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Australian Professional Skills Institute

CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

ASSESSMENT TOOL (Version 1.4 Oct 2018)
CHC Community Services Training Package Release 4.0
Support independence and
NAME OF Chhimi wangmo NAME OF TRAINER/ Jacky
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide individualised services in ways that
DESCRIPTION support independence, as well as, physical and emotional wellbeing.
AND This unit applies to workers in a range of community services contexts who provide frontline
APPLICATION support services within the context of an established individualised plan.
A copy of unit details, assessment plan and requirements and mapping document that outlines this
unit of competency and performance criteria are available on your e-learning portal (Moodle).
AQF LEVEL 3 Graduates at this level will have theoretical and practical knowledge and
SUMMARY skills for work and/or further learning (refer to AQF application of skills and knowledge).
Skills must have been demonstrated in a relevant workplace with the addition of simulations and scenarios
where the full range of contexts and situations have not been provided in the workplace. Where simulation
is used it must reflect real working conditions and contingencies by modeling industry operating conditions
ASSESSMENT and contingencies, as well as using suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
CONDITIONS  individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plan
 modelling of industry operating conditions including real interactions with the person and
their carers
Overall, assessment must involve some real interactions with the person and their families/carers.
LOCATION: ☐ Training kitchen COMMENCEMENT (Refer to your timetable):
☒ Workplace DATE: 8/04/22
☐ Offsite/E-learning
☐ Other
SUBMISSION ☐ 1st submission ☒ 2nd submission ☐ Final Submission
ASSESSMENT ☐ AT1: Knowledge Questions 1-44
TOOLS ☐ AT2: Case Study 1-8
☐ AT3: Workplace Observation
Verbal questions may be asked throughout the assessment to ensure your work is your own and
represents your knowledge. If there is a concern regarding your knowledge you may be asked to
be re-assess by written questions under test conditions. All assessments are to be submitted by the
above due date and satisfactorily completed in order for competency in this unit to be
HOW TO All completed assessments must be submitted in WORD .doc or .docx ONLY and rename the file
SUBMIT with unit code and your full name.
ASSESSMENT You have to send to [email protected] and put the unit code as subject OR via MOODLE
Please retain the reply email as proof of submission
RESULTS AND Please allow at least 2 weeks for assessments to be marked by the Trainer/Assessor after
MARKING submission. Results and feedback on unsatisfactory assessments will be emailed to your registered
TIME email account within 3 weeks of the completion of the unit.
It is your responsibility to check your results on a regular basis to check your unit result.
ASSESSMENT APSI does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen assessments. APSI reserves the right to
RETENTION request a copy of your original assessment at any time after you have submitted your assessment.
Students MUST keep a copy of their submitted assessment or the confirmation email as a proof of
UNIT RE- If your first submission was marked Not Yet Satisfactory, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit your
ASSESSMENT assessment without any fees. If after two re-submissions you are still deemed not yet satisfactory, you are

