an
conditions of our long-term debt agreements. There were no investment-grade rating by each of the three specified credit rating
financial leverage covenants in effect other than those under our agencies and, accordingly, these restrictions have been suspended
bank credit and letter of credit facilities. as long as the investment-grade ratings are maintained. Our other
senior notes do not have any of these restrictions, regardless of the
The 8.75% debentures due in 2032 contain debt incurrence tests related credit ratings. The repayment dates of certain debt
and restrictions on additional investments, sales of assets, and agreements can also be accelerated if there is a change in control
payment of dividends, all of which are suspended in the event the of RCI.


As at December 31

(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020

Deferred pension liability 23 3 590
Supplemental executive retirement
plan 23 96 92
Stock-based compensation 25 49 39
Derivative instruments 17 189 318
Contract liabilities 5 52 69
Other 176 41
Total other long-term liabilities 565 1,149


ACCOUNTING POLICY employee benefit expense in operating costs on the Consolidated
Post-employment benefits – defined benefit pension plans Statements of Income in the periods the employees provide the
We offer contributory and non-contributory defined benefit related services.
pension plans that provide employees with a lifetime monthly
pension on retirement. Post-employment benefits – defined contribution pension plan
In 2016, we closed the defined benefit pension plans to new
We separately calculate our net obligation for each defined benefit members and introduced a defined contribution pension plan. This
pension plan by estimating the amount of future benefits employees change did not impact current defined benefit members at the
have earned in return for their service in the current and prior years time; any employee enrolled in any of the defined benefit pension
and discounting those benefits to determine their present value. plans at that date continues to earn pension benefits and credited
We accrue our pension plan obligations as employees provide the service in their respective plan.
services necessary to earn the pension. We use a discount rate We recognize a pension expense in relation to our contributions to
based on market yields on high-quality corporate bonds at the the defined contribution pension plan when the employee
measurement date to calculate the accrued pension benefit provides service to the Company.
obligation. Remeasurements of the accrued pension benefit
obligation are determined at the end of the year and include
Termination benefits
actuarial gains and losses, returns on plan assets in excess of interest
We recognize termination benefits as an expense when we are
income, and any change in the effect of the asset ceiling. These are
committed to a formal detailed plan to terminate employment
recognized in other comprehensive income and retained earnings.
before the normal retirement date and it is not realistic that we will
The cost of pensions is actuarially determined and takes into withdraw it.
account the following assumptions and methods for pension
accounting related to our defined benefit pension plans: ESTIMATES
• expected rates of salary increases for calculating increases in Detailed below are the significant assumptions used in the actuarial
future benefits; calculations used to determine the amount of the defined benefit
• mortality rates for calculating the life expectancy of plan members; pension obligation and related expense.
• past service costs from plan amendments are immediately Significant estimates are involved in determining pension-related
expensed in net income. balances. Actuarial estimates are based on projections of
employees’ compensation levels at the time of retirement.
We recognize our net pension expense for our defined benefit Retirement benefits are primarily based on career average
pension plans and contributions to defined contribution plans as an earnings, subject to certain adjustments. The most recent actuarial
funding valuations were completed as at January 1, 2021.


Principal actuarial assumptions 2016. Participation in the plan was voluntary and enrolled
employees are required to make regular contributions into the
2021 2020 plan. An unfunded supplemental pension plan is provided to
certain senior executives to provide benefits in excess of amounts
Weighted average of significant
that can be provided from the defined benefit pension plan under
the Income Tax Act (Canada)’s maximum pension limits.
Defined benefit obligation
We also sponsor smaller defined benefit pension plans in addition
Discount rate 3.3% 2.7%
to the Rogers Defined Benefit Pension Plan. The Pension Plan for
Rate of compensation 1.0% to 4.5%, 1.0% to 4.5%,
Employees of Rogers Communications Inc. and the Rogers
increase based on based on
Pension Plan for Selkirk Employees are closed legacy defined
employee age employee age
Mortality rate CPM2014Priv CPM2014Priv benefit pension plans. The Pension Plan for Certain Federally
with Scale with Scale Regulated Employees of Rogers Cable Communications Inc. is
CPM-B CPM-B similar to the main pension plan but only federally regulated
employees from the Cable business were eligible to participate;
Pension expense this plan was closed to new members in 2016.
Discount rate 2.7% 3.2%
Rate of compensation 1.0% to 4.5%, 1.0% to 4.5%, In addition to the defined benefit pension plans, we provide
increase based on based on various defined contribution plans to certain groups of employees
employee age employee age of the Company and to employees hired after March 31, 2016 who
Mortality rate CPM2014Priv CPM2014Priv choose to join. Additionally, we provide other tax-deferred savings
with Scale with Scale arrangements, including a Group RRSP and a Group TFSA
CPM-B CPM-B program, which are accounted for as deferred contribution

Sensitivity of key assumptions The Pension Committee of the Board oversees the administration
In the sensitivity analysis shown below, we determine the defined of our registered pension plans, which includes the following
benefit obligation for our funded plans using the same method principal areas:
used to calculate the defined benefit obligation we recognize on the • overseeing the funding, administration, communication, and
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position. We calculate investment management of the plans;
sensitivity by changing one assumption while holding the others • selecting and monitoring the performance of all third parties
constant. This leads to limitations in the analysis as the actual change performing duties in respect of the plans, including audit,
in defined benefit obligation will likely be different from that shown actuarial, and investment management services;
in the table, since it is likely that more than one assumption will • proposing, considering, and approving amendments to the
change at a time, and that some assumptions are correlated. plans;
• proposing, considering, and approving amendments to the
Increase (decrease) in Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures;
accrued benefit obligation • reviewing management and actuarial reports prepared in
respect of the administration of the pension plans; and
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
• reviewing and approving the audited financial statements of the
Discount rate pension plan funds.
Impact of 0.5% increase (251) (279)
Impact of 0.5% decrease 285 319 The assets of the defined benefit pension plans are held in
segregated accounts that are isolated from our assets. They are
Rate of future compensation increase
invested and managed following all applicable regulations and the
Impact of 0.25% increase 17 20
Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures with the objective
Impact of 0.25% decrease (17) (20)
of having adequate funds to pay the benefits promised by the
Mortality rate plans. Investment and market return risk is managed by:
Impact of 1 year increase 67 76 • contracting professional investment managers to execute the
Impact of 1 year decrease (72) (80)
investment strategy following the Statement of Investment
Policies and Procedures and regulatory requirements;
POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS STRATEGY AND POLICY • specifying the kinds of investments that can be held in the plans
We sponsor a number of contributory and non-contributory and monitoring compliance;
pension arrangements for employees, including defined benefit • using asset allocation and diversification strategies; and
and defined contributions plans. We do not provide any • purchasing annuities from time to time.
non-pension post-retirement benefits. We also provide unfunded The defined benefit pension plans are registered with the Office of
supplemental pension benefits to certain executives. the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and are subject to the
The Rogers Defined Benefit Pension Plan provides a defined Federal Pension Benefits Standards Act. Two of the defined
pension based on years of service and earnings, with no increases contribution pension plans are registered with the Financial Services
in retirement for inflation. The plan was closed to new members in Regulatory Authority, subject to the Ontario Pension Benefits Act.



