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Adventures Dark and Deep \
AD&D Game

Dungeon Module SA4

Lore Weaver Dread Academy
By Joe Conaway

Strange bodies have washed up on the shore, all clad in old-fashioned finery. Right
after the Wander’s Gathered no less. Where did these bodies come from? Are there
more coming? And did that one’s hand just twitch? Later, I’ve seen these movies
On Týsdagr,14 Mörsugur a planetary conjunction occurred, the day after the sea casts out a dozen
corpses, all clad in old-fashioned finery onto the beaches of Seameet. The trail leads to an abandoned
island, reputed to be uninhabited for fifty years. It lies off the coast of ap Meryk to the east of the opening
of the Bay of Taoide Ghlasa. The dead are ghouls that were crushed to true death by a cave in, falling into
an underground river they eventually made their way to the sea and Seameet.

The island once housed a Lore Weaver Academy, a smaller one, that trained promising Lore Weavers.
The academy was also used as depository for a dangerous magic item. Only a few Lore Weavers knew
what was kept there.

One of the more promising Lore Weavers of his time was Kurdazas. He had a keen mind, one of the
smartest men in the world, if not THE smartest man in the world…at least he said so. And there is the
classic fault of genius, mental issues. The more he claimed to be a stable genius, the more HE believed it.

It was at the height of Kurdazas vainglory that the whispers began, not about him, but to him. A dark
creature had gotten his ear. Cimmeries, the Demon Lord of the Undead, had found Kurdazas’ mind a
fertile place for temptation. Cimmeries had taken an interest in Kurdazas’ because of his aptitude for
magic. He intended to corrupt Kurdazas and turn him into a Necromancer. Not the spell casters, but a
True Necromancer.

However, the same problem Kurdazas teachers ran into foiled Cimmeries as well. In Kurdazas’ pride he
believed he could control Cimmeries, binding the Demon Lord to his will. After all he knew the demons
name, how hard could it be? So Kurdazas played the waiting game. He suddenly became a model student,
gathering as much knowledge he could. It was his goal to become the first Demonolater in centuries.

A demonolater was someone whose spells are not geared for personal power, not about directly blasting
enemies with fire spell. The demonolater is specifically designed to interact with, and use the powers of,
demons to accomplish his ends. They acquire a stable of demons of various statures and types who owe
him services, and to whom he owes services; he will have negotiated pacts to get what he wants from
them in exchange for what they want from him. In the end, it’s a losing game for the demonolater, who
pays for his demonic aid with blood, treasure, life, and x.p., but each and every one thinks he’s the one
who’s smarter than all the others that have come before him, and can cheat his inevitable end.

Kurdazas was no exception to this. Cimmeries had seen the betrayal coming before Kurdazas had known
himself. One the night of the high moon on a day sacred to the dark and tainted, Kurdazas killed
everyone at the academy. He gathered their souls together in purple and black cloud of necromantic
energy. Using spells long thought lost but found by the Lore Weavers. Kurdazas summoned Cimmeries to
the mortal plane and bound him.

What? That can’t be the ending, what do you mean? Oh, right the party needs to get to go on an adventure
be the heroes, save the world, etc., etc., etc.

Cimmeries smiled as Kurdazas chanted in the throat tearing voice of the Infernus, The Pit, the Twenty-
One Hells. Then Kurdazas shouted.

“Cimmeries I bind you to me through your true name, I name the once, Cimmeries, I name you twice,
Cimmeries, I name you thrice Cimmeries. You now bend your knee to me Demon Lord.”
With a grin Cimmeries easily broke the wards Kurdazas had erected. Smashing through them with a flick
of his wrist. Striding over the perfectly crafted circle. Cimmeries reached for Kurdazas.

“The pleasures and delights I have in store for you will go on for centuries!”

Kurdazas let loose with all the necromantic energy he had left, sacrificing part of his own soul to power
the spells. The magic blast smote Cimmeries, but rebounded from his magical protections. The death
energy washed over Kurdazas and the recently slain in the academy. All were raised as various undead.
Forever trapped in the academy, they guard secrets of the Lore Weavers long lost to them. As well as the
store magic items that must be there! (Ahhhh, here’s a napkin dude, wipe up the drool).

(What the party will probably forget is that a great deal of those magic items are still being used by their
last owner. These owners will not hesitate to use the magic items against the party)

As the wave of necrotic energy washed over the academy and the dead were resurrected as undead
spellcasters of varying power. Some of the former Lore Weavers have undead “assisstants” based on
what they have become
These undead cannot leave the island, wards placed by the Lore Masters before Kurdazas was even a
student at the academy and further powered by Cimmeries, prevent them from leaving the island. For
some of the staff, they really don’t care, they are able to study magic without interruption. The undead
trapped on the range in power levels and intelligence. They play the politics of spell casters, but do not
seek to oppose another teacher outright. They strike through trickery and deceit. Some of the teachers
and students have already been destroyed. Some of the undead may try to trick the party in some sort of
agreement where the party kills all the other undead then it kills the party.

During the long years from when they were created until today some have studied magic, intensely. This
has allowed some of the students to gain in power that rivals some of their old instructors. All those that
can cast spells with the exception of the bone warrior mages, are Lore Weavers. When transformed they
became undead but retained their magics.

The party will believe themselves to be on their own on the island. This is not true. A band of Sylindy
have taken up residence on the island. True to their racial beliefs and customs, they are here to destroy the
evil of the academy. The PCs can find them or be found by them as the DM desires.

“You wake in your room to the frenzied knocking on the door. When you open the door there is one of
the townsfolk, gasping as he tells you, you are needed on the beach now, please hurry!

Once you reach the beach you see a group of people standing around something. You walk toward the
group, as you reach them the crowd parts to allow you through. You see Captain (Pàdraig) MacRàild and
Man at Arms Rekker standing over, what appears to be dead bodies, more than one in fact. They motion
you forward, you see there are a dozen corpses, all clad in old-fashioned finery. The captain turns to you.

--Well good to see you but not in this manner, these bodies were found this morning by the early ships.
This type of finery, as that is what it was, was the style for court before I was even thought of, I have seen
it’s like in portraits of minor nobility. This occurrence is very unusual, perhaps even remarkable, given
the condition of the clothing. I believe we will be needing your help with the task of brining this
mysterious, perhaps puzzling, but definitely difficult to understand important problem. -- Captain

Captain MacRàild is his usual verbose self (yeah I said you talk too much windbag go run a sail up a
mast) as he looks at you. Rekker shakes his head.

--Clothes, okay. This is an issue though. These bodies, they just don’t look right. Not like any normal
dead body I’ve seen -- Rekker

He is not wrong, most of their hair has fallen out, their mouths are pulled pack in rictus death grin, their
lips pulled open and back, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth. Their fingernails and toenails have grown
out straight, not twisted, like claws and talons. The clothes are mostly intact, definitely in good condition
if they are as old as Captain MacRàild said. Their skin is very pale and their eyes are sunken into the
skull. The body are broken and battered as if they had been crushed.

As they tell you, the early morning boat crews were heading out, the bodies were spotted and word was
sent to the Captain as he was back in town. (When in town the townsfolk go to him first for advice before
going to the lord). The Captain then sent the runner to get Man-at-Arms Rekker. They met on the beach
and were led to the bodies. After inspecting the bodies, the Captain sent a runner for you. He believed you
might be of service (be glad I said, he would still be talking). The Captain tells the party he will deliver
the news to the Lord but he asks if the Heroes of Seameet would be willing to assist the town once again
and find out where the bodies came from and how they got here.

You have been living in Seameet free, not even having to pay for food, now they have called on you once
again for aid, what do you do?” (If the PCs do anything else but agree you should have large, big, huge,
giant anvils fall out of the sky and smite the greedy bastards…I mean remind them of their heroic duties)”

Now it’s up to the party to do what they do, so with luck they will agree and you don’t have to figure the
velocity of cow from a giant slingshot. Once the party agrees the bodies can be moved where ever the
party wants. If they do not say anything the townsfolk will burn the bodies.

The PCs will now face the almost impossible task of finding out the 5 Ws for the bodies. Fortunately,
they will get some help in that area. If they search the bodies, and what adventurer worth their salt doesn’t
roll the bodies for loot, they will find only a few things but they are important.

If or when the PCs decide to inspect the bodies, if they didn’t let them get burned. If luck is being used it
will take Luck for one of the townsfolk that burned the bodies kept the items listed below. Now to the
bodies: “The bodies are laid out before you, now that you can view the bodies without distraction, you
can see (At this point you can either read the information that follows to the PCs or have them make an
Intelligence or appropriate NWP checks that they may gain the information in part or in whole based on
their rolls).
D12 Results
1. The bodies are desiccated, even after being in the water
2. The clothes are old, very old, and in good condition, but you know see they are faded and worn
3. The hair is stringy and sparse, with the skin pulled back making it appear longer than it is
4. The toenails and fingernails are long and curved, not twisted, resembling talons and claws
5. The eyes are sunken, yellowed and the pupil is expanded, covering most of the iris
6. The teeth are chipped and ragged, resembling nothing so much as a horrific, fanged maw drawn
back in a rictus smile than a regular mouth
7. The nose, as the skin shrunk pulled back on the nose, now it resembles a pig’s snout more than a
8. The bodies appear crushed in various places, including head, chest, legs and arms. (Yes, they
were crushed to death)
9. On body number 2 the body is wearing as large ring, the ring is sort of dark metal, three horns jut
form the top of the setting. Inside the setting is a blue stone of a kind you have never seen before.
It is cracked just appears to be a curiosity. (It does not detect as magic, but if you were to stare at
the stone you see a flashes of light. This was the ring of the Head Master that allowed them to
enter the magic vaults where the neat stuff was kept. To use the ring, one must be a spell caster of
certain level, say 9th at least? Without this ring the party will not be able to open the doors to the

10. On body number 3 there is a signet ring, the design carved into the ring resembles thorned vine
crown imposed on a gold crown backed by an axe and bow.
11. On body number 8 there is a ring, featureless on the outside, but it is engraved on the inner
surface with the symbol of a lighthouse, its beacon-light glowing. It matches the lighthouse
symbol found in room 17 of the Temple of Vorcas.

12. On body number 10 there is a medallion bearing the likeness of an ibis, the symbol for
Hrothramm, it is an ancient holy symbol for Hrothramm.

If the PCs are successful, they will have all of the above information and three items of interest. The
significance of the items and conclusions are below.

The bodies have been dead for a long time. (In fact, these are ghouls, former students of the academy.
They were caught in a cave in. Their crushed bodies fell into an underground river that flowed out to the
sea, which is how the bodies got here, shh don’t tell). They will need a source to gain the information, if
they have found one of the Lighthouse Keepers, they can fill in the information.
1. Signet Ring, the design carved into the ring resembles thorned vine crown imposed on a gold
crown backed by an axe and bow.
a. The ring is from an ancient noble line from Ghuiss. The ring belonged to a minor son of a
minor noble house that attended the academy. Yes, this seems like pointless information;
however, the minor house were great patrons of the Lore Masters. They gave much gold
to the lore masters (yeah they were buying their kids way into schools) as a result, there
was an academy named for the family, the Whitstar Academy. It was located on an island
near Seameet. This information will require an Intelligence or some type of lore at a -3.
2. Ring, featureless on the outside, but it is engraved on the inner surface with the symbol of a
lighthouse, its beacon-light glowing. This ring belonged to a Lighthouse Keeper. If the party has
discovered the Keepers (the Char Woman or the Fake Cultist) they can take the ring to one of
them. They can confirm the ring is real and give an estimate of its age. Its age will match the
time frame the Whitstar Academy disappeared.
3. Medallion bearing the likeness of an ibis, the symbol for Hrothramm, it is an ancient holy
symbol for Hrothramm. Hrothramm is one of the deities known to have been worshipped by Lore
Weavers. The Whitstar Academy was dedicated to Hrothramm.

The PCs, should, at this point, get the inkling they need to find where the Whitstar Academy was located
and perhaps investigate it some.

To find the location of the academy is a daunting task, and there is no library other than the small one at
the lord’s manor. The PCs may ask and the most educated, probably a spell caster, will be allowed to use
the library. Again, it is DM’s choice if to make the player roll to find the information or just allow them to
find it. The library has no books regarding the academy, but information can be gained.

“There are lists and lists of goods and services sent to and from Seameet. Population censuses, marriage
recordings, etc. It is in the lists that you find a yellowed, faded and folded piece of parchment. As you
carefully unfold the parchment you see it is a crude map of something labeled Hirāgbi ñōse, a hand drawn
arrow points toward the upper left of the map with the word Seameet written at the bottom of the arrow.
There appears to be three areas marked and named on the map, but you can’t seem to make out the
The map shows a crude drawing of an island named Hirāgbi Ñōse (hiˈɾaːgbi; noun; beetle/ ˈɲɔːse/ n.
island.). It is also known as Kakmak Island or Beetle Island, which is the translation of Hirāgbi Ñōse. If
the party takes the map to either of the Lighthouse Keepers, they can tell them there was a Lore Weaver
Academy on an island named after a beetle. Neither will know what happened to the academy, but they
will translate the words on the map to be Beetle Island in Kelt, any PC that can read Kelt can interrupt the
words but nothing else.

If the PCs have not discovered the Lighthouse Keepers perhaps now would be a good time for one of
them to offer their help, perhaps pretending to have a hobby of the history of the area. If they are not
available hopefully the PCs can read Kelt and decide the DM put the map there for a reason and go to the

This should get the PCs interested in heading to Beetle Island. Speaking with any of the sailors or
fishermen will reveal Beetle Island is located in the sheltered bay that Seameet was built nearby. They
can tell the PCs the island is not large and surrounded by mountains. A protected bay has an opening in
the southern portion of the island, they have seen forests from their boats but they don’t know anything

To reach the island will require a boat but it does not need to be anything larger than a regular fishing
boat. One of the fishermen will take the PCs to the island. They will drop them off and agree to come
back in a week. The trip to the island takes about three hours by boat.

Unknown to anyone, there is a group of fey creatures on the island in an attempt to destroy the Undead.
The group consists of 3 Sylindys, 2 Summer Eladrin and 1 Ogre. They are currently hiding in the woods
around the academy itself, there was more but they learned the hard way about the effects of attacking the
undead on the island. By the grace of Cinnuit they were close to the cave that leads to the Spiral and were
able to get behind the wards in the Spiral and save themselves. They will be discussed more in their
encounter below.

The Island

The island lays of the east coast off the coast of ap Meryk at the mouth of the small bay that Seameet is

“You arraigned for transportation to Hirāgbi Ñōse. As you sail toward it you see you are approaching the
“tail” of the beetle, a ring of high mountains rises from the waves, dissuading you from attempting to land
anywhere you currently see. As you sail around the island, you come to the “pinchers”, their protective
arms guard a calm looking bay. As you sail into the harbor you see the remains of an old dock beach, tall
trees ring the bay with only limited empty spaces for someone to reach the shore., making the remains of
the dock your best choice to land. Beyond the dock you can see remains of a village.

Once you dock and unload your gear, the boat sets sale, heading back to Seameet with the promise of
returning in 7 days’ time. The fishermen of Seameet also agreed to keep an eye out during their fishing if
the party needs to signal them. From the dock the overgrown remains of path, only discernable by shorter
plant growth, lead toward the village remains.”

When the academy fell the undead made their way to the village and slaughtered the inhabitants. This led
to normal minor undead becoming the town inhabitants. The undead continue to go about the village in a
macabre imitation of their daily lives.

The party can see the undead moving about the village as they approach, but until they get closer, they
will not recognize them as undead. They will think the townsfolk are moving funny but that’s all.

“As you follow the path toward the remains of the village you see people moving around through the
trees. They seem to be moving slowly and none seem to be looking your way. The closer you get, the
odder the townsfolk look. No one seems to notice you; in fact, you realize the only sound you hear is the
rhythmic pounding of something hitting metal.

As you get even closer you see the farm fields are fallow and overgrown, even though a farmer can be
seen moving up and down the rows. You pause reflecting on what you see. It is then you realize the
village is overgrown with trees, the buildings are falling down and with a start you realize a chicken
coming to you is a strange, spiked chicken skeleton with strips of rotting flesh hanging from the bones.”
Give the party a moment to react to this, if they leave the skeleton chicken alone it will peck around them
and go away. If they interact with it in any way it will attack. Also, if they attack have two more chickens
come out of nowhere to help. The immediately attack one of the PCs amass, The chickens were all attack
wone person “as if they were trying to overwhelm them”

If the party doesn’t figure it out, let them roll perception to figure out the townsfolk are all undead.
Further their little run in with the chickens is foreshadowing of how the townsfolk will react. You
decision on being nice OR punishing them for ruining your last game that you worked months on, only
for them to decide they would just enslave the town and levy taxes on the townsfolk. After that they saw
no reason to leave.

The town is peopled by a most terrifying kind of zombie. These zombies carry with them an infection that
turns those damaged by them into zombies themselves. These are remains of the townsfolk who were
slaughtered when the unleashed necrotic energy washed over the island the interred ancestors of the
villagers rose from the dead and clawed their way out of crypts and graves to wreak havoc on the
villagers. The infection has not spread for two reasons:
1. The zombies, like the other undead cannot leave the island because of the curse
2. It’s a freaking island and they ain’t smart!

There are four types of zombies the party will encounter in the village, they are:
1. Living dead: identical to a typical zombie except the infection they spread
Armor Class: 8, 7 w/ shield
Hit Dice: 1
Base Hit Bonus: +1
Attacks: Bite (1d8), Claw (1d8), or Weapon
Special: INFECTION, Immune to sleep, charm
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/25
2. Walkers: Unlike Groaners, Walkers skin is softer than ours and they are usually a little weaker
too. Walkers are often in different states of decomposition and are horrifying or just plain gross to
look at. Walkers move at a slow walk but can get excited when they are near prey that will
encourage them to move at a fast shuffle. Walkers feed on all aspects of humans, right down to
the bone but will stop feeding once the prey is dead.
Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1
Base Hit Bonus: +2
Attacks: Bite, Claw, Strike or Weapon
Special: INFECTION, Immune to sleep, charm
Move: 9
HDE/XP: 1/30
3. Groaners are slow and lumbering Zombies with low guttural groans, which give them their
nickname “Groaners” but their skin is as hard as yours and mine; and they’re as strong as us too!
Groaners mostly eat flesh and intestines.
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2
Base Hit Bonus: +1
Attacks: Bite (1d8), Claw (1d8), or Weapon
Special: INFECTION, Immune to sleep, charm
Move: 6
HDE/XP: 2/30
4. Runners are in many ways just like Groaners, except the speed at which they move. The ability
to run when chasing prey and also to never tire can be deadly combination. Plus, just like
Groaners, Runners bodies and harder and their strength is greater than that of a Walker. Great
care should be given in handling encounters involving Runners.
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 2
Base Hit Bonus: +2
Attacks: Bite (1d8), Claw (1d8), or Weapon
Special: INFECTION, Immune to sleep, charm
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 4/60
Attacks per round: 2

All of these zombies carry an infection. This infection is quite deadly.

INFECTION (CON) saves are rolled when a Character is dealt 1 or more points of bite/claw damage
from a zombie. If the roll is successful, then there are no effects other than damage that was initially dealt
by the bite/claw. However, if the roll is unsuccessful, then the Character must immediately make a Save
vs Death. If the Character then fails her Death Save, she will become infected. If the Character fails the
Infection Save but passes the Death Save then damage that was initially dealt by the bite/claw is doubled,
with no other negative penalty imposed. The infected PC has the following damage rates to determine
when they succumb to the infection:

Damage Time til Turn*

100% (died) 1d4 rounds
50% 24 hours
25% 48 hours

These percentages are based on the actual number of hit points they would have if no damage was taken.
The time to turn can be modified by the victim’s CON score.
CON Effect
1-6 The victim is not in the greatest health and their infection rates are moved, giving them at
most 24 hours before turning and 1d4 rounds at 50% damage, 100% killed 1d4 rounds
still the rule. .
7-14 Does not modifier the Time til Turn in any way
15-19 The victim’s times increase, 50% is now 48 hours and 25% is now 72 hours
20+ These are extremely hardy victims who will still die if not helped. 50% is now 72 hours
and 25% is now 96 hours
All bets are off the table if the infected character is killed before they turn will rise as a zombie in 1d4


 Pain: immediately after wound, increasing/decreasing regularly over time but rarely disappearing
entirely without medication.
 Sick and/or Anxious (0-48 hours). This begins with low level discomfort and progress in severity
over time.
 Health: draining lose of 1d4 hp a day for up to two days, then it becomes 1d6 for another two
days than it goes to 2d8 and adds another D8 every two days until dead. Once dead they will rise
as the same type of zombie that bit them

The village could be the end for the party. As long as they do not attempt to interact with the zombies in
any way, they will be fine. What constitutes interference you ask? The most obvious interference is
attacking (this will be hard to avoid with a Paladin in the group or Undead opposed clerics. It should be
noted if any of the PC are turned, they are not bound by the curse, further the boat will be coming back to
get them which means this infection could spread. The party could actually be the end of the world.

“As you enter the village you nervously look at the shambling undead around you, they seem not to notice
as they go about some half-remembered tasks. The rhythmic tapping can still be heard, but now you can
tell it is coming from the east side of the village. As you look about you see more skeletonized animals
acting in mockery of their living counterparts. Suddenly two if the zombies appear around the side of a
building, running (yes, I said running) directly at you. [should the party remain still nothing will happen,
if they attack all hell breaks loose.]

PCs remain still

“The zombies run straight for you and then veer around you chasing a skeleton chicken. It is then you
realize they were zombie children. You shake yourself to regain composure and return to exploring the

If the PCs attack [oh murder hobo we will cry for you. you came to the island were killed by a zombie]

“Your attacks strike home dropping the zombies in their tracks, as they fall you realize ALL sound as
stopped, even the rhythmic tapping. The zombies and skeleton animals all turn their heads slowly your
way and seem to notice you for the first time. With a sudden surge the entirety of the village zombies are
coming for you, running, walking and crawling.”

The party will be in danger of being overborne by the sheer number of zombies. To overbear an
opponent, a normal attack roll is made. For every level of size difference (1 if a Large attacker takes on a
Medium defender, for example), the attack roll is modified by 4 (+4 if the attacker is larger; -4 if the
defender is larger).

The defending creature also gains a benefit if it has more than two legs: a -2 penalty to the attacker's roll
for every leg beyond two. There is no penalty to the defender if it has no legs. A lone orc attempting to
pull down a horse and rider would have at least a -8 penalty applied to the attack roll (-4 for size and -4
for the horse's four legs).

If the attack succeeds, the opponent is pulled down. A character can be pinned if further successful
overbearing attacks are rolled each round.

If multiple attackers are all attempting to pull down a single target, make only one attack roll with a +1
bonus for each attacker beyond the first. Always use the to-hit number of the weakest attacker to figure
the chance of success, since cooperation always depends on the weakest link. Modifiers for size should be
figured for the largest attacker of the group.

A giant and three pixies attempting to pull down a man would use the pixies' attack roll, modified by +3
for three extra attackers and +8 for the size difference of the giant (Huge) and the man (Medium).
This will probably be the end of the party, the adventure and possibly the world!

1. Inn – “The building you have come to is large and has the remains of a stone wall built into the largest
of the buildings and one outbuilding. An old barn is to the left of the opening in the wall. Toward the back
of the fenced in area is a small house, the roof has collapsed and one wall is demolished. Entrance into
that building is impossible. To your horror the broken wood and stone occasionally move and shift as if
someone or something is trying to claw its way out of the rubble. The rhythmic banging is louder hear
and seems to be coming from a building across from this one.”

Four living dead zombies are trapped within the rubble, freeing them does nothing but loose more
zombies. Any action by the party that causes damage to the zombies counts as the party attacking them,
see above for results.

“The larger building is obviously the remains of an inn. The door is broken and laying on the ground.
Shadows can be seen moving around inside.”

“Upon entering the inn, you see zombies sitting at tables and some moving about the room. Occasionally
one will stop at a table and mimes setting things on the table, while the seated zombies mime eating and
drinking. There are some zombies at the bar and one behind it. There are stairs leading to the second
floor, though you are unsure of their stability.”

The party can navigate the stairs safely, though they do shake and wobble as they go up. The second floor
has the rooms of the customers.

“You have reached the top of the stairs and the doors to the rooms stretch away from you, some are open,
some are closed and some no longer exist. There looks to be ten doors on this level.” [the doors run north
to south]

Door 1 – “This room contains only the remains of the furniture that once decorated the room.” Nothing is
in this room.

Door 2 – “The room has the broken remains of the furniture, but your eyes are drawn to the remains of
the bed where a groaning zombie softly makes noises as if it were sleeping.” The zombie is a Groaner but
will not react to the PCs unless touched, moved or attacked.

Door 3 – The door to this room is closed and locked” The party can open the door by picking the lock,
kicking it in, forcing it open, etc. The door was locked by the inn keeper as it was not being rented. “This
room contains only the remains of the furniture that once decorated the room.”

Door 4 – “The door lies on the floor in the room, the furniture is smashed and crushed. A skeleton’s parts
are strewn about the room with gnaw marks.” The skeleton is that of a visitor that died before the curse
and energy flooded the island.
Door 5 – “The door to this room is wide open, as you approach a zombie shuffles out, headed for the
stairs. [let’s hope the party just lets him pass, if not refer to attacking zombies above.] “The zombie
moves past you and shuffles down the stairs The room shares the same state as the others.”