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
required to be either re-assessed or re-enrol in this unit. Those students whose participation in class is 80%
or higher, and where students have shown a genuine effort to perform satisfactorily, will not be required to
pay a re-assessment fee. If you are absent on the date of assessment, you are required to pay the unit re-
assessment fee unless you present an approved absence for the day of the assessment. Fees are payable at
Student Services (except government funded students) and you are required to produce an official receipt
before your trainer will conduct the re-assessment. Please note unit re-assessment fee varies depending on
the nature of the assessment. Please refer to miscellaneous fee schedule
UNIT RE- In order to deem as competent in this unit, you are required to demonstrate current performance; therefore
ENROLMENT assessments MUST be submitted within five (5) weeks of the Unit being completed. If you have not
submitted your assessment or re-assessment or absent for more than 50% on the delivery dates, you will be
deemed Not Yet Satisfactory in this unit and will be required to re-enrol. A separate timetable will be given
to you upon payment of the required fees at Student Services. Please note unit re-enrolment fee varies
depending on the nature and schedule delivery of the unit. Please refer to miscellaneous fee schedule. For
government funded students, you are required to re-enrol in this unit as fee for service student. Refer to
terms and conditions of enrolment.
ASSESSMENT Please use the Assessment Appeal Form if you are not satisfied with the assessment outcome.
APPEAL Refer to the Complaints and Appeals process in your student handbook.
ACADEMIC You must ensure that the evidence you submit for this assessment is your own work, and/or that
DISHONESTY / you acknowledge the work of others appropriately (see referencing guide). In an educational
COLLUSION / environment, cheating means to act dishonestly in an attempt to mislead the Trainer/Assessor to
PLAGIARISM accept the work of others as your own work. You are not allowed to upload this assessment tool
and any supporting materials onto any public website or you will be deemed NYC in this
REFERENCING You are required to provide the source of information or references using APA style for the answers/
GUIDE research//projects . A guide for APA referencing is available in the link below.
READY FOR ☐ I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment have been clearly explained to me and I am
ASSESSMENT ready for assessment.
DECLARATION ☐ I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process. The
BY THE criteria to be used for this assessment have been discussed with me and the consequences and possible
outcomes of the assessment.
☐ I have accessed and understood the general assessment information provided. I have been given fair
notice of the date, time, venue and other arrangements for this assessment.
☐ I confirm that my trainer has provided information regarding time lines for assessment include workplace
training, additional fees on unit re-assessment and unit re-enrolment.
☐ I declare that the following work is my own and that no part has been copied from another person or
written for me, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.
☐ I am aware that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action by APSI.
☐ I am aware that APSI keeps all assessments once they are submitted and I must keep a copy prior to
SIGNATURE OF ☒ By ticking this box, I agree that I submit this assessment electronically with my digital signature
Signature (digita): chhimi wangmo Date of submission: 13/04.22

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Australian Professional Skills Institute
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
Assessment Tool 1: Knowledge Questions 1-23

Assessment Instructions: You are required to answer the questions outlined below. All questions must be
answered satisfactorily, as partial responses will be deemed unsatisfactory. The
answers will be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in the final
assessment decision. If you do not wish to answer the questions in written
format, an interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with
your Trainer Assessor.
Assessment Requirements: To complete this assessment task you will require:
 The questions response section
 Learner Guide
Q:1 What is one example of a service delivery model?
A: Person Centered Care


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:2 Give two examples of service standards used in the community services sector:

1. National standards for disability services.

2. National standards for mental health services.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:3 In your own words, describe what consumer directed care is:

A: Consumer directed care refers to the system where the consumer can make a choice or a
decision with regard to the assistance as per their needs. The consumers can obtain the
services when and where they need it.


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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
S ☐ NYS ☐
a. Explain what myths and stereotypes are:
b. How do myths and stereotypes impact on providing care for elderly people?
a. Myths and streotypes are those stories that may or may not be true about a certain
group of people.

b. Myths and streotypes stops an individual from seeing each person as an individua. We
might not be able provide a service because some of us tend to believe something
about them which is untrue. Thus, it impacts on providing a good care for an elderly
person .


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:5 Why is it important to understand life stages relevant to the person with care needs?

A: It is important to understand life stages relevant to the person with care need, as it helps the
carer to plan ahead, meaning we can offer appropriate support and guidance as required.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:6 Why is it important to meet a person’s physical needs:

A: It is important to meet a person’s physical needs because it helps to meet a patients daily
activities and maintains independence and flexibility.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:7 Why is it important meet a person’s psychological needs:

A: It is important to meet a person’s psychological needs because it helps a the person to live
happy life, figth depression, help with motivation and also it is most likely to feel them
empowered and meet their goals.

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:8 Why is it important to meet a person’s spiritual needs:

A: It is important to meet a person’s spiritual needs to have inner peace, to make them feel
connected to their own religion and emotionally satisfied.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:9 Why is it important to meet a person’s cultural needs:

A: It is important to meet a person’s culture needs to make them feel connected to their heritage,
and to give the person a sense of belongness in the community.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:10 Why is it important to understand how your own values and attitudes impact on others?

A: To form an open and strong relationships and also to make sure that the residents are
comfortable to share any information without getting the fear of being judged, it is important
to understand how our own values and attitudes impact on others.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:11 What is meant by self-actualisation?

