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As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against

one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the
attack's normal effects, and green fire leaps from the target to a different creature of your choice
that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to your
spellcasting ability modifier. This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels.

At higher level

At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target, and the fire damage to
the second creature increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls
increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
FREQUENCY: Very rare
SIZE: M (6' tall)
MOVE: 120 ft
HIT DICE: 10+10
DAMAGE: By weapon +3
THAC0: 10
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
TREASURE: Personal, purse, one magic weapon; in lair, riches, several magic items
XP: 15,300+14/hp

Sir Fraomar is one of the Twelve Dark Paladins, heavily armored undead warriors, they carry out the will
of their creator, whoever that may be. As no one has seen all twelve together at once. One or two and
rarely three are rumored to have been seen but nothing else.

Sir Fraomar functions as 8th level cleric, and knows 16 spells (four apiece from levels 1 through 4). In
addition, a Sir Fraomar can cause disease three times a week; detect good, 60', at will; lay on hands once
per day, inflicting 48 hit points if successful (though a save against spells will reduce damage to 24 hit
points); and summon a nightmare as a steed once every 10 years.

Once per day, Sir Fraomar can exude despair, which functions as a breath weapon; anyone within a 50'
range must save vs. spells or lose a level. They are impervious to any weapon with less than a +2
enchantment, and they are unaffected by sleep, hold, charm, or cold-based spells, but each instance of
bless will inflict 1-4 points of damage, and holy water will inflict 2-8 points of damage.

Skeletal wardens wield enchanted blades of significant power, true to form Sir Fraomar wields Tak’an
Dahamab. An immense Orcish Greatsword with the image of a great wyrm embedded with rubies on the
crossguard and a blade turned black from the volcanic metal used to forge it. The handle is well worn
and uncomfortably warm to the touch.

Tak’an Dahamab has the following Powers:

It gives you a +3 bonus to Attack and Damage tolls made with this magic weapon.

Blessing of the Dragon King - While wielding this Greatsword. It covers your body in obsidian dragon
scales increasing your AC by 2.
Purging Fire – This sword can wreathe itself in flames dealing an additional 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Radiant
damage increasing to 2d6 Fire, and 2d6 Radiant damage when. attacking fiend or undead. Any Weapon
attacks made by this weapon ignore the resistances of any fiends.

Volcanic Flame - You can tap into the heat you feel radiating from this sword, unleashing pure fiery rage.
Using one charge the wielder may cause a thin sheet of flames to shoot forth from the sword tip. Each
creature in a 15-foot cone must make a saving throw vs. spells A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the
area that aren't being worn or carried. For all 5 charges you can cause a burst of fire that explodes
outward from the word. Each within 30 feet of the wielder must succeed on a saving throw vs. spells or
take 5d6 fire damage and be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half
damage and isn’t knocked prone.

Sir Fraomar’s crest

Romnu, one of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: solitary to small groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 5 (Helm, leather shield, leather harness)
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2
Damage: axe, battle 1d8(1d10/1d8(1d10)
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Medre, one of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: solitary to small groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 5 brigadine armor
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2
Damage: Two-Handed Axe 2d6/2d6
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Imna One of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: Solitary to Small Groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 3 (leather and shield)
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2
Damage: Spear, Large 1d6(1d8)1d8
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Niomded, one of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: Small Groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 3 (Banded Armor)
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2
Damage: Wields 2 Battle Hammers (1d10 each)
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Usur, one of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: Solitary to Small Groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 2 (Ensemble, Milenian and Shield
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2
Damage: Short Sword 1d6/1d8
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Dumnorub, one of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: Solitary to Small Groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 5 (Leather)
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2
Damage: Lotulis (1d6, 1d61d8,1d8) this is a double weapon
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Unimnel, one of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: Small Groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 5
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 2 with scimitar, 1 with dagger
Damage: Scimitar 1d8(1d10)/1d8(1d10), Dagger 1d4/1d3
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Culessor One of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Organization: Small Groups
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Movement: 12
AC: 5 (Leather Harness)
Hit Dice: 4
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 3
Damage: 2 Flails 1d10/2d4, 1d10/2d4
No. Appearing: 1
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defense: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Steady (11)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 270

Skeleton heroes are animated remains of certain able fighters, often created by Hagarant Lords or spell
casting vampires to serve as bodyguards or soldiers. They usually wear their original armor, which may
be chain or platemail, and are always armed with a melee weapon (often two handed) and a missile
weapon (usually a long bow). They are immune to sleep and charm spells and from cold or electrical
damage. Skeleton heroes only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage
from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton heroes can command up to
8 hit dice of skeletons and zombies. They are turned as if they were wraiths
Belmessilm, Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Vicar
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Highly (13-14)
AC: 5 or 3
Hit Dice: 5
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 1
Damage: Staff 1d6/1d6
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Defense: Turning
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Movement: 12
Magic Resistance: 12
No. Appearing: 1
Morale: Steady (12)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 975

Skeleton vicars are similar to skeleton heroes, but instead are animated remains of certain deceased
clerics. The skeleton vicar casts spells a 5th level cleric (regardless of what level the cleric may have
attained in life). They will possess any magical items they had in life. Like skeleton heroes it is speculated
they are created by hagarant lords. They only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but
full damage from blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. Skeleton vicars may
turn good aligned priests, templars and Order of Light paladins as a 5th level cleric. They are turned as

5th level Cleric, Spells

Tazil, Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Warlock
Climate/Terrain: Sir Fraomar’s Castle
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Exceptional (15-16)
AC: 7
Hit Dice: 6
THAC0: 16
# Attacks: 1
Damage: By Weapon
Special Attack: Spells
Special Defense: Nil
No. Appearing:1
Size: M
Movement: 12
Magic Resistance: Nil
Morale: Steady (12)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP Value: 975

Skeleton warlocks are similar to skeleton heroes but are the animated remains of certain deceased black
necromancers. As such they are exceedingly rare. A skeleton warlock cast spells as a 6th level black
necromancer regardless of what level they attained before death. They will possess any magical items
they had in life. They only take one point of damage per hit from edged weapons, but full damage from
blunt weapons. They take 2d8 damage per hit with holy water. They can command up to 12 hit dice of
skeletons and zombies. They are turned as specters.

6th Level Black Necromancer

Spells -
Kayrd, Sir Fraomar’s Black Bones

Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare (Hopefully)
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any, night preferred
Diet: Nil
Intelligence: Average
Treasure: Special
Alignment: Lawful evil
Number 1
Armor Class: 5
Movement: 12”
Hit Dice: 8
THAC0: 13
Number of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 1D4 (Claws) X2 or by weapon X2
Special Attacks: Poison, Darkness, Silence
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Morale: Fanatic
Size: Medium
XP Value: 2,500+10/hit point
Black bones are skeletons covered in a thin layer of black leather. They are often garbed in loose,
black, hooded cloaks. Black bones always carry poisoned daggers. Black bones are the animated
remains of skilled assassins (Level 1-8+7). The black bones are created by only the clerics of
deities of murder and mayhem. They are usually employed as undead assassins, striking fear into
the enemies of the cult.
Black bones generate a permanent field of impenetrable darkness (as the spell deeper darkness)
and silence (per the silence spell) 20 feet in radius. A Black bones can see through its own
darkness, though the darkvision of other creatures cannot pierce it. Black bones are always
armed with poisoned daggers. They can backstab as an assassin of the level they were before:
Level Backstab Multiplier
8 X3
9—12 X4
13-15 X5
As undead Black bones are immune to Paralyzation, Poison, Sleep, Charm, Illusions and all
mind-affecting spells. Black bones take ½ damage from edged (slashing) and piercing attacks.
Silver Golem
Climate/Terrain:Any land
Frequency:Very rare
Activity Cycle:Any
Intelligence:Semi- (2-4)
No. Appearing:1d3
Armor Class:0
Hit Dice:12
No. of Attacks:4
Damage/Attack:1d8 (fist)/1d8 (fist)/1d8 (fist)/1d8 (fist)
Special Attacks:Nil
Special Defenses:See below
Magic Resistance
Size:L (8’ tall)
Morale:Fearless (20)
XP Value:9,000

A silver golem is composed of a silver outer body filled with quicksilver (mercury) to grant the golem its
great speed. The silver skin of these tall and lanky humanoids has such flexibility, it appears almost liquid
in nature. The constructs usually possess quicksilver eyes as their only features.

