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Executive Producer: D. Todd Scott

Producer: Stan!
Game Design: Chris “Goober” Ramsley, Sigfried Trent
Adventure Design: Kim Frandsen
Editing: Cybil Kallevig
Layout Design: Bora Haxhirai
Cover Art: Ines Munoz Diaz
Interior Artist: Abdelmounim Bouazzaoui
Maps: Top Down Maps, Dominique Cornfield

To Dethrone a Dictator: Copyright 2022, Evil Genius Productions LLC

Table of contents
To Dethrone a Dictator 4
Adventure Outline: 6
Episode 1: Recruitment and Arrival 8
1A: Meeting Walt DeWalt 8
1B: We Shall Fight Them on The Beaches 14
Episode 2: Time to Hide 17
2A: Moving from the Beach 17
2B: On the Path 19
2C: Outskirts of Kikedta. 20
2D: Home of the Resistance 21
2E: Echo Resort Hotel 22
Episode 3: Scouting 26
3A: Lykesa’s House 26
3B: Scouting the Surroundings 28
3C: Scouting the Inside 33
Episode 4: Striking Back 38
Lykesa’s House: First Floor 41
Lykesa’s House: Second Floor 42
Episode 5: The Confrontation 45
King’s Mansion 45
King’s Safe Room: The Final Encounter 48
Conclusion 52
Appendix: Foes 54
OGL 58
To Dethrone a Dictator
Gooooooood Morning Estwara,

This is your local DJ Warpaint, here, and welcome to

Resistance Radio! As usual, we are broadcasting without our
real names and without our location. After all, we wouldn’t want
Bedlam or the King finding us. Remember what happened to
the crew over at Pirate FM? That was a bloody business, that

Anyway, the sky is clear this morning, but we’re expecting

rain tonight. Don’t forget that there’s still a curfew on, and
you have to be at your house at 8 PM. Well, you have to
be at A HOUSE at 8 PM, so perhaps you should visit your
lover, eh? I know where I’ll be!

Also, tomorrow is the King’s birthday, and we are all expected

to celebrate. Put up your decorations or you’ll be facing fines!
This is just ridiculous and yet another show of the King that
he is not worthy of ruling the nation — forcing the people to
cheer him. His mother and father must be rolling in their

For now, though, enjoy these tunes, and try not to think
about where that missing family member went the other
day. We are all praying for them.

We’ll be broadcasting here for the next hour, and then it’s
time to move. After all, we know he is listening!

4 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Adventure Background: do not have many weapons, nor do
they have much experience fighting,
Located off the East Coast of Africa, leaving them at the mercy of the king’s
the Kingdom of Estwara is several men. At great risk, they reached out to
hundred years old, but the monarchy REDEMPTION — a group that covertly
was crumbling by the mid-1960s, hires those who have fallen out of the
and the country was headed towards system, but who have useful experience
becoming a republic. Unfortunately, in “freelance operations”.
that is when oil was found on the island,
and money coming in from the oil REDEMPTION is now sending in a
companies propped up the monarchy team to help the locals. It is up to our
on the island and provided jobs heroes to help the rebels, conquer the
for the local populace. capital, and isolate the King, so that the
islanders may be free once more.
But 10 years ago, the wells ran dry.
The oil companies stopped supporting
the kingdom and it quickly descended
into poverty. By this time, only the Adventure Synopsis:
youngest son of the original king A group of 5th level heroes is sent onto
was alive. To prevent anarchy from the island of Estwara by an organization
reigning, he hired foreign mercenaries known as REDEMPTION, a clandestine
and local soldiers to keep himself organization that works to redeem
in power, resorting to extreme those who have fallen out of the system
measures to do so. while performing missions that other,
more legitimate, organizations cannot
Few reports were leaked from the or will not do. In Estwara the heroes will
island, due to suppression by the king’s overthrow an oppressive regime that’s
soldiers, but even if they hadn’t, other propped up using foreign mercenaries
countries would have been unlikely to and badly trained local militia, kept in
interfere. Due to its location, the island check by the king’s money rather than
could provide a strategic advantage loyalty. First, the heroes will need to
to many African or Middle Eastern land on the island covertly, then they’ll
countries — to keep from fighting over need to contact the local rebellion
the island, they simply left it alone. leaders, before finally scouting
the king’s palatial compound and
The Estwaran people never forgot confronting him in a final showdown.
their freedom though, and a rebellion
has been brewing for years. But they

¹ This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons or nations, living or dead, or actual
events, is purely coincidental

adventure | details - 5
Whenever you, as the GM, come across Episode 2: Time to Hide
text in italics, including the Adventure After arriving the King sends out his
Background and the intro blurb above soldiers to find the heroes, and they
- it is read-aloud. You can either read it have to stay low to avoid attention,
“as is” or paraphrase it to your players. as the soldiers vastly outnumber the
heroes. (The King has an army of
As a further note to the GM, this almost 800 soldiers, most of whom
adventure starts slightly “in media are locals, but at least 100 of them
res” with the heroes already are well-trained mercenaries). While
recruited by REDEMPTION though hidden, the heroes come across a
they do not yet know who that is. building that the soldiers are entering,
shooting at people inside. Entering
to save the civilians, the heroes run
Adventure Outline: into the Resistance movement, led by
a rather angry woman. Most of the
weaponry used by the resistance is
Episode 1: Recruitment and Arrival homemade (like Molotov’s) or very
Starting in media res, the heroes are old WW2-era weapons.
brought to a private REDEMPTION
facility where the situation/mission is Having met the Resistance, it’s now time
explained, and they get a chance to to fight off the next wave of attackers,
meet each other. Once they accept as the soldiers finish regrouping,
the job, they’re flown to an unnamed the heroes must deal with an elite
airport in Africa (security reasons) and mercenary squad.
are airlifted and dropped on Estwara
by a V-22 Osprey (rotating wings Episode 3: Scouting
helicopter - simply for the iconic look). Having rested for a day, the Resistance
On their way in, they’ll have to fight leader suggests that it would be a
off the security forces of the King who good time to scout the King’s mansion
picked up the aircraft on long-range where he headquarters his soldiers,
scanners, and don’t want visitors. as no one knows where he is inside
the compound. One of the Resistance
Note: There will also be an members is a former servant of the
overview of the adventure and a house and can give them a basic
bit of background in this one so layout of the interior, but doesn’t
that GM knows what’s coming. know anything about the defenses,
as they were all put in after his time
there. The heroes must decide how
to scout out the compound, as it’s too
strongly defended for a head-on attack.

6 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Setting up surveillance from the hills Episode 5: The Confrontation
overlooking the compound will help but The heroes have established where the
entering the mansion will give more King is hiding in the building and have
information. As luck would have it, taken out his righthand man. Now it’s
the King is out inspecting some of his time to assault the mansion through
troops, so he is NOT present on the day the weaknesses they spotted in Episode
of scouting or infiltration. 3. At the same time, the Resistance will
launch a vicious attack on the Barracks
Even should they wait until the King in town, luring away as many soldiers
is present, he will be in his day office as possible.
at the time, but the moment an alarm
is raised, he heads through a secret Going through different sets of soldiers,
tunnel to his safe room, below the the heroes finally confront the King.
compound. (Should a hero use the He is hiding in his family’s old treasury,
Know the Layout Plan, they would pick an older installation dating back
up on him being in the office and on hundreds of years, but which still has a
where the tunnel is, but not on the few traps intact. Eventually, the heroes
saferoom as it is not included on any kill or capture the King and they are
plans anywhere). celebrated as heroes.
Episode 4: Striking Back
Regrettably one of the King’s
lieutenants, a mad mercenary called
Bedlam, catches on to the heroes’
plans after capturing one of the
Resistance’s members who were on
a supply run. The Resistance leader
warns the heroes that one of her men
has gone missing while they were in
the King’s mansion, but before they can
react, Bedlam and a squad of soldiers
assault the Resistance hideout. Caring
little for the lives of civilians around,
Bedlam uses an RPG to collapse one
of the outer walls, and he and his men
assault the building through it. Amidst
the chaos of the dust and debris, the
heroes must defeat Bedlam and then
head to the King’s Mansion.

adventure | details - 7
Episode 1:
Recruitment and Arrival
1A: Meeting Walt DeWalt
This was not what you expected when seem to look alike, even though these
these guys arrived to pick you up. You’d two are male and female. Who knows?
accepted the job, sure, since it gave The car stops and your small convoy
you a new chance, but you’d expected halts and the two agents get out
something more like the police and motioning for you to do the same.
certainly rougher. Instead, you are Around you are a few other cars with
seated in the back of a very nice car, agents and someone else in the back.
and the people, though well-armed and
looking like FBI agents, were quite polite Waiting in the open parking lot in
about it. The leather upholstery creaks front of what looks like a warehouse
slightly as you move. But as nice as they is another one of these agent people,
were, they still didn’t let you keep your though this one at least isn’t faceless
weapons. Looking at the back of the like the others. His face looks like it was
heads of the two agents in front of you, carved out of granite, with many age
you can’t tell them apart. Maybe there’s and worry lines, and no smile ones at
a clone factory somewhere as they all

all. His hair is a stark silver color and from a pool of candidates for your skills.
his eyes a cold brown. As you all get out Some of these skills are readily apparent.
of the cars, he speaks up. Others? Not so much. However, you’re
“I am Walt DeWalt. And yes, I’m sure you’ve all very good at your jobs. And just as
got all kinds of jokes about that, but I importantly, you’re mostly unknown to the
don’t want to hear them. Suffice to say, it public. This is crucial for REDEMPTION,
is obviously not my real name, but I know as we do not want public attention. So, if
yours. Do well on this mission, and not only you’d be so kind as to follow me. I have a
will you be rewarded, but you might get to conference room ready for you, and I’ll
know my name. You’ve all been selected explain why you’re here.”

8 - To Dethrone a Dictator
As the heroes follow Walt DeWalt and
the other agents to the conference
room, this would be a good time for
the players to explain what the heroes
look like. In the conference room,
Walt DeWalt will encourage them to
introduce themselves saying:

“You’re going to be working

closely together. Get acquainted,
as soon you might find yourselves
relying on each other.”

Once the players are done, Walt DeWalt

fires up a projector showing a small
island. The island is relatively flat,
with some hills in the middle, but it is
mostly covered by jungle. Several small
villages are dotted across the island
with a bigger one located on a bay to
the west. Also visible are a large
compound and several oil
rigs and refineries.

episode 1 | Recruitment and Arrival - 9

What you are seeing here is an island wraps. I suppose not having internet on
nation, a few hundred miles east of the island helps with that, but make no
Tanzania, called the Kingdom of Estwara. mistake, it was done by suppression.
A few decades ago, it was a burgeoning
republic, but they found oil there. The A few weeks back, we get a message from
money started coming in and the royals some of the islanders. They want help.
cemented control of the island. Stayed They want to be free. But the governments
a monarchy. It was a quiet existence, around the world can’t really do much
the islanders were doing well enough about it, at least legally. The king is the
for themselves, and the royals were rightful ruler, and because of the island’s
getting rich. But about 10 years ago, position, anyone getting control of it would
the wells dried up. The oil companies have a strategic advantage in a war. It’d
moved out, and so did the money. And basically become a great launch site for
the people started talking about wanting missiles.
influence. Well, their new king, put into
place a few years before the company And that’s where you fine folks and
left after a legitimate — as far as we can REDEMPTION come in. Because these
tell — accident killed his family, he doesn’t people ARE alone unless some outside
want to give up his power. So, he hired force helps them. We want you to go in and
mercenaries and as many locals as he eliminate the king. We’re not too worried
could convince to support his regime. about the soldiers - once they don’t get
paid, they’ll leave eventually, and then the
It got brutal, but no one ever heard about locals will rejoin their families. But we need
it, as they managed to keep it under to cut off the head of the serpent.