Door 6 – “The door is closed [unlocked], when you open it you startle an actual living bird from the
room. It looked like a seagull and with a start you realize that it is the only other living thing on the
island.” Nothing of importance in this room.

Door 7 – “The door is open and the contents of the room match the rest. The furniture is rotted and
smashed.” Nothing importance in the room

Door 8 – “The door is open and you see a zombie [living dead] staring out the window as of looking for
something, it does not turn or acknowledge you in ant way. It’s right hand is raised like a salute to cover
her eyes. Her left hand seems to be ‘

Door 9 – “The door is open and you see a large room with many beds lining the walls. This room was
obvious one of the common areas when you could not afford your own room. Zombies stand and sit in the
room, they pay not attention as you look around.” common bedroom

Door 10 – This room is the twin of Door 9.

2. Blacksmith – “You have found the source of the rhythmic beating. You are standing in front of the
town blacksmithy. The doors of the forge are thrown wide and you see the zombie smith, considerably
larger than the others, standing at the anvil. He swings a large metal hammer is a smooth rhythm, striking
the anvil at regular intervals. The forge is long since cold and shows rust. The forge is equipped as one
would expect, hammers, tongs, files and leather aprons hang orderly on the wall. Items in various stages
lined up in a table and a box of rusted horseshoes. Metal is rusted and the leather has seen its straps rot,
you see nothing of use as you stand in front of the forge.”

If the [arty searches the forge they must do so carefully as not to jostle the blacksmith, a Dexterity Check
at +2 will suffice. To find the treasure in this room, a one must be rolled on a d8. If successful they will
find matched long swords wrapped in leather and buried in a pile of rusted iron bars. These weapons will
be extremely helpful to the party, IF, they find them.

Both are forged of silver-type metal (unknown metal), with rubies, garnets (green), and jade adorning the
crossguard. The pommel is a large scarab of diamond. The swords bear etchings along the blade, the
etchings are identical, a bear likeness of vines By their nature they have a non-magical +2 damage only to
any silver vulnerable creature, because of the make and materials used. Further it is enchanted with the
following abilities:
 +2, +5 vs plane travelers (any non-prime materials plane creature)
 +2 AC when held
 All saves +3, (except as noted below).
 +4 to save vs. all fire and lightening attacks, including breath weapons.
 If the swords are held by different people telepathic communication is possible if both have an
intelligent of 12 or greater.
3. Cave Entrance (leads to the Spiral)
Entrance and 1st Level – “You approach the end of the trail and see a cave entrance leading into the
mountain, as you get closer you see faintly glowing runes around the cavern entrance. The closer you get
the more details come into focus. There is an iron fence that cordons off the entrance from the rest of the
town. The iron gate is open and one is hanging from the hinges.

Once you pass the gate you see there are large iron doors, closed, with glowing runes filling the surface
area of the doors. Large iron rings hang from each door. The doors are unmarked except for the runes.”

The doors will open smoothly if the rings are pulled. The runes are protection runes that keep the undead
out, even Sir Fraomar cannot pass the runes. Inside this cavern is the only place safe from the undead.

Once the doors are open, the party see a natural cavern lit only by the light coming from the light outside
the cavern. The party will need torches if they want to see anything in the cavern.

“The doors opened smoothly, reveling the opening of cavern behind them. The only light is from outside.
You will need another source of light if you wish to see anything. Once you have a light source, you can
see the cavern leads away from you widening as you go. The cavern is dry and comfortable. You feel a
sense of peace and serenity. The doors easily close behind you and you see a large metal bar that can be
lowered to keep the doors shut tight.

As you make your way into the cavern it begins to curve to your left (east). As you make the turn you see
an alcove that was set up as a guard post. The cavern narrows and then widens out into a large cavern
with a rock formation toward the end of the room. As you reach the end of the cavern you see and old,
almost turned to dust, winch. The rope has long since rotted away, as you look down the large shaft at
your feet, you see a skeleton…a skeleton of an old broken ladder that leads down the shaft.”

There is no way the party can climb down the ladder without falling, even trying should earn them a
derisive shake of the head and being given a blank character sheet for the new character they have to roll

The distance down the shaft from the 1st level to the 2nd level is roughly 200 feet. Damage from this would
be 20d6 and require a save vs. Petrification at +2 to avoid falling into the shaft opening in the 2 nd floor to
the 3rd floor, which is another 150 feet (15d6 damage). Anyone that survives this must roll on the mortal
wounds table.

2nd Level – “You have reached the floor of the next level down. There is another shaft going further down
directly under the one you came down. The wooden ladder is all but gone, only the first two rungs are still
there. You see the remains of a wooden door to the east and the cavern opens up to the south.”

There is another door located south of the remains of the door, it is open slightly. Past that there is a
wooden wall.”

The door leads to the eastern end of the cavern. The wall is the backside of an area set aside for storage.

“As you go through the door the cavern continues until it winds back on itself and ends at the wall. The
crates in here are in better condition than in the village. Perhaps the doors seal more than just the
entrance? The contents however have long since given up the ghost. The crates at the wall are even in
better condition, it seems they were packed as if might be awhile before they needed to use whatever this

If the Pilfering PCs, peek partly past the wood slates they see winches. For some reason, finding the
working winches brings a smile to you face, then everyone is smiling. You lean against the cool cavern
wall and you feel tension leave your body. You have seen no undead, no dead bodies and just no to all the
strangeness. You relax a little at first but than you slide down the wall and sigh. It feels good to just sit.
It is only you here. The runes must protect this place. Here, finally is a place to rest and tend to those in
need. Perhaps even eat a hot meal.”

The party is perfectly safe here, they should be encouraged to take a minute, unless they have +23
chainsaws of undead slaying, at that point…just sink the island as it suddenly becomes a no magic zone.

3rd level – “You have made it down the second shaft, a shorter trip this time. As your feet hit the stone at
the bottom you see soft glow in the southwest corner of the cavern. This the largest cavern you have been
in No outcroppings , just one empty alcove.’

This is the last room before the spiral. The Spiral started assessing them as soon as they entered. They
will be meet with encounters in the Spiral to test them before they get through. (Go to The Spiral below.)

4. Herbalist – “The building you stand in front of gives you pause, you expected to see the building
overgrown, but this one…you see plants that you’ve seen no where else on the island. Strange plants
blossom and bloom inside the building as well. As you peer in you see the remains of boxes and shelves
filling the walls, many of the strange plants bloom from these very things. A zombie stands behind a table
working a stone mortar and pestle.”

This was the herbalists’ shop, over the years many of the plants and seeds he had in the store have grown
and cross pollinated. Am alchemist would give his life savings for the chance to study these plants. If any
of the PCs are chymsts or have the NWP alchemy or herbalism w.
ill immediately recognize the value of the plants. If they survive and come back the DM can introduce
any type of dust, unguents, powders or potions that would normally be found in the world, some
examples are:

 Animal Communication Potion Allows you to talk to animals.

 Animal Transformation Potion It is unknown what kind of animal this potion would turn you
 Big Head Potion Makes your head inflate.
 Cat Transformation Potion Turns you into a cat.
 Cross-Generalization Potion: Changes a person into the opposite gender.
 Crystal Ice Potion: A difficult potion that turns the drinker into Crystal ice.
 Extraction Spell: it allows you to take power from another witch. Young Ada and Agatha were
going to use it on their mother, so that they could run the Academy. 'Whiskers of a lion. Petals of
a flower. Make Mother's magic mine and give me her power.'
 Forget-me-Not potion: A person who drinks this potion cannot stop thinking about the person
who made it. If you have been given this potion you have dilated eye pupils and when you open
your mouth a purple heart comes floating out.
 Foresight Potion: shows you visions of the future. They are considered dangerous, as fate should
not be messed with.
 Keen smell Spell/Potion: Gives a keen sense of smell; useful for tracking things.
 Magic-Hypno Potion: A potion to put somebody into a hypnotic trance. You can then probe
their mind and find out anything you wish.
 Obedience Potion: Makes a person obey whatever they are told to do, whether it is god or bad.
 Personality Changing Potion: The Personality changing potion is for reversing personality
traits. "Makes the timid person brave, the sad person happy and the hard-hearted soft as a
 Potion to cure someone from turning to stone: Also works on people turned to clay.
 Reanimation Potion Brings Inanimate objects to life. To use it on a broom: sprinkle the pink
reanimation dust on the broom, and say: 'To this broomstick I give life, To cut the effort and the
strife. Make life easy, take the lead, Help me in my hour of need.' You can give orders to the
broom and tell it what to do. You can’t undo the spell with magic due to the reanimation dust, so
you presumably have to wait for it to wear of on its own
 Rock Transformation Potion: Turns the drinker into a rock.
 Shrinking Potion: Makes things shrink.
 Speed Potion Makes you move and run faster.
 Stickfast Potion: Sticks things shut or in place.
 Strength Potion: Makes the user extra strong.
 Switching Potion: Causes two people or animals to switches bodies.
 Tree Transformation Potion: Turns the drinker into a tree. Take too much and you may be
unable to turn back.
 Truth Potion: Makes a person tell the truth.
 Turn Blue Potion Turns your skin blue.

5. Church Cemetery – “The graves here are empty, they show that things clawed their way up and out,
there is no single grave untouched. The church is fallen in on its self and any sanctity it may have once
had is long since gone. In fact, you cannot even tell to which god the church was dedicated. As you
survey the open graves in the cemetery a zombie shuffles out from behind the church, groaning as it
walks past the graves making strange hand signs over them. He shuffles past you, headed into the town

The church is destroyed and nothing holy is left, nor anything of value.

6. Small Castle – “You have followed the path to the western end of the village, passing zombies who
shuffled, groaned or ran past with you without so much as a how do you do. You are a little twitchy being
in a town filled zombies that are not acting like zombies should be, at least you think so. The path ends at
the gates to a small castle. One of the gates has rotted away while the other hangs in shroud like decay.
You see at some point the portcullis was dropped but whatever it was trying to stop, it apparently did not.
The portcullis was smashed through with no apparent regard for anyone or anything. But remarkably the
stonework appears to not only be in intact it appears to be in good shape. The Gatehouse stands before
you, the shredded portcullis and rotted wood from the gates present what for a moment, was large mouth
filled with jagged fangs opening for you, are really the easiest way in to anything you have run into yet.

As you walk toward the gate you notice some things

1. You can longer hear the rhythmic tapping
2. In fact, there is no sound at all, none. No groaning, no shuffling of feet, or the thud of one those
gods damned running zombies.
As you look about it seems the entire castle facing you is in really good shape for how old it. [have the
party roll and compare to their Perception scores]

[if made] “You notice what look to be arrows sticking out of the ground a few feet away, arrows with new
fletching, five or six of them sticking out of the ground? No, that, that is a zombie, dead, again and
nothing bad is happening? Now you really don’t like this place.”

[if failed] they see none of the afore mentioned things

The players are about to meet the first of the political powers on the island The Duke of the island was Sir
Fraomar, a just man, believed to as pious as they come [while he is pious, believe me this was not pious
in the same way as them]. He arrived having sailed to the island standing the brow of the ship, in full
armor for 12 days. He marched directly to the keep and had one his men say he was not feeling well and
he would welcome them as they deserved in the morning, but for tonight celebrate in my name, I will see
you mid-morning tomorrow, which is a day off with pay from the Duke.

Fraomar had killed the real duke and dressed in his armor, only allowing HIS personal servants to assist.
He had been drawn to the island in search of three magical items, two of evil and one of shadow.
Combined the powers these items bestow making them unique, the powers seem to complement each
other. Legend Lore and True Lore will allow the Players to gain information and is the only way. The
three items are the:
1. The Shadow Staff (not a lesser Shadow Staff, the big enchilada, you never heard of it? go find a
bard or one of them lore weavers)
2. Crown of the Beholder, it is a crown that mimics the tentacle magic attacks of a beholder
3. The Sword of the Nameless King, an evil blade that can literally create its own undead army.

Now Fraomar was not here for one or two but all three, he and his brothers and sisters were planning to
gather and launch an attack on the academy. Unfortunately, the night he took to prepare was wasted. It
was the night Cimmeries and Kurdazas clashed. Now Fraomar could not be changed to undead but since
already was he was caught up in the curse and cannot leave the island.

Sir Fraomar is one of the Twelve Dark Paladins, heavily armored undead warriors, they carry out the will
of their unknown creator. To say he chafes at being stuck here is an understatement, he is even willing to
ally himself with the party to break the curse. He will be completely honest with them. He traveled here
with 1 Black Bone Skeleton, 1 Skeleton Warlock, 1 skeleton vicar and 8 Skeleton Heroes. When the
zombies attacked the castle, they found undead warriors of great power waiting for them. The skeleton
warlock used a scroll to cast the spell Legion of Shadows. This summoned even more skeletons to serve
Sir Fraomar.
His forces made it fairly easy for him to fight of the zombies. Their main weapon of biting and turning
their opponents to zombies was lost. Now he controls the docks and the village, but can’t get to the Spiral
due to still functioning wards against undead, he believes if Kurdazas is killed, the curse is lifted and he
can get off the hell of a prison. He will want to ally with the party to have them kill Kurdazas. He will tell
the party exactly who he is and that he is stuck here, if they turn him down their dead anyway. He will
take whatever oath the party wants regarding this and only this alliance unless it is totally uncalled for,
which might ding his honor (yeah honor, Dead Paladin, their kinda Knights…oh for Pete’s sake their
Lawful Evil. He will keep his word once the party gives theirs.) He will provide them with what he
learned as he investigated his situation, all of it. He will hold nothing back, if he can’t kill the bumbling
idiot than if he can get someone to and free him well that works too. Oh, and when I say everything, he
will tell them about the magic items he is after. He will insist the party include an addendum to their
treaty that once those items are recovered a negotiation will occur before any violence.
Small Castle Ground Floor

 Gatehouse
A double half-round tower, protecting the main entrance to the castle. There are two pairs of what
once were very stout, solid oak, iron studded and reinforced gates; opening outwards to make
them difficult to break down with battering rams. In between the two pairs of gates is an iron
portcullis, which is dropped down and rent and smashed. To either side of the smashed portcullis
stand two skeletons, they are wearing antique armor and carry halberds.

If the party approaches them “The skeletons come to attention and cross their halberds across the
opening. They stare at you with unmoving, empty eye sockets.”

If the party attack, then play out the combat, Sir Fraomar will come to the gate personally. He
will forgive the loss of some skeletons if they party agrees to help him.

If they do not attack “As you stare at the skeleton sentries, you see a skeleton approaching the
gate. You sense something is different, he is wearing scaled leather armor, a helm and vambraces.
Across his back you see a large two-handed axe.

He comes to the gate and steps through the hole. He approaches you with his right hand held up,
palm to you. (He stops and waits for the party to return the salute, the universal sign for peace)
He nods toward you as you return his gesture. He hands you a rolled scroll, opening you see it is
written in common and conveys the following message. ‘Sir Fraomar, Duke of the fallen Almor
invites you to present yourself to him forthwith as he would like to speak with you regarding an
opportunity for you worthies and he, to come to mutually beneficial terms. Please allow Sir
Carnon to escort you in.’ The skeleton stands watching you, obviously awaiting an answer. (If the
party begin to speak amongst themselves in front of Sir Carnon, he will quickly get their attention
and pantomime he can hear and understand what they are saying, he will then motion the sentries
through the smashed opening and step through himself to allow the party to talk.)
If the party tells Sir Cranon they accept he will motion them through and escort them directly to
Sir Fraomar. If they decline, he will nod and post the sentries and point for the party to leave.

 Bailey
This is the open space or court yard in the middle of the castle, defined by the curtain wall, which
is strengthened by six round towers and the double tower of the gatehouse. As you follow your
guide, you see skeletons moving around the grounds. Some are going up to the walls and carry
bows, while others are taking positions around the interior. Your guide is taking you toward the
back of the keep, where you see a tower that

 Squire’s Tower [River Tower]

So called because it houses the Squires.

 Retainer's Chamber
On the ground floor of the Squire’s Tower, this large chamber is where some of the retainers
serving out their forty days of military service eat, sleep and relax. There is a ladder and trapdoor
leading up to the first-floor bed chamber. Next to the Squire’s Tower there is a small stone
stairway which leads up to the battlements.

“The room was obviously used as some type of barracks, actually it appears it is STILL being
used. Six skeleton’s turn to face you as you open the door. Their empty eye sockets stair into your
eyes for at least 30 seconds, then they turn and ignore you. They are picking up swords and
shields, moving as if they expect you to come in and keep moving”

The skeletons are part of Sir Fraomar’s troops.

 Granary
Built against the curtain wall, this dry-stone building was used to store a large quantity of wheat
and grain. After harvest time, there would be enough grain stored here to feed the garrison for an
entire year!

 Kitchen Tower
A small round tower in the curtain wall, close by the Kitchen block.

 Armoury
On the ground floor of the Kitchen tower is the Armoury. Here are the remains of arrows,
weapons, helmets and armour are stored, some of the racks are empty. There is a ladder and trap
door leading up to the first floor above.
 Well
Tucked in a corner between the Kitchen block and the Duke's tower is the all-important well;
providing fresh water for the entire castle, a crucial feature during a siege! A castle without a
good supply of fresh water would only last days against a determined siege, whereas a
fortification with one can last until the food runs out!

 Kitchen
This is the largest free-standing building within the castle bailey. It is strongly built-in stone and
is separate from the Duke's tower and the curtain wall, as a precaution against the spread of fire.
The kitchen has a large fireplace, and the fire within it is lit most of the time, with plenty of
flammable material piled about (not to mention thatched roofs!) its not surprising that medieval
kitchens often used to catch fire. By isolating the kitchen building the risk to the rest of tl1e castle
is minimized. The kitchen is where all of the cooking for the Duke, his family, his guests and the
garrison is done by a team of servants.

 Pantry
A two-story lean-to attached to the kitchen contains a good sized pantty on the ground floor. Here
a good stock of prepared food is kept; stacks of bread, rough loaves for the peasants and fine
white loaves for the duke; plus pies, fruit, vegetables and dairy produce.

 Stair Tower
This modest tower contains a large winding stone stair which is the main way of access to the
battlements on top of the curtain wall.

 Hay Barn
A small stone barn by the Chapel tower is used to store hay, straw and animal fodder, mainly for
the horses in the nearby stables.

 Stables
A row of wooden stables are built up against the inside of the curtain wall. Here the horses of the
duke, his Knights and retinue are stabled. There is room for ten or twelve horses. Currently it is
occupied by a Nightmare, Sir Fraomar’s mount.

 Chapel Tower
A small round tower in the curtain wall, close to the Chapel.

 Chaplain's Chamber
On the ground floor of the Chapel tower the Chaplain lives. He is a priest or cleric who is
responsible for the spiritual welfare of the castle occupants. He holds daily se1'vices in the
Chapel. There is a ladder and trapdoor leading up from this room up to the Chaplain's
bedchamber on the first floor.

 Chapel
A fine stone chapel, built against the curtain wall next to the Chapel tower, it is evidence of the
devout 'godliness' of the Duke. He may be a warrior and ferocious in battle but he prays to god
before embarking on campaigns, journeys and the like.

 Constable's Tower
A solid round tower near the gatehouse.

 Constable's Hall
On the ground floor of the Constable's tower is his hall, with stone stairs up to the first floor and
battlements. The constable is a military man and in charge of the castle in the Duke's absence.

 Duke's Tower
This is the largest round tower in the castle and contains the hall and the Duke's private
apartments. Although it is part of the circuit of the curtain wall, this tower fulfils the role
normally performed by a keep.

 Anteroom
This room is little more than an entrance lobby on the ground floor of the Duke's Tower. This is
where tenants and vassals 'wait' on their Duke (they are literally waiting to be summoned into his
presence) out of the weather.
“You have been led into the large tower. The skeleton has brought you to a triangular room.
Benches are built out from the walls and faded banners cover them. New banners, obviously
new, are hung from the walls. (I can’t describe the picture, just show it to the players.) The
banners are on are made of black silk with used to fill in parts of the crest. The skeleton warrior
motions you to wait as he goes through a set of double doors. You see another door to the let of
the double doors. He enters and is gone for maybe 30 seconds, before he returns. He opens the
door and motions you in.”

 Great Chamber
On the ground floor of the Duke's tower, this is where the Duke 'holds court.' He meets with his
tenants and knights to discuss business or tactics. There is a small winding stone stair off this
chamber, leading to the Great Hall above. Sir Fraomar and Black Bone Skeleton are here
“You have entered semi-circle room; the same banners hang from the wall in here as well, but in
these the skull has a golden crown. At the far side of the room sits a throne. Upon the throne sits a
skeleton in black plate armor, a gold crown upon his head and a glowing two-handed sword.
Crows sit on the back of his throne and one is perched on the pommel of his sword. He is flanked
by two other skeletons, the one on his right is dressed in tattered black robes with a vestment of
red and gold with a pentagram stitched on his chest, red, baleful fire fill its eye sockets. To the
left, stands a skeleton garbed in a loose, black, hooded cloak. The parts that are visible seem to be
covered by black leather. You can barely make out it’s skull in the hood, it feels like it is looking
into your soul. The skeleton on the throne motions you forward. It is then you see there are six
skeletons in a semi-circle behind the throne. These appear as normal skeletons, but armed with
better weapons than most. You approach the throne, stopping a respectful distance. The skeleton
to the right begins to step forward pointing at the floor. The skeleton on the throne slightly raises
his right hand and it stops immediately. The armored skeleton leans forward and…speaks in a
deep, raspy voice – ‘My name is Sir Fraomar, Duke of fallen Alamor and one of the Twelve Dark
Paladins (that right there will call for a fear check, every being on Dunya has heard of the Twelve
Dark Paladins. They are powerful, fierce and deadly undead knights. Fear Statistic is 1, Sir
Fraomar will insure anyone who flees is brought back safely. He will wait until the party is all
together again.) I tell you this to insure there is no misunderstanding of who and what I am. I
have been stuck here longer than I care to admit. Not through the actions of any mortal power but
a thrice damned demon lord. I was, I believe the saying goes, caught with my armor down.
Because of arrogant pride, coupled with an impressive power for a mortal led to this, the fool
summoned Cimmeries, the Demon Lord of the Undead, and thought to trap him using his name.
He believed Cimmeries was his full name. Because of the Lore Weaver’s stupidity, this island
was cursed. In one night, all the inhabitants of the island and the Lore Weaver Academy were
killed and turned into different forms of undead. I and my attendants were not affected by that
part f the curse, after all we were already undead. It was the second part to the curse that caught
us. The second part trapped all the undead on this island, none of us can leave. We have tested
this many times. The zombies we have put on rafts and pushed off the shore always fought us.
The first couple actually jumped off the raft and made it back to shore. We tied the rest down, the
curse follows the contours of the island mostly, it does, however; also cover the opening to the
cove, the living can pass through freely, but if they are killed on this island they are raised as
undead and subject to the curse.’ He pauses here letting you ponder what he has just said before
continuing. ‘Once we were aware of the situation, we quickly redeathed any of the undead we
found in the castle that were not part of band. Once that was done, we set about fortifying our
position. We now have a staff of fifty skeleton warriors. They are, in turn are lead by my
Skeleton Heroes, warriors of skill that followed me into undeath. My advisers Tazil’ he gestures
to his right ‘Kayrd’ gesturing to his left and Belmessilm our Vicar. I can see you are wondering
why I have given you our numbers, it is simple I cannot break the curse, only a living being from
off the island can. But let speak plainly, what mortal would willing break the curse and unleash
those abominations out there, he motions vaguely in the direction of the town, on the world?
Their bite is infectious and unchecked could lead to a zombie lead apocalypse.That does not fit
my plans. To this end I would like to offer you a deal. I came, disguised, to this island to obtain
three enchanted items of great power, The Shadow Staff, the Crown of the Beholder, and the
Sword of the Nameless King. The Lore weavers had hidden them here in this academy for
advance studies, very powerful lore weavers resided here and they did their best to erase where
the items were from history. I had to travel to the Library to find tomes that allowed my to
discern where they were. Obviously, I have not gained them, though what good they would do
me trapped here.’

‘The pact I offer is this, I will help you get to the Spiral, the maze that leads to the inner island
and the academy. I cannot pass the doors to the spiral, nor can any other undead, You will go
through the spiral and to the academy, to which I will provide as much information as I know,
find the means to break the curse and kill those Lore Weavers and their guards that were changed
on that night. Once that is done, I will feel the barrier lift and I give you my word all other forms
of undead not part of my garrison will be redeathed and their bodies destroyed. The runes on the
doors to the spiral will keep any undead on the other side trapped there. Destroy them if you
wish. I know the academy house many books on a wide variety of subjects from arcane to
mundane. To you I give these with no attachment. In fact I will stipulate you may have any
magic items and treasure you find in the academy except for The Shadow Staff, the Crown of the
Beholder, and the Sword of the Nameless King. These are the items I came for and what I wish to
leave with; however, before tempers flare, I demand those three items must be discussed at length
between us to decide their ultimate fate. I have no wish to battle you over them, when we can
speak together like civilized beings. What ever decision we come to will bind us all until we have
reached ap Meryk. If then you wish to chase after me to get the items, I would consider it more
than fair, that will also go for me and mine if you take any of the items. Until you either die or
have broken the curse and we leave this island we will sign a treaty of assistance. Once we are all
back on ap Meryk the treaty will end. I can provide some weapons to replace any you are lacking
frm this castles armory and well as armor. Unfortunately, we have rations to share with you as
we have no need of them. I would ask you to now ask your questions and when you are finished
you may retire to the anteroom to discuss your decision. Regardless of your decision you will be
granted safe passage from the castle, but if decline this offer, you will be treated as the zombies
out there should you return.’ He sits back in his throne and it is then you notice his eye sockets
have a strange purple glow within them. He gestures to the part to start asking their questions.