Combat: A silver golem is the quickest of all known constructs. Its amazing speed enables it to attack
twice with each fist (a total of four attacks) every round. In addition, a silver golem always gains the
initiative (even over a short sword of speed). As with all golems, however, these creatures only follow the
instructions of their creators, attacking when and how they are directed.

These constructs suffer damage only from weapon with a +1 or greater enchantment. Like other golems,
they are immune to poison and to mind-affecting attacks. Magical fire-based attacks cause them to grow 1
Hit Die per level of the spell used against them, and magical cold-based attacks cause them to shrink in a
similar fashion. Silver golems remain otherwise unaffected by spells.

Ecology: The remains of a defeated silver golem have great value. The silver composing the body weighs
100 lbs. and is worth 1,000 gold pieces.

Creatlng such a rare construct requires all the normal conjurings needed to create any golem.
Additionally, the creator must find a sufficient quanhty of quicksilver (50 lbs) to animate the dread
creation. The material cost to construct a silver golem totals 100,000 gold pieces. Only a wizard of at least
14th level can build one of these constructs, in a process that takes six months and requires these
additional spells: limited wish, haste, lightning bolt, domination, and major creation.
Albanon, a Summer Eladrin War Wizard

STRength: 14
DEXterity: 20
CONstitution: 17
INTelligence: 17
WISdom: 13
PERception: 17
CHArisma: 15
COMlieness: 16
LUCK: 14
Armor: AC:


Special: 90% resistance to Sleep and all charm-related spells.

+l to hit with Eladrin swords and bows
can see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions and have 120' infravision.
they reach majority at about 150 years of age. They live until slain or have grown weary of
the world, keeping their youth and vigor most of their lives. When they grow weary of the
world they just fade away.
Detect secret doors when passing within 5 feet: 1 on ld6
Detect secret doors when searching: l or 2 on ld6 Detect concealed doors when searching: 1, 2
or 3 on 1d6
Fury Bond
Since eladrin are more in tune with the world around them, they notice temperature and
weather extremes less than others. They can be comfortable in freezing weather or tropical
weather while wearing the same clothing. In fact, clothing is not always a major concern for
eladrin. Eladrin are equally comfortable in groups in or out of clothing. Clothing is worn for
the sake of utility and propriety, not modesty.

Eladrin in the summer state tend to have bright golden hair and skin, their presence and aura is intimidating and
almost radiates heat. This state is linked to passionate and wrathful emotions, confrontations, and anger. Eladrin in
this state are often enraged, motivated, vindictive, and ready to act against any threat.

Crux, a Sylindy ranger

15, 15, 14, 13, 16, 12, 15, 10
STRength: -2
DEXterity: +4
CONstitution: +2
COMlieness: +3
Armor: AC:


• Low-Light Vision
• 90% resistance to sleep, all charm-related spells and fear spells or effects.
• Free Weapon Proficiency in dagger, kukri, and punching dagger: Sylindy are born dagger fighters, and they
train rigorously with these weapons from birth.
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
• Eladrin Blood: For all effects related to race, a sylindy is considered an Eladrin.
• Hobbit Blood: For all effects related to race, a sylindy is considered a Hobbit.
• may wear items designed for Medium or Small sized humanoids, including armor, but they may not use
handheld items, such as weapons.
• Conceal %
• Move Silently %
• Scale %
• Trap %
• Track %
• Detect Noise %
• Poison %
• Survival ( ) terrain

Cassiopeia a Sylindy cleric/tomb raider

17, 10, 16, 15, 14, 15, 11, 12
STRength: -2
DEXterity: +4
CONstitution: +2
COMlieness: +3
Armor: AC:


-2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +3 Comeliness

• Low-Light Vision
• 90% resistance to sleep, all charm-related spells and fear spells or effects.
• Free Weapon Proficiency in dagger, kukri, and punching dagger: Sylindy are born dagger fighters, and they
train rigorously with these weapons from birth.
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
• Eladrin Blood: For all effects related to race, a sylindy is considered an Eladrin.
• Hobbit Blood: For all effects related to race, a sylindy is considered a Hobbit.
• may wear items designed for Medium or Small sized humanoids, including armor, but they may not use
handheld items, such as weapons.

Aquila a Sylindy undead slayer/rogue

12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 18, 13, 11
STRength: -2
DEXterity: +4
CONstitution: +2
COMlieness: +3
Armor: AC:


-2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +3 Comeliness

• Low-Light Vision
• 90% resistance to sleep, all charm-related spells and fear spells or effects.
• Free Weapon Proficiency in dagger, kukri, and punching dagger: Sylindy are born dagger fighters, and they
train rigorously with these weapons from birth.
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
• Eladrin Blood: For all effects related to race, a sylindy is considered an Eladrin.
• Hobbit Blood: For all effects related to race, a sylindy is considered a Hobbit.
• may wear items designed for Medium or Small sized humanoids, including armor, but they may not use
handheld items, such as weapons.

Tori Lighthorn an Ogre Druid

13, 12, 13, 14, 14, 12, 13

STRength: +2
DEXterity: -1
WISdom: 18
CHArisma: -2
Armor: AC:


 Nature Empathy: An ogre's closeness to nature and growing things allows them a sort of empathic
communication with plants and trees. This ability manifests itself as more of an aptitude to feel the
emotions of the natural world around them than true communication. This ability allows an ogre to
instinctively feel simple emotions such as fear or sadness, or it can exhibit as knowing what a plant requires
such as sunlight or water.
This ability does not allow an ogre to discern more than basic feelings and could not, for example, be used
to determine if a creature had recently passed by or to understand the exact nature of what might be causing
a tree to feel uneasy, only to perceive its feeling of unease.
 Twilight Vision: Ogres can see well in starlight, moonlight , or torchlight , retaining the ability to discern
colour and detail in these conditions up to a half mile but only if they are outdoors.
 Spells: Like all fey ogres possess a few inherent magickal abilities and may use each of the following once
per day as a 1st level caster; Purify Food and Drink, Entangle, and Pass Without Trace. Additionally an
ogre may use Warp Woodonce per tenday as a 2nd level caster.
 Languages: Tylwyth Teg, Old Abber , Nua Abber, Pigeon Chysgoda Balog (the black tongue)
 Size: Large

Here is a sampling of titles found within the Tower of Tomes:

