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Do more, feel better, live longer

GlaxoSmithKline Annual Report 2010

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Business review 2010 Performance overview Research and development Pipeline summary Products, competition and intellectual property Regulation Manufacturing and supply World market GSK sales performance Segment reviews Responsible business Financial review 2010 Financial position and resources Financial review 2009 Risk factors Governance and remuneration Our Board Our Corporate Executive Team Governance and policy Dialogue with shareholders Internal control framework Committee reports Remuneration policy Director terms and conditions Director and Senior Management remuneration Directors interests Directors interests in contracts

08 10 12 14 18 19 20 21 22 29 34 41 47 53

Business review This discusses our nancial and non-nancial activities, resources, development and performance during 2010 and outlines the factors, including the trends and the principal risks and uncertainties, which are likely to affect future development. Governance and remuneration This discusses our management structures and governance procedures. It also sets out the remuneration policies operated for our Directors and Corporate Executive Team members. Financial statements The nancial statements provide a summary of the Groups nancial performance throughout 2010 and its position as at 31st December 2010. The consolidated nancial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union and also IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Shareholder information This includes the full product development pipeline and discusses shareholder return in the form of dividends and share price movements.

58 60 64 69 71 74 84 91 94 96 101

Financial statements Directors statement of responsibilities Independent Auditors report Financial statements Notes to the nancial statements Financial statements of GlaxoSmithKline plc prepared under UK GAAP

102 103 104 109 188

Shareholder information Quarterly trend Five year record Product development pipeline Share price and dividends Nature of trading market Annual General Meeting Investor relations and Registrar Taxation information for shareholders Glossary of terms Index

192 200 203 207 208 208 208 210 211 212

Underlying sales growth excludes pandemic products, Avandia and Valtrex. See page 21. CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. Sterling % or % represents growth at actual exchange rates. See page 21. The calculation of results before major restructuring is described in Note 1 to the nancial statements, Presentation of the nancial statements.

GSK Annual Report 2010


We exist to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer.
We work by respecting people, maintaining our focus on the patient and consumer whilst operating with both integrity and transparency. We are looking to deliver shareholder value through growth of a diversied and global business, by delivering more products of value, simplifying our operating model and by running our business responsibly. What follows is our report to shareholders for 2010. Progress we have made in the year can also be seen by visiting our website:

Notice regarding limitations on Director Liability under English Law Under the UK Companies Act 2006, a safe harbour limits the liability of Directors in respect of statements in and omissions from the Report of the Directors contained on pages 8 to 101. Under English law the Directors would be liable to the company, but not to any third party, if the Report of the Directors contains errors as a result of recklessness or knowing misstatement or dishonest concealment of a material fact, but would not otherwise be liable. Report of the Directors Pages 8 to 101 inclusive comprise the Report of the Directors that has been drawn up and presented in accordance with and in reliance upon English company law and the liabilities of the Directors in connection with that report shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions provided by such law. Website GlaxoSmithKlines website gives additional information on the Group. Notwithstanding the references we make in this Annual Report to GlaxoSmithKlines website, none of the information made available on the website constitutes part of this Annual Report or shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference herein. Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements The Groups reports filed with or furnished to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including this document and written information released, or oral statements made, to the public in the future by or on behalf of the Group, may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give the Groups current expectations or forecasts of future events. An investor can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as anticipate, estimate, expect, intend, will, project, plan, believe and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, prospective products or product approvals, future performance or results of current and anticipated products, sales efforts, expenses, the outcome of contingencies such as legal proceedings, and financial results. The Group undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. The Group cautions investors that a number of important factors, including those in this document, could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Such factors include, but are not limited to, those discussed under Risk factors on pages 53 to 57 of this Annual Report. GSK Annual Report 2010


GSK at a glance
We are one of the worlds leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. We are committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer.
How we do it
GSK has focused its business on the delivery of three strategic priorities, which aim to increase growth, reduce risk and improve GSKs long-term nancial performance: Grow a diversied global business Deliver more products of value Simplify GSKs operating model

Our 2010 numbers


Earnings per share

Earnings per share before major restructuring

Dividend per share
6 5 7 1

Group sales
1 2 3 4

US Pharmaceuticals: 7.6bn Europe Pharmaceuticals: 6.5bn Consumer Healthcare: 5.0bn Emerging Markets Pharmaceuticals: 3.6bn Asia Pacic/Japan Pharmaceuticals: 3.1bn ViiV Healthcare: 1.6bn

Where we do it
GSK is a global organisation with ofces in over 100 countries and major research centres in the UK, USA, Belgium and China. Our shares are listed on the London and New York Stock Exchanges and our corporate head ofce is in Brentford, UK.

6 7

Other: 1.0bn

Research & development

Consumer Healthcare

A peer-leading pipeline with around 30 late-stage assets.

3.96bn 20%
In 2010, we spent 3.96bn in R&D before major restructuring, or 14% of our total sales.
We are one of the worlds biggest investors in R&D and are the biggest private sector funder of R&D in the UK.

No. 1
Sensodyne has been the worlds fastest growing toothpaste brand over the last 5 years.

Growth of Horlicks in India in 2010.

10 new compounds and vaccines starting phase III clinical trials since the start of 2010.

We are committed to improving returns in R&D, aiming to increase our estimated return on investment in this area to 14%.

Units of Lucozade, Ribena and Horlicks manufactured in the UK every year.

New Consumer Healthcare Research and Innovation centres opened in China and India.


Emerging markets

Doses of our vaccines supplied to 179 countries around the world in 2010.

Of total GSK turnover from emerging markets, by the broader denition (Pharmaceutical and Consumer Healthcare turnover in all markets excluding USA, Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand).

GSK Annual Report 2010


GSK at a glance

A global company

Business review P08P57

411 63 5

3 7 3 3 7 3 5 2 2

32 3 2 2


5 4 3 2 3 2 6

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Sites with over 100 employees: Biologicals Corporate Consumer Healthcare GMS Pharmaceuticals Research and Development


Share of world pharmaceutical market. (Source: IMS Health)

Leading presence in Consumer Healthcare global categories: OTC, Oral Care, Nutritionals.

Financial statements P102P191

GSKs business model

A balanced, synergistic business, with multiple growth drivers supporting a core pharmaceutical R&D operation.

Responsible business
Malaria vaccine Potentially the rst malaria vaccine with phase III trials ongoing in 7 African countries. 300 million Commitment to supply 300m doses of Synorix at a reduced price to developing countries over the next decade through the AMC nancing mechanism. 5-year commitment To treat school age children in Africa at risk of intestinal worms. Leader GSK ranked rst in both Access to Medicine Indexes in 2008 and 2010. 2050 Target date for value chain, from raw materials to product disposal, to be carbon neutral.

Shareholder information P192P212

Core Pharmaceutical R&D

To nd out more visit us at

GSK Annual Report 2010


Chairman & CEO summary

Dear Shareholder
Over the last two and a half years we have been implementing a strategy to transform our business model to address the signicant challenges our industry faces as payers search for ever more costeffective healthcare, and demand escalates for new and better medicines. This is being done with the direct aim of enhancing returns to our shareholders and improving the lives of patients and consumers. To achieve this we have substantially re-engineered GSKs business through major restructuring and a more rigorous approach to capital allocation. The effects of these changes in 2010 were masked to some degree by specic events. Reported sales, for example, were impacted by generic competition to Valtrex, and reduced sales from Avandia and pandemic related products. Meanwhile earnings were impacted by the signicant charge we took to help resolve long-standing legal matters. This belies the good progress we have made to execute our strategy and which is evident in diversied underlying sales growth and the increasing potential of our pipeline. We believe GSK is becoming a more balanced, synergistic business with a lower risk prole and the option for signicant potential upside from the pipeline. GSK is also a business built on strong values and a deep commitment to operating with integrity. In 2010 we have taken further steps to make our company more responsive, more exible and more open to societys expectations. Increasing returns to shareholders In 2010 we were able to fund returns to shareholders, bolt-on acquisitions and the signicant increase in legal settlements whilst reducing net debt by 0.6 billion. Adjusted 2010 net cash inow before legal matters was 8.8 billion, up 9%. Cash outow for legal settlements was 2 billion. GSK remains nancially very strong. We increased our dividend by 7% to 65p in 2010 and our priority is to deliver further growth in the dividend. Since 2005, dividends have increased each year with average growth of 8% over the ve-year period. We have also started a new long-term share buy-back programme to enhance returns to shareholders, with buy-backs of 1-2 billion expected in 2011.

Sir Christopher Gent Chairman GSK Annual Report 2010

Andrew Witty Chief Executive Officer


Chairman & CEO summary Continuing focus on return on investment Our drive for change, and to improve returns on investment through restructuring and effective capital allocation, continued to make progress during the year. Reinvestment of costs saved through our restructuring programme has enabled us to diversify and strengthen GSKs sales base. To date, 1.7 billion of cost has been extracted from the business and we are on track to deliver 2.2 billion of annual savings by 2012. We have taken cost out from lower returning activities and reinvested it in key growth areas such as Emerging Markets, Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare. 2010 reported sales for these businesses were up 22%, 15% and 5% respectively. This is helping to reduce GSKs dependency on sales of products generated in white pills/western markets. Sales from these markets and products have decreased from 40% in 2007, to 25% in 2010. Over time, this should help to reduce the adverse impact of patent expirations on the Group. Delivering diversied underlying sales growth In 2010, reported sales fell 1%, impacted by the continued effect of generic competition to Valtrex, the rapid loss of sales of Avandia following regulatory decisions in the Autumn and a difcult comparison with the prior year which included signicant sales of pandemic products. However, underlying sales growth (sales excluding these 3 factors) was up 4.5%. This growth was achieved despite the ongoing impacts of US healthcare reform and EU government austerity measures and is testament to the strength of the rest of our portfolio. In 2011, we expect underlying sales momentum to continue and translate into sustainable reported growth in 2012. Increasing pipeline potential Reforming R&D to improve returns on investment has been a key element of the strategy we are implementing. We saw further evidence that this strategy is making progress during 2010. GSK now has a peer-leading portfolio of around 30 opportunities in phase III and registration. This portfolio is diverse with 5 biopharmaceuticals and 5 vaccines in addition to NCEs. It is also highly innovative with more than 20 assets not currently available for any indication. One such asset Benlysta is potentially the rst new treatment for lupus in 50 years and is currently being considered for approval by regulators in the USA and Europe. Operating a values-based business with integrity Continuing to run our business in a responsible way is also central to the changes we have made at GSK. In 2010, we continued progress in our signicant commitment to work on neglected tropical diseases. Our candidate malaria vaccine is progressing through phase III trials in Africa. If all goes well, this will be the rst ever vaccine against malaria, with the potential to save the lives of millions of children and infants in Africa. We also announced that we will donate enough of our albendazole medicine to protect all school-aged children in Africa against intestinal worms. Intestinal worms cause more ill health in school-aged children than any other infection, so this will have a major positive health impact. Improving the environmental sustainability of our business is also a priority and we have launched a new set of ambitious targets. Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact of our whole value chain, from raw materials to product disposal, and to be carbon neutral by 2050. We are continuing to work towards resolving a number of longstanding legal matters. There is no doubt that the scale of legal provisioning that has been required is signicant. However, we continue to believe that it is in the Groups best interests to resolve this inherent unpredictability and reduce GSKs overall litigation exposure. These legal cases underline just how important it is for us to be led by our values in everything we do. Changes to the Board In September we announced that Julian Heslop will retire as CFO at the end of March and be replaced by Simon Dingemans, who joined the company as CFO-designate in January 2011. We would like to thank Julian for his dedicated service to GSK as CFO and a member of the Board over the last six years his integrity, diligence and outstanding technical ability have ensured that GSK has remained nancially strong during a period of signicant economic turmoil. Simons appointment as CFO will bring valuable new experience and capability to support us in implementing our strategy. Conclusion There is no doubt that our operating environment remains challenging and that the pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a period of intense change. However, we believe that GSK is well placed to succeed in this environment.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Our journey to create a more balanced, synergistic business with increasing pipeline potential is progressing well and in Importantly, we are delivering sustained progress, with 10 NCEs and accomplishing this we would like to recognise the signicant contribution of our employees and our many partners. We remain new vaccines entering phase III since the start of 2010. By the end condent that we can generate increased value for shareholders of 2012, we expect phase III data on around 15 assets, including as well as deliver better outcomes to patients and consumers. potential new treatments for type 1 and 2 diabetes, several rare diseases and multiple cancer types. We have made fundamental changes to how we allocate our R&D expenditure, directing it to our late stage pipeline; reducing cost and risk through externalising parts of early-stage discovery; dismantling infrastructure; and terminating development in areas with low nancial and scientic return. Our target remains to deliver a rate of return for GSKs R&D of around 14%. We are the only pharmaceutical company to have explicitly set such a challenging target.

Sir Christopher Gent Chairman

Andrew Witty Chief Executive Ofcer

See page 21.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Discover the world of GSK

We have chosen ten case studies from 2010 that demonstrate the progress we have made against our strategic priorities. Each of these stories can be viewed online


Our strategy
Since 2008, we have focused our business around the delivery of three strategic priorities, which aim to increase growth, reduce risk and improve our long-term nancial performance:
Grow a diversied global business
We are diversifying our business to create a more balanced product portfolio and move away from a reliance on traditional white pills/western markets*. Sales generated from these markets and products have decreased from 40% in 2007, to 25% in 2010. Over time this should help to reduce the adverse impact of patent expirations on the Group. We expect to generate future sales growth by strengthening our core pharmaceuticals business and supplementing it with increased investment in growth areas such as Emerging Markets, vaccines, Japan, dermatology and Consumer Healthcare. Sales in Emerging Markets were up 22%, vaccines up 15%, Japan up 14%, dermatology up 6% (on a pro-forma basis excluding 2010 acquisitions) and Consumer Healthcare up 5% for 2010.
Business review P08P57

Our plans
Drive growth in the pharmaceutical business in our core markets Full the potential of Emerging Markets Expand our business in Japan Build our leadership in dermatology Grow the vaccines and Consumer Healthcare businesses

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Deliver more products of value

With the aim of sustaining an industry-leading pipeline of products that deliver value for healthcare providers, we have been focusing on improving rates of return and delivering the best science in our R&D organisation. This has required a multi-faceted approach. For example we have increased the level of externalisation of our research, taken difcult decisions around pipeline progressions and focused on disease areas where we believe the prospects for successful registration and launch of differentiated medicines are greater. We have one of the largest and most diverse development pipelines in the industry with approximately 30 late-stage assets. The vast majority of these programmes address unmet medical need and importantly nearly two-thirds are new chemical entities or new vaccines.

Our plans
Focus on the best science Diversify through externalisation Re-personalise R&D Focus on return on investment

Simplifying the operating model

As our business continues to change shape, it is essential that we transform the operating model to reduce complexities, improve efciencies and reduce cost. Through our global restructuring programme, we have removed 1.7 billion of cost since 2008 and are on track to deliver our target of 2.2 billion of annual savings by 2012. These savings have been extracted from our developed country sales and marketing, support functions, R&D and manufacturing infrastructure and reinvested in higher returning activities such as Emerging Markets, vaccines and Consumer Healthcare.

Our plans
Evolve our commercial model Re-shape manufacturing Streamline our processes Reduce working capital

Financial statements P102P191

Whilst our operating environment remains challenging, we have made signicant progress through restructuring and a rigorous returns-based approach to capital allocation. We expect underlying sales momentum (sales excluding Valtrex, Avandia and pandemic related products) to continue in 2011 and to translate into reported growth in 2012 at constant exchange rates, despite further anticipated pricing reductions in the USA and Europe. The US patent for compositions containing the combination of active substances in Seretide/ Advair expired during 2010, but various patents over the Diskus delivery device exist in the USA for a number of years up to 2016. The outlook for the timing and impact of entry of follow-on competition is uncertain. GSK has not been notied of any acceptance by the US FDA of an application for a follow-on product that refers to Seretide/Advair and contains the same active ingredients (as would be expected to precede the introduction of such a product), and is not able to predict when this may occur or when any such follow-on product may enter the US market. Other products may experience generic competition in advance of the stated patent expiry as a result of settlement of patent proceedings. See Note 44, Legal proceedings, pages 178 to 185. GSK has a peer-leading development pipeline, with over 20 assets not currently on the market for any indication. By the end of 2012, we expect Phase III data on around 15 additional assets. With improvements in our net debt position, we are increasing returns to shareholders. We increased GSKs dividend in 2010 and our priority is to deliver further growth in the dividend. We also have commenced a new long-term share buy-back programme. We remain condent that we can generate increased value for shareholders as well as deliver better outcomes to patients and consumers.
* See page 21. GSK Annual Report 2010

Shareholder information P192P212


2010 performance overview

Business review P08P57

Our strategies
We have focused the business around the delivery of three strategic priorities.

Our measures
We use a number of measures to track our progress against the strategic priorities over the medium to long term. These include the following: Performance of core pharmaceuticals and vaccines businesses Diversication of sales Contribution of Emerging Markets to our overall sales and growth Growth of Consumer Healthcare business Build our leadership position in dermatology

Our progress in 2010

We made good progress during the year, with a number of notable successes:

Grow a diversied global business

Broadening and balancing our portfolio and moving away from a reliance on white pills/western markets.

Excluding pandemic products, Avandia and Valtrex, underlying pharmaceutical (including vaccines) sales* were 21.1 billion and grew 4% in the year. Sales from white pills/western markets fell from 40% of turnover in 2007 to 25% in 2010. Sales in our Emerging Markets pharmaceutical business grew by 22% to more than 3.6 billion and now represent 15% of pharmaceutical turnover. Sales in our Consumer Healthcare business grew by 5% to 5.0 billion and now represent 17.6% of Group turnover. Dermatology sales grew on a pro-forma basis (excluding 2010 acquisitions) by approximately 6% to nearly 1.1 billion, representing nearly 4% of Group turnover. Sales in GSK Japan grew 14% to nearly 2.0 billion. We received approvals for four new compounds.

Expansion of Japanese business

Build biopharmaceutical portfolio

Arzerra recorded sales of 26 million on its rst full year on the US market and was launched in Europe. Benlysta led for approval in both the USA and Europe. New products launched since 2007 (excluding u pandemic vaccines) grew 36% and contributed 7% of pharmaceutical sales in 2010. We received six product approvals in the USA and EU since the start of 2010. Seven assets are currently led with regulators.

Deliver more products of value

Transforming R&D to ensure we not only deliver the current pipeline but are also able to sustain the ow of products for years to come.

Contribution to sales of new products Number of reimbursable product approvals and lings

Sustaining late-stage pipeline

We maintained around 30 assets in phase III and registration, with ten new chemical entities and new vaccines entering phase III since the start of 2010. Our objective is to increase our estimated rate of return for R&D from around 11% to 14%. During 2010 we signed eight new collaborations to increase the external nature of our discovery, giving 54 external discovery engines to complement our 38 Discovery Performance Units. We have achieved annual cost savings of 1.7 billion and remain on track to reach 2.2 billion of annualised savings by 2012. Working capital reduced by 1.3 billion in 2010 (including 600 million of cash from lower pandemic receivables).

Enhanced R&D productivity and increased externalisation for Drug Discovery

Simplifying the operating model

Simplifying our operating model to ensure that it is t for purpose and able to support our business in the most cost efcient way.

Delivery of major restructuring programme Reduce working capital

* The calculation of underlying sales growth is described on page 21. See page 21.


2010 performance overview

Key performance indicators

Business review P08P57

bn 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 24.4 22.7 23.2 28.4 28.4 CER growth % (1) 3 (3) 2 9

In 2010, reported sales were down 1% but underlying sales growth (sales excluding pandemic products, Avandia and Valtrex) was 4.5%.

Earnings per share before major restructuring*

Governance and remuneration P58P101
pence 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 104.7 99.1 95.5 53.9 121.2 CER growth %# (59) 2 (9) 10 19

Earnings per share in 2010 was adversely impacted by legal costs of 4,001 million (2009 591 million). Excluding legal costs, EPS before major restructuring was 120.7 pence, 11% down on 2009.

Free cash ow +
m 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2,623 4,664 3,857 4,679 4,486 5,254

The reduced level of free cash ow in 2010 reected the higher legal settlements in the year. Free cash ow before legal settlements was 6,533 million (2009 5,508 million).

Financial statements P102P191

Total shareholder return




Shareholder information P192P212

75 30/12/05 29/12/06 31/12/07 31/12/08 31/12/09 31/12/10

GlaxoSmithKline Total Return Index GlaxoSmithKline Pharma Peers Return Index FTSE 100 Total Return Index

This index includes Abbott Labs, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche Holdings and Sanofi-Aventis. Reects 4bn legal charge.

# The calculation of CER growth is described on page 21. * The calculation of results before major restructuring is described in Note 1 to the nancial statements, Presentation of the nancial statements. + The calculation of free cash ow is described on page 44.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Research and development

Business review P08P57

Research and development Pharmaceuticals

GSK R&D has built one of the strongest, broadest pipelines of potential new medicines in the industry. We believe the pipeline has the potential to deliver value to patients and payers and improve rates of nancial return on our R&D investment. Appropriately progressing our pipeline products safely and efciently to deliver innovative new medicines for patients is the primary goal of our R&D function. The development of new products typically is a long, expensive and uncertain process, and it is not possible to predict which compounds in development will succeed or fail. The risks inherent in the R&D process are described more fully in the Risk factors section, under Risk that R&D will not deliver commercially successful new products. GSK allocates its R&D investment with reference to the potential returns available from its target therapeutic markets and the technical and commercial risks associated with products in the pipeline. Those factors are reviewed at each phase of the development process and are central in the decision to proceed to the next stage. Costs incurred at each stage are carefully managed to maximise the likely future return consistent with the Groups overall objective of increasing its IRR from its R&D activities from its current level, estimated in 2009 to be around 11%, to 14%. The returns generated are, however, primarily determined by the eventual commercial impact of new products as they achieve regulatory approval and are launched. This projected rate of return includes products launched from 1st January 2007 and compounds in phases IIb and III of the development process. The calculation is based on actual sales from 2007 to 2009 and forecast sales for the relevant products up to 2030, adjusted to reect expected failure rates, which are broadly in line with standard industry failure rates. The cost base used in this calculation comprises an estimate of attributable R&D costs and actual and projected milestone payments where appropriate. Estimated prot margins, capital investment and working capital requirements are factored into the calculation, based on our historical performance. Details of the full product development pipeline, made up of both pharmaceutical and vaccine assets, are set out on pages 203 to 206 and on our website and the performance of marketed products is discussed in detail under Financial review 2010 on pages 34 to 40. Discovering potential medicines Our early stage R&D (drug discovery) seeks to identify the biological targets involved with the development of diseases, and then to create small molecules or biopharmaceuticals that interact with these disease targets. The wealth of scientic discoveries in recent years has made it essential that we are highly selective in where we invest our drug discovery resources; focusing resources on those areas most likely to deliver signicant medical advances and returns on investment. We conducted a re-evaluation of the advances and discoveries in global biomedical science. This led us to exit areas of research we judged unlikely to provide sufcient scientic and therefore nancial returns. We have also tried to create an entrepreneurial environment in drug discovery pursuing the best scientic opportunities whether internal or external. We created Discovery Performance Units (DPUs), which are groups of between 5-70 scientists, with each group focusing on one particular disease or pathway and responsible for driving discovery and development of potential new medicines through to early stage clinical trials (up to the completion of Phase lla). There are now nearly 40 DPUs.
GSK Annual Report 2010

Each DPU develops a business plan with specic deliverables and investment covering multiple years. The plans also include areas of opportunity for collaborations with external organisations that could enhance a DPUs deliverables and return. These can include collaborations with large and small companies and academia. Our internal R&D expertise gives us a strong basis in identifying and forming these collaborations, which in drug discovery are typically in-licensing or option-based collaborations. The Discovery Investment Board (DIB) reviews the business plans of each DPU. The DIB is responsible for revising the plans, identifying areas for improvement and monitoring DPU delivery against agreed targets and investment. Membership of the DIB comprises senior R&D and commercial management and external individuals with relevant expertise including life science investment experience and understanding of payer perspectives. It is chaired by the SVP of Medicines Discovery and Development. No individual DPU has annual expenditure of more than 10% of the total annual R&D expenditure. Delivering these medicines to patients A compound that advances into late-stage development (typically after Phase IIa) will undergo much larger scale studies in humans to investigate its efcacy and safety further. At the same time, we work at optimising both the compounds physical properties and its formulation so that it can be produced and delivered efciently and in sufcient quantities through the manufacturing process. We then convert the results of these activities into a regulatory le for submission to regulatory agencies. Medicines Development Teams (MDTs) are small units of six to ten people who have responsibility for a compound through the later stages of development to ling with the regulatory agencies. There are around 30 assets in late-stage development, comprising more than 50 individual projects. GSK also actively seeks out opportunities to add products to its late-stage portfolio through relationships with other companies. For late-stage assets, these typically take the form of in-licensing or co-promotion arrangements and are most likely to be aligned to existing areas of therapy expertise or investment. The Product Management Board (PMB), assesses the technical, commercial and investment case for each project to progress in development. The PMB is co-chaired by the Chairman, R&D and the President, North America Pharmaceuticals, and includes the heads of each pharmaceutical region and global manufacturing. Projects are reviewed by the PMB at certain key decision points: Commit to Medicine Development, Commit to Phase III and Commit to File and Launch. Funding is generally allocated up to the next key decision point, typically between two and four years ahead. The PMB also carries out an annual late-stage funding review, where investment in all projects is reviewed, adjusted if necessary and prioritised. No individual late-stage project has incurred annual expenditure of more than 10% of the total annual R&D expenditure. Governance R&D decisions are overseen by a number of boards. The oversight of strategic issues and overall budget management across R&D is owned by the R&D Executive team (RADEX). DIB and PMB control investment decisions in early and late stage R&D as described above. The Scientic Advisory Board (SAB) is chaired by the SVP Medicines Discovery and Development and includes a number of external scientic experts. The SAB reviews and challenges the science underlying development programmes and provides advice on related issues to the PMB at the key investment points.


Research and development GSKs Chief Medical Ofcer, as Chair of the Global Safety Board, is ultimately accountable for oversight of all major decisions regarding patient safety. The Global Safety Board is responsible internally for approving pivotal studies and investigating any issues related to patient safety arising during the development programme and post-launch. Information from GSK clinical trials is widely and easily available at the Clinical Study Register on GSKs website and at Diseases of the developing world Continued investment in research into diseases of the developing world is essential if there is to be a long-term improvement in the health of people who live in these regions. As part of our response to this challenge, we operate a drug discovery unit based at Tres Cantos (Spain), which focuses on malaria and tuberculosis. We are adapting our business model to pursue an open innovation strategy for R&D for diseases of the developing world. Elements of this new approach include: being more open with our intellectual property; being more open with our resources; and being more open with our data and compounds. Additional R&D sites in the USA and the UK are focused on the development of new medicines to treat HIV/AIDS and drug resistant bacteria, while vaccine research is conducted in Rixensart (Belgium). Through these R&D efforts, we are addressing the prevention and treatment of all three of the World Health Organizations (WHO) priority infectious diseases. The Biologicals Scientic Committee (BSC) denes the overall R&D and new product licensing strategy for our vaccines business. It is chaired by the Biologicals President and includes heads of our vaccines R&D, disease areas, clinical, epidemiology, business development and other departments as members. The BSC assesses high potential vaccine in-licensing opportunities, decides on exploratory projects and in-licensing opportunities and also endorses target product proles before the start of early vaccine projects. In addition the BSC aligns R&D, clinical and commercial plans for early projects and is responsible for prioritising exploratory, research and early vaccine projects. The Development Review Committee (DRC) oversees the late development vaccine portfolio including strategy, project prioritisation and resource allocation. The DRC is chaired by the head of Global Vaccine Development and its membership includes the heads of clinical research, global industrial operations, global commercial centre of excellence, R&D, industrialisation and medical. After launch, post marketing studies are set up to assess vaccination programmes and to monitor vaccine safety. In 2010 two distinct R&D groups were formed for vaccines to provide specic focus for prophylactics and for our Antigen Specic Cancer Immunotherapeutic (ASCI) portfolio. A new Global Vaccine Development organisation was created pulling together our clinical and late development R&D organisations. It has allowed us to give a clear focus to projects through Vaccine Development Leaders who have overall responsibility for the development of a particular project.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Vaccines R&D
We are active in the elds of vaccine research, development and production and have a portfolio of over 30 vaccines approved for marketing. We have over 1,600 scientists devoted to discovering innovative vaccines that contribute to the health and well-being of people of all generations around the world. The discovery and development of a new vaccine is a complex process requiring longterm investment and, with more than 20 vaccines in development, we have one of the strongest vaccine pipelines in the industry. Traditionally vaccines have been used to ward off illness; our vaccine division is working now to develop immunotherapeutics aimed at educating the patients immune system to identify and attack cancer cells in a highly specic manner. Vaccine discovery involves many collaborations with academia and the biotech industry to identify new vaccine antigens which are then expressed in yeast, bacteria or mammalian cells and puried to a very high level. This is followed by formulation of the clinical lots of the vaccine. This may involve mixing antigens with selected GSK novel proprietary adjuvant systems, which are combinations of selected adjuvants designed to elicit the most appropriate immune response to a specic antigen. The right combination of antigen and adjuvant system can help the body mobilise the most effective immunological pathway, which is designed to provide maximum protection against specic diseases in targeted populations. Once formulated, the candidate vaccine is evaluated from a safety and efcacy perspective through the different phases of preclinical testing, then through the clinical trials involving healthy individuals. These will range from safety analysis in a small group of volunteers in phase I, dose adjustment and proof of concept in phase II, to large-scale safety and efcacy analysis in phase III. The results obtained during clinical trials and data regarding the development of a quality and large-scale production process and facilities are then combined into a regulatory le which is submitted to the authorities in the countries where the vaccine will be made available.

Animals and research

For ethical, regulatory and scientic reasons, research using animals remains a small but vital part of research and development of new medicines and vaccines. We only use animals where there is no alternative and constantly strive to reduce the numbers used. We are committed to maintaining high standards for the humane care and treatment of all laboratory animals and undertake internal and external review to assure these standards. The vast majority of the experimental methods do not use animals. We are actively engaged in research to develop and validate more tests that either avoid the use of animals or reduce the numbers needed. When animals are used, all due measures are taken to prevent or minimise pain and distress. We understand that use of animals for research purposes commands a high level of public interest. Our statement on The care and ethical use of animals in research, our views on use of non-human primates and details of our voluntary decision not to use great apes (chimpanzees), together with further information and reports, are available on our website.

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Research and development Consumer Healthcare

The continuous creation and development of innovative products keeps our brands relevant, vibrant and valuable. Our portfolio spans three major categories: OTC medicines, Oral healthcare and Nutritional healthcare. For our major brands, dedicated R&D teams, including regulatory, partner with and work alongside their commercial brand team colleagues in ofce-free hub environments that foster collaboration and fast decision-making. Hubs have quickly become a preferred way of working at our Innovation Centres in Weybridge, UK, and Parsippany, USA, and we have expanded this model to China and India. We have a full and diverse product development pipeline. Our key late stage projects include novel technologies, new combinations and superior formulations.
GSK Annual Report 2010


Pipeline summary
We have a full and diverse product development pipeline. All our projects comprising new chemical entities, biological entities or vaccines, new combinations and new indications for existing compounds that are in Phase III, have been led for approval or have been recently approved are highlighted here. The most advanced status is shown and includes 2010 and 2011 approvals in the USA and EU.
Business review P08P57

Phase III Large comparative study (compound versus placebo and/or established treatment) in patients to establish clinical benet and safety. Filed Following successful Phase III trials, we le the product for approval by the regulatory authorities. Approval Only when approval is granted can we begin to market the medicine or vaccine.

assets moved into Phase III IPX066, for Parkinsons disease 1120212, a MEK inhibitor, for metastatic melanoma 2118436, a BRaf inhibitor, for metastatic melanoma 573719 + vilanterol, a combination drug for COPD 1605786, for Crohns disease Zoster vaccine, for the prevention of shingles 2402968, for Duchenne muscular dystrophy migalastat HCI, for Fabry disease 1349572, an integrase inhibitor, for HIV and as a xed dose combination with Epzicom/Kivexa 2696273, for adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deciency

approvals in USA or EU Tyverb/Tykerb, for rst line therapy for hormone receptor positive breast cancer (USA/EU) Arzerra, for refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (EU) Revolade/Promacta, for idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (EU) Duodart/Jalyn, a xed dose combination drug for benign prostatic hyperplasia (USA/EU) Votrient, for renal cell cancer (EU) Prolia, for postmenopausal osteoporosis (EU)

assets terminated from Phase III development Avandamet XR, for type 2 diabetes Avandia + statin, for type 2 diabetes almorexant, for primary insomnia New generation u vaccine, for inuenza prophylaxis Simplirix, for genital herpes prophylaxis

Our full pipeline is on pages 203 to 206 and on our website.

In-licence or other alliance relationship with a third party

To nd out more visit us at

GSK Annual Report 2010


Pipeline summary Therapeutic area


albiglutide Arzerra

type 2 diabetes chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, rst line therapy and use in relapsed patients diffuse large B cell lymphoma (relapsed patients) follicular lymphoma (refractory & relapsed patients) type 1 diabetes systemic lupus erythematosus bone metastatic disease chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (refractory patients) hormone ablative/chemotherapy bone loss in prostate cancer patients postmenopausal osteoporosis atherosclerosis treatment of inuenza Parkinsons disease restless legs syndrome epilepsy partial seizures metastatic melanoma metastatic melanoma ovarian cancer, maintenance therapy chronic liver disease induced thrombocytopaenia hepatitis C induced thrombocytopaenia breast cancer, adjuvant therapy gastric cancer head & neck squamous cell carcinoma (resectable disease) renal cell cancer, adjuvant therapy sarcoma inammatory breast cancer reduction in the risk of prostate cancer benign prostatic hyperplasia - xed dose combination idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura breast cancer, rst line therapy renal cell cancer COPD COPD COPD Crohns disease asthma COPD malaria prophylaxis (plasmodium falciparum) neisseria meningitis groups A, C, W & Y disease prophylaxis neisseria meningitis groups C & Y & haemophilus inuenzae type b disease prophylaxis seasonal inuenza prophylaxis herpes zoster prevention pre-pandemic & pandemic inuenza prophylaxis pandemic inuenza prophylaxis treatment of melanoma treatment of non-small cell lung cancer Duchenne muscular dystrophy adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deciency Fabry disease acne vulgaris acne vulgaris mild to moderate plaque psoriasis onychomycosis acne vulgaris HIV infections HIV infections

Phase III



Business review P08P57

Arzerra Arzerra otelixizumab Benlysta denosumab Arzerra Prolia Prolia darapladib Relenza IPX066 Horizant Trobalt/Potiga (retigabine/ezogabine) 1120212 2118436 Votrient Revolade/Promacta Revolade/Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Tyverb/Tykerb Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Votrient Votrient + Tyverb/Tykerb Avodart Duodart/Jalyn Revolade/Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient 573719 573719 + vilanterol vilanterol (642444) 1605786 (CCX282) Relovair (vilanterol + 685698) Relovair (vilanterol + 685698) Mosquirix Nimenrix (MenACWY-TT) MenHibrix (Hib-MenCY-TT) Other vaccines Flu vaccine Zoster Flu (pre-) pandemic Pumarix MAGE-A3 MAGE-A3 2402968 2696273 migalastat HCl tazarotene foam Duac low dose calcipotriene itraconazole tablets Veltin 1349572 1349572 + abacavir sulphate + lamivudine

Cardiovascular & metabolic Infectious diseases Neurosciences


Governance and remuneration P58P101

Respiratory & immuno-inammation

Paediatric vaccines

Financial statements P102P191

Shareholder information P192P212

Antigen Specic Cancer Immunotherapeutic (ASCI) Rare diseases



In-licence or other alliance relationship with a third party

GSK Annual Report 2010


Products, competition and intellectual property

Business review P08P57

Pharmaceutical products
Our principal pharmaceutical products are currently directed to nine main therapeutic areas. A description of the products is on pages 15 to 16 and an analysis of sales by therapeutic area, is on page 35.

Intellectual property
Intellectual property is a key business asset for our company, and the effective legal protection of our intellectual property (via patents, trademarks, registered designs, copyrights and domain name registrations) is critical in ensuring a reasonable return on investment in R&D.

Our principal pharmaceutical competitors range from small to large pharmaceutical companies often with substantial resources. Some of these companies are: Abbott Laboratories Amgen AstraZeneca Bristol-Myers Squibb Eli Lilly Johnson & Johnson Merck Novartis Pzer Roche Holdings Sano-Aventis Pharmaceuticals may be subject to competition from other products during the period of patent protection and, once off patent, from generic versions. The manufacturers of generic products typically do not incur signicant research and development or education and marketing development costs and consequently are able to offer their products at considerably lower prices than the branded competitors. As a research and development based company we will normally seek to achieve a sufciently high prot margin and sales volume during the period of patent protection to repay the original investment, which is generally substantial, and to generate prots and fund research for the future. Competition from generic products generally occurs as patents in major markets expire. Increasingly patent challenges are made prior to patent expiry, claiming that the innovator patent is not valid and/or that it is not infringed by the generic product. Following the loss of patent protection, generic products rapidly capture a large share of the market, particularly in the USA. We believe that remaining competitive is dependent upon the discovery and development of new products that deliver value to healthcare providers and improved outcomes for patients, together with effective marketing of existing products. Within the pharmaceutical industry, the introduction of new products and processes by our competitors may affect pricing or result in changing patterns of product use. There is no assurance that products will not become outmoded, notwithstanding patent or trademark protection. In addition, increased government and other pressures for physicians and patients to use generic pharmaceuticals, rather than brand-name medicines, may increase competition for products.

All of GSKs commercial products are protected by registered trademarks in major markets. There may be local variations, for example, in the USA the trademark Advair covers the same product sold in the EU as Seretide. Trademark protection may generally be extended as long as the trademark is used by renewing it when necessary. GSKs trademarks are important for maintaining the brand identity of its products. GSK enforces its trademark rights to prevent infringements.

It is our policy to try to obtain patents on commercially important, protectable inventions discovered or developed through our R&D activities. Patent protection for new active ingredients is available in major markets and patents can also be obtained for new drug formulations, manufacturing processes, medical uses and devices for administering products. Although we may obtain patents for our products, this does not prevent them from being challenged before they expire. Further, the grant of a patent does not mean that the issued patent will necessarily be held valid and enforceable by a court. If a court determines that a patent we hold is invalid, non infringed or unenforceable, it will not protect the market from third party entry prior to patent expiry. Signicant litigation concerning such challenges is summarised in Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings. The life of a patent in most countries is 20 years from the ling date. However the long development time for pharmaceutical products may result in a substantial amount of this patent life being used up before launch. In some markets (including the USA and Europe) it is possible to have some of this lost time restored and this leads to variations in the amount of patent life actually available for each product we market. Further, certain countries provide a period of data or market exclusivity that prevents a third party company from relying on our clinical trial data to enter the market with its copy for the period of exclusivity. The patent expiry dates for our signicant products are in the following table. Dates provided are for expiry of patents in the USA and major European markets on the active ingredient, unless otherwise indicated, and include extensions of patent term, including for paediatric use in the USA, where available. The patents on vaccines relate to vaccine compositions.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Products, competition and intellectual property

Pharmaceutical products
Products Respiratory
Veramyst Flixotide/Flovent uticasone furoate uticasone propionate rhinitis asthma/COPD Nasacort Qvar, Singulair 2021 expired (compound) 2011-2016 (Diskus device) 2013-2025 (HFA-device/ formulation) expired (combination) 2011-2016 (Diskus device) 2013-2025 (HFA-device/ formulation) expired (compound) 2011-2016 (Diskus device) NA 2023 expired (compound) expired (Diskus device) 2012-2017 (HFA-device/ formulation) 20131 (combination) expired (Diskus device) 2012-2017 (HFA-device/ formulation) expired (compound) expired (Diskus device) 2012-2019 (HFA-device/ formulation) 2014 expired 2012 (use) expired expired expired 2011 (use) expired NA
Compounds Indication(s) Major competitor brands Patent expiry dates USA EU

Business review P08P57


salmeterol xinafoat/ uticasone propionate


Singulair, Symbicort, Spiriva, Asmanex, Pulmicort, Foster

Governance and remuneration P58P101


salmeterol xinafoate


Foradil, Spiriva

Relenza Valtrex Zefx/Epivir-HBV zanamivir valaciclovir lamivudine inuenza genital herpes, coldsores, shingles chronic hepatitis B Tamiu Famvir Hepsera 2013 expired 2013 (use) expired expired expired 2012 (formulation) expired 20171 (combination and use) expired

Financial statements P102P191

Central nervous system

Lamictal Imigran/Imitrex Requip Requip XL Seroxat/Paxil Treximet lamotrigine sumatriptan ropinirole ropinirole paroxetine sumatriptan and naproxen epilepsy, bipolar disorder migraine Parkinsons disease, restless legs syndrome Parkinsons disease depression, various anxiety disorders migraine Keppra, Dilantin Zomig, Maxalt, Relpax Mirapex Mirapex Effexor, Cymbalta, Lexapro Zomig, Maxalt, Relpax

Shareholder information P192P212

Wellbutrin SR



Effexor, Cymbalta, Lexapro Lovenox, Fragmin Innohep Proscar, Flomax, nasteride Toprol XL


Cardiovascular and urogenital

Arixtra Avodart Coreg CR fondaparinux dutasteride carvedilol phosphate deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism benign prostatic hyperplasia mild-to-severe heart failure, hypertension, left ventricular dysfunction post MI deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism very high triglycerides expired 20151 2016 (formulation) expired 20171 (formulation) expired 2017 NA

Fraxiparine Lovaza

nadroparin omega-3 acid ethyl esters

Lovenox, Fragmin Innohep Tricor

expired NA

* See Outlook on page 7 for details of uncertainty on the timing of follow-on competition. Generic competition possible in 2011.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Products, competition and intellectual property

Business review P08P57

Pharmaceutical products
Products Anti-bacterials
Augmentin amoxicillin/clavulanate common bacterial potassium infections refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia ovarian cancer, small cell lung cancer, cervical cancer idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura advanced and metastatic breast cancer in HER2 positive patients generic products expired expired
Compounds Indication(s) Major competitor brands Patent expiry dates USA EU

Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta/ Revolade Tykerb/Tyverb ofatumumab topotecan eltrombopag lapatanib MabThera/Rituxan Doxil, Gemzar Nplate Herceptin pending expired 2021 2020 pending 2011 2021 2023


pazopanib diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B (HepB), inactivated antigens

metastatic renal cell carcinoma Sutent, Nexavar, Anitor booster vaccination diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B (HepB), Adacel Pentacel, Pediacel, Pentaxim, Pentavac Gardasil (Silgard)

2021 2017 2017

2021 2017 2014

Boostrix Infanrix/Pediarix


HPV 16 & 18 virus like particles human papilloma virus (VLPs), AS04 adjuvant (MPL + type 16 & 18 aluminium hydroxide) split inactivated inuenza virus seasonal inuenza subtypes A and type B antigens split inactivated inuenza virus seasonal inuenza subtypes A and type B antigens derived split inactivated inuenza virus antigen, A503 adjuvant derived split inactivated inuenza virus antigen, A503 adjuvant conjugated pneumococcal polysaccharide lamivudine and zidovudine lamivudine lamivudine and abacavir fosamprenavir maraviroc lamivudine, zidovudine and abacavir A(H1N1)v2009 inuenza prophylaxis inuenza prophylaxis



Fluarix FluLaval Pandemrix

Vaxigrip, Mutagrip, Fluzone, Inuvac, Aggripal, Fluad Vaxigrip, Mutagrip, Fluzone, Inuvac, Aggripal, Fluad Focetria, Celvapan, emeru

2022 none 2014

2022 none 2014







Prevenar (Prevnar)



Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir Truvada, Atripla Truvada, Atripla Truvada, Atripla Prezista, Kaletra, Reyataz Isentress, Intelence, Prezista Truvada, Atripla 20121 2013 (combination) (combination) expired expired 2016 2016 (combination) (combination) 2017 2021 2019 2021

2016 2016 (combination) (combination)

1 See Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings

GSK Annual Report 2010


Products, competition and intellectual property

Consumer Healthcare products

Brand Products Application Markets Competition

Business review P08P57

Oral healthcare
Aquafresh Sensodyne Biotene Polident Poligrip Corega toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes toothpastes, toothbrushes mouthwash, gel denture adhesive, denture cleanser prevention of caries, gum disease and bad breath prevention of dental sensitivity treat dry mouth to improve comfort of tted dentures and to clean dentures paracetamol-based treatment of headache and joint pain, fever, cold symptoms treatment of nicotine withdrawal as an aid to quitting smoking global global many markets global Colgate-Palmolives Colgate,

Procter & Gambles Crest

Colgate-Palmolive sensitivity toothpastes none Fixodent

OTC medicines
Panadol tablets, capulets, infant drops global, except USA Nurofen Governance and remuneration P58P101

NicoDerm, NiQuitin CQ, and Nicabate. Also Nicorette (USA only) Lucozade Horlicks Ribena

gum, patch, mini lozenge, original lozenge


Novartis Nicotinell, retailers own brands

Nutritional healthcare
energy and sports drinks malted, milk-based drinks and foods blackcurrant juice-based drink energy and hydration nutrition vitamin C-delivering health drink UK, Ireland, some other markets UK, Ireland, India UK, Ireland, some other markets various sports drinks Ovaltine, Milo Robinsons

Financial statements P102P191

Consumer Healthcare competition

GSK holds leading positions in all its key consumer product areas. Worldwide it is the second largest in OTC medicines and the third largest in Oral healthcare. In Nutritional healthcare it holds the leading position in the UK, Ireland and India. The environment in which the Consumer Healthcare business operates has become ever more challenging: consumers are demanding better quality, better value and improved performance retailers have consolidated and globalised which has strengthened their negotiation power cycle times for innovation have reduced. The main competitors include the major international companies Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Unilever and Pzer. In addition, there are many other smaller companies that compete with GSK in certain markets. The major competitor products in OTC medicines are: in the USA: Metamucil (laxative), Pepcid (indigestion) and private label smoking control products in the UK: Lemsip (cold remedy), Nurofen and Anadin (analgesics), and Nicorette and Nicotinell (smoking control treatments). In Oral healthcare the major competitors are Colgate-Palmolives Colgate and Procter & Gambles Crest. In Nutritional healthcare the major competitors to Horlicks are Ovaltine and Milo malted food and chocolate drinks. Competitors to Ribena are primarily local fruit juice products, while Lucozade competes with other energy drinks.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Business review P08P57

Regulation Pharmaceuticals
Region and country-specic laws and regulations are major factors in determining whether a product may be successfully developed and approved. They dene the information needed to evaluate the safety and efcacy of pharmaceutical products, as well as governing their testing, approval, manufacturing, labelling and marketing. There is an increasing level of co-operation and exchange of information among the major regulatory authorities encompassing development plans, data to support product registration, post-marketing safety information and inspections. Although the evaluation of benet and risk continue to be paramount considerations for the approval of a new drug in the USA, there is enhanced focus by the FDA on the safety of medicines from approval through the post-marketing phase of the product. In 2010 the FDA announced four strategic priorities for the next ve years: advance regulatory science and innovation, strengthen the safety and integrity of the global supply chain, strengthen compliance and enforcement activities to support public health; and address the unmet public health needs of special populations. We will be engaged in these key areas of interest. In Europe, new regulations aimed at strengthening the safety monitoring of medicines have now been agreed by EU legislators and will be implemented from 2011. Discussions continue on draft legislation on improving citizens access to reliable information on medicines, and on strengthening EU laws to protect citizens from the threats posed by fake medicines. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Heads of National Medicines Agencies (HMA) both published ve-year strategic plans during 2010; these were aimed mainly at strengthening the operation of the existing EU regulatory network. The EU Commission published a report on the operation of the EMA in preparation for a potential legislative proposal for changes to the regulatory framework by 2014, and also continued with its review of the regulation of Clinical Trials in Europe this review is expected to conclude in 2012. The regulatory environment in Emerging Markets and Asia-Pacic continues to evolve, with a number of countries continuing to develop their regulatory review systems. We actively participate in a number of specic regional and national regulatory initiatives, which provide opportunities for meaningful scientic and regulatory dialogue between industry, agencies and other stakeholders. We continue to include broader sets of patient populations from a number of these countries in medicine development programmes in order to increase global patient access to new innovative medicines, and optimise regulatory approvals.

Regulation Consumer Healthcare

The consumer healthcare industry is subject to national regulation comparable to that for prescription medicines for the testing, approval, manufacturing, labelling and marketing of products. High standards of technical appraisal frequently involve a lengthy approval process before a new product may be launched. GSK Consumer Healthcare continues to gain centralised regulatory approvals for over-the-counter products. Since the 2009 historymaking rst for the OTC industry when the European Medicines Agency granted centralised approval of the weight loss medicine alli which has now been granted approval in more than 50 countries; a line extension chewable product has also been granted centralised approval. Additionally, GSK Consumer Healthcare has embraced the principle of centralised applications and has achieved GSKs rst pan-Gulf Cooperation Council approvals for alli and Niquitin in 2010, permitting launch across all seven markets of the Gulf region.

Value for money

Payers around the world are concerned about the cost of healthcare and the pricing of medicines. The requirement to satisfy healthcare purchasers on value for money is becoming an additional hurdle for product acceptance over and above the regulatory tests of safety, efcacy and quality.

Price controls
In many countries the prices of pharmaceutical products are controlled by law. Governments may also inuence prices through their control of national healthcare organisations, which may bear a large part of the cost of supplying medicines to consumers. Recent government healthcare reforms in countries such as France, Spain and Germany may restrict pricing and reimbursement. Currently in the USA, there are no government price controls over private sector purchases, but federal law requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to pay prescribed rebates on certain drugs to be eligible for reimbursement under several state and federal healthcare programmes. In 2010, the US President and Congress passed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to reform the US healthcare system to drive down cost, improve quality and increase access to millions of Americans without health insurance. These reforms have the potential to create positive changes in the US healthcare system and expand access to our products. However, the ACA also increased prescribed rebates under government-run programmes and changed the balance between private and public sector purchases. Despite passage of the ACA, the pressure to control healthcare costs will continue into 2011 and beyond. Issues such as crossborder trade, the acceleration of generics to market, comparative effectiveness research, and pharmaceutical pricing will continue to be part of the ongoing healthare debate in the USA. Fortunately, we are positioned to be a constructive contributor to these debates since there has been increased recognition that chronic disease is the primary driver of healthcare spending and pharmaceutical products deliver important interventions that help hold down healthcare costs.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Manufacturing and supply

GSKs manufacturing covers Pharmaceutical, Consumer Healthcare and vaccines. Pharmaceutical Global Manufacturing and Supply (GMS) More than 27,000 people work in GMS across our network of 77 sites in 32 countries. GMS supports the commercial ambition of GSK by delivering quality medicines and consumer products to patients and customers around the world. The scale of manufacturing in GSK is huge, with the manufacture of over 4 billion packs per year in 28,000 different presentations (including tablets, creams/ointments, inhalers, injections, liquids and steriles), which are then supplied to over 150 markets. Over 4.1 billion was spent by GMS on production in 2010. GMS operates a procurement operation on behalf of the Group. We spend over 2 billion annually with external suppliers, purchasing active ingredients, chemical intermediates, packaging components and part-nished and nished products. During 2010, as our internal customers sought every opportunity to grow their businesses, we focused on the cost-competitive supply of quality product to meet their ambitions. We worked diligently to leverage our network of sites and contractors to give us built-in exibility to sustain future growth and adapt to emerging commercial business models. In an increasingly rigorous external regulatory environment, we have continued to leverage technology in support of process understanding, control, and capability. Our Pharmaceutical Launch and Global Supply sites work closely with R&Ds development teams to ensure that the right technical competencies are in place to support rapid and successful new product introduction. These sites serve as the focal point for developing and introducing new secondary manufacturing technologies. The Primary supply sites in our Pharmaceutical Launch and Global Supply division supply high quality, competitively priced bulk actives and focus on improvements in primary technologies and processes. The sites in our Antibiotics and Emerging Markets supply division focus on manufacturing products in the late stage of their life cycle, allowing GSK to compete more effectively in all its markets. Consumer Healthcare manufacturing Most of Consumer Healthcare Manufacturing is also managed by GMS apart from our Coleford site which is managed directly by Nutritional healthcare. Our Consumer Healthcare sites deliver high-quality, competitively priced products and support rapid new product introduction in a highly innovative and competitive business. New technologies have become a fundamental platform for driving innovation, lowering costs and providing exibility in operations. We are continuously improving and embedding new ways of working that are simplifying the business and achieving greater efciencies. It is our focus on customer service, including support for new product launches, our strong compliance culture, our commitment to health, safety and the environment, and our commitment to developing our people that have delivered strong results for GSK even as the external environment has become more demanding. Vaccine manufacturing Vaccine manufacturing, which is managed separately from GMS, is an integral part of the Biologicals business, and is particularly complex as it requires the use of innovative technologies and living micro-organisms. Comprehensive quality assurance and quality control procedures are in place to ensure the vaccines quality and safety. Due to their biological nature, individual health authorities may subject vaccines to a second control to guarantee the highest quality standards. GMS supports GSKs commercial ambition to deliver quality medicines and consumer healthcare products to patients and consumers around the world.
Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212
GSK Annual Report 2010


World market pharmaceuticals

Business review P08P57

The global recession caused by the international nancial crisis continued to impact the worlds economies during 2010. Although many countries and industry sectors saw some improvement over 2009, signicant growth remained elusive and the recovery was fragile at best. Following its 22% rise in 2009, the FTSE 100 Index achieved more modest gains in 2010, at 9%. In the USA, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 11%. Stock exchanges across Europe recorded mixed performances, with the 16% rise in Germany contrasting with losses of 17% and 13% in Spain and Italy respectively. In Asia, the Chinese stock market posted an annual decline of almost 15% and the Nikkei in Japan one of 3%. The debt crisis in Greece spread to other economies such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Romania. As we moved towards the end of the year, many governments introduced austerity measures to complement the scal stimulus initiatives of 2009. These cuts, which in some cases were both severe and rapid, were implemented across education, healthcare and other public services. Each government took a different approach to healthcare with specic pricing cuts being applied to selected medicines and vaccines. These measures affected the pharmaceutical industry to varying degrees depending on each companys exposure to the areas impacted. At the same time, 2010 also saw the implementation of healthcare reform in the USA with associated discounts and price cuts for the pharmaceutical industry. Global pharmaceutical sales in 2010 were 476 billion, compared with 468 billion in 2009.
World market by geographic region USA Europe Rest of World Emerging markets Asia Pacic Japan Canada
Value bn % of total

World market top six therapeutic classes Central nervous system Cardiovascular Antineoplastic/Immunomodulatory Alimentary tract and metabolic Anti-infectives (bacterial, viral and fungal) excluding vaccines Respiratory
(Note: data based on 12 months to 30th September 2010)

Value bn

% of total

76 69 63 57 49 33

16 15 13 12 10 7

Data for market share and market growth rates are GSK estimates based on the most recent data from independent external sources including IMS Health, and where appropriate, are valued in Sterling at relevant exchange rates.

194 129 153 67 20 52 13


41 27 32 14 4 11 3

Market growth on a CER basis was USA 4.2%, Europe 3% and Rest of World 8.2%.

GSK Annual Report 2010


GSK sales performance

GSK delivered underlying sales growth (excluding pandemic related products, Avandia and Valtrex) for 2010 of 4.5% despite the ongoing impacts of EU government austerity measures and US healthcare reform which reduced sales by approximately 380 million. Commentary on GSKs segmental sales performance uses the performance measures set out below. Underlying sales growth Underlying sales growth excludes the sales of pandemic products, Avandia and Valtrex. Management believes this measure assists shareholders in gaining a clearer understanding of the Groups sales performance and prospects because of the size and nature of the loss of sales from these products. A reconciliation to Group and pharmaceutical turnover is as follows:
2010 m 2009 m Growth CER%

Business review P08P57

Group turnover Avandia, Valtrex and pandemic products Underlying Group turnover

28,392 (2,285) 26,107

2010 m

28,368 (3,668) 24,700

2009 m

(1.2) 4.5
Growth CER%

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Pharmaceutical turnover Avandia, Valtrex and pandemic products Underlying pharmaceutical turnover Sales of these products by segment were:
USA m Europe m Emerging Markets m

23,382 (2,285) 21,097

23,694 (3,668) 20,026

(2) 4

2010 Pandemic products Avandia Valtrex

Asia Pacic/ Japan m

Other trading and unallocated m

Total m

44 237 252

494 88 68

227 42 28

462 24 176

86 49 8

1,313 440 532

Financial statements P102P191

2009 Pandemic products Avandia Valtrex


Europe m

Emerging Markets m

Asia Pacic/ Japan m

Other trading and unallocated m

Total m

324 425 942

737 171 160

89 76 26

331 41 152

122 58 14

1,603 771 1,294

White pills/western markets White pills/western markets refers to sales of tablets and simple injectables (excluding biopharmaceuticals and vaccines) in North America and Europe. CER growth In order to illustrate underlying performance, it is the Groups practice to discuss its results in terms of constant exchange rate (CER) growth. This represents growth calculated as if the exchange rates used to determine the results of overseas companies in Sterling had remained unchanged from those used in the previous year. CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates. All commentaries in this Report are presented in terms of CER unless otherwise stated.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


US pharmaceuticals segment review

Business review P08P57
2010 m 2009 (restated) m Growth CER%

Turnover Operating prot

7,648 5,043

8,578 5,933

(11) (16)

We have been making continued efforts to change the companys model to improve levels of openness and transparency. For example in 2008, we voluntarily stopped all corporate political contributions, and in 2009, we became the rst company to report voluntarily payments to healthcare professionals in the USA on a named, individual basis for speaking and consulting services. In 2011 the US business is implementing a new system for evaluating and compensating our professional sales representatives. Under the new programme, bonuses to sales representatives who work directly with customers will no longer be based on achievement of individual sales targets. Instead, they will be assessed on scientic and business knowledge, feedback from customers in their region, including demonstration of the companys values, and overall performance of the business unit they support. This programme will be fully implemented in July 2011. Consistent with our values of integrity and transparency, we have also sharpened the focus of our support for continuing medical education (CME). For example, we implemented a system where we limit grant applications to approximately 20 academic medical centres and national-level professional medical associations. All CME providers that we support must be directly accredited by a recognised accrediting body, and we now only fund CME by not-for-prot providers. Although the US healthcare and business environment is challenging, it also presents opportunities for companies that can deliver truly innovative medicines to the market. Since 2007, we have launched more than 20 new products in the US market. In 2011, we look forward to a regulatory decision on Benlysta, which if approved will be the rst new treatment for Lupus in the last 50 years. Overall we believe the improvements we are making to our cost structure and how we operate are enabling us to compete more effectively in the evolving marketplace. Our Research Triangle Park campus in North Carolina, USA, is a home to a number of business functions.

We are emerging from a period of signicant patent expirations, and are making good progress to transform our US business model and operations to meet current and future challenges. Sales in the USA were down 11% to 7.6 billion, primarily due to the impact of generic competition to Valtrex, a signicant reduction in sales of pandemic related products and lower sales of Avandia. Underlying sales (excluding pandemic related products, Avandia and Valtrex) were up 3% in the USA during the year despite the discontinuation of GSKs promotion of Boniva, the sale of Wellbutrin XL and the impact of US healthcare reform across the product range. Underlying growth was driven by strong performances from a number of our promoted medicines, including Flovent (up 8%), Ventolin (up 16%), Boostrix (up 51%), Avodart (up 5%), Lovaza (up 17%) and our oncology products (up 13%). New products launched since 2007 (excluding u pandemic vaccines) grew 29% and contributed 8% of 2010 sales. The reduced turnover was partially offset by lower SG&A costs reecting savings from the restructuring programme and a receipt for the exclusive promotion rights to Boniva for 2010. Operating prot declined by 16%. In the USA, the healthcare market is changing radically and rapidly. A signicant proportion of healthcare costs continue to be paid by federal and local governments. Large pharmacy benet managers and health plans dominate the private market. Physicians are consolidating their practices into medical centers, group practices and integrated delivery networks. Hospitals are consolidating too, with 500 fewer now than there were just three years ago. Payers are demanding higher quality care with lower costs and are increasingly linking reimbursement with improved health outcomes. Implementation of landmark healthcare reform legislation in the USA also began during the year. As a result, in January 2010, Medicaid drug rebates increased from 15% to 23% and were extended to include Medicaid managed care plans and new formulations of existing products. Also in January, eligibility for certain government drug pricing programs was expanded to include additional hospitals and health centers. In response to these evolving market conditions, we are making fundamental changes to our US operations to ensure that we deliver the value our customers patients, healthcare providers and payers demand. These changes are enabling us to more effectively meet customer needs and expectations, better deploy our resources and support an evolving, more specialised product portfolio. For example, the majority of our US pharmaceuticals sales representatives now have either customer-centred or portfoliofocused responsibilities, rather than product specic responsibilities. These changes have enabled us to increase the productivity of our sales force while reducing its size by approximately 25% since 2008. Most importantly, our new customer-centric model aligns with our customers desire to work with us as a business-tobusiness partner.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Europe pharmaceuticals segment review

2010 m 2009 (restated) m Growth CER%

Turnover Operating prot

6,548 3,744

7,087 3,993

(6) (4)

Our European pharmaceutical business delivered solid performance in 2010, despite signicant government led austerity measures and price cuts. Although reported sales were down 6% to 6.5 billion, underlying performance (excluding pandemic related products, Avandia and Valtrex) was at. This was a creditable performance as it includes approximately 150 million sales impact from government price cuts. It was driven by the introduction of new products and growth from other products in our portfolio. Despite likely continued government pricing pressure in 2011, this strong product portfolio gives us condence in future performance of this business. We introduced ve new products in 2010. A particular highlight was Duodart, our treatment combination of Avodart and tamsulosin for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Other recently introduced brands such as Avamys, Requip Modutab, Tyverb, Volibris and Wellbutrin all achieved double digit growth. Our major product, Seretide for asthma and COPD, while impacted by the price cuts, achieved sales of 1.6 billion, up 2% whilst maintaining its leadership position in the respiratory market. We continue to bring the benets of this product to more patients across Europe. Our portfolio of vaccines also contributed to growth with Synorix, a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, winning several national tenders and increasing sales by 38% to 43 million. To manage our operating costs, the business has also delivered improvements in efciency. Close control of our operating expenses delivered savings in excess of 10% and our programme to reduce the diversity of cartons, labels and leaets used across our range of medicines delivered further savings. As part of this initiative we will reduce 35 different formats of tablet blister packs to just 3 by 2013. An 11% reduction in SG&A costs, reecting savings from the restructuring programme, helped to limit the decline in operating prot to 4%. Our commitment to work with communities across Europe to support greater access and to build trust with stakeholders continues. An example is a project in Bulgaria to promote awareness for vaccines among vulnerable ethnic minority groups through collaboration between the health mediators, general practitioners and the representatives of the regional health inspectorates. The initiative facilitates the access of these groups to the national healthcare system, focusing on prevention and health awareness. A particular benet from this work in 2010 was an improved rate of immunisation in this group which in turn reduced the impact from an outbreak of measles.

As we enter 2011, the continuing pressure on cost and the change to a value-based medicine approach (where in addition to demonstration of safety and efcacy, governments or their agencies assess medicines for the value they deliver to their healthcare system) makes the development of effective dialogue with governments, regulators and payers across Europe absolutely vital. Within our business we continue to place emphasis on being able to demonstrate the cost effectiveness of GSK products and to deliver new medicines and vaccines that address unmet medical need and also have demonstrable value. Much of our work is targeted on building evidence on the cost effectiveness of our medicines when compared to current treatments. For example, in the UK we have agreed an innovative pricing agreement with the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) for our advanced kidney cancer medicine, Votrient. If Votrient is not as effective as sunitinib, the current standard of care, in the comparative trials which are currently underway, we have offered a future nancial rebate.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals segment review

Business review P08P57
2010 m 2009 (restated) m Growth CER%

Turnover Operating prot

3,556 1,271

2,895 948

22 31

We continue to introduce exible pricing strategies. The work is at an early stage, however the results of some of our initiatives so far are promising. For example, we signicantly reduced prices of some of GSKs newest and most innovative products, including Avodart, Avamys and Cervarix, with the aim of increasing affordability and volumes sold in middle income countries. For the least developed countries (LDCs), last year we established a new Developing Countries and Market Access business unit. This new unit has a dedicated focus on expanding access to our medicines and vaccines to more of the 700 million people who live in the worlds poorest countries. It has the added benet of helping us build sustainable GSK businesses in those parts of the developing world where we currently have little or no presence. It is responsible for implementing our pricing policy where we are capping the prices of our patented medicines in LDCs to 25% of the Western price, and reinvesting 20% of our prots from medicines sold in these countries back into the same countries healthcare infrastructure. During the year, we were also pleased to announce the signing of the Advance Market Commitment (AMC) for pneumococcal vaccines with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), providing 300 million doses of Synorix over 10 years at a reduced price, to protect children in the poorest countries across the world against invasive pneumococcal disease.

Our Emerging Markets pharmaceutical business continues to perform very strongly with sales up 22% to 3.6 billion in 2010. Underlying growth in these markets (excluding pandemic related products, Avandia and Valtrex) was 20%. This is the second consecutive year following the introduction of GSKs strategic initiatives that the Emerging Markets business has outgrown pharmaceutical market growth in this region, estimated at 15%. We delivered particularly strong performances in Latin America which grew 44% and in China and the CIS, which grew 21% and 20% respectively. In addition, we produced growth across all three sectors of the Emerging Markets business Innovative brands (new patent protected products), Classic brands (non-patent protected) and Vaccines. Our Innovative brands business showed consistent performance in 2010, with sales growth of 16% to approximately 1.1 billion. Sales of respiratory medicine, Seretide, were over 300 million, and grew 16%, with particularly strong performances in key markets including China. Our Classic brands business also continues to go from strength to strength with sales growth of 18% to 1.6 billion, including continued double-digit growth of Augmentin after 30 years on the market. Vaccine sales were up 38% to 927 million, with pandemic u products and pneumococcal vaccine Synorix performing particularly well. Excluding pandemic u vaccines, sales grew 14%. Turnover by main business sector

1 1 Vaccines (26%) 2 2 Innovative brands (30%) 3 3 Classic brands (44%)

Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals operating prot increased by 31% on a turnover increase of 22%, reecting strong Synorix and pandemic vaccine sales, together with the benet of acquisitions, partially offset by increased SG&A investment across the region. Operational highlights for the year include a number of new strategic alliances. We strengthened our footprint in key emerging markets through a number of business acquisitions, including Laboratorios Phoenix, a leading Argentinian Classic brands business. A number of vaccine production alliances were also concluded during the year including an alliance with JSC Binnopharm, a Russian pharmaceutical manufacturer, to enable the local secondary manufacture of a number of key GSK vaccines in Russia.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Asia Pacic/Japan pharmaceuticals segment review

2010 m 2009 (restated) m Growth CER%

Turnover Operating prot

3,102 1,730

2,628 1,352

9 15

In 2010, sales in Asia Pacic grew 1% to 1.1 billion. Excluding the sales of pandemic related products, Avandia and Valtrex, underlying growth in Asia Pacic was 8% which benetted from the acquisitions of Stiefels dermatology portfolio and UCBs Asian business. Strong performances were also delivered from Avamys (up 80%), Tykerb (up 20%), Seretide (up 5%) and vaccines (up 8% excluding u pandemic). Operating prot for Asia Pacic improved 4% to 0.5 billion, reecting improved sales of Synorix and Cervarix and the favourable impact of product mix on cost of goods, partially offset by lower sales of Relenza. The middle income countries in the Asia Pacic region have been at the centre of GSKs exible pricing initiatives. For example as part of our innovative pricing model, monthly sales of our Cervarix vaccine have increased by approximately six times in the Philippines following a 60% price reduction. Similarly, in Indonesia and Vietnam we have introduced equivalent pricing strategies for this vaccine which has resulted in a more than six-fold increase in the number of women vaccinated. Cervarix is now the number one human papillomavirus vaccine in South East Asia, with Malaysia securing the regions rst ever tender for the product during the year. Synorix is also growing well, delivering sales of 12 million. The year also saw important strategic alliances signed with major local pharmaceutical companies including Dong-A in South Korea and Savipharm in Vietnam. Japanese pipeline potential
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Approvals in 20101 Pending approval Potential filings 20122

GSK Japan delivered another very strong year, with sales up 14% to 1,959 million. Underlying sales growth, excluding pandemic products, Valtrex and Avandia, was 6%. This growth was driven primarily by Adoair (Seretide/Advair), up 17%, and contributions from newly launched products such as Cervarix, Avolve/Avodart and Xyzal, partially offset by a Paxil sales decline of 11%, and declines in the mature respiratory products Flixotide/Flovent down 18%, and Serevent, down 26%, which in part reected biennial price reductions. Our vaccine franchise has become an important pillar for the company in Japan. Arepanrix became one of only two u vaccines ever allowed for import into Japan when it received regulatory approval in January 2010. Cervarix has had a strong launch in Japan with 2010 sales of 57 million. The product was also recognised as one of the three vaccines that would receive public funding from the Japanese government from 2011 onwards. Operating prot for Japan increased by 20% to 1.2 billion, reecting higher Cervarix and pandemic vaccine sales and the favourable impact of product mix on cost of goods, partially offset by lower sales of Relenza. During the year, GSK Japan received approvals for six compounds, including Revolade and Xyzal, and one new indication, Botox for spasticity. In addition, oral pulmonary arterial hypertension treatment, Volibris, was launched during the year. GSK Japan established a rare diseases development centre in April 2010 to accelerate delivery of medicines for rare diseases for which treatment is not yet available. As part of this initiative, GSK increased investment in Japan by investing in Japan Chemical Research, a company with leading technology to manufacture bio-pharmaceuticals.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

1 2

Includes 4 New Chemical Entities Includes New Chemical Entities, line extensions, new promotions or re-formulations

GSK Annual Report 2010


ViiV Healthcare segment review

Business review P08P57
2010 m 2009 (restated) m

Improving paediatric care of HIV

Growth CER%

Turnover Operating prot

1,556 851

1,605 1,071

(3) (21)

ViiV Healthcare celebrated its rst anniversary in November 2010. The business was established by GSK and Pzer as an independent company focused on delivering advances in clinical outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for people living with HIV. The companys unique structure and wide portfolio of 10 available medicines, provides nancial stability and the investment capital required to take a sustainable, long-term view of the HIV market. Overall, sales of HIV products by ViiV Healthcare were down 3% to 1.6 billion in 2010. Sales of former Pzer products Celsentri/ Selzentry and Viracept (combined sales of 118 million) and growth from Epzicom/Kivexa (up 1% to 555 million) partially offset reductions in the sales from other established HIV products including Trizivir (down 28% to 144 million), Combivir (down 16% to 363 million), Lexiva/Telzir (down 12% to 155 million) and Epivir (down 12% to 115 million) which continue to be impacted by uptake of newer alternative products. Strong growth for Celsentri/Selzentry compared with 2009 was supported by the wide acceptance of genotypic testing across Europe, increasing rst-line use in the USA and country launches in Poland, Romania, Australia, Japan and Mexico. Upward trends in Epzicom/Kivexa sales reected the role of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) as a mainstay of treatment in HIV. As part of the strategic focus on International markets (all countries excluding Europe and North America), ViiV Healthcare established new independent local operating companies in several important geographies and opened regional hubs in Asia Pacic, CIS and Latin America in 2010. As a result, revenue in the International region grew by 22%. ViiV Healthcare operating prots decreased 21% primarily as a result of US healthcare reform and higher SG&A and R&D costs partially offset by a one-time royalty settlement. The higher SG&A costs were primarily due to the amortisation of acquired intangible assets. 2010 also saw great progress in building a late-stage pipeline. In October, Shionogi-ViiV Healthcare announced the start of their Phase III development programme for the novel integrase inhibitor S/GSK1349572 (572), with a further Phase III trial for xed dose combination 572-Tri (572+Epzicom/Kivexa) initiated in February 2011. ViiV Healthcare is committed to supporting the communities most affected by the HIV epidemic. One way the company does this is by developing innovative approaches to improve access to medicines. For example, in July 2010, ViiV Healthcare was the rst company to make its entire current and future anti-retroviral portfolio available to generic manufacturers through royalty-free voluntary licences. These cover all of the least developed, low income countries and sub-Saharan Africa, the 69 countries where 80% of people with HIV live. Similarly, the not-for-prot pricing policy has been expanded to these 69 countries. During the year, ViiV Healthcare also launched the Positive Action Southern Initiative in the USA to reduce healthcare disparities among communities with the greatest needs.

In 2010, as part of its commitment to address major unmet needs in HIV, ViiV Healthcare formed key partnerships with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and amFAR to improve care of paediatric HIV and prevent mother to child transmission (MTCT) of the virus, which is the fourth Millennium Development Goal. The Positive Action for Children Fund gave more than 3 million to community projects to support mothers and children affected by HIV and to prevent MTCT. A further request for proposals at the end of the year expanded the Funds reach and scope.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Consumer Healthcare segment review

2010 m 2009 (restated) m Growth CER%

Turnover Operating prot

5,010 1,043

4,674 931

5 8

Consumer Healthcare sales grew 5% to 5 billion in 2010, signicantly ahead of Consumer Healthcare market growth estimated to be approximately 2%. We delivered growth in all of the three categories in which we operate Oral healthcare (up 6%), Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines (up 3%) and Nutritional healthcare (up 9%). Europe sales were level with last year with sales of 2.0 billion as growth in Oral healthcare and Nutritional healthcare was offset by a decline in OTC sales. The business in the USA grew 1% to 1.0 billion, led by Oral healthcare. Growth was particularly strong in the rest of the world which grew 13% to 2.0 billion. In the Indian sub-continent we continued to deliver new innovations for the Horlicks brand while launching three Priority brands Lucozade, Sensodyne and Breathe Right, resulting in combined sales growth of 20%. In China, we delivered sales growth of 20% through expanded consumer availability for Fenbid, Contac and Bactroban, strong uptake from newly launched Lucozade and continued good performance from other products including Sensodyne, Breathe Right and denture care brands. To accelerate research and innovation in these key emerging markets, we opened an Oral Healthcare Research Centre in Gurgaon, India, and an Innovation Centre in Beijing, China. The Middle East, Africa and Pakistan markets together delivered sales growth of 18%, largely through strong Panadol and Eno sales growth. South America grew sales by 16%, also led by strong Panadol and Eno consumption, with lower growth in Japan and Australia/New Zealand of 4% and 6%, respectively. Oral healthcare grew 6% to 1.6 billion, led by a strong performance from Sensodyne, which continued as the fastestgrowing toothpaste in the world, a position it has held for the last 5 years. This is a remarkable record for a brand in its 50th year. Following our 2010 launch in India, we now market Sensodyne in 124 countries. However, Aquafresh sales declined slightly. Biotene, the dry mouth treatment acquired in 2008, grew strongly. OTC medicines recorded sales of 2.5 billion, up 3%. A good performance from smoking control products was helped by the new tax on tobacco in Japan and substantial sales in Brazil for a government-funded smoking cessation initiative. In addition to supplying products for Brazils initiative, we have provided training on smoking cessation to 1,400 clinics across the country. Panadol, the leading paracetamol analgesic outside the USA, delivered strong sales growth, helped by the roll-out of Panadol Advance with Optizorb technology that dissolves ve times faster than regular paracetamol tablets. Dermatology products grew 8% to 256 million but respiratory tract products declined 6% to 380 million. Nutritional healthcare grew 9% to 952 million, led by Horlicks, with more modest growth from Ribena and Lucozade. Operating prot increased 8% on a turnover increase of 5%, reecting efciencies of scale in SG&A costs, which grew more slowly than sales.

During the year, we opened a new bottle manufacturing plant at our Coleford, UK factory for Nutritional Healthcare, enabling us to mould Lucozade and Ribena bottles, formulate the drinks and ll the bottles, all at one plant. The bottle-forming facility moulds 1 billion PET bottles per year from plastic chips. This investment eliminates over 2,400 road-haulage trips of more than 110 miles from our former bottle supplier. We recently announced our intention to accelerate growth and focus our Consumer Healthcare business around a portfolio of Priority brands and the emerging markets. These two dimensions represent around 90% of our current Consumer Healthcare sales base. We intend to divest the remaining 10% of sales (500 million) which mostly consist of European and American non-core OTC brands. Our aim is to divest these products by late 2011, subject to interest and realising appropriate value for shareholders. We expect to use the proceeds to fund increased returns to shareholders. Finally, as part of our objective to deliver a sustainable business the largest array of solar panels in North America now powers our regional distribution centre in York, Pennsylvania. Almost 11,000 door-sized solar panels cover a rooftop that is equivalent to eight football elds, generating 3,400,000 kWhr per year. This solar array will eliminate nearly 1,800 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year, a load on the environment that would take 15,000 mature trees to absorb. 11,000 solar panels cover the rooftop of GSKs Consumer Healthcare regional distribution centre in York, Pennsylvania

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Pharmaceutical research and development review

Business review P08P57

In 2010, Group R&D expenditure before major restructuring was 3,964 million (2009 3,951 million) representing 14.0% of total turnover (2009 13.9%). The company expects R&D costs before major restructuring as a percentage of turnover to remain around 14% in 2011. We are delivering sustained asset progression with 10 new chemical entities and new vaccines entering Phase III since the start of 2010. Seven assets are led with regulators. Five projects have been terminated from Phase III development, as listed on page 12, because of adverse trial results or feedback from regulators. By the end of 2012, we expect Phase III data on around 15 additional assets, including treatments for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, rare diseases and multiple cancer types. Our pharmaceuticals R&D segment comprises R&D activities for the pharmaceuticals business, excluding vaccines, Consumer Healthcare and other local and central costs. The table below analyses the Group R&D expenditure by these categories.
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Focusing on returns in pharmaceutical R&D We have been making fundamental changes to how we allocate our pharmaceutical R&D investment: terminating development in areas with low scientic and nancial return; dismantling infrastructure; reducing cost and risk through externalising parts of early-stage discovery and directing investment to our late stage pipeline. Progress in 2010 included: In early 2010, we announced our intention to cease discovery research into certain areas of neurology, such as pain and depression, and instead concentrate activities in neurodegenerative and neuroinammatory diseases where we feel the prospects for successful registration and launch of differentiated medicines are greater. This change led us to exit ve R&D centres. In two of the largest of these Verona, Italy and Zagreb, Croatia the operations were transferred to external groups thereby preserving the majority of jobs. We have successfully out-licensed and spun off some of the early stage neurology assets in the UK through deals with Convergence Pharmaceuticals and Proximagen Group. Through these changes and other actions we have achieved a reduction in our footprint of 29% since 2006. We continue to increase the external nature of our discovery activities. During 2010 we signed eight new collaborations to access novel discovery, giving us a total of 54 external discovery engines to complement our 38 DPUs. We have streamlined the resourcing of our clinical trials contract research organisations, reducing this from over 100 to just two suppliers. While this provides savings in terms of economies of scale, it will also ensure consistency and rigour in clinical trials around the globe. We combined our Molecular Discovery Research (MDR) and Preclinical Development (PCD) in 2010 to create an end-to-end scientic and technical platform supporting the discovery and development efforts. The remit of this group remains to create the materials and knowledge that enable our R&D to take ideas, generate hypotheses and test them in preclinical and clinical settings and ultimately launch new medicines. Other developments in pharmaceutical R&D GSK Rare Diseases was created in 2010 to enable us to focus on this specialised area of drug discovery and development. Opportunities in new treatments for rare diseases are growing as increased scientic (including genetic) understanding allows researchers to identify which rare diseases are most likely to respond to therapeutic intervention. We signed two signicant new rare disease alliances this year: with Amicus, for the treatment of Fabry disease, and Fondazione Telethon to research and develop novel stem-cell derived treatments to address rare genetic disorders, using gene therapy carried out on a patients own stem cells. These new agreements demonstrate our approach to seeking out innovative medicines that add value for both patients and payers. This year, we also made progress on our commitment to encourage new research into neglected tropical diseases. Our research centre in Tres Cantos, Spain, released the results of our year-long screening of more than two million compounds in GSKs chemical library to seek out those that could inhibit the malaria parasite, P. falciparum. We have made all of this data publically available online. More than 80% of the 13,500 molecule structures released are proprietary to GSK, and therefore the information released is entirely new to the research community.

