''Plus Two March 2014 Economics Question Paper

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Lr$lo] 6raiir
llegister Number

Glungofl u:eb / ECONOMICS
(pLrD LDD96 grfudeu erg! / Tamil & English Veisions)

Gprri:3 Loeofl | www"kalvisolai'co{h."pp Logl6raineoir : 200

Time Allowed : 3 Houis l lMarimum Marks . 200

gldlq5orr: (1) +lt666nSgr ollornrisq5o ertliurrs llpeund zcireirp r areirc:geoen

+ f) I rr i.$ gri 6l o neiroreq Lb. clr e& l
61 6oop ug g Lr rg ein a1 en pri
$l 6!1
soi,nsnomfllIrorflrLb zrorqu-l no G1g rfl or9l6oe4 6.
(2) Sa)Lr eteueu51 opLrq eorougooan Lor@GLo erqg51erp$gn uu_roirll@$p
Gorarlr@ ri. I rascir er enlorpSlq G I oiir,fl el I u eirr @$pq Lb.

Insiructions : (1) Che.k the question paper Ior fairness of p ntiig. If there is anv lack oI
fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
(2) Use Black or BIue ink to rv te and pencil to draw diagrams.

u(gSl ,et /pARr-A

19f11-rq : oeion a$ernri,oqgd,Eir o9ar ru.l afl rioq o r

Note: Ansl\.er all the questions.

I. 6rflu-r r6ir e,9leorrou.g Gpi$Cp@pg oOarr$pnaflel crpg51a. 14x1=14

Choose the correct ans .er for the fotlorving and ivrite in the answer book.

1. po;r 6lun6onngr1 perib r$fu og$eop er@$gar1$pern :

(-er engrGerdeeir
) (q) qel,'"l9q@ LDni6r+6i)

($i) grLboiLtL-61$ (n) Steuueoeiqnr,(leinoiu

Thc conc-.pt o[ Nei Economic \,Velfare has been gil.en by :

(a) Samuelson (b) N,larshall

(c) Adam Smith (d) Lionel Robbins
ww'w.ka[vi6oEai.corfl lglgLrqe/'rurno,,er.

2. @u6grn +lqlru6oL e&$luno oflarollgarg


(st) $ru61@Pcir (q1) Gpng!6 gruLb

(6) gl,r" (n') @)eurrLb

lne basic force that dr'ives the Capitalist economy :

(a) Planning (b) TechnoLogy

(c) Government (d) Profit - motive

3. Slsicorfii ereeLb oreirllg

(sr) p1goseocu - uai'raoro er9lorou

(+) MU"=run-IUn-1
(@) GPorer - s,16lflLrq

t-) 6 9,6116 g6u61 6r

Consumer SurPlus is :

(a) - Actual frire

lotenridr frice
(b) MU"=rU.-TU" ,
(c) Demand=SuPPlY
(d) None

4. Gpeoo e9$ remrti$5ergl :

(s Lp6q
) eflaoeu, Lr6drLrns@?ig a6irorr 96D6DS+
(g) a,lieoau, uai,ruriotgg&g *oirar Gprq zDerl
(0) 6tr";,.0,1
/ ,-r. \ ar.cr6)r t6l6i) 6br 6rl

Law of Demand establishes :

(a) lnverse relationshiP between pdce and quantity

(b) Positive relationshiP between price and quantity
(c) Both
(d) None wwur.kalvisolai.corn
3 3858

5, gl6rfl Ll6DLr
$nLonetfl6g6 snlerofloeir:
(er)rprg$ Glpnglei 51uLc
(+) -p"g$ snryaflooflein oflareuoeir
(@) erfloqgLb, egl6o56@6
(r,) GLo$a'$lLr eleoar$51ri>
Factors determining supply are :
(a) Productiontechnology
/b) Pr.e. o[ lactor. ofproJr.Fon
(c) Iaxes and subsidies
(d) A1l the above

