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Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (2018) 25, 1308–1321

King Saud University

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences


Enhanced butanol production by optimization

of medium parameters using Clostridium
acetobutylicum YM1
Najeeb Kaid Nasser Al-Shorgani a,c, Hafiza Shukor b, Peyman Abdeshahian b,
Mohd Sahaid Kalil b,*, Wan Mohtar Wan Yusoff a, Aidil Abdul Hamid a
School of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM,
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM,
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Applied Microbiology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Taiz University, 6803 Taiz, Yemen

Received 17 October 2015; revised 3 January 2016; accepted 11 February 2016

Available online 15 February 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract A new isolate of the solvent-producing Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 was used to pro-
Butanol; duce butanol in batch culture fermentation. The effects of glucose concentration, butyric acid addi-
Fermentation; tion and C/N ratio were studied conventionally (one-factor-at-a-time). Moreover, the interactions
Clostridium acetobutylicum between glucose concentration, butyric acid addition and C/N ratio were further investigated to
YM1; optimize butanol production using response surface methodology (RSM). A central composite
Optimization; design was applied, and a polynomial regression model with a quadratic term was used to analyze
Scale-up; the experimental data using analysis of variance (ANOVA). ANOVA revealed that the model was
Kinetics highly significant (p < 0.0001) and the effects of the glucose and butyric acid concentrations on
butanol production were significant. The model validation experiment showed 13.82 g/L butanol
was produced under optimum conditions. Scale up fermentation in optimized medium resulted in
17 g/L of butanol and 21.71 g/L of ABE. The experimental data of scale up in 5 L bioreactor
and flask scale were fitted to kinetic mathematical models published in the literature to estimate
the kinetic parameters of the fermentation. The models used gave the best fit for butanol produc-
tion, biomass and glucose consumption for both flask scale and bioreactor scale up.
Ó 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

* Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N.K.N. Al-Shorgani), [email protected] (H. Shukor), [email protected] (M.S. Kalil),
[email protected] (W.M.W. Yusoff), [email protected] (A.A. Hamid).
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.

Production and hosting by Elsevier
1319-562X Ó 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Enhanced butanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 1309

1. Introduction et al., 2008) because it provides an experimental model that

predicts the correlation and interaction between a set of exper-
Over the past decades butanol has gained the increasing inter- imental variables and observed results, thus it determines
est as an alternative and renewable biofuel due to the expected optimized conditions for experiments (Zheng et al., 2008).
depletion of the fossil fuels, the growing demand for energy RSMs with different designs have been successfully used for
and a high fluctuation in oil prices. Butanol shows many optimization in numerous bioprocesses, such as butanol
advantageous properties as a fuel compared to ethanol. It production (Lin et al., 2011; Ranjan et al., 2013b), growth of
has a high energy content, has a low vapor pressure. Further- propionic acid bacteria (Liew et al., 2005), lactic acid produc-
more, butanol is less corrosive and can be used directly or tion (Dey et al., 2012), a-amylase production (Sivakumar
blended with gasoline. On the other hand, butanol can be et al., 2012), ethanol production (Ratnam et al., 2003; Wang
shipped through the existing pipelines and can be used in exist- et al., 2008), acid dye decolonization (Olya et al., 2014), fluo-
ing engines without any modifications (Dürre, 2007, 2008; Lee ride ion removal in drinking water (Fakhri, 2014), wastewater
et al., 2008). It has been found that butanol is the most similar treatment (Gengec et al., 2012) and biohydrogen production
to gasoline in its properties compared to other biofuels such as (Mu et al., 2006; Pan et al., 2008).
ethanol. Therefore, butanol can be considered the most suit- In the present study, the aim was to optimize butanol pro-
able candidate for the next generation biofuel (Tashiro and duction using RSM with CCD by investigating the effects of
Sonomoto, 2010). some of the medium components such as glucose concentra-
Butanol has been produced biologically via anaerobic acet tion, C/N ratio and butyric acid as well as their interactions
one–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation using many on butanol production using a new isolate of solvent-
solvent-producing clostridia strains (Formanek et al., 1997; producing Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1. Moreover, buta-
Qureshi and Maddox, 1992). Considerable efforts have been nol fermentation in the optimized medium was carried out in
devoted to the improvement of the butanol production, flask scale and in a 5 L bioreactor. The mathematical models
including microbial screening, development of efficient butanol reported in the literature were applied to describe the kinetics
fermentation systems, the enhancement of pretreatment of this fermentation.
methods for lignocellulosic materials to use as inexpensive sub-
2. Materials and methods
strates, using of molecular tools to improve the selectivity of
butanol production, improvement of recovery systems and uti-
lization of metabolic engineering. However, butanol fermenta- 2.1. Microorganism
tion still has many limitations, such as its low productivity due
to the effect of produced butanol accumulating on the The solvent-producing strain C. acetobutylicum YM1 was used
microorganisms, the price of the substrate and the cost of in this study. This strain was isolated from the soil samples in
recovering butanol due to the presence of byproducts such as Malaysia and showed a high ability to produce high concentra-
acetone, ethanol and acids. tions of butanol from the various carbon sources. This strain
One of the solutions to these problems is to screen new was then identified as C. acetobutylicum using 16S rRNA
solvent-producing isolates that can produce the higher (GenBank accession No. KC969670). The strain C. aceto-
amounts of butanol and that are able to tolerate high concen- butylicum YM1 was stored as spores in 50% glycerol at
trations of solvent. In addition, the optimization of the med- 30 °C. The strain YM1 was then grown in tryptone-yeast
ium and fermentation conditions for attaining the maximum extract-acetate (TYA) medium agar to form bacterial colonies.
production of butanol has been found as a crucial factor The inoculum was prepared by transferring 3 loopfuls of the
(Al-Shorgani et al., 2016). The ratio of carbon to nitrogen fresh single pure colonies of the YM1 strain in 100 mL of
(C/N) has been recognized as one of the most important fac- TYA medium and growing bacterial cells at 30 °C overnight.
tors in biological processes. In this view, microorganisms The clostridial culture obtained was used as fermentation
require proper nitrogen supplementation for use in metabolism inoculum.
during both growth and fermentation. An optimal C/N ratio
for solvent-producing Clostridium strains is vital to maximize 2.2. Fermentation conditions
butanol production. Butyric acid has also been used as a pre-
cursor to enhance the production of butanol by Clostridia (Al- TYA medium used for butanol production contained (g/L); 6
Shorgani et al., 2012a; Tashiro et al., 2007). tryptone, 2 yeast extract, 3 ammonium acetate, 0.001 FeSO4-
Response surface methodology (RSM) is one of the most 7H2O and 0.3 MgSO4. The concentrations of glucose, tryp-
useful statistical optimization techniques in biological and tone, yeast extract and ammonium acetate in TYA medium
chemical processes (Ba-Abbad et al., 2013; Vishwanatha were varied to investigate their effects on butanol production.
et al., 2010). RSM basically consists of the central composite Fermentations were carried out in 250 mL Duran Scott bot-
design, the Box–Behnken design, the one-factor design, the tles with a working volume of 100 mL. Bioreactor scale up
D-Optimal design, the user-defined design and the historical fermentation was carried out in a 5 L bioreactor (INFORS
data design. The most used RSM statistical methods are the HT, Swiss) with a working volume of 3 L. Anaerobic condi-
central composite design (CCD) and the Box–Behnken design tions were established by flushing nitrogen gas for approxi-
(BBD). For one numeric variable, CCD has 5 levels (a, 1, mately one minute before inoculation. The amount of 10 %
0, +1 and +a), whereas BBD only has 3 levels (1, 0 and +1) (v/v) of fresh inoculum (20 h culture) of the strain YM1
(Bezerra et al., 2008). Furthermore, RSM is a time-saving was used. The initial pH of the fermentation medium and
method for carrying out the minimal number of experiments incubation temperature were set at 6.5 and 30 °C,
required and for making overall data analysis easier (Bezerra respectively.
1310 N.K.N. Al-Shorgani et al.