The plans are also registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and Below is a summary of the accrued benefit obligations arising from
are subject to the Income Tax Act (Canada). The benefits provided funded obligations.
under the plans and the contributions to the plans are funded and
administered in accordance with all applicable legislation and Years ended December 31
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
The defined benefit pension plans are subject to certain risks
Accrued benefit obligations, beginning
related to contribution increases, inadequate plan surplus,
of year 3,365 2,900
unfunded obligations, and market rates of return, which we
Current service cost 156 146
mitigate through the governance described above. Any significant
Interest cost 89 91
changes to these items may affect our future cash flows.
Benefits paid (99) (82)
Contributions by employees 32 34
POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT PLAN DETAILS Remeasurements, recognized in other
Below is a summary of the estimated present value of accrued plan comprehensive income and equity (372) 276
benefits and the estimated market value of the net assets available
Accrued benefit obligations, end of
to provide these benefits for our funded defined benefit pension
year 3,171 3,365
Plan assets comprise mainly pooled funds that invest in common
As at December 31
stocks and bonds that are traded in an active market. Below is a
(In millions of dollars) Note 2021 2020 summary of the fair value of the total pension plan assets by major
Plan assets, at fair value 3,198 2,791 category.
Accrued benefit obligations (3,171) (3,365)
As at December 31
Surplus (deficiency) of plan assets over
accrued benefit obligations 27 (574) (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Effect of asset ceiling limit (9) — Equity securities 1,879 1,689
Net deferred pension asset (liability) 18 (574) Debt securities 1,302 1,087
Other – cash 17 15
Consists of:
Deferred pension asset 21 16 Total fair value of plan assets 3,198 2,791
Deferred pension liability 22 (3) (590)
Below is a summary of our net pension expense. Net interest cost is
Net deferred pension asset (liability) 18 (574)
included in finance costs; other pension expenses are included in
salaries and benefits expense in operating costs on the
Below is a summary of our pension fund assets.
Consolidated Statements of Income.

Years ended December 31 Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020 (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Plan assets, beginning of year 2,791 2,449 Plan cost:
Interest income 78 81 Current service cost 156 146
Remeasurements, recognized in other
Net interest cost 11 10
comprehensive income and equity 223 163
Contributions by employees 32 34 Net pension expense 167 156
Contributions by employer 177 150 Administrative expense 4 4
Benefits paid (99) (82)
Administrative expenses paid from Total pension cost recognized in net
plan assets (4) (4) income 171 160
Plan assets, end of year 3,198 2,791 Net interest cost, a component of the plan cost above, is included
in finance costs and is outlined as follows:

Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Interest income on plan assets (78) (81)
Interest cost on plan obligation 89 91
Net interest cost, recognized in
finance costs 11 10


The remeasurement recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Plan assets consist primarily of pooled funds that invest in common
Comprehensive Income is determined as follows: stocks and bonds. The pooled funds have investments in our equity
securities. As a result, approximately $12 million (2020 –
Years ended December 31 $10 million) of plan assets are indirectly invested in our own
securities under our defined benefit plans.
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
We make contributions to the plans to secure the benefits of plan
Return on plan assets (excluding
members and invest in permitted investments using the target
interest income) 223 163
ranges established by our Pension Committee, which reviews
Change in financial assumptions 390 (272)
actuarial assumptions on an annual basis.
Effect of experience adjustments (18) (4)
Change in asset ceiling (9) – Below is a summary of the actual contributions to the plans.
Remeasurement gain (loss),
recognized in other Years ended December 31
comprehensive income and equity 586 (113) (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

We also provide supplemental unfunded defined benefit pensions Employer contribution 177 150
to certain executives. Below is a summary of our accrued benefit Employee contribution 32 34
obligations, pension expense included in employee salaries and Total contribution 209 184
benefits, net interest cost, remeasurements, and benefits paid.
We estimate our 2022 employer contributions to our funded plans
Years ended December 31 to be $134 million. The actual value will depend on the results of
the 2022 actuarial funding valuations. The average duration of the
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
defined benefit obligation as at December 31, 2021 is 17 years
Accrued benefit obligation, (2020 – 18 years).
beginning of year 92 73
Pension expense, recognized in Plan assets recognized an actual net gain of $297 million in 2021
employee salaries and benefits (2020 – $240 million net gain).
expense 12 13
We have recognized a cumulative loss in other comprehensive
Net interest cost, recognized in
income and retained earnings of $157 million as at December 31,
finance costs 3 3
2021 (2020 – $592 million) associated with post-retirement benefit
Remeasurements, recognized in
other comprehensive income (7) 8
Benefits paid (4) (5)
Accrued benefit obligation, end of
year 96 92

We also have defined contribution plans with total pension

expense of $18 million in 2021 (2020 – $15 million), which is
included in employee salaries and benefits expense.


Target asset
Allocation of plan assets
2021 2020 percentage
Equity securities:
Domestic 11.8% 11.9% 8% to 18%
International 47.0% 48.6% 37% to 67%
Debt securities 40.7% 39.0% 25% to 45%
Other – cash 0.5% 0.5% 0% to 2%
Total 100.0% 100.0%





Number of shares
Share class authorized for issue Features Voting rights
Preferred shares 400,000,000 • Without par value • None
• Issuable in series, with rights
and terms of each series to
be fixed by the Board prior
to the issue of any series
RCI Class A Voting Shares 112,474,388 • Without par value • Each share entitled to 50
• Each share can be converted votes
into one Class B Non-Voting
RCI Class B Non-Voting Shares 1,400,000,000 • Without par value • None