Pharmaceuticals - direct project costs (excl. vaccines) - indirect costs - unallocated costs Pharmaceuticals R&D In-market pharmaceutical development Vaccines Corporate and other costs Consumer Healthcare R&D before major restructuring Major restructuring Total R&D

1,432 959 563 2,954 147 533 172 3,806 158 3,964 493 4,457

1,489 1,056 474 3,019 81 524 177 3,801 150 3,951 155 4,106

1,209 844 490 2,543 40 369 304 3,256 114 3,370 170 3,540

The proportion of pharmaceuticals R&D investment made in the late-stage portfolio continues to grow from 56% of the direct and indirect costs in 2006 to 61% in 2010. Sales of new pharmaceutical products launched since 2007 (excluding pandemic u vaccines) grew by 36% to 1,727 million in 2010 and represented 7% of total pharmaceutical sales.
2010 m 2009 m Growth CER%

Veramyst Cervarix Coreg CR Lamictal XR Requip XL Rotarix Synorix Treximet Tykerb Others

193 242 157 68 148 235 221 56 227 180 1,727

142 187 161 18 123 282 73 55 169 52 1,262

33 26 (3) >100 22 (18) >100 2 34 >100 36

Investment and pipeline progress in 2010

Globally, over 13,000 people work in R&D, with many of these based in our major R&D centres in the UK, USA, Belgium and China. Over 11,000 people work in pharmaceuticals R&D. In the course of 2010 we managed over 150 projects with trials in humans.
GSK Annual Report 2010


Responsible business
Creating a successful and sustainable business is about more than nancial results. We place great importance not just on what we achieve but on how we achieve it. Running a responsible, values-based business is embedded in our strategy
We are working hard to build a culture in which our decisions are guided by our values: Commit to transparency Show respect for people Always demonstrate the highest integrity in our conduct Be patient focused. We know that the research and development, manufacture and sale of our products can raise ethical issues, and we aim to be open about how we tackle them. We understand how important it is to communicate with our stakeholders, seeking to understand their views and being transparent about any setbacks we have experienced as well as the progress we have made. For example, our commitment to putting patients rst means we are focusing on improving access to our medicines and vaccines for all patients irrespective of where they live and their ability to pay. We believe this is the right thing to do and that it will contribute to sustainable business growth. Ultimately we believe that responsible business is good for society and good for GSK. It helps us to operate efciently, to gain the trust of our stakeholders, to create the products that patients and healthcare payers really need and to foster the right conditions for expansion of our business. Read about our approach and performance on responsible business issues including access to medicines, research and business ethics and the environment at Our 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report (CR Report) will be published on 21st March 2011. Research and innovation In undertaking our research and in innovating we may explore and apply new technologies and will constructively engage stakeholders on any concerns that may arise. We will ensure that our products are subject to rigorous scientic evaluation and testing for safety, effectiveness and quality. We will comply with or exceed all regulations and legal standards applicable to the research and development of our products. Read more on page 11. Products and customers We will promote our products in line with high ethical, medical and scientic standards and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Read more on page 18. Caring for the environment We will operate in an environmentally responsible manner through systematic management of our environmental impacts, measurement of our performance and setting challenging performance targets. We will improve the efciency of all our activities to minimise material and energy use and waste generated. We aim to nd opportunities to use renewable materials and to recycle our waste. Read more on page 32. Employment practices We will treat our employees with respect and dignity, encourage diversity and ensure fair treatment through all phases of employment. We will provide a safe and healthy working environment, support employees to perform to their full potential and take responsibility for the performance and reputation of the business. Read more on page 33. Human rights We are committed to upholding the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD guidelines for Multi-National Enterprises and the core labour standards set out by the International Labour Organization. We expect the same standards of our suppliers, contractors and business partners working on GSKs behalf. Read more in our CR Report. Leadership and advocacy We will establish our own challenging standards in corporate responsibility, appropriate to the complexities and specic needs of our business, building on external guidelines and experience. We will share best practice and seek to inuence others, while remaining competitive in order to sustain our business. Read more in our CR Report. Engagement with stakeholders We want to understand the concerns of those with an interest in corporate responsibility issues. We will engage with a range of stakeholders and will communicate openly about how we are addressing CR issues, in ways that aim to meet the needs of different groups while allowing us to pursue legitimate business goals. Read more in our CR Report. Community investment We will make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate, and will invest in health and education programmes and partnerships that aim to bring sustainable improvements to under-served people in the developed and developing world. Read more on page 30.
Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

Our Principles
Our principles sum up our approach to responsible business and are underpinned by our values. They provide guidance for employees on the standards to which GSK is committed. Access to medicines We will continue to research and develop medicines to treat diseases of the developing world. We will nd sustainable ways to improve access to medicines for disadvantaged people, and will seek partnerships to support this activity. Read more on page 30. Standards of ethical conduct We expect employees to meet high ethical standards in all aspects of our business, by conducting our activities with honesty and integrity, adhering to our corporate responsibility principles, and complying with applicable laws and regulations. Read more on page 33.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Responsible business

Business review P08P57

Improving access to medicines

Access to healthcare in the developing world There are no easy solutions to the challenge of providing sustainable access to healthcare in developing countries. Poverty is the single biggest barrier. In many countries people do not have enough food, access to a clean water supply, hospitals or clinics in which to receive treatment and healthcare professionals to care for them. We are committed to playing a full part in addressing the healthcare challenges of the developing world by taking an innovative, responsible and, above all, sustainable approach. GSK is making a vital contribution to developing country healthcare through action in a number of areas including: preferential pricing of our anti-retrovirals; tiered pricing of our vaccines and medicines; investing in R&D that targets diseases particularly affecting the developing world (see page 11); being exible with our IP; pursuing an open innovation strategy; community investment activities and partnerships that foster effective healthcare and capacity building (see page 31); and seeking innovative partnerships and solutions. We cover our contribution to improving access to medicines extensively in our Corporate Responsibility Report. We were a clear leader in both Access to Medicines (ATM) Indexes published by the ATM Foundation in 2008 and 2010. We will continue to build on our product, pricing and partnership commitments to help improve healthcare in the developing world. In 2010 we further expanded our commitments to the UN dened list of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) by establishing a Developing Countries and Market Access operating unit with a focus on the LDCs to broaden patient access to GSK medicines and to help build our presence in other developing countries. While much has been achieved, a signicant increase in resources from the global community is still needed to support R&D and to provide access to the resultant medicines and vaccines. Sustainable progress will only be made if the signicant barriers that stand in the way of better access to healthcare are tackled as a shared responsibility by all sectors of global society governments, international agencies, charities, academic institutions, the pharmaceutical industry and others. Access to medicines in the developed world Programmes in the USA We are working to provide access to medicines for people with limited nancial resources and without prescription medicine insurance. For uninsured Americans who do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, GSK and ten other pharmaceutical companies created Together Rx Access, a programme for qualied individuals offering reductions in the pharmacy cost on more than 300 medicines. In addition, GSK offers several patient assistance programmes to help low-income or uninsured Americans have access to GSKs oncology and specialty products, vaccines and prescription drugs. GSKs patient assistance programmes provided products to over 452,000 patients during 2010. Programmes in other countries We have also introduced Orange Cards providing discounts on certain GSK prescription medicines for eligible patients in a number of other countries. The nature of the discounts varies between countries and the ways in which the healthcare systems operate.

Our work with communities

We invest in community partnership programmes that seek to improve access to medicines and healthcare to improve the lives of people across the world. We aim to make a real difference to these communities by working with our partners to nd innovative solutions to healthcare challenges. We believe that business has an important role to play in society and we strive to leverage our resources in a way that delivers shared value to our communities and business. We partner with and support organisations whose goals and objectives reect our mission of improving the quality of human life. Our global community investment in 2010 was 222 million. This compares with 163 million in 2009 on a like-for-like basis. This increase is due to expansion of our US patient assistance programme, scale up of our donation of albendazole for the lymphatic lariasis (LF) programme, a donation of H1N1 vaccine to the World Health Organization, plus increased grants for HIV and AIDS and the 20% reinvestment initiative for LDCs. Our 2010 giving comprised product donations of 147 million, cash giving of 53 million, in-kind donations of 4 million plus costs of 18 million to manage and deliver community programmes in almost 100 countries. The product donations include 100 million for GSKs patient assistance programmes, 17 million worth of albendazole for the LF programme and 9 million for humanitarian product donations. Since 2008 our product donations have been valued at cost (average cost of goods) rather than wholesale price (WAC) as this is a more accurate reection of the cost to GSK. We believe we are the rst pharmaceutical company to adopt this practice. For comparative purposes the total value of donations in 2010 using WAC for products would be 564 million compared with 467 million in 2009. We do not operate a single charitable foundation for our community investment programmes, but have a number of country-based foundations and their 2010 grants are included in the investment total. Our cash giving was targeted primarily at health and education initiatives as follows:

1 Health (52%) 2 Education (16%) 3 Arts and Culture (3%) 4 Environment (3%) 5 Other (26%)
2 1 4 3

Global health programmes

In developing countries millions of people continue to suffer and die from preventable or treatable diseases. Our global health programmes are designed to improve health and quality of life for people in these communities through provision of medicines, education and advocacy, and investment in disease prevention and healthcare infrastructure. Our global programmes are long-term commitments and designed to be scaleable, replicable and sustainable. By working in partnership, with NGOs and leading health organisations, we believe it is possible to achieve signicant and long-lasting improvements in healthcare. This section highlights our major health programmes.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Responsible business Eliminating lymphatic lariasis (LF) Our effort to eliminate LF, one of the worlds most disabling diseases, continued in close partnership with the governments of countries where the disease is endemic, the World Health Organization and over 40 partner organisations. As a founding partner and leader in this effort, we are committed to donating as much of the antiparasitic drug albendazole as required to reach the one billion people at risk in over 80 countries. In 2010, 556 million albendazole treatments were donated to 26 countries. We have donated almost two billion albendazole treatments since the global elimination programme started in 2000. Positive Action on HIV/AIDS When Positive Action was created in 1992 it was the rst pharmaceutical company programme of its kind to support communities affected by HIV and AIDS. Now under the auspices of ViiV Healthcare, the new HIV-focused company, the programme targets its funds towards community-focused projects that reach those most affected by HIV, particularly in marginalised or vulnerable populations. Positive Action works with these communities to enable them to tackle stigma and discrimination, to test innovations in education, care and treatment and to deliver greater involvement of those living with HIV. Our Positive Action for Children Fund launched in 2009 to make 50 million available over 10 years to help prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and to support orphans and vulnerable children. It supported 12 projects in 2010. At the end of 2010, the latest call for proposals was made broadening the reach and scope of its response for babies and children affected by HIV. The GlaxoSmithKline African Malaria Partnership The African Malaria Partnership is our programme to alleviate the mortality and suffering malaria brings to affected communities in Africa. In 2010 four new malaria grants were awarded for community programmes to provide health education to affected populations and to train community health workers. The partnerships are: Save the Children (UK) in Kenya; Family Health International in Ghana; African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) in Tanzania; and Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria. Humanitarian product donations Working with our non-prot partners, AmeriCares, Direct Relief International, MAP International, Interchurch Medical Assistance and Project HOPE, we supported humanitarian relief efforts and community healthcare in over 90 countries. We responded to the healthcare needs of the many communities affected by disasters, including the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010, GSK donated supplies of medicines valued at over 1 million. Included in these shipments were signicant volumes of antibiotics as well as respiratory and diabetes treatments. Our consumer division provided a range of products, including toothpastes, antacids, pain relievers and vitamins. During the cholera outbreak we responded to a further specic request for antibiotics and donated 250,000 to the British Red Cross to support the deployment of a mass sanitation unit serving more than 50,000 people living in temporary relief camps. Following the earthquake in Chile, in response to an urgent request we supplied 95,000 doses of Hepatitis A vaccine, antibiotics and more than 6,000 dental hygiene kits. In Pakistan we provided medicines from local stocks for the thousands of people affected by the ooding. We also made cash donations amounting to 170,000, including a contribution to the World Food Programme to support emergency food supply. The total value of our international humanitarian product donations was 9 million at average cost. Local programmes We support communities in the many different markets in which we operate. Our programmes are designed to t local circumstances and cultures and aligned with an overall goal of supporting access to medicines and healthcare. Local community priorities vary from community to community and population to population, but there are often common challenges to address, whether in terms of a particular health need or the human or institutional capacity required to effectively tackle those needs. In the UK, we contributed 5.4 million in 2010 to our continuing programme of charitable activities supporting over 80 organisations in health, medical research, science education, the arts and the environment. This included the UK IMPACT awards scheme which provides small charities with grants and consulting support for their work in addressing the health needs of local communities. Programmes in North America at a national and local level focused on improving public education in the areas of science and mathematics, and increasing access to healthcare for children and the homeless. GSKs IMPACT Awards recognise organisations that have signicantly improved the health of their local communities in Philadelphia and in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Total funding for our North American programmes was $18 million. In Argentina the Pro Mujer programme works with low-income women who do not have access to affordable nancial services or healthcare and provides access to small loans to set up their own businesses as well as training and affordable healthcare services. GSK returned the CommunityMark for excellence in community investment. Further information about GSK grants and programmes are available on Employee involvement Our employees are encouraged to contribute to their local communities through employee volunteering schemes. Support includes employee time, cash donations to charities where employees volunteer and matching gift programmes. Through the US GSK Matching Gift Program, we matched 12,000 employee gifts at a value of $3 million in 2010 plus over $1 million to the United Way campaign. GSKs GIVE programme provided grants of over $367,000 to 365 organisations where US employees volunteered and 205,000 to 150 UK-based non-prot organisations via the GSK Making a Difference programme. In 2009, our Group-wide volunteer initiative was launched to give every GSK employee one paid day off each year to volunteer for a good cause. In 2010 this continued with employees supporting a wide range of charities and projects including work in local schools, shelters for the homeless, community gardens, nursing homes and aiding communities affected by natural disasters. The GSK PULSE Volunteer Partnership launched in 2009 enables GSK employees to make a difference to communities and patients in need around the world. Volunteers work full-time with one of our partner non-prot or non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Through this experience, volunteers address a clear NGO need, while developing their own leadership capabilities. During 2009 and 2010, PULSE deployed 116 volunteers in 33 countries to work with 42 NGOs. Volunteers continue to receive their full GSK salary during their three to six month assignment. In 2010, this gure, along with the operating costs for managing the programme, represented a total in-kind donation of 2.4 million.
Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Business review P08P57

GSK Annual Report 2010


Responsible business

Business review P08P57

Environmental sustainability
We are committed to integrating environmental sustainability into our business, especially conserving resources and addressing climate change. We see this as an opportunity as well as a responsibility. Strategy and plans We revised our environmental sustainability strategy in 2010, building on the strategy originally introduced in 2001. The new strategy recognises our impacts across the entire value chain, from raw materials to the disposal of our products. Our objective is to benet the environment, engage employees in tackling key issues and benet GSK nancially potentially saving 100 million a year by 2020 through reduced energy, materials and distribution costs. Analysis of GSKs impacts shows that we need to concentrate in three main areas: carbon dioxide and other emissions that contribute to climate change water use environmental stewardship, which covers the use of materials, generation of waste and pollution. We have set ambitious goals for key impacts, including a 25% reduction in our carbon footprint, a 20% reduction in water use across the value chain and zero waste to landll, all by 2020. The targets are detailed in our Corporate Responsibility report. Climate change and energy Our long-term vision is for our entire value chain to be carbon neutral by 2050. This very ambitious target means that there will be no net greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing, distributing, using and disposing of our products, including sourcing raw materials. We need to act beyond our own operations because 40% of our carbon footprint stems from our supply chain and a further 40% derives from propellants when customers use our inhalers. This was conrmed by a global carbon footprint review of our entire value chain, carried out for the rst time in 2010. GSKs carbon footprint (million tonne CO2e per annum)
45 3

A central fund to nance energy saving projects has accelerated progress since 2007. In 2010 we completed 188 projects, which will avoid around 52,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year. We are also increasing investment in on-site generation of renewable energy, supported by a renewable energy fund created in 2010. GSK Consumer Healthcare installed North Americas largest roof mounted solar photo voltaic system at its regional distribution centre in York, Pennsylvania. It will save nearly 1,800 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year. GSKs global operations were certied to Carbon Trust Standard in 2010, the rst company to achieve this recognition of excellence in carbon management for all global operations. Water Water is a particularly important natural resource, and we recognise that GSK can play a positive role in managing it more sustainably. We endorsed the United Nations CEO Water Mandate in 2009. In 2010 we reduced water consumption by almost 500 million litres despite signicant business growth in our vaccines manufacturing business. Net water consumption fell by 1.6% per 1 of sales, a cumulative reduction of 15.7% since 2006, exceeding our target of 10%. We also exceeded our targets for improving the quality of waste water. Environmental stewardship We aim to use materials efciently and safely, minimising waste and pollution and avoiding harm to people and the environment. Increasing the efciency with which we use materials is a priority. Our long-term aspiration is to achieve 5% mass efciency by 2020 for new pharmaceutical products transferred from R&D to manufacturing. This is about ve times the typical level in the pharmaceutical industry and will reduce input materials and waste by 80%. The average mass efciency for new products during the 2006-2010 period has reached 3.3%. Improvements in the efciency of solvent use also reduced the amount of volatile organics released to air by 12.8% per 1 of sales in 2010, cumulatively 35.8% since 2006. Packaging provides further opportunities to conserve resources and in 2010 we began to implement the sustainable packaging strategy developed in 2009. We also began to update our green packaging guide for designers and managers. In 2010, the US American Institute of Chemical Engineers presented its Industrial Practice Award in Sustainable Engineering to our operational sustainability team for its work embedding sustainability into R&D and manufacturing. Environmental management

1 Materials/supply chain (5.66) 1 2 Product use (5.50) 2 3 Production and operations (2.65) 3 4 Distribution (0.18) 5 Product end of life (0.03)

We met our goal of eliminating the use of chlorouorocarbons (CFCs) in our products by the end of 2010. This has reduced greenhouse emissions associated with our inhaler products from 24 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents in 1998 to approximately 4.7 million tonnes in 2010. We have research programmes under way to nd ways to further reduce the impacts from these products. In 2010 we reduced energy consumption for operations and transport by 5.5% and greenhouse gas emissions by 5.8% relative to sales. The cumulative reduction for 2006-2010 is 9.1% for energy and 10.7% for emissions. This is below our target of 20%, mainly because progress was slow in the early years of the ve-year period.
GSK Annual Report 2010

We manage environmental issues (as well as occupational health and safety) using a management system aligned with recognised international standards. Each business is accountable for its own sustainability plans and performance. Our central audit group includes environmental issues in its routine audits of our sites and business processes. We are working increasingly closely with suppliers and contract manufacturers to reduce environmental impacts from the supply chain. You can read more about our environmental performance and other aspects of sustainability in our Corporate Responsibility Report at:


Responsible business

Ethical conduct
We are committed to creating a strong ethical culture at GSK. We do this by emphasising our values, developing robust policies, recruiting and engaging the right people and equipping them with the information they need to make ethical decisions. Putting patients rst is the core principle of being an ethical pharmaceutical company. Our Code of Conduct sets out fundamental standards for all employees. It is supported by the Employee Guide to Business Conduct which helps employees make ethical decisions and emphasises GSKs key values: Commit to transparency Show respect for people Always demonstrate the highest integrity in your conduct Be patient focused. We stress our commitment to performance with integrity. This means that all employees must understand our values and what we stand for as well as the policies and procedures that underpin our approach. Our internal compliance systems are designed to identify and address breaches of our codes and reinforce GSKs values. There is continual external pressure to enhance these systems and our compliance oversight and audits are helping to drive this change. We fully investigate suspected breaches and take appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal where appropriate. In 2010 we reviewed and strengthened our approach to preventing, detecting and addressing bribery and corruption. We launched a dedicated anti-bribery and corruption unit which will ensure we take a consistent approach across GSK and strengthens our monitoring capability. Also, we introduced a Third Party Code of Conduct which applies to all GSK suppliers. This sets out the standards we expect suppliers to meet and covers ethical conduct; labour practices, environmental, health and safety standards; and management. To help suppliers understand how to interact appropriately with GSK staff, the Code includes key principles from our Employee Guide to Business Conduct such as our policy on receiving gifts. Our due diligence process for potential acquisitions takes account of ethical risks and we integrate our ethics and compliance requirements as standard practice in newly acquired businesses. We seek to enter into joint ventures with organisations that share our values.

Performance and reward The performance and development planning process means employees have business-aligned objectives and behavioural goals. Our reward systems are geared to promote high performance and help to attract and retain the best people. Performance-based pay, bonuses and share-based equity plans align employee interests with business targets. Communication and employee involvement Our communication channels are designed to keep employees informed, engaged and involved in activities across all areas of our organisation. We encourage two-way, open and honest communication with employees, and in 2010 we launched a new updated global intranet portal, ConnectGSK. Feedback and monitoring mechanisms are part of every major communication event, and Q&A and feedback facilities are a core feature of our web communications channels. In 2010 we also introduced Idea Engine, an online tool which allows employees to submit ideas and recommendations. As our business evolves, there will be changes that affect employees and we remain committed to consulting on these changes via a number of internal consultation forums and discussions with the European Employee Consultation Forum and similar bodies in countries where this is national practice.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Employee numbers by region


1 1 USA (17,555) 2 2 Europe (39,910) 3 3 Rest of World (38,996)

Financial statements P102P191

Inclusion and diversity We are committed to employment policies free from discrimination against existing or potential employees on the grounds of race, colour, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, genetic make-up, disability or chronic health conditions. GSK is committed to offering people with disabilities access to the full range of recruitment and career opportunities. Every effort is made to retain and support employees who become disabled while working at GSK. For more details on diversity measures, see our Corporate Responsibility Report. Healthy and safe high performance To meet our mission and strategy, Employee Health and Performance initiatives focus on the health factors that enable employees to perform at the highest level by sustaining energy and engagement. The programmes developed to deliver this health strategy range from the traditional such as immunisations, smoking control and weight management to cutting-edge programmes in the areas of team and personal resilience, ergonomics and Energy for Performance. These programmes, available in many languages, are designed to address the root causes of excessive work pressure and low energy and engagement at work and at home. They are complemented by our commitment to exible thinking about the way we deliver our work that enables employees to do their best work in an environment that helps them integrate their work and personal lives. For more details on the scope and impact of these programmes, see our Corporate Responsibility Report.

Our employees
Recruitment, talent management and leadership develoment In 2010, like every year, recruiting, retaining and developing our employees were critical to enhancing and sustaining our performance and reputation. Proactive talent acquisition initiatives underpin our ability to attract specialist and leadership talent externally. Our assessment process is aligned to a core set of competencies, of which ethics and integrity are central. We need good succession plans, not just for senior roles but for all our critical positions across the organisation. We maintain a robust leadership strategy to identify and develop our highly skilled leadership cadre and use a systematic, disciplined approach to leadership development, providing tools and programmes to help leaders master skills needed to meet customer, employee and investor expectations. In 2010, we provided training to nearly 8,000 GSK leaders worldwide and also developed new programmes for future senior leaders and senior executives.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010

Business review P08P57

Pharmaceutical turnover
All growth rates included in the review of turnover are at constant exchange rates (CER) unless otherwise stated. The calculation of underlying turnover is described on page 21. Sterling growth rates may be found in the tables of pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic areas on page 35 and by geographic segment below. Pharmaceutical turnover declined 2% to 23.4 billion. Excluding pandemic products, Avandia and Valtrex, underlying turnover increased by 4%.

Respiratory Respiratory sales increased 3% to 7.2 billion. Seretide/Advair sales grew 2% to 5.1 billion, with strong growth in Japan, up 17% to 246 million and Emerging Markets, up 16% to 328 million. Sales in the USA were level at 2.6 billion and grew 2% in Europe to 1.6 billion. Several other respiratory products delivered growth including Avamys/Veramyst, up 33% to 193 million, Ventolin, up 8% to 522 million and Flovent, up 2% to 804 million. Anti-virals Anti-virals decreased 56% to 1.1 billion. Relenza sales were 121 million (2009 720 million), down 84%, against the previous year where signicant government pandemic orders were received. Valtrex sales declined 60% to 532 million reecting generic competition in the USA and Europe. Central nervous system (CNS) CNS sales decreased 8% to 1.8 billion. The majority of GSKs CNS franchise is impacted by generic competition in the USA. The Wellbutrin decline of 39% primarily reected the sale of Wellbutrin XL in the USA to Biovail in the second quarter of 2009. Cardiovascular and urogenital Cardiovascular and urogenital sales increased 11% to 2.6 billion, reecting continued strong growth of key products such as Arixtra, up 19% to 301 million, Avodart, up 18% to 629 million, and Lovaza, up 17% to 530 million. Metabolic Metabolic sales decreased 44% to 0.7 billion. Avandia product sales declined by 44% to 440 million. On 23rd September 2010 the European Medicines Agency suspended marketing authorisation for all rosiglitazone containing products, including Avandia, and the US Food and Drug Administration announced additional measures to ensure the benets of Avandia continue to outweigh its risks, including a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) programme. As a result, GSK expects global sales of rosiglitazone containing products, including Avandia, to be minimal in the future. Oncology and emesis Oncology and emesis sales increased 9% to 0.7 billion. Tyverb/Tykerb, up 34% to 227 million, grew strongly in all segments. Newly launched oncology products Votrient, Arzerra and Promacta delivered sales of 38 million, 31 million and 31 million, respectively. Vaccines Total vaccine sales grew 15% to 4.3 billion, including 1.2 billion of pandemic vaccine sales (2009 883 million). Excluding u pandemic vaccine sales, growth was 10%. Several new vaccines contributed to this growth including Synorix, more than doubling to 221 million, Boostrix, up 29% to 181 million and Cervarix, up 26% to 242 million. Sales of Hepatitis vaccines grew 7% to 720 million, Infanrix/Pediarix grew 8% to 700 million and seasonal u sales grew 14% to 241 million. Rotarix sales were down 18% to 235 million, as the product continues to recover market share lost following its temporary suspension from several markets earlier in the year.

Segmental analysis
The turnover reported in the table below represents sales invoiced by GSKs local entity to its customers in the local market plus co-promotion income within each market.
2010 m 2009 (restated) m Growth* %


USA Europe Emerging Markets Asia Pacic/Japan ViiV Healthcare Other

7,648 6,548 3,556 3,102 1,566 962 23,382

8,578 7,087 2,895 2,628 1,605 901 23,694

(11) (6) 22 9 (3) (1) (2)

(11) (8) 23 18 (2) 7 (1)

* CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates. Turnover by quarter is given on pages 194 to 198.

Sales in the USA declined 11% to 7.6 billion, primarily due to generic competition to Valtrex, a signicant reduction in sales of pandemic related products and lower sales of Avandia. Excluding these products, underlying turnover grew 3%, despite the discontinuation of GSKs promotion of Boniva, the sale of Wellbutrin XL in May 2009, and the impact of US healthcare reform across the product range. New products (excluding pandemic vaccines) launched since 2007 grew 29% and contributed 8% of 2010 sales. Europe pharmaceuticals sales declined 6% to 6.5 billion, primarily due to the impact of a signicant reduction in sales of pandemic related products, generic competition to Valtrex and lower sales of Avandia. Excluding these products, underlying sales were at, reecting the impact of government austerity measures. Emerging Markets pharmaceutical sales grew 22% to 3.6 billion, with strong growth across most product categories and also helped by pandemic related product sales of 227 million (2009 89 million). Asia Pacic/Japan pharmaceutical sales grew 9% to 3.1 billion. Excluding pandemic related products, Valtrex and Avandia, underlying sales grew 20% in Emerging Markets and 7% in Asia Pacic/Japan.

Pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic area

Pharmaceutical turnover declined by 2% in 2010 as the impact of generic competition to Valtrex, lower Avandia and pandemic product sales was partly offset by growth of key products such as Seretide/Advair, Avamys/Veramyst, Avodart, Lovaza, Tyverb/Tykerb, Ventolin and the vaccines franchise.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010

Pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic area 2010

Total Therapeutic area/ major products 2009 2010 (restated) m m Growth % 2010 m USA Growth % 2010 m Europe Growth % 2010 m Emerging Markets Growth % 2010 m Rest of World Growth %

Business review P08P57






Respiratory 7,238 Avamys/Veramyst 193 Flixonase/Flonase 164 Flixotide/Flovent 804 Seretide/Advair 5,139 Serevent 201 Ventolin 522 Zyrtec 82 Anti-virals Hepsera Relenza Valtrex Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu Pandemic Hepatitis Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix Dermatologicals Bactroban Dermovate Duac Soriatane Zovirax Other ViiV Healthcare (HIV) Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir 1,086 128 121 532 233 1,753 212 504 233 482 56 81 2,570 301 629 171 222 530 114 46 678 440 78 1,396 625 688 31 144 31 227 38 4,326 181 242 241 1,192 720 700 235 221 1,087 119 74 116 71 152 994 21,816 1,566 363 115 555 155 80 144 23,382

6,977 142 171 775 4,977 236 477 75 2,416 114 720 1,294 217 1,870 266 500 209 523 55 132 2,298 254 530 172 229 450 104 19 1,181 771 255 1,457 667 629 3 172 13 169 1 3,706 139 187 211 883 665 649 282 73 707 123 46 28 129 848 22,089 1,605 425 129 546 178 1 201 23,694

3 33 (5) 2 2 (16) 8 4 (56) 6 (84) (60) 4 (8) (21) 1 11 (12) 2 (39) 11

4 3,394 36 69 (4) 37 4 431 3 2,604 (15) 64 9 179 9 (55) 12 (83) (59) 7 (6) 370 43 252 13 505

1 37 8 (12) 16 (68) (69) (73) (24) (23) (39) (4) 69 (36) 2 (73) 10 25 5 (1) 17 8 (59) (45) (100) (28) (76) 13 >100 (17) 92 28 >100 (7) 51 >100 51 (99) 19 8 (4) 70 (14) >100 >100 >100 53 (11) (8) (24) (17) (7) (19) (30)

2 2,149 1 56 37 40 9 159 1,601 (12) 98 17 142 (68) (69) (73) (24) (22) (39) (4) 69 (36) (73) 11 26 6 (1) 18 9 (59) (44) (100) (27) (76) 14 109 1 6 68 26 540 85 143 137 82 39 610 99 175 154 40 166 88 64 536 240 201

27 (7) (9) 2 (16) (3) (73) (97) (56) (10) (4) (10) (6) 2 (15) 33 7

(2) 24 (7) (11) (16) (5) (73) (97) (58) (10) (6) (11) (7) (1) (17) 30 5

616 31 39 48 328 2 112 14 223 58 1 28 136 223 5 57 3 73 13 134 10 33 55 1 91 42 2 609 291 62 7 30 927 9 25 40 226 88 50 102 149 286 28 30 11 26

19 21 1,079 >100 >100 37 11 11 48 38 41 166 16 19 606 (33) (33) 37 19 20 89 68 (3) 10 (97) 8 17 17 23 50 (3) 30 25 43 50 29 (24) (43) 10 15 7 (1) 14 (97) 8 18 17 19 50 (4) 30 24 43 50 31 (24) (45) 10 14 9 384 69 71 184 58 485 47 47 49 300 1 5 255 15 84 1 13 2 1 5 183 73 12 176 83 75 1 6 1 33 1 955 19 88 28 477 83 75 21 29 197 13 25 15 46 275 4,064 175 40 20 71 11 3 7

4 14 94 >100 (30) (27) (10) (1) 10 21 (23) (16) (2) 10 5 11 (44) 2 (80) 2 (5) (2) 2 42 2 (9) (25) 23 (39) 10 (79) 11 4 7 12 52 14 (2) 25 33

Governance and remuneration P58P101

(20) 75 1 257 11 44 (8) 27 2 55 (39) 24 12 1,571 177 337 170 528 113 238 237 75 11 350 26 83 25 70 33 763 110 13 110 1 307 146 74 358 51 67 71 53 24

19 19 18 19 (1) (1) (2) (3) 17 18 9 10 >100 >100 (44) (43) (44) (43) (69) (69) (4) (4) (6) (6) 9 9 >100 (16) >100 34 >100 15 29 26 14 31 7 8 (18) >100 51 (3) >100 >100 15 16 (2) >100 (16) >100 34 >100 17 30 29 14 35 8 8 (17) >100 54 (3) >100 >100 18 17

8 4 22 18 (9) (11) >100 >100 (38) (40) (48) (49) (26) (28) (14) (16) (17) (19) 1 (1) (17) (19) 28 25 (2) (4) 10 8 (14) (16) (8) (11) (6) (7) (6) (8) 8 6 (28) (28) 38 34 48 45 8 4 >100 >100 (10) (10) 9 (6)

18 36 90 >100 (7) (7) >100 >100 (17) (11) (32) (26) 22 33 1 7 10 17 17 25 (14) 72 85 (16) >100 >100 15 3 (17) >100 26 >100 (14) 6 7 (3) 14 (13) (14) 83 100 >100 12 >100 26 17 (13) >100 37 18 >100 (8) 6 15 16 5 5 22 10 (13)

Financial statements P102P191

>100 4 (17) 48 92 5 30 94 >100 4 (6) 1,681 51 43 >100 116 51 63 (99) 488 19 242 9 429 (3) 38 43 70 246 (14) 27 19 >100 23 >100 >100 27 41 310 (11) 6,548 (8) (24) (17) (6) (19) (30) 585 117 37 245 51 41 60

17 17 36 36 38 39 29 29 4 9 (5) (5) >100 >100 8 10 13 11 (22) (21) >100 >100 52 56 7 4 >100 >100 9 13 37 22 35 22 31 38 86 (43) 38 23 39 29 38 38 86 (43)

Shareholder information P192P212

(1) 7,648 660 143 40 210 80 34 73

6 385 (8) 3,556 146 63 18 29 13 2 4

(3) (2) (16) (15) (12) (11) 1 2 (12) (13) >100 >100 (28) (28) (2) (1)

(5) (8) (21) (23) (22) (24) 3 (15) (18) >100 >100 (26) (27)

CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates. Turnover by quarter is given in the nancial record on pages 194 to 198.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010 Dermatologicals Dermatology sales were 1.1 billion, including heritage GSK products and those acquired through business acquisitions, principally Stiefel in July 2009. The estimated sales growth in 2010 for the business on a pro-forma basis, excluding 2010 acquisitions, was approximately 6%. In addition, GSKs heritage consumer dermatology portfolio, reported within Consumer Healthcare, contributed sales of 256 million, up 8%. ViiV Healthcare (HIV) Sales of HIV products by ViiV Healthcare were down 3% to 1.6 billion. Sales of the former Pzer products Selzentry and Viracept, with combined sales of 118 million and growth from Epzicom/Kivexa, up 1% to 555 million, were offset by reductions in the sales from other HIV products including Trizivir, down 28% to 144 million, Combivir, down 16% to 363 million and Epivir, down 12% to 115 million.

Business review P08P57

Results before major restructuring and total results

In October 2007 the Board approved the implementation of a detailed formal plan for, and GSK announced, a signicant new Operational Excellence restructuring programme. A second formal plan, representing a signicant expansion of the Operational Excellence programme, was approved by the Board and announced in February 2009. A further expansion was approved by the Board and announced in February 2010. The restructuring programme, comprising these detailed formal plans, covers all areas of GSKs business, including manufacturing, selling, R&D and infrastructure. With an estimated total cost of approximately 4.5 billion, the expanded programme is expected to deliver annual pre-tax savings of approximately 2.2 billion by the time it is substantially complete in 2012. Approximately 75% of these costs were incurred by 31st December 2010, and approximately 20% are expected to be incurred in 2011 with the balance in 2012. In total, approximately 75% of these costs are expected to be cash expenditures and 25% are expected to be accounting write-downs. Uncertainties exist over the exact amount and timing of cash outows, as a result of potential future exchange rate uctuations and as many elements of the restructuring programme are subject to employee consultation procedures, making it difcult to predict with precision when these procedures will be completed. However, the majority of the remaining cash payments are expected to be made in 2011. Given the extent and cost of the Operational Excellence restructuring programme, management believes it has a material impact on GSKs operating results and on the manner in which GSKs business is conducted. GSK presents the restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of the Operational Excellence restructuring programme, which in 2010 amounted to 1,242 million before tax (2009 764 million), in a separate column in the income statement titled Major restructuring. In addition to the restructuring costs of the Operational Excellence programme, the major restructuring column in the income statement includes restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of any restructuring programmes that follow, and relate to, material acquisitions where the operations of the acquired business overlap extensively with GSKs existing operations. The restructuring activities that follow, and relate to, such acquisitions are of the same nature as those undertaken under the Operational Excellence programme and are also carried out following a detailed formal plan. Management therefore considers it appropriate to present the costs of these restructuring activities in the same manner. The restructuring costs incurred in 2010 as a direct result of the acquisition of Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. in July 2009, were 103 million (2009 71 million). The restructuring costs incurred as a direct result of the acquisition of Reliant Pharmaceuticals Inc., the only other acquisition since October 2007 that meets the criteria set out above, were all charged and paid in 2008.

Consumer Healthcare turnover

% of total 2009 2010 (restated) m m CER% Growth* %

Over-the-counter medicines Oral healthcare Nutritional healthcare

49 32 19 100

2,456 1,602 952 5,010

2,339 1,484 851 4,674

3 6 9 5

5 8 12 7

* CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates. Turnover by quarter is given on page 199.

Total Consumer Healthcare sales were up 5% to 5.0 billion, signicantly exceeding market growth estimated by GSK to be approximately 2%. Sales in the Rest of World grew 13% to 2.0 billion, driven by strong growth in India and China, which grew by 19% and 18%, respectively. Europe sales were level with last year with sales of 2.0 billion and the business in the USA grew 1% to 1.0 billion. OTC medicines OTC product sales grew 3% to 2.4 billion in 2010, driven by sales of Panadol, nicotine replacement therapy products and dermatology products, partly offset by lower respiratory tract products and lower sales of alli. Oral healthcare Sales of Oral healthcare products rose 6% to 1.6 billion. Sensodyne performed strongly and denture care sales also grew. Sales of Aquafresh declined slightly. Nutritional healthcare Nutritional healthcare sales grew 9% to 1.0 billion, driven by the strong performance of Horlicks and growth in Lucozade sales.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010 The Groups results before the costs of the Operational Excellence programme and acquisition-related restructuring programmes meeting the criteria described above are also presented in a separate column in the income statement and are described as Results before major restructuring. This presentation, which GSK intends to apply consistently to future major restructuring programmes that have a material impact on GSKs operating results and on the manner in which GSKs business is conducted, has been adopted to show clearly the Groups results both before and after the costs of these restructuring programmes. Management believes that this presentation assists shareholders in gaining a clearer understanding of the Groups nancial performance and in making projections of future nancial performance, as results that include such costs, by virtue of their size and nature, have limited comparative value. This presentation is also consistent with the way management assesses the Groups nancial performance. Only the restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of the Operational Excellence programme and the restructuring programmes following the Reliant and Stiefel acquisitions have been reported in the major restructuring column in the income statement. These restructuring costs principally have arisen from impairments to property, plant and equipment and the termination of the employment contracts of staff made redundant as part of the restructuring activities. As set out in Note 7 to the nancial statements, Major restructuring programme, asset impairments and staff redundancies together accounted for 753 million of the 1,348 million restructuring costs incurred in 2010 and reported in the major restructuring column. Any restructuring costs that do not arise solely as a direct result of the Operational Excellence programme and restructuring programmes following, and relating to, acquisitions meeting the criteria described above continue to be reported in operating expenses within results before major restructuring. These costs included restructuring costs related to minor acquisitions and 5 million of income in 2010 (2009 4 million cost) that related to restructuring activity initiated before the commencement of the Operational Excellence programme. None of this restructuring activity had a material impact on GSKs operating results or on the manner in which its business is conducted. The remaining costs of 595 million in 2010 arose from miscellaneous expenditures incurred solely as a direct result of the restructuring programmes, including the termination of leases, accelerated depreciation, site closure costs and consultancy and project management fees. No costs arising from GSKs ongoing operating activities have been reported in the major restructuring column. During the anticipated duration of the Operational Excellence programme, GSK does not currently expect to incur any material restructuring costs except those related to that programme and acquisitions meeting the criteria described above. If any further, unanticipated material restructuring costs were to arise during this period, GSK would expect to include them also in the major restructuring column. GSKs operating prot, prot before taxation, taxation and prot for the year are discussed below in terms of both total results, which include major restructuring costs, and results before major restructuring.

Operating prot total results

Total results include restructuring costs related to the Operational Excellence programme and the acquisitions of Reliant and Stiefel.
m 2010 % m 2009 Growth % CER% %

Business review P08P57

Turnover Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating prot


100 28,368


(1) 3 36 8

3 36 9

(7,592) (26.7) (7,380) (26.0) (13,053) (46.0) (9,592) (33.8) (4,457) (15.7) (4,106) (14.4) 493 3,783 1.7 13.3 1,135 8,425 3.9 29.7


Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Cost of sales Cost of sales increased to 26.7% of turnover (2009 26.0%) reecting the impact of generic competition to higher margin products in the USA (principally Valtrex), lower Avandia sales, US healthcare reforms and European austerity price cuts, and inventory and other asset write-downs, partially offset by savings from the Operational Excellence programme and lower restructuring costs of 187 million (2009 285 million). Selling, general and administration SG&A costs as a percentage of turnover increased by 12.2 percentage points to 46.0%. Excluding legal costs of 4,001 million (2009 591 million), SG&A costs were 31.9% of turnover (2009 31.7%). The increase of 0.2 percentage points reected a 1% Sterling (1% CER) increase in SG&A on a at sterling turnover growth. SG&A included restructuring costs of 665 million (2009 392 million), investment in growth markets and the full year impact of the acquisition of Stiefel partly offset by operational excellence savings in the USA and Europe and lower exchange losses on inter-company transactions. Advertising and promotion declined 1%, selling and distribution increased 1% and general and administration excluding legal increased 2%. Research and development R&D expenditure was 15.7% of total turnover (2009 14.4%) reecting an increase in expenditure of 9% sterling (8% CER) on a at sterling turnover growth. This included restructuring costs of 493 million (2009 155 million), ViiV Healthcare R&D investments and lower intangible asset impairments of 126 million (2009 167 million) and savings from the Operational Excellence programme. In addition, the comparison to prior year was unfavourably impacted by the one-off recognition of a recoverable balance in 2009. Other operating income Other operating income was 493 million (2009 1,135 million) primarily reecting royalty income of 296 million (2009 296 million), income from the transfer to Genentech of the exclusive promotion rights to Boniva in the USA, and asset disposals of 134 million (2009 875 million), partially offset by equity investment impairments of 65 million (2009 135 million). The 2009 income included the disposal of Wellbutrin XL, various asset disposals to Aspen Pharmacare, a royalty dispute settlement gain of 78 million and the accounting gain of 296 million on the creation of ViiV Healthcare.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010 Operating prot total results Operating prot after restructuring charges of 1,345 million (2009 832 million) for the year ended 31st December 2010 was 3,783 million, a decrease of 59% CER (a decrease of 55% in sterling terms) compared with 2009. Excluding legal costs of 4,001 million (2009 591 million), operating prot was 7,784 million an 18% decline in CER terms (14% in sterling terms) principally reecting a 1% decline in turnover, higher cost of sales, higher R&D expenditure and lower other operating income. Cost of sales Cost of sales increased to 26.1% of turnover (2009 25.0%) reecting the impact of generic competition to higher margin products in the USA (principally Valtrex), lower Avandia sales, US healthcare reforms and European austerity price cuts, and inventory and other asset write-downs, partially offset by savings from the Operational Excellence programme. The company expects cost of sales as a percentage of turnover in 2011 to remain around 26%. Selling, general and administration SG&A costs as a percentage of turnover increased by 11.2 percentage points to 43.6%, primarily reecting higher legal charges of 4,001 million (2009 591 million). See Note 29 to the nancial statements, Other provisions for further details. Excluding legal costs SG&A costs were 29.5% of turnover (2009 30.3%). The decrease of 0.8 percentage points reected a 3% Sterling (2% CER) decline in expenditure compared with prior year on a at sterling turnover growth. The decline in expenditure reected operational excellence savings in the USA and Europe and lower exchange losses on inter-company transactions, partially offset by investment in growth markets and the full year impact of the acquisition of Stiefel. Advertising and promotion declined 1%, selling and distribution declined 4% and general and administration excluding legal declined 1%. Collectively these items accounted for a 2% decline in total SG&A. The company expects SG&A costs excluding legal charges to be around 30.5% of turnover in 2011. Research and development R&D expenditure was 14.0% of total turnover (2009 13.9%) reecting at expenditure on a at sterling turnover growth. This included savings from the Operational Excellence programme, lower intangible asset impairments of 126 million (2009 167 million) and higher ViiV Healthcare R&D investment. The comparison to prior year was unfavourably impacted by the one-off recognition of a recoverable balance in 2009. The company expects R&D costs as a percentage of turnover to remain around 14% in 2011. Other operating income Other operating income was 493 million (2009 1,135 million) primarily reecting royalty income of 296 million (2009 296 million), income from the transfer to Genentech of the exclusive promotion rights to Boniva in the USA, and asset disposals of 134 million (2009 875 million), partially offset by equity investment impairments of 65 million (2009 135 million). The 2009 income included the disposal of Wellbutrin XL, various asset disposals to Aspen Pharmacare, a royalty dispute settlement gain of 78 million and the accounting gain of 296 million on the creation of ViiV Healthcare. In 2011, the company expects other operating income to be around 600 million, excluding the prot arising on the proposed Consumer Healthcare divestments of non-core OTC brands.

Business review P08P57

Prot before taxation total results

Net nance costs Finance income Interest and other nance income Unwinding of discounts on assets Fair value adjustments and hedges
2010 m 2009 m

102 1 13 116

67 2 1 70

Finance costs Interest costs Unwinding of discounts on liabilities Fair value adjustments and hedges Other nance expense (767) (18) (21) (25) (831) (770) (11) (2) (783)

Prot on disposal of interest in associates Prot on disposal of interest in associates was 8 million (2009 115 million). The 2009 prot arose from the sale of 5.7 million Quest shares. Subsequent to the 2010 year-end the Group sold its entire shareholding in Quest, which will give rise to a pre-tax prot on disposal of associates in 2011 of approximately 600 million (250 million after tax). Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures The share of after tax prots of associates of 81 million (2009 64 million) arose principally from the Groups holding in Quest. Prot before taxation total results Taking account of net nance costs, the prot on disposal of interest in associates and the share of prots of associates, total prot before taxation was 3,157 million compared with 7,891 million in 2009, a 64% CER decline and a 60% sterling decline.

Operating prot results before major restructuring

The results before major restructuring are set out below:
m 2010 % m 2009 Growth % CER% %

Turnover Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating prot


100 28,368


(1) 4 35

4 35

(7,405) (26.1) (7,095) (25.0) (12,388) (43.6) (9,200) (32.4) (3,964) (14.0) (3,951) (13.9) 493 5,128 1.8 18.1 1,135 9,257 3.9 32.6



GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010 Operating prot results before major restructuring Operating prot before major restructuring for the year ended 31st December 2010 was 5,128 million, a 48% decline in CER terms (a decrease of 45% in sterling terms). Excluding legal costs of 4,001 million (2009 591 million), operating prot was 9,129 million, an 11% decline in CER terms (a decrease of 7% in sterling terms) principally reecting a 1% decline in turnover, higher cost of sales, higher R&D expenditure and lower other operating income partly offset by reduced SG&A costs. Operating prot margin excluding legal costs and other operating income was 30.4% in 2010. The company expects the operating prot margin excluding legal costs and other operating income to be around 1 percentage point lower in 2011. The lower tax charge for 2010 reects higher legal charges of 4 billion (2009 0.6 billion). The charge for taxation on total prots amounted to 1,304 million and represented an effective tax rate of 41.3% (2009 28.2%). The charge for taxation on prot before major restructuring charges amounted to 1,544 million and represented an effective tax rate of 34.3% (2009 28.0%). GSK currently expects a tax rate on 2011 prots excluding the prot on the disposal of the Quest shareholding of around 27%. However, the tax due on the prot realised on the disposal of the shareholding in Quest is expected to increase the overall tax rate for 2011 to around 29.5%. This excludes the effect of any tax that may arise on the proposed Consumer Healthcare divestments of non-core brands. GSK continues to believe that it has made adequate provision for the liabilities likely to arise from open assessments. The ultimate liability for such matters may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings and negotiations with the relevant tax authorities.

Business review P08P57

Prot before taxation results before major restructuring

Net nance costs Finance income Interest and other income Unwinding of discounts on assets Fair value adjustments and hedges
2010 m 2009 m

Governance and remuneration P58P101

102 1 13 116

67 2 1 70

Prot for the year

2010 m 2009 m CER% Growth %

Finance costs Interest costs Unwinding of discounts on liabilities Fair value adjustments and hedges Other nance expense (767) (15) (21) (25) (828) (770) (8) (2) (780)

Total prot after taxation for the year Total prot attributable to shareholders Basic earnings per share (pence) Basic earnings per ADS (US$) Results before major restructuring prot after taxation for the year Results before major restructuring prot attributable to shareholders Adjusted earnings per share (pence) Adjusted earnings per ADS (US$) Weighted average number of shares (millions)



(71) (75) (75)

(67) (70) (71)

1,634 5,531 32.1p 109.1p $1.00 $3.40 2,961 6,283

Net interest payable for the year was 712 million (2009 710 million) and the company expects a similar charge in 2011. Prot on disposal of interest in associate Prot on disposal of interest in associates was 8 million (2009 115 million). The 2009 prot arose from the sale of 5.7 million Quest shares. Subsequent to the 2010 year-end, GSK sold its entire shareholding in Quest, which will give rise to a pre-tax prot on disposal of associates of approximately 600 million (250 million after tax). Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures The share of after tax prots of associates of 81 million (2009 64 million) arose principally from the Groups holding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. Prot before taxation results before major restructuring Taking account of net nance costs, the prot on disposal of interests in associates and the share of prots of associates, prot before tax before major restructuring was 4,505 million compared with 8,726 million in 2009, a 52% CER decline and a 48% decline in sterling terms.

(56) (59) (59)

(53) (55) (56)

Financial statements P102P191

2,742 6,145 53.9p 121.2p $1.67 $3.78 5,085 5,069

Diluted total earnings per share (pence) 31.9p 108.2p Diluted total earnings per ADS (US$) $0.99 $3.38 Diluted weighted average number of shares (millions) 5,129 5,108

Total results including restructuring costs produced a basic EPS of 32.1p compared with 109.1p in 2009. This was a 75% decline in CER terms and a 71% decline in sterling terms. Excluding major restructuring costs, EPS was 53.9p compared with 121.2p. This was a 59% decline at CER and a 56% decrease in sterling terms. The 3 percentage point currency benet arose from the weakness of Sterling against most major international currencies compared with last year, partly offset by the strengthening of Sterling against the Euro. Dividend The Board has declared a fourth interim dividend of 19 pence per share resulting in a dividend for the year of 65 pence, a 4 pence increase on the 61 pence per share for 2009. The equivalent interim dividend receivable by ADR holders is 61.5296 cents per ADS based on an exchange rate of 1/$1.6192. The ex-dividend date was 9th February 2011, with a record date of 11th February 2011 and a payment date of 7th April 2011.

Shareholder information P192P212

Taxation charge
2010 m 2009 m

UK corporation tax at the UK statutory rate Less double taxation relief Overseas taxation Current taxation Deferred taxation Taxation on total prots

82 (156) (74) 1,496 1,422 (118) 1,304

600 (183) 417 1,997 2,414 (192) 2,222

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2010

Business review P08P57

Critical accounting policies

The consolidated nancial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS, as adopted for use in the European Union, and also with IFRS as issued by the IASB, following the accounting policies approved by the Board and described in Note 2 to the nancial statements, Accounting principles and policies. Management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses reported in the nancial statements. Actual amounts and results could differ from those estimates. The critical accounting policies adopted relate to the following areas: Turnover Taxation Legal and other disputes Property, plant & equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Pensions and other post-employment benets. Information on the judgements and estimates made in these areas is given in Note 3 to the nancial statements, Key accounting judgements and estimates. In respect of the Turnover accounting policy, the Groups largest business is US pharmaceuticals, and the US market has the most complex arrangements for rebates, discounts and allowances. The following briey describes the nature of the arrangements in existence in the Groups US pharmaceuticals business: GSK has arrangements with certain indirect customers whereby the customer is able to buy products from wholesalers at reduced prices. A chargeback represents the difference between the invoice price to the wholesaler and the indirect customers contractual discounted price. Accruals for estimating chargebacks are calculated based on the terms of each agreement, historical experience and product growth rates Customer rebates are offered to key managed care and group purchasing organisations (GPO) and other direct and indirect customers. These arrangements require the customer to achieve certain performance targets relating to the value of product purchased, formulary status or pre-determined market shares relative to competitors. The accrual for customer rebates is estimated based on the specic terms in each agreement, historical experience and product growth rates The US Medicaid programme is a state-administered programme providing assistance to certain poor and vulnerable patients. In 1990, the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program was established to reduce state and federal expenditure on prescription drugs. In 2010, the Patient and Affordable Care Act became law. GSK participates by providing rebates to states. Accruals for Medicaid rebates are calculated based on the specic terms of individual state agreements using a combination of historical experience, product and population growth, anticipated price increases and the impact of contracting strategies Cash discounts are offered to customers to encourage prompt payment. These are accrued for at the time of invoicing and adjusted subsequently to reect actual experience Where there is historical experience of customer returns, GSK records an accrual for estimated sales returns by applying historical experience of customer returns to the amounts invoiced, together with market related information such as stock levels at wholesalers, anticipated price increases and competitor activity.
GSK Annual Report 2010

A reconciliation of gross turnover to net turnover for the US pharmaceuticals business is as follows:
2010 % 2009 (restated) m % 2008 (restated) m %

Gross turnover Chargebacks Managed care, Medicare Part D and GPO rebates US government and state programmes Cash discounts Customer returns Prior year adjustments Other items Total deductions Net turnover

10,802 (993)

100 9

11,674 (1,124)

100 10

10,782 (836)

100 8

(894) (742) (193) (179) 38 (191) (3,154) 7,648

8 7 2 1 2 29 71

(907) (542) (200) (172) 24 (175) (3,096) 8,578

8 5 2 1 1 27 73

(756) (470) (191) (118) 35 (192) (2,528) 8,254

7 4 1 1 2 23 77

Information relating to 2009 and 2008 has been restated following changes to the segmental reporting, as set out in Note 6 to the nancial statements, Segment information. Rebates given under US government and state programmes have increased in the year as a result of the US healthcare reform amendments. The additional expense arising from the new legislation include Managed Medicaid Sales being discounted at Fee-for-Service rates, an increase to the Basic Medicaid Rebate, a new denition of Average Manufacturers Price and incremental Consumer Price Index penalty on line extensions. The total accruals for rebates, discounts, allowances and returns in the US pharmaceuticals business were as follows:
At 31st December 2010 m At 31st December 2009 (restated) m

Chargebacks Managed care, Medicare Part D and GPO rebates US government and state programmes Cash discounts Customer returns Other Total

50 422 445 21 254 28 1,220

41 426 322 20 192 26 1,027

The accrual for rebates to US government and state programmes has increased as a result of the US healthcare reform implemented during 2010. A monthly process is operated to monitor inventory levels at wholesalers for any abnormal movements. This process uses gross sales volumes, prescription volumes based on third party data sources and information received from key wholesalers. The aim of this is to maintain inventories at a consistent level from year to year based on the pattern of consumption. On this basis, US pharmaceutical inventory levels at wholesalers and in other distribution channels at 31st December 2010 were estimated to amount to approximately one month of turnover. This calculation uses third party information, the accuracy of which cannot be totally veried, but is believed to be sufciently reliable for this purpose.


Financial position and resources

Financial position
2010 m 2009 m

Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Investments in associates and joint ventures Other investments Deferred tax assets Derivative nancial instruments Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Current assets Inventories Current tax recoverable Trade and other receivables Derivative nancial instruments Liquid investments Cash and cash equivalents Assets held for sale Total current assets Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities Short-term borrowings Trade and other payables Derivative nancial instruments Current tax payable Short-term provisions Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Deferred tax liabilities Pensions and other post-employment benets Other provisions Derivative nancial instruments Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities
Net assets

9,045 3,606 8,532 1,081 711 2,566 97 556 26,194 3,837 56 5,793 93 184 6,057 16 16,036 42,230

9,374 3,361 8,183 895 454 2,374 68 583 25,292 4,064 58 6,492 129 268 6,545 14 17,570 42,862

Property, plant and equipment GSKs business is science-based, technology-intensive and highly regulated by governmental authorities. The Group allocates signicant nancial resources to the renewal and maintenance of its property, plant and equipment to minimise risks of interruption of production and to achieve compliance with regulatory standards. A number of its processes use chemicals and hazardous materials. The total cost of the Groups property, plant and equipment at 31st December 2010 was 18,895 million, with a net book value of 9,045 million. Of this, land and buildings represented 3,729 million, plant and equipment 3,144 million and assets in construction 2,172 million. In 2010, GSK invested 1,038 million in new and renewal property, plant and equipment. This is mainly related to a large number of projects for the renewal, improvement and expansion of facilities at various worldwide sites. Property is mainly held freehold. New investment is nanced from Group liquid resources. At 31st December 2010, GSK had capital contractual commitments for future expenditure of 377 million and operating lease commitments of 415 million. GSK believes that its facilities are adequate for its current needs. The Group observes stringent procedures and uses specialist skills to manage environmental risks from these activities. Environmental issues, sometimes dating from operations now modied or discontinued, are reported under Environmental sustainability on page 32 and in Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings. Goodwill Goodwill has increased during the year from 3,361 million at 31st December 2009 to 3,606 million. The increase primarily reects the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.I.C.yF. of 72 million and the impact of a strengthening of overseas currencies. Other intangible assets Other intangible assets include the cost of intangibles acquired from third parties and computer software. The net book value of other intangible assets as at 31st December 2010 was 8,532 million (2009 8,183 million). The increase in 2010 reects additions of 252 million through business combinations, and currency movements, partly offset by the amortisation and impairment of existing intangibles. Investments GSK held investments, including associates and joint ventures, with a carrying value at 31st December 2010 of 1,792 million (2009 1,349 million). The market value at 31st December 2010 was 2,688 million (2009 2,225 million). The largest of these investments are in two associates: Quest Diagnostics Inc., which had a book value at 31st December 2010 of 494 million (2009 410 million) and Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited which had a book value at 31st December 2010 of 397 million (2009 372 million). The investments include equity stakes in companies where the Group has research collaborations, which provide access to biotechnology developments of potential interest and interests in companies that arise from business divestments. Derivative nancial instruments: assets GSK had both non-current and current derivative nancial instruments held at fair value of 190 million (2009 197 million). The small decrease primarily reects a decrease in net investment hedging volumes.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

(291) (6,888) (188) (1,047) (4,380)

(1,471) (6,772) (168) (1,451) (2,256)

Financial statements P102P191

(12,794) (12,118) (14,809) (14,786) (707) (645) (2,672) (2,981) (904) (985) (5) (594) (605) (19,691) (20,002) (32,485) (32,120) 9,745 1,418 1,428 4,779 1,262 8,887 858 9,745 10,742 1,416 1,368 6,321 900 10,005 737 10,742

Shareholder information P192P212

Equity Share capital Share premium account Retained earnings Other reserves Shareholders equity Non-controlling interests Total equity

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial position and resources Inventories Inventory of 3,837 million has decreased by 227 million during the year. The decrease reects initiatives to reduce manufacturing cycle times and reduce stockholding days through more efcient use of inventory throughout the supply chain. Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables of 5,793 million have decreased from 2009 reecting the recovery of signicant levels of H1N1 debt during the year and specic actions taken to reduce overdue and other receivables as part of a Group initiative to reduce working capital. These reductions were partly offset by a strengthening of year-end foreign exchange rates. Derivative nancial instruments: liabilities GSK held current and non-current derivative nancial instruments held at fair value of 193 million (2009 168 million current ) relating primarily to hedging exchange on translation of currency assets on consolidation. The small increase reects marginally higher currency volatility on the Euro, US dollar and Yen. Trade and other payables Trade and other payables amounting to 6,888 million have increased from 2009, reecting working capital initiatives to extend supplier terms towards the Groups 60-day term objective and a strengthening of year-end foreign exchange rates. Provisions The Group carried deferred tax provisions and other short-term and non-current provisions of 5,991 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 3,886 million) in respect of estimated future liabilities, of which 4,000 million (2009 - 2,020 million) related to legal and other disputes. Provision has been made for legal and other disputes, indemnied disposal liabilities and the costs of restructuring programmes to the extent that at the balance sheet date a legal or constructive obligation existed and could be reliably estimated. Pensions and other post-employment benets The Group accounts for pension and other post-employment arrangements in accordance with IAS 19. The decits, net of surpluses before allowing for deferred taxation were 1,224 million (2009 1,745 million) on pension arrangements and 1,425 million (2009 1,213 million) on unfunded post-employment liabilities. The pension liabilities decreased following an increase in asset values in the UK and the USA, decit reduction contributions by the company and a decrease in the long-term ination rate, partly offset by reductions in the rate used to discount UK pension liabilities from 5.7% to 5.5% and the rate used to discount US pension liabilities from 5.75% to 5.2%. In December 2010, the UK scheme purchased an insurance contract that will guarantee payment of specied pensioner liabilities. This contract was valued at 0.7 billion at 31st December 2010. Net debt
2010 m 2009 m

Business review P08P57

Net debt decreased by 585 million due to the free cash ow generated by the company exceeding the amounts paid in dividends to shareholders and invested in new businesses. Movements in net debt
2010 m 2009 m

Net debt at beginning of year (Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts Cash inow from liquid investments Net increase in long-term loans Net repayment of short-term loans Debt of subsidiary undertakings acquired Exchange movements Other movements Net debt at end of year

(9,444) (642) (91) 1,290 (20) 61 (13) (8,859)

(10,173) 1,054 (87) (1,358) 102 (9) 1,041 (14) (9,444)

Total equity A summary of the movements in equity is set out below.

2010 m 2009 m

Total equity at beginning of year Total comprehensive income for the year Dividends to shareholders Ordinary Shares issued Changes in non-controlling interests Put option over non-controlling interest Consideration received for shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Ordinary Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Share-based incentive plans Tax on share-based incentive plans Distributions to non-controlling interests Total equity at end of year

10,742 2,086 (3,205) 62 17 (16) 175 2 (118) 9,745

8,318 4,996 (3,003) 43 338 (2) 13 (57) 171 14 (89) 10,742

At 31st December 2010, total equity had decreased from 10,742 million at 31st December 2009 to 9,745 million. The decrease arose principally from the increased provision for legal charges in the year. Share purchases In 2010, the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trusts acquired 16 million of shares in GSK plc (2009 57 million). Shares are held by the Trusts to satisfy future exercises of options and awards under the Group share option and award schemes. A proportion of the shares held by the Trusts are in respect of awards where the rules of the scheme require GSK to satisfy exercises through market purchases rather than the issue of new shares. The shares held by the Trusts are matched to options and awards granted. At 31st December 2010, the ESOP Trusts held 105 million (2009 118 million) GSK shares against the future exercise of share options and share awards. The carrying value of 845 million (2009 1,138 million) has been deducted from other reserves. The market value of these shares was 1,308 million (2009 1,554 million).

Cash, cash equivalents and liquid investments Borrowings repayable within one year Borrowings repayable after one year Net debt

6,241 6,813 (291) (1,471) (14,809) (14,786) (8,859) (9,444)

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial position and resources GSK did not purchase any of its own shares in 2010 (2009 nil). On 3rd February 2011, GSK announced that the company intends to repurchase 1-2 billion of shares in 2011, depending on market conditions and other factors. The exact amount and timing of future purchases after 2011, and whether the shares will be held as Treasury shares or be cancelled, will be determined by the company and is dependent on market conditions and other factors. At 31st December 2010, GSK held 474.2 million shares as Treasury shares (2009 474.2 million shares), at a cost of 6,286 million (2009 6,286 million), which has been deducted from retained earnings. No shares were purchased in the period 1st January 2011 to 3rd February 2011. In the period 4th February 2011 to 24th February 2011 10.4 million shares were purchased at a cost of 123.4 million. Commitments and contingent liabilities Financial commitments are summarised in Note 39 to the nancial statements, Commitments. Other contingent liabilities and obligations in respect of short and long-term debt are set out in Note 31 to the nancial statements, Contingent liabilities and Note 32 to the nancial statements, Net debt. Amounts provided for pensions and post-retirement benets are set out in Note 28 to the nancial statements, Pensions and other post-employment benets. Amounts provided for restructuring programmes and legal, environmental and other disputes are set out in Note 29 to the nancial statements, Other provisions. Contractual obligations and commitments The following table sets out the Groups contractual obligations and commitments at 31st December 2010 as they fall due for payment.
Total Under 1 yr m m 1-3 yrs m 3-5 yrs m 5 yrs+ m

Commitments in respect of loans and future interest payable on loans are disclosed before taking into account the effect of derivatives. The Group has entered into a number of research collaborations to develop new compounds with other pharmaceutical companies. The terms of these arrangements can include upfront fees, equity investments, loans and commitments to fund specied levels of research. In addition, the Group will often agree to make further payments if future milestones are achieved. As some of these agreements relate to compounds in the early stages of development, milestone payments will continue for a number of years if the compounds move successfully through the development process. Generally the closer the product is to marketing approval the greater the possibility of success. The amounts shown above within intangible assets represent the maximum that would be paid if all milestones were achieved, and include 8.6 billion of which relates to externalised projects in the discovery portfolio. A number of new commitments were made in 2010 under licensing and other agreements, including arrangements with Amicus Therapeutics Inc., Amplimmune Inc., Apeiron Biologics AG, Fondazione Telethon, Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Shionogi & Co. Limited. In 2009, GSK reached an agreement with the trustees of the UK pension schemes to make additional contributions over a ve year period, to eliminate the pension decit identied at the 31st December 2008 actuarial funding valuation. The table above shows this commitment but excludes the normal ongoing annual funding requirement of approximately 130 million. For further information on pension obligations, see Note 28 to the nancial statements, Pensions and other post-employment benets.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Contingent liabilities
The following table sets out contingent liabilities, comprising discounted bills, performance guarantees, letters of credit and other items arising in the normal course of business, and when they are expected to expire.
Total Under 1 yr m m 1-3 yrs m 3-5 yrs m 5 yrs+ m

Financial statements P102P191

Loans 14,997 Interest on loans 10,312 Finance lease obligations 103 Finance lease charges 16 Operating lease commitments 415 Intangible assets 11,762 Property, plant & equipment 380 Business combinations 285 Investments 37 Purchase commitments 1,127 Pensions 1,095 Other commitments 242 Total 40,771

259 4,158 2,407 8,173 755 1,394 1,097 7,066 32 45 18 8 5 8 3 123 119 57 116 720 1,626 2,150 7,266 278 95 7 253 12 20 16 21 239 314 293 281 365 730 110 78 49 5 3,155 8,579 6,122 22,915

Guarantees Other contingent liabilities Total

110 55 165

64 22 86

1 10 11

1 2

44 22 66

In the normal course of business, GSK has provided various indemnication guarantees in respect of business disposals in which legal and other disputes have subsequently arisen. A provision is made where an outow of resources is considered probable and a reasonable estimate can be made of the likely outcome of the dispute and this is included in Note 29 to the nancial statements, Other provisions. It is the Groups policy to provide for the settlement costs of asserted claims and environmental disputes when an outow of resources is considered probable and a reliable estimate may be made. Prior to this point no liability is recorded. Legal and environmental costs are discussed in Risk factors on pages 53 to 57 and Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings. GSK continues to believe that it has made adequate provision for the liabilities likely to arise from open taxation assessments. The ultimate liability for such matters may vary signicantly from amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings and negotiations with the relevant tax authorities. This is discussed further in Note 14 to the nancial statements, Taxation.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial position and resources

Business review P08P57

Cash ow
A summary of the consolidated cash ow is set out below.
2010 m 2009 m

Net cash inow from operating activities Net cash outow from investing activities Net cash outow from nancing activities (Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts Exchange adjustments Cash and bank overdrafts at beginning of year Cash and bank overdrafts at end of year Cash and bank overdrafts at end of year comprise: Cash and cash equivalents Overdrafts

6,797 (1,868) (5,571) (642) 81 6,368 5,807

7,841 (4,013) (2,774) 1,054 (158) 5,472 6,368

Free cash ow is used by GSKs management for planning and reporting purposes and in discussions with and presentations to investment analysts and rating agencies. GSKs free cash ow measure is not dened in IFRS. This measure may not be directly comparable with similarly described measures used by other companies. A reconciliation of net cash inow from operating activities, which is the closest equivalent IFRS measure, to free cash ow is shown below. Reconciliation of free cash ow
2010 m 2009 m

6,057 (250) 5,807

6,545 (177) 6,368

The net cash inow from operating activities after taxation paid was 6,797 million, a decrease of 1,044 million over 2009 reecting higher legal settlements in the year partly offset by a net working capital reduction. The net cash outow from investing activities was 1,868 million, a decrease of 2,145 million which primarily reected lower business purchases during 2010 of 354 million. In 2009 business purchases were 2,792 million, primarily Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. In addition purchases of property, plant and equipment were lower by 404 million in 2010. Free cash ow Free cash ow is the amount of cash generated by the business after meeting its obligations for interest, tax and dividends paid to non-controlling interests, and after capital expenditure on noncurrent tangible and intangible assets.
m 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2010 2009 4,486 5,254

Net cash inow from operating activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Purchase of non-current intangible assets Disposal of property, plant and equipment Interest paid Interest received Dividends received from joint ventures and associated undertakings Distributions to non-controlling interests Free cash ow

6,797 (1,014) (621) 92 (775) 107 18 (118) 4,486

7,841 (1,418) (455) 48 (780) 90 17 (89) 5,254

Investment appraisal GSK has a formal process for assessing potential investment proposals in order to ensure decisions are aligned with the Groups overall strategy. This process includes an analysis of the impact of the project on earnings, its return on invested capital and an assessment of the return based on discounted cash ows. The discount rate used to perform nancial analysis is decided internally, to allow determination of the extent to which investments cover the Groups cost of capital. For specic investments the discount rate may be adjusted to take into account country or other risk weightings. Capital expenditure and nancial investment Cash payments for tangible and intangible xed assets amounted to 1,635 million (2009 1,873 million). Disposals realised 218 million (2009 404 million). Cash payments to acquire equity investments of 279 million (2009 154 million) were made in the year and sales of equity investments realised 27 million (2009 59 million). Future cash ow The Group expects that future operating cash ow will be sufcient to fund its operating and debt service costs, to satisfy normal levels of capital expenditure, to meet obligations under existing licensing agreements, to meet the expenditure arising from the major restructuring programmes (the precise timing of which is uncertain) outlined in Note 7 to the nancial statements, Major restructuring programmes and to meet other routine outows including tax and dividends, subject to the Risk factors discussed on pages 53 to 57. GSK may from time to time have additional demands for nance, such as for acquisitions and share repurchases. It has access to other sources of liquidity from short and long-term capital markets and banks and other nancial institutions, in addition to the cash ow from operations, for such needs.

Free cash ow was adversely impacted by legal settlements of 2,047 million (2009 254 million). Free cash ow excluding legal settlements was 6,533 million in 2010, compared with 5,508 million in 2009, the improvement reecting the reduction in working capital and lower expenditure on property, plant & equipment.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial position and resources

Payment policies
Group companies are responsible for monitoring and managing their working capital. The terms of sales collections and supplier payments reect local commercial practice. In the UK, the company and each of its UK subsidiaries have policies to ensure that suppliers are paid on time. In particular, the UK companies seek: to settle terms of payment with suppliers when agreeing the terms of the transaction to ensure that suppliers are made aware of the agreed terms of payment to abide by the terms of payment. The policy permits arrangements for accelerated payment to small suppliers. Payment performance At 31st December 2010, the average number of days payable outstanding represented by trade payables of the parent company was nil (2009 nil) and in respect of the company and its UK subsidiaries in aggregate was 50 days (2009 44 days).

Liquidity As at 31st December 2010, our cash and liquid investments were held as follows:
2010 m 2009 m

Business review P08P57

Bank balances and deposits US Treasury and Treasury repo only money market funds Corporate debt instruments Government securities

5,660 360 10 211 6,241

5,206 1,305 10 292 6,813

Our centrally managed cash reserves amounted to 3.0 billion at 31st December 2010, all available within 3 months. This excludes 0.9 billion centrally managed cash held by ViiV Healthcare, an 85% owned subsidiary. We also had $3.9 billion of undrawn committed facilities. As at that date we had short term overdrafts and loans repayable within one year of 259 million. We had net debt of 8.9 billion at 31st December 2010. The table below summarises cash and gross debt after the effects of hedging.
2010 m 2009 m

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Treasury policies
GSK reports in Sterling and pays dividends out of Sterling prots. The role of Corporate Treasury is to manage and monitor our external and internal funding requirements and nancial risks in support of our strategic objectives. Treasury activities are governed by policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors, most recently on 7th October 2010. A Treasury Management Group (TMG) chaired by our Chief Financial Ofcer, meets on a monthly basis to review treasury activities. Its members receive management information relating to treasury activities. Capital management GSK operates on a global basis, primarily through subsidiary companies established in the markets in which we trade. With signicant levels of patent or trademark protection, our products compete largely on product efcacy or differentiation rather than on price. Selling margins are sufcient to cover normal operating costs and our operations are cash generative. Operating cash ow is used to fund investment in research and development of new products. It is also used to make the routine outows of capital expenditure, tax, dividends, repayment of maturing debt and, to the extent determined by the Board, share repurchases. In 2011, as part of a new long-term share buy-back programme and depending on market conditions and other factors, we expect to re-purchase 1-2 billion of shares. Our policy is to borrow centrally using a variety of capital market issues and borrowing facilities to meet anticipated funding requirements. These borrowings, together with cash generated from operations, are on-lent, contributed as equity to certain subsidiaries or used to pay dividends and make acquisitions. GSK did not make any share repurchases in 2010. For further details see Note 41 to the nancial statements Financial instruments and related disclosures. Cash and liquid investments Gross debt xed oating non-interest bearing Net debt

6,241 (13,740) (1,358) (2) (8,859)

6,813 (13,706) (2,550) (1) (9,444)

We manage our net borrowing requirements through a portfolio of long-term borrowings, including bonds, together with shortterm nance under a $10 billion commercial paper programme and $3.9 billion of committed facilities. The facilities were last renewed in October 2010. We consider this level of committed facilities to be adequate given current liquidity requirements. For further information on these facilities, see Note 32 to the nancial statements, Net debt. We also benet from strong positive cash ow from operating units. We have a European Medium Term Note programme of 15 billion. At 31st December 2010, we had 8.3 billion of notes in issue under this programme. We also have a US shelf registration statement. At 31st December 2010, we had $10.1 billion (6.5 billion) of notes in issue under this programme. The TMG monitors the cash ow forecast on a monthly basis. The long-term borrowings mature at dates between 2012 and 2042. Our long-term debt ratings have remained stable since February 2008. Currently we are rated A+ stable outlook by Standard and Poors and A1 stable outlook by Moodys Investors Service Moodys. Our short-term debt ratings are A-1 and P-1 with Standard and Poors and Moodys respectively.

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial position and resources

Business review P08P57

Maturity profile of gross debt

m equivalent 3,000




















GBP bonds

EUR bonds

USD bonds

Other bank borrowings

Interest rate risk management The policy on interest rate risk management limits the amount of oating rate interest payments to a prescribed percentage of trading prot. We use a series of interest rate swaps to re-denominate one of our external borrowings into the interest rate coupon required by GSK. The duration of this swap matches the duration of the principal instrument. Interest rate derivative instruments are accounted for as fair value or cash ow hedges of the relevant assets or liabilities. Counterparty risk management Our policy on counterparty risk management is to work with a select group of relationship banks. Global counterparty limits are assigned to each of GSKs banking and investment counterparties based on long-term credit ratings from Moodys and Standard and Poors. Corporate Treasurys usage of these limits is monitored daily by a Corporate Compliance Ofcer (CCO) who operates independently of Corporate Treasury. Any breach of these limits is reported to the CFO immediately. The CCO also monitors the credit rating of these counterparties and, when changes in ratings occur, noties Corporate Treasury so that changes can be made to investment levels or authority limits as appropriate. A full counterparty analysis is presented to the TMG annually for approval.

Treasury operations
The objective of treasury activity is to manage the post-tax net cost or income of nancial operations to the benet of earnings. Corporate Treasury does not operate as a prot centre. We use a variety of nancial instruments to nance our operations and derivative nancial instruments to manage market risks from these operations. These derivatives, principally comprising forward foreign currency contracts, interest rate and currency swaps, are used to swap borrowings and liquid assets into our required currencies and to manage exposure to funding risks from changes in foreign exchange and interest rates. We do not hold or issue derivatives for speculative purposes. Our treasury policies specically prohibit such activity. All transactions in nancial instruments are undertaken to manage the risks arising from underlying business activities, not for speculation. Foreign exchange management Foreign currency transaction exposures arising on internal and external trade ows are not hedged. The exposure of overseas operating subsidiaries to transaction risk is minimised by matching local currency income with local currency costs. For this purpose, our internal trading transactions are matched centrally and we manage inter-company payment terms to reduce foreign currency risk. Exceptional foreign currency cash ows are hedged selectively under the management of Corporate Treasury. We manage the cash surpluses or borrowing requirements of subsidiary companies centrally using forward contracts to hedge future repayments back into the originating currency. We seek to denominate borrowings in the currencies of our principal assets and cash ows. These are primarily denominated in US dollars, Euros and Sterling. Certain borrowings can be swapped into other currencies as required. Borrowings denominated in, or swapped into, foreign currencies that match investments in our overseas assets may be treated as a hedge against the relevant assets. Forward contracts are also used in major currencies to reduce our exposure to our investment in overseas Group assets (see Net Investment Hedges section of Note 41 for further details). The TMG reviews the ratio of borrowings to assets for major currencies.
GSK Annual Report 2010

Financial assets and liabilities

An analysis of net debt is given in Note 32 to the nancial statements, Net debt. An analysis of nancial assets and liabilities at carrying value and fair value is given in Note 41 to the nancial statements, Financial instruments and related disclosures. We continue to benet from strong positive cash ow from operating activities. Our net debt has decreased in the year to 31st December 2010, reecting the benets of our ongoing restructuring programme and the success of our working capital initiatives. The nancial assets and liabilities at 31st December 2010 are representative of our treasury policies and strategies approved by the Board of Directors, most recently on 7th October 2010. In 2010, GSK did not raise any debt in the Capital Markets or make any share repurchases.