2.3. Experimental design and statistical analysis where X is biomass concentration (g/L), Xm denotes the max-
imum concentration of biomass (g/L), X0 is the initial biomass
In this study, CCD was used to determine the optimum con- concentration (g/L), t represents cultivation time (h) and l0
centrations of glucose, butyric acid and C/N ratio as pivotal (h1) indicates specific growth rate of biomass formation.
nutrient variables using batch culture for the new strain of The model parameters X0, Xm and l0 were calculated from
C. acetobutylicum YM1. CCD has been widely applied as a sta- the series of experimental data biomass concentration/time.
tistical method for medium optimization and for process opti- Substrate consumption (glucose) by C. acetobutylicum
mization of butanol. It is a nonlinear model and is used to YM1 can be represented by the Eq. (5) which was used by
establish the regression model equations and operating condi- Mercier et al. (1992).
tions for suitable experiments (Arulkumar et al., 2011). A 1 1
S ¼ S0  ðP  P0 Þ þ ðX  X0 Þ ð5Þ
minimum number of experiments are required for modeling Yp=s Yx=s
to fit a second-order model using CCD (Ahmad et al., 2009;
Tanyildizi, 2011). where YP/S is the product yield for butanol based on glucose
The number of runs in a CCD depends on the number of concentration (g/g), P denotes the final butanol concentration
variables. The number of experimental runs for a complete (g/L), P0 indicates the initial butanol concentrations (g/L),
replicate of the design is shown by Eq. (1): YX/S is the biomass yield based on glucose concentration (g/g),
X represents the biomass growth, X0 shows the initial biomass
N ¼ 2n þ 2n þ nc ð1Þ growth, and S0 is the initial glucose concentration (g/L).
The model parameters YP/S and S0 (g/L) were calculated
where n is the number of variables; 2n is the number of facto- from the series of experimental data glucose concentration/time.
rial runs (coded to the usual ± notation); 2n represents the The three mathematical models mentioned above
number of axial runs (±a, 0, 0,. . ., 0), (0, ±a, 0, 0,. . ., 0), (Eqs. (3–5)) were selected to fairly describe the fermentation
. . ., (0, 0, . . ., ±a); and nc is the number of center runs (six kinetics of butanol production, biomass growth and glucose
replicates, 0, 0, 0, . . ., 0). consumption. These modeled can be used to predict ABE
Based on a second-order quadratic model for butanol, an fermentation results. Furthermore, the mathematical models
empirical model was developed to analyze the impact of factor can be applied to adjust the butanol production results with
interactions, as shown by Eq. (2): statistical significance of the parameters determined.
n X
n X
n Xn
Y ¼ b00 þ bi Xi þ bii X2i þ : bij Xi Xj ð2Þ 2.5. Analytical methods
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 jP1