RCI’s Articles of Continuance under the Business Corporations Act Class B Non-Voting Shares. Class A Shares and Class B Non-Voting
(British Columbia) impose restrictions on the transfer, voting, and Shares therefore participate equally in dividends above $0.05 per
issue of Class A Shares and Class B Non-Voting Shares to ensure share.
we remain qualified to hold or obtain licences required to carry on
On January 26, 2022, the Board declared a quarterly dividend of
certain of our business undertakings in Canada. We are authorized
$0.50 per Class A Voting Share and Class B Non-Voting Share, to
to refuse to register transfers of any of our shares to any person
be paid on April 1, 2022, to shareholders of record on March 10,
who is not a Canadian, as defined in RCI’s Articles of Continuance,
in order to ensure that Rogers remains qualified to hold the
licences referred to above.
In relation to our issuances of subordinated notes in December In April 2020, the TSX accepted a notice of our intention to
2021 and February 2022 (see note 21), the Board approved the commence a normal course issuer bid (NCIB) program (2020
creation of new Series I and Series II preferred shares, respectively. NCIB) that allows us to purchase, between April 24, 2020 and
Series I has been authorized for up to 3.3 million preferred shares April 23, 2021, the lesser of 34.9 million Class B Non-Voting Shares
and Series II has been authorized for up to 1.4 million preferred and that number of Class B Non-Voting Shares that can be
shares. Both series have no voting rights, par values of $1,000 per purchased for an aggregate purchase price of $500 million. Rogers
share, and will be issued automatically upon the occurrence of security holders may obtain a copy of this notice, without charge,
certain events involving a bankruptcy or insolvency of RCI to holders by contacting us. We did not purchase any Class B Non-Voting
of the respective subordinated notes. Shares under the 2020 NCIB during the years ended
December 31, 2021 or 2020.
We declared and paid the following dividends on our outstanding
Class A Shares and Class B Non-Voting Shares:

Dividend per share

Date declared Date paid (dollars)
January 27, 2021 April 1, 2021 0.50
April 20, 2021 July 2, 2021 0.50
July 20, 2021 October 1, 2021 0.50
October 20, 2021 January 4, 2022 0.50
January 21, 2020 April 1, 2020 0.50
April 21, 2020 July 2, 2020 0.50
July 21, 2020 October 1, 2020 0.50
October 21, 2020 January 4, 2021 0.50

The holders of Class A Shares are entitled to receive dividends at

the rate of up to five cents per share but only after dividends at the
rate of five cents per share have been paid or set aside on the


ACCOUNTING POLICY Volatility has been estimated based on the actual trading statistics
Stock option plans of our Class B Non-Voting Shares.
Cash-settled share appreciation rights (SARs) are attached to all
stock options granted under our employee stock option plan. This STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION EXPENSE
feature allows the option holder to choose to receive a cash Below is a summary of our stock-based compensation expense,
payment equal to the intrinsic value of the option (the amount by which is included in employee salaries and benefits expense.
which the market price of the Class B Non-Voting Share exceeds
the exercise price of the option on the exercise date) instead of Years ended December 31
exercising the option to acquire Class B Non-Voting Shares. We
classify all outstanding stock options with cash settlement features (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
as liabilities and carry them at their fair value, determined using the Stock options 3 (1)
Black-Scholes option pricing model or a trinomial option pricing Restricted share units 57 49
model, depending on the nature of the share-based award. We Deferred share units 6 (3)
remeasure the fair value of the liability each period and amortize it Equity derivative effect, net of interest
to operating costs using graded vesting, either over the vesting receipt (6) 15
period or to the date an employee is eligible to retire (whichever is
Total stock-based compensation
expense 60 60
Restricted share unit (RSU) and deferred share unit (DSU) plans
As at December 31, 2021, we had a total liability recognized at its
We recognize outstanding RSUs and DSUs as liabilities, measuring
fair value of $199 million (2020 – $204 million) related to stock-
the liabilities and compensation costs based on the awards’ fair
based compensation, including stock options, RSUs, and DSUs.
values, which are based on the market price of the Class B
The current portion of this is $150 million (2020 – $165 million) and
Non-Voting Shares, and recognizing them as charges to operating
is included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities. The long-
costs over the vesting period of the awards. If an award’s fair value
term portion of this is $49 million (2020 – $39 million) and is
changes after it has been granted and before the exercise date, we
included in other long-term liabilities (see note 22).
recognize the resulting changes in the liability within operating
costs in the year the change occurs. For RSUs, the payment amount The total intrinsic value of vested liabilities, which is the difference
is established as of the vesting date. For DSUs, the payment between the exercise price of the share-based awards and the
amount is established as of the exercise date. trading price of the Class B Non-Voting Shares for all vested share-
based awards, as at December 31, 2021 was $95 million (2020 –
Employee share accumulation plan $103 million).
Employees voluntarily participate in the share accumulation plan by
We paid $76 million in 2021 (2020 – $60 million) to holders of
contributing a specified percentage of their regular earnings. We
stock options, RSUs, and DSUs upon exercise using the cash
match employee contributions up to a certain amount and
settlement feature, representing a weighted average share price on
recognize our contributions as a compensation expense in the year
the date of exercise of $57.52 (2020 – $60.00).
we make them. Expenses relating to the employee share
accumulation plan are included in operating costs.
Options to purchase our Class B Non-Voting Shares on a
one-for-one basis may be granted to our employees, directors, and
Significant management estimates are used to determine the fair
officers by the Board or our Management Compensation
value of stock options, RSUs, and DSUs. The table below shows the
Committee. There are 65 million options authorized under various
weighted average fair value of stock options granted during 2021
plans; each option has a term of seven to ten years. The vesting
and 2020 and the principal assumptions used in applying the
period is generally graded vesting over four years; however, the
Black-Scholes model for non-performance-based options, to
Management Compensation Committee may adjust the vesting
determine their fair value at the grant date.
terms on the grant date. The exercise price is equal to the fair
Years ended December 31 market value of the Class B Non-Voting Shares, determined as the
five-day average before the grant date as quoted on the TSX.
2021 2020
Weighted average fair value $ 7.46 $ 5.86 Performance options
Risk-free interest rate 0.3% 1.7% We granted no performance-based options to certain key executives
Dividend yield 3.4% 3.4% in 2021 or 2020. These options vest on a graded basis over four
Volatility of Class B Non-Voting Shares 23.1% 16.1% years provided that certain targeted stock prices are met on or after
Weighted average expected life 5.1 years 5.5 years each anniversary date. As at December 31, 2021, we had 1,068,776
performance options (2020 – 1,068,776) outstanding.
No performance-based options were issued during the years
ended December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020.



Summary of stock options

Below is a summary of the stock option plans, including performance options.