(Sir Fraomar has not lied about anything he has said, and his offer is on the up and up. He and his
forces will assist the party anyway they can, including giving them room in the castle to rest and
heal. Belmessilm, the Vicar, is a 5th level cleric and, while it is not in his normal spells, can and
will heal the party. This whole thing should seem surreal to the players. Every undead on this
island they have seen, except for the normal skeletons are evil. Sir Fraomar is definitely evil, but
it is known if one of the Twelve Dark Paladins give their word, they will honor both the spirit and
intent of the oath. The party will need to decide what is the bigger evil, whoever summoned
Cimmeries, the Demon Lord of the Undead of Sir Fraomar or any of the undead spell casters still
at the academy.)

Here is what Sir Fraomar KNOWS:

The details of the curse
Who placed the curse
That it was a lore weaver at the academy that summoned Cimmeries
The spiral is protected, he has never been inside so he knows nothing the Spiral itself or what, if
anything, inhabits it.
The staff, crown and sword are somewhere in the academy, he will warn the party it is possible
one or more of the undead lore weavers may be using them

Here is what Sir Fraomar has DETERMINED:

The curse can be broken
Whatever breaks the curse is in the academy, he just does not know for sure what it is

Here are Sir Fraomar’s GUESSES:

He thinks the way to break the curse will involve whoever first summoned Cimmeries
There are no zombies past the spiral but there are stronger undead on the other side
He does not believe the undead spell casters would allow each other to survive with attacking
them so there may be less now than there was

Sir Fraomar is completely truthful in all that he says. He is really not that set on claiming the
staff, sword and crown. He wants OFF this island. He can wait for the mortal beings to grow old
and feeble and then come collect the items. He will hold up his end of the treaty, as soon as the
barrier drops he will personally lead his forces out of the castle and anything undead (chicken or
human) will be redeathed. Further he will ensure the remains are burned and the ashes scattered.
If the party has a cleric he will ask them to bless the ashes as a further way to ensure they will not
come back. He will also have torched the village to make sure all of the undead are found. When
the party comes out from the spiral they will be met by an honor guard of skeletons lead by two
of Sir Fraomar’s Skeleton Heroes. They will escort them to the castle, where skeletons are
crating up items Sir Fraomar is taking with him and all are preparing to leave. The negotiations
will be covered later in the module.

 Stores
In the stores, on the ground floor of the Duke's tower, many goods are kept; casks of beer and
wine, chests of spare clothes, surplus furniture and so forth.
Small Castle – First Floor

 Bed Chamber (Squire’s Tower)

This room is used either for the retainers (who also have a hared chamber below) or for guests.
There is a trapdoor and a ladder down to the ground floor. There are steps outside, adjacent to this
tower, that lead from the bailey up to the battlements but they do not give access into this room.

 Bed Chamber (Kitchen Tower)

This bedchamber is used for knights and other guests and is accessed via a trapdoor and ladder in
the armoury below.

 Kitchen
The main kitchen is open on the first floor, to allow the dissipation of heat and fumes. A couple
of windows on this floor let light into this large space.

 Servant's Bedchamber
Above the pantry and attached to the kitchen block, tl'lere is a modest sleeping chamber for the
kitchen servants. This is accessed by a trapdoor and ladder down to the pantry below.

 Stair Tower
On this level there is just an arrow slit facing into the bailey, otherwise just winding stairs down
to the ground floor and up to the battlements.

 Chaplain's Bedchamber (Bed Chamber [Chapel Tower])

On this floor of the Chapel tower, the priest, or chaplain, has his private sleeping room. There is a
wooden bed, a stool, some books and not much else.

 Chapel
The chapel is open up into the roof; on the first floor the upper part of the Chapel is lit by several
large and ornate mullioned windows.

 Constable's Bedchamber
Here, in the Constable's tower, the Constable sleeps and stores his clothes and personal
belongings. He is a tough and reliable man who can be trusted to manage the castle when the
Duke and his retinue are absent. If the Duke is staying in another manor or castle, and has taken
his servants as well as his knights and squires with him, then the Constable could well be the only
person sleeping in tl1e castle, acting as a kind of 'caretaker.' Obviously if there was a.ny threat of
attack, he v.r.ould have anything from two to half a dozen men-at-arms under his command, to
guard and hold the castle in their Lord's absence.

 Great Hall
The entire first floor of the Duke's Tower is taken up by the Great Hall. This is split in two by a
central wall but this is pierced by two large and omate pointed arches connecting the two spaces.
A winding stone stair leads down to the ground floor (Great chamber) and another leads up to the
second floor (the Duke's chamber.) In this grand hall the Duke entertains and feasts his people,
retainers and guests.
Small Castle – Second Floor & Battlements

 Guest Chamber (Constable's Tower)

This large and spacious bedchamber is used for guests of the Duke when they are staying at the
castle. There are wide stone stairs down to the first floor, two doors giving access out onto tl1e
walkway and battlements around the curtain wall. There is also a ladder and trapdoor giving
access to the tower roof.

 Walkway
All around the top of the curtain wall there is a continuous walkway, punctuated with the towers
and gatehouse. It is wetl paved with stone slabs and protected by strong and tall stone battlements
to the outside. It is possible to make a complete circuit of the castle on this level, provided you do
not mind passing through all seven towers, each having two doors, giving out either way, onto
this walkway. From the battlements it is possible for archers to cover all the approaches to the
castle, and the river estuary as well.

 Knight's Chambers
On the second floor of the Gatehouse there are three adjoining chambers; here knights, vassals
and other noble retainers of the Duke, sleep when they are serving their lord. Giving him up to
forty days of military service per year. The Duke would only ask for such service if the castle is
threatened in some way. The gatehouse, being the most likely place to be attacked, has a certain
prestige to it, which may be why the knights choose to sleep here, rather than in one of the other
lesser towers around tl1e curtain wall. There is access from the central chamber, by way of a
ladder and trapdoor, up onto the Gatehouse roof. There are also doors in each of tl1e side
chambers, leading out onto the walkway around the battlements on top of the curtain wall

 Walkway
All around the top of the curtain wall there is a continuous walkway, punctuated with the towers
and gatehouse. It is wetl paved with stone slabs and protected by strong and tall stone battlements
to the outside. It is possible to make a complete circuit of the castle on this level, provided you do
not mind passing through all seven towers, each having two doors, giving out either way, onto
this walkway. From the battlements it is possible for archers to cover all the approaches to the
castle, and the river estuary as well.
 Squire's Chamber
In the Squire’s Tower this floor is taken up by a commodious chamber where several young
squires sleep. Squires might be described as apprentice knights, they are usually young, of noble
blood, but have yet to (win their spurs' in battle. There are two doors out onto the battlements
walkway and a ladder leading via a trapdoor to the tower roof.

 Walkway
All around the top of the curtain wall there is a continuous walkway, punctuated with the towers
and gatehouse. It is wetl paved with stone slabs and protected by strong and tall stone battlements
to the outside. It is possible to make a complete circuit of the castle on this level, provided you do
not mind passing through all seven towers, each having two doors, giving out either way, onto
this walkway. From the battlements it is possible for archers to cover all the approaches to the
castle, and the river estuary as well.

 Men-at-arms Chamber (Kitchen Tower)

A sleeping chambet for either low ranking retainers or paid soldiers in service to the Duke. A
ladder and trapdoor give access to the tower roof and two doors leading either way onto the
curtain wall walkway and battlements.

 Walkway
All around the top of the curtain wall there is a continuous walkway, punctuated with the towers
and gatehouse. It is wetl paved with stone slabs and protected by strong and tall stone battlements
to the outside. It is possible to make a complete circuit of the castle on this level, provided you do
not mind passing through all seven towers, each having two doors, giving out either way, onto
this walkway. From the battlements it is possible for archers to cover all the approaches to the
castle, and the river estuary as well.

 Ladies chamber
This comfortable room, in the Duke's Tower, is where the Duke's good lady sleeps when she is
staying at the castle. The Duchess uses this as a family room, here she and her children spend
much of their time, often sleeping in here too. There is a ladder and trapdoor giving access to the
tower roof, and a door out onto the battlements on the curtain wall.

 Duke's Chamber
In the Duke's tower, on the second floor, is where the Duke has his private bedchamber. There is
a handsome four poster bed, plus a number of chests filled with clothes and other personal
belongings. His best suite of armour, great sword and shield are all on display here when he is not
wearing or using them. There are winding stone steps going down to the first floor (Great Hall)
and a door out onto the battlements.

 Walkway
All around the top of the curtain wall there is a continuous walkway, punctuated with the towers
and gatehouse. It is wetl paved with stone slabs and protected by strong and tall stone battlements
to the outside. It is possible to make a complete circuit of the castle on this level, provided you do
not mind passing through all seven towers, each having two doors, giving out either way, onto
this walkway. From the battlements it is possible for archers to cover all the approaches to the
castle, and the river estuary as well.
 Guest Chamber (Stair Tower)
A cramped guest chamber, mostly taken up by the wide stone steps leading down to the ground
floor and bailey. There are also two doors leading out onto the curtain wall and a ladder and
trapdoor giving access to the tower roof. Not much room for a bed!

 Walkway
All around the top of the curtain wall there is a continuous walkway, punctuated with the towers
and gatehouse. It is wetl paved with stone slabs and protected by strong and tall stone battlements
to the outside. It is possible to make a complete circuit of the castle on this level, provided you do
not mind passing through all seven towers, each having two doors, giving out either way, onto
this walkway. From the battlements it is possible for archers to cover all the approaches to the
castle, and the river estuary as well.

 Men-at-arms Chamber (Chapel Tower)

A sleeping chamber for several low ranking retainers or soldiers serving the Duke. There is a
ladder and trapdoor giving access to the tower roof and two doors leading either way onto the
curtain wall walkway and battlements.
Tower Roofs & Battlements
Each tower has a ladder and trapdoor giving access to the roof from the chambers below, on the
second floor. From each solid wooden roof, protected by stone battlements all around, it is
possible to not only cover the surrounding area with bow fire but also the inner bailey, should
part of the curtain wall, or one of the other towers be breached.
7 Store – “The collapsed building you have come to was once the village’s store house of supplies for
winter. The grain has rotted for the most part but some took root and now grows wild around the building
and trees.”

The store house has nothing of value.

The Spiral

The Spiral is a magic test/trap to insure only the correct people make their way through the Spiral and
past the mountains. to get through to the Lore Master Academy. One must find their way up from the
bottom to the exit at the top.

The Spiral is a spiral multi-level maze with set encounters and experiences placed throughout to insure
only allowed people make it through. There are total of 8 keyed entries for the Spiral. There are no
random encounters, unless the DM is feeling cruel than by all means stock it up.

Entrance – “As you leave the large cavern behind you enter what seems to be a stone room. The walls are
of fitted stone and the floor is smooth flagstone. Before you are two large iron doors. These doors are
covered with delicate inlay work of silver and gold with jewel stones set within the design. Emblazoned
above the doors are glowing runes. They twist and turn upon themselves, changing shape until those that
can read can understand them. The words are ‘Those seeking audience with the Head Master of the
Academy all they need do is speak the words and enter’’

It is now up to the DM on how they want this to go, the phrase can either be “I seek audience with the
Head master’ or “the words”. Or another set of words that the DM decides to torture the players.

Once they figure out the code read the following – “The runes above the door glow intensely just before
the door swings inward. You hear a scraping sound and you see sparks shoot from the edges of the door
as they come to rest against the walls. As you watch terrified, the sparks fly down into troughs along the
wall. With a woosh and flash, flames race along the walls in trenches, the flames go away from you,
lighting carved walls and floors. The flames burn smokeless and odor free and the corridor extends away
from you.”

The Spiral is lit by oil in the trenches along the walls the burn smoke and odor free. The hallways are 20’
wide and 30’ tall uniformly throughout. The Spiral’s hallways, if one is going the right way, will
gradually lead upwards. The incline is so slight and with the magic of the Spiral makes it impossible for
anyone to tell.

Encounters within the Spiral

There are 6 planned encounters, they were originally placed there by Lore Weavers as tests for their
visitors to ensure that only those worthies could make it to the academy, but they were changed to actual
traps once the three magic items were placed in the academy.

Encounter 1 – “You come to an opening in the walls, before you stand two guards in full plate armor.
The armor is engraved, inlaid, filigreed and SHINY. From the top of the helms sprout exquisite feathers
of iridescent blue and green with eyespots. The feathers are tall and stand straight up from the helm. Royal purple
cloaks with whiter ermine trim, flow from their shoulders down to the cobbled stone. Shields of a bright silver metal
gleam in their left hand.

Right Shield Left Shield

As you stare the one on the right suddenly begins to speak.

Right Guard - “Welcome Worthies, to pass you must solve a riddle, the correct answer will allow you to
continue, the wrong results in certain death. You may ask one question – to one of us – to help you
decipher which door is the correct one. I should warn you that one of us always tells the truth, and one of
us always lies. That’s a rule too, he always lies.”
Left Guard - “I do not! I tell the truth!”

Right Guard - “Oooh, what a lie!” (snickering and laughing)

To solve the puzzle, you must ask one guard (it doesn’t matter which one) which door the other guard
would say leads out. Both guards will indicate the same door, which will be the door that doesn’t lead out.
For purposes of this explainer, we’ll call the doors A (the safe door), and B (the knock, knock, knocking
on heaven’s door). Let’s discuss:

Scenario one: The guard you ask is the one who lies.

– If the guard you asked is the one who lies, then he will lead you astray by telling you (falsely) that the
other guard – the truthful guard – will point you towards door B. This makes door A the safe bet.

Scenario two: The guard you asked is the one who tells the truth.
– If the guard you ask is the one who tells the truth, he will tell you (honestly) that the other guard – the
lying guard – will point you towards door B. This makes door A the safe bet.

In both cases, the outcome is the same. To stay alive, you must walk through the opposite door you’ve
been told.

Left Guard: “Ooooh, how do you know? He could be telling the truth.”

Right Guard: “But I could be telling the truth!”

Guards: “Wait a minute, is that right?”

Left to Right “I don’t know, I never understood it.”

If the party gets the correct answer, they guard they ask to move will stand to the side and allow them to
pass. If; however, they give the WRONG answer, the knights will draw shining swords from their
scabbards an attack. These Knights are Silver Golems. They are not an easy kill. They are unique in their
ability to speak and understand the answer to their question.

Silver Golems (2): AC: 0, HD: 12, HP x, THAC0: 9, # of Attk: 4; Dmg: 1d8 (longsword), Special a silver
golem always gains the initiative (even over a short sword of speed) and These constructs suffer damage
only from weapon with a +1 or greater enchantment. Like other golems, they are immune to poison and to
mind-affecting attacks. Magical fire-based attacks cause them to grow 1 Hit Die per level of the spell
used against them, and magical cold-based attacks cause them to shrink in a similar fashion. Silver
golems remain otherwise unaffected by spells, Morale: Fearless, XP: 9,000

The remains of a defeated silver golem have great value. The silver composing the body weighs 100 lbs.
and is worth 1,000 gold pieces.

Encounter 2 – “Strange noises, like claws on stone, are coming your way. You can either run or stand
and find out what it is. (No Mr. thief, there are no shadows, no place to hide, you can’t sneak up behind
them, no backstabby).

If the players run, let’em. They will get lost and run into these guys again. For those brave souls that stand
their ground – “Through the door they come, in tight formation. Lances held at the ready. There are five
of them you know that…as for what you see, well umm, you see, they all have different color armor on;
one gold, one black, one silver, one blue and one green. Yeah and then, ah, hmmm..I give up just show
them the picture.”

These are the Goblin Knights of the Labyrinth, they are five of them, they are normal goblins stat wise,
their mounts have the same AC and HD, the mounts have no attack, but their mounts smell extremely
disgusting. Those failing their saving throws vs. poison are so revolted as to lose 1d6 points of Strength.
This loss remains in effect for 10 rounds.

There is no way around these fellows, they must be fought. The first round they will charge the party in
line formation, they are +2 on their attack throws, but take a -2 penalty to Armor Class until the next time their
initiative number comes up.

Goblin Knight count as bodyguards for stats

Goblin Knights (5): AC: 0, HD: 2d8, HP x, THAC0: 18, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: Lance, Light 1d61d8 +1 to
hit first attack due to Charging, Shortsword 1d6/1d8 and Flail, Horsemen’s 1d6/1d6 Morale: +2 XP:

Encounter 3 – “As you pass through this arch, you catch the wall to the west slide open and a terrifying
metal thing with various blades forged to it is coming directly toward you, and it has begun to spin.

This is the labyrinth cleaner and is easily avoided by just stepping backwards. If the PCs must fight the
front of the clear is AC 0, has 100 hp and stretches wall to wall with an effective STR of 23. Unless they
running away without attacking the attackers will automatically be hit for 3d10 damage each round until
the run away or move down a side passage. Armor must save vs. Crushing Blow or be destroyed. Magic
armor and shields get their “+” as a bonus to their saving throw.

“As it passes you, you see three very board looking goblins working gears and pedals to power the thing.
They barely look your way and just keep going.”

Should the party try to interact with them they will just look at the party and one will say “Fragging
Aardvarks” before they all turn back to their tasks.

For those that must fight.

“The spinning blades are coming for you, there is no way to dodge, only move back. Your weapons slam
into the metal as its blades peels your armor and rip into your flesh. There is no escaping the blades,
whose fragging aardvark of an idea was this anyway?”

Encounter 4 – “The wall to the north begins to shift, the smooth rock sliding and changing before your
eyes. A stone face emerges from the rock, its dour eyes look straight at you. ‘This is not the way’ it says
and disappears back into the wall. As you contemplate if this is the oddest thing that’s happened so far,
the rocks grind and shift behind you. As you turn another face is emerging from the south wall, ‘Don’t go
on!’ it says before it too slides back into the wall. Ok, this is a little weird you say as the ground at your
feet swells and moves. As you jump away a rck face form in the ground where you were standing ‘Go
back while you still can’ it speaks before disappearing into the floor.”
That’s it, they won’t say anything else and are immune to ANY AND ALL attacks.

Encounter 5 – “You have come, not to the exit, but the center of the labyrinth. A glowing portal stands
before you (don’t worry it’s an illusion) contained between to massive columns, Stepping out of the portal
as you enter the center of the labyrinth is a man. He has long white hair and his two different colored eyes
seem to entrance you as you look into them. He is slender and dressed in boot, leather pants and a white
poet’s blouse. He smiles as you make eye contact and pulls a glass ball of the air and rolls it about his
fingers before he throws it at you.”

Let the players react how they will. This is a programed illusion installed by an illusionist who had had
an idolized view of the goblin king. Any attacks will pass right through the illusion and the glass makes
no sound as it shatters at the party’s feet.

Encounter 6 – “You have begun to smell fresh air, and hear the faint rustling of leaves and the call of
birds. Ahead of you, you see the exit. You have made it to the end of the labyrinth. You take happy steps
toward the exit when the ground just in front of you begins to twist and turn, becoming a small tornado. It
vanishes with a snap and before you stands a very tall being.

He is maybe 7’ tall, he has green skin and is dressed in riding leathers and a feather cloak. A strange
crown holds his hair away from his face. He is quite charming looking, except for the large ancient
broadsword in his hand, point down. The sword is polished and gleams in the light, but as you look
toward it, it seems to shimmer, maybe even shift, glowing with some inner luster.”

Okay, now they have to watch it. This is the Goblin King, the real one. He has been told of the travesty in
the center of the labyrinth. He will react to the PCs as they react to him. If they talk, he will talk. If they
attack, gods help them as he will call his goblins (10d10) worth, all elite goblin warriors and will attack
the party with no mercy. Try to dissuade them from this.

If they are respectful, he will offer them a chance to win an item from him if they answer a riddle.

Riddle: Power and treasure for a prince to hold,

Hard and steep-cheeked, wrapped in red
Gold and garnet, ripped from a plain
Of bright flowers, wrought - a remnant
Of fire and file, bound in stark beauty
With delicate wire, my grip makes
Warriors weep, my sting threatens
The hand that grasps gold. Studded
With a ring, I ravage heir and heirloom.
To my lord and foes always lovely
And deadly, altering face and form.
Answer: Sword
If they get it right, he will pull a sword wrapped in a gray blanket from nowhere. He will hand it to the PC
that answered the riddle and vanish. Unwrapping the blanket reveals a gray leather sheath, with gold
inlay of vines wrapping around it. Drawing the sword reveals a silver, almost white blade with gold hilt
and pommel bastard sword. It is a weapon of the ancients. This weapon will be extremely useful to the
Weapons of the Ancients
These weapons were forged in ages past by unknown hands. They are made of a strange metal -
light, strong and untouched by time - -and elaborately wrought, leaf-shaped with serpentine decorations.
These weapons radiate magic if that is detected for. They can only be used by persons of Good
alignment. True neutrals will suffer 2d8 damage on grasping the weapon, and must then drop it, never
again touching it. Evil persons will sense the powerful Good nature of the weapon and stay well away.
These weapons attack at +2 to hit and damage, and confer a bonus of +1 to all saving throws
against attacks on the wielder. They will never attack Good creatures or persons, but attack Evil ones at
an additional +1 to hit and damage.
Any undead creature hit by a weapon of the Ancients is slain, and will crumble into dust if they
fail a save vs. Death. However, if the target had 10 or more hit dice, the weapon then withers and
disappears. It has no effect on demons, devils, or other undead of 13 or more hit dice.

Exit – “You have made it to the end. Before you the interior of the mountain ring stretches before you, at
least it would be except for the tress. The rather large tress that fill your view. Just outside the exit is a
small clearing maybe 20’, encircled by tall trees.”

Inner Forest

The party has made it to the inner forest. They will need to head north to get to the academy. This is also
where they will find the other group on the island. Ther is no location given for this encounter as the DM
can speed it up or slow it down based on how hurt, lost, confused, pissed at the DM they are.

“The inner forest is eerily quiet, no bird calls, no chittering squirrels, not even the scary rustle of leaves
from an unknown beast. The sun only reaches the forest floor is in lances and spears. Shadows fill the
forest and the silence threatens to overwhelm you. As you shake yourself, you feel an almost electric chill
run down your spine. Your eyes are drawn toward something, even if you don’t want to look, you can’t
stop yourself.”

Take a pause here, hide behind the screen act like you’re doing something, or, you just sit up stretch ask if
anyone needs a bathroom break or something drink or eat. The players will probably want to kill you but
it will fun the second way.

“You find your eyes have settled on truly disturbing creatures. The creatures are maybe four feet at the
shoulder. They have a canine like body lacking fur with white corpse-like skin. Their teeth and jaws are
obscenely, snarling, slavering orifices, and they have blank skin where their sockets should be. Their ears
stand straight up and seem to be twisting as the creatures tilt their heads and stare your way with smooth
skin in place of eyes.”

These are Charnel Hounds; these canines have become ghoul-like by a similar process as their once-
human brethren. A charnel hound hunts through its keen sense of smell and is completely immune to all
spells affecting sight.

Charnel Hound (10): AC: 6, HD: 3d10+2, HP x, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 175+4/hp,
Fear Factor 2
This not just a boo, now you see us, now you don’t. The charnel hounds are hungry and are part of a pack,
on their first action, one will attack and one will howl to summon the rest of the pack,8.

The party will be able to trapse through the forest after their encounter with the charnel hounds. The pack
of hounds cleared out most other (living) things from the forest. Unfortunately, they did not get all the
dead things. The forest is a dark place and armed skeletons patrol. They are not the real threat. Deep in
the forest are three gravehounds. These 8’ tall horrid undead beasts resemble massive rotting mastiffs or
wolves. They roam the forest like undead guardians destined to keep anything living out of the forest and

There are no paths through the forest, the paths that did exist have long since been grown over. Unlike the
town, there are no zombies walking remembered paths constantly. The academy is located near the
center of the forest. Random encounters showed be rolled for twice during the day and three times at

Encounters: A roll of 1 on a d6 during the day results in an encounter and a roll of 1-2 on a d6 during the
night results in an encounter. The gravehounds are a one time only encounter. Once they have been
encountered replace them with the Company of the Ivory Stars. Once both gravehounds and Company of
the Ivory Stars have occurred replace the encounter group for 1 with the skeletons from 2. If an
encountered is rolled, roll a d10 and consult the below table.

Roll Result
1 Gravehound (10): AC: 6, HD: 3d10+2, HP x, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 175+
4/hp, Fear Factor 2; Weapons of +1 or better are required to hit these monsters. They cannot
be turned by clerics.

Within 10' radius of the gravehound must save versus poison or become nauseated and
immobilized while within this range (c.f. stinking cloud). If the distance between an affected
creature and the gravehound increases (through the gravehound's movement or through rescue by
a third party) to more than ten feet, the affected creature recovers in 1–3 rounds but is at 1 "to-hit"
for an additional 2–5 rounds, assuming the distance is not closed again.