where Y is the predicted response, b0 0 is the constant coeffi- Samples were collected at appropriate times and were cen-
cient, bi is the linear coefficient, bij is the interaction coefficient, trifuged at 5000g for 5 min. Subsequently, the resulting
bii is the quadratic coefficient, and Xi and Xj are the coded supernatant was used for the biochemical analysis tests. Sol-
values. vents (acetone, butanol and ethanol) and organic acids (buty-
ric acid and acetic acid) were determined using a gas
2.4. Kinetic modeling analysis chromatography system (7890A GC-System, Agilent Tech-
nologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) equipped with a flame ioniza-
Experimental data of scale up fermentation and flask scale tion detector (FID) and a 30-m capillary column (Equity1TM;
fermentation under optimized conditions obtained after 30 m  0.32 mm  1.0 lm film thickness; Supelco Co, Belle-
optimization by RSM-CCD were fitted to proposed models fonate, PA, USA). The oven temperature was set to increase
using PolymathÒ Version 6.1 (CACHE Corp., USA) by from 40 °C to 130 °C at a rate of 8 °C/min. The injector and
nonlinear regression using the least-squares method. detector temperatures were set at 250 °C and 280 °C, respec-
Butanol production was mathematically modeled using the tively. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of
model proposed by Mercier et al. (1992) which was used for 1.5 mL/min.
lactic acid production, biosurfactant and biobutanol produc- The residual glucose concentration was measured using a
tion (Ranjan et al., 2013a; Rodrigues et al., 2006) (Eq. (3)). commercial glucose oxidase kit [GOD, (E.C. 1.1.34), Roche
Ltd., Swiss]. The growth of C. acetobutylicum YM1 was
P0 Pmax ePt t detected based on the optical density measured at 600 nm
P¼ ð3Þ
Pmax  P0 þ P0 ePt t using a UV–vis spectrophotometer (Genesys 10, Thermo Spec-
where P is butanol production (g/L), Pmax is maximum con- tronic, USA). In addition, growth was also measured gravi-
centration of butanol (g/L), P0 is initial butanol concentration metrically and expressed in terms of dry cell weight (DCW)
(g/L), t denotes fermentation time (h) and Pt represents kinetic per volume of culture (g/L). The DCW determination was car-
constant. ried out by centrifuging the samples at 5000g for 10 min. The
Biomass production of C. acetobutylicum YM1 was defined supernatant was discharged and the remaining pellet was
by the model equation proposed by Rodrigues et al. (2006) washed twice with distilled water and recentrifuged. The pellet
(Eq. (4)). This kinetic model was used to determine the bio- was resuspended in distilled water and filtered with pre-
mass production in biosurfactant production by Lactobacillus weighted Millipore filter membrane (0.2 lm pore size) and then
strains. dried at 80 °C for 24 h in an oven. After drying, the excess
moisture was removed by a desiccator. The dried cells were
X0 Xm el0 t then weighted and measured as DCW. The filters were
X¼ ð4Þ
Xm  X0 þ X0 el0 t weighted before and after drying and DCW was calculated.
Enhanced butanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 1311

3. Results and discussion of the nitrogen sources at various ratios (at constant total
nitrogen content) were evaluated, as shown in Table 2.
3.1. Effect of glucose concentration on butanol production As cab be found, in the absence of yeast extract and in the
presence of 8 g/L tryptone, butanol production was slightly
decreased to 4.21 g/L compared to the butanol production
The effect of the glucose concentration on the production of
(4.35 g/L) obtained from the normal ratio of nitrogen sources
butanol by the new isolate of C. acetobutylicum YM1 is shown
in TYA medium. In addition, the growth of the bacteria was
in Table 1. The glucose concentrations were varied from 20 to
enhanced in the absence of yeast extract. Replacing the tryp-
100 g/L, and the medium used was the TYA described previ-
tone with yeast extract (maintaining the same nitrogen con-
ously. The fermentation conditions were an initial pH of 6.5,
tent) enhanced the growth of bacteria, but the production of
incubation temperature of 30 °C, inoculum size of 10% and
butanol and ABE decreased significantly compared to the nor-
anaerobic conditions. It was observed that a rise in the glucose
mal nitrogen ratio in TYA, with the concentrations of 2.6 vs.
concentrations from 20 g/L to 50 g/L increased the production
4.35 g/L, respectively. The highest growth rate obtained was
of butanol and ABE. The highest concentrations of butanol
1.652 OD at 600 nm when the concentrations of yeast extract
and ABE were obtained with the values of 9.48 and 12.72 g/
and tryptone were similar (4 g/L for each), whereas butanol
L, respectively where 50 g/L glucose was utilized. Increasing
production was decreased to 3.55 g/L (Table 2).
the glucose concentration beyond 50 g/L led to a decrease in
In the presence of 2 g/L tryptone and 6 g/L yeast extract,
butanol production. The butanol concentration obtained from
butanol production was decreased to 2.61 g/L, which was a
30 g/L glucose was 2-fold higher than that produced from
similar concentration to that produced from a medium con-
20 g/L glucose, whereas 50 g/L glucose produced a 3-fold
taining only 8 g/L yeast extract (Table 2). Replacing ammo-
higher amount of butanol than that achieved from 20 g/L glu-
nium acetate with sodium acetate reduced butanol
cose (Table 1).
production to 3.47 g/L, compared to 4.35 g/L from ammo-
This strain as a wild type could produce 9.48 g/L butanol
nium acetate, which indicated the importance of ammonium
and 12.72 g/L of total ABE, which demonstrated the good
acetate as both a nitrogen source and as an acetate source.
potential of this strain to be used in butanol fermentation. It
Ammonium acetate has been reported to be an essential com-
was previously reported that wild-types of Clostridium strains
ponent in the medium for the growth of C. acetobutylicum and
were able to produce 9–12 g/L butanol in a batch culture with
ABE production (Ladisch, 1991).
40–60 g/L glucose in the medium (Chua et al., 2013; Formanek
Gu et al. (2009) concluded that the supplementation of cas-
et al., 1997; Monot et al., 1982). Recently, Razak et al. (2013)
sava medium with ammonium acetate produced high amounts
reported that C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 produced 8.17 g/L
of acetic acid and butyric acid, and the released acids were then
butanol from 70 g/L glucose. Based on these results, it was
reutilized by C. acetobutylicum EA 2018 to produce higher
suggested that the optimum concentration of glucose for buta-
concentrations of acetone and butanol compared to non-
nol production using the new isolate of Clostridium YM1 was
supplemented cassava medium.
50 g/L in batch fermentation.
These results indicated that tryptone was important and it
Increasing the concentrations of glucose and xylose over
should be present in higher concentrations than yeast extract
the optimal concentration was found to cause a decrease in
to obtain high concentrations of butanol. The results also
the glucose and xylose transport system activities (Ounine
showed that the best tryptone, yeast extract and ammonium
et al., 1985). It has been shown that the limited carbon source
acetate ratio was 6:2:3 to achieve maximum butanol
in the fermentation medium produces only acids and more
than 10 g/L glucose was required to shift to solvent production
in ABE fermentation by Clostridium (Long et al., 1984; Fond
et al., 1985). 3.3. Effect of C/N ratio on butanol production

