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Temple of Kolrak Mar

This temple may have once been the place of not mindless trolls that just wander about.
worship for one of the gods of light as it is not They have patrols and watches. Keep in mind a
far from civilization. That; however, is no longer crested gutter troll ranges in intelligence from
the case. A tribe of Crested Gutter Trolls took it Low to Very with Buhrdur being Very intelligent.
over and have consecrated it to the Trollish god
Kolrak Mar. The stats for a crested gutter troll are as
The temple is located not far from civilization Climate/Terrain: Subterranean
and its presence has not gone unnoticed. The Frequency: Uncommon
local Lord sent troops to deal with the problem, Organization: Tribal
Activity Cycle: Night
thinking he was only dealing with one or two Diet: Carnivore
trolls at the most. When those troops did not Intelligence: Low to Very (5-12)
return he sent a larger number. One those did Treasure: M, N, Q (individual)
not return he sent even more. Luckily for those D, E, F (in lair)
troops their commander had battle experience. Alignment: Lawful Evil
No. Appearing: 20-200
Before entering the area he sent scouts ahead
Armor Class: 3 an up
who were able to determine they faced an Movement: 12
entire tribe of trolls; trolls in armor and Hit Dice: 7+7
brandishing weapons. THAC0: 13
No. of Attacks: 3
The commander exercised the better part of Damage/Attack: By weapon +3/6-9/6-13
Special Attacks: Berserk Fury
valor and tactfully withdrew to inform his lord
Special Defenses: Regeneration, Immune to Dsease
of the situation. Now the lord has decided he Magic Resistance: Nil
needs a hardy band of adventurers to go in and Size: L (10’ tall)
clear out the trolls. Truth be told, he will offer Morale: Elite (14)
the party a large sum of money but doubts they XP Value: 3,000
will survive to collect it. His plan is to use 5,000 leaders
adventurers to whittle the number of trolls
down, thus lowering his reward each time until
the trolls are killed or their numbers have been The temple is a good sized temple with an
sufficiently lowered for his own troops to attached graveyard and an underground
handle the problem. ossuary. The Trolls have employed guard beasts
as well. Buhrdur is attempting to summon an
He will enter into a standard contract with the avatar of Kolrak Mar to help in his plans for
party offered 10,000 gold shillings, a kingly
reward, and the right to keep whatever spoils
they find in the temple. In true keeping with his Random Encounters
alignment he will only tell the party they face
trolls not the type or that it is an entire tribe. The only random encounters that will happen in
this module is if the pCs run into a patrol of
DM Information
The Crested Gutter Trolls that have taken over Crested gutter Trolls. This happens on a 1 on
this temple belong to the X. They are led by 1d10. Roll on the below table for a patrol:
Buhrdur a 5th level cleric. He has two
lieutenants another 5th level cleric and a 4th Patrol 1 - Crested Gutter Troll: HP: 40, 46;
level one. There a total of 190 Crested Gutter THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG
Trolls, not counting the leaders, in the temple. 2d4+3/1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3
They are organized and well armed. They are
Temple of Kolrak Mar
hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot Crested Gutter Troll: HP: 40, 46; THAC0: 13;
regenerate fire or lightning damage AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG 2d4+3/1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2
(+3); Regenerate 3 hp per round; 90’
Patrol 2 - Crested Gutter Troll (2): HP: 40, 46;
infravision; cannot regenerate fire or lightning
THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG
2d4+3/1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3
hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot Treasure
regenerate fire or lightning damage
Troll 1- 4 gp, 2 pp, 1 gem (Banded
Patrol 3 - Crested Gutter Troll (5): HP: 40, 46, Agate (Ornamental), GP value: 10
41, 47, 41; THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG
Troll 2 – 4 gp, 3 pp, 3gems (rock Crystal
2d4+3/1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3 (Semi-precious), GP value: 50, Banded Agate
hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot (Ornamental), GP value: 10, Spinel (Precious), GP
regenerate fire or lightning damage value: 500

