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Security Architecture of the Healthcare Cyber Physical


The CPeSC3 (cyber physical enhanced secured WSN- integrated

cloud computing for health care) architecture by Wang et al consisted of three
components, namely Communication and sensing core, Computation and security
core and Real-time scheduling and resource management core
Here they propose an architecture consisting of three cores; a communication
and sensing core which handles wireless sensors and their transmission of
information, a computation and security core which consists of layered security
for information and data computation in the cloud, and finally a resource
management and scheduling core which decides how, where and when to
compute different segments of data. This architecture is then applied to a
healthcare example where a cloud service is constructed that links together
several remote locations to promote safety and assistance to patients of a
healthcare clinic. The patient’s home and biometrics are monitored using cameras
and biometric sensors on the body to indicate the current health of the patient.
This information is then transmitted to a cloud service, which then can be used
for a wide range of services. The healthcare clinic can regularly check the up-to-
date medical record of the patient and based on this prescribe new medication if
some values are out of the normal range. The cloud service can also monitor if an
elderly patient has fallen and needs assistance and relay this information to both
the health clinic and relatives to the patient, which then could act appropriately
The CPesc3 model consists of two main parts sensing &
communication securities as well as storage and actuation security.
We will focus on Sensing and Communication Security, Gateway and base station
security, problems with hashing at user node and Storage and Actuation Security.
In conclusion and will first introduce some more changes to the studied model
and we will use some machine learning algorithms to check that the data that is
received by the user was not intercepted by the hackers in the cloud or at the fog
nodes. To ensure the security at the cloud we will try some advanced data
encryption method to ensure that the data is not intercepted by someone else.

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