3.2. Effect of nitrogen source on butanol production In fermentation medium, the C/N ratio has a key role in buta-
nol production using solvent-producing Clostridium. In this
TYA medium, which was used as the fermentation medium, investigation, the C/N ratio of the fermentation medium was
contains 3 types of nitrogen sources: tryptone, yeast extract varied from 5 to 120 using nitrogen sources, namely tryptone,
and ammonium acetate at a normal ratio of 6:2:3. The effects yeast extract and ammonium acetate in a ratio of 6:2:3.

Table 1 Effect of glucose concentration on butanol production using C. acetobutylicum YM1.

Glucose concentration (g/L) Solvent (g/L) Acid (g/L)
Acetone Butanol Ethanol ABE Acetate Butyrate
20 0.90 3.14 0.04 4.08 0.04 0.09
30 2.60 6.81 0.09 9.50 0.03 0.17
40 2.70 8.09 0.14 10.92 0.02 0.19
50 3.09 9.48 0.16 12.72 0.03 0.35
60 2.75 8.01 1.15 11.91 1.3 0.88
70 2.39 7.03 0.92 10.34 1.23 0.88
80 2.40 7.05 0.90 10.35 1.3 0.86
90 2.38 7.05 0.90 10.33 1.22 0.77
100 2.15 6.32 0.77 9.24 1.41 0.95
1312 N.K.N. Al-Shorgani et al.

Table 2 Effect of nitrogen sources on butanol production and growth of YM1 isolate using TYA medium.
Nitrogen source (g/L) Growth (OD at Residual glucose Final pH Solvents (g/L)
600 nm) (g/L)
Tryptone Yeast extract Acetate salt Acetone Butanol Ethanol ABE
(3 g/L)
6 2 Ammonium 1.369 0.03 4.89 1.22 4.35 0.06 5.62
8 0 Ammonium 1.417 0.06 4.90 1.48 4.21 0.06 5.75
0 8 Ammonium 1.494 1.94 4.70 0.74 2.60 0.03 3.37
6 2 Sodium 1.437 0.24 4.70 1.04 3.47 0.04 4.55
4 4 Ammonium 1.652 0.09 4.81 1.06 3.55 0.04 4.66
2 6 Ammonium 1.520 3.61 4.66 0.64 2.61 0.03 3.28

The aforementioned results indicated that a glucose concen- led to a linear decrease in ABE production. In contrast, when
tration of 50 g/L and a nitrogen source with a ratio of 6:2:3 the nitrogen concentration was fixed, the elevated C/N ratio
were optimal for the production of butanol. Thus, in this part led to an increase in ABE production up to a C/N ratio of
of the experiment, the C/N ratio was varied from 5 to 120 20, followed by a decrease in solvent production above a
while the concentration of glucose was maintained constant C/N ratio of 20 (Madihah et al., 2001). Thus, to maximize
at 50 g/L and the ratio of nitrogen was maintained as 6 tryp- butanol production, an optimal C/N ratio of 12.8 should be
tone, 2 yeast extract and 3 ammonium acetate. applied in the butanol fermentation medium.
Table 3 shows the effects of various C/N ratios on the pro-
duction of butanol, acetone, ethanol and acids, as well as on 3.4. Effect of butyric acid addition on butanol production
bacterial growth.
In terms of butanol production, a C/N ratio of 12.8 was Butyric acid is a precursor for butanol production
optimal, in which 9.21 g/L butanol was produced. Increasing (Al-Shorgani et al., 2012a,b; Song et al., 2010; Tashiro et al.,
the C/N ratio resulted in a gradual decrease in butanol and 2007). Various concentrations of butyric acid, from 0.5 to
total solvent production. Lower C/N ratios resulted in the 10 g/L, were added to TYA medium containing 30 g/L glucose
lower butanol and ABE production, whereas the highest acetic to determine whether the addition of butyric acid could
acid concentration (2.7 g/L) was produced at a C/N ratio of 5. improve butanol production.
Growth was found to be inversely related to the C/N ratios. The results showed that the increment of the amount of
Excess nitrogen enhanced the growth of the culture but nega- butyric acid added linearly increased the production of butanol
tively affected butanol and solvent production. The highest and ABE (Table 4). Butanol production was enhanced signif-
concentration of ABE (13.98 g/L) was obtained when a C/N icantly in the presence of butyric acid compared to a culture
ratio of 10 was employed, which also produced the highest without butyric acid addition. The residual butyric acid
concentration of acetone (3.27 g/L). These results showed that analysis showed that butyric acid was utilized by the culture
moderate C/N ratios were optimal for butanol and ABE pro- efficiently. The highest butanol production was 8.74 g/L when
duction and the excess or low nitrogen did not increase buta- the culture of the strain YM1 was fed 10 g/L butyric acid. In
nol or ABE production compared to a C/N ratio of 12.8. this view, Bramono et al. (2011) reported that Clostridium
The butanol concentration was found to be reduced drasti- BOH3 could produce 5.87 g/L butanol when the culture was
cally when the C/N ratio was greater than 12.8 in the fermen- supplemented with butyric acid (0.7 g/L) and 30 g/L glucose.
tation medium. When the C/N ratio was 5, very low butanol However, our study observed higher butanol production com-
production was obtained (5.2 g/L), which was also similar to pared to that reported by Bramono et al. (2011) (Table 4).
that obtained from the highest C/N ratio of 120. Only negligible amounts of ethanol were produced from all
A previous study using sago starch as the carbon source for fermentation experiments (0.08–0.09 g/L), and the acetone
C. acetobutylicum P262 showed that increasing the C/N ratio concentration remained approximately constant (1.82–1.94 g/L)
while maintaining the starch concentration constant at 50 g/L even with the increases in the amount of butyric acid added.