Year ended December 31, 2021 Year ended December 31, 2020
Weighted average Weighted average
(In number of units, except prices) Number of options exercise price Number of options exercise price
Outstanding, beginning of year 4,726,634 $62.10 3,154,795 $61.82
Granted 1,848,655 $60.61 1,598,590 $62.56
Exercised (10,988) $58.45 (17,230) $54.80
Forfeited (70,300) $67.58 (9,521) $58.45
Outstanding, end of year 6,494,001 $61.62 4,726,634 $62.10
Exercisable, end of year 2,373,717 $59.68 1,470,383 $56.75

Below is a summary of the range of exercise prices, the weighted average exercise price, and the weighted average remaining contractual
life as at December 31, 2021.
Options outstanding Options exercisable
Weighted average
Number remaining contractual Weighted average Number Weighted average
Range of exercise prices outstanding life (years) exercise price exercisable exercise price
$42.85 – $44.99 153,937 2.82 $44.24 153,937 $44.24
$45.00 – $49.99 499,844 2.00 $48.87 499,844 $48.87
$55.00 – $59.99 1,691,671 7.65 $58.35 597,601 $57.93
$60.00 – $64.99 3,014,614 7.98 $62.48 545,941 $62.66
$65.00 – $73.00 1,133,935 6.55 $72.22 576,394 $72.16
6,494,001 7.06 $61.62 2,373,717 $59.68

Unrecognized stock-based compensation expense as at Summary of RSUs

December 31, 2021 related to stock-option plans was $11 million Below is a summary of the RSUs outstanding, including performance
(2020 – $5 million) and will be recognized in net income over the RSUs.
next four years as the options vest.
Years ended December 31
(In number of units) 2021 2020
The RSU plan allows employees, directors, and officers to
participate in the growth and development of Rogers. Under the
terms of the plan, RSUs are issued to the participant and the units Outstanding, beginning of year 2,573,894 2,472,774
issued vest over a period of up to three years from the grant date. Granted and reinvested dividends 1,341,801 1,026,067
Exercised (1,041,890) (803,266)
On the vesting date, we will redeem all of the participants’ RSUs in Forfeited (182,517) (121,681)
cash or by issuing one Class B Non-Voting Share for each RSU. We
have reserved 4,000,000 Class B Non-Voting Shares for issue under Outstanding, end of year 2,691,288 2,573,894
this plan.
Unrecognized stock-based compensation expense as at
Performance RSUs December 31, 2021 related to these RSUs was $64 million (2020 –
We granted 295,958 performance-based RSUs to certain key $50 million) and will be recognized in net income over the next
executives in 2021 (2020 – 219,493). The number of units that vest three years as the RSUs vest.
and will be paid three years from the grant date will be within 30%
to 170% of the initial number granted based upon the DEFERRED SHARE UNITS
achievement of certain annual and cumulative three-year The DSU plan allows directors, certain key executives, and other
non-market targets. senior management to elect to receive certain types of
compensation in DSUs. Under the terms of the plan, DSUs are
issued to the participant and the units issued cliff vest over a period
of up to three years from the grant date.

Performance DSUs
We granted 7,517 performance-based DSUs to certain key
executives in 2021 (2020 – 10,513). The number of units that vest


and may be redeemed by the holder three years from the grant EMPLOYEE SHARE ACCUMULATION PLAN
date will be within 50% to 150% of the initial number granted Participation in the plan is voluntary. Employees can contribute up
based upon the achievement of certain annual and cumulative to 15% of their regular earnings through payroll deductions (up to
three-year non-market targets. an annual maximum contribution of $25 thousand). The plan
administrator purchases Class B Non-Voting Shares on a monthly
Summary of DSUs basis on the open market on behalf of the employee. At the end of
Below is a summary of the DSUs outstanding, including each month, we make a contribution of 25% to 50% of the
performance DSUs. employee’s contribution that month and the plan administrator
uses this amount to purchase additional shares on behalf of the
Years ended December 31 employee. We recognize our contributions made as a
compensation expense.
(In number of units) 2021 2020
Compensation expense related to the employee share
Outstanding, beginning of year 1,619,941 1,741,884
accumulation plan was $52 million in 2021 (2020 – $51 million).
Granted and reinvested dividends 78,939 80,252
Exercised (277,439) (192,718)
Forfeited (99) (9,477) EQUITY DERIVATIVES
We have entered into equity derivatives to hedge a portion of our
Outstanding, end of year 1,421,342 1,619,941 stock-based compensation expense (see note 17) and recognized
a $6 million recovery (2020 – $15 million expense) in stock-based
Unrecognized stock-based compensation expense as at compensation expense for these derivatives.
December 31, 2021 related to these DSUs was nil (2020 – nil) and
will be recognized in net income over the next three years as the
executive DSUs vest. All other DSUs are fully vested.


Voting control of Rogers Communications Inc. is held by the Rogers Compensation expense for key management personnel included
Control Trust (the Trust) for the benefit of successive generations of in “employee salaries, benefits, and stock-based compensation”
the Rogers family and, as a result, the Trust is able to elect all and “restructuring, acquisition and other” was as follows:
members of the Board and to control the vote on most matters
submitted to shareholders, whether through a shareholder meeting Years ended December 31
or a written consent resolution. The beneficiaries of the Trust are a
(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
small group of individuals who are members of the Rogers family,
several of whom are also directors of the Board. The trustee is the Salaries and other short-term
trust company subsidiary of a Canadian chartered bank. employee benefits 19 11
Post-employment benefits 4 2
We entered into certain transactions with private Rogers family
Stock-based compensation 1 21 19
holding companies controlled by the Trust. These transactions
were recognized at the amount agreed to by the related parties Total compensation 44 32
and are subject to the terms and conditions of formal agreements 1 Stock-based compensation does not include the effect of changes in fair value of
approved by the Audit and Risk Committee. The totals received or Class B Non-Voting Shares or equity derivatives.
paid were less than $1 million for each of 2021 and 2020.
TRANSACTIONS WITH KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL We have entered into business transactions with Transcontinental
Key management personnel include the directors and our most Inc., a company that provides us with printing and prepress
senior corporate officers, who are primarily responsible for services. Isabelle Marcoux, C.M., is chair of the board of
planning, directing, and controlling our business activities. Transcontinental Inc. and was a Director of RCI until June 2021.