Financial review 2009

In accordance with US SEC disclosure requirements, the following discussion compares results for the year to 31st December 2009 with the results for the year to 31st December 2008. Financial information and the discussion that follows is presented on the basis that GSK was organised and managed in 2009. CNS CNS sales decreased 44% to 1.9 billion. The majority of GSKs CNS franchise is impacted by generic competition in the USA. The Wellbutrin decline of 67% primarily reected the sale of Wellbutrin XL in the USA to Biovail in the second quarter of 2009. Cardiovascular and urogenital Cardiovascular and urogenital sales increased 8% to 2.3 billion. Continued strong growth of key products such as Arixtra, up 29% to 254 million, Avodart, up 16% to 530 million, and Lovaza, up 31% to 450 million, were partly offset by generic competition to Coreg. Metabolic Metabolic sales decreased 14% to 1.2 billion. Sales of Avandia, down 16% to 771 million, continued to decline across all regions. Bonviva/Boniva sales declined in the USA by 16% but grew in Europe and the Rest of the World. Oncology and emesis Oncology and emesis sales increased 10% to 0.6 billion. Tyverb/Tykerb, up 45% to 169 million, grew strongly in Europe and the Rest of World following product approvals gained during 2008. Zofran declined 11% as a result of generic competition. Vaccines Vaccine sales increased 30% to 3.7 billion. Pandemic vaccine sales of 883 million were recorded during the year, most of which were delivered in the fourth quarter, as GSK partnered with governments to respond to the H1N1 pandemic. Sales of GSKs new Synorix vaccine totalled 73 million, reecting launches in several markets and the beginning of shipments to the Brazilian Government as part of the 10-year, $1.5 billion agreement signed in August 2009. Other strong contributors to growth for the year included Boostrix, up 73% to 139 million, Cervarix, up 38% to 187 million and Rotarix, up 50% to 282 million. Partially offsetting these performances, sales of Infanrix/Pediarix fell 15% to 649 million, primarily as a result of the continued impact of increased competition in the DTPa sector in the USA. Hepatitis vaccines sales also fell 11% to 665 million in part due to a competitor product returning to the US market.
Business review P08P57

The currencies that most inuence the Groups results remain the US dollar, the Euro and the Japanese Yen. During 2009, average Sterling exchange rates were weaker against the US Dollar, the Euro and the Yen compared with 2008. 2009 year-end Sterling exchange rates were stronger against all three currencies compared with those at 31st December 2008.

Pharmaceutical turnover
All growth rates included in the review of turnover are at constant exchange rates (CER) unless otherwise stated. Sterling growth rates may be found in the tables of pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic areas on page 48 and by geographic region on page 49. Pharmaceutical turnover grew 2% to 23.7 billion. Pharmaceuticals growth was helped by sales of pandemic products. On a regional basis, the USA declined 13% reecting continued erosion of several products due to generic competition. Strong performances were delivered in Europe, up 9%), Emerging Markets, up 20% and Asia Pacic/Japan, up 16%. The sales contribution of Stiefel, which was acquired on 22nd July 2009, totalled 248 million.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic area

GSK turnover grew by 2% in 2009 as the impact of US generic competition to a range of GSKs products, lower Avandia sales and a declining HIV business was more than offset by strong growth of key products such as Seretide/Advair, Avodart, Lovaza, Relenza and the vaccines franchise including the H1N1 pandemic vaccine. Respiratory Respiratory sales increased 5% to 7.0 billion. Seretide/Advair grew 5% to 5.0 billion, with especially strong growth in Emerging Markets, up 21% to 276 million and Japan, up 79% to 195 million. Ventolin sales grew 26% to 477 million, driven by its performance in the USA where sales more than doubled to 153 million. Veramyst sales rose 72% to 142 million. Anti-virals Anti-virals increased 12% to 4.2 billion.

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Relenza sales were 720 million in 2009 (2008 57 million) reecting the successful capacity expansion to meet government orders across the world and a strong retail performance in Japan of 191 million. Sales of Valtrex declined 8% to 1.3 billion as a result of generic competition to the product in the USA which began in November 2009. Sales of HIV medicines totalled 1.6 billion, down 7% for the year. Epzicom sales grew 8% to 546 million but this was more than offset by declines across the rest of the portfolio. ViiV Healthcare, the specialist HIV company established by GSK and Pzer, was ofcially launched on 3rd November 2009.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2009

Business review P08P57

Pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic area 2009

Therapeutic area/ major products 2009 m 2008 m Total Growth CER% % 2009 m USA Growth CER% % 2009 m Europe Growth CER% % 2009 m Rest of World Growth CER% %

Respiratory Avamys/Veramyst Flixonase/Flonase Flixotide/Flovent Seretide/Advair Serevent Ventolin Zyrtec Anti-virals HIV Agenerase, Lexiva Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Trizivir Ziagen Valtrex Relenza Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Requip XL Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin XL Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Levitra Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Avandia Avandamet Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Zofran Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu pandemic Hepatitis (Engerix/ Fendrix, Havrix, Twinrix) Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix Other Stiefel products

6,977 142 171 775 4,977 236 477 75 4,150 1,605 178 425 129 546 201 105 1,294 720 217 1,870 266 500 209 123 523 55 132 2,298 254 530 172 229 75 450 104 19 1,181 771 462 268 255 1,592 667 629 172 13 169 109 3,706 139 187 211 883 665 649 282 73 1,063 23,466 248 23,714

5,817 72 186 677 4,137 263 339 38 3,206 1,513 160 433 139 442 212 106 1,195 57 188 2,897 687 926 266 43 514 25 342 1,847 170 399 203 226 60 290 71 2 1,191 805 512 256 237 1,429 587 496 140 102 110 2,539 70 125 215 66 665 682 167 959 20,381

5 72 (20) 5 (19) 26 58 12 (7) (4) (13) (19) 8 (17) (13) (8) >100 (1) (44) (65) (53) (30) >100 (15) 88 (67) 8 29 16 (29) (7) 7 31 24 >100 (14) (16) (21) (8) (7) 2 4 10 7 45 (11) 30 73 38 (13) >100 (11) (15) 50 1 1 2

20 97 (8) 14 20 (10) 41 97 29 6 11 (2) (7) 24 (5) (1) 8 >100 15 (35) (61) (46) (21) >100 2 >100 (61) 24 49 33 (15) 1 25 55 46 >100 (1) (4) (10) 5 8 11 14 27 23 66 (1) 46 99 50 (2) >100 (5) 69 11 15 16

3,323 68 27 396 2,592 73 153 1,897 716 99 187 48 223 104 51 942 137 17 651 123 267 26 32 42 55 88 1,415 141 319 171 70 448 104 581 425 276 122 155 173 45 308 100 13 54 9 815 73 4 73 187 257 134 76 17 9,180

3 2 (56) 5 1 (14) >100 (6) 1 (12) (13) 6 (17) (4) (9) >100 (7) (69) (79) (68) (78) >100 (51) 84 (76) 8 35 11 (28) 4 31 24 (17) (17) (22) (6) (16) (16) (22) 7 4 (4) >100 9 77 (27) >100 (21) (47) >100 (13)

22 21 (48) 25 20 1 >100 19 12 19 4 2 25 (2) 13 8 >100 13 (64) (78) (62) (75) >100 (47) >100 (72) 28 60 32 (15) 23 55 46 (2) (2) (8) 12 (1) (1) (8) 27 23 15 >100 30 >100 (14) >100 (7) (37) >100 6 3

2,201 45 43 178 1,609 116 150 1,074 635 62 151 49 244 82 35 160 212 29 574 96 154 138 89 99 30 583 95 148 173 4 18 275 171 67 99 89 662 295 204 59 75 52 1,744 40 138 71 525 262 406 53 32 364 7,681

3 >100 (21) (4) 5 (18) 1 16 (10) (8) (17) (24) 6 (21) (14) >100 (4) (7) (8) (4) (5) >100 (21) 50 3 18 13 (10) 33 >100 (15) (21) (24) (19) 7 (4) 10 10 62 (24) 37 38 23 (18) >100 (8) (3) 14 7 9

11 1,453 >100 29 (17) 101 2 201 14 776 (15) 47 9 174 75 26 1,179 254 2 17 (9) 87 (16) 32 17 79 (11) 15 (3) 19 11 >100 7 2 5 4 >100 (14) 67 14 34 25 (3) 33 >100 (6) (14) (18) (11) 20 4 8 21 20 79 (17) 192 371 171 645 47 79 45 2 382 14 300 18 63 1 56 1 2 1 325 175 119 47 11 757 327 117 13 40 48

14 30 >100 >100 2 23 (6) 9 23 39 (31) (15) 2 12 58 97 32 (3) (13) (7) (18) 25 (28) (13) >100 4 (2) 6 16 (5) (7) 18 55 51 (67) 6 100 (8) (9) (18) 19 57 13 14 56 7 6 (6) 44 7 (24) 6 >100 17 25 15 16 45 19 32 64 62 (67) 17 100 6 1 (9) 31 57 22 23

23 39 20 30 >100 >100 (5) 9 37 >100 100 17 >100 2 5 33 (2) 16 52 >100 >100 29 >100 15 17 49 10 32

51 1,147 54 26 33 45 (9) 67 >100 171 146 8 23 13 18 109 153 41 682 6,605

CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2009

Regional analysis
The turnover reported in the table below represents sales invoiced by GSKs local entity to its customers in the local market plus co-promotion income within each market.
2009 m 2008 m CER% Growth* %

Consumer Healthcare turnover

% of total 2009 m 2008 m CER% Growth* %

Business review P08P57

USA Europe Emerging Markets Asia Pacic/Japan Other trading

9,180 7,681 2,973 2,700 1,180 23,714

8,894 6,483 2,290 1,918 796 20,381

(13) 9 20 16 29 2

3 18 30 41 46 16

Over-the-counter medicines alli Breathe Right Cold sore franchise Nicotine replacement therapy Panadol franchise Tums Oral healthcare Aquafresh franchise Biotene Denture care Sensodyne franchise Nutritional healthcare Lucozade Horlicks Ribena


2,319 203 92 96 339 393 106 1,484 496 26 336 457 851 376 255 160 4,654

1,935 8 75 >100 81 (1) 89 (3) 299 (1) 324 10 91 (1) 1,240 7 452 (1) 1 >100 271 8 363 13 796 382 204 161 3,971 3 (3) 17 (4) 7

21 >100 14 8 13 21 16 20 10 >100 24 26 7 (2) 25 (1) 18


* CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates. Including Stiefel

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Sales in the USA declined 13% to 9.2 billion, principally reecting continued decline of Avandia (down 22%), competition to Infanrix/Pediarix (down 47%), a return to market of a competitor to the Hepatitis franchise (down 21%) and generic competition to signicant products such as Lamictal (down 68%), Imigran (down 79%), Valtrex (down 9%), Requip (down 78%) and Coreg (down 28%). In addition, Wellbutrin XL (down 82%), was sold to Biovail in Q2 2009. These declines were partly offset by signicant sales of Relenza and pandemic vaccines, a doubling of Ventolin sales, good growth of Lovaza (up 31%) and contributions from recently launched products such as Boostrix and Rotarix. Europe Sales in Europe increased 9% to 7.7 billion with continued growth of Seretide and Relenza and particularly strong vaccines growth, driven by pandemic vaccine, offsetting the impact of generic competition to a number of products and continued price cuts from governments across the region. Emerging Markets Sales in Emerging Markets increased 20% to 3.0 billion with strong growth across the region and all therapeutic areas, helped by the acquisitions of the UCB and BMS businesses in different countries of the region. Asia Pacic/Japan Sales in Asia Pacic/Japan grew 16% to 2.7 billion reecting continued Seretide/Advair growth, strong Relenza sales, particularly to the retail market in Japan, and strong vaccines growth.



* CER% represents growth at constant exchange rates. % represents growth at actual exchange rates.

Total Consumer Healthcare sales for the year rose 7% to 4.7 billion, with growth in all regions and categories. OTC medicines OTC product sales grew 8% to 2.3 billion in 2009, driven by sales of Panadol (up 10% to 393 million) and alli, which more than doubled to 203 million, as a result of launches throughout Europe which began in April 2009. Sales of nicotine replacement therapy products declined by 1%. Oral healthcare Sales of Oral healthcare products rose 7% to 1.5 billion. Sensodyne performed strongly with sales up 13% to 457 million. Denture care sales grew 8% to 336 million. Sales of Aquafresh declined 1%, as a reduction in the US white trays market offset growth of 5% in the US Aquafresh toothpaste brands, which were helped by the launch of the new Iso-active product. Nutritional healthcare Nutritional healthcare sales grew 3% to 0.9 billion, driven by the very strong performance of Horlicks (up 17% to 255 million) partly offset by a decline in Lucozade sales (down 3% to 376 million) which was impacted by lower sales in the impulse market of the UK market.

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2009

Business review P08P57

Results before major restructuring and total results

In October 2007, GSK announced a signicant new Operational Excellence restructuring programme. A second formal plan, representing a signicant expansion of the Operational Excellence programme, was approved by the Board and announced in February 2009. In addition to the costs of the Operational Excellence programme, the major restructuring column in the income statement includes restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of any restructuring programmes that follow, and relate to, material acquisitions where the operations of the acquired business overlap extensively with GSKs existing operations. The acquisition of Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. in July 2009 was the only acquisition that meets the criteria set out above. This is the only acquisition in 2009 where the costs incurred as a direct result of a related restructuring programme has been included in the major restructuring column. The restructuring costs expected to be incurred as a direct result of this acquisition are estimated to be approximately 205 million, of which 71 million was charged in 2009. The restructuring costs incurred as a direct result of the acquisition of Reliant Pharmaceuticals Inc., the only other acquisition since October 2007 that meets the criteria set out above, were all charged and paid in 2008. Only the restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of the Operational Excellence programme and the restructuring programmes following the Reliant and Stiefel acquisitions have been reported in the major restructuring column in the income statement. As set out in Note 7 to the nancial statements, Major restructuring programme, asset impairments and staff redundancies together accounted for 574 million of the 835 million restructuring costs incurred in 2009. The remaining costs of 261 million in 2009 arose from miscellaneous expenditures incurred solely as a direct result of the restructuring programmes. No costs arising from GSKs ongoing operating activities have been reported in the major restructuring column. For the latest position on Results before major restructuring and total results see Results before major restructuring and total results in the 2010 Financial review on page 36. GSKs operating prot, prot before taxation, taxation and prot for the year are discussed below in terms of both total results, which include major restructuring costs, and results before major restructuring.

Operating prot total results

Total results include restructuring costs related to the Operational Excellence programme and the acquisitions of Reliant and Stiefel.
m 2009 % m 2008 Growth % CER% %

Turnover Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating prot


100 24,352


3 6 6 1

16 15 25 12

(7,380) (26.0) (6,415) (26.3) (9,592) (33.8) (7,656) (31.4) (4,106) (14.4) (3,681) (15.2) 1,135 8,425 3.9 29.7 541 7,141 2.2 29.3


Cost of sales Cost of sales as a percentage of turnover reduced marginally to 26.0% of turnover (2008 26.3%), principally reecting the impact of generic competition to higher margin products in the USA and changes to the product mix, offset by benets from the restructuring programme and lower restructuring costs of 285 million (2008 639 million). Selling, general and administration SG&A costs as a percentage of turnover increased by 2.4 percentage points to 33.8%. This included full year legal charges of 591 million (2008 611 million) and charges related to the major restructuring programme of 392 million (2008 304 million). Excluding legal and restructuring costs, SG&A costs were 30.3% of turnover (2008 27.7%). This reected investment in growth markets, the acquisition of Stiefel, increased pension costs, the donation of H1N1 product to WHO and exchange losses on inter-company transactions (compared with exchange gains last year), partially offset by the benets of the current restructuring programme. Research and development R&D expenditure was 14.4% (2008 15.2%) of total turnover, which included 167 million of intangible asset write-offs (2008 85 million) partially offset by lower charges relating to the major restructuring programme of 155 million (2008 175 million) and a provision release due to reassessment of a receivable balance. Increased investment in vaccines R&D and late stage pharmaceutical R&D were broadly offset by savings from the restructuring programme. Other operating income Other operating income was 1,135 million including gains from asset disposals of 579 million (2008 293 million) primarily reecting the disposal of Wellbutrin XL and various assets to Aspen Pharmacare, royalty income of 296 million (2008 307 million), a royalty dispute settlement gain of 78 million, and a one-time accounting gain of 296 million on the creation of ViiV Healthcare, partially offset by equity investment impairments of 135 million. Operating prot total results Total operating prot for the year was 8,425 million, an increase of 4% CER and 18% in Sterling terms, compared with 2008. The operating prot margin increased 0.4 percentage points reecting higher other operating income and broadly at R&D expenditure, partially offset by increases in cost of sales and SG&A.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2009

Prot before taxation total results

Net nance costs Finance income Interest and other nance income Unwinding of discounts on assets Fair value adjustments and hedges
2009 m 2008 m

67 2 1 70

321 1 (9) 313

Selling, general and administration SG&A costs as a percentage of turnover increased by 2.2 percentage points to 32.4%, including full year legal charges of 591 million. The increase reected investment in growth markets, the acquisition of Stiefel, increased pension costs, the donation of H1N1 product to WHO and exchange losses on inter-company transactions (compared with exchange gains last year), partially offset by the benets of the current restructuring programme. Research and development R&D expenditure was 13.9% (2008 14.4%) of total turnover, which included 167 million of intangible asset write-offs (2008 85 million) partially offset by a provision release due to reassessment of a receivable balance. Increased investment in vaccines R&D and late-stage pharmaceutical R&D were broadly offset by savings from the restructuring programme. Other operating income Other operating income was 1,135 million including gains from asset disposals of 579 million (2008 293 million) primarily reecting the disposal of Wellbutrin XL and various assets to Aspen Pharmacare, royalty income of 296 million (2008 307 million), a royalty dispute settlement gain of 78 million, and a one-time accounting gain of 296 million on the creation of ViiV Healthcare, partially offset by equity investment impairments of 135 million. In 2009 other operating income and prot on disposal of associates amounted to 1,250 million. Operating prot results before major restructuring Operating prot before major restructuring for the year was 9,257 million, a 1% CER decline, but up 12% in Sterling terms, compared with 2008. The operating prot margin was 32.6% compared with a 2008 margin of 33.9%. The decline in margin was primarily due to generic competition in the USA which impacted cost of goods and increased investment to support the Groups diversication strategy which impacted SG&A, partly offset by a higher level of other operating income. Further information on operating prot before major restructuring is provided in Note 6, Segment information.

Business review P08P57

Finance costs Interest costs Unwinding of discounts on liabilities Fair value adjustments and hedges (770) (11) (2) (783) (829) (16) 2 (843)

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Prot on disposal of interest in associate Prot on disposal of interest in associate was 115 million as 5.7 million shares from the Groups holding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. were sold in the rst quarter of 2009. Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures The share of after tax prots of associates of 64 million (2008 48 million) arises principally from the Groups holding in Quest. Prot before taxation total results Taking account of net nance costs, the prot on disposal of interest in associates and the share of prots of associates, total prot before taxation was 7,891 million compared with 6,659 million in 2008, a 4% CER increase and a 19% sterling increase.

Financial statements P102P191

Operating prot results before major restructuring

The results before major restructuring are set out below:
m 2009 % m 2008 Growth % CER% %

Turnover Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating prot


100 24,352


3 13 6 2

16 23 25 13

(7,095) (25.0) (5,776) (23.7) (9,200) (32.4) (7,352) (30.2) (3,951) (13.9) (3,506) (14.4) 1,135 9,257 3.9 32.6 541 8,259 2.2 33.9

Shareholder information P192P212



Cost of sales Cost of sales increased to 25.0% of turnover (2008 23.7%), principally reecting the impact of generic competition to higher margin products in the USA and changes to the product mix, partly offset by benets from the restructuring programme.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial review 2009

Business review P08P57

Prot before taxation results before major restructuring

Net nance costs Finance income Interest and other income Unwinding of discounts on assets Fair value adjustments and hedges
2009 m 2008 m

Prot for the year

2009 m 2008 m CER% Growth %

67 2 1 70

321 1 (9) 313

Total prot after taxation for the year Total prot attributable to shareholders Basic earnings per share (pence) Basic earnings per ADS (US$) Results before major restructuring prot after taxation for the year Results before major restructuring prot attributable to shareholders Adjusted earnings per share (pence) Adjusted earnings per ADS (US$) Weighted average number of shares (millions)



6 6

20 20

5,531 4,602 109.1p 88.6p $3.40 $3.28 6,283 5,551

Finance costs Interest costs Unwinding of discounts on liabilities Fair value adjustments and hedges (770) (8) (2) (780) (829) (11) 2 (838)

13 13 16

6,145 5,441 121.2p 104.7p $3.78 $3.87 5,069 5,195

Prot on disposal of interest in associate Prot on disposal of interests in associates was 115 million as 5.7 million Quest shares were sold in the rst quarter of 2009. Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures The share of after tax prots of associates of 64 million (2008 48 million) arises principally from the Groups holding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. Prot before taxation results before major restructuring Taking account of net nance costs, the prot on disposal of interests in associates and the share of prots of associates, prot before tax before major restructuring was 8,726 million compared with 7,782 million in 2008, a 1% CER decline but 12% increase in sterling terms.

Diluted total earnings per share (pence) 108.2p 88.1p Diluted total earnings per ADS (US$) $3.38 $3.26 Diluted weighted average number of shares (millions) 5,108 5,226

Total results including restructuring costs produced a basic EPS of 109.1p compared with 88.6p in 2008. This was an 8% growth in CER terms and a 23% growth in sterling terms. Excluding major restructuring costs, EPS was 121.2p compared with 104.7p. Dividend The Board declared a fourth interim dividend of 18 pence per share resulting in a dividend for the year of 61 pence; a four pence increase over the 57 pence per share for 2008.

2009 m 2008 m

UK corporation tax Overseas taxation Current taxation Deferred taxation Taxation on total prots

417 1,997 2,414 (192) 2,222

289 1,589 1,878 69 1,947

The charge for taxation on total prots amounted to 2,222 million and represented an effective tax rate of 28.2% (2008 29.2%). The charge for taxation on prot before major restructuring charges amounting to 2,443 million represents an effective tax rate of 28.0% (2008 28.7%). The Groups balance sheet at 31st December 2009 included a tax payable liability of 1,451 million and a tax recoverable asset of 58 million. On 19th November 2009 the IRS conceded all asserted tax deciencies and penalties arising from its reclassication of an inter-company nancing arrangement from debt to equity resulting in no additional tax cost to GSK. For the latest position on Taxation see Taxation in the Financial review on page 39.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Risk factors
There are risks and uncertainties relevant to the Groups business, nancial condition and results of operations that may affect the Groups performance and ability to achieve its objectives. The factors below are among those that the Group believes could cause its actual results to differ materially from expected and historical results. There are other risks and uncertainties that may affect the Groups performance and ability to achieve its objectives that are not currently known to the Group, or which are deemed immaterial. The Group reviews and assesses signicant risks on a regular basis and has implemented an oversight programme to help ensure that there is a system of internal control in place. This system includes policies and procedures, communication and training programmes, supervision and monitoring and processes for escalating issues to the appropriate level of senior management. Such a system helps facilitate the Groups ability to respond appropriately to risks and to achieve Group objectives and helps ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and internal policies. The Groups management of risks is further discussed on pages 71 to 73 Corporate Governance. It is not possible, however, for the Group to implement controls to respond to all the risks that it may face, and there can be no assurance that the steps the Group has taken to address certain risks will manage these risks effectively or at all. The six principal risks that might affect GSKs business are broken down in the following areas: Risk that R&D will not deliver commercially successful new products The Group operates in highly competitive markets. In the pharmaceuticals and vaccines businesses, it faces competition from both proprietary products of large international manufacturers and from producers of generic pharmaceuticals. Signicant product innovations, technical advances or the intensication of price competition by competitors may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. The Group cannot always predict the timing or impact of competitive products or their potential impact on sales of the Groups products. In light of the competitive environment in which the Group operates, continued development of commercially viable new products as well as the development of additional uses for existing products is critical to the Groups ability to replace sales of older products that decline upon expiration of exclusive rights, and to increase overall sales. Developing new products is a costly, lengthy and uncertain process. A new product candidate can fail at any stage of the development process, and one or more late stage product candidates could fail to receive regulatory approval. New product candidates may appear promising in development but, after signicant investment of Group economic and human resources, may fail to reach the market or have only limited commercial success. This, for example, could be as a result of efcacy or safety concerns, an inability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals, difculty manufacturing or excessive manufacturing costs, erosion of patent terms as a result of a lengthy development period, infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights of others or an inability to differentiate the product adequately from those with which it competes. Furthermore, health authorities such as the US FDA, the European Medicines Agency and the Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medicines Device Agency have increased their focus on safety and product differentiation when assessing the benet/risk balance of drugs, which has made it more difcult for pharmaceutical products to gain regulatory approval. There is also increasing pressure on healthcare budgets as the average age of the population in developed markets increases and the absolute population in developing markets grows. Payers have therefore increasingly demanded greater incremental benet from drugs before agreeing to reimburse suppliers at prices suppliers consider appropriate. A failure to develop commercially successful products or develop additional uses for existing products for any of these reasons could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Intellectual property protection Competition from generic manufacturers The Group faces intense competition from manufacturers of generic pharmaceutical products in all of its major markets. Generic products often enter the market upon expiration of patents or data exclusivity periods for the Groups products. Introduction of generic products, particularly in the USA where the Group has its highest turnover and margins, typically leads to a dramatic loss of sales and reduces the Groups revenues and margins for its proprietary products. The Group had eleven pharmaceutical products with over 500 million in annual global sales in 2010. Among these products are Augmentin, Lamictal IR, Ventolin, and Valtrex for which there is generic competition in the USA and certain markets in Europe. In addition, as detailed on page 7, the timing and impact of entry for a follow-on product to Seretide/Advair that contains the same active ingredients is uncertain. Generic drug manufacturers have also exhibited a readiness to market generic versions of many of the Groups most important products prior to the expiration of the Groups patents. Efforts may involve challenges to the validity or enforceability of a patent or assertions that their generic product does not infringe the Groups patents. If the Group is not successful in defending an attack on its patents and maintaining exclusive rights to market one or more of its major products, particularly in the USA and Europe, the Groups nancial results would be adversely affected. The expiration dates for patents for the Groups major products and a description of litigation settlements which may affect the dates on which generic versions of the Groups products may be introduced are set out on page 15. Legal proceedings involving patent challenges are set out in Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings. Potential changes in intellectual property laws and regulations Proposals to change existing patent and data exclusivity laws and regulations in major markets in which the Group sells its products are a continuing feature of the political process in those countries. These include proposals that could have the effect of making prosecution of patents for new products more difcult and time consuming or that could adversely affect the exclusivity period for the Groups products, including biological products. Should such proposals be enacted, they may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. For example, in 2010, as part of the comprehensive healthcare reform in the USA, new regulations for follow-on biologics were introduced that allow a sufciently similar biologic to be able to rely on an innovators approval following a 12-year data exclusivity period. In addition, the current administration in the USA has proposed reducing from 12 years to seven the period of time pharmaceutical companies may keep their products exclusive of generic competition.
Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Risk factors Weakness of intellectual property protection in certain countries In some of the countries in which the Group operates, patent protection may be signicantly weaker than in the USA or the European Union. Some developing countries have reduced, or threatened to reduce, effective patent protection for pharmaceutical products generally, or in particular therapeutic areas, to facilitate early competition within their markets from generic manufacturers. Any loss of patent protection, including reducing the scope of patent rights or compulsory licensing (in which a government forces a manufacturer to license its intellectual property to a competitor), could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results in those markets. Absence of adequate patent protection could limit the opportunity to rely on such markets for future sales growth for the Groups products. Risk of substantial adverse outcome of litigation and government investigations See Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings, for a discussion of proceedings and governmental investigations currently involving the Group which, if proven, could give rise to civil and/ or criminal liabilities. Unfavourable resolution of these and similar future proceedings or investigations may have a material adverse effect on the Groups nancial condition and results of operations. The Group has made material provisions in 2010 and prior years related to such legal proceedings and investigations, which reduced its earnings. In the future, the Group may also make additional signicant provisions related to legal proceedings and investigations which would reduce its earnings. In many cases, the Group believes that it is the practice of the plaintiff bar to claim damages in amounts that bear no reasonable relationship to the underlying harm allegedly caused by the Groups products or its actions. Accordingly, it may be potentially misleading for the Group to quantify, based on the amount of damages claimed, its potential exposure to claims, proceedings and investigations of the type described in Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings. Recent insurance loss experience, including pharmaceutical product liability exposures, has increased the cost of, and reduced the capacity of insurers to provide coverage for pharmaceutical companies generally, including the Group. In order to contain insurance costs in recent years, the Group has continued to adjust its coverage prole, accepting a greater degree of un-insured exposure in some areas, and a lesser degree in others, in order to optimise the value of insurance markets. In addition, where claims are made under insurance policies, insurers regularly reserve the right to deny coverage on various grounds. Product liability litigation Pre-clinical and clinical trials are conducted during the development of potential products to determine the safety and efcacy of products for use by humans following approval by regulatory authorities. Notwithstanding the efforts the Group makes to determine the safety of its products through regulated clinical trials, unanticipated side effects may become evident only when drugs and vaccines are introduced into the marketplace. In other instances, third parties may perform analyses of published clinical trial results which, although not necessarily accurate or meaningful, may raise questions regarding the safety of pharmaceutical products which may be publicised by the media and may result in product liability claims. The Group is currently a defendant in a number of product liability lawsuits, including class actions, that involve substantial claims for damages related to the Groups pharmaceutical products. Litigation, particularly in the USA, is inherently unpredictable. Class actions that sweep together all persons who were prescribed the Groups products can inate the potential liability by the force of numbers. Claims for pain and suffering and punitive damages are frequently asserted in product liability actions and, if allowed, can represent potentially open ended exposure and thus could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Anti-trust litigation In the USA, it has become increasingly common for patent infringement actions to prompt claims that anti-trust laws have been violated during the initial prosecution of the patent or during litigation involving the defence of that patent. Such claims by direct and indirect purchasers and other payers are typically led as class actions. The relief sought may include treble damages and restitution claims. Damages in adverse anti-trust verdicts are subject to automatic trebling in the USA. Similarly, anti-trust claims may be brought following settlement of patent litigation, alleging that such settlements are anti-competitive and in violation of anti-trust laws. A successful anti-trust claim against the Group could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Sales and marketing regulation The Group operates globally in complex legal and regulatory environments that often vary among jurisdictions. The failure to comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations in these jurisdictions may result in civil and criminal legal proceedings. As those rules and regulations change or as governmental interpretation of those rules and regulations evolve, prior conduct may be called into question. In the USA, for example, the Group is responding to federal and state governmental investigations into pricing, marketing and reimbursement of its prescription drug products. These investigations could result in related restitution or civil litigation on behalf of the federal or state governments, as well as related proceedings initiated against the Group by or on behalf of consumers and private payers. Such proceedings may result in trebling of damages awarded or nes in respect of each violation of law. Criminal proceedings may also be initiated against the Group. Any of these consequences could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results.

Business review P08P57

GSK Annual Report 2010


Risk factors Governmental, payer and regulatory controls Pricing Pharmaceutical products are subject to price controls or pressures and other restrictions in many markets, including Japan, Germany, Spain, France and Italy. Some governments intervene directly in setting prices. In addition, in some markets major purchasers of pharmaceutical products (whether governmental agencies or private health care providers) have the economic power to exert substantial pressure on prices or the terms of access to formularies. The Group cannot accurately predict whether existing controls, pressures or restrictions will increase or whether new controls, pressures or restrictions will be introduced. Such measures may materially and adversely affect the Groups ability to introduce new products protably and its nancial results. For example, in the USA, where the Group has its highest margins and the most sales for any country, there are no government price controls over private sector purchases, but federal law requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to pay prescribed rebates on certain drugs to be eligible for reimbursement under several state and federal healthcare programmes, primarily Medicare and Medicaid. Pricing pressures are likely to increase as the US governments share of national health spending continues to increase. Additionally, due to passage of comprehensive health care reform in 2010, the US governments role in providing or subsidising health insurance is expected to signicantly expand in 2014, which indicates the growing role and leverage the government will bring to bear on the Groups rebate liability with respect to US federal programs. In recent years, a number of states have also proposed or implemented various schemes to control prices for their lowincome and senior citizens programmes, including increasing the rebate liability of pharmaceutical companies, importation from other countries and bulk purchases of drugs. Given the new state mandates contained in the US health care reform law, which will increase the number of Medicaid eligible participants, and the economic pressures on state government budgets, pricing pressures on the Groups products are likely to increase. Any of these trends may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Regulatory controls The Group must comply with a broad range of regulatory controls on the testing, approval, manufacturing and marketing of many of its pharmaceutical, vaccine and consumer healthcare products, particularly in the USA and countries of the European Union, that affect not only the cost of product development but also the time required to reach the market and the uncertainty of successfully doing so. As detailed on page 18 health authorities have increased their focus on safety when assessing the risk/benet balance of drugs in the context of not only initial product approval but also in the context of approval of additional indications and review of information regarding marketed products. Stricter regulatory controls also heighten the risk of changes in product prole or withdrawal by regulators on the basis of post-approval concerns over product safety, which could reduce revenues and result in product recalls and product liability lawsuits. There is also greater regulatory scrutiny, especially in the USA, on advertising and promotion and in particular on direct-to-consumer advertising. In addition, in some cases, the Group may voluntarily cease marketing a product or face declining sales based on concerns about efcacy or safety (for example, the decline in sales of Avandia beginning in 2007 following publicity around questions regarding risks associated with the product), whether or not scientically justied, even in the absence of regulatory action. The development of the post-approval adverse event prole for a product or the product class may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Risk of interruption of product supply The manufacture of pharmaceutical products and their constituent materials requires compliance with good manufacturing practice regulations. The Groups manufacturing sites are subject to review and approval by the FDA and other regulatory agencies. Compliance failure by suppliers of key services and materials or the Groups own manufacturing facilities could lead to product recalls and seizures, interruption of production and delays in the approvals of new products pending resolution of manufacturing issues. Non-compliance can also result in nes and disgorgement of prots. Any interruption of supply or the incurring of nes or disgorgement could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Although the Group undertakes business continuity planning, single sourcing for certain components, bulk active materials and nished products creates a risk of failure of supply in the event of regulatory non-compliance or physical disruption at the manufacturing sites. Unafliated third-party suppliers provide a number of goods and services to the Groups operations. Many of these services, for example, services provided by clinical research organisations to support development of key products, are very important to the operations of the Groups businesses. Materials provided by third-party suppliers are necessary for the commercial production of our products, including speciality chemicals, commodities and components necessary for the manufacture and packaging of many of the Groups Pharmaceutical and Consumer Healthcare products. While the Group does not believe that any of these third-party relationships are individually signicant in the context of the overall Group, the failure of any third-party supplier to full its contractual obligations in a timely manner may result in delays or service interruptions, which may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Taxation and Treasury The Groups effective tax rate is driven by rates of tax in jurisdictions that are both higher and lower than that applied in the UK. In addition, many jurisdictions such as the UK, Belgium and the USA currently offer regimes that encourage innovation and new scientic endeavours by providing tax incentives, for example R&D tax credits. Furthermore, given the scale and international nature of the Groups business, intra-group transfer pricing is an inherent tax risk as it is for other international businesses. Changes in tax laws or in their application with respect to matters such as transfer pricing, foreign dividends, controlled companies, R&D tax credits or a restriction in tax relief allowed on the interest on intra-group debt, could increase the Groups effective tax rate and materially and adversely affect its nancial results.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Risk factors The tax charge included in the nancial statements is the Groups best estimate of its tax liability but, until such time as audits by tax authorities are concluded, there is a degree of uncertainty regarding the nal tax liability for the period. The Groups policy is to submit tax returns within the statutory time limits and engage tax authorities to ensure that the Groups tax affairs are as current as possible, and that any differences in the interpretation of tax legislation and regulation are resolved as quickly as possible. In exceptional cases where matters cannot be settled by agreement with tax authorities, GSK may have to resolve disputes through formal appeals or other proceedings. For example, the Canadian Tax Authorities are currently seeking leave to appeal a court decision in respect of transfer pricing as discussed in Note 14 to the nancial statements, Taxation. The Group deals in high value transactions on a frequent basis which may result in an increased risk of nancial loss due to the mismanagement of cash or entering into high risk positions on hedge transactions, any of which could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. There are a number of further risks, which could affect the nancial condition or results of the Group, as follows: Anti-bribery and corruption The Groups extensive and increasing international operations may give rise to possible claims of bribery and corruption. Failure to comply with applicable legislation such as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the recently enacted UK Bribery Act could expose the Group and senior ofcers to civil and criminal sanction, including nes, prosecution, potential debarment from public procurement and reputational damage, all of which could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. The compliance mechanisms and monitoring programmes that the Group has in place may not adequately prevent or detect possible violations under applicable anti-bribery and corruption legislation. Risk from concentration of sales to wholesalers In the USA, similar to other pharmaceutical companies, the Group sells its products through a small number of wholesalers in addition to hospitals, pharmacies, physicians and other groups. Sales to the three largest wholesalers amounted to approximately 85% of the Groups US pharmaceutical sales in 2010. At 31st December 2010, the Group had trade receivables due from these three wholesalers totalling 890 million (31st December 2009 867 million). The Group is exposed to a concentration of credit risk in respect of these wholesalers such that, if one or more are affected by nancial difculty, it could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Global political and economic conditions As described on page 20, many of the worlds largest economies, including the major markets in which the Group operates, and nancial institutions have in the recent past faced extreme nancial difculty, including a decline in asset prices, liquidity problems and limited availability of credit. Although many of these economies have recovered in 2010, the economic recovery and its pace proved uneven. Continued economic weakness may have a material adverse effect on the Groups sales, results of operations, nancial condition and ability to raise capital. Some of the Groups businesses, including Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Healthcare, may be particularly sensitive to declines in consumer spending. In addition, further or renewed declines in asset prices may result in a lower return on the Groups nancial investments and may cause the value of the Groups investments in its pension plans to decrease, requiring the Group to increase its funding of those pension plans. The Group conducts a substantial portion of its operations outside the UK. The Groups management of foreign exchange rates is discussed in Business review, Foreign exchange management (see page 46). Fluctuations in exchange rates between Sterling and other currencies, especially the US dollar, the Euro and the Japanese Yen, could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. The Group has no control over changes in ination and interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates and controls or other economic factors affecting its businesses or the possibility of political unrest, legal and regulatory changes or nationalisation in jurisdictions in which the Group operates. The Group operates in a number of Middle Eastern and North African markets that subsequent to the year-end are experiencing political unrest. These events may lead to business disruption and liquidity problems that could adversely impact the Groups results. Environmental liabilities The environmental laws of various jurisdictions impose actual and potential obligations on the Group to remediate contaminated sites. The Group has also been identied as a potentially responsible party under the US Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act at a number of sites for remediation costs relating to the Groups use or ownership of such sites. Failure to manage properly the environmental risks could result in additional remedial costs that may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. See Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings, for a discussion of environmental related proceedings in which the Group is involved. Accounting standards New or revised accounting standards, rules and interpretations issued from time to time by the International Accounting Standards Board could result in changes to the recognition of income and expense that may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. International Financial Reporting Standards changes in the market valuation of certain nancial instruments require gains and losses under such instruments to be reected in the Groups reported results before those gains or losses are actually realised. This could have a signicant impact on the income statement in any given period. Accounting for deferred taxation on inter-company inventory may give rise to volatility depending upon the Group entity that owns the inventory.

Business review P08P57

GSK Annual Report 2010


Risk factors Regulators regularly review the nancial statements of listed companies for compliance with accounting and regulatory requirements. The Group believes that it complies with the appropriate regulatory requirements concerning its nancial statements and disclosures. However, other companies have experienced investigations into potential non-compliance with accounting and disclosure requirements that have resulted in restatements of previously reported results and sometimes signicant penalties. Any such investigation and required restatement could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Protection of electronic information and assets The Group relies on critical and sensitive data, such as personally identiable information, trade secrets, intellectual property and corporate strategic plans. Security of this type of data is exposed to increasing external threats. The Group is also subject to various standards for the protection of personally identiable information. Failure to implement appropriate safeguards to adequately protect against any unauthorised or unintentional access, acquisition, use, modication, loss or disclosure of this critical or sensitive data may adversely affect the Groups operations. Alliances and acquisitions As part of the Groups strategy to diversify into new product areas and markets, the Group has grown, and expects to continue to grow, in part through acquisitions and business alliances. There is intense competition for alliance and acquisition candidates in the pharmaceutical industry, and, as such, the Group may be unable to make these deals on acceptable terms or at all. In acquiring or forming alliances with companies, the Group may assume signicant debt, become subject to unknown or contingent liabilities or fail to realise the benets expected from these transactions. For example, most pharmaceutical companies, including those that the Group may consider acquiring, are involved in patent disputes, product liability litigation, government investigations and other legal proceedings whose outcome is subject to considerable uncertainty. The assumption of debt or unknown or contingent liabilities or the failure to realise the expected benets may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. The process of integrating companies the Group may acquire may result in disruption to the ongoing business as the effort of integrating organisations in different locations and with, among other things, differing systems and corporate cultures may divert attention and resources, result in the loss of key employees or have other adverse consequences, any of which may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Attraction and retention The Group relies heavily on recruiting and retaining talented employees with a range of skills to meet its objectives. The Group faces intense competition for qualied individuals, as the supply of people with specic skills or in specic geographic regions may be limited, particularly given the Groups plans to expand its operations in Emerging Markets, Biologicals and Consumer Healthcare. The inability to attract staff with specic technical and leadership skills, retain key employees or ensure effective succession planning for critical positions may materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. Implementing the Groups strategic priorities The Group has established three strategic priorities: to grow a diversied business, deliver more products of value, and simplify its operating model. The Group may not be able to implement its strategic priorities fully and, even if the Group is able to implement its strategic priorities, the strategic priorities may not deliver the expected benets. For example, the strategic priority to grow a diversied business involves expanding the Groups business into Emerging Markets. The Groups pharmaceutical sales in Emerging Markets grew 22% in 2010 to nearly 3.6 billion, and represented 15% of the Groups 2010 pharmaceutical turnover. There is no guarantee that the Groups sales in Emerging Markets will continue to grow or that these markets will continue to experience relatively high growth rates. Some emerging markets may be especially vulnerable to the after-effects of the recent global nancial crisis, or may have very limited resources to spend on healthcare. Competition in these markets for staff with the skills and training suitable for employment at an enterprise such as the Groups may be intense. In some emerging markets, the Group may be required to rely on third party agents, which may put the Group at risk of liability, and some emerging markets lack sufcient protection against crimes such as counterfeiting. A failure to continue to expand its business in emerging growth markets could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. In addition, the Group is undertaking a restructuring programme that has an estimated cost of approximately 4.5 billion and is expected to deliver annual pre-tax savings of approximately 2.2 billion by the time it is substantially complete in 2012. The Group may not be able to execute fully this transformation of its business. Furthermore, changes in the Groups structure, operations, revenues, costs or efciency resulting from these restructuring activities or other strategic initiatives could result in higher than expected costs or other difculties. Failure to realise the expected cost savings by the end of the restructuring programme or to achieve and maintain a competitive cost base could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Our Board

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Sir Christopher Gent (Aged 62) Appointed on 1st June 2004. Chairman. Sir Christopher is a NonExecutive Director of Ferrari SpA and was the Chief Executive Ofcer of Vodafone Group plc, until his retirement in July 2003. He is a Non-Executive Director of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, a member of KPMGs Chairmans Advisory Group, a Senior Adviser at Bain & Co. and a member of the Advisory Board of Reform.

Professor Sir Roy Anderson (Aged 63) Appointed on 1st October 2007. Non-Executive Director. Sir Roy is Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London. He is a member of the International Advisory Board of Hakluyt & Co. Ltd. and he is a Trustee of the Natural History Museum, London. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and a Foreign Associate Member of the Institute of Medicine at the US National Academy of Sciences and the French Academy of Sciences. His former positions include Rector of Imperial College and Chief Scientic Adviser at the Ministry of Defence in the UK.

Larry Culp (Aged 47) Appointed on 1st July 2003. Non-Executive Director. Larry is President and Chief Executive Ofcer of Danaher Corporation. Prior to joining Danaher, he held positions in Accenture, previously Andersen Consulting.

Simon Dingemans (Aged 47) Appointed on 4th January 2011. Executive Director and Chief Financial Ofcer Designate. Simon joined GSK from Goldman Sachs where he was a Managing Director and Partner. He has over 25 years of experience in investment banking, including most recently as leader of Goldman Sachs European M&A business and before that as head of UK Investment Banking.

Andrew Witty (Aged 46) Appointed on 31st January 2008. Chief Executive Ofcer. Andrew was named Chief Executive Ofcer Designate for GSK in October 2007 and was appointed Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO) on 21st May 2008. He joined the Group in 1985 and has held senior positions in Asia, Africa and the USA. Immediately prior to being appointed CEO, Andrew was President, Pharmaceuticals Europe, a position he held from January 2003. He is a Board Member of PhRMA and President of European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. He was appointed as Lead Non-Executive Board Member for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and as a Board Member of the INSEAD Business School in January 2011 and is a member of the Prime Ministers Business Advisory Group. He is a Member of the Singapore Economic Development Boards International Advisory Council and an Adviser to the Governor of Guangzhou, China.
GSK Annual Report 2010

Dr Stephanie Burns (Aged 56) Appointed on 12th February 2007. Non-Executive Director. Stephanie is Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer of Dow Corning Corporation and sits on the US Presidents Export Council. She is also the chair of the American Chemistry Council, is an ofcer of the Society of Chemical Industry, America Section, and on the Board for the Society for Womens Health Research. Dr Burns holds a PhD in organic chemistry from Iowa State University.

Sir Crispin Davis (Aged 61) Appointed on 1st July 2003. Non-Executive Director. Sir Crispin is Chairman and Director of StarBev Netherlands BV, a member of Citigroups Global Advisory Board and serves on the Council of Oxford University. He was previously Chief Executive Ofcer of Reed Elsevier PLC, and prior to that appointment, Chief Executive of Aegis Group plc, which he joined from Guinness plc, where he was a member of the main Board and Group Managing Director of United Distillers. In his earlier career, he worked for Procter & Gamble, where he was President of the North American Food Division.

Julian Heslop (Aged 57) Appointed on 1st April 2005. Chief Financial Ofcer. Julian joined Glaxo Wellcome as Financial Controller in April 1998. In January 2001 he was appointed Senior Vice President, Operations Controller. Prior to joining the Group he held senior nance roles at Grand Metropolitan. Julian will retire as Chief Financial Ofcer and Executive Director on 31st March 2011.


Our Board

Business review P08P57

Sir Deryck Maughan (Aged 63) Appointed on 1st June 2004. Non-Executive Director. Sir Deryck is a Partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co, a Non-Executive Director of Thomson Reuters and BlackRock Inc., as well as serving on the Board of Directors of Lincoln Center. He was formerly Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer of Citigroup International and of Salomon Brothers Inc.

Dr Daniel Podolsky (Aged 57) Appointed on 1st July 2006. Non-Executive Director. Daniel is President of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and holds the Phillip OBryan Montgomery, Jr., M.D. Distinguished Presidential Chair in Academic Administration, and the Doris and Bryan Wildenthal Distinguished Chair in Medical Science. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences.

Tom de Swaan (Aged 64) Appointed on 1st January 2006. Non-Executive Director. Tom is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VanLanschot Bankiers, a member of the Board of Directors of Zurich Financial Services and a Non-Executive Director of KPMGs Public Interest Committee. He is also Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Royal Ahold and a member of the Supervisory Board of Royal DSM. He was previously a member of the Managing Board and Chief Financial Ofcer of ABN AMRO.

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James Murdoch (Aged 38) Appointed on 20th May 2009. Non-Executive Director. James is Chairman and Chief Executive, Europe and Asia of News Corporation. He is also Non-Executive Chairman of BSkyB, a member of the Board of News Corporation and Non-Executive Director of Sothebys. He previously served as Chief Executive Ofcer of BSkyB from 2003 to 2007 and was also Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer of Star TV from 2000 to 2003.

Dr Moncef Slaoui (Aged 51) Appointed on 17th May 2006. Chairman, Research & Development. Moncef joined GSK Biologicals in 1988 where he engineered the development of a robust vaccines pipeline and subsequently led Worldwide Business Development for pharmaceuticals before his appointment to lead R&D. In June 2010 Moncef was given overall responsibility for GSKs Oncology Business and over the next twelve months responsibility for GSK Biologicals will also transition to him. He is a member of the Board of the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR) and has a PhD in Molecular Biology and Immunology from Universit Libre de Bruxelles.

Sir Robert Wilson (Aged 67) Appointed on 1st November 2003. Non-Executive Director & Senior Independent Director. Sir Robert is Non-Executive Chairman of BG Group plc. He was previously Executive Chairman of Rio Tinto plc until his retirement in October 2003 and Chairman of The Economist Group between 2003 and 2009.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Our Corporate Executive Team (CET)

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Andrew Witty Chief Executive Ofcer Andrew was appointed Chief Executive Ofcer in May 2008. He joined Glaxo UK in 1985. During his career with the company he has held the roles of Managing Director South Africa, Vice President and General Manager Marketing in the USA and Senior Vice President, Asia Pacic. He was appointed President, Pharmaceuticals Europe for GlaxoSmithKline in January 2003.

John Clarke President, Consumer Healthcare John is responsible for the Consumer Healthcare business which produces oral healthcare, over-the-counter and nutritional healthcare products. He joined Beecham in 1976 and was the President of the Future Group before his current appointment in January 2006.

Deirdre Connelly President, North America Pharmaceuticals Deirdre joined GSK in February 2009 after working at Eli Lilly and Company for 24 years. She held a variety of positions including sales professional, General Manager of Puerto Rico, Executive Director of Human Resources and most recently President of US Operations.

Marc Dunoyer Head of Rare Diseases Unit and Chairman of GSK Japan Marc was appointed Chairman GSK Japan in January 2010 and in February 2010 to lead GSKs rare diseases business from R&D to commercialisation. He joined the Group in 1999 and was previously President, Pharmaceuticals Japan from January 2000 until May 2008. He was President, Pharmaceuticals Asia Pacic/ Japan from May 2008 until July 2010.

Julian Heslop Chief Financial Ofcer Julian became Chief Financial Ofcer in April 2005. As head of the nance function he is responsible for activities such as nancial reporting and control, tax and treasury, nance systems and insurance. He joined Glaxo Wellcome as Financial Controller in April 1998. He will leave the CET when he retires from GSK at the end of March 2011.

Abbas Hussain President, Emerging Markets & Asia Pacic Abbas joined GSK in June 2008 from Eli Lilly and Company, where he spent 20 years overseeing markets throughout Europe, Africa/Middle East and Australasia.

Simon Bicknell Senior Vice President, Governance, Ethics and Assurance Simon was appointed to the role in January 2011. He is responsible for risk management, compliance and internal auditing. He was formerly SVP, Company Secretary & Corporate Compliance Ofcer. Simon joined the Corporate Secretariat in 1984. He was appointed Company Secretary of GlaxoSmithKline plc in May 2000 and combined this position with his role as Corporate Compliance Ofcer from April 2006 until his current appointment.

Simon Dingemans Chief Financial Ofcer Designate Simon was appointed Chief Financial Ofcer Designate on 4th January 2011. He joined GSK from Goldman Sachs where he was a Managing Director and Partner. He has over 25 years of experience in investment banking, including most recently as leader of Goldman Sachs European M&A business and before that as head of UK Investment Banking.

Eddie Gray President, Pharmaceuticals Europe Eddie became responsible for the Groups operations in Europe in January 2008. He joined Beecham in 1988 and, prior to his current appointment, was Senior Vice President and General Manager, Pharmaceuticals UK.

Bill Louv Senior Vice President, Core Business Services & Chief Information Ofcer Bill was appointed Chief Information Ofcer in January 2007. In addition to this role he was appointed to create and lead Core Business Services in April 2010. He is responsible for information technology across GSK. Bill joined Glaxo in 1994 as Vice President, Medical Data Sciences. Prior to his current roles, Bill was Senior Vice President, R&D Information Technology.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Our Corporate Executive Team (CET)

Business review P08P57

David Pulman President, Global Manufacturing and Supply David is responsible for the Global Manufacturing and Supply organisation and Global Procurement. He joined Glaxo in 1978. He has broad experience of manufacturing operations having previously led the Primary Supply, European manufacturing, North American manufacturing, Global Logistics and Manufacturing Strategy organisations.

Moncef Slaoui Chairman, Research & Development Moncef leads the Groups drug discovery and development activities as well as its Oncology business. Over the next 12 months he will assume operational responsibility for GSK biologicals. He joined the Group in 1988 and was a key player in building GSKs vaccines pipeline. In 2003 he was appointed Senior Vice President, Worldwide Business Development until his current appointment in June 2006.

Claire Thomas Senior Vice President, Human Resources Claire leads the global Human Resources (HR) function. Previously, she oversaw HR in Pharmaceuticals International and in Pharmaceuticals Europe. Claire joined the company in 1996 and was appointed Director of Human Resources for UK Pharmaceuticals in 1997. Claire was honoured as an Outstanding European Woman of Achievement in 2007.

Patrick Vallance Senior Vice-President, Medicines Discovery and Development Patrick was appointed Senior Vice President, Medicines Discovery and Development in July 2010. He is responsible for ensuring a ow of new medicines through the R&D pipeline from early discovery through to approval of the medicine. Patrick joined GSK in 2006. Prior to that he was a clinical academic and led the Division of Medicine at University College London.

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David Redfern Chief Strategy Ofcer David is responsible for proactive exploration of new business opportunities, strategic planning and dermatology. In addition to his current role he was appointed Chairman of the Board of ViiV Healthcare Ltd. with effect from 1st April 2011. He began his career with GSK in 1994 in Corporate Development before being appointed Finance Director of Europe Pharmaceuticals in 1999. He was appointed Area Director for Central Europe in 2003 and Northern Europe in 2005.

Jean Stphenne Chairman and President, Biologicals Jean has led GSKs global vaccines business since 1989. Previously he was Vice President of Human Vaccines Research and Development and Production. He joined the company in 1974 as Head of Bacterial and Viral Vaccines production. Jean was named Baron by King Albert II of the Belgians in 2000 in recognition of his leading contribution to R&D and industry in Belgium.

Dan Troy Senior Vice President and General Counsel Dan joined GSK as Senior Vice President and General Counsel in September 2008. Before that he was a Partner at the Washington law rm Sidley Austin LLP and Chief Counsel for the FDA. From 20062007 he chaired the American Bar Associations Section of Administrative Law, and was previously adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC.

Changes to the CET Duncan Learmouth, Senior Vice President, Global Communications left the CET in August 2010 for a new role as Senior Vice President, Developing Countries and Market Access. Phil Thomson was appointed Senior Vice President, Global Communications in August 2010 and, although he is not a member, is invited to attend CET meetings as required. Dan Phelan, Chief of Staff stepped down from the CET in December 2010 to act as an advisor to the CEO in advance of his eventual retirement from GSK.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance

Dear Shareholder
On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Corporate Governance Report for 2010. Review of 2010 Although our operating environment remains challenging, I believe that we made signicant progress during 2010 in substantially re-engineering GSKs business through restructuring and a more rigorous approach to capital allocation. The effect of these changes also became increasingly evident in 2010 through the delivery of diversied underlying sales growth, increasing pipeline potential and improved cash generation before legal settlements. By becoming a more balanced, synergistic business with a broad and diverse pipeline generating increasing potential, the Board believes that we can generate increased value for shareholders and deliver even better outcomes to patients and consumers. Corporate governance developments 2010 has seen a continuation of reviews and consultations aimed at examining and improving corporate governance arrangements, predominantly in the light of the recent global nancial crisis. GSK has been an active participant in debating the issues raised by these consultations where they have been relevant to the long term interests of our shareholders. We have also taken the opportunity to review our board practices and governance procedures against the standards contained in the Financial Reporting Councils (FRC) updated UK Corporate Governance Code (updated Code) published in June 2010, formerly the Combined Code on Corporate Governance (Combined Code). Our review indicated that we are in a strong position to comply fully with its provisions and I will report formally on GSKs compliance with the updated Code next year. Board role and effectiveness As Chairman, my role primarily is to provide leadership to the Board, necessary to promote the success of the company and create value for shareholders in the long term, while ensuring that sound effective corporate governance practices are embedded in the organisation and its decision-making processes. There are a number of ingredients that make up an effectively functioning board. GSKs approach is set out in greater detail in the following Report. A notable example of this in practice has been the exercise by the Audit & Risk Committee of the oversight powers delegated to it by the Board. The decision to resolve the inherent unpredictability and reduce overall litigation exposure has been a core focus for this Committee and the Board. The Audit & Risk Committee holds regular dialogue with executive management, who provide updates on the progress being made to resolve outstanding legal matters. The Board acknowledges that the scale of the legal provisioning required for 2010 has been signicant, but continues to believe it is in the best long term interests of shareholders to resolve such matters. As usual, we have conducted a rigorous evaluation to test the Board and its Committees effectiveness. I am pleased to note the FRC endorsed in its updated Code the approach of externally facilitated board evaluations being undertaken at least every three years; an approach that GSK has previously adopted. Details of the latest Board evaluation and the actions that have been identied and agreed upon to drive standards of Board governance and performance can be found on page 68 of the Report. Other areas of board practice that I would also like to particularly focus on here are business awareness, succession planning and shareholder engagement, key areas where we have made good progress during 2010. Business awareness and succession planning Each year the Board seeks to further develop its knowledge and understanding of the business and to gain greater visibility of executive talent and management succession. In 2010 the Board made several visits to some of the Groups sites and met with key talent and senior executives. In March, the Board visited our Vaccines site in Wavre in Belgium to receive an update on the progress of our main vaccines business, which continues to grow in terms of its contribution to the Group. This included specic briengs on three important vaccine development programmes; namely MAGE-A3, Synorix and Malaria. The Board was also very pleased to meet and thank GSK staff at the site for the extraordinary efforts they had made to enable the Group to respond to the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. In July, the Board visited GMS and R&D sites in Research Triangle Park and Zebulon in the United States. These visits included briengs with several Discovery Performance Units, a tour of a pharmaceutical development pilot plant, together with workshops with senior executives. The Board also held a reception with locally based executives and key talent.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance GSK continues to target growth in Emerging Markets and has established an important new corporate hub for the Group in the Far East in Singapore. During the summer, Abbas Hussain, President, Emerging Markets & Asia Pacic and a Corporate Executive Team (CET) member, relocated to Singapore to be more centrally located in this region. In October, the Board held a joint strategy review meeting with CET members in Singapore and was pleased to visit a GMS site and tour one of GMS production facilities and a pilot plant. The Board also had a workshop on the results of GSKs investment in green chemistry and continuous manufacture technology in Singapore, which will contribute to the Groups efforts to reduce costs and minimise our impact on the environment. The Board was also pleased to have the opportunity to meet with local senior executives and key talent. In addition to these planned visits, our Non-Executive Directors are encouraged to attend CET meetings and R&D related executive meetings. This provides them with a good perspective of how management operates and gives a greater insight into key business issues. It also provides a further opportunity for Board members to observe the skills, knowledge, integrity and behaviour of our senior management cadre and key executive talent, whilst enabling our employees to give direct feedback to Board members. Shareholder engagement At GSK we value an open, constructive and effective interaction with our shareholders. In particular, the CEO, CFO and I maintain an ongoing dialogue with institutional investors through a regular programme of meetings which cover a range of issues. During 2010, Andrew Witty attended over 60 one-on-one meetings with investors, covering over 50 separate funds. Julian Heslop attended nearly 40 one-on-one meetings with investors, covering over 35 separate funds. In addition, both met with multiple additional investors via group meetings and at broker conferences. I personally met a representative cross section of our shareholders during the course of the year and am available to meet with shareholders on request along with other Board colleagues. Also, along with the Remuneration Committee Chairman, the Head of Human Resources and the Company Secretary, I attended meetings with institutional investors to specically discuss remuneration policy and governance related matters, a process we conduct annually. We believe this level and quality of engagement is key to ensuring that the Board and senior management understand our shareholders views and perspectives. On this theme, we welcome the introduction by the FRC of the Stewardship Code for Institutional Investors, a code of good practice for major shareholders, which aims to further strengthen the quality of the engagement process between major shareholders and the companies that they invest in. At the companys 2011 AGM all Board directors who are able to attend will be available, as usual, to meet with investors after the meeting to discuss issues on a face-to-face basis. Combined Code compliance statement Throughout 2010, the company complied with the provisions and applied the Main Principles of Section 1 of the Combined Code, except that Dr Stephanie Burns, Larry Culp and Tom de Swaan were unable to attend the companys 2010 AGM. Dr Stephanie Burns and Larry Culp were prevented from attending due to travel disruption caused by the ash clouds from the volcano in Iceland and Tom de Swaan was required to chair a shareholder meeting of another public company on the same day. This resulted in a partial non-compliance with code provision D.2.3. Annual re-election of directors GSK, like a number of other organisations and interested parties, expressed the view during the consultation period on updating the Combined Code that the FRCs proposal to mandate annual re-election of directors could be damaging. We feared that it could erode the principle of the unitary Board, was likely to increase short-termism and could make it even more difcult to recruit new Board members. Nevertheless, this change has been included as a new provision in the updated Code and the Board has agreed that each Board member should stand for re-election at the 2011 AGM. We will monitor the effect of this provision over time. The Corporate Governance Report that follows sets out how GSK complied with the provisions and applied the principles of the Combined Code during the year.
Shareholder information P192P212

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

Sir Christopher Gent Chairman

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance

Governance and policy

This section discusses GSKs management structures and governance procedures and together with the Remuneration Report on pages 81 to 101, includes details of how the company applies and complies with the principles and provisions of the Combined Code maintained by the FRC and with US laws and regulations. The Board and Corporate Executive Team The Directors are listed under Our Board on pages 58 to 59 and the members of the CET under Our Corporate Executive Team on pages 60 to 61. The Board is responsible for the Groups system of corporate governance and is ultimately accountable for the Groups activities, strategy, risk management and nancial performance.
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Board process The Board is responsible for the long-term success of the company and has the authority, and is accountable to shareholders, for ensuring that the Group is appropriately managed and achieves the strategic objectives it sets. The Board discharges those responsibilities through an annual programme of meetings which includes the approval of overall budgetary planning and business strategy. The Board reviews the Groups internal controls and risk management policies and approves its governance structure and code of conduct. The Board appraises and approves major nancing, investment and licensing decisions in excess of dened thresholds. In addition, the Board evaluates and monitors the performance of the Group as a whole. This includes: engaging at Board meetings with and challenging the CEO, the other Executive Directors and members of the CET as appropriate, on the nancial and operating performance of GSK and external issues material to the Groups prospects evaluating progress towards the achievement of the Groups nancial and business objectives and annual plans and the NonExecutive Directors scrutinising the performance of management in meeting these objectives and plans, and monitoring, through reports received directly or from various committees, the signicant risks facing the Group. The Board has overall responsibility for succession planning for the CEO and the other Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Board has given the CEO broad authority to operate the business of the Group, and the CEO is accountable for, and reports to the Board on, the performance of the business. CET members make regular presentations to the Board on their areas of responsibility. The Board Directors meet with all the CET members on an annual basis to discuss and develop proposals collectively in relation to the Groups strategy. The Board met six times in 2010, with each member attending as follows:
Number of meetings held whilst a Board member Number of meetings attended

Independence The Board considers all its Non-Executive Directors to be independent in character and judgement and free from any business or other relationship which could materially interfere with the exercise of their judgement. The Chairman satised the independence criteria on his appointment to the Board. At the date of publication and throughout 2010, a majority of the Board members, excluding the Chairman, were independent Non-Executive Directors. Chairman, CEO and Senior Independent Director Sir Christopher Gent has chaired the company since 1st January 2005 and was Chairman throughout 2010. His biographical details can be found on page 58. Andrew Witty is the CEO and his biographical details can be found on pages 58 and 60. The Chairman leads and manages the Board while the CEO manages the Group and implements the strategy and policies adopted by the Board. The Chairman and the Chairmen of Board Committees communicate regularly with the CEO and other CET members. The division of responsibilities between the role of Chairman and the CEO has been set out in writing, agreed by the Board and appears in full in the Governance section of the companys website. The CEO is responsible for executive management of the Group and is assisted by the CET. The CET meets at least 11 times per year and otherwise as necessary. Under the terms of their engagement, the Chairman and each Non-Executive Director are expected to devote such time as is necessary for the proper performance of their duties. Sir Robert Wilson was appointed Senior Independent Director (SID) on 20th May 2009, following Sir Ian Prossers retirement from the Board on that date. His responsibilities include the annual evaluation of the performance of the Chairman, the Board, its Committees and Directors in collaboration with the Committee Chairmen in those years when the process is internally facilitated. He is also available as an additional point of contact on the Board for shareholders.

Sir Christopher Gent Andrew Witty Julian Heslop Dr Moncef Slaoui Professor Sir Roy Anderson Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Crispin Davis Sir Deryck Maughan* James Murdoch Dr Daniel Podolsky Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 4 6 6 5 6

* Sir Deryck was unable to attend two meetings for personal reasons. He gave his comments to the Chairman on the matters to be discussed in advance of both meetings.

In addition to the six scheduled meetings, the Board also met on a quorate basis on three occasions.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Where Directors are unable to attend a Board or Committee meeting, they communicate their comments and observations on the matters to be considered via the Chairman of the Board or the relevant Board Committee Chairman for raising as appropriate at the relevant meeting. Attendance at meetings is considered as part of the one-to-one meetings conducted by the Chairman with each Director. Business environment and personal development To ensure that the Board is kept up-to-date on important matters, including legal, governance and regulatory developments, presentations are made on a regular basis by both external and internal advisers. Non-Executive Directors also gain greater insight and understanding of the business and access to GSK employees through visits to Group operational facilities and attendance at various internal management meetings, including CET, Research & Development Executive and Product Marketing Board meetings, on an ad hoc basis. A customised induction process is conducted by the Company Secretary for each of the new Non-Executive Directors focusing on their particular experience and taking account of their different backgrounds. A primary element of this process includes meeting members of the CET informally on a collective and individual basis as appropriate, together with other senior executives, and visiting particular operational facilities of the Group. In addition, the Chairman meets with each Director annually on a one-to-one basis to discuss and agree their individual ongoing training and development requirements. Independent advice The Board recognises that there may be occasions when one or more of the Directors feel it is necessary to take independent legal and/or nancial advice at the companys expense. There is an agreed procedure to enable them to do so. This is explained in the Governance section of the companys website. Indemnication of Directors Qualifying third party indemnity provisions (as dened in section 234 of the Companies Act 2006) are in force for the benet of the Directors and former Directors who held ofce during 2010. Directors conicts of interest Directors have a statutory duty to avoid a situation in which they have, or can have, a direct or indirect conict of interest or possible conict of interest with the company. The duty applies in particular to the exploitation of any property, information or opportunity, whether or not GSK could take advantage of it. The companys Articles of Association include a general power for the Board to authorise such conicts. There is no breach of duty if the relevant matter has been so authorised in advance. The Board has an established procedure for handling situational conicts of interest, which is in line with the best practice guidance issued by the General Counsel 100 Group and in accordance with the companys Articles. It has authorised the Nominations Committee to grant and review periodically, but in any event annually, any potential or actual conict authorisations. Directors are not counted in the quorum for the authorisation of their own actual or potential conicts. The Company Secretary minutes the consideration of any conict. Authorisations granted are recorded by the Company Secretary in a register of conict authorisations which are noted by the Board at its next meeting. On an ongoing basis, the Directors are responsible for informing the Company Secretary of any new, actual or potential conicts that may arise or if there are any changes in circumstances that may affect an authorisation previously given. Even when provided with authorisation, a Director is not absolved from his or her statutory duty to promote the success of the company. If an actual conict arises post authorisation, the Board will choose to exclude the Director from receipt of the relevant information and participation in the debate, or suspend the Director from the Board, or, as a last resort, require the Director to resign. The Nominations Committee reviewed the register of conict authorisations in October 2010 and concluded that the conicts had been appropriately authorised and the process for authorisation continues to operate effectively. Company Secretary The Company Secretary is responsible to the Board and is available to individual Directors in respect of Board procedures. Simon Bicknell was Company Secretary until 31st December 2010 and was Secretary to all of the Board Committees, except the Remuneration Committee. Victoria Whyte, formerly Deputy Company Secretary, was appointed Company Secretary with effect from 1st January 2011. She was Secretary to the Remuneration Committee during 2010 and acts as Secretary to all of the Board Committees since her appointment as Company Secretary. She is a solicitor and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Board Committees The Board has established a number of committees and provides sufcient resources to enable them to undertake their duties. Executive Directors are not members of the Audit & Risk, Remuneration, Nominations or Corporate Responsibility Committees, although they may be invited to attend meetings. Each Director is a member of the Corporate Administration & Transactions and Finance Committees.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Corporate governance framework

*BOARD (Chairman, 4 Executive Directors and 9 Independent Non-Executive Directors)

Audit & Risk Committee 5 Independent Non-Executive Directors

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Remuneration Committee 4 Independent Non-Executive Directors and the Chairman

Nominations Committee 4 Independent Non-Executive Directors and the Chairman

Chief Executive Ofcer

Corporate Responsibility 3 Independent Non-Executive Directors and the Chairman

Finance Committee Executive and Non-Executive Directors

Corporate Administration & Transactions Committee Directors, the Company Secretary and CET Members


Key Board Committees Management Committee

* There have been 4 Executive Directors since the appointment of the Chief Financial Ofcer Designate on 4th January 2011 (there will be 3 Executive Directors following the retirement of the Chief Financial Ofcer on 31st March 2011).

Current membership of these Committees is shown in the table below.

Audit & Risk Remuneration Nominations Corporate Responsibility

Sir Christopher Gent Professor Sir Roy Anderson Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Crispin Davis Sir Deryck Maughan James Murdoch Dr Daniel Podolsky Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson
Key: C = Chairman M = Member





GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Each Committee has written terms of reference which have been approved by the Board and are reviewed at least annually to ensure that they comply with the latest legal and regulatory requirements and reect best practice developments. The following is a summary of the role and terms of reference of each Committee. The current full terms of reference of each Committee may be obtained from the Company Secretary or the Governance section of the companys website.
No of meetings per year Committee Report on page

Business review P08P57


Role and Terms of Reference

Membership comprises

Audit & Risk

Reviews the nancial and internal reporting process, the external and internal audit processes, the system of internal controls, and the identication and management of risks. The Committee also proposes to shareholders the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the external auditors and is directly responsible for their remuneration and oversight of their work. Determines the terms of service and remuneration of the Executive Directors and members of the CET and, with the assistance of external independent advisers, it evaluates and makes recommendations to the Board on overall executive remuneration policy that assists the long-term success of the Group. (The Chairman and the CEO are responsible for evaluating and making recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of Non-Executive Directors.)

Independent NonExecutive Directors


Governance and remuneration P58P101


Independent NonExecutive Directors and the Chairman



Reviews the structure, size and composition of the Board (including the skills, knowledge, independence, experience and diversity) and appointment of members to the Board and the CET, and makes recommendations to the Board as appropriate. The Committee monitors the planning of succession to the Board and Senior Management. The Committee also considers and if appropriate authorises directors conicts of interest. Provides a Board-level forum for the regular review of external issues that have the potential for serious impact upon the Groups business and reputation. The Committee is also responsible for oversight of GSKs worldwide donations and community support. Reviews and approves, on behalf of the Board, the Annual Report and Form 20-F, and convening of the AGM, together with the preliminary and quarterly statements of trading results. It also approves certain major licensing and capital transactions and changes to the Groups Investment Instrument and Counterparty Limits. Reviews and approves matters in connection with the administration of the Groups business and certain corporate transactions.

Independent NonExecutive Directors and the Chairman


Financial statements P102P191

Corporate Responsibility

Independent NonExecutive Directors and the Chairman



Executive and NonExecutive Directors

As necessary

Shareholder information P192P212

Corporate Administration & Transactions

Executive and NonExecutive Directors, CET members and the Company Secretary

As necessary

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Evaluation of the Board, Board Committees and Directors The Board decided in 2009 to undertake an externally facilitated evaluation process every three years, which has since become a requirement within the UK Corporate Governance Code (updated Code). In the intervening period the review will be facilitated by the SID or the Chairman. The next externally facilitated evaluation will be undertaken at the end of 2011. A reminder of the form the Board evaluation reviews for 2008 and 2009 had taken, together with the action points agreed is set out below.
Method of evaluation Actions and areas of focus

There was a high level of condence in the performance of the CEO and a strong belief that the Board dynamics facilitated open, honest and constructive discussion of issues. No major changes to the Boards practices and procedures were deemed necessary. In terms of the implementation of action points from the previous year, the Board: had increased its focus on R&D activities and successful delivery of the pipeline and was pleased with progress from R&D during the year. Separately, on behalf of the Board, the Remuneration Committee initiated discussions with management and shareholders over the introduction of more strategically aligned performance criteria for the companys long term incentive plans. As a result of a successful conclusion to these discussions, the grant of LTI options made in February 2011 was made with two additional performance criteria, one of which focuses on R&D new product performance. For more details, please refer to the Remuneration Report on pages 81 to 101 had sought assistance from the Audit & Risk Committee to more fully understand the Groups key risks. This work is ongoing and the Board will continue to consider regular reports from the Audit & Risk Committee during 2011, in advance of the Boards annual review of the effectiveness of the companys risk management next year was pleased with the operation by the Nominations Committee of the enhanced succession planning process. This had resulted in the appointment of the CFO Designate and positive progress was being made on the recruitment of new Board members to refresh the Board. The Board agreed the following actions after discussion of the evaluation report to ensure that it continues to improve the way in which it operates: given the fundamental strategic challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry, the Board will seek to continue to allocate more time on a regular basis to focus on strategic issues and the signicant challenges facing the industry, with the direct aim of further enhancing returns to shareholders to further enhance information ows by providing Board members with a wider variety of external perspectives on the company and the industry R&D will continue to be a major expense to the company and the Board will be seeking to assess the extent to which the new policies implemented in recent years have added value to continue to support Executive Management on ethical leadership within the Group. The Directors, led by the SID, also met separately, without the Chairman being present, to discuss the Chairmans performance. They considered that his leadership, performance and overall contribution were of a high standard. As a result of this high level of condence shared by all Directors in Sir Christophers Chairmanship of the Board, it was unanimously agreed to extend his appointment as Chairman for a period of ve years with effect from 1st January 2011, subject to re-election by shareholders. This would ensure continuity of leadership of the Board during a period when several Non-Executive Directors would be approaching retirement after having served nine years on the Board.


Dr Long, Boardroom Review, facilitated this review

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Utilise Board and Committee time more effectively and facilitate further contribution by Non-Executive Directors Enhance continuous education process for NonExecutive Directors Provide greater visibility to executive talent and management succession planning process Increase Board time devoted to strategic discussion and the indicators of success in the delivery of the R&D pipeline Devote more time to focused consideration of the companys key risks on an ongoing basis Provide the Board with more regular updates and insights into the newly enhanced management succession planning process


Sir Robert Wilson, Senior Independent Director

2010 Board evaluation process In accordance with established practice, the SID, Sir Robert Wilson, conducted the 2010 evaluation of the performance of the Chairman, the Board and its Committees and Directors in collaboration with the Committee Chairmen. The Board evaluation process included a one-to-one interview with each Director. The topics discussed, which had been circulated to Directors in advance, included a variety of aspects associated with Board effectiveness, including Board and Committee information ows, handling of strategic issues, collective effectiveness and exploration of ways to further improve the way in which the Board operates. The Chairman of each of the Board Committees undertook separate evaluations and the outcome of each was reported to and discussed with the respective Committee and the Board. Feedback from the overall evaluation process was provided in the form of a written report to the Board, which then debated its ndings. The Board evaluation review concluded that the Board and its Committees were operating effectively at a high level. The Board continued to feel that it was receiving high quality information, in a readily understandable format and on a timely basis in order to full its role.
GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance

Dialogue with shareholders

Financial results are announced on a quarterly basis and the full-year results are included in the companys Annual Report. The company produces an annual Summary which is sent to all shareholders to advise them of the availability of the Annual Report and Notice of Meeting on The CEO and CFO give presentations on the half-year and fullyear results in face-to-face meetings with institutional investors, analysts and the media which are also accessible via webcast and teleconference. After the release of the rst and third quarterly results, the company holds webcast teleconferences for institutional investors, analysts and the media. The quarterly results are also made available on the Investors section of the companys website. The AGM takes place in London, and formal notication is sent to shareholders at least one month in advance. At the Meeting, a business presentation is made to shareholders and all Directors able to attend are available, formally during the AGM, and informally afterwards, for questions. Committee Chairmen ordinarily attend the AGM to respond to shareholders questions. The entire Board was in attendance at the companys AGM in May 2010, save for Dr Stephanie Burns and Larry Culp, who were prevented from attending due to travel disruption caused by the ash clouds from the volcano in Iceland, and Tom de Swaan who was required to chair a shareholder meeting of another public company on the same day. All resolutions at the AGM are decided on a poll as required by the companys Articles of Association. The results of the poll are announced to the London Stock Exchange and posted on the Investors section of the companys website. Details of the 2011 AGM are set out in the section Annual General Meeting (see page 71) and the Notice of AGM is published on the Investors section of the companys website. To ensure that the Non-Executive Directors are aware of and understand the views of major shareholders about the company, the Board has in place a brieng process, which is managed by the Chairman, focusing on sector-specic issues, as well as general shareholder preferences. The Groups Investor Relations department, with ofces in London and Philadelphia, acts as a focal point for contact with investors throughout the year. The CEO, CFO and Chairman maintain a dialogue with institutional shareholders on performance, plans and objectives through a programme of regular meetings. Since his appointment as CEO in May 2008, Andrew Witty has undertaken an extensive ongoing series of meetings with GSKs institutional shareholders. The Chairman meets regularly with institutional investors to hear their views and discuss issues of mutual importance and communicates the views of investors to the Board as a whole. The SID is also available to shareholders. The Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, the Chairman, the Senior Vice President, Human Resources and the Company Secretary meet annually with major shareholders to discuss executive remuneration policy and governance matters. All Non-Executive Directors, including new appointees, are available to meet with major shareholders if requested. The companys website provides access to current nancial and business information about the Group.