Table 3 Effect of C/N ratio on butanol production in batch culture of C. acetobutylicum YM1.
C:N ratio Growth DCW (g/L) Residual glucose (g/L) Final pH Solvent production (g/L) Acid production (g/L)
Acetone Butanol Ethanol ABE Acetic Butyric T. Acids
5.00 1.65 10.36 5.20 2.21 5.20 0.67 8.09 2.70 0.38 3.08
10.00 1.39 3.79 5.27 3.27 9.05 1.65 13.98 1.23 0.22 1.45
12.80 1.34 6.24 5.15 2.61 9.21 1.70 13.52 0.86 0.02 0.87
25.00 1.20 8.82 6.67 1.59 7.38 0.90 9.88 0.92 0.46 1.38
30.00 1.17 14.36 4.51 1.40 6.84 0.73 8.98 1.00 0.65 1.65
45.00 1.12 14.21 4.38 1.31 6.24 0.63 8.18 0.93 0.69 1.62
65.00 1.07 18.30 4.20 1.32 6.61 0.65 8.59 0.86 0.67 1.52
75.00 1.05 16.15 4.12 1.25 6.08 0.57 7.91 0.76 0.67 1.44
90.00 1.06 17.12 4.11 1.24 6.01 0.56 7.81 0.75 0.63 1.38
120.00 1.06 17.91 4.08 1.17 5.55 0.51 7.23 0.68 0.60 1.28
Enhanced butanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 1313

In contrast, it was previously reported that different combina- that affected butanol production, namely glucose concentra-
tions of glucose and butyric acid are responsible for influencing tion (g/L), C/N ratio and butyric acid concentration (g/L).
the ratio of ABE (Al-Shorgani et al., 2012a; Shinto et al., CCD analysis gave a total of 20 experiments that would be
2007). required to evaluate the coefficients of each model using linear
As shown in Table 4, an increment in the butyric acid con- regression analysis.
centration increased the butanol production, whereas the ace- Table 5 shows the CCD design, the levels of each variable
tone concentration remained nearly constant. These results and the butanol production as the response.
may be attributed to the pathway of butyric acid conversion Quadratic regression analysis using ANOVA was per-
to butanol. formed to estimate the significance of model coefficients. The
In this regard, butyrate can be converted to butanol significance of each coefficient was indicated by the p values,
through the CoA transferase pathway or through the butyrate which also reflect the interaction strength between each inde-
kinase pathway (Fig. 1). In the CoA transferase pathway, ace- pendent variable.
tone and butanol are the products (Fig. 1a). In the butyrate The model in terms of actual variables and butanol produc-
kinase pathway, only butanol is produced with no acetone for- tion as the predicted response was as follows:
mation. Our results showed that no effect on acetone concen-
tration was observed when butyric acid was added (Table 4). Butanol ¼ 0:838382185 þ 0:293801448 Glucose
This suggested that butanol production from butyric acid þ 0:004308994  C=N þ 0:570654071
using strain YM1 was produced through the CoA transferase
 Butyric acid  0:001856398  Glucose2
pathway (Fig. 1b). The production of butanol as a major pro-
duct is preferred in butanol production; therefore, a decrease  0:000194787  C=N2  0:018670715
in the amount of byproduct produced would result in a
 Butyric acid2 þ 0:000276045  Glucose  C=N
decrease in the cost of recovery.
 0:00658655  Glucose  Butyric acid
3.5. Response surface methodology (RSM) þ 0:001267831  C=N  Butyric acid ð3Þ:

Based on the above results, glucose concentration, butyric acid The ANOVA and the model regression of coefficients are
concentration and C/N ratio had significant effects on butanol listed in Table 6. The model was highly significant, and the
production in the batch culture of the C. acetobutylicum strain R2 value was 0.96, which indicates a good correlation between
YM1. As explained previously, the optimal values of glucose the actual results and the predicted values of the response by
concentration, butyric acid concentration and C/N ratio were the model (Weisberg, 2005). The R2 value of 0.96 indicated
50 g/L, 10 g/L and 12.8, respectively. that the model could explain 96% of the variable content that
The interaction between these three factors (glucose con- positively affected the response, and only 4 % of the total vari-
centration, butyric acid concentration and C/N ratio) was ations were not explained by the model. The adjusted determi-
investigated using RSM with a central composite design nation coefficient value (adj. R2 = 0.93) was within reasonable
(CCD) to optimize butanol production. The nitrogen sources agreement of the predicted R2 of 0.96, and it also indicated the
were similar to those found in TYA medium (yeast extract, significance of the model.
tryptone and ammonium acetate), and the nitrogen sources These results showed that the quadratic terms of the
ratio was also maintained constant (3:6:2), with only the C/ glucose concentration and butyric acid concentration had a
N ratio being varied. The levels of each variable are listed in significant effect on the production of butanol (p < 0.05).
Table 5. ANOVA was performed to test the significance of the fit of
the second-order polynomial equation to the actual values, as
3.6. Development of regression model analysis shown in Table 6. The ANOVA demonstrated that the fitting
model was highly significant (p < 0.0001), whereas the lack of
In the present study, the software Design-Expert version 8.0 fit was not significant (p > 0.0579), which suggested that this
(DOE, Stat Ease, USA) was applied for performing CCD. model accurately represented the data in the experimental
The RSM was conducted using three independent variables region and implied that the model equation could properly

Table 4 Effect of butyric acid on butanol production using C. acetobutylicumYM1 isolate.