6. onro$poir rnleoo a1f)g:oLrr@$pLrouri

eLo$leneu erSlcoerr-6lel :

(€1 ) l. R. edl&6iu (.A) I. m. Seiroiu

(@) Lonriogeb (r,) l. s. rdei
The time element in pdce analysis was introduced by :
(a) Hicks
l. R. (b) J. M. Keynes
(c) Maishall (d) l. S. Ivfil

7. LDLr$$1 6rdrlrgt :

(et) LUeinunrrq6i'T e{Ur6)l (€) Lr ur 6ijrlr rL6, L lgorn&gpeir

($t) Lonfp mpL-rq (n,) erg: r-6) eleo eu
Ploduction refets to :
(a) Dcstruclion o{ utility (b) Creation of utilities
(c) Exchange value (d) None
8. synerfl Lorpr 6)eeueq $parnel orgriqgLb Gllng 6arr6qgri :

,*,eTC ';
,+ rlc
.--. TVC l',
B e= agel-b $dua-a
Average {ixed cost is oblained by dividing

,.,, tJ :

rb, +
(c) TVC
(1) None
vvwsto'. ka Ivl sola i.co rn
[ $119uqo / Tum over

9. 6!lDu6i)6.r6 6leaoa0eir L,6ls 0r66lur eIrr+6uri 619l?

(e) o0orLir ytb

(+) 690Lrcr6dr
(O, SGr -0r9.fl'Jrr6il ue'n -rsei
(r+)orgoqLb S)eloror
Most jmportant form of selling cost is i

(a) Advertisement
rb) (ales
(c) HomogeneousProdu.t
(cl) None

10. Gune8 euirpLb eroiro e6$$eir gflrfuri:

(et)gribeicu5l$ (g) Lonnageil
(@) ifl&e nnGrn ( i-r,) enggrGaroleein
The author of the cortcept of Quasi-Rent is I

(a) Adam Smith (b) Marshall

(c) Rieardo (d) Samueison

lL 6lCjLDn6n $Iia-oru n LtSfl eroflu Gsrurnrarr o8or6s doino

u ureinu $t$$ erriri.

("+t ) glsf arerqrn, grp6$L6Dlulrb

(.9) gr@ClLon$p Gpeoarqb, gr@6mr$p sl6rflLr 6D Lr u.1b

($ ) zgup;paruqLi, GleeueoorqLb

(n ) .aoror$gl rn

To explain the simple theory of income detelminatior! Ke).nes used :

(a) Consumption and Investment

ftl) Aggregate demand and aggregate supply
k) n'odrrrl-''n.,nd F\pp-d itu rp
(d) Alrheabove www.kalvisol?i.,Qg{f
s 3858

12. gg6f Sla)6D g6ri6)l prLr6 :

*o^, AS
.%l (e) -il -t;
The Marginal propensity to consume :

as .. aP
(a) Ay {b) ic t"l * (d) a(l
t:. Clrn51 LorisoflrLb zcircn qgrislrueomib oreinugl :

(er)vIr (-U)Mz (6) M: (*) M.1

Currency with the public is known as :

(") Mr (b) Mz (c) M: (d) Ma

14. gtfdl6lrtrail o0pr;;oLtl@Lb orrnu errodmi) 6r6i[Lrg] :

(e) erglLo$l (g) Ger6Lo$l LDEgLb rDn6bflurLb

(@)) oreh (n) arrfl
The compulsory charge levied by the govemment is :
(a) fees
Licence Gr) Gifts and grants
(c) Loan (d) Tax

II. GonEur @)rntoeoon $)rluqe.

Filt in $e blanks with suitable answers.

15. 5ainarflue einrg _

r" €)glb.
The term 'Micro, means _ _

r0. z$upp oriru.luq oraoorGsr@ _ eren eeopssurG)dlpgrt.

