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SA5 Demon Castle – Maps, Magic, Handouts, NPCs and Monsters

The Throne of Abraxas

This ornate ivory seat once belonged to a powerful archlich. Festooned in delicate runes and imbued with
the dark incantations of its former master, this throne is usable only by the magic-user class. Otherwise, it
is a fine artifact worth upwards of 7,777 gp.

For six centuries the throne knew only the will of Abraxas and so requires a new master to test their own
mental powers in order to gain ownership. Base chance of success is 20%, +5% per 2 levels above 6th.
A failure will wipe the mind of the targets, causing their mind to shatter, destroying their mental abilities,
bringing them down to the mental level of a dull child (effective combined intelligence is a 2) and
destroys their ability to cast spells. The effect can be reversed by means of heal, restoration or wish spell,
but is otherwise permanent. Magic using beings are very vulnerable to this spell; thus, their saving throws
are made with the following adjustments.

Spell Use of Target Saving Throw Adjustment

Priest +1
Wizard (human) -4
Combination or nonhuman -2

Wisdom adjustments apply to the saving throw.

On a success, the powers of the throne become readily apparent:

● When sitting down, the magic-user and throne levitate 6’ off of the ground. The magic-user can control
the throne’s movements, essentially doubling their movement speed, but not the height of this levitation
short of sitting (rise) and standing (lower). This height remains constant even at higher elevations,
meaning the throne can easily travel up stairs and inclines.
● On the magic-user’s turn they may opt to fire 1d8 bolts of energy from the arm rests of the throne.
These bolts function much the same as magic missile with the added benefit that the targets shall be
set ablaze. This feature, once used, will not be available until the next dawn.
● Though light as a feather when levitating, the throne can carry as much as 500 lbs. of weight.
● The magic-user gains a +3 bonus to saves vs. spells or spell-like devices while seated in the throne.
● The magic-user is impervious to backstabs while seated in the throne.

Everbright: Weapon Property The elven smiths know the secret of forging everbright into
blades. These weapons are as bright and shiny as polished silver. They never tarnish and are
immune to corrosive attacks. The weapon flashes with a brilliant light up to twice per day upon
the command of the wielder. All within 20 feet except the wielder must make a saving throw vs.
Paralyzation or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.

Ring of Lore
A creature wearing this ring can cast legend lore and stone tell each once a tenday with a
command word, and may find magical traps created through glyphs, runes, sigils, and symbols
with a successful Search check, just as a rogue does.
Moon Hag
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 12d12+6
No. of Attacks: 2 claws. 1 bite
Damage: 2d5+5, 2d8+2
Special Attacks: Witch spells, stun touch
Special Qualities: Dark vision 60- .invisibility
Movement: 6”, Fly 6”
No. Appearing: 1 (90%) Solitary or 3 (10%} Hag Covey
Save As: Witch 13
Moral: 11
Treasure: 4d6 CP, 6d8 SP, 8d8 GP, Gems: 50'¾, ld8. Magic 50% any ld6, + 1 2 potions
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
XP: 2,500
The fearful moon hag is possibly the most fearsome of all the hags. It is said these hags haunt the night
sky itself. In reality. they live on mountain tops and only venture out at night where their cackling and
baying at the moon can be heard for miles. Standing rail thin and near 6' tall with huge yellow eyes, the
moon hag is quite fearful. Rumors abound that their laughs inspire madness and their touch will turn one
into a were-beast. Neither is true. but their touch will stun anyone that does not save vs. paralysis.
The moon hag can turn invisible at will, appearing to fade slowly in the moonlight. They can't move
about during the day and any moon hag in full daylight is powerless.

Moon hags are more social than other hags. While they are still loners, they do gather once a month every
full moon for a lunar meet. Here they share stories of victims and of magic.

Mistresses of magic, the moon hag may cast spells as a 13 th level witch.

Moon hags are always accompanied by a pack of werewolves (2- 12) that obey her commands to the
Common Hag Powers
All hags have a strange affinity for the beasts of their terrain and are able to commw1icate with any
animal, beast or magical beast native to their territory (treat this as the spell-like ability to use speak with
animals at will, but only for animals found in their normal terrain}. All hags have some spell casting
ability and several use charm effects lo gather a bodyguard of creatures around them. Hags are also able
to brew potions, and some may be talented at creating magical items of other sorts.

A hag cannot touch iron and takes extra damage from weapons made of pure or cold forged iron.
Weapons made from this material grant an additional +3 damage per hit.

Hags in a covey rely on deception and their boosted magical abilities in combat. A covey of hags is 80%
likely to be guarded by ld8 ogres or trolls and ld4 evil giants who do their bidding. These minions are
often disguised with a veil spell to appear less threatening and sent forth as spies. Such minions often
(60%) carry magic stones known as hag eyes (see below).