Patrol 4 - Crested Gutter Troll (3): HP: 40, 46, 2. “You have entered the main worship area,
31; THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG the nave. Pews are arraigned in the center of
2d4+3/1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3 the room, there is a bench and small font
hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot along the back wall. Murals that may have
regenerate fire or lightning damage depicted scenes that belonged to the former
clergy and their god have been defaced and
Temple replaced with images if a very large troll with
1. “You can see the entrance to the temple, gray mottled skin and a horrible visage. This
two solid wooden doors that are closed. On troll is performing different acts. Some are
either side of the doors stands a 10’ tall weirdly benign such as apparently blessing troll
creature. They wear crudely forged armor and warriors to horrible ones such as ripping the
carry huge wooden clubs with metal spikes intestines out of elves, dwarves and humans or
driven through the head to form a fearsome roasting Halflings on a spit.”
weapon. They appear to be alert.” The nave itself is huge forming a T with the
altar at the being on top of the T. Pews also fill
There are two crested gutter trolls guarding the
cross section of the T. Steps lead up to the altar
entrance to the temple. They take their mission
and there is a set of stairs leading down to the
seriously and will not be easily distracted. Each
right of the altar.
troll has a horn on their belt. If attacked one
will sound the horn while the other attacks. There are doors on the east and west wall when
They have already worked out who will attack you first come in and doors in the northern
and will sound the alarm based on the way they wall.”
are attacked. As stated these trolls are not
stupid. At any given time there will one of Buhrdur’s
acolytes in here at the altar and five crested
Temple of Kolrak Mar
gutter trolls. The worshippers, the crested 3. “This is the alter area for the temple. Behind
trolls, will be armed. the physical alter are three statues. These are
hideous statues of trolls. There are two chairs
Crested Gutter Troll Cleric 4th Level HP 34;
along the far west wall and stairs leading down
THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG 2d4+3/
against the east wall. Past the chairs on the
1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3 hp per
west there is a fourth statue in an alcove on
round; 90’ infravision; cannot regenerate fire
the north end of the wall. This is another troll
or lightning damage
Spells – 3/2
A religion proficiency check is needed to identify the
1st level – Command, Cause Light Woundsx2 statues. If the check is successful the PC knows the
statue in the center of the alter space is Kolrak Mar,
2nd level – Cause Moderate Wounds x2
the chief god of the trolls. A second check at -3 must
Crested Gutter Troll (5): HP: 41, 35, 44, 36, be made to identify the other statues. They are of
minor troll gods. On either side of Kolrak Mar are
34; THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG 2d4+3/
Ghworg, the god of Kill on the right and Ghnomb,
1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3 hp per the god of Eat, on the left.
round; 90’ infravision; cannot regenerate fire
or lightning damage The final statue in the far alcove is that of Zoka, god
of mating.
Treasure: Troll 1 – 7 gp, 6 pp, ruby
4. “This appears to be a small storage area where
(Jewel), GP value: 5000
supplies for some ceremonies were kept. There are
Troll 2 – 7 gp, 3 pp, Zircon some barrels in here as well as rotting paper that
was probably some sort of pamphlets for the
(Semi-precious), GP value: 50, Zircon (Semi-
precious), GP value: 50 , smoky Quartz (Semi-
precious), GP value: 50 There is nothing in this room of interest,

Troll 3 – 5 gp, 3 pp, Spinel 5. “This is a large room with a square pool of water
(Precious), GP value: 500, Aquamarine in it. The water does not appear to be deep and you
(Precious), GP value: 500, Bloodstone (Semi- think you can see glints of shiny things at the
precious), GP value: 50, pinel (Precious), GP bottom. As you approach the pool the water begins
value: 100 to swirl and a snakelike creature rears its head.”

Intelligence: Very (11-12)