We recognize these transactions at the amount agreed to by the We have 100% ownership interest in these subsidiaries. They are
related parties, which are also reviewed by the Audit and Risk incorporated in Canada and have the same reporting period for
Committee. The amounts owing for these services were unsecured, annual financial statements reporting.
interest-free, and due for payment in cash within one month of the
When necessary, adjustments are made to conform the accounting
date of the transaction. Below is a summary of related party activity
policies of the subsidiaries to those of RCI. There are no significant
for the business transactions described above.
restrictions on the ability of subsidiaries, joint arrangements, and
associates to transfer funds to Rogers as cash dividends or to repay
Outstanding loans or advances, subject to the approval of other shareholders
Years ended balance as at where applicable.
(In millions of dollars) December 31 December 31
We carried out the following business transactions with our
2021 2020 2021 2020 associates and joint arrangements, being primarily MLSE
Printing and prepress services 3 4 n/a 1 (broadcasting rights) and Glentel (Wireless distribution support).
Transactions between us and our subsidiaries have been
eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.
We have also entered into business transactions with companies
controlled by our Directors Michael J. Cooper and John C. Kerr,
Years ended December 31
which, as a result of the Board reconstitution in October 2021, are
now related parties. These companies include Dream Unlimited (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020
Corp. and Vancouver Professional Baseball LLP, respectively.
Revenue 31 26
Dream Unlimited Corp. is a real estate company that rents spaces
Purchases 180 121
in office and residential buildings. Vancouver Professional Baseball
LLP controls the Vancouver Canadians, the Toronto Blue Jays’ Outstanding balances at year-end are unsecured, interest-free, and
High-A affiliate minor league team. Total amounts paid to these settled in cash.
related parties during the period from October 2021 to December
2021 were nominal.
As at December 31

SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES, AND JOINT (In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

ARRANGEMENTS Accounts receivable 112 92
We have the following material operating subsidiaries as at Accounts payable and accrued
December 31, 2021 and 2020: liabilities 95 59
• Rogers Communications Canada Inc.; and
• Rogers Media Inc.


We had the following guarantees as at December 31, 2021 and PURCHASES AND DEVELOPMENT OF ASSETS
2020 as part of our normal course of business: As part of transactions involving purchases and development of
assets, we may be required to pay counterparties for costs and
BUSINESS SALE AND BUSINESS COMBINATION losses incurred as a result of breaches of representations and
AGREEMENTS warranties, loss or damages to property, changes in laws and
As part of transactions involving business dispositions, sales of regulations (including tax legislation), or litigation against the
assets, or other business combinations, we may be required to pay counterparties.
counterparties for costs and losses incurred as a result of breaches
of representations and warranties, intellectual property right INDEMNIFICATIONS
infringement, loss or damages to property, environmental liabilities, We indemnify our directors, officers, and employees against claims
changes in laws and regulations (including tax legislation), litigation reasonably incurred and resulting from the performance of their
against the counterparties, contingent liabilities of a disposed services to Rogers. We have liability insurance for our directors and
business, or reassessments of previous tax filings of the corporation officers and those of our subsidiaries.
that carries on the business.
No amount has been accrued in the Consolidated Statements of
Financial Position relating to these types of indemnifications or
SALES OF SERVICES guarantees as at December 31, 2021 or 2020. Historically, we have
As part of transactions involving sales of services, we may be not made any significant payments under these indemnifications or
required to make payments to counterparties as a result of guarantees.
breaches of representations and warranties, changes in laws and
regulations (including tax legislation), or litigation against the


Contingent liabilities are liabilities of uncertain timing or amount We are exposed to possible losses related to various claims and
and are not recognized until we have a present obligation as a lawsuits against us for which the outcome is not yet known. We
result of a past event, it is probable that we will experience an therefore make significant judgments in determining the
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle the probability of loss when we assess contingent liabilities.
obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of
We disclose our contingent liabilities unless the possibility of an Below is a summary of the future minimum payments for our
outflow of resources in settlement is remote. contractual commitments that are not recognized as liabilities as at
December 31, 2021.

Less than
(In millions of dollars) 1 Year 1-3 Years 4-5 Years After 5 Years Total
Player contracts 1 129 204 222 – 555
Purchase obligations 2 327 192 85 19 623
Program rights 3 659 1,151 824 1 2,635
Total commitments 1,115 1,547 1,131 20 3,813
1 Toronto Blue Jays players’ salary contracts into which we have entered and are contractually obligated to pay.
2 Contractual obligations under service, product, and wireless device contracts to which we have committed.
3 Agreements into which we have entered to acquire broadcasting rights for sports broadcasting programs and films for periods in excess of one year at contract inception.

Below is a summary of our other contractual commitments that are the interim rates in effect prior to the Order as the final rates, with
not included in the table above. certain modifications, including the removal of the supplementary
markup of 10% for incumbent local exchange carriers.
As at December 31
The final rates are lower than the rates we previously billed to the
(In millions of dollars) 2021 resellers for the period of March 31, 2016 to October 6, 2016. We
have recognized a refund of amounts previously billed to the
Acquisition of property, plant and
resellers of approximately $25 million, representing the impact on
equipment 209
a retroactive basis for that period.
Acquisition of intangible assets 21
Our share of commitments related to On May 28, 2021 a wholesale Internet Service Provider (ISP)
associates and joint ventures 387 petitioned the Governor in Council to, among other things, restore
the 2019 Order and make the rates established in that order final. In
Total other commitments 617
addition, on June 28, 2021, the same wholesale ISP filed a motion
seeking leave to appeal the 2021 Decision to the Federal Court of
CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Appeal, which was granted on September 15, 2021. We, along with
We have the following contingent liabilities as at December 31, several other cable companies, have intervened in these matters.
Videotron Ltd.
Wholesale Internet costing and pricing On October 29, 2021, Videotron Ltd. launched a lawsuit against
On August 15, 2019, in Telecom Order CRTC 2019-288, Follow-up Rogers in the Quebec Superior Court, in connection with the
to Telecom Orders 2016-396 and 2016-448 – Final rates for agreement entered into by the parties in 2013 for the development
aggregated wholesale high-speed access services (Order), the and operation of a joint LTE network in the province of Quebec.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission The lawsuit involves allegations by Videotron Ltd. that Rogers has
(CRTC) set final rates for facilities-based carriers’ wholesale high- breached its contractual obligations by developing its own network
speed access services, including Rogers’ third-party Internet access in the territory. Videotron is seeking compensatory damages in the
service. The Order set final rates for Rogers that are significantly amount of $850 million. We intend to vigorously defend this
lower than the interim rates that were previously billed and it further lawsuit. We have not recognized a liability for this contingency.
determined that these final rates will apply retroactively to
March 31, 2016. System access fee – Saskatchewan
In 2004, a class action was commenced against providers of wireless
We did not believe the final rates set by the CRTC were just and communications in Canada under the Class Actions Act
reasonable as required by the Telecommunications Act as we (Saskatchewan). The class action relates to the system access fee
believed they were below cost. On May 27, 2021, the CRTC wireless carriers charge to some of their customers. The plaintiffs are
released Telecom Decision CRTC 2021-181 Requests to review and seeking unspecified damages and punitive damages, which would
vary Telecom Order 2019-288 regarding final rates for aggregated effectively be a reimbursement of all system access fees collected.
wholesale high-speed access services. The CRTC decided to adopt