Initial butyric acid (g/L) Solvent production (g/L) Residual glucose (g/L) Residual butyric acid (g/L)
Acetone Butanol Ethanol ABE
0 1.94 5.93 0.08 7.94 0.13 0.90
0.5 1.82 6.41 0.08 8.31 0.12 1.90
1 1.91 6.56 0.08 8.56 0.15 2.46
2 1.82 6.86 0.08 8.76 2.39 1.64
3 1.93 7.29 0.08 9.30 0.21 1.81
4 1.84 7.57 0.08 9.48 0.88 2.34
5 1.91 8.02 0.09 10.02 0.00 2.13
10 1.94 8.74 0.09 10.77 1.52 3.84
12.5 1.92 8.06 0.07 10.05 2.20 5.23
1314 N.K.N. Al-Shorgani et al.

Figure 1 Conversion of butyrate to butanol via two suggested mechanisms: (a) CoAT pathway and (b) butyrate kinase pathway. CoAT;
CoA transferase, BADH; butylaldehyde dehydrogenase, BDH; butanol dehydrogenase, BK; butyrate kinase, PTB;

Table 5 Experimental design matrix using RSM with CCD Table 6 ANOVA for response surface quadratic model for
and responses for butanol production. butanol production.
Run Variables Butanol (g/L) Source Sum of DF Mean F value Prob > F
No. squares square
Glucose C/N Butyric acid Actual Predicted
(g/L) ratio (g/L) value value Model 165.5974 9 18.39971 28.96829 <0.0001
A: glucose 91.14471 1 91.14471 143.4972 <0.0001
1 20.0 10.0 0.0 4.85 4.37
B: C/N 0.026234 1 0.026234 0.041302 0.8430
2 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.66 11.03
3 20.0 120.0 0.0 3.01 2.67
C: butyric 5.238802 1 5.238802 8.247908 0.0166
4 80.0 120.0 0.0 11.11 11.15
5 20.0 10.0 10.0 7.25 7.02
A2 32.26561 1 32.26561 50.7986 <0.0001
6 80.0 10.0 10.0 8.94 9.73
B2 2.983714 1 2.983714 4.697524 0.0554
7 20.0 120.0 10.0 6.64 6.71
C2 1.864879 1 1.864879 2.936044 0.1174
8 80.0 120.0 10.0 10.95 11.24
AB 1.966217 1 1.966217 3.09559 0.1090
9 5.0 00.0 5.0 0.90 1.55
AC 7.808876 1 7.808876 12.2942 0.0057
10 100.5 65.0 5.0 11.50 10.69
BC 0.972474 1 0.972474 1.531052 0.2442
11 50.0 5.0 5.0 11.18 10.07
Residual 6.351673 10 0.635167
12 50.0 157.5 5.0 9.00 8.97
Lack of fit 5.680897 6 0.946816 5.64609 0.0579
13 50.0 65.0 0.0 9.23 9.56
Pure error 0.670776 4 0.167694
14 50.0 65.0 13.4 10.41 10.55
Cor total 171.9491 19
15 50.0 65.0 5.0 10.89 10.72
Std. dev. Mean = 8.99 Adequate 17.196
16 50.0 65.0 10.0 12.16 10.94
= 0.796 precision
17 50.0 65.0 5.0 10.64 10.72
R2 = 0.96 Adj R2 = 0.93
18 50.0 65.0 5.0 10.53 10.72
19 50.0 65.0 5.0 9.90 10.72
20 50.0 65.0 5.0 10.08 10.72
this factor had little effect on butanol production. Addition-
ally, the interaction between glucose concentration and butyric
illustrate the effect of glucose concentration, C/N ratio and acid concentration on butanol production was significant
butyric acid concentration on the production of butanol using (p = 0.0057), whereas the interaction effect between the
the new isolate of C. acetobutylicum YM1. glucose concentration and C/N ratio (p = 0.109) and butyric
Adequate precision value evaluates the signal-to-noise acid concentration and C/N ratio (p = 0.244) were not
ratio, and a value greater than 4 is desirable in supporting significant as estimated by the quadratic model effect.
the fitness of the quadratic model. According to the results Three-dimensional plots (3D) of response surfaces were
in Table 6, the adequate precision value of 17.2 indicated an constructed based on the model equation (Eq. (3)) to
adequate signal-to-noise ratio, which supported the fitness of investigate the interaction among factors and to verify the
the model. optimum concentration of each variable for maximum butanol
Butanol production varied significantly from 0.9 to 12.16 g/L production by C. acetobutylicum YM1. The response surfaces
when the concentrations of glucose, butyric acid and C/N ratio plots are shown in Fig. 2, which explain the interaction
were changed, as shown in Table 5. ANOVA of the model also between the variables based on the final model equation. In
showed that the quadratic effect of glucose concentration and these plots, one factor is constant at the optimum level,
butyric acid on butanol production was highly significant whereas the other two factors are varying within their
(p < 0.01), showing that these variables had a considerable experimental range.
effect on butanol production. However, the quadratic effect Fig. 2a displays the effects of varying the glucose concentra-
of the C/N ratio was not significant (p > 0.05), indicating that tion and C/N ratio on butanol production. It was found that
Enhanced butanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 1315

the maximum butanol production was at a glucose concentra- Fig. 2c presents the effects of butyric acid and the C/N ratio
tion of 50 g/L and a C/N ratio of 65. Increasing the glucose on butanol production. The 3D plot shows that there is no sig-
concentration led to a continuous increase in butanol produc- nificant interaction between butyric acid and C/N ratio, as
tion, whereas the C/N ratio did not have any significant effect shown in Table 6.
on butanol production.
Fig. 2b shows the conjugate effects of glucose and butyric 3.7. Validation of the model with the optimized conditions
acid on butanol production. The surface plot shows that when
the C/N ratio is constant at 65, the maximum butanol was The statistical model was verified in regards to butanol pro-
obtained at a glucose concentration of 50 g/L and a butyric duction by applying the optimized medium composition, as
acid concentration of 5 g/L. shown in Table 7. The highest butanol production obtained

Figure 2 Response surface plot of butanol production from C. acetobutylicum YM1 showing the interaction between glucose
concentration and C/N ratio (a), glucose concentration and butyric acid concentration (b), and butyric acid concentration and C/N
ratio (c).