Troll 4 – 3 gp, 4 pp,
Treasure: I,O,P,Y
Chrysoprase (Semi-precious), GP value: 50 Alignment: Chaotic evil
Armor Class: 4
Troll 5 – 5 gp, 2 pp, Spinel Movement: 12
(Precious), GP value: 500, Turquoise Hit Points: 27
(Ornamental), GP value: 10, Turquoise THAC0: 15
No. of Attacks: 0
(Ornamental), GP value: 10, Alexandrite Damage/Attack: Nil
(Fancy), GP value: 100 Special Attacks: Drowning
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (10’+ long)
Temple of Kolrak Mar
Morale: Elite (13) A rough ceramic bowl, of low quality (30gp)
XP Value: 420 A durable fur ribbon (30gp)
When first encountered, these creatures seem to An old belt with an alabaster buckle (70gp)
be nothing more than a common body of water in a A sturdy granite circlet, set with an obsidian piece
well, fountain, or similar basin. The use of a detect (50gp)
invisible spell, however, reveals to the caster that An ugly pewter jewelry box, set with a malachite
something is amiss, although the specific nature of (50gp)
the threat is not obvious. An ornamental belt with an alabaster buckle (70gp)
Once the water weird senses a living creature, it
begins to change the water into a serpentine form. In the northeast corner of the room is a secret door
This transformation takes two rounds to occur. Once that leads to a spiral staircase going down. The
in this shape, it lashes out and strikes as a 6-Hit Die staircase leads to a long hallway that is part of the
monster. Anyone who is hit by the weird must roll a ossuary.
saving throw vs. paralyzation. Failure indicates that
the victim has been pulled into the water and faces 6. “You have entered what was the chamber of the
the prospect of drowning. Each round that the victim temples high priest. There are desks and chairs as
spends inside the water requires an additional saving well as a large wardrobe here. An expensive, but
throw. with failure indicating death by drowning. faded rug is on the floor near the door in the
Many forms of attack cause little or no harm to the northeast corner of the room. There are doors in
water weird because of its fluid body. Sharp the south wall and the north wall.”
weapons, such as swords and axes, inflict only 1 There is a 25% chance that Buhrdur is in this room,
point of damage each time they strike, although see stats at the end of the module, There are also
blunt weapons, like hammers and maces, inflict their two guards outside the door that enters this room
normal damage. Cold-based attacks affect a water from the outside. They are identical to the guards at
weird as a slow spell. Fireball spells cause half the front door of the temple in all ways except
damage if the weird fails its saving throw, no weapons. These are two fo Buhrdur elite guards.
damage if it succeeds. They are armed with Great Swords and have max hp.
A water weird that is reduced to 0 hit points by any
of these attacks is not slain, but is disrupted. After Crested Gutter Trolls (2): HP: 63, 63; THAC0: 13; AC:
two rounds, it re-forms its serpentine body and 3; ATT: 3; DMG 1d12+3/1d4+2(+3) /1d8+2 (+3);
resumes its attack. Most other types of attack Regenerate 3 hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot
cannot harm the creature in any way.
regenerate fire or lightning damage
A purify water spell instantly slays a water weird.
By breaking down its life essence, this invocation
7. “The room you have entered is a alarge one,
annihilates the creature. Each casting of this spell is
effective against only a single entity, however, so that devoid of any features except six columns that
an attack by three water weirds must be met with follow the east and north walls. In the northwest
three purify water spells to wholly eliminate the corner stands a statue of a huge hideous troll.”
This is a private worship area and the statue is that
In the pool are the following: of Kolrak Mar. If anyone speaks his name in this
room roll on the divine intervention tables to see if
Gem type : Smoky Quartz (Semi-precious), GP
he takes notice of what is going on. He will not
value: 50
immediately interfere as he knows Buhrdur is
Gem type : Turquoise (Ornamental), GP value:
attempting summoning his avatar. He will; however,
grant Buhrdur a vision of the party if he takes notice
Gem type : Obsidian (Ornamental), GP value:
10 of them, to include magic items.
Gem type : Garnet (Precious), GP value: 500
8. “This is the private chamber of the high priest of
An ornamental carved wood jewelry box, set with a
this temple A desk with three chairs, two in front of
malachite (40gp)
the desk, is along the west wall. A large bookshelf
An antique alabaster crown, inlaid with bone (95gp)
Temple of Kolrak Mar
and another desk are along the north wall and a Ossuary
second bookshelf is along the east wall.”
9. “After following this long hallway you have come
There is a secret door that leads to the private to a 30’ by 30’ room. Crates and barrels are stacked
library of the former high priest. This is where they here; strange odors come from the crates.”
would have kept private texts dedicated to their god
and other items important to them. Buhrdur This was an out of the way storage area for the
discovered this room and emptied it of anything herbs used in funeral rights. Most have rotted away
from the previous owners; this is where he keeps the and that is the smell coming from the crates.
treasures of his tribe.
10. “The hallway ends here at a wall, there is no
Treasure other passage other than the way you came from.”

