Undertaking The Risk Management Process: Audience

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Undertaking the Risk Management Process

This information sheet is intended to assist Commonwealth officials at the following levels:
• Generalist level: Officials, regardless of level, whose role requires them to engage with and apply their
entity’s risk management framework to successfully deliver outcomes.
• Specialist level: Job role specialists who are required to design, implement and embed an entity’s risk
management framework. Specialists facilitate generalists and executives to fulfil their risk management

At a glance
This information sheet utilises the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines as its
foundation. It is noted that ISO guidance is not the only way to approach the risk management process, nor is
Comcover requiring, prescribing or mandating alignment with the ISO31000:2009.
The AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines (refer to Diagram 1) recommends
that risk management be based on three core elements:
1. A set of principles that describes the essential attributes of good risk management and how it adds value.
2. A risk management framework that provides a structure for risk management within an entity or activity.
3. A risk management process that prescribes a tailored, structured approach to understanding,
communicating and managing risk in practice.
It is important that a risk practitioner understands the importance of both of how the risk management process fits
within the broader risk management framework and principles.

Diagram 1: Source - IS0 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
This information sheet assumes a better practice environment where a risk framework has already been developed.
The structure of this information sheet includes elements under different steps of the risk management process.
Individuals using this information sheet should consider all elements within each step, then based upon the scale
of the complexity of the activity, make informed decisions as to what elements are applicable.

Establishing the context

This step is used to develop an understanding of the environment in which the risk management process will
be undertaken. For risk management processes to be effective they need to operate in conjunction and harmony with
the entity’s organisational goals and objectives. If risks are managed in isolation from the broader operations
of the organisation and external situation; then any risk management actions are likely to provide limited support
to these objectives.

Essential elements
Work within the existing risk management framework
It is important to identify all available elements of the risk management framework. These can include risk
registers/templates, risk matrix, likelihood and consequence criteria, policies and appetite/tolerance statements. These
artefacts are important to have at hand as they provide structure and guidance on how the organisation wants the risk
management process to be documented. The risk criteria found in the likelihood and consequence tables, the risk
matrix and the appetite and tolerance statements will assist in evaluating the significance of a risk.

Identify objectives
Another key component is identifying the objectives that you are trying to achieve. These can be organisational
objectives, project objectives or program objectives. Having clearly articulated objectives will also aid in the
development of objective centred risks, which aid in understanding what really matters to the achievement of the
activity and as such, what needs to go right above all else. A good place to start when identifying objectives is the
entity’s corporate plan.

Identify stakeholders
From a risk assessment process it is vitally important that you identify and document all relevant stakeholders noting
that this list needs to be proportionate to the activity being undertaken.

Internal context
In the context of a risk assessment process, the internal context refers to the internal environment in which the
entity/process functions and seeks to achieve its objectives. When doing this, consideration should be given to
factors such as:
• objectives and strategies in place to achieve goals
• governance, structure, roles and accountabilities
• capability of people, systems and processes
• changes to processes or compliance obligations
• the risk tolerance and appetite of the organisation
• the entity’s corporate plan
• physical and technological infrastructure and maintenance arrangements
• locations of business sites and other operations
• details of internal stakeholders
• the prevailing culture and workforce morale.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
External context
When undertaking a risk assessment within an entity, the external context refers to the environment in which the
entity operates and seeks to achieve its objectives. The following inputs should be considered as they relate to the
business, social, regulatory, legislative, cultural, competitive, financial, and political environment, including:
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
• Relationships with, perceptions and values of, external stakeholders such as clients
• Environment - business, social, regulatory, cultural, competitive, financial and political situation.

Risk management context

When undertaking a risk assessment within an entity it is important to identify, understand and use the documents,
processes, policies, reporting mechanisms and templates that have been created to aid in the management of risk
within the entity. Understanding the risk reporting frameworks is also important to ensure that the risks discovered
and managed by the current risk process are incorporated into the broader risk management activities of the entity.

