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CHEM 115 - Fall 2022 - Helen Ahmad

1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection

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Data Collection ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 2 of 10

Data Collection

Kaitlin Bailey - Jun 19, 2018, 3:46 PM UTC

Exp 1 - Lab Measurements - Data Collection

Helen Ahmad - Sep 03, 2022, 12:19 AM UTC

Lab Partner:


Date of Experiment:

 (Helped with 1, 3, 4, and half of 5 = Christabel and Cheska)

Data Collection:

1. Mass of 400-mL beaker (g):  ____149.461g______   ____149.460g_______   ___149.463g______ (3 different


              Are all of these measurements for same 400-mL beaker the same?  ___No___

2. Total volume of 10 portions of water initially measured in 10-mL graduated cylinder, and poured into a 100-mL
graduated cylinder (mL): __100mL____

3. Density of a regular solid.

                 a)   length  (cm) __2.5___  width (cm) ___2.5___  height (cm) ___2.5___

                 b)  volume (cm3)   ___15.6____ (show correct calculation)

                      mass (g) ___12.414g____              

         density( g/cm3) _____0.794 (3 sig figs)_________ (calculated to the correct number of significant figures)

                Calculations used to determine the volume and density of a regular solid: 12.414/15.6 = 0.794 

4. Density of an irregularly shaped object.

     mass of object(g)                        ____4.420g______          

           final volume of water (mL)       ____51.8______

           initial volume of water(mL)      ____49.8______   

1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 3 of 10

           volume of object (mL)  _____2.0______   (show calculation)  

           volume of object (cm3) ____2.0_______ Note: 1 mL =1 cm3

    density of object (g/cm3) ___2.2g/cm^3 (2 sig figs)_____  (calculated from above information to the correct
number of significant figures)

               Calculations used to determine the volume and density of an irregular solid: 4.420/ 2.0= 2.2g/cm^3 

        5. Density of room temperature (RT) water. (Note: mass of empty flask will be the same in each line.)  Do not
round the density for sig figs until                    after you determine the standard deviation. (Line up your blank lines
under one another as shown.)

        Room temperature of water: __27.8____ oC  

        Literature value for the density of water at this temperature: __0.9962920____ g/cm3

    a)  mass of flask after addition of 10.00 mL RT water (g)            __50.245g____

                       mass of empty flask (g)                                                          ___40.352g___

                       mass of 10.00 mL of RT water (g)                                          ___9.893g___

          density of 10.00 mL of RT water (g/mL)                                 __0.9893g/mL____

density calculations: 

 9.893/10.00 = 0.9893g/mL

    b)  mass of flask after addition of another 10.00 mL RT water (g) (total water: now 20.00 mL)                      

         mass of flask after addition of first 10.00 mL RT water (g) from (a) above                                                

                      mass of second 10.00 mL of RT water (g)                                     ___9.803g___

        density of second 10.00 mL of RT water (g/mL)                             ___0.9803g/mL___

             density calculations: 9.803/ 10.00 = 0.9803g/mL

1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 4 of 10

    c)  mass of flask after addition of another 10.00 mL RT water (g) (total water: now 30.00 mL)                        

        mass of flask after second addition of 10.00 mL RT water (g) from (b) above                                              

        mass of third 10.00 mL of RT water (g)                                    __9.878g____ 

        density of third 10.00 mL of RT water (g/mL)                            _0.9878g/mL_____

           density calculations:  9.878/ 10.00 = 0.9878g/mL

Use density of the three samples of room temperature water above for part “d.”

              d) Calculate the mean (average) of your densities: ___0.9858____g/mL

Model your standard deviation calculations as described in your General Chemistry Laboratory Handbook (found on
Blackboard) by completing table 1 below.

Table 1:

Density of Square the

Calculated each line difference
Sample Density   minus mean  in the
(g/cm3) density: xi - ẋ = previous
di column:  di2

1)10.00 (1.225 x
mL  0.9893g/cm^3 0.0035g/cm^3 10^-5/ 4 sig
H2O figs)

(3.025 x
 0.9803g/cm^3 -0.0055g/cm^3 10^-5/ 4 sig
1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 5 of 10

3)  0.000004
10.00 (4 x 10^-6/ 1
 0.9878g/cm^3 0.002g/cm^2
mL sig fig)
H2O g/cm^3 

Sum =
Mean (ẋ) =           ------------
  (4.65 x
.9858g/cm^3 ---
10^-5/ 3 sig
figs) g/cm^3

Show the formula and calculation for the standard deviation:

n= 3

mean (sum/3)= .9858

(Subtract values with mean and ^2)= .0000465

Divide by 3= .00002325

Move decimal (significant figure)= 2.325 x 10^-5 (4 sig figs)

     The standard deviation = __2.325 x 10^-5g/cm^3____

     The reported mean density of water.  (See Handbook for directions.) = __0.9962920g/cm^3 (9.962920 x


6. Mass of water using a human as measurement device.

mass of reference cup and water (g)        ___25g____

mass of test cup and water (g)  - 5 trials     






Calculate the mean (average) of the “guessed” masses of the cups of water: ___28.1562___ g 

1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 6 of 10

Calculate the standard deviation for mean mass of the “human” measurements in Table 2.