In 2007, the Saskatchewan Court granted the plaintiffs’ application Income taxes
to have the proceeding certified as a national, “opt-in” class action We provide for income taxes based on all of the information that is
where affected customers outside Saskatchewan must take specific currently available and believe that we have adequately provided
steps to participate in the proceeding. In 2008, our motion to stay for these items. The calculation of applicable taxes in many cases,
the proceeding based on the arbitration clause in our wireless however, requires significant judgment (see note 13) in interpreting
service agreements was granted. The Saskatchewan Court directed tax rules and regulations. Our tax filings are subject to audits, which
that its order, in respect of the certification of the action, would could materially change the amount of current and deferred
exclude customers who are bound by an arbitration clause from income tax assets and liabilities and provisions, and could, in
the class of plaintiffs. certain circumstances, result in the assessment of interest and
In 2009, counsel for the plaintiffs began a second proceeding
under the Class Actions Act (Saskatchewan) asserting the same
Other claims
claims as the original proceeding. If successful, this second class
There are certain other claims and potential claims against us. We
action would be an “opt-out” class proceeding. This second
do not expect any of these, individually or in the aggregate, to have
proceeding was ordered conditionally stayed on the basis that it
a material adverse effect on our financial results.
was an abuse of process.

At the time the Saskatchewan class action was commenced, Outcome of proceedings
corresponding claims were filed in multiple jurisdictions across The outcome of all the proceedings and claims against us,
Canada. The claims in all provinces other than Saskatchewan have including the matters described above, is subject to future
now been dismissed or discontinued. We have not recognized a resolution that includes the uncertainties of litigation. It is not
liability for this contingency. possible for us to predict the result or magnitude of the claims due
to the various factors and uncertainties involved in the legal
911 fee process. Based on information currently known to us, we believe it
In June 2008, a class action was launched in Saskatchewan against is not probable that the ultimate resolution of any of these
providers of wireless communications services in Canada. It involves proceedings and claims, individually or in total, will have a material
allegations of breach of contract, misrepresentation, and false adverse effect on our business, financial results, or financial
advertising, among other things, in relation to the 911 fee that had condition. If circumstances change and it becomes probable that
been charged by us and the other wireless telecommunication we will be held liable for claims against us and such claim is
providers in Canada. The plaintiffs are seeking unspecified estimable, we will recognize a provision during the period in which
damages and restitution. The plaintiffs intend to seek an order the change in probability occurs, which could be material to our
certifying the proceeding as a national class action in Consolidated Statements of Income or Consolidated Statements
Saskatchewan. We have not recognized a liability for this of Financial Position.



Years ended December 31

(In millions of dollars) 2021 2020

Accounts receivable, excluding financing

receivables (78) 455
Financing receivables (840) (1,658)
Contract assets 417 1,170
Inventories (56) (19)
Other current assets 13 (132)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 556 (326)
Contract and other liabilities 25 177

Total change in net operating assets and

liabilities 37 (333)


On March 15, 2021, we announced an agreement with Shaw to In connection with the Transaction, we entered into a binding
acquire all of Shaw’s issued and outstanding Class A Participating commitment letter for a committed credit facility with a syndicate of
Shares and Class B Non-Voting Participating Shares (collectively, banks in an original amount up to $19 billion (see note 19). During
Shaw Shares) for a price of $40.50 per share. The Shaw Family the year ended December 31, 2021, we entered into the $6 billion
Living Trust, the controlling shareholder of Shaw, and certain Shaw term loan facility (see note 21), which served to reduce the
members of the Shaw family and certain related persons (Shaw amount available under the committed credit facility to $13 billion.
Family Shareholders) will receive (i) $16.20 in cash and (ii) We also expect that RCI will either assume Shaw’s senior notes or
0.417206775 Class B Non-Voting Shares of Rogers per Shaw Share provide a guarantee of Shaw’s payment obligations under those
held by the Shaw Family Shareholders. The Transaction is valued at senior notes upon closing the Transaction and, in either case, RCCI
approximately $26 billion, including the assumption of will guarantee Shaw’s payment obligations under those senior
approximately $6 billion of Shaw debt. notes.

The Transaction will be implemented through a court-approved Under certain circumstances, if the Key Regulatory Approvals are
plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta). not obtained, or any law or order relating to the Key Regulatory
On May 20, 2021, Shaw shareholders voted to approve the Approvals or the Competition Act is in effect that would make the
Transaction at a special shareholders meeting. The Court of consummation of the Transaction illegal, and the failure to obtain
Queen’s Bench of Alberta issued a final order approving the the Key Regulatory Approvals is not caused by, and is not a result
Transaction on May 25, 2021. The Transaction is subject to other of, the failure by Shaw to perform in all material respects any of its
customary closing conditions, including receipt of applicable covenants or agreements under the arrangement agreement, we
approvals and expiry of certain waiting periods under the would be obligated to pay a $1.2 billion reverse termination fee to
Broadcasting Act (Canada), the Competition Act (Canada), and the Shaw. We would also be responsible to reimburse Shaw for certain
Radiocommunication Act (Canada) (collectively, Key Regulatory costs relating to the May 2021 exercise of our right to require Shaw
Approvals). Subject to receipt of all required approvals and to redeem its issued and outstanding preferred shares.
satisfaction of other conditions prior to closing, the Transaction is
expected to close in the first half of 2022. Rogers has extended the
outside date for closing the Transaction from March 15, 2022 to
June 13, 2022 in accordance with the terms of the arrangement