A: Self-actualisation means realising one’s potential and abilities or anything related to one’s
psychological development.

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:12 Older people may face some barriers in regard to expressing their sexuality. Provide two
examples of these barriers:
1. They might have lost their partner.

2. Fear of being judged.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:13 The activities you offer a person should reflect the needs that have been identified as part of
developing their individualised plan. These needs may be physical, psychological, social,
cultural or spiritual.
This is part of providing which model of care:
(Tick the correct answer)
A: ☐ Medical model
☒ Holistic model

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:14 Give two examples of when you should report changes in person’s physical condition:
1. When the person is facing difficulties in walking

2. And loss of appetite.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:15 Give two examples of how can you support a person’s physical wellbeing.
1. By feeding the person with nutritious meals on time.

2. By helping the person with daily living activities like taking shower/ exercise.

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:16 Give two examples of how you can support a person’s psychological wellbeing.
1. By encouraging the person into meaningful activities.

2. Through communication- making time to talk and listen to the person.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:17 Give two examples of how you can support a person’s social wellbeing.
1. By facilitating family meetings/ phone calls.

2. By listening to their stories.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:18 Give two examples of how you can support a person’s spiritual wellbeing.
1. by respecting a persons identity,culture and diversity.

2. By giving them the freedom to express themselves and their beliefs.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:19 Give two examples of how you can support a person’s cultural wellbeing.
1. By providing culturally appropriate foods.

2. Celebrating cultural occasions together.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:20 Give two examples on how you can support a person’s financial wellbeing.

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1. By providing receipts for all the expenses.

2. By helping them with financial management.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:21 How is a person’s wellbeing enhanced through involvement in activities?
A: Having a daily routine is essential and activities enhances psychological, physical and social well
being of a person.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:22 Give two examples of basic requirements that enhance a person’s mental health.
A: 1. promoting opportunities to a person to engage with the community.

2. engaging them into activities that can help in improving their wellbeing.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:23 Give two examples of basic nutrition and hydration requirements that enhance a person’s
A: 1. water and juice

2. fruits and vegetables.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:24 Give two examples of exercise requirements that enhance a person’s health.
A: 1. walking

2. resistance training

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:25 What are two hygiene issues that can affect a person’s health and wellbeing?
A: 1. poor hygiene often leads to psychological and emotional disorders.

2. It can also effect a person’s health. For eg; not brusing our teeth can lead to teeth issues and
plaque buildup.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:26 Give two examples of how a person’s lifestyle can improve their wellbeing.
1. getting enough sleep and eating healthily can improve a person’s overall wellbeing.

2. Minimizing the usage of electronic devices and untilizing the time to talk with a friend
or family will help in keeping our mind calm and relaxed.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:27 How can a person’s oral health impact on their overall wellbeing?
A: A poor oral health can lower the body’s resistance to infection and can cause certain diseases,
such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes. Thus, a person with these kind of diseases are often
discriminated by the society and as a result it impacts the overall wellbeing of the infected


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:28 Why is it important to focus on the person’s health and wellbeing?
A: a person’s health and wellbeing is fundamental to the overall health of an individual, which
enable them to successfully overmcome their challenges and achieve what they want out of
life. Their Past experiences and attitudes can all impact their emotional and physical wellbeing,
followed by specific incidents.

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:29 What actions should you take when you identify variations to a person’s health and wellbeing?
A: As a carer, it is important to identify changes to a person’s health and wellbeing. to provide an
appropriate support to the person, it is my duty to inform the supervisor immediately if it is
beyond my experience.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:30 Give two examples of indicators of emotional abuse:
How can emotional abuse impact on a person’s well being?
1. Sudden chage in their behaviour.

2. Keeping themselves isolated from others.

How can this impact on a person’s wellbeing?

As a result of being emotionally abused, they will not feel empowered, and in some cases the
victim may get depressed and feel worthless.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:31 What is one way that a person’s mental health can impact on a healthy lifestyle?
A: A person’s mental health can impact on a healthy lifestyle. being in a positive mental state can
keep a person healthy and it also helps in preventing serious health condition. For example, the
risks of strokes and heart attack can be reduced by a positive psychological well-being.