Table 2: 

Mass of each line minus Square the difference  in the

Sample Mass
mean mass: xi - ẋ = di previous column:  di2

Trial 1  24.877  -3.2792  10.75

Trial 2  38.560  10.4038  108.238

Trial 3  16.953  -11.2032  125.512

Trial 4  32.413  4.2568  18.120

Trial 5  27.988  0.1682  0.028

Mean (ẋ) =
            --------------- sum = 262.648

Show the formula and calculation for the standard deviation:

Standard deviation = __16.206____

The reported mean mass of the cup and water = _28.1582_____

 7. Complete the table, showing density calculations for each column below Table 3.

Table 3: 

100-mL 100-mL 125-mL

  Graduated Volumetric Erlenmeyer
Beaker Cylinder Flask
1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 7 of 10

Mass with 100 mL

 159.348  131.931  168.942  166.381
of water

Empty mass
 70.516  32.951  69.574  74.821

Mass of water
 88.832  98.98  99.368  91.56

 .592  .9898  .994  .733

a. Density calculations:

88.832/ 150 = .592g

98.98/ 100 = .9898g

99.368/ 100 = .994g

91.56/ 125 = .733g

b. Which density above is closest to the known (i.e. literature value) value for water at room temperature?

The density which is closest to water at room temperature is .994 which is the Volumetric Flask. It's the closest value
to 1g.

Error Analysis: Make notes concerning changes made to the original instructions, mistakes, and potential/real errors.
 These need not be in complete sentences, but should be neat and make sense to anyone who reads them.

-A potential error that occurred was the offset balance which could falsify the measurements/ mean (cause it to stray
farther from the "true" value).

-One mistake that took place was the use of gloves (times where we used our hands instead of gloves), which caused
fingerprints to be put on the beakers/ equipment, ultimately affecting the results of the measurements.

-Another potential error that took place was the use of a different balance. My partner and I completed 1 and 2 using
the same balance but for 3 ( There was another group at our balance) we used a different one. Since the balances
could have a different offset point from each other, this could alter the results seen in the measurements ( could End up
giving us results that aren't accurate/ precise).

1 - Lab Measurements/Data Collection 8 of 10

Discuss the questions below with your partner, taking notes in your notebook.   

1. Based on your laboratory findings, why should one use the same balance throughout the laboratory period?

 One should use the same balance throughout the laboratory period because each balance could be at a different set
point (different from each other), so using the same balance could lessen the chance of your measurements being
faulty which'll end up causing the accuracy to be off. By using the same balance you keep a setpoint so the data
correlates with that exact point, instead of having different balances with completely unrelated set points giving you
numbers that aren't accurate and/ or precise (neither do they correlate). If you were to use a different scale which was,
for example, 0.001g off from the balance you were originally using, that slight difference could cause the mass of the
object you're weighing to be altered, ultimately giving you a mass which is different from what you should've gotten.

2. Based on your laboratory findings, does it matter whether one measures a volume of liquid in one measurement
or as a series of smaller measurements?  Explain your reasoning.

Based on my laboratory findings, whether you measure a volume of liquid in one or multiple measurements, it
doesn't affect the data you'll receive but, by getting measurements at different mL's you'll be able to calculate the
mean, and standard deviation which'll give you the precision in your data. Through smaller measurements you're
able to point out whether the data is constant and the mean would be more precise. But, even then, all you need is
one measurement to figure out the density (but smaller amounts gives you a more precise result). 

3. Discuss the precision of the measurements used to find the density of water in step 5 using the standard
deviation calculated.  Provide both the standard deviation and the mean density of the water to the correct number
of significant figures.  Compare this precision with that of the average mass of human measurements in step 6 done
with the paper cup.

The measurements used to find the density of water in step 5 were all quite similar/ close to each other (all around
the same numbers) which makes them precise (0.9893, 0.9803, 0.9878, they're each 4 sig figs). I used the
measurements gathered, and plugged them into standard deviation, getting, 2.325 x 10^-5g/cm^3 (.00002325, 4 sig
figs). Comparing the precisions of steps 5 and 6, I noticed a great difference as step 6's measurements aren't
precise at all. They range from 16.958g, all the way up to 38.560g which is drastically different as step 5's
measurements are no more than 0.0003 - 0.0090g off from each other. This is mostly due to the fact that step 5 was
measured using balances, pipettes, etc. Whilst step 6 was based off guessing. 