Glossary of selected industry terms
and helpful links
3G (Third Generation Wireless): The third BDU (Broadcast Distribution Undertaking): An environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire
generation of mobile phone standards and undertaking for the reception of broadcasting and suppression), and security controls.
technology. A key goal of 3G standards was to the retransmission thereof by radio waves or other
enable mobile broadband data speeds above 384 means of telecommunication to more than one DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface
Kbps. 3G networks enable network operators to offer permanent or temporary residence or dwelling unit Specification): A non-proprietary industry standard
users a wider range of more advanced services while or to another such undertaking. developed by CableLabs that allows for equipment
achieving greater network capacity through improved interoperability from the headend to the CPE. The
spectral efficiency. Advanced services include video bps (Bits per Second): A measurement of data latest version (DOCSIS 3.1) enables bonding of
and multimedia messaging and broadband wireless transmission speed used for measuring the amount multiple channels to allow for download speeds up
data, all in a mobile environment. of data that is transferred in a second between two to 10 Gbps and upload speeds up to 2 Gbps,
telecommunications points or within network devices. depending upon how many channels are bonded
3.5G (Enhanced Third Generation Wireless): Kbps (kilobits per second) is thousands of bps; Mbps together.
Evolutionary upgrades to 3G services that provide (megabits per second) is millions of bps; Gbps
significantly enhanced broadband wireless data (gigabits per second) is billions of bps; and Tbps DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): A family of broadband
performance to enable multi-megabit data speeds. (terabits per second) is trillions of bps. technologies that offers always-on, high-bandwidth
The key 3.5G technologies in North America are (usually asymmetrical) transmission over an existing
HSPA and CDMA EV-DO. Broadband: Communications service that allows for twisted-pair copper telephone line. DSL shares the
the high-speed transmission of voice, data, and video same phone line as the telephone service but uses a
4G (Fourth Generation Wireless): A technology that simultaneously at rates of 1.544 Mbps and above. different part of the phone line’s bandwidth.
offers increased voice, video, and multimedia
capabilities, a higher network capacity, improved Bundling: Refers to the coupling of independent Edge Computing: The process of obtaining,
spectral efficiency, and high-speed data rates over products or services offered into one retail package. processing, and analyzing data close to the source of
current 3G benchmarks. Also referred to as LTE. its creation, Edge computing eliminates the need for
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): Refers to the action data to travel through a distant server, reducing
4.5G (Enhanced Fourth Generation Wireless): that customers are able to sign up for wireless latency and bandwidth usage.
Evolutionary upgrades to 4G services that enables services on a personally purchased device, as
two to three times the download speeds of 4G opposed to the traditional means of acquiring one Fibre Optics: A method for the transmission of
technology. 4.5G technology has been designed to through a term contract. information (voice, video, or data) in which light is
support virtual and augmented reality, 4K streaming, modulated and transmitted over hair-thin filaments of
and other emerging services. Cable Telephony (Phone): The transmission of real- glass called fibre optic cables. The bandwidth
time voice communications over a cable network. capacity of fibre optic cable is much greater than that
5G (Fifth Generation Wireless): The proposed next of copper wire and light can travel relatively long
generation of wireless telecommunications Churn: This business performance measure is used to distances through glass without the need for
standards. We expect 5G technology to result in describe the disconnect rate of customers to a amplification.
significantly reduced latency compared to LTE, telecommunications service. It is a measure of
improvements in signalling efficiency and coverage, customer turnover and is often at least partially FTTH (Fibre-to-the-Home)/FTTP (Fibre-to-the-
and the ability to connect to more devices at once reflective of service quality and competitive intensity. It Premise): Represents fibre optic cable that reaches
than ever before. is usually expressed as a percentage and calculated the boundary of the home or premise, such as a box
as the number of subscriber units disconnecting in a on the outside wall of a home or business.
4K—Ultra-High Definition Video: Denotes a specific period divided by the average number of units on the
television display resolution of 4096x2160 pixels. network in the same period. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications):
1920x1080 resolution full-HD televisions present an A TDMA-based technology and a member of the
image of around 2 megapixels, while the 4K CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier): A “second generation” (2G) family of mobile protocols
generation of screens displays an 8 megapixel telecommunications provider company that that is deployed widely around the world, especially
image. competes with other, already established carriers, at the 850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz frequency
generally the ILEC. bands.
ABPU (Average Billings per User): This business
performance measure, expressed as a dollar rate per Cloud Computing: The ability to run a program or Hardware Upgrade (HUP): The act of an existing
month, is predominantly used in the wireless industry application on many connected computers wireless customer upgrading to a new wireless
to describe the average amount billed to customers simultaneously as the software, data, and services device.
per month. ABPU is an indicator of a business’ reside in data centres.
operating performance. HDR (High Dynamic Range): An imaging technique
CPE (Customer Premise Equipment): used to reproduce a greater dynamic range of
ARPA (Average Revenue per Account): This Telecommunications hardware, such as a modem or luminosity than is possible with standard digital
business performance measure, expressed as a dollar set-top box, that is located at the home or business of imaging or photographic techniques.
rate per month, is predominantly used in wireless and a customer.
cable industries to describe the revenue generated Hertz: A unit of frequency defined as one cycle per
per customer account per month. ARPA is an CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and second. It is commonly used to describe the speeds
indicator of a wireless and cable business’ operating Telecommunications Commission): The federal at which electronics are driven in the radio industry.
performance. regulator for radio and television broadcasters and MHz (megahertz) is millions of hertz; GHz (gigahertz)
cable TV and telecommunications companies in is billions of hertz; and THz (terahertz) is trillions of
ARPU (Average Revenue per User): This business Canada. hertz.
performance measure, expressed as a dollar rate per
month, is predominantly used in the wireless and Customer Relationships: This Cable metric refers Homes Passed: Total number of homes that have the
cable industries to describe the revenue generated dwelling units where at least one of our Cable potential for being connected to a cable system in a
per customer per month. ARPU is an indicator of a services is installed and operating and the service(s) defined geographic area.
wireless or cable business’ operating performance. are billed accordingly. When there is more than one
unit in one dwelling, such as an apartment building, Hosting (Web Hosting): The business of housing,
AWS (Advanced Wireless Services): The wireless each tenant with at least one of our Cable services is serving, and maintaining files for one or more
telecommunications spectrum band that is used for counted as an individual customer relationship, websites or e-mail accounts. Using a hosting service
wireless voice, data, messaging services, and whether the service is invoiced separately or included allows many companies to share the cost of a high-
multimedia. in the tenant’s rent. Institutional units, like hospitals or speed Internet connection for serving files, as well as
hotels, are each considered one customer other Internet infrastructure and management costs.
Bandwidth: Bandwidth can have two different relationship.
meanings: (1) a band or block of radio frequencies Hotspot: A Wi-Fi access point in a public place, such
measured in cycles per second, or Hertz; or (2) an Data Centre: A facility used to house computer as a café, train station, airport, commercial office
amount or unit of capacity in a telecommunications systems and associated components, such as property, or conference centre.
transmission network. In general, bandwidth is the telecommunications and storage systems. It generally
available space to carry a signal. The greater the includes redundant or backup power supplies,
bandwidth, the greater the information-carrying redundant data communications connections,