Share capital and control

Details of the companys issued share capital and the number of shares held in Treasury as at 31st December 2010 can be found in Note 33 to the nancial statements, Share capital and share premium account. GSKs shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and are also quoted on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the form of American Depositary shares (ADS). Each ADS represents two Ordinary Shares. The holders of Ordinary Shares are entitled to receive dividends, when declared and the companys Annual Report, attend and speak at general meetings of the company, appoint proxies and exercise voting rights. There are no restrictions on transfer, or limitations on the holding of Ordinary Shares and no requirements to obtain prior approval for any transfers. No Ordinary Shares carry any special rights with regard to control of the company and there are no restrictions on voting rights. Major shareholders have the same voting rights per share as all other shareholders. There are no known arrangements under which nancial rights are held by a person other than the holder of the shares and no known agreements on restrictions on share transfers or on voting rights. Shares acquired through GSK share plans rank equally with the other shares in issue and have no special rights. The trustees of the companys Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) trusts have waived their rights to dividends on shares held by the ESOP trusts. Change of control and essential contracts The company does not have contracts or other arrangements which individually are essential to the businesses, nor is it party to any signicant agreements that would take effect, alter or terminate upon a change of control following a takeover bid. The company does not have agreements with any Director or Ofcer that would provide compensation for loss of ofce or employment resulting from a takeover, except that provisions of the companys share plans may cause options and awards granted under such plans to vest on a takeover. Details of the termination provisions in the companys framework contracts for Executive Directors are given on page 91. Interests in voting rights Other than as stated below, as far as the company is aware, there are no persons with signicant direct or indirect holdings in the company. Information provided to the company pursuant to the Financial Services Authoritys (FSA) Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTRs) is published on a Regulatory Information Service and on the Investors section of the companys website. At 24th February 2011, the company had received notications in accordance with the FSAs DTRs of the following notiable interests in the voting rights in the companys issued share capital:
No. of shares Percentage of issued capital (%)*

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

BlackRock, Inc. Legal & General Group Plc

291,516,314 194,024,944

5.62 3.74

* Percentage of Ordinary Shares in issue, excluding Treasury shares.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance The Bank of New York Mellon is the Depositary for the companys ADS, which are listed on the NYSE. Ordinary Shares representing the companys American Depositary Receipt program, which are managed by the Depositary, are registered in the name of BNY (Nominees) Limited. Details of the number of Ordinary Shares held by the Depositary can be found on page 209. The company has not acquired or disposed of any interests in its own shares during the period under review. Details of shares purchased in prior years, those cancelled, and those held as Treasury shares are disclosed in Note 33 to the nancial statements Share capital and share premium account. Directors and Ofcers The interests of Directors and Ofcers and their connected persons in the issued share capital of the company are given in the Remuneration Report (pages 81 to 101).
Governance and remuneration P58P101

Share buy-back programme A 12 billion programme of share repurchases commenced in July 2007. Shares costing 6.2 billion were repurchased under this programme. No repurchases were made during 2009 or 2010. The company announced publicly on 3rd February 2011 that it intends to commence a new long-term share buy-back programme and expects to buy-back 1-2 billion of shares in 2011. In the period 4th February 2011 to 24th February 2011, 10.4 million shares were purchased at a cost of 123.4 million. The programme covers purchases by the company of shares for cancellation or to be held as Treasury shares, in accordance with the authority renewed by shareholders at the AGM in May 2010, when the company was authorised to purchase a maximum of just over 519 million shares. Details of shares purchased, those cancelled, and those held as Treasury shares are disclosed in Note 33 to the nancial statements Share capital and share premium account. The exact amount and timing of future purchases, and whether the shares will be held as Treasury shares or cancelled, will be determined by the company and is dependent on market conditions and other factors. Donations to political organisations and political expenditure With effect from 1st January 2009, to ensure a consistent approach to political contributions across the Group, GSK introduced a global policy to stop voluntarily all political contributions. Political donations to: EU political organisations Non-EU political organisations comprising: USA Canada
2010 2009 2008

The rules about the appointment and replacement of Directors are contained in the companys Articles of Association. The companys Articles must be approved by shareholders in accordance with the legislation in force from time to time. The Articles provide that Directors may be appointed by an ordinary resolution of the members or by a resolution of the Directors, provided that, in the latter instance, a Director appointed in this way retires at the rst AGM following his appointment. The Articles also provide that Directors should normally be subject to re-election at the AGM at intervals of three years or annually if they have held ofce for a continuous period of nine years or more. However, the Board has agreed that all Directors will seek either election or re-election in 2011 in accordance with the updated Code. The companys members may remove a Director by passing an ordinary resolution of which special notice has been given, or by passing a special resolution. A Director may automatically cease to be a Director if: he/she resigns he/she offers to resign and the Board accept that offer all other Directors (being at least three in number) require him/ her to resign he/she is suffering from physical or mental ill health he/she has missed Directors meetings for a continuous period of six months without permission and the Board resolves that he/she shall cease to be a Director he/she becomes bankrupt or compounds with his/her creditors generally he/she ceases to be a Director by virtue of the Articles or the Companies Acts, or he/she is prohibited from being a Director by law. Articles of Association The powers of the Directors are determined by UK legislation and the companys Articles of Association, available on the Governance section of GSKs website. The Articles may be amended by a special resolution of the members. The Directors may exercise all the companys powers provided that the Articles or applicable legislation do not stipulate that any such powers must be exercised by the members. The Directors have been authorised to issue and allot Ordinary Shares under current Article 9. The power under Article 9 and the authority for the company to make purchases of its own shares are subject to shareholder authorities which are sought on an annual basis at the AGM. Any shares purchased by the company may be cancelled or held as Treasury shares.
GSK Annual Report 2010

319,000 28,000 347,000

Notwithstanding the introduction of this policy, in accordance with the Federal Election Campaign Act, the company continues to support a Political Action Committee (PAC) that facilitates voluntary political donations by eligible GSK employees. The PAC is not controlled by GSK. Decisions on the amount and recipients of contributions are made by participating employees exercising their legal right to contribute to pool their resources and make political contributions which are subject to strict limitations. In 2010 a total of 531,613 (540,551 in 2009) was donated to political organisations by the GSK PAC. At the AGM in May 2001, shareholders rst authorised the company to make donations to EU political organisations and to incur EU political expenditure, under the provisions of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, of up to 100,000 each year. This authority has since been renewed annually. The Companies Act 2006 requires companies to continue to obtain shareholder approval before they can make donations to EU political organisations or incur EU political expenditure. However, the company does not make and does not intend to make donations to political parties or independent election candidates, nor does it make any donations to EU political organisations or incur EU political expenditure. The denitions of political donations, political expenditure and political organisations used in the legislation are very wide. In particular, the denition of EU political organisations may extend to bodies such as those concerned with policy review, law reform, the representation of the business community and special interest groups such as those concerned with the environment, which the company and its subsidiaries might wish to support.


Corporate governance As a result, the denitions may cover legitimate business activities not in the ordinary sense considered to be political donations or political expenditure. Such activities are not designed to support any political party or independent election candidate. The authority which the Board has sought annually is a precautionary measure to ensure that the company and its subsidiaries do not inadvertently breach the legislation.

Internal control framework

The Board recognises its responsibility to present a balanced and understandable assessment of the Groups position and prospects. The Board has accountability for reviewing and approving the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls operated by the Group, including nancial, operational and compliance controls and risk management. The Board has delegated responsibility for such review to the Audit & Risk Committee (the Committee), which receives regular reporting aligned with GSKs Assurance Programme. It is the responsibility of management, through the CET, to implement Board policies on risk and control. The CET is responsible for identifying, approving, monitoring and enforcing key policies that go to the heart of how the Group conducts business. The internal control framework includes central direction, resource allocation and risk management of the key activities of research and development, manufacturing, marketing and sales, legal, human resources, information systems and nancial practice. As part of this framework, there is a comprehensive planning system with an annual budget approved by the Board. The results of operating units are reported monthly and compared with the budget. Forecasts are prepared regularly during the year. The Group also has in place established procedures to identify and consolidate reporting entities. The Groups control activities include policies and practices covering appropriate authorisation and approval of transactions, application of nancial reporting standards and reviews of signicant judgements and nancial performance. Extensive nancial, regulatory and operational controls, procedures and risk activities are reviewed by the Groups internal auditors. However, responsibility is clearly delegated to local business units, supported by a regional management structure. These principles are designed to provide an environment of central leadership coupled with local operating autonomy as the framework for the exercise of accountability and control within the Group. The Group also attaches importance to clear principles and procedures designed to achieve appropriate accountability and control. A Group policy, Risk Management and Legal Compliance, mandates that business units establish processes for managing and monitoring risks signicant to their businesses and the Group. The internal control framework also relies on the following mechanisms for overseeing and reporting risk and compliance issues.

Business review P08P57

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held at 2.30pm on Thursday, 5th May 2011 at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE. The business to be transacted at the meeting will include:

Receiving and adopting GlaxoSmithKlines 2010

Annual Report

Approving the 2010 Remuneration Report

The Remuneration Report on pages 81 to 101 sets out the remuneration policies operated by GSK and disclosures on Directors remuneration, including those required by the Companies Act 2006 and The Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008. A resolution will be proposed to approve the Remuneration Report.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Retirement and re-election of Directors

Simon Dingemans, who was appointed before the AGM will retire in accordance with the Articles and, being eligible, will offer himself for election at the AGM. All the continuing Directors will retire by rotation at the 2011 AGM and offer themselves for re-election.

Re-appointment and remuneration of auditors

Resolutions will be proposed to authorise the Audit & Risk Committee to re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors and to determine their remuneration.

Financial statements P102P191

Special business
The company will seek authority to: make donations to EU political organisations and incur EU political expenditure, capped at 100,000 allot Ordinary Shares in the company give the Directors authority to disapply pre-emption rights when allotting new shares in connection with rights issues or otherwise up to a maximum of 5% of the current issued share capital and to purchase its own Ordinary Shares up to a maximum of just under 10% of the current issued share capital exempt the auditors from having to state the name of their senior statutory auditor for the company in GSKs Annual Report reduce the notice required to call a general meeting to not less than 14 clear days. Shareholders are entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend the AGM and to speak and vote on their behalf provided that, in the event that a single shareholder appoints multiple proxies, each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held by that member. Details on how to appoint or be appointed a corporate representative or proxy can be found on page 208. The Notice of AGM will be published on the Investors section of the companys website.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance

Risk Oversight and Compliance Council

Audit & Risk Committee

Business unit reporting

Internal audit reporting

Assurance reporting

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Emerging risk management

Business control infrastructure

Business monitoring

External audit/ regulatory agency outcome

Incidents/ events

Internal audit activity

Independent review of business unit and internal audit activity

GSK Risk Universe Management Internal audit Assurance

Risk Oversight and Compliance Council (ROCC) The ROCC is a council of senior executives authorised by the Board to assist the Committee oversee the risk management and internal control activities of the Group. Membership comprises several CET members and some of the heads of departments with internal control, risk management, assurance, audit and compliance responsibilities. The ROCC meets on a regular basis to review and assess signicant risks and their mitigation plans and provide oversight of internal controls to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and internal GSK policies. The ROCC, responding to the Group policy referred to above, has provided the business units with a framework for risk management and upward reporting of signicant risks. Mitigation planning and identication of a manager with overall responsibility for management of any given risk is a requirement. Risk Management and Compliance Boards (RMCBs) RMCBs have been established in each of the major business units. Membership often comprises members of the senior executive team of the respective business unit, augmented by specialists where appropriate. The RMCBs oversee management of all risks that are considered important for their respective business units, including those risks that are designated as signicant to GSK as a whole, thus increasing the number of risks that are actively managed across the Group. Each business unit and corporate function must periodically review the signicant risks facing their businesses. This review should include identifying operational risks, legal compliance risks and risks to the achievement of strategic goals and objectives. The review must occur at least annually and should be embedded within, and aligned with, the annual planning process to ensure that signicant risks are identied with changes in management direction and the external environment.

Corporate Ethics & Compliance (CEC) The ROCC and the RMCBs are assisted by the CEC department, which is responsible for supporting the development and implementation of practices that facilitate employees compliance with laws and Group policy. The department provides assistance to help employees meet high ethical standards and comply with applicable laws and regulations and corporate responsibility. The thrust of the Groups compliance effort is due diligence in preventing and detecting misconduct or non-compliance with law or regulation and the promotion of ethical behaviour, compliance with all laws and regulations, corporate responsibility at all levels and effective compliance systems. GSK employees are encouraged to seek help and to report concerns or suspected cases of misconduct without the fear of retaliation. Employees can do this through line management or via GSKs integrity and condential reporting lines managed by CEC. All concerns and allegations are fairly and independently investigated and disciplinary action, if applicable, is commensurate with the issues presented. The CEC department is managed by the Senior Vice President, Governance, Ethics and Assurance, who reports directly to the CEO. He chairs the ROCC and provides summary reports on the ROCCs activities and the Groups signicant risks to the CET and the Committee on a regular basis. His direct reporting line to the Committee provides a mechanism for bypassing the executive management should the need ever arise.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Assurance In 2009, an Assurance Programme was implemented to further enhance governance and provide an independent assessment of governance, risk management and control processes for the organisation. Within GSK this comprises four main elements: Internal Audit GSKs Internal Audit group has responsibility for independently assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the management of signicant risk areas and reporting outcomes to the Committee in line with an agreed Assurance Plan. The internal audit group is comprised of four principal teams focused in the following areas: Commercial and Financial Information Technology Manufacturing (including Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability) Research and Development All internal audit activity is conducted by a single organisation under the leadership of the Head of Audit & Assurance. The Head of Audit & Assurance has a dual reporting line into the Senior Vice President, Governance, Ethics and Assurance and the Committee Chairman. The global audit function allows for more holistic assurance, consistency in approach, and independence in reporting. This has helped eliminate overlaps, gaps and the potential for over/ under auditing. Internal Audit undertakes a continuous process of risk assessment that contributes to the evolution of GSKs audit strategies and compilation and delivery of the audit schedule. This approach allows Audit & Assurance to respond expeditiously to changes in the business and risk environment and ensure that audit strategies are t-for-purpose. When issues or control deciencies are identied during audit engagements, Internal Audit recommends processes for improvement. GSK managers develop corrective action plans to address the causes of non-compliance and gaps in internal controls. Internal Audit tracks these plans to completion and reports results to executive management and the Committee. Internal audit results are also compiled and reported to the ROCC and the Committee as detailed in the Assurance reporting section below. To supplement the audit programme, Strategic Risk Evaluations (SREs) are performed on signicant issues facing GSK and are conducted by our assurance teams in partnership with the business. The approach is designed to evaluate risk areas and enable the development and implementation of appropriate mitigation plans. During 2010 two new SREs were performed covering the areas of change management and evaluation of risks associated with existing and proposed sales force incentive schemes. In addition, Audit & Assurance provided implementation support for the 2009 SREs which included acquisitions - due diligence and use of pseudoephedrine in GSK products. Assurance reporting Assurance reporting to the Committee follows a structured programme integrating reporting from business units, Assurance and Internal Audit. Business units and corporate functions are required to present reports annually to the ROCC and the Committee that detail their risk management and compliance approach, providing a balanced assessment of the status of internal controls over key risks, and highlighting any signicant compliance issues. Managers must oversee risks that are considered important for their respective business units, including those risks that are designated as signicant to the Group. Information regarding the controls in place to manage these risks is provided to assure the Committee that these risks are adequately managed within the internal control framework. In addition, signicant compliance issues and internal audit results are escalated to the ROCC and the Committee at the earliest opportunity. Risk management The Groups risk management programme extends beyond legal and regulatory issues and considers the Groups overall strategy and changes in the external environment. Furthermore, risk management principles are embedded within management practices and are part of the business strategy and objectives setting process. For details of risks affecting the Group, see Risk factors on pages 53 to 57 and Note 44 to the nancial statements, Legal proceedings. Effectiveness of controls The internal control framework has been in operation for the whole of the year under review and continues to operate up to the date of approval of this report. The system of internal controls is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of not achieving business objectives, and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The Committee receives reports on areas of signicant risk to the Group and on related internal controls. Following consideration of these reports and those received via the Assurance framework, the Committee reports annually to the Board on the effectiveness of controls. There are areas of the Groups business where it is necessary to take risks to achieve a satisfactory return for shareholders, such as investment in R&D and in acquiring new products or businesses. In these cases, it is the Groups objective to apply its expertise in the prudent management rather than elimination of risk. The Directors review relates to the company and its subsidiaries and does not extend to material associated undertakings, joint ventures or other investments. The Board, through the Committee, has reviewed the assessment of risks and the internal control framework that operates in GSK and has considered the effectiveness of the system of internal control in operation in the Group for the year covered by this report and up to the date of its approval by the Board. The process followed by the Board in reviewing the system of internal controls accords with the guidance on internal control issued by the Turnbull Committee.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance

Committee reports
Board Committees report regularly to the Board on the performance of the activities they have been assigned. Audit & Risk Committee Report
Members Committee member since

Attendance at full meetings during 2010

Mr Tom de Swaan (Chairman from 1st September 2006) Professor Sir Roy Anderson Sir Deryck Maughan Dr Daniel Podolsky Sir Robert Wilson

1st January 2006 20th May 2009 21st January 2005 1st January 2007 12th December 2003

6/6 6/6 5/6 6/6 6/6

Dear Shareholder
Governance and remuneration P58P101

During 2010, the Committee has focused on a number of activities associated with and beyond its core financial internal control responsibilities. The implementation of the new Assurance model at the end of 2009 involved the consolidation of each of the audit groups into a new Audit & Assurance function which has enabled reporting to the Committee to be streamlined and helped to ensure that business unit risks and internal audit activity can be fully aligned. To reflect the Groups strategy to expand further into the Emerging Markets, an Eastern hemisphere audit hub has been established as a focus for audit activity in the Asia Pacific region. In response to the new UK Bribery Act a dedicated AntiBribery and Compliance (ABAC) team has been established, which is part of Audit & Assurance. Further details of GSKs ABAC programme can be found on the Reports and publications section of the companys website. At the end of 2010, work commenced to assist the Board further in reviewing, and the CET in understanding, the nature and extent of the risks GSK is taking in order to achieve its strategic objectives. This work will be ongoing as the FRCs review of the Turnbull Guidance continues. I will report further as this work progresses. I have continued to visit more of the Groups operations to help make the Committee more accessible to employees and senior management; to discuss the issues brought to the Committee by management; and meet more of the network of Compliance Officers, on whom the Group relies, to oversee and drive compliance within GSK. The Committee also continues to examine how to further improve our approach to Audit & Assurance, as this is an ongoing initiative and further progress in this area will be reported next year.

The structure of the Committees meetings was changed during 2009. Meetings have been split into two parts. Part one deals with the more fundamental aspects of internal nancial control and considers standing items, such as receiving reports from the external auditors and Audit & Assurance. The entire Board is invited to attend part two of the meetings which usually considers developments in the external risk environment, receives legal updates, new business unit and corporate function reports and reports on the outcome of Strategic Review Evaluations and other topical issues. In addition to the six scheduled meetings, the Committee also met on a quorate basis on ve occasions. Other attendees at Committee meetings include: CEO CFO Chairman General Counsel Head of Audit & Assurance Company Secretary Chairman, Research & Development Chief Medical Ofcer Head of Governance, Ethics and Assurance External Auditors. The Committees main responsibilities include: Reviewing the corporate accounting and nancial reporting process Monitoring the integrity of the nancial statements Evaluating the system of internal control and identifying and managing risks, including in relation to the nancial reporting process and the preparation of consolidated accounts Overseeing activities of each of the Groups compliance and audit functions and overseeing compliance with laws, regulations and ethical codes of practice. The Committees oversight role requires it to address regularly the relationships between management and the internal and external auditors and understand and monitor the reporting relationships and tiers of accountability between them.

Tom de Swaan Audit & Risk Committee Chairman

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance The Committee receives regular reports from members of the CET and senior managers covering the key risk management and compliance activities of the Group, including those covering R&D, manufacturing, sales and marketing and corporate functions. Further details of the reporting framework to the Committee are set out on pages 71 to 73 Internal control framework. In December 2009 the Committees terms of reference were amended to reect its role in overseeing the identication and management of risk under the new assurance-based audit framework referred to on page 73. At the same time the name of the Audit Committee was changed to the Audit & Risk Committee. Qualications of Audit & Risk Committee members Committee members, with the exception of Professor Sir Roy Anderson and Dr Daniel Podolsky, bring considerable nancial and accounting experience to the Committees work. Members have past employment experience in either nance or accounting roles or comparable experience in corporate activities. Professor Sir Roy Anderson and Dr Daniel Podolskys backgrounds as world renowned medical scientists and researchers enable them to bring scientic expertise to the Committees deliberations.
Financial and accounting experience

Business review P08P57

Scientic expertise

Professor Sir Roy Anderson

A world renowned medical scientist with advanced knowledge of infectious disease epidemiology Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London Fellow of the Royal Society Foreign Associate Member of the Institute of Medicine at the US National Academy of Sciences Foreign Associate Member of the French Academy of Sciences Former Rector of Imperial College, London Former Chief Scientic Adviser at the Ministry of Defence in the UK.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Dr Daniel Podolsky

A world renowned researcher with advanced knowledge of underlying mechanisms of disease and new therapies for gastrointestinal disorders President of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Professor of Internal Medicine Member, Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences Former Mallinckrodt Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Former Chief Academic Ofcer, Partners Healthcare.

Mr Tom de Swaan

Chief Financial Ofcer of ABN AMRO until 31st December 2005 Determined by the Board to be the Audit Committee Financial Expert, as dened by the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley) Non-Executive Director of KPMGs Public Interest Committee.

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Sir Deryck Maughan A Partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) and Chairman of KKR Japan Former Chairman and CEO of Citigroup International and Vice Chairman of Citigroup Inc. Former Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Ofcer of Salomon Smith Barney Former Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer of Salomon Brothers Inc. Sir Robert Wilson Economist, and former Non-Executive Chairman of The Economist Group Chairman of BG Group plc Retired from Rio Tinto in 2003 where he held Senior Management positions culminating in his appointment as Executive Chairman.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance In 2010, the Committee worked to a structured programme of activities, with standing items that the Committee is required to consider at each meeting, together with other matters focused to coincide with key events of the annual nancial reporting cycle: External auditors reported on all critical accounting policies, signicant judgements and practices used by the Group, alternative accounting treatments which had been discussed with management and their resultant conclusion, material written communications with management and any restrictions on access to information reported on the nancial performance of the company and on technical nancial and accounting matters reported on material litigation reported on corporate governance and on the activities undertaken by the ROCC the majority of the Heads of these groups reported on their audit scope, annual coverage, audit resources and on the results of audits conducted throughout the year reported on matters that affected the quality and timely disclosure of nancial and other material information to the Board, to the public markets and to shareholders. This enabled the Audit & Risk Committee to review the clarity and completeness of the disclosures in the published annual nancial statements, interim reports, quarterly and preliminary results announcements and other formal announcements relating to nancial performance prior to approval by the Board. In evaluating the effectiveness of the audit process prior to making a recommendation on the re-appointment of the external auditors, the Committee reviews the effectiveness of their performance against criteria which it agrees, in conjunction with management, at the beginning of each years audit. As part of this process, the Committee considers feedback on the prior years external audit gathered through a survey facilitated by the auditors client service review team, which is independent of the engagement team that undertook the audit work. The survey seeks feedback from a number of sources, including certain members of the Board who were involved in the audit process and the nancial management team at corporate and business unit level. Before agreeing the audit fee proposed by the external auditors the Committee considers cost comparisons to ensure that it is fair and appropriate for GSK. There are no contractual obligations that restrict the Committees capacity to recommend a particular rm as external auditors to the Group. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP have remained in place as auditors since the Groups inception in December 2000. Their performance has been reviewed annually by the Committee since that time. In making its assessment, the Committee considers papers which detail the relevant UK legislative, regulatory and professional requirements relating to external auditors and evaluates reports from the external auditors on their compliance with the requirements, on the safeguards that have been established and on their own internal quality control procedures. Consideration is also given by the Committee to the need to include the risk of the withdrawal of the external auditors from the market in its risk evaluation and planning. The external auditors are required to rotate the audit engagement partner every ve years. The current audit partner commenced his engagement on 1st January 2008 and is not subject to rotation until after the audit of GSKs nancial statements for 2012 has been concluded. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 prohibits the engagement of the external auditors for the provision of certain services such as legal, actuarial, internal audit outsourcing, nancial information systems design. Where the external auditors are permitted to provide nonaudit services, the Committee ensures that auditor objectivity and independence are safeguarded by a policy requiring pre-approval by the Committee for such services. These services may include audit, audit-related, tax and other services. Pre-approval is detailed as to the particular service or categories of services, and is subject to a specic budget. There are guidelines which set out the Groups policy on engaging the external auditors to provide non-audit services, which include ascertaining that: the skills and experience of the external auditors make them a suitable supplier of the non-audit services; adequate safeguards are in place so that the objectivity and independence of the Group audit are not threatened or compromised; and the fee levels relative to the annual audit fee are within the limits set by the Committee. The external auditors and management report regularly to the Committee regarding the extent of services provided in accordance with this pre-approval and the fees for the services performed. The Committee may also pre-approve additional services on a caseby-case basis. Expenditure on audit and non-audit services is set out in Note 9 to the nancial statements, Operating prot.

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General Counsel Company Secretary & Corporate Compliance Ofcer Heads of audit and assurance and the Groups compliance and audit groups Company Secretary, as Chairman of the Disclosure Committee

The Committee, management, internal auditors and the full Board work together to ensure the quality of the companys corporate accounting and nancial reporting. The Committee serves as the primary link between the Board and the external and internal auditors. This facilitates the necessary independence from management and encourages the external and internal auditors to communicate freely and regularly with the Committee. In 2010, the Committee met both collectively and separately with the external auditors and the Head of Audit & Assurance, and the Corporate Compliance Ofcer without members of management being present. External auditors appointment and fees The Committee has primary responsibility for making a recommendation to shareholders on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditors by annually assessing the qualications, expertise, resources and independence of the external auditors and the effectiveness of the audit process.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Code of Conduct The company also has a number of well-established policies, including a Code of Conduct, which is available on its website, and a help-line facility for the reporting and investigation of unlawful conduct. No waivers to the Code were made in 2010. Nominations Committee Report The succession process for the CFO focused on the need both for GSK to operate with creativity and continued nancial discipline and also to identify a candidate who would be able to bring experience and capability to support our strategy to grow and diversify GSKs business through organic means and bolt-on acquisitions. The successful candidate would also be responsible for delivering further cost savings as part of our global restructuring programme and implementing additional measures to simplify our operational model. After considering potential external and internal candidates, the Committee was pleased to recommend Simon Dingemans to the Board, as the companys CFO Designate. Simon Dingemans was a Managing Director and Partner at Goldman Sachs European M&A business and previously head of UK Investment Banking. During his 25 years in investment banking he built up relationships and offered strategic advice across multiple industry sectors, including pharmaceuticals and consumer healthcare. He had worked closely with GSK for many years and had helped establish ViiV Healthcare a new world-leading, specialist HIV company. The Board approved and announced the appointment of Simon Dingemans in September 2010 and he then joined GSK in January 2011. The Committee also recommended the appointment of Dr Patrick Vallance to the CET and as SVP, Drug Discovery and Medicines Development with effect from 1st July 2010. He joined GSK in May 2006 as Head of Drug Discovery. He has since transformed GSKs discovery engine to focus on therapy areas that are underpinned by the most promising and mature science, and which offer fresh insights into diseases. In his new role, he assumed responsibility for Medicines Development and will be responsible for ensuring that GSK maintains a ow of potential new medicines through the R&D pipeline from early discovery through to late stage development. When recruiting Non-Executive Directors, the Committee considers the particular skills, knowledge, independence, diversity and experience that would benet the Board most signicantly for each appointment. Broad selection criteria are used which focus on achieving a balance between the representation of European, UK, US and Emerging Markets, and having individuals with CEO level experience and skills developed in various sectors and specialities. During 2010, particular focus continued to be placed upon recruiting a replacement for Dr Ronaldo Schmitz who retired from the Board at the AGM in May 2009. The Committee has placed an emphasis on candidates who are current or recently retired CEOs, CFOs, Audit partners or who have other signicant nancial expertise and preferably an individual who brings increased diversity to the Boards composition and deliberations. Professional search agencies have been engaged who specialise in the recruitment of high calibre Non-Executive Directors. Dossiers of potential Non-Executive appointees have been considered by the Committee and shortlisted for interview on merit and against objective criteria, after considering their relevant qualications. Positive progress has been made on the recruitment of new Non-Executive Directors to refresh the Board.

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Sir Christopher Gent Nominations Committee Chairman

Attendance at full meetings during 2010

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Committee member since

Sir Christopher Gent (Chairman from 1st January 2005) Larry Culp Sir Crispin Davis Sir Deryck Maughan Sir Robert Wilson

9th December 2004 28th March 2008 9th July 2009 9th July 2009 28th March 2008

3/3 2/3 3/3 2/3 3/3

In addition to the three scheduled meetings, the Committee also met on a quorate basis on two occasions. Other attendees at Committee meetings: CEO Head of Human Resources Company Secretary where relevant, appropriate external advisers. The Nominations Committees (the Committee) main responsibilities include proposing the appointment of Board and Committee members. During 2010, the Committees main focus was on the succession process for the CFO and the search for new Non-Executive Directors to refresh the Board. When appointing new Executive Directors or CET members, the Committee considers the skills, knowledge and experience required for the particular executive position. The Committee will consider potential external and internal candidates before recommending to the Board to approve the new appointment. All new Directors offer themselves for election at the companys next AGM. Their appointments are announced publicly.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Remuneration Report The Remuneration Report can be found on pages 81 to 101. Corporate Responsibility Committee Report GSKs other CR Principles are discussed at least once every two years. The Committee also reviews and approves the Corporate Responsibility Report. Work of the Committee during 2010
CR Principles Committees area of focus during 2010

Access to medicines

Access to and pricing of medicines in middle income and least developed countries. Embedding ethical values in the organisation. Policy on use of animals in research and development. Research integrity and transparency. Governance of research conducted by external suppliers and collaborators. R&D on treatments for rare conditions and for diseases of the developing world. The potential of stem cell science for regenerative medicines. Diversity and inclusion. Leading and developing employees. Employee relations including consultation arrangements. Realignment of the pay for performance strategy. Management of health and safety risks in manufacturing. Community partnerships and investment. Humanitarian donations. Environmental sustainability strategy. Management of environment risks in manufacturing. Disclosure of payments to healthcare professionals.

Standards of ethical conduct Research and innovation Sir Christopher Gent Corporate Responsibility Committee Chairman
Governance and remuneration P58P101
Attendance at full meetings during 2010


Committee member since

Sir Christopher Gent (Chairman from 1st January 2005) Dr Stephanie Burns James Murdoch Dr Daniel Podolsky

9th December 2004 6th December 2007 20th May 2009 1st July 2006

4/4 3/4 4/4 4/4 Employment practices

Other attendees at Committee meetings: CEO General Counsel Head of Governance, Ethics and Assurance Head of Global Communications Head of Corporate Responsibility Company Secretary Independent External Corporate Responsibility Adviser. Independent External Corporate Responsibility Adviser To augment GSKs engagement with stakeholder opinion, in March 2009, Ms Sophia Tickell was appointed as an independent external adviser to the Corporate Responsibility Committee (the Committee). Sophia Tickell is the co-founder and Director of Meteos, from which she directs the Pharma Futures Series, which aims to align better societal and shareholder value. She also sits on the Expert Review Committee of the Access to Medicines Foundation and is a member of the European Healthcare Innovation Leadership Network. Sophia Tickell attends meetings of the Committee and provides independent advice and guidance on corporate and social responsibility matters to both the Chairman and CEO. Main responsibilities of the Committee The main responsibilities of the Committee are set out on page 67. The Committee has a rolling agenda and receives reports from members of the CET and senior managers to ensure that progress on meeting GSKs Corporate Responsibility Principles is reviewed. The Committee annually reviews progress on the following ve Corporate Responsibility (CR) Principles: access to medicines standards of ethical conduct research and innovation employment practices; and community investment.

Community investment

Caring for the environment

Products and customers

Corporate responsibility is integrated into the management of GSKs business. Throughout this Annual Report you will read of advances to ensure that GSK works as efciently and effectively as possible whilst ensuring that we always act responsibly. For those interested in more detail we publish a comprehensive Corporate Responsibility Report which is available on the companys website.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance US law and regulation A number of provisions of US law and regulation apply to GSK because the companys shares are quoted on the NYSE in the form of ADS. NYSE rules In general, the NYSE rules permit the company to follow UK corporate governance practices instead of those applied in the USA, provided that the company explains any signicant variations. This explanation is contained in the companys Form 20-F ling, which can be accessed from the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) EDGAR database or via the companys website. NYSE rules that came into effect in 2005 require the company to le annual and interim written afrmations concerning the Audit & Risk Committee and the companys statement on signicant differences in corporate governance. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Following a number of corporate and accounting scandals in the USA, Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. SarbanesOxley is a wide ranging piece of legislation concerned largely with nancial reporting and corporate governance. As recommended by the SEC, GSK has established a Disclosure Committee. The Committee reports to the CEO, the CFO and to the Audit & Risk Committee. It is chaired by the Company Secretary and the members consist of senior managers from nance, legal, compliance, corporate communications and investor relations. External legal counsel, the external auditors and internal experts are invited to attend its meetings periodically. It has responsibility for considering the materiality of information and, on a timely basis, determining the disclosure of that information. It has responsibility for the timely ling of reports with the SEC and the formal review of the Annual Report and Form 20-F. In 2010, the Committee met 6 times. Sarbanes-Oxley requires that the Annual Report contains a statement as to whether a member of the companys Audit & Risk Committee is an Audit Committee Financial Expert as dened by Sarbanes-Oxley. For a summary regarding the Boards judgement on this matter, refer to page 75. Additional disclosure requirements arise under section 302 and section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley in respect of disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over nancial reporting. Section 302: Corporate responsibility for nancial reports Sarbanes-Oxley also introduced a requirement for the CEO and the CFO to complete formal certications, conrming that: they have each reviewed the Annual Report and Form 20-F based on their knowledge, it contains no material misstatements or omissions based on their knowledge, the nancial statements and other nancial information fairly present, in all material respects, the nancial condition, results of operations and cash ows as of the dates, and for the periods, presented in the Annual Report and Form 20-F they are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures that ensure that material information is made known to them, and have evaluated the effectiveness of these controls and procedures as at the year-end, the results of such evaluation being contained in the Annual Report and Form 20-F they are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control over nancial reporting that provides reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of nancial reporting and the preparation of nancial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles they have disclosed in the Annual Report and Form 20-F any changes in internal controls over nancial reporting during the period covered by the Annual Report and Form 20-F that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to affect materially, the companys internal control over nancial reporting they have disclosed, based on their most recent evaluation of internal control over nancial reporting, to the external auditors and the Audit & Risk Committee, all signicant deciencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls over nancial reporting which are reasonably likely to affect adversely the companys ability to record, process, summarise and report nancial information, and any fraud (regardless of materiality) involving persons that have a signicant role in the companys internal control over nancial reporting. The Group has carried out an evaluation under the supervision and with the participation of the Groups management, including the CEO and CFO, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Groups disclosure controls and procedures as at 31st December 2010. There are inherent limitations to the effectiveness of any system of disclosure controls and procedures, including the possibility of human error and the circumvention or overriding of the controls and procedures. Accordingly, even effective disclosure controls and procedures can only provide reasonable assurance of achieving their control objectives. The CEO and CFO expect to complete these certications and report their conclusions on the effectiveness of disclosure controls and procedures on 4th March 2011, following which the certicates will be led with the SEC as part of the Groups Form 20-F.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Corporate governance Section 404: Managements annual report on internal control over nancial reporting In accordance with the requirements of section 404 of SarbanesOxley, the following report is provided by management in respect of the Companys internal control over nancial reporting (as dened in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934): Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over nancial reporting for the Group. Internal control over nancial reporting is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of nancial reporting and the preparation of nancial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS Management conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control over nancial reporting based on the framework in Internal Control Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission There have been no changes in the Groups internal control over nancial reporting during 2010 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to affect materially, the Groups internal control over nancial reporting Management has assessed the effectiveness of internal control over nancial reporting, as at 31st December 2010 and its conclusion will be led as part of the Groups Form 20-F PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, which has audited the consolidated nancial statements of the Group for the year ended 31st December 2010, has also assessed the effectiveness of the Groups internal control over nancial reporting under Auditing Standard No. 5 of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Their audit report will be led with the Groups Form 20-F.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report
Business review P08P57

Sir Crispin Davis Remuneration Committee Chairman Dear Shareholder On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present our Remuneration Report for 2010, for which we will be seeking your approval at our AGM in May. Over the last few years, the Remuneration Committee (the Committee) has implemented a number of changes, including more tailored benchmarking versus the market, and simplifying and aligning remuneration across the Corporate Executive Team. Throughout we have consulted with shareholders and have been encouraged by the level of support.

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As previewed last year, in 2010 our priority was to align more closely Executive remuneration with GSKs strategic priorities, and to enhance our governance practices. This report describes how we are progressing against these objectives. Strategic alignment of long-term incentives The Board has carried out a thorough review of GSKs key strategic priorities, which are described on page 7 of the Annual Report. The Board rmly believes achievement against these priorities will deliver strong long-term nancial performance and shareholder value creation on a sustainable basis. Accordingly in 2010 we have moved to align long-term performance incentives more closely with the Groups key strategic priorities. This will help ensure senior management are fully focused on the right priorities, with incentives to deliver against them. The long-term incentive awards we made in February 2011 were therefore based on four equally weighted performance measures which directly link to the Groups key strategic priorities and the overarching goal to deliver value to shareholders:
Key Strategic Priorities Long-Term Incentive Performance Measure

Grow a diversied global business Deliver more products of value Simplify the operating model Deliver value to shareholders

Business diversication performance R&D new product performance Adjusted free cash ow Relative total shareholder return (TSR)

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The targets set out by the Committee are challenging and will require signicant stretch performance. The targets for adjusted free cash ow and relative TSR are set out on page 88. However, given the very close linkage of the performance measures for business diversication and R&D new product performance to our strategy, these targets are commercially very sensitive and will not be published at date of grant. We will, though, update you regularly on the progress achieved during the performance period. The targets and outcomes for the awards will be disclosed in full at the end of the performance period. We believe the combination of these four measures applied to our Performance Share Plan and Deferred Annual Bonus Plan will ensure that we have a balanced framework of targets which focus on each of our strategic objectives. This year was the rst year that all Executives were eligible to participate in our Deferred Annual Bonus Plan, which was introduced in 2009 to encourage long-term shareholding and to drive shareholder returns. I am very pleased to report that take-up has been very positive. Governance Following on from the progress we reported in last years Remuneration Report, we are now pleased to report that all our continuing Executive Directors contracts have severance terms of one years base salary only. Similarly to Andrew Witty, Dr Moncef Slaoui, Chairman, R&D, has voluntarily agreed to remove the contractual entitlement to bonus from his severance terms. The severance terms in the contract for Simon Dingemans, our new CFO, are also based on one years base salary. In order to effectively manage risk, we will continue to operate the clawback mechanism introduced in 2009 for annual bonuses and long-term incentive awards should problems arise in the years after an award has been made. We have adapted UK pension arrangements in the light of new pension tax legislation to continue to meet our long-standing commitments. However, the company will not offset any additional individual tax costs. Each year, we review the market competitiveness of Executive Directors base salaries and packages, taking into account the prevailing economic conditions and the positioning and relativities of pay across the broader GSK workforce. As a result of that review, to ensure appropriate market competitiveness in the context of Dr Moncef Slaouis enhanced role, including the transition of responsibility for Biologicals, he will receive an increase to his base salary. Andrew Witty and Simon Dingemans will not receive any increase in base salary. We believe that the changes we have made in recent years support the long-term success of the business and as such are in the best interests of shareholders. Sir Crispin Davis Remuneration Committee Chairman 1st March 2011
GSK Annual Report 2010

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Remuneration Report

The Remuneration Committee

Role of the Committee The role of the Committee is to set the companys remuneration policy for Executive Directors and Corporate Executive Team (CET) members (together the Executives), so that GSK is able to recruit, retain and motivate its Executives. The policy is regularly reviewed to ensure that it is consistent with the companys scale and scope of operations, supports the business strategy and growth plans and helps drive the creation of shareholder value. In setting remuneration policy and levels for the most senior executives, the Committee gives consideration to remuneration policy and levels for the wider employee population of the Group, as well as ensuring that remuneration is consistent with industry and broader market norms.
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In addition, Allen Powley (Senior Vice President, Corporate Compensation) and Judy Lynch (Senior Vice President, Benets) were also invited to some meetings as required. With the exception of Victoria Whyte (Company Secretary and Secretary to the Committee), no employees of the company are involved in the conduct of Committee meetings. The Committee has access to external advice as required. Deloitte LLP has been appointed by the Committee to provide it with independent advice on executive remuneration. During the year, Deloitte LLP provided independent commentary on matters under consideration by the Committee, and provided updates on best practice, legislative requirements and market practice. Deloitte LLP also provided other consulting, tax and assurance services to GSK during the year, but did not provide advice on executive remuneration matters other than for the Committee. Towers Watson and Pay Governance provided additional market data to the Committee. Commitment to shareholders The Committee engages in regular dialogue with shareholders and holds annual meetings with GSKs largest investors to discuss and take feedback on its remuneration policy, governance matters and any key developments during the year. In particular, the Committee discusses any signicant changes to the policy or the measures used to assess performance. The annual meetings were held in November 2010, at which Sir Crispin Davis, Committee Chairman, shared progress on remuneration matters in the last 12 months and proposals for 2011 as outlined on page 84. Sir Christopher Gent, Chairman, updated attendees on Corporate Governance developments.

Terms of reference The Committees full terms of reference are available on the companys website. The terms of reference, which are reviewed annually, were revised in January 2011 in the light of best practice and corporate governance developments. Governance The Board considers all of the members of the Committee to be independent Non-Executive Directors, in accordance with the Combined Code, with the exception of Sir Christopher Gent, Chairman of the company, who was independent on appointment. The Committee met six times during 2010, with each member attending as follows:
Attendance at full meetings during 2010


Committee member since

Sir Crispin Davis (Chairman from 20th May 2009) Sir Robert Wilson (to 25th March 2010) Larry Culp* Sir Christopher Gent James Murdoch Tom de Swaan**

1st July 2003 1st January 2004 1st January 2004 1st January 2007 1st October 2009 20th May 2009

6/6 3/3 4/6 6/6 6/6 6/6

Larry Culp was unable to attend two meetings for personal reasons. He reviewed the papers and provided his views to the Committee Chairman in advance of these meetings. ** Tom de Swaan is also the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee.

In addition to the six scheduled meetings, the Committee also met on a quorate basis on three occasions, principally to approve the formal grant and vesting of long-term incentive (LTI) awards in accordance with GSKs remuneration policy. Andrew Witty (CEO) and Claire Thomas (Senior Vice President, Human Resources) were invited to attend part of some meetings of the Committee as required. No Executives or Committee attendees are involved in any decision or are present at any discussion as to their own remuneration.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report A diary of the Committees key activities and matters addressed during 2010 is set out below:
Month Executives Remuneration Annual bonus Long-term incentive plans Governance and other matters

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Approve CET 2010 remuneration, including salaries of CEO, CFO and Chairman, R&D

Set CEO 2010 bonus objectives Review bonus plan arrangements for Chairman, R&D

Annual Committee evaluation results Review remuneration report Review 2010 remuneration budget Review voting policy guidelines on remuneration


Review and approve Executive Directors and CET 2009 bonuses

Set 2010 PSP cash ow target Approve 2007 PSP and Share Option Plan vesting Grant 2010 LTI awards to Executive Directors, CET and below Approve deferred annual bonus award elections

Approve remuneration report

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Scope review of strategic alignment of LTI performance measures Agree CFO retirement and appointment packages Review progress against 2010 bonus objectives Review of strategic alignment of LTI performance measures Grant interim 2010 LTI awards

Review voting policy guidelines on remuneration

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Review of general market developments (including pensions)


Agree CET 2011 salary review process Annual meetings with investors Consider feedback from annual meetings with investors on remuneration policy Review remuneration benchmarking and competitiveness below CET level

Review CET 2010 bonus process

Review of strategic alignment of LTI performance measures Annual meetings with investors

Annual Committee assessment



Consider new LTI performance targets framework

Review tax change implications for pension arrangements

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Remuneration policy for 2011

The table below outlines the key elements of remuneration for 2011 for GSKs Executives. The remuneration structure of all CET members (including Dr Moncef Slaoui and Simon Dingemans, CFO Designate) has now been harmonised with that of Andrew Witty. As a result of this, since 2010, share options are normally no longer granted to any of the CET members. Instead, CET members receive additional performance share awards and are also eligible to participate in GSKs Deferred Annual Bonus Plan. To further improve the alignment of our Executive remuneration arrangements with GSKs key strategic priorities and to incentivise management to deliver long-term nancial performance and shareholder value creation on a sustainable basis, two new businessspecic performance measures were introduced for the long-term incentive awards made to Executives in February 2011. This is to ensure that there is a balanced framework of measures focusing on all of GSKs strategic objectives. Further information on the long-term incentive performance measures is outlined on pages 87 to 89. Fixed pay Salary
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Salary levels reviewed annually and inuenced by Executives role and experience. Benchmarked against relevant comparator group(s) For UK Executives, dened contribution plan and legacy nal salary plans (closed to new entrants since 2001). UK Executives participating in dened contribution plan benet from company contributions of 20% of base salary, plus matched contribution of 5% of base salary Following changes to UK pension tax regime, changes made to arrangements for UK Executives to continue to meet long-standing commitments within this new regime see page 89 For US Executives, GSK operates a US Cash Balance Plan (US Plan). US Executives participating in US Plan benet from contributions of up to 38% of salary


Variable pay Annual bonus Maximum bonus opportunity of 200% of salary Majority of bonus based on achievement of nancial targets (Group prot before interest and tax and business unit operating prot) Individual performance against pre-determined personal objectives R&D-specic key performance indicators for R&D employees Clawback Committee reviews ongoing nancial impact of any prior year activities and Executives role in them and may make appropriate adjustments to individual bonus awards to reect circumstances Deferred Annual Bonus Plan Individuals may elect to defer up to 50% of any bonus earned Deferred bonuses may be matched up to one-for-one subject to performance For 2011, performance share awards are as follows:
% of salary

Awards vest at end of three-year performance period based on four equally weighted performance measures: - Business diversication performance - R&D new product performance - Adjusted free cash ow - Relative TSR Relative TSR is calculated on twelve month averaging period, using comparator group comprising 10 pharmaceutical companies. 30% vests at median, with 100% vesting for upper quartile performance For business diversication, R&D new product measures and adjusted free cash ow, 25% vests at threshold, rising to 100% for stretching performance exceeding set threshold by a specied margin

Performance Share Plan (PSP)

CEO Chairman, R&D CFO Designate

500 500 350

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report Total remuneration benchmarking The Committee reviews GSKs total remuneration against comparable companies on a regular basis, to ensure that remuneration arrangements are structured appropriately to deliver value for money for shareholders over the longer term and are competitive. The relevant comparator group(s) are now determined for each individual Executive. For benchmarking purposes, total remuneration incorporates base salary, bonus and LTIs. When setting pay, the Committee also considers pension arrangements.
UK cross-industry comparator group Global pharmaceutical comparator group

It decided that the only Executive Director to receive a base salary increase this year should be Dr Moncef Slaoui. In particular, the Committee considered his package in the context of his enhanced role, including the transition of responsibility for Biologicals. The table immediately following sets out current base salaries and those proposed for 2011. Salary increases typically take effect from 1st April each year.
2010 base Effective date for 2011 base Effective date for % salary 2010 salary salary 2011 salary change Andrew Witty, CEO 1,000,000 Julian Heslop, CFO* Simon Dingemans, CFO Designate** Dr Moncef Slaoui, Chairman, R&D 525,000 $975,000 1st April 2010 1,000,000 1st April 2010 1st April 2011 0 15

Business review P08P57

AngloAmerican AstraZeneca Barclays BG Group BHP Billiton BP British American Tobacco Diageo HSBC Reckitt Benckiser Royal Dutch Shell Rio Tinto Standard Chartered Tesco Unilever Vodafone

France Switzerland UK USA

Sano-Aventis Novartis Roche Holdings AstraZeneca Abbott Laboratories Amgen* Bristol-Myers Squibb Eli Lilly Johnson & Johnson Merck Pzer

660,000 4th January 2011 1st April 2011

1st April 2010 $1,125,000

Governance and remuneration P58P101

* Julian Heslop will retire from the Board on 31st March 2011 ** Simon Dingemans joined the Board on 4th January 2011

Variable pay
A signicant proportion of GSKs total remuneration package (approximately 75% 85%) is variable. There is a particular emphasis on long-term share-based incentives, in order to closely align Executives interests with those of shareholders. The balance between the xed (base salary) and variable (annual bonus and LTI) elements of remuneration varies depending on performance. The charts below show the anticipated mix between xed and variable pay on an expected value basis under the current remuneration policy, excluding pensions. The actual mix may be higher or lower, depending on the performance of GSK and the individual.

Amgen is included for benchmarking but since 2009 has not been in the current TSR comparator group.

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Base salary
Base salaries are set by reference to the relevant comparator group at a level considered appropriate to secure and retain the talent needed to deliver GSKs strategic priorities. Salary levels are reviewed annually and are inuenced by the Executives role, experience and the pay environment. The Committee decides on an individual Executive basis whether the primary pay comparator should be the global pharmaceutical sector, the UK-based large cross-industry multinationals and/or some other comparator group(s).
Primary Comparator Group UK cross-industry Global pharmaceutical

1 1 Salary 2 2 Cash bonus 3 3 Deferred bonus including match 4 4 Performance shares

CFO Designate
1 1 Salary 2 2 Cash bonus 3 3 Deferred bonus including match 4 4 Performance shares

Andrew Witty, CEO Julian Heslop, CFO* Simon Dingemans, CFO Designate** Dr Moncef Slaoui, Chairman, R&D
* Julian Heslop will retire from the Board on 31st March 2011 ** Simon Dingemans joined the Board on 4th January 2011

Shareholder information P192P212

For 2011, the Committee considered the prevailing economic conditions, the market competitiveness of each Executive Directors package and the positioning and relativities of pay across the broader GSK workforce. It agreed with Andrew Witty that his salary would be held at 2010 levels.

Chairman, R&D
1 1 Salary 2 2 Cash bonus 3 3 Deferred bonus including match 4 4 Performance shares

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report Safeguards and risk management The Committee would not want to reward failure and views it as important that incentive payouts are only made in circumstances when performance outcome reects genuine achievement against the original targets. In addition, given the nature of GSKs business and the increased focus on risk within the Group, the Committee has taken a number of steps to ensure that the design of incentive arrangements underpins effective risk management. The Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee is a member of the Committee and provides input on the Audit & Risk Committees review of the Groups performance and oversight on any risk factors relevant to remuneration matters considered by the Committee. Under the annual bonus, each year the Committee reviews the ongoing nancial impact of any prior year activities and the role of individual Executives in such activities, and the Committee may make appropriate adjustments to individual bonus awards to reect those circumstances (the clawback mechanism). The Committee ensures that where there has been continuity of Executive responsibility, between initiation of an adverse event and its emergence as a problem, the adverse event should be taken into account in assessing annual bonuses in the year the problem is identied. Accordingly, charges for legacy legal matters were excluded from the assessment of 2010 nancial performance. This reects the view of the Committee that current management was not responsible for these legal actions and that it should be supported in seeking to resolve these matters in the long term interests of shareholders. Under the long-term incentive plans approved by shareholders in 2009, the Committee may reduce the grant or vesting levels if it determines that a participant has engaged in conduct which is contrary to the legitimate expectations of the company for an employee in the participants position. There are also further safeguards relating to each of the businessspecic performance measures under the long-term incentive plans which are outlined in detail on page 89. In addition, from 2009, the Committee decided that long-term incentive awards for good leavers should normally vest at the end of the original vesting period set at grant, rather than vesting in the year of departure. This ensures continued alignment with shareholders interests following cessation of employment. Annual bonus Annual bonus is designed to drive the achievement of GSKs annual nancial and strategic business targets and delivery of personal objectives. For 2011 the on-target bonus for the Executive Directors is given in the table below.
On-target bonus as a % of base salary

Group profit before interest & tax Stretching financial targets Business unit operating profit

Annual Bonus

Individual objectives

Governance and remuneration P58P101

For 2011, the majority of the annual bonus opportunity is based on a formal review of performance against stretching nancial targets based on Group prot before interest and tax and business unit operating prot targets, with the remainder being based on achievements against specic individual objectives. There is a signicant weighting towards the nancial performance measures. The Committee has decided that prot should remain the key nancial metric as one of the companys Key Performance Indicators. However, during 2011, the Committee intends to review the annual bonus plan to ensure the strategic alignment of GSKs short-term incentives. Annual bonuses are calibrated to reect the stretching targets which have been established to drive signicant changes to GSKs business model. The bonus threshold will be 90% of target with the maximum being payable for achievement of 110% of target. The bonus threshold of 90% reects the stretching nature of the bonus targets. Bonus targets for Andrew Witty are set by the Board in January each year. In setting the objectives for Andrew Witty, the Board focuses on the strategies that have been developed for the company, which are set out on page 7 of the Annual Report. For reasons of commercial sensitivity, the specic objectives are kept condential. Following the end of the nancial year, the Board reviews his performance generally and against the set objectives, and the Committee then determines the bonus payable. For the other Executives, Andrew Witty sets their objectives in line with company strategy, and makes recommendations to the Committee regarding performance against those objectives at the end of the year. These recommendations are then considered by the Committee when determining the level of bonuses payable. Bonus measures for R&D employees, including Dr Moncef Slaoui, are linked to the pipeline. A robust governance structure has been established to ensure that the bonus payable fairly reects R&D productivity and performance as well as performance against prot targets. This process requires the review of progress against targets by the R&D Bonus Compensation Review Committee, which includes Andrew Witty and the companys two Non-Executive Directors who are designated as Scientic Experts, Professor Sir Roy Anderson and Dr Daniel Podolsky. The Committee reviewed the plans operation during the year and decided that it should continue as the annual bonus for R&D. The Committee will continue to keep its operation under review.

Andrew Witty, CEO Simon Dingemans, CFO Designate Dr Moncef Slaoui, Chairman, R&D

125% 80% 85%

Maximum bonuses are set by reference to individual on-target bonus levels. There is a cap on bonus payments of 200% of salary. This cap remains unchanged for 2011. Annual bonus is not pensionable.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report Long-term incentive plans Awards are now made to Executives under the following long-term incentive plans, which were approved by shareholders at the 2009 AGM: (a) Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (b) Performance Share Plan From 2010, awards under the share option plan are no longer granted to Executives. Instead, CET members receive additional performance share awards and are also eligible to participate in the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan. Typically, awards are delivered to US resident executives in the form of ADS. Awards are delivered in the form of Ordinary Shares to executives resident in the UK and other countries. All awards are made under plans which incorporate dilution limits consistent with guidelines provided by the Association of British Insurers. Current estimated dilution from existing awards under all GSK employee share plans made over the last 10 years are approximately 6.14% of the companys issued share capital at 31st December 2010. To provide a closer link between shareholder returns and payments to the Executives, notional dividends are reinvested and paid out in proportion to the shares deferred and vesting of awards. The value of reinvested dividends is incorporated into the benchmarking of award levels. Structure and performance measures a) Deferred Annual Bonus Plan The Deferred Annual Bonus Plan encourages long-term shareholding, discourages excessive risk taking and helps focus on GSKs key strategic priorities. Starting from the 2010 bonus year, all CET members have been eligible to participate in the plan. Up to 50% of any annual bonus earned may be deferred for three years. The company will match shares up to one-for-one depending on the companys performance against the measures outlined below during the three-year performance period. b) Performance shares The Performance Share Plan ensures focus on the delivery of GSKs strategic priorities and long-term shareholder returns relative to other pharmaceutical companies. Under the Performance Share Plan, awards are made which vest at the end of a three-year performance period subject to the achievement of the companys performance against the measures outlined below. There is an individual award limit on the maximum initial value of performance shares that may be granted to an individual in any one year. Other than in exceptional circumstances, the maximum face value of performance shares that may be granted to an individual in any one year will be six times base salary. The table below shows award levels in February 2011 for each Executive Director in line with that policy:
2011 award 2011 award level % of base salary

Business review P08P57

Andrew Witty, CEO Simon Dingemans, CFO Designate Dr Moncef Slaoui, Chairman, R&D

424,448 shares 196,095 shares 147,521 ADS

500% 350% 500%

Performance measures Following the appointment of Andrew Witty in 2008, the Board carried out a thorough review of GSKs key strategic priorities, which are described on page 7 of the Annual Report. The Board rmly believes that the delivery of these objectives will transform GSK into an organisation that can deliver long-term nancial performance and shareholder value creation on a sustainable basis. Over the last few years, the focus of the Committee has been to improve the alignment of Executive remuneration arrangements with these priorities to incentivise management to deliver these goals. For awards made to Executives in February 2011, we have therefore introduced two new business-specic performance measures on business diversication and R&D new product performance. This is in addition to our adjusted free cash ow and relative TSR measures, and is in order to ensure that we have a balanced framework of measures focusing on all of GSKs strategic objectives, as outlined in the diagram below. The awards, which will vest subject to performance at the end of the three-year performance period beginning 1st January 2011 and ending on 31st December 2013, are based on four equally weighted measures: business diversication, R&D new product, adjusted free cash ow and relative TSR. Strategy
Key strategic priorities:

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

LTI performance measures (over 3-year performance period) % of award

Grow a diversified global business Deliver more products of value Simplify the operating model Deliver value to shareholders

Business diversification R&D new product Adjusted free cash flow Relative TSR


25% 25%
Shareholder information P192P212


Details of the performance measures, targets and the thresholds for the 2011 long-term incentive awards are given in the following table.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Long-term incentive measures for 2011 awards

% of award

Vesting schedule for 2011 awards

Business diversication performance Incentivises growth of a global, diversied business Designed to focus on our major growth areas: Vaccines, Consumer Healthcare, Emerging Markets and Japan (excluding Vaccines) and Dermatology businesses. Aggregate revenue target for four business divisions over three-year performance period reects strong growth against previous periods and above market growth. R&D new product performance
Governance and remuneration P58P101

25% Due to commercial sensitivity, targets for business diversication and R&D new product measures will be disclosed along with outcomes in the 2013 Remuneration Report.
Proportion of threshold achieved Proportion of award available

Below threshold Threshold Maximum 25% The target for maximum performance (expressed as a percentage of the threshold) for these two measures is shown below:

0% 25% 100%

Recognises importance of R&D to future business growth Revenue target based on New Product Sales to incentivise better R&D performance. New Products dened as products launched in performance period and two preceding years. Therefore, for 2011-13 performance period, products launched in years 2009-13 will be included in measurement. Aggregate three-year revenue target for 2011 awards for New Product Sales reects growth on historic performance. Adjusted free cash ow Recognises importance of effective working capital and cash management 25%

Maximum expressed as % of threshold

Business diversication R&D new product

114% 122%

Three year adjusted free cash ow targets

% vesting

Below threshold Threshold


16.15 billion 16.65 billion 18.32 billion 19.15 billion

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Relative TSR Focuses on delivery of value to shareholders Relative TSR using a comparator group comprising 10 global pharmaceutical companies. With move to four complementary measures, relative TSR now measured over three years in line with performance period for all other performance measures. To measure performance on a stable basis and better reect long-term nature of pharmaceutical industry, twelve-month averaging period is used for relative TSR.


Proportion vesting
100% 100%







0% 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

TSR rank position

Median performance

Upper quartile performance

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report The Board believes that the current strategic priorities are fundamental long-term objectives. However, it recognises the possibility that these goals may evolve over time. Therefore the Committee intends to review the long-term incentive performance measures periodically to ensure that they remain appropriate. Inevitably measures linked directly to strategy are very sensitive. In particular, the Committee does not consider it appropriate to disclose the targets for business diversication and R&D new product performance at grant, as it may result in competitive harm. However, we are committed to fully disclosing the targets at the end of the performance period, together with details of the extent to which the performance targets have been met. In addition, the Committee also commits to providing an update on achievement to date against the targets during the performance period. In addition to setting robust targets, the Committee has also implemented a number of safeguards to ensure that targets are met in a sustainable way and that any performance outcome reects genuine achievement against the original targets and therefore value for shareholders. Under the business diversication and R&D new product measures, in the light of any signicant event (including acquisitions and divestments), the Committee will review the target and payment scale and make any adjustments it considers appropriate to maintain the integrity of the original targets. In addition, the Committee reserves the right to reduce vesting levels if targets are achieved in a manner which undermines the overall health of the business. The Committee will normally include the revenue from opportunistic events such as pandemics when assessing performance under the business diversication and R&D new product measures. It is recognised that a successful response to an event such as a pandemic can generate signicant value for shareholders. Such responses usually require supply capacity and/or other resource to be diverted from other products. However, before including that revenue, the Committee must be satised that the decision to pursue the opportunistic revenue was clearly in the best interests of shareholder value creation and that otherwise the performance under the relevant measure was sufciently positive. Ultimately, the Committee will expect management to have acted in a way which enhanced shareholder value. Under the business diversication measure, where above market growth has not been achieved at the end of a performance period, the Committee will normally reduce the vesting levels. It is part of the Groups strategy to increase the return on its R&D investment. If the R&D new product revenue target is achieved, but the Committee determines that insufcient progress has been made during the measurement period in increasing the return on R&D investment, the Committee may reduce the level of vesting under the R&D new product measure. Under the adjusted free cash ow measure, the target may be adjusted for material factors which could distort free cash ow as a performance measure. These will typically include exchange rate movements and may also include legal and major taxation settlements and special pension contributions, which could materially distort this calculation. The impact of any acquisition or divestment will be quantied and adjusted for after the event. Major adjustments in the calculation will be disclosed to shareholders.

Pensions provide an important tool for creating a long-term culture and loyalty. The Executives participate in GSK senior executive pension plans. The pension arrangements are structured in accordance with the plans operated for Executives in the country in which they are likely to retire. Details of individual arrangements for the Executive Directors are set out on page 100. New Executives to GSK will be eligible for either a dened contribution scheme or a cash balance pension plan. Existing obligations under dened benet schemes in the UK will continue to be honoured. a) UK pension arrangements The company currently operates a dened contribution plan, and legacy nal salary plans which are closed to new entrants. Newly hired Executives in the UK will participate in the dened contribution plan. During 2010 the UK Government announced a series of changes to pensions, which will initially impact the pensions of approximately 80 people in GSK. The pension legislation will have signicant negative consequences and the effectiveness of pensions will be much reduced. Pensions have been and continue to be an important tool for creating a long-term culture and promoting employee retention. Therefore the Committee has decided that existing pension promises be honoured and pensions above the new limits be delivered via GSKs existing unfunded scheme. Executives participating in the dened contribution plan receive a company contribution of 15%20% of base salary depending on grade. They will also have the opportunity to receive up to a further 5% in matched contributions in line with the policy for all other members of the pension plan. The legacy nal salary plans provide for up to two-thirds of nal salary at age 60. For employees subject to the cap, benets in excess of the cap are currently provided through unfunded arrangements. Under the legacy nal salary plans, actuarial reduction factors apply where a participant leaves employment of his/her own accord before the age of 60. If employment is terminated by the company other than for cause then, in the same way as for all other members of the legacy nal salary plans, the reduction factors will not apply. b) US pension arrangements In the USA, GSK operates a US Cash Balance Plan which provides for an annual contribution and interest on the sum accumulated in the cash balance plan but with no contractual promise to provide specic levels of retirement income. The plan incorporates an Executive Pension Credit for senior US executives. Contribution rates under the plan range from 15% to 38% of base salary depending on grade. All current senior US executives are eligible for the Executive Pension Credit. For capped employees in the USA, benets above the cap are provided through an unfunded non-qualied plan.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Share ownership requirements

To align the interests of Executives with those of shareholders, Executives are required to build up and maintain signicant holdings of shares in GSK over time. Current share ownership requirements (SOR) are set out in the table below:
Share Ownership Requirement

Variable pay performance periods ended 31st December 2010

This section provides further details on performance achieved under the companys annual bonus and long-term incentive plans for performance periods that ended on 31st December 2010. Annual bonus For 2010, the majority of the annual bonus was based on the achievement of nancial targets (based on Group prot before interest and tax and on business unit operating prot) and individual performance. The achievement of additional operational efciency goals was also taken into account in determining the 2010 annual bonus levels. The objectives set for the company for 2010 focused in particular on the continued development and launch of late stage pipeline assets, delivery of commercial targets and execution of restructuring programmes to simplify the operating model. Despite 2010 being a challenging year for GSK and the pharmaceutical industry due to the effect of generic competition in the USA, the rapid loss of sales of Avandia following regulatory decisions in the Autumn, US healthcare reform and signicant legacy litigation costs, management achieved key nancial and strategic objectives, including: delivering underlying sales growth (excluding pandemic products, Avandia and Valtrex) strong sales performance in investment areas of the business, particularly Emerging Markets and Consumer Healthcare increasing R&D pipeline potential and achieving key milestones in the transformation of R&D productivity, particularly in relation to the late stage R&D pipeline products simplication of GSKs business model, improved cash generation before legal settlements and achievement of operational efciencies. Overall, the Committee took into account GSKs success in achieving the above objectives, as well as each individuals performance, when determining the bonus awards for 2010. However, because management did not fully achieve the group prot before interest targets that were set, bonuses were determined accordingly. Actual bonus payments for Executive Directors are shown on page 94 and ranged from 79% to 147% of base salaries as at 31st December 2010 (2009 115% to 200%).
Annual bonus 2010 000 Annual bonus 2009 000

CEO Other Executive Directors CET members

4 x base salary 3 x base salary 2 x base salary

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Executives are required to continue to satisfy these shareholding requirements for a minimum of twelve months following retirement from the company to support the long-term nature of the business. Shareholdings for the purpose of SOR as at 25th February 2011 were:
Holding of Ordinary shares for SOR purposes as at 31/12/09 Holding of Ordinary shares for SOR purposes as at 25/02/11*

% increase in shareholding

Andrew Witty Julian Heslop Simon Dingemans** Dr Moncef Slaoui


91,472 49,350 66,938

226,199 92,182 40,000 169,906

147 87 154

Shares to be sold for tax following the vesting of the 2008 PSP awards have been excluded. ** The disclosure for Simon Dingemans is from the date he joined the Board on 4th January 2011.

Other remuneration elements

The Executives participate in various all-employee share plans in either the UK or the USA. The ShareSave Plan and the ShareReward Plan are UK HM Revenue & Customs approved plans open to all UK employees and UKbased Executive Directors on the same terms. ShareSave participants may save up to 250 a month from their net salary for a xed term of three years and at the end of the savings period they have the option to buy GSK shares at a discount of 20% of the market price set at the launch of each plan. Andrew Witty and Julian Heslop are ShareSave members, and each contribute 250 a month into the Plan. This provides them both with the option to buy shares at the end of the threeyear savings period. ShareReward participants can contribute up to 125 a month from their gross salary to purchase GSK shares and the company matches the number of GSK shares bought each month under this arrangement. The shares are held in trust and if they are left there for ve years, they can be removed free of UK tax and national insurance contributions. Andrew Witty, Julian Heslop and Simon Dingemans each contribute 125 a month to buy shares under the ShareReward Plan. The Executives also receive other benets including healthcare (medical and dental), personal nancial advice and life assurance. The cash value of the benets received by the Executive Directors in 2010 is shown on page 94. Dr Moncef Slaoui normally resides in the USA. He has been seconded to the UK for a two year period from 1st November 2010 to enable him to be closer to GSK Biologicals as he assumes operational responsibility for this business.

% change

Andrew Witty Julian Heslop Dr Moncef Slaoui

1,177 417 $1,434

2,000 602 $1,439

(41) (31)

The following Executive Directors elected to participate in the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan in respect of 2010. Matching Awards may vest in February 2014, subject to their continued employment and achievement of the long-term incentive performance measures outlined on page 87 of the report.
Executive % of total bonus Deferred Award Matching Award

Andrew Witty Dr Moncef Slaoui

32% 31,921 shares 31,921 shares 50% 18,756 ADS 18,756 ADS

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report Long-term incentive plans Performance share plan Vesting of 2008 Awards The Committee reviewed the performance criteria of the performance share plan awards granted to the Executive Directors in 2008, with the three-year performance period starting on 1st January 2008 and ending on 31st December 2010. The company ranked at median position in the comparator group of 10 companies and therefore 35% of the awards vested. The awards made to other senior executives in 2008 were dependent in part on relative TSR performance and in part on EPS performance. The EPS portion of those awards did not vest. The vesting schedules for the 2008, 2009 and 2010 awards are shown on page 99. Share options Vesting of 2008 Awards The share option awards granted to Executives in 2008 were based on EPS performance. The performance conditions for the 2008 awards were not met and, as a result, all these awards lapsed. Details of subsisting options, and the performance conditions attached to each grant, are provided in the audited section of this report. Historical vesting for GSKs LTIs GSKs LTI performance conditions continue to be challenging as is demonstrated by the table below. Relative TSR has been an important part of the LTI measures for many years. This measure has been retained under the current remuneration policy. The following table shows the vesting levels of GSKs performance share and share option awards to Executives since 2003. A TSR vesting percentage of 0% indicates that GSKs relative TSR performance was below the median of the comparator group for that performance period.
Performance Share Plan Vesting under TSR measure % Share Option Plan Vesting under EPS measure %

Executive Director terms and conditions

Executive Director contracts The policy set out below provides the framework for contracts for Executive Directors. Notice period on termination by employing company or executive Termination payment Vesting of LTIs Pension Non-compete clause 12 calendar months

Business review P08P57

1 x annual salary payable on termination Rules of relevant incentive plan, as approved by shareholders Based on existing arrangements and terms of relevant pension plan 12 months from termination notice date*
Governance and remuneration P58P101

* The ability to impose a 12-month non-compete period (and a non-solicitation restriction) on an Executive is considered important by the company in order to have the ability to protect the Groups intellectual property and staff. In light of this, the Committee believes that it would not be appropriate to provide for mitigation in the contracts.

In 2010, Andrew Witty and Dr Moncef Slaoui agreed an amendment to their contractual terms to remove an entitlement to bonus as part of their termination package. The contracts for new Executives will not normally include a bonus element in any termination payment. The terms of the new contracts seek to balance commercial imperatives and best practice. Where the company considers it important that an individual does not work elsewhere during his notice period, it may make a compensatory payment in respect of bonus for the period of restraint. Julian Heslop is retiring early from the company on 31st March 2011. Under the terms of his contract entered into in 2005, he is entitled to receive one years notice on termination and his payment will include one years annual salary and 12 months on-target bonus. Simon Dingemans joined the Board on 4th January 2011 as CFO Designate, and will become the CFO on 1st April 2011 following Julian Heslops retirement. In line with the companys policy going forward, Simon Dingemans contract provides for a termination payment based on one years base salary only.

Financial statements P102P191

Performance period

2003 2004 2006 2007 2008

2004 - 2006 2005 - 2007 2006 - 2008 2007 - 2009 2008 - 2010

0 38.47 0 35 35 21.69

100 100 50.7 0 0 50.14

Average annual vesting

No award was made during 2005 due to a change in the award cycle.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report The following table sets out the details of the Executive Directors service contracts:
Current Directors Date of contract Effective date Expiry date

Andrew Witty* Julian Heslop Simon Dingemans

18th June 2008 16th March 2006 8th September 2010

22nd May 2008 1st April 2005 4th January 2011 21st December 2010

31st August 2024 31st January 2014 30th April 2028 1st August 2019

The terms of engagement of Non-Executive Directors other than Sir Christopher Gent, are also set out in letters of appointment. For all Non-Executive Directors, their initial appointment and any subsequent re-appointment are subject to election, and thereafter, periodic re-election by shareholders. The letters of appointment for Non-Executive Directors do not contain provision for notice periods or for compensation if their appointments are terminated. The following table shows the date of the initial letter of appointment of each Non-Executive Director:
Non-Executive Director Date of letter of appointment

Dr Moncef Slaoui** 21st December 2010

Andrew Wittys contract was renewed in June 2008 following his appointment as CEO, and was amended on 4th February 2010 to reect the changes to his severance terms outlined above. ** Dr Moncef Slaouis previous contract dated 16th May 2008 was replaced on 21st December 2010 to reect the changes to his severance terms outlined above.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

No termination payments will be made in respect of any part of a notice period extending beyond the contract expiry date. Other entitlements In addition to the contractual provisions outlined above, in the event that Executive Directors service agreements are terminated by their employing company, the following will apply: in the case of outstanding awards under the GlaxoSmithKline Annual Investment Plan (which was closed to new deferrals with effect from the rst quarter of 2006) provided that their agreement is terminated other than for cause, the executive must exercise any Bonus Investment Rights within six months of termination to receive any deferred amounts, and any income and gains; and in line with the policy applicable to US senior executives, Dr Moncef Slaoui may become eligible, at a future date, to receive continuing medical and dental insurance after retirement. Following the merger, those participants in the legacy share option schemes who elected to exchange their legacy options for options over GSK shares received an additional cash benet equal to 10% of the grant price of the original option. This additional benet was triggered when the option was exercised or lapsed. To qualify for this additional cash benet, participants had to retain their options until at least the second anniversary of the effective date of the merger. Following the payments made during 2010, there are no further payments due under this arrangement. Outside appointments for Executive Directors Any outside appointments are considered by the Nominations Committee to ensure they would not cause a conict of interest and are then approved by the Chairman on behalf of the Board. It is the companys policy that remuneration earned from such appointments may be kept by the individual Executive Director.

Sir Christopher Gent Professor Sir Roy Anderson Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Crispin Davis Sir Deryck Maughan James Murdoch Dr Daniel Podolsky Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson

26th May 2004 28th September 2007 12th February 2007 9th June 2003 9th June 2003 26th May 2004 26th February 2009 3rd July 2008 21st December 2005 9th June 2003

Chairman and Non-Executive Directors fees The company aims to provide the Chairman and Non-Executive Directors with fees that are competitive with those paid by other companies of equivalent size and complexity subject to the limits contained in GSKs Articles of Association. The Chairmans fees are currently 540,000 per annum plus an allocation of shares to the value of 135,000 per annum. Non-Executive Directors fees applying at 31st December 2010 are as follows:
Per annum

Standard annual cash retainer fee Supplemental fees Chairman of Audit & Risk Committee Senior Independent Director and Scientic/Medical Experts Chairmen of the Remuneration and Corporate Responsibility Committees* Non-Executive Director undertaking intercontinental travel to meetings


80,000 30,000 20,000 7,500 per meeting

Chairman and Non-Executive Directors

Terms and conditions Sir Christopher Gents letter of appointment was dated 26th May 2004, under which it was agreed that he would serve the company as Deputy Chairman until 31st December 2004 and from 1st January 2005 as Chairman until the conclusion of the AGM following the third anniversary of his appointment. This was extended for a further term of three years by mutual agreement, with effect from his re-election as a Director at the AGM held on 21st May 2008. This has been further extended for a period of ve years subject to re-election with effect from 1st January 2011.(Further details are provided on page 68 of the Corporate Governance Report).

* Sir Christopher Gent is the current Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Committee, but does not receive the additional fee listed above.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report To reect the increased focus within the company on compliance and risk, GSK signicantly enlarged the remit and responsibilities of the Audit & Risk Committee, and the commitment required from Tom de Swaan, its Chairman. The company agreed that the time requirement for his role as Committee Chairman moving from approximately 30 days to approximately 80 days per annum should be reected through an increase in the fees payable. Following an independent review, the supplemental fee for the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee was increased from 30,000 per annum to 80,000 per annum with effect from 1st October 2009. Full details of the current Committees terms of reference and GSKs Audit & Assurance model are given on pages 71 to 76. In recent years there has been an increase in the time commitment, demands and responsibility placed on the role of a non-executive director, and this has generally led to an increase in their fees. As a result of these developments in the market, Non-Executive Director fees at GSK were independently reviewed during 2010. The review highlighted that there was scope to increase Non-Executive Director fees. However, in light of the current environment, the Board decided not to increase their fees at this time. They will continue to be kept under review. Exchange rate Fees that are paid in US dollars were converted at the following exchange rates:
Date of approval Period rate applied Exchange rate 1/US$

TSR performance graph

The following graph sets out the performance of the company relative to the FTSE 100 Index of which the company is a constituent and to the pharmaceutical performance comparator group from 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2010. The graph has been prepared in accordance with the Regulations as dened on page 101 and is not an indication of the likely vesting of awards granted under any of the companys incentive plans. TSR performance

Business review P08P57


Governance and remuneration P58P101


75 30/12/05 29/12/06 31/12/07 31/12/08 31/12/09 31/12/10

GlaxoSmithKline Total Return Index GlaxoSmithKline Pharma Peers Return Index FTSE 100 Total Return Index

29th July 2004 28th March 2008 3rd December 2009*

01.10.04 31.03.08 01.04.08 30.09.09 01.10.09 31.12.09 01.01.10 31.12.10 01.01.11 31.12.11

US$1.8162 US$1.9918 US$1.6395 US$1.6326 US$1.5798

Financial statements P102P191

* Given uctuations in the Sterling: US dollar exchange rate, it was agreed that with effect from 1st October 2009 the exchange rate would be set annually based on the average daily rate for the last quarter of the year prior to payment. The rate would be reviewed if exchange rates moved signicantly during the year.

Non-Executive Directors share allocation plan To enhance the link between Directors and shareholders, GSK requires Non-Executive Directors to receive a signicant part of their fees in the form of shares. At least 25% of the Non-Executive Directors total fees, excluding the Chairman, are paid in the form of shares or ADS and allocated to a share account. The NonExecutive Directors may also take the opportunity to invest part or all of the balance of their fees into the same share account. The shares or ADS which are notionally awarded to the NonExecutive Directors and allocated to their interest accounts are included within the Directors interests tables on page 96. wThe accumulated balance of these shares or ADS, together with notional dividends subsequently reinvested, are not paid out to the Non-Executive Directors until retirement from the Board. Upon retirement, the Non-Executive Directors will receive either the shares or ADS or a cash amount equal to the value of the shares or ADS at the date of retirement or date of payment if later.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Annual remuneration
2010 Fees and salary 000 Other benets 000 Annual bonus 000 Total annual remuneration 000 Fees and salary 000 Other benets 000 Annual bonus 000 2009 Total annual remuneration 000


Executive Directors Andrew Witty Julian Heslop Dr Moncef Slaoui Non-Executive Directors Professor Sir Roy Anderson Sir Crispin Davis Sir Christopher Gent James Murdoch Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Deryck Maughan Dr Daniel Podolsky Former Directors Dr Michle Barzach Sir Ian Prosser Dr Ronaldo Schmitz Dr Jean-Pierre Garnier Total remuneration Analysed as: Executive Directors Non-Executive Directors Former Directors Total remuneration

a,b,c,e 1,000 a,b 525 c,d,e $953 128 118 675 98 177 128 $146 $135 $147 $208 g h h b 3,873 2,140 1,733 3,873

126 108 $405 2 1 $118 574 495 3 76 574

1,177 417 $1,434 2,518 2,518 2,518

2,303 1,050 $2,792 128 118 677 98 178 128 $146 $135 $147 $208

948 507 $865 120 102 675 54 133 116 $188 $188 $188 $245 80 48 37

89 56 $355 5 5 5 $5,885 4,160 373 5 3,782 4,160

2,000 602 $1,439 3,525 3,525 3,525

3,037 1,165 $2,659 120 102 680 54 133 116 $188 $188 $188 $245 80 53 42 $5,885 11,578 5,907 1,724 3,947 11,578

Governance and remuneration P58P101

$118 6,965 3,893 5,153 2,009 1,736 1,719 76 165 6,965 3,893

Remuneration for Directors on the US payroll is reported in Dollars. Dollar amounts are included in the totals based on conversion to Sterling at the average exchange rates for each year. a) Andrew Witty and Julian Heslop both participate in Salary Sacrice schemes. b) Following the merger, and in order to encourage employees to convert their non-savings related options held over legacy shares or ADS for options over GlaxoSmithKline shares or ADS, employees were granted an additional cash benet equal to 10% of the grant price of the original option. This additional benet, known as the Exchange Offer Incentive, was only payable when the new option was exercised or lapsed underwater. To qualify for this additional cash benet, participants had to retain these options until at least the second anniversary of the effective date of the merger. During the year, Andrew Witty received 93,002 (2009 49,499) and Julian Heslop received 89,936 (2009 32,000). Dr Jean-Pierre Garnier received $5,512,369 in 2009 as a result of options granted to him in 1999 lapsing. No further payments will be made. c) Andrew Witty and Dr Moncef Slaoui have elected to participate in GSKs Deferred Annual Bonus Plan in respect of their 2010 bonuses. Andrew Witty also participated in 2009 (Dr Moncef Slaoui was not eligible to participate in that year). d) Dr Moncef Slaoui is a Non-Executive Director of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in respect of which he received $1,005 (2009 $3,951) during 2010 which is not included above. e) Other benets in 2009 for Andrew Witty and Dr Moncef Slaoui have been restated to reect certain elements of remuneration no longer being deemed a benet. f) James Murdoch was appointed to the Board with effect from 20th May 2009. g) Dr Michle Barzach received fees of nil (2009 89,700) from GSK France for healthcare consultancy provided. These are included within fees and salary above. h) Sir Ian Prosser and Dr Ronaldo Schmitz retired as Non-Executive Directors of the company on 20th May 2009. On leaving the Board both Sir Ian Prosser and Dr Ronaldo Schmitz received the accumulated balance of shares previously awarded under the Non-Executive Directors share arrangements based on the share price at the payment date. A nal payment in respect of the balance for Sir Ian Prosser was made during 2010. Further details are as set out in the table on page 96. These are not included within fees and salaries above. None of the above Directors received reimbursement for expenses during the year requiring separate disclosure as required by the Regulations.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Non-Executive Directors fees

2010 2009 Total 000 Cash 000 Shares/ADS 000 Total 000 Cash 000 Shares/ADS 000

Business review P08P57

Fees Current Non-Executive Directors Professor Sir Roy Anderson Sir Crispin Davis Sir Christopher Gent James Murdoch Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Deryck Maughan Dr Daniel Podolsky Former Non-Executive Directors Sir Ian Prosser Dr Ronaldo Schmitz Total Remuneration

128 118 675 98 177 128 $146 $135 $147 $208 1,733

96 540 133 96 $73 $52 945

32 118 135 98 44 32 $73 $135 $147 $156 788

120 102 675 54 133 116 $188 $188 $188 $245 48 37 1,804

90 540 40 99 87 $141 $141 $141 $184 31 26 1,302

30 102 135 14 34 29 $47 $47 $47 $61 17 11 502

Governance and remuneration P58P101

The table above sets out the remuneration received as Non-Executive Directors of the company. Non-Executive Directors are required to take at least a part of their total fees in the form of shares allocated to a share account which is not paid out until retirement from the Board (see page 93 for further details). The total value of these shares and ADS as at the date of award, together with the cash payment, forms their total fees, which are included within the Annual remuneration table under Fees and salary. The table above sets out the value of their fees received in the form of cash and shares and ADS. The table below sets out the accumulated number of shares and ADS held by the Non-Executive Directors in relation to their fees received as Board members as at 31st December 2010, together with the movements in their accounts over the year.
Number of shares and ADS Allocated & elected Dividends reinvested

Financial statements P102P191

Non-Executive Directors share arrangements Current Non-Executive Directors Shares Professor Sir Roy Anderson Sir Crispin Davis Sir Christopher Gent James Murdoch Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson ADS Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Deryck Maughan Dr Daniel Podolsky Former Non-Executive Directors Shares Sir Ian Prosser

31st December 2009

Paid out

31st December 2010

5,730 42,909 53,025 1,077 8,952 12,133 5,096 18,832 16,678 8,017

2,585 9,527 11,006 7,896 3,605 2,585 1,984 3,609 3,917 4,182

305 2,206 2,709 132 471 623 272 976 867 436

8,620 54,642 66,740 9,105 13,028 15,341 7,352 23,417 21,462 12,635

Shareholder information P192P212



GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report The table below sets out the settlement of former Non-Executive Directors share arrangements on their leaving the Board:
Date of leaving Value of awards on allocation Value of awards on leaving Payments in 2009 Payments in 2010


Sir Ian Prosser







a) The changes in value of awards between allocation, leaving and subsequent payment are attributable to dividends reinvested and the change in the share price for each award. b) Awards to Sir Ian Prosser under the Non-Executive Directors share arrangements were partially settled in shares during 2009 with the balance of 1,240 shares settled in 2010.