Table 7 Model validation and effect of C/N ratio on butanol production under optimized conditions.
Run No. Variables Response (g/L) Growth (OD600 nm) ABE ratio
Glucose (g/L) C:N ratio Butyric acid (g/L) Butanol Acetone Ethanol ABE
1 50 65 8.7 13.82 2.67 0.90 17.40 1.299 2.97:15.36:1
2 50 65 10 13.16 2.09 0.75 15.99 1.301 2.79:17.55:1
3 50 25 10 9.61 1.14 1.97 12.72 1.670 0.58:4.87:1
4 50 53 10 9.14 1.65 1.51 12.30 1.312 1.10:6.07:1
5 50 65 10 13.16 2.09 0.75 15.99 1.301 2.79:17.55:1
1316 N.K.N. Al-Shorgani et al.

2.5 result showed a good agreement with the predicted value of

butanol production (12.16 g/L) and experimental butanol
2.0 production (13.82 g/L), which verifies the model validity.
The optimal medium composition for maximum butanol
Growth (OD 600 nm)

production was found to be as follows: 50 g/L glucose, C/N

ratio of 65 (tryptone 1.2 g/L, yeast extract 0.45 g/L and ammo-
nium acetate 0.55 g/L) and 8.7 g/L butyric acid. Using the
1.0 above optimized medium, the model predicted that the maxi-
mum butanol production that can be obtained is 12.16 g/L.
These results demonstrated that RSM with CCD can be a
useful method for improving butanol production through the
optimization of the medium composition. The low residual
0.0 values indicated a good model, which fitted well to experimen-
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
tal data (Bezerra et al., 2008).
Butanol concentraon (g/L)
The butanol production was 9.48 g/L from non-optimized
Figure 3 Effect of butanol on growth of C. acetobutylicum YM1. medium, whereas a 31.3% increase in production was attained
from optimized medium. These results showed the effective-
ness of the quadratic model in this study.
was 13.82 g/L from a medium containing 50 g/L of glucose, a In ABE fermentation with Clostridium, the normal ratio of
C/N ratio of 65 and butyric acid of 8.7 g/L concentration. This acetone, butanol and ethanol is 3:6:1 (Formanek et al., 1997;

18 2.0 60 6.0

50 5.5
Butanol & Butyric acid (g/L)


12 40 5.0
Biomass (g/L)


Glucose (g/L)

1.0 30 4.5
Butyric acid

6 20 4.0

10 3.5

0 0.0 0 3.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time (h)

16 2.0 60 6.0

1.8 (b)
14 5.8
Butanol & Butyric acid (g/L)

1.4 5.6
Biomass (g/L)

Glucose (g/L)


8 1.0 Biomass (g/L) 30

Butanol (g/L)
0.8 Butyric
Glucose (g/L) 20
0.6 pH 5.0
2 4.8

0 0.0 0 4.6
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (g/L)

Figure 4 Butanol fermentation in optimized fermentation medium by batch culture of C. acetobutylicum YM1; (a) scale up fermentor
experiment and (b) flask scale experiment.
Enhanced butanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 1317

Jones and Woods, 1986). In this study, it was demonstrated 2.0


that under optimized conditions using strain YM1, the produc- 1.8
8 (a)
tion of butanol over acetone and ethanol was favored, and the 1.6
ABE ratio was 2.97: 15.36: 1, as shown in Table 7, run 1. The
production of butanol as the major product is favorable due to

Biomass (g/L)
the lower recovery cost. The change in the ABE ratio may be
due to the presence of butyric acid in the medium, as reported 1.0
previously (Al-Shorgani et al., 2012a; Martin et al., 1983). 0.8
Table 3 shows that the C/N ratio had an effect on butanol 0.6
production and that the optimal C/N ratio for butanol produc-
tion was 12.8. In contrast, RSM revealed that the C/N ratio
was not significant in regards to butanol production in the 0.2

presence of butyric acid. For further confirmation, three differ- 0.0

ent C/N ratios were used to verify their effect while the glucose 0 20 40 60 80 1
100 120
0 140 160

and butyric acid concentrations were constant at their optimal T

Time (h)
points (50 g/L and 10 g/L, respectively) (Table 7, runs No. 3, 4
and 5). The data showed that butanol was not highly produced
when compared to the optimized conditions. The low C/N 1
1.8 (b)
ratio (high nitrogen content) was not shown to support buta-
nol production in the presence of butyric acid, which was 1

not in agreement with the results reported in Table 3. These 1


Biomass (g/L)
results are in agreement with those reported by Madihah 1
et al. (2001), who stated that there was no clear relationship 0
between the C/N ratio and butanol production. However, high 0
20 0

18 (a) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

0 140 160
Time (h)

14 Figure 6 Fitting of the experimental data to the model describ-

12 ing biomass production over time in optimized fermentation
Butanol (g/L)

medium; (a) bioreactor scale up experiment and (b) flask scale


C/N ratios (low nitrogen content) in the presence of butyric
acid did not support cell growth when compared to low C/N
ratios (Table 7). Butanol production was independent of cell
0 growth, as reported by Al-Shorgani et al. (2012a). They found
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1
that butanol could be produced in significant amounts when
Timee (h)
washed cells of Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4
16 were used in limited nutrient medium containing butyric acid