Any questions so far?

10 - episode 1 | Recruitment and Arrival

At this point the heroes are likely to island is one of the least known, but
have a few questions about what’s best, tax havens out there. There are
going on, so here are a few of the NO consequences to those who pay
questions that the heroes might have him enough, regardless of the crime.
and the answers that they’d get.
Q: What’s in it for us?
Q: What is REDEMPTION? A: Well, you already accepted the job
A: Officially, REDEMPTION doesn’t before you were picked up today, but
exist. Unofficially, we’re a shadow for those of you with a criminal record,
organization created by some of the it is a clean slate — across the board,
members of the UN that believe more all nations, no questions asked. For
could be done to help people in need those of you who were in the military,
around the world, but they might be it’s reinstatement if you want it. For
officially prevented from doing so. some, it’s justice. A chance to get
We’re independent, so while they can back at those that landed you in the
give us directions and ASK us to do situation. It depends on the individual,
certain tasks, we’re not required to do but essentially there are unlimited
so. We’re also independently funded, funds and resources available. If it can
through our own activities and through be done, we’re the ones who can do it.
some donations we occasionally All you must do is complete the mission
receive from the founders and those we and survive. Most of the people who do
help once they’re able to do so. survive find that they love the thrill and
come back for more.
Aside from that, we’re a second... and
sometimes LAST chance for those Q: How do you propose
who’ve fallen off the grid, but whose we do this?
skills are useful. It’s a chance for you A: The plan is for you to be airdropped
to make a difference and change the onto one of the beaches of the island via
world for a better place. It’s risky, no a V22-Osprey. From there, you’ll make
doubt, but I think you’ll find that the your way to the capital of Kikedta where
work suits you. you are to contact the local members
of the resistance. From there, you’ll
Q: Why is the King so bad? scout out the royal compound, make
A: For the last 10 years, his men an attack plan, and then take down the
have brutally suppressed, killed, and king. Dead or alive, though alive would
done worse to the people the King is be preferable so that he can stand trial
supposed to rule. They’re held captive in front of his people for his crimes.
in poverty to essentially support his ego
and extravagant lifestyle. Increasingly
he’s been using them for illegal
activities and supporting criminals. His

Q & A - 11
Q: Won’t we have a problem communicating
with the rebels?
A: Not really. The Kingdom of Estwara has a history
with the British Empire back in the day — they
attempted to colonize the island, but eventually
decided it wasn’t worth it. On top of that, the oil
companies, and the regime since the 1970s
made it a priority for the locals to speak
English, so that it’d be easier for them to work
for the companies. It’s meant the eradication
of their old language, though a few old-timers
are still hanging on to it. Maybe the rebels will
revive it once they take over.

Q: What kind of opposition

are we facing?
A: You’ll be heavily outnumbered because the
island is heavily occupied. Common wisdom
says that it takes 1 soldier per 40 people
to hold an occupation, but the King has
more than that. On this island of some
20,000 people, he has just shy of 800
soldiers. Most of those are spread all over
the island though, and they tend to travel
in squads of no more than 10. Most of them
are poorly trained, especially those away from
the capital. Ironically those are the locals — the
capital and his compound are protected by
foreign mercenaries. They’re not the best-
trained soldiers, but they have at least passed
through basic training. And they are led by
this man.

DeWalt shows a low-resolution picture of a

white man in his early 40s with a burn scar
across one side of his face. The burn scars
continue down past the collar. (And cover
about 50% of his body in total).

This is Bedlam. Real name unknown.

He’s been a mercenary for most of his

12 - episode 1 | Recruitment and Arrival

life, and certainly for all the time that there. It’s better for this kind of
intelligence agencies around the world work. The island is about 400 miles
have known about him. He’s worked as from there, which will take just over
a mercenary, terrorist, anything that an hour to sort. BUT, importantly,
pays. And he’s tough. The burn scar it’s up to you when go time is. If you
is from a rocket that hit close. Killed want to go during the day, just hop
everyone around, but somehow Bedlam right on. If you want to go during
was able to get back up and keep the night, wait a few hours. That’s up
fighting. He’s ruthless, and he’s the to you. Good luck.”
King’s right-hand man.

Q: What if we say no? And with that Walt DeWalt walks off.
A: Then I dump you back into the hole
we pulled you out of. Considering the Once the heroes are onboard, they find
situation, you were in when we got hold that they’re left to their own devices.
of you, I don’t think that’s a good idea if The 2 pilots won’t talk (and have locked
you have ideas of ever growing old. the door to avoid being disturbed
as it’s a difficult craft to fly), but the
Assuming the heroes are done with heroes can find meals (slightly better
their questions, Mr. DeWalt takes them than normal airline food) and drinks
to a side room where their equipment (water only) within the passenger
has been prepared for them. All of it is compartment.
in working order, and ready to go.
If the heroes have not taken the time to
After this, they’re taken to a jet plane get to know each other, now is a good
that’s waiting. Those who can identify time to do so. This time passes without
aircraft, such as with a DC 12 Intelligence incident and there are plans and
(Mechanics) check, will recognize that paperwork are stowed in an overhead
it’s an experimental aircraft, built on a compartment if they want to plot and
shortened Concorde shell. It should be plan how to attack the island.
Once they get to the airstrip, it’s up to
the heroes on how to proceed to the
“You’ll be flying to an airstrip in
next part. Descriptions are provided for
East Africa. Not going to give you
both daytime and nighttime arrivals.
its name or location, as it’s not
important. From there, you’ll be
loaded onto the Osprey and sent off Please note that the helicopter pilot
to Estwara. The flight to the airstrip and gunner will specifically ask them
will take about 5 hours. This thing what time of day they want to arrive:
is fast, and it can land on a dime. Night or Day.
The Osprey will be waiting for you

Q & A - 13
1B: We Shall Fight Them While the heroes are disembarking,
the gunner lays down covering fire,
on The Beaches preventing the soldiers from shooting
at the heroes. Once they’re in the water,
he pops 2 smoke grenades (which the
Daytime Assault: players can place on the map) to help
It’s just after midday when you’re cover their advance. There’s a strong
able to see land and the landing wind, so the smoke grenades only last 5
area on the beach from the Osprey. rounds, rather than the normal minute.
It’s been ducking up and down to The water here is deep and moving
make itself harder to track, but in the water costs 2 times as much
as you see a smoke plume rising movement (the water is difficult terrain,
from the island, it’s clear that the and a hero normally moving 6 squares
effort has failed. The pilot screams only moves 3), but a hero succeeding
“BRACE YOURSELVES!” and throws on a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check
the Osprey into a dive, as the rear to swim can treat the water as normal
hatch opens. “Get your gear and get terrain and swim their normal speed.
ready! We’re coming in hot!” Once on the beach, the heroes can Dive
for Cover into the sand where they will
The gunner of the craft jumps into get half cover.
action, grabbing the M240 that’s
set up by the rear hatch, and as the During this time, 10 soldiers will be
Osprey swings around, presenting shooting at them, but if they hit the
its rear to the beach, he starts heroes while in the water, the heroes
firing, laying down covering fire only take half damage. Once all the
“Get out! And get to safety! There are heroes are on the beach, the soldiers
soldiers just up the beach, and they’ll will advance to outflank the heroes
be firing back!” and get around the cover provided
by the sand. (If they get to the sides
of the heroes, they will negate the
With this, he motions the heroes out of cover). While they are up on the dunes
the craft. The heroes don’t really have overlooking the beach, the soldiers
much of a choice but to take the plunge have half cover and gain advantage on
and jump into the waves. Thankfully their attack rolls. At least one soldier
the water here is shallow, and while the each round will use Suppressive Fire in
landing is hard, neither they nor their an attempt to keep the heroes stuck.
gear suffers from it. Their weapons will
still function even after the brief plunge
into the water.

14 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Beach Incursion

episode 1 | Recruitment and Arrival - 15

soldiers have disadvantage on Wisdom
Nighttime Assault: (Perception) checks based on sight as
well as disadvantage on ranged attacks
It’s black outside the Osprey with
beyond 5 feet.
the interior lit by red lights only,
ensuring your night vision is intact.
Should shooting start, the sergeant
In the distance, you can see the
cracks a flare (similar to a flare
lights on Estwara outlining the
grenade) and throws it in the direction
island against the horizon. “We’re
of the gunfire, to try to illuminate
almost there. Get ready. Looks like
the target for his soldiers, knowing
no one has noticed us, but you
full well that they’re not trained for
never know. Stay on your toes.
nighttime combat.
Once landed you have 30 seconds
to get out, and then I’m out of
Encountered here are 9 militia soldiers
here.” — With this, the pilot flicks a
and 1 militia sergeant. (See the
switch, and the rear hatch opens
Appendix for their statistics)
and turns on landing lights, allowing
you to disembark directly from the
Osprey. As you’re moving out, the Both Day and Night:
gunner of the Osprey is throwing While the combat is ongoing, the
your equipment out to you, and sergeant radios in the disturbance,
with a quick salute closes the hatch which the heroes can hear. It’s only a
before the Osprey takes off, leaving matter of time before more soldiers
you in darkness as you can hear arrive and in greater numbers. Now
the rotors disappearing into the would be a good time to find cover
distance. while heading towards Kikedta, where
hopefully they can find shelter and sort
That is when you notice the lights themselves out.
up on the dunes and a voice
shouting “I’m telling you Sarge! This is where Episode 1 ends with the
I heard something over here heroes likely looking for a hideout, and
that sounded like a plane!”. You the action continues in Episode 2. For
only have a minute or two before heroes desperate for cover, there’s a
whoever it is upon you. small unused pier not far from their
landing site that’ll provide rudimentary
cover for the moment, but which won’t
Coming up on the heroes is a squad help long-term against the soldiers.
of 10 soldiers alerted by the sound of
the Osprey, but they’re not sure that
something’s up, so the heroes have
the time to set up an ambush. Due
to the nighttime, both heroes and

16 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Episode 2:
Time to Hide
2A: Moving from the Beach If the heroes use Stealth they can try to
sneak up on the militia soldier (Passive
Perception 9 - see Appendix: Foes for
As you’re getting your breath back full stats), and attempt to interrogate him.
after the landing on the beach, you With a Persuasion (Charisma) or
find yourself hiding under a small Intimidation (Strength or Charisma)
unused pier when you hear soldiers’ he can tell them the following while
approach, including footsteps on pleading for them not to kill him:
the wooden planks above you.
How to get to town:
Through the boards, you can hear
the clicking of a lighter and a deep There might be a safe path to town
drag of a cigarette, as someone from the beach to the town. It’s an
seems to be taking a break from old trail used by the children of the
the search for you. town to get to the beach on nice
days, but while all the local soldiers
use it, it’s probably not one they’ll
Any hero who tries to figure out if the check — there’s no way that non-
soldier above is alone may make a DC locals would know of it. The path
12 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a starts less than a mile from here
success, the hero finds that the soldier and winds on for about 6 miles
is alone, and outside of easy earshot before it ends at the town. The local
of any of his fellows. On a failure, they kids would normally use mountain
simply aren’t sure if that’s the case or bikes to get from the town to the
not. beach, as it’s a bit rocky in places,
but some make a day out of it
This would be a great time for the when they do.
heroes to make a grab for someone
with information. If they peek out from
under the pier, they’ll see that the
soldier appears to be local, rather than GM’s note: Should the heroes elect to
one of the foreign mercenaries and that kill this soldier, then the kids’ bike path
he’s looking out to sea while smoking. can be found with a DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) or DC 8 Wisdom
(Survival) check.