Risk identification
The purpose of this step is to identify what possibly could go wrong and how often. The risk identification process is
most effective when key stakeholders are involved in structured brainstorming workshops. Discussions in these
workshops should be supported by the outputs from the prior step; establishing the context. The use of hard
data from the previous step will assist in informing stakeholders and management of the likelihood of risk events
The quality and relevance of the risks identified will be dependent upon how well the assessor has investigated
and understood the entity goals and objectives and the context in which the entity operates.

Essential elements
Sources or causes of risk
This step involves identifying the actions, scenarios, events and other external agencies that may give rise to risks.
For each risk identified ensure that its source or cause is well understood and documented. Be aware of risk arising
from tasks/actions that seem harmless. Often it is the risks that an entity thinks it is managing really well that can have
the most detrimental impact upon the entity when realised because no-one thought it could happen. It is the realisation
of these risks that may also have the greatest damaging effect on the image of the entity.

Identify consequences
The consequences of a risk are the results of the risk being realised. Understanding the consequences that are
realistic allows for an appropriate categorisation of severity. While personal injury is a possible result of many activities
that we undertake, it is not helpful to identify that as a consequence in every circumstance due to how unlikely it is for
that level of harm to occur.

Taxonomy of a risk
When undertaking risk assessments it is important to think about how risks are classified and whether there exists any
logical alignment across risks and risk groupings. For example, risks that arise from the financial management of the
entity, or regulatory/policy compliance. The risk framework already established by the entity should contain a
breakdown of the risk categories and their respective consequence criteria descriptions.
Risk categories are high level descriptive terms to aid in the identification and analysis of risks. These help to
communicate the areas of risk that are important to the organisation. These should already be part of the risk
management framework of the organisation. It is important to identify and utilise these when it comes to identifying
risks in the next section.

Risk identification scope

It is important to consider why a risk assessment needs to be done and what the underlying objectives are.
There is no point doing an assessment if it has no benefit to the achievement of outcomes or the success of the
entity. Take time to identify what purpose the risk assessment serves in the reduction of uncertainty and the
enhanced delivery of outcomes. This may result in a different focus for each activity. For example, a new internal
process that does not affect client service delivery will only require the risk assessment to take into account risks
that are within the organisation.
2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
It is also important to ensure you understand the scope and boundaries of the risk assessment. This includes
understanding how much detail is required, and how complex the analysis should be. For example, for a small
procurement, an exhaustive risk assessment that takes into account the entirety of the entity environment in minute
detail is not efficient nor is it likely to be effective.

Structured vs informal risk process

The conduct of a risk identification process can be either a highly structured or informal process. It is important that
the risk assessor is aware of how structured the risk assessment needs to be. It is inefficient to use hours of time to
document and undertake an in-depth risk assessment for something very small and simple. Risk management is by
nature something that is aimed at providing helpful and insightful information that aids in the efficient and effective
running of an organisation.

Better practice elements

Include all risks – even those that cannot be controlled
This can include risks that are controlled by contractors or subsidiary organisations. It is important that you are aware
of the risks, although you cannot actively manage them, you can confirm that the other organisation is managing the
risk well and be an active stakeholder in their risk management process.
Other sources of risk may be completely outside of any person’s/entity’s control including natural disasters and large
destructive events. Whilst you may not be able to do anything to stop the event from happening, you can put things in
place that will aid in the quick recovery from such an event. This forms a very important part of business continuity.

Involve those with appropriate knowledge in the identification process

There will be individuals and teams within your entity that will be aware of potential risks that would never occur to
you. It is important that you consult as widely as practical and relevant to ensure that you do not miss anything in the
identification stage as it will not be analysed in the following steps.

Considering cascading risks and ‘knock-on effects’

It is important to recognise that small seemingly insignificant risks or events, once combined, can have far greater
effects. Similarly, it is important to consider how many of your risks are likely to occur at the same time due to causal
factors and their nature. Again, broad consultation will aid in the identification of these knock-on/cumulative effects.