Title Vols. Published Author
A Dove at Dawn 1 1329 Ardreth, High Harp of Berdusk
A Harper’s Guide 1 1264 Alustriel, High Lady of Silverymoon
A Harper’s Song 1 ? Storm Silverhand
A Merchant Master’s Life 1 ? Asargrym of Baldur’s Gate
A Merchant’s Sagacity 1 ? Blackthorn Belgadar
A Merchant’s Tale 1 ? Jarn Tiir of Lantan
A Myth Drannan Amphigory 3 1337 Elminster of Shadowdale
A Ranger’s Road 1 ? Thaulavvan Tridentstar
A Small but Treasonous Chapbook 1 1359 Albaertin of Marsember
A Treatise toward Unity: Comparisons of
the People and Humanity in Art and Life 2 503 Arun Maerdrymm of Myth Drannor
A Warrior’s View 1 ? Galgarr Thormspur, Marshal of Maligh
A Wayfarer’s Belt-Book of Advice 1 ? Rasthiavar of Iriaebor, Sage
An Old Warrior’s Way 1 ? Dathlance of Selgaunt
Ballads and Lore of One Dusty Road 2 1350 Sharanralee
Battered Bones and Scattered Skulls:
The Life of a Dwarven Champion 3 ? Rauthglur Ormyndake
The Book of the Coast 1 ? Mespert of Baldur’s Gate
Dolorous Days in Daerlûn: My Exile from Cormyr 1 ? Jalduth Mimbraer
Falcon Fun 1 1344 Edwin Narlok of Waterdeep
Folk of Renown 3 ? Glasgert Himlothrith, Scribe of Iriaebor
The Golden Age of Goblins 1 1289 Artur Shurtmin, Loremaster of Berdusk
Harping by Moonlight: Approaches to Life 1 ? (c. 1330s) Elminster of Shadowdale
I Am Reminded: Memoirs of a Dragonslayer 2 ? Aernstag Oeblym of Starmantle
I Harp as I See It 1 1365 Abranthar “Twoquills” Foraeren
Just Another Tome Among So Many:
Last Leaves of a Librarian 1 ? Beldrim Bessart of Baldur’s Gate
Lessons to Children 7 ? (c. 1310s) Aglasz Jhavildar, Sage of Teziir
Letters to a Sheltered Son 1 ? Oblut Thoim, Master Merchant of Teziir
Lyres, Harps, and Horns:
Sixty Years at Court in Suzail and Elsewhere 3 ? (c. 1360s) Aglasz Jhavildar, Sage of Suzail
Musings on the Realms 1 ? Oren bel Dannar, Sage of Triel
My Adventures in the Realms 6 ? Dathlyr “The Hammer” Graybold
My Journeys Around the Sea of Fallen Stars 3 1298 Nelve Harssad of Tsurlagol
None but the Undying:
My Days Driving Down Those Who Walk 2 ? Alabaer Dree, Scourge of Undead
Posthumous Musings of a Zhentarim Mageling 1 1350 Destrar Gulhallow
Raging Blades: A Tale of the North 1 ? Halvidon Maeraed, Bard of Elturel
Slumbertime Stories for Sprigs 1 c. 1330s Syluné of Shadowdale
Speeches of a Most Worthy Sage 1 ? Thargrin “Threeboots” Ammatar
The Steel Princess’s Field Guide
to Tactics of the Purple Dragon 1 1364 Her Royal Highness Princess Alusair Nacacia Obarskyr of
The Strings of a Shattered Lyre 1 1342 Tammarast Tengloves, Bard of Elupar
Talk of the Taverns 1 ? Tasagar Winterwind, Scribe to the Guilds of Selgaunt
Tall Tales: A Ranger’s Life 1 ? Amhritar the Tall
Teachings of the Morning’s Glory 4 ? Thorndar Erlin, High Priest of Lathander
Thoughts on a Better Faerûn 1 1340 Albryngundar of the Singing Sword
To Harp and to Help 1 1271 Alustriel, High Lady of Silverymoon
To Rule a Realm, from Turret to Midden 1 1346 Ralderick Hallowshaw, Jester
Treatise on Good Wifery 1 1298 Miriam Buttercake of Ashabenford
Treatise on the Flora of the Barren Wastes 1 1313 Gaspaeril Gofar of Arabel
Unholy Rites of Bhaal 3 c. 200s+ Anonymous clerics of Bhaal
Valorous and Vanquished: The Dead Heroes of Faerûn 1 ? Glimmerdarth Gulprin, “the Gnome Sage”
Dante Black’s Guide to Cormyr 1 1367-1368 Volothamp Geddarm
Dante Black’s Guide to the Dalelands 1 1368-1369 Volothamp Geddarm
Dante Black’s Guide to the Moonsea 1 1357-1358 Volothamp Geddarm; unreleased and suppressed by Zhentil
Dante Black’s Guide to the Vast 1 1358-1360 Volothamp Geddarm; unreleased
Dante Black’s Guide to Westgate and the Dragon Coast 1 1360-1362 Volothamp Geddarm; unreleased
Why I Am a Lighthose Keeper 1 1366 Belbradyn Tralaer
The Words of One Dwarf 1 ? Salhmitarr “Sage” Sorndar
Undead Spell Caster Type Level/Class Servants Items need to break the curse
10th/ Sorcerer of the Black
Kurdazas Wraith Gate spirit hounds (4) glass ball filled with shadows
Tsushi Tennabu Specter Lord 9th/Black Necromancer Has 9 specters Glass ball with gray mist inside
The ball from his body is one
seeming made out of the purest
and darkest color (unmagiced
Dunans Spectral Wizard 11th//Lore Weaver sphere of annihilation, hehehe)
In her head, perfectly formed
and smooth pearl at least the
Vatara Zombie Lich 7th/Lore Weaver 8 zombies size of an apple.
Tree men: 12 perfectly round a smooth
Blackroot Evil Tree men 12th.Dark Druid Undead:6 wooden ball
perfectly round (no edges at
Isatis Rachel Zulec (F) Lich 2oth/ Lore Weaver Has no servants, all) diamond
clear quartz ball with shadows
Salmon Obediah darting around and changing
Sixsmith Shadowmancer 9th/Shadow Mage shadows shape and form as they go.
Wraith, Ringwraith
Frequency: Uncommon
Activity Cycle:
No. Appearing: 2-12(2d6)
Armor Class: -4 to 0
Movement: 32
Hit Dice:
THAC0: 11
No. Attacks:2 claw or 3/2 with weapon
Claws 3d10+1d4+1 life levels/
Damage Attacks: by weapon
Fear, Darkness, Phantom Blade,
Special Attacks: Drain Warmth, Shadow Walking
Special Defenses: See Below
Resistances: See Below
Intelligence:Super Genius (22)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Treasure Type: VII
Treasure Value: 1d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure: 1d4 items (25%)
Morale: +6
22,600/+35 per hp to
XP Value: 28,600+90 per h.p.

Ringwraiths are a powerful form of the undead spirit of a powerful evil being which exist simultaneously
in the Material Realm and Realm of Shadows that seeks to absorb human life energy. They appear as
robed specters with blazing eyes. They can see in total darkness as if it were noon. In addition to their
other supernatural abilities, Ringwraiths possess the power to transport people into the 21 Hells by
enfolding them within their black robes.

Ringwraiths may be encountered literally anywhere -dark city streets. lonely country roads, subterranean
tunnels, or desolate wastelands. Ringwraiths fear sunlight, silver and Good clerics. as well as the
talismans they bear.

Combat: Ringwraith are terrifying in combat. They may wield weapons and items (such as wands and
staves, even rings. These weapons appear as black weapons with swirling black and purple smoke roils
around. The weapon will cause the same damage as whatever weapon it is a shadow of. The weapons
Ringwraiths carry are usually a sword, but there is no restriction from them using other weapons. They
can carry whatever MELEE weapon you want (You’ll understand the MELEE thing coming up next.)
Any weapon they carry has the ability to drain life levels, draining 1d4 levels per hit. When the
Ringwraith is reduced to zero h.p. its weapon will transfer one life energy to Ringwraith and restore all of
its hit points. So, there you see the problem an arrow could drain the life levels but the arrow would need
to recovered if it even can be, or hasn’t broken. A spear could be used the owner does need to go it back,
buts that’s about it on that. DM has final say.