Productio'l po\.ibilit] curve i. al.o l,rown a-

rz. @g1$peoo L-r ur6irlr ii@ gggluiorgLb Gurg GLon$g Lrueirur@ _

Mar.ginal utility falls to zero, when the total ufility is
_ .

I gt.rbu_.]s, / Turn o\ er
3858 6

18. Gp6D6rdG6rCd E$Gpnd,dl orqqergiig snqarrLb

l\, .1. mrn, .1r"(-.'oTr\ rl.,rrrurr.l'.lr p l^

tq. g4el,-o, $.S' -!-g gria r e ran"u -9i,.

is the major determinant of suppl)'.

20. - r'reirr5l 96 $goreu$$)eir zonaf@ 6eiLoflu5@oq9ri;6 @orrGur

zoho $ur.'r.r p ' g
The {unciional relalionship betr^'een input and output is knourn as

21. ClLo{rd.B Cl.r61r6l 6r6illrs

lo.rl cu:t r: I r, 5unt

22. $l6oDol Grnrrgu9ru BO 61pr6x6-!rlb

'l'he pelfect compctitive films are

23. $g$l$leoor rpu$$l$peh Gonrrn@ aoinrg rdlrieq Gonrun@.

Malginal plodu.tivillr lheory is the theory of dishibution.


24. -.- 1930 6in L6De Glr6Lo$p$$!1g snqolrronaoqLi sl6D LDIIpgl.

The worldl,irle riepression of 1930s \^,as also caused bl'o

25, rrfl LonSpe aLoeirrn@ N4V :l' l- 6r6inLr6np stefr

The equ.rtion of exchange N4\/: PT 1r,.1s given by

26. -- ereirir-lgt roiGerg er$)ooiau gysG1g ar6ri


eans diffelent sources of government income.

l rw\ftr.kalYisolai.corD

III. I $ or 6or enor leop I Gung$5lo. 72xt=72

27. G r rilgornpnil Gentun@seir (=l ) Ge rrGon Goneun

28. grduirorrfleir g$rio6 (e,., ) aro,rp q5u Tamruooir

29. €LLiuf reurrr]!]seir (6r) pErG6D

30. Gp#i Lo$pLb o1l9 (m,) grLb eiur-61p

31. poirqgu4 er0orcu (z) 6lp,rp orrfl geop

32. Gar6D6D u(grrLl (p6Dp (p!tr) C + S

33. MCn (er) Lonftoqeir

34. 6rpru!6iglLLr 19rEg!fl6DLo (er) llSeSr6u uainrrrlooir

35. $rnpnnigLb @eunr GsnrL:r@ (A) 1gatrp,E.g arrqo,9pLir
(g) +Lognor.ir
37. LD6rll6lu uom& Clsnoireos (e) rcn rcn 1

38. erorfe$$ arrfl (6ielr) e;6d,rG 6rruen r a0rirnr Eriris

Match the following :

27. P nciples of Economics (a) Coco - Cola

28. Bureaucratic expansiorl (b) Diarnond Jewels
29. Luxuries (c) Hawley
30. Tea and Coffee (d) Adam Smith
31. Piice discourlt (e) Best lax system

32. Division of labour (q c+s

33. MCn (g) Marshall
34. Techaical monopoly (h) Substitutes

35. Risk - bearing theory of profit (i) Low rate of interest

36. Y O Socialism
37. Cheap money policy (k) TCn-TCn 1

38. Progressive tax (l) Annual stock clearance

[ $19uqo / Tum over
LlldnorlqLi o$lennriopg&6 9ifl6 Genfsofleu a6leou p19e'
quesiions in a word or two'
Ansu.er each of the foltowing

39. Lr6irr 6r6LDr6irp6brO G*p Gllun ereiren?

!\41at is the other name for money

Name any two successful socialist

Gsnrqfg LodlGlDrO Gluuri 6r6i16ir?