Considering the cumulative effects of many risks

Consider the manner in which risks managed within business units such as branches or groups can have greater
effects than anticipated should they escalate. An example: should a division that takes care of system maintenance
identify the risk of falling behind schedule, the risk consequence for them could be as minor as not achieving KPIs,
however for the rest of the business, if it were a key system to fail, delivery of core services may not be delivered or in
extreme cases lives may be jeopardised. As such, maintenance of certain systems may become an organisational risk
due to its cumulative effect.

Emerging and future risk – how far ahead do you look

When performing a risk assessment it is important to note there is a difference between current, emerging and future
risk, and the risk assessor should ensure that risk identification considers all three time-frames. The nature of the
organisation and environment will dictate how far ahead and how often future risks should be considered.
• Current risks are those risks that are visible and realisable in the current timeframe. They are the traditional
focus of many risk assessments as they are the threats that are being managed actively right now.
• Emerging risks are those risks that are just on the horizon, they do not have the ability to directly affect the
organisation right now. They need to be tracked and regularly reviewed to understand if they are transitioning
into current risks and need treatment.
• Future risks are those risks that are further into the future. Their shape, scale and speed of onset are typically
unknown, but by not identifying these emerging risks there could be a future impact upon the organisation or
activity. Going through the process to identify them prepares the organisation to perform better into the future,
and to be well prepared for opportunities that may arise and to ride out difficult times.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
How often should risk identification be undertaken?
The frequency of the risk identification process is largely defined by how rapidly the organisation’s environment is
changing. In an environment where the risks are stable and unchanging year on year, annual risk identification would
be sufficient to keep abreast of emerging risks that may be on the horizon.
However, in an environment where the risk landscape is constantly changing it is important to be constantly scanning
for risks that may not have been present before, but are now directly threatening the ongoing viability of the
organisation if they are realised. In the same manner, an organisation in a changing environment may need to
continually review their risk register for risks that are no longer relevant. This might be because of new technologies,
new ways of delivering services or just because that risk no longer exists in their environment for any other reason.
The difference between strategic risk and operational risk means that it is usually sensible to look at their identification
in different timeframes. Enterprise risks are those very important to the entire organisation and typically do not change
rapidly, and as such, regular review is sufficient to identify any new enterprise risks that might arise. In contrast,
strategic risks are directly related to the strategic objectives of the organisation and as such need to be aligned to the
strategic planning cycle on a continuous basis. In either of these circumstances it is important to be mindful of events,
inventions, innovations and circumstances that can unexpectedly alter the strategic environment and as such revisit
the organisational strategy and its strategic risks assessment if necessary.

Opportunity vs threat, should the risk identification process look for opportunity
as well?
While risk management has traditionally been seen to focus on managing negative impacts that might affect the
organisations ability to achieve its objectives, it is also important to consider uncertainty which may present positive
To consider risk as the effect of uncertainty upon objectives leaves a practitioner with the freedom to consider risk as
both positive and negative. Uncertainty can lead to many varied outcomes, just as controls and mitigation strategies
are utilised to try and limit the likelihood of a risk being realised; activities can be put into place to help encourage an
opportunity to realise for the organisation and as such improve the overall effectiveness of the organisation.

Risk analysis
Risk analysis is the process of reviewing identified risks and developing a deeper understanding of the risks and their
impacts, specifically their likelihood and consequence.
There is an important difference between risk analysis and risk evaluation. Risk analysis is focused primarily upon
understanding the identified risks as best as possible. Whereas risk evaluation seeks to understand which risks are
more important to the organisation due to their objectives and individual circumstance.