If the Ringwraith is defeated these weapons clattered to the ground as normal, but antique, weapons.
These will typically not be magical. There is a 05% chance the weapon will be magical and a 10% chance
the weapon is made of some exotic metal. If it is magical than follow magic weapons under Magic Items.
The weapon has two other properties that might appeal to an adventurer. However, it will no longer have
the life level draining ability, that power came from the Ringwraith through the weapon.

These weapons can be enchanted with shadow magics extremely easy. This translates to +1/10% bonus to
enchant. If kept and used as the new owner’s primary weapon this sword will become an heirloom
weapon and have the property of Shadow Bane that will increase in power. At fifth level the weapon is a
Lesser Bane weapon. Then at eight level it becomes a Bane Weapon, then, at twelfth level it becomes a
Greater Bane weapon. Finally, at fifteenth level the weapon completes it changes and becomes an Epic
Bane weapon. It would need a VERY good success on an ability roll for the PCs to know this, make’em
work for it.

If it is an item, say a wand of fire spell, it will look like a black wand with swirling black and purple
smoke roils around. If defeated there is a 05% chance the item will retain whatever item it was a shadow
of. However, all powers of the item will weave the black and purple smoke into the spell. Thus, our wand
of fire spell from above would look like a normal wand but when used the wand will send forth black and
purple flames, giving off black and purple smoke.

Ringwraiths can control wraiths, they are able to control 1 wraith for each HD of the ringwraith and
double that in skeletons, zombies and ghouls. Thus, a ringwraith could have 9 specters, 6 skeletons, 6
zombies and 6 ghouls or 9 specters, 12 ghouls and 6 zombies.

Ringwraiths are intelligent, not fanatical, if they see the battle is going against them, they will retreat.
They do not stand there mindlessly and let adventures beat on them.

Ringwraiths have several spell-like abilities, these may be used 3 times a day each. The abilities mimic
spells from the Shadow Mage spell list Fear, Darkness, Black Ribbons, Drain Warmth, Shadow Walking.

Ringwraith will have the abilities of the class they were when they were still human. To determine what
class, roll on table 1. The Ringwraiths hit die equal the level they are in the rolled class. And yes, that
means a 30th level Ringwraith Pohjolan Sorcerer, Death Master (now that is fizzle sticking scary) or
Knight or Fighter is out there. Keep this mind when looking for HD the level of the party in the
adventure. DM, you can always just pick of this table.

Table 1 Ringwraith Classes

Roll d24 Result 8 Fighter
1 Arcane Knight, Order of 9 Knight
Necromancy 10 Navigator
2 Black Necromancer 11 Psionicist
3 Centurion 12 Psionicist, Telepath
4 Cleric 13 Psionicist, Telekincticist
5 Dark Druid 14 Psionicist, Pyromancer
6 Death Master Roll d24 Result
Roll d24 Result 15 Pohjolan Darklord
16 Pohjolan Ruinguard 20 Slaver
17 Pohjolan Sorcerer 21 Sorcerer of the Black Gate
18 Pohjolan Sin-Eater 22 Thug
19 Shadow Mage 23 Vivimancer
Roll d24 Result 24 Witch (Maleficia)

The touch of a Ringwraith is feared attack that does damage in four ways.
 First, the chilling effect of the touch inflicts 1-6 points of damage, even to creatures
immune to cold.
 Second, their touch causes humans (including dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, and halflings,
but excluding elves) to become rigid unless a saving throw versus paralyzation is
successful. This paralysis lasts for 3-8 (2+1d6) rounds or until negated by a priest.
 Third, such a hit drains 1d4+1 levels of experience from its victim. This includes hit
points and all abilities associated with that level, such as spell casting or combat ability.
The damage from the chill can be healed normally, but the experience points are gone
forever and must be earned again or magically restored.
 Fourth and finally, the damage caused by the RingRingwraiths’ claws, claws that do 3d10
 So the final tally would look like this 1d6 cold damage + 3d10 +1d4+1 levels drained and
the target could be paralyzed.

Further a Ringwraith has the ability to use three different breath weapon attacks.

The first is a horrific scream that instills fear in all those that hear it. All within hearing must roll their
Wisdom x5 on D100 or become paralyzed with fear. Next, they have an inky black cloud that causes the
victim to cease all actions due to uncontrollable shaking and bone chilling fear. Save vs. Paralyzation to
avoid the effects. Finally, a cloud of blackness that is 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 20 feet high.
Creatures caught in the cloud are blinded for one melee round and lose ¾ (round up) of their life energy
(levels or Hit Dice); a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces the loss to ½ (round up). The
life energy loss persists for 6d4 rounds. Negative plane protection spells prevent this life energy loss. A
character who is reduced to 0 or fewer levels lapses into a coma for the duration of the cloud's effect.

The DM should decide whether or not the PCs would get a save against these dark clouds because it
would be done without notice. So, in shadowy dungeons the PCs might perceive it as a cool mist, until
they start losing energy levels to the Ringwraith, the Ringwraith is immune to all spells below 5th level.

Ringwraiths possess the power to transport people into the 21 Hells by enfolding them within their black
robes. An attack roll that exceeds the required score to hit by 4 or more indicates the victim has been
enfolded in the Ringwraith’s robe. They must save vs. Spells at -2 or they will be transported to the 21
Hells, facing Cimmeries, Lord of the Undead, himself.

Special Defense/Vulnerability: Ringwraith’s are immune to all normal weapon end cold-based attacks
because of their ethereal substance. All ringRingwraiths are immune to spells of 5 th level and lower. Any
Ringwraith which is exposed to direct sunlight is rendered powerless after one round and after 5 rounds,
utterly annihilated. If a Ringwraith wraps themselves completely in thick voluminous robes they can
move about in sunlight. When a Ringwraith's hit points reach zero and his weapon cannot save him, the
creature fades into the Realm of Shadow.

Weapons forged of special metals as well as enchanted weapons of +2 or better do full damage. Using an
enchanted weapon against a Ringwraith is dangerous, however. Every time a Ringwraith comes in contact
with a magical weapon, there is a chance that the weapon will be tainted. The chance that an enchanted
weapon will be tainted depends on what it is made out of: metal 75%, rock 50%, bone or wood 25%.
Every time a weapon is tainted, it loses one of its magical bonuses. Thus, a long sword +2 that is tainted
becomes a +1. If it is tainted again, it loses all magical properties. As long as some enchantment remains,
the weapon can be restored to its original form through the use of a remove curse spell. Weapons that
have lost all magical bonuses cannot be restored.

Ringwraiths are extremely intelligent and is naturally telepathic per the Psioncist class). They do seem to
communicate with each other, but no one is exactly sure how. It shows when they use Ringwraith with a
combine combat strategy. And the way they seem to listen prisoners and have soppedatepted actions as if
prepared without seeming to know about the attack. Any attempt to speak to a Ringwraith is met with
scorn, unless by a very powerful party. In that case, the Ringwraith may speak to who he thinks is the
most powerful and ask their intent telepathically. Depending on the answer the Ringwraith may agree to
negotiate or make a deal to leave whoever sent the party alone, but only that family and its decedents.