Hag coveys may also cast coven rituals as per a witch.

Once per month, a covey that does not have a hag eye can create one from a gem worth at least 20 gp (see

Hag Eye
A hag eye is a magic gem created by a covey. It appears to be nothing more than a semiprecious stone,
but a gem of seeing or other such effect reveals it as a disembodied eye. Often, a hag eye is worn as a
ring, brooch or other adornment Any of the three hags who created the hag eye can see through it
whenever they wish, so long as ii is on the same plane of existence as the hag. A hag eye has hardness 5
and 10 hit points. Destroying a hag eye deals ldl0 points of damage to each member of the covey and
causes the one who sustained the greatest damage to be blinded for 24 hours.

Hag Stone
This is a flat pebble with a hole in the center usually found near the feeding grounds of hags. Scholars say
they are stones that the hag will suck on till a hole appears, another claim is they are naturally occurring.
In any case a Hag Stone, if threaded and worn as a charm, will provide + 1 protection against the attacks
of any hag. Only one may be worn a time.

16 Air Shark: HD: 3+1 to 24+1 Number: d20 (more in special “frenzy” situations), Speed: 18” to 36”
(air only) AC: 5+2, Attacks: 1 bite for d8 to 8d10 (the skin can do d2 to d12 points of “scrape” damage
on brush bys), Looks: As varied as each type of shark on Earth. Notes: They swim through the air like
Earth’s sharks do through water. Due to the hydrogen gas bladders in their bodies, they are highly
susceptible to fire, sometimes exploding in a fireball equal to its HD in damage and 5’ per HD in
diameter. They are 100% fear proof. Their rushing attacks bowl over all they hit of their own size or less.

4 Air Squids

Air Squid
MOVE: 6” air
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4x8, 2d4+2
SPECIAL ATTACK: Constriction
SPECIAL DEFENSE: Ink jet, lowlight vision
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Just like water squids air squids are of any of various cephalopod mollusks of several families of
the superorder Decapodiformes (or Decabrachia), having a usually elongated body, eight arms
and two tentacles, a reduced or absent internal shell, and a pair of fins.
Any character who is constricted may have one arm (01-25% left, or 26-50% right), no arms (51-
75%), or both arms (76-100%) pinned. A constricted character cannot cast any spells, but he can
grab a weapon and attack the tentacle (if only one arm is free, he attacks with a -3 penalty to the
attack roll; if both arms are free, the penalty is -1). A giant squid’s tentacle requires 12 points of
damage from sharp or edged weapons to sever (these hit points are in addition to the hit points
from Hit Dice).

If a giant squid has four or more tentacles severed, the monster is 80% likely to squirt out a cloud
of jet-black ink 60 feet high by 60 feet wide and 80 feet long. The squid then jets away and
retreats to its lair. The ink completely obscures the vision of all within the cloud.

Due to the hydrogen gas bladders in their bodies, they are highly susceptible to fire, sometimes exploding
in a fireball equal to its HD in damage and 5’ per HD in diameter. They are 100% fear proof. Their
rushing attacks bowl over all they hit of their own size or less.

Varyag Warriors
NO. APPEARING: See below
HIT DICE: See below
ARMOR CLASS: See below
MOVE: 90’/min., 180’/min. (mounted)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon type
MAGICAL TREASURE: As noted above re: higher level
X.P. VALUE: 5 + 1/h.p.

Soldiers usually appear throughout any campaign world, whether as a patrol, a band of mercenaries, or a
troop enroute to some battle, garrison posting, or other duty. This represents only the most generic of
soldiery; each game master should have more specific tables for soldier encounters in different areas and
nations of his campaign world. Re-roll for any result that is inappropriate for the locale in your particular
campaign setting.

You wear war paint, have a bizarre haircut (such as a mohawk), are covered in elaborate tattoos, or carry
a gruesome war banner. In any case, your appearance promises bloodletting on the battle-field.
Consciously or not, your opponent’s pay more attention to you in a fight than to your allies.

Patrol, Heavy: These are professional soldiers. A medium patrol consists of: 1 captain (fighter level 5-6),
2 subalterns (fighters level 3-4), 6 serjeants (fighters level 2-3), 1d4+6 veterans (fighters level 1), and
5d4+4 soldiers (commoners). In addition, there will be one of the following: 1 cleric level 5-6 (AC 2), 1
druid level 5-6 (AC 8), or 1 magic-user level 4-5 (AC 10). The officers, spellcaster, and serjeants will be
mounted on heavy warhorses, while the veterans and soldiers have medium warhorses. Officers wear
plate armor and shield (AC 2), while serjeants, veterans, and soldiers wear plated mail and shield (AC 3).
The officers and serjeants wield long swords, while the veterans and soldiers carry broadswords 2d4+1
(1d10)/1d12+1 (2d8) and battle axes [d8(d10)/d8 (d10)].
Captain: LE, AC: 2, HD: 6d10, HP 60, THAC0: 14, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: Longsword (1d8/1d12); XP: 270
Skils: Command (14), close quarters fighting, dirty fighting

Subalterns (2): LE, AC: 3, HP 40, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: Longsword (1d8/1d12); XP: 270

Serjeants (6): LE, AC: 3, HD: 3d10, HP 30, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: broadswords 2d4+1
(1d10)/1d12+1 (2d8) and battle axes [d8(d10)/d8 (d10); XP: 20+2/h.p.