Gravehounds also radiate fear, which affects creatures of 3 levels or hit dice or below as does the
fear effect of dragons (creatures with fewer than 3 hit dice must save versus spells or be paralyzed
with fear [50%] or flee in panic for 4–24 turns [50%])

2 Skeletons, Horror (9): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
3 Skeletons, Horror (10): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
4 Skeletons, Horror (9): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
5 Skeletons, Horror (9): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
6 Skeletons, Horror (10): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
7 Skeletons, Horror (6): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
8 Skeletons, Horror (7): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
9 Skeletons, Horror (11): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4
10 Skeletons, Horror (10): AC: 5, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4
Skeletons, Horror Captain: AC: 5, HD: 6d8+6, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 2d6+2;
XP: 650, Fear Factor 4

For the Gravehounds read the below:

“You stop, was that sound? Yes, there it is again. Was it a snap? a crack? There it is again, but louder. It
sounds like wood twisting and cracking. It’s come from…that way? Yes right there, it’s coming from that
way, louder now. Then they burst forth from the trees. Three 8’ tall horrid undead beasts resemble
massive rotting mastiffs or wolves. Their fur is patchy, their skin is a gray-green putrescent fabric of
decay, and their eyes glow a dull red. Their massive snap at you as they seem to push back and lower
their bodies to the ground. Your nostrils begin to twitch and burn, what in the 21 hells is that smell? Then
the cold hits you, send chills down your spine. With a shake of your head, you clear away the chill, take
your stance and BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Skeleton Horrors bear the final rictus of pure terror that killed them. Through torture and fright, horrors
are grim manifestations of all that is worst in the world. Read the below description for each skeleton
horror encounters

“From the forest comes a squad of skeletons, their bone faces have been twisted and cracked frozen
somehow in a mirror of pure terror. They are dressed in rusted armor that hags from their bones, round
shields cover their left arms. Rusted, broken weapons fill their right hands. Behind the squad stands
another skeleton, with an ancient helm. They are silently moving toward you with their weapons at the

Company of the Ivory Stars

You suddenly find yourself in a clearing, the (sun or moon) shines down. Your eyes take a moment to
adjust as you have been in the shadows. When they do you find yourself face to face with a group of…
living, breathing beings. Before you sits, a male with bright golden hair and skin, even his eyes are gold,
their presence and aura is somewhat intimidating and almost radiates heat. He wears the crests of the War
Wizards on a large medallion. He holds a lean birch staff and the hilt of a sword can be seen on his left

Three others stand in front of you calmly, one male and two females, they are, all three, physically
beautiful creatures. Their features are angular, with small, pointed ears that sit low on their heads. They
all wear leather armor and carry weapons for the size. Yes, size, need to mention that they 3’ to 4’ tall and
slender with wiry frames. The male grips ornate curved daggers with dragon’s heads hilts. He has light
brown hair with silver eyes, the first female ha drawn two pale metal daggers with religious symbols, she
has blonde hair and blue eyes. The last female sports blonde hair and green eyes. her daggers are the
oddest, the long blade of the dagger is offset by a solid, wooden ball on the pommels of each. But as you
watch she twirls them while checking you out, you then figure out she can use them as maces or daggers
with stopping the fight, All of them have their hair pulled pack into a ponytail and the mail has
muttonchops that match his hair. Standing up and arresting your sight is the large woman behind them.

She is easiest the tallest person here. Her skin a pinkish red, her long dark hair is pulled back into a
ponytail of large proportions and a two-handed scimitar is in her hands. Her emerald eyes flash as she
reacts to your sudden appearance. She towers over the field standing between 7-8 feet and easily weigh
over 300 pounds. She has light purple skin, long bright pink hair and amber eyes. She is not ugly per say
but rather has a certain humble magnificence about herself. She is solid muscle, her body ripples with
muscles. They look, probably about as frazzled as you feel. They invite you to join their meager camp and
will offer to share what supplies they have.”

This, is where you can help the party if they needed. The Company of the Ivory Stars is listed in the
appendix with all gear, weapons and armor; as well as any items forged of special metals and magical
items they might have. The Company of the Ivory Stars will tell their story is asked (see below).

Company of the Ivory Stars consists of

Albanon, a Summer Eladrin War Wizard;
Crux, a Sylindy ranger;
Cassiopeia a Sylindy cleric/tomb raider;
Aquila a Sylindy undead slayer/rogue
Tori Lighthorn an Ogre Druid.

They lost another Eladrin (Valenae) and Sylindy (Apollo) to the zombies

The Company of the Ivory Stars is group dedicated to eradicating evil, wherever it is found. They have
taken down some tougher undead, a few ghasts, some ghouls and an apparition. They decided they really
needed to enhance their reputation by taking out a really BIG bad undead. To that end they hopped on a
caravan and headed to Taur-in-Duinath. Once they arrived, they quickly headed to find an oracle. Oracles,
plenty they found. (said Yoda)

Fortunately, The Company of the Ivory Stars is not dumb. They weeded out the tricksters first, then they
took out the serious grifters finally leaving the true oracles. They set their appointment and waited.
Trying to decide what to do with the weeks before their appointment. So, it was to their great surprise
when one of the oracles came and told them to come with her quickly.
Following the assistant, they arrived at the oracle’s house, the assistant took them right in. The oracle was
in a deep trance but had written their names on the floor in wax. When they all were in the room the
Oracle’s eyes snapped open and he sat up, his eyes seemed to have purple glow for a minute.

He told them they were needed to stop a great evil and gave them directions to here. They have lost
members and will be in a little shock still, not cationic, they can and will defend themselves. Two of their
number were overwhelmed in the town before anyone could get free to save them. After the rest fought
their way free, they hid and waited. They had seen their comrades be killed by having bites taken out of
the faces. Which, while horrifying, was the not the worst. Seeing their two dear friends rise up as zombies
was. They waited and then slipped out, found their friends and sent them to their true death.

They ended up here by going through the Spiral like the party and are just trying to rest and recuperate.

The Company of the Ivory Stars consists of Albanon, a Summer Eladrin War Wizard; Crux, a
Sylindy ranger; Cassiopeia a Sylindy cleric/tomb raider; Aquila a Sylindy undead slayer/rogue and Tori
Lighthorn an Ogre Druid. They lost another Eladrin (Valenae) and Sylindy (Apollo) to the zombies. They
made it through the Spiral and have spent the time since then scouting the area. They know where the
academy is but are trying to gather as much information as possible before taking it on.

They are well equipped and will join the party if asked. Let any Player that has lost theirs pick out one the
Company of the Ivory Star to play. Whenever you feel they are needed you can introduce them. Their
write ups are in the NPC/Handout/Maps Section.
They have seen the skeleton patrols, some of the charnel hounds and ran like hell to get away from the
Gravehounds. They lost another Eladrin (Valenae) and Sylindy (Apollo) to the zombies, they made it so
their friends would not rise.

The Academy
“The forest gradually gives way to a clearing; a walled compound stands in front of you. Dark wooden
doors are closed, runes are carved into the doors themselves. The compound is dominated by a large
tower, stretching above the walls, with smaller tower spire. A parapet-less wall comes from the tower and
wraps around the academy.
As you reach the entrance you are confronted with bronzewood doors. Completely intact and hung
securely on their hinges, bronzewood doors. To either side of the doors stand skeletons. As you look, they
seem to vibrate so fast they seem to disappear and reappear. When you can see them, they are equipped in
Milenian segmented body armor, iron leg and arm greaves, iron helmets, bronze shields and carrying
bronze falcatas.”
The skeleton guards are Hell Horrors, powerful undead warriors. When Cimmeries cursed the island, he
turned the guard force into hell horrors with a captain. These are demonically created skeletons of
surprising strength and speed. They are tasked with insuring Kurdazas does not escape his prison if,
somehow, the wards ever failed. There is a total of thirteen of these horrors, 12 warriors and one captain.
They do not back down, check morale or wait for the party to attack first. These are the most frightening,
every bad stereotype, pitbulls of the skeleton world.
Skeletons, Hell Horror (12): AC: 3, HD: 8d8, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 4d6; XP: 4,000,
Fear Factor 4; +4 AC when not attacking, 60% resistant to fire damage, immune to poison, cold and
mind control, Bronze Falcata 1d6-1/1d8-1, Milenian armor 4 (AC3), Bronze shield.
Skeletons, Hell Horror Captain: AC: 3, HD: 8d8+8, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 4d6+2; XP:
4,000, Fear Factor 4; +4 AC when not attacking, 60% resistant to fire damage, immune to poison, cold
and mind control, Bronze Falcata 1d6-1/1d8-1, Milenian armor 4 (AC3), Bronze shield.

Hell Horrors circle their opponents at high speeds before attacking, garnering a +4 bonus to their Armor
Class when defending.

Specter: AC: 2, HD: 7d12, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 1d8+drains 2 experience levels; XP:
1,650+10/hp, Fear Factor 4; +1 or better weapons to hit, holy water causes 2d4 points of damage to a

is dominated by the Tower of Tomes, the full bulk of which rises six stories and whose roof is topped by
a parapet and a smaller tower spire. The Tower of Tomes overlooks a large forested inner court,
dominated by small pools and winding paths. Within the inner court lies a free-standing two-story wood
structure known as the Monks’ House. A narrow parapet-less wall, two cloisters, and the inner wall of the
Scroll House encircle the garden.

Undead Spell Caster Type Location Servants Items need to break the curse
This is a glass ball filled with
Kurdazas Wraith spirit hounds (4) shadows
Tsushi Tennabu Specter Lord Room 14 Has 9 specters Glass ball with gray mist inside
The ball from his body is one
seeming made out of the purest
and darkest color (unmagiced
Dunans Spectral Wizard Tower 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor sphere of annihilation, hehehe)
In her head, perfectly formed
and smooth pearl at least the
Vatara Zombie Lich Tower 5th, 6th and 7th floor 8 zombies size of an apple.
Tree men: 12 Gives up perfectly round a
Blackroot Evil Tree men Area 11 Undead:6 smooth wooden ball
former headmaster has it out
for Kurdazas, perfectly round
Isatis Rachel Zulec (F) Lich Dungeon Room 12 Has no servants, (no edges at all) diamond

“You have entered the grounds of the Lore Weaver Academy. The room you have entered seems to serve
as an entry chamber, two more skeletons are here, guarding a door in the south wall. They vibrate just like
the ones outside.”

And just like the skeletons outside, these skeletons attacks without warning or parlay.

Skeletons, Hell Horror (2): AC: 3, HD: 8d8, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 4d6; XP: 4,000,
Fear Factor 4; +4 AC when not attacking, 60% resistant to fire damage, immune to poison, cold and
mind control, Bronze Falcata 1d6-1/1d8-1, Milenian armor 4 (AC3), Bronze shield.

“The room you have entered boasts finely carved wood paneling. The room itself is dominated by several
writing desks surrounded by chairs. The room is empty but well maintained, there isn’t so much as a layer
of dust. Then you notice a faint smell of lilies.”

This was the area the lore weavers transcribed their studies.

“This is a large, wood-paneled dining room with a window that looks out into the inner court. Two large
wooden tables dominate the center of the room. A narrow stairway leads up to the second floor.”

“A large walk-in fireplace and two preparation tables dominate this kitchen. The walls and ceiling are
hung with cooking implements. As with the other rooms, this one is impeccably maintained. The
cookware, while old is in good repair and seems to have been recently polished.”

The door between this room and the dining room usually stays open, because cooking at the temple is a
communal affair with a great deal of traffic between the kitchen and the dining area. Several clerics
and/or monks occupy this room prior to each of the three daily meals, but otherwise the Tower Guard
patrols it only infrequently.

“You have entered a dark, cool pantry that was used to store foodstuffs.”

Seven chambers on the Scroll House’s second floor serve as quarters for the venerable clerics who live at
the temple. Aside from the rooms above the kitchen, they can get quite cold in the winter, as they lack
fireplaces. Each room is adorned with a bed, a simple bookshelf filled with the books the clerics are
currently studying, a dresser for storing possessions, a wash basin, and a small stone altar. Chamber pots
lie under each bed. Most quarters are empty except at night, when their inhabitants are reading or


The Learned Father’s quarters are identical to those of the other lore weavers. It is the only bedroom with
a window opening onto the inner court. With a bit of pluck, it is easy to step out of the room’s window
onto the roof of the East Cloister. The Learned Father is known to take a blanket out and look at the stars
on perfect summer nights, despite the admonitions of the Lorewarden.

“Four large workbenches, piled high with a riot of paper, leather, dried pots of glue and ink dominate the

The largest room on the Scroll House’s second floor is used for cataloging and repairing newly acquired
tomes and scrolls. Much of the temple’s bookbinding work is performed here as well.

“A simple portico connects the main building to the tower. Four pillars run along the south edge of the,
enabling passersby to look into the forested inner court. Each pillar is carved with elaborate scrollwork
that intertwines with the carved vines that adorn the underside of the cloister roof.”


“A simple portico identical to the one on the east side, connects the tower to the west wall of the temple.
Several wooden reading benches are in this nook. It was obviously a pace of contemplation.”

It is rarely unoccupied during the evening, as some of the clerics or monks usually avail themselves of the
quiet seclusion. At night, one of the Tower Guards is usually stationed on the roof of the West Cloister,
reached by climbing the branches of a nearby tree.


“The forested inner court is dominated by several types of trees. Beneath the trees are an even wider
variety of flowers ( a lot of lilies), bushes, ferns, and other plants. There is a chill in the air here, trees
rustle and sway to a wind you don’t feel. You cannot escape the feeling of being watched, but no matter
where you look you cannot see any sign of someone or…something watching you. As you walk down the
path a dark cloud covers the sun/moon, deepening the shadows and increasing the feeling of being
watched. A maze of narrow paths loops through the trees. As you look about a flash of lightning flashes
through the sky accompanied by the largest crash of thunder you have ever herd. A sweet metallic smell
assaults your nostrils followed by the unmistakably bad smell of rotten eggs. The sky’s open up, rain falls
in what feels like a solid wall. In seconds you are drenched.”

Small bowers lie within each glade of trees, and wooden benches sit beside each pool, once offering
opportunities for peaceful contemplation, writing, or casual reading. Once being key, now these glades
are home to evil tree men, undead tree men and the extremely evil Black Root, a powerful evil tree man.
A network of hidden pumps ensures that a network of tiny streams interlaces the paths of the inner court.
Bower = a shelter (as in a garden) made with tree boughs or vines twined together

Glade 1 – “You see a small bower inside this glade, crafted of vines twined together. The vines seem to
be healthy and living. The trees creak and sway in some wind that you cannot feel. The rain continues to
fall and there is almost a constant rumble in the air. And what was that, it did you hear that? You cock
your ear and hear it again, an old man singing. You can’t make the words or exactly where it is coming
from (if the party has thief, ranger, scout they me able to better determine the origin of the sound.),
perhaps that way?””

The signing is actually Shadowpeach in Glade 3. He enjoys these rainstorms and is often moved to song
during one. Fortunately, or maybe not, the party will to be able to understand his language and by
extension, the song is of his enjoyment of dismembering things, slamming them so hard he has turned
them into mulch and other such wonderous things.

Glade 2 – “This glade has a small pool of water with rotted wooden benches around it. The rain beats
down on the water in a pool like drums. You do think you ee something floating on the surface of the
pool, a closer look reveals water lily type flowers but of strange and different colors,”

An Alchemist Chymst, druids or maybe a ranger can id these plants, they are:
Black Lotus: When a man draws within five feet of the black lotus, the plant slowly will nod and turn its blossom
toward his face; next it will release a burst of pollen. The hapless victim must make a death (poison) save or die in
1d4 rounds

Smoky Lotus: Although it is rooted in the muck below the surface of the ponds, it will “walk” to a warm-blooded
target (quite slowly) and then release its thick pollen spray; this cloud inspires unbridled, frothing madness in the

Golden Lotus When the blossoms are sun-dried, powdered, and then added to wine, enchantments and charms are
dispelled, and madness is cured—even that produced by the smoky lotus.
Glade 3 – This is large glade of trees around one side of the tower. There seems to be a large tree, around
20’ tall near the center. Its branches spread out seeming to offer a place protected from the rain. Multiple
lightning strikes happen outside the academy, the accompanying thunder clap is almost deafening. The
smell of lilies is strong here.”

The tree is actually a tree man, it is one of the largest in the inner court. It waits to see if the party enters
the glade to seek shelter from the rain. Once they are all under his branches he will attack. The party will
need to roll for surprise. The tree man is named Shadowpeach and he will always have two servitor trees
ready to help him when he attacks.

Shadowpeach (1): AC: 0, HD: 11d10, HP x, THAC0: 9, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 4d6/4d6; XP:
2,850+16/h.p.; Size: 20’

Awakened Trees (2): AC: 0, HD: 7d10, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 2d8/2d8 ; XP:
1,200+10/h.p.; Size: 12’

Glade 4 – “This glade has a pool north end; rotted benches circle the pool. The tree’s base is covered by
white quartz, though most appear gray and some have gone completely black. This is the evil that has
seeped into the ground itself. The lingering smell of rotten fruit is wafts in your direction from time to

This glade belongs to Willowtalon and Castiel, there two of the “shrublings” here. They each have two
awakened trees to aide them. Willowtalon has the from the center north and Castiel from the center south

Willowtalon (1): AC: 0, HD: 7d10, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 2d8/2d8 ; XP: 1,200+10/h.p.;
Size: 12’

Castiel (1): AC: 0, HD: 7d10, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 2d8/2d8 ; XP: 1,200+10/h.p.; Size:

Awakened Trees (4): AC: 0, HD: 7d10, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 2d8/2d8 ; XP:
1,200+10/h.p.; Size: 12’

Glade 5 – “This glade is made up of what seems to be old, strong pine trees. The ground underneath the
branches here is almost dry. The bower here consists of the pine trees’ branches being shaped and
expertly grown to create a bower that gets larger and stronger as it grows. The hint of freshly baked bread
is on the air and you just don’t feel the eyes watching you came from here,”

The only dangerous thing about this glade is that the party may not want to leave. The bower has grown
so well that the floor under it is dry, no wind comes in and there is chimney. The chimney is free of
leaves and shows strong branches intertwined growing with the trees to ensure the chimney is there. It is
too high up to be worried about it catching on fire. Then there is the last thing, there is a talisman buried
here, in honor of the chefs and the quality of food. The talisman is a golden whisk and a boiling cauldron.
The golden whish represents Patisseria, lesser god of pastries and deserts, The boiling cauldron represents
The Lady of Cauldrons, lesser god of cooking, food preparation and flavor; also, an aspect of the Jale
God. While some would call them only lesser gods, nothing here has the power to take on one, let alone
two lesser gods. There talisman protects this glade from all the evil in the castle.

The tress’ have grown intertwined over the decades, almost becoming one tree. Smalland some larger
forest animals and birds that made it to this glade survived and their descendants now call it home as well.
There are colonies of squirrels and chipmunks in the trees. Many different bird species have nest in the
thick covering of the branches. The raptors (three merlin hawks) Fly straight up and over the walls, they
bring back fish, snakes and other small creatures to help feed the colony here. The squirrels and
chipmunks work in concert to collect nuts that are somehow growing in these trees and store them away.
They help with constructions of holes in the trees for birds to live in. There are three mated pairs of Sirtin,
with children here. Sirtin are vaguely feline humanoid creatures of small stature, usually 4' tall as adults.
While they don't have true fur, they have ultrafine hair covering their entire bodies, large eyes with
enlarged pupils, and cartilaginous pointed ears that sit high up on the skull and can rotate independently.
They are normally bipedal but can run on all fours to reach a maximum movement rate of 15. Their
fingers each have an additional joint compared to humans and demi-humans. This gives them a surer grip
and the ability to manipulate items more delicately.

They all work in concert and are led by a huge snowy owl named Soth who is an Edeiri’. The siritin
insure no one but their new clan enter the glade without damn good reasons.
Edeiri are intelligent, talking animals (mammals, reptiles, or birds), descendants of a time long ago, when
man and beast were on more equal footing. Edeiri are guardians of nature and the wilds. They despise
cruelty, greed, and wanton destruction, and subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) work against those who
seek to exploit nature.

Glade 6 – “The rain slams down in you, for those not in armor, it almost hurts. The wind has picked up
and the branches of the trees whip back and forth in a frenzy, some smack you across the face, cutting
those of you without helmets or face masks or wearing open face helmets. The wind is beginning to push
the rain sideways, smacking you in the face and reducing your visibility to 1’ to 2’ at the best.”

Perception Check – If a character says they want to make a Perception check, they may roll one at a -2
to realize that the tree men don’t let their branches thrash around. If they don’t say they are looking for
something the DM may roll a Perception check at -6 to let them catch this, only if the DM is feeling

Glade 7 – “The glade is one of the smaller ones, the underbrush is soaked through and through. There
appears to be a bronzewood tree in the center, you see several pieces of bronzewood lying on the ground,
one or two appear sword sized.”

The tree is NOT a bronzewood tree, it is an evil tree man called Betellan. It has made its bark appear
bronzish to trick prey into getting close. Once the party is around him, he attacks. The party will need to
roll for surprise.

Betellan, evil Tree Man: AC: 0, HD: 7d10, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 3d6/3d6; XP:
1,950+14/h.p.; Size: 16’

Glade 8 – “This glade is longer than it is wide, rivers of water wash out from the glade as rain pours
down. If any of your party are of the, shall we say, non-bath inclined, they losing some of their protective
coating of dirt. If you throw some soap on them it will count as their once-a-month bath.”

The party will get a quick smell of metal, followed by a lightning strike to the top of the tower.

Glade 9 – “The glade you have come to is long and narrow. You can’t make out the exact dimensions as
the rain continues to slap you in the face. It appears it is a little less rainy in the glade. The branches are
whipping back forth in front of you.”

The glade is home to four evil tree men. They allow the trees around them to blow frantically in the wind.
As you look on the map you see here are four separate sections. Each has a tree man in it. From the left to
the right the following tree men are in the tree groups, Ironpoplar, Locusflower, Winterbirch and
Poplarfury. Ironpoplar and Poplarfury are brothers, they can’t stand each other and hate they have similar

The pool in the south end of the glade is overflowing and washing away some of the path. The benches
are rotted and pieces are floating off in the runoff.

Locusflower, evil Tree Man, (1): AC: 0, HD: 10d12, HP x, THAC0: 10, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 3d6/d6;
XP: 2,300+14/h.p., Size: 18’
Winterbirch, Ironpoplar, and Poplarfury, evil Tree Man, (3): AC: 0, HD: 8d10, HP x, THAC0: 12, #
of Attk: 2; Dmg:2d8/2d8; XP: 1,425+12/h.p., Size: 14”
Glade 10 – “You see you can seek shelter in the glade, the clustering of the trees seemingly protects the
inner most portion of the glade. The further in you go the less the branches hip around and the more
protected you are from the elements.”

Glade 11 – “This is one of the smaller glades and the wind goes right through the glade, runs up and hits
you in the face. As you gasp from the loss of air, the rain seems to become a solid downfall, as if pouring
directly from a spigot. You gasp as the water seems to pour right into your face. Ok, you hate this right
now and is there something swimming in your boot?”

The glade is empty of anything.

Glade 12 – “The trees here whip back and forth in the wind (successful Pereption check, with no
modifiers allows the aprty to notice the trees whose branches are not blowing in the wind. If they
previously made this roll, they can just see it. If not follow the rules laid out under Glade 6) lighting
strikes are increasing, but again you notice the no strikes are happening within the academy. Thunder has
increased as well, coming in rapid fire, the next overlapping the last, in a roll of sound like the gods are
coming down to smite the world. A tall tree, well over 20’ tall stands in the thickest part of the glade.”

The glade is home to Treelock, Burnbeard, Weepingleg and Scorchedpine. Treelock is the tallest of the
tree men here with Burnbeard, Weepingleg and Scorchedpine reaching only 14’ tall. The tree men will
not wait for the party to completely enter the glade. Burnbeard, Weepingleg and Scorchedpine will
initiate the attack. The other two will move through the glade to join in the attack. Treelock will observe
fro 2 rounds to determine who he thinks the spell caster(s) are, they are the most likely to use fire. Once
identified he will quickly attack. Tree men are not dumb creatures so Treelock has a good chance of
spotting any spell casters.

