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• Photogrammetry is the science of obtaining information about physical objects through

process of recording, measuring and interpreting of photographs of the area.
• In other words, ‘photogrammetry can be defined as the process of developing a map by
combining different photographs of the earth’s surface.


• Triangulation is the fundamental principle used by photogrammetry.

• In this technique, we take photographs from atleast two different locations.
• The purpose of taking pictures from more than 2 points is to create what engineers call
“lines of sight.”
• Once these lines of sight are prepared, we join them to locate a point where they meet and
thus calculate the coordinates of the desired point.

Types of photogrammetry

There are two types of photogrammetry

Terrestrial Photogrammetry (Horizontal Photograph)

• Terrestrial photogrammetry is the branch of the photogrammetry in which photographs are

taken with a camera fixed on or near the ground.
• It is also called as Ground Photogrammetry.
• In terrestrial photogrammetry camera axis is horizontal.
• In terrestrial photogrammetry the instrument used is a photo-theodolite. (Photo-theodolite
is nothing but a conventional camera fitted on a tripod with the camera axis horizontal and
a theodolite.)
• Use of terrestrial photogrammetry is limited to the plotting of special features eg. vertical
cliff, mountainous terrain etc.
• Similar to plane tabling, the plotting work is done in the field only.

Aerial Photogrammetry

• Aerial photogrammetry is the branch of photogrammetry in which photographs of the area

are taken with a camera mounted on an aircraft.
• It is also called as Ground Photogrammetry.
• In aerial photogrammetry, the same camera is used but the camera axis is vertical.
• Use of aerial photograph is used for topographical surveys, forest and agricultural surveys,
preliminary route surveys, i.e., highways, railways pipelines, etc.,
• In aerial photogrammetry, large area can be covered in less time, no detail is missed, can
also be used for inaccessible areas.

Types of aerial photograph

Aerial photographs are classified into two types:

a) Vertical Photograph
b) Oblique Photograph

a) Vertical Photograph
• A vertical photograph is an Aerial photograph made with camera axis coinciding with the
direction of gravity.
• In truly vertical photograph, the photo plane is parallel to the datum plane.
• Tilted Photograph: When the camera axis is tilted from vertical, the resulting photographs
is known as tilted photograph. The tilt is generally less than 3°.
b) Oblique Photograph
• When the vertical axis of the camera is intentionally inclined to the vertical then the
resultant photograph is known as oblique photograph.
• A high-oblique photograph is one that includes the horizon, whereas a low-oblique
photograph does not include it.
Terminologies in Aerial Surveying

1. Scale of photograph
Scale of a vertical photograph is defined as the ratio of image distance to object distance.
For vertical photographs taken over variable terrain, there are an infinite number 0f
different scales. this is one the principle difference between a photograph and a map.
2. Datum scale
The datum scale is the scale effective over the entire photograph when all the ground points
were projected vertically downwards on the datum.
3. Average scale of photograph
The average scale is the scale of vertical photograph, that would be effective over the entire
photograph if all the ground points were projected vertically downward or upward on the
plane of the average elevation of the ground before being photographed.
4. Crab
Crab of a photograph is the angle between the flight line of the aircraft and the edges of the
photograph in the direction of flight.
5. Drift
Drift is the lateral shifting of the the photograph. The photograph does not stay on the
predetermined flight line due to winds. If the aircraft is set on its course without considering
the wind velocity, drift will occur.
Difference Between a Map and An Aerial Photograph

Map Aerial Photograph

It is a central projection, i.e., perspective

It is an orthogonal projection.

Selected details are shown. A vast number of details are available.

More clarity due to use of legends and Less clarity due to no symbolic

other symbolic representations. representations etc.

Here the scale differs due to variation of

It has a constant scale.

Advantage & Disadvantage of Photogrammetry

Advantage Disadvantage

Complex system, highly trained human

Covers large area
resource needed

Less time consuming/fast Costly at the time of installation/initiation

Cheap/cost effective for large area and in a Heavy and sophisticated equipment’s

long run needed

Lengthy administrative procedure for

Easy to interpret, understand
getting permission to fly

Can ‘reach’ inaccessible and restricted area Weather dependent

Field Application of Photogrammetry:
• Used to conduct topographical survey or engineering surveys.
• Suitable for mountainous and hilly terrain with little vegetation.
• Used for geological mapping which includes identification of land forms, rock type &
rock structures.
• Used for projects demanding higher accuracy, since it provides
• accurate measurements.
• Used in urban and regional planning applications.
• Used mostly in Planning/designing in transport planning, bridge,
• pipeline, hydropower, urban planning, security and strategic
• planning, disaster management, natural resources management, city
• models, conservation of archaeological sites etc.

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