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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:32 Give two examples of physical abuse
How they can pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?
1. Unexplained injuries.

2. Bruises on their body.

How these can pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?

The person will be afraid to engage with other people and try to isolate themselves which may
lead to anxiety and depression. These kind of experiences may lasts for the rest of their life and
also increases the risk of death.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:33 Give two examples of sexual abuse
How they can pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?
1. Sexual harassment.

2. Exploitative begaviour by another person.

How these can pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?

After a person experiences sexual abuse they might isolate themselves from the people around
them. And they might not be able to engage with their community members or their families
due to anxienty. Most importantly they get the fear of getting harassed by every single person
around them due to lack of trust.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:34 Give two examples of psychological abuse
How they can pose a risk on a person’s wellbeing?
1. Withdrawal of affection.
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2. Being threatened by someone.

How these can pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?

As a result of being psycholically abused, there will be a serious concequenses to that person’s
health. If the victim is feeling depressed, he/she may lose their appetite or excessively stressed.
Thus, it weakens her immune system and make her vulnerable to illnesses.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:35 Give two examples of financial abuse
How these can pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?
1. Withholding money from the person or not paying accounts or debt.

2. Forcing a person to change their will .

How can these pose a risk to a person’s wellbeing?

Financial abuse may restrict a peson’s access to their own money. It can also include situations
where a person with imapaired cognitive abilities has given consent without truly
understanding what their consent means. This kind of abuse can also impact on a person’s
health and wellbeing, as they may be unable to access health care due to financial barriers.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:36 Explain the process for reporting suspected situations of abuse.
A: There is an ethical and often a legal responsibility to report suspected cases of abuse and
neglect. While mandatory reporting requirements in aged care are uniform throughout
Community services organisations will have procedures for workers to follow in situations
where they find out or suspect that someone is being abused. This may include reporting to a
supervisor, or to the concerned authorities.

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:37 What are two strategies you can use to support the person to identify their own strengths and
self-care capacity?
1. Visual and goal setting
Setting goals with the person that are realistic and achievable and that match their
vision for their lives.

2. Scalling questions.
Asking the person to think from scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is how they felt when
things were at their worst and 10 at the best.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:38 What is meant by duty of care?
A: Duty of care is the obligation a person has to act in a way that would not cause harm. It ensures
the safety and wellbeing of people in receipt of their services.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:39 In your own words, provide a definition for dignity of risk
A: Dignity of risk is the impression that self-determination and the right to take reasonable risks
that are important for dignity and self-esteem of an individual and so, it should not be impeded
by excessively-cautious caregivers, concerned their duty of care.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:40 Give two examples of human rights.
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1. To be treated with dignity and respect.

2. Maintaining privacy and cinfidiantiality.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:41 In your own words, provide a definition of discrimination:
A: Discrimination is the act of differentiating people with regard to their social groups. People
often feel discrimated based on their age, gender, religion, culture, cast, disability etc..

S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:42 What should you do if something is outside your scope of knowledge, skills or work role?
A: I should report any situation that is beyond the scope of my knowledge,skills or work role
according to the organisational procedures. In most organisations this includes reporting to a
supervisor or senior staff member and making a note in the person’s file.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:43 Give one example of when mandatory reporting is required.
A: Unexplained injuries (suspect of being abused).


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:44 How does the use of safe and predictable routines contribute to a person’s sense of security?
A: The use of safe and predictable routines provide structure, which in turn provides a feeling of
control over some aspects of life. It also creates stability, which is comforting.


S ☐ NYS ☐

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
Trainer/Assessor feedback and recommendations for future training/action in case where the
candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all the assessment criteria:

Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Assessor Signature Date

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
Assessment Tool 2: Case study 1-8

Assessment You are required to read the scenarios outlined below and answer the questions relating to the
Instructions: scenario. There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time restriction in
completing the assessment.
The student must answer all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel, but may
refer to reference material as needed. If you do not wish to answer the questions in written
format, an interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with your Trainer
The answers will be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in the final assessment
To complete this assessment task you will require:
Learner  The question answer section
 Access to video clips via the QR codes provided in the Learner Guide
 Learner Guide

Case study Please refer

to page 148 of
Peter is 74 and has Parkinson’s disease. He lives in his own home in the community. When the your learner
support worker arrives, she finds that Peter has left all his washing in the basket in the laundry. When resource to
the worker asks Peter why he hasn’t hung out the washing, he tells her that he can’t lift the sheets access video
clip code
and towels onto the clothes line because they are too heavy.