Treelock, evil Tree Man (1): AC: 0, HD: 12d12, HP x, THAC0: 8, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 4d6/4d6; XP:
3,350+18/h.p.; Size: 22’
Burnbeard, Weepingleg and Scorchedpine, evil Tree Man (3): AC: 0, HD: 8d10, HP x, THAC0: 12,
# of Attk: 2; Dmg:2d8/2d8; XP: 1,425+12/h.p., Size: 14’

Glade 13 – “The glade here is one of the larger ones. To the east of the glade is a large pool. The wind
screams around you and the glade. A chill goes down your back as you realize none of the tress in this
glade are moving in the wind, none. As this realization sinks in a crash of thunder heralds the slamming
of three lightning bolts around you and the glade. Your hair stands on end and you feel a building tingling
in your feet and hands, those of you in metal armor or wielding metal hafted weapons feel the tingling
growing quickly (you can have the players roll saving throw, though, all that happens is for show, for the
next part a specific character is needed.) The heaviest armed an armored of you has their arms fly out
from their sides with their hands reaching for the sky, the head is thrown back and their mouth opens but
it is not a scream that comes out. Lightning bursts from their open mouth, their eyes and their hands.
Their ordeal happens mere seconds before the rest of your party succumbs to the same thing, the last is
the one with the least armor and weapons, The lightning is of different colors as it explodes out of your

Just as soon as it started it is over, you feel no pain, none of your gear seems changed or damaged at all,
of course your eyes are still adjusting after the lightning, As your vision returns you notice each of you
have a slight aura of the same color as the lightning, not enough to let see by, but just enough to present a
silhouette in darkness. The storm seems to circle the glade almost as if waiting for something to happen.
Thunder slams and lightning streaks across the sky, waiting,”
The lightning color is based on the alignment of the person: and can be found on the below table.
Alignment Lightning Color
Lawful Good Gold
Neutral Good White
Chaotic Good Blue

Lawful Neutral White and Light Gray

Neutral Light Gray
Chaotic Neutral Swirling Colors

Lawful Evil Red

Neutral Evil Purple and Black
Chaotic Evil Black

There is one side effect of the lightning, the PCs will glow faintly with the same color as the lightning.
This lasts about 10 minutes.

Black Root
It is in this glade that one of the most dangerous of the tree men, he is called Blackroot, though sometime
in the past he was referred to by another name. One that he doesn’t even remember. Before the curse he
was a druid the academy hired to help tend the tress and other flora in the courtyard. His current form
was created by Cimmeries. He has a hatred for anything that is not a plant and will attack without
provocation. He will use his spells to their best use, especially the wall of thorns.

Of even more interest are the two undead tree men here that are completely under Blackroot’s control in
the glade. He will have them attack the party from either side.

When the party enters the glad this is what happens

“You have entered the glade, the silence here is almost deafening. The screaming win, crash thunder and
crackling lightning are seen but not heard. You can hear our own heart beating loudly in your chest. Then
there is rush along the leaves and twigs on the ground and suddenly you find yourself and the glade
surrounded by a wall of thorns. The trees suddenly creak and move on your sides. From them emerge two
trees, towering over you. They appear devoid of leaves and their bark looks almost rotting. They is one on
either side of you, silently moving through the dirt toward. CRY HAVOK AND LET SLIP THE DOGS
OF WAR!!!!!!(in other words roll initiative.)”

These are the two undead tree men under Blackroot’s control. They will fight with no regards for
themselves, believing they can easily handle the party.

Undead Tree Man, evil (2): AC: 0, HD: 15d8, HP x, THAC0: 5, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: 5d6/5d6; XP:
15,000; Size: 20’; On any natural roll of 19 or 20, they are assumed to have knocked their opponent
prone and stunned them for 1 round per 5 points (or fraction thereof) of damage inflicted. Thus, a blow
delivering 18 points of damage would stun a character for 4 rounds.

If the tree men is not otherwise engaged in combat, it will move beside the fallen form and feed upon the
blood of the victim. To do this, the tree men must remain stationary for 1 round. On the second round, it
sprouts 3d4 root-like appendages that snake out and bury themselves in the victim’s flesh. These inflict 1
point of damage each and allow the monster to begin feeding on the third round. Starting then, and on
each subsequent round, the creature will drain 1d3 points of blood for each root sunk into the victim.
Anyone being drained of blood by the tree men is rendered immobile as the coils of roots encircle his
body. Individuals so entrapped can only escape the deadly embrace of these vampiric trees with the aid
of a third party. In order to end the blood draining, the tree men’s roots must be cut away. They are
treated as armor class 5 and any successful attack will break the tendril. If all of the tendrils are cut, the
victim can work his way free in two rounds (one with outside help.) When an undead tree men stops
feeding, either because it has drained its victim of blood or because all of its tendrils have been severed,
it requires a full round to become mobile again. During this time, or whenever it is feeding, all attacks
against the creature gain a +2 bonus.

As the battle continues Blackroot will make his move. Unlike Treelock, Blackroot goes after the tanks in
a party. He will pick the biggest, meanest looking warrior type and will start with them, moving to the
next armored and so on and so forth. Blackroots stats and spells are in the appendix. If he is killed a
perfectly smooth and proportioned wooden ball will roll out of his body. The party will need that to
break the curse.

Tsushi Tennabu, Specter Lord has taken this building as his own. Tsushi created Specters to serve him,
these dangerous undead are in rooms 12-13 with Tsushi in room 14.

“The building you are approaching is a two-story stone building, the rain slams against the sides of the
building like the sound of huge drums being beat in rapid succession. You see a door before you in the
lashes of lightning. The building is intact and seems to offer protection from the storm. The choice is
quite plain, stay in the rain and deal with the things in the glades or try your luck inside, out of the storm.”


“The door is made of wood, but where the other wood in the glade has rotted, the door is solid and
appears routinely oiled and waxed. The hinges are devoid of rust and the pins seem to be made out of
wood as well, not iron.”

The door is not locked, but let them figure it out. On the other side of the door are a couple of wonderful
surprises. There are 5 specters in here, they are in a parody of humans, they are moving around the room
placing rusted tools back on the wall or throwing them into a pile in the corner.

“You open the door to a darkened room; the only light is from the flashes of lightning. In the flashes you
see 5 semitransparent beings in robes. Their faces turn toward as you open the door. They seem to walk
(?) toward you forming a semicircle facing the door. Their grim faces look at you disapprovingly and one
raises his hand pointing back out the door. It speaks ‘the master is not ready, come back in three score
days, he may be available then.’

These are five specters that serve Tsushi Tennabu the Specter Lord. If the party leaves they will not
hinder them. If they attack or refuse to leave then they will attack.

Specter (5): AC: 2, HD: 7d12, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 1d8+drains 2 experience levels;
XP: 1,650+10/hp, Fear Factor 4; +1 or better weapons to hit, holy water causes 2d4 points of damage to
a specter.

If the party specifically searches the pile of old tools they will find:
A suit of magical lightweight black leather, sized for human or elf. Composed of jacket, pants boots,
gloves and a headband (that protects like a full helm), all parts must be worn for this armor to be
effective. +7 To AC (giving it an effective AC of 1 before any other adjustments)


“As you approach the door, you believe you hear something, your not sure what but there is something
under the sound of the storm. (A successful Hear roll will allow the PC to hear the sound, but not
understand it. It is the rough, guttural, throat scaping language of the undead.) The door is unlocked, the
choice is your do you enter or do you stand outside, in the pouring rain, with lightning and thunder
crashing and the wind screaming through the trees?”
If the party open the door.
“The door creaks open and you find two translucent figures in ghostly robes. The were circling an
armored skeleton matching those you faced at the entrance. They all turn to face you. The skeleton
backing up to allow it to see you and the figures. Once of the figures opens his mouth and the strange

Specters (2): AC: 2, HD: 7d12, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 1d8+drains 2 experience levels;
XP: 1,650+10/hp, Fear Factor 4; +1 or better weapons to hit, holy water causes 2d4 points of damage to
a specter.

Skeletons, Hell Horror Captain: AC: 3, HD: 8d8+8, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 4d6+2; XP:
4,000, Fear Factor 4; +4 AC when not attacking, 60% resistant to fire damage, immune to poison, cold
and mind control, Bronze Falcata 1d6-1/1d8-1, Milenian armor 4 (AC3), Bronze shield.


“The lightning provides just enough illumination to how stairs attached to the side of the building. You
think you see figures near it but you can’t be sure. As you get closer you see there are two spectral beings
on either side of the stairs. They move to confront you as you get closer, there arms are rising from their
sides and there is BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of a thunderclap almost on top of you. (roll surprise, those that fail
are so startled by the thunder they can take no action the first round.)”
The party has found a former instructor from the academy. Tsushi Tennabu, a Specter Lord, resides
Tsushi is not trying to grab the artifacts in the dungeon, after the first 20-25 years of hating himself, he
has come to accept his fate. He has moved many tomes and treatise to his room. This is under an
agreement with Dunans, the Spectral Wizard and Vatara the Zombie Lich. In return for letting him
borrow the tomes Tsushi will write a treatise on anything new he has discovered. In fact, to keep the deal
in place, Tsushi shares his discoveries with both of them. This way neither side feel like the others are
after something secret or one of artifacts. This allows Tusushi to do what he truly desires. Study the lore
of magic and is barely hanging on to his evilness. Tusushi could now be considered as having an
alignment of Lawful Neutral, his main goal is study magic lore ad attempt to become a Dark Loreweaver
the casts necromancy spells and divine necromancy spells, like a true Lore Weaver can do with their
spells. Tusushi is really interested to becoming this new Dark Lore Weaver, and is close to actually doing
it. His specters are under orders to let no one into to see him, until after he has reemerged. If he is killed
a glass ball will roll out of his body, it contains grey mist inside. It as well as the those from the others are
needed to break the curse. More importantly, his destruction will cause the storm to stop, not gradually,
not in 5 minutes, not even 5 seconds

“The top of the stairs is a tight fit, there is a square of about 5’ here. The door is solidly built and there are
several runes carved into the wood along with vines and a tree in the center. Lightning occasionally
flashes causing the carvings in the door to reflect the light. The door knob is plain to see and awaits your
decision. Shall you see what is behind door number 3 or are you ready to pack it up, go home and hide a
corner for 1 to 2 days….cough….weeks?”
Have the players tell if they are going to open the door or not. No real reason to ask, it’ll just make them
When (or if?) they open the door.
“This is large open room. A bed is jutting out from the wall close to a fireplace across from the door.
Bookshelves line the walls, crammed with scrolls, books, journals, periodicals, volumes, tomes,
manuscripts, paperbacks, treatises, dissertations, essays, papers, thesis, exposition, articles, accounts,
hardcovers…ahem…books and scrolls.
A desk is closer to the door, a lantern provides surprising light in this room. Seated behind the desk is a
glowing, translucent eladrin, he stands as you enter ‘WHO DARES INTERRUPT TSUSHI
TENNABU!?!?!?!?!?!?’ a baleful light springs into his eyes as he looks at you. There is no mistaking that
look, whoever in the 21 hells Tsushi Tennabu is, he is getting ready to attack you, his hands weave arcane
patterns in the air (his first spell will be Blackthorn’s Ball of Maggots). Time to teach another foul dezion
of the night to fear your blades and magics as you defend the world from their kind, aaannnd, maybe,
only if you insist, really this would go great in my living room gain some treasure along the way.”
See Tsushi Tennabu in the appendix

Remember that Tusushi has 50% magic resistance

After he casts Blackthorne’s Ball of Maggots, which he will aim at the tank, he will cast Alpha’s
Shadowfire. He will try to line up more than one target to get maximum use of the spell (yes that means
break out the graph paper draw the room and tell the players to mark where they are after entering.)
Finally, he will pull forth a silver-plated skull and cast Skullfire.

Once he cast all these spells, if the party has not been killed or killed him, he will cast ghast blast and try
to run for the door. He will cast arcane bolt at anyone in his way or claw at them for 1d8+Energy Drain
(2 levels per touch).

Blackthorne’s Ball of Maggots

Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special

Blackthorne's Ball of Maggots causes a squirming, globe of rot grubs, 5 per level of the caster to a max of 100
(45), to strike the target unless the target saves vs spell at -3. If successful, then the ball misses the target,
otherwise, the ball hits and the rot grubs begin to burrow their way into the victim’s heart. These grubs
are specially magically created, and a cure disease spell cast on them will only kill 1d20 of them. Also,
they have a 15% magic resistance, so getting rid of them will not be easy. Every grub causes a point of
damage as it burrows towards the heart, and they will reach it in 1d6+4 rounds. The damage is only
suffered once, but if the grubs reach the heart, instantaneous death occurs. A heal spell will get rid of the
grubs, but it will not heal any damage

Alpha's Shadowfire (Evocation, Necromancy) o

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1-foot diameter, 5-foot per level
long ray
Saving Throw: ½

This spell calls forth a seething black ray shot through with veins of green fire. All creatures in the path of
the spell will suffer 1d4 (9d4) damage per level of the wizard, up to a maximum of 20d4. A successful
saving throw versus breath weapon will result in only half damage. A creature that is immune to fire or to
energy drain will suffer only half damage (a quarter if a successful saving throw is made). If the damage
rolled exceeds a target's remaining hit points, that target is disintegrated. The material component is a
black opal worth at least 500 gp.
Skullfire (Evocation, Necromancy) o

Range: 100 feet

Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 100-foot long, 5-foot base, 15-foot
end cone
Saving Throw: ½

This spell causes the enchanted skull to emit white hot flames from it mouth in said pattern. These flames
cause 1d4 (9d4) damage per caster level, but undead take twice the damage. There is no limit to level for
casting. The material component for this spell is any silver-plated skull.

Ghast Blast

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 round/2 levels
Area of Effect: 10 – feet – radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of this spell, the wizard creates a zone of carrion stench around his person that affects everyone
but himself in the area. Those who fail a saving throw versus poison will become nauseated and retch
uncontrollably as long as they remain in the area of effect plus one full
round after leaving the area of effect. Attacks made while nauseated are at a -2 penalty.
The area of effect is not mobile but the caster is free to leave as he wishes. If he does so, the area of
effect remains stationary until the duration expires or the magic is dispelled.
The material component is bit of rotting meat.

Arcane Bolt

Range: 60 feet
Components: S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes a bolt of magical energy to fly from the hands of the wizard and strike an opponent
doing a damage of 1d6 HP + 1 HP per level.

Magic/Exotic Items: In Tusushi’s room is an armor stand. On it hangs robes of solid amber. These robes
are made of Spiga Silk. Spiga silk is extremely rare substance and has several properties that have led to
these covetous feelings. A baldric of the softest leather, dyed a light green, hang over the robes. The
baldric holds a sheathed long sword. The pommel is made of some gold-colored metal, you can see the
pommel appears flared out and carved almost like a clam shell. The grip is wrapped in the same soft
green leather, that wicks sweat away from the wielders hand. The crossguard is made of the same gold
metal, they are in the shape of antlers rising up along the blade for about 6”. The blade is forged of
dreamstone a metal that appears as pale green crystal, half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong. A small
chest in the corner contains around 1,000 gold shillings.

The true treasure are his treatises on a wide ranging of topics. Tusushi was magical genius and he has had
a very looooooong time to study. It takes around two months to finish a set, there are multiple books in a
set and all of them must be read to gain the benefit. Roll a d6+1 to determine the number of books in a set
the benefit is the gaining of one level in the Lore Weaver class. This class would be considered ending at
1st level and the original class counted as the second class for a dual class PC. If able to be a multiclass the
PC will just gain a one level as a lore weaver, they will not have to split xp between this an any other
classes, unless the player states they want to put xp into it. If this is done then it counts toward xp division
and hit point division, etc. of being multiclass. If the character reading the text is a lore weaver, they gain
one level.

A PC may only get one of these benefits and they ONLY benefit from the reading ONCE.

There is also a scrap of paper in the upper right desk drawer. One must take the drawer out, look into the
empty space and there, stuck to the top is a scrap of paper. The paper has the word “PATE” on it, this is
the command word to open doors to room 12. If flipped over the scrap shows what appears to be a red
tinged mist head toward a village. Villagers are fleeing the village and strange symbols and figures are
hinted at in the mist.

Spiga Silk
Silk from the dread Spiga is exceedingly rare (1 % chance) and almost never available in any significant
amount (ie. more than 6 square inches).
 AC 3
 Adds a 20% MR to any wearer fully covered. Less coverage means less MR add by GM
 Cuts all fire damage (up to 100 HP) by 3/45 and stronger potency beat does %of less die. All fire
of 250 HP potency and above does full damage point for point to the wearer and each 25 HP
worth more than this (250 HP) will destroy 4 square inches of the silk.
 Lightning to 120 HP does only half damage to a wearer but full damage beyond this. Also, each
50 HP above 500 HP (at one shot) will destroy 6 square inches of the silk.
 It insulates vs cold so well that 20% of the same (damage wise) is always negated for its wearer
regardless of potency or origin.
 It is 100% acid resistant itself but porous enough so that 1-5% will seep through in 1D10 melee
rounds. By the same token, this silk is not entirely waterproof either.
 There is a 20% chance that any and all arachnid "smelling" this silk (in any large amount) will not
attack its wearer believing him to be a spiga! Of course, all spiga tend to go berserk smelling it
and immediately attack the wearer (95% chance)!

 looks almost like a pale green crystal
 Dreamstone is light—half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong
 An object made of dreamstone gains a +4 bonus on any saving throw made against a magical
 +1 enhancement bonus on damage rolls against constructs, magically created undead, and
summoned creatures, allowing the blade to strike those creatures that could be affected by a +1


This 6-story tower stretches into the night sky above you (depending on when the PCs get here the
weather will pouring rain so hard and fast it feels like Gorm (god of war, storms and justice) has decided
to turn the inner courtyard into a very large and deep (VERY deep) bath or the rain will have s


The first, third, and fifth floors of the Tower of Tomes are known as the Shelving Floors. Each level
contains a metal spiral staircase leading up through a hole in the center of the floor (except the first
floor) to a hole in the center of the ceiling. The rest of the floor is taken up by rows and rows of
bookshelves, each stretching 15 feet high. Book ladders line each shelf, enabling the temple inhabitants
to reach the topmost shelves.

The first Shelving Floor has smaller stacks than those above it. Two duskwood doors, barred from within
by a duskwood bar at night, lead out to the East and West Cloister.

Floors 2, 3 and 4 are occupied by Dunans the spectral wizard. Dunans has no attendants, she was the
academy librarian and is pretty much the same thing now. She is a powerful spell caster at 11th level.
There are only two more powerful spell casters. She also has access to some pretty scary books, with high
level spells. This is a great place for scrolls of spells, maps, legends, a whole bunch of things. A few are
provided for ideas, please feel free to change, throw out, or modify to suit your tastes and game.

Dunans will be encountered on the third floor, reshelving books.

“As you climb the metal stairs to the third floor you see it is lit by one lantern, a robed being floats from
one shelf to another replacing books. She turns to face you, her skin is white with dark hair and eyes that
are solid mass of blue-green with no pupils (she is a Fetchling, or was a Fetchling). She is wearing form
fitting robes that highlight when she was alive, she was extremely beautiful. She stops moving
completely, facing you with out so much as a twitch. It is unnerving and your frayed nerves are screaming
at you (Fear check, fear factor or 3). Her voice comes out low, throaty, almost seductive. ‘What is your
business in the Tower of Tomes and why should a just not kill you and study your remains?”

Dunans will let the party answer however they will. Her response is the same regardless of how they
answer. She will cast the follow Dispel Magic, Flame Strike, Mists of Death and Bands of Force on
whoever is still standing.
Dispel Magic
Casters of all types have their party, boss, subordinates and
villagers scream or them to dispel magic. Despite the work by Dispel Magic
ALL the magical universities to try to educate people on the
dispel magic spell, they could make no headway. It is the belief of Level: Most Spell Casting classes have
many that all the spell caster need do is utter some magic words dispel magic listed in their spell lists.
and they can dispel the enemies magic items in one ell swoop, In those cases, use the level listed. If
Nope, don’t care what the wizards that teach at the academy say, Dispel Magic is not on the classes
they are trying to groom our children. Is the common chorus of spell lists use the following:
the overweight, old, men wearing some poor escaped animal on
the head as hair and have strange orange skin. Arcane spell casters 3rd level

To those with the common sense to listen to the professors were Divine spell casters 3rd level
able to gin a better understanding of the dispelling of magic.
Primal spell casters 4th level
First, when a wizard casts this spell, it has a chance to neutralize
Shadow spell casters 4th level
or negate magic it comes in contact with. It has a CHANCE, the
spell may not work. The fell’er doing the casting of Dispel Magic Spell Details
might have a good idea if he can dispel their opponent’s magic. Range: 120 yds.
Components: V, S
Second, when a magic effect is dispelled it ceases to function as if
Duration: Instantaneous
the spell duration had expired. Some spells are crafted
specifically not to be susceptible to dispelling, but these are the Casting Time: 3
exception rather than the rule. Casters can always dispel their own Area of Effect: 30-ft. cube
spells. Magical items that have magic built into them as part of Saving Throw: None
their construction cannot be permanently dispelled by this spell,
but they can be made temporarily non-magical for a short
time. The chance to dispel an effect is based on the difference in
level between the caster of dispel and the caster/creator/inherent
power of the target.

Third, this spell can be cast in one of three ways, as chosen by the

 Targeted Dispel: The target can be one creature, object, or an active spell. If an object or
creature has more than one spell effect active simultaneously, the dispel has a chance to dismiss
each of them. Items worn or carried by the targeted creature are not affected. If the creature was
summoned, then dispel has a chance to end the summoning spell. If the object is a magic item,
then dispel has a chance to suppress the function of item for a short time. It removes spells and
spell-like effects (including device effects and innate abilities) from creatures or objects. It
destroys magical potions (which are treated as 12th level for purposes of this spell).

 Area Dispel: The area is a 30 ft (9.1 m) cube. Each creature and object in the area of effect is
subject to the dispelling of one spell placed on that creature or object, if applicable. Dispel
magic attempts to counteract the highest level spell first, followed by any successively lower
level spells in turn until dispel succeeds in countering one effect or fails to counter anything. The
only exception to this is for summoned creatures: dispel magic also has a chance to counter the
summoning spell as well as any other spells that targeted the summoned creature (checking
highest level spells first and so on, as above). It disrupts the casting or use of these in the area of
effect at the instant the dispel is cast.
If the point of origin of an area-effect spell is within the area covered by dispel magic, then the
area-effect spell has a chance to be negated. If the area covered by dispel magic overlaps a
portion of an area-effect spell, then dispel has a chance to counteract the area-effect spell in the
overlapping area only.

 Magic items are not affected by an area dispel.

 Counterspell: Targeting a spellcaster, dispel magic attempts to spoil the spell being cast by the
A dispel magic spell does not affect a specially enchanted item, such as a magical scroll, ring, wand, rod,
staff, miscellaneous item, weapon, shield, or armor, unless it is cast directly upon the item. This renders
the item nonoperational for 1d4 rounds. An item possessed and carried by a creature gains the creature's
saving throw against this effect; otherwise, it is automatically rendered nonoperational. An
interdimensional interface (such as a bag of holding) rendered nonoperational would be temporarily
closed. Note that an item's physical properties are unchanged: A nonoperational magical sword is still a
Artifacts and relics are not subject to this spell; however, some of their spell-like effects may be, at the
DM's option.
Note that this spell can be very effective when used upon charmed and similarly beguiled creatures.
Certain spells or effects cannot be dispelled; these are listed in the spell descriptions.
How to Dispel

The caster can always dispel his own magic; otherwise, the chance to dispel depends on the difference in
level between the magical effect and the caster. The base chance is 50% (11 or higher on 1d20 to dispel).
If the caster is of higher level than the creator of the effect to be dispelled, the difference is subtracted
from the number needed on 1d20 to dispel (making it more likely that the dispel succeeds); if the caster is
of lower level, the difference is added to the number needed on 1d20 to dispel (making it less likely that
the dispel succeeds). A roll of 20 always succeeds and a roll of 1 always fails. Thus, if a caster is 10 levels
higher, only a roll of 1 prevents the effect from being dispelled.
Flame Strike evokes a column of roaring fire to descend from the air, perhaps immolating a sacrifice to
the otherworldly powers the sorcerer serves. The flame strike is 50 feet high and 10 feet in diameter. Any
creature in the area of effect suffers 6d8 hp damage, with a spell saving throw allowed for half damage;
the saving throw is modified by defense adjustment (see Vol. I, p. 7: Attributes, dexterity), if applicable.

Mists of Death allows the caster to create a 10 x 10 x 10 ft. area of red mist which can be made to travel
up to 100 ft. in any desired direction. Any creatures subjected to this magical mist must save vs.
Constitution or die within 1-4 minutes. Only an antidote or neutralize poison spell will be able to save
such victims. Duration of the mist is 10 minutes.

Bands of Force: This spell allows the caster to create a series of spiraling bands of invisible energy, which
can be made to entwine about the body of any single creature or being. Unless such a victim makes a save
vs. Spell, he or she will be bound and helpless for the 10-minute duration of the spell. Even if a successful
save is made, it will take a victim one full minute to extricate himself or herself from the restraining
bands (unless the victim weighs in excess of 400 1bs or possesses greater than maximum human
strength). The spell may be cast up to a range of 100 ft.
She will then attack with her paralyzing touch. A successful hit causes one of her opponent’s limbs (roll
1d4: 1 = right arm, 2 = left arm, 3 = right leg. 4 = left leg; reroll any repeats) to become numb and useless
for 2d4 rounds. Coming within 10 feet of a Dunans causes portions of opponents’ bodies to tingle as if
they had “fallen asleep” and results in a -1 penalty to attack rolls.

The 5th, 6th and 7th floor are occupied by Vatara the zombie lich. Vatara is attended by 8 zombies;
however, these are normal, run of the mill zombies. He has two Bugbear zombies and 6 goblin zombies.
Former prisoners of the lore weavers. The two bugbear zombies are always with Vatara and can be found
with him on the on the 6th floor. The other six zombies are found on floors four and five. Three on floor
four, two on floor five and one on the stairs between five and six.