Ecology: The Ringwraith has no proper niche, serving no useful purpose in nature and providing no
byproducts that others can use. It requires no nourishment, killing only for the sheer hatred of life. All
creatures close to nature will shun the presence of a Ringwraith. It exists more in the Negative Material
Plane than in the Prime Material Plane, and thus is not a natural part of this world.

Kurdaza is now a Sorcerer of the Black Gate. So along with all the powers he has as a wraith he also has
the following:

Magic Sense: With one minute of uninterrupted concentration, a Sorcerer can determine whether an item,
location, or creature has been sorcerously enchanted. While this sense will give a vague impression of the
nature of the enchantment, specificity requires more intense and lengthy research.

Esoteric Knowledge 94%: This percentile chance represents a Sorcerer’s ability to decipher ancient
languages or magical script, to research lost lore, and to learn new spells. Sorcerers with high Intelligence
(13+) may add +5% to this chance.

Spells: 4/3/3/2/1
Level 1
Black Eyes of J’gheth – Renders 2d6 HD of creatures unconscious for 1d6 turns.
Claw of the Bodiless – Telekinetically move and manipulate objects of up to 10lbs/level.
Winsome Guiles of Grix – Target must save or serve the caster faithfully for 1d3+1 days per level.
Xgh’s Perilous Mist – Green mist covers a 10’/level area for 1 turn + 1 round/level. Anyone in the
mist must save each round or become ensnared in its grasping tendrils.

Level 2
Despicable Servant of Yang – Summons up an unsightly, emaciated demon from the Depths Below
(HD 3, AC5 [15], Atk weapon, Dmg by weapon, Save 10, Move 9) to serve the caster for 1 hour per
Worm of Jurbus – Summons a 60’ long, 5’ wide, segmented, elemental worm from any available
stone and earth for 1d6 turns +1 turn/level. The worm does not attack, but may be used as a bridge,
wall, ladder, or even transportation (120’ movement rate).
Beneen’s Veil – Shrouds caster in shadows. Caster is 95% invisible in all but direct sunlight, and
receives a +2 bonus to AC, for 1 turn/level.

Level 3
Zggzr’s Wailing Wind – Encircles the caster at a 10’ radius. Deflects arrows, bullets and other
missiles, drowns out sounds, and blows away small creatures and objects.
Nehrtrig’s Inexorable Pull – Pulls down one wall or small building.
Baleful Steed of Beneen – Summons a huge black dragonfly like creature with glowing eyes to
serve the caster for 1 hour/level (HD 4; AC3 [17], Atk bite, Dmg 2d6, Save F4, Move 240’ (fly)). It
can carry the caster and up to two passengers.

Level 4
Fauna Chimerus – Allows to the caster to assume the form of another animal or being, changing at
will, for 1 hour per level.
Jyx-Jor Guardians – Summons two demons (HD 5; AC 2 [18]; Atk greatsword, Dmg 2d6, Save ?,
Move ? ), encased in black iron and wielding flaming greatswords, from the Lower Depths to defend
the caster for 1 turn.

Level 5
Torment of the Red Tentacles - Opens a yawning chasm beneath the victim from which flaming
tentacles emerge. The tentacles wrap him helplessly in wracking pain for 1d6 turns, causing 10 points
of damage per turn.
Tsushi Tennabu, Specter Lord
Climate/Terrain Underground, deserted areas
Frequency Very Rare
Organization Solitary
Activity Cycle Night
Diet Carnivore
No. Appearing 1
Armor Class 2
Movement 12”/24”
Hit Dice 9d10+3
THAC0 11
No. Attacks 2
Damage Attacks By Weapon or 1d8+Energy Drain
Special Attacks Energy Drain (2 levels per touch)
Special Defenses 50% magic resistance
Resistances Immune to Sleep, Charm, Hold,
Poison and Paralysis
Size M
Intelligence High
Alignment Lawful Evil
Morale Steady
XP Value
The Specter Lord is a more evolved form of specter. No one is sure how they came to be, but
stories finally have been verified. The Specter Lord is a specter that can cast spells, they have all
the abilities of a 9th level spell caster. They are usually practioners of black necromancy like
Skeleton Mages, but other types are theoretically possible. Perhaps even cleric of the death gods.

In combat, they will use their spells to their advantage, trying to soften up party before engaging
in melee combat. Not only are they fearsome spell casters but they are skilled combatants as
well. They can use any weapon or magic items unless forbidden to evil beings. Once engaged in
melee combat and Specter Lord will always leave one hand open so they can use their energy
drain. They will be armed and equipped with magical items that they WILL USE to defend
themselves and defeat an enemy.

Specter lords can control other specters, they are able to control 1 specter for each HD of the
specter lord and double that in skeletons, zombies and ghouls. Thus, a specter lord could have 9
specters, 6 skeletons, 6 zombies and 6 ghouls or 9 specters, 12 ghouls and 6 zombies.

Specter lords are intelligent, not fanatical, if they see the battle is going against them, they will
retreat. They do not stand there mindlessly and let adventures beat on them.

9th Level Black Necromancer

Level 1 (4) Level 2 (3) Level 3 (3)
Ghast Blast Arcane Bolt Amaranth Vampiric Blade
Little Death Bolt of Darkness Increase Wounds
Painful Wounds Cyril’s Bone Shatter Marthamus’s Strangle

Level 4 (2) Level 5 (1)

Alpha’s Shadowfire Blackthorn’s Ball of Maggots
Dunans, Spectral Wizard
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any (usually night)
Diet: Nil
Intelligence: High to Genius (13-18)
Treasure: V
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: 0 or 8 (see below)
Movement: 12, Fl 15 (B)
Hit Dice: 5
THAC0: 15
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: Special
Special Attacks: Spells, paralyzing touch
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance:Nil
Size: M (6’ tall)
Morale: Champion (15-16)
XP Value: High level: 5,000

Spectral wizards are undead that retain their abilities to cast spells. They are created by a unique
spell that functions on human and elf wizards and gnome illusionists, taking hold only on those
whose bodies once channeled wizard magic.

Spectral wizards appear as they did in life, though most of the color has been drained from them.
They appear in what they wore at the time of death, and it is as insubstantial as their bodies.
They are incorporeal and nearly invisible in bright light. In darkness they cast an unearthly glow.
Combat: Spectral wizards exist partially on the Ethereal Plane, so they can be affected only by
spells, silver or enchanted weapons, or by ethereal combatants. If challenged on the Ethereal
Plane, a spectral wizard is AC 8.

A spectral wizard attacks with its paralyzing touch. A successful hit causes one of its opponent’s
limbs (roll 1d4: 1 = right arm, 2 = left arm, 3 = right leg. 4 = left leg; reroll any repeats) to
become numb and useless for 2d4 rounds. Coming within 10 feet of a spectral wizard causes
portions of opponents’ bodies to tingle as if they had “fallen asleep” and results in a -1 penalty to
attack rolls.

With effort, a spectral wizard can become solid, allowing it to use weapons and material spell
components. Solidification takes one round in darkness or 2d4 rounds in bright light (such as
daylight or a continual light spell). In both incorporeal and solid forms, the wizard is AC 0.

When spectral wizards are created, they are permanently drained of 1d4 levels and will forever
cast spells at this new level. Spectral wizards who operate at level 5 and above are considered
high level when rewarding experience points.

Items carried on the spectral wizard’s person become insubstantial and resolidify when it does.

Spectral wizards are immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold, fear, polymorph, paralyzation, and
death magic. They are turned as specters.

Habitat/Society: Spectral wizards can be encountered anywhere. They often make lairs in their
former homes or in a place where other wizards live. All continue to memorize spells from their
books and scrolls, and many become involved in research into new spells or magical items.
Spectral wizards have difficulty studying because of their immaterial state.