4,000 cp This contains a secret door that leads into an empty

5,000 gp crypt of the ossuary.
120 pp
11. “This is the main burial chamber of the ossuary
8 gems
sarcophagi fill small crypts all around you. There are
Gem type : Banded Agate (Ornamental), GP
several trolls here busily emptying these tombs of
value: 10
anything of value.”
Gem type : Coral (Fancy), GP value: 100
Gem type : Carnelian (Semi-precious), GP If the party came down the stairs from 3 then the
value: 50 trolls will be waiting for them and ready. If they
Gem type : Spinel (Precious), GP value: 500 came from the secret door from area 9, they have a
chance to surprise at least some of the trolls.
Gem type: Tiger Eye Agate (Ornamental), GP
value: 10 In total there are 21 trolls in this area searching the
Gem type: Topaz (Precious), GP value: 500 tombs for items to give to Buhrdur (or secretly keep
Gem type: Rock Crystal (Semi-precious), GP for themselves). There had been some undead here
value: 50 but most have been destroyed by the trolls. There
Gem type: Citrine (Semi-precious), GP value: are 23 sarcophagi in all and they contain the
100 following:
Magic Items
Oil of Fiery Burning Crested Gutter Troll (21): HP: 41x3, 35, 44x2,
Fae Blades of the Leopard (+2 Wis)
36x2, 34, 37x2, 38, 39, 35, 40x2, 28, 54, 32,
Ruby Chain Boots (+4 save vs. Fire, -50% of fire
42, 47; THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG
damage taken)
Awesome Bracers of Spikes (+4 AC, successful attack 2d4+3/ 1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); Regenerate 3
on wearer gives 2d4 points of damage to attacker) hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot
Tawny Full Helm (+1 save vs. acid) regenerate fire or lightning damage
Blessed Leather Armor (+3 AC, +4 AC vs. missiles)
Scepter of Venom (2d6 poison damage) 11A – Skeleton with 750 sp in a coffer
Kite Shield of Health (-1 hp of damage taken per
11B – Empty coffin with 750 sp in pouch
11C – 101 gp

11D – Skeleton, Blinding Gas Trap, nothing else

Temple of Kolrak Mar
11E - Skeleton, nothing else 11R – Falling Ceiling Trap (save or die), 219 gp

11F - Skeleton, nothing else 11S - Skeleton, nothing else

11G – Skeleton clutching a staff. The skeleton is 11T – 114 gp

actually a Skeleton Warlock.
11U - Skeleton, nothing else
Skeleton Warlock: HP: 32; AC: 7, THAC0: 16; ATT: 1;
DMG: Scythe 1d10+2/2d6 or spells. Cast spells as a 12. “This long hallway has three openings to the
5th level Black Necromancer. ALIGN: CE; XP: 975 east. There are three small stone doors on the east
wall. Each bore some sort of markings that have
It only takes 1 point of damage from edged weapons faded or been rubbed off.”
but full damage from blunt weapons
The doors each lead a separate crypt. The doors
It is a Forceful War Staff of Excellence have been remained sealed. The contents are
unknown to the trolls
- +1 1st level spell per day
- Minimum base damage with the staff is 4 12 A. This crypt contains a finely dressed skeleton
wearing the following items of jewelry: Jade ring
11H – 15 sling stones (800 gp), Silver brooch set with gems (5000 gp),
Wrought silver earrings (500 gp), Silver tiara set with
11I – Skeleton with Potion of Invulnerability gems (4000 gp)

11J – Skeleton, nothing else 12 B. “There are holy symbols all around this sealed
crypt.” Locked inside this crypt is a Dark Guard. No
11K – 3,500 gp
one knows it. Not even the necromancer in room 19.
11L – Skeleton, Skeleton Lord: HP: 44; AC: 7, THAC0: If it gets loose it will be the most powerful creature
11; ATT: 2; DMG: War Flail 1d12/1d12; ALIGN: CE; in the area. The former priest of the temple
XP: 2,000 managed to lock the creature in here but was killed
before he could actually destroy it.
It only takes 1 point of damage from edged weapons
but full damage from blunt weapons Dark Guardian: HP:120; AC: -1; THAC0:5; ATT: 2;
DMG:2d6+6/2d6+6; regenerates 3 hp a round until
11M - Skeleton, nothing else killed then explodes for 1d6 pts of damage; XP
11N - Wight
12 C. “This sealed crypt contains a finely dressed
Lingering Wight: HP: 30, AC: 5; THAC0: 15; ATT 1; skeleton wearing the items of jewelry: Wrought
DMG: 1-4 or by weapon; Hit only by +1 or silver Platinum crown (1500 gp), Wrought silver and gold
weapons. ALIGN: LE; XP: 1,400 brooch (800 gp), Wrought silver and gold necklace
(400 gp), Wrought silver and gold pendant (900 gp)
Initial hit causes 1d4 points of damage and continue
to bleed causing an additional 1d4 points of damage 13. “This is a square opening of the hallway. There is
until the wound is bandaged or healed a broken stone door in the northwest part of the
wall and an opening in the southwest wall.”
11O - Skeleton, nothing else
There is a secret door that leads to the passage to
11P - Skeleton, nothing else the underground part of the cementary.