Zombies, Goblins (6): AC: 8, HD: 2d8, HP x, THAC0: 18, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 1d8; XP: 20+2/h.p.,
Fear Factor 4; Size M

As zombies they always strike last, take ½ damage from blunt weapons. Immune to hold, charm and
sleep. Cold based attacks do not affect them. A vial of holy water will cause 2d4 h.p. of damage to them.

4th Floor
“You come to the top of the stairs, to an area divided into four chambers and a cross-shaped hallway.
Every wall is lined with bookshelves, stretching up to 15 feet in the air. Book ladders line each shelf.
Only one door, they one to the NW room, is closed. The others are open, through the doors you see
wooden tables and several chairs. Oh, before I forget. There are three moaning, rotting, shambling goblins
dragging themselves toward you, their moans increasing in volume, not to deafening level or even pain
but definitely enough to warn others of your presence. Goblin zombies, you can’t let these beat you not
goblin zombies!”

5th Floor
“You are reaching another level of nothing but books, as in the other rooms the bookshelves stretch
some 15 feet up. There are wooden ladders stretching up to the highest shelf. A low moan comes from
above you. Looking up you see the rictus grin of a fanged goblin mouth. A goblin zombie is slowly
making its way down from the floor above you. Out of from the open rooms shamble two more goblin

While the party is engaged by the zombies Vatara will take the opportunity to attack them from above.
He will cast four consecutive Power Bolts followed by Psychic Assault using the Confusion effect. He
will remain in the sixth floor waiting for the party to come to him.

Power Bolt is essentially a highly focused bolt of magical energy which can be "hurled" by the spell-
caster up to a range of 100 ft. A Power Bolt will do 1-6 (7d6) points of bludgeoning damage (like a mace
or club) per each level and can be used against any non-ethereal creature or object.

Psychic Assault: Allows the caster to launch a powerful mental energy attack which can take any one of
the following forms:
l) Fear: All victims within a 20 ft. radius of the caster must save vs. Spell or flee in terror from
the caster for 5-30 (5d6) minutes.
2) Confusion: All victims within a 20 ft. radius of the caster must save vs. Spell or become
hopelessly confused for 5-30 (5d6) minutes. Creatures under the influence of this form of the
spell will be completely indecisive and will not take part in melee, spell-casting or any other
"planned" activities. Victims of this spell will defend themselves if attacked, but otherwise they
will be unable to attack of their own free will until the effects of the spell wear off.
3) Domination: Cast upon any single individual, the target creature or being must save vs. Spell
or obey the caster's every command for a period of 5-30 minutes. Affected creatures cannot be
ordered to cause harm to themselves, but they must obey other commands.
4) Psychic Energy Drain: This form of psychic assault is especially effective when used against
one who is a spell caster. The target creature or being must save vs. Spell or lose 2- 16 points of
Intelligence. If this "draining" brings the victim's Intelligence to 3 or less, he or she will be
severely reduced in mental capacity, and have the effective I. Q. of an imbecile until cured.
Floor 6
“The zombie goblins are dispatched, now you can turn your attention to the spell casting asshole that
attacked you from behind. You climb the stairs and you are surprised by what awaits. To, creatures stand
before you. There are large humanoids with patches of red fur that revel dull yellow, rotting flesh. They
have large, round, pumpkin-like heads with long ears, flat noses with tooth-filed maws. Each grasp a
large, double bladed great axes. They stand on guard in front of another rotting humanoid wearing strange
blue crystal armor and wielding a dark grey saber (1d6+1/1d8+1) that seems to shine with a pale light
(The creatures seem to snarl at you and then they seem to smoothly glide forward, no shambling here, and
seem to desire your heads on a lance.”

Zombies, Bugbears (2): AC: 6, HD: 6d8, HP x, THAC0: 14, # of Attk: 2; Dmg: Bite (1d6+1), Claw
Strike (4d4) or Weapon (Great Axe 3d4/2d4); Move: 1;2 XP: 150+6/h.p., Fear Factor 4; Size L

Vatara is a zombie lich, he curses Cimmeries daily for not at least turning him into a true lich. He takes
this fury out on any one he can. His armor is maritime quartz, which allows spellcasters to cast spells
while wearing it. The saber is made of moonsteel, which causes +1d6 radiant damage . If the used against
a shapechanger or any other creature not in its true form, the wielder will find they can strike and
damage the creature they are fighting. Moonsteel bypasses any magical protection possessed by a
shapchanger. Further the creature becomes frightened until the start of the next turn. At the start of its
turn, a creature frightened in this way must succeed on a saving throw vs. Spell or immediately return to
its true form. For the purpose of this weapon, “shapechanger” refers to any creature that can change

After he cast the spells at the party and retreated behind his bugbear zombie bodyguards Vatara will cast
force shield. This spell allows the caster to surround himself (or herself) with a 1 ft. radius, dome-shaped
shield of energy. This shield does not in any way restrict the caster ' s movement or spellcasting abilities,
and will absorb one point of any type of damage (7). While surrounded by a Force Shield, the caster is
protected from all angles except directly below; spells or attacks which affect (or originate from) the
ground underneath the caster's feet are not affected by the shield. Finally, he will cast mists of sleep,
which allows the caster to create a 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft. cloud of blue mist which can be made to travel
up to 100 ft. in any desired direction. Any creature subjected to this magical mist save vs. Spell or fall
into a magical sleep which will last for one hour or until dispelled (there is no other way to wake up those
who have fallen victim of this enchantment). The mist itself will last for 10 minutes. His guards are
unaffected by this spell. Only after all of this will he join melee.

Here is a sampling of titles found within the Tower of Tomes:

Title Vols. Author
A Dove at Dawn 1 Ardreth, High Harp of Berdusk
A Harper’s Guide 1 Alustriel, High Lady of Silverymoon
A Harper’s Song 1 Storm Silverhand
A Merchant Master’s Life 1 Asargrym of Baldur’s Gate
A Merchant’s Sagacity 1 Blackthorn Belgadar
A Merchant’s Tale 1 Jarn Tiir of Lantan
A Myth Drannan Amphigory 3 Elminster of Shadowdale
A Ranger’s Road 1 Thaulavvan Tridentstar
A Small but Treasonous Chapbook 1 Albaertin of Marsember
A Treatise toward Unity: Comparisons of
the People and Humanity in Art and Life 2 Arun Maerdrymm of Myth Drannor
A Warrior’s View 1 Galgarr Thormspur, Marshal of Maligh
A Wayfarer’s Belt-Book of Advice 1 Rasthiavar of Iriaebor, Sage
An Old Warrior’s Way 1 Dathlance of Selgaunt
Ballads and Lore of One Dusty Road 2 Sharanralee
Battered Bones and Scattered Skulls:
The Life of a Dwarven Champion 3 Rauthglur Ormyndake
The Book of the Coast 1 Mespert of Baldur’s Gate
Dolorous Days in Daerlûn: My Exile from Cormyr 1 Jalduth Mimbraer
Falcon Fun 1 Edwin Narlok of Waterdeep
Folk of Renown 3 Glasgert Himlothrith, Scribe of Iriaebor
The Golden Age of Goblins 1 Artur Shurtmin, Loremaster of Berdusk
Harping by Moonlight: Approaches to Life 1 Elminster of Shadowdale
I Am Reminded: Memoirs of a Dragonslayer 2 Aernstag Oeblym of Starmantle
I Harp as I See It 1 Abranthar “Twoquills” Foraeren
Just Another Tome Among So Many:
Last Leaves of a Librarian 1 Beldrim Bessart of Baldur’s Gate
Lessons to Children 7 Aglasz Jhavildar, Sage of Teziir
Letters to a Sheltered Son 1 Oblut Thoim, Master Merchant of Teziir
Lyres, Harps, and Horns:
Sixty Years at Court in Suzail and Elsewhere 3 Aglasz Jhavildar, Sage of Suzail
Musings on the Realms 1 Oren bel Dannar, Sage of Triel
My Adventures in the Realms 6 Dathlyr “The Hammer” Graybold
My Journeys Around the Sea of Fallen Stars 3 Nelve Harssad of Tsurlagol
None but the Undying:
My Days Driving Down Those Who Walk 2 Alabaer Dree, Scourge of Undead
Posthumous Musings of a Zhentarim Mageling 1 Destrar Gulhallow
Raging Blades: A Tale of the North 1 Halvidon Maeraed, Bard of Elturel
Slumbertime Stories for Sprigs 1 Syluné of Shadowdale
Speeches of a Most Worthy Sage 1 Thargrin “Threeboots” Ammatar
The Steel Princess’s Field Guide
to Tactics of the Purple Dragon 1 Her Royal Highness Princess Alusair Nacacia Obarskyr of
The Strings of a Shattered Lyre 1 Tammarast Tengloves, Bard of Elupar
Talk of the Taverns 1 Tasagar Winterwind, Scribe to the Guilds of Selgaunt
Tall Tales: A Ranger’s Life 1 Amhritar the Tall
Teachings of the Morning’s Glory 4 Thorndar Erlin, High Priest of Lathander
Thoughts on a Better Faerûn 1 Albryngundar of the Singing Sword
To Harp and to Help 1 Alustriel, High Lady of Silverymoon
To Rule a Realm, from Turret to Midden 1 Ralderick Hallowshaw, Jester
Treatise on Good Wifery 1 Miriam Buttercake of Ashabenford
Treatise on the Flora of the Barren Wastes 1 Gaspaeril Gofar of Arabel
Unholy Rites of Bhaal 3 Anonymous clerics of Bhaal
Valorous and Vanquished: The Dead Heroes of Faerûn 1 Glimmerdarth Gulprin, “the Gnome Sage”
Dante Black’s Guide to Cormyr 1 Dante Black
Dante Black’s Guide to the Dalelands 1 Dante Black
Dante Black’s Guide to the Moonsea 1 Dante Black
Dante Black’s Guide to the Vast 1 Dante Black; unreleased
Dante Black’s Guide to Westgate and the Dragon Coast 1 Dante Black; unreleased
Why I Am a Lighthose Keeper 1 Belbradyn Tralaer
The Words of One Dwarf 1 Salhmitarr “Sage” Sorndar

Teobaldik’s Necrologicon – a book on the theory of necromancy. Bonus: proficiency in necromantic history
and theory, advantage on checks to activate ancient necromantic artifacts.
The Voerrecian Interpretations of the Ancestors – a book on necromancy. Bonus: proficiency in one
language an ancestor of yours spoke, and acquire the spell, Comprehend Dead Language. You can’t speak it,
because you never heard it pronounced, but you can read it. Totes. Hic hoc signo vinces, tic toc mater-futator!

Childred’s Vivifective Sourcebook – a book on reanimating the dead. Bonus: you learn how to reanimate
a corpse servant using an involved, three-day ritual involving a copper cauldron, three cheeses, dribbly candles,
moonlight and 50 gp in snacks. Them dead have munches. The corpse servant is pretty useless in combat, but
can otherwise perform the tasks of an ordinary servant. Just don’t make it cook, if you don’t want to eat
mummified servant bits.

Forma Pelluriana – a book on shape shifting. Bonus: if you can already shape-shift, you gain the ability to
shape-shift one more time. In every case, you can learn a Resistance to the Shifted spell, that provides resistance
from shape-shifted creature attacks.

Philip’s Draconiforma – a book on shape shifting with an emphasis on dragons. Bonus: proficiency in the lore
of dragons, and the knowledge of a protracted, 1d6 month long ritual, that lets you become some sort of
draconian. Gaining a fiery breath, or something. Perhaps, combined with the Forma Pelluriana, you might learn
to steal a dragon’s form.

Miscellania Pyrologica – a book on miscellaneous fire magics. Bonus: you can now change the color of flames
with the application of certain mundane dusts. Color code your own fire balls!

Onin’s Elementary Pyrotechnics – a book on explosive and elemental spells. Bonus: you can now make your
explosive spells blinding or deafening.

Anthologia Cryomantica – a book on ice spells and weather forecasting in winter. Bonus: you gain advantage
to survival checks in winter.

Nevan’s Codex Nevens – a book on snow magic. Bonus: you learn how to make snow of many colors, and also
learn the supremely useful spell, Cloak of Snow, which creates a warm white cloak out of snow for you to wear.
Yeah, you probably won’t freeze in the snow any more.

The Collected Scrolls of the Chapter of Susurrations – a book on snake magic. Bonus: you can now speak to
snakes at will.

Principia Velenosa – the principles of poisons. Bonus: you gain advantage to saves vs. poison if you are aware
that a surface or object or creature is poisonous. You just take precautions, like, not staring right into a face-
hugger’s ass-pod.

Childred’s Resurrected Works – a book on raising the dead. Bonus: you learn how to restore life to a slain
person, using an involved and gruesome ritual that takes 1d6 days and involves a human sacrifice, two chickens,
a roast ox and three singing virgins (gender optional). The restored person loses 1 point from each ability for
every day you needed to perform the ritual.

Echo’s Soothing Chrestomathy – a book of healing and cleansing spells. Bonus: you learn the ritual Purify
Hands and Operating Theatre, which provides advantage to all surgery checks.

Indra’s Waters of Life – a book on healing draughts and rains. Bonus: you are now proficient in meteorology.

Iz Sidri’s Manual of the Protection of Sacred Life – a book on hunting the undead. Bonus: you have learned
how to really hurt the undead, and can now deal critical hits to them.
De Aque Sancte – a book on holy waters of different sorts. Bonus: you can now use the spells Bless or Purify
Water to create several kinds of holy water, including pickling holy water, wound-cleansing holy water, holy
water to help cast out demons, and holy water for hurting the undead. Those waters give advantage when used
for the task they were made for. So epic.

Jillian’s Phantasmagoricystica – a book on phantasmal spells. Bonus: in particular, you may learn the
spell Phantom Cyst, which either creates an illusion of an inflamed cyst on the target’s skin, or turns a phantom
into a cyst-like wisp of light.

Derigeur’s Mirror of Smoke – a book on illusion spells. Bonus: you now have an advantage to saves against
visible illusions.

Salic’s Lex Sanguifecta – a book on the law of blood magic. Bonus: you now have advantage on spells cast
against enemies who’s blood you possess and hold in a crystal vial in your free hand while shouting arcane
words like, “Ich! Dich! Trinken! Tanzen! Ich! Dich! Blut und Boden! Poden! Poden!”

The Diary of a Leech – a book on blood magic and healing. Bonus: you now gain advantage to healing checks
against poisons and ill humors when using a properly treated leech.

Piniped’s By the Sword of the Gods – a book on holy weapons and enchantments. Bonus: you can now
identify one enchantment of a magic weapon by stabbing or wounding yourself with it for full damage. You can
identify one enchantment per day in this way.

The Crusade of the Interstices – a book on holy battle magic and travelling the Paths of the Voids. Bonus: you
have advantage on saves against getting lost in the Corridor Dimensions, or when using a planar portal.

Ulrik’s Monographia Insomniae – a book on nightmare magic. Bonus: you gain advantage on saves against
sleep and nightmares.

The Umbral Tome – an anonymous book on shadow magic. Bonus: whenever somebody utters your name,
you can cause them to lose sight of you momentarily, giving you a chance to hide or run.

Iz Kronske’s Theoriae Petromantiae – on the theories of rock magic. Bonus: gain the ability to Speak with
Rock d6 times per day. Problem: most rocks have no eyes and a poor grasp of time. Still, may be useful for
those old standing stones.

2nd Principia Geomantica – the higher principles of earth magics, anonymous. Bonus: you learn a ritual to turn
fire, wood, water and metal into earth. It takes you one day per standard cubic unit of measure.

Hydromantia of Laurent od Sushotsk – an introductory tome of water magic. Bonus: you gain advantage
to Purify Water and similar attempts to create pure water sources.

Elementaria Aquatica – on water elementals. Bonus: you learn that elementals are misunderstood spirits, but
can now also turn fire into an upward gushing waterfall once per week at a cost of 1d6 hp per six cubic metres
of fire affected. Or, you know, you can put out a torch by gripping it with your hand at will.

Encyclopaedia Phytomantica – a compendium of plant spells. Bonus: you learn a ritual to create a Wooden
Womb inside a sufficiently large tree, where you can rest concealed from the world. It takes 2d12 minutes to
shape the womb by whispering odd hippy music to the tree.

Shrub Wizard for Life, by W. E. Bos – an overview of shrub and tree magic. Bonus: you learn the
spell Shrubform which lets you turn into a shrub. The higher-level you cast the spell, the larger and more tree-
like the shrub can be. A 9th level casting probably lets you turn into a World Tree.
Portando il fine – anonymous book of death magic. Bonus: you learn the cantrip Peaceful Release, which lets
you put down dying targets within 15′ with nothing but a whisper and a gesture and a glowing dove ascending
into ethereal space. That’s right, any target below 0 hp, you whisper some words, and the spirit goes to its
version of the afterlife.

Lilander’s Entropia – a book of death and entropic magic. Bonus: you gain resistance against necrotic attacks.

De Rarum Daemonicum – a book on daemons and their summoning. Bonus: when you have enough time to
properly prepare a summoning circle, you gain advantage on rolls to control a summoned daemon. Does not
work on demons, devils, or other outsiders.

The Excorcist’s Cookbook – a book on fighting daemonic possession. Bonus: you learn how to bake a pie or
create an ointment that grants the victim of possession a save, or advantage on a save, against daemonic

The Fires of Hell, by E. Quimble – a book on hellfire. Bonus: if you know any fire spells, you may now call
them hellfire spells. They will do extra damage to holy targets.

Codex Contegatiae – a collection of works on protective spells. Bonus: you can now cast one protection spell
per day as a reaction. You also gain advantage to dispelling one protective spell you know.

The Golden Armour of Nilnamur – a book on protective magic. Bonus: you can now cast one instance
of Golden Mage Armor per day, which is twice as effective as a regular mage armor you can already cast.

Magnifica Abjuratica – a poorly spelled book on more protective magic. Bonus: you know understand how to
bypass protective magics with your bare hands. Is that helpful? Who knows.

Filinda’s Tricks and Traps – a book of magic tricks and camouflage tips. Bonus: you learn a series of
glamours that lets you change shape to appear as a Mimic, Roper, or those stalactite assholes that drop from the
ceiling. It doesn’t make you any better at combat, though.

Der Doppelganger – a book on doppelgangers and the changing of faces. Bonus: you learn a grotesque ritual
for permanently acquiring the face of another creature involving the spell Alter Self, a scalpel and a face off.

Petra Alchimistica – a book on the philosopher’s stone. Bonus: you can not control it, but somehow, when you
eat spicy food, you now excrete flakes of pure gold. Approximately 1 gp worth per bowel movement.
Congratulations. What have you done to yourself?

Solvents Versal and Universal – a book on acid magics. Bonus: you learn a ritual for dissolving yourself into a
colloidal solution and traveling in water as a dispersed suspension. It’s kind of creepy and gross, but if you have
an hour and 100 gp worth of magical supplies (including a lot of salt), you can totally hide in that bath tub when
the Requesters come knocking. Just be careful they don’t drain you into the ocean.

The Arrow of Acid and Other Elixirs – a book on acid arrows and various odd elixirs. Bonus: you have
learned how to make an elixir of acid resistance. It costs 50gp per elixir, and you can only maintain as many
active elixirs as you have Constitution points.

Miffle’s Meta-metallurgica – a book on meta-metallurgy and alchemy. Bonus: you can now turn iron into
steel, steel into ceramics, or ceramics into iron, with the application of a pungent mixture derived from rat
bladders, saltpetre and a mysterious mollusc named Dave. It’s pretty cheap to make, just takes 1d6 hours per
pound being converted.
Iota’s Energia Mystica – a book on spells of force. Bonus: you can now surf on Tenser’s Floating Disc,
propelling yourself as though a Mage Hand were gently pushing you along. Yes, you too can now do the stylish

Theresia’s Telekinaesthetics – a book on telekinetics. Bonus: you gain advantage to saves against ESP and
telekinetics and Mage Hand and all those force magics.

Cooking Clerics, by W. Itch – a book of potion recipes for the budding witch. Bonus: you learn how to make 2
of the following potions: 1) a potion of resistance to lice, 2) a potion of repulsion, 3) a potion of propulsion, 4) a
potion of ludicrous farting, 5) a potion of testicular torsion, 6) a potion of peonies, 7) a potion of red, 8) a potion
to turn duck eggs into snake eggs, 9) a potion to turn a mushroom into a mushroom-ent of middling proportions,
10) a potion to awaken a broom (but not teach it to fly), 11) a potion to induce rapid hair growth, 12) a potion or
ointment to remove hair permanently.

De Orbis Malefex – a book on curses and evil eyes. Bonus: gain advantage against gaze attacks you can see
coming at you.

Tellurian’s the Mastery of Puppets – a book on voodoo and curses. Bonus: gain advantage on charm and
domination spells when you have a part of the target’s body (hair, nail clippings, droppings, etc.).

Riding the Lightning, by I. Stormborn – a book of electric spells and magics. Bonus: when you cast any
electrical spell with more than one target, you can suddenly shift your location by about 6 feet. It looks really

A Rare Light, by McFilinda – a book of light spells. Bonus: you can now create light spells in any color you
like, including octarine.

Principiae Lucens en Spectrals – a book on spells of the electromagnetic spectrum. Bonus: you can now
create light spells from UV to infrared to X-ray and more. Yes, you can even create gamma-ray lights. Yes, you
can now cause radiation sickness with a light spell. Yes, it takes a long time. It’s not that strong.

Channelling for Chumps, by U. Krum – an advanced book on war magic. Bonus: you can now cast
conjuration and channeling spells just by shouting REALLY LOUDLY AND ANNOYINGLY when you cast
them. If, in battle, the din is to great for others to hear you, the spell WON’T WORK!

The Death Dealer – a semi-autobiographical book on battle magic. Bonus: you gain resistance to axes.

Hippie Hexen Herbarium – a compendium of herbal potions and decoctions. Bonus: you gain resistance or
vulnerability to herbal potions, as the occasion requires.

Opus Herbata – more herbal spells. Bonus: you can now ritually transmute one herb into another, given about
four hours, several buckets of soil, and one carp. Don’t ask.

The Clock of Fate – a book on trapping elemental souls in clockwork cages. Bonus: you can now use clocks as
a spell-casting focus, giving you advantage against elemental spirits. Only one clock per spirit, though.

Vaporous Layaboutry – a book on steampunk magic. Bonus: you learn a ritual to trap an air or water spirit in a
steam turbine, generating energy with its rage. One of your spell slots is permanently locked, keeping the spirit
trapped in its workplace. If released, the spirit hates you. A lot. And calls you dirty names.

The Clockwork Goblin, by S. Tubbins – a book on automata. Bonus: given a week, some books, paint,
lipstick and three books, you can transfer a sentient creature’s soul into an automaton, awakening the automaton
into sentience. The original personality is completely wiped in the transfer.
Origen’s Exothermonomicon – a book on magical bombs. Bonus: if you know any damaging spells, you can
now use a ritual involving glass balls, straws, potatoes and snuff, to turn them into throwing grenades. The
range is 20/60. Accuracy isn’t really required, but if you throw that fireball right into the damned rogue’s face,
that rogue should have disadvantage on saves.

Shilben’s The Perversions of the Mind – a book on psionic spells. Bonus: you can now move small objects
like dice or pencils with your mind. It looks creepy. The force you can exert is about that of a dung beetle.

Handel’s Tabulations of the Razor – a book on domination and mind control. Bonus: by blowing an extra
spell slot or sacrificing 1d6 hp, you can keep a charmed or dominated target from realizing that your next
suggestion is a really bad idea. Like, their left hand won’t realize their right hand just pulled that pin and
jammed the grenade in their jammies. Creepy.

Sachsen’s Magic Axe – a book of heavy metal bard spells. Bonus: you can now growl without damaging your
throat, and it sounds so epic. You can turn elemental damage into regular metal damage while growling.
Fireball, but it hurts like steel.

The Thunder of the Gods – a book of loud sonic spells. Bonus: you learn the cantrip Really Loud Bang. It can
deafen targets in a 20′ radius and has a 120′ casting range.

Karver’s Resilience of Rust – a book on the rust monster and the replication of its powers. Bonus: you can
now bring rust to any spotless iron surface you touch and caress and tenderly coat in your own saliva. It takes
you about ten minutes to rust through a centimetre of iron.

Cyclopedia Golemica – a book on the manufacture of golems. Bonus: you are now so talented, you can tell the
make and model of most golems simply by observing their movements and build. Does it help combat them,
well, sometimes.

I, Golem – a semi-autobiographical magic book on golem programming. Bonus: you can now increase the
intelligence of any golem you work on for a week by 1.

Wyrding for Women – a book on divination. Bonus: if you are a woman, you gain a permanent +1 to all your
divination spells. If you are a man, you learn that drinking is not the way to hone your mind and attain inner
peace and acquire advantage to saves against alcoholism. Specific, innit?

The Scissors of Life – a tome on astrology and curses. Bonus: you gain advantage to curses against targets
when you have access to their astral number code.

