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Mark: 3 Testo : Reading 20 points 1 Read the text. Then choose the correct answer. (10 point) Greenland is a beautiful place to live, but it’s very cold. In Nuuk, the capital city, a “hot” summer day doesn’t go above 11°C! Summer days and winter nights are very long in Greenland. In summer, there’s sun all day and night. It never becomes dark! But in the winter months, it’s dark formany hours during the day. In the city of Qaanaag, people don’t see the sun forabout three months! About 58,000 people live in Greenland and they enjoy the long summer days. ‘They can stay home or go out and they sometimes don’t go to bed until morning. Children meet friends and play in the street until very late because it isn’t dark. But in winter, people can’t do many activities outside — day or night. It isn’t easy to play football or ride your bike in the dark! Many teenagers go to boarding school at age 16. At school, they've got friends to do activities with during the long winter nights. Life is sometimes hard in Greenland, but Greenlanders love their home and it’s, a wonderful place to visit. Thousands of people travel to Greenland every to experience the dark winter days and light summer nights. 1. The days are never very ... in Greenland, a. hot b. cold c. light 2. Itis dark ... in Qaanaag a, all year b. for 11 weeks ©. for three months 3. In the winter, itis difficult to a, sleep b, do activities outside c. go to school 4, In the summer, children a, goto bed late b, don’t go to bed ©. go to bed early 5. Many teenagers study at a, home b. football school boarding school 2 Complete the sentences. (10 points) De coeceessseesesseeeennees AMG soossessssseesseeeeesene f@ cities in Greenland. Qo THE voesessssessssseesseenes ate Very long in the winter. 3. Greenland has got about people. 4, In the winter, people don’t usually ........sssssesssseeeseeeeeseeeeeeee OF dO many other activities, 5. Greenland is a great place to New English in Use ESO 1 Photocopiable ©14 Burlington Books| Unit 3 Testo Vocabulary 20 points 1 Replace the underlined words with the activities and routines below. Don't change the meaning of the sentences, (6 poink) stay at home ¢ meet friends « chat online ¢ send text messages ¢ get up « listen to music 1. Jack and Val often have a conversation on their computers 2. I sometimes hear songs on the radio. 3. Teenagers often use their phones to write to their friends. 4. My grandparents don’t leave the house on Sundays 5. I don’t stay in bed on Sunday mornings 6. Isee Joe, Ron and Mike every afternoon 2 Complete the sentences with the activities and routines below. (8 pcins) surf the web ¢ go home « do homework « have a shower 0 to school « do sport « have breakfast « go shopping 1. There isn’t any food in the fridge. Let's 2. Is there any hot water? Mum wants to 3. I'm not hungry. I don’t want to this moming, 4, I don’t stay at school in the afternoon. I to walk the dog, 5. The boys are athletic. They every day. 6. We often to find information 7. The students after school. Then, they give it to the teacher. 8. The students carly because their first lesson starts at 8.00. 3 Complete the activities and routines. (6 poin’s) 1. You needa ball top... ...¥ fo te 2018 im... b... .. € to school because it’s good exercise. 3. You can d a ds s on the computer and listen to your favourite music. 4. Lisa helps me with English and I help Ben with maths. Lalways s LY Woh 5. The boys love music. They singand p......y t g r. 6. Look at the clothes on your floor! Please, t 2... ¥ Youve F ¥ m! New English in Use ESO 1 Photocopiable ©13 Burlington Books| 2 Unit 3 Testo Grammar 30 points 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. (6 point) 1. Jane (go) shopping twice a week. 21 (not like) football 3. We never (receive) pocket money. 4. We (not live) near the school 5. My brothers always (study) with friends. 6 Kate (send) text messages to you? 2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple. (12 poins) 1. people / rarely / buy / clothes at that shop 2. Ellen / play / tennis /? my grandparents / sometimes / chat / online /. 4. Dan / not walk / home after school / 5. you / study / French / at school /? 6. we / usually / not eat /a big breakfast / 3 Choose the correct answer. (12 poins) ‘Do you know / You don’t know / You know any famous teenagers? What 2 they don’t / they do / do they do every day? Ask actress Elle Fanning. She’s Dakota Fanning’s sister and one of the stars of the film Maleficent. Elle * work / works / don’t work very hard on her films, but she * don’t want / want / doesn’t want to get bad marks at school. How ° she do / she does / J don’t study ata does she do all her schoolwork? Elle © study / stu special school in Los Angeles — Campbell Hall School. Many of the students at Campbell Hall ® hope / hopes / doesn’t hope to become actors, and the school“ help/ helps / don’t help them. Elle ° once a week / often every day goes to the film studio during the week and to school at weekends. Schools "©. doesn’t usually open / usually opens / don’t usually open at weekends, but Blle’s teachers "! understand / understands / doesn’t understand her problems. Many child actors in Los Angeles? goes/ doesn’t go / go to schools like Campbell Hall. New English in Use ESO 1 Photocopiable ©13 Burlington Books| 3 Unit 3 Testo Imagine you are Andy. Write an e-mail to a friend about your daily routine. Use the chart below. Writing 10 points ‘Andy's daily routine 7.00: getup /getdressed 7.20: walk te dog /have breakfast 8.15: goo school 3.20: come home 3.45: do homework /play computer games 4.30-6.30: (Monday and Friday) play football 7,00; have dinner / watch TV 10.30: have a shower/ go to bed New English in Use ESO 1 Photocopiable ©13 Burlington Books|

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