episode 2 | Time to Hide - 17

What can you tell us about
the soldiers? GM’s note: This is where the heroes will
eventually meet Lykesa (Pronounced
LIE-kee-SA) and if the heroes kill the
Bedlam is the leader of the soldiers soldier, it might be worth reminding
on the island, and he is a mean them that DeWalt told them to seek
bastard. I’ve seen him shoot people out the Resistance in Episode 1, and
for ridiculous reasons, both soldiers that it can be found in town.
and civilians. He doesn’t take well
to anything but a “Yes, sir!” and
instant obedience. He brought his Can you tell us about
own personal soldiers with him the king’s compound?
when he came, and while the King
is generally trying to educate
his soldiers — despite how he The King’s Palace? I’m sorry, but
acts Bedlam is a good teacher — I’ve never been inside. I only ever
Bedlam’s own men are far more saw the barracks in town. Only the
dangerous. I think they might have most loyal of the king’s soldiers are
been special forces somewhere allowed in the barracks. If you ask
or well-paid mercenaries, but now me, they’re crazy to follow him, but
they’re here. he pays them very well. As for me…
Well, what choice did I have? Join
or watch my family get shot? That
Tell us about the rebels: kinda made me very interested
in NOT becoming a rebel. I’m just
protecting them all.
The Resistance? I don’t know much
about that. I… think, that one of my
cousins might be a member though. If the heroes let him live, he waits for
They don’t talk to me about it, but I’ve them to disappear, and then heads
come into the house sometimes and back to town on the same path as the
they’d suddenly just shut up around heroes but making sure not to catch
me like they were talking about up. Over the following adventure, he
something I shouldn’t know about. goes to ground and hides in his family’s
If I had still been a kid, I would have basement, hoping for it all to blow
thought they were talking about my over. If it doesn’t, he has no real plan,
birthday or Christmas presents. He but might end up joining the rebellion
lives over on Royal Street in number alongside his cousin.
7. It’s a yellow house with a kid’s
drawing of a unicorn on the side. His
daughter painted it a year or so ago,
you can’t miss it.

18 - To Dethrone a Dictator
2B: On the Path to find the tracks. Due to the twists,
turns, dips, and rises of the path, it’s not
immediately obvious that the heroes
GM’s note: This combat is ENTIRELY and the soldiers are closing in on each
optional and should only be used if you other if both sides are trying to be
believe the players are able to handle stealthy (the soldiers are trying and
it quickly (due to the time constraints roll Dexterity (Stealth) checks to avoid
involved in the Episode length). being noticed). If both sides are trying
Otherwise skip it or save it for when to be stealthy, and overcome the other
the heroes are done in the Echo Resort side’s Perception checks, then they do
Hotel and re-flavor it to be in town. not notice each other until they are
within 200 feet. If only one side makes
it, then the other side is surprised, and
the encounter starts at 300 feet — with
A mile or so beyond the pier, you the “ambushing” side able to start the
come across a dirt track with tire encounter at the range of their choice,
marks on it, from kid’s bikes, all of down to 60 feet.
which are at least a day or two old.
Walking down the path, it follows
along the coast for a bit, with a 30 Please note that this is a group check.
foot drop down into the rocks that So whichever side has more successes
are breaking up the waves coming “win”. On a tie, neither side will notice
in from the ocean. After some 15 the other until 200 feet away.
minutes, it takes a turn and heads
inland, carving a path through the The terrain here is considered difficult
hills that surround Kikedta. Parts terrain due to the condition of the track
of the path are covered by foliage and the steep hillsides around them,
and trees, but for the most part, it is but the militia soldiers ignore this, due
open ground. to their familiarity with the terrain.
Remember that difficult terrain doubles
the “cost” of movement, so 10 feet of
Unfortunately for the heroes, the militia movement counts as 20.
soldier was wrong, and some of the
other soldiers did think of the kids’ Like Episode 1, this encounter consists
dirt track and decided to check it out of 4 militia soldiers and 1 militia
just in case. They know the area very sergeant (see Appendix: Foes for
well as they grew up here as kids, but stats), the standard squad for the
they’re not really expecting any trouble, Estwaran militia.
as they didn’t expect any non-locals

episode 2 | Time to Hide - 19

The soldiers and the sergeant will split 2C: Outskirts of Kikedta.
into two groups, one on either side of
the path, and the sergeant here will be
equipped with a fragmenting grenade Standing on the edges of this
which he will use to take out any heroes small town, you can’t help but
who are grouped too close together. think that Kikedta should be
This adds the following to his stat-block: more... impressive somehow. It’s a
Fragmenting Grenade. Ranged reasonable size, but not so much so
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/40 that it would be considered more
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) explosive than a town anywhere else in the
damage, 20 feet radius, Loud). world. It’s clear that it was once very
The soldiers fight on for a while, but well-built, though it’s fallen on hard
once more than half of them are dead, times. The structures and roads
the rest will make a run for it. The are very straight and high quality,
exception is if the sergeant is alive, in but wear and tear are showing, with
which case they’ll all fight to the death paint chipping from most buildings
(including the sergeant). A successful in many places. It is reasonably
DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals clean, and even from here, almost
that they’re not running towards the a mile outside of town, you can see
town or barracks for reinforcement the hustle and bustle of the locals
but towards the land surrounding as they go about their business.
the capital. They’re afraid of being
executed but equally afraid of being
killed by the heroes. At this point, the action depends on
whether the heroes interrogated the
After this, the heroes can proceed soldier in 2A or if they simply killed him.
along the path to Kikedta without If they interrogated him, and he spoke
further delay. about the cousin, they will notice the
house on the southern side of town.
Should the heroes elect to wear the This takes place in 2D. If they did not
uniforms while infiltrating Kikedta, then proceed below.
they gain advantage on their Stealth
or Streetwise checks in 2C. Moving through town requires a DC 10
(Dexterity) Stealth or DC 15 Wisdom
(Streetwise) check. If they succeed,
no one notices them. If they fail, they’re
confronted by a local who is trying to
figure out what they’re doing.

 There’s a 50% chance that this

local is working with the rebels,
leading them to 2E if they speak

20 - To Dethrone a Dictator
truthfully about what they’re doing case the heroes must make a DC 12
or the local figure out what they’re Charisma (Deception) check to avoid
up to (they have a +2 bonus to getting into trouble and being attacked.
any Wisdom (Insight) checks, but If they are wearing uniforms, they get
otherwise share the stats of the advantage on the check, even though
militia soldiers, though they do not the uniform is the wrong one.
have any ranged weapons). Even if
the heroes are wearing uniforms, he
will recognize that they’re not part
of the militia (the militia is for locals
2D: Home of the Resistance
only, and the freelance mercenaries
use a different uniform that the This two-story house is in good
heroes haven’t encountered yet). condition, despite its age. The
 There’s a 25% chance that yellow-painted walls with the white
they’re working with the soldiers, windowsills look very much “in
in which case they’ll pretend to place” for Kikedta, and on the sun-
help the heroes by keeping quiet, side of the building, someone has
only for them to betray them later. drawn a rainbow-colored unicorn.
In this case, they still lead them It’s slightly washed out at this point,
to 2E due to the fighting there, but even that can’t deny its vibrancy
but the soldiers there will have or childlike happiness. Several
their fighting ability enhanced windows are open as the building is
(as detailed in that encounter). being aired out, though these are
 The last 25% is not just one all on the top floor, and music can
person, but just a guy who has be heard from the kitchen.
snuck off from work to get a nap.
He’s doesn’t care what the heroes
are up to, he just wants peace. There is only one person at home at the
He’ll point them in the direction of moment, the cousin of the soldier in 2A.
2D if they ask for anything OTHER Lykesa is anxiously pacing around the
than where the soldiers are. If the house, checking the doors and windows
heroes ask where they can find the often.
soldiers, he says that they can be
found at an old hotel (2E), where She explains that she’d actually been
they’re fighting with some rebels. waiting for the heroes to arrive. Well,
Apparently started earlier that day. not exactly her — any of the Resistance
safehouses could have been where they
If the heroes are NOT trying to avoid made contact, but they expected them,
confrontation, they’ll run into a group of as one of the Resistance’s listening posts
4 militia soldiers and 1 militia sergeant, heard them coming. Unfortunately, they
who will ask what they’re doing. In that were also noticed by the soldiers, so they

episode 2 | Time to Hide - 21

couldn’t make direct contact and had to
wait for the heroes. Parked around the front of the hotel
are several jeeps behind which
She also says that there isn’t really soldiers are crouching for cover,
much time to explain, because as they take turns shooting at the
as exhausted as they might be, building. It’s clear that the volume
the Resistance needs their help of fire coming back from the hotel is
immediately. An old hotel is under significantly less than the incoming
siege by the king’s forces, by some shots at the hotel.
of the foreign mercenaries that were
brought into train and replace the
local militia. They’ve got most of the Encamped in front of the hotel are 5
Resistance fighters themselves tangled full squads of militia (i.e., 45 militia
up in a fight at the Echo Resort Hotel soldiers and 5 militia sergeants) and
(so named after the excellent acoustics it is not the intention that the heroes
in the main hall for singing), and it’s fight these. Should they wish to try so,
just a matter of time before they bring they’re welcome to try, but chances are
in bigger guns to bring it down around that they’ll get killed doing so. Instead,
their ears. they can take different approaches on
Assuming the heroes agree, she’ll dry how to get around the hotel. The back
her hands and then lead them there entrance is only guarded by a single
through the various backstreets, taking squad (i.e. 9 militia soldiers and 1
them to 2E. As she knows the way, she’s militia sergeant), but the best option is
able to bring them to one of the back down some of the side alleys where an
entrances, rather than through the unguarded entrance can be found with
main streets that the soldiers control. a DC 13 Wisdom (Streetwise) or a DC
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
2E: Echo Resort Hotel Note that attacking the soldiers at the
rear does not attract the attention
of those at the front. They can’t hear
Moving through the quiet streets anything over their own gunfire, and
of Kikedta, you notice that the area the Resistance members have jammed
has gone quiet. The bustle that their walkie-talkie transmissions (by
you’ve seen elsewhere in town is the sheer expedient of taping two
absent here. Up ahead, maybe a radios together, causing a feedback
few hundred yards away, you can screech on all channels).
hear sporadic gunfire, and soon the If the heroes are with Lykesa, she will
roads open up enough that you can lead them to the unguarded entrance,
see a large white, almost mansion- one that the Resistance fighters inside
like building, with a bullet-riddled do not know about, as none of them
sign that reads “Echo Resort Hotel”. were former employees of the hotel,

22 - To Dethrone a Dictator
unlike Lykesa. If asked, she can inform If Lykesa is with them, he immediately
the heroes that some of the Resistance lowers his weapon again as she runs
members thought it would be a good over to him and gives him a hug
idea to distract the local soldiers while stating, “Granddad! You’re still alive!”
the aircraft landed, but that it didn’t go
to plan. She did not want to head there Assuming the heroes make even a
on her own, in case she was captured, passable explanation for their presence
but she is hoping that the heroes can (no check required), he accepts them
help the trapped Resistance members. and gestures to them to take cover
as another round of bullets hits the
Once inside (whether that involves outside of the building.
fighting the militia soldiers or not),
the heroes will hear gunfire and “Thank God, you made it here.
chatter from the front of the hotel, We were beginning to worry if the
and there they’ll find 5 members of soldiers had caught you on the
the Resistance entrenched behind beaches. We’ve been trying to keep
various types of furniture, holding them distracte d, but as you can
old Chinese PPSh-41s that date back see, we’re not faring too well”. He
to World War 2 and with 3 Molotov gestures as the bodies of the dead
cocktails left to defend themselves with. Resistance members. “We need to
Two of the Resistance members are get out of here to regroup. We’ve
patching the wound on a third, while got several safe houses not far from
the last two fire sporadically from the here that we can choose from...”
windows, in an attempt to keep the
soldiers at bay. Around the hotel lobby,
another 8 locals lie dead. As he speaks, he stops, and you all
notice a rumbling sound that’s getting
When the heroes enter the lobby the louder very quickly.
following takes place:
Anyone making a DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) check will recognize
As you enter the hotel lobby, one of the sound of a vehicle rolling up the
the Resistance members, an elderly cobbled streets, fast approaching the
balding man with an impressive hotel. Anyone who succeeds on a DC
grey mustache, and wearing drab 15 Mechanics (Intelligence) or a DC
urban camo-colored clothes spins 15 Driving/Piloting (Wisdom) (please
around. “Hold it right there! Who note that this check uses Wisdom
are you?” he shouts as he raises his instead of the normal Dexterity for
rifle towards you. the check. This also requires the hero
making to the check to haves Military
or Transportation as their profession)
will recognize the sound of an M113 APC.

