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Good Day everyone. We are the 4th group to present our Field Study 1 Learning
Episodes. I am Phoebe Belardo and for today’s video, I am going to present our
Learning Episode 10 which is entitled the Instructional Cycle.

The school that we are assigned to was in Silay SPED Center, Silay City.

The school’s community is peaceful as well as its neighborhood. There’s a border
between the elementary and the SPEd school but there are some classrooms that are
closer to the other school which can cause noise and distractions to students with
special needs.

As we observed, the school offers a comfortable environment whereas the colors of

the classroom which are mostly color green, were calming to the eyes and carry
positive emotional connotations. The arrangements of every classroom are organized
just like they separated the primary and secondary levels. The covered court was
placed in the center that is fit to be a venue during important events and school

As we roamed around the school campus, there is this 1 board display that caught our
attention. The board display is found at the entrance of the school which is highly
visible and accessible for students, parents and stake holders. The display board are
proportion to the height and size of the wall.The display is all about Health Safety
Protocols. It is a guideline to keep the students, teachers and parent aware to create a
caring environment where they are all doing their part to keep our community healthy.
Also, the borders are visible, the colors of the board are in harmony with the wall and
the prints are friendly to the eyes. The information’s are simple, and understandable
for all the audience.
We can say that the board display is successful to convey its message for everyone,
which is to follow the health safety protocols.

Activity 1: Analyze

School environment, particularly, every classroom should be conducive to learning as

it can impact the learning of the students because this is where they will learn the
various skills deemed necessary and proper for them to achieve success The setting
could help students be focused and comfortable. A positive school culture and
environment encourage students to maximize their full potential, be involved and
have a better teaching-learning experience.

As Future Speducator, we could use this knowledge in the field well. It will guide us
in the process of teaching and accommodating every need of our students. It will also
help us to be effective ad to understand, mold, and nurture the skills and potential of
every student.

Activity 1.2

1. Yes, because most of the board designs are for children's knowledge which
immediately catches their interest. where the displays are based on what a child wants
to be when they grow up, what they should learn in school, how to be a good child
and obedient especially how to be friendly with their fellow children.

2. For us, the board design is effective in children's learning, because they become
more interested in reading and writing, especially because it has different colors that
are captivating to the eye and not boring to look at. Children become more motivated
because they see their names on board designs and games they like.

1. Yes, I would like to teach on the school premises I just observed because the
environment is very comfortable and accessible, and the surrounding area is very
harmonious. The school is well-equipped in terms of materials. Teachers and other
administrators are very accommodating and could boost my interest in teaching.

2. The classroom becomes conducive if the students meet the required knowledge
they need of where the learning takes place. The classroom environment should be
comfortable and attractive. It shall be aligned with what the students need and can be
developed and designed for students learning where various types of work can happen
at once and can promote student involvement.

3. Teachers are not the only person involved in making a classroom conducive to
learning. It requires collaboration with people related to it, like students, educators,
and stakeholders. As a future educator, in creating a classroom conducive to learning
requires planning and effort. The classroom setup, decorations, and others, it is
necessary to consider the differences between all types of learners in creating a
conducive learning classroom.

4. Name atleast 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate why each skill is needed.
The skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays are creativity, visual skills, creative thinking , communication and
organizational skills.
a. Creativity- Lesson content can be boring in class. Therefore, a creative teacher
should have the ability to come up with imaginative and unique ideas to convey the
concepts and ideas of the bulletin board in an engaging and engaging way.
b. Visual Skills- a teacher must be artistic to view the presentation effectively
and then apply the effects they want to create to the display.
c. Critical Thinking- the purpose of a bulletin board is to inform, not just display
information, so it should have context and make sense. A teacher must therefore be
able to analyze, evaluate and reflect on the notion of the information entered.
D. Communication- Teachers should be aware that words and pictures
often communicate more effectively together than separately.
e. Organizational Skills- a reader can be perplexed and lose interest if there is
no clear organizational structure. Therefore, the ability to group, compare and
organize content in a meaningful way is an important skill to possess.

5. In my opinion, we still have to work to develop our organizational skills. To

improve on this, we must first constantly remember to keep a tidy and comfortable
workspace. Second, we need to determine the goals we need to achieve and then
create a task list to achieve them. Finally, we will organize everything according
to the listed tasks. In these specific ways, we were able to build a visually appealing
and meaningful bulletin board.

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