Directors interests
The following interests of the Directors of the company and their connected persons are shown in accordance with the FSA Listing Rules.
24th February 2011 31st December 2010 Shares 1st January 2010 24th February 2011 31st December 2010 ADS 1st January 2010


Governance and remuneration P58P101

Executive Directors Andrew Witty Simon Dingemans Julian Heslop Dr Moncef Slaoui Non-Executive Directors Professor Sir Roy Anderson Dr Stephanie Burns Larry Culp Sir Crispin Davis Sir Christopher Gent Sir Deryck Maughan James Murdoch Dr Daniel Podolsky Tom de Swaan Sir Robert Wilson

a,d b a,d c,d e e e e e e e e e e

184,281 40,000 76,900 59,622 8,620 44 61,402 66,741 10,105 13,028 21,470

151,213 76,254 59,133 8,620 44 61,402 66,741 10,105 13,028 21,470

91,472 49,350 60,948 5,730 44 49,669 53,025 2,077 8,952 18,262

37,883 7,418 23,417 21,462 12,635

18,459 7,418 23,417 21,462 12,635

592 5,161 18,832 16,678 8,017

One GlaxoSmithKline ADS represents two GlaxoSmithKline shares. The interests of the above-mentioned Directors at 24th February 2011 reect the change between the year-end and that date. a) Includes shares purchased through the GlaxoSmithKline ShareReward Plan for Andrew Witty totalling 2,577 at 31st December 2010 (31st December 2009 2,216) and 2,628 shares at 24th February 2011 and Julian Heslop totalling 2,577 at 31st December 2010 (31st December 2009 2,216) and 2,628 shares at 24th February 2011. b) Simon Dingemans joined the Board on 4th January 2011. c) Includes ADS purchased in the GlaxoSmithKline Stock Fund within the US Retirement Savings Plan and US Executive Supplemental Savings Plan. d) The 2008 Performance Share Plan vesting conditions were approved on 24th February 2011, as detailed on page 91. However, the shares did not vest until 25th February 2011 and are not included in the totals above. e) Includes shares and ADS received as part or all of their fees, as described under Non-Executive Directors share allocation plan on page 93. Dividends received on these shares and ADS were converted to shares and ADS as at 31st December 2010.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Long-term Incentive plans

Share option plan awards Options Shares
Footnote 31st December 2009 Date of grant Exercise period Grant price Granted Number Lapsed 31st December 2010

Business review P08P57

Andrew Witty Julian Heslop Dr Moncef Slaoui Options ADS

1,549,702 889,400 155,190


259,200 304,350 14,870

1,290,502 585,050 140,320

31st December 2009

Date of grant

Exercise period

Grant price



31st December 2010

Dr Moncef Slaoui



22.02.13 22.02.20





a) These details include a change to Dr Slaouis connected person, who is also an employee of GSK.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

For those options outstanding at 31st December 2010, the earliest and latest vesting and lapse dates for options above and below the market price for a GlaxoSmithKline share at the year-end are given in the table below. Andrew Witty
Options above market price at year-end: Options below market price at year-end: vested vested unvested
Weighted average grant price Vesting date Number earliest latest earliest Lapse date latest

15.26 11.39 11.63 12.62

369,993 249,500 671,009 1,290,502

29.03.04 20.02.09 02.12.05 30.11.07 18.02.11 01.12.11

28.03.11 30.11.12 31.05.12

22.02.16 01.12.14 20.07.18

Total share options as at 31st December 2010

Julian Heslop
Options above market price at year-end: Options below market price at year-end: vested vested unvested

Weighted average grant price

Vesting date Number earliest latest earliest

Lapse date latest

15.59 11.23 11.46 13.41

279,117 62,250 243,683 585,050

29.03.04 20.02.09 03.12.07 03.12.07 18.02.11 30.11.12

28.03.11 01.12.14 31.05.13

22.02.16 01.12.14 16.02.18

Financial statements P102P191

Total share options as at 31st December 2010

Dr Moncef Slaoui
Options above market price at year-end: Options below market price at year-end: Total share options as at 31st December 2010 Options above market price at year-end: Options below market price at year-end: Total ADS options as at 31st December 2010 vested unvested unvested vested vested

Weighted average grant price

Vesting date Number earliest latest earliest

Lapse date latest

14.68 11.58 13.09 56.92 44.75 33.45 39.13

68,520 71,800 140,320 935 159,850 160,950 321,735

20.02.09 20.02.09 02.12.05 03.12.07

23.02.16 03.12.12

20.02.16 01.12.14

27.07.09 19.02.10 18.02.11 18.02.11 17.02.12 21.02.13

25.07.16 16.02.18 15.02.19

17.02.17 16.02.18 20.02.20

Shareholder information P192P212

This includes those share options held by Dr Moncef Slaouis connected person, who is also an employee of GSK.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report GSK granted share options to Executive Directors on an annual basis until 2009. The Directors hold these options under the various share option plans referred to in Note 42 to the nancial statements, Employee share schemes. None of the Non-Executive Directors had an interest in any option over the companys shares. The table below sets out, for share options granted in 2008, the performance periods, the performance targets and whether or not the options have vested at 31st December 2010.
Performance target Grant Footnote Performance period Vesting status at 31st December 2010 Annualised growth in EPS Percentage of award vesting

February 2008

2008 2010


> RPI + 6% RPI + 5% RPI + 4% RPI + 3% < RPI + 3%

100% 83% 67% 50% 0%

a) The performance targets for these share options were not met, and as a result they lapsed on the third anniversary of the date of grant.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

The table below sets out, for share options granted in respect of 2009 and 2010 the performance period and targets.
Performance target Grant Performance period Vesting status at 31st December 2010 Annualised growth in EPS Percentage of award vesting

February 2009 50% of award February 2009 50% of award

2009 2011 2009 2012

Unvested Unvested

> RPI + 6% RPI + 5% RPI + 4% RPI + 3% < RPI + 3%

100% 85% 65% 30% 0%

The highest and lowest closing prices during the year ended 31st December 2010 for GlaxoSmithKline shares were 10.95 and 13.40, respectively. The highest and lowest prices for GlaxoSmithKline ADS during the year ended 31st December 2010 were $32.34 and $42.97, respectively. The market price for a GlaxoSmithKline share on 31st December 2010 was 12.40 (31st December 2009 13.20) and for a GlaxoSmithKline ADS was $39.22 (31st December 2009 $42.25). The prices on 24th February 2011 were 11.78 per GlaxoSmithKline share and $38.13 per GlaxoSmithKline ADS. Performance Share Plan (PSP) awards Performance share awards are made to Executive Directors on an annual basis. The Directors hold these options under the various PSP plans referred to in Note 42 to the nancial statements. Andrew Witty Shares
Unvested at 31st December 2009 Number granted in 2010 Market price price on date of grant Market price Vested Additional shares by dividends reinvested Unvested at 31st December 2010 Number granted in 2011

Performance period


Vested Gain


2007 2009 2008 2010 2008 2010 2009 2011 2010 2012 2011 2013

95,410 242,010 65,923 476,146


14.88 33,781 11.47 12.21 10.51 12.04

12.09 408,238


1,106 12,439 3,388 24,471 10,327

254,449 69,311 500,617 425,781


Julian Heslop Shares

Unvested at 31st December 2009 Number granted in 2010 Market price on date of grant Market price

Vested Additional shares by dividends reinvested Unvested at 31st December 2010

Performance period


Vested Gain


2007 2009 2008 2010 2009 2011 2010 2012

117,859 112,938 199,982


14.88 41,729 11.47 10.51 12.04

12.09 504,294


1,367 5,805 10,278 4,337

118,743 210,260 178,828

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report

Dr Moncef Slaoui ADS

Unvested at 31st December 2009 Number granted in 2010 Market price on date of grant Market price

Vested Additional shares by dividends reinvested Unvested at 31st December 2010 Number granted in 2011

Business review P08P57

Performance period


Vested Gain


2007 2009 2008 2010 2009 2011 2009 2011 2010 2012 2011 2013

79,286 75,991 2,686 69,804


$58.00 27,454 $44.75 $33.42 $33.50

$37.42 $1,027,342

52,748 1,778 2,825 2,684

916 3,939 139 3,618 3,256

78,152 73,422 133,819


This includes those performance shares held by Dr Moncef Slaouis connected person, who is also an employee of GSK. Lapses for performance periods 2008 to 2011 relate to a change in connected person. Simon Dingemans - Shares
Unvested at 31st December 2009 Number granted in 2010 Market price on date of grant Market price Vested

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Performance period


Vested Gain


Additional shares by dividends reinvested

Unvested at 31st December 2010

Number granted in 2011

2011 2013


Under the terms of the PSP the number of shares actually vesting is determined following the end of the relevant measurement period and is dependent on GSKs performance during that period as described on pages 87 to 89. The Committee adjusted the comparator group by removing Schering-Plough and Wyeth following their de-listing during 2009 and revised the vesting schedule accordingly. For outstanding and future awards, TSR performance will be measured against the revised comparator group including GSK, as set out below. Dividends are reinvested on the performance shares awarded to Executives, throughout the performance period and up to the date of the nal award. The dividend reinvestment is calculated as of the dividend payment date. Under the terms of the PSP, US participants may defer receipt of all or part of their vested awards. The total gain on vesting of PSP awards made by Executive Directors and connected persons is 1,575,333 (2009 193,518). The following vesting schedules apply to PSP awards made in 2008.
TSR vesting schedule Award % of Award Performance Period TSR rank with 12 other companies Percentage of award vesting

Financial statements P102P191



2008 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 Median Below median

100% 100% 87% 74% 61% 48% 35% 0%

The following vesting schedules apply to PSP awards made in 2009 and 2010.
Shareholder information P192P212
TSR vesting schedule Award % of Award Performance Period TSR rank with 10 other companies Percentage of award vesting

2009 2010

30 30 30 30

2009 2011 2009 2012 2010 2012 2010 2013

1 2 3 4 5 Median Below median

100% 100% 100% 80% 55% 30% 0%

Adjusted free cash ow vesting schedule Award % of Award Performance Period Cash ow Targets bn Percentage of award vesting

2009 2010

40 40

2009 2011 2010 2012

13.5 16.0 17.3 20.5

25% 100% 25% 100%

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report Deferred Annual Bonus Plan Awards Deferred Annual Bonus Plan awards are made to Executive Directors annually based on the individuals voluntary bonus deferral election. The terms of the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan are outlined on page 87. Andrew Witty Shares
Unvested at 31st December 2009 Number granted in 2010 Market price on date of grant Market price Vested Additional shares by dividends reinvested Unvested at 31st December 2010 Number granted in 2011

Performance period


Vested Gain


2010 2012 2011 2013






Dr Moncef Slaoui - ADS

Governance and remuneration P58P101
Unvested at 31st December 2009 Number granted in 2010 Market price on date of grant Market price

Vested Additional shares by dividends reinvested Unvested at 31st December 2010 Number granted in 2011

Performance period


Vested Gain


2011 2013


Share Value Plan awards

Dr Moncef Slaoui Shares and ADS
Plan year Unvested at 31st December 2009 Market price on date of grant Vested & deferred Unvested at 31st December 2010 Number granted in 2011


Market price


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

510 640 640 640

$58.00 $44.75 $33.42 $37.32 $38.13




640 640 640


As an Executive Director, Dr Moncef Slaoui is not eligible to receive awards under the Share Value Plan. The awards shown above reect the holdings of Dr Moncef Slaouis connected person, an employee of GSK. The awards are subject to three-year vesting periods and vesting is contingent on continued employment with GSK. Pension benets The accrued annual pension benets and transfer values for Executive Directors in ofce on 31st December 2010 on retirement are set out below. The Companies Act 2006 requires disclosure of the accrued benet at the end of the year, the change in accrued benet over the year, the transfer value at both the beginning and end of the year and the change in the transfer value over the year. The FSAs Listing Rules require additional disclosure of the change in the accrued benet, net of ination and the transfer value of this change. Pensions for the Executive Directors have been disclosed in the currency in which the pension is payable.
Accrued Accrued benet at benet at 31st December 31st December 2010 2009 000 000 Change in accrued benet over year 000 Transfer Transfer Personal value at value at contributions made during 31st December 31st December 2010 2009 the year 000 000 000 Change in accrued benet over year net of ination 000 Transfer value of change in accrued benet* 000

Executive Directors Andrew Witty Julian Heslop Dr Moncef Slaoui Dr Moncef Slaoui

Change in transfer value * 000

446 201 $187 59

497 222 $230 65

51 21 $43 6

30 16

6,272 3,787 $1,101 647

9,651 5,308 $1,518 689

3,349 1,505 $417 42

51 21 $41 5

987 563

* These are shown net of contributions made by the individual.

Andrew Witty and Julian Heslop participate in the Glaxo Wellcome Dened Benet Plan with an accrual rate of 1/30th of nal pensionable salary per annum. In 2000 all benets accrued under the Glaxo Wellcome UK pension arrangements were augmented by the Trustees of the plans by 5% to reect a distribution of surplus. This augmentation will apply to that element of Andrew Witty and Julian Heslops pension earnings before 31st March 2000.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Remuneration Report The transfer values for Andrew Witty and Julian Heslop are calculated in accordance with pensions regulation and represent the present value of potential payments under the pension plan. The actuarial assumptions for the calculation have changed since 31st December 2009 and these changes have increased the transfer values by 2,117,956 (63% of increase) for Andrew Witty and 778,368 (52% of increase) for Julian Heslop. The balance of the increase in transfer value is the result of the increased valuation of the pension benet accrued in the year and the reduced period of service to the assumed retirement age. Dr Moncef Slaoui is a member of the US Executive Cash Balance Pension Plan. The plan provides for an Executive Pension Credit, under which GSK makes annual contributions calculated as a percentage of the executives base salary. GSK makes contributions at 38% of base pay. The fund increases at an interest rate set annually in advance based on the 30 year US Treasury bond rate to provide a cash sum at retirement. The plan has no entitlement to a spouses pension or to pension increases. The transfer value, or cash sum, has increased by $416,924 for Dr Moncef Slaoui over the year as a result of further accumulation of interest and contributions paid by the company. Dr Moncef Slaoui was an active participant in the Belgium Fortis Plan until 31st May 2006. This plan is a dened benet plan with a lump sum payable at normal retirement which is age 60 for the plan. The transfer value, or cash sum, of Dr Moncef Slaouis plan has increased by 41,598 over the year as a result of further accumulation of interest. Dr Moncef Slaoui is a member of the US Retirement Savings Plan, a 401k savings scheme open to all US employees and the Executive Supplemental Savings Plan, a savings scheme open to executives to accrue benets above US government limits imposed on the Retirement Savings Plan. Contributions to both plans are invested in a range of funds and the value of the accumulated funds is paid at retirement. During 2010, contributions of $138,290 (88,648) were paid into these two schemes by GSK in respect of Dr Moncef Slaoui.

Directors and Senior Management

Further information is also provided on compensation and interests of Directors and Senior Management as a group (the group). For this purpose, the group is dened as the Executive and Non-Executive Directors and members of the CET. For the nancial year 2010, the total compensation paid to members of the group for the periods during which they served in that capacity was 20,377,021, the aggregate increase in accrued pension benets, net of ination, was 1,252,061 and the aggregate payment to dened contribution schemes was 613,889. During 2010, the members of the group were granted 94,320 share options and 1,100 ADS options under the Share Option Plan, were awarded 24,291 shares under the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan, 1,273,718 shares and 421,417 ADS under the Performance Share Plan, and nil shares and 640 ADS under the Share Value Plan. No notional shares or ADS were granted under the Deferred Investment Award Plan in 2010. Members of the group were awarded through the reinvestment of dividends with 131,316 shares and 40,260 ADS in the Performance Share Plan, 616 shares in the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan and 5,521 notional shares in the Deferred Investment Award Plan. At 24th February 2011, the group (comprising 29 persons) owned 922,342 shares and 90,057 ADS, constituting less than 1% of the issued share capital of the company. The group also held, at that date: options to purchase 6,452,022 shares and 1,153,094 ADS; 4,747,585 shares and 1,250,945 ADS awarded under the Performance Share Plan, including those shares and ADS that are vested and deferred; 1,350 vested and deferred ADS under the legacy SmithKline Beecham Mid-Term Incentive Plan; 13,510 shares and 3,730 ADS awarded under the Share Value Plan; 88,315 shares and 31,913 ADS under the Deferred Annual Bonus Plan and 1,561 notional shares awarded under the Deferred Investment Award Plan. These holdings were issued under the various executive share option plans described in Note 42 to the nancial statements, Employee share schemes.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

Basis of preparation
The Remuneration Report has been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and The Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (the Regulations) and meets the relevant requirements of the FSA Listing Rules. In accordance with the Regulations, the following sections of the Remuneration Report are subject to audit: Annual remuneration; Non-Executive Directors remuneration; Incentive plans Share Options; Performance Share Plan awards and their vesting criteria; Share Value Plan awards and Pension benets for which the opinion thereon is expressed on page 187. The remaining sections are not subject to audit nor are the pages referred to from within the audited sections. The Remuneration Report has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf by

Directors interests in contracts

Except as described in Note 35 to the nancial statements, Related party transactions, during or at the end of the nancial year no Director or connected person had any material interest in any contract of signicance in relation to the Groups business with a Group company.

Shareholder information P192P212

Sir Crispin Davis Remuneration Committee Chairman 1st March 2011

GSK Annual Report 2010


Directors statement of responsibilities

Directors statement of responsibilities in relation to the Group nancial statements
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, the Remuneration Report and the Group nancial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare nancial statements for each nancial year. Under that law the Directors are required to prepare the Group nancial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. In preparing the Group nancial statements, the Directors have also elected to comply with IFRS, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Under company law the Directors must not approve the Group nancial statements unless they are satised that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the prot or loss of the Group for that period. In preparing those nancial statements, the Directors are required to: select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; state that the Group nancial statements comply with IFRS as adopted by the European Union and IFRS as issued by the IASB, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Group nancial statements. The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufcient to show and explain the companys transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the nancial position of the Group and to enable them to ensure that the Group nancial statements and the Remuneration Report comply with the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Group nancial statements for the year ended 31st December 2010, comprising principal statements and supporting notes, are set out in Financial statements on pages 104 to 185 of this report. The responsibilities of the auditors in relation to the Group nancial statements are set out in the Independent Auditors report on page 103. The Group nancial statements for the year ended 31st December 2010 are included in the Annual Report, which is published in hardcopy printed form and made available on the companys website. The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Annual Report on the website in accordance with UK legislation governing the preparation and dissemination of nancial statements. Access to the website is available from outside the UK, where comparable legislation may be different. Each of the current Directors, whose names and functions are listed in the Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report 2010 conrms that, to the best of his or her knowledge: the Group nancial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU and IFRS as issued by IASB, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, nancial position and prot of the Group; and the Business review section contained in the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

Disclosure of information to auditors

The Directors in ofce at the date of this Report have each conrmed that: so far as he or she is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the companys auditors are unaware; and he or she has taken all the steps that he or she ought to have taken as a Director to make himself or herself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the companys auditors are aware of that information. This conrmation is given and should be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Section 418 of the Companies Act 2006.

Going concern basis

The Business review on pages 7 to 57 contains information on the performance of the Group, its nancial position, cash ows, net debt position and borrowing facilities. Further information, including Treasury risk management policies, exposures to market and credit risk and hedging activities, is given in Note 41 to the nancial statements, Financial instruments and related disclosures. After making enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the nancial statements.

Financial statements P102P191

Internal control
The Board, through the Audit & Risk Committee, has reviewed the assessment of risks and the internal control framework that operates in GSK and has considered the effectiveness of the system of internal control in operation in the Group for the year covered by this report and up to the date of its approval by the Board of Directors.

The Combined Code

The Board considers that GlaxoSmithKline plc applies the Main Principles of Section 1 of the Combined Code maintained by the FRC, as described in the Corporate Governance section on pages 58 to 80, and has complied with its provisions except as disclosed on page 63. As required by the FSAs Listing Rules the auditors have considered the Directors statement of compliance in relation to those points of the Combined Code which are specied for their review.

Annual Report
The Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2010, comprising the Report of the Directors, the Remuneration Report, the Financial statements and additional information for investors, has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf by

Sir Christopher Gent Chairman 1st March 2011

GSK Annual Report 2010


Independent Auditors report to the members of GlaxoSmithKline plc

We have audited the Group nancial statements of GlaxoSmithKline plc for the year ended 31st December 2010 which comprise the Consolidated income statement, the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the Consolidated balance sheet, the Consolidated statement of changes in equity, the Consolidated cash ow statement, and the related Notes 1-44. The nancial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006

In our opinion the information given in the Directors Report for the nancial year for which the Group nancial statements are prepared is consistent with the Group nancial statements.

Business review P08P57

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following: Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion: certain disclosures of directors remuneration specied by law are not made; or we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. Under the Listing Rules we are required to review: the Directors statement, set out on page 102, in relation to going concern; the part of the Corporate Governance Statement relating to the companys compliance with the nine provisions of the June 2008 Combined Code specied for our review; and certain elements of the report to shareholders by the Board on directors remuneration.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

As explained more fully in the Directors statement of responsibilities set out on page 102, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the Group nancial statements and for being satised that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the Group nancial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Boards Ethical Standards for Auditors. This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for the companys members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Scope of the audit of the nancial statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the nancial statements sufcient to give reasonable assurance that the nancial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Groups circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of signicant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the nancial statements.

Other matters
We have reported separately on the parent company nancial statements of GlaxoSmithKline plc for the year ended 31st December 2010 and on the information in the Directors Remuneration Report that is described as having been audited. The Company has passed a resolution in accordance with section 506 of the Companies Act 2006 that the senior statutory auditors name should not be stated.

Financial statements P102P191

Opinion on nancial statements

In our opinion the Group nancial statements: give a true and fair view of the state of the Groups affairs as at 31st December 2010 and of its prot and cash ows for the year then ended; have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union; and have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the lAS Regulation. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors London 1st March 2011

Shareholder information P192P212

Separate opinion in relation to IFRS as issued by the IASB

As explained in note 1 to the Group nancial statements, the Group in addition to complying with its legal obligation to apply IFRS as adopted by the European Union, has also applied IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In our opinion the Group nancial statements comply with IFRS as issued by the IASB.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31st December 2010
2010 Results before major restructuring m Major restructuring m


Total m

Turnover Cost of sales Gross profit Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating profit Finance income Finance costs Profit on disposal of interest in associates Share of after tax profits of associates and joint ventures Profit before taxation Taxation Profit after taxation for the year Profit attributable to non-controlling interests Profit attributable to shareholders

28,392 (7,405) 20,987 (12,388) (3,964) 493 5,128 116 (828) 8 81 4,505

(187) (187) (665) (493) (1,345) (3) (1,348) 240 (1,108) (1,108) (1,108)

28,392 (7,592) 20,800 (13,053) (4,457) 493 3,783 116 (831) 8 81 3,157 (1,304) 1,853 219 1,634 1,853 32.1p 31.9p

8 9 11 12 13


(1,544) 2,961 219 2,742 2,961

Basic earnings per share (pence) Diluted earnings per share (pence)

15 15

The calculation of Results before major restructuring is described in Note 1, Presentation of the financial statements.

Financial statements P102P191

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31st December 2010
2010 m

Profit for the year Exchange movements on overseas net assets and net investment hedges Reclassification of exchange on liquidation or disposal of overseas subsidiaries Tax on exchange movements Fair value movements on available-for-sale investments Deferred tax on fair value movements on available-for-sale investments Reclassification of fair value movements on available-for-sale investments Deferred tax reversed on reclassification of available-for-sale investments Fair value movements on cash flow hedges Deferred tax on fair value movements on cash flow hedges Reclassification of cash flow hedges to income statement Fair value movement on subsidiary acquisition Cash flow hedge reclassified to goodwill Actuarial losses on defined benefit plans Deferred tax on actuarial movements in defined benefit plans Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year Total comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: Shareholders Non-controlling interests Total comprehensive income for the year

1,853 166 (2) 94 (25) 1 (3) (8) 1 3 6 (1) 1 233 2,086 1,847 239 2,086

GSK Annual Report 2010


2009 Results before major restructuring m Major restructuring m Results before major restructuring m Major restructuring m


Business review P08P57

Total m

Total m

28,368 (7,095) 21,273 (9,200) (3,951) 1,135 9,257 70 (780) 115 64 8,726 (2,443) 6,283 138 6,145 6,283

(285) (285) (392) (155) (832) (3) (835) 221 (614) (614) (614)

28,368 (7,380) 20,988 (9,592) (4,106) 1,135 8,425 70 (783) 115 64 7,891 (2,222) 5,669 138 5,531 5,669 109.1p 108.2p

24,352 (5,776) 18,576 (7,352) (3,506) 541 8,259 313 (838) 48 7,782 (2,231) 5,551 110 5,441 5,551

(639) (639) (304) (175) (1,118) (5) (1,123) 284 (839) (839) (839)

24,352 (6,415) 17,937 (7,656) (3,681) 541 7,141 313 (843) 48 6,659 (1,947) 4,712 110 4,602 4,712 88.6p 88.1p

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

2009 m

2008 m

5,669 (194) (44) 19 42 (24) 13 (6) 2 1 (6) (659) 183 (673) 4,996 4,895 101 4,996

4,712 1,017 84 15 (47) 5 (34) 3 6 (3) (1,370) 441 117 4,829 4,670 159 4,829

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Consolidated balance sheet as at 31st December 2010

Notes 2010 m 2009 m

Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Investments in associates and joint ventures Other investments Deferred tax assets Derivative financial instruments Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Current assets Inventories Current tax recoverable Trade and other receivables Derivative financial instruments Liquid investments Cash and cash equivalents Assets held for sale Total current assets Total assets Current liabilities Short-term borrowings Trade and other payables Derivative financial instruments Current tax payable Short-term provisions
Financial statements P102P191

17 18 19 20 21 14 41 22

9,045 3,606 8,532 1,081 711 2,566 97 556 26,194

9,374 3,361 8,183 895 454 2,374 68 583 25,292 4,064 58 6,492 129 268 6,545 14 17,570 42,862 (1,471) (6,772) (168) (1,451) (2,256) (12,118) (14,786) (645) (2,981) (985) (605) (20,002) (32,120) 10,742 1,416 1,368 6,321 900 10,005 737 10,742

23 14 24 41 32 25 26

3,837 56 5,793 93 184 6,057 16 16,036 42,230

32 27 41 14 29

(291) (6,888) (188) (1,047) (4,380) (12,794)

Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Deferred tax liabilities Pensions and other post-employment benefits Other provisions Derivative financial instruments Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Equity Share capital Share premium account Retained earnings Other reserves Shareholders equity Non-controlling interests Total equity Approved by the Board on 1st March 2011 Sir Christopher Gent Chairman 33 33 34 34 32 14 28 29 41 30

(14,809) (707) (2,672) (904) (5) (594) (19,691) (32,485) 9,745 1,418 1,428 4,779 1,262 8,887 858 9,745

GSK Annual Report 2010


Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31st December 2010
Shareholders equity Share capital m Share premium m Retained earnings m Other reserves m Noncontrolling interests m Total equity m

Business review P08P57

Total m

At 1st January 2008 Prot for the year Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year Distributions to non-controlling interests Dividends to shareholders Ordinary shares issued Ordinary shares purchased and cancelled Ordinary shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Ordinary shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Write-down of shares held by ESOP Trusts Share-based incentive plans Tax on share-based incentive plans At 31st December 2008 Prot for the year Other comprehensive (expense)/income for the year Distributions to non-controlling interests Changes in non-controlling interests Put option over non-controlling interest Dividends to shareholders Ordinary shares issued Ordinary shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Ordinary shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Write-down of shares held by ESOP Trusts Share-based incentive plans Tax on share-based incentive plans At 31st December 2009 Prot for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Distributions to non-controlling interests Dividends to shareholders Ordinary shares issued Ordinary shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Ordinary shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Write-down of shares held by ESOP Trusts Share-based incentive plans Tax on share-based incentive plans At 31st December 2010

1,503 2 (90) 1,415 1 1,416 2 1,418

1,266 60 1,326 42 1,368 60 1,428

6,475 4,602 121 (2,929) (3,706) (181) 241 (1) 4,622 5,531 (663) (3,003) (351) 171 14 6,321 1,634 144 (3,205) (292) 175 2 4,779

359 (53) 90 (19) 10 181 568 27 (2) (57) 13 351 900 69 (16) 17 292 1,262

9,603 4,602 68 (2,929) 62 (3,706) (19) 10 241 (1) 7,931 5,531 (636) (2) (3,003) 43 (57) 13 171 14 10,005 1,634 213 (3,205) 62 (16) 17 175 2 8,887

307 110 49 (79) 387 138 (37) (89) 338 737 219 20 (118) 858

9,910 4,712 117 (79) (2,929) 62 (3,706) (19) 10 241 (1) 8,318 5,669 (673) (89) 338 (2) (3,003) 43 (57) 13 171 14 10,742 1,853 233 (118) (3,205) 62 (16) 17 175 2 9,745

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Consolidated cash ow statement for the year ended 31st December 2010
Notes 2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Cash flow from operating activities Profit after taxation for the year Adjustments reconciling profit after tax to operating cash flows Cash generated from operations Taxation paid Net cash inflow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Purchase of intangible assets Proceeds from sale of intangible assets Purchase of equity investments Proceeds from sale of equity investments Purchase of businesses, net of cash acquired Investments in associates and joint ventures Decrease in liquid investments Interest received Dividends from associates and joint ventures Proceeds from disposal of associates Net cash outflow from investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Proceeds from own shares for employee share options Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Issue of share capital Purchase of own shares for cancellation Increase in long-term loans Increase in short-term loans Repayment of short-term loans Net repayment of obligations under finance leases Interest paid Dividends paid to shareholders Distributions to non-controlling interests Other financing cash flows Net cash outflow from financing activities (Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts Exchange adjustments Cash and bank overdrafts at beginning of year Cash and bank overdrafts at end of year Cash and bank overdrafts at end of year comprise: Cash and cash equivalents Overdrafts


1,853 6,778 8,631 (1,834) 6,797 (1,014) 92 (621) 126 (279) 27 (354) (61) 91 107 18 (1,868) 17 (16) 62 6 (1,296) (45) (775) (3,205) (118) (201) (5,571)

5,669 3,876 9,545 (1,704) 7,841 (1,418) 48 (455) 356 (154) 59 (2,792) (29) 87 90 17 178 (4,013) 13 (57) 43 1,358 646 (748) (48) (780) (3,003) (89) (109) (2,774) 1,054 (158) 5,472 6,368

4,712 4,343 9,055 (1,850) 7,205 (1,437) 20 (632) 171 (87) 42 (454) (9) 905 320 12 (1,149) 9 (19) 62 (3,706) 5,523 275 (3,334) (48) (730) (2,929) (79) 68 (4,908) 1,148 1,103 3,221 5,472

38 38


Financial statements P102P191


(642) 81 6,368 5,807

6,057 (250) 5,807

6,545 (177) 6,368

5,623 (151) 5,472

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

1 Presentation of the nancial statements
Description of business GlaxoSmithKline is a major global healthcare group which is engaged in the creation and discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical products including vaccines, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and health-related consumer products. GSKs principal pharmaceutical products include medicines in the following therapeutic areas: respiratory, anti-virals including HIV, central nervous system, cardiovascular and urogenital, metabolic, anti-bacterials, oncology and emesis, vaccines and dermatologicals. Compliance with applicable law and IFRS The nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation and International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and related interpretations, as adopted by the European Union. The nancial statements are also in compliance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Composition of nancial statements The consolidated nancial statements are drawn up in Sterling, the functional currency of GlaxoSmithKline plc, and in accordance with IFRS accounting presentation. The nancial statements comprise: Consolidated income statement Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated balance sheet Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated cash ow statement Notes to the nancial statements. Accounting convention The nancial statements have been prepared using the historical cost convention, as modied by the revaluation of certain items, as stated in the accounting policies. Financial period These nancial statements cover the nancial year from 1st January to 31st December 2010, with comparative gures for the nancial years from 1st January to 31st December 2009 and, where appropriate, from 1st January to 31st December 2008. Composition of the Group A list of the subsidiary and associated undertakings which, in the opinion of the Directors, principally affected the amount of prot or the net assets of the Group is given in Note 43, Principal Group companies. Presentation of restructuring costs In October 2007, the Board approved the implementation of a detailed formal plan for, and GSK announced, a signicant new Operational Excellence restructuring programme. A second formal plan, representing a signicant expansion of the Operational Excellence programme, was approved by the Board and announced in February 2009. A further expansion was approved by the Board and announced in February 2010. This restructuring programme, comprising these detailed formal plans, covers all areas of GSKs business, including manufacturing, selling, R&D and infrastructure. With an estimated total cost of approximately 4.5 billion, the expanded programme is expected to deliver annual pre-tax savings of approximately 2.2 billion by the time it is substantially complete in 2012. Given the extent and cost of the Operational Excellence programme, management believes it has a material impact on GSKs operating results and on the manner in which GSKs business is conducted. GSK presents the restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of the Operational Excellence programme in a separate column in the income statement titled Major restructuring. In addition to the restructuring costs of the Operational Excellence programme, the major restructuring column in the income statement includes restructuring costs incurred solely as a direct result of any restructuring programmes that follow, and relate to, material acquisitions where the operations of the acquired business overlap extensively with GSKs existing operations. The restructuring activities that follow, and relate to, such acquisitions are of the same nature as those undertaken under the Operational Excellence programme and are also carried out following a detailed formal plan. Management therefore considers it appropriate to present the costs of these restructuring activities in the same manner. The $1.65 billion (814 million) acquisition of Reliant Pharmaceuticals in December 2007 and the $3.6 billion (2.2 billion) acquisition of Stiefel Laboratories in July 2009 are the only acquisitions since October 2007 that meet the criteria set out above and are the only acquisitions where the costs incurred as a direct result of a related restructuring programme have been included within the major restructuring column. The Groups results before the costs of the Operational Excellence programme and acquisition-related restructuring programmes meeting the criteria described above are also presented in a separate column in the income statement and are described as Results before major restructuring. This presentation, which GSK intends to apply consistently to future major restructuring programmes that have a material impact on GSKs operating results and on the manner in which GSKs business is conducted, has been adopted to show clearly the Groups results both before and after the costs of these restructuring programmes. Management believes that this presentation assists investors in gaining a clearer understanding of the Groups nancial performance and in making projections of future nancial performance, as results that include such costs, by virtue of their size and nature, have limited comparative value. This presentation is also consistent with the way management assesses the Groups nancial performance. Any restructuring costs that do not arise solely as a direct result of the Operational Excellence programme and restructuring programmes following, and relating to, acquisitions meeting the criteria described above continue to be reported in operating expenses within results before major restructuring.
Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

1 Presentation of the nancial statements

continued Accounting principles and policies The preparation of the nancial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the nancial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The nancial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Groups accounting policies approved by the Board and described in Note 2, Accounting principles and policies. Information on the application of these accounting policies, including areas of estimation and judgement is given in Note 3, Key accounting judgements and estimates. Where appropriate, comparative gures are reclassied to ensure a consistent presentation with current year information. Implementation of new accounting standards With effect from 1st January 2010, GSK has implemented IFRS 3 (Revised) Business combinations and IAS 27 (Revised) Consolidated and separate nancial statements and minor amendments to a number of other accounting standards. IFRS 3 (Revised) and IAS 27 (Revised) have been implemented prospectively, with no restatement of comparative information. The revised accounting policy on business combinations is set out in Note 2, Accounting principles and policies, and acquisitions during the year are discussed in Note 38, Acquisitions and disposals. The revisions to IAS 27 had no impact on the current period. Parent company nancial statements The nancial statements of the parent company, GlaxoSmithKline plc, have been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP and with UK accounting presentation. The company balance sheet is presented on page 188 and the accounting policies are given on page 189.

2 Accounting principles and policies

Consolidation The consolidated nancial statements include: the assets and liabilities, and the results and cash ows, of the company and its subsidiaries, including ESOP Trusts the Groups share of the results and net assets of associates and joint ventures. The nancial statements of entities consolidated are made up to 31st December each year. Entities over which the Group has the power to govern the nancial and operating policies are accounted for as subsidiaries. Where the Group has the ability to exercise joint control, the entities are accounted for as joint ventures, and where the Group has the ability to exercise signicant inuence, they are accounted for as associates. The results and assets and liabilities of associates and joint ventures are incorporated into the consolidated nancial statements using the equity method of accounting. Interests acquired in entities are consolidated from the date the Group acquires control and interests sold are de-consolidated from the date control ceases. Transactions and balances between subsidiaries are eliminated and no prot before tax is taken on sales between subsidiaries until the products are sold to customers outside the Group. The relevant proportion of prots on transactions with joint ventures and associates is also deferred until the products are sold to third parties. Deferred tax relief on unrealised intra-Group prot is accounted for only to the extent that it is considered recoverable. Goodwill is capitalised as a separate item in the case of subsidiaries and as part of the cost of investment in the case of joint ventures and associates. Goodwill is denominated in the currency of the operation acquired. Where the cost of acquisition is below the fair value of the net assets acquired, the difference is recognised directly in the income statement. Business combinations Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition accounting method. Identiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired are measured at fair value at acquisition date. The consideration transferred is measured at fair value and includes the fair value of any contingent consideration. The costs of acquisition are charged to the income statement in the period in which they are incurred. Where not all of the equity of a subsidiary is acquired the noncontrolling interest is recognised either at fair value or at the noncontrolling interests share of the net assets of the subsidiary, on a case-by-case basis. Changes in the Groups ownership percentage of subsidiaries are accounted for within equity.

Financial statements P102P191

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

2 Accounting principles and policies continued

Foreign currency translation Foreign currency transactions are booked in the functional currency of the Group company at the exchange rate ruling on the date of transaction. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are retranslated into the functional currency at rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences are included in the income statement. On consolidation, assets and liabilities, including related goodwill, of overseas subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, are translated into Sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The results and cash ows of overseas subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are translated into Sterling using average rates of exchange. Exchange adjustments arising when the opening net assets and the prots for the year retained by overseas subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are translated into Sterling, less exchange differences arising on related foreign currency borrowings which hedge the Groups net investment in these operations, are taken to a separate component of equity. When translating into Sterling the assets, liabilities, results and cash ows of overseas subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures which are reported in currencies of hyper-inationary economies, adjustments are made where material to reect current price levels. Any loss on net monetary assets is charged to the consolidated income statement. Revenue Revenue is recognised in the income statement when goods or services are supplied or made available to external customers against orders received, title and risk of loss is passed to the customer, reliable estimates can be made of relevant deductions and all relevant obligations have been fullled, such that the earnings process is regarded as being complete. Turnover represents net invoice value after the deduction of discounts and allowances given and accruals for estimated future rebates and returns. The methodology and assumptions used to estimate rebates and returns are monitored and adjusted regularly in the light of contractual and legal obligations, historical trends, past experience and projected market conditions. Market conditions are evaluated using wholesaler and other third-party analyses, market research data and internally generated information. Value added tax and other sales taxes are excluded from revenue. Where the Group co-promotes a product and the third party records the sale, the Group records its share of revenue as co-promotion income within turnover. The nature of co-promotion activities is such that the Group records no costs of sales. Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion revenue of 294 million (2009 439 million; 2008 378 million). Royalty income is recognised in other operating income on an accruals basis in accordance with the terms of the relevant licensing agreements.

Expenditure Expenditure is recognised in respect of goods and services received when supplied in accordance with contractual terms. Provision is made when an obligation exists for a future liability in respect of a past event and where the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. Manufacturing start-up costs between validation and the achievement of normal production are expensed as incurred. Advertising and promotion expenditure is charged to the income statement as incurred. Shipment costs on inter-company transfers are charged to cost of sales; distribution costs on sales to customers are included in selling, general and administrative expenditure. Restructuring costs are recognised and provided for, where appropriate, in respect of the direct expenditure of a business reorganisation where the plans are sufciently detailed and well advanced, and where appropriate communication to those affected has been undertaken. Research and development Research and development expenditure is charged to the income statement in the period in which it is incurred. Development expenditure is capitalised when the criteria for recognising an asset are met, usually when a regulatory ling has been made in a major market and approval is considered highly probable. Property, plant and equipment used for research and development is capitalised and depreciated in accordance with the Groups policy. Environmental expenditure Environmental expenditure related to existing conditions resulting from past or current operations and from which no current or future benet is discernible is charged to the income statement. The Group recognises its liability on a site-by-site basis when it can be reliably estimated. This liability includes the Groups portion of the total costs and also a portion of other potentially responsible parties costs when it is probable that they will not be able to satisfy their respective shares of the clean-up obligation. Recoveries of reimbursements are recorded as assets when virtually certain. Legal and other disputes Provision is made for the anticipated settlement costs of legal or other disputes against the Group where an outow of resources is considered probable and a reliable estimate can be made of the likely outcome. In addition, provision is made for legal or other expenses arising from claims received or other disputes. In respect of product liability claims related to certain products, there is sufcient history of claims made and settlements to enable management to make a reliable estimate of the provision required to cover unasserted claims. In certain cases, an incurred but not reported (IBNR) actuarial technique is used to determine this estimate. The Group may become involved in legal proceedings, in respect of which it is not possible to make a reliable estimate of the expected nancial effect, if any, that could result from ultimate resolution of the proceedings. In these cases, appropriate disclosure about such cases would be included but no provision would be made. Costs associated with claims made by the Group against third parties are charged to the income statement as they are incurred.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

2 Accounting principles and policies continued

Pensions and other post-employment benets The costs of providing pensions under dened benet schemes are calculated using the projected unit credit method and spread over the period during which benet is expected to be derived from the employees services, consistent with the advice of qualied actuaries. Pension obligations are measured as the present value of estimated future cash ows discounted at rates reecting the yields of high quality corporate bonds. Pension scheme assets are measured at fair value at the balance sheet date. Actuarial gains and losses, differences between the expected and actual returns of assets and the effect of changes in actuarial assumptions, are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income in the year in which they arise. The Groups contributions to dened contribution plans are charged to the income statement as incurred. The costs of other post-employment liabilities are calculated in a similar way to dened benet pension schemes and spread over the period during which benet is expected to be derived from the employees services, in accordance with the advice of qualied actuaries. Employee share plans Incentives in the form of shares are provided to employees under share option and share award schemes. The fair values of these options and awards are calculated at their grant dates using a Black-Scholes option pricing model and charged to the income statement over the relevant vesting periods. The Group provides nance to ESOP Trusts to purchase company shares on the open market to meet the obligation to provide shares when employees exercise their options or awards. Costs of running the ESOP Trusts are charged to the income statement. Shares held by the ESOP Trusts are deducted from other reserves. A transfer is made between other reserves and retained earnings over the vesting periods of the related share options or awards to reect the ultimate proceeds receivable from employees on exercise. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment (PP&E) is stated at the cost of purchase or construction less provisions for depreciation and impairment. Financing costs are capitalised within the cost of qualifying assets in construction. Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost less residual value of PP&E, excluding freehold land, using the straight-line basis over the expected useful life. Residual values and lives are reviewed, and where appropriate adjusted, annually. The normal expected useful lives of the major categories of PP&E are: Freehold buildings Leasehold land and buildings Plant and machinery Fixtures and equipment 20 to 50 years Lease term or 20 to 50 years 10 to 20 years 3 to 10 years

Leases Leasing agreements which transfer to the Group substantially all the benets and risks of ownership of an asset are treated as nance leases, as if the asset had been purchased outright. The assets are included in PP&E or computer software and the capital elements of the leasing commitments are shown as obligations under nance leases. Assets held under nance leases are depreciated on a basis consistent with similar owned assets or the lease term if shorter. The interest element of the lease rental is included in the income statement. All other leases are operating leases and the rental costs are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Goodwill Goodwill is stated at cost less impairments. Goodwill is deemed to have an indenite useful life and is tested for impairment annually. Where the fair value of the interest acquired in an entitys assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the consideration paid, this excess is recognised immediately as a gain in the income statement. Other intangible assets Intangible assets are stated at cost less provisions for amortisation and impairments. Licences, patents, know-how and marketing rights separately acquired or acquired as part of a business combination are amortised over their estimated useful lives, generally not exceeding 20 years, using the straight-line basis, from the time they are available for use. The estimated useful lives for determining the amortisation charge take into account patent lives, where applicable, as well as the value obtained from periods of nonexclusivity. Asset lives are reviewed, and where appropriate adjusted, annually. Contingent milestone payments are recognised at the point that the contingent event becomes certain. Any development costs incurred by the Group and associated with acquired licences, patents, know-how or marketing rights are written off to the income statement when incurred, unless the criteria for recognition of an internally generated intangible asset are met, usually when a regulatory ling has been made in a major market and approval is considered highly probable. Acquired brands are valued independently as part of the fair value of businesses acquired from third parties where the brand has a value which is substantial and long-term and where the brands either are contractual or legal in nature or can be sold separately from the rest of the businesses acquired. Brands are amortised over their estimated useful lives of up to 20 years, except where it is considered that the useful economic life is indenite. The costs of acquiring and developing computer software for internal use and internet sites for external use are capitalised as intangible xed assets where the software or site supports a signicant business system and the expenditure leads to the creation of a durable asset. ERP systems software is amortised over seven years and other computer software over three to ve years.

Financial statements P102P191

On disposal of PP&E, the cost and related accumulated depreciation and impairments are removed from the nancial statements and the net amount, less any proceeds, is taken to the income statement.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

2 Accounting principles and policies continued

Impairment of non-current assets The carrying values of all non-current assets are reviewed for impairment when there is an indication that the assets might be impaired. Additionally, goodwill, intangible assets with indenite useful lives and intangible assets which are not yet available for use are tested for impairment annually. Any provision for impairment is charged to the income statement in the year concerned. Impairments of goodwill are not reversed. Impairment losses on other non-current assets are only reversed if there has been a change in estimates used to determine recoverable amounts and only to the extent that the revised recoverable amounts do not exceed the carrying values that would have existed, net of depreciation or amortisation, had no impairments been recognised. Investments in associates and joint ventures Investments in associates and joint ventures are carried in the consolidated balance sheet at the Groups share of their net assets at date of acquisition and of their post-acquisition retained prots or losses together with any goodwill arising on the acquisition. Available-for-sale investments Liquid investments and other investments are classied as availablefor-sale investments and are initially recorded at fair value plus transaction costs and then remeasured at subsequent reporting dates to fair value. Unrealised gains and losses on available-for-sale investments are recognised directly in other comprehensive income. Impairments arising from the signicant or prolonged decline in fair value of an equity investment reduce the carrying amount of the asset directly and are charged to the income statement. On disposal or impairment of the investments, any gains and losses that have been deferred in other comprehensive income are reclassied to the income statement. Dividends on equity investments are recognised in the income statement when the Groups right to receive payment is established. Equity investments are recorded in non-current assets unless they are expected to be sold within one year. Purchases and sales of equity investments are accounted for on the trade date and purchases and sales of other available-for-sale investments are accounted for on settlement date. Inventories Inventories are included in the nancial statements at the lower of cost (including raw materials, direct labour, other direct costs and related production overheads) and net realisable value. Cost is generally determined on a rst in, rst out basis. Pre-launch inventory is held as an asset when there is a high probability of regulatory approval for the product. Before that point a provision is made against the carrying value to its recoverable amount; the provision is then reversed at the point when a high probability of regulatory approval is determined.

Trade receivables Trade receivables are carried at original invoice amount less any provisions for doubtful debts. Provisions are made where there is evidence of a risk of non-payment, taking into account ageing, previous experience and general economic conditions. When a trade receivable is determined to be uncollectable it is written off, rstly against any provision available and then to the income statement. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously provided for are credited to the income statement. Long-term receivables are discounted where the effect is material. Trade payables Trade payables are held at amortised cost which equates to nominal value. Long-term payables are discounted where the effect is material. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, current balances with banks and similar institutions and highly liquid investments generally with maturities of three months or less. They are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and have an insignicant risk of changes in value. Borrowings All borrowings are initially recorded at the amount of proceeds received, net of transaction costs. Borrowings are subsequently carried at amortised cost, with the difference between the proceeds, net of transaction costs, and the amount due on redemption being recognised as a charge to the income statement over the period of the relevant borrowing. Taxation Current tax is provided at the amounts expected to be paid applying tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the nancial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable prots will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax is provided using rates of tax that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax liabilities and assets are not discounted.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

2 Accounting principles and policies continued

Derivative nancial instruments and hedging Derivative nancial instruments are used to manage exposure to market risks. The principal derivative instruments used by GSK are foreign currency swaps, interest rate swaps and forward foreign exchange contracts. The Group does not hold or issue derivative nancial instruments for trading or speculative purposes. Derivative nancial instruments are classied as held-for-trading and are carried in the balance sheet at fair value. Derivatives designated as hedging instruments are classied on inception as cash ow hedges, net investment hedges or fair value hedges. Changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as cash ow hedges are recognised in other comprehensive income to the extent that the hedges are effective. Ineffective portions are recognised in prot or loss immediately. Amounts deferred in other comprehensive income are reclassied to the income statement when the hedged item affects prot or loss. Net investment hedges are accounted for in a similar way to cash ow hedges. Changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as fair value hedges are recorded in the income statement, together with the changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability. Changes in the fair value of any derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised immediately in the income statement. Discounting Where the time effect of money is material, balances are discounted to current values using appropriate rates of interest. The unwinding of the discounts is recorded in nance income and nance costs.

3 Key accounting judgements and estimates

In preparing the nancial statements, management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses reported in the nancial statements. Actual amounts and results could differ from those estimates. The following are considered to be the key accounting judgements and estimates made. Turnover Revenue is recognised when title and risk of loss is passed to the customer, reliable estimates can be made of relevant deductions and all relevant obligations have been fullled, such that the earnings process is regarded as being complete. Gross turnover is reduced by rebates, discounts, allowances and product returns given or expected to be given, which vary by product arrangements and buying groups. These arrangements with purchasing organisations are dependent upon the submission of claims some time after the initial recognition of the sale. Accruals are made at the time of sale for the estimated rebates, discounts or allowances payable or returns to be made, based on available market information and historical experience. Because the amounts are estimated they may not fully reect the nal outcome, and the amounts are subject to change dependent upon, amongst other things, the types of buying group and product sales mix. The level of accrual is reviewed and adjusted regularly in the light of contractual and legal obligations, historical trends, past experience and projected market conditions. Market conditions are evaluated using wholesaler and other third-party analyses, market research data and internally generated information. Future events could cause the assumptions on which the accruals are based to change, which could affect the future results of the Group. Taxation Current tax is provided at the amounts expected to be paid, and deferred tax is provided on temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts, at the rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. The Group has open tax issues with a number of revenue authorities. GSK continues to believe that it has made adequate provision for the liabilities likely to arise from open assessments. Where open issues exist the ultimate liability for such matters may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of negotiations with the relevant tax authorities or, if necessary, litigation proceedings.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

3 Key accounting judgements and estimates

continued Legal and other disputes GSK provides for anticipated settlement costs where an outow of resources is considered probable and a reliable estimate may be made of the likely outcome of the dispute and legal and other expenses arising from claims against the Group. The companys Directors, having taken legal advice, have established provisions after taking into account the relevant facts and circumstances of each matter and in accordance with accounting requirements. In respect of product liability claims related to certain products there is sufcient history of claims made and settlements to enable management to make a reliable estimate of the provision required to cover unasserted claims. In certain cases, an incurred but not reported (IBNR) actuarial technique is used to determine this estimate. The Group may become involved in legal proceedings, in respect of which it is not possible to make a reliable estimate of the expected nancial effect, if any, that could result from ultimate resolution of the proceedings. In these cases, appropriate disclosure about such cases would be included, but no provision would be made. At 31st December 2010 provisions for legal and other disputes amounted to 4.0 billion (2009 2.0 billion). The ultimate liability for legal claims may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings, investigations and possible settlement negotiations. The position could change over time and, therefore, there can be no assurance that any losses that result from the outcome of any legal proceedings will not exceed the amount of the provisions reported in the Groups nancial statements by a material amount. Property, plant and equipment As set out in Note 17, Property, plant and equipment the carrying values of property, plant and equipment are tested for impairment when there is an indication that the values of the assets might be impaired. Impairment is determined by reference to the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use, measured by assessing risk-adjusted future cash ows discounted using appropriate interest rates. These future cash ows are based on business forecasts and are therefore inherently judgemental. Future events could cause the assumptions used in these impairment tests to change, with a consequent adverse effect on the future results of the Group. Goodwill Goodwill arising on business combinations is capitalised and allocated to an appropriate cash generating unit. It is deemed to have an indenite life and so is not amortised. Annual impairment tests of the relevant cash generating units are performed. Impairment tests are based on established market multiples or risk-adjusted future cash ows discounted using appropriate interest rates. These future cash ows are based on business forecasts and are therefore inherently judgemental. Future events could cause the assumptions used in these impairment tests, as set out in Note 18, Goodwill, to change with a consequent adverse effect on the future results of the Group.

Other intangible assets Where intangible assets are acquired by GSK from third parties the costs of acquisition are capitalised. Licences to compounds in development are amortised from the point at which they are available for use, over their estimated useful lives, which may include periods of non-exclusivity. Estimated useful lives are reviewed annually and impairment tests are undertaken if events occur which call into question the carrying values of the assets. Brands acquired with businesses are capitalised independently where they are separable and have an expected life of more than one year. Brands are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives, not exceeding 20 years, except where the end of the useful economic life cannot be foreseen. Where brands are not amortised, they are subject to annual impairment tests. Both initial valuations and valuations for subsequent impairment tests are based on established market multiples or risk-adjusted future cash ows discounted using appropriate interest rates. These future cash ows are based on business forecasts and are therefore inherently judgemental. Future events could cause the assumptions used in these impairment reviews to change with a consequent adverse effect on the future results of the Group. Pensions and other post-employment benets The costs of providing pensions and other post-employment benets are charged to the income statement in accordance with IAS 19 over the period during which benet is derived from the employees services. The costs are assessed on the basis of assumptions selected by management. These assumptions include future earnings and pension increases, discount rates, expected long term rates of return on assets and mortality rates, and are disclosed in Note 28, Pensions and other post-employment benets. The expected long term rates of return on bonds are determined based on the portfolio mix of index-linked, government and corporate bonds. An equity risk premium is added to this for equities. Discount rates are derived from AA rated corporate bond yields except in countries where there is no deep market in corporate bonds where government bond yields are used. Sensitivity analysis is provided in Note 28, Pensions and other post-employment benets, but a 0.25% reduction in the discount rate would lead to an increase in the net pension decit of approximately 472 million and an increase in the annual pension cost of approximately 4 million. The selection of different assumptions could affect the future results of the Group.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

4 New accounting requirements

The following new and amended accounting standards and IFRIC interpretations have been issued by the IASB and are likely to affect future Annual Reports, although, in their current forms, none is expected to have a material impact on the results or nancial position of the Group. An amendment to IAS 32 Financial instruments: Presentation Classication of rights issues was issued in October 2009 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2011. The amendment requires an issue of rights to acquire additional shares to all existing shareholders to be recognised in equity, regardless of the currency of the shares. The IASBs annual improvements project was published in May 2010 and most of the changes are effective from 1st January 2011. The project makes minor amendments to a number of Standards in areas including consolidation, business combinations and nancial instruments. IAS 24 (Revised) Related party disclosures was issued in November 2009 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2011. The revised Standard claries the denition of a related party and provides some exemptions for government related entities. IFRIC 19 Extinguishing nancial liabilities with equity instruments was issued in November 2009 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2011. The Interpretation addresses the accounting by an entity that issues equity instruments in order to settle a nancial liability in part or in full. An amendment to IFRIC 14 Pre-payments of a minimum funding requirement was issued in November 2009 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2011. The amendment permits a voluntary prepayment of a minimum funding requirement to be recognised as an asset. The following new standards and interpretations have not yet been endorsed by the EU: IFRS 9 Financial instruments was rst issued in November 2009 and amended in October 2010 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2013. The Standard will eventually replace IAS 39 and covers the classication, measurement and derecognition of nancial assets and nancial liabilities. The IASB intends to expand IFRS 9 to add new requirements for impairment and hedge accounting and to become a complete replacement of IAS 39 by the end of 2011. An amendment to IFRS 7 Disclosures Transfers of nancial assets was issued in October 2010 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2012. The amendment requires additional disclosures regarding the risk exposures relating to transfers of nancial assets. An amendment to IAS 12 Deferred tax: recovery of underlying assets was issued in December 2010 and will be implemented by GSK from 1st January 2012. The amendment requires that the deferred tax on non-depreciable assets measured using the revaluation model should be calculated on a sale basis.

5 Exchange rates
The Group uses the average of exchange rates prevailing during the period to translate the results and cash ows of overseas subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated undertakings into Sterling and period end rates to translate the net assets of those undertakings. The currencies which most inuence these translations and the relevant exchange rates were:
2010 2009 2008

Average rates: /US$ /Euro /Yen Period end rates: /US$ /Euro /Yen

1.55 1.16 136 1.56 1.17 127

1.56 1.12 146 1.61 1.13 150

1.85 1.26 192 1.44 1.04 131

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Notes to the nancial statements

6 Segment information
GSK has revised its segmental information disclosures to reect changes in the internal reporting structures with effect from 1st January 2010. ViiV Healthcare is now shown as a separate segment. Stiefel has been integrated with the GSK heritage dermatology business and is reported within the relevant geographical pharmaceutical segments. The other trading and other unallocated pharmaceuticals information has been combined. In addition, the responsibility for certain products in two small markets moved from the pharmaceuticals business to Consumer Healthcare. Comparative information has been restated onto a consistent basis. GSKs operating segments are being reported based on the nancial information provided to the Chief Executive Ofcer, who is regarded as the Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM), and the responsibilities of the Corporate Executive Team (CET). Individual members of the CET are responsible for geographic regions of the Pharmaceuticals business, ViiV Healthcare and for the Consumer Healthcare business as a whole, respectively, before major restructuring. No geographic information is regularly provided to the CODM. R&D investment is essential for the sustainability of the pharmaceutical businesses. However, for segment reporting, the USA, Europe, Emerging Markets and Asia Pacic/Japan regional pharmaceutical operating prots exclude allocations of globally funded R&D as well as central costs, principally corporate functions and unallocated manufacturing costs. GSKs management reporting process allocates all intra-Group prot on a product sale to the market in which that sale is recorded, and the prot analyses below have been presented on that basis. The Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals segment includes Canada, Puerto Rico, central vaccine tender sales and contract manufacturing sales, together with costs such as vaccines R&D, central dermatology costs and central manufacturing costs not attributed to other segments. The Pharmaceuticals R&D segment (which excludes vaccines R&D) is the responsibility of the Chairman, Research & Development and is therefore being reported as a separate segment. Corporate and other unallocated costs and disposal prots include corporate functions, costs for legal matters, fair value movements on nancial instruments and investments and unallocated prots on asset disposals.
2010 m 2009 (restated) m 2008 (restated) m

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Turnover by segment US pharmaceuticals Europe pharmaceuticals Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific/Japan pharmaceuticals ViiV Healthcare Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals turnover Consumer Healthcare turnover

7,648 6,548 3,556 3,102 1,566 962 23,382 5,010 28,392

8,578 7,087 2,895 2,628 1,605 901 23,694 4,674 28,368

2009 (restated) m

8,254 5,847 2,177 1,848 1,513 742

20,381 3,971 24,352
2008 (restated) m

Financial statements P102P191

Pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic area Respiratory Anti-virals Central nervous system Cardiovascular and urogenital Metabolic Anti-bacterials Oncology and emesis Vaccines Dermatologicals ViiV Healthcare (HIV) Other

2010 m

7,238 1,086 1,753 2,570 678 1,396 688 4,326 1,087 1,566 994 23,382

6,977 2,416 1,870 2,298 1,181 1,457 629 3,706 707 1,605 848 23,694

5,817 1,584 2,897 1,847 1,191 1,301 496 2,539 414 1,513 782 20,381

Shareholder information P192P212

Consumer Healthcare turnover by category OTC medicines Oral healthcare Nutritional healthcare

2010 m

2009 m

2008 m

2,456 1,602 952 5,010

2,339 1,484 851 4,674

1,935 1,240 796 3,971

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

6 Segment information continued

During 2010, US pharmaceuticals and ViiV Healthcare made sales to three wholesalers of approximately 2,561 million (2009 2,760 million; 2008 2,460 million), 2,412 million (2009 2,710 million; 2008 2,710 million) and 1,642 million (2009 1,680 million; 2008 1,980 million) respectively, after allocating nal-customer discounts to the wholesalers. Segment profit US pharmaceuticals Europe pharmaceuticals Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific/Japan pharmaceuticals ViiV Healthcare Pharmaceuticals R&D Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals costs Pharmaceuticals operating profit Consumer Healthcare operating profit Segment profit Corporate and other unallocated costs and disposal profits Operating profit before major restructuring Major restructuring Total operating profit Finance income Finance costs Profit on disposal of interest in associate Share of after tax profits of associates and joint ventures Profit before taxation Taxation Profit after taxation for the year
2010 m 2009 (restated) m 2008 (restated) m

5,043 3,744 1,271 1,730 851 (3,105) (783) 8,751 1,043 9,794 (4,666) 5,128 (1,345) 3,783 116 (831) 8 81 3,157 (1,304) 1,853

5,933 3,993 948 1,352 1,071 (3,082) (705) 9,510 931 10,441 (1,184) 9,257 (832) 8,425 70 (783) 115 64 7,891 (2,222) 5,669

5,461 3,229 837 1,016 1,005 (2,840) (110) 8,598 881 9,479 (1,220) 8,259 (1,118) 7,141 313 (843) 48 6,659 (1,947) 4,712

Financial statements P102P191

Depreciation and amortisation by segment US pharmaceuticals Europe pharmaceuticals Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific/Japan pharmaceuticals ViiV Healthcare Pharmaceuticals R&D Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals depreciation and amortisation Consumer Healthcare depreciation and amortisation Segment depreciation and amortisation Corporate and other unallocated depreciation and amortisation Depreciation and amortisation before major restructuring Major restructuring Total depreciation and amortisation

2010 m

2009 (restated) m

2008 (restated) m

101 31 51 25 29 262 809 1,308 66 1,374 85 1,459 220 1,679

116 24 29 15 5 280 789 1,258 63 1,321 80 1,401 161 1,562

110 36 22 11 267 580 1,026 52 1,078 76 1,154 77 1,231

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

6 Segment information continued

PP&E, intangible asset and goodwill impairment by segment US pharmaceuticals Europe pharmaceuticals Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific/Japan pharmaceuticals ViiV Healthcare Pharmaceuticals R&D Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals impairment Consumer Healthcare impairment Segment impairment Corporate and other unallocated impairment Impairment before major restructuring Major restructuring Total impairment
2010 m 2009 (restated) m 2008 (restated) m

Business review P08P57

1 1 2 134 129 267 5 272 4 276 89 365

1 7 1 118 124 251 1 252 23 275 57 332

2009 (restated) m

1 2 2 107 30 142 142

Governance and remuneration P58P101

52 194 197 391

2008 (restated) m

PP&E, intangible asset and goodwill impairment reversals by segment US pharmaceuticals Europe pharmaceuticals Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific/Japan pharmaceuticals ViiV Healthcare Pharmaceuticals R&D Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals impairment reversals Consumer Healthcare impairment reversals Segment impairment reversals Corporate and other unallocated impairment reversals Impairment reversals before major restructuring Major restructuring Total impairment reversals

2010 m

(1) (4) (5) (5) (5) (14) (19)

(1) (1) (9) (11) (11) (11) (11)

(10) (10) (10) (10) (20) (20)

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

6 Segment information continued

Net assets by segment US pharmaceuticals Europe pharmaceuticals Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals Asia Pacific/Japan pharmaceuticals ViiV Healthcare Pharmaceuticals R&D Other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals net operating assets Consumer Healthcare net operating assets Segment net operating assets Corporate and other unallocated operating net assets Net operating assets Net debt Investments in associates and joint ventures Derivative financial instruments Current and deferred taxation Assets held for sale Net assets
2010 m 2009 (restated) m

616 1,031 1,840 1,057 832 1,656 13,320 20,352 2,972 23,324 (6,682) 16,642 (8,859) 1,081 (3) 868 16 9,745

1,049 1,567 1,508 982 835 2,278 13,037 21,256 2,990 24,246 (5,334) 18,912 (9,444) 895 29 336 14 10,742

The other trading and unallocated pharmaceuticals segment includes assets for the centrally managed pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturing operations, the depreciation on which, totalling 616 million (2009 618 million; 2008 536 million) is recovered through the standard cost of product charged to businesses. Geographical information The UK is regarded as being the Groups country of domicile.
2010 m 2009 (restated) m 2008 (restated) m

Financial statements P102P191

Turnover by location of customer UK USA Rest of World External turnover

1,820 9,345 17,227 28,392

2010 m

1,864 10,315 16,189 28,368

2009 m

1,636 9,746 12,970 24,352

2008 m

Turnover by location of subsidiary UK USA Rest of World Turnover including inter-segment turnover UK USA Rest of World Inter-segment turnover UK USA Rest of World External turnover

4,965 13,072 21,220 39,257 2,032 3,717 5,116 10,865 2,933 9,355 16,104 28,392

4,469 13,711 19,661 37,841 1,556 3,395 4,522 9,473 2,913 10,316 15,139 28,368

3,096 12,925 15,977 31,998 1,042 3,114 3,490 7,646 2,054 9,811 12,487 24,352

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

6 Segment information continued

Operating profit by location UK USA Rest of World Total operating profit
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Business review P08P57

1,033 420 2,330 3,783

2,608 2,337 3,480 8,425

2009 (restated) m

1,861 1,951 3,329 7,141

Net operating assets by location UK USA Rest of World Net operating assets

2010 m

3,177 4,235 9,230 16,642

4,540 3,168 11,204 18,912

2009 (restated) m

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Non-current assets by location UK USA Rest of World Non-current assets

2010 m

5,066 6,972 10,372 22,410

5,270 6,863 9,847 21,980

Non-current assets by location excludes amounts relating to other investments, deferred tax assets, derivative nancial instruments, pension assets, amounts receivable under insurance contracts and certain other non-current receivables.

7 Major restructuring programme

In October 2007, GSK announced a signicant new Operational Excellence programme to improve the effectiveness and productivity of its operations. A signicant expansion of the Operational Excellence programme was approved by the Board and announced in February 2009. A further expansion was approved by the Board and announced in February 2010, when total approved costs for the implementation of the expanded programme were increased from 3.6 billion to approximately 4.5 billion, over the period from 2007 to 2012. Approximately 75% of these costs were incurred by 31st December 2010, and approximately 20% are expected to be incurred in 2011 with the balance in 2012. In total, approximately 75% of these costs are expected to be cash expenditures and 25% are expected to be asset write-downs. Uncertainties exist over the exact amount and timing of cash outows as a result of potential future exchange rate uctuations and as many elements of the restructuring programme are subject to employee consultation procedures, making it difcult to predict with precision when these procedures will be completed. However, the majority of the remaining cash payments are expected to be made in 2011 and 2012. The programme remains on track to deliver total annual pre-tax savings of 2.2 billion by 2012, with savings realised across the business. Of the total restructuring costs of 1,345 million incurred in 2010, 1,242 million was incurred under the Operational Excellence programme in the following areas: cost saving projects in R&D, focused primarily on the simplication and streamlining of support infrastructure, including some site rationalisations, principally Verona in Italy and Harlow and Tonbridge in the UK; the adoption of more customised sales approaches, leading to staff reductions in a number of sales forces, principally in the USA, France and Italy; the closure of a number of manufacturing sites, including Dartford and Crawley in the UK, giving rise to asset write-downs and staff reductions; and projects to simplify or eliminate processes, leading to staff reductions in administrative and support functions. The remaining costs of 103 million were incurred during the year under the restructuring programme related to the integration of the Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. business in the USA, following its acquisition in July 2009.

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GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

7 Major restructuring programme continued

The analysis of the costs incurred under these programmes in 2010, 2009 and 2008 is as follows: 2010 Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Effect on operating profit Net finance expense Effect on profit before taxation Effect on taxation Effect on earnings
Asset impairment m Staff reductions m Other costs m Asset impairment m Staff reductions m Other costs m Total m

(14) (17) (44) (75)

(58) (503) (117) (678)

(115) (145) (332) (592)

(187) (665) (493) (1,345) (3) (1,348) 240 (1,108)

2009 Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Effect on operating profit Net finance expense Effect on profit before taxation Effect on taxation Effect on earnings

Total m

(41) (1) (15) (57)

(112) (337) (68) (517)

(132) (54) (72) (258)

(285) (392) (155) (832) (3) (835) 221 (614)

Financial statements P102P191

2008 Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Effect on operating profit Net finance expense Effect on profit before taxation Effect on taxation Effect on earnings

Asset impairment m

Staff reductions m

Other costs m

Total m

(181) (2) (14) (197)

(370) (177) (143) (690)

(88) (125) (18) (231)

(639) (304) (175) (1,118) (5) (1,123) 284 (839)

Asset impairments of 75 million (2009 57 million, 2008 197 million) and other net costs totalling 240 million (2009 124 million, 2008 137 million) are non-cash items, principally accelerated depreciation. All other charges have been or will be settled in cash and include the termination of leases, site closure costs, consultancy and project management fees.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

7 Major restructuring programme continued

These restructuring costs are reported in the major restructuring column of the Income statement on page 104. Other income resulting from minor restructuring activity initiated prior to October 2007 amounted to 5 million (2009 4 million cost, 2008 20 million cost). This income/(cost) is reported within Results before major restructuring. The costs of the major restructuring programmes have arisen as follows: Increase in provision for major restructuring programmes (see Note 29) Amount of provision reversed unused (see Note 29) Impairments losses recognised Foreign exchange gain/(loss) recognised on liquidation of subsidiary Other non-cash charges Other cash costs Net finance expense Effect on profit before taxation
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Business review P08P57

(837) 40 (75) (240) (233) (3) (1,348)

(487) 15 (57) 44 (168) (179) (3) (835)

(740) 7 (197) (84) (53) (51) (5) (1,123)

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Other non-cash charges are principally accelerated depreciation arising where asset lives have been shortened as a result of the major restructuring programmes. Other cash costs include the termination of leases, site closure costs and consultancy and project management fees.

8 Other operating income

2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Royalty income Milestone income Impairment of equity investments Disposal of equity investments Disposal of other assets, asset rights and legal settlements Gain recognised on creation of ViiV Healthcare Fair value movements on derivative nancial instruments Other income

296 7 (65) 17 227 (6) 17 493

296 90 (135) 40 539 296 (5) 14 1,135

307 11 (63) 33 260 (10) 3 541

Financial statements P102P191

Royalty and milestone income is principally a core of recurring income from the out-licensing of intellectual property.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

9 Operating prot
The following items have been included in operating profit: Employee costs (Note 10) Advertising Distribution costs Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Impairment of property, plant and equipment, net of reversals Amortisation of intangible assets Impairment of intangible assets and goodwill, net of reversals in 2008 Net foreign exchange losses/(gains) Inventories: Cost of inventories included in cost of sales Write-down of inventories Reversal of prior year write-down of inventories Operating lease rentals: Minimum lease payments Contingent rents Sub-lease payments Fees payable to the companys auditor and its associates in relation to the Group (see below)
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

6,994 971 413 1,146 186 533 160 60 7,014 305 (66) 136 14 7 22.2

7,167 923 363 1,130 149 432 172 163 6,743 276 (116) 160 13 6 24.1

6,524 805 310 920 256 311 115 (145) 5,734 298 (118) 143 15 1 19.2

The reversals of prior year write-downs of inventories principally arise from the reassessment of usage or demand expectations prior to inventory expiration. Fees payable to the companys auditor and its associates Audit of parent company and consolidated financial statements Audit of accounts of the Groups UK and overseas subsidiaries, pursuant to legislation Other assurance services, pursuant to legislation, including attestation under s.404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002
Financial statements P102P191
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

2.0 11.2 3.3 16.5 2.5 3.2 22.2

2.0 10.2 3.0 15.2 7.3 1.6 24.1

1.6 9.3 2.9 13.8 2.5 2.9 19.2

Audit and assurance services Other tax services All other services, including regulatory, compliance and treasury related services

At 31st December 2010, the amount due to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and its associates for fees yet to be invoiced was 6.1 million, comprising statutory audit 5.6 million, taxation services 0.2 million and other services 0.3 million. In addition to the above, fees paid in respect of the GSK pension schemes were: Audit Other services
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m




GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

10 Employee costs
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Business review P08P57

Wages and salaries Social security costs Pension and other post-employment costs, including augmentations (Note 28) Cost of share-based incentive plans Severance and other costs from integration and restructuring activities

5,079 600 554 179 582 6,994

5,387 661 491 179 449 7,167

4,640 653 505 241 485 6,524

In 2010, wages and salaries decreased by 7% in CER terms. The Group provides benets to employees, commensurate with local practice in individual countries, including, in some markets, healthcare insurance, subsidised car schemes and personal life assurance.
Governance and remuneration P58P101
The average number of persons employed by the Group (including Directors) during the year:
2010 Number 2009 Number 2008 Number

Manufacturing Selling, general and administration Research and development

30,883 53,778 13,824 98,485

31,467 53,183 14,204 98,854

33,372 52,115 15,646 101,133

The average number of Group employees excludes temporary and contract staff. The numbers of Group employees at the end of each nancial year are given in the nancial record on page 202. The average number of persons employed by GlaxoSmithKline plc in 2010 was nil (2009 nil). The compensation of the Directors and Senior Management (members of the CET) in aggregate, was as follows:
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Wages and salaries Social security costs Pension and other post-employment costs Cost of share-based incentive plans

20 2 3 11 36

23 1 3 4 31

17 1 3 12 33

Financial statements P102P191

11 Finance income
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Interest income arising from: cash and cash equivalents available-for-sale investments derivatives at fair value through profit or loss loans and receivables Realised gains on liquid investments Fair value movements on derivatives at fair value through profit or loss Net investment hedge ineffectiveness Unwinding of discounts on assets

58 8 24 12 13 1 116

46 15 (5) 11 (3) 4 2 70

107 31 159 22 2 4 (13) 1 313

Shareholder information P192P212

All derivatives at fair value through prot or loss other than designated and effective hedging instruments (see Note 41, Financial instruments and related disclosures) are classied as held-for-trading nancial instruments under IAS 39. Interest income arising from derivatives at fair value through prot or loss relates to swap interest income.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

12 Finance costs
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Interest expense arising on: financial liabilities at amortised cost derivatives at fair value through profit or loss Fair value hedges: fair value movements on derivatives designated as hedging instruments fair value adjustments on hedged items Fair value movements on other derivatives at fair value through profit or loss Reclassification of cash flow hedge from other comprehensive income Unwinding of discounts on provisions Net investment hedge ineffectiveness Other finance expense

(767) 26 (27) (16) (3) (18) (1) (25) (831)

(790) 20 (37) 38 (2) (1) (11) (783)

(664) (165) 92 (90) (16) (843)

All derivatives at fair value through prot or loss except designated and effective hedging instruments are classied as held-for-trading nancial instruments under IAS 39.