episode 2 | Time to Hide - 23

At that point, the APC bursts through The freelance mercenaries are
the side of the hotel, where the heroes trying to get to the front of the Echo
entered, and the Resistance leader Resort Hotel to attack the Resistance
shouts to the heroes: members from the rear, but the heroes
can assume defensive positions in the
hallway and rooms leading to the lobby,
“Go! Deal with them, and we’ll keep from the room that the mercenaries
the soldiers outside occupied! Let arrived at.
us know when the coast is clear so
we can escape!” Tactics: The freelance mercenaries
are capable fighters with their AK47s,
but they are even more dangerous
Lykesa grabs one of the PPSh-41s and with their combat knives and will
joins the resistance fighters at the prefer using them in this environment,
entrance to the hotel. attempting to flank the heroes and
working together in pairs to bring down
Coming in through the sides of the a single target at a time.
hotel are 4 freelance mercenaries
(see the Appendix: Foes for stats). If While the heroes fend off the
the heroes need more weapons, they mercenaries, the Resistance members
can grab a few of the PPSh-41s that are are fighting off a wave of soldiers
lying by the dead Resistance members. from the front, barely holding their
own, and only due to their fortified
Each has 2 magazines, and the PPSh-41 positions. The heroes defeat the
has the following profile: mercenaries at roughly the same
time as the Resistance members
Weapon PPSh-41 drive back the last of the attacking
soldiers, but unfortunately, Lykesa’s
Damage 1d8 ballistic
grandfather died in the exchange, and
Range 250/350 the Resistance is without their leader.
Rounds 70 However, Lykesa is ready to step into
her grandfather’s shoes.
Reload Action
PV 3 If the heroes already met Lykesa,
Properties Burst 3, Full-Auto, read the following:
Loud, Restricted,
Two-Handed As you get back to the hotel
Bulk 2 lobby you see Lykesa holding her
grandfather in her arms with tears
silently rolling down her cheeks.
She notices your arrival, sighs,

24 - To Dethrone a Dictator
and closes his eyes before wiping her tears away
angrily. “Seems like this is on me now. Time to go.
The soldiers are busy regrouping, so this is our
time to get out of here.” She looks over at the rest
of the Resistance members “Go. Head home and
stay off the main streets. None of them saw you, so
you should be safe.” Looking back to you she goes
“And you lot, come with me back to the house. It
should be safe there. I have a big basement that
you can hide in and get some rest. Looks like it’s
been a long day.”

If they did not meet Lykesa, read the


As you get back to the hotel lobby, you see a

young woman holding the Resistance leader
in her arms with tears silently rolling down her
cheeks. She notices your arrival, sighs, and closes
his eyes before wiping her tears away angrily.
“Seems like this is on me now. I’m Lykesa and he
was my grandfather. Time to go. The soldiers are
busy regrouping, so this is our time to get out of
here.” She looks over at the rest of the Resistance
members “Go. Head home and stay off the main
streets. None of them saw you, so you should be
safe.” Looking back to you she goes “And you lot,
come with me back to my house. It should be safe
there. I have a big basement that you can hide in
and get some rest. Looks like it’s been a long day.”

With that, she leads the heroes through the

backstreets back to her house, where they’re able
to hide behind a secret door in her basement. It’s
cramped, but safe. If the heroes think to retrieve
the M113, they discover that it’s stuck in the wall and
that freeing it would take hours. And this concludes
Episode 2 with the heroes able to get themselves a
long rest before moving on to Episode 3.
Episode 3:
After several combats in the past this many people, but at least the cots
day, the heroes have a chance to rest were somewhat comfortable and the
while in Lykesa’s residence. They’ll be food she cooked was excellent. Having
hidden in the basement, behind a false passed the night, the morning finds
wall. Lykesa will warn them that if they you refreshed as Lykesa brings down
hear soldiers in the house, they should breakfast. She places the still warm and
stay out of it. She knows a fair number freshly baked rolls in front of you and
of them and is on good terms with sits down on the edge of one of the cots.
most as they do not know she’s part
of the Resistance, and they certainly
don’t know that she’s just become the
leader. “So. To overthrow the King, I
suppose we will need to take him
While they’re hiding there, they will out. He spends most of his time
hear 5 militia soldiers questioning holed up in his mansion on one of
Lykesa and searching the house, but the hills overlooking the town. At
even though they enter the basement, least he doesn’t have the soldiers’
they do not find the heroes. This is barracks there, so he’s not as
likely to create a few moments of safe as he thinks he is. Though I
tension as they might believe that suppose that he doesn’t need to
the soldiers are on to them. About 10 be, as so many of our people are
minutes afterward, Lykesa comes down unable to defend themselves. In
to tell them that they’re OK and to rest. any case, there are only about 20
soldiers there at the best of times.
The following assumes that the heroes Of course, Bedlam normally resides
use the opportunity to take a long rest there too, but one of my contacts
and recover. has informed me that Bedlam
and the King are heading out to
inspect some of the soldiers today.
He’ll be heavily guarded during
3A: Lykesa’s House that trip, as well as during the
After the visit by the soldiers the inspection, but it does provide you
house was quiet. The room Lykesa with a window of opportunity if you
had hidden you in, behind a false wall want to go scouting.”
in the basement, was cramped for

26 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Lykesa is able to provide maps of the the servant’s quarters, which is a small
nearby area, and she has lived here separate house. None of these are of
her entire life, so she has intimate and any note according to Lykesa, though
direct knowledge of the lay of the land. she admits — with some smugness
— that the garage doesn’t hold any
She’ll explain that the king’s compound cars currently as the Resistance has
consists of a large mansion where destroyed or stolen all of the king’s
the king himself lives along with his precious cars. The smaller garage
mistress — even though the mistress attached to the main mansion still
changes every 3 months or so, they’re contains the king’s luxury saloon (a
always quartered in the mansion. At large Mercedes Benz) and a supercar
the moment, the king has yet to find a (a Lamborghini).
new one after the last one left. As she
puts it, the only saving grace of the Lykesa also notes that the entire
king is that he isn’t abusive towards compound sits partway up on a hillside,
his mistresses. The mansion itself is allowing people to observe it from
large with numerous rooms (see the above. There’s a small jungle section up
attached map), but only servants there, that — while tamed and free of
and a few soldiers are in there at any hostile animals — is still old and tangled
given time. The militia soldiers have a enough that seeing anyone up there
small onsite resting area, but they are is difficult. In fact, the kids of Kikedta
normally quartered in the barracks often play hide and seek there because
near town instead or for the locals, of it. There’s a fair distance (about
live with their families. The militia half a mile) between the northern wall
aren’t allowed inside the mansion and the forest where they are closest
except during rare occasions such as together, so approaching unseen is
when they are under attack. Instead, difficult.
guarding the king is left up to the
freelance soldiers that he hires in from She hasn’t noticed any particular
elsewhere. Apparently, he figures that weaknesses in the wall surrounding the
it’s the best way to ensure his own compound but does suggest that there
safety in case the locals rebel against might be a spot in the northern section
him. Bedlam IS housed within the king’s of the wall that’s possible to get through
mansion however and has his own or over. One of the cars that the
quarters that were previously used for Resistance got their hands on crashed
royal guests. there, and the wall needed significant
repairs. As far as she’s aware, they’re
Surrounding the mansion is the still working on fixing it.
compounds which includes a large
garage capable of holding up to 10
cars, the soldiers’ resting area, and

episode 3 | Scouting - 27
3B: Scouting the They also obtain records showing that
the king is currently on his inspection
Surroundings and isn’t expected to be back for the
This section assumes that the heroes rest of the day. All the security cameras
will investigate the outside of the accessible from the wireless network
compound to find a way in - the yellow- are external. There are either none
painted brick wall that surrounds the internally or they are on a closed
compound can be scaled, but it is fairly circuit.
tall and has outward angling spikes on
top of it to make it difficult for people to Insight (10). The hero realizes
break in. Scaling the wall requires a DC that whoever built the wall, and the
20 Strength (Athletics) check. compound originally wasn’t worried
Should the heroes head out to scout about being attacked. They were
the area, they are safe from the king’s only interested in showing off their
soldiers provided they use the forest wealth, but all the recent additions to
for cover. If they do not, then they must the compound have been to improve
make opposed Stealth checks against security. They also realize that the
the soldiers’ passive Perception of 11 soldiers and staff do not acknowledge
(9 with a +2 bonus from the security each other much, as if they don’t know
cameras mounted in various places the each other very well.
compound). If they are discovered or
noticed, a standard squad of 9 militia Investigation (12). Even at the edge
soldiers and 1 militia sergeant (see of the forest, it is easy to notice where
Appendix: Foes) will be sent out to the Resistance crashed the car into the
investigate. northern wall section. The wall here is
considerably easier to scale, and the
Once the heroes are in a scouting security cameras there were damaged
position, they can see the following and haven’t been replaced yet. The
things about the compound and hero is also able to deduce the patrol
mansion. Each of these requires a pattern of the soldiers inside and to
separate skill check to notice. realize that there is a patrol gap that
gives a straight shot to the mansion
without anyone close enough to see
Skill (DC). Information Revealed (though they might still be heard).
Computers (15). (Requires a computer
with a Wi-Fi connection) The hero Perception (12). The hero notices
hacks into the wireless network that the that the way the compound is located
soldiers and the king use and finds that means that there are a couple of blind
the security cameras are old and can angles for each tower if you want to
be accessed and shut down remotely or approach the compound. Unfortunately,
set on a loop with the access obtained. those blind angles are well-covered by

28 - To Dethrone a Dictator
King’s Mansion floor 1

8 11
17 21 22
7 13 20
5 14

2 4 18

1 Two-Car Garage 12 Dining Room

2 Hall 13 Gallery
3 Mudroom 14 Vestibule

1 4
Powder Room
Coat Room
Mens Room
Ladies Room
6 Elevator 17 Foyer / Reception Area
7 Stair Hall 18 Vestibule
8 Family Room 19 Elevator
9 Sunroom 20 Bar
10 Breakfast Room 21 Living Room
11 Kitchen 22 Library

King’s Mansion floor 2

12 14 16 21 22 25

13 18 27
11 10 17
29 30
9 8
19 20
5 6

4 1 Home Office 16 Bath #1

2 Powder Room 17 Closet
3 Hall 18 Bedroom #1
4 Guest Closet 19 Homework / Games
5 Guest Bedroom 20 Closet
6 Laundry 21 Powder Room
7 Elevator 22 Sitting Room
8 Hall 23 Stair Hall
9 Guest Bath 24 Stair Landing
1 10
Bath #3
25 Elevator
26 Her Dressing Area
12 Bedroom #3 27 Master Bedroom
13 Bedroom #2 episode
28 3 | Scouting
His Dressing Area - 29
14 Bath #2 29 Master Shower
15 Closet 30 Master Bathroom
King’s Mansion floor 3

