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Australian Professional Skills Institute

CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

ASSESSMENT TOOL (Version 1.5 Oct 2018)

CHC33015 Community Services Training Package Release 4.0
Support relationships with carers and
NAME OF Chhimi wangmo NAME OF TRAINER/      
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work positively with the carers and
DESCRIPTION families of people using the service based on an understanding of their support needs.
APPLICATION This unit applies to workers across a range of community services contexts.
OF THIS UNIT A copy of unit details, assessment plan and requirements and mapping document that outlines this
unit of competency and performance criteria are available on your e-learning portal (Moodle).
AQF LEVEL 3 Graduates at this level will have theoretical and practical knowledge and
SUMMARY skills for work and/or further learning (refer to AQF application of skills and knowledge)
Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace
conditions. The following conditions must have been met for this unit:
ASSESSMENT  use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including organisation policy, protocols and
CONDITIONS procedures relevant to carers and families
 modelling of industry operating conditions and contingencies, including people, carers or family
members with whom the candidate can interact
LOCATION: ☐ Training kitchen DATE: (Refer to your timetable):
☒ Workplace 13/04/22 26/04/2022
☐ Offsite/E-learning
☐ Other
SUBMISSION ☐ 1st submission ☐ 2nd submission ☐ Final Submission
ASSESSMENT ☐ AT1: Knowledge Questions 1-24
TOOLS ☐ AT2: Case Study 1-9
Verbal questions may be asked throughout the assessment to ensure your work is your own and
represents your knowledge. If there is a concern regarding your knowledge you may be asked to
be re-assess by written questions under test conditions. All assessments are to be submitted by the
above due date and satisfactorily completed in order for competency in this unit to be
HOW TO All completed assessments must be submitted in WORD .doc or .docx ONLY and rename the file
SUBMIT with unit code and your full name.
ASSESSMENT You have to send to [email protected] and put the unit code as subject OR via MOODLE
Please retain the reply email as proof of submission
RESULTS AND Please allow at least 2 weeks for assessments to be marked by the Trainer/Assessor after
MARKING submission. Results and feedback on unsatisfactory assessments will be emailed to your registered
TIME email account within 3 weeks of the completion of the unit.
It is your responsibility to check your results on a regular basis to check your unit result.
ASSESSMENT APSI does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen assessments. APSI reserves the right to
RETENTION request a copy of your original assessment at any time after you have submitted your assessment.
Students MUST keep a copy of their submitted assessment or the confirmation email as a proof of
UNIT RE- If your first submission was marked Not Yet Satisfactory, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit your
ASSESSMENT assessment without any fees. If after two re-submissions you are still deemed not yet satisfactory, you are
required to be either re-assessed or re-enrol in this unit. Those students whose participation in class is 80%
or higher, and where students have shown a genuine effort to perform satisfactorily, will not be required to
pay a re-assessment fee. If you are absent on the date of assessment, you are required to pay the unit re-
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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

assessment fee unless you present an approved absence for the day of the assessment. Fees are payable at
Student Services (except government funded students) and you are required to produce an official receipt
before your trainer will conduct the re-assessment. Please note unit re-assessment fee varies depending on
the nature of the assessment. Please refer to miscellaneous fee schedule
UNIT RE- In order to deem as competent in this unit, you are required to demonstrate current performance; therefore
ENROLMENT assessments MUST be submitted within five (5) weeks of the Unit being completed. If you have not
submitted your assessment or re-assessment or absent for more than 50% on the delivery dates, you will be
deemed Not Yet Satisfactory in this unit and will be required to re-enrol. A separate timetable will be given
to you upon payment of the required fees at Student Services. Please note unit re-enrolment fee varies
depending on the nature and schedule delivery of the unit. Please refer to miscellaneous fee schedule. For
government funded students, you are required to re-enrol in this unit as fee for service student. Refer to
terms and conditions of enrolment.
ASSESSMENT Please use the Assessment Appeal Form if you are not satisfied with the assessment outcome.
APPEAL Refer to the Complaints and Appeals process in your student handbook.
ACADEMIC You must ensure that the evidence you submit for this assessment is your own work, and/or that
DISHONESTY / you acknowledge the work of others appropriately (see referencing guide). In an educational
COLLUSION / environment, cheating means to act dishonestly in an attempt to mislead the Trainer/Assessor to
PLAGIARISM accept the work of others as your own work. You are not allowed to upload this assessment tool
and any supporting materials onto any public website or you will be deemed NYC in this
REFERENCING You are required to provide the source of information or references using APA style for the answers/
GUIDE research//projects . A guide for APA referencing is available in the link below.
READY FOR ☐ I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment have been clearly explained to me and I am
ASSESSMENT ready for assessment.
DECLARATION ☐ I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process. The
BY THE criteria to be used for this assessment have been discussed with me and the consequences and possible
outcomes of the assessment.
☐ I have accessed and understood the general assessment information provided. I have been given fair
notice of the date, time, venue and other arrangements for this assessment.
☐ I confirm that my trainer has provided information regarding time lines for assessment include workplace
training, additional fees on unit re-assessment and unit re-enrolment.
☐ I declare that the following work is my own and that no part has been copied from another person or
written for me, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.
☐ I am aware that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action by APSI.
☐ I am aware that APSI keeps all assessments once they are submitted and I must keep a copy prior to
SIGNATURE OF ☒ By ticking this box, I agree that I submit this assessment electronically with my digital signature
Signature (digital): chhimi wangmo Date of submission:      

