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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 7, November-December 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Abdülkadir Çakir
Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technology,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Isparta, Turkey

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Abdülkadir

In this study, a mechanism was designed and implemented to assist Çakir "Fizyo-Robotiks" Published in
doctors or physiotherapists in the treatment process of injuries International
(dysfunction, impaired mobility, etc.) in the arms and legs as a result Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
of accidents and traumas. Within the scope of the study, 17 stepper
and Development
motors, stepper motor drivers, arduino uno and bluetooth modules
(ijtsrd), ISSN:
were used. C and C++ languages were used as software language, 2456-6470,
and phone apk software was provided via mit app and inventor. With Volume-6 | Issue-7, IJTSRD52393
this study, the exercise movements foreseen by the physiotherapist December 2022,
for the damage to the arms and legs can be performed in 3 modes as pp.704-706, URL:
slow, medium and fast, and can be stopped at any time. The project
provides the opportunity to apply in 2 different ways for both arms
and legs. Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
KEYWORDS: Physiotherapy and rehabilitation, speed control, Scientific Research and Development
exercise, robotic coding, software, phone control Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

This study was carried out to support the treatment makes arm-leg exercises in the project realized, are
process of injuries in the arm and leg joints. There are mentioned.
some exercises that should be done against problems
such as movement disorders in the arms and legs, non-
Robotic systems have started to play an active role in
moving joints, muscle disorders (Nashner, Shumway-
the rehabilitation process, especially in the last 15
Cook, & Marin, 1983; Schwartz et al., 2022).
years. In this, the contribution of the project studies of
Physiotherapists do these in hospitals or private
the universities is very great.
physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinics. However, this
can sometimes cause problems in terms of Fizyoterabot has been developed for lower limb
transportation, sometimes cost and sometimes rehabilitation with 3 degrees of freedom. The system
accessibility. This project, which provides the has been tested with real patients in a clinical setting,
opportunity to do these exercises at home, will under the supervision of medical experts, by obtaining
provide support in terms of cost and accessibility, as the necessary ethical approvals. Positive improvement
well as being able to do it by oneself without the need was observed in all patients (Akdoğan, 2007).
for a place or a person (Ditwiler, Swisher, & Shoulder-arm robot (Armeo) is a robotic technology
Hardwick, 2022). that can be used from the early stages of rehabilitation
This study consists of 4 parts. In the introduction, in patients who experience loss of shoulder and arm
what has changed today with robotic developments functions due to neurological or orthopedic reasons
and the importance of robots today are mentioned. In (Akdoğan, 2017).
the second part, a literature review about robots was 3. FIZYO-ROBOTIKS
made. In the third part, where and in which areas Necessary measurements were taken for the iron parts
robots are used in our daily life and the developments to be fixed to the arm in the robotic arm. Iron parts
in robot technology from past to present are were cut according to the arm size and the body of the
mentioned. In the fourth part of the study, the design stepper motor used in the industry. The necessary
and construction stages of the physio-robotics, which

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52393 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 704
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
holes were made for the bandage to be used to attach maximum level by drawing less current. By keeping
the arm to the cut pieces of iron (Figure 1). the engine torque high, the load occurring in the elbow
One of the iron pieces was fixed to the body of the region of the arm is ensured to work in the best way
desired on the shaft of the engine.
stepper motor, corresponding to the upper part of the
arm, which would remain stable. The second piece of The application written for the phone works
iron, which will coincide with the lower part of the simultaneously with the microcontroller and sends a
arm, is fixed to the shaft of the engine as it is the part signal to the motor with the software written on it, and
to move. the desired movement in the arm is provided with the
signals sent over the driver in the desired and
The stages of the motor driver have been tried one by
adjustable modes.
one and it has been decided that the most suitable and
most powerful output stage is 1 Amper. The reason for Bluetooth Module, wireless communication between
choosing this stage is to keep the motor torque at the the phone and the system is provided.

Figure 1 Single, double and triple combinations of faults

It was made to constantly check if there is data coming from bluetooth. If there is an incoming data, it is assigned
to the variable named IncomingData. In the Android program, these commands are numbered from 1 to 5.
1 = Slow to the right
2= Slow to the left
3= Fast to the right
4= Fast to the left
5= Automode
If “1” is assigned to the variable named IncomingData, the stepper motor slowly turns to the right at a certain
If “2” is assigned to the variable named IncomingData, the stepper motor slowly turns to the left at a certain
If “3” is assigned to the variable named IncomingData, the stepper motor moves towards the right side

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52393 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 705
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
If “4” is assigned to the variable named IncomingData, the stepper motor turns to the left side quickly and at a
certain angle.
If “5” is assigned to the variable named IncomingData, it enters automode. That is, at a certain angle, it turns
right and then left.
With this study, a robot was designed to contribute to the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation (Figure 2). At
the end of the project, a robot that can be controlled with an application installed on the phone was created for
arm and leg exercises. C and C++ languages and Arduino ide library were used as software language (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Fizyo-Robotiks Figure 3: Application Interface

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52393 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 706

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