Though spectral wizards can be of any neutral alignment, the majority are neutral evil and only a
few (5%) are neutral good. Their insubstantial nature seems to cause a mental imbalance which
turns them to a neutral evil alignment.

Ecology: Spectral wizards are created artificially and have no ecological niche.

11th Level Lore Weaver

Bonus Languages – 5 Read Language – 50% Lore – 40%

Arcane Spells 4/4/4/3/3

Level 1 (4) Level 2 (4) Level 3 (4) Level 4 (3)

Force Shield Bands of Force Dispel Magic Magic Portal
Hypnosis Disguise Elemental Attack Magnetic Field
Slow Gravity Optical Illusion Emotional Influence Mists of Death
Variable Light/Darkness Spontaneous Ray of Paralysis
Level 5 (3)
Psychic Shield

Divine Spells 4/4/4/3/3

Level 1 (4) Level 2 (4) Level 3 (4)
Bless Darkness Animate Dead
Command Enthrall Dispel Magic
Protection from Evil Hold Person Meld into Stone
Sanctuary Weird War Hammer Remove Paralysis

Level 4 (3) Level 5 (3)

Neutralize Poison Cure Madness
Shroud of Fear Flame Strike
Turn Sticks to Serpents Insect Plague

Vatara, Zombie Lich

Frequency:Very rare
Activity Cycle:Any (usually night)
Intelligence:High to Genius (13-18)
Alignment:Neutral Evil
No. Appearing:1
Armor Class:2 (maritime quartz platemail)
Hit Dice:10
No. of Attacks:2 clawed hands, 1 weapon
Damage/Attack:1d4/ saber (1d6+1/1d8+1)
Special Attacks:Spells, paralyzing touch
Special Defenses:spells, summon & control zombies,
Magic Resistance:Nil
Size:M (6’ tall)
XP Value:4,550

Zombie liches have dark vision at 120’ and cast spells as a 7th level magic-user. Once per day they can
summon 3d6 zombies to appear and serve them. These zombies will appear in 3-8 (1d6+2) rounds. Any
zombie within sight of a zombie lich will fall under its full command and serve it unconditionally.

Sometimes a failed attempt by a high-level magic-user to become a lich will not result in death, but
instead creates a zombie lich. These cursed creatures are amongst the most wretched and tragic among the
undead. A zombie lich has an uncanny power to control zombies.
Arcane Spells
Level 1 (4) Level 2 (3) Level 3 (2) Level 4 (1)
Force Shield Bands of Force Dispel Magic Psychic Assault
Power Bolt Mists of Sleep Hypnotic Spiral
Shatter/Repair Optical Illusion

Divine Spells
Level 1 (4) Level 2 (3) Level 3 (2) Level 4 (1)
Command Cause Moderate Wounds Cause Blindness Shroud of Fear
Cause Light Wounds Darkness Cause Deafness
Protection from Good Serpent Chain
Cause Fear

Bonus Language – 3
Read Language – 34%
Lore – 20%

Treant, Undead
Climate/Terrain: Any forest
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Copse
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Blood
Intelligence: High (13-14)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1-4
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 15
THAC0: 5
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 5d6/5d6
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance
Size: H (20’ tall)
Morale: Champion (15-16)
XP Value: 15,000

When an evil treant sees that its many years are soon to come to an end, it seldom accepts this
fate quietly. For most, this means a final, wild orgy of violence and death. For a few, however, it
means death and resurrection as a thing so dark and evil that even the Vistani will not speak of it.
An undead treant looks much like any other deciduous tree in the winter. It has no leaves and a
lusterless, almost brittle, look to its bark. Like living treants, its face is hidden until it chooses to
speak or make its presence known. When a creature of this sort stands amid a grove or copse of
similar leafless trees, it is 90% likely to go unnoticed by those passing near.

Undead treants speak the language of evil treants and generally know many (2d4) other tongues.
Despite their linguistic skills, however, they seldom converse with the living and seem unable to
speak with the animals of the forest around them.

Combat: Undead treants lash out with their powerful branches, striking twice per round and
inflicting 5d6 points of damage with each successful blow. On any natural roll of 19 or 20, they
are assumed to have knocked their opponent prone and stunned them for 1 round per 5 points (or
fraction thereof) of damage inflicted. Thus, a blow delivering 18 points of damage would stun a
character for 4 rounds.

If the treant is not otherwise engaged in combat, it will move beside the fallen form and feed
upon the blood of the victim. To do this, the treant must remain stationary for 1 round. On the
second round, it sprouts 3d4 root-like appendages that snake out and bury themselves in the
victim’s flesh. These inflict 1 point of damage each and allow the monster to begin feeding on
the third round. Starting then, and on each subsequent round, the creature will drain 1d3 points of
blood for each root sunk into the victim.

Anyone being drained of blood by the treant is rendered immobile as the coils of roots encircle
his body. Individuals so entrapped can only escape the deadly embrace of these vampiric trees
with the aid of a third party. In order to end the blood draining, the treant’s roots must be cut
away. They are treated as armor class 5 and any successful attack will break the tendril. If all of
the tendrils are cut, the victim can work his way free in two rounds (one with outside help.)
When an undead treant stops feeding, either because it has drained its victim of blood or because
all of its tendrils have been severed, it requires a full round to become mobile again. During this
time, or whenever it is feeding, all attacks against the creature gain a +2 bonus.

Like other treants, the undead variety are vulnerable to fire. All fire-based attacks gain a +4
bonus on their attack rolls and inflict an extra 2 points per die of damage.

Undead treants are unable to animate other trees, but they are known to employ magic. All
undead treants have the spell casting powers of a level 2-6 (2d3) druid. Because of their own
vulnerability to flames and fires, however, they will never employ any spells that use any kind of
fire. Undead treants require the same verbal and somatic components that other spell casters do,
but never need to employ material components unless they are vital to the operation of the spell
(a goodberry, for example).

Undead treants are immune to spells like sleep, charm, or hold, as are all undead, but also have
several other immunities that set them above the rest of the living dead. Holy water, for example,
has no effect on them, and they cannot be turned by priests or paladins. They are also untouched
by sunlight and cannot be affected by spells like control undead or control plants.
Habitat/Society: Undead treants tend to live in small copses of dead trees with no more than
four individuals in any given area. Their foul aura permeates the copse around them, making the
woods they inhabit dark and evil places.

It is not uncommon for individual undead treants to still be members the evil treant community
they once lived in. When this is the case, the undead treant will be treated with the respect due to
a powerful leader and will clearly be in command of the others.

Ecology: Undead treants seem to be a natural stage in the life cycle of some evil treants. No
doubt this is given as a “reward” for their evil lives by the Dark Powers.

Blackroot, Evil Treant

Climate/Terrain: Tepest
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivorous
Intelligence: Very (11)
Treasure: Q×5,X
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 12 (84 hp)
THAC0: 9
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 4d6/4d6 (branches)
Special Attacks: Animate trees, spells
Special Defenses: Spells
Magic Resistance:Nil
Size: H (18’ tall)
Morale: Elite (14)
XP Value: 14,000

Blackroot stands just over eighteen feet tall and looks like an ancient oak. His bark is grooved
and rough, providing excellent protection from physical attacks. His branches are long and
gnarled, never sprouting leaves or showing even the faintest hints of bud or blossom. When he
wishes to be seen for what he is, a gnarled face appears to form out of the fissures and grooves of
his bark. A great and terrible maw, shaped like an inverted V, opens up beneath two knotty eyes.