HSPA (High-Speed Packet Access): HSPA is an Off-net: Customer location(s) where network at lower speeds. Wi-Fi allows any user with a
IP-based packet-data enhancement technology that infrastructure is not readily available, necessitating the Wi-Fi-enabled device to connect to a wireless access
provides high-speed broadband packet data services use of a third-party leased access for connectivity to point.
over 3G networks. HSPA+ provides high-speed the premises.
broadband packet data services at even faster speeds
than HSPA over 4G networks. On-net: Customer location(s) where network Helpful links
infrastructure is in place to provide connectivity to the
Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial Network Architecture (HFC): premises without further builds or third-party leases. Canadian Radio-Television and
A technology in which fibre optic cable and coaxial An on-net customer can be readily provisioned. Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
cable are used in different portions of a network to The CRTC is an independent public organization that
carry broadband content (such as video, voice, and OTT (Over-the-Top): Audio, visual, or alternative regulates and supervises the Canadian broadcasting
data) from a distribution facility to a subscriber media distributed via the Internet or other and telecommunications systems. It reports to
premise. non-traditional media. Parliament through the Minister of Canadian
ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier): The Penetration: The degree to which a product or
dominant telecommunications company providing service has been sold into, or adopted by, the base of Innovation, Science and Economic Development
local telephone service in a given geographic area potential customers or subscribers in a given Canada (ISED Canada)
when competition began. Typically, an ILEC is the geographic area. This value is typically expressed as a ISED Canada is a ministry of the federal government
traditional phone company and the original local percentage. whose mission is to foster a growing, competitive,
exchange carrier in a given market. knowledge-based Canadian economy. It also works
Postpaid: A conventional method of payment for with Canadians throughout the economy and in all
IoT (Internet of Things): The concept of connecting wireless service where a subscriber pays a fixed parts of the country to improve conditions for
everyday objects and devices (e.g., appliances and monthly fee for a significant portion of services. investment, improve Canada’s innovation
cellular phones) to the Internet and each other. This Usage (e.g. long distance) and overages are billed in performance, increase Canada’s share of global
allows them to sense their environment and arrears, subsequent to consuming the services. The trade, and build an efficient and competitive
communicate between themselves, allowing for the fees are often arranged on a term contract basis. marketplace.
seamless flow of data.
Prepaid: A method of payment for wireless service Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
IP (Internet Protocol): The packet-based computer that requires a subscriber to prepay for a set amount The FCC is an independent United States
network protocol that all machines on the Internet of airtime or data usage in advance of actual usage. government agency. The FCC was established by the
must know so they can communicate with one Generally, a subscriber’s prepaid account is debited Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with
another. IP is a set of data switching and routing rules at the time of usage so that actual usage cannot regulating interstate and international
that specify how information is cut up into packets exceed the prepaid amount until an additional communications by radio, television, wire, satellite,
and how they are addressed for delivery between prepayment is made. and cable. The FCC’s jurisdiction covers the 50 states,
computers. the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.
PVR (Personal Video Recorder): A consumer
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television): A system where electronics device or application software that records
a digital television signal is delivered using IP. Unlike video in a digital format. The term includes set-top Canadian Wireless Telecommunications
broadcasting, viewers receive only the stream of boxes with direct-to-disk recording capabilities, which Association (CWTA)
content they have requested (by surfing channels or enables video capture and playback to and from a The CWTA is the industry trade organization and
ordering video on demand). hard disk. authority on wireless issues, developments, and
trends in Canada. It represents wireless service
ISED Canada (Innovation, Science and Economic Set-Top Box: A standalone device that receives and providers as well as companies that develop and
Development Canada): The Canadian federal decodes programming so that it may be displayed produce products and services for the industry,
government department responsible for, amongst on a television. Set-top boxes may be used to receive including handset and equipment manufacturers,
other things, the regulation, management, and broadcast, cable, and satellite programming. content and application creators, and
allocation of radio spectrum and establishing business-to-business service providers.
technical requirements for various wireless systems. Spectrum: A term generally applied to
electromagnetic radio frequencies used in the The Wireless Association (CTIA)
ISP (Internet Service Provider): A provider of Internet transmission of sound, data, and video. Various The CTIA is an international non-profit membership
access service to consumers and/or businesses. portions of spectrum are designated for use in organization, founded in 1984, representing wireless
cellular service, television, FM radio, and satellite carriers and their suppliers, as well as providers and
LAN (Local Area Network): A network created via transmissions. manufacturers of wireless data services and products.
linked computers within a small area, such as a single The CTIA advocates on their behalf before all levels of
site or building. Subscription Video-on-Demand (SVOD): Refers to a government.
service that offers, for a monthly charge, access to
LTE (Long-Term Evolution): A fourth generation specific programming with unlimited viewing on an GSM Association (GSMA)
cellular wireless technology (also known as 4G) that on-demand basis. The GSMA is a global trade association representing
has evolved and enhanced the UMTS/HSPA+ mobile nearly 800 operators with more than 300 companies
phone standards. LTE improves spectral efficiency, TPIA (Third-Party Internet Access): Wholesale high- in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset
lowers costs, improves services, and, most speed access services of large cable carriers that and device makers, software companies, equipment
importantly, allows for higher data rates. LTE enable independent service providers to offer retail providers, and Internet companies, as well as
technology is designed to deliver speeds up to 300 Internet services to their own end-users. organizations in adjacent industry sectors. In addition,
Mbps. more than 180 manufacturers and suppliers support
Video-on-Demand (VOD): A cable service that allows the Association’s initiatives as associate members.
LTE Advanced (LTE-A): A mobile communication a customer to select and view movies and shows at The GSMA works on projects and initiatives that
standard that represents a major enhancement of the any time from a library of thousands of titles. address the collective interests of the mobile industry,
LTE standard. With a peak data rate of 1 Gbps, LTE and of mobile operators in particular.
Advanced also offers faster switching between power VoIP (Voice over IP): The technology used to
states and improved performance at the cell edge. transmit real-time voice conversations in data packets
over a data network using IP. Such data networks Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television
Machine-to-Machine (M2M): The wireless inter- include telephone company networks, cable TV Services (CCTS)
connection of physical devices or objects that are networks, wireless networks, corporate intranets, and An independent organization dedicated to working
seamlessly integrated into an information network to the Internet. with consumers and service providers to resolve
become active participants in business processes. complaints about telephone, television, and Internet
Services are available to interact with these ‘smart VoLTE (Voice over LTE): A platform to provide voice services. Its structure and mandate were approved by
objects’ over the Internet, query, change their state, services to wireless customers over LTE wireless the CRTC.
and capture any information associated with them. networks. The LTE standard only supports packet
switching, as it is all IP-based technology. Voice calls
MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator): A in GSM are circuit switched, so with the adoption of
wireless communications service provider that does LTE, carriers are required to re-engineer their voice
not own the wireless network infrastructure through call network, while providing continuity for traditional
which it provides services to its customers. circuit-switched networks on 2G and 3G networks.

Near-net: Customer location(s) adjacent to network Wi-Fi: The commercial name for a networking For a more comprehensive glossary
infrastructure allowing connectivity to the premises to technology standard for wireless LANs that essentially of industry and technology terms,
be extended with relative ease. provide the same connectivity as wired networks, but
go to


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