11Q - Skeleton, nothing else 13 A - Skeleton, nothing else

Temple of Kolrak Mar
14. “You have entered a family crypt. There are Steel Chakrams of Vileness: +2 to hit/+3
three stone sarcophagi in here. All are sealed vs. undead and demonic creatures;
tightly.” wounds caused by this weapon can only
be healed magically, negating
A - Poison Gas Trap (2d4 damage; onset
immediate, save or die), Skeleton, 184 gp. If the
party manages to survive opening the C - Acid Trap (7d6 damage)
sarcophagi read the following:
“You have opened this sarcophagus to find
“The body in this sarcophagus is wearing a suit what appears to be a rotting corpse. As you
of jade platemail. This armor is made of 1 inch examine the corpse it seems to blur and is
square pieces of jade held together with gold suddenly outside the sarcophagus and attacking
thread. Because of its construction it give the you.”
armor the appearance of being made of scales.”
Quick Zombie: HP 16; THAC0 19; AC 8; ATT 2; DMG
The party has opened the tomb of the Green 1d8; ALIGN N; XP 65; Always goes first
15. “This is a large cavern, its exact dimensions
Undead Fighter 14 are hard to determine as it is filled with large
Str 18/77 Dex 13 Con 18
Int 17 Wis 14 Cha 12 humanoids like the ones you have seen, there
AC 1 MR nil MV 12 are A LOT of them here.”
HP 96 AL ce THAC0 5
#AT 2 Dmg ld8 +3/1d8 +3 (Axe) +4
Crested Gutter Troll (25): HP: 41x3, 35, 44x2,
As long as the skeleton wears the armor, he cannot be 36x2, 34, 37x2, 38, 39, 35, 40x2, 28, 54, 32,
harmed by any physical weapon. This enchantment applies
only to him. In addition his battle axe is a +3 weapon. 42, 47, 46, 45, 30x2; THAC0: 13; AC: 3; ATT:
Jade Burial Armour (50,000gp or more, 50 lb., AC 7)
3; DMG 2d4+3/ 1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3);
As jade and gold do not decay, the armor can survive for Regenerate 3 hp per round; 90’ infravision;
quite some time. As the jade is quite thin, the armor confers
little AC bonus, and is hard to move in at all, never mind
cannot regenerate fire or lightning damage
when in combat.
This is where the crested gutter trolls sleep.
B - Fire Trap (7d6 damage).
16. “This is a long passage that winds along, until it
“You open this sarcophagus to find a a skeleton comes to a passage to the left as well as continuing
with glistening, polished black bones. A small straight.”
green point of light burn in its eye sockets as it
If the party turns left:
leaps to attack.”
17. “You have come to a large cavern with a hole in
Black Skeleton: HP 38; AC 0; ATT 2; DMG the middle. The hole goes down in levels until the
1d8/1d10; ALIGN LE; XP 4,000; save vs spells or bottom of the hole in the cavern is reached. The
lose 1-3 pts of strength (temp); ½ damage from whole continues but its actual depth cannot be
bladed weapons. determined.”

The Skeleton is armed with Visala Chakrams Anyone that leaps off into the hole, they are dead
and their body is lost. It cannot be climbed down as
it will keep going at least 300 feet.
Temple of Kolrak Mar
11E - Skeleton, nothing else 11R – Falling Ceiling Trap (save or die), 219 gp

11F - Skeleton, nothing else 11S - Skeleton, nothing else

11G – Skeleton clutching a staff. The skeleton is 11T – 114 gp

actually a Skeleton Warlock.
11U - Skeleton, nothing else
Skeleton Warlock: HP: 32; AC: 7, THAC0: 16; ATT: 1;
DMG: Scythe 1d10+2/2d6 or spells. Cast spells as a 12. “This long hallway has three openings to the
5th level Black Necromancer. ALIGN: CE; XP: 975 east. There are three small stone doors on the east
wall. Each bore some sort of markings that have
It only takes 1 point of damage from edged weapons faded or been rubbed off.”
but full damage from blunt weapons
The doors each lead a separate crypt. The doors
It is a Forceful War Staff of Excellence have been remained sealed. The contents are
unknown to the trolls
- +1 1st level spell per day
- Minimum base damage with the staff is 4 12 A. This crypt contains a finely dressed skeleton
wearing the following items of jewelry: Jade ring
11H – 15 sling stones (800 gp), Silver brooch set with gems (5000 gp),
Wrought silver earrings (500 gp), Silver tiara set with
11I – Skeleton with Potion of Invulnerability gems (4000 gp)