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Australian Professional Skills Institute
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Assessment Tool 1: Knowledge Questions 1-24

You are required to answer the questions outlined below. All questions must be
Assessment Instructions:
answered satisfactorily, as partial responses will be deemed unsatisfactory. The
answers will be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in the final
assessment decision. If you do not wish to answer the questions in written
format, an interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with
your Trainer Assessor.
To complete this assessment task you will require:
Assessment Requirements:
 The questions response section
 Learner Guide
Q:1 Context of caring means that caring:

A: Select one answer:

a) ☐ Happens in many different ways
b) ☐ Can be done in many different places
c) ☐ Can be carried out by different people in a voluntary capacity
d) ☒ All of the above

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:2 A carer may be:
Select one answer:
a) ☐ A child
b) ☐ A sibling
c) ☐ A parent
d) ☐ Other family member
e) ☐ A neighbor or friend
f) ☐ A partner
g) ☒ All of the above


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:3 Give two examples of attitudes and stereotypes associated with caring:

A: 1. the person has to be an adult.

2. that the family carer will always be a female, usually a daughter.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:4 Give two examples of how being a carer for someone in your family (or life) can be of benefit to
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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

A: 1. selfsatisfaction

2. strengthens the bond.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:5 Give two examples of different family situations in caring:

A: E.g. A Mum caring for her child with a learning difficulty

1. a husband caring for his wife who has dementia.

2. a sister caring for her twin sister who has autism.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:6 Why is it important to recognise and support the carer’s relationship with their loved one/the
A: We need to remember that the family carer has a primary relationship that is more important.
They are first the wife, husband, son, brother etc..this is the most important relationship.


S ☐ NYS ☐

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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Q:7 Carers have rights. Provide 2 examples.

A: 1. the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

2. the right to share information to be included in the care plan.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:8 Give two examples of policies and/or procedures in relation to carers and families.

A: 1. privacy and confidentiality.

2. manualhandling policy.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:9 Give two examples of possible risk relating to physical harm which could occur to the person
being cared for:
A: 1.physical injury due to physical manual handling. Doing tasks alone where there should be
two carers.

2. skin tear.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:10 Emotional or verbal abuse is an example of potential psychological harm to the person
receiving care.
A: ☒ True
☐ False

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:11 What is the term that best describes the changes and movement in a stage of life? Select one
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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

a) ☐ Retirement
b) ☐ Adolescence
c) ☒ Life cycle transitions
d) ☐ Planning for end of life

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:12 Give two examples of types of life cycle transitions.

A: 1. moving out of home.

2. starting a family.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:13 Give two examples of positive impacts that can result from life cycle transitions.
A: 1. greater autonomy and control.

2. sharing tasks and responsibilities.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:14 Give two examples of negative impacts that can result from life cycle transitions.
A: 1. less time for recreation.