Veterans (8): LE, AC: 3, HD: 1d10, HP 10, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: broadswords 2d4+1
(1d10)/1d12+1 (2d8) and battle axes [d8(d10)/d8 (d10); XP: 270

Soldiers (20): LE, AC: 3, HD: 1d8, HP 8, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; broadswords 2d4+1 (1d10)/1d12+1
(2d8) and battle axes [d8(d10)/d8 (d10); XP: 10+1/h.p.

Soldiers strike with weapons, the type varying according to the specific land in which they are found.
Typical soldiers in one nation might favor the halberd, for instance, while those in another might use the
pole axe. They are usually mounted on warhorses, as indicated above, unless the terrain makes such travel

Soldiers who are second level or greater may have magic items as listed above for higher-level characters.
Officers (captains, lieutenants, and subalterns) have a 10% greater chance of having either magic weapon
or magic armor/shield. Soldiers are armed and armored as indicated above. Their exact appearance varies
according to their level and station; a cavalier of high level will most likely be well dressed and have an
air of confidence, while a peasant levy will probably have dirty clothing and a dejected attitude.

Goblin, Greater (24): LE, AC: 3, HD: 4d10, HP x, THAC0: 16, # of Attk: 1; Dmg: battle axe
(1d8+2/1d8+2) or mace (1d6+2/1d6+2); XP: 270, Fear Factor 5;
Greater goblins wear finely crafted, non-encumbering, red mesh armor. This extremely strong mail is
made with a special alloy of steel containing hihi'irokane. The special alloy, when worked by a greater
goblin armorer, yields mail that has the same properties of chain mail +1 for these goblins, although it
does not radiate magic. Greater goblins also carry shields fashioned of hihi'irokane, these goblins have
shields that are +1. Greater goblins carry an axe and mace of hihi'irokane alloy. These weapons can have
a+1 in this instance.

These humanoids are related to the more common goblin, but have many differences that separate them
from other goblins. These creatures seem thicker, tougher and swarthier than their cousins, appearing
squat with a large bulk to their bodies. Deep mountain goblins, otherwise known as great goblins, have
bulbous broad noses and large, wide mouths filled with sharp, pointed teeth. These creatures have stiff
pointed ears that stick out from their heads. Their eyes are sharp, slit, and very sensitive to bright light.
The eyes of great goblins glow intensely in the dark and shine reflectively from afar when approaching
light sources. Eye color ranges from bright yellow, red, to sometimes purple (glowing and shining
accordingly). The skin of these goblins is usually uniform throughout any given tribe, with shades of
bright, dull, to dark green, yellow, orange, red, purple, or any hues found in between. Their arms and legs
are strong and compact, though gangly, with sharp-clawed hands and feet.
Sea Demon, Lesser Demons
HD: 8 to 10; AC: 0; Move: 6” (36” in water); Alignment: Chaotic Evil; Attacks: 2 claws for 2d10 each
and 1 bite for d8 plus 4d6 points of venom which paralyzes all but Elves and undead, which it dissolves at
2d8 points per melee turn or by weapon

Looks: 7’ to 9’ tall, fishlike humanoids, with deep emerald skin, iridescent dorsal spines, and webbing
between claws and toes, Sea Demons have 2 huge, pupilless, unblinking white eyes.

Notes: Totally immune to poison, acid, paralysis, and confusion, Sea demons take half damage from cold,
but lightning and sonic attacks do 50% more damage than normal. They are frequently accompanied by
sharks, schools of barracuda, or other nasty sea creatures. They love emeralds so much that they will do
anything in order to get them. Their favorite food is Mermaid meat. Sea Demons frequently use magic of
up to third level.