13 Associates and joint ventures

2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Associates: Share of after tax profits of Quest Diagnostics Inc. Share of after tax profits of Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited Share of after tax losses of other associates Share of after tax (losses)/profits of joint ventures
Financial statements P102P191

79 32 (7) 104 (23) 81

73 2 (3) 72 (8) 64 13 26

47 (3) 44 4 48 13 9

Share of turnover of joint ventures Sales to joint ventures and associates Summarised income statement information in respect of the Groups associates is set out below:

18 90

2010 m

2009 m

2008 m

Total turnover: Quest Diagnostics Inc. Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited Others

4,754 1,171 65 5,990

4,779 67 7 4,853

3,919 3 3,922

Total profit: Quest Diagnostics Inc. Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited Others

465 233 (23) 675

467 12 (14) 465

314 (7) 307

The results of Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited included in the summarised income statement information above represent the estimated earnings of the Aspen group in the period. Subsequent to the year-end, GSK sold its entire shareholding in Quest Diagnostics Inc.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

14 Taxation
Taxation charge based on profits for the year UK corporation tax at the UK statutory rate Less double taxation relief Overseas taxation Current taxation Deferred taxation
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Business review P08P57

82 (156) (74) 1,496 1,422 (118) 1,304

600 (183) 417 1,997 2,414 (192) 2,222

2,213 (1,924) 289 1,589 1,878 69 1,947

Reconciliation of the taxation rate on Group profits UK statutory rate of taxation Differences in overseas taxation rates Benefit of special tax status R&D credits Inter-company stock profit Impact of share based payments Tax on profit of associates Losses for which no benefit is recognised Other permanent differences Prior year items Restructuring Tax rate

2010 %

2009 %

2008 %

Governance and remuneration P58P101

28.0 8.1 (2.6) (3.7) 1.7 1.4 (1.2) 5.5 6.2 (6.5) 4.4 41.3

28.0 3.5 (1.8) (1.9) 0.5 0.1 (0.2) 0.6 (0.9) 0.1 0.2 28.2

28.5 1.9 (2.4) (1.3) 2.1 0.7 (0.4) 1.2 (1.6) 0.5 29.2

The higher tax rate for the year ended 31st December 2010 reects the impact of the relatively low tax relief arising on the 4 billion of legal provisions charged during the year and the non-deductibility of costs associated with certain site closures, partly offset by the settlement of certain historical tax matters. The percentages within the above reconciliation are exacerbated by the relatively low reported prot. The Group operates in countries where the tax rate differs from the UK tax rate. The impact of these overseas taxes on the overall rate of tax is shown above. Prots arising from certain operations in Singapore are accorded special status and are taxed at reduced rates compared with the normal rates of tax in that territory. The effect of this reduction in the taxation charge increased earnings per share by 1.6p in 2010, 2.8p in 2009 and 2.8p in 2008. The Group is required under IFRS to create a deferred tax asset in respect of unrealised inter-company prot arising on inventory held by the Group at the year-end by applying the tax rate of the country in which the inventory is held (rather than the tax rate of the country where the prot was originally made and the tax paid, which is the practice under UK and US GAAP). As a result of this difference in accounting treatment the Group tax rate on current period inter-company prot under IFRS increased by 1.7% in 2010 (2009 0.5% increase; 2008 2.1% increase) arising from changes in the location of work-inprogress and nished goods. Tax on items charged to equity and statement of comprehensive income Current taxation Share based payments Foreign exchange movements
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

1 19 20

4 15 19

Deferred taxation Share based payments Defined benefit plans Fair value movements on cash flow hedges Fair value movements on available-for-sale investments Total (charge)/credit to equity and statement of comprehensive income

2 1 1 (28) (24) (24)

13 183 2 (11) 187 207

(5) 441 (3) 8 441 460

All of the above items have been charged to the statement of comprehensive income except for tax on share based payments.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

14 Taxation continued
Issues relating to taxation The integrated nature of the Groups worldwide operations involves signicant investment in research and strategic manufacture at a limited number of locations, with consequential cross-border supply routes into numerous end-markets. This gives rise to complexity and delay in negotiations with revenue authorities as to the prots on which individual Group companies are liable to tax. Resolution of such issues is a continuing fact of life for GSK. During the year GSK agreed and settled further open years with major tax authorities up to and including 2008. In Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal overturned a judgement of the Tax Court of Canada in respect of GSKs transfer pricing in the early 1990s and remanded the case back to the Tax Court for reconsideration. The parties are seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. GSK continues to believe that it has made adequate provision for the liabilities likely to arise from periods which are open and not yet agreed by tax authorities. The ultimate liability for such matters may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of agreements with relevant tax authorities or litigation where appropriate. No provision has been made for taxation which would arise on the distribution of prots retained by overseas subsidiaries, on the grounds that the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of these temporary differences and it is probable that they will not reverse in the foreseeable future. The aggregate amount of these unremitted prots at the balance sheet date was approximately 30 billion (2009 29 billion). The deferred tax on unremitted earnings at 31st December 2010 is estimated to be 500 million (2009 500 million), which relates to taxes payable on repatriation and dividend withholding taxes levied by overseas tax jurisdictions. UK legislation relating to company distributions provides for exemption from tax for most repatriated prots, subject to certain exceptions. Movement in deferred tax assets and liabilities
Accelerated capital allowances Intangibles m m Intragroup profit m Pensions & other post employment benefits m Legal & other disputes m Other Share Manunet option Stock facturing valuation and award temporary restructschemes differences uring adjustments m m m m Offset within countries m

Tax losses m

Total m

Deferred tax assets at 1st January 2010 Deferred tax liabilities at 1st January 2010
Financial statements P102P191

24 (628) (604) (5) 146 (463) 49 (512) (463)

177 (1,476) (1,299) (10) 10 (40) (1,339) 224 (1,563) (1,339)

1,183 1,183 70 (126) 1,127 1,127 1,127

1,043 211 (28)

303 303 7 115 425 425 425

157 157 2 (42) 117 117 117

30 (198) (168) (2) 148 (22) 29 (51) (22)

126 126 (35) 2 93 93 93

822 (17) 805 31 26 (27) (35) 800 914 (114) 800

(1,702) 2,374 1,702 (645)

At 1st January 2010 Exchange adjustments Credit/(charge) to income statement Credit to equity Credit/(charge) to statement of comprehensive income Acquisitions At 31st December 2010 Deferred tax assets at 31st December 2010 Deferred tax liabilities at 31st December 2010

1,043 183 15 3 (36) (88) 1 1,023 1,023 1,023 98 98 98

1,729 111 118 2 (26) (75)

1,859 (1,533) 2,566 1,533 (707)


The deferred tax credit to income relating to changes in tax rates is 11 million (2009 9 million, 2008 18 million). All other deferred tax movements arise from the origination and reversal of temporary differences. Other net temporary differences mainly include accrued expenses for which a tax deduction is only available on a paid basis.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

14 Taxation continued
Tax losses
2010 m Recognised 2009 m 2010 m Unrecognised 2009 m

Business review P08P57

Trading losses expiring: Within 10 years In more than 10 years Available indefinitely At 31st December Deferred tax asset

163 329 1 493 98

76 445 96 617 183

14 529 5,302 5,845

34 159 4,204 4,397

In addition, the Group had capital losses at 31st December 2010 of approximately 4.3 billion (2009 4.3 billion) in respect of which no deferred tax asset has been recognised. Deferred tax assets are recognised where it is probable that future taxable prot will be available to utilise losses.
Governance and remuneration P58P101

Factors affecting the tax charge in future years As a global organisation there are many factors which could affect the future effective tax rate of the Group. The mix of prots across different territories, transfer pricing and other disputes with tax authorities and the location of research and development activity can all have a signicant impact on the Groups effective tax rate. Changes to tax legislation in territories where GSK has business operations could also impact the Groups effective tax rate. The UK Government has proposed some signicant changes to the UK taxation system. In June 2010 the UK Government announced a phased reduction in the main rate of corporation tax from 28% to 24% over 4 years from April 2011. The deferred tax movements reect the reduction in the UK tax rate from 28% to 27% as it has been substantively enacted. In November 2010 the UK Government reconrmed its intention to introduce a patent box regime which would apply a reduced rate of corporation tax to income from patents with effect from April 2013, following a period of consultation. The UK Government also continues to consult with business on proposed changes to legislation relating to controlled foreign companies. The majority of these changes are expected to be enacted in 2012.

15 Earnings per share

2010 pence 2009 pence 2008 pence

Financial statements P102P191

Basic earnings per share Adjustment for major restructuring Basic earnings per share before major restructuring Diluted earnings per share Adjustment for major restructuring Diluted earnings per share before major restructuring

32.1 21.8 53.9 31.9 21.6 53.5

109.1 12.1 121.2 108.2 12.1 120.3

88.6 16.1 104.7 88.1 16.0 104.1

Basic and adjusted earnings per share have been calculated by dividing the prot attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period after deducting shares held by the ESOP Trusts and Treasury shares. The trustees have waived their rights to dividends on the shares held by the ESOP Trusts. Adjusted earnings per share is calculated using results before major restructuring earnings. The calculation of results before major restructuring is described in Note 1 Presentation of the nancial statements.

Shareholder information P192P212

Diluted earnings per share have been calculated after adjusting the weighted average number of shares used in the basic calculation to assume the conversion of all potentially dilutive shares. A potentially dilutive share forms part of the employee share schemes where its exercise price is below the average market price of GSK shares during the period and any performance conditions attaching to the scheme have been met at the balance sheet date. The numbers of shares used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per share are reconciled below. Weighted average number of shares in issue Basic Dilution for share options Diluted
2010 millions 2009 millions 2008 millions

5,085 43 5,128

5,069 39 5,108

5,195 31 5,226

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

16 Dividends
2010 Total dividend (m) Dividend per share (pence) Paid/payable 2009 Total dividend (m) Dividend per share (pence) Paid 2008 Total dividend (m) Dividend per share (pence) Paid 683 13 10th July 2008 679 13 9th October 2008 730 14 8th January 2009 859 17 9th April 2009 2,951 57 701 14 9th July 2009 713 14 8th October 2009 763 15 7th January 2010 919 18 8th April 2010 3,096 61
First interim Second interim Third interim Fourth interim Total

764 15 8th July 2010

759 15 7th October 2010

816 16 6th January 2011

967 19 7th April 2011

3,306 65

Under IFRS interim dividends are only recognised in the nancial statements when paid and not when declared. GSK normally pays a dividend two quarters after the quarter to which it relates and one quarter after it is declared. The 2010 nancial statements recognise those dividends paid in 2010, namely the third and fourth interim dividends for 2009 and the rst and second interim dividends for 2010. The amounts recognised in each year are as follows:
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Dividends to shareholders




17 Property, plant and equipment

Financial statements P102P191
Land and buildings m Plant, equipment and vehicles m Assets in construction m Total m

Cost at 1st January 2009 Exchange adjustments Additions Additions through business combinations Capitalised borrowing costs Disposals and write-offs Reclassifications Transfer to assets held for sale Cost at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Additions Additions through business combinations Capitalised borrowing costs Disposals and write-offs Reclassifications Transfer to assets held for sale Cost at 31st December 2010

5,979 (343) 188 67 (184) 309 (14) 6,002 80 75 20 (111) 223 (171) 6,118

10,686 (493) 432 76 (614) 430 (2) 10,515 60 293 7 (661) 432 (105) 10,541

2,322 (154) 803 8 1 (5) (735) 2,240 (7) 670 6 (2) (671) 2,236

18,987 (990) 1,423 151 1 (803) 4 (16) 18,757 133 1,038 27 6 (774) (16) (276) 18,895

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

17 Property, plant and equipment continued

Land and buildings m Plant, equipment and vehicles m Assets in construction m Total m

Business review P08P57

Depreciation at 1st January 2009 Exchange adjustments Charge for the year Disposals and write-offs Transfer to assets held for sale Depreciation at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Charge for the year Disposals and write-offs Transfer to assets held for sale Depreciation at 31st December 2010 Impairment at 1st January 2009 Exchange adjustments Disposals and write-offs Impairment losses Reversal of impairments Impairment at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Disposals and write-offs Impairment losses Reversal of impairments Transfer to assets held for sale Impairment at 31st December 2010 Total depreciation and impairment at 31st December 2009 Total depreciation and impairment at 31st December 2010 Net book value at 1st January 2009 Net book value at 31st December 2009 Net book value at 31st December 2010

(2,062) 128 (283) 129 1 (2,087) (39) (321) 11 147 (2,289) (161) 6 28 (27) 1 (153) 64 (43) 14 18 (100) (2,240) (2,389) 3,756 3,762 3,729

(6,630) 312 (847) 478 1 (6,686) (51) (825) 508 95 (6,959) (412) 10 104 (108) 10 (396) 2 111 (160) 5 (438) (7,082) (7,397) 3,644 3,433 3,144

(44) 4 4 (25) (61) (1) (2) (64) (61) (64) 2,278 2,179 2,172

(8,692) 440 (1,130) 607 2 (8,773) (90) (1,146) 519 242 (9,248) (617) 20 136 (160) 11 (610) 1 175 (205) 19 18 (602) (9,383) (9,850) 9,678 9,374 9,045

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

The net book value at 31st December 2010 of the Groups land and buildings comprises freehold properties 3,427 million (2009 3,462 million), properties with leases of 50 years or more 238 million (2009 239 million) and properties with leases of less than 50 years 64 million (2009 61 million). Included in land and buildings at 31st December 2010 are leased assets with a cost of 582 million (2009 561 million), accumulated depreciation of 280 million (2009 261 million), impairment of nil (2009 nil) and a net book value of 302 million (2009 300 million). Included in plant, equipment and vehicles at 31st December 2010 are leased assets with a cost of 95 million (2009 126 million), accumulated depreciation of 54 million (2009 44 million), and a net book value of 41 million (2009 82 million). Some lease agreements include renewal or purchase options or escalation clauses. The impairment losses principally arise from decisions to rationalise facilities and are calculated based on either fair value less costs to sell or value in use. The value in use calculations determine the net present value of the projected risk-adjusted, post-tax cash ows of the relevant asset or cash generating unit, applying a discount rate of the Group post-tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 8%, adjusted where appropriate for relevant specic risks. Where an impairment is indicated and a pre-tax cash ow calculation is expected to give a materially different result, the test would be reperformed using pre-tax cash ows and a pre-tax discount rate. The Group WACC is equivalent to a pre-tax discount rate of approximately 11%. The impairment losses have been charged to cost of sales 142 million (2009 95 million), R&D 46 million (2009 47 million) and SG&A 17 million (2009 18 million), and include 57 million (2009 57 million) arising from the major restructuring programmes. Reversals of impairment arise from subsequent reviews of the impaired assets where the conditions which gave rise to the original impairments are deemed no longer to apply. All of the reversals have been credited to cost of sales.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

18 Goodwill
2010 m 2009 m

Cost at 1st January Exchange adjustments Additions through business combinations Impairment losses Cost at 31st December Net book value at 1st January Net book value at 31st December

3,361 95 160 (10) 3,606 3,361 3,606

2,101 (116) 1,376 3,361 2,101 3,361

The impairment losses in the year arose from the decision to exit the Pliva Research Institute site in Zagreb, Croatia. This loss is reported in the consolidated income statement under the major restructuring programme within selling, general and administration. The additions in the year, translated at acquisition exchange rates, arose primarily on the acquisition of Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.I.C.yF. See Note 38, Acquisitions and disposals for further details. The carrying value of goodwill, translated at year-end exchange rates, is made up of balances arising on acquisition of the wfollowing businesses:
Cash generating unit 2010 m 2009 m

Financial statements P102P191

Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific, Other pharmaceuticals ID Biomedical Corporation US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific, Japan, Other pharmaceuticals Reliant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. US pharmaceuticals Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, Inc. US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific, Japan, Other pharmaceuticals Pfizer HIV business ViiV Healthcare GlaxoSmithKline K.K. Japan pharmaceuticals Domantis Limited US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific, Japan, Other pharmaceuticals CNS, Inc. Consumer Healthcare Polfa Poznan S.A. Europe pharmaceuticals Certain businesses from UCB S.A. Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific pharmaceuticals Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.I.C.yF. Emerging Markets pharmaceuticals NovaMin Technology Inc. Consumer Healthcare Others

894 464 448 304 255 246 181 142 118 89 66 52 347 3,606

901 426 434 294 255 208 181 137 118 87 50 270 3,361

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

18 Goodwill continued
Goodwill is allocated to cash generating units which are tested for impairment at least annually. With effect from 1st January 2010, GSK revised its segmental disclosures to reect changes in the internal reporting structure. ViiV Healthcare is now shown as a separate segment and the Stiefel business has been integrated with the GSK legacy dermatology business. Following these changes, the goodwill arising on the acquisition of Stiefel has been allocated to the US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacic and Other pharmaceuticals CGUs for impairment testing purposes as the benets of the acquired business are expected to arise from these businesses. The goodwill arising on the acquisitions of ID Biomedical, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals and Domantis has been split between the US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacic, Japan and Other pharmaceutical CGUs for impairment testing purposes as either the benet of the acquired businesses is split among the CGUs or the acquired businesses do not generate independent cash ows. In 2010, the allocation of Polfa Poznan S.A. goodwill has changed from Poland pharmaceuticals to the Europe pharmaceuticals cash generating unit. This change of allocation reects the level at which GSK internal management monitors the Polfa Poznan S.A. goodwill. The valuation of the US pharmaceuticals cash generating unit for goodwill impairment testing purposes, has been prepared on a fair value less costs to sell basis, using turnover and earnings multiples derived from observed market data. The recoverable amounts of the other cash generating units are assessed using either a value in use or a fair value less costs to sell model. Value in use is calculated as the net present value of the projected risk-adjusted post-tax cash ows plus a terminal value of the cash generating unit to which the goodwill is allocated. Initially a post-tax discount rate is applied to calculate the net present value of the post-tax cash ows. The post-tax discount rate used is based on the Group WACC of 8%, as most cash generating units have integrated operations across large parts of the Group. The Group WACC is equivalent to a pre-tax discount rate of approximately 11%. The discount rate is increased where specic country risks are sufciently signicant to have a material impact on the outcome of the impairment test. Where the impairment test indicates that the recoverable value of the unit is close to or below its carrying value, the test is reperformed using a pre-tax discount rate and pre-tax cash ows in order to determine if an impairment exists and to establish its magnitude. Fair value is calculated using a similar discounted cash ow approach based on the Groups acquisition valuation model. A post-tax discount rate is applied to the projected risk-adjusted post-tax cash ows and terminal value. Details relating to the discounted cash ow models used in the impairment tests of the other signicant goodwill balances are as follows:
Europe, Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific, Other pharmaceuticals CGUs ViiV Healthcare CGU

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Valuation basis Key assumptions

Value in use Sales growth rates Profit margins Discount rate Growth rates are internal forecasts based on both internal and external market information. Margins reflect past experience, adjusted for expected changes. Discount rate based on Group WACC. 5 years 8% Europe 6% p.a. decline Emerging Markets 1% p.a. Asia Pacific 0% p.a. Other 0% p.a.

Fair value less costs to sell Sales growth rates Profit margins Discount rate Growth rates are internal forecasts based on both internal and external market information. Margins reflect past experience, adjusted for expected changes. Discount rate based on Group WACC. 5 years 8%

Financial statements P102P191

Determination of assumptions

Period of specific projected cash flows Discount rate Terminal growth rate

Shareholder information P192P212

2.5% p.a.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

18 Goodwill continued
Japan pharmaceuticals CGU Consumer Healthcare CGU

Valuation basis Key assumptions

Fair value less costs to sell Sales growth rates Profit margins Discount rate

Fair value less costs to sell Sales growth rates Advertising and promotion investment Terminal growth rate Discount rate Growth rates are internal forecasts based on both internal and external market information. Advertising and promotion investment based on historical levels adjusted for managements view of support needed for innovation and expansion. Terminal growth rate based on managements estimate of future long-term average growth rates. Discount rate based on Group WACC. 5 years 8% 3% p.a.

Determination of assumptions

Growth rates are internal forecasts based on both internal and external market information. Margins reflect past experience, adjusted for expected changes. Discount rate based on Group WACC.

Period of specific projected cash flows Discount rate Terminal growth rate

5 years 8% 2% p.a.

Financial statements P102P191

The terminal growth rates do not exceed the long-term projected growth rates for the relevant markets. The terminal growth rates used in the value in use calculations for the pharmaceuticals cash generating units reect the impact of future generic competition and take no account of new product launches. The Consumer Healthcare cash generating unit comprises a collection of smaller cash generating units including brands with indenite lives with a carrying value of 1.83 billion (2009 1.79 billion). The pharmaceutical cash generating units also comprise a collection of smaller cash generating units including assets with indenite lives with a carrying value of 708 million (2009 660 million). Details of indenite life brands are given in Note 19 Other intangible assets. In each case the valuations indicate sufcient headroom such that a reasonably possible change to key assumptions is unlikely to result in an impairment of the related goodwill.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

19 Other intangible assets

Computer software m Licences, patents, etc. m Amortised brands m Indenite life brands m Total m

Business review P08P57

Cost at 1st January 2009 Exchange adjustments Capitalised internal development costs Additions through business combinations Other additions Disposals and asset write-offs Reclassications Cost at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Capitalised internal development costs Additions through business combinations Capitalised borrowing costs Other additions Disposals and asset write-offs Reclassications Cost at 31st December 2010 Amortisation at 1st January 2009 Exchange adjustments Charge for the year Disposals and asset write-offs Amortisation at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Charge for the year Disposals and asset write-offs Amortisation at 31st December 2010 Impairment at 1st January 2009 Exchange adjustments Impairment losses Disposals and asset write-offs Impairment at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Impairment losses Disposals and asset write-offs Impairment at 31st December 2010 Total amortisation and impairment at 31st December 2009 Total amortisation and impairment at 31st December 2010 Net book value at 1st January 2009 Net book value at 31st December 2009 Net book value at 31st December 2010

1,003 (36) 13 30 41 (17) (4) 1,030 14 81 58 (25) 16 1,174 (698) 27 (113) 16 (768) (8) (106) 20 (862) (32) 1 (4) 2 (33) (1) (5) 3 (36) (801) (898) 273 229 276

4,794 (193) 1,883 391 (26) 6,849 150 214 2 469 (13) 7,671 (995) 58 (306) 1 (1,242) (37) (411) 1 (1,689) (304) 19 (168) 22 (431) (13) (143) (587) (1,673) (2,276) 3,495 5,176 5,395

331 (23) 51 359 7 11 377 (24) (13) (37) (16) (53) (2) 2 (37) (53) 307 322 324

1,823 (99) 758 2,482 55 27 2,564 (29) 3 (26) (1) (27) (26) (27) 1,794 2,456 2,537

7,951 (351) 13 2,722 432 (43) (4) 10,720 226 81 252 2 527 (38) 16 11,786 (1,717) 85 (432) 17 (2,047) (45) (533) 21 (2,604) (365) 23 (172) 24 (490) (15) (150) 5 (650) (2,537) (3,254) 5,869 8,183 8,532

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

19 Other intangible assets continued

Amortisation and impairment losses, net of reversals, have been charged in the income statement as follows:
2010 m Amortisation 2009 m Net impairment losses 2010 2009 m m

Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development

26 353 154 533

29 270 133 432

13 137 150

1 1 170 172

Included in the impairments above is 8 million arising from the major restructuring programmes. The net book value of computer software includes 129 million (2009 80 million) of internally generated costs. Licences, patents, etc. includes a large number of acquired licences, patents, know-how agreements and marketing rights, which are either marketed or in use, or still in development. The net book value includes 5 million (2009 6 million) of internally generated costs. Impairment losses of 143 million (2009 168 million) principally arise on assets in development that are no longer being actively pursued. Note 38, Acquisitions and disposals gives details of additions through business combinations in the year. The book values of the largest individual items are as follows:
2010 m 2009 m

Fluviral Lovaza Selzentry Arzerra Duac Fraxiparine Others

663 593 299 294 157 135 3,254 5,395

648 637 337 191 165 158 3,040 5,176

Financial statements P102P191

Amortised brands include OTC rights relating to alli, with a book value at 31st December 2010 of 252 million (2009 260 million). Indenite life brands comprise a portfolio of Consumer Healthcare products primarily acquired with the acquisitions of Sterling Winthrop, Inc. in 1994, Block Drug Company, Inc. in 2001 and CNS, Inc. in 2006, together with a number of pharmaceutical brands from the acquisition of Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. in 2009. The book values of the major brands are as follows:
2010 m 2009 m

Panadol Sensodyne Stiefel trade name Breathe Right Physiogel Polident Corega Biotene Poligrip Solpadeine Others

426 270 216 199 182 114 102 111 70 59 788 2,537

399 271 209 193 176 115 102 108 71 59 753 2,456

Each of these brands is considered to have an indenite life, given the strength and durability of the brand and the level of marketing support. The brands are in relatively similar stable and protable market sectors, with similar risk proles, and their size, diversication and market shares mean that the risk of market-related factors causing a reduction in the lives of the brands is considered to be relatively low. The Group is not aware of any material legal, regulatory, contractual, competitive, economic or other factor which could limit their useful lives. Accordingly, they are not amortised. Each brand is tested annually for impairment applying a fair value less costs to sell methodology, generally using four year post-tax cash ow forecasts with a terminal value calculation and a discount rate equal to the Group post-tax WACC of 8%, adjusted where appropriate for country-specic risks. The main assumptions include future sales price and volume growth, product contribution and the future expenditure required to maintain the products marketability and registration in the relevant jurisdictions. These assumptions are based on past experience and are reviewed as part of managements budgeting and strategic planning cycle for changes in market conditions and sales erosion through competition. The terminal growth rates applied of between 2% and 3% are managements estimates of future long-term average growth rates of the relevant markets. In each case the valuations indicate sufcient headroom such that a reasonably possible change to key assumptions is unlikely to result in an impairment of these brands.
GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

20 Investments in associates and joint ventures

Joint ventures m Associated undertakings m 2010 Total m Joint ventures m Associated undertakings m 2009 Total m

Business review P08P57

At 1st January Exchange adjustments Additions Disposals Transfer from other investments Distributions received Other movements (Loss)/prot after tax recognised in the consolidated income statement At 31st December

46 4 30 (3) (23) 54

849 8 35 (2) 40 (18) 11 104 1,027

895 12 65 (2) 40 (21) 11 81 1,081

28 (3) 36 (7) (8) 46

524 (44) 312 (69) 56 (10) 8 72 849

552 (47) 348 (69) 56 (17) 8 64 895

Governance and remuneration P58P101

The Group held two signicant associated undertakings at 31st December 2010. Quest Diagnostics Inc., a US clinical laboratory business listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The investment had a book value at 31st December 2010 of 494 million (2009 410 million) and a market value of 1,064 million (2009 1,153 million). At 31st December 2010, the Group owned 18.1% of Quest (2009 16.8%). Although the Group held less than 20% of the ownership interest and voting control in Quest, the Group had the ability to exercise signicant inuence through both its signicant shareholding and its nominated directors active participation on the Quest Board of Directors and Board sub-committees. Subsequent to the year-end GSK sold its entire shareholding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. The sale comprised a secondary public offering and an accompanying repurchase of shares by Quest Diagnostics which together are expected to generate gross proceeds of $1.1 billion (0.7 billion) after tax. At 31st December 2010, the Group owned 81.7 million shares or 19% of Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited. Aspen, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, is Africas largest pharmaceutical manufacturer and a major supplier of branded and generic pharmaceutical, healthcare and nutritional products to the southern African and selected international markets. The investment had a book value at 31st December 2010 of 397 million (2009 372 million) and a market value of 729 million (2009 505 million). Although the Group holds less than 20% of the ownership interest and voting control of Aspen, the Group has the ability to exercise signicant inuence through both its shareholding and its nominated directors active participation on the Aspen Board of Directors. The transfer from other investments in 2010 relates to the Groups holding in JCR Pharmaceuticals Ltd, previously classied within Other investments. Summarised balance sheet information in respect of the Groups associates is set out below:
2010 m 2009 m

Financial statements P102P191

Total assets: Quest Diagnostics Inc. Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited Others

5,466 1,913 360 7,739

5,319 1,318 121 6,758

Total liabilities: Quest Diagnostics Inc. Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited Others

(2,868) (786) (73) (3,727)

(2,828) (689) (19) (3,536) 3,222

Shareholder information P192P212

Net assets


The summarised balance sheet information in respect of Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited is based on preliminary results information and analysts forecasts available at 31st December 2010. Investments in joint ventures comprise 66 million share of gross assets (2009 57 million) and 12 million share of gross liabilities (2009 11 million). These principally arise from 50% interests in two joint ventures, Shionogi-ViiV Healthcare Holdings, L.P., which is developing specied chemical compounds, and ViiV Healthcare Shire Canada, which primarily co-markets Combivir, Trizivir and Epivir in certain territories, both of which are now part of the ViiV Healthcare business. Investments in joint ventures also include a 28% interest in Pharmaceutical Insurance Limited, which is a mutual insurance company covering pharmaceutical business risk, and a 49% interest in GlaxoSmithKline - NeptunusBio, which is a u vaccine research, development and manufacturing venture. During 2010, GSK made additional capital contributions of 6 million to Shenzhen GlaxoSmithKline - NeptunusBio Co., Ltd and 24 million to Shionogi-ViiV Healthcare Holdings, L.P.
GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

21 Other investments
2010 m 2009 m

At 1st January Exchange adjustments Additions Net fair value movements Impairment losses Transfer to investments in associates and joint ventures Disposals At 31st December

454 7 281 96 (60) (40) (27) 711

478 (48) 175 57 (95) (56) (57) 454

Other investments comprise non-current equity investments which are available-for-sale investments recorded at fair value at each balance sheet date. For investments traded in an active market, the fair value is determined by reference to the relevant stock exchange quoted bid price. For other investments, the fair value is estimated by management with reference to relevant available information, including the current market value of similar instruments and discounted cash ows of the underlying net assets. The Group holds a number of equity investments in entities where the Group has entered into research collaborations. Other investments include listed investments of 491 million (2009 245 million), the increase primarily arising from a number of additional investments during the year. On disposal of investments, fair value movements are reclassied from equity to the income statement based on average cost for shares acquired at different times. The transfer to associates relates to the Groups holding in JCR Pharmaceuticals, which increased during the year to 27%. The impairment losses recorded in the tables above have been recognised in the income statement for the year within other operating income, together with amounts reclassied from the fair value reserve on recognition of the impairments. These impairments initially result from prolonged or signicant declines in the fair value of the equity investments below acquisition cost, subsequent to which any further declines in fair value are immediately taken to the income statement. Other investments include assets that have been impaired, as follows:
2010 m 2009 m

Financial statements P102P191

Original cost Impairments recognised in the income statement Subsequent fair value increases Carrying value at 31st December

429 (340) 45 134

401 (292) 43 152

22 Other non-current assets

2010 m 2009 m

Amounts receivable under insurance contracts Pension schemes in surplus Other receivables

343 23 190 556

299 23 261 583

23 Inventories
2010 m 2009 m

Raw materials and consumables Work in progress Finished goods

1,466 751 1,620 3,837

1,153 1,437 1,474 4,064

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

24 Trade and other receivables

2010 m 2009 m

Business review P08P57

Trade receivables Prepaid pension contributions Other prepayments and accrued income Interest receivable Employee loans and advances Other receivables

4,727 2 256 16 50 742 5,793

5,486 1 301 20 48 636 6,492

Trade receivables include 42 million (2009 32 million) due from associates and joint ventures and are stated after deducting the provision for bad and doubtful debts. Bad and doubtful debt provision At 1st January
Exchange adjustments Charge for the year Subsequent recoveries of amounts provided for Utilised At 31st December
2010 m 2009 m

Governance and remuneration P58P101

116 54 (19) (1) 150

129 (10) 21 (18) (6) 116

25 Cash and cash equivalents

2010 m 2009 m

Cash at bank and in hand

Short-term deposits

1,027 5,030 6,057

856 5,689 6,545

Financial statements P102P191

26 Assets held for sale

2010 m 2009 m

Land and buildings

Plant, equipment and vehicles

6 10 16

13 1 14

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

27 Trade and other payables

2010 m 2009 m

Trade payables Wages and salaries Social security Other payables Deferred income Customer return and rebate accruals Other accruals

2,141 931 115 296 70 1,632 1,703 6,888

1,855 1,089 125 280 156 1,379 1,888 6,772

Customer return and rebate accruals are provided for by the Group at the point of sale in respect of the estimated rebates, discounts or allowances payable to customers, principally in the USA, and have increased during the year as a result of the US healthcare reform amendments. Accruals are made at the time of sale but the actual amounts paid are based on claims made some time after the initial recognition of the sale. As the amounts are estimated they may not fully reect the nal outcome and are subject to change dependent upon, amongst other things, the types of buying group and product sales mix. The level of accrual is reviewed and adjusted quarterly in the light of historical experience of actual rebates, discounts or allowances given and returns made and any changes in arrangements. Future events could cause the assumptions on which the accruals are based to change, which could affect the future results of the Group. Trade and other payables include 26 million (2009 23 million) due to associates and joint ventures.

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets

Pension and other post-employment costs UK pension schemes
US pension schemes Other overseas pensions schemes Unfunded post-retirement healthcare schemes Other post-employment costs
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Financial statements P102P191

158 115 125 156 554

206 94 101 90 491 338 25 90 453 38 491

236 60 87 118 4 505 318 23 118 459 42 4 505

Analysed as: Funded dened benet/hybrid pension schemes Unfunded dened benet pension schemes Unfunded post-retirement healthcare schemes Dened benet schemes Dened contribution pension schemes Other post-employment costs

325 28 156 509 45 554

The costs of the dened benet pension and post-retirement healthcare schemes are charged in the income statement as follows:
Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development

117 254 138 509

121 195 137 453

179 160 120 459

GSK entities operate pension arrangements which cover the Groups material obligations to provide pensions to retired employees. These arrangements have been developed in accordance with local practices in the countries concerned. Pension benets can be provided by state schemes; by dened contribution schemes, whereby retirement benets are determined by the value of funds arising from contributions paid in respect of each employee; or by dened benet schemes, whereby retirement benets are based on employee pensionable remuneration and length of service. Some hybrid dened benet schemes also include dened contribution sections.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

Pension costs of dened benet schemes for accounting purposes have been calculated using the projected unit method. In certain countries pension benets are provided on an unfunded basis, some administered by trustee companies. Formal, independent, actuarial valuations of the Groups main plans are undertaken regularly, normally at least every three years. Actuarial movements in the year are recognised through the statement of comprehensive income. Discount rates are derived from AA rated corporate bond yields except in countries where there is no deep market in corporate bonds where government bond yields are used. Discount rates are selected to reect the term of the expected benet payments. The expected rate of return on bonds reects the portfolio mix of index-linked, government and corporate bonds. An equity risk premium of between 3% and 4% is added to longer term government bond yields to give the expected rate of return on equities. Projected ination rate and pension increases are long-term predictions based on the yield gap between long-term index-linked and xed interest Gilts. In the UK, mortality rates are determined by adjusting the PCA00 standard mortality tables to reect recent scheme experience. These rates are then projected to reect improvements in life expectancy in line with the medium cohort (i.e. improvements at recently observed higher levels which are assumed to continue to 2020) with minimum improvements thereafter of 1% per year for both males and females. In the USA, mortality rates are calculated using the RP2000 fully generational table, projected using scale AA, with the white collar adjustment. The average life expectancy assumed now for an individual at the age of 60 and projected to apply in 2030 for an individual then at the age of 60 is as follows:
UK Male Years Female Years Male Years USA Female Years

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Current Projected for 2030

27.4 29.7

28.7 30.5

24.6 26.5

26.3 27.4

The assets of funded schemes are generally held in separately administered trusts, either as specic assets or as a proportion of a general fund, or are insurance contracts. Assets are invested in different classes in order to maintain a balance between risk and return. Investments are diversied to limit the nancial effect of the failure of any individual investment. Following an asset liability study in 2007, the Group decided to adopt a strategy to reduce gradually the allocation of investment in equities. During 2009, it was agreed that the pace of reallocation would be increased primarily through investment of the decit reduction contributions in bonds. The target allocation of equities and property in the US scheme has been reduced to 50% of the total. In the UK the dened benet pension schemes operated for the benet of former Glaxo Wellcome employees and former SmithKline Beecham employees remain separate. These schemes were closed to new entrants in 2001 and subsequent UK employees are entitled to join a dened contribution scheme. In the USA the former Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham dened benet schemes were merged during 2001. In addition, the Group operates a number of post-retirement healthcare schemes, the principal one of which is in the USA. The Group has applied the following nancial assumptions in assessing the dened benet liabilities:
UK 2010 % pa 2009 % pa 2008 % pa 2010 % pa 2009 % pa USA 2008 % pa 2010 % pa Rest of World 2009 % pa 2008 % pa

Financial statements P102P191

Rate of increase of future earnings Discount rate Expected pension increases Cash balance credit/conversion rate Ination rate

4.50 5.50 3.50 n/a 3.50

4.60 5.70 3.60 n/a 3.60

3.90 6.20 2.90 n/a 2.70

4.50 5.20 n/a 4.20 2.25

4.50 5.75 n/a 4.75 2.50

4.50 6.00 n/a 4.50 2.50

3.50 4.50 2.20 1.30 1.70

3.00 4.70 2.20 1.60 1.70

3.10 5.00 2.10 1.20 1.70

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

The amounts recorded in the income statement and statement of comprehensive income for the three years ended 31st December 2010 in relation to the dened benet pension and post-retirement healthcare schemes were as follows:
Pensions Post-retirement benets Group m

2010 Amounts charged to operating prot Current service cost Past service cost Expected return on pension scheme assets Interest on scheme liabilities Settlements and curtailments

UK m


Rest of World m

Group m

130 (427) 425 30 158

68 (134) 151 30 115 43

70 (51) 64 (3) 80 (37)

268 (612) 640 57 353 79

31 5 73 47 156 (80)

Actuarial gains/(losses) recorded in the statement of comprehensive income



Post-retirement benets Group m

2009 Amounts charged to operating prot Current service cost Past service cost Expected return on pension scheme assets Interest on scheme liabilities Settlements and curtailments

UK m


Rest of World m

Group m

121 (347) 378 54 206

66 (6) (121) 148 7 94 (5)

64 (46) 62 (17) 63 (77)

251 (6) (514) 588 44 363 (660)

35 (27) 74 8 90 1

Financial statements P102P191

Actuarial (losses)/gains recorded in the statement of comprehensive income



Post-retirement benets Group m

2008 Amounts charged to operating prot Current service cost Past service cost Expected return on pension scheme assets Interest on scheme liabilities Settlements and curtailments

UK m


Rest of World m

Group m

126 (442) 377 175 236

61 10 (144) 121 12 60 (576)

59 2 (47) 53 (22) 45 (82)

246 12 (633) 551 165 341 (1,434)

30 4 62 22 118 64

Actuarial (losses)/gains recorded in the statement of comprehensive income


The total actuarial losses recorded in the statement of comprehensive income since 1st January 2003 amount to 2,048 million. The amounts included within settlements and curtailments include 110 million (2009 72 million; 2008 208 million) of augmentation costs arising from major restructuring programmes (see Note 29 Other provisions).

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

The fair values of the assets and liabilities of the UK and US dened benet pension schemes, together with aggregated data for other dened benet pension schemes in the Group are as follows:
UK Expected rate of return % Fair value m Expected rate of return % USA Fair value m Rest of World Average expected rate of return % Fair value m Group Fair value m

Business review P08P57

At 31st December 2010 Equities Property Bonds Other assets Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations Unrecognised past service cost Recognised on the balance sheet Included in other non-current assets Included in pensions and other post-employment benets

8.00 7.00 4.50 3.50

4,698 272 2,460 1,188 8,618 (9,119) (501) (501) (501) (501)

8.25 7.25 4.75 0.25

1,092 147 1,012 59 2,310 (2,781) (471) (2) (473) (473) (473) 240

7.40 7.00 3.10 3.80

251 6 572 399 1,228 (1,479) (251) 1 (250) 23 (273) (250) 43

6,041 425 4,044 1,646 12,156 (13,379)

Governance and remuneration P58P101

(1,223) (1) (1,224) 23 (1,247) (1,224) 1,164

Actual return on plan assets


In December 2010, the UK scheme purchased an insurance contract that will guarantee payment of specied pensioner liabilities. This is included within Other assets and the Present value of scheme obligations in the table above at a value of 698 million at 31st December 2010.
UK Expected rate of return % Fair value m Expected rate of return % USA Fair value m Rest of World Average expected rate of return % Fair value m Group Fair value m

Financial statements P102P191

At 31st December 2009 Equities Property Bonds Other assets Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations Unrecognised past service cost Recognised on the balance sheet Included in other non-current assets Included in pensions and other post-employment benets

8.00 7.00 4.90 0.50

4,209 291 2,632 367 7,499 (8,446) (947) (947) (947) (947)

8.25 7.25 5.00 0.25

914 159 907 92 2,072 (2,628) (556) (2) (558) (558) (558) 243

7.50 7.00 3.50 3.80

232 20 562 309 1,123 (1,364) (241) 1 (240) 23 (263) (240) 65

5,355 470 4,101 768 10,694 (12,438) (1,744) (1)

Shareholder information P192P212

(1,745) 23 (1,768) (1,745) 1,384

Actual return on plan assets


GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

UK Expected rate of return % Fair value m Expected rate of return % USA Fair value m Rest of World Average expected rate of return % Fair value m Group Fair value m

At 31st December 2008 Equities Property Bonds Other assets Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations

7.75 6.75 4.75 2.75

3,334 331 2,430 40 6,135 (6,885) (750)

8.25 7.25 5.25 1.50

838 259 893 26 2,016 (2,738) (722) (722) (722) (722) (470)

7.00 6.75 3.25 4.25

211 22 598 306 1,137 (1,357) (220) 1 (6) (225) 39 (264) (225) (87)

4,383 612 3,921 372 9,288 (10,980) (1,692) 1 (6) (1,697) 39 (1,736) (1,697) (1,806)

Unrecognised past service cost Restriction on surplus Recognised on the balance sheet Included in other non-current assets Included in pensions and other post-employment benets

(750) (750) (750)

Actual return on plan assets


Financial statements P102P191

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

Pensions Post-retirement benets Group m

Business review P08P57

Movements in dened benet obligations Obligations at 1st January 2008 Exchange adjustments Service cost Interest cost Settlements and curtailments Actuarial gains Scheme participants contributions Benets paid Transfers to other provisions
Obligations at 31st December 2008

UK m


Rest of World m

Group m

(7,371) (126) (377) (175) 915 (33) 282 (6,885) (121) (378) (54) (1,307) (17) 345 (29) (8,446) (130) (425) (30) (381) (20) 313 (9,119) (9,119)

(1,945) (753) (71) (121) (12) 38 126 (2,738) 294 (58) (148) (7) (127) 156 (2,628) (84) (68) (151) (30) (63) 243 (2,781) (2) (2,783)

(1,022) (353) (61) (53) 19 58 (5) 60 (1,357) 109 (64) (62) 68 (102) (8) 71 (19) (1,364) (27) (70) (64) 3 (29) (8) 80 (1,479) 1 (1,478)

(10,338) (1,106) (258) (551) (168) 1,011 (38) 468 (10,980) 403 (243) (588) 7 (1,536) (25) 572 (48) (12,438) (111) (268) (640) (57) (473) (28) 636 (13,379) (1) (13,380)

(1,019) (351) (28) (62) (16) 64 (9) 53 14 (1,354) 133 (5) (74) (8) 1 (11) 69 (4) (1,253) (38) (31) (73) (44) (80) (13) 73 (1,459) 34 (1,425)

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Exchange adjustments Service cost Interest cost Settlements and curtailments Actuarial (losses)/gains Scheme participants contributions Benets paid Acquisitions Obligations at 31st December 2009 Exchange adjustments Service cost Interest cost Settlements and curtailments Actuarial losses Scheme participants contributions
Benets paid Obligations at 31st December 2010 Unrecognised past service cost Recognised on the balance sheet at 31st December 2010

Financial statements P102P191

The UK dened benet schemes include dened contribution sections with obligations totalling 961 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 765 million; 2008 553 million). The liability for the US post-retirement healthcare scheme has been assessed using the same assumptions as for the US pension scheme, together with the assumption for future medical ination of 8% (2009 8.5%), grading down to 4.75% in 2018 and thereafter. During 2007, the US post-retirement healthcare scheme was amended. The main change was an increase in the cap on Group costs. During 2009, both the US pension and post-retirement healthcare plan were amended. The changes resulted in a one-off gain of 37 million in the income statement. At 31st December 2010 the US plan obligation was 1,288 million (2009 1,102 million; 2008 1,223 million). However, in accordance with IAS 19 the unvested part of a benet improvement is not recognised immediately on the balance sheet but is recognised gradually through the income statement. At 31st December 2010, the unrecognised amount of 34 million (2009 40 million; 2008 51 million) primarily relates to the effect of the change in the US post-retirement scheme, which amounted to 36 million (2009 42 million; 2008 53 miilion).

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

The dened benet pension obligation is analysed as follows:
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Funded Unfunded

(13,033) (346) (13,379)

(12,126) (312) (12,438)

(10,662) (318) (10,980)

Post-retirement benets are unfunded.

Pensions Post-retirement benets Group m

Movements in fair values of assets Assets at 1st January 2008 Exchange adjustments Expected return on assets Settlements and curtailments Actuarial losses Employer contributions Scheme participants contributions Benets paid
Assets at 31st December 2008

UK m


Rest of World m

Group m

7,293 442 (1,691) 340 33 (282) 6,135 347 729 594 17 (345) 22 7,499 427 454 531 20 (313) 8,618

2,004 598 144 (614) 10 (126) 2,016 (221) 121 122 190 (156) 2,072 66 134 106 175 (243) 2,310

885 298 47 3 (134) 93 5 (60) 1,137 (93) 46 (51) 19 110 8 (71) 18 1,123 26 51 (8) 108 8 (80) 1,228

10,182 896 633 3 (2,439) 443 38 (468) 9,288 (314) 514 (51) 870 894 25 (572) 40 10,694 92 612 552 814 28 (636) 12,156

44 9 (53) 58 11 (69) 60 13 (73)

Exchange adjustments Expected return on assets Settlements and curtailments Actuarial gains Employer contributions Scheme participants contributions
Financial statements P102P191 Benets paid Acquisitions Assets at 31st December 2009

Exchange adjustments Expected return on assets Actuarial gains/(losses) Employer contributions Scheme participants contributions
Benets paid Assets at 31st December 2010

The UK dened benet schemes include dened contribution sections with account balances totalling 961 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 765 million; 2008 553 million). During 2010, the Group made special funding contributions to the UK pension schemes totalling 365 million (2009 332 million; 2008 200 million) and 91 million (2009 95 million; 2008 nil) to the US scheme. In 2009, GSK reached an agreement with the trustees of the UK pension schemes to make additional contributions to eliminate the pension decit identied at the 31st December 2008 actuarial funding valuation. The additional contributions are expected to be 365 million per year for 2011 to 2013. The contributions are based on a discount rate of 5.25% and an ination assumption of 2.8%. The next review of contribution levels is expected to be at the 31st December 2011 actuarial valuation. Employer contributions for 2011, including special funding contributions, are estimated to be approximately 800 million in respect of dened benet pension schemes and 65 million in respect of post-retirement benets.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

Pensions Post-retirement benets Group m

Business review P08P57

History of experience gains and losses

UK m


Rest of World m

Group m

2010 Experience gains/(losses) of scheme assets Percentage of scheme assets at 31st December 2010 Experience (losses)/gains of scheme liabilities Percentage of scheme obligations at 31st December 2010 Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations Decits in the schemes 2009 Experience gains of scheme assets Percentage of scheme assets at 31st December 2009 Experience gains/(losses) of scheme liabilities Percentage of scheme obligations at 31st December 2009 Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations Decits in the schemes 2008 Experience losses of scheme assets Percentage of scheme assets at 31st December 2008 Experience (losses)/gains of scheme liabilities Percentage of scheme obligations at 31st December 2008 Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations Decits in the schemes 2007 Experience gains/(losses) of scheme assets Percentage of scheme assets at 31st December 2007 Experience gains/(losses) of scheme liabilities Percentage of scheme obligations at 31st December 2007 Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations (Decits)/surpluses in the schemes 2006 Experience gains of scheme assets Percentage of scheme assets at 31st December 2006 Experience (losses)/gains of scheme liabilities Percentage of scheme obligations at 31st December 2006 Fair value of assets Present value of scheme obligations (Decits)/surpluses in the schemes

454 5% (45) 8,618 (9,119) (501)

106 5% 5 2,310 (2,781) (471)

(8) 1% (3) 1,228 (1,479) (251)

552 5% (43) 12,156 (13,379) (1,223) (14) 1% (1,459) (1,459)

Governance and remuneration P58P101

729 10% 162 2% 7,499 (8,446) (947)

122 6% (27) 1% 2,072 (2,628) (556)

19 2% (15) 1% 1,123 (1,364) (241)

870 8% 120 1% 10,694 (12,438) (1,744) 6 (1,253) (1,253)

(1,691) 28% (148) 2% 6,135 (6,885) (750)

(614) 30% 2 2,016 (2,738) (722)

(134) 12% 1 1,137 (1,357) (220)

(2,439) 26% (145) 1% 9,288 (10,980) (1,692) (14) 1% (1,354) (1,354)

Financial statements P102P191

168 2% 33 7,293 (7,371) (78)

46 2% (30) 2% 2,004 (1,945) 59

(18) 2% 6 1% 885 (1,022) (137)

196 2% 9 10,182 (10,338) (156) (1,019) (1,019)

Shareholder information P192P212

227 3% (37) 6,554 (7,444) (890)

168 9% (16) 1% 1,953 (1,949) 4

26 4% (42) 4% 741 (952) (211)

421 5% (95) 1% 9,248 (10,345) (1,097) 17 2% (1,063) (1,063)

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

28 Pensions and other post-employment benets continued

Sensitivity analysis Effect of changes in assumptions used on the annual dened benet pension and post-retirement costs or the benet obligations:

A 0.25% decrease in discount rate would have the following approximate effect: Increase in annual pension cost Increase in annual post-retirement benets cost Increase in pension obligation Increase in post-retirement benets obligation A one year increase in life expectancy would have the following approximate effect: Increase in annual pension cost Increase in annual post-retirement benets cost Increase in pension obligation Increase in post-retirement benets obligation A 0.25% decrease in expected rates of return on assets would have the following approximate effect: Increase in annual pension cost A 1% increase in the rate of future healthcare ination would have the following approximate effect: Increase in annual post-retirement benets cost Increase in post-retirement benets obligation A 0.25% increase in ination would have the following approximate effect: Increase in annual pension cost Increase in pension obligation
Financial statements P102P191

4 472 41

20 4 305 60


1 25

25 339

29 Other provisions
Legal and other disputes m Major restructuring programmes m Employee related provisions m Integration and manufacturing reorganisation m Other provisions m

Total m

At 1st January 2010 Exchange adjustments Charge for the year Reversed unused Unwinding of discount Utilised Transfer to pensions obligations Reclassications and other movements At 31st December 2010 To be settled within one year To be settled after one year At 31st December 2010

2,020 12 4,111 (103) 7 (2,047) 4,000 3,654 346 4,000

574 (4) 837 (40) 3 (610) (110) 24 674 512 162 674

241 6 39 (5) (35) 5 251 34 217 251

55 1 (4) (17) (8) 27 4 23 27

351 4 15 (16) 8 (19) (11) 332 176 156 332

3,241 19 5,002 (168) 18 (2,728) (110) 10 5,284 4,380 904 5,284

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

29 Other provisions continued

Legal and other disputes GSK is involved in a number of legal and other disputes, including notication of possible claims, as set out in Note 44 Legal proceedings. Provisions for legal and other disputes include amounts relating to product liability, intellectual property, anti-trust, government investigations, contract terminations, self-insurance, environmental clean-up and property rental. The charge for the year primarily relates to provisions in relation to the investigation by the US Government into the Groups former manufacturing site at Cidra, Puerto Rico; product liability and anti-trust litigation relating to Paxil; the investigation by the US Attorneys Ofce for the District of Colorado into the Groups US sales and promotional practices, and product liability cases regarding Avandia and other products. The discount on the provisions decreased by 2 million in 2010 (2009 5 million increase) and was calculated using risk-adjusted projected cash ows and risk-free rates of return. The movement in 2010 includes a decrease of 10 million (2009 6 million increase) arising from a change in the discount rate in the year. In respect of product liability claims related to certain products, there is sufcient history of claims made and settlements to enable management to make a reliable estimate of the provision required to cover unasserted claims. In certain cases an IBNR (incurred but not reported) actuarial technique is used to determine this estimate. The ultimate liability for such matters may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings, investigations and possible settlement negotiations. It is in the nature of the Groups business that a number of these matters, including those provided using the IBNR actuarial technique, may be the subject of negotiation and litigation over several years. At 31st December 2010, it is expected that 117 million (2009 97 million) of the provision made for legal and other disputes will be reimbursed by third party insurers. This amount is included within Other receivables in Note 22, Other non-current assets and Note 24, Trade and other receivables. For a discussion of legal issues, see Note 44 Legal proceedings. Major restructuring programmes In October 2007 GSK announced a signicant new Operational Excellence programme to improve the effectiveness and productivity of its operations (see Note 7 Major restructuring programme). A signicant expansion of the Operational Excellence programme was approved by the Board and announced in February 2009. A further expansion was approved by the Board and announced in February 2010. Provisions for staff severance payments are made when management has made a formal decision to eliminate certain positions and this has been communicated to the groups of employees affected. No provision is made for staff severance payments that are made immediately.

Pension augmentations arising from staff redundancies of 110 million (2009 72 million) have been charged during the year and then transferred to the pension obligations provision as shown in Note 28 Pensions and other post-employment benets. Asset write-downs have been recognised as impairments of property, plant and equipment in Note 17 Property, plant and equipment. The majority of the amounts provided are expected to be utilised in the next two years. Employee related provisions Employee related provisions include certain medical benets to disabled employees and their spouses in the USA. At 31st December 2010, the provision for these benets amounted to 120 million (2009 118 million). Other employee benets reect a variety of provisions for severance costs, jubilee awards and other long-service benets. Integration and manufacturing reorganisation Provisions for integration and manufacturing reorganisations reect costs related to ongoing restructuring programmes not included within the costs disclosed in Note 7, Major restructuring programmes. Other provisions Included in other provisions is contingent consideration in respect of business acquisitions, principally of Stiefel Laboratories Inc. in 2009. The contingent consideration is payable upon certain criteria being met by certain specied dates in the future. The aggregate provision for these items amounts to 164 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 161 million).

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

30 Other non-current liabilities

2010 m 2009 m

Accruals and deferred income Other payables

103 491 594

124 481 605

31 Contingent liabilities
At 31st December 2010, contingent liabilities, comprising guarantees, discounted bills and other items arising in the normal course of business, amounted to 165 million (2009 150 million). At 31st December 2010, 4 million (2009 9 million) of nancial assets were pledged as collateral for contingent liabilities. For discussions of tax and legal issues, refer to Note 14, Taxation and Note 44, Legal proceedings.

32 Net debt
Listing exchange 2010 m 2009 m

Current assets: Liquid investments Cash and cash equivalents

184 6,057 6,241

268 6,545 6,813 (621) (621) (182) (7) (40) (1,471) (662) (1,985) (1,548) (990) (1,404) (1,100) (1,701) (653) (979) (308) (1,689) (693) (984) (90) (14,786) (9,444)

Short-term borrowings:

US$ Floating Rate Note 2010 Commercial paper Bank loans and overdrafts Loan stock Obligations under nance leases
Financial statements P102P191

New York Stock Exchange

(259) (32) (291)

Long-term borrowings:

3.00% European Medium Term Note 2012 5.125% European Medium Term Note 2012 4.85% US$ US Medium Term Note 2013 4.375% US$ US Medium Term Note 2014 3.875% European Medium Term Note 2015 5.625% European Medium Term Note 2017 5.65% US$ US Medium Term Note 2018 4.00% European Medium Term Note 2025 5.25% European Medium Term Note 2033 5.375% US$ US Medium Term Note 2034 6.375% US$ US Medium Term Note 2038 6.375% European Medium Term Note 2039 5.25% European Medium Term Note 2042
Bank loans Obligations under nance leases

London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange

(640) (1,919) (1,599) (1,049) (1,358) (1,062) (1,756) (632) (981) (318) (1,744) (694) (985) (1) (71) (14,809) (8,859)

Net debt

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

32 Net debt continued

Current assets Liquid investments are classied as available-for-sale investments. At 31st December 2010, they included US Treasury Notes and other government bonds. The effective interest rate on liquid investments at 31st December 2010 was approximately 1.6% (2009 approximately 4.6%). Liquid investment balances at 31st December 2010 earning interest at oating and xed rates amount to 2 million and 182 million respectively (2009 1 million and 267 million). The effective interest rate on cash and cash equivalents at 31st December 2010 was approximately 1.3% (2009 approximately 0.7%). Cash and cash equivalents balances at 31st December 2010 earning interest at oating and xed rates amount to 5,752 million and 166 million respectively (2009 6,372 million and 17 million). GSKs policy regarding the credit quality of cash and cash equivalents is referred to in Note 41, Financial instruments and related disclosures. Short-term borrowings GSK has a US $10 billion (6.4 billion) commercial paper programme, of which none was in issue at 31st December 2010 (2009 $1 billion (621 million)) and committed facilities of 364 days duration of $3.9 billion (2.5 billion) (2009 $3.9 billion (2.4 billion)) renewable annually, and liquid investments, cash and cash equivalents as shown in the table above. The weighted average interest rate on current bank loans and overdrafts at 31st December 2010 was 4.5% (2009 4.8%). Long-term borrowings At the year-end, GSK had long-term borrowings of 14.8 billion (2009 14.8 billion) of which 8.2 billion (2009 9.5 billion) falls due in more than ve years. The average effective interest rate of all notes at 31st December 2010 was approximately 5.2% (2009 approximately 5.3%). Long-term borrowings repayable after ve years carry interest at effective rates between 3.92% and 6.46%. The repayment dates range from 2017 to 2042. Secured liabilities GSK had no loans secured by charges on non-current and current assets in the year (2009 nil). The Group has pledged investments in US Treasury Notes with a par value of $107 million (69 million) (2009 $103 million (64 million)) as security against irrevocable letters of credit issued on the Groups behalf in respect of the Groups self-insurance activity. Provisions in respect of self-insurance are included within the provisions for legal and other disputes discussed in Note 29, Other provisions. Finance lease obligations Rental payments due within one year Rental payments due between one and two years Rental payments due between two and three years Rental payments due between three and four years Rental payments due between four and ve years Rental payments due after ve years Total future rental payments Future nance charges Total nance lease obligations
2010 m 2009 m

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

37 32 21 13 8 8 119 (16) 103

44 38 26 16 6 16 146 (16) 130

Finance lease obligations at 31st December 2010 bearing interest at oating and xed rates amount to 70 million and 33 million, respectively (2009 89 million and 41 million).

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

33 Share capital and share premium account

Ordinary Shares of 25p each Number m Share premium m

Share capital authorised At 31st December 2008 At 31st December 2009 At 31st December 2010 Share capital issued and fully paid At 1st January 2008 Issued under share option schemes Share capital purchased and cancelled At 31st December 2008 Issued under share option schemes At 31st December 2009 Issued under share option schemes At 31st December 2010

10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 6,012,587,026 5,640,119 (356,910,908) 5,661,316,237 3,812,482 5,665,128,719 5,329,458 5,670,458,177

2,500 2,500 2,500 1,503 2 (90) 1,415 1 1,416 2 1,418 1,266 60 1,326 42 1,368 60 1,428

31st December 2010

31st December 2009

Number (000) of shares issuable under outstanding options (Note 42) Number (000) of unissued shares not under option

207,132 4,122,410

213,110 4,121,761

At 31st December 2010, of the issued share capital, 105,472,070 shares were held in the ESOP Trust, 474,194,158 shares were held as Treasury shares and 5,090,791,949 shares were in free issue. All issued shares are fully paid. The nominal, carrying and market values of the shares held in the ESOP Trust are disclosed in Note 42, Employee share schemes.
Financial statements P102P191

The company did not purchase any of its own shares in 2010. On 3rd February 2011, GSK announced that it would commence a new long-term share buy-back programme and expected to repurchase 1-2 billion of shares, depending on market conditions and other factors, in 2011. The exact amount and timing of purchases and whether the shares will be held as Treasury shares or be cancelled will be determined by the company and is dependent on market conditions and other factors. No shares were purchased in the period 1st January 2011 to 3rd February 2011. In the period 4th February 2011 to 24th February 2011 10.4 million shares were purchased at a cost of 123.4 million.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

34 Movements in equity
Retained earnings and other reserves amounted to 6,041 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 7,221 million; 2008 5,190 million) of which 472 million (2009 390 million; 2008 391 million) relates to joint ventures and associated undertakings. The cumulative translation exchange in equity is shown below in the following table:
Net translation exchange included in: Fair value reserve m Retained earnings m Noncontrolling interests m Total translation exchange m

Business review P08P57

At 1st January 2008 Exchange movements on overseas net assets Reclassication of exchange on liquidation of overseas subsidiary At 31st December 2008 Exchange movements on overseas net assets Reclassication of exchange on liquidation of overseas subsidiary At 31st December 2009 Exchange movements on overseas net assets Reclassication of exchange on liquidation or disposal of overseas subsidiaries At 31st December 2010 The analysis of other reserves is as follows:
ESOP Trust shares m

9 1 10 1 11 11

335 952 84 1,371 (161) (44) 1,166 145 (2) 1,309

(75) 64 (11) (34) (45) 21 (24)

269 1,017 84 1,370 (194) (44) 1,132 166 (2) 1,296

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Fair value reserve m

Cash ow hedge reserve m

Other reserves m

Total m

At 1st January 2008 Transferred to income and expense in the year on disposals Transferred to income and expense in the year on impairment Net fair value movement in the year Ordinary Shares purchased and cancelled Ordinary Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Ordinary Shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Write-down of shares held by ESOP Trusts At 31st December 2008 Transferred to income and expense in the year on disposals Transferred to income and expense in the year on impairment Net fair value movement in the year Ordinary Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Ordinary Shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Write-down of shares held by ESOP Trusts Put option over non-controlling interest At 31st December 2009 Transferred to income and expense in the year on disposals Transferred to income and expense in the year on impairment Net fair value movement in the year Ordinary Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts Ordinary Shares transferred by ESOP Trusts Write-down of shares held by ESOP Trusts At 31st December 2010

(1,617) (19) 10 181 (1,445) (57) 13 351 (1,138) (16) 17 292 (845)

49 (32) (2) (23) (8) (40) 40 30 22 (5) 5 67 89

(7) 4 (3) 1 (4) (6) 3 (1) (4)

1,934 90 2,024 (2) 2,022 2,022

359 (32) (2) (19) 90 (19) 10 181 568 (39) 40 26 (57) 13 351 (2) 900 (2) 5 66 (16) 17 292 1,262

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

Other reserves include various non-distributable merger and pre-merger reserves amounting to 1,849 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 1,849 million; 2008 1,849 million). Other reserves also include the capital redemption reserve created as a result of the share buy-back programme amounting to 175 million at 31st December 2010 (2009 175 million; 2008 175 million).

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

35 Related party transactions

GSK held a 18.1% interest in Quest Diagnostics Inc. at 31st December 2010 (2009 16.8%). The Group and Quest Diagnostics are parties to a long-term contractual relationship under which Quest Diagnostics is the primary provider of clinical laboratory testing to support the Groups clinical trials testing requirements worldwide. During 2010, Quest Diagnostics provided services of 41 million (2009 47 million) to the Group. At 31st December 2010, the balance payable by GSK to Quest Diagnostics was 10 million (2009 10 million). Subsequent to the year-end, GSK sold its entire shareholding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. The sale comprised a secondary public offering and an accompanying repurchase of shares by Quest Diagnostics which together are expected to generate gross proceeds of $1.1 billion (0.7 billion) after tax. GSK held a 19% interest in Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited at 31st December 2010 (2009 19%). During 2010, GSK distributed 81 million (2009 18 million) of its products through Aspens extensive distribution network. At 31st December 2010, the balance due to GSK from Aspen was 22 million (2009 18 million) and the balance payable by GSK to Aspen was 12 million (2009 13 million). In 2010, both the Group and Shionogi & Co. Ltd. entered into transactions with their 50/50 US joint venture company in support of the research and development activities conducted by that joint venture company. During 2010, GSK provided services to the joint venture of 42 million (2009 15 million). At 31st December 2010, the balance due to GSK from the joint venture was 20 million (2009 14 million). At 31st December 2010, GSK held a 50% interest in ViiV Healthcare Shire Canada, which primarily co-markets Combivir, Trizivir and Epivir in certain territories. At 31st December 2010, the balance payable by GSK to ViiV Healthcare Canada was 4 million (2009 nil). The aggregate compensation of the Directors and CET is given in Note 10, Employee Costs.

36 Adjustments reconciling prot after tax to operating cash ows

2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Prot after tax Tax on prots Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures Finance income net of nance costs Depreciation Amortisation of intangible assets Impairment and assets written off Prot on sale of intangible assets Prot on sale of investments in associates Prot on sale of equity investments Changes in working capital: Decrease/(increase) in inventories Decrease/(increase) in trade receivables Decrease/(increase) in other receivables Increase/(decrease) in trade payables (Decrease)/increase in other payables Increase/(decrease) in pension and other provisions Share-based incentive plans Other
Financial statements P102P191

1,853 1,304 (81) 715 1,146 533 411 (118) (8) (17) 238 905 6 154 (179) 1,653 179 (63) 6,778

5,669 2,222 (64) 713 1,130 432 445 (835) (115) (40) (132) (473) (134) 499 409 (320) 179 (40) 3,876 9,545

4,712 1,947 (48) 530 920 311 436 (170) (33) (411) 519 22 (39) (162) 548 241 (268) 4,343 9,055

Cash generated from operations


The increase in pension and other provisions primarily reects the charge for legal costs in the year of 4 billion, partly offset by legal settlements of 2 billion and further contributions to the dened benet pension schemes.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

37 Reconciliation of net cash ow to movement in net debt

2010 m 2009 m 2008 m

Business review P08P57

Net debt at beginning of year (Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts Cash inow from liquid investments Net increase in long-term loans Net repayment of short-term loans Net repayment of obligations under nance leases Debt of subsidiary undertakings acquired Exchange adjustments Other non-cash movements Movement in net debt Net debt at end of year
At 31.12.09 m Exchange m Other Reclassications m m

(9,444) (642) (91) 1,290 45 (20) 61 (58) 585 (8,859)

Acquisitions m

(10,173) 1,054 (87) (1,358) 102 48 (9) 1,041 (62) 729 (9,444)
Cash ow m

(6,039) 1,148 (905) (5,523) 3,059 48 (1,918) (43) (4,134) (10,173)

At 31.12.10 m

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Analysis of changes in net debt Liquid investments Cash and cash equivalents Overdrafts

268 6,545 (177) 6,368

7 77 4 81 (24) (1) (25)

(18) (18)

(15) (15)

12 12 (20) (20)

(91) (577) (77) (654) 621 645 65 1,331

184 6,057 (250) 5,807 (41) (41)

Debt due within one year: Commercial paper Eurobonds and Medium-Term Notes Other

(621) (621) (52) (1,294)

Financial statements P102P191

Debt due after one year: Eurobonds, Medium-Term Notes and private nancing Other Net debt

(14,696) (90) (14,786) (9,444)

(1) (1) (2) 61

(40) (40) (58)

15 15


4 4 590

(14,737) (72) (14,809) (8,859)

For further information on signicant changes in net debt see Note 32 Net debt.

38 Acquisitions and disposals

Details of the acquisition and disposal of signicant subsidiaries and associates, joint ventures and other businesses are given below: 2010 Acquisitions

Shareholder information P192P212

Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.C.yF. On 10th June 2010, GSK acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.C.yF., a leading pharmaceutical business focused on the development, marketing and sale of branded generic and over-the-counter products in Latin America, for cash. The purchase price of 174 million included 11 million of net cash, 121 million of intangible assets, 72 million of goodwill and 30 million of other net liabilities. The goodwill arising on the acquisition of this business reects the potential for business synergies and further sales growth through the increase in GSKs market presence following the acquisition of an established market participant. None of the goodwill recognised is expected to be deductible for income tax purposes. The results of Phoenix are reported as part of the Emerging Markets operating segment. This transaction has been accounted for by using the purchase method of accounting. The pro-forma results of Laboratorios Phoenix S.A C.yF. for the full year are turnover of 60 million and loss after tax (before major restructuring) of 2 million.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

38 Acquisitions and disposals continued

2010 Acquisitions continued Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.C.yF. Since acquisition, GSK recorded turnover of 35 million and after tax losses (before major restructuring) of 0.5 million from the business. Transaction costs expensed in 2010 arising on the acquisition of Laboratorios Phoenix S.A.C.yF. amounted to 3 million.
Book value m Fair value adjustments m Fair value m

Net assets acquired Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Other assets including cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax provision Other liabilities Goodwill Total consideration

6 39 (1) (27) 17 17

121 10 7 (41) (12) 85 72 157

121 16 46 (42) (39) 102 72 174

Other acquisitions During the year, GSK completed three smaller subsidiary acquisitions for cash. The total purchase price of 198 million included 1 million of net cash.
Book value m Fair value adjustments m Fair value m

Financial statements P102P191

Net assets acquired Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Other assets including cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax provision Other liabilities Goodwill Fair value gain recognised on conversion of associate to subsidiary Total consideration

3 9 20 (10) 22 22

128 2 12 (33) 109 75 (8) 176

131 11 32 (33) (10) 131 75 (8) 198

If the other acquisitions had been made at the beginning of the year, it is estimated that Group turnover would have increased by 51 million for the year. As some of the subsidiaries have been fully integrated into the GSK business it is not practicable to separately identify the impact of the acquisitions on the Group prot for the year. The goodwill arising on the acquisitions reects the potential for business synergies and further sales growth through the increase in GSKs market presence following the acquisition of these established market participants. In addition, goodwill of 13 million was recognised in respect of further consideration for a prior year acquisition. None of the goodwill recognised is expected to be deductible for income tax purposes. The results of the other acquisitions are reported primarily as part of the Emerging Markets reportable operating segment. The Group recognised a gain of 8 million as a result of measuring at fair value an associate held prior to the acquisition date. This gain is reported as Prot on disposal of interest in associates in the income statement. Acquisition costs expensed in 2010 arising on other acquisitions totalled 7 million.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

38 Acquisitions and disposals continued

2010 Acquisitions continued Investments in associates and joint ventures GSK made cash and non-cash contributions of 24 million in a joint venture in which the Group has a 50% share, 6 million in a joint venture in which the Group has a 49% share, an investment in an associate of 32 million to increase the Groups share to 27% and other investments in associates totalling 3 million.
Other acquisitions m Associates and joint ventures m

Business review P08P57

Cash ows

Phoenix m

Total m

Total cash consideration Cash and cash equivalents acquired Cash consideration, net of cash acquired Net cash consideration paid Deferred consideration Cash consideration, net of cash acquired 2009 Acquisitions

174 (11) 163 163 163

198 (1) 197 191 6 197

61 61 61 61

433 (12) 421

Governance and remuneration P58P101

415 6 421

Certain businesses from UCB S.A. On 31st March 2009, the Group acquired from UCB S.A. its marketed product portfolio across certain territories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia Pacic and Latin America which included several leading pharmaceutical brands in a number of disease areas. Subsequent to this date the Group completed further country acquisitions which formed part of the original transaction. The purchase price of 477 million included 5 million of net cash, 445 million of intangible assets, 87 million of goodwill and 60 million of other net liabilities. The goodwill arising on the acquisition of this business reects the potential for product growth throughout the regions and the expected synergies for the Group. This transaction has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting. The transaction included acquisition of both a number of legal entities and product rights that had been previously marketed outside of those entities. The product portfolio acquired was integrated into the GSK business after acquisition and it is not therefore practicable to identify the result after tax arising as a result of this transaction for the period of 2009 after acquisition. During 2009, prior to acquisition it is estimated that the product portfolio recorded turnover of 26 million. Since acquisition GSK recorded turnover of 77 million in 2009 from the products acquired.
Book value m Fair value adjustment m Fair value m

Financial statements P102P191

Net assets acquired Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax provision Other liabilities Goodwill Total consideration

417 1 5 (5) 418 418

28 (56) (28) 87 59

445 1 5 (56) (5) 390 87 477

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

38 Acquisitions and disposals continued

2009 Acquisitions continued Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. On 22nd July 2009, the Group acquired all of the share capital of Stiefel Laboratories, Inc., the worlds largest private dermatological company for a cash consideration of 1,993 million net of cash acquired and including 326 million of debt repaid on acquisition. The purchase price of 2,219 million (including contingent cash consideration of 152 million payable upon certain criteria being met by specied dates in the future) included 74 million of cash and cash equivalents, 1,513 million of intangible assets, 885 million of goodwill, representing the potential for additional growth from the combination of the Stiefel business and GSKs existing dermatology portfolio, and 253 million of other net liabilities. The purchase price included potential obligations to make additional payments of up to $300 million (183 million) depending on the future performance of certain products. Stiefel Laboratories Inc. had a turnover of 547 million and a loss after tax (including restructuring costs) of 103 million for the year ended 31st December 2009, of which 248 million of turnover and 78 million of loss after tax (including restructuring costs) related to the period since acquisition and are included in the Group accounts. In 2009, since acquisition, Stiefel made an operating prot of 35 million before restructuring costs and intangible assets amortisation. The business will provide signicant opportunities for both sales and cost synergies. Stiefels products will benet from GSKs global distribution and commercial organisations, particularly in markets such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and Japan. GSKs products will benet from Stiefels speciality sales force relationships and experienced management in dermatology. Cost synergies for the business are expected primarily from combining manufacturing and administrative functions. As previously reported, GSK expects to deliver annual pre-tax cost savings of up to 155 million by 2012 with restructuring costs of approximately 205 million. Excluding restructuring costs, the Stiefel acquisition resulted in a dilution of GSKs earnings per share of less than 1% in 2009.
Book value m Fair value adjustment m Fair value m

Financial statements P102P191

Net assets acquired Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Other assets including cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax provision Other liabilities Goodwill Total consideration

274 111 210 35 (251) 379 379

1,239 47 (331) 955 885 1,840

1,513 111 257 (296) (251) 1,334 885 2,219

ViiV Healthcare Limited On 30th October 2009, GSK acquired Pzer Inc.s HIV business and combined it with its own HIV business to form ViiV Healthcare Limited, a sub-group owned 85% by GSK and 15% by Pzer. The consideration given by GSK, representing 15% of the net value of GSKs HIV business, contingent consideration and transaction costs, was valued at 383 million. This was represented by 595 million of intangible assets, 172 million of deferred tax liability, 21 million of other net assets, 316 million increase in non-controlling interests and 255 million of goodwill representing the economies of scale gained from the combination of the two businesses and the potential for growth of both partners HIV products within ViiV Healthcare. The non-controlling interest represents Pzers interest in ViiV Healthcare including the right to preferential dividends based on the sales performance of certain products. GSK recognised an accounting gain of 296 million on this transaction arising on the disposal of a 15% interest in GSKs HIV business to Pzer recorded at book value, in return for 85% of Pzers HIV business recorded at fair value.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

38 Acquisitions and disposals continued

2009 Acquisitions continued The acquired Pzer HIV business had a turnover of 89 million and a loss after tax of 39 million in 2009, of which, after taking account of the transition status in various territories, 1 million of turnover and 23 million of loss after tax, including restructuring costs, was recognised in the Group accounts in 2009.
Book value m Fair value adjustment m Fair value m

Business review P08P57

Net assets acquired Intangible assets Other assets including cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax provision Non-controlling interests Goodwill Total consideration Consideration Fair value of assets contributed by GSK Fair value of contingent equity contributed by GSK Direct costs Total consideration

13 10 23 23

582 11 (172) 421 (316) 255 360

595 21 (172) 444 (316) 255 383

Governance and remuneration P58P101

328 37 18 383

Other acquisitions Other investments in the year included 327 million in ve subsidiaries, 16 million in a joint venture in which the Group has a 50% share and 20 million in an associate in which the Group has an initial 40% share.
Certain businesses of UCB S.A. m Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. m

Financial statements P102P191

Cash ows Cash consideration Cash and cash equivalents acquired Net cash consideration Contingent consideration Net purchase consideration

Other m

Total m

477 (5) 472 472

2,067 (74) 1,993 152 2,145

371 (15) 356 2 358

2,915 (94) 2,821 154 2,975

If the acquisitions of subsidiaries had been made at the beginning of the year, it is estimated that Group turnover would have increased by 477 million for the year. As some of the acquisitions have been fully integrated into the GSK business it is not practicable to separately identify the impact of the acquisitions on the Group prot for the year.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

38 Acquisitions and disposals continued

2008 Acquisitions continued Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. On 5th June 2008, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc., a biopharmaceutical company based in Massachusetts, USA for a cash consideration of 376 million. The company is focused on discovering and developing proprietary, orally available, small molecule drugs with the potential to treat diseases associated with ageing, including metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. Sirtris drug candidates are designed to mimic certain benecial health effects of calorie restriction by activation of sirtuins, a recently discovered class of enzymes that Sirtris believes control the ageing process. This transaction has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting. The goodwill arising on the acquisition reects the potential for enabling GSK to enhance its metabolic, neurology, and immuno-inammation research efforts by establishing a world-leading presence in the sirtuin eld, aided by the existence in the company of a highly experienced development team that encompasses all aspects of sirtuin biology. Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. had a turnover of nil and a loss after tax of 25 million in 2008, of which nil of turnover and 14 million of loss after tax related to the period after acquisition and are included in the Group accounts in 2008.
Book value m Fair value adjustment m Fair value m

Net assets acquired Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Other assets including cash and cash equivalents Deferred tax provision Other liabilities Goodwill Total consideration

2 86 (39) 49 49

106 (21) 85 242 327

106 2 86 (21) (39) 134 242 376

Financial statements P102P191

Other acquisitions Other investments in the year included 140 million in a subsidiary, of which 10 million was deferred, a further 6 million in a joint venture in which the Group has a 50% share and 2 million in an associate in which the Group has a 36.8% holding. Cash ows Cash consideration Cash and cash equivalents acquired Net cash payment on acquisitions
Sirtris m Other m Total m

376 (52) 324

139 139

515 (52) 463

If the subsidiaries had been acquired at the beginning of 2008, combined Group turnover for the year would have been 24,373 million and combined Group prot for the year would have been 4,705 million.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

39 Commitments
Contractual obligations and commitments Contracted for but not provided in the nancial statements: Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investments Purchase commitments Business combinations Pensions Other commitments Interest on loans Finance lease charges
2010 m 2009 m

Business review P08P57

11,762 380 37 1,127 285 1,095 242 10,312 16 25,256

12,280 416 86 82 1,460 52 10,733 16 25,125

Governance and remuneration P58P101

The commitments related to intangible assets include milestone payments, which are dependent on successful clinical development or on meeting specied sales targets, and which represent the maximum that would be paid if all milestones, however unlikely, are achieved. The amounts are not risk-adjusted or discounted. A number of commitments were made in 2010 under licensing and other agreements, including arrangements with Amicus Therapeutics, Amplimmune Inc., Apeiron Biologics AG, Fondazione Telethon, Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Shionogi & Co., Limited. These new arrangements were offset by reduced commitments due on prior year transactions including Actelion Pharmaceuticals Limited, Targacept, Inc. and Neurosearch A/S which were terminated or curtailed during the year. The commitments relating to business combinations reect three agreements signed in 2010 but not completed at the balance sheet date. In 2009, GSK reached an agreement with the trustees of the UK pension schemes to make additional contributions to eliminate the pension decit identied at the 31st December 2008 actuarial funding valuation. The table above shows this commitment, but excludes the normal ongoing annual funding requirement of approximately 130 million. The Group also has other commitments which principally relate to revenue payments to be made under licences and other alliances. Commitments in respect of future interest payable on loans are disclosed before taking into account the effect of interest rate swaps. Commitments under non-cancellable operating leases Rental payments due within one year Rental payments due between one and two years Rental payments due between two and three years Rental payments due between three and four years Rental payments due between four and ve years Rental payments due after ve years Total commitments under non-cancellable operating leases
2010 m 2009 m

Financial statements P102P191

123 73 46 32 25 116 415

111 72 50 21 14 69 337

40 Post balance sheet events

Subsequent to the year end, GSK completed the acquisition of the three business combinations referred to in Note 39 Commitments. Since the year end, GSK has sold its entire shareholding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. The sale comprised a secondary public offering and an accompanying repurchase of shares by Quest Diagnostics which together are expected to generate gross proceeds of $1.1 billion (0.7 billion) after tax. On 3rd February 2011, GSK announced that the company has initiated a new long-term share buy-back programme, and the intention is to repurchase 1-2 billion of shares in 2011, depending on market conditions. In the period 4th February 2011 to 24th February 2011, 10.4 million shares were purchased at a cost of 123.4 million.
Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures

GlaxoSmithKline plc reports in Sterling and pays dividends out of Sterling prots. The role of Corporate Treasury is to manage and monitor our external and internal funding requirements and nancial risks in support of our strategic objectives. Treasury activities are governed by policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors, most recently on 7th October 2010. A Treasury Management Group (TMG) chaired by our Chief Financial Ofcer, meets on a monthly basis to review treasury activities. Its members receive management information relating to treasury activities. Our internal auditors review the Treasury internal control environment regularly. GSK uses a variety of nancial instruments to nance its operations and derivative nancial instruments to manage risks from these operations. These derivatives, principally comprising forward foreign currency contracts, interest rate and currency swaps, are used to swap borrowings and liquid assets into currencies required for Group purposes and to manage exposure to funding risks from changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates. GSK does not hold or issue derivatives for speculative purposes and our Treasury policies specically prohibit such activity. All transactions in nancial instruments are undertaken to manage the risks arising from underlying business activities, not for speculation. Capital management We manage our capital to ensure that entities in the Group are able to operate as going concerns and to optimise return to shareholders through an appropriate balance of debt and equity. The Board reviews the Groups dividend policy and funding requirements annually.
Financial statements P102P191

These borrowings, together with cash generated from operations, are on-lent, contributed as equity to certain subsidiaries or used to pay dividends and make acquisitions. GSK did not make any share repurchases in 2010. Total capital (equity and net debt) of the Group has decreased from 20,186 million in 2009 to 18,604 million in 2010. The decrease of 1,582 million arises principally as a result of the excess of dividend distribution for the year of 3,205 million over earnings attributable to shareholders of 1,634 million. The Groups positive cash generation was sufcient to nance the Groups acquisitions and payment of legal costs in the year. Net debt continued to reduce in 2010, reecting the benets of our ongoing restructuring programme and the success of our working capital initiatives. Liquidity risk We manage our net borrowing requirements through a portfolio of long-term borrowings, including bonds, together with shortterm nance under the US$10 billion commercial paper programme and $3.9 billion of committed facilities. The facilities were last renewed in October 2010. We consider this level of committed facilities to be adequate given current liquidity requirements. For further information on these facilities, please refer to Note 32 to the nancial statements, Net debt. We also benet from strong positive cash ow from operating units. We have a European Medium Term Note programme of 15 billion. At 31st December 2010, we had 8.3 billion of notes in issue under this programme. We also have a US shelf registration statement. At 31st December 2010, we had $10.1 billion (6.5 billion) of notes in issue under this programme. The long-term borrowings mature at dates between 2012 and 2042. Our long-term debt ratings have remained stable since February 2008. Currently we are rated A+ stable outlook by Standard and Poors and A1 stable outlook by Moodys Investors Service Moodys. Our short-term debt ratings are A-1 and P-1 with Standard and Poors and Moodys respectively. As well as our committed facilities we also had substantial cash and cash equivalents and liquid investments, which amounted to 6.2 billion at 31st December 2010. We also benet from strong positive cash ow from operating units. The TMG monitors the cash ow forecast on a monthly basis. Market risk Interest rate risk management The policy on interest rate risk management limits the amount of oating interest payments to a prescribed percentage of trading prot. We use a series of interest rate swaps to redenominate one of our external borrowings into the interest rate coupon required by GSK. The duration of this swap matches the duration of the principal instrument. Interest rate derivative instruments are accounted for as fair value or cash ow hedges of the relevant assets or liabilities.