11J – Skeleton, nothing else 12 B. “There are holy symbols all around this sealed
crypt.” Locked inside this crypt is a Dark Guard. No
11K – 3,500 gp
one knows it. Not even the necromancer in room 19.
11L – Skeleton, Skeleton Lord: HP: 44; AC: 7, THAC0: If it gets loose it will be the most powerful creature
11; ATT: 2; DMG: War Flail 1d12/1d12; ALIGN: CE; in the area. The former priest of the temple
XP: 2,000 managed to lock the creature in here but was killed
before he could actually destroy it.
It only takes 1 point of damage from edged weapons
but full damage from blunt weapons Dark Guardian: HP:120; AC: -1; THAC0:5; ATT: 2;
DMG:2d6+6/2d6+6; regenerates 3 hp a round until
11M - Skeleton, nothing else killed then explodes for 1d6 pts of damage; XP
11N - Wight
12 C. “This sealed crypt contains a finely dressed
Lingering Wight: HP: 30, AC: 5; THAC0: 15; ATT 1; skeleton wearing the items of jewelry: Wrought
DMG: 1-4 or by weapon; Hit only by +1 or silver Platinum crown (1500 gp), Wrought silver and gold
weapons. ALIGN: LE; XP: 1,400 brooch (800 gp), Wrought silver and gold necklace
(400 gp), Wrought silver and gold pendant (900 gp)
Initial hit causes 1d4 points of damage and continue
to bleed causing an additional 1d4 points of damage 13. “This is a square opening of the hallway. There is
until the wound is bandaged or healed a broken stone door in the northwest part of the
wall and an opening in the southwest wall.”
11O - Skeleton, nothing else
There is a secret door that leads to the passage to
11P - Skeleton, nothing else the underground part of the cementary.

11Q - Skeleton, nothing else 13 A - Skeleton, nothing else

Temple of Kolrak Mar
are two stone sarcophagi against the side wall. They hot to the touch. If the party examines the statue
show no signs of disturbance.” they will feel the heat coming off it.

If the party decides to open the sarcophagi they will Iron Troll: HP: 96; THAC0: 9; AC: -2; ATT: 3;
find a skeleton in each dressed in silks and jewels. DMG 7-11/7-11/9-19; CE; S: L (11’ tall)
The one on the east wall is a male with a large signet
Regenerate 3 hp per round; 90’ infravision; +3
ring on and the one on the west wall is a female with
or better weapon to hit; XP – 10,000
a diamond tiara. Looting this grave is an evil act,
subtract 1,000 xp from those that loot the tombs,
500 from those that do nothing to stop it, no penalty
or bonus that speak against it and 500 xp bonus to
nay that actively try to stop the looting.

Also, anyone attempting to pawn the signet ring will

come to the attention of the authorities and will be
sought for tomb robbing. If the ring is kept and
worn then the wearer might find themselves in hot
water with the Jarlenon family and arrested for
impersonating nobility.