2. cost of activities and items.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:15 In your own words, discuss the purpose of the Carers Recognition Act of 2010:
A: The purpose of the Carers Recognition Act of 2010 is to create awareness of the carers and to
actknowledge their emence contribution for the community.
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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:16 In your own words, explain what person-centred practice means:
A: It is a practice where the person receiving services at the centre is placed prioritised above all
the thinking, planning and design which occurs. It gathers information from the person and
encourages them to be actively involved in the principles and practices of the services they are


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:17 In your own words, explain what strengths based practice means:
A: It is a community service practice which identifies and uses a person’s inherent strengths and
interests to assist with growth and empowerment.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:18 Fill in the missing words:
A: Active support encourages a person to be active in as many activities and tasks within their
life as possible.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:19 What are two communication skills you should use when working with family carers?
A: 1. active listening.

2. always trying to communicate with emphathy.


S ☐ NYS ☐

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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Q:20 When performing personal care tasks, it is important to maintain privacy and confidentiality of
the person receiving care.
A: ☒ True
☐ False

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:21 As a support worker, you need to be careful that the information you share is appropriate and
that you are permitted to share it.
A: ☒ True
☐ False

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:22 What is one ethical consideration when working with families?
A: They have the right to share relevant information and to support safe work practices for staff in
their home.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:23 Provide an example where a carer may be exposed to discrimination. State the situation (in
your own words) and the form of discrimination.
A: There is a possibility of age discrimination of the carer being too young or too old in the home
care facility and an aged care centre.


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Australian Professional Skills Institute
CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:24 Give two examples of how you can learn about the boundaries of your role:
A: 1. by talking to our supervisor to clarify any concernsor questions.

2. reading the workplace policies and procedures.


S ☐ NYS ☐

Trainer/Assessor feedback and recommendations for future training/action in case where the
candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all the assessment criteria:

Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Assessor Signature Date

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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

Assessment Tool 2: Case study 1-9

Assessment You are required to read the scenario outlined below and answer the questions relating to the
Instructions: scenario. There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time restriction in
completing the assessment.
You must answer all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel, but may refer to
reference material as needed. If you do not wish to answer the questions in written format, an
interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with your Trainer Assessor.
The answers will be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in the final assessment
Learner To complete this assessment task you will require:
Resources  The question answer section
Required:  Learner Guide
Case study
John is a young carer and the primary carer for his mother, Elsie, whose condition has begun to deteriorate over the past
few months. One of Elsie’s friends, Jan, also provides assistance by cooking meals and doing some of the housework.
Jan has come to know Elsie’s food preferences well. Elsie and Jan have developed a menu list for each week to ensure
she eats a balanced diet, based around her preferred food. John provides constant supervision and guidance for his
Mum, Elsie, and knows her emotional and physical needs.
John is finding it hard to maintain his social network and keep up with his schoolwork, and is thinking about dropping out
of school completely.
Sally, who is a carer from Southwest Aged Care Services, provides ongoing support to John and his mum, Elsie. Sally
provides care for Elsie, in Elsie’s own home for one hour, three days a week.
Sally and her Manager, Mary, have started to talk to Elsie and John about Elsie moving into the Southwest residential
Aged Care Facility. This is because John is feeling overwhelmed about the responsibilities of caring for his Mother. John
often comments that he feels a bit like someone who has grown up before his time and that many of his friends simply
don’t understand why he can’t come down to the beach with them at a moment’s notice. They simply don’t realise how
demanding care giving is, and why it is important that John spends the bulk of his time at home, in case he is needed.
Lately he has noticed that his friends have simply stopped ringing and/or texting him. John says that one of his friends
has told him it’s just not normal for a young person to be caring for his mother. Sally and Mary listen carefully to John
and then make some comments to check she has understood him correctly. They then begin to talk about what he and
his mother might decide to do in the future.
Mary and Sally show John and Elsie some information, application forms and eligibility criteria guidelines about an out-
of-home residential setting near his home, where his Elsie might be able to move to. They explain that the service has
clear guidelines about eligibility and a strong set of policies and guidelines as well as a code of conduct for workers so
that John would know that Elsie was being cared for. There is an open door policy, which means John could visit any
time, and a strong commitment to encouraging community-based activities to maintain links with friends, family
members and the wider community. John decides to encourage his mother to consider the option of out-of-home
residential care, so a meeting is organized with Mary, Sally, John and Elsie. They begin discussing the options of out of
home care.
Q:1 List two attitudes, stereotypes, false beliefs that people may associate with John in his caring role.
A: 1. the fact that he is a young carer

2. he is a male carer.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:2 What are two physical and two emotional challenges of care that John may experience while Elsie is
still living at home?