4. Indicate the order of the accuracy of the following glassware (noting which is least and which is most accurate)
based on your findings in step 7:   beaker, graduated cylinder, volumetric flask, and Erlenmeyer flask.

150-mL beaker = Least accurate with a .592, as it's the farthest from 1g (value of water at room temp)

     125-mL Erlenmeyer Flask= Second to least accurate with a .733, far from 1g

     100-mL Graduated Cylinder= Second to most accurate with a .9898, its very close to 1g

     100-mL Volumetric Flask= Most accurate out of the glassware with a .994, extremely close to 1g

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Discussion Questions: 

      1. Restate the overall premise of this experiment.  (What was the overall most important objective?)

 The overall premise of this experiment was to use, practice, and understand the tools we'll be frequently using in the
class/ the tools that are used in science (rulers, platform balances, beakers, pipettes, etc.). By measuring and running
trials we were able to find the density of any given thing through the mass and volumes. Through this experiment we
encountered uncertainties/ errors in our data which we had to overcome and figure out.

2. List the findings of each of the seven parts of the experiment.   This includes what you found, measured and/or
calculated, as well as why it is important.  In other words, what is the significance of what you’ve done?

Part 1: What I found in the first part was that each balance was off from one another by 0.001g - 0.003g when
measuring the same 400mL beaker (149.461g, 149.460g, and 149.463g). This is important to know to ensure that
the lab you conduct is all calculated using only one balance (instead of switching balances) to ensure the most
accurate results.

Part 2: For this part we measure 10 portions of water initially measured in 10mL's each, poured into a 100mL
graduated cylinder. The total outcome of the measurements of water ended up being 100mL. The significance of
pouring in a liquid in small measurements ensures a more precise and clean procedure.

Part 3 and 4 (go hand-in-hand together): For parts 3 and 4, I had to calculate the density for the regular and irregular
objects as it'll help tell the accuracy. For the regular object the density was 0.794g/cm^3 while the irregular object
was 2.2g/cm^3. This information is significant as it compares mass to its volume.

Part 5: For this section of the lab, I had to add 10mL to a Flask and measure the density each time to see if it
remained similar with the density of room temp. water or if it increased/decreased in any way. The results for each
measurements were: a) 0.9893 b) 0.9878 c) 0.9858 which gave me a mean of .9858 and a standard deviation of
2.235 x 10^-5g/cm^3. The reported mean density was 0.996 while the one I calculated was 0.9858. As it wasn't
completely accurate, it was extremely close.

Part 6: What I found in part 6 was the observation of guessing. We had a reference cup which we had to replicate
only by guessing the measurements. The measurements varied and the precision was completely off (the opposite
of the results I'd get if I measured and used scientific tools). The measurements were: 24.877g, 38.560g, 16.953g,
32.413g, and 27.988g. As can be seen, the numbers aren't precise at all, but the standard deviation I got from
these, was: 28.1562g while the reference cup was 25g. This shows that using scientific tools/ methods is extremely
important during these labs because, without them our precision and accuracy will be completely off. 

Part 7: In part 7, I had to calculate the density of water in four different types of glassware's to see which one would
have the closest literature value to room temp water. The densities I got were .592, .9898, .994, .733 (You can see
which beakers are for which measurements in Question number 4).The densities varied quite a bit going from .592
up to, .994. The Volumetric Flask had the closest value to 1g (Value for water at room temp). This indicates that the
type of glassware you use could bring you to a more accurate answer or could cause your accuracy to be off by
quite a bit. 
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3. After taking a series of mass readings using a balance, you learn that the balance was not calibrated properly.
 Each time it displayed a mass, it was displaying the mass 0.013 g too low.

a). Does this situation affect the precision of your measurements?  If so, how might you correct it?

No, It doesn't affect precision as much as accuracy. For precision, if the numbers repeat and the
measurements are close/ match one another through the multiple trials than it's fine because you have a
constant measurement. But if you want your results to be closer to the "true" value than retesting would be a
good option (but it's not needed). Through standard deviation and finding the mean, you can see what value
the constant measurements are closest to. 

b) Does this situation affect the accuracy of your measurements?  If so, how might you correct it?

 Yes, since the mass is "0.013g" lower than the actual mass it would be inaccurate since its not near the
"true" value. Accuracy focuses on finding the closest/ correct value for the measurements. One way you
could correct this error is by restarting the observation but this time, choosing a balance which is calibrated
properly so you're getting the right mass each time.

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