8 11
17 21 22
7 13 20
5 14

2 4 18

1 Two-Car Garage 12 Dining Room

2 Hall 13 Gallery
3 Mudroom 14 Vestibule

1 4
Powder Room
Coat Room
Mens Room
Ladies Room
6 Elevator 17 Foyer / Reception Area
7 Stair Hall 18 Vestibule
8 Family Room 19 Elevator
9 Sunroom 20 Bar
10 Breakfast Room 21 Living Room
11 Kitchen 22 Library

the other towers, with one exception: hours of darkness. During the day, they
The northern section from the forest would provide a great overview, except
appears to be the safest and fastest for the northern part of the wall where
due to the cover from the forest itself, it is broken (and where a new tower is
and the fact that there is only half a being built at the same time as the wall
mile of open ground there. Also, the is being repaired). A hero succeeding
watchtowers wouldn’t have a good on this check also realizes that there
view of that area, though one is being are no alarms set on the house itself, as
constructed by the broken wall section. soldiers patrol inside as well as outside,
It’s nowhere near done yet though. and their movements would normally
trigger alarms. Finally, this check
Security (18). Cutting the wires to the reveals that most of the compound
security cams would be relatively easy runs on normal power cables, but that
and lead them to be blinded inside. the main building has its own backup
Each watchtower’s floodlights would power generator, though they cannot
also lead to the soldiers manning the see what it is capable of powering.
towers being night-blind some of the
time and unable to see much during

30 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Survival (10). Here the hero realizes make the check, they are unnoticed
that some of the local animals have and make their way up to the mansion’s
dug under the wall in the east, and if walls without incident. If they fail, one of
someone were to enter from there, they the guards in the guard posts notices
would have a short route to the power something suspicious and a group of 5
generator that powers most of the militia soldiers is sent out to investigate.
compound. It also reveals the optimal If one of the heroes made the Survival
route to move through the terrain check mentioned above, they have
surrounding the compound, granting advantage on the Stealth check.
advantage on the heroes’ Stealth
checks for any infiltration attempts. If the heroes decide to enter without
disabling the external security cameras
Scouting inside the compound can first, then they are caught on camera.
be done either via stealth or via Disabling the external security
subterfuge — a disguise as one of cameras requires a DC 18 Intelligence
the locals or one of the soldiers isn’t (Security) check. No alarms are
difficult as they’re from all over the triggered on a failure, but neither are
world and could provide valuable intel the cameras disabled.
to the heroes.
Taking a route that relies on smarts
Heroes looking to take out the King and wit, i.e., getting inside while
already will be disappointed. Both he wearing a disguise requires as DC 10
and Bedlam have left already, and while Charisma (Deception) or Charisma
the heroes could set up an ambush or (Persuasion) check to convince the
a trap, it’s likely that one of the king’s soldiers at the gates to let the disguised
soldiers will trip it first, during a routine party inside. If they are wearing the
security sweep of the mansion (which disguises from scavenging up clothes,
happens twice per day at irregular they have advantage on the check. It
intervals - the first one will happen 2d6 should be noted that the guards at the
hours after the heroes first enter the gates are half-asleep in the midday sun
mansion), well before the king is back. and are not paying attention to what’s
Scavenging around town for 10 minutes going on since the King isn’t home. Even
will pull up the equivalent of a Disguise with the reports of an aircraft recently,
Kit for the purposes of equipping the they’re simply assuming that it was
party with the disguises to enter the a supply drop to the Resistance, and
mansion. they’re expecting them to be dealt with
Sneaking unseen into the compound
and up to the mansion itself requires If the characters are in disguise,
a group DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) they cannot be carrying any visible
check. If half of the group or more weapons or body armor.

episode 3 | Scouting - 31
The guards are happy to chat to the They can inform the heroes of the
heroes about the compound and can following:
tell them of the following:  The 4 mercenaries tend to lounge
around the house. Typically, they’ll
 There are 50 soldiers in total, 10 be either in the kitchen or in the
of which are freelance mercenaries, cinema or games room. One of the
with the remainder being 36 militia mercenaries is a more bookish type
soldiers and 4 militia sergeants. though and tends to spend his time
They’re encamped in the barracks. reading in the library. The ones that
 There are a total of 10 servants are in there currently are 2 of the
currently. There are usually more cinema watchers (according to the
when the king has a mistress, but servant, they’re watching an old 80s
now they’re a bit short-staffed. When action film that’s really loud), one
the King’s not at home, they spend of them is in the kitchen making
their time cleaning the mansion or himself something to eat, though
relaxing in the servant’s quarters. he’ll probably join the 2 cinemagoers
(Today is one such day since the once he’s done. The final one is in
king is expected to be out all day). the games room playing a first-
 The normal soldiers are not person-shooter with his headset on.
allowed inside the king’s mansion  The king tends to spend his time in
except in emergencies, but 4 free the bedroom, games room, cinema,
mercenaries are in there most and office. Though the servant has
of the day. From what the guards never seen it themselves, there is a
understand, the mercs are relaxed rumor that the king must be spying
and use the entertainment facilities on the servants. Sometimes, when
when the king isn’t around. When they enter, he’s not there, even
he is there, they are vigilant. though they could have sworn they’d
 They do not know the layout seen him enter. (This is a hint for
of the king’s mansion, as the secret tunnel to the safe room).
they’re not allowed inside.  The king doesn’t really believe
in routine, though he works a few
Before entering the mansion, the hours every day for certain. On the
heroes have the opportunity to talk to one occasion that the alarm has
some of the servants, either by going gone off, he made for the office
to the servants’ quarters or catching while the soldiers investigated.
them as they’re taking a break outside
the mansion. This requires no check as Once the heroes are ready to enter
the servants are used to odd people the mansion, they can enter through
coming and going, so they take no any of the many entrances (the main
notice of it. doors are unlocked as is the door
into the kitchen, while the others are

32 - To Dethrone a Dictator
locked, requiring a DC 15 Intelligence decorated as various household items.
(Security) check to open. Alternatively, Noticing that something is out of place
a window can be broken (AV 0) but with these items requires a successful
doing so quietly requires a Dexterity DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check.
(Sleight of Hand) check opposed by Disabling the internal security system
the freelance mercenaries’ passive is more difficult than the external
Perception. If the heroes do this in because of its miniaturized design.
any room other than the kitchen, they A successful DC 20 Intelligence
have advantage on the check as the (Security) check is required for it to
game and films are so loud that the be disabled without being seen. If the
mercenary in the kitchen (the only one hero only gets a result from 15 to 19,
who could reasonably hear it) is likely they disable the system, but only after
to think it’s coming from there. If this unknowingly exposing their face and
mercenary is taken out, even in a gun the party directly to the camera.
battle, the others do not react, believing
it to be part of the film or game. (The All the freelance mercenaries inside
same goes for any soldiers outside the the house are carrying handguns
mansion, as they are unlikely to hear it instead of their normal AK47 rifles,
in the first place, and likely to mistake it in order to minimize damage to the
even if they do). building. At the same time, they are
carrying stun guns, in case they must
shoot near where the servants are.
3C: Scouting the Inside These are Russian MP-443 Grachs that
Please note that these maps are not for were obtained together with the AK47s
battle, as combat is unlikely to happen that they normally carry.
here, and if it does, it’ll be limited to
a single room (at least by the NPCs). These have the following profile.
Feel free to use your imagination to
fill in whatever details you’d like for Weapon MP-443 Grach
the rooms, but for the purposes of this Damage 1d10 ballistic
adventure and for brevity, only those
Range 50/150
rooms where something interesting
can happen or be found will be included Rounds 21
(these include things like the 4 Reload Bonus
freelance mercenaries and elements
PV 2
that may be important during episode
5.). Properties Loud, Semi-Auto
Bulk 1
Indoor security: The king is somewhat
paranoid and has set hidden TV Price 1
surveillance up inside the house,
episode 3 | Scouting - 33
this room, the heroes will mostly find
Please also note that the freelance jackets and boots, including those of
mercenaries are NOT carrying their the freelance mercenaries spread
normal ballistic vests. throughout the house. However, this is
Below are the various rooms of also where they store their AK47s and
interest to the heroes. These rooms their light ballistic vests if the heroes
do generally not come with a detailed want to use them.
description, but all are representative
of a quality of living well beyond the Homework / Games Room
means of the locals. Inspiration can The room here is where one of the
be drawn from the links above. All the freelance mercenaries is currently
furniture, furnishing and such are very entertaining himself. He is playing on
expensive, though some, especially on one of the game consoles here, with a
the third floor, are a bit careworn by headset on, and is oblivious to anyone
now. entering the room, as long as they take
some precaution at being sly, i.e., as
Kitchen / Breakfast Room long as the heroes are attempting to be
When the heroes arrive at the mansion, stealthy, they will succeed.
there is a single freelance mercenary
present in this area. He is currently The Games room is also where the
making lunch for himself and the other internal security cameras can be
mercenaries in the mansion. (He will controlled from, though they are
be making whatever is appropriate for carefully hidden behind a sliding
the time of day that the heroes arrive). panel (requiring a DC 20 Intelligence
This will take him 20 minutes, after (Investigation) check to find). The
which he’ll deliver food to the other 3 internal security system can be
freelance mercenaries, starting with disabled from here more easily than
the one in the Homework/Games room elsewhere, requiring only a DC 10
on the second floor, after which it is the Intelligence (Security) check, but
2 in the theater. He will join the 2 in the crucially the files cannot be deleted
theater for the rest of the film (which without physically destroying the
has an hour left by the time he arrives). hard drives that they are stored
on. (Destroying the hard drives will
Should the heroes take out any of the obviously tip off the King and Bedlam
other mercenaries, he will likely be the that something is going on, but it will
first one to notice. prevent Bedlam from knowing exactly
what he is facing when he comes after
Coat Room the heroes in Episode 04 and will make
The door to this room is locked. it easier to fight him as he will refrain
Unlocking it requires a DC 12 from bringing in the really heavy
Intelligence (Security) check. Inside weaponry).

34 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Bedroom 2 empty and with a hero with a military
This belongs to Bedlam and is kept background who succeeds on a DC
fastidiously in order. Anyone trying to 15 Wisdom (Streetwise) check can
enter the room will find that the door is determine that the empty spot belongs
locked, requiring a DC 12 Intelligence to a PK Machine Gun — an ominous
(Security) check to unlock, but unless sign of the weaponry that Bedlam can
the heroes check first and complete bring with him.
a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check,
they will fail to notice that a tiny piece Cunning heroes might realize that
of string is kept suspended by the door. they have an opportunity to sabotage
Opening the door causes it to drop the weaponry here, and while Bedlam
and will alert Bedlam to the fact that meticulously checks his weapons,
someone has been inside (something this is a good opportunity to do so.
which the servants are prohibited Sabotaging a weapon requires a DC
from). 12 Intelligence (Mechanics) check
to succeed. As Bedlam checks his
Inside, the heroes find a fastidiously weapons every night and before every
clean set of rooms, and while there isn’t excursion, this is also opposed by his
much information to be gained from Perception check. (i.e., to sabotage the
examining the rooms, it’s clear from weapon the heroes must at minimum
the closet that whoever lives there is succeed on a DC 12. Regardless of what
a serious military professional. The result they get; Bedlam will have a
closet has several camouflage uniforms Wisdom (Perception) check against it
- mostly pants and t-shirts due to the to notice the sabotage). Success means
climate - but also several holsters and that the weapon is inoperable during
weapons lockers. Inside the locked the encounter with Bedlam - and he
weapon lockers (which are locked with won’t know this until he tries to use it.
computer keypads locks, requiring
a DC 20 Intelligence (Computers) Home Office
check to open), are several assault On the door leading into this room is a
rifles (including an AK47 and an M4), keypad. Opening the keypad requires
a long-range sniper rifle, 4 throwing a DC 20 Intelligence (Computers)
knives, a bayonet that would fit on a check, though (for the final incursion)
Garand rifle (used by Bedlam to train the door can also be destroyed. It has
the militia in close combat), a medium an AV of 3 as it is a reinforced steel
ballistic vest with a few bullet holes, and door (though this is hidden beneath
3 fragmentation grenades. Opening the a wood finish). There is also a silent
lockers or stealing any of the weapons alarm on the door. Noticing the alarm is
immediately puts Bedlam on high a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check,
notice and he brings everything with or a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
him. One of the weapons lockers is check if the heroes are specifically