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A: Physical Emotional

1. tired of caring 1. upset that he is not spending time in his own social life.

2. possible injury due to improper 2. feeling stressed due to insufficient personal time.
manual handling.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:3 State three emotional challenges that Elsie may face when she moves into fulltime Residential Care:

1. loss of independence

2. depressed and lonely

3. fear of being mistreated.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:4 What knowledge and skills does John have that can complement the role of the staff at the
Residential Aged Care where Elsie will be moving to?
A: John can not only help with the care plan but also in social activities, likes and dislikes of his mother.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:5 Why is it important that the staff identify everyone’s rights and responsibilities during the planning
and transition of Elsie’s move into out-of-home care?

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A: If the staff knows everyone’s rights and responsibilities, they can provide the right care of advocating,
they can also make sure that the transition is smootheir. Roles are being respected and we stick to
legal requirements.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:6 What are Elsie’s rights and responsibilities during the planning and transition of her move into out-of-
home residential care? Provide two examples of each:

A: Rights Responsibilities

1. to have safe and high quality care 1. she has to inform the centre about her medical history
and services. and current conditions.

2. have her cultural, identity abd 2. she will be anxious or annoyed so she has to learn to
diversity valued and supported. respect the staffs.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:7 What are John’s rights and responsibilities during the planning and transition of Elsie’ move into out-
of-home residential care? Provide two examples of each:

A: Rights Responsibilities

1. ask the carer and the manager if 1. what she likes and dislikes, about their culture and if she
they are vaccinated. got any allergies.

2. he has the right to visit his mother. 2. treating the staff with respect.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:8 What are Jan’s rights and responsibilities during the planning and transition of Elsie’s move into out-
of-home residential care? Provide one of each:
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CHCCCS025 Support relationships with carers and families

A: Right: Responsibility:

1. Active and equal participation 1. she can make the careplan since she is aware of Elsie’s
in the making of care plan of likes and dislikes.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:9 What are the staff rights and responsibilities during the planning and transition of Elsie’s move into
out-of-home residential care? Provide three examples of each:

A: Rights Responsibilities

1. right to information. 1. providing all the necessary information about the facility.

2. right to be treated with respect and 2. they can collect and store information.

3. maintaining privacy and confidentaility act.

3. right to work with the protection.

Eg: workplace discrimination.


S ☐ NYS ☐

Trainer/Assessor feedback and recommendations for future training/action in case where the candidate has
not satisfactorily achieved all the assessment criteria:

Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Assessor Signature Date


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Assessment Summary (Evidence Summary Sheet)

Trainer/Assessor Candidate Name
Assessment To be judged as competent participants must have a satisfactory result recorded for each
Judgement and assessment tool listed above. If a result of not yet satisfactory is recorded for any assessment task,
Assessment results the trainer/ assessor will determine whether additional training and/or assessment is required and
resubmission requirements. When the Candidate is reassessed with a ‘Satisfactory result’ for all
assessments then an overall ‘Competent’ result will be given for this unit of competency.
Is reassessment required in this case, please provide details? YES ☐ NO ☐

Flexibility in assessment processes requested details: YES ☐ NO ☐

With flexibility, assessment still meets requirements of UOC. If not, provide details here YES ☐ NO ☐

1st attempt 2nd attempt Final

Assessment Tool Result
Date S/NYS Assessor Date S/NYS Assessor
AT1 – Knowledge questions
AT2 – Case Study
☐ In completing this assessment, I confirm that the student has demonstrated meeting all performance criteria of
unit outcomes through consistent and repeated application of essential skills and knowledge with competent
performance evidence demonstrated in multiple instances over a period of time.
☐ Competent ☐ Not yet Competent ☐ Appeal lodged Date:

☐ Final Competent after appeal ☐ Final Not yet Competent after appeal Date:
Overall Assessor Feedback:

☐ I declare that this assessment has been conducted as per APSI assessment procedures and the instructions provided for
this assessment task and that I have provided feedback to the Learner in a constructive manner .

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Feedback:

☐ I have read and agree with the above feedback and agree with the final outcome of this unit
☐ By ticking this box, I agree with the feedback provided by the assessor and final outcome of this unit by
inserting my digital signature

Candidate Signature:       Date:      

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