While risk analysis might indicate that a risk is high or low, risk evaluation determines which high risk should be
treated first. Due to the limited nature of resources, risk evaluation is necessary to enable the most logical prioritisation
of treatment actions.
An understanding of the risks impacting an organisation and its objectives is not the full picture. It is important to
understand the likelihood of those risks, the consequences if they are realised and what controls are already in place
to help minimise them.
Upon completion of this step, you will have an informed view of the risk likelihood, risk consequence and severity

Essential elements
Likelihood is a calculation, based upon information available and past experience, of how probable it is for the
risk event to be realised. It can range from not likely to certain. Likelihood criteria need to be calibrated to suit the
organisation and its needs. This is another step in the process where reviewing the organisations risk framework
will provide the appropriate likelihood descriptors and ratings that are meaningful.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
Consequence is a calculation, based upon the information available and past experience, of the results of a risk
event being realised. This is generally described in terms of harm to individuals from minor to death, cost to the
organisation from minimal to threatening the financially viability of ongoing operation and in terms of reputational
damage. It is important that consequence criteria reflect meaningful impacts that are relevant to the organisation.

Risk severity
Risk severity is the calculation based upon the likelihood and consequence rating of the risk, generally through
the use of a risk matrix, that rates the risk as low, moderate, high or extreme.
Using a simple heat map to calculate risk severity
A heat map or risk matrix is a two axis matrix that tracks likelihood from lowest to greatest on one axis and
consequence, from lowest to greatest on the other. Once a risk has been analysed and a consequence and likelihood
rating has been given to it, a risk matrix or heat map can be used to determine the overall rating of the risk. The matrix
should contain information that reflects the organisations appetite and tolerance for risk. It is vital that an
organisation’s heat map is calibrated properly otherwise risks will be incorrectly rated for the environment and
objectives of the organisation. As such, too much effort will be wasted on risks that are incorrectly identified as too
high or insufficient effort will be applied to risks incorrectly rated as too low.

Inherent risk, residual risk and the effect of controls

• Inherent Risk is the level of risk to the organisation when no action has been taken to mitigate or reduce the
risk. Simply put it is the risk before any treatments or controls are put in place.
• Residual Risk is the level of risk to the organisation that remains after treatments and controls have been put
in place.
• Treatments are proposed actions that will modify the risk in a way to reduce either its likelihood or its
consequence, sometimes both.
• Controls are existing actions that are undertaken to modify the risk. These actions directly seek to reduce the
likelihood or consequence of the risk. They are usually ongoing in nature and can involve management
oversight, weekly or monthly checks, maintenance of infrastructure, training etc.
It is important to ensure that the richness of the risk analysis undertaken needs to be comparable with the magnitude
of the risk being assessed. A minor risk to begin with does not need an extensive analysis, however it is important
to understand, through consultation and research, that some risks that appear to be insignificant, can in fact have
significant impacts in the right circumstances.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
Considering interdependence – how risks can affect each other and become
more severe
An important part of risk analysis is looking at the interdependence between risks. It is very rare that only one risk will
be realised at a time. The greatest amount of pain or damage is caused when multiple risks are realised at the same
time. Whilst a control may be adequate to deal with a risk on its own, should five or six risks materialise at the same
time, the individual control/s may be inadequate to mitigate the risk/s and prevent them from becoming an issue.
Practitioners should be mindful of risks that are related to one another and as such will most likely eventuate at the
same point in time. Careful examination is needed to ensure that the treatments and controls in place are sufficient
to minimise or mitigate those risks as a whole.

Better practice elements

Control effectiveness
When controls have been identified to treat or mitigate a risk, the effectiveness of the control is required to be
assessed. There are two aspects of control effectiveness; the design effectiveness and the operating effectiveness.
If the control is deemed not be designed to adequately address the risk, then the operationalisation of this control
will also be ineffective. On the flip side, the control may be well designed but may not be effective when used to
mitigate or treat a risk. An example of this is a well-documented process or policy. If this process or policy is not
adhered to, the operating effectiveness of the control becomes compromised.