episode 3 | Scouting - 35
looking for alarms or traps. Opening As it is expected for the heroes to get
the door without triggering the out of there quickly (they are severely
alarm requires a DC 15 Intelligence outmatched — even if they only
(Security) check. If the check is failed, trigger the silent alarm, the freelance
a silent alarm goes in the house, and mercenaries will summon the normal
the 4 freelance mercenaries grab their soldiers by walkie-talkie if things are
full gear from the Coat Room (see going badly), the safe room will not be
above) and descend upon this room in described here. It is the room where
5 (1d10) minutes. the final encounter of Episode 5 will
take place. As a hint to the players, it
This is where the King conducts business can be revealed that the safe room
from on a day-to-day business, and tunnel smells old and dusty, as part of it
where all his private information can be predates the current building.
found. This is also where he takes refuge
during any incursion by the heroes. Theater
Searching the room with a successful 2 freelance mercenaries can be found
DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check here, watching an action film. Any
reveals the presence of a hidden trap heroes trying to sneak through the area
door underneath the large desk that have advantage on all Stealth checks
dominates the room. This leads to the due to the noise of the film and how
King’s safe room by way of a secret engrossed the mercenaries are.
tunnel that’s been cleverly disguised into
the floor and walls. Opening this trap
Note that a third mercenary might
door isn’t difficult, as it isn’t currently
have joined them from the kitchen.
locked. Once locked it requires a DC
15 Intelligence (Security) or a DC 20
Strength (Athletics) check to lock pick Mech/Boiler Room
or open by brute force. The main function The Boiler room is where the
of the door isn’t so much to protect, as it emergency generator can be found.
is to hide. Opening the door — regardless Disabling this requires a DC 12
of any attempts of the players – will ring Intelligence (Mechanics) check. This
the alarms loudly (this is deliberately an can be set with a timer if the heroes
audible alarm vs. the previous silent one). wish so that it cuts off at a specific
The freelance mercenaries will descend point in time. It won’t be noticed by the
immediately on the area, and the soldiers inhabitants of the house unless the
can be heard running here as well and power is cut. Doing so will drop the
will get there 5 (1d10) rounds after the building into darkness and leave the
freelance mercenaries do. soldiers at a severe disadvantage as
they do not have any night vision gear,
though they would be able to scramble

36 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Once the heroes are done scouting, all day). Heroes in disguise will have no
they’ll notice (automatically) that problem exiting through the front gate,
several vehicles are pulling up to the for the same reason.
building, and that several squads
of soldiers are going inside. This is Lykesa will regroup with the heroes
standard security procedure for the once they’re out of sight from the
king, to ensure his safety, and the mansion and will take them back
heroes will need to escape. They will to her house for a debriefing. Have
notice that one soldier in particular, a her sit them down at her house, and
giant of a man, is standing outside one that is where the episode ends, as
of the jeeps waiting. This is Bedlam. And next episode picks up from there
they’ll get to meet him in Episode 4. with Bedlam arriving — if the heroes
triggered any of the alarms or got
Escaping is easy - the heroes can caught on camera, he’ll be there in an
simply open a window in the office hour. If not, then one of the Resistance
and close it behind them before members from the Echo Resort hotel
climbing down the side of the building was captured and is finally spilling
and escaping past the walls of the the beans on where the heroes are
compound. The soldiers manning the hiding (even if he doesn’t know, he
watchtowers are too busy staring at reveals that Lykesa is the new head
the soldiers entering the building (their of the Resistance, and Bedlam takes
watches are always boring, and this is an educated guess). In that case, he
the most interesting thing to happen arrives in 3 (1d6) hours.

episode 3 | Scouting - 37
Episode 4:
Striking Back
Having successfully exfiltrated from Bedlam has just blown in a wall in
the King’s Compound, the heroes find the house using a rocket-propelled
themselves back at Lykesa’s house. grenade and is sending in a group
However, they will not have long to wait of 4 freelance mercenaries (see
until the action starts. If the heroes Appendix: Foes in Episode 2) to clear
were caught on camera, triggered out the heroes. The dust and debris
an alarm, or were seen by any of the are hindering the mercenaries as
freelance mercenaries, then Bedlam they enter the building from wherever
arrives within an hour (giving them Bedlam blew in the wall. (It’s less
enough time for a short rest). important which room this is, as long
as it’s not the one the heroes were in).
If the heroes were not discovered, Due to all the dusk and smoke, the
then Bedlam has been interrogating heroes have partial cover from any
a member of the Resistance that was attack performed by the mercenaries
caught shortly after the fight in Episode for the first 6 rounds after which the
2 and is now on the trail of the heroes. dust settles enough that it’s no longer a
In that case, he arrives 3 (1d6) hours factor.
after the heroes return to Lykesa. Not
enough for them to have had a long The mercenaries will burst in, guns
rest, but enough so that they might be firing but without too much in the way
lulled into a false sense of security. of tactical thinking. They’re initially
convinced that the heroes must have
been knocked flat by the explosion.
Firefight Once 5 rounds pass or 2 of the
freelance mercenaries have been taken
Suddenly a large explosion rocks out (whichever comes first), Bedlam will
Lykesa’s house and the air fills join the fight.
with smoke and dust. Your ears
ring and you realize that you’re Please note that Bedlam’s available
hearing shouting from the other end weapons depend on how much
of the house. he knows about the heroes, as
seen in Appendix: Foes at the
end of this episode.

38 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Bedlam goes in intending to kill everyone, Bedlam’s Tactics:
but he does not enter from the same Bedlam uses simple but effective
direction as the freelance mercenaries. tactics. He’ll enter through a window or
Instead, he moves to the other side door on the opposite side of the house
of the building and enters through a to the heroes (as mentioned above) in
window, hoping to catch the heroes in an attempt to surround the heroes. If
a crossfire with the mercenaries. He that fails, he will first try to destroy any
will be coordinating with them using cover that the heroes are using up to
radios. All of them refrain from using and including the inner walls, which
explosives inside the house, to avoid he’ll destroy if he has the PK machine
it coming down around them. Bedlam gun with him. If the situation is really
no longer shares that particular bad, he will retreat outside and shoot
inclination, once he confirms that the one of the outer walls and try to pick
other mercenaries are dead (such the heroes off as they (hopefully) exit
as by radio silence or finding their the house.
Outer Walls: AV 3
Below you’ll find descriptions of the Inner Walls: AV 2
various rooms in the house, what they Basement Wall to Hidden Compartment:
contain, and how they affect the fight AV 1
with Bedlam and the mercenaries. Bear
in mind that not all of the rooms will While inside, he’ll equip his gas mask
be in use, as that will depend on where (which requires an action) before
the heroes are at the time, where the popping the tear gas. The gasmask
freelance mercenaries enter, and renders him immune to the effects of
where Bedlam makes his entrance. the gas, and while within, he’ll attempt
to stalk the heroes using Stealth, to kill
It’s important to note that both Bedlam them in Close Combat. Again, if that
and the freelance mercenaries go out fails or they stay close together, he’ll
of their way to destroy the house. This simply unload with the guns available
means that many of the items that are to him.
described in the various rooms will be
used by the NPCs if they are not used Bedlam might be a maniac, but he is
by the heroes (such as the flammable not crazy and will surrender once he
chemicals in the bathrooms). falls below 20 hit points. Should they
take him alive, he can be a great source
of information on the King’s Mansion
and the compound itself.

episode 4 | Striking Back - 39

Lykesa’s House

floor 1

floor 2

40 floor 3
Lykesa’s House: First Floor Living Room

Kitchen Lykesa’s living room is filled with

knickknacks and furniture that
must be older than herself. An old
Lykesa’s kitchen is old but
and extremely sturdy wooden table
immaculately clean and filled
dominates the space in front of
with kitchen utensils gathered
the couch.
over several generations. Several
kitchen knives hang by the stove.
An older microwave -- unused for
The old living room table here will serve
years by all appearances -- take up
as a great piece of cover, offering half
a corner of the kitchen table.
cover for anyone behind it (it has AV
2, so it can be shot to pieces though it
requires 2 rounds of shooting or two
The knives in the kitchen function as
people shooting at it in the same round).
throwing knives, though when thrown
The other furniture in the room is too
the range is reduced by half (to 15/30).
flimsy to serve as any kind of effective
The microwave itself and some of the
cover, though anyone spending an
cleaning equipment under the sink
action to hide behind a piece of furniture
can be combined to create a small but
adds +1 to their Defense(s).
effective makeshift bomb. (Do note
that while this isn’t realistic, it is very Downstairs Bedroom
much in keeping with an action film
“feel” - so if the players come up with it,
let them.) A makeshift bomb requires a Lykesa’s bedroom is immaculately
DC 13 Intelligence (Natural Sciences) clean, and the bed looks like it
check to make and causes 10 (3d6) is made each morning. A large
fire and 10 (3d6) piercing damage to closet dominates one wall, while a
anyone within 20 feet. (I.e., anyone in large dresser is pushed up against
the kitchen at the time of the explosion another wall.
- people in other rooms are safe).
Those who successfully make a DC 12
Dexterity saving throw take only half There isn’t much of interest in this
damage. room, but anyone who decides to
hide in the closet will find that it gives
DISADVANTAGE to all Stealth checks
to remain hidden while in it. It is always
the first place that mercenaries check
for people hiding, before checking
under the bed.

episode 4 | Striking Back - 41

Sitting Room Strength (Athletics) check and could
be used to bar any of the doorways in
Lykesa’s house.
This small sitting room includes
a fireplace that appears to have Powder Room and Bathroom
never been lit in the warm climate
of Eswara, though a light breeze
can be felt through it. The furniture Nothing much about this room
here is clustered together to create stands out, except for the flowery
a small cranny where it’s clear that hangings under the old-fashioned
Lykesa spends her time reading, sink and shower.
judging from the number of books
on the small table.
The only items of interest in this room
are the cleaning products kept under
If Bedlam chooses to enter through
the sink. Some are highly flammable
here, then his movement will be slowed
and could serve well in a pinch as a
as the clustered furniture counts as
Molotov cocktail (though they only
difficult terrain. The furniture is old
deal half damage - each room contains
and heavy and difficult to move out of
enough chemicals to use as a single
the way or climb over, but not sturdy
Molotov). The smoke generated by
enough to provide any decent cover.
these chemicals is very acrid, and
anyone caught in a room where one
Due to the draft from the fireplace, any
of the Molotov cocktails is thrown
dust, debris, or smoke clears twice as
must make a DC 12 Constitution
quickly from this area (in case Bedlam
saving throw or be poisoned for
or the heroes use any smoke or
3 (1d6) rounds.
teargas grenades).

