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[G.R. No.

35006           September 7, 1931]

PURIFICACION ALMONTE, defendant- appellant.
Until a week before the crime, the accused lived maritally with the Chinaman
Felix Te Sue who was a married man. Because one Miguela Dawal, with
whom he had also lived maritally, threatened to bring suit against him
unless he rejoined her, the Chinaman and the accused voluntarily agreed to
separate. From that time on Te Sue lived in the barrio of Guinlajon,
municipality of Sorsogon, Province of Sorsogon, together with the said
Miguela Dawal. On the morning of October 1, 1930, the accused visited her
former paramour and on entering the house, found him with Miguela. When
Te Sue saw her, he approached and told her to go away at once because her
new paramour might get jealous and do her harm. The accused insisted
upon remaining, and on being pushed by Te Sue and Miguela, feeling that
she was being unjustly treated, took hold of a small penknife she carried and
stabbed the man in the abdomen. Horrified, perhaps, at her deed, she fled
to the street, leaving the blade sticking in her victim's abdomen, and, taking
the first bus that chanced to pass, finally went home. The injured man was
at once taken to the provincial hospital where he was given first aid
treatment, and Doctor Ortega performed a slight operation upon him,
cleaning and sewing up his wound. It was not serious, according to the
doctor, and might be healed in a week; but on the sixth day the patient
succumbed to complications which we shall treat of later on. The relatives of
the deceased paid a little over P200 for the hospital treatment and the
expenses of his last illness.
Doctor Ortega declares the cause of the secondary hemorrhage that
produced his death, were due to the pain felt after the operation and during
his illness. It is contended that according to the record, the real cause of the
movements was, so the deceased himself declared, the excessive warmth of
the bed and the fact that he was unaccustomed to such a bed. To ascertain
this important point requires a careful examination of the evidence upon this
Whether or not the trial court erred in holding the accused responsible for
the death of the offended party as the direct and immediate consequence of
the wound inflicted by the accused
Yes. The trial court erred in holding the accused responsible for the death of
the offended party as the direct and immediate consequence of the wound
inflicted by the accused.
The court ruled that the defendant- appellant can only be made to answer
for the misdemeanor of slight physical injuries as defined and penalized in
article 587 of the Penal Code, in as much as the wound inflicted by her might
have been healed in seven days, the penalty fixed being arresto menor. The
court hold, therefore, that the real cause of death in this case was not the
bodily movements referred to, but the congestion of the internal veins
produced  beforehand by the force of the blow which caused the wound and
the nervous condition of the deceased.
In the case cited , the appellant is entitled to the mitigating circumstances of
not having intended to commit so serious a crime as that committed, and of
having acted with passion and obfuscation. The first is shown by the fact
that she made use of a small penknife, and the second, by the fact that
before the attack she had been pushed out of the room where the victim
was, and that she considered such treatment as an offense or abuse. The
penalty must therefore be reduced one degree or to prision mayor.
Penal Code Article 587. The penalty of arresto menor shall be imposed
upon any person who shall inflict upon another any physical injuries which
shall prevent the person injured from working for a period of from one to
seven days, or shall make medical attendance necessary for the same
If the offender shall be the father, son, husband, or guardian of the person
injured, the maximum degree of the penalty shall be imposed, whatever
may be the circumstances of the case.

Article 587. The penalty of arresto menor shall be imposed upon any

person who shall inflict upon another any physical injuries which shall
prevent the person injured from working for a period of from one to seven
days, or shall make medical attendance necessary for the same period.
If the offender shall be the father, son, husband, or guardian of the person
injured, the maximum degree of the penalty shall be imposed, whatever
may be the circumstances of the case.

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