Value of considering speed of onset

Some risks are easier to identify as they begin to take shape over days, weeks, months or even years and there is
value in recognising the aspect of speed of onset when analysing risks. The likelihood of an event occurring and its
consequences being realised may result in an impact that is slow to be realised, and there may be instances where an
observant organisation has ample time to react and as such mitigate the risk before it is realised. It is in these
circumstances that considering the speed of onset can be very helpful in prioritising not only actions against risks,
but also creating surveillance schedules to appropriately monitor the emergence of slower onset risks.
On the other hand there are risks that can be realised in an instant with no warning. These risks can pose a far
greater threat to the organisation purely due to the possibility of the risk being realised at any moment. As such,
these risks require greater attention and stronger controls when compared to an equally sever risk that has a
slower speed of onset.

Quantitative vs qualitative analysis

Whilst some risks have never happened before and therefore do not have previous data, others are present in many
organisations and are realised on a regular basis. These risks can be analysed using past data which may provide a
more accurate likelihood of the risk being realised and consequence being calculated. Where hard data is not
available to support the analysis of a risk, discussions or interviews with key stakeholders, news articles, or current
happenings in the external environment may assist.
When considering quantitative and qualitative data for use in the analysis of a risk, it is important to determine the
availability of data sources and the integrity of that available data. Consideration should also be given to the nature of
the environment in which your entity operates, the size and complexity of your entity and the structure and reliability of
your processes, technology and your people.

Risk evaluation
Risk evaluation determines the tolerability of each risk. Tolerability is different from severity. Tolerability assists
to determine which risks need treatment and the relative priority. This is achieved by comparing the risk severity
established in the risk analysis step with the risk criteria found in the likelihood and consequence criteria
already defined.
At its simplest, an entity might decide that risks above a certain severity are unacceptable, and risks below this are
tolerable. More sophisticated approaches might assign risk acceptance delegations for risks of increasing severity
to officials of different levels of seniority.

Carrying the right level of risk – not all risk is bad

Risk is not inherently a bad thing and it is important to understand that every organisation must carry some level
of risk in order to achieve its objectives. Risk evaluation aids an organisation to understand if they are carrying the
right amount of risk, thereby helping decision makers know if there are areas they could potentially take more risk
in, and areas where they are carrying too much, and need to reduce.
2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
The concept of risk appetite
As noted above, an organisation cannot function if it carries no risk and it is generally accepted that in order to
operate, organisations will inevitably be exposed to risk. Because of this, it is important for those in charge of an
organisation to be mindful of how much risk an organisation is comfortable with being exposed to. This appetite for
risk should be articulated within the organisations risk framework and should provide details of when it is acceptable to
accept higher levels of risk, under what circumstances, and with what level of control is required.
Decisions on tolerability should also be made after considering the broader context of the risk including the impact
of the risk upon entities outside of the organisation. Treatment decisions must be made also in accordance with
financial, legal, regulatory and other requirements. Ultimately though, the considered and informed acceptance of risk
supports decision making and is essential to entity performance including the achievement of objectives.

Why is it important?
Organisation resources are always limited. As such, decisions need to be made as to which identified risks are the
most detrimental to the organisation’s objectives and operations; this allows the treatment to be prioritised.
Given all organisations must undertake their business with finite resources, the highest priority should be given to the
risks that are the least tolerable. Only by comparing risks against each other, in light of the appetite and tolerance for
risk in the organisation, can a practitioner provide advice as to which risks are the highest priorities to manage.

Risk treatment
Risk treatment is the action taken in response to the risk evaluation, where it has been agreed that additional
mitigation activities are required.
Risk treatment is a cyclical process where individual risk treatments (or combinations of treatments) are assessed to
determine if they are adequate to bring the residual risk levels to a tolerable or appropriate level. If not, then new risk
treatments are generated and assessed until a satisfactory level of residual risk is achieved.
Risk treatment must be tailored to the requirements and capabilities of the entity and can include strategies such as:
• Avoiding the risk entirely by not undertaking the activity
• Removing a source or cause of the risk
• Sharing the risk with other parties
• Retaining the risk by informed decision
• Taking more risk to achieve certain objectives or opportunities
• Changing the likelihood and/or consequence of the risk through modifying controls in place.
Risks, once realised, can have both positive and negative impacts on an organisation. In order to prevent or
encourage this, an organisation needs to apply treatments to those risks that are not currently managed acceptably.