Spells 3/3/3

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Demon Powers

 Plane Shift-Demons have the ability to travel between the planes at will. While operating on the
plane prime, of course, demons must observe the Compact unless summoned to the plane prime
against their will.
 Alter Self-Demons have the ability to alter their own appearances at will, a power that comes in
handy when tempting mortals.
 Detect Alignment-Demons can detect alignment at a range of 12" at will.
 Protection from Good 10' Radius-This magical ward emanates from all demons.
 Immunity-All demons are completely immune to poison and disease.
 Darkness Vision-Demons can see in the dark as well as they can see in the light. This ability has
nothing to do with the infra-red spectrum and is not affected by heat sources.
 Temptation-Demons have the power to tempt mortals into sin. Basically, this magical ability
allows a demon to magically manifest any circumstances it needs in order to propagate the sin it
represents. A demon of gluttony, for instance, can magically locate a monstrous quantity of food
or a barrel of wine whenever he needs one to assist him in tempting some mortal. Although the
exact limits of this ability are up to the Gamemaster, greater demons can obviously accomplish a
great deal more than lesser demons.
 Possession-Demons have the ability to possess any mortal within a range of 6." Once possessed,
the mortal loses physical control of his or her body to the demon. Demons possessing mortals
have access to all their victim's thoughts and memories and may still use all their own powers (as
well as those of the target) while occupying the mortal body. Mortals targeted for possession can
resist with a successful save vs. magic. If a possession attempt fails, the demon who made the
attempt cannot try to possess that particular mortal for a period of five days.
o Once a mortal is possessed, the only way to free him or her from diabolical influence is to
successfully perform an exorcism or to convince the demon to leave voluntarily. (To
exorcise a demon, a priest must successfully turn "special" undead, a priest of Skill 12 or
higher must remove curse, or an appropriate character must abjure, banish, dispel evil, or
dismiss the demon).
 In accordance with the Compact, demons can only attempt to possess those mortals who agree to
make themselves willing targets, though many demons are adept at tricking mortals into granting
such permission. Demons who are unwillingly summoned to the plane prime, of course, may
possess mortals with no restrictions.
 Demons hear everything within 120’ regardless of obstruction.
 Demons have saving rolls equal to double their hit dice, on the most favorable table (i.e., a 6 dice
Demon rolls like a 12 dice monster).
 Lesser Demons roll hit dice points on d10s.
 Demons cannot be frightened, and usually attack everything on sight (90% chance), including
others of their own kind (75% chance).
 Demons never check morale
skekZhur the Blood Drinker
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: Special
% IN LAIR: Special
NO. OF ATTACKS: See below
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1–8 and see below
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variable

These feared beings are created by powerful and evil sorcery. It is unknown how many teams of
these deadly creatures exist. Dark huntsmen appear to be normal human fighters, wearing fine
chain shirts and bearing bucklers and battle axes. They are dark of aspect, seldom speak, and
each has a foul rune branded on its forehead. They tend to be male, but are not always so. Dark
huntsmen always travel in groups of six.

The huntsmen always serve some great evil power. In combat, they initially fight as 6th level
fighters. However, whenever a huntsman is killed, the surviving huntsmen in the group are made
stronger. The Dungeon Master may use the following chart to determine the powers of the

No. Huntsmen Surviving: Statistics:

6 AC: 4; 6th level fighters; HP: 60 ea.; #AT: 1; STR Bonus: -/+1
5 AC: 3; 7th level fighters; HP: 70 ea.; #AT: 3/2; STR Bonus: +1/+1
4 AC: 2; 8th level fighters; HP: 70 ea.; #AT: 3/2; STR Bonus: +1/+2
3 AC: 1; 9th level fighters; HP: 90 ea.; #AT: 2; STR Bonus: +1/+3
2 AC: 0; 10th level fighters; HP: 100 ea.; #AT: 2; STR Bonus: +2/+4
1 AC: −1; 11th level fighter; HP: 110; #AT: 5/2; STR Bonus: +2/+5

For example, combat begins with all six huntsmen. Each is a 6th level fighter, with 36 hit points,
an armor class of 4 and a bonus of +1 on damage. When one is killed, all the remaining huntsmen
now fight and save as 7th level fighters, with 70 hit points (or, if already wounded, each wounded
huntsman gains 10 hit points), an armor class of 3, and a combat bonus of +1 to hit and +1 on
damage. If a second huntsman is slain, the surviving four huntsmen fight and save as 8th level
fighters, gain another 10 hit points, have an armor class of 2, etc.

Each time a huntsman is slain, the evil rune glows with awful energy and the surviving huntsmen
gain in power.

The huntsmen seldom make use of mounts. They can run at full speed for eight hours a day. They
may track as rangers of the same level. They never use missile weapons. They have never been
known to deviate from the task set by their dark masters. They can pass themselves off as normal
humans when their mission so demands, though they remain aloof. Animals can sense their
supernatural nature, however, and respond with fear and aggression.

Dark huntsmen speak all human tongues. They are immune to death magic and fear. They are
considered monsters for purposes of determining their attacks against creatures only struck by
magical weapons, although their equipment is not magical in nature.

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