Blackroot, like most treants of any alignment, is able to speak with the animals of the forest. His
evil is so pervasive, however, that the traditionally neutral animals of the forest near him have
become neutral evil. Thus, even the most innocent creature in Blackroot’s realm can be a
potential enemy. Blackroot speaks the languages of Tepest and each of its neighboring domains.
He seems to have no understanding of writing, not recognizing it as a form of communication.

Combat: Those who enter the forest attempting to destroy Blackroot are seldom seen again. If
they are not destroyed by the wilderness which he commands, they usually perish in combat with
this ancient, evil creature when they find him. Blackroot can attack twice per combat round,
inflicting 4d6 points of damage with each blow that strikes its target. His tremendous strength
and mass is such that it enables him to crumple even plate armor as easily as if it were cardboard.

Blackroot’s thick bark provides him with excellent protection from most attacks. However, his
plantlike biology makes him very vulnerable to attacks made with magical or mundane fire. Any
weapon or spell that employs fire gains a +4 bonus on the attack and inflicts an extra +1 point of
damage per die. In addition, Blackroot suffers a -4 penalty on all saving throws against fire-
based attacks.

Because of this vulnerability, Blackroot quickly attempts to destroy anyone who is careless with
fires in his woods. As he is well aware of the danger that such enemies pose, he prefers to act
indirectly, sending savage wolves and other animals of the forest to destroy fire-wielding
enemies for him. Only if these means fail will he seek a direct confrontation.

The infusion of evil from the tainted soil of Tepest has given him several magical abilities that
most of his kind do not possess. Once per day he may cast the following spells as a 12th-level
druid: 1st — befriend animals, entangle, locate ordinary animals, putrefy food or drink; 2nd —
charm person or beast, create water, speak with animals, warp wood; 3rd — hold animal, plant
growth, gust of wind, spike growth, summon insect swarm; 4th — summon animal I, hold
vegetation, ward off insects, speak with plants; 5th — animal growth, summon animal II,
antiplant shell, wall of thorns; 6th — anti-beast shell, summon animal III. Blackroot has no need
of components for his spells; they are all simple acts of will.

Blackroot has the ability to animate the trees of his forest, causing them to obey his mental
commands. It takes one round for an animated tree to uproot itself, but once this is done it is
fully mobile. At any given time he may have two such followers doing his bidding. These trees
conform to the statistics for mature treants, having 10 Hit Dice and inflicting 3d6 points of
damage with each of their two attacks. They are not actually intelligent but do serve as
extensions of Blackroot’s own consciousness. Trees under his control must remain within sixty
yards of their master, or they revert to their normal status.
Isatis Rachel Zulec (F), Lich, Dunya
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Nil
Intelligence: Supra-genius (19-20)
Treasure: P,Q (A)
Alignment: Neutral evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: As host (7)
Movement: As host (12)
Hit Dice: 15+
THAC0: 16
No. of Attacks: 1d10
Damage/Attack: 1 touch + paralysis
Death gaze (under 3 HD paralyzed if save), paralysis touch, ignores armor, touch
Special Attacks:
destroys items
+1 or better weapon to hit; immune to 1st and 2nd level spells, mind-affecting spells,
Special Defenses:
and death magic
Magic Resistance:1% per Hit Die
Size: M (5-6‘ tall)
Morale: Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value: 10,000 + 1,000/level above 15th

These powerful wizards endure the centuries by transferring their life forces from one human
host to the next.
The host of a Suel lich appears as a human with coarse, leathery skin and eyes that glow an
ominous black fire. As the Suel lich grows in power, its skin becomes a thick hide, and the fire in
its eyes becomes more pronounced. At the host body’s venerable age, the Suel lich is little more
than wrinkled husk whose entire head is bathed in black fire. While without a host body, the
essence of the lich appears as a human shadow of fiery black energy.

Combat: Although it normally doesn’t go looking for a fight, the Suel lich revels in combat
against weaker foes. Any creature with fewer than 3 Hit Dice that gazes into the fiery eyes of the
Suel lich must save vs. death magic at +3 or die of fright. Those who make their saves are
paralyzed with terror for 1-4 turns, and are at the mercy of the evil creature. Creatures with 3 or
more Hit Dice are unaffected.

The touch of a Suel-lich causes black flame to erupt from the body of any creature touched. This
attack ignores all armor; creatures suffer 1dlO points of damage upon contact, and any item
touched in this way must successfully save vs. magical fire or be damaged. Also, any living
creature touched must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be unable to move. The paralysis
lasts until dispelled or until 24 hours pass.

The Suel lich can be hit only by magical weapons of +1 or better enchantment or by monsters
with 7 or more Hit Dice. In addition to its natural magic resistance, the Suel-lich is immune to all
mind-affecting spells, death magic, and all wizard and clerical spells below 3rd level. Because of
its unique connection with the Negative Material Plane, a Suel lich touching a creature protected
by a negative plane protection spell takes 5d10 points of damage unless its magic resistance
blocks the effect.

A Suel lich casts spells as it did before its transformation but its spells do not require material

A Suel lich is turned as a special undead.

Habitat/Society: When the empire of the Suel was destroyed by the Rain of Colorless Fire more
than a miknium ago, some of the few creatures to survive the destruction were the Suel liches.
Several migrated from Oerth to other worlds. Some of these liches still roam, questing for wealth
and power, while others exist in hidden strongholds, continuing their ageless research.
Regardless of its intentions, a Suel lich always attempts to hide its hue nature. Since little
knowledge (written or oral) survived the Colorless Fire, only a handful of sages and loremasters
have even heard of such creatures.

Ecology: The Suel lich is an unholy amalgamation of the human body and energyeom the
Negative Material Plane. Upon transformation into a Suel lich, the essence of the wizard is
converted to negative energy that needs a human body to inhabit. The essence of the lich ages the
body at three times the normal rate, burning it out after a short time. Each time a Suel lich gains a
level, burns out a host, or is reduced to zero hit points, it must find a new body.

At this time, the essence of the lich must take a host with Hit Die or levels at least equal to the
lich’s level minus 15. For example, a 19th level Suel lich requires the body of at least a 4th level
human. If the victim is unable to resist or gives his or her body willingly, no saving throw is
allowed against the transformation. If the victim is able to resist, a saving throw vs. death magic
at -1 is allowed to resist the takeover. Failure displaces and utterly destroys the life force of the
victim; it cannot be raised, resurrected, or even restored by a wish spell. If the host body is
destroyed, the lich has one hour to inhabit another body or its spirit disperses into nothingness.
While in this form, a dispel evil or holy word can destroy it forever.

Surprise contestant if party is having to easy of time. SHADOWMANCER

Climate/Terrain: Any land
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Nocturnal
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Genius
Treasure: See below
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Number Appearing: 1+see below
Armor Class: 8
Movement: 12”
Hit Dice: 8
THAC0: 13
Number of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 2D8+2 (Bite),
1D4+ (Dagger)
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Defenses: Undead
Immunities, ½
damage necrotic
Magic Resistance: Standard
Size: M
Morale: Elite
XP Value: 9,500+16/hit point

Relishing the darkness feared by others, the Shadowmancer’s undeath grants it nothing but time to
study its art.
Servants of Alquam - While most Darakhul follow the Hunger God, many Shadowmancers praise the
Demon Lord of Night, Alquam.
Never Alone. A Shadowmancer is rarely encountered alone; it is regularly accompanied by Shadow
Guardians, Shadow Skeletons or other horrors.
Frequent Spies. Often called upon by their emperor to serve as spies among the cities of the surface
world or as emissaries to the shadow fey, Darakhul shadowmancers may be encountered virtually
Master of Disguise - A Darakhul shadowmancer has the disguise capabilities of an Assassin with a -10%

chance to be detected. While using this ability, it loses its Stench.