a1. 6l96l6o6D{i
What is the other name for budget

42. G) r nlgonnpnq Gerru nrraein 91qu tl6D L 6r0Gsir6iT66r u l n6o6u ?

theory ?
lvhat is the basic assumption of economic

43. 6l@)6!urr6ir (!ppd-Ep(5 915 rpnqermri Gor@'

Give an examPle for fixed inPut'

44. srlr-Lri6D6iu rfu$$ eni L!1arorti e-pa'

State the Cobb-Douglas production

45. L6i)p el4o! oueoarGsn@ ooinug ereinen?

\\rhat is an enveloPe cuNe ?

46. slfsrlElslb (lr$grfl eoLoeou 6ro16rrrg] sLGLrLrGSS6?

How does the Government conhol monopoly

*LbdlrrfLeir @eurl Gsnr-lnrqein Gluui

of profits
What is the name of Schumpeter's theory

9 3858

a8. Clr(566lu9oir orru-rLrnL6rL 6r(qg6.

Give dre formula for Muhiplier.

49. prLE6iir L]odir.9t6rflLr6DLr6 sr@Lru@$gLit eulrjd 615l?

Name the bank which controls money supply in a country

50. 'VAT' ereirrrpdri or9lflornrioLir ungt?

\ /]1at is 'VAT' ?

u(9$l - €SlPART-B
V. gdnL.l | (i) 6r6oolcurgl6 u$g e$emnrispgrilg oflaoruoflBoo4rir. 10x3=30
(ii) e6irCl6rrO er9airrq6 pnoing glN6ugJ p$51 er ifleoflo:
et oo L-o$$ r Ger ai,r@ rn.
Note : (i) Ansr.ver any ten of the follo\a,ing questions.
(ii) Ansn'er {or cach questjoll should he ailout four or five lines.

51. O6Dora ur;olrr,rErs6ir Lo$g Lb Gurglorrnpnl uai,rrruaeoen Geugl@$gs.

Distingulsh betv,ier. lree goods and economic goods.

52. ClLrngi6ur6ir Grnlgarnpny grenpoafleir 6 L,l u risaronril a,gs.

Name the important general economic systems.

53. ClLr rgl6rl6i) L6i)Lo uEl6i'r clt+LrLr6i)L?i 6pu L,llb+aaarorri a,gs.

List the basic feafures of socialism.

54. sLoGp[&(g orroeirBGsruqeir L]ai.irlls6ir u ltr6oor?

l ahat are the properties of Indifference Cun e ?

55. 61"'"rein q$leopLr rSfl d9 g$lLrq oqggs.

Wdte a note on Giffen Paladox.

56. ELD86o6D er9eoeu ardirprri eroineu?

I\hat is eqlliliblium price ?

[ $19uqo / Tum over
3858 10

57. $ainr sneuLb, lqEdur sneoLb Gergr@$g1o.

Differcntiate the short pedod from the long peiod.

58. Lr ur6iJr Lr n r+6ijT eroosseoonri a'ge.

Name the types of utility.

SS. rpu$$ eni4 a eiirpneu oreiiion? ereosLrr@$gto.

\ /hat is production function ? \{hai are its classification ?

60. 6)lrTUrLrLls 6aeue4 areirprei ereiireu?

Define opportunity cost.

61. MC LoEE6 AC - 6(9 @arrcu-rqohm rpeoorri o.ge.

Mention the relationship between MC and AC.

62. $io,.l er9lgLrrri Gonrrn-quin (gnirg Gpn&sruseoen e.go.

'i\{hat are the thrce motives of liquidity preference ?

03. Ge -E 6in a$enp o5$1-9lair r$'Gs reheer ord eap+

\{hat are the assumptions of Say's larv of markets ?

6a. Lr6riT$96ir @euriuaor$arprio a'go.

Define Money.

65. ClJ,6 rg 4J96t - u-JG- r,rdn oeii.ao.

What is the subject matter of Public Finance ?