Essential elements
Selecting the most appropriate treatment requires balancing the cost and effort of implementation against the benefits
derived from additional risk mitigation. In some cases, further treatment may be unachievable or unaffordable and the
residual risk may need to be accepted and communicated. Entities should also consider how external stakeholders
can provide support when developing treatment options or if treatments can be implemented collaboratively.
Risk treatments are commonly documented in risk treatment plan. These should include:
• Reasons for treatment selection, including expected benefits and potential hazards
• Accountabilities for approving the plan and its implementation
• Resource requirements
• Reporting, assurance and monitoring requirements
• Priority, timing and schedule.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
Cyclical risk treatment process
1 - Assess a risk treatment
Putting in place a risk treatment is not enough to say that the risk is now managed. It is important to assess how the
treatment will modify the risk, and if it is adequately aiding in the management of the risk. This also applies to risks
that are currently being treated, as it is important to consider how effective the current treatments are and if they are
managing the risk appropriately.
2- Assess residual risk levels against tolerability
It is important that the risk treatment process is not done in isolation. Risk treatments need to be linked to the
appetite and tolerances of the organisation. Risk appetite is the expressed desire from senior leadership to engage
with a certain level of risk. It defines what good risk taking looks like as well as bad risk taking, and highlights what
consequences are unacceptable.
An inadequate treatment that does not reduce the risk to an acceptable level needs review or further treatments
implemented in unison to achieve the target level. In the same way, a treatment that reduces a risk too much may be
wasting limited resources. A clear understanding of what the target risk level is, defined by the organisations appetite
and tolerance, is key to applying treatments suited to not only the risk, but the organisation as a whole.
3 - If not tolerable, generate new risk treatment

Monitoring treatments
After risks are treated, it is important that they must be regularly monitored. The risk landscape is not static; risks can
change and develop new characteristics that may need additional treatments. To help manage this, regular reviews of
treatments, controls and their effectiveness needs to be undertaken.
It is also important to note that on occasion risk treatments and controls can give rise to more risks that will need to be

Stakeholder perceptions of treatments

Some treatments or controls may be very effective in mitigating a risk, yet they may also be unpalatable to
stakeholders. Practitioners should remain aware of stakeholder perceptions of risk treatments and controls to
ensure that the organisation does not undertake an activity that is going to severely harm its relationship with its

Treatment Plans
Treatment Plans are documents that detail all the important things that are related to the implementation of new
treatments to manage a risk. Treatment plans are typically used for two purposes; as a basis to prioritise risk as part
of the Evaluation stage, and, to document how the identified risk will be treated. Both aspects are essential as they
provide a reliable platform from which any member of the organisation can implement the desired treatment. Because
of this, treatment plans need to be well documented, clearly defining what tasks needs to be done, by whom and for
what purpose. Things to include in a treatment plan are:
• Reason for selecting treatment options, including expected benefits
• Those who are accountable for approving and implementing
• Proposed actions
• Resource requirements
• Performance measures, and reporting and monitoring requirements
• Timing and schedule.
A treatment plan (schedule) can be as simple as a single page outline of actions to be undertaken, by certain dates.
It can also be as complex as a full suite of documents that very clearly detail each treatment that must be
implemented, with responsible authorities, due dates, review cycles and intended quantifiable outcomes.
It is important that the treatment plan is suited to the needs of the organisation and the risks being managed.

Balancing cost, effort and benefits derived

Due to the fact that organisations have to operate on finite resources, treatments must balance the cost of
implementation, the effort to put in place and maintain with the benefits derived. It is important that the benefits gained
match or are greater than the energy and resources expended to achieve them.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
Considering combination of treatment options vs individual treatments
For some risks a simple treatment or control will be sufficient to reduce the risk down to the target level. However, for
other risks this is not the case. In some circumstances a single treatment may be too expensive or not reliable enough
to bring the risk into acceptable levels. In these circumstances a combination of treatments and controls may be more
cost effective and provide a greater level of reliability.
In some circumstances, either due to cost, complexity or resources available to manage a risk, it may be appropriate
to engage with stakeholders to manage the risk in part or wholly for the organisation.