Shadow Stealth - While in dim light or darkness, the Darakhul shadowmancer can Hide in Shadows as a
9th level Thief even if observed.

Sunlight Sensitivity - While in sunlight, the Darakhul shadowmancer has a -4 penalty on to hit rolls.

Turning Defiance - The Darakhul shadowmancer is turned as a special with a -4 penalty on the Clerics
turn roll. Any turn attempts against Ghouls within 30 feet of a Darakhul captain are at a -4 penalty on
the Clerics turn roll.

The Darakhul shadowmancer makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its dagger.

Bite – Any creature bitten by a Darakhul shadowmancer must succeed on Saving Throw vs Poison or
contract Darakhul fever.

Dagger.- Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack.

As undead Darakhul shadowmancers are immune to Paralyzation, Poison, Sleep, and Charm.

Darakhul shadowmancers have treasure as a 9th level NPC plus 2,000 gp in coins and gems..

Spellcasting. The Shadowmancer is a 9th-level Magic User. It normally has one of the following
selections of spells prepared:

1st level (4 spells): Steel Shadows, Drain Warmth, Voice of Shadow, Net of Shadows

2nd level (3 spells): Dark Path, Piercing Sight, Shadow Spray

3rd level (3 spells): Summon Shadow Spawn, Dispel Magic, Afraid of the Dark

4th level (2 spells): Obfuscation, Black Tentacles, Shadow Vision

5th level (1 spells): Shadow Door

Tree Man
Number ld20
Morale +5
Hit Dice 7dl0-12dl2
Armor Class 0
Move 120'/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage See below
Defenses Never surprised
Attacks Control trees
Weaknesses Fire
Size L
Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic good
Treasure Type XVII
Treasure Value 5d10x10
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%)
X.P. Value See below

General: Tree men are strange crosses between trees and humans, shepherds of the forests who despise
evil and resent the unrestrained use of fire within their domains. They dwell in deep, dark woodlands or
large caverns accessible through such places. The size of each particular tree man should be determined

Die Roll Hit

(d12) Size Dice Damage X.P. Value
1-3 12' 7d10 2d8/2d8 1,200 + 10/h.p.
4-6 14' 8d10 2d8/2d8 1,425 + 12/h.p.
7-8 16' 9dl0 3d6/3d6 1,950 + 14/h.p.
9-10 18' 10d12 3d6/3d6 2,300 + 14/h.p.
11 20' 11d10 4d6/4d6 2,850 + 16/h.p.
12 22'+ 12d12 4d6/4d6 3,350 + 18/h.p.

Those with 7 or 8 hit dice are sometimes called "shrublings," while those with 11 or l 2 hit dice are known
as "moss trunks."
Combat: Tree men attack with their mighty limbs, which resemble arms and fists. They are, however,
quite vulnerable to fire; fire-based attacks against them get a +4 bonus "to hit" and + l bonus to damage
done. Tree men also save against fire with a penalty of-4. They can inflict 80 h.p. per round against
wooden structures, 20 h.p. against earthworks and soft stone or brick, and l0 h.p. against hard stone.
Tree men are able to animate trees around them. Up to two trees can be animated per tree man, and they
must remain within 60' of the tree man who animated them in the first place. Such trees will function as
normal tree men, except they only move 30' per round (roll randomly to determine the size of the
animated tree, just as if it were a normal tree man).
Appearance: Tree men are vaguely humanoid, but have bark, leaves, and limbs like trees. When they
close their eyes and mouths, they are indistinguishable from other trees. They speak their own, very slaw
and languid, language, which they share with granite men (see p. 114).
The shrines and temple are ornately carved stone and masonry and many vines and creepers have
partially overwhelmed several of the shrines – although the ape caretakers keep the entries clear and
get rid of plants that encroach within the structures. The temple proper (which will be detailed in our
next post) has three entrances – one at ground level on the south side of the structure, one accessed via
the first tier of the temple (there is a passage between the east and west sides of the temple on the
north side of the first tier that goes under the second and third tiers) and finally one on the roof of the
structure that leads down into it.

The undertemple is home to a pair of ageless druids of the moon, still maintaining the faith of Kuvartma
aided by a number of creatures who have come down here from the moon in response to their prayers
and rituals (take any weird creature, make it pale white or pearlescent, and call it a “Moon Creature” –
like Moon Hook Horrors, or the dreaded Moon Beholders). The undertemple is accessible via stairs from
the temple above, or a mostly-secret archway in the cliff face down by the shore that looks directly over
the water which allows the druids to enter and leave without the apes seeing them (although the apes
are mostly nocturnal and the druids and moon creatures occasionally use the surface level of the temple
interior during the day).The lowest level of the temple is the catacombs which are generally ignored and
falling apart – the druids send moon-goblins down there to run the passage and keep watch in the
secret pillar lookout for the arrival of boats or persons of interest in the ruins. The secret crypt down
here has not been opened in untold ages – neither the druids nor their servants are aware of it.
Tome Of Rangelessness
This tome, when read by a spellcaster, will free him from range limitations on his spells. When read by a fighter, he
is freed from range limitations on bows, i.e., he can shoot as far as he can see

Bardic Song of Miracles

A parchment with a song on it which when sung over a dead body, will restore life. Every time this song is used on a
body, his constitution is reduced by 1 point. When cast from the scroll the song disappears when song. A Bard could
try to copy song into his song book, usual chances to learn song (INT), if successful the song till vanishes from the
scroll but now resides in the Bards song book.


This blue crystal ring gives the user the ability to cast any one of the following effects:
 Thunderstorm - A dark cloud appears over the victim for 1-10 melee rounds, during which the
victim takes 3-18 sonic and 5-30 lightening damage, save to half damage.
 Blizzard - A small white cloud appears for 1-10 melee rounds doing 8-48 cold damage, save to
half damage.
 Fog - A fog bank appears around the victim for 2-12 melee rounds, giving -3 to all of victim’s
attacks, save to -1 on all attacks.

The damage listed above in #1 & #2, is given each melee round.
The user may cast each one of the above effects once per day.


Crafted from rose quartz, this pendant has a pleasing scent to it, and any humanoid female wearing it
attracts the opposite sex 50% more often than any other woman, regardless of charisma or appearance.
She has that “certain something”, receiving +50% on all dealings with men. Should a man wear this
amulet, the effect will be the same, but with females.
Demon Weapon

Tome of Rangelessness
Bardic Song of Miracles
Ring of Clouds

Pendant of the Fragrant Rose

Undead Spell Caster Type Items need to break the curse
Kurdazas Wraith glass ball filled with shadows
Tsushi Tennabu Specter Lord glass ball with gray mist inside
orb made out of the purest and darkest black color (unmagiced sphere of annihilation,
Dunans Spectral Wizard hehehe)
Vatara Zombie Lich perfectly formed and smooth pearl at least the size of an apple.
Blackroot Evil Tree men perfectly round a smooth wooden ball
Isatis Rachel Zulec (F) Lich perfectly round (no edges at all) diamond
Salmon Obediah Sixsmith Shadowmancer clear quartz ball with shadows darting around and changing shape and form as they go.
Undead Blacksmith
Undead Chicken
Small Castle, the Surround
Small Castle Ground Floor
Small Castle Major NPCs and Monsters

Sir Fraomar’s Retainers

The Spiral
Symbol for the Lighthouse

Island of Lore Master Academy

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