11 3858

ugSl _ E / pARr_c
VI. (gdLrll : (i) aooeuGuglLb.gg o$enneioqgrig o,lleoruaflSsclLb : 6x10=60
(ii) 96n66!r9 o$eorqLb g(E u6s +yonorlld;
"gqaoLo$$r Gerain@Lb.
Note : (i) Ans$'e1.any six of the following questions.
(ii) Answer for each question should b-" about a page.

66. G6DUllu Glrlgennpnp$$eil peireoLo, $atLoeaoorr ergel rfl.

\{hal are the merits and demerits of a mixed economy ?

67. .gtrlrsrqri sneu$$)d eLoporel orglareu erdrer ng $nLorof&aLrr@$pg1?

How is the equilibrium price determined jn the market pe od ?

68. Clprg! 6l g:aoemGou nfl eir uomfl seir ur rieoer ?

What are the functions of enh.epreneul ?

69. gg$El6o6De Gl e6D6!l6r6ir +rfl u nen or!1on6s.$gl refi *,go.

Explaill the marginal cost with suitable illush.ation.

70. AR LDEgLb MIt 6u6t6fiGsrlos6rfldr @a_.rGuunelr Lp6)]s6o6n 6r(ggt6.

Explain the relationship betrveen AR and MR curyes.

71. cll Er6[L+[9l6il 6Lr6os56o6r og6s ono e,9er.-rieeq Lb.

B efly explain the ciassification of markets.

72. 'Ge' u!16fi gar.lonLq er9pugeir garprn@s;nerri orge.

\{rhat ar.e the cdticisms of Say's Law ?

73. g6ri 6)le +nriatl olaolur.$gtteirr or9or.irigs.

Descr'ibe the consumption function .r,ith a diaglam.

74. olrfler9$ Lt qd Glsrdrensaou-l e$el rfl.

Explain the canons of taxation.

i$) Lr re Iu r orer
3858 72

75. 'Cpi(p6 elrfl' LDO9 Lb 'LD6oDCLos o.rfl'6ou..r Gerpr@$$ii snu@

Dif{ercniiate between the direct and indirect taxes.

u(ggl - rT./PART-D
vII. (gdlul] : (i) oeoerGugtLb greingt o9knnAeiernrio er9leorueifl : 3x20=60
(ii) gollGorrrg e$aorqLb qgoingl uria g4 oro5loi: etcoLo$$L-
Garair@ 6.
Note : (i) Answer any three of the Iollo\,n'ing qaestions.
(ii) Answer for each question shoulcl bc about thlee pages.

76. GlLr r(Dcrrp nJ$aopLr r$fl Loirri euallrin @eu6oemr$eop 4pnu.lo.

llr.rr.inp M.'r'.lr:ll'. de' n'l'or oi e, rnc''ri..

77. 51oiGeunri rufleou: r.lrb 6r6oligl, .siggl6oLu gl&6u$5leuLb Lo$p Lir

$pornureleeneir or9lortigg.

Explain consumcr's sulplus u,ith the help of a diagram and bring out its impo ance
arl.l its critrcism.

78. Gp6oor erlipu9eoar orllor qono crqggo

Dis.uss the law of demand.

79. 6016lur sr6D$6161 66r,lt6rlL.r GL.lnrrqu9el aql6o6D, Lr@irL66l6ijr eleir6!

ererorng $lriairu96o!u@6e;rpelr ?
F{ow is the price and output determlnell in the short run undei perfect
competitjon ?

80. J.lris,iG-noSldn a -ni Ca- L.166,6fl g)n r-o

f\drni.lp I{i.rrJ .r1 lh.or) of rerl.

81. Lr6ddrri Glsneireooulleir GBnGoLb Lo$g b 6gol9ls6o6lr er9lern$ri;oqLb.

Discrss the objectives and jnstnrments of mon-"tary pollcy.


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