22. “This is a small temple. Two bronze braziers lit

with fire are adjacent to stairs leading down. An altar
is on the west wall with wooden benches arraigned
neatly in front of the altar. Standing next each
brazier are two of 10’ tall beings in chainmail The iron troll will fight to the death to keep people
wielding two-handed swords.” from entering the area 24 and interrupting the magic
summoning occurring within.
These are two of the elite crested gutter troll guards.
24. “The room you have entered is lit by torches
Crested Gutter Troll: HP: 63, 63; THAC0: 13; along the wall. Two large stone statues are on either
AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG 1d10/3d6(+3); Regenerate side of an altar that is covered with the remains of a
3 hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot sacrificial victim. Four of the trolls you have fought
regenerate fire or lightning damage throughout this complex stand facing you. Their
weapons glint in the firelight as their eyes bore into
23. “This is a large room with three alcoves along the yours. Behind them in the center of a strange
east and west walls. In each alcove are two stone drawing on the ground, chanting is an unknown
coffins. However, your eyes are drawn to the huge tongue one of their kind dressed in robes. Strange
metal statue of a troll that stands in the exact center lights flicker around you and the room, with a
of the room. The firelight of torches on the wall are disconcerting darkness beginning to form”
reflected off the statue. You hear strange chanting
This is the room Buhrdur has begun summoning the
coming through a door in the north wall”
avatar of Kolrak Mar in. The party has six rounds to
This is not a statue it is Buhrdur’s most valuable ally. stop him or he will be successful and they will face
It is an Iron Troll and it is tasked with keeping the avatar. The four trolls facing them are the last of
intruders out of area 24. An iron troll is made from the elite guard. Pay strict attention to the round
metal, their blood is molten metal and their skin is count and play up the pending arrival. As they get
closer to round six, the lights flicker more and the
Temple of Kolrak Mar
darkness grows until the avatar appears. Buhrdur greens and bright yellows, your torch light is caught
stats can be found in the appendix. in one and reflected to another causing rainbows to
spring to life. The bridge spanning the chasm
Crested Gutter Troll: HP: 63x4; THAC0: 13; appears to be made of one giant amethyst geode
AC: 3; ATT: 3; DMG 1d10/3d6(+3); Regenerate has been opened on the top and sides with a
3 hp per round; 90’ infravision; cannot suspiciously smooth path down the center. As you
regenerate fire or lightning damage look around a faint noise can be heard, it sounds
almost like bargle, bargle”

Within this crystal forest are kharglers that were

placed here to guard the room at the end of the

Khargler (5); HP 48; AC 5; Atk Bite (2d4); Move 9; XP

600 Special: bargle

At first sight a khargler is a ridiculous beast. It

appears to be a huge mouth with tiny hands and
clumsy feet. Don’t let looks deceive you, they are
horrifying bloodthirsty beasts that feed on the flesh
of humanoid creatures unfortunate enough to fall
prey to them. Their babbling voices which sound like
If the party stops the summoning or destroys the
“bargle, bargle, bargle” is monotonous and
avatar they are successful, if they do not stop the
eventually maddening if heard for long enough. Each
summoning and the avatar is freed it will fall to them
round in their presence increases the chance of
to stop the evil they have released on the land. That
inducing this temporary madness. Save at +10 the
is, if they are still alive.
first round, each round thereafter the bonus is
25. “You have entered a large cavern, it is lite by reduced by 1 (+9, +8, etc.) until the victim fails a
torches and a fire. There are several of the beasts in save. When maddened the character has a 50%
here that appear to be filling water barrels from an chance of attacking an ally instead of the khargler
underground lake. They do not seem to have each round. The madness only lasts 1-4 rounds.
noticed you yet.” Thereafter that character is not affected by the
There are 15 crested gutter trolls in here filling the
water barrels. They do not initially see the party. 27. “You have come to the back of the crystal cave to
find a door. It appears to be a large, heavy stone
Crested Gutter Troll (15): HP: 53, 43, 42, 41x3, door with many designs and sigils carved into it and
the frame around it. There is no question this door
35, 44x2, 36x2, 34x2, 37x2; THAC0: 13; AC: 3;
is magical as its aura makes the hair on your arms
ATT: 3; DMG 2d4+3/ 1d4+2(+3)/1d8+2 (+3); stand up. This is a powerful enchantment, what
Regenerate 3 hp per round; 90’ infravision; riches could be behind this door that requires such
protection? There is only one way to find out.”
cannot regenerate fire or lightning damage
There are no riches behind this door; it is a magical
26. “This large cavern is bisected by a large crevasse prison cell. Long ago Prismal the Outrageous trapped
that is spanned by natural rock bridge. The cavern a powerful female vampire here and placed
itself is awe inspiring, huge crystal stalagmites and kharglers there as a guards.
stalactites grow from the cavern itself in different
colors. You see vibrant reds and blues and deep
Temple of Kolrak Mar
To open the door one must first Dispel Magic on it weapon of 1d64 (vampire); SA drains two energy
vs. an 18th level mage (this was early in Prismals levels charm at -2 to save, summon rats or bats; SD
career). Than two F/ART rolls must be made as regenerates 3 hp/round at will, can assume gaseous
there are two mundane traps on the door as well as form or polymorph to bat, immune to poison,
being locked. The traps are difficult to disarm and charm, sleep, or hold spells, takes half damage from
they impose a -10% on the disarm roll. cold or electricity; S 18/76, I 15, W 14, D 18, C 17, Ch
17). This is Drelnza.
Trap 1 - Poison Dart Trap (1d4 damage plus poison;
onset 2d4 rounds, save or 70 damage) HERE ENDS THE TEMPLE OF KOLRAK MAR