The capital structure of the Group consists of net debt (see Note 32, Net debt) and shareholders equity (see Consolidated statement of changes in equity on page 107). Our commitment is to use free cash ow to support increasing dividends, undertake share repurchases or, where returns are more attractive, invest in bolt-on acquisitions. Investment opportunities will continue to be assessed against strict nancial criteria. GSK operates on a global basis, primarily through subsidiary companies established in the markets in which we trade. With signicant levels of patent or trademark protection, our pharmaceutical products compete largely on product efcacy or differentiation. Selling margins are sufcient to cover normal operating costs and our operations are cash generative. Operating cash ow is used to fund investment in research and development of new products. It is also used to make routine outows of capital expenditure, tax, dividends, repayment of maturing debt and, to the extent determined by the Board, share repurchases. In 2011, as part of a new long-term share buy-back programme and depending on market conditions and other factors, we expect to purchase 1-2 billion of shares. Our policy is to borrow centrally, using a variety of capital market issues and borrowing facilities, to meet anticipated funding requirements.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

Foreign exchange risk management Foreign currency transaction exposures arising on internal and external trade ows are not hedged. The exposure of overseas operating subsidiaries to transaction risk is minimised by matching local currency income with local currency costs. For this purpose, our internal trading transactions are matched centrally and we manage inter-company payment terms to reduce foreign currency risk. Exceptional foreign currency cash ows are hedged selectively under the management of Corporate Treasury. We manage the cash surpluses or borrowing requirements of subsidiary companies centrally using forward contracts to hedge future repayments back into the originating currency. We seek to denominate borrowings in the currencies of our principal assets and cash ows. These are primarily denominated in US dollars, Euros and Sterling. Certain borrowings can be swapped into other currencies as required. Borrowings denominated in, or swapped into, foreign currencies that match investments in overseas Group assets may be treated as a hedge against the relevant assets. Forward contracts are also used in major currencies to reduce our exposure to our investment in overseas Group assets (see Net investment hedges section of this note for further details). The TMG reviews the ratio of borrowings to assets for major currencies monthly. Credit risk The Group considers its maximum credit risk to be 12,285 million (2009 13,434 million) which is the total of the Groups nancial assets with the exception of Other investments which do not bear credit risk. See page 165 for details on the Groups total nancial assets. GSKs greatest concentration of credit risk is 1.3 billion with JP Morgan Chase (Aa1/AA- rated with Moodys and Standard and Poors respectively), comprising 1.2 billion invested in deposits and 0.1 billion of derivatives. In 2009, the greatest concentration of credit risk was 1.3 billion of investments in US Treasury and Treasury repo only money market funds which bear credit exposure to the US Government (Aaa/AAA rated with Moodys and Standard and Poors respectively). Treasury-related credit risk GSK has continued to maintain its conservative approach to counterparty risk throughout this period. A report on relationship banks and their credit ratings is presented annually to the TMG for approval. The aggregate credit risk in respect of nancial instruments the Group may have with one counterparty is limited by reference to the long-term credit ratings assigned for that counterparty by Moodys and Standard and Poors. The table below sets out the credit ratings of counterparties for liquid investments, cash and cash equivalents and derivatives. The gross asset position on each derivative contract is considered for the purpose of this table, though, under the ISDA contracts, the amount at risk is the net position with each counterparty. The 92 million invested in Baa3/BBB- rated investments includes bank deposits with Allied Irish Bank and State Bank of India and Indian Government bonds. These counterparties are used either for local cash management purposes or for local investment purposes where GSK is not the sole shareholder. The 27 million invested in Ba1/BB+ rated investments includes Greek Government bonds issued in lieu of settlement on long outstanding amounts and bank deposits with HDFC Bank, a domestic bank used in India to invest funds locally.
Credit rating of counterparty

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

2010 Bank balances and deposits US Treasury and Treasury repo only money market funds Corporate debt instruments Government securities 3rd party financial derivatives Total

Aaa/AAA m

Aa2/AA m


A1/A+ m

A2/A m

Baa1/BBB+ m

Baa2/BBB m


Ba1/BB+ m

Total m

360 192 552

1,772 23 1,795

1,226 10 49 1,285

2,494 100 2,594

67 67

1 1

84 8 92

16 11 27

5,660 360 10 211 172 6,413

Shareholder information P192P212

Credit rating of counterparty

2009 Bank balances and deposits US Treasury and Treasury repo only money market funds Corporate debt instruments Government securities 3rd party financial derivatives Total

Aaa/AAA m

Aa2/AA m


A1/A+ m

A2/A m

Baa1/BBB+ m

Baa2/BBB m


Ba1/BB+ m

Total m

793 1,305 237 2,335

1,385 48 1,433

1,359 10 32 1,401

1,467 43 106 1,616

102 102

27 27

63 11 74

10 1 11

5,206 1,305 10 292 186 6,999

The credit ratings in the above tables are as assigned by Moodys and Standard and Poors respectively. Where the opinion of the two rating agencies differ, GSK assigns the lower rating of the two to the counterparty. Where local rating agency data is the only source available, the ratings are converted to global ratings equivalent to those of Moodys Investor Services or Standard and Poors using published conversion tables.
GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures

continued Our centrally managed cash reserves amounted to 3.0 billion at 31st December 2010, all available within 3 months. This excludes 0.9 billion centrally managed cash held by ViiV Healthcare, an 85% owned subsidiary. The Group may invest centrally managed liquid assets in bank deposits, AAA/Aaa rated US Treasuries and US Treasury repo only money market funds and short term corporate debt instruments with a minimum short-term credit rating of A-1/P1. Global counterparty limits are assigned to each of GSKs banking and investment counterparties based on long-term credit ratings from Moodys and Standard and Poors. Corporate Treasurys usage of these limits is monitored daily by a Corporate Compliance Ofcer (CCO) who operates independently of Corporate Treasury. Any breach of these limits would be reported to the CFO immediately. The CCO also monitors the credit rating of these counterparties and, when changes in ratings occur, noties Corporate Treasury so that changes can be made to investment levels or authority limits as appropriate. Wholesale and retail credit risk In the USA, in line with other pharmaceutical companies, the Group sells its products through a small number of wholesalers in addition to hospitals, pharmacies, physicians and other groups. Sales to the three largest wholesalers amount to approximately 85% of the Groups US pharmaceutical sales. At 31st December 2010, the Group had trade receivables due from these three wholesalers totalling 890 million (2009 867 million). The Group is exposed to a concentration of credit risk in respect of these wholesalers such that, if one or more of them encounters nancial difculty, it could materially and adversely affect the Groups nancial results. The Groups credit risk monitoring activities relating to these wholesalers includes review of their quarterly nancial information and Standard & Poors credit ratings, development of GSK internal risk ratings, and establishment and periodic review of credit limits. However, the Group believes there is no further credit risk provision required in excess of the normal provision for bad and doubtful debts (see Note 24, Trade and other receivables). Outside the USA no customer accounts for more than 5% of the trade receivables balance. Fair value of nancial assets and liabilities The table on page 165 presents the carrying amounts and the fair values of the Groups nancial assets and liabilities at 31st December 2010 and 31st December 2009. The fair values of the nancial assets and liabilities are included at the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale.

The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values: Cash and cash equivalents approximates to the carrying amount Liquid investments based on quoted market prices or calculated based on observable inputs in the case of marketable securities; based on principal amounts in the case of non-marketable securities because of their short repricing periods Other investments investments traded in an active market determined by reference to the relevant stock exchange quoted bid price; other investments determined by reference to the current market value of similar instruments or by reference to the discounted cash ows of the underlying net assets Short-term loans and overdrafts approximates to the carrying amount because of the short maturity of these instruments Long-term loans based on quoted market prices in the case of the Eurobonds and other xed rate borrowings; approximates to the carrying amount in the case of oating rate bank loans and other loans Forward exchange contracts based on market data and exchange rates at the balance sheet date Currency swaps based on market data at the balance sheet date Interest rate swaps based on the net present value of discounted cash ows Receivables and payables approximates to the carrying amount Company-owned life insurance policies based on cash surrender value Lease obligations approximates to the carrying amount. Fair value of investments in GSK shares At 31st December 2010, the Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trusts held GSK shares with a carrying value of 845 million (2009 1,138 million) with a fair value of 1,308 million (2009 1,554 million) based on quoted market price. The shares represent purchases by the ESOP Trusts to satisfy future exercises of options and awards under employee incentive schemes. The carrying value, which is the lower of cost or expected proceeds, of these shares has been recognised as a deduction from other reserves. At 31st December 2010, GSK held Treasury shares at a cost of 6,286 million (2009 6,286 million) which has been deducted from retained earnings. Committed facilities The Group has committed facilities of $3.9 billion (2.5 billion) (2009 $3.9 billion (2.4 billion)) of 364 days duration, renewable annually. At 31st December 2010 these were undrawn.

Financial statements P102P191

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

2010 Carrying value m Fair value m Carrying value m 2009 Fair value m

Business review P08P57

Cash and cash equivalents Available-for-sale investments: Liquid investments: Government bonds other Total liquid investments Other investments Loans and receivables: Trade and other receivables and certain Other non-current assets in scope of IAS 39 Financial assets at fair value through prot or loss: Other non-current assets Held-for-trading nancial assets: Derivatives designated as accounting hedges Other derivatives Total nancial assets Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost: Borrowings: bonds in a designated hedging relationship other bonds commercial paper bank loans and overdrafts other loans and private nancing obligations under nance leases Total borrowings Trade and other payables, Other provisions and Other non-current liabilities in scope of IAS 39 Held-for-trading nancial liabilities: Derivatives designated as accounting hedges Other derivatives Total nancial liabilities Net nancial assets and nancial liabilities





172 12 184 711

172 12 184 711

254 14 268 454

254 14 268 454

Governance and remuneration P58P101

5,667 187 97 93 12,996

5,667 187 97 93 12,996

6,271 153 104 93 13,888

6,271 153 104 93 13,888

(6,029) (8,708) (260) (103) (15,100) (6,590) (23) (170) (21,883) (8,887)

(6,401) (9,653) (260) (103) (16,417) (6,590) (23) (170) (23,200) (10,204)

(6,139) (9,178) (621) (182) (7) (130) (16,257) (6,051) (55) (113) (22,476) (8,588)

(6,499) (9,864) (621) (182) (7) (130) (17,303) (6,051) (55) (113) (23,522) (9,634)

Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

The following tables categorise the Groups nancial assets and liabilities held at fair value by the valuation methodology applied in determining their fair value. Where possible, quoted prices in active markets are used (Level 1). Where such prices are not available, the asset or liability is classied as Level 2, provided all signicant inputs to the valuation model used are based on observable market data. If one or more of the signicant inputs to the valuation model is not based on observable market data, the instrument is classied as Level 3. At 31st December 2010 Financial assets at fair value Availableforsale nancial assets: Liquid investments Other investments Financial assets at fair value through prot or loss: Other non-current assets Heldfortrading nancial assets: Derivatives designated as accounting hedges Other derivatives
Level 1 m Level 2 m Level 3 m Total m

159 491 650

25 187 97 92 401

220 1 221

184 711 187 97 93 1,272

Financial liabilities at fair value Heldfortrading nancial liabilities: Derivatives designated as accounting hedges Other derivatives

(23) (169) (192)

Level 2 m

(1) (1)
Level 3 m

(23) (170) (193)

Total m

At 31st December 2009 Financial assets at fair value Availableforsale nancial assets: Liquid investments Other investments Financial assets at fair value through prot or loss: Other non-current assets Heldfortrading nancial assets: Derivatives designated as accounting hedges Other derivatives

Level 1 m

Financial statements P102P191

249 245 494

19 153 104 93 369

209 209

268 454 153 104 93 1,072

Financial liabilities at fair value Heldfortrading nancial liabilities: Derivatives designated as accounting hedges Other derivatives

(55) (113) (168)

(55) (113) (168)

Movements in the year for nancial instruments measured using Level 3 valuation methods are presented below:
2010 m 2009 m

At 1st January Losses recognised in the income statement (Losses)/gains recognised in other comprehensive income Additions Disposals Transfers from Level 3 Exchange At 31st December

209 (13) (1) 51 (3) (26) 3 220

159 (11) 1 81 (4) (17) 209

Net losses of 13 million (2009 11 million) attributable to Level 3 nancial instruments held at the end of the year were reported in other operating income. Transfers out of Level 3 of 26 million (2009 nil) relate to equity investments which were listed on stock exchanges during the year. A reasonably possible change in assumptions is unlikely to result in a material change in the fair value of the Level 3 instruments.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

Trade and other receivables and Other non-current assets in scope of IAS 39 The following table reconciles nancial assets within Trade and other receivables and Other non-current assets which fall within the scope of IAS 39 to the relevant balance sheet amounts. The nancial assets are predominantly non-interest earning. Financial instruments within Other non-current assets include company-owned life insurance policies. Other assets include tax receivables, pension surplus balances and prepayments, which are outside the scope of IAS 39.
2010 m 2009 m

Business review P08P57

Trade and other receivables (Note 24) Other non-current assets (Note 22)

5,793 556 6,349

6,492 583 7,075

Analysed as: Financial assets in scope of IAS 39 Other assets

5,854 495 6,349

6,424 651 7,075

Governance and remuneration P58P101

The following table shows the age of such nancial assets which are past due and for which no provision for bad or doubtful debts has been made:
2010 m 2009 m

Past due by 130 days Past due by 3190 days Past due by 91180 days Past due by 181365 days Past due by more than 365 days

134 138 61 66 67 466

262 105 60 54 78 559

Financial statements P102P191

Amounts past due by greater than 90 days total 194 million (2009 192 million). Of this balance 127 million (2009 132 million) relates to receivables due from state hospital authorities in certain European countries. Given the prole of our customers, including large wholesalers and government backed agencies, no further credit risk has been identied with the trade receivables not past due other than those balances for which an allowance has been made. Trade and other payables, Other provisions and Other non-current liabilities in scope of IAS 39 The following table reconciles nancial liabilities within Trade and other payables, Other provisions and Other non-current liabilities which fall within the scope of IAS 39 to the relevant balance sheet amounts. The nancial liabilities are predominantly non-interest bearing. Accrued wages and salaries are included within nancial liabilities. Other liabilities include payments on account, tax and social security payables and provisions which do not constitute contractual obligations to deliver cash or another nancial asset, which are outside the scope of IAS 39.
2010 m 2009 m

Trade and other payables (Note 27) Other provisions (Note 29) Other non-current liabilities (Note 30)

(6,888) (5,284) (594) (12,766)

(6,772) (3,241) (605) (10,618)

Shareholder information P192P212

Analysed as: Financial liabilities in scope of IAS 39 Other liabilities

(6,590) (6,176) (12,766)

(6,051) (4,567) (10,618)

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

Debt interest rate repricing table The following table sets out the exposure of the Group to interest rates on debt before and after the effect of interest rate swaps. The maturity analysis of xed rate debt is stated by contractual maturity and of oating rate debt by interest rate repricing dates. For the purpose of this table, debt is dened as all classes of borrowings other than obligations under nance leases.
2010 Effect of interest rate swaps m Effect of interest rate swaps m 2009

Debt m

Total m

Debt m

Total m

Floating and xed rate debt less than one year Between one and two years Between two and three years Between three and four years Between four and ve years Between ve and ten years Greater than ten years Total Original issuance prole: Fixed rate interest Floating rate interest Total interest bearing Non-interest bearing

(259) (2,559) (1,599) (1,049) (1,358) (2,819) (5,354) (14,997) (14,757) (239) (14,996) (1) (14,997)

(1,049) 1,049 1,049 (1,049)

(1,308) (2,559) (1,599) (1,358) (2,819) (5,354) (14,997) (13,708) (1,288) (14,996) (1) (14,997)

(1,431) (2,647) (1,548) (990) (4,205) (5,306) (16,127) (14,696) (1,430) (16,126) (1) (16,127)

(990) 990 990 (990)

(2,421) (2,647) (1,548) (4,205) (5,306) (16,127) (13,706) (2,420) (16,126) (1) (16,127)

Financial statements P102P191

Sensitivity analysis The sensitivity analysis has been prepared on the assumption that the amount of net debt, the ratio of xed to oating interest rates of the debt and derivatives portfolio and the proportion of nancial instruments in foreign currencies are all constant and on the basis of the hedge designations in place at 31st December. Financial instruments affected by market risk include borrowings, deposits and derivative nancial instruments. The following analyses are intended to illustrate the sensitivity of such nancial instruments to changes in relevant foreign exchange and interest rates. Foreign exchange sensitivity The tables below show the Groups sensitivity to foreign exchange rates on its US dollar, Euro and Yen nancial instruments excluding obligations under nance leases and certain non-derivative nancial instruments not in net debt and which do not present a material exposure. These three currencies are the major foreign currencies in which GSKs nancial instruments are denominated. GSK has considered movements in these currencies over the last three years and has concluded that a 20% movement in rates is a reasonable benchmark. In the table below, nancial instruments are only considered sensitive to foreign exchange rates where they are not in the functional currency of the entity that holds them. Inter-company loans which are fully hedged to maturity with a currency swap have been excluded from this analysis.
2010 2009 Increase in income m Reduction in equity m

Non-functional currency foreign exchange exposure 20% appreciation of the US dollar 20% appreciation of the Euro 20% appreciation of the Yen A 20% depreciation of the stated currencies would have an equal and opposite effect.

Increase in income m

Reduction in equity m

386 35


214 72 5

755 1,779 45

The movements in the income statement relate primarily to hedging instruments for US legal provisions, and to trade payables and trade receivables. Whilst the hedging instruments provide economic hedges, the related provisions are not nancial instruments and therefore are not included in the table above. The combined sensitivity of these hedging instruments and the provisions would be insignicant if the provisions were included. The movements in equity relate to foreign exchange positions used to hedge Group assets denominated in Euro. The US dollar and Yen positions were closed out in 2010. Therefore, a depreciation on the currency swap would give rise to a corresponding appreciation on the Group asset. Foreign exchange sensitivity on Group assets other than nancial instruments is not included above.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

The table below presents the Groups sensitivity to foreign exchange rates based on the composition of net debt adjusting for the effects of foreign exchange derivatives, which are not part of net debt but affect future foreign currency cash ows. These derivatives relate primarily to foreign exchange contracts used to hedge the Groups currency net assets and US legal provisions.
2010 Increase/(decrease) in net debt m 2009 Increase/(decrease) in net debt m

Business review P08P57

Impact of foreign exchange movements on net debt 20% appreciation of the US dollar 20% appreciation of the Euro 20% appreciation of the Yen A 20% depreciation of the stated currencies would have an equal and opposite effect.

851 606 (13)

523 686 89

Interest rate sensitivity The table below shows the Groups sensitivity to interest rates on its oating rate Sterling, US dollar and Euro nancial instruments, being the currencies in which GSK has historically issued debt and held investments. GSK has considered movements in these interest rates over the last three years and has concluded that a 2% (200 basis points) increase is a reasonable benchmark. Debt with a maturity of less than one year is oating rate for this calculation. A 2% (200 basis points) movement in interest rates is not deemed to have a material effect on equity.
2010 Increase/(decrease) in income m 2009 Increase/(decrease) in income m

Governance and remuneration P58P101

2% (200 basis points) increase in Sterling interest rates 2% (200 basis points) increase in US dollar interest rates 2% (200 basis points) increase in Euro interest rates

29 (18) 37

(2) 38 18

These interest rates could not be decreased by 2% as they are currently less than 1.0%. The maximum increase/(decrease) in income would therefore be limited to (8 million), 2 million and (11 million) for Sterling, US Dollar and Euro interest rates respectively (2009 1 million, (4 million) and (2 million)). Interest rate movements on foreign currency derivatives and other nancial instruments not in net debt do not present a material exposure to the Groups balance sheet based on a 2% increase or decrease in these interest rates. Contractual cash ows for non-derivative nancial liabilities and derivative instruments The following is an analysis of the anticipated contractual cash ows including interest payable for the Groups non-derivative nancial liabilities on an undiscounted basis. The impact of interest rate swaps has been excluded. For the purpose of this table, debt is dened as all classes of borrowings except for obligations under nance leases. Interest is calculated based on debt held at 31st December without taking account of future issuance. Floating rate interest is estimated using the prevailing interest rate at the balance sheet date. Cash ows in foreign currencies are translated using spot rates at 31st December.
Obligations under nance leases m Finance charge on obligations under nance leases m Trade payables and other liabilities not in net debt m

Financial statements P102P191

At 31st December 2010 Due in less than one year Between one and two years Between two and three years Between three and four years Between four and ve years Between ve and ten years Greater than ten years Gross contractual cash ows

Debt m

Interest on debt m

Total m

(259) (2,564) (1,603) (962) (1,368) (2,831) (5,425) (15,012)

(755) (756) (638) (559) (538) (2,053) (5,013) (10,312)

(32) (27) (18) (11) (7) (8) (103)

(5) (5) (3) (2) (1) (16)

Finance charge on obligations under nance leases m

(6,280) (178) (35) (57) (7) (21) (12) (6,590)

Trade payables and other liabilities not in net debt m

(7,331) (3,530) (2,297) (1,591) (1,921) (4,913) (10,450) (32,033)

Shareholder information P192P212

At 31st December 2009 Due in less than one year Between one and two years Between two and three years Between three and four years Between four and ve years Between ve and ten years Greater than ten years Gross contractual cash ows

Debt m

Interest on debt m

Obligations under nance leases m

Total m

(1,431) (2,655) (1,553) (932) (4,230) (5,382) (16,183)

(757) (753) (754) (594) (536) (2,088) (5,251) (10,733)

(40) (32) (24) (14) (5) (15) (130)

(4) (6) (2) (2) (1) (1) (16)

(5,828) (161) (28) (14) (5) (15) (6,051)

(8,060) (952) (3,463) (2,177) (1,479) (6,349) (10,633) (33,113)

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

41 Financial instruments and related disclosures continued

The following table provides an analysis of the anticipated contractual cash ows for the Groups derivative instruments, excluding embedded derivatives and equity options which are not material, using undiscounted cash ows. Cash ows in foreign currencies are translated using spot rates at 31st December. The gross cash ows of foreign exchange contracts are presented for the purposes of this table, though, in practice, the Group uses standard settlement arrangements to reduce its liquidity requirements on these instruments.
2010 Receivables m Payables m Receivables m 2009 Payables m

Less than one year Between one and two years Between two and three years Between three and four years Between four and ve years Greater than ve years Gross contractual cash ows Derivative nancial instruments and hedging programmes The following table sets out the fair values of derivatives held by GSK.

13,555 288 31 14 13,888

(13,511) (365) (10) (7) (13,893)

21,341 72 285 21 10 21,729

(21,318) (51) (321) (19) (11) (21,720)

2010 Fair value Assets m Liabilities m Assets m

2009 Fair value Liabilities m

Fair value hedges Interest rate swaps (principal amount 962 million (2009 932 million)) Net investment hedges Foreign exchange contracts (principal amount 3,506 million (2009 7,756 million)) Derivatives designated as accounting hedges
Financial statements P102P191

97 97 88 5 93 190

(23) (23) (160) (10) (170) (193)

68 36 104 89 4 93 197

(55) (55) (108) (5) (113) (168)

Foreign exchange contracts (principal amount 6,474 million (2009 8,568 million)) Embedded and other derivatives Derivatives not designated as accounting hedges Total derivative instruments Analysed as: Current Non-current Total

93 97 190

(188) (5) (193)

129 68 197

(168) (168)

Derivative nancial instruments The principal amount on foreign exchange contracts is the net total of outstanding positions at the balance sheet date. The majority of contracts are for periods of 12 months or less. At 31st December 2010, the Group held outstanding foreign exchange contracts consisting primarily of currency swaps with a total credit fair value of 72 million (2009 19 million credit) which represent hedges of inter-company loans and deposits, but are not designated as accounting hedges. Changes in fair value are taken to the income statement in the period to offset the exchange gains and losses on the related inter-company lending and borrowing. Cash ow hedges The Group entered into a number of foreign exchange forward contracts and designated them as a cash ow hedge of the exchange arising on the US dollar purchase consideration of a highly probable business acquisition. The acquisition occurred in October 2010 and the cash ow hedge matured at that date. The amount recognised in other comprehensive income in 2010 was removed upon maturity of the hedge and included in the initial carrying value of goodwill and intangibles recorded on the acquisition of the entity. The Group has also entered into a number of foreign exchange forward contracts and designated them as cash ow hedges of the exchange exposure arising on the GBP equivalent interest cost on Euro loans issued and settled in July and December 2010. The net fair value movements on cash ow hedges are disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. No ineffectiveness was recorded on cash ow hedges during 2010.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements Fair value hedges The Group has designated a series of interest rate swaps as a fair value hedge. The risk being hedged is the variability of the fair value of the bond arising from interest rate uctuations. Gains and losses on fair value hedges are disclosed in Note 12, Finance costs. Net investment hedges During the year, certain foreign exchange contracts were designated as net investment hedges in respect of the foreign currency translation risk principally arising on consolidation of the Groups net investment in its US Dollar, Euro and Yen foreign operations. At 31st December 2010, the Group held such net investment hedges only in respect of its Euro foreign operations. In addition, Euro loan capital of 5.85 billion issued in previous years is designated as a net investment hedge in respect of the foreign currency translation risk principally arising on consolidation of the Groups net investment in its Euro operations. Net investment hedge ineffectiveness is disclosed in Note 11, Finance income.

Business review P08P57

42 Employee share schemes

The Group operates share option schemes, whereby options are granted to employees to acquire shares or ADS in GlaxoSmithKline plc at the grant price, savings-related share option schemes and share award schemes. In addition, GSK operates the Performance Share Plan, whereby awards are granted to employees to acquire shares or ADS in GlaxoSmithKline plc at no cost, subject to the achievement by the Group of specied performance targets and the Share Value Plan, whereby awards are granted to employees to acquire shares or ADS in GlaxoSmithKline plc at no cost after a three year vesting period. The granting of restricted share awards has replaced the granting of options to certain employees as the cost of the scheme more readily equates to the potential gain to be made by the employee and from 2010 onwards, no further grants will be made under the savings-related share option schemes. Grants under share option schemes are normally exercisable between three and ten years from the date of grant. Grants of restricted shares and share awards are normally exercisable at the end of the three year vesting/performance period. Grants under savings-related share option schemes are normally exercisable after three years saving. Grants under share option schemes and awards under the Performance Share Plan are normally granted to employees to acquire shares or ADS in GSK plc but in some circumstances will be settled in cash. Options under the share option schemes are granted at the market price ruling at the date of grant. In accordance with UK practice, the majority of options under the savings-related share option schemes are granted at a price 20% below the market price ruling at the date of grant. Share options awarded to the Directors and, with effect from the 2004 grant, the CET are subject to performance criteria. Option pricing For the purposes of valuing options and awards to arrive at the share based payment charge, the Black-Scholes option pricing model has been used. The assumptions used in the model for 2008, 2009 and 2010 are as follows:
2010 2009 2008

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

Risk-free interest rate Dividend yield Volatility Expected lives of options granted under: Share option schemes Savings-related share option and share award schemes Weighted average share price for grants in the year: Ordinary Shares ADS

0.8% 1.9% 5.3% 26% 29% 5 years 3-4 years 12.04 $37.29

1.4% 2.9% 5.2% 23% 29% 5 years 3-4 years 11.72 $33.73

1.3% 4.8% 4.8% 19% 24% 5 years 3 years 11.59 $45.02

Volatility is determined based on the three and ve year share price history where appropriate. The fair value of performance share plan grants take into account market conditions. Expected lives of options were determined based on weighted average historic exercises of options.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

42 Employee share schemes continued

Options outstanding
Number 000 Share option schemes shares Weighted exercise price Weighted fair value Number 000 Share option schemes ADS Weighted exercise price Weighted fair value Number 000 Savings-related share option schemes Weighted exercise price Weighted fair value

At 1st January 2008 Options granted Options exercised Options lapsed At 31st December 2008 Options granted Options exercised Options lapsed At 31st December 2009 Options granted Options exercised Options lapsed At 31st December 2010 Range of exercise prices Weighted average market price on exercise Weighted average remaining contractual life

149,041 11,314 (2,198) (21,602) 136,555 11,393 (2,660) (21,269) 124,019 11,257 (3,625) (21,551) 110,100

15.38 11.50 11.84 16.52 14.93 11.76 11.80 17.18 14.32 12.04 11.86 15.10 14.02


77,274 7,690 (1,989) (7,497) 75,478 7,741 (353) (9,447) 73,419 7,384 (916) (7,776) 72,111

$49.91 $44.89 $42.18 $53.13 $49.29 $33.68 $37.03 $55.64 $46.88 $37.29 $36.59 $49.62 $45.73


8,538 5,570 (453) (2,401) 11,254 1,648 (1,460) (3,377) 8,065 (1,310) (800) 5,955

11.02 9.51 10.26 10.67 10.38 9.72 11.34 11.09 9.77 10.45 10.02 9.59







10.76 19.40 12.39

4.19 years

$33.42 $58.00 $38.71

4.39 years

9.51 10.50 12.46

1.52 years

Financial statements P102P191

Options outstanding at 31st December 2010

Year of grant Number 000

Share option schemes shares Weighted exercise price Latest exercise date Number 000

Share option schemes ADS Weighted exercise price Latest exercise date Number 000

Savings-related share option schemes Weighted Exercise price Latest exercise date

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total

29,047 11,414 16,256 5,074 155 6,979 9,041 10,306 10,827 11,001 110,100

18.13 11.98 12.67 11.23 13.07 14.69 14.81 11.50 11.76 12.04 14.02

29.11.11 03.12.12 16.12.13 03.12.14 02.11.15 28.11.16 25.07.17 27.07.18 22.07.19 21.07.20

18,244 4,727 9,186 5,516 374 5,427 7,061 7,196 7,228 7,152 72,111

$51.85 $37.68 $43.54 $43.17 $47.31 $51.32 $57.54 $44.90 $33.68 $37.29 $45.73

28.11.11 03.12.12 16.12.13 02.12.14 02.11.15 28.07.16 25.07.17 05.11.18 22.07.19 21.07.20

175 4,351 1,429 5,955

10.50 25.04.11 9.51 23.04.12 9.72 22.04.13 9.59

Options normally become exercisable from three years from the date of grant but may, under certain circumstances, vest earlier as set out within the various scheme rules. There has been no change in the effective exercise price of any outstanding options during the year. Options exercisable
Share option schemes - shares Number 000 Weighted exercise price Share option schemes - ADS Number 000 Weighted exercise price Savings-related share option schemes Number 000 Weighted exercise price

At 31st December 2008 At 31st December 2009 At 31st December 2010

109,207 94,967 81,362

15.29 14.86 14.80

55,384 53,493 53,831

$48.57 $47.63 $48.26

3,248 254 175

11.45 11.40 10.50

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

42 Employee share schemes continued

GlaxoSmithKline share award schemes Performance Share Plan The Group operates a Performance Share Plan whereby awards are granted to Directors and senior executives at no cost. The percentage of each award that vests is based upon the performance of the Group over a three year measurement period. Awards granted to Directors and members of the CET prior to 2009 are subject to a single performance condition which compares GSKs TSR over the period with the TSR of companies in the comparator group over the same period. For awards granted in 2009 and 2010 to Directors and members of the CET, 40% of the award is based on the achievement of adjusted free cash ow targets over a three year measurement period. The remaining 60% of the award is based on relative TSR performance against a comparator group as described on pages 85 and 87. Half of the TSR element of each award is measured over three years and half over four years. For those awards made to all other eligible employees prior to 2009 the performance conditions consist of two parts, each of which applies to 50% of the award. The rst part of the performance condition compares GSKs EPS growth to the increase in the UK Retail Prices Index over the three year measurement period. The second part of the performance condition compares GSKs TSR over the period with the TSR of companies in the comparator group over the same period. For awards granted from 2009 onwards, the rst part of the performance condition continues to be based on EPS. The second part of the performance condition is based on strategic or operational business measures, over a three year measurement period, specic to the employees business area. Number of shares and ADS issuable At 1st January 2008 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2008 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2009 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2010
Shares Number (000) Weighted fair value ADS Number (000) Weighted fair value

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

5,731 2,834 (1,519) (511) 6,535 3,365 (1,270) (1,024) 7,606 3,812 (440) (2,085) 8,893


4,327 1,467 (1,516) (420) 3,858 1,392 (21) (1,497) 3,732 1,624 (386) (1,357) 3,613





Financial statements P102P191

Share Value Plan The Group operates a Share Value Plan whereby awards are granted, in the form of shares, to certain employees at no cost. The awards vest after three years. There are no performance criteria attached.
Shares Number (000) Weighted fair value ADS Number (000) Weighted fair value

At 1st January 2008 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2008 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2009 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2010

9,634 5,572 (926) (592) 13,688 5,572 (4,345) (680) 14,235 5,844 (4,993) (834) 14,252


8,283 4,640 (931) (630) 11,362 4,291 (3,783) (561) 11,309 4,355 (3,939) (747) 10,978


Shareholder information P192P212





GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

42 Employee share schemes continued

Deferred Investment Award Plan The Group operates a Deferred Investment Award Plan whereby awards are granted, in the form of notional shares, to certain senior executives at no cost. Awards typically vest over a three-year period commencing on the fourth anniversary from date of grant with 50% of the award initially vesting and then 25% in each of the subsequent two years. There are no performance criteria attached. Number of shares and ADS issuable At 1st January 2008 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2008 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2009 Awards granted Awards exercised Awards cancelled At 31st December 2010
Shares Number (000) Weighted fair value ADS Number (000) Weighted fair value

224 334 (20) 538 46 (15) (20) 549 290 (72) (23) 744


96 70 (20) (27) 119 132 (32) (10) 209 96 (9) (16) 280






Financial statements P102P191

Employee Share Ownership Plan Trusts The Group sponsors Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trusts to acquire and hold shares in GlaxoSmithKline plc to satisfy awards made under employee incentive plans and options granted under employee share option schemes. The trustees of the ESOP Trusts purchase shares on the open market with nance provided by the Group by way of loans or contributions. Costs of running the ESOP Trusts are charged to the income statement. Shares held by the ESOP Trusts are deducted from other reserves and held at the value of proceeds receivable from employees on exercise. If there is deemed to be a permanent diminution in value this is reected by a transfer to retained earnings. The Trusts also acquire and hold shares to meet notional dividends re-invested on deferred awards under the SmithKline Beecham Mid-Term Incentive Plan. The trustees have waived their rights to dividends on the shares held by the ESOP Trusts. Shares held for share award schemes Number of shares (000)
2010 2009



Nominal value Carrying value Market value Shares held for share option schemes Number of shares (000)

13 208 634

14 217 755





Nominal value Carrying value Market value

14 637 674

15 921 799

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

43 Principal Group companies

The following represent the principal subsidiary and associated undertakings of the GlaxoSmithKline Group at 31st December 2010. Details are given of the principal country of operation, the location of the headquarters, the business sector and the business activities. The equity share capital of these undertakings is wholly owned by the Group except where its percentage interest is shown otherwise. All companies are incorporated in their principal country of operation except where stated. Europe England
Location Subsidiary Sector Activity %

Business review P08P57

Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Brentford Cambridge Brentford Brentford Brentford Vienna Genval Rixensart Prague Orestadt Brndby Espoo Marly le Roi Marly le Roi Marly le Roi Marly le Roi Marly le Roi St. Amand Les Eaux Buehl Munich Athens Budapest Verona Milan Verona

+GlaxoSmithKline Holdings Limited +GlaxoSmithKline Holdings (One) Limited +GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited +GlaxoSmithKline Mercury Limited GlaxoSmithKline Finance plc GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc SmithKline Beecham Limited Wellcome Limited Glaxo Group Limited Glaxo Operations UK Limited GlaxoSmithKline Export Limited GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited GlaxoSmithKline UK Limited Glaxochem Pte Ltd (i) Setrst Limited The Wellcome Foundation Limited Domantis Limited ViiV Healthcare Limited ViiV Healthcare UK Limited ViiV Healthcare Trading Services Limited GlaxoSmithKline Pharma GmbH GlaxoSmithKline S.A. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. GlaxoSmithKline s.r.o. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare A/S GlaxoSmithKline Pharma A/S GlaxoSmithKline Oy Groupe GlaxoSmithKline S.A.S. Laboratoire GlaxoSmithKline S.A.S. Glaxo Wellcome Production S.A.S. GlaxoSmithKline Sante Grand Public S.A.S. ViiV Healthcare S.A.S. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A.S. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare GmbH & Co. KG GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG GlaxoSmithKline A.E.B.E GlaxoSmithKline Medicine and Healthcare Products Limited GlaxoSmithKline S.p.A. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare S.p.A. GlaxoSmithKline Manufacturing S.p.A.

Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph,CH Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph,CH CH Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph CH Ph Ph CH Ph Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph CH Ph

h h s h f f dehmpr h h p e dr mp h h p dr h ms ef m m dempr m m m m h mrd p m m p dhmprs dhms

Governance and remuneration P58P101

85 85 85

Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France

Financial statements P102P191


Germany Greece Hungary Italy

Shareholder information P192P212

m em dhm m p

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

43 Principal Group companies continued

Europe Luxembourg
Location Subsidiary Sector Activity %

Zeist Zeist

GlaxoSmithKline International (Luxembourg) S.A.R.L

GlaxoSmithKline B.V. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare B.V.


m m

Norway Poland

Oslo Poznan Poznan Warsaw Alges Carrigaline Cork Dublin Dublin Dungarvan Dungarvan Brasov Bucharest Moscow Moscow Madrid Madrid Aranda de Duero Solna Muenchenbuchsee

GlaxoSmithKline AS GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A. GSK Services Sp.z o.o. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Sp.z o.o. GlaxoSmithKline-Produtos Farmaceuticos, Limitada SmithKline Beecham (Cork) Limited (ii) GlaxoSmithKline Trading Services Limited (ii) GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (Ireland) Limited (ii) GlaxoSmithKline (Ireland) Limited Stafford Miller (Ireland) Limited (ii) GlaxoSmithKline Dungarvan Limited (ii) Europharm Holding S.A. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) S.R.L. GlaxoSmithKline Trading ZAO GlaxoSmithKline Healthcare ZAO GlaxoSmithKline S.A. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare S.A. Glaxo Wellcome, S.A. GlaxoSmithKline AB GlaxoSmithKline AG

Ph Ph Ph CH Ph Ph Ph CH Ph CH CH Ph,CH Ph Ph CH Ph CH Ph Ph Ph

m p m me m dpr e m m p p s mrs m m m m p m m

Portugal Republic of Ireland

Romania Russian Federation Spain

Sweden Switzerland
Financial statements P102P191

USA USA Research Triangle Park Marietta Philadelphia Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Wilmington Wilmington Cambridge Research Triangle Park Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. Corixa Corporation GlaxoSmithKline LLC GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, L.P. Block Drug Company, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Holdings (Americas) Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. ViiV Healthcare Company Ph hmp Ph mp Ph,CH d e h m p r s CH mp CH hm Ph,CH h Ph f Ph r Ph m



Americas Bermuda Canada Hamilton Mississauga Mississauga Laval Quebec City Delegacion Tlalpan Guaynabo GlaxoSmithKline Insurance Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Inc. ID Biomedical Corporation ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec GlaxoSmithKline Mexico S.A. de C.V. GlaxoSmithKline Puerto Rico Inc. Ph,CH Ph CH Ph Ph Ph,CH Ph i mpr m h dmpr emps m

Mexico Puerto Rico Asia Pacic Australia China

Boronia Beijing Hong Kong Shanghai Tianjin

GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd GlaxoSmithKline (China) Investment Co. Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Limited GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (Shanghai) Ltd Sino-American Tianjin Smith Kline & French Laboratories Ltd


dempr dhms m mp dmpr


GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

43 Principal Group companies continued

Asia Pacic India Malaysia New Zealand Pakistan Philippines Singapore South Korea Thailand
Location Subsidiary Sector Activity %

Business review P08P57

Mumbai Nabha Petaling Jaya Selangor Auckland Karachi Makati Singapore Singapore Seoul Bangkok

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited (iii) GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Sdn Bhd GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Sdn Bhd GlaxoSmithKline NZ Limited GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited GlaxoSmithKline Philippines Inc Glaxo Wellcome Manufacturing Pte Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Pte Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Korea Limited GlaxoSmithKline (Thailand) Limited

Ph CH Ph CH Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph Ph,CH Ph ,CH Ph,CH

mp dempr m m m mpe m dhpr m m m

51 43


Governance and remuneration P58P101

Japan Latin America Argentina Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Rio de Janeiro Bogota Caracas GlaxoSmithKline Argentina S.A. Laboratorios Phoenix Sociedad Anonima Industrial Comercial y Financiera GlaxoSmithKline Brasil Limitada GlaxoSmithKline Colombia S.A. GlaxoSmithKline Venezuela, C.A. Ph,CH Ph Ph,CH Ph,CH Ph,CH dempr demp emp m m Tokyo GlaxoSmithKline K.K. Ph,CH dmp

Brazil Colombia Venezuela

Middle East & Africa Egypt South Africa Turkey Cairo Johannesburg Istanbul GlaxoSmithKline S.A.E GlaxoSmithKline South Africa (Pty) Limited GlaxoSmithKline Ilaclari Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Ph Ph,CH Ph,CH mp emp m 91

Financial statements P102P191







Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (iv)

Clinical testing


Middle East & Africa South Africa Johannesburg Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited (iv) Ph,CH mpr 19
Shareholder information P192P212

(i) Incorporated in Singapore. (ii) Exempt from the provisions of Section 7 of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1986 (Ireland). (iii) Consolidated as a subsidiary undertaking in accordance with Section 1162 (4)(a) of the Companies Act 2006 on the grounds of dominant inuence. (iv) Equity accounted on the grounds of signicant inuence. Subsequent to the year-end GSK sold its entire shareholding in Quest Diagnostics Inc. See Note 20 for further details. + Directly held wholly owned subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline plc. Key Business sector: Business activity:

Ph Pharmaceuticals, CH Consumer Healthcare d development, e exporting, f nance, h holding company, i insurance, m marketing, p production, r research, s service

Full details of all Group subsidiary and associated undertakings will be attached to the companys Annual Return to be led with the Registrar of Companies. Each of GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc is a wholly-owned nance subsidiary of the company, and the company has fully and unconditionally guaranteed the securities issued by each of GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings
The Group is involved in signicant legal and administrative proceedings, principally product liability, intellectual property, tax, anti-trust and governmental investigations, as well as related private litigation. The Group makes provision for these proceedings on a regular basis as summarised in Note 2, Accounting principles and policies and Note 29, Other provisions. The Group may become involved in legal proceedings in respect of which it is not possible to make a reliable estimate of the expected nancial effect, if any, that could result from ultimate resolution of the proceedings. In these cases, appropriate disclosures about such cases would be included but no provision would be made. Intellectual property claims include challenges to the validity and enforceability of the Groups patents on various products or processes as well as assertions of non-infringement of those patents. A loss in any of these cases could result in loss of patent protection for the product at issue. The consequences of any such loss could be a signicant decrease in sales of that product and could materially affect future results of operations for the Group. Legal expenses incurred and provisions related to legal claims are charged to selling, general and administration costs. Provisions are made, after taking appropriate legal and other specialist advice, where an outow of resources is considered probable and a reliable estimate can be made of the likely outcome of the dispute. In respect of product liability claims related to certain products there is sufcient history of claims made and settlements to enable management to make a reliable estimate of the provision required to cover unasserted claims. In certain cases an incurred but not reported (IBNR) estimate using actuarial techniques as appropriate is used to determine and estimate the Groups exposure, as described in Note 29, Other provisions. At 31st December 2010, the Groups aggregate provision for legal and other disputes (not including tax matters described in Note 14, Taxation) was 4.0 billion. The ultimate liability for legal claims may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings, investigations and possible settlement negotiations. The Groups position could change over time, and, therefore, there can be no assurance that any losses that result from the outcome of any legal proceedings will not exceed the amount of the provisions reported in the Groups nancial accounts by a material amount. If this were to happen, it could have a material adverse impact on the results of operation of the Group in the reporting period in which the judgments are incurred or the settlements entered into. The most signicant of these matters are described below.

A revocation action against the basic patent covering the Seretide combination in Ireland was led in the High Court in Dublin on behalf of Ivax in July 2008. The High Court handed down a decision on 26th June 2009 nding the patent invalid for obviousness. The Group led an appeal of this decision in October 2009. No trial date has been set for the appeal. An action for revocation of the French Seretide combination patent was led by Sandoz with the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris. Trial has been scheduled for June 2011. The basic patent covering the combination product in Seretide expired in September 2010 but is subject to a SPC which extends protection until September 2013. In January 2011, Sandoz initiated a revocation action against the Groups Belgian Seretide patent. To date, no generic Seretide product has been approved in any major European market despite the revocation of certain Group patents covering Seretide in some countries. Argatroban In December 2007, Encysive Pharmaceuticals Inc., Mitsubishi Kasei Corporation and the Group led an action in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Barr Laboratories, Inc. for infringement of Mitsubishis pharmaceutical composition patent covering argatroban. Pursuant to a license from Mitsubishi, Encysive developed argatroban for the treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and holds the New Drug Application approved by the US FDA. Encysive licensed the US marketing rights for argatroban to the Group. The Mitsubishi patent expires in June 2014. Barr (now Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) led an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) with the FDA with a certication of invalidity, unenforceability and non-infringement of the Mitsubishi patent. On 17th June 2010, the Group and its partners prevailed against Teva, with the trial judge ruling that Mitsubishis patent covering the formulation for injectable argatroban was infringed and not invalid. As a result of the Courts decision, Teva is precluded from launching its generic product until 20th June 2014, the expiration date of the patent. Teva appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Financial statements P102P191

In October 2009, the Group led an action in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida for a declaration that US Patent No. 6,331,415 (the so-called Cabilly II patent), which is owned jointly by Genentech, Inc. and City of Hope, is invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed by the Groups product Arzerra (ofatumumab). Arzerra was approved by the FDA for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (an orphan indication) in October 2009. In February 2010, the Group voluntarily dismissed the case and led a new case in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California where the suit is currently pending. On 23rd March 2010, Genentech and Biogen Idec led suit against the Group in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California alleging that the Groups sale of Arzerra induces and contributes to infringement of US Patent No. 7,682,612. That patent claims the treatment of chronic lymphatic leukemia with an anti-CD-20 monoclonal antibody. The case is in its early stages.

Intellectual property
A number of companies have challenged the Groups patents covering Advair/Seretide in certain European jurisdictions, including in the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. As reported previously, the Groups Seretide combination patent covering the product in the UK was revoked in 2004. On 23rd February 2010, in actions brought by Mylan, Hexal, Neolab and Ivax, the Federal Court in Munich revoked the Groups German Seretide combination patent for lack of inventive step. The Group has appealed this decision. In the Netherlands, in an action brought by Sandoz and Hexal, the District Court of The Hague on 26th January 2011 revoked the Supplementary Protection Certicate (SPC) which extends protection for the product until September 2013. The Group is determining whether to appeal this decision.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings continued

In January 2008, the Group received notice that Barr Laboratories led an ANDA with the FDA with an allegation of invalidity of the three patents listed in the Orange Book which cover the active ingredient in Avodart and its use to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Two of these patents expire in 2013, and one expires in 2015. In February 2008, the Group led an action in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware against Barr for infringement of these patents. In March 2010, the Group and Barr (now Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) reached a settlement of the litigation. On 12th May 2010, the district court dismissed the case. Pursuant to the settlement, Teva will obtain a license to enter the US market with a generic dutasteride product in the fourth quarter of 2015 or earlier under certain circumstances. In November 2010, Banner Pharmacaps, Inc. sent the Group notice that it had led an ANDA to market a generic version of Avodart. Banners notication contained a Paragraph IV certication alleging that two Group patents expiring in 2013 and one patent expiring in 2015 were invalid or not infringed by Banners proposed generic dutasteride product. These patents are the same patents that were the subject of the Groups settlement with Teva in March 2010. Since Teva was the rst to le a complete ANDA with a Paragraph IV certication, it holds 180-day exclusivity as to all later lers. Banner cannot enter the market until the expiration or forfeiture of Tevas 180 days of exclusivity. The Group sued Banner in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware in January 2011. In December 2010, Anchen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. sent the Group notices that it had led ANDAs with Paragraph IV certications for Avodart and Jalyn, alleging that the Group patent expiring in 2015 that covers dutasteride was invalid or not infringed by their proposed products. Jalyn is a combination of dutasteride and tamsulosin and is covered by the same patents that cover Avodart. Anchen cannot launch its generic Jalyn product before the expiration of the non-challenged patents in September 2013. Anchen cannot launch its generic Avodart product until the later of September 2013 or expiration or forfeiture of Tevas 180-day exclusivity. The Group sued Anchen in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware in January 2011.

Patents listed in the Orange Book for Combivir include composition of matter (3TC/lamivudine), combination (lamivudine and AZT) and lamivudine crystal form patents that expire in 2010, 2012 and 2016, respectively. In September 2007, the Group received notice that Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc. led an ANDA with the FDA alleging that the combination patent is invalid. In November 2007, the Group led an action in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. for infringement of the combination patent. In April 2010, the Group and Teva agreed to settle the suit led by the Group. Under the terms of the settlement, Teva will obtain a license to enter the US market in the fourth quarter of 2011, or earlier under certain circumstances. In light of the settlement, the district court dismissed the case on 26th May 2010. In July 2008, the Group received notice that Lupin Ltd. led a certication with the FDA alleging that the combination patent is invalid or not infringed by its product. Lupin also led a certication that the Groups patent covering the crystal form of lamivudine is invalid or not infringed. In August 2008, the Group led suit against Lupin in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware for infringement of its combination patent. In March 2009, the action against Lupin was stayed by mutual consent pending resolution of the case against Teva. On 26th May 2010, the Groups case against Teva, the rst ANDA ler, was settled and dismissed. Lupin may choose to reactivate its case against the Group under the terms of the stay. However, Lupin will not be able to obtain nal approval for its product until the expiration or forfeiture of Tevas 180-day exclusivity period.

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In February 2010, the UK Court of Appeal upheld an earlier High Court decision revoking the Human Genome Sciences (HGS) UK Patent No. EP0939804. The claim for revocation was brought by Eli Lilly in 2006 on the patent which claims the cytokine BLyS and any antibody that binds to BLyS, such as Benlysta (belimumab). The Group has a licence to this patent from HGS but was not a party to these litigation proceedings. The equivalent European patent was upheld in October 2009 on a nal appeal from the European Patent Ofce following an opposition proceeding led by Eli Lilly. This UK decision does not affect the other European patents arising from this same European Patent. HGS appealed the UK decision. In July 2010, the UK Supreme Court decided that it would hear the appeal. A hearing date for the appeal has been set for 18th July 2011. This decision will not affect the Groups or HGS ability to market and sell Benlysta.

The Group participates in the marketing of Levitra pursuant to a co-promotion agreement with Bayer Healthcare. In July 2009, Bayer brought suit against Teva Pharmaceuticals in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware for infringement of its patent relating to Levitra. Teva had led an ANDA with the FDA with a certication that the patent covering the active ingredient in Levitra, which expires in 2018, is invalid, unenforceable or not infringed. A stay against FDA approval was put into effect by the ling of the lawsuit until the earlier of a decision in the case adverse to Bayer or November 2011. In January 2011, the trial date in the matter was extended from 31st October 2011 to 27th February 2012, and Teva consented to an extension of the stay against FDA approval by an amount equal to the extension of the trial date. The Group is not a party to this suit.

Shareholder information P192P212

In March 2009, the Group received notice that Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Par Pharmaceutical, Inc., and Apotex Inc., had led ANDAs with a certication that two patents covering Lovaza are invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed. The patents expire in 2013 and 2017. The Group is the licensee under these patents. Pronova Biopharma Norge AS, the owner of the patents, sued Teva, Par and Apotex in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. FDA approval of the ANDAs will be stayed until the earlier of May 2012 or a decision favourable to one of the generics. Trial has been set by the court for 28th March 2011. The Group is not a party to these suits. Three additional patents covering Lovaza were granted to Pronova between March and June 2010. Pronova sued Teva, Par and Apotex on these patents, and a separate trial has been scheduled for 3rd January 2012. No additional 30-month stay attached to a suit under these patents.
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44 Legal proceedings continued

In August 2009, the Group led suit in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware against Glenmark Generics Inc. USA for infringement of its patents related to Malarone. The Group had received notication that Glenmark had led an ANDA for Malarone, with certication alleging that the Groups patents were invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed. These patents, which expire in 2014, cover the combination of atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride and its use for preventing malaria. The Group settled the case in April 2010. Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Glenmark has received a royalty-bearing licence to enter the market with its product in the third quarter of 2011 or earlier in certain circumstances. The case was dismissed 24th May 2010.

Product liability
Pre-clinical and clinical trials are conducted during the development of potential products to determine the safety and efcacy of products for use by humans following approval by regulatory bodies. Notwithstanding these efforts, when drugs and vaccines are introduced into the marketplace, unanticipated safety issues may become evident. The Group is currently a defendant in a number of product liability lawsuits related to the Groups pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare products. The most signicant of those matters are described below.

The Group has been named in product liability lawsuits on behalf of individuals asserting personal injury claims arising out of the use of Avandia. The federal cases are part of a multi-district litigation proceeding pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Cases have also been led in a number of state courts. Cases led in state court in Philadelphia have been coordinated in the Mass Tort Program; cases in state court in California have been coordinated in Los Angeles. Additionally, there are 14 purported class actions seeking economic damages on behalf of third party payers and consumers asserting claims arising under various state and federal laws, including The Racketeer Inuenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), state unfair trade practices and/or consumer protection laws. On 23rd September 2010, the FDA took action on rosiglitazone, keeping all rosiglitazone products on the market, but requiring additional labeling and restrictions on use to ensure that the benets of Avandia continue to outweigh its risks, including a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program to ensure the safe use of the medicine. In the EU, the EMA announced on 23 September 2010 that it had determined to suspend the marketing authorisation for rosigilitazone (including all Avandia products). Regulatory agencies in other countries are reviewing or have taken regulatory action. The Group is working to implement the decisions of the FDA, EMA and other regulatory agencies. On 7th February 2011, the FDA announced a change in the labeling for Avandia to restrict use to those patients already taking a rosiglitazone-containing medicine, to new patients who are unable to achieve adequate glycemic control with other diabetes medications, and to those patients who have decided not to take pioglitazone or pioglitazonecontaining medicines. The Group has continued to receive a signicant number of new product liability cases regarding Avandia in the USA, in part as a result of the regulatory action taken by FDA and in part based on other negative publicity concerning the product, and adjusted its provision for potential settlements accordingly, which provision includes an estimate of future claims. With respect to such product liability cases in the USA, the Group has reached agreements to settle the majority of claims pending as of February, 2011 One purported class action on Avandia has been led in Israel, and brieng of whether to certify the class action is underway. Eleven class actions are pending in Canada, and are at an early stage.

Following a court-ordered mediation in the second quarter of 2010, the Group resolved all claims by and against Apotex in the Paxil/ Seroxat patent infringement and anti-trust litigation venued in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, as well as litigation brought by Apotex against the Group in Canada. The litigation has been dismissed with respect to all parties.

In October 2008, the Group received a letter from Par Pharmaceuticals that the FDA had accepted its ANDA for Treximet, which included a certication that patents owned by Pozen, Inc. relating to Treximet were invalid, unenforceable or not infringed. Pozens patents are licensed to the Group. In November 2008, Pozen led suit against Par under three of its patents in the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. In November 2008, the Group received a letter from Alphapharm and its designated agent, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, that the FDA had accepted its ANDA for Treximet, which also included a certication that Pozens patents relating to Treximet were invalid, unenforceable or not infringed. Pozen led suit against Alphapharm and Mylan in January 2009 for infringement of its patents in the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. In 2009, Pozen also sued Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and Dr. Reddys under the same patents in the same court. A trial was held in October 2010, and the parties are awaiting a decision. Treximet has data exclusivity that precludes approval of a generic product until April 2011. The Group is not a party to any of the lawsuits brought by Pozen.

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The Group markets Vesicare in the USA under license from Astellas Pharma Inc. In September 2009, Astellas led suit against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York for infringement of its patent covering the active ingredient in Vesicare. Astellas had received notice that Teva had led an ANDA with a certication that the basic patent, which expires in 2018, was invalid or unenforceable. The parties settled, and the case was dismissed 28th June 2010. Under the terms of the settlement, Teva will be able to enter the market in October, 2018. On 15th February 2011, Astellas and the Group announced that the Group will cease promoting Vesicare in the USA by January 2012.

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Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings continued

Paxil and Paxil CR
The Group has received numerous lawsuits and claims alleging that use of Paxil (paroxetine) has caused a variety of injuries. Many of these lawsuits and claims allege that the use of Paxil during pregnancy resulted in the birth of a child with birth defects or health issues. Other lawsuits and claims allege that patients who took Paxil committed or attempted to commit suicide or acts of violence. Finally, a third group of lawsuits and claims allege that the use of Paxil caused patients to suffer symptoms on discontinuing treatment with Paxil. The Group has reached agreements to settle the vast majority of the US claims pending as of February 2011. Other matters have been dismissed without payment. Some lawsuits remain scheduled for trial, including nine cases scheduled for trial in the Philadelphia Mass Tort Program in May and June 2011 concerning use of Paxil during pregnancy. There remains purported class action litigation in Canada concerning use of Paxil during pregnancy. A California court granted plaintiffs motion to certify a class in a consumer fraud lawsuit seeking only economic damages, focused on discontinuation symptoms. In Canada, the Court of Appeal afrmed the Quebec courts denial of plaintiffs motion to certify a class of patients who allegedly experienced discontinuation symptoms. That litigation is now concluded. In the UK, public funding has been withdrawn from the hundreds of claimants who had received funding to pursue common issues in litigation alleging that paroxetine has caused them to suffer from withdrawal reactions and dependency. The Legal Services Commissions decision to withdraw funding is being appealed to a Special Cases Review Panel by some claimants. Other claimants have discontinued their claims, and the trial listed to commence in early 2011 in the High Court in London has been vacated.

The Group, along with a number of other pharmaceutical companies, has been named as a defendant in numerous individual personal injury lawsuits in state and federal district courts in the USA alleging that thimerosal, a preservative used in the manufacture of vaccines, causes neurodevelopmental disorders and other injuries, including autism. Two of the cases are purported class actions, although there has been no determination whether any of those cases will be permitted to proceed as a class action. A number of purported class actions in other jurisdictions have been withdrawn or dismissed. Plaintiffs seek remedies including compensatory, punitive and statutory damages as well as the cost of a fund for medical monitoring and research. As of the date of this report, in the limited number of cases that have approached trial dates, vaccine manufacturers and manufacturers of other thimerosal containing medicinal products have been successful in excluding testimony of plaintiffs expert witnesses on causation, specically on grounds that plaintiffs have failed to establish that the hypothesised link between thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders is generally accepted as reliable within the relevant scientic community. In February 2009, the Ofce of Special Masters of the United States Court of Federal Claims rejected the rst three of approximately 4,900 autism claims led under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) on the grounds that claimants failed to produce reliable scientic evidence linking their vaccinations to their medical conditions, including autism. The Group was not a party to these proceedings. The ndings from them cannot be used as evidence in the pending lawsuits against the Group. All three decisions were upheld on appeal by the United States Court of Federal Claims. Two of the three NVICP claimants appealed the rulings to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit which afrmed the decisions of the United States Court of Federal Claims. The third claimant has elected not to appeal further and has rejected the decision from the NVICP. This claimant now has the option of ling an action either against the Group and/or the physician who administered the vaccine in question. As of this date, no such action has been commenced. The remaining approximately 4,900 NVICP claimants also will ultimately have the option of pursuing personal injury lawsuits against the vaccine manufacturers, including the Group. On 22nd February 2011, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, Inc., which involved the issue of whether the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act (NVICA) precludes lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers claiming that vaccines covered by the NVICP are defectively designed. The Supreme Court afrmed the decision of the United States Court of Appeal for the Third Circuit and held that the NVICA pre-empts all design defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by a vaccines side effects. To date, the Group has not seen an increase in the number of civil lawsuits led against it following the announcement of the NVCIP decisions. Since the scope of the Bruesewitz ruling impacts only the ability of plaintiffs to pursue claims that the design of certain childhood vaccines was defective because it included the use of thimerosal as a preservative, its impact on the willingness of plaintiffs to pursue their civil lawsuits based on other legal theories remains unknown. As of the date of this report, there are no cases scheduled for trial in 2011 in which the Group is a defendant.
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Beginning in 2005, a number of product liability lawsuits and claims were led against the Group in both state and federal courts in the USA, including purported class actions, alleging that the zinc in Poligrip causes copper depletion and permanent neurologic injury. The federal cases are part of the Denture Cream Adhesive multi-district litigation (MDL) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida which was established in June 2009. Both the Group and Procter & Gamble are defendants in this litigation. Included in the MDL are purported class actions asserting economic loss claims under state consumer protection laws and claims for medical monitoring. With three current exceptions (two state court cases in Pennsylvania and one in New York), all of the state court cases have been consolidated in the Philadelphia Mass Tort Program. Purported class actions asserting consumer fraud claims were also led in Canada. The Group has reached agreements in principle to settle the vast majority of current cases. The Group has voluntarily withdrawn all zinc-containing formulations of Poligrip from the market.

Shareholder information P192P212


Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings continued Sales and marketing and regulation

Colorado Investigation In February 2004, the Group received a subpoena from the United States Attorneys ofce in Colorado regarding the Groups sales and promotional practices relating to nine of its largest selling products, for the period from January 1997 to 2004. That investigation was later taken over by the United States Attorneys ofce for the District of Massachusetts and expanded to the present with respect to Advair. In particular, the government has inquired about alleged promotion of all of these drugs for off-label uses, as well as Group-sponsored continuing medical education programmes, other speaker events, special issue boards, advisory boards, speaker training programmes, clinical studies and related grants, fees, travel and entertainment. Although the original subpoena was issued from the US Attorneys ofce in Colorado, the scope of the inquiry is nationwide. The Group continues to cooperate with the government in its investigation. The government is also inquiring about the Groups response to an October 2002 letter from the FDAs Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communication requesting information on the Groups alleged promotion of Wellbutrin SR for off-label use. The Group is cooperating with the investigation and providing the requested information. Avandia-related matters The Group is in the process of responding to a United States Department of Justice subpoena it received in June 2010 seeking documents relating to the development and marketing of Avandia. The Group has also received Civil Investigative Demands from a number of State Attorneys General ofces relating to the development and marketing Avandia, and is cooperating with these ofces. The Utah Attorney Generals Ofce and the Louisiana Attorney Generals Ofce both have led suit against the Group asserting various statutory and common law claims relating to the Groups development and marketing of Avandia. The suits are in their early days. UN Oil for Food Programme Following a United Nations report alleging that bribes had been paid to Iraqi government ofcials in connection with the UN Oil for Food Programme, the Group received a subpoena from the SEC in February 2006 in respect of the Groups participation in that programme. The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) also initiated an investigation. In December 2007, the UK Serious Fraud Ofce (SFO) issued a formal notice to the Group requiring production of documents related to the Groups participation in the programme. On 9th September 2010, the SFO notied the Group that it had completed its investigation and intends to take no further action. The Group has received no further contact from the SEC or DOJ in 2010 regarding this matter.

HIV division inquiry On 26th July 2010, the Group received a subpoena from the Eastern District of New Yorks US Attorneys Ofce regarding sales and marketing practices for three HIV products, as well as educational programs, grants or payments to physicians regarding any drug used to treat HIV-infected adults. The Group is cooperating with the investigation. Average wholesale price The United States Department of Justice, a number of states and putative classes of private payers have for several years now been investigating and/or bringing civil litigation regarding allegations that numerous pharmaceutical companies, including the Group, have violated federal or state fraud and abuse laws as a result of the way average wholesale price (AWP) and wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) have been determined and reported for various drugs reimbursed under the Medicare, Medicaid and other insurance programmes. In 2005, the Group reached a $149 million civil settlement with the federal government to resolve allegations relating to the pricing and marketing of Zofran and Kytril. The Group also amended its existing corporate integrity agreement as a requirement of the settlement. In 2007, the Group received nal approval of a $70 million nationwide private payer class action settlement relating to the Groups price reporting in an MDL proceeding in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. A number of states, through their respective attorneys general, and most of the counties in New York State have led civil lawsuits in state and federal courts against the Group and many other drug companies claiming damages and restitution due to AWP and/or WAC price reporting for pharmaceutical products covered by the states Medicaid programmes. The states seek recovery on behalf of the states as payers and, in some cases, on behalf of in-state patients as consumers. The Group has separately resolved AWP claims by state Medicaid programmes in more than two-thirds of the states through the DOJ Settlement or separate negotiations. Litigation concerning AWP issues is continuing with six states. In November 2009, a Kentucky state court jury returned a $661,860 compensatory damages only verdict against the Group in another such case led by the State of Kentucky. The jury found the Group liable for violating the states consumer protection laws, but not liable under the states Medicaid fraud and false advertising statutes. In January 2010, the judge in the case awarded the State of Kentucky an additional $5,828,000 in statutory penalties. The Group has settled the case with Kentucky. The judgment was vacated, and the Group denied liability as part of the settlement.

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Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings continued

Nominal pricing The Group responded to two letter requests from the United States Senate Committee on Finance, dated April 2004 and February 2005, for documents and information relating to the nominal price exception to the best price reporting requirements under the Medicaid Drug Rebate Programme. In January 2007, the committee released its ndings that some pharmaceutical manufacturers inappropriately used the nominal price exception contrary to the committees interpretation of Congressional intent. In May 2004, the Group was advised by the United States Department of Justice that it is investigating certain of the Groups nominal pricing and bundled sales arrangements to determine whether those arrangements qualify under the exception to the best price reporting requirements or violate civil statutes or laws. In March 2008, the Group received a broad letter request from the US Department of Justice seeking a range of documents relating to all of the Groups nominal pricing arrangements since 1994 and any possible bundled sales. The Group is continuing to cooperate in the investigation and produce documents. The Group has also received subpoenas and requests for documents and information from Delaware and Michigan related to the Groups nominal price arrangements. The Group is cooperating in those investigations and producing responsive documents. In addition to these governmental investigations, allegations concerning nominal pricing have been made in the 340B Programme litigation. The Group has not entered into any nominal price arrangements since December 2003. 340B Programme The Group is defending an action led in federal court in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California by the County of Santa Clara and one other county, which seeks to represent a putative class of hospitals, clinics and other entities in California that are eligible to receive discounted ceiling prices on pharmaceuticals under a federal programme known as the 340B Programme. Plaintiffs allege that the Group and numerous other pharmaceutical manufacturers have been setting ceiling prices higher than allowed by law and, under the contract that governs the programme, and have therefore overcharged the entities in California that are eligible to participate in the 340B Programme. The lawsuit was dismissed in 2006. It was reinstated in August 2008 following an appeal. The United States Supreme Court agreed to review the issue of whether 340B entities have standing to sue manufacturers under the manufacturers 340B contract with the government. The trial court stayed all proceedings in the case until after the Supreme Courts decision. Oral argument before the Supreme Court occurred on 19th January 2011. The Supreme Court has not yet issued its decision.

Paxil/Seroxat Following the Groups 2004 settlement of a lawsuit led by the New York State Attorney Generals ofce alleging failure to disclose data on the use of Paxil in children and adolescents, similar cases, some of which purported to be class actions, were led by private plaintiffs seeking to recover amounts paid for Paxil purchased for use by patients under the age of 18. Following a class settlement with consumers in 2007, the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota in 2008 approved a $40 million class settlement of ensuing lawsuits seeking recovery on behalf of insurance companies and other third-party payers for payments for prescriptions of Paxil to children and adolescents. The Group denied liability in both settlements. In 2009, a similar purported class action was led in United States District Court for the District of Minnesota on behalf of all federal, state and local government entities that paid for prescriptions of Paxil to minors. There also remains a similar purported class action in Canada seeking economic damages on behalf of individuals, third party payers and governmental entities that purchased Paxil for use by patients under the age of 18. Cidra, Puerto Rico manufacturing site In April 2005, the Group received a subpoena from the United States Attorneys Ofce in Boston requesting production of records regarding its manufacturing facilities located in Cidra, Puerto Rico, which have since ceased operations. In addition, in July 2007, the Group learned that the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts had unsealed a complaint brought by a former employee under the federal False Claims Act claiming monetary damages as a result of the alleged failure of the Cidra facility to comply with FDA Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs) in the manufacture of various products. On 26th October 2010, the Group nalised an agreement with the US Attorneys Ofce for the District of Massachusetts and the US Department of Justice with respect to the investigation of the Groups former manufacturing facility in Cidra, Puerto Rico. Under the agreement and as a comprehensive settlement of pending claims against the Group arising from the investigation, the Group paid a total of $750 million (500 million) in civil and criminal penalties, and SB Pharmco Puerto Rico, Inc., a subsidiary of the Group, pleaded guilty to certain charges. The Group is in the process of negotiating a Corporate Integrity Agreement with the Ofce of Inspector General that will cover manufacturing compliance matters. The Group has received Civil Investigative Demands and a subpoena from several State Attorneys General ofces relating to the matters at issue in the federal investigation. The enquiries are at an early stage, and the Group is cooperating with these ofces. SEC/DOJ FCPA Inquiry The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) are conducting an industry-wide investigation into whether pharmaceutical companies may have engaged in violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act relating to the sale of pharmaceuticals, including in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia and Saudi Arabia. The Group is one of the companies that have been asked to respond to this inquiry and is cooperating with the SEC and DOJ.

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Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings continued Anti-trust/competition

Paxil/Seroxat As noted previously on page 180, the Group has settled its patent infringement and anti-trust litigation with Apotex regarding Paxil/ Seroxat, and the litigation has been dismissed as to all parties. EU sector inquiry In January 2008, the European Commission announced an inquiry into certain aspects of competition in the pharmaceutical sector and initiated inspections at the premises of a number of innovator and generic pharmaceutical companies, including the Group. The Commission published a preliminary report in November 2008. The report suggests that defensive patenting strategies may lead to obstacles to innovation and that innovator companies employ measures to hinder generics coming onto the market. The nal report was issued in July 2009. While not contradicting the preliminary report, the nal report conceded that delays in generic entry were as much the fault of the regulatory environment as innovator companies defensive strategies. In this report, the Commission stated that it did not attack legitimate patenting practices and identied areas for follow up scrutiny by the Commission and recommended regulatory reform and improvement. On 17th January 2011, the Commission requested information from the Group and a number of other pharmaceutical companies relating to patent settlement agreements affecting European Union and European Economic Area markets. The request for information is the second monitoring exercise by the Commission patent settlement agreements in the pharmaceuticals sector. The Group is in the process of responding to the Commissions request. Wellbutrin SR In December 2004, January 2005 and February 2005, lawsuits, several of which purported to be class actions, were led in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against the Group on behalf of direct and indirect purchasers of Wellbutrin SR. The complaints allege violations of US anti-trust laws through sham litigation and fraud on the patent ofce by the Group in obtaining and enforcing patents covering Wellbutrin SR. The complaints followed the introduction of generic competition to Wellbutrin SR in April 2004, after district and appellate court rulings that a generic manufacturer did not infringe the Groups patents. A class of direct purchasers has been certied. The court recently entered an order granting the motion of the indirect purchaser plaintiffs to le a renewed motion for class certication. The court has scheduled trial for 27th June 2011 with regard to the claims of the certied class of direct purchasers. Secondary wholesaler In July 2006, RxUSA Wholesale, Inc., a secondary wholesaler, led suit against the Group and many other pharmaceutical manufacturers and wholesalers in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The complaint alleges that the defendants engaged in a conspiracy to refuse to supply pharmaceutical products to RxUSA in violation of federal and state anti-trust laws. The Groups motion to dismiss the complaint was granted. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit afrmed the dismissal of the complaint. The case is now concluded.

Wellbutrin XL Actions have been led against Biovail and the Group by purported classes of direct and indirect purchasers who allege unlawful monopolisation and other anti-trust violations related to the enforcement of Biovails Wellbutrin XL patents and the ling, by Biovail, of citizen petitions. The Groups motion to dismiss the amended complaint of the indirect purchasers was granted in respect of some, but not all, of the claims of the class representatives and many of the claims asserted by the indirect purchasers. The case has proceeded to discovery with respect to the remaining claims as well as the ones brought by the purported class of direct purchasers. A class certication hearing is scheduled for April 2011. Flonase Purported direct and indirect purchaser class actions have been led in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania alleging the Group illegally maintained monopoly power in the market for Flonase and charged plaintiffs supracompetitive prices. Additionally, a suit has been led by Roxane Laboratories, Inc., a generic competitor, seeking lost prots from the Groups alleged actions unlawfully delaying Roxanes entry into the market. The predicate for all of these allegations was the ling by the Group of allegedly sham citizen petitions and subsequent litigation. The motion of the direct purchasers to certify a class was granted by the court. The Group has successfully narrowed the claims of the purported class of indirect purchasers through motions to dismiss their complaint and amended complaints. The Groups motion to dismiss Roxanes complaint was denied.

Commercial and corporate

Securities/ERISA class actions On 6th July 2009, a class action suit brought on behalf of current and former employees of Stiefel Laboratories, Inc., was led in United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. The complaint alleges that Stiefel and its ofcers and directors violated US Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and federal and state securities laws by inducing Stiefel employees to sell their shares in the employee stock plan back to Stiefel at a greatly undervalued price and without disclosing to employees that Stiefel was about to be sold to the Group. In January 2010, defendants motion to dismiss was granted in part and denied in part. Specically, while the Court determined that the ERISA claims against the individual Stiefel defendants as well as the federal securities claims against the individual defendants and Stiefel could go forward, the Court dismissed the Florida Securities Act and common law breach of duciary duty claims holding that ERISA pre-empts state and common law, as well as a malpractice claim against Stiefels former accountants. Trial of the remaining claims is scheduled for July 2011. A putative class action suit was led against the Group on 27th August 2010 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. The complaint alleges that the Group and its ofcers, directors and certain employees made misleading public statements about Avandia, and that when these alleged misleading statements were exposed, the value of the Groups stock dropped. Plaintiff has brought suit on behalf of himself and all other participants in the Groups retirement plans, claiming that the Group and the individual defendants breached their duciary duties to plan participants under ERISA.

Financial statements P102P191

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Notes to the nancial statements

44 Legal proceedings continued

Plaintiffs have amended their complaint to add allegations concerning Wellbutrin SR and Paxil and to include additional Group defendants and individual members of the Groups benets committees. The Group led a motion to dismiss on 4th February 2011. Wage and hour claims In December 2006, two purported class actions were led against the Group on behalf of the entire Groups US pharmaceutical sales representatives. These actions, which were led in or transferred to the United States District Court for the Central District of California, initially alleged that those representatives are not exempt employees under California law and/or the US Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and are consequently entitled to overtime pay, among other things. Plaintiffs subsequently amended their complaints to assert a class action, limited solely to pharmaceutical sales representatives working in California, and only asserting claims under Californias wage and hour laws. The suits seek a variety of compensatory, punitive and statutory damages. The Group moved for summary judgment dismissing the claims of the putative class representatives on the ground that they were exempt employees. The Court held that there are appeals pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in cases involving other manufacturers with virtually the same factual and legal arguments. It therefore deferred ruling on the summary judgment motion and stayed any further activity in the case until the appellate court rules in at least one of the other companies pending cases. A third case, led in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona in August 2008, sought to establish a nationwide collective action on behalf of the entire Groups US pharmaceutical sales representatives on the ground that those representatives were not exempt employees under the FLSA. Plaintiffs sought double damages for all overtime allegedly worked by the Groups pharmaceutical sales representatives over a three year period. In November 2009, the Court granted the Groups motion for summary judgment and dismissed the lawsuit on the ground that the sales representatives were exempt employees under the outside sales exemption to the FLSA. Plaintiffs appealed the decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On 14th February 2011, the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion in favour of the Group afrming the judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Arizona and nding that the Groups pharmaceutical sales representatives are exempt employees under the outside sales exemption to the FLSA and, therefore, not entitled to overtime pay. In November 2010, a purported class action was led against the Group in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York on behalf of the Groups pharmaceutical sales representatives working in New York during the past six years. The plaintiff alleges that these sales representatives are not exempt employees, and, therefore, are entitled to overtime under the New York wage and hour laws which closely follow the US Fair Labor Standards Act. In January 2011, a plaintiff led a similar purported class action in Florida state court alleging that the Groups pharmaceutical sales representatives are entitled to overtime under the FLSA.