The Seven Forbidden and Hidden Tomes of Unknown Contents: the Skin Book of Innumerable Eyes,
Ulrik’s Gazes Beyond the Void, the Six Tongues of the Fast Stars, Origen’s The Stars Like Dust,
Curiosites of de Vooid, Handel’s Calculations of the Immortal Mind, Krasius’ Rips in the Sail of Time.
Bonus: you sprout 1d20 eyes across your body, 1d6 of your eyes turn blind as they gaze beyond the void but
your maximum lifespan increases by 1d6 x 10 years, you learn 1d6 new languages but lose 1d6 Wisdom, you
gain resistance to necrotic and radiant damage and vulnerability to all normal damage, you gain expertise in
Arcana and lose proficiency in Persuasion and Intimidation, you learn a ritual to inscribe your personality on the
void – destroying your body, but ensuring a you will exist forever, or you learn how to travel back in time a
week and stop yourself from reading these damned tomes.

The Perpidexicon of Knaardge – insane geometry and esoteric poetry (Chris Tamm). Bonus: you can
cast Confusion once per day by reciting a mad poem you pluck from the mad geometry of your mind.

Mysteries of True Form: A pamphlet on the regular solids and their magical connections to higher planes of
existence (Grey Knight). Bonus: when holding a regular solid, closing your eyes and screaming in the Abysmal
Chant, “Yuka, yuka, yuka, paka ua katapaka!” you have advantage on Arcana checks. Not sure how that helps,

Agamu’s Matters Relating to the Care of Rulers: A carefully-worded treatise useful for those wishing to
become an éminence grise.  Without going so far as to directly state anything incriminating, to the discerning
reader the tome gives tips on controlling from behind the throne, including some subtle spells which
superficially appear beneficial to the recipient (Grey Knight). Bonus: you learn a series of charms known
collectively as the Happy Boor, which reduce a target’s Charisma to 6, while making them very satisfied, happy
and content.

A Booke of Babie-Catching – a lavishly illustratted twoe kolor toom desined fore de expert midwyf hoe
woudde improewe haar skilles with severale jusefull spelles and ointments for Healing, de Easing off Paines, de
Blessinge of Chinderens ande de Skaring Awaye off Eville Spiritts. Bonus: you now have advantage on
midwifery checks, which is actually a useful thing to have in a pseudo-medieval post-apocalyptic wasteland of
swords and sorcery.

Deringle’s Spelling in Spelles: a treatise on the importance of properly archaic spelling for maximum magical
magnificence. Bonus: choose 3 spells you know, you can now cast a variant of them that relies on the addition
or subtraction or modification of one letter. E.g., if you know Fireball you might also gain the ability to
cast Firewall, Firball, Tireball, Firetall, Foreball, Firebull or some other such nonsense. Firebull is cool, by
the way.

On The Discovery of Changelings: a worn folio illuminated manuscript describing the methods of finding out
children and adults whose forms have been replaced by faerie creatures. None of the spells actually work or do
anything. The book radiates subtle magic a la Nystul’s Magic Aura (Noah Stevens). Bonus: you now have
advantage against fey mind-affecting spells.

Riobalt’s On the Permutations of the Elements – a weighty alchemical tome on ways to transmute gold into
other, less valuable metals and ores through the application of time and effort. Bonus: you are now 10% more
effective when purchasing any bulk good for gold.

This collection of scrolls is marked with an ancient glyph for PROTECTION, and, on the inside, the words for
BANISHING and DESTRUCTION in beautiful illuminated script. It seems at first reading a series of
instructions for managing safety from various entities ranging from bothersome to evil. Upon closer reading, it
is just that, only it’s talking about ways to effectively secure your house from a variety of household pests and
nuisances. Some of the suggested tactics are magical, others mundane (Shoe Skogen). Bonus: you now literally
know how to make a better mousetrap, giving you advantage on combat checks against small rodents.

Kaasandra’s Tome of Prophecies Ignored – a pseudo-autobiographical work detailing the woe that befell
those who did not heed the prophecies of Kaasandra of Nuurt. Among the dross are several useful spells for
making people forget small things, like where they left the keys yesterday, as well as a rare version of the
ancient Sumoninge of Sockes, which is a curse that removes one sock, never a pair, from the target’s luggage,
baggage, chest or wardrobe. Bonus: you learn one of the spells: Forgetting of Small
Things, Accursed Summoning of Sockes, and Remembrance of Lost Times with Wistful Longing.

Fulster’s Transnominacon – a tome with a lot of name magic, including spells for permanently altering the
true names of other wizards, weakening their spellcraft. Bonus: once you know a wizard’s true name, you can
carry out a ridiculous ritual, involving a celestial registrar, a lot of bureaucracy, a lawyer and reams of ink.
From then on, all the wizard’s spells are one level weaker.

Cereth’s Manual of Nothing: creative uses for voids, holes, and absences of things.  Includes instructions on
how to build your own “hole box”, with which to collect holes from things.  Cereth recommends taking the
keyhole from your house with you when you go out — you can even leave the key behind to confuse burglars a
bit more!  Advanced topics include how to sew several holes together to make a net (Grey Knight). Bonus: you
learn how to Take the Hole, letting you remove a hole from an object and hold it in your mind, occupying one
spell slot. You can restore the hole at will.

Zuiker’s Pyscathonomica Profunda – seventeen different fish-based magics and a guide to how to catch a fish
without actually cheating very obviously. Bonus: you gain advantage on fishing, so long as you can cast

The Loosening of the Arrow – a mystical work that describes archery and its practice, as well as several
enchantments and evocations that aid the teaching and firing of arrows from a bow (Noah Stevens). Bonus: you
can now teach someone to learn archery in half the time it would normally take. So useful!

Il Sas Domine by Peotra the Second – a tome on the properties of divine stones and the uses of standing
stones in divine magic. Bonus: you now have advantage to casting one spell while standing on a standing stone
from an ancient time. Choose the spell yourself.

Beyond the  Studies of the Vermicelli Mentali or Mind Worms, sometimes translated as Mind of the Flying
Spaghetti Monster  – those magics so corrupting that merely reading them lodges them in the magic users brain,
where they corrupt him and drive him toward malign Kaos (LR and Keith J Davies). Bonus: if you decide to
become Chaotic, you are rewarded with one additional spell slot, one additional finger, and one additional idea.
If you refuse, the opposite happens. If you are already Chaotic, you gain advantage against worms.

Lo! Apprehension of the Great Noodley One – a book of magic tricks, biology and numerology (LR and
Keith J Davies). Bonus: you now have advantage to all pasta spells and can use Rope Trick on spaghetti.

Biblia Pastariffica – over thirty-seven fully fledged pasta based magics, including the ritual for
summoning Tensorio’s Floating Plate of Pasta, capable of carrying up to 33 pounds of pasta, as well
as Pelatio’s Instant Pesto, which automagically transforms available ingredients into a thermally treated purée
perfect for adding to cooked pasta (LR). Teratic/Mythos version: including living creatures… but you are
compelled to eat heartily (Keith J Davies). Bonus: you also gain the ability to regain 1d4 hp from a full pasta
meal (takes half an hour to eat).

Kompendio Kompetitivo de Mensen Pugnalant – a compendium of spells to incite greater competitiveness in

testosterone-fuelled competitors, written in execrable vulgate by the Ringmaster Iu Dauron. Bonus: you gain
resistance to Intimidate and gain advantage to grappling checks.

Movements of the Ents and the Magical Properties Thereof: a work in low Entish, or perhaps Sahaugin (in
the 2nd edition) that describes a single spell that may be learned by studying the prolonged mating dances of
Ents that sometimes take up to a thousand years to observe in their entirety (Noah Stevens). Bonus: you learn to
appreciate the small things in life and gain advantage to saving throws against all temporal and necrotic magics.
You do not learn the actual Ent spell in this case.

The Temporal Compendium to the Movements of the Ents – includes a short discourse on trans-temporality
and a spell for the chronopetrification of the participant, allowing him to observe an entire entish mating dance
in the form of a petroglyph inscribed upon a cliff or other large, flat surface (LR). Bonus: you learn a ritual to
turn yourself into a petroglyph inscribed on a cliff or large, flat surface. If someone tries to chisel you off, you
come awake, angry and frustrated.

Zwibli’s Schweinmenschen und Vogelfrauleinen – a short volume on defensive polymorphication and the
determination of compatible animal forms for opponents. Bonus: you learn how to shapeshift into a swine (if
male) or a songbird (if female). This works as the druid ability, including limitations on use.

Ariog od Tamakau’s The Way of All Flesh – a grossly padded and voluble volume detailing magics for the
creation of flesh golems and electrick zombies. Bonus: you gain advantage on all checks to create a flesh golem
or an electric zombie. Additionally, you can usually find their weak spot easily, giving you advantage on
grappling attacks to disable them. Of course, why you would want to grapple a goddamned electric zombie is
beyond me.

Sambana’s Swordes of Soursery – a fascinating volume on all the different magical swords you will never
possess as well as a recipe for crafting a sword +1½. Bonus: you gain advantage on History checks to
understand the origin of magic swords, additionally you can use the Identify spell on two swords at once.

Elrick’s of Yon Coult of de Blaue Oeyster – a treatise on planeswalking, limbo, black blades and the
summoning of coultosauroses. Bonus: you gain resistance to all black blades and black weapons in general.

Historie of Daemons & Wizards, an Illustrated Compendium – a guide to different daemon summoners and
what happened to them, also includes a do-it-yourself summoning ritual. Guaranteed safe or your money backe.
Bonus: you can decide to abort one summoning ritual per day after rolling your dice, but before declaring the
result. You just peered into the future and thought to yourself, damned, summoning Belphegor with a natural 2
… that’s bleak.

De Waggone Withoute Horses – a story by the half-mad wizard Necropius dealing with time-travel and
meeting the “ghost in the shell”. Bonus: you now have expertise with autonomous land vehicles. Is that useful?

Visshalt’s Kompendium Delique Portee – a tome on the portals into the fae realms and certain fae spells.
Bonus: you now have advantage against fae portal spells, teleportations, and other such nonsenses.

Oeilburforse’s Vilis a Levioribus Tractandis Hora Prandii – dealing with rapid and effective spells against
liches as well as magic to keep dinner warm while you go adventuring. Bonus: you learn the cantrip Satisfying
Rations, which smears your horrible adventuring ration and moldy bread in a glamour of flavor and taste. You
can affect one meal in this way at a time, and it takes your full concentration. The meal is actually still horrible,
but it tastes nice.

Oot’s Giokando Per Vintere – a tome of wine magic and how to regularly win while gambling, forbidden in
most casinos. Bonus: you gain expertise in one type of gambling.

Piniped’s Eminently Useful Tome – a magical tome of numerous spells for dealing with poisons, digestive
issues and other similar afflictions. Comes with fifty magically replenishing empty, thin, soft sheets of paper in
the back of the book. Bonus: you learn the first level spell, Conjure Civilized Commode. It does just that. No
more doing it in the dirt, no sirree.
Fighter’s Tome: This ancient book of fighting, when read by a fighter gives him a +2 to attacks, +2 to
A.C. due to dodging & quickness), and +2 to constitution (book is usable only once and then by fighter-
types only.)
Canon of Sanctification: This canon explains the ritual which will sanctify and cleanse the most unholy
of things, creatures or areas. So tremendous is this, that nothing evil can reside within a 100 mile radius of
the purified target for 1000 years. This canon is usable only once.

Book of Oceans: This tome is the bible of the Sea Priestesses of Rothgard and each page is made up of
the compressed scales of a different sea creature. This book is a complete guide to local sea gods and their
rituals, and always opens to the needed page for the user’s locale. If the listed rituals are followed, no
harm will come to any ship bearing this book from any creature or weather condition of the sea.

Spell Scrolls - roll a d8

1. Dragon Sleep 1st level
2. Magic Detection 1st level
3. Watery Protection 2nd level
4. Fire Spell 3rd level
5. Light of Day 4th level
6. Regenerate Limb 8th level
7. Wall Of Spells 12th level – only one
8. Ged's Fog 15th level – only one
Once 7 and 8 are rolled got to d6 feel free to add, change modify and just have fun with the scrolls.
Treasure can be thrown in here as well (I just haven’t had time to do one up yet), There are also scrolls
that contain any known spells and some spells more powerful than what the strongest Sorcerer can wield.
If you want to introduce new spells that go ahead, I used The Black Grimoire; The Complete Arduin,
Book III; Third Edition, by David A. Hargrave.

Skeletons, Hell Horror (2): AC: 3, HD: 8d8, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 4d6; XP: 4,000,
Fear Factor 4; +4 AC when not attacking, 60% resistant to fire damage, immune to poison, cold and
mind control, Bronze Falcata 1d6-1/1d8-1, Milenian armor 4 (AC3), Bronze shield.


The second, fourth, and sixth floors of the Tower of Tomes are known as the Reading Floors. Each level
contains a spiral metal staircase leading up through a hole in the center of the floor to a hole in the center
of the ceiling. The rest of the floor is divided into four chambers and a cross-shaped hallway. Every wall,
even within the Reading Rooms, is lined with bookshelves, stretching up to 15 feet in the air. Book
ladders line each shelf, enabling the temple inhabitants to reach the topmost shelves. Within each room
and at the end of each hallway is a coffer filled with neatly cataloged vellum sheets, part of the legendary
Index. At the center of each Reading Room is a wooden table and several chairs. Visitors to the library are
brought to one of the Reading Rooms, allowed to consult the appropriate sheets of the Index, and then
brought the book they request to peruse. During the day, these floors are regularly visited by the clerics as
well as wandering patrols of the Children of the Passive Voice. At night, only the monks pass through,
making their rounds.


The roof of the Tower of Tomes consists of a small chamber at the top of the spiral staircase leading up
from below. The room is dominated by various sacred, nonmagical relics of the Binder and serves
as a private chapel for the inhabitants of the temple during religious services.

A single door leads out on to the parapet, from which one can look out over the valley. Atop the small
chamber is a slender spire that reaches some 30 feet above the parapet. Two members of the Tower Guard
are usually stationed atop the parapet at night or during the day. These guards now can be described as

“You have reached the roof of the tower…(if they have not dealt with Dunans)…the water is ankle deep
and rising quickly as the rain is pouring. Soon the water will reach the edge of the walls and begin spilling
over. Up here the lighting is even more intense the strike seems have taken a focus on you, its almost
they decided this all at once. Lightning slams all around you, and was that, by the gods, that lightning bolt
had a face. What in the name of Cra’ssh (god of lightning elementals and lightning) is happening?”

As you shield your eyes, you spot two more of the vibrating skeletons. Instead of moving to attack, they
begin running around you in a circle, they are fast, faster than a cheetah fast. The disturbed water causes
anyone but Mariner or anyone with boatwright or boating proficiencies roll a DEX check at -1 the others
will be at a -4. If they do not stop the skeleton the penalty will increase by 2 for non-mariners,
boatwrights and boaters. Mariners, boatwrights and boaters have their penalty increased by 1 until the
skeletons are stopped.

If the skeletons are allowed to keep running that start hitting then with the penalties, they should either
fight or run. If a roll is failed the PC will be swept up by the water and can be seen circling you in the
growing water funnel.

Consult drowning rules

To save must be grabbed. If outside roll to hit AC 2. If successful they can grab someone in the water
going around them. Once grabbed roll a feat of strength to not get sucked into the funnel yourself. Not
sure PC can get out with out help’’maybe a capture thng>

Skeleton, Hell Horror (2): AC: 3, HD: 8d8, HP x, THAC0: 13, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: 4d6; XP: 4,000,
Fear Factor 4; +4 AC when not attacking, 60% resistant to fire damage, immune to poison, cold and
mind control, Bronze Falcata 1d6-1/1d8-1, Milenian armor 4 (AC3), Bronze shield.

Vaults below
As with the academy above, unless mentioned there are no light sources. The party will be fumbling
around in the dark unless they all have either dark vision or torches. This means, they will be at a -4/-6 to
hit because of the darkness if they don’t some ways to see. The room descriptions will only work if they
are able to see. If not, they will stumble around the rooms running into things and getting hacked to bits
by the undead.

Room 1 – “You have come to the bottom of the stairs there is a large square column in front of you. Two
hallways go on either side of the column. The hallways go around the column and come back together
facing closed double doors.”

The doors are closed and locked. There is no trap because of what lies on the other side.

Room 2 – “You have entered a large round room. The doors have led to a raised dais with two pillars on
the north and south. There are stairs leading down into a sunken section. Openings are in the north and
south side of the circle and you see closed doors halfway between those doors and the exit across the

Coming from the openings to the north and south, you can hear the tapping of claws on stone as dogs, if
that IS a dog, are running your way. Oh, Cinniuint’s Ass, (Cinniuint is the goddess of fate and luck, the
phrase Cinniuint’s Ass has come to mean bad luck was happening for you, Cinniuint’s Kiss means mean
good luck was happening for you. Scholars of the ancients say they have found what they believe to be
the Ancients way of expressing the same feeling. They are working on figuring it, they knew they have
F_C_ M_ but are working on the rest.) what the hell are these things?

From the openings to the north and south are running four of the biggest, largest, most terrifying dogs you
have ever seen. (Two from each opening for 4 total). These beasts are 2 feet at the should, at least 3 feet
long, 180 lb. dogs with black fur and have a brown underbelly and muzzle, with some very sharp looking
fangs. Around each of their ankles are two sets of bone-like bands. On their backs are rib-like structures,
appearing like an exoskeleton, that lead up to its neck. In between the two ends of the bone on its neck is
a small skull emblem. Instead of having visible ears near the top of its head, they have curved horns. It
has a long, skinny tail which ends in an arrow point. As they run toward you their backs begin to flicker
then there is orange flame running from the top of their heads to the bottom of their back. Their eyes burst
into flame as well.”

Soul Hound (4): AC: 3, HD: 5d8, HP x, THAC0: 15, # of Attk: 1 (bite); Dmg: 3d6; XP: 650,
Fear Factor 4; +1 or better weapons or weapons made of the correct metal, Fiery Shield, Move 18”
land/24” air; When enraged, soulhounds are surrounded by a flickering shield of red flame that
automatically inflicts 1-4 points of damage per round against any character in melee range who fails to
save vs. breath weapon. In addition, soulhounds possess unusually acute senses that allow them to track
a target as a Skill 18 Ranger. Because of their senses, soulhounds are surprised only on a roll of 1.

These are Kurdazas’ soulhounds, he summoned them early on and they have become his sole
companions. Kurdazas is currently in room 5 speaking with Salmon Obediah Sixsmith, he is attempting to
gain Salmon Sixsmith to help him against Isatis Rachel Zulec, the former head mistress, who is now a
lich that guards the magical treasure room. Kurdazas has instructed these hounds to attack anyone that
enters from above. He has a crystal ball and has seem the going ons in the academy above. This is why he
is making his move for the artifacts now; he is hopeful the party might rush headlong into Isatis if he
hides in the shadows.

Room 3 – “You walk down the stairs leading to this room, on the far wall is an alter flanked by two
columns. The top of the alter has a broken statue on it and the carvings behind it are defiled beyond
recognition. The room itself looks like someone cast Ged’s Gale in here. Things are smashed, broken nd
scattered about the room. As you get a better look at the altar, you see old rust-colored stains splashed on

This was once a temple to Hrothramm, the god of magic and knowledge. This was temple for the
academy until Cimmeries’ visit. After his brief stay at the academy, the temple was desecrated by the
undead living here. It was a constant reminder of what they used to be and they were furious with

Room 4 – “Going down the stairs into this room, you find yourself an oval room. You swear you hear
footprint ahead of you in the darkness (let the try whatever hey want to see who or what it is, there is
nothing there, Perhaps the place is haunted or the senses are playing tricks on them.

Room 5 – As you approach the portcullis here is closed, behind the portcullis is a set of closed, double
doors. You see no apparatus to open the portcullis on this side, perhaps it is one the other side?”

There is no apparatus to raise the portcullis, this was a lore weaver academy, anyone wanting to get past
the portcullis used magic to open it. The door does have a password but after hearing about some dwarves
and the rest their party got stuck at door with the riddle on it that would allow you to open the door. They
got in and found a true dragon’s horde. Not going to get that loppy here. Those that needed the password
also agreed to a geas that will not allow them to EVER reveal the password.

The following spells will open the doors

Knock - witch spell
Magnetic Field – Lore Weaver spell
Spell of Giant Strength – Sorcerer spell, may allow the portcullis to be forced up
The following spells will not open the doors
Skeleton Key – gray necromancer spell, only works on locks, the portcullis has none.

I am confident that you and your players can come up with other ways, let them have fun, just be warned
there are two powerful casters meeting in room 5 and the party might not want to interrupt, shame they
can’t determine if someone is in there.

Room 5 – Behind the Door “You have gotten the portcullis and opened the door, which, surprisingly was
not locked. You have passed the steel doors and entered darkness.

(if torches) The light from your torches contracts in on itself, getting smaller and smaller until it vanishes
without a hiss or smoke. The darkness rushes in replacing the light. You can longer tell which way is
forward or back, direction is meaningless and panic is simmering just below the surface.

(if dark vision) Darkness that is complete and total, you have never been truly blind day or night. Now
you see nothing, not even yourself. You can touch an arm and know it is yours and you are touching it,
but you cannot SEE it. You lack the experience those not blessed with dark vision have in darkness. for
you have never been completely blind in darkness. Where are you? Where are your friends? What do I
do? I CANNOT SEE!!!!!!!! (roll a fear check, fear factor 2)

two figures that have turned to face you. One appears as a black cloud in black robes with blazing red
eyes. In its left hand is a broad bladed sword made of a reddish metal with flames etched into it. The
second figure is dressed in robes, he appears to be bald and his skin is pale ad stretched thin. The two
appeared to be talking when you enter. The both turn to look at you. (If the two are not surprised they
immediately attack. No living being should be here, if they are here, it to steal from them is their thought
The party coming through the doors he will see the dead bodies of his beloved soul hounds and he turns
on the PCs “with a primal scream the being in black is coming at you

The two are formidable spell casters, Kurdazas is a 10 th level Sorcerer of the Black Gate and Salmon
Obediah Sixsmith is a 9th level Shadow Mage and he has several shadows as assistants. See Kurdazas and
Salmon stats in the appendix.
Shadows (5): CE, HD: 3d10 AC 7 Move: 12” Morale: +4 Atk: 1 DMG: 1d4+1 Special: +1 or better
weapon to hit or any of exotic metal that allow you to strike undead, XP: 175
Shadows attack by touch. In addition to the regular damage, the touch of a shadow will drain 1 point of
strength for 2d4x10 minutes. If the strength of a victim should become 0, the dies and becomes a shade

Was transformed into a wraith and trained himself as a Sorcerer of the Black Gate as he no longer could
cast divine spells. If the party can defeat him, they will gain a glass ball filled with shadows upon his
death. This is one of the balls they will need to break the curse. The only thing he cares about is getting
the artifacts for his revenge however, he has a Harley Quinn type thing with the soulhounds. Since he
knows they were guarding the door, he will assume the party hurt is puppies. He will unload on them like
there is nothing left for him, He will attack in the following sequence based on the rounds they may act
in, if they were surprised there first round will be the parties second. At the same time Salmon will be
taking action as well.

Round Action
1 Kurdazas lets loose with a bone chilling scream (All within hearing must roll their
Wisdom x5 on D100 or become paralyzed with fear.)
2 Xgh’s Perilous Mist – Green mist covers a 10’/level area for 1 turn + 1 round/level.
Anyone in the mist must save each round or become ensnared in its grasping tendrils.
3 Worm of Jurbus – Summons a 60’ long, 5’ wide, segmented, elemental worm from any
available stone and earth for 1d6 turns +1 turn/level. The worm does not attack, but may
be used as a bridge, wall, ladder, or even transportation (120’ movement rate). He will
use this to block the parties escape route out of this room
4 He will use his Darkness ability to fill the room in darkness
If the darkness was successful the party will not be able to see the next two actions before they are
affected, if the DM wishes he can negate the Saving Throw, give them a minus or do nothing at all.
5 He will breathe an inky black cloud that causes the victim to cease all actions due to
uncontrollable shaking and bone chilling fear. Save vs. Paralyzation to avoid the effects.
6 He will breathe a cloud of blackness that is 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 20 feet high.
Creatures caught in the cloud are blinded for one melee round and lose ¾ (round up) of
their life energy (levels or Hit Dice); a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces
the loss to ½ (round up). The life energy loss persists for 6d4 rounds. Negative plane
protection spells prevent this life energy loss. A character who is reduced to 0 or fewer
levels lapse into a coma for the duration of the cloud's effect.
7 Jyx-Jor Guardians – Summons two demons (HD 5; AC 2; Atk great sword, Dmg
1d12, encased in black iron and wielding flaming great swords, from the Lower Depths to
defend the caster for 1 turn.
8 Xgh’s Perilous Mist – Green mist covers a 10’/level area for 1 turn + 1 round/level.
Anyone in the mist must save each round or become ensnared in its grasping tendrils.
9 Torment of the Red Tentacles - Opens a yawning chasm beneath the victim from which
flaming tentacles emerge. The tentacles wrap him helplessly in wracking pain for 1d6
turns, causing 10 points of damage per turn.
10+ He will attack with his enchanted sword Firebrand for here on

Salmon Obediah Sixsmith

Salmon Obediah Sixsmith was the Second Chair of the acadamey. He was best known for his knowledge.
He had an eidetic memory and was voracious reader. When the former Head Master had passed, it was
assumened Salmon would become the next Head Master. In fact his teeth he grit, he threw a fit, a Royal
snit, an over drawn bit, in no way was it wit; but tantrum, hissy fit, tizzy fit, outbursts, blowups, frenzied
outbursts describe it perfectly well.