Dining Room Lykesa’s House:

Second Floor
The old dining room looks like it
hasn’t been used for a long while, as
a fair bit of dust has settled on the Bedrooms
grand table in the middle, as well as The bedrooms here are bigger
the cabinets lining one of the walls. bedrooms than the one downstairs,
none of which have been used in a long
The table here, if overturned provides time. The beds are unmade, and there’s
partial cover to anyone crouching nothing of interest in them, just like the
behind it and is quite sturdy (AV 2). It is empty walk-in closets. They do however
large enough that it can only be moved make it clear that there once used to
by someone succeeding on a DC 15 be more people living in the house, and

42 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Lykesa, if asked later on, can confirm The utility room contains a washing
that they once belonged to the rest of machine and a dryer (that never gets
her family, while the one downstairs has used, as she prefers drying clothes in
been hers since childhood. She simply the sun).
keeps using it for sentimental reasons.
Most important of all is the secret
Bathroom room that Lykesa has created here.
The bathroom up here is the only Because of the bare look of the rest
regularly used room on the 2nd floor, of the basement, no one has ever
as it contains the bathtub. Like the given it a second glance (and finding
others downstairs it has the same the secret door requires a DC 18
flowery hangings used to decorate Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
the sink and similar chemicals can be (Investigation) check). Lykesa had
found under the sink - again enough to originally intended to use it to hide
make a single molotov cocktail. weapons and armor for the Resistance,
but it quickly became clear that it was
Attic Storage better used to hide the members of
Apart from the bathroom, Lykesa uses the Resistance that the soldiers were
the attic storage to keep weapons, looking for, in the hopes of smuggling
along with the secret stash hidden in them away from Kikedta and into the
the basement. In each stash can be wilds of the island where they would
found 2 fragmenting grenades, 3 PPSh- be harder to find. The secret room is
41s (and 3 magazines for each, stats therefore lightly furnished with military-
can be found in Episode 1), 3 Garands style cots and 2 tables, one for eating
(stolen from the militia - along with and the other for planning. It also
100 rounds of ammunition, stats can contains a radio that - if kept low - will
be found in Episode 2), along with a not make it any easier to find the room,
light ballistic vest in each. She’s been as it is somewhat soundproofed.
gathering this for a while but has been
trying to avoid calling undue attention What the Heroes can learn from
to herself. Bedlam
Bedlam is not keen on talking. But a DC
Lykesa’s House: Basement 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check (with
The basement is bare and kept empty, advantage if they promise to let him
apart from equipment used to develop live) can make him talk. Some of these
old-style camera films. It was a hobby points may require a further skill check
that her brother had, and one that to get the truth out of him.
she keeps wanting to return to. In the
meantime, it serves as a good cover  Bedlam knows the layout of
for the basement and explains why it is the king’s mansion very well
kept so dark (to avoid ruining the film). and can reveal that there is a

episode 4 | Striking Back - 43

secret passage in the king’s attack the barracks, while a small
office. Where that leads, he does squad infiltrated the mansion. There
not know, but it is locked with an would likely still be some of the
electronic keypad - he doesn’t freelance mercenaries present in
have the code. (Players should the mansion in such an event - 5-10
realize that this can be hacked of them, likely spread out inside
with an Intelligence (Computers) the mansion to maintain maximum
check, but a DC 16 Intelligence vigilance. He’d expect the king to be
(Security) check reveals that the in his office, or in the secret room.
description he’s given of the keypad  If asked if he or the soldiers will
is an older model. One that can be missed, he will confirm that they
be turned off if the power is cut). will be. It’s likely that the soldiers
 Bedlam knows the keycodes will react, but things like this have
and carries keys that allow access happened before, so it’s not undue
anywhere within the mansion, alarm, especially as they often
except for the king’s office. (As spend the night in town. At a guess,
above, that keypad can be turned he would say that the heroes have
off with a loss of power). 10 hours before someone comes
 If the heroes need weapons, looking for them. (While this is
he can give them the codes and likely unrealistic in real life, the
keys to unlock the weapons in his heroes have potentially had several
room. The heroes can, of course, fights without any rest and are
pick up his PK machine gun too. likely running out of resources at
 If asked about the guards’ this point - they could use a long
schedule Bedlam gets somewhat
guarded and a DC 16 Charisma If the heroes promise Bedlam that
(Intimidation) check is needed they’ll let him live, but decide to go back
to persuade him to explain the on that promise, Lykesa will intervene
situation (despite his ruthless and protest stating:
nature, he still feels some
responsibility for the men working
under his command). The soldiers “We’re better than this. We cannot
are prohibited from entering the behave as these animals do! He
mansion unless asked by the king or should be tried in a court once all of
Bedlam — but they will likely do so this blows over.”
if enough noise is caused. However,
they are under standing orders to
head to the barracks and help out if And this is where the episode ends,
it is attacked. If HE was the one who as the heroes get ready to assault the
was staging an attack on the king’s king’s mansion and our final episode.
mansion, he would have a diversion

44 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Episode 5:
The Confrontation
After fighting Bedlam and his thugs, it’s NOT a capable commander, even if
time for the heroes to start their final he’s a fierce fighter on his own, which is
move. reflected below.

Once the heroes are ready, Lykesa Getting to the Mansion is easier if the
issues a signal and an attack starts heroes did their reconnaissance in
on the barracks in the town, which Episode 3 properly. All the modifiers
begins with a huge explosion. Within they have gained in that episode still
five minutes the various spotlights apply.
on the towers surrounding the King’s
Compound come on and vehicles can The number of soldiers in the
be seen driving quickly toward the compound is drastically reduced to 9
barracks, bringing reinforcements, and militia soldiers, 1 militia sergeants
leaving only a skeleton crew back at the (See Appendix: Foes of Episode 1),
compound. and 10 freelance mercenaries (see
Appendix: Foes of Episode 2). They
The King suspects that something is are fully armed, however, and almost
going on and is simply too late to stop all of them will be posted inside the
the soldiers from leaving. As such, mansion (4 militia soldiers) staff
he heads into his saferoom — one the watchtowers surrounding the
established underneath his office compound, but the rest are inside as
and the compound centuries ago by noted on the attached map. Please note
his ancestors, but which has been that while the map is the same as used
updated to include modern security in Episode 3, the soldiers are positioned
features. This is where he’ll be hiding differently inside it).
until he gets the all-clear signal from
one of the commanders of his soldiers,
or from Bedlam. He’s tapped into
the communications of the soldiers
King’s Mansion
and is following what is going on as The soldiers inside the King’s mansion
best as he can from his safe room. have been moved around to cover
From here he also has access to all as much ground as possible. These
the security cameras of the Mansion freelance mercenaries are grouped
and will attempt (badly) to direct his together in pairs to ensure that they
soldiers toward any intruders. He is can call for backup. These groups

episode 5 | The Confrontation - 45

engage the heroes on sight, and one King’s Mansion: 2nd Floor
of them will immediately spend his
first action calling for reinforcements. Stair Hall (Small)
The 2 nearest freelance mercenaries The 2 freelance mercenaries stationed
will arrive 5 rounds later as they here are mainly focusing their
sprint to the mansion. Only the attention on the stairs rather than the
nearest group will respond to this other doors, as they’re preparing for
call. There are a total of 10 freelance someone trying to sneak up the stairs
mercenaries in the building, and the and convinced that the mercenaries
2 stationed outside of the king’s office placed at the large Stair Hall can
will NOT leave their post regardless handle themselves or get help from
of the circumstances. downstairs if needed. They will respond
if called by the mercenaries by the
King’s office or if they hear sounds of
King’s Mansion: 1st Floor a struggle there. (A DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check is needed for them
Breakfast Room/Kitchen to hear combat if there is no gunfire.
The 2 freelance mercenaries that are in If there is gunfire, they automatically
the kitchen aren’t actually paying much succeed on their Perception check.)
attention to what’s going on. They’re
chatting and are watching a film, as Stair Hall (Large)
they don’t believe that the Resistance is The 2 mercenaries stationed here
able to mount two attacks at once and are focusing their attention on people
have talked themselves into slacking coming up from the stairs and have
off. As such they have disadvantage on taken cover behind the banisters that
any Perception checks that they make. lead up, giving them half cover from
They will only go to full alert if the anyone attacking them from below.
power is cut. Otherwise, they’ll ignore They’ll react only to anyone attacking
any combat going on, as long as they the soldiers in the small Stair Hall,
do not hear gunfire or are called in via but if they hear any commotion from
the radio. downstairs, they’ll hunker down and
prepare an action to shoot as soon as
Living Room they see an enemy come up the stairs.
The 2 freelance mercenaries in the (They will not shoot at anyone wearing
Living Room are, unlike the ones in either the uniform of the militia soldiers
the kitchen, on high alert, as they’re or the freelance mercenaries or
newcomers to Estwara. They’ll react anyone they recognize on sight (such
to any calls and sounds of combat as the King or Bedlam)). The banister is
from either the large Stair Hall or the fairly sturdy but can still be destroyed
Kitchen. They’ll also come if summoned by gunfire (AV 2).
by the other soldiers.

46 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Home Office and Hall (Security) or a DC 20 Strength
The 2 freelance mercenaries stationed (Athletics) check to lock pick or open
here will not come to the aid of by brute force. If the heroes have cut
anyone else but will immediately call the power, then the door isn’t locked,
for backup if they see or hear any but there IS light in the tunnel below,
intruders. They’re on high alert and due to the emergency generator the
have moved some furniture around so King has stashed away down there to
that they have half cover, though this power his security measure. (The door
can be destroyed easily (AV 1). can also be destroyed with explosives or
gunfire, at AV 4).
Home Office (Main)
The door to the Home Office is still
locked as in Episode 3 UNLESS the King’s Mansion: 3rd Floor
heroes destroyed the door or picked it None of the freelance mercenaries are
(alternatively, it’s open if they cut the stationed on the 3rd floor, but the 2
power in the Mech/Boiler Room on the stationed in the small Stair Hall on the
3rd Floor). 2nd floor will react if the power is cut in
the boiler room. They arrive 5 rounds
Opening the keypad requires a DC after the power is cut.
20 Intelligence (Computers) check
though (for the final incursion) the Mech/Boiler Room
door can also be destroyed. It has an This room is as presented in Episode
AV of 3 as it is a reinforced steel door 3, but if the power is cut (with either
(though this is hidden beneath a wood a DC 12 Intelligence (Mechanics)
finish). The heroes can safely ignore or a DC 15 Intelligence (Security)
the silent alarm. check), then the whole building is
covered in darkness. A little bit of light
Searching the room automatically filters through the windows, so anyone
reveals the presence of a hidden trap inside has Disadvantage on Wisdom
door underneath the large desk that (Perception) checks based on sight
dominates the room. Unlikely in Episode and disadvantage on ranged attacks
3, this is MUCH easier to notice this beyond 5 feet. (It should be noted
time around as the desk has not been that all the freelance mercenaries
properly moved back — in his panic, have flashlights and that they prefer
the King forgot to move it back entirely. engaging in melee combat if it’s dark.)
This leads to the King’s safe room
by way of a secret tunnel that’s been
cleverly disguised into the floor and
walls. It requires a DC 15 Intelligence

episode 5 | The Confrontation - 47

King’s Safe Room: it can be turned off at the switch of
a button on the other side - which
The Final Encounter requires a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
The tunnel leading to the King’s Safe or Intelligence (Investigation) check
Room is 300 feet long and has a trap to notice.
set at every 100 feet. These traps get
progressively more dangerous the Second Trap (200 feet)
further down the tunnel anyone moves. The second trap is a leftover from
when the safe room was originally built,
The Tunnel though it is hidden beneath the modern
carpet. The King elected to never have
This tunnel is 300 feet long and it filled in as it still served a purpose
while carpeted with a thick and rich as a deterrent, though he has had the
carpet, the walls are bare and made former wooden spikes at the bottom
of roughly hewn stone — evidently replaced with sharpened rebar.
created centuries ago. It is lighted
by modern lightning with wires A successful DC 15 Wisdom
leading down to the other end of (Perception) check means that the
the tunnel, away from you. A laser heroes notice that the carpet that
grid covers the 10-foot-wide tunnel covers the floor throughout the rest
about 100 feet away from you. At of the corridor has a strange kink
the end of the tunnel is a steel door. to it. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check confirms that the
trapped section of the tunnel is actually
the cover of a pit. When a hero steps
First Trap (100 feet) on the lid of the pit, it swings open like
Laser Net a trapdoor, causing the intruder to fall
into the pit below. The pit is 20 feet
Set 100 feet into the tunnel is a very deep and filled with sharpened steel
visible laser net that covers the tunnel. rebar at the bottom. Once the pit trap is
Anyone who tries to make it through detected, an iron spike or similar object
the laser net without triggering it must can be wedged between the pit’s cover
make a DC 20 Dexterity (Acrobatics) and the surrounding floor in such a way
check. If the check is failed, tear gas is as to prevent the cover from opening,
released into the tunnel, which takes 2 thereby making it safe to cross.
(1d4) minutes to dissipate. Moving back
through the laser net triggers it again. The trapdoor can be disabled with a DC
11 Dexterity check using a burglar’s
The laser can be disarmed with a DC 15 kit, or any similar kit with metal parts
Intelligence (Security) check before and spikes in it.
passing through, or, once through

48 - To Dethrone a Dictator
Any hero who steps onto the trap falls
20 feet and lands on the sharpened
rebar spikes. This deals 6 (2d6)
bludgeoning damage from the fall
and a further 16 (3d10) piercing
damage on top. Climbing out of
the pit requires a DC 12 Strength
(Athletics) check or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check.