Environmental matters The Group has been notied of its potential responsibility relating to past operations and its past waste disposal practices at certain sites, primarily in the USA. Some of these matters are the subject of litigation, including proceedings initiated by the US federal or state governments for waste disposal, site remediation costs and tort actions brought by private parties. The Group has been advised that it may be a responsible party at approximately 28 sites, of which 12 appear on the National Priority List created by the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (Superfund). These proceedings seek to require the operators of hazardous waste facilities, transporters of waste to the sites and generators of hazardous waste disposed of at the sites to clean up the sites or to reimburse the government for cleanup costs. In most instances, the Group is involved as an alleged generator of hazardous waste. Although Superfund provides that the defendants are jointly and severally liable for cleanup costs, these proceedings are frequently resolved on the basis of the nature and quantity of waste disposed of by the generator at the site. The Groups proportionate liability for cleanup costs has been substantially determined for about 20 of the sites referred to above. The Groups potential liability varies greatly from site to site. While the cost of investigation, study and remediation at such sites could, over time, be substantial, the Group routinely accrues amounts related to its share of the liability for such matters.

Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Directors statement of responsibilities

Directors statement of responsibilities in relation to the companys nancial statements
The Directors are responsible for preparing the parent company, GlaxoSmithKline plc, nancial statements and the Remuneration Report in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare nancial statements for each nancial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to prepare the parent company nancial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). Under company law the Directors must not approve the parent company nancial statements unless they are satised that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company for that period. In preparing those nancial statements, the Directors are required to: select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; state with regard to the parent company nancial statements that applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the parent company nancial statements. The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufcient to show and explain the companys transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the nancial position of the company and to enable them to ensure that the parent company nancial statements and Remuneration Report comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The parent company nancial statements for the year ended 31st December 2010, comprising the balance sheet for the year ended 31st December 2010 and supporting notes, are set out on pages 188 to 191 of this report. The responsibilities of the auditors in relation to the parent company nancial statements are set out in the Independent Auditors report (page 187). The nancial statements for the year ended 31st December 2010 are included in the Annual Report, which is published in hard copy printed form and made available on the website. The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Annual Report on the companys website in accordance with UK legislation governing the preparation and dissemination of nancial statements. Access to the website is available from outside the UK, where comparable legislation may be different.

Disclosure of information to auditors

The Directors in ofce at the date of this Report have each conrmed that: so far as he or she is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the companys auditors are unaware; and he or she has taken all the steps that he or she ought to have taken as a Director to make himself or herself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the companys auditors are aware of that information. This conrmation is given and should be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Section 418 of the Companies Act 2006.

Going concern basis

After making enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the nancial statements.

The Combined Code

The Board considers that GlaxoSmithKline plc applies the Main Principles of Section 1 of the Combined Code mantained by the FRC, as described in the Corporate Governance section on pages 58 to 80, and has complied with its provisions except as described on page 63. As required by the FSAs Listing Rules, the auditors have considered the Directors statement of compliance in relation to those points of the Combined Code which are specied for their review.

Financial statements P102P191

Sir Christopher Gent

Chairman 1st March 2011

GSK Annual Report 2010


Independent Auditors report to the members of GlaxoSmithKline plc

We have audited the parent company nancial statements of GlaxoSmithKline plc for the year ended 31st December 2010 which comprise the Company Balance Sheet UK GAAP and the related Notes A-H. The nancial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or the parent company nancial statements and the part of the Directors Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or certain disclosures of directors remuneration specied by law are not made; or we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.

Business review P08P57

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

As explained more fully in the Directors statement of responsibilities set out on page 186, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the parent company nancial statements and for being satised that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the parent company nancial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Boards Ethical Standards for Auditors. This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for the companys members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Other matters
We have reported separately on the Group nancial statements of GlaxoSmithKline plc for the year ended 31st December 2010. The Company has passed a resolution in accordance with section 506 of the Companies Act 2006 that the senior statutory auditors name should not be stated.

Scope of the audit of the nancial statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the nancial statements sufcient to give reasonable assurance that the nancial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the parent companys circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of signicant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the nancial statements.

Financial statements P102P191

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors London 1st March 2011

Opinion on nancial statements

In our opinion the parent company nancial statements: give a true and fair view of the state of the companys affairs as at 31st December 2010; have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

Shareholder information P192P212

Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006

In our opinion: the part of the Directors Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006; and the information given in the Directors Report for the nancial year for which the parent company nancial statements are prepared is consistent with the parent company nancial statements.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Company balance sheet UK GAAP at 31st December 2010

Notes 2010 m 2009 m

Fixed assets investments Debtors Cash at bank Current assets Creditors: amounts due within one year Net current liabilities Net assets


19,659 720 10 730

19,632 736 9 745 (3,068) (2,323) 17,309

(6,230) (5,500) 14,159

Capital and reserves Called up share capital Share premium account Other reserves Profit and loss account Equity shareholders funds


1,418 1,428 1,282 10,031 14,159

1,416 1,368 1,255 13,270 17,309

Approved by the Board on 1st March 2011.

Financial statements P102P191

Sir Christopher Gent Chairman

GlaxoSmithKline plc Registered number: 3888792

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the company balance sheet UK GAAP

A Presentation of the nancial statements
Description of business GlaxoSmithKline plc is the parent company of GSK, a major global healthcare group which is engaged in the creation and discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and health-related consumer products. Preparation of nancial statements The nancial statements, which are prepared on a going concern basis, are drawn up in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles (UK GAAP) and with UK accounting presentation as at 31st December 2010, with comparative gures as at 31st December 2009. Where appropriate, comparative gures are reclassied to ensure a consistent presentation with current year information. As permitted by s.408 of the Companies Act 2006, the prot and loss account of the company is not presented in this Annual Report. Accounting convention and standards The balance sheet has been prepared using the historical cost convention and complies with applicable UK accounting standards. Accounting principles and policies The preparation of the balance sheet in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the balance sheet. Actual amounts could differ from those estimates. The balance sheet has been prepared in accordance with the companys accounting policies approved by the Board and described in Note B. Expenditure Expenditure is recognised in respect of goods and services received when supplied in accordance with contractual terms. Provision is made when an obligation exists for a future liability in respect of a past event and where the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. Investments in subsidiary companies Investments in subsidiary companies are held at cost less any provision for impairment. Impairment of investments The carrying value of investments are reviewed for impairment when there is an indication that the investment might be impaired. Any provision resulting from an impairment review is charged to the income statement in the year concerned.
Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Business review P08P57

Share based payments The issuance by the company to its subsidiaries of a grant over the companys options, represents additional capital contributions by the company in its subsidiaries. An additional investment in subsidiaries results in a corresponding increase in shareholders equity. The additional capital contribution is based on the fair value of the grant issued, allocated over the underlying grants vesting period. Taxation Current tax is provided at the amounts expected to be paid applying tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. The company accounts for taxation which is deferred or accelerated by reason of timing differences which have originated but not reversed by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are only recognised to the extent that they are considered recoverable against future taxable prots. Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse. Deferred tax liabilities and assets are not discounted. Financial guarantees Liabilities relating to guarantees issued by the company on behalf of its subsidiaries are initially recognised at fair value and amortised over the life of the guarantee.

B Accounting policies
Foreign currency transactions Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the exchange rate ruling on the date of transaction, or at the forward rate if hedged by a forward exchange contract. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated at rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date, or at the forward rate. Dividends paid and received Dividends paid and received are included in the accounts in the period in which the related dividends are actually paid or received.

C Operating prot
A fee of 11,140 (2009 11,140) relating to the audit of the company has been charged in operating prot.
Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the company balance sheet UK GAAP

D Fixed assets
2010 m 2009 m

Shares in GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited Shares in GlaxoSmithKline Holdings (One) Limited Shares in GlaxoSmithKline Holdings Limited Shares in GlaxoSmithKline Mercury Limited Capital contribution relating to share based payments

613 18 17,888 33 18,552 1,107 19,659

613 18 17,888 33 18,552 1,080 19,632

E Debtors
2010 m 2009 m

Amounts due within one year: UK Corporation tax recoverable Amounts owed by Group undertakings

223 112 335

228 116 344 392 736

Amounts due after more than one year: Amounts owed by Group undertakings

385 720

F Creditors
2010 m 2009 m

Financial statements P102P191

Amounts due within one year: Bank overdraft Amounts owed to Group undertakings Other creditors

9 5,774 447 6,230

8 2,606 454 3,068

The company has guaranteed debt issued by one of its subsidiary companies for which it receives an annual fee from the subsidiary. In aggregate, the company has outstanding guarantees over $10 billion of debt instruments. The amount due from the subsidiary companies in relation to these guarantee fees will be recovered over the life of the bonds and are disclosed within debtors (see Note E).

GSK Annual Report 2010


Notes to the company balance sheet UK GAAP

G Share capital and share premium account

Ordinary Shares of 25p each Number m Share premium m

Business review P08P57

Share capital authorised At 31st December 2009 At 31st December 2010 Share capital issued and fully paid At 1st January 2009 Issued under share option schemes At 31st December 2009 Issued under share option schemes At 31st December 2010

10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 5,661,316,237 3,812,482 5,665,128,719 5,329,458 5,670,458,177

31st December 2010

2,500 2,500 1,415 1 1,416 2 1,418 1,326 42 1,368 60 1,428

Governance and remuneration P58P101

31st December 2009

Number (000) of shares issuable under outstanding options Number (000) of unissued shares not under option

207,132 4,122,410

213,110 4,121,761

At 31st December 2010, of the issued share capital, 105,472,070 shares were held in the ESOP Trust, 474,194,158 shares were held as Treasury shares and 5,090,791,949 shares were in free issue. All issued shares are fully paid. The nominal, carrying and market values of the shares held in the ESOP Trust are disclosed in Note 42, Employee share schemes. The company did not purchase any of its own shares in 2010. On 3rd February 2011, GSK announced that it would commence a new long-term share buy-back programme and expected to repurchase 1-2 billion of shares, depending on market conditions, in 2011. The exact amount and timing of purchases and whether the shares will be held as Treasury shares or be cancelled will be determined by the company and is dependent on market conditions and other factors. No shares were purchased in the period 1st January 2011 to 3rd February 2011. In the period 4th February 2011 to 24th February 2011 10.4 million shares were purchased at a cost of 123.4 million.

Financial statements P102P191

H Reserves
Other reserves m Prot and loss account m Total m

At 1st January 2009 Profit attributable to shareholders Dividends to shareholders Capital contribution relating to share based payments At 31st December 2009 Loss attributable to shareholders Dividends to shareholders Capital contribution relating to share based payments At 31st December 2010

1,216 39 1,255 27 1,282

11,273 5,000 (3,003) 13,270 (34) (3,205) 10,031

12,489 5,000 (3,003) 39 14,525 (34) (3,205) 27 11,313

Shareholder information P192P212

The loss of GlaxoSmithKline plc for the year was 34 million (2009 prot of 5,000 million), which after dividends of 3,205 million (2009 3,003 million), gave a retained loss of 3,239 million (2009 prot of 1,997 million). The prot and loss account reserve at 31st December 2010 stood at 10,031 million (2009 13,270 million), of which 4,096 million is unrealised (2009 4,096 million).

I Post balance sheet event

On 3rd February 2011, the company initiated a new long-term share buy-back programme, and the intention is to repurchase 1-2 billion of shares in 2011, depending on market conditions. In the period 4th February 2011 to 24th February 2011 10.4 million shares were purchased at a cost of 123.4 million.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record
Quarterly trend An unaudited analysis of the Group results and pharmaceutical sales by therapeutic area is provided by quarter in Sterling for the nancial year 2010.

Income statement total


12 months 2010 CER% % m CER%

Q4 2010 %

Turnover Pharmaceuticals Consumer Healthcare Total turnover Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating prot Finance income Finance costs Prot on disposal of interest in associate Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures Profit before taxation Taxation Tax rate % Profit after taxation for the period Prot attributable to non-controlling interests Prot attributable to shareholders Basic earnings per share (pence) Diluted earnings per share (pence)

23,382 5,010 28,392 (7,592) (13,053) (4,457) 493 3,783 116 (831) 8 81 3,157 (1,304) 41.3% 1,853 219 1,634 32.1p 31.9p

(2) 5 (1) 3 36 8 (59)

(1) 7 3 36 9 (55)

5,930 1,267 7,197 (2,077) (4,461) (1,097) 118 (320) 58 (240) 8 18

(16) 4 (13) (2) 48 (4)

(14) 7 (11) (2) 51 (3)

(>100) (>100)



(476) (>100) (>100) (157) 33.0% (633) 57 (690) (>100) (>100)





(13.6)p (>100) (>100) (13.4)p

Income statement results before major restructuring

Total turnover Cost of sales Selling, general and administration Research and development Other operating income Operating prot Finance income Finance costs Prot on disposal of interest in associate Share of after tax prots of associates and joint ventures
Shareholder information P192P212

28,392 (7,405) (12,388) (3,964) 493 5,128 116 (828) 8 81 4,505 (1,544) 34.3% 2,961 219 2,742 53.9p 53.5p

(1) 4 35 (48)

4 35 (45)

7,197 (1,980) (4,289) (1,083) 118 (37) 58 (240) 8 18

(13) (6) 51 (3)

(11) (6) 54 (1)

(>100) (>100)

Profit before taxation Taxation Tax rate % Profit after taxation for the period Prot attributable to non-controlling interests Prot attributable to shareholders Adjusted earnings per share (pence) Diluted earnings per share (pence)



(193) (>100) (>100) (134) 69.4% (327) 57 (384) (>100) (>100)





(7.5)p (>100) (>100) (7.5)p

The calculation of results before major restructuring is described in Note 1 to the nancial statements, Presentation of the nancial statements.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record

Business review P08P57

Q3 2010 m CER% % m CER%

Q2 2010 % m CER%

Q1 2010 %

5,553 1,260 6,813 (1,906) (2,040) (1,004) 95 1,958 22 (197) 16 1,799 (456) 25.3% 1,343 55 1,288 25.3p 25.1p

(3) 4 (2) 7 (9) 11 (10)

(1) 8 1 7 (5) 14 (5)

5,773 1,252 7,025 (1,657) (4,202) (1,196) 81 51 19 (189) 22

3 4 82 21 (106)

3 7 4 2 (83) (23) (98)

6,126 1,231 7,357 (1,952) (2,350) (1,160) 199 2,094 17 (205) 25 1,931 (536) 27.8% 1,395 55 1,340

14 9 13 11 17 7 22

9 7 9 9 7 3 22

Governance and remuneration P58P101



(97) (155) 159.8% (252) 52 (304)









(6.0)p (5.9)p



26.4p 26.1p



Financial statements P102P191

6,813 (1,875) (1,956) (948) 95 2,129 22 (196) 16 1,971 (480) 24.4% 1,491 55 1,436 28.2p 28.0p

(2) 9 (9) 8 (9)

1 8 (5) 10 (4)

7,025 (1,626) (3,845) (994) 81 641 19 (188) 22

(2) 71 5 (80)

4 73 8 (73)

7,357 (1,924) (2,298) (939) 199 2,395 17 (204) 25

13 19 18 (9) 21

9 17 8 (13) 21



494 (312) 63.2% 182 52 130



2,233 (618) 27.7% 1,615 55 1,560



Shareholder information P192P212








2.6p 2.5p



30.7p 30.4p



GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record Quarterly trend

Pharmaceutical turnover total Group

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER% Q3 2010 % m CER% Q2 2010 % m CER% Q1 2010 %

Respiratory Avamys/Veramyst Flixonase/Flonase Flixotide/Flovent Seretide/Advair Serevent Ventolin Zyrtec Anti-virals Hepsera Relenza Valtrex Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu pandemic Hepatitis Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix Dermatologicals Bactroban Dermovate Duac Soriatane Zovirax Other

1,917 50 37 220 1,346 50 142 23 224 33 11 96 64 450 50 130 60 128 14 22 696 80 177 41 55 147 31 16 110 49 18 370 168 172 9 29 10 60 14 994 49 67 69 161 164 190 79 48 288 29 22 27 17 39 306 5,527

(2) 45 3 (5) (4) (21) (1) (5) (64) (96) (60) 9 (14) (40) (3) (9) (15) (5)

52 6 (1) (1) (18) 2 5 (62) 10 (96) (57) 16 (1) (38) (2) (8) (8)

1,726 40 32 187 1,243 48 130 19 218 32 18 95 55 436 53 131 58 115 13 18 650 72 156 44 54 138 28 11 125 70 17 333 153 172 9 35 7 58 11 982 59 48 167 58 189 168 52 90 272 33 18 33 19 31 238 5,152 401 96 31 138 39 20 38 5,553

5 23 11 7 5 (13) 15 (68) 7 (91) (75) (4) 1 (4) 7 33 (11) (13) 13 15 17 16 8 20 8 100 (58) (65) (70) (4) (7)

8 29 14 11 8 (11) 18 6 (65) 14 (90) (73) 2 4 8 35 (4) (13) 13 18 20 19 13 (4) 24 12 83 (56) (62) (72) (2) (6)

1,829 57 50 201 1,286 52 134 20 286 34 8 165 62 450 52 123 60 133 16 21 654 79 157 44 57 138 30 10 213 152 20 337 144 175 8 40 8 56 8 939 43 50 275 170 176 39 38 262 30 19 29 17 33 239 5,384 389 86 27 140 39 19 36 5,773

2 19 21 1 (14) 16 6 (50) 7 (97) (59) 7 (4) (25) 15 16 (9) 17 (33)

5 21 28 6 3 (12) 20 18 (47) 17 (87) (56) 13 (24) 19 18 (4) 33 (30)

1,766 46 45 196 1,264 51 116 20 358 29 84 176 52 417 57 120 55 106 13 20 570 70 139 42 56 107 25 9 230 169 23 356 160 169 5 40 6 53 5 1,411 30 77 5 698 197 166 65 45 265 27 15 27 18 49 211 5,753 373 82 28 131 41 19 38 6,126

6 52 (30) 5 9 (16) 3 17 (44) 11 (60) (46) 4 (13) (9) (11) 14 (12) 7 (67)

2 48 (35) 1 4 (18) 11 (46) 7 (62) (49) (2) (16) (11) (17) 10 (16) (7) (69)

11 13 8 8 22 24 29 32 (8) (8) 11 14 3 7 >100 >100 (65) (76) (73) (2) (2) (63) (74) (73) (2) (3)

10 13 28 30 14 17 (16) (14) (3) (2) 29 33 12 15 >100 >100 (33) (26) (70) (4) (3) (30) (23) (70) (3) (1)

9 3 25 19 20 14 (12) (18) 4 2 9 1 13 4 >100 >100 (18) (10) (63) (6) (10) 23 >100 62 (22) (14) (63) (9) (14) 17 (7) >100 56

1 >100 >100 (36) (36) 80 100 23 25 >100 >100 (36) 37 68 64 (82) 5 24 11 (2) 10 4 13 (3) 19 (17) (35) 40 76 64 (81) 9 24 13 13 4 17 6 3 21 (15)

13 15 (15) (15) >100 >100 26 26 19 22 49 51 64 71 14 14 >100 >100 9 11 1 1 (40) (38) >100 >100 20 (3) 39 58 11 14 (4) (1) (10) (15) 3 (12) (21) (3) 24 43 58 15 15 (1) 2 (6) (9) 5 (9) (19) (1)

2 5 (12) (7) >100 >100 32 37 17 24 8 10 (33) (32) >100 >100 (16) (13) 14 14 (49) (45) >100 >100 >100 >100 (6) (6) (6) 12 1 (18) (13) 8 (12) (29) 15 4 3 (16) (13) 9 (9) (27) 3

Shareholder information P192P212

>100 >100 19 15 60 60 (43) (29) >100 >100 38 32 (3) (5) 19 14 >100 >100 (7) (10) 61 58 20 15 (7) (23) (15) (1) (8) (27) 14 17 11 (11) (27) (18) (4) (15) (32) 9

VIIV Healthcare (HIV) Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir

403 99 29 146 36 22 32 5,930

(4) (3) (11) (9) (3) (3) (3) (2) (18) (18) >100 >100 (35) (35) (16) (14)

Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record Quarterly trend

Business review P08P57

Pharmaceutical turnover USA

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER% Q3 2010 % m CER% Q2 2010 % m CER% Q1 2010 %

Respiratory Avamys/Veramyst Flixonase/Flonase Flixotide/Flovent Seretide/Advair Serevent Ventolin Zyrtec Anti-virals Hepsera Relenza Valtrex Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu pandemic Hepatitis Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix Dermatologicals Bactroban Dermovate Duac Soriatane Zovirax Other

875 17 5 118 670 15 49 41 (5) 24 3 114 15 66 10 14 7 422 49 86 41 146 31 40 40 16 75 6 14 6 17 11 171 28 1 28 56 36 21 94 12 15 17 14 6 1,854

(6) 7 (17) (7) (25) (82) (83) (25) (37) (65) (11) (38) (100) (30) 10 12 1 29 11 3 (75) (65) (100) (38) (100)

(4) 13 (17) 3 (5) (25) 2 (81) (81) (25) (36) (65) (8) (38) (100) (30) 13 14 4 32 14 7 (73) (63) (100) (33) (100)

846 15 8 105 649 16 50 57 13 27 3 124 18 70 13 5 13 4 409 43 87 43 137 27 32 33 14 1 89 8 21 6 18 9 278 41 4 81 1 97 38 17 93 14 20 19 8 8 1,950 162 36 10 50 19 8 19

9 14 (7) >100 >100 19 24 6 11 (6) 37 43 (84) (73) (91) (25) (83) (71) (90) (25)

868 20 18 109 655 17 45 118 5 94 4 131 18 60 11 12 15 5 403 46 88 44 138 30 77 75 21 2 94 7 24 7 18 8 143 26 6 62 40 9 74 14 15 17 5 6 1,935 176 39 10 57 20 9 19

1 5 11 11 >100 >100 8 12 (3) 1 (6) (6) 38 41 (66) (84) (69) (40) (11) (45) 29 83 (8) 25 (70) 8 36 2 (16) 29 12 (51) (33) (29) (91) (64) (74) (68) (20) (8) (45) 33 83 (8) 25 (75) 12 39 6 (12) 33 15 (48) (30) (25) (82)

805 17 6 99 630 16 35 154 30 107 3 136 24 61 10 10 13 8 337 39 76 42 107 25 89 89 24 8 92 5 24 6 17 5 171 15 2 1 92 32 27 97 11 17 18 26 4 1,909 159 34 10 48 21 8 19

3 (10) (40) 8 4 (11)

(5) (15) (40) (4) (16) (8)

(42) (47) >100 >100 (55) (58) (25) (32) (11) (23) 38 (29) (85) 6 27 12 (12) 10 13 (36) (14) (10) (44) 41 >100 73 55 55 92 (13) 93 (37) (14) (29) 25 (29) (7) (85) (2) 18 4 (18) 2 4 (41) (21) (17) (50) 31 (8) >100 55 44 36 77 (18) 80

Governance and remuneration P58P101

3 8 (11) (5) 5 9 >100 >100 (13) (13) (25) 17 28 5 8 20 4 (78) (70) (100) (41) (89) 34 (17) 100 42 32 67 29 39 23 (27) 22 (7) 27 58 75 14 (8) (8) (19) (25) (8) (25) (22) 22 34 9 10 25 8 (76) (66) (100) (36) (89) 39 (13) 100 50 35 71 29 45 27 (23) 26 (7) 33 58 100 14 (4) (4) (16) (17) (4) (21) (17)

Financial statements P102P191

(16) (13) >100 100 (46) (46) 20 20 14 21 >100 >100 (44) (42) 65 65 (75) (75) >100 >100 (100) (100) 6 10 30 33 18 24 1 (14) (7) 8 >100 (22) (16) (30) (17) (16) (20) (38) 3 (14) 6 8 100 (20) (14) (28) (17) (13) (20) (38)

2 7 (4) >100 >100 6 (31) 19 (33) 3 (64) (27) 24 (29) 5 (59)

Shareholder information P192P212

>100 >100 (13) (7) 25 25 >100 (13) 3 (16) (9) 10 (17) (24) >100 (10) 7 (11) (9) 14 (13) (24)

100 >100 (20) (27) >100 >100 (20) (1) (11) (30) (15) (10) (15) (33) (20) (9) (18) (36) (23) (17) (22) (37)

VIIV Healthcare (HIV) Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir

163 34 10 55 20 9 16

Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record Quarterly trend

Pharmaceutical turnover Europe

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER% Q3 2010 % m CER% Q2 2010 % m CER% Q1 2010 %

Respiratory Avamys/Veramyst Flixonase/Flonase Flixotide/Flovent Seretide/Advair Serevent Ventolin Zyrtec Anti-virals Hepsera Relenza Valtrex Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu pandemic Hepatitis Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix Dermatologicals Bactroban Dermovate Duac Soriatane Zovirax Other

557 12 10 42 416 24 38 24 1 15 6 132 20 34 33 19 11 159 24 50 38 13 13 (4) 14 153 69 55 3 12 3 25 3 393 11 25 13 90 63 120 9 8 62 7 5 6 7 99 1,647

(4) 9 (10) (10) (3) (17) (7) (73) (61) (14) (8) (20) (10) (8) (9) 22 6 31 (13) 86 (80) (35) (11) (13) 10 (20) 24 (49) 37 18 (82) 22 (36) (27) 14 33 (14) (24)

(6) 9 (14) (5) (17) (10) (73) (63) (14) (10) (20) (13) (11) (14) 22 3 (8) 28 (16) 86 (81) (39) (13) (16) 6 (20) 19 (51) 32 18 (82) (2) 19 (36) (27) 11 17 (3) (26)

488 10 8 33 370 24 32 24 2 14 7 131 22 35 32 19 10 144 22 41 34 10 37 20 13 121 55 49 1 11 1 23 1 310 12 11 50 2 55 96 8 9 59 7 5 5 6 65 1,428 136 26 9 57 13 10 15

(3) 11 (11) (11) (9) (71) (95) (63) (14) (4) (8) (14) 25 4 (8) 19 (17) 100 (42) (52) (41) (9) (16) (2) (21) 21 (8) 9 (35) (13) (50) (14) (6) (43) (9) 15 50 (6) (9) (10) (25) (25) (2) (13) (16)

(5) 11 (11) (13) (2) (11) (9) (72) (95) (63) (6) (4) (8) (6) (14) 25 1 (8) 14 (19) 100 (45) (52) (41) (12) (19) (4) (21) 21 (10) 9 (35) (17) (50) (15) (9) (43) (18) 13 25 (14) (7) (11) (12) (28) (25) (5) (13) (21)

535 21 12 39 392 24 35 26 2 16 6 137 21 37 36 22 9 154 27 44 39 9 55 34 17 120 53 47 12 1 22 365 11 21 92 63 109 8 14 63 7 5 6 7 78 1,580 145 30 10 61 13 9 14

(1) 31 (9) (17) 3 (64) (96) (59) (13) (3) (9) (3) 6 (15) 43

(3) 31 (9) (2) (17) (3) (64) (92) (59) (25) (5) (9) (3) 3 (19) 29

569 13 10 45 423 26 37 35 2 23 7 140 22 37 36 22 9 153 26 40 43 8 61 38 20 142 63 50 13 24 613 9 59 304 61 104 13 12 62 6 4 6 7 68 1,893 159 33 10 64 15 11 17

6 56 (17) (6) 10 (16) (78) (97) (43) (2) (12) (3) 13 (21) 50 11 23 17 >100 (7) (12) (5) (21) (23) (7) 41

4 44 (17) (6) 7 (16) (79) (98) (45) (3) (12) (5) 13 (21) 50 9 18 11 >100 (10) (12) (5) (22) (25) (2) (13) 41

8 6 22 17 19 19 (7) (9) >100 >100 (23) (22) (22) (12) (13) (4) (20) 28 (23) (26) (26) (14) (13) (6) (20) 22

Shareholder information P192P212

14 14 10 10 (65) (67) >100 >100 (13) (13) 22 20 (42) (33) 40 40 >100 >100 (13) (13) 26 1 (4) (19) (17) 5 (13) (25) 18 (1) (6) (19) (17) 3 (19) (30)

>100 >100 25 13 51 51 >100 >100 2 (2) (5) 8 >100 (13) 24 16 (3) (17) (21) 6 (12) (29) 100 (13) 24 13 (5) (20) (29) 3 (12) (11)

VIIV Healthcare (HIV) Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir

145 28 8 63 10 11 14

(5) (6) (22) (24) (27) (27) 2 (21) (29) >100 >100 (32) (26)

Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record Quarterly trend

Business review P08P57

Pharmaceutical turnover Emerging Markets

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER% Q3 2010 % m CER% Q2 2010 % m CER% Q1 2010 %

Respiratory Avamys/Veramyst Flixonase/Flonase Flixotide/Flovent Seretide/Advair Serevent Ventolin Zyrtec Anti-virals Hepsera Relenza Valtrex Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu pandemic Hepatitis Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix Dermatologicals Bactroban Dermovate Duac Soriatane Zovirax Other

162 9 11 12 85 30 4 61 15 (1) 8 39 62 1 16 1 19 4 36 3 9 15 17 3 159 78 17 1 9 260 4 7 20 25 23 13 45 35 82 7 11 3 6 113 969

17 20 100 >100 38 38 33 33 14 18 (100) (100) 20 20 (13) 8 28 22 (50) 42 5 33 28 50 50 25 (43) (76) 14 29 13 50 (9) 15 34 24 (50) 33 33 24 50 50 25 (39) (82) (100) 15 26 13 50

145 8 9 10 77 1 27 4 56 16 1 7 32 63 1 15 1 19 3 34 3 8 15 1 12 2 1 151 74 17 2 9 216 2 8 19 6 20 16 20 74 73 8 7 3 6 106 873 59 24 7 12 7 3

11 14 >100 >100 (11) 11 11 17 18 23 (33) (33) (10) 25 (92) 7 22 27 33 21 50 33 27 (61) (90) 7 6 6 29 (7) 33 (92) 17 10 24 36 21 50 33 36 (61) (90) 9 9 6 29

166 9 10 12 86 1 31 4 59 15 8 36 53 2 14 1 20 3 36 2 9 14 31 18 1 153 69 16 2 7 179 1 6 1 43 25 11 20 14 69 7 7 2 8 86 848 19 7 2 6 2 1

19 >100 10 50 12 25 33 10 8 33 21 11 100 17 (14) 26 60 40 (9) (14) 8 15 17 18 (80) 50 (89) 9 11 (34) 74 14 24 17 (17) (36) (33) 50 50

25 >100 50 18 29 33 13 15 (100) 33 24 13 100 17 (5) 50 33 80 40 (3) (14) 12 17 14 17 23 (80) 50 (89) 14 22 (31) 82 14 26 22 (17) (36) (33) 50

143 5 9 14 80 24 2 47 12 1 5 29 45 1 12 15 3 28 2 7 11 31 19 146 70 12 2 5 272 2 4 152 20 10 17 26 62 6 5 3 6 80 866 18 6 3 2 2 1

30 >100 13 75 28 14 100 9 11 14 8 50 25 100 60 22 18 6 11 12 8 100 67

24 >100 13 75 23 (100) 9 100 (8) (17) 4 7 (8) (12) 50 17 100 40 22 11 6 4 4 100 67

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

11 14 >100 >100 43 43 (60) (55) 17 28 56 44 36 36 13 13 39 17 >100 20 62 16 57 67 25 14 (50) 44 17 >100 20 64 19 67 73 50 29 (33) (100)

29 32 17 33 36 36 (9) (9) 7 7 (56) (53) >100 >100 35 14 50 20 30 14 40 14 50 20 34 17

>100 >100 100 100 (33) (33) (100) (100) 17 11 (8) (17) (25) (29) 75 (14) 30 43 (33) 50 >100 72 (14) 27 36 (5) (40) 50 (33) 100

Shareholder information P192P212

VIIV Healthcare (HIV) Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir

50 26 6 9 2 1

73 79 69 85 75 75 86 71 >100 >100 (75) (25)

Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record

Quarterly trend Pharmaceutical turnover Rest of World

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER% Q3 2010 % m CER% Q2 2010 % m CER% Q1 2010 %

Respiratory Avamys/Veramyst Flixonase/Flonase Flixotide/Flovent Seretide/Advair Serevent Ventolin Zyrtec Anti-virals Hepsera Relenza Valtrex Zefx Central nervous system Imigran/Imitrex Lamictal Requip Seroxat/Paxil Treximet Wellbutrin Cardiovascular and urogenital Arixtra Avodart Coreg Fraxiparine Lovaza Vesicare Volibris Metabolic Avandia products Bonviva/Boniva Anti-bacterials Augmentin Oncology and emesis Arzerra Hycamtin Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Vaccines Boostrix Cervarix Fluarix, FluLaval Flu pandemic Hepatitis Infanrix, Pediarix Rotarix Synorix

323 12 11 48 175 11 25 19 98 17 17 49 16 142 14 14 16 90 79 4 32 2 1 3 40 10 4 42 21 25 2 1 9 170 6 34 8 46 22 21 4 5 50 3 6 3 12 88 1,057

5 17 >100 >100 (16) (2) 2 14 (18) (13) 4 (6) 6 (59) (12) (89) (2) (7) (4) 18 33 27 (11) (55) (88) 11 7 9 27 56 45 2

247 7 7 39 147 7 21 15 81 16 2 47 13 118 12 11 12 72 1 63 4 20 1 5 1 1 44 15 3 47 23 17 1 8 1 178 4 25 17 49 17 18 7 7 47 4 6 5 11 59 901 44 10 5 19 2 1

5 50 (14) (3) 11 (36) 11 17 (55) (6) (98) 8 (14) (4) 63 (23) (14) 28 100 89 >100 (28) (50) 67 24 (17) 100 13 81 >100 50 >100 (6) 40 >100

17 75 5 21 (36) 17 25 (48) (98) 18 (7) 4 20 38 (8) (3) 37 100 >100 67 (100) (19) (42) 12 35 (6) >100 >100 70 >100 6 6 40 >100

260 7 10 41 153 10 23 16 83 19 1 47 16 129 11 12 12 79 1 4 61 4 16 4 1 50 25 2 43 20 18 1 2 9

2 (30) (33) (15) 10 (18) (5) (14) 6 2 8

15 (30) 11 24 (9) 15 14 (2) 19 (92) 9 23

249 11 20 38 131 9 20 18 122 17 51 41 13 96 10 10 9 59 52 3 16 2 1 49 23 3 44 19 15 1 7 355 4 12 4 242 24 20 8 7 44 4 6 1 10 59 1,085 37 9 5 17 3 1

4 8 >100 >100 (41) (49) (5) (5) 23 28 (18) (18) 5 12 6 (27) 21 (49) (7) 3 67 (7) (50) 21 88 2 4 5 27 >100 >100 (67) >100 >100 >100 22 13 40 95 100 (17) 11 35 (5) (20) 7 >100 (27) 21 (50) 5 (7) 67 (10) (12) 24 100 (33) 2 (4) 10 36 >100 _ >100 (33) >100 >100 >100 33 33 60 100 100 (17) 4 35 13 21

(1) 11 (9) 13 50 11 33 (5) 3 100 >100 19 78 (60) (8) (13) (2) 33 21 (50) 27 33 78 (20) (2) 4 100 2 33 29

23 41 33 100 >100 (67) (33) (32) (64) (2) (10) 41 (33) 14 (25) (60) 100 2 5 47 (33) 29

(28) (17) (17) >100 >100 (33) (33) (67) (57) 11 22 13 31 (33) (33) (33) (17) (12) (2) 50 >100 >100 (15) (8) (16) 5 100 19 11 (6) 10 10 67 19 100

252 >100 >100 5 67 67 17 >100 >100 (1) 140 20 29 43 16 (6) 2 (75) (75) 10 >100 >100 56 2 7 6 13 69 1,021 49 10 5 16 4 3 76 (33) (14) (17) 16 24 (100) 93 (33) (7) (4) 31 32 7 100 (25)

Shareholder information P192P212

Dermatologicals Bactroban Dermovate Duac Soriatane Zovirax Other

2 12 (25) 100 >100 (9) 14 (1) 6 (20) (33) 23 (33) 100 16 9 22 (17) 46 (100)

VIIV Healthcare (HIV) Combivir Epivir Epzicom/Kivexa Lexiva Selzentry Trizivir

45 11 5 19 4 1 2

Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record

Quarterly trend Consumer Healthcare turnover

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER% Q3 2010 % m CER% Q2 2010 % m CER% Q1 2010 %

Business review P08P57

Over-the-counter medicines Oral healthcare Nutritional healthcare

645 411 211 1,267

1 7 7 4

4 10 10 7

601 400 259 1,260

1 4 12 4

5 7 16 8

593 410 249 1,252

(2) 9 6 3

3 12 10 7

617 381 233 1,231

11 5 12 9

8 4 10 7

Q4 2010 m CER% % m CER%

Q3 2010 % m CER%

Q2 2010 % m CER%

Q1 2010 %

USA Europe Rest of World

279 503 485 1,267

5 (3) 13 4

7 (5) 22 7

249 491 520 1,260

(4) (2) 15 4

(3) (25) 8

263 493 496 1,252

(2) 11 3

4 (3) 22 7

246 471 514 1,231

3 9 13 9

(5) 8 13 7

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191 Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record

Five year record

A record of nancial performance is provided, analysed in accordance with current reporting practice. The information included in the Five year record is prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union and also with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Turnover by business segment Pharmaceutical Consumer Healthcare
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m 2007 m 2006 m

23,382 5,010 28,392

23,694 4,674 28,368

20,381 3,971 24,352

19,163 3,553 22,716

20,013 3,212 23,225

Pharmaceutical turnover by therapeutic area Respiratory Anti-virals HIV Central nervous system Cardiovascular and urogenital Metabolic Anti-bacterials Oncology and emesis Vaccines Dermatologicals Other

2010 m

2009 m

2008 m

2007 m

2006 m

7,238 1,086 1,566 1,753 2,570 678 1,396 688 4,326 1,087 994 23,382

6,977 2,416 1,605 1,870 2,298 1,181 1,457 629 3,706 707 848 23,694

5,817 1,584 1,513 2,897 1,847 1,191 1,301 496 2,539 414 782 20,381

5,032 1,478 1,442 3,348 1,554 1,508 1,213 477 1,993 375 743 19,163

4,991 1,191 1,515 3,642 1,636 1,870 1,271 1,069 1,692 367 769 20,013

Pharmaceutical turnover by geographic area USA Europe Emerging Markets Asia Pacic/Japan Other

2010 m

2009 m

2008 m

2007 m

2006 m

8,308 7,133 3,702 3,204 1,035 23,382

9,294 7,720 3,000 2,715 965 23,694

8,894 6,483 2,282 1,918 804 20,381

9,273 5,560 1,883 1,701 746 19,163

10,353 5,437 1,769 1,666 788 20,013

Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income. In 2010 ViiV Healthcare turnover is included in the geographic area in which a sale is made.
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m 2007 m 2006 m

Consumer Healthcare turnover OTC medicines Oral healthcare Nutritional healthcare

Shareholder information P192P212

2,456 1,602 952 5,010

2,339 1,484 851 4,674

1,935 1,240 796 3,971

1,788 1,049 716 3,553

1,561 993 658 3,212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record

Financial results total Turnover Operating prot Prot before taxation Prot after taxation

2010 m

2009 m

2008 m

2007 m

2006 m

Business review P08P57

28,392 3,783 3,157 1,853


28,368 8,425 7,891 5,669


24,352 7,141 6,659 4,712


22,716 7,593 7,452 5,310


23,225 7,808 7,799 5,498


Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per share

32.1 31.9
2010 m

109.1 108.2
2009 m

88.6 88.1
2008 m

94.4 93.7

95.5 94.5

Financial results before major restructuring Turnover Operating prot Prot before taxation Prot after taxation

28,392 5,128 4,505 2,961


28,368 9,257 8,726 6,283


24,352 8,259 7,782 5,551


Governance and remuneration P58P101

Adjusted earnings per share Adjusted diluted earnings per share

53.9 53.5
2010 millions

121.2 120.3
2009 millions

104.7 104.1
2008 millions 2007 millions 2006 millions

Weighted average number of shares in issue: Basic Diluted

5,085 5,128

5,069 5,108

5,195 5,226

5,524 5,567

5,643 5,700

Financial statements P102P191

Return on capital employed






Return on capital employed is calculated as total prot before taxation as a percentage of average net assets over the year. Balance sheet Non-current assets Current assets Total assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Shareholders equity Non-controlling interests Total equity
2010 m 2009 m 2008 m 2007 m 2006 m

26,194 16,036 42,230 (12,794) (19,691) (32,485) 9,745 8,887 858 9,745

25,292 17,570 42,862 (12,118) (20,002) (32,120) 10,742 10,005 737 10,742

22,124 17,269 39,393 (10,017) (21,058) (31,075) 8,318 7,931 387 8,318

17,377 13,626 31,003 (10,345) (10,748) (21,093) 9,910 9,603 307 9,910

14,561 10,992 25,553 (7,265) (8,640) (15,905) 9,648 9,386 262 9,648

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Financial record

Number of employees
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

USA Europe Rest of World: Asia Pacic, including China Japan Middle East, Africa Latin America Canada Rest of World Manufacturing Selling Administration Research and development

17,555 39,910 23,388 3,461 3,609 6,432 2,106 38,996 96,461 30,611 43,918 8,850 13,082 96,461

22,594 42,048 21,011 3,264 3,619 5,169 2,208 35,271 99,913 31,162 44,621 9,405 14,725 99,913

21,176 44,677 18,983 3,174 3,403 5,228 2,362 33,150 99,003 32,622 42,430 8,787 15,164 99,003

24,838 46,869 17,525 3,284 3,156 5,249 2,562 31,776 103,483 33,995 44,499 8,960 16,029 103,483

24,726 45,758 17,570 3,195 3,204 5,856 2,386 32,211 102,695 33,235 44,484 9,024 15,952 102,695

The geographic distribution of employees in the table above is based on the location of GSKs subsidiary companies. The number of employees is the number of permanent employed staff at the end of the nancial period. It excludes those employees who are employed and managed by GSK on a contract basis.

Exchange rates
As a guide to holders of ADS, the following tables set out, for the periods indicated, information on the exchange rate of US dollars for Sterling as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (noon buying rate)*.
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006







The average rate for the year is calculated as the average of the noon buying rates for each day of the year.
Feb 2011 Jan 2011 Dec 2010 Nov 2010 Oct 2010 Sept 2010

High Low

1.62 1.60

1.60 1.55

1.59 1.54

1.63 1.55

1.60 1.57

1.58 1.53

* On 31st December 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ceased publishing noon buying rates. The Bank of England 4pm buying rates have been used for subsequent calculations. The 4pm buying rate on 24th February 2011 was 1 = US$1.61.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Product development pipeline


Business review P08P57



In-license or other alliance relationship with third party Month of rst submission Month of rst regulatory approval (for MAA, this is the rst EU approval letter) Month Approvable or Complete Response Letter received indicates that ultimately approval may be given subject to resolution of outstanding queries Month of EU Positive Opinion FDA Tentative Approval

BLA MAA NDA Phase I Phase II

Biological License Application Marketing Authorisation Application (Europe) New Drug Application (USA) Evaluation of clinical pharmacology, usually conducted in volunteers Determination of dose and initial evaluation of efcacy, conducted in a small number of patients

Phase III Large comparative study (compound versus placebo and/or established treatment) in patients to establish clinical benet and safety

MAA and NDA/BLA Regulatory milestones shown in the table below are those that have been achieved. Future ling dates are not included in this list.
Achieved Regulatory review milestones Compound Type Indication Phase MAA NDA/BLA

933776 1070806 1223249 2401502 2586881 (APN01) iboctadekin (+ Doxil) otelixizumab otelixizumab otelixizumab 249320 315234 768974 albiglutide Benlysta mepolizumab ofatumumab ofatumumab otelixizumab albiglutide Arzerra Arzerra Arzerra otelixizumab Benlysta denosumab Arzerra Prolia Prolia beta amyloid monoclonal antibody IL18 monoclonal antibody NOGO-A monoclonal antibody domain antibody targetted multi-component vaccine recombinant human angiotensin converting anzyme 2 IL18 immunomodulator (+ topoisomerase II inhibitor) anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (i.v.) anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (s.c. & i.v.) anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (s.c.) myelin-associated glycoprotein monoclonal antibody oncostatin M monoclonal antibody parathyroid hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP 1) agonist anti-B lymphocyte stimulator monoclonal antibody (s.c.) anti-IL5 monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 human monoclonal antibody (s.c.) anti-CD20 human monoclonal antibody (s.c.) anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (i.v.) GLP 1 agonist anti-CD20 human monoclonal antibody Alzheimers disorders metabolic disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & multiple sclerosis malignant melanoma acute respiratory distress syndrome ovarian cancer Graves eye disease rheumatoid arthritis type 1 diabetes stroke rheumatoid arthritis osteoporosis heart failure systemic lupus erythematosus severe asthma & nasal polyposis multiple sclerosis rheumatoid arthritis myaesthenia gravis type 2 diabetes chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, rst line therapy & use in relapsed patients diffuse large B cell lymphoma (relapsed patients) follicular lymphoma (refractory & relapsed patients) type 1 diabetes systemic lupus erythematosus I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II III III III III III Submitted Submitted Approved Approved Approved

Governance and remuneration P58P101 Financial statements P102P191

anti-CD20 human monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 human monoclonal antibody anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (i.v.) anti-B lymphocyte stimulator monoclonal antibody (i.v.) anti-receptor activator for nuclear kappa bone metastatic disease (RANK) ligand human monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 human monoclonal antibody chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (refractory patients) anti-RANK ligand human monoclonal antibody hormone ablative/chemotherapy bone loss in prostate cancer patients anti-RANK ligand human monoclonal antibody postmenopausal osteoporosis

S: Jun10 N/A A: Apr10 N/A A: May10

S: Jun10 N/A A: Oct09 N/A N/A

Cardiovascular & Metabolic

1614235 2245840 256073 557296 1278863 1278863 1292263 1521498 2245840 losmapimod retosiban rilapladib darapladib Arixtra sodium dependent glucose transport (SGLT1) inhibitor SIRT1 activator high afnity nicotinic acid receptor (HM74A) agonist oxytocin antagonist prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor G-protein coupled receptor 119 (GRP119) agonist mu-opioid receptor inverse agonist SIRT1 activator p38 kinase inhibitor oxytocin antagonist Lp-PLA2 inhibitor Lp-PLA2 inhibitor synthetic factor Xa inhibitor type 2 diabetes sarcopaenia (also COPD & psoriasis) metabolic disorders premature ejaculation anaemia associated with chronic renal disease peripheral arterial disease metabolic disorders compulsive eating disorders type 2 diabetes (also COPD & psoriasis) cardiovascular disease (also COPD & pain) threatened pre-term labour atherosclerosis atherosclerosis treatment of acute coronary syndrome I

Shareholder information P192P212


A: Aug07

AL: Feb07 & Sep07

GSK Annual Report 2010


Product development pipeline

Achieved Regulatory review milestones Compound Type Indication Phase MAA NDA/BLA

Infectious Diseases
2251052 2336805 2485852 1322322 tafenoquine Relenza leucyl t-RNA synthetase inhibitor (oral & i.v.) hepatitis C virus inhibitor hepatitis C virus inhibitor polypeptide deformylase inhibitor 8-aminoquinoline neuraminidase inhibitor (i.v.) bacterial infections hepatitis C hepatitis C bacterial infections Plasmodium vivax malaria inuenza I I I II II III

2018682 239512 649868 742457 rategrast Horizant losmapimod orvepitant IPX066 Horizant sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1) agonist histamine H3 antagonist orexin antagonist 5HT6 antagonist dual alpha4 integrin antagonist (VLA4) voltage-gated calcium channel modulator p38 kinase inhibitor NK1 antagonist dopamine precursor + DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor voltage-gated calcium channel modulator multiple sclerosis dementia & schizophrenia sleep disorders dementia multiple sclerosis post-herpetic neuralgia pain (also cardiovascular disease & COPD) depression & anxiety Parkinsons disease restless legs syndrome I II II II II II II II III Submitted


N/A S: Sep08, Jan09 & Oct10 CR: Nov10

Trobalt/Potiga (retigabine/ezogabine)

neuronal potassium channel opener

epilepsy - partial seizures


PO: Jan11

2110183 2126458 2141795 2256098 vestipitant 1120212 + BKM120 1120212 1120212 +2118436 2285921 foretinib Revolade/Promacta 1120212 2118436 Votrient Revolade/Promacta Revolade/Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Tyverb/Tykerb Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient Votrient Votrient + Tyverb/Tykerb Avodart AKT protein kinase inhibitor Pi3 kinase inhibitor AKT protein kinase inhibitor focal adhesion kinase inhibitor NK1 antagonist (i.v.) mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor (MEK1/2) + Pi3 alpha kinase inhibitor MEK1/2 inhibitor MEK1/2 inhibitor + BRaf protein kinase inhibitor thrombopoietin receptor agonist mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor (C-met) kinase inhibitor thrombopoietin receptor agonist MEK1/2 inhibitor BRaf protein kinase inhibitor multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor thrombopoietin receptor agonist thrombopoietin receptor agonist Her2 and EGFR dual kinase inhibitor Her2 and EGFR dual kinase inhibitor Her2 and EGFR dual kinase inhibitor multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor + Her2 and EGFR dual kinase inhibitor 5-alpha reductase inhibitor 5-alpha reductase inhibitor + alpha blocker thrombopoietin receptor agonist Her2 and EGFR dual kinase inhibitor multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor cancer cancer cancer cancer post operative nausea & vomiting cancer pancreatic cancer metastatic melanoma thrombocytopaenia papillary renal cell carcinoma and other cancers oncology-related thrombocytopaenia metastatic melanoma metastatic melanoma ovarian cancer, maintenance therapy chronic liver disease induced thrombocytopaenia hepatitis C induced thrombocytopaenia breast cancer, adjuvant therapy gastric cancer head & neck squamous cell carcinoma (resectable disease) renal cell cancer, adjuvant therapy sarcoma inammatory breast cancer reduction in the risk of prostate cancer benign prostatic hyperplasia - xed dose combination idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura breast cancer, rst line therapy renal cell cancer I I I I I I II II II II II III III III III III III III III III III III Submitted Approved Approved Approved Approved S: Sep09 & Mar10 A: Mar10 A: Mar10 A: Jun10 A: Jun10 CR: Jan11 A: Jun10 A: Nov08 A: Jan10 A:Oct09

Shareholder information P192P212

Duodart/Jalyn Revolade/Promacta Tyverb/Tykerb Votrient

pazopanib pazopanib multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor (oral) multi-kinase angiogenesis inhibitor (eye drops) age-related macular degeneration (also cancer indications) age-related macular degeneration I II

GSK Annual Report 2010


Product development pipeline

Achieved Regulatory review milestones Compound Type Indication Phase MAA NDA/BLA

Business review P08P57

Respiratory & Immuno-inammation

610677 705498 1322888 1325756 1440115 2245840 2245840 256066 656933 685698 681323 705498 870086 870086 961081 962040 1399686 2190915 losmapimod 573719 573719 + vilanterol (642444) vilanterol (642444) 1605786 (CCX282) Relovair (vilanterol + 685698) Relovair (vilanterol + 685698) p38 kinase inhibitor (inhaled) transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV1) antagonist (topical) motilin receptor agonist chemokine receptor (CXCR2) antagonist urotensin antagonist SIRT1 activator SIRT1 activator PDE4 inhibitor (inhaled) chemokine receptor (CXCR2) antagonist glucocorticoid agonist p38 kinase inhibitor (i.v.) transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV1) antagonist (intranasal) novel glucocorticoid agonist (inhaled) novel glucocorticoid agonist (topical) muscarinic antagonist, beta2 agonist motilin receptor agonist anti-inammatory macrolide conjugate (oral) 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) inhibitor p38 kinase inhibitor (oral) muscarinic acetylcholine antagonist muscarinic acetylcholine antagonist + long-acting beta2 agonist long-acting beta2 agonist CCR9 antagonist long-acting beta2 agonist + glucocorticoid agonist long-acting beta2 agonist + glucocorticoid agonist COPD pruritis delayed gastric emptying COPD asthma COPD (also type 2 diabetes & sarcopaenia) psoriasis (also type 2 diabetes & sarcopaenia) COPD cystic brosis asthma acute lung injury & acute respiratory distress syndrome non-allergic rhinitis asthma atopic dermatitis COPD delayed gastric emptying inammatory bowel disease asthma COPD (also cardiovascular disease & pain) COPD COPD COPD Crohns disease asthma I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II III III III III III

Governance and remuneration P58P101



Financial statements P102P191

Paediatric Vaccines
Heptavalent combination conjugated vaccine MMR S. pneumoniae paediatric next generation Mosquirix Nimenrix (MenACWY-TT) MenHibrix (Hib-MenCY-TT) live attenuated recombinant conjugated recombinant conjugated conjugated Neisseria meningitis C, Haemophilus inuenzae type b, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, tetanus, pertussis and poliomyelitis disease prophylaxis measles, mumps, rubella prophylaxis Streptococcus pneumoniae disease prophylaxis malaria prophylaxis (Plasmodium falciparum) Neisseria meningitis groups A, C, W & Y disease prophylaxis Neisseria meningitis groups C & Y & Haemophilus inuenzae type b disease prophylaxis II

II (USA) II III Submitted Submitted

A: Oct03

N/A N/A CR: Jun10

Other Vaccines
Flu pandemic HIV HIV Tuberculosis Flu vaccine Zoster Flu (pre-) pandemic Pumarix cell-culture based H5N1 vaccine recombinant recombinant recombinant inactivated split quadrivalent recombinant H5N1 inactivated split monovalent (Quebec) H5N1 inactivated split monovalent (Quebec) pandemic inuenza prophylaxis HIV disease prophylaxis HIV disease immunotherapy tuberculosis prophylaxis seasonal inuenza prophylaxis Herpes Zoster prevention pre-pandemic & pandemic inuenza prophylaxis pandemic inuenza prophylaxis I I II II III III Submitted Submitted

Shareholder information P192P212

N/A PO: Nov10

S:Jun09 (Canada) N/A

GSK Annual Report 2010


Product development pipeline

Achieved Regulatory review milestones Compound Type Indication Phase MAA NDA/BLA

Antigen Specic Cancer Immunotherapeutic (ASCI)

PRAME PRAME NY-ESO-1 WT1 MAGE-A3 MAGE-A3 recombinant recombinant recombinant recombinant recombinant recombinant treatment of metastatic melanoma treatment of resectable non-small cell lung cancer treatment of metastatic melanoma treatment of acute myelogenous leukaemia treatment of melanoma treatment of non-small cell lung cancer I I I II III III

Rare Diseases
2402968 2696273 migalastat HCl antisense oligonucleotide ex-vivo stem cell gene therapy pharmacological chaperone Duchenne muscular dystrophy adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deciency (ADA-SCID) Fabry disease III III III

Stiefel (late stage assets only)

tazarotene foam Duac low dose Sorilux (calcipotriene foam) itraconazole tablets Veltin retinoid foam clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide gel vitamin D3 analog oral anti-fungal antibiotic/retinoid gel acne vulgaris acne vulgaris mild to moderate plaque psoriasis onychomycosis acne vulgaris III Submitted Approved Approved Approved S: Nov10 A: Oct10 A: Apr10 A: Jul10

HIV (ViiV Healthcare)

1265744 2248761 PF-232798 UK-453061 1349572 1349572 + abacavir sulphate + lamivudine HIV integrase inhibitor (long-acting formulation) non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor CCR5 antagonist non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor HIV integrase inhibitor HIV integrase inhibitor + reverse transcriptase inhibitors (xed dose combination) HIV infections HIV infections HIV infections HIV infections HIV infections HIV infections I II II II III III

Option-based alliances with third parties that include assets in Phase I or later development:
Company Disease Area Phase

Shareholder information P192P212

Cancer Research UK ChemoCentryx Galapagos OncoMed Pharmaceuticals Prosensa Therapeutics Ranbaxy Laboratories Theravance Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy Afris Nabi * Two assets

cancer inammatory disease autoimmune disease oncology neuroscience respiratory pain stem cell gene therapy Alzheimers disease treatment vaccine nicotine vaccine

I I* & II I* I* I I I I & II II III

GSK Annual Report 2010


Shareholder information
The Ordinary Shares of the company are listed on the London Stock Exchange and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADS). For details of listed debt and where it is listed refer to Note 32, Net debt. Dividends per ADS The table below sets out the dividends per ADS in US dollars in the last ve years, translated into US dollars at applicable exchange rates.
Year 2010 2009 2008 US$

Business review P08P57

Share price
At 1st January High during the year Low during the year At 31st December Increase/(decrease) 13.20 13.40 10.95 12.40 (6.1%) 12.85 13.34 9.87 13.20 2.7% 12.79 13.85 9.95 12.85 0.5%

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

pence 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2.04 1.93 2.01 2.14 1.80

US$ 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0

The table above sets out the middle market closing prices. The companys share price decreased by 6.1% in 2010. This compares with an increase in the FTSE 100 index by 9% during the year. The share price on 24th February 2011 was 11.78.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 01/01/08 31/12/08 31/12/09 US$ 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 31/12/10

Governance and remuneration P58P101

UK dividends per share

Dividend calendar
Quarter Ex-dividend date

US dividends per ADS

Record date Payment date

UK share price

US ADR price (US$)

Market capitalisation
The market capitalisation, based on shares in issue excluding Treasury shares, of GlaxoSmithKline at 31st December 2010 was 64 billion. At that date GSK was the sixth largest company by market capitalisation on the FTSE index.

Q4 2010 9th February 2011 11th February 2011 7th April 2011 Q1 2011 4th May 2011 6th May 2011 7th July 2011 Q2 2011 3rd August 2011 5th August 2011 6th October 2011 Q3 2011 2nd November 2011 4th November 2011 5th January 2012

Financial statements P102P191

Financial reporting calendar

Publication Date

SmithKline Beecham plc Floating Rate Unsecured Loan Stock 1990/2010

The Loan Stock, which was not listed on any exchange, was redeemed in its entirety at par, i.e. 1 for every 1 of loan stock held, on 1st June 2010.

Results announcements Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Preliminary/Quarter 4 Annual Report/Summary

April 2011 July 2011 October 2011 February 2012 February/March 2012

GSK pays dividends quarterly. It continues to increase cash returns to shareholders through its dividend policy. Dividends remain an essential component of total shareholder return and GSK is committed to increasing its dividend over the long-term. Details of the dividends declared, the amount and the payment dates are given in Note 16 to the nancial statements, Dividends. Dividends per share The table below sets out the dividends per share in the last ve years.
Year pence

Results announcements Results announcements are issued to the London Stock Exchange and are available on its news service. Shortly afterwards, they are issued to the media, are made available on the website and sent to the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the NYSE. Financial reports GSK publishes an Annual Report and for the shareholder not needing the full detail of the Report, a Summary document. These are available from the date of publication on the website. The Summary is sent to all shareholders. Shareholders may elect to receive the Annual Report by writing to the registrars. Alternatively shareholders may elect to receive notication by email of the publication of nancial reports by registering on Copies of previous nancial reports are available on GSKs website. Printed copies can be obtained from the registrars in the UK and from the GSK Response Center in the USA.

Shareholder information P192P212

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

65 61 57 53 48

GSK Annual Report 2010


Shareholder information

Corporate Responsibility Report

We will publish our 2010 Corporate Responsibilty Report online on 21st March 2011. This will outline GSKs approach and performance on responsibility areas including access to medicines, research and business ethics, environmental sustainability and community investment.

Information about the company including details of the share price is available on GSKs website at Information made available on the website does not constitute part of this Annual Report.

Annual General Meeting 2011

The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, 5th May 2011 Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE The AGM is the companys principal forum for communication with private shareholders. In addition to the formal business there will be a presentation by the Chief Executive Ofcer on the performance of the Group and its future development. There will be opportunity for questions to the Board, and the Chairmen of the Boards Committees will take questions on matters relating to those committees. Investors holding shares through a nominee service should arrange with that nominee service to be appointed as a corporate representative or proxy in respect of their shareholding in order to attend and vote at the meeting. ADR holders wishing to attend the meeting must obtain a proxy from The Bank of New York Mellon which will enable them to attend and vote on the business to be transacted. ADR holders may instruct The Bank of New York Mellon as to the way in which the shares represented by their ADR should be voted by completing and returning the voting card provided by the bank in accordance with the instructions given.

Nature of trading market

The following tables set out, for the periods indicated, the high and low middle market closing quotations in pence for the shares on the London Stock Exchange, and the high and low last reported sales prices in US dollars for the ADS on the NYSE.
Pence per share High Low

Quarter ended 31st March 2011* February 2011* January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 Quarter ended 31st December 2010 Quarter ended 30th September 2010 Quarter ended 30th June 2010 Quarter ended 31st March 2010 Quarter ended 31st December 2009 Quarter ended 30th September 2009 Quarter ended 30th June 2009 Quarter ended 31st March 2009 Year ended 31st December 2008 Year ended 31st December 2007 Year ended 31st December 2006

1270 1200 1270 1277 1262 1319 1290 1319 1290 1281 1340 1334 1252 1117 1305 1385 1493 1577

1128 1128 1129 1231 1212 1221 1249 1212 1095 1119 1196 1219 1063 987 1003 995 1160 1326

Documents on display
The Articles of Association of the company and other documents referred to in this Annual Report are available for inspection at the Registered Ofce of the company.

US dollars per ADS High Low

Shareholder information P192P212

Quarter ended 31st March 2011* February 2011* January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 Quarter ended 31st December 2010 Quarter ended 30th September 2010 Quarter ended 30th June 2010 Quarter ended 31st March 2010 Quarter ended 31st December 2009 Quarter ended 30th September 2009 Quarter ended 30th June 2009 Quarter ended 31st March 2009 Year ended 31st December 2008 Year ended 31st December 2007 Year ended 31st December 2006 * to 24th February 2011

39.86 39.15 39.86 40.04 40.85 41.86 40.47 41.86 40.47 39.57 42.97 42.91 40.03 36.56 39.24 54.36 59.35 58.38

36.33 36.98 36.33 38.66 38.28 39.04 38.78 38.28 33.78 32.34 37.03 38.72 34.36 29.11 27.27 32.02 47.87 50.15

Exchange controls and other limitations affecting security holders

There are currently no UK laws, decrees or regulations restricting the import or export of capital or affecting the remittance of dividends or other payments to holders of the companys shares who are non-residents of the UK. There are no limitations relating only to non-residents of the UK under English law or the companys Articles of Association on the right to be a holder of, and to vote in respect of, the companys shares.

Duplicate publications
Queries relating to receipt of duplicate copies of GSKs publications should be addressed to the registrars.

Investor relations
Investor relations may be contacted as follows: UK 980 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9GS Tel: +44 (0)20 8047 5000 USA One Franklin Plaza, PO Box 7929, Philadelphia PA 19101 Tel: 1 888 825 5249 (US toll free) Tel: +1 215 751 4000 (outside the USA)

General information concerning the UK and US tax effects of share ownership is set out on page 210 Taxation information for shareholders.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Shareholder information

The companys registrars are: Equiniti Limited Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex BN99 6DA Tel: 0871 384 2991 (inside the UK) Tel: +44 (0)121 415 7067 (outside the UK) Lines are open from 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Equiniti also provides the following services: Nominee dealing account and Individual Savings Account (ISA) GlaxoSmithKline Corporate Sponsored Nominee Shareview service Share dealing service Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham Corporate PEPs

The Share Centre Limited Oxford House, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Bucks HP21 8SZ Tel: +44 (0)1296 414141

Business review P08P57

ADR programme administrator

The ADR programme is administered by: BNY Mellon Shareowner Services PO Box 358516 Pittsburgh, PA 15252-8516 Tel: 1 877 353 1154 (US toll free) Tel: +1 201 680 6825 (outside the USA) email: [email protected] The administrators also provide Global BuyDIRECT, a direct ADS purchase/sale and dividend reinvestment plan for ADR holders.

Governance and remuneration P58P101

Share dealing service

Shareholders may trade shares, either held in certicates or in the Corporate Sponsored Nominee by internet or telephone through Shareview Dealing, a share dealing service provided by Equiniti Financial Services Limited. For internet deals log on to For telephone deals call 08456 037 037 (inside the UK only). For the Investment Account and ISA service, either or call 0845 300 0430. Telephone services are available between 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday (market trading hours 8.00am to 4.30pm).

GSK Response Center

Tel: 1 888 825 5249 (US toll free) The provision of the details above is not intended to be an invitation or inducement to engage in an investment activity. Advice on share dealing should be obtained from a stockbroker or independent nancial adviser.

Financial statements P102P191

Analysis of shareholdings at 31st December 2010

Number of accounts % of total accounts % of total shares Number of shares

Holding of shares Up to 1,000 1,001 to 5,000 5,001 to 100,000 100,001 to 1,000,000 Over 1,000,000

112,292 35,996 8,144 827 411 157,670

71 23 5 1 100 18 82 100

1 1 2 5 91 100 74 5 13 8 100

41,170,410 77,156,810 117,679,956 302,361,401 5,132,089,600 5,670,458,177 4,195,447,676 1,626,510 4,834 252,304,068 746,880,931 474,194,158 5,670,458,177

Held by Nominee companies Investment and trust companies Insurance companies Individuals and other corporate bodies BNY (Nominees) Limited Held as Treasury shares by GlaxoSmithKline

28,100 39 8 129,521 1 1 157,670

Shareholder information P192P212

The Bank of New York Mellons holding held through BNY (Nominees) Limited represents the companys ADR programme, whereby each ADS represents two Ordinary Shares of 25p nominal value. At 24th February 2011, BNY (Nominees) Limited held 752,137,377 Ordinary Shares representing 14.50% of the issued share capital excluding Treasury shares at that date. At 24th February 2011, the number of holders of shares in the USA was 1,118 with holdings of 1,314,614 shares, and the number of registered holders of the ADR was 32,203 with holdings of 376,067,688 ADR. Certain of these shares and ADR were held by brokers or other nominees. As a result the number of holders of record or registered holders in the USA is not representative of the number of benecial holders or of the residence of benecial holders.

GSK Annual Report 2010


Taxation information for shareholders

A summary of certain UK tax and US federal income tax consequences for certain holders of shares and ADR who are citizens of the UK or the USA is set out below. It is not a complete analysis of all the possible tax consequences of the purchase or ownership of these securities. It is intended only as a general guide. Holders are advised to consult their advisers with respect to the tax consequences of the purchase and ownership of their shares or ADR, and the consequences under state and local tax laws in the USA and the implications of the current UK/US Income Tax convention. US holders of ADR generally will be treated as the owners of the underlying shares for the purposes of the current USA/UK double taxation conventions relating to income and gains (Income Tax Convention), estate and gift taxes (Estate and Gift Tax Convention) and for the purposes of the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code).

US shareholders
This summary only applies to a shareholder (a citizen or resident of the USA or a domestic corporation or a person that is otherwise subject to US federal income tax on a net income basis in respect of the shares or ADR) that holds shares or ADR as capital assets, is not resident in the UK for UK tax purposes and does not hold shares for the purposes of a trade, profession or vocation that is carried on in the UK through a branch or agency. The summary also does not address the tax treatment of holders that are subject to special tax rules, such as banks, tax-exempt entities, insurance companies, dealers in securities or currencies, persons that hold shares or ADR as part of an integrated investment (including a straddle) comprised of a share or ADR and one or more other positions, and persons that own (directly or indirectly) 10% or more of the voting stock of GSK. Taxation of dividends The gross amount of dividends received is treated as foreign source dividend income for US tax purposes. It is not eligible for the dividend received deduction allowed to US corporations. Dividends on ADR are payable in US dollars; dividends on shares are payable in Sterling. Dividends paid in pounds Sterling will be included in income in the US dollar amount calculated by reference to the exchange rate on the day the dividends are received by the holder. Subject to certain exceptions for short-term or hedged positions, an individual eligible US holder will be subject to US taxation at a maximum rate of 15% in respect of qualied dividends received before 2013. Taxation of capital gains Generally, US holders will not be subject to UK capital gains tax, but will be subject to US tax on capital gains realised on the sale or other disposal of shares or ADR. Such gains will be long-term capital gains (subject to reduced rates of taxation for individual holders) if the shares or ADR were held for more than one year. Information reporting and backup withholding Dividends and payments of the proceeds on a sale of shares or ADR, paid within the USA or through certain US-related nancial intermediaries are subject to information reporting and may be subject to backup withholding unless the US holder is a corporation or other exempt recipient or provides a taxpayer identication number and certies that no loss of exemption has occurred. Non-US holders generally are not subject to information reporting or backup withholding, but may be required to provide a certication of their non-US status in connection with payments received. Any amounts withheld will be allowed as a refund or credit against a holders US federal income tax liability provided the required information is furnished to the IRS. Estate and gift taxes Under the Estate and Gift Tax Convention, a US shareholder is not generally subject to UK inheritance tax. Stamp duty UK stamp duty or SDRT will, subject to certain exemptions, be payable on any issue or transfer of shares to the ADR custodian or depository at a rate of 1.5% of their price (if issued), the amount of any consideration provided (if transferred on sale), or their value (if transferred for no consideration). No SDRT would be payable on the transfer of, or agreement to transfer an ADR. No UK stamp duty should be payable on the transfer of an ADR provided that any instrument of transfer is executed and remains at all times outside the UK. Any stamp duty on the transfer of an ADR would be payable at a rate of 0.5% of the consideration for the transfer. Any sale of the underlying shares would, subject to certain exceptions, result in liability to UK stamp duty or, as the case may be, SDRT at a rate of 0.5%.

UK shareholders
This summary only applies to a UK resident shareholder that holds shares as capital assets. Taxation of dividends UK resident individual shareholders will generally be subject to UK income tax on the full amount of dividends paid, grossed up for the amount of a one ninth dividend tax credit. The tax credit may be set against the individuals income tax liability in respect of the gross dividend, but is not repayable to shareholders with a tax liability of less than the associated tax credit. For the tax year 2010-11 and subsequent tax years, an additional rate of income tax on dividends is imposed for taxpayers whose income is above 150,000. UK resident shareholders that are corporation taxpayers should note that dividends are generally entitled to exemption from corporation tax. If shareholders are in any doubt as to their position, they should consult their own professional advisers. Taxation of capital gains UK shareholders may be liable for UK tax on gains on the disposal of shares or ADR. For disposals by individuals and subject to the availability of any exemption or relief such as the annual exempt amount, a taxable capital gain accruing on a disposal of shares or ADR will be taxed at 28% if, after all allowable deductions, such shareholders taxable income for the tax year exceeds the basic rate income tax limit. In other cases, a taxable capital gain accruing on a disposal of shares or ADR may be taxed at 18% or 28% or at a combination of both rates. Corporation taxpayers may be entitled to an indexation allowance which applies to reduce capital gains to the extent that such gains arise due to ination. Indexation allowance may reduce a chargeable gain but will not create an allowable loss. Inheritance tax Individual shareholders may be liable to inheritance tax on the transfer of shares or ADR. Tax may be charged on the amount by which the value of the shareholders estate is reduced as a result of any transfer by way of gift or other disposal at less than full market value. If such a gift or other disposal were subject to both UK inheritance tax and US estate or gift tax, the Estate and Gift Tax Convention would generally provide for tax paid in the USA to be credited against tax payable in the UK. Stamp duty UK stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax (SDRT) will, subject to certain exemptions, be payable on the transfer of shares at a rate of 0.5% of the consideration for the transfer.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Glossary of terms
Terms used in the Annual Report Accelerated capital allowances American Depositary Receipt (ADR) American Depositary Shares (ADS) Basic earnings per share Called-up share capital CER growth Combined Code The company Currency swap Dened benet plan Dened contribution plan Derivative nancial instrument Diluted earnings per share Employee Share Ownership Plan Trusts Finance lease Freehold Gearing ratio The Group Hedging Intangible xed assets Prot Prot attributable to shareholders Share capital Shareholders funds Share option Share premium account Shares in issue Subsidiary Treasury share Turnover US equivalent or brief description Tax allowance in excess of depreciation arising from the purchase of xed assets that delay the charging and payment of tax. The US equivalent of tax depreciation. Receipt evidencing title to an ADS. Each GlaxoSmithKline ADR represents two Ordinary Shares. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange; represents two Ordinary Shares. Basic income per share. Ordinary Shares, issued and fully paid. Growth at constant exchange rates. Guidelines required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority to address the principal aspects of Corporate Governance. GlaxoSmithKline plc. An exchange of two currencies, coupled with a subsequent re-exchange of those currencies, at agreed exchange rates and dates. Pension plan with specic employee benets, often called nal salary scheme. Pension plan with specic contributions and a level of pension dependent upon the growth of the pension fund. A nancial instrument that derives its value from the price or rate of some underlying item. Diluted income per share. Trusts established by the Group to satisfy share-based employee incentive plans.
Financial statements P102P191 Business review P08P57 Governance and remuneration P58P101

Capital lease. Ownership with absolute rights in perpetuity. Net debt as a percentage of total equity. GlaxoSmithKline plc and its subsidiary undertakings. The reduction of risk, normally in relation to foreign currency or interest rate movements, by making off-setting commitments. Assets without physical substance, such as computer software, brands, licences, patents, know-how and marketing rights purchased from outside parties. Income. Net income. Ordinary Shares, capital stock or common stock issued and fully paid. Shareholders equity. Stock option. Additional paid-up capital or paid-in surplus (not distributable). The number of shares outstanding. An entity in which GlaxoSmithKline holds a majority shareholding and/or exercises control. Treasury stock. Revenue.

Shareholder information P192P212

GSK Annual Report 2010


Page Page

Shareholder information P192P212

2010 Performance overview 08 Accounting principles and policies 110 Acquisitions and disposals 155 Adjustments reconciling prot after tax to operating cash ows 154 Annual General Meeting 71,208 Annual remuneration 94 Assets held for sale 139 Associates and joint ventures 126 Board 58 Business review 08 Cash and cash equivalents 139 Chairman and CEO summary 04 Combined Code 63 Commitments 43,161 Committee reports 74 Competition 14 Consolidated balance sheet 106 Consolidated cash ow statement 108 Consolidated income statement 104 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 107 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 104 Consumer Healthcare 11,17,18,19,27,36,49,199 Contingent liabilities 43,150 Corporate Executive Team 60 Corporate governance 62 Critical accounting policies 40 Dialogue with shareholders 69 Directors and Senior Management 101 Directors interests 96 Directors interests in contracts 101 Directors statement of responsibilities 102 Dividends 130,207 Donations to political organisations and political expenditure 70 Earnings per share 129 Employee costs 125 Employee share schemes 171 Employees 33,202 Exchange rates 116 Executive Director terms and conditions 91 Finance costs 126 Finance income 125 Financial instruments and related disclosures 162 Financial position and resources 41 Financial review 2010 34 Financial review 2009 47 Financial statements of GlaxoSmithKline plc, prepared under UK GAAP 186 Five year record 200 Foreign exchange management 46 Glossary of terms 211 Goodwill 132 Governance and policy 64 Improving access to medicines 30 Incentive plans 87 Independent Auditors report 103 Intellectual property 14 Interest rate risk management 46 Internal control framework 71

Inventories Investments in associates and joint ventures Investor relations Key accounting judgements and estimates Key performance indicators Legal proceedings Major restructuring programme Manufacturing and supply Movements in equity Nature of trading market Net debt New accounting requirements Non-Executive Director terms and conditions Non-Executive Directors fees Notes to the nancial statements Operating prot Other intangible assets Other investments Other non-current assets Other non-current liabilities Other operating income Other provisions Outlook Pensions and other post-employment benets Pharmaceutical turnover Post balance sheet events Presentation of the nancial statements Price controls Principal Group companies Product development pipeline Products Property, plant and equipment Quarterly trend Reconciliation of net cash ow to movement in net debt Registrar Regulation Related party transactions Remuneration policy Remuneration Report Research and development Responsible business Risk factors Segment information Segment reviews Share capital and control Share capital and share premium account Share options Share price Shareholder information Strategy Taxation Taxation information for shareholders Total equity Trade and other payables Trade and other receivables Trademarks Treasury operations US law and regulation World market

138 137 208 114 09 178 121 19 153 208 150 116 92 95 109 124 135 138 138 150 123 148 07 140 34 161 109 18 175 203 14 130 192 155 209 18 154 84 81 10 29 53 117 22 69 152 97 207 192 07 127 210 42 140 139 14 46 79 20

GSK Annual Report 2010

History and development of the company

GlaxoSmithKline plc is a public limited company incorporated on 6th December 1999 under English law. Its shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. On 27th December 2000 the company acquired Glaxo Wellcome plc and SmithKline Beecham plc, both English public limited companies, by way of a scheme of arrangement for the merger of the two companies. GSK and its subsidiaries and associates constitute a major global healthcare group engaged in the creation, discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical and consumer health-related products.

Annual Report and Summary

This report is the Annual Report of GlaxoSmithKline plc for the year ended 31st December 2010, prepared in accordance with United Kingdom requirements. It was approved by the Board of Directors on 1st March 2011 and published on 2nd March 2011. A summary of the year, intended for the shareholder not needing the full detail of the Annual Report, is produced as a separate document and issued to all shareholders. The summary does not constitute a set of summary nancial statements as dened by section 428 of the Companies Act 2006. The Annual Report is issued to shareholders who have elected to receive it. Both documents are available on GSKs website. In this Report GlaxoSmithKline, the Group or GSK means GlaxoSmithKline plc and its subsidiaries; the company means GlaxoSmithKline plc; GlaxoSmithKline share means an Ordinary Share of GlaxoSmithKline plc of 25p; American Depositary Shares (ADS) each represent two GlaxoSmithKline shares.

Brand names
Brand names appearing in italics throughout this report are trademarks either owned by and/or licensed to GlaxoSmithKline or associated companies, with the exception of Benlysta, a trademark of Human Genome Science, Boniva/Bonviva, a trademark of Roche, Botox, a trademark of Allergan, Levitra, a trademark of Bayer, NicoDerm, a trademark of Elan, Johnson & Johnson, Merrell, Novartis, Sano-Aventis or GlaxoSmithKline, Potiga, a trademark of Valeant, Prolia, a trademark of Amgen, Vesicare, a trademark of Astellas Pharmaceuticals in many countries and of Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals in certain countries and Volibris, a trademark of Gilead, all of which are used in certain countries under licence by the Group.

Exchange rates
The Group operates in many countries and earns revenues and incurs costs in many currencies. The results of the Group, as reported in Sterling, are affected by movements in exchange rates between Sterling and other currencies. Average exchange rates prevailing during the period are used to translate the results and cash ows of overseas subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures into Sterling. Period end rates are used to translate the net assets of those entities. The currencies that most inuence the Groups results remain the US dollar, the Euro, the Yen and Sterling. Details of the exchange rates used by the Group are given in Note 5 Exchange Rates on page 116. During 2010, average Sterling exchange rates were stronger against the Euro but weaker against the US dollar and the Yen compared with 2009. Year end Sterling exchange rates were also stronger against the Euro but weaker against the US dollar and the Yen.

We have chosen ten case studies from 2010 that demonstrate the progress we have made against our strategic priorities. Each of these stories may be viewed online at: corporatereporting
Here you will nd downloadable pdfs of: Annual Report 2010 Review Form 20-F Corporate Responsibility Review Web information on: Link to the World of GSK Link to the Corporate Responsibility Report

Andrew Witty introduction

Watch our CEO review the year and outline how we are committed to running our business responsibly.

Case studies
Delivering the next generation of medicines

Maintaining our leadership position in respiratory

Investing in nutritional healthcare

Conducting a sophisticated approach to pricing

Strengthening our biopharmaceuticals business

Extending access in the developing world

Growing our global vaccines business

Building our leadership position in dermatology

Evolving the US business model Head Ofce and Registered Ofce GlaxoSmithKline plc 980 Great West Road Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9GS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8047 5000 Registered number: 3888792 Printed in the UK. The paper used in the production of this document is made from 100% post consumer waste. The pulp is bleached using a totally chlorine free process.

Creating a rare diseases unit

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