Eventually, in moment of very, largely, big mistake. Salomn asked them by what right they were going to
force him to be Head Master. And that’s when it happened, the mistake. They answered the Lore Weaver,
known to be a voracious reader with an eidetic memory. They told him, smugly secure in their belief had
bested Salmon, in detail how they were doing it. Salmon silently bowed his head mumbled apologies and
that of course he would become the next head master and scuffled out. The Lore Weaver councilmen
were happy at putting Salmon in a place his time to read would slim with his new duties and they quit
hearing how they showed take a look at this Salmon Sixsmith and his knowledge it was even the head of
the order was coming down to meet him. So council decided to insure that Salmon ‘s reading would be
slowed down as would his breakthroughs. Allowing them to catch up and surpass him. (Petty fuckers

Salmon used his vast knowledge having read EVERY charter, treaty, mandate or decrees regarding the
running of the order. He knew more about how the order was supposed to be run than any other living
being. He summoned the Head Professor Isatis Rachel Zulec and told her what he wanted to do, he left
nothing out. When he finished, he began to ask her if she was in when she said she couldn’t wait to do it,

The next day Salmon was named Head Master at a ceremony where everyone was invited. When new
Head Master Sixsmith gave his speech, and that is when the council realized their mistake. By Head
Master Salmon’s direction every book involving running the order would be read, contradictions
discussed, errors fixed, gaps filled in and codex would be made that could be updated magically and all
Lore Weavers could access this information to see where they were in the scheme, a place he announced
that would be reviewed and once fixed especially prepared books to send out to the academies and
Houses of Wonder with the same information. He then pulled a hereto unknown amendment officially
adding a new duty for the head master position. Any arguments regarding the running of the order would
be settled by the Head Master or Second Master of the Star Academy and they would be considered the
utmost expert on the history and running of the Lore Weavers. As it had been signed by both past and
current order leadership in approval. His next act was to name Head Professor Zulec to Second Master,
this people understood and was usually how it was done. It seemed they had escaped somewhat intact,
their goal still met when Head Master Sixsmith made his closing statement about the head master position
and its selection. He noted than when the Second Master and Head Professor had held their positions
equal time, it then go to how long they have been a Lore Weaver, if that was equal as well, then the older
of the two gets the Head Master position. With only one exception, there is a clear senior of the two than
the senior of the two becomes Head Master, unless the senior person decline, then it would go to the Head
Professor. There was one last proviso regarding what happens if all or any academy’s senior were killed,
but right at the end were these words “The Position of Head Master or Mistress is a position of import
that should only be held by someone who is best qualified and most senior of the Second Master and
Head Professor. However, if the emergency clause is enacted to force someone in as he Head Master he
can name his replacement at anytime as long they were either the Second Master or Head Professor.

The new Head Professor was obviously junior to the new Second Master Zulec, so Head Master Sixsmith
announced he stepping back in to his old position and his named replacement was Second Master Isatis
Rachel Zulec. The rules were clear it was done and nothing could change it. Head Mistress Zulec
announce she was keeping form Head Master Sixsmith had enacted and they she was glad to have him as
her Second. Since then, Second Master Sixsmith has been left out of politics and had indeed become the
expert on the laws of the order and did indeed craft the charter the explains how the order is run and why
and this is taught to all Lore Weavers still.

Round Action
1 Casts Steel Shadow
2 Black Tentacles
3 Afraid of the Dark
4 Salmon will use the darkness to fade into the background and attack from surprise with
Drain warmth than his bite and dagger
Steel Shadows
Casting time: 1 reaction
Range: self
Components: somatic
Duration: 1 minute
Shadows form around you then harden like steel, protecting you from harm
A protective magical shadow surrounds you. Until the start of your next turn, the target gains a +2 bonus
to AC. This includes the Triggering attack.

Black Tentacles
Level 4th
Casting Time 1 Action
Range/Area 90 ft (20 ft )
Components V, S, M *
DurationConcentration 1 Minute
Squirming, ebony tentacles fill a 20-foot square on ground that you can see within range. For the duration, these
tentacles turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.

When a creature enters the affected area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, the creature must succeed
on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and be restrained by the tentacles until the spell ends.
A creature that starts its turn in the area and is already restrained by the tentacles takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage.
A creature restrained by the tentacles can use its action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against
your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.

Afraid of the Dark

Casting time: 1 action
Range: Self (30ft Cone)
Components: Somatic
Duration: Instantaneous

A shadowy image of your foe appears and grabs them before disappearing, this spell functions similar to
fear except for the fact that it deals 1d4 necrotic damage on a failed save.

Drain Warmth
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: Somatic
Duration: Instantaneous

Your hands reach out and shiver with a dark and cold force, the target must make a constitution saving throw or take
4d4 cold damage on a failed save and lose resistance to cold damage if they have resistance, or half as much on a
successful one. This spell does not work on constructs, undead or targets who are currently under the effect of
extreme heat. When you cast this spell using spell points for a 2nd level or higher, the amount of damage is increased
by 2d4 cold damage

Room 6 – “The room you have entered is medium sized circular room. There is an alcove off the far wall
three sets of doors. In each of the cardinal compass points is a table jutting out at a right angle from the
wall. In the north east section of the room is an alcove with a statue, a statue that is suspended in the air,
floating via a magic crystal array (break one crystal and it falls. It is large, bigger than a horse. It is a
heroic figure riding on a creature, sword held high. The creature isn't a horse, but it's being ridden
like one with a saddle. There's a screaming enemy soldier in its mouth. It is unnervingly whole. No
scratches or cracks. Subject could be petrified from ages past. It is crafted of white marble, carved from a
single huge stone. In front of the statue is a chest, a large chest that is closed. Several items are covered
by a tarp behind the chest.”

The chest is closed, locked and trapped. If the lock is attempted without checking for traps the 5’ square
in front of the statue, where a thief would be crouching to open the lock, opens up and whoever is
standing there drops 20 feet (2d6 damage).

“Once you stand up and dust themselves off, they see they are in a 5’ by 5’ square pit. A strange gurgling
noise can be heard through the stone. As you wave to your party to throw down a rope, you are not
looking forward to the snickers, japes when you get back to the top. The party tosses down the rope and
in front of your eyes, the dropped rope is sliced into smaller sections, like it was dropped through
countless razor-sharp blades. At least you didn’t hit the blades, right? The rest of your party is staring
down at you with big eyes, I mean what the hell was that?”

Things thrown down the pit are cut on razor sharp spider silk that is set on a delay to deploy when the trap
is activated. Allowing the victim to fall to the bottom before deploying. The silk composes a net with 1-
inch squares. Anything that touches it that is not metal gets cut. If someone were to, say, grab it with their
bare hand or just a gloved hand takes 3d6 damage, the silk with is so sharp it cuts nerves and tendons
rendering the hand that grabbed it useless until a regenerate spell is cast on it. The DM needs to roll a d20,
on a 20 the silk severs 1d4 fingers.

The chest is part of what the party wants, treasure. Once the trap and lock are defeated and the chest
opened, read the following.

“You throw the lid of the chest back and see the chest is filled will many items, removing the tarp reveals
statues. Of note in the chest are a book, a pale blue velvet bag (ring), a soft rose colored velvet bag
(gems), and a scroll tube.
Gold Bowl 14 g.s. chandelier 50 g.s.
Copper Bowl 4 g.s. Ivory 75 g.s.
Silver bowl 9 g.s. Small Engraved Box 25 g.s.
Engraved mirror case 35 g.s. medium engraved box 50 g.s.
Silver Vase 2 g.s. gold bowl 14 g.s.
Silver bowl 9 g.s. sable fur coat 9,000 g.s.
Silver Ewer 18 g.s. 3 sq. ft. Tapestry 219 g.s.
Porcelain bowl 11 g.s. Alblaster Statue, 4’ 1,000 g.s.
Incense 20 g.s. small ivory carving 220 g.s.
Bolt of brocade 120 g.s. 4’ Marble statue 1,650 g.s.
Silver comb 10 g.s. 4 sq. yd.s rug 80 g.s.
Brass ewer 3 g.s. stone statuette 50 g.s.
Small wood carving 120 g.s. 4’ stone statue 300 g.s.
Large painting 300 g.s. wood triptych 750 g.s.
Gold ceremonial weapon 600 g.s. large ivory carving 580 g.s.
Small wood carving 20 g.s. medium ivory carving 240 g.s.
A silver coronet w/ moonstones 1,500 g.s. silver and gold tiara 600 g.s.
A jade comb set with exotic coral 1,500 g.s. Woman’s long hat pin 12,000 g.s.
and platinum filagree made of platinum and set with diamonds
Small obsidian stone 5 g.s. large moonstone 100 g.s.
Large blue spinal 1,000 large bloodstone 100 g.s.
Large pearl 500 g.s. small topaz 100 g.s.
Average turquoise 10 g.s. very small peridot 50 g.s.
Average obsidian 10 g.s. very small lapis lazual 1 g.s.
Small opal 500 g.s. very small agate 1 g.s.
Very large topaz 5,000 g.s. Coins, gold (41)
Coins, electrum (140) 70 g.s. Coins, silver (900)

Magic Items:

Tome of Rangelessness: This tome, when read by a spellcaster, will free him from range limitations on
his spells. When read by a fighter, he is freed from range limitations on bows, i.e., he can shoot as far as
he can see.

Bardic Song of Miracles: A parchment with a song on it which when sung over a dead body, will restore
life. Every time this song is used on a body, his constitution is reduced by 1 point. When cast from the
scroll the song disappears when song. A Bard could try to copy song into his song book, usual chances to
learn song (INT), if successful the song till vanishes from the scroll but now resides in the Bards song

Ring of Clouds: This blue crystal ring gives the user the ability to cast any one of the following effects:

 Thunderstorm - A dark cloud appears over the victim for 1-10 melee rounds, during which the
victim takes 3-18 sonic and 5-30 lightening damage, save to half damage.
 Blizzard - A small white cloud appears for 1-10 melee rounds doing 8-48 cold damage, save to
half damage.
 Fog - A fog bank appears around the victim for 2-12 melee rounds, giving -3 to all of victim’s
attacks, save to -1 on all attacks.

The damage listed above in #1 & #2, is given each melee round.
The user may cast each one of the above effects once per day.

Room 7 – “The room you have entered is medium sized circular room. There is an alcove off the far wall
three sets of doors. Chipped and broken columns, rubble litters the ground and you can see the statue is
carved and incorporated with the stone floor. It is sculpted from never melting ice it is a life size statue of
the god Aescbourne, it is unnervingly whole. On a pedestal in front of the statue is a helmet, it appears to
be made of mother of pearl, strangely crested and shaped, and looks like some strange fish with its fanged
mouth agape.”

The helm is the Helm of The Sea King. This helm gives the wearer the ability to see, move, breathe, etc.
underwater as if it were air. It is valued at 47,500 GS The pedestal is trapped via pressure plate under the
helmet. If it is not located and disarmed the trap will go off, causing 4 large metal spikes shoot out from
the walls, one above, one below and one from each side, save vs. Petrification or take 4d6 damage.

Room 8 – “The room you have entered is medium sized circular room. There is an alcove off the far wall
two sets of doors. There is a statue in the alcove. The statue has a tiny wooden pedestal, with an illegible
gold plaque. There are cracks and chips; minor details have fallen away. You do not recognize who the
statue is of, but you can tell it has a crown and is carrying a scepter. It is carved from a single stone of
black marble. The remains of thick curtains hang in scraps from the ceiling, what it was made of and its
color is long since lost to time. Dangling from the statue is a rose quartz pendant.”
Let the party roll all the checks they want, they will find no traps, because…there are no traps, just felt
like letting them have this one.

Pendant of the Fragrant Rose: Crafted from rose quartz, this pendant has a pleasing scent to it, and any
humanoid female wearing it attracts the opposite sex 50% more often than any other woman, regardless
of charisma or appearance. She has that “certain something”, receiving +50% on all dealings with men.
Should a man wear this amulet, the effect will be the same, but with females.
Room 9 – “The room you have entered is medium sized circular room. There is an alcove off the far wall
three sets of doors. The statue in the alcove is smashed to pieces, you see bits of iron littered around the
alcove. You catch yourself before you step down on a piece that seems to be a spike. A spike the size of
your arm! As you put down your foot the slight breeze is enough to cause the spike to disintegrate (The
statue is made of dust and soot. It's a bit of an illusion, once broken off, pieces become ash). As the ash
give way you see a great hammer covered in runes in place of the ash spike. It is about 3’ long with s
cylinder style head and a spike on the back of the head. The shaft is some polished wood and set into a
metal cuff below the head.”

This weapon was created by a forge mater, he summoned a demon of destruction and bound him into this
weapon. A forge master will recognize it for what it is and it will also show positive under detect magic.

Warhammer: A demon is bonded to this weapon, not a necessarily potent one, but a demon. It is a
Demon of Destruction.
The weapon has the following bonuses:
• +4 to hit
• All hits deal additional 1d10 damage
• Weapon and wielder can communicate empathically with each other.
• the demon is a form shifter, as such he can shift his weapon form to any melee weapon his
wielder or he needs
• On a "to hit" roll of a natural 1 with a demon weapon that had an unfavorable reaction, the
demon strikes at the wielder (turning in his hand, hitting automatically) or at an ally (make an
attack roll based on the demon's hit dice and attack bonus, if any), whichever the demon thinks
would be most disastrous for the wielder. (18 HD)
• When failing to gain control of a demon weapon, it turns in the hand of would-be controller,
hitting automatically. To gain control of the weapon by touching the binding object and
concentrating for a round. (A momentary touch is only sufficient to sense that the object enslaves
a summoned entity.) Gaining control is handled similarly to binding; the entity gets a saving
throw vs. spells to resist the attempt to control it, and (for demons at least) it's usually important
to make a reaction roll. For demon reaction rolls, apply an extra –10% for Neutral characters and
–20% for Lawful characters.

Room 10 – “The room you have entered is medium sized circular room. There is an alcove off the far
wall three sets of doors. The statue is of a gargoyle holding up a nude eladrin woman, that appears to be
writing in a book. (Close inspections reveals it is made from melted from iron. Each major part can be
detached and transported for reassembly pretty easily)
If the party takes parts to examine them, roll Perception for them, if they succeed read the following.
“You have just taken the piece off the statue, even for the age it was easy to remove. Hey is that sword
hilt? Neat-O”

The sword Hoodwinker is hidden in the statue, the party will not find unless they attempt to take the
statue apart.

This sword +3 is a master at disguising its user in a mask of illusion that cannot be dispelled unless the
sword is removed from the user’s hand. Illusions can be of anything but can do no damage. The user
gains a +50% better chance to lie or otherwise fool others.

Room 11 – “The room you have entered is medium sized circular room. There is an alcove off the far
wall and two sets of doors. Rubble covers the floor in spots, making walking difficult. You are having a
heard time with this statue. It appears to be some sort of complex machine; it stands on its own with no
base. It looks like it was just made, subtle marks where the tools touched the stone. It fills the alcove. (A
very smart person (Int 17+) can see that this statue is almost meant to be a blueprint, with individual parts
sculpted in.)

Room 12 – “Imposing doors are to your front. Clearly marked sigils and runes cover the doors and are
carved into the wall around it. There is no door handle, knocker or pull that would allow you to open the
doors. (A thief must roll a successful Locate to find the hole in the center of the doors, it is made to fit a
ring, possibly one with spikes or horns poking out. hint, hint)

The party will need the ring from the body that washed up on the beaches of Seammet. Without the rin it
is impossible to open this door short if destroying the wall which would destroy things, they need in room
12. If they don’t have the key, they will have to go all the way back to Seameet through the infectious
zombies twice. Once they have the ring, they will need to figure out what they need to do to open the
doors. It is simple as the spell caster (arcane or divine) can put the ring and place it in the hole on the
door. They will hear a click and they can turn the ring to the right. Then they must intone the password to
open the door. (Command word is found in room 14) When they speak the command word go with the

“You have intoned the command word and hear it echo throughout the room. The doors wing open into
inky blackness, which is suddenly shattered with a WHOOSH!!! Torches around this room light on their
own. This is a large circular room, there is an alcove in the north, south and west walls. There is a cut in
the stone floor here, roughly 5’ wide and filled with water. The water flows from the north end to the
south. The is a column five feet past the door and a semicircle of five more columns past the moat. The
floor is made of cut black marble with gold veins and flecks. In front of the center column of the
semicircle is a chair, more a throne than a chair. It is carved from a single piece of wood with silver
engravings and studded with emeralds and blue sapphires. In the chair appears to be the body of a
woman, she appears desiccated and shriveled. As you look at her, her head turns to you and a low, raspy
voice that, despite the distance, sounds clearly in your ears. ‘Welcome, I see you got my message, thank
you for coming. Please come in we have much work to do.’

This is Isatis Rachel Zulec, she was the Head Mistress of the Leaves of Learning Academy. She is a 20 th
level Lore Weaver and was once considered or membership in the Azure Sign. When she was killed and
brought back by Cimmeries as an undead her willpower fought back. She could not stop the change into a
lich, but she resisted the evil clawing at her soul. She maintained her Chaotic Good alignment. The night
of the massacre and curse, she was near the vault because of prophetic dream. She opened the door and
handed the ring to an assistant and told him to go and tell her not where. She entered the vault and it
closed behind her as the poison took effect. She locked herself in the vault to insure nothing happened to
the three legendary items in this vault. She will calmly talk to the party and answer their questions. She
will tell them what happened the night of the massacre. (see beginning of module) Main vault where all
three of the items Sir Fraomar is looking for. It is guarded by a lich, the former headmaster of the
academy who HATES Kurdazas, I mean HATES him. He is refusing to allow Kurdazas to gain any of
three items, having claimed them for himself.
Once she has answered the question go to the following:

“Again I thank you for coming, Isatis says, but now we must get to work. Which of you is able to cast
divine magic? (she will wait or the divine caster to make themselves known) Good, follow me.’ She lead
you behind the semicircle of columns. There is an alcove where a blue and green crown sits, it has ten
points like stalks and set with gem stones, resembling the eye stalks of a…Beholder. Well, you guess the
aptly named Crown of the Beholder is in front of you. The next alcove holds a staff, made of blue/black
wood and carved with a black wood vine wraps around from the bottom to the top. The top spreads out
forming a base for a large black sphere that seems to absorb light. The third and final alcove has a
longsword hanging on the wall with the sheath on the table below it. The blade of the sword appears to be
constructed of green glass or crystal. The hilts are antlers

While that is a strange sight, your eyes are drawn to the floor. The marble has been cut, evenly and
cleanly. There is a magical circle on the ground, painstakingly and meticulously done. The lines are
straight, no knicks, blemishes or a pebble lodged where it should not be.

The circle itself was done in pinks and pale reds. It is a circle overlapped by a six-point star, which, in
turn is overlapped by a strange design that seems to be metal flames with an abstract picture holding
glowing staves, it is magnificent, then you notice a the each of the star sits a bowl. The center of the circle
has a stand with a bowl on top. Isatis turns to you ‘Have you recovered the six orbs?’ she asks. (Hopefully
the party has killed all the other undead spellcasters before they went down into the vault, if not she will
send them out to gather them all).

‘The six orbs are required to break the curse, that and this’ she hands a wooden scroll tube to your divine
magic caster. Inside is a powerful remove curse spell. ‘I have spent decades working on this spell, it
combines arcane, divine and primal magic. Unfortunately, I cannot cast it because of my current state.
The spell will need to be read off the scroll because of the needed power behind the spell. Now place the
orbs as I direct, I cannot touch them. Place Kurdaza (wraith) at the top here. Place Vatara (zombie lich) at
this point, Blackroot in this lower corner. Dunans (spectral wizard) goes here at the bottom point, Tsushi
(specter lord) in the bottom left and Salmons here.’ She directs you where to place each orb. Once all the
orbs have been placed, she will turn to the party. ‘A seventh orb is required; the one left is the one in me.
I thank you for answering my call and breaking this curse. When you have my orb, place it in the center
of the circle in the bowel.’

Isatis then steps back, opens her arms wide and ‘Oh great Hrothramm please allow me to lay down the
burden and the curse, watch over these brave heroes as the break the curse and in their future work. Please
allow the academy to be cleansed.’ A soft glow begins at her belly and spreads out to encompass her is a
soft rose glow and then she is gone. A perfect diamond orb is left where she stood. The moment is now
up to you. Do you break the curse of leave the island infected?”

This is IT! The big finale. Did they make to the end? Or more realistically, did all of those that started the
quest, end the quest? Are they going to be the Big Damn Heroes? Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the suspense is killing
The Finale
“You have placed the stones as Isatis directed. She handed you the scroll, then ascended, leaving behind a
perfectly spherical diamond, easily the size of a grapefruit. Her final words were to ‘place it in the center’.
You got that one easily enough and have placed the diamond sphere in the center of the magic circle.
There has been a change in the air, as you did this. The faint smell of autumn can just be detected.

But now all eyes are on you, the scroll tube is in your hands. A slight tremor goes through your hands, as
questions about why the spell needed was from Order of Power 25. An order of power previously
unknown to any casters. Should you grab the scroll and run? No, that is not what heroes do, a final look
around the circle all seems to be in order, you go to your knees and firmly grasping you gods symbol you
recite the scroll”

This is where you hand the player of the divine magic character the scroll. You will find the scroll in the
handouts section] The player must recite all lines correctly (pronunciation is provided, Ash wishes he had
a pronunciation guide) If the player has been a little whiny or rules lawyer than have them perform
esoteric moves to assist in the casting.

“The darkness is contracting on the spell caster, faster and faster the darkness is drawn into the caster.
Then it is followed by colors, even your clothing seems to be leeched of its color. Just as dimness is ready
to overtake your vision there is a blinding flash. All the colors, light and darkness fly out of the caster and
blows passed you, there is a flash of a tall, handsome, ebon skinned, silver eyed nude human male and
then even that is gone and the air around you is clear and pure. Your party member is collapsed on the
floor, you can see they is breathing, they must have collapsed after casting the spell.

You have cleansed the island of its curse, as you head back to the docks you pass the zombies, collapsed
on the ground, their unlife no longer fueled by the dark curse. You meet the villagers on the dock and
return as heroes to Seameet.

Lore Weavers arrive within the week to reclaim the academy, they thank you for your assistance and
there are no questions about any items that they party may or may not have taken, as they arrive a
messenger so does a Herald from the Duke. (If any of the party are a lore weaver or are now training to be
one, they will be offered to be trained at the academy at no cost and a permanent position at the academy
if they wanted it. They will let them take 3 days to decide.)

The Duke, who, because of Lord Friseal’s reports on your party and their character, is offering you the
land. It is an offer for the party to take up residence on Hirāgbi Ñōse. Given their status and the backing
of the Lord of Seameet, she can think f no one better suited to take up residence on the island. She further,
quite honestly, says she wants powerful vassals that will help keep peace and order in a far-flung stretch
of the kingdom, and act to project the village of Seameet from the dangers that keep heading their way.
The letter goes on further saying the Duke will cover 100% of the construction costs to rebuild the town
and repair the castle. Once it is fixed up and cleaned there should be no reason why the town couldn’t
prosper. You will be expected to pay taxes, with the first two years’ worth waived to allow the land to get
on its feet before taking them. She would also expect the party members to offer their services as
counselors, advisors, explorers and spies if needed. She also makes the offer that if, in your capacitary as
explorers you find, say interesting things, the Duke would be offered some as tribute. Each time this
happens, their island will have at least a year of taxes waved, longer depending on the item and eventually
the removal of all taxes on the island, though as the holders of the land, the party was free to keep
charging taxes to fund the island or keep it all for their own pursuits. The daily operation of the island
would be theirs, in fact other than ensuring they have the required number f soldiers to send if levies are
called, they are free to do what they believe to be in the best interest of people and Ellan Vannin”

The last part is a test. She knows to effectively run the island there will have to be a tax but it would be
considered a criminal act if the party took it all for themselves. Certainly, some of the gold would go to
them as they performed tasks that increased their power, which in turn increases the security of the island.
The party is free to make whatever decision they want and please let them. If they want it all great, if not
then just go to the next adventure made something there will catch their attention. (demon castle, snicker, snicker)

They party’s rooms will be waiting for them, with some differences. Your rooms have been fixed, the
floors are new wood, the walls patched and sealed, windows with actual glass(!!!!), an actual bed, desk
and chair wardrobe and chest. All freshly cleaned pressed. There is also a tb of water waiting for you with
real soap and thick, soft towels. As you are going into your room you here a customer ask Dubh, the Inn
Keeper, who you were, you could hear him smiling as he said ‘those are OUR heroes’

You have a few days to think over your decisions and relax. As you walk about the town you can’t help
buy notice the small expansions you have seen there is now full-blown new construction and what looks
like a staking out for a wall around the Seameet. It is growing, growing and expanding becoming a city,
or more. Eventually the ruler of the area would have to be either replaced or promoted to the correct rank
and position to oversee the city. Lord Friseal would have no worries as by the time something like came
for him he would beg to be replaced and just enjoy his time with wife and family, hmmmm, which could
place people that have followed her loyally and support her, as well as the gifts, should put at least one
person in the party in the running to become the new leader of Seameet. Just some food for thought”

This marks the end of the Lore Weaver Dread Academy. The next SA module is SA5 Demon Castle.


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