Q:1 List three possible reasons for why Peter is unable to lift the sheets and towels?

A: 1. the sheets were too heavy heavy for him.

2. shaking hands.

3. can’t reach- move arms up over midline.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:2 How could the worker promote and encourage Peter to hang out his washing? Provide two examples:

A: 1. using verbal, physical and modelling prompts etc..

2. assisting him in completing the task.


S ☐ NYS ☐

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CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
Q:3 How would supporting Peter to hang out his washing promote self-esteem and confidence? Provide two

A: 1. feel accomplished from doing some part of the tasks.

2. making him feel included.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:4 List four communication skills should the support worker be using:

A: 1. positive facial expression.

2. speaking clearly.

3. using appropriate body language.

4. use motivating and encouraging words.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:5 What is limiting Peter’s abilities?
Provide three reasons:
A: 1. the disease he is suffering from (Parkinson)

2. he can not lift the sheets since it’s too heavy and there was no one to assist him.

3. the environment might not be suitable for him.


S ☐ NYS ☐

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Q:6 What process would you use to report Peter’s difficulty in hanging out sheets and towels?

A: Document the information in the progress note.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:7 What issues could be impacting on Peter’s health and wellbeing?

Provide three examples:

A: 1. progression of the disease

2. he might be isolated and can no longer drive.

3. he may be suffering from physical pain.


S ☐ NYS ☐
Q:8 What support strategies or resources need to be implemented to ensure Peter can remain living as independently
as possible?

Provide four examples:

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A: 1. home modification

2. regular medical review.

3. having a carer to assist him more often.

4. improved and better care plan.


S ☐ NYS ☐

Trainer/Assessor feedback and recommendations for future training/action in case where the candidate has
not satisfactorily achieved all the assessment criteria:

Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Assessor Signature Date

Assessment Tool 3: Workplace Observation to be Completed Whilst Learner is on Workplace Training


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Assessment Summary (Evidence Summary Sheet)
Trainer/Assessor Jacky Candidate Name Chhimi wangmo
Assessment To be judged as competent participants must have a satisfactory result recorded for each
Judgement and assessment tool listed above. If a result of not yet satisfactory is recorded for any assessment task,
Assessment results the trainer/ assessor will determine whether additional training and/or assessment is required and
resubmission requirements. When the Candidate is reassessed with a ‘Satisfactory result’ for all
assessments then an overall ‘Competent’ result will be given for this unit of competency.
Is reassessment required in this case, please provide details? YES ☐ NO ☐

Flexibility in assessment processes requested details: YES ☐ NO ☐

With flexibility, assessment still meets requirements of UOC. If not, provide details here YES ☐ NO ☐

1st attempt 2nd attempt Final

Assessment Tool Result
Date S/NYS Assessor Date S/NYS Assessor
AT1 – Knowledge questions
AT2 – Case Study
AT3 – Workplace Observation
☐ In completing this assessment, I confirm that the student has demonstrated meeting all performance criteria of
unit outcomes through consistent and repeated application of essential skills and knowledge with competent
performance evidence demonstrated in multiple instances over a period of time.
☐ Competent ☐ Not yet Competent ☐ Appeal lodged Date:

☐ Final Competent after appeal ☐ Final Not yet Competent after appeal Date:
Overall Assessor Feedback:

☐ I declare that this assessment has been conducted as per APSI assessment procedures and the instructions provided for
this assessment task and that I have provided feedback to the Learner in a constructive manner .

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Feedback:

☐ I have read and agree with the above feedback and agree with the final outcome of this unit
☐ By ticking this box, I agree with the feedback provided by the assessor and final outcome of this unit by
inserting my digital signature

Candidate Signature: Date:

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