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utilisation. Hence, memory management concerns with management of main memory so that maximum memory is occupied or utilised by large number of processes while keeping track of each and every location within the memory as free or occupied. (C) File Management Data and programs are stored as files in the secondary storage of acomputer system. File management involves the creation, updation, deletion and protection of these files in the secondary memory. Frotection is a crucial function of an operating system, as multiple users can aecess and use a computer system, There must be a mechanism in place that will stop users from accessing files that belong to some other user and have not been shared with them. File managernent system manages secondary memory, while memory management system handles the main memory of a computer system. @) Device Management Acornputer systern has many I/O devices and hardware connected to it. Operating system manages these heterogeneous devices that are interdependent. The operating systern interacts with the device driver and the related software for a particular device. The operating system must also provide the options for configuring a particular device, so that it may be used by an end user or some other device. Just like files, devices also need security measures and their access to different devices must be restricted by the operating system to the authorised users, software and other hardware only, SumMaRY « A computing device, also referred as computer, processes the input data as per given instructions to generate desired output. * Computer system has four physical components wiz. (i] CPU, (ii) Primary Memory, (iti) Input Device and (iv) Output Devices. They are referred to as hardware of computer. * Computer system has two types of primary memories viz. (i] RAM, the volatile memory and (ii) ROM, the non-volatile memory.

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