Trap 2 - Falling Ceiling Trap (save or die)

The lock is especially difficult and imposes a -20% on Appendix

the open lock roll.
Ridrim Nightshade
If the door is opened and the party enters read the Necromancer 6th Human male
“You have entered a brightly lit room. A 10-foot-tall DEX 15
decorative openwork screen stands in the middle of CON 13
the room. The screen is carved from rare wood and
INT 17
inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. Through the
openings in its intricate carvings you see a lit WIS 16
Ianthorn on a golden chain, hanging from the center CHA 11
of the dome. Within the lanthorn a steady amber COM
flame burns. Its light is magnified by crystal lenses PER
set in the framework of the lanthorn. The warm and
comforting light from this lanthorn makes the very AC 6(2), hp 20, MV 12, MR 0 AL N, Age 25,
air seem to dance with motes of sunlight and Height 06'05, Weight 175 lbs
moonlight combined. The lanthorn hangs above a
bier on which a woman sleeps. The bier is a panel of Skin Pasty White, Hair Black, Beard Black
snowy alabaster resting on a block of rose-colored Eyes Black, Vision normal,
marble. This sits on broad stone dais rising from the
center of the floor. Laid on the dais about the block A tall slender man, dressed in a red robe, carrying a
lie small carpets, and a pair of beautifully fashioned
bone staff in one hand and a long curved dagger on
stands hold rare porcelain vessels. At the head of the
block is a silver tripod with a small brazier which his belt.
emits a tiny plume of sweet-smelling smoke. The
sleeping maiden is armored from toe to neck in gold-
chased plate. A bastard sword lies atop her body, its
Staff, Dagger (non proficient).
quillions below her breasts, its point near her feet.
The woman's gauntleted hands are crossed over the
Non-Weapons Proficiencies
sword's pommel. Her pale face seems composed.
Her lips are bright red and her raven-hued tresses
Anatomy, ancient history, ancient languages,
are lustrous. A helmet with plumes as black as the
maid's hair rests on the slab just above her head. modern languages, reading, writing, heraldry,
Surrounding here are runes and sigils inlaid in gold— seamstress tailor
moons, stars, and strange symbols.
Spell casting
The sleeping warrior-maid is actually a
fighter/vampire (AC -3 magic armor, 4 due to Necromancer Level=6
dexterity; MV 12"/18"; F 13; hp 96; #AT 2; D by
Magical Items
Temple of Kolrak Mar
dagger +1, ring of protection +3, diadem crown (acts Kolrak Mar’s Avatar
as ring of wizardry) doubles 1st and 3rd spell levels,
dark crystal ball (true seeing through the ball, detect
alignemnt once a day), red shroud (suggestion at
will, if the save is made the victim gets +1 to all
attack rolls versus user). Staff of Bones[14] (animate
10x undead, can turn or command undead, spend
one charge and use a dragons tooth to animate a
giant skeleton, does 4d6 versus undead).

Crested Gutter Troll Priest of Kolrak Mar
AC: -4/-5 vs. missiles
HP: 63
THAC0: 12
# Att: 3
DMG: By weapon +3
Special Attacks: Spells as a 6th Level Cleric
Special Defense: Immune to disease, regenerate 3 hp
round, -4 hp per attack
Size: L (10’ tall)
XP: 5,000

Spells: 5/5/3 (Bonuses for high wisdom)

The Troll Gods:
1st level –Bless, Commandx3, Protection from Good
Ghworg, the God of Kill
2nd level – Cause Moderate Woundsx2, Enthrall, Ghnomb, the God of Eat
Weird War hammer Schlee, the God of Ice
Khwaj, the God of Fire
3rd level – Cause Blindness, Dispel Magic, Curse Zoka, the God of Mating

Spells in italics are the reverse of listed spells.

Magic Items:
Valiant Ring of Health (+2 AC, +3 AC vs. Misslies; -1
hp of damage suffered per attack)
Holy Girdle of Absorption (+5 AC; -3 hp of damage
suffered per attack)

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