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Name: Jan Marc A.

Gorero BSN 2B

Subject: Ethics

Part I. Write the correct answer.

1. Establishes standards or norms of conduct. _Normative Ethics__

2. Moral worth of any action by the consequences or outcomes of that action.


3. Greatest good for the greatest number of people. _The Greatest Happiness Principle_

4. Moral agents have to fulfill their moral duties or obligations unmindful of the
consequences. _Deontological Approach to Ethics__

5. Concerned with the nature of ethical judgments and theories. __Meta Ethics__

6. Consists of the application of normative ethical theories to practical moral problem.

__Applied Ethics__

7. Human beings are always and everywhere selfish. __Revolutionary__

8. An authoritative rule book to tell us what rules to follow. __Religious Ethics__

9. Pertains to the standards of right and wrong. __Ethics__

10. Ethical and social standards reflect the cultural context from which they derived. __Cultural
Part II Complete the table:

Stage Age Level What Moral is Developed Characteristics

No difference between doing the

1. Infancy Obedience/Punishment right thing and avoiding

We act base on our own interest

or benefit. A children learn to
2. Toddler Self Interest
behave well since doing so will
result in rewards.

Interpersonal Accord and We act based on what others

3. Preschooler
Conformity would think of us.

We value authority and social

Authority and Maintaining
4. Age 7 to 10 order therefore we act in order
Social Order
to maintain law and order.

Confusion on rules of the society

because we realize that rules
5. Teenager Social Contract
make sense only if they serve
the right purpose.

We learn to understand different

viewpoints and learn that rules
6. Adult Universal Ethical Principles are valid only if they are
grounded in justice and learn to
disobey unjust rules.

Part III. Essay Questions:

1. How does culture shape our moral behavior?

- Since culture is something that is passed down through the generations, it is

something that is taught to us from an early age. As a result, culture shapes us because
that is what we observe as children.
2. Why should culture not to be a determinant of our values?

- People from different cultures and religious backgrounds exist everywhere, and
different civilizations have distinct ideas on what is good and bad. There are cultures that can
negatively impact people's life. This implies that culture shouldn't be the ultimate determinant
of values

3. Explain the elements of moral character.

- Moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, and moral implementation are the
components of moral development. Moral sensitivity is empathy for other people and
understanding of potential consequences of various alternative behaviors. The process of
choosing the most moral course of action is known as moral judgment. Implementation is the
act of carrying out the moral course of action. Moral motivation is the decision to conduct
morally above alternative possibilities.

4. As nurses, you should be a man or woman of values. List 3 important values under each
category that guide your way of life:

A. Spiritual

a.) Develop a close relationship with God.

b.) Offer prayer to a client.

c.) Offer hope to a hopeless client.

B. Relationship

a.) Respect one’s boundaries.

b.) Improved communication to better grasp the client's situation.

c.) Being honest to the client.

C. Work/ Duty

a.) Provide the clients you serve a quality experience.

b.) Strive to act morally even when you believe no one is watching.

c.) Have the desire to always enhance your performance and that of your organization.

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