Collaborative approaches to developing joint-treatments

Many risks affect multiple parts of a large organisation or even multiple organisations within a sector; in these
circumstances it can be valuable to collaboratively manage the risk. As such, each entity can implement
complementary controls and treatments to cover the gaps and inadequacies of others, in a way that manages risk as
a whole and keeps costs at an acceptable level. This can mean each entity implementing complementary controls and
treatments to cover the gaps or inadequacies of others, and as such manage the risk as a whole while keeping cost at
an acceptable level.
Monitoring and communication between the entities is vital to ensuring that vulnerabilities don’t form from a member
not managing their share of the risk adequately.

Communication and consultation

Communication and consultation is an essential attribute of good risk management and therefore is important at each
step of the risk management process. Communicating risk information with stakeholders maintains confidence and
trust and develops a common understanding of the entity’s risks.
Formal risk reporting is only one form of risk communication. Good risk communication should:
• Encourage stakeholder engagement and accountability
• Maximise the information obtained to reduce uncertainty
• Meet the reporting and assurance needs of stakeholders
• Ensure that relevant expertise is drawn upon to inform each step of the process
• Inform other entity processes such as corporate planning and resource allocation.
Different stakeholders will have different communication needs and expectations. Good risk communication is tailored
to these requirements.
The development of a communication plan, may aid in the communication of risk. The purpose of this plan is to
ensure that the right information is communicated to the right people at the right time. It may include information such
as the entity’s attitude and approach to risk management, the risk profile, and specifics around control responsibilities
and actions.
Risk communication is critical to ensure that the entity’s risk management process is consistently applied and
implemented at all levels. Communication also encourages transparency of risk, leading to a more risk-aware
organisation and a positive risk culture.

Monitoring and review

Risks change over time and hence risk management should be dynamic and evolving. Monitoring and review is
integral to successful risk management and should be a pre-planned and deliberate part of the process.
Responsibilities for monitoring and review should be clearly defined and seen as a key management responsibility.
Key objectives of risk monitoring and review include:
• Detecting changes in the internal and external environment, including evolving entity objectives and strategies
• Identifying new or emerging risks
• Ensuring the continued effectiveness and relevance of controls and the implementation of treatment programs
• Obtaining further information to improve the understanding and management of already identified risks
• Analysing and learning lessons from events, including near-misses, successes and failures.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process
Monitoring and review can be periodic and based upon trigger events or changing circumstances.
The frequency of the review process should be commensurate with the rate at which the entity and its operating
environment is changing.
The results and observations from monitoring and review are most useful when well documented and shared. They
may be included in formal risk reports, and published internally and externally as appropriate and should also be used
as an input to reviews of the whole risk management framework.

In summary
The risk management process is a cycle. The environment in which an organisation operates is not static and as such
risks need to be identified, assessed and treated constantly. To support the continuous improvement of the process
and the framework, consistent, timely, detailed and holistic reviews are needed to give current insights into where
things could be improved and where things are working well.

Roles and responsibilities aligned to the risk management process should be well defined and accountability for
control and treatment plans outlined. Sharing knowledge, data, insights and information on risks, current, emerging or
future will assist in ensuring that the risk management process does not become stagnate and that it remains a
continual process, enabling entity’s to operate within appetite.

If you have any questions or feedback in relation to this information sheet please contact Comcover at
[email protected] .

Use of this information sheet

Comcover’s series of Risk Management Information Sheets are designed to be used as learning resources and are
not mandatory.

It is important that entities develop risk management frameworks and systems that are tailored to the needs of their
organisation. Entities may choose to adapt some or all of the concepts contained in this information sheet to suit their
specific needs or use alternative methodologies.

2016 Undertaking the Risk Management Process

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