The king himself avoids the trap

by pressing a secret lever hidden
in the walls. This is extremely well
hidden but can be found with a DC 20
Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
(Investigation) check.

Third Trap (300 feet)

Proximity Mines
When a creature bigger than size small
moves within 5 feet of the mines, they
explode, causing damage to everyone
within a 20-foot cone in front of it. In
the king’s tunnel, this is directed down
towards the entrance where the heroes

The mines are well hidden, requiring a

DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to
be noticed. Once noticed, the mines can
be disarmed with a DC 18 Intelligence
(Security) check but can be done
without specialized tools. If the check
fails, the mines detonate.
When the mine detonates, it explodes
in a 20-foot cone. Each creature
caught in the explosion must make a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking
4d10 explosive damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

The Safe Room

50 - To Dethrone a Dictator
The Safe Room Loot
This room is relatively large, 50 feet While not necessary due to the type
by 50 feet, and furnished so as to of adventure this is, the heroes can
be comfortable, if only for a while, find a hidden compartment in the
with a large, heavy wooden desk safe room with a successful DC 18
dominating the middle of it. Several Intelligence (Investigation) check.
screens hang on the walls showing Inside this compartment is the
various images of the compound accumulated wealth that the King
above. The same carpet that has acquired over the past 10 years,
covered the tunnel also covers the in the form of bearer bonds and
floor here, though here at least the heaps of dollar bills. The bills alone
walls have wallpaper on them. are enough to increase the Wealth
Level of the heroes to 4 for 1d6
months (roughly the equivalent of
Tactics: The King’s tactics are simple. 200,000 dollars). If the Wealth Level
Use the desk for cover (it’s heavily of the heroes is higher, then it does
reinforced at AV 4 and provides half not increase.
cover to anyone behind it), start
shooting as soon as the heroes open the The bearer bonds are worth
door, and kill every single one of them. significantly more, but close perusal
If the heroes do not appear to have gas reveals that they can only be
masks or other breathing apparatuses, cashed in under certain conditions
he’ll spend an action donning his gas — conditions that only the
mask and throw tear gas at them. (Stats legitimate government of Estwara
for tear gas can be found in Episode 4) can create.
If reduced below 20 hit points, he will
surrender and hope for leniency for any
crimes he has committed.

episode 5 | The Confrontation - 51


Welcome to Radio Free Estwara, coming to you from... You

guessed it! A FREE ESTWARA! I always dreamt of this day,
but I never thought it would come in my lifetime. So, if you
haven’t heard the news, the King has been dethroned.
It’s still a mess up there in “power land”, but from what I
understand, a group of foreigners helped the Resistance
to break into the king’s mansion and take out the king.
We’re still waiting to hear if he’s alive or dead, but should
he be alive, I’ve been told that the Resistance plans to
put him on trial, as soon as a proper judiciary has been

In a short interview earlier today with Lykesa Nuwarra —

the niece of the deceased Resistance leader Nuwarra, who
died in the attack on the Echo Resort Hotel just the other
day — this reporter was told that “Democracy has come to
town [CENSORED]!”

For the sake of the younger crowd, we’ll be airing the

full and uncensored interview tonight at 8, but in short:
Elections will be set up with the help of an anonymous
benefactor, the same one that helped establish contacts
with the mercenaries. Once held and a parliament is in
place, it’ll be time to look at the laws that governed our
island for so long and bring them into the 21st century.
It’s a process that is expected to take several years, but
already people are clamoring for Lykesa to take up the
mantle of president — she has so far declined with the

words: “There is no way I want to do that. I’m not qualified.
AT. ALL.” — As one observer put it, that just means she’s
likely to be a better leader than the King or many other
current presidents are. At least she’s honest about it.

In other news, the CURFEW IS OVER! And you can now

head back to your own bed after you finish your business
elsewhere. After all, it’s a hot night, and the party is
expected to last aaaaall night!

And now, for the first time, Radio Free Estwara will play
throughout the night. First up, some music, and after that,
who knows?!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this Kickstarter exclusive. Purchase

all of the Cinematic Adventures at

Appendix: Foes
Freelance Mercenary Militia Soldier
Medium humanoid (human) Medium humanoid (human)
Defense 13 Defense 11
Hit Points 44(8d8+8) Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)

Saves : Dexterity +5, Constitution +3 Saves: Dexterity +3

Skills: Athletics +3, Perception +2 Skills: Athletics +2, Perception +1
Damage Resistances AV 2 Damage Resistances AV 2
Senses passive Perception 12 Senses passive Perception 11
Languages: English, one other language of the Languages: English
GM’s choice Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of
Combat Knife.Melee Weapon Attack: +2
damage when the freelance mercenary hits with to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6)
it (included in the attack below). slashing damage.

Garand. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Actions range 900/1,800 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d12+1)

Multiattack. The freelance mercenary ballistic damage.
makes two melee or two ranged attacks.

Combat Knife. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to Equipment: combat knife (treat as a machete), M1
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) Garand (see stats below), light ballistic vest (AV
slashing damage. 2, Save DC 15, Properties Ballistic, Concealable).

AK47. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 900/1,800 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12+3)
ballistic damage.

Equipment: combat knife (treat as a machete),

AK-47 (treat as assault rifle), light ballistic vest (AV
2, Save DC 15, Properties Ballistic, Concealable).

Militia Sergeant Bedlam
Medium humanoid (human) Medium humanoid (human)
Defense 12 Defense 15
Hit Points 60 (11d8+11) Hit Points 142 (19d8+57)
Speed 30 ft. Armor Medium Ballistic Vest
(+15, AV 3, Ballistic)
STR dex CON WIS INT CHA Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Saves : Dexterity +4, Wisdom +3 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Skills: Athletics +3, Perception +3
Damage Resistances AV 3 Saves : Strength +7, Dexterity +6,
Senses passive Perception 13 Constitution +6
Languages: English Skills: Athletics +6, Mechanics +4,
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Security (expertise) +7, Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Action Surge (1/Day). On his turn, the Militia Languages: English, Arabic, German, Russian
Sergeant can take one additional action. Once Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
he uses this feature, he must finish a short or
long rest before he can use it again. Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of
damage when Bedlam hits with it (included in
Actions the attack below).

Multiattack. The militia sergeant makes two
melee attacks or two ranged attacks. Actions

Combat Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +3
Multiattack. Bedlam makes two melee or
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) two ranged attacks.
slashing damage.
Combat Knife. Melee Weapon Attack +7 to

AK47. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+4)
range 900/1,800 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d12+2) slashing damage.
ballistic damage.
AK47. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
YOUR FEET, MAGGOT! (1/Day). Each
ON range 900/1,800 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12+3)
militia soldier that is within 30 feet of the ballistic damage.
Militia Sergeant and which can hear them
MP-443 Grach. Ranged Weapon Attack:
restore 4 (1d8) hit points. +6 to hit, range 50/100 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d10+3) ballistic damage.
Equipment: combat knife (treat as a machete), Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack:
AK-47 (treat as an assault rifle), medium ballistic +6 to hit, range 900/1,800 ft., one target. Hit:
vest (AV 3, Save DC 15, Properties Ballistic, 12 (2d8+3) ballistic damage.
Awkward radio), flares (3, - counts as flare
grenades). Equipment: combat knife (treat as a machete),
AK-47 (treat as assault rifle), medium ballistic vest
(AV 3, Save DC 15, Properties Ballistic), 2 teargas
grenades, MP-443 Grach (see stats in Episode 3),
PK machine gun, 3 magazines for all weapons.

Bedlam has access to a number of different Tear Gas Grenades
weapons that he can use depending on the Tear gas grenades create a cloud of smoke in
situation. These have the following profile. a 15 foot-radius from the grenade. This is used
The PK is of particular note as it is his most both as a signaling device for aircraft, and to
powerful and most prized weapon. reduce enemy visibility. The area covered by
the smoke is heavily obscured. The smoke
PK Machine Gun lasts for 1 minute. Anyone caught within the
The PK Machine gun is a medium machine cloud or who moves through it must make a
gun, originally built in the Soviet Union, and DC 12 Constitution saving throw each round
comparable in performance to the M240 (or that they are in it. On a success, they are not
medium machine gun in the Everyday Heroes affected, but if they fail, they are poisoned while
Core Rulebook). The difference is that it is they remain in the cloud and for 1 round after
slightly lighter and more capable of firing leaving it.
on the move.
Note that strong wind can blow the smoke
Weapon PK Machine Gun in the direction of the wind changing the
Damage 2d8 ballistic area covered and reducing the duration of
obscurement by half. (This includes the draft
Range 900/ 1800 from the sitting room.)
Rounds 50
Reload Action Thrown Grenade, Tear gas
PV 4 Weapon
Properties Full-Auto, Loud, Damage -
Restricted, Radius 15 feet
PV -
Bulk 3
Properties Grenade, Special
Price 4
Bulk 1
DM’s Note: Bedlam only brings this Price 1
if the heroes were caught on camera
or if they stole any of his weapons DM’s Note: Bedlam always brings
(or tampered with the boxes they these as he sees them as a great
are stored in). tool for incapacitating civilians.

The King Equipment: combat knife (treat as a machete),
Medium humanoid (human) heavy ballistic vest (AV 4, Save DC 15, Properties
Ballistic), 2 teargas grenades (see stats in Episode
Defense 16 4), MP-443 Grach (see stats in Episode 3), H&K
Hit Points 117 (18d8+36) G36C (uses drum magazines rather than normal
Armor Heavy Ballistic Vest box magazines, hence the high number of
(+15, AV 4, Ballistic) rounds), 3 magazines for all weapons, gas mask.
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saves : Strength +5, Dexterity +6, Constitution

Skills: Deception +6, Security +5,
Perception +5, Persuasion +6
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages: English, Bantu, French, German
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Weapon Mastery. The King scores a critical hit

on a roll of 19 or 20.


Multiattack.The King makes two melee or
two ranged attacks.

Combat Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +5
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d6+2)
slashing damage

H&K G36C. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, range 600/1,200 ft., one target. Hit: 10
(2d6+3) ballistic damage.

MP-443 Grach. Ranged Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, range 50/100 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d10+3) ballistic damage.

• King’s Command. Once per day, the King
can issue a command to a creature within
30 feet. The creature must make a DC 14
Charisma saving throw. If the creature fails,
they are stunned for 3 (1d6) rounds. If they
succeed, they are distracted for 1 round.

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