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Track Events

 Track Events is an event in athletics that requires the athlete to run or walk around the

 Running is defined as the swiftest method for humans and other terrestrial animals to
move on foot.

Three types of Sprint

 100 Meters
- is considered as the modern counterpart of the prestigious stadion sprinting race in
ancient Greece, which approximately originated as a 180 meter sprint.
- It is fundamentally an all out sprint starting at the gun and concluding at the finish line.

 200 Meters
- bears some similar to the 100 meter sprint, but thriving in this event entails additional
strength to be able maintain a fast pace over the entire 200 meter distance.

 400 Meters
- is the longest track event still categorized as a sprint.

Proper Running Technique and Breathing

 To help save your energy, proper running technique and body posture must be observed
when running.
 To observed correct body posture while running, hold your head and torso straight, and
keep your shoulders loose to let the arms move freely.
 To run faster, practice proper breathing pattern, Inhale through your nose, then exhale
through your mouth.

Sprinting Safety Guidelines

1. Wear a quality pair of rubber or running shoes.

2. Perform warm up exercises for 5-15 minutes by jogging around the oval, then stretching
for about 10-15 minutes.
3. Keep your hands parallel to the starting line. Remain in places from the command set
(on your mark) until the starter fires the gun.
4. On the “finish” phase, run until your head, neck, arms, kegs, hands, and feet.

Basic Sprinting Exercise

 Hill Sprint
- is an excellent way to develop your resistance and strengthen your legs. This will also
improve your speed on flat surfaces, thus equipping you to become a competent

 Push Up Sprint
- as the name implies, requires a starting stance that resembles the push up position.
Assume a push up position, with hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your
chest, hips, and legs touching the ground .

 Pyramid Sprint
- for distances that increase then decrease, can build conditioning, explosiveness, and
speed. Usually reserved for body weight exercises or weight training, pyramids can
easily be integrated into your sprint workouts.

 Wind Sprint
- is a form of exercise consisting of repeated alternation between a walk or slow run and
a faster run.
 Hurdling
- is where the runners have to complete a run around a track while facing obstacles
which they must jump over.

Basic Hurdling Exercises without using Hurdles

 Stair Climb
- is ideal for improving endurance and flexibility.

 Box Jump
- helps to quickly develop athleticism and explosive power.

 Jumping
- is the method of propelling oneself off a surface upward or over a distance in a single
instantaneous motion by using the muscles in the legs and feet.

Four types of Jumping

 Long Jump
- Long jump is a track and field event wherein competitors start off by sprinting along the
runway before jumping from a wooden takeoff board and into a sandpit as far as

 Triple Jump
- Triple jump is a jump for distance that combines a hop, a stride, and a jump in

 High Jump
- a field event in which athletes, using a running start, compete in jumping for height over
a crossbar supported by two upright poles.

 Pole Vault
- also known as pole jumping, is a track and field event in which an athlete uses a long
and flexible pole, usually made from fiberglass or carbon fiber, as an aid to jump over a

Basic Jumping Exercises

 Back flip
- is an action wherein you flip backwards from a standing position into a standing

 Bunny Jump
- focuses on achieving great height and distance records at the same time.

 Scissors kick
- helps strengthen knee drive when performing jumps.

 High Knee
- is to maintain an upright body position while bringing the knee level with the hip, and
pulling the toe up toward the shin.

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