(b) and glucose with no growth observed (Al-Shorgani et al.,
2012a). It was also reported that butanol and ABE production
12 by C. acetobutylicum occurred only under nitrogen-limitation
conditions (Roos et al., 1985). It was observed that feeding fer-
10 mentation medium with butyrate did not stimulate ABE pro-
Butanol (g/L)

duction in glucose-limited batch cultures (Al-Shorgani et al.,
2012a) or continuous cultures (Jöbses and Roels, 1983).
6 Alvarado-Cuevas et al. (2013) reported that the selection of
an adequate nitrogen source in hydrogen production is neces-
sary to enhance the utilization of the carbon source and subse-
2 quently produce high contents of hydrogen.
Based on butanol production by other wild-type solvent-
producing Clostridia, the results presented in this study indi-
0 20 40 60 80
0 100 120 140 1
Time (h)
cated that similar butanol production levels were achieved by
wild-type C. acetobutylicum YM1. The limited butanol pro-
Figure 5 Fitting of the experimental data to the model describ- duction of 13.8 g/L was due to the inhibitory effect of butanol
ing butanol production over time in optimized fermentation on the culture (Fig. 3). It was reported that butanol toxicity
medium; (a) bioreactor scale up experiment and (b) flask scale directly controlled the capability of Clostridium in butanol pro-
experiment. duction (Chen et al., 2012).
1318 N.K.N. Al-Shorgani et al.

3.8. Scale up and kinetic modeling analysis of variance (r) for both mode fermentations during the time
course of fermentation also estimated between the predicted
Scale up fermentation was carried out under optimized condi- and experimental data. The r values were very low as listed
tions using 5L fermentor with a working volume of 3L. The in Table 8 which indicates the models proposed adequately
scale up fermentation resulted in 17 g/L butanol with total describe the fermentation process and it is valid to be used
ABE of 21.71 g/L. The butanol and ABE yield were 0.363 to represent the batch fermentation of butanol by C. aceto-
and 0.463 g/g, respectively. Butanol and ABE productivity butylicum YM1. The predicted values of maximum butanol
were 0.168 and 0.215 g/L h, respectively. Fig. 4a shows a time production (Pm) by the model for both scale up in bioreactor
course of fermentation in scale up fermentor in optimized fer- (16.92 g/L) and flask scale (13.80 g/L) agree well with the
mentation medium. The total ABE and butanol concentrations experimental values of 17.005 and 13.822 g/L, respectively.
produced by scale up in 5L bioreactor were higher than that The specific growth rate (l) of C. acetobutylicum YM1 cul-
produced by flask scale fermentation using same optimized fer- tivated in optimized medium in both bioreactor scale up and
mentation medium and under same conditions (30 °C, 10 % flask scale was similar as 0.06908 and 0.06909 h1, respec-
inoculum and initial pH at 6) as shown in Fig. 4. tively. This observation indicates that the effect of scale of fer-
Kinetic constants of fermentation under optimized condi- mentation on the specific growth rate becomes insignificant
tions for both flask scale experiment and scale up fermentation when optimized fermentation medium was used and similar
experiment in 5L bioreactor were described using Monod observation was reported by Ranjan et al. (2013a).
kinetic models reported in previous studies (Don and The results of kinetics showed that the used mathematical
Shoparwe, 2010; Mercier et al., 1992; Rodrigues et al., 2006) models satisfactorily estimated the butanol production, bio-
as essentially unstructured logistic models originally to esti- mass production and substrate consumption in butanol fer-
mate the kinetics of biomass, product formation and substrate mentation by C. acetobutylicum YM1 in optimized medium
consumption. The models were fitted to the experimental data in two scales of batch fermentation; flask scale experiment
of biomass, glucose utilization and butanol production. The and 5L bioreactor scale up. The models used also described
kinetic models of fermentation process were calculated using accurately the behavior of the fermentation process and it
PolymathÒ Version 6.1 based on kinetic parameters and the
experimental data were fitted. Table 6 shows the estimated val-
ues of the kinetic parameters which were obtained from apply-
ing models for both 5L bioreactor scale up and flask scale 60

experiments. (a)
Figs. 5–7 show the experimental data along with predicted 50

data profiles of butanol formation, biomass production and

substrate consumption for butanol fermentation for both 5L 40
Glucose (g/L)

bioreactor scale and flask scale. The kinetic models gave the
best fit for butanol production, biomass production and sub- 30
strate consumption in scale up fermentation in 5L bioreactor
with regression coefficients (R2) of 0.999, 0.975 and 0.999, 20
respectively. Similarly, the tested models also fit in flask scale
fermentation for butanol production, biomass production 10
and substrate utilization with R2 of 0.988, 0.981 and 0.999,
respectively. In all tested parameters the R2 values were greater 0
than 0.9 which indicate that the model prediction is fit with the 0 20
0 40 60 80 100 12
20 140
experimental data. Timee (h)
Mean squares error (MSE) was used to evaluate the profiles 60
from models simulation and experimental. This performance (b)
criterion was selected because they are easy to identify and 50
have convenient mathematical properties (Kleijnen and
Sargent, 2000). The MSE value can be calculated by Eq. (6). 40
Glucose (g/L)

I¼1 ðyi  fi Þ
MSE ¼ ð6Þ 30
where fi is the predicted data by the model, yi is the experimen-
tal data and nt is the length of actual data period.
In this study the MSE value for butanol production, bio-
mass and substrate concentration were 0.0413, 0.0218 and
0.0456, respectively for scale up fermentation whereas the 0 20 40 60 80
0 100 120 140 160
MSE value for flask scale fermentation were 0.1601, 0.0156 Time (h
and 0.0037, respectively. Lower values of the MSE are also
another indicator for goodness of the model fitting as pre- Figure 7 Fitting of the experimental data to the model describ-
sented in Table 8. Small MSE value of the model indicates that ing glucose consumption over time in optimized fermentation
the data can be represented more accurately than the models medium; (a) bioreactor scale up experiment and (b) flask scale
with larger MSE value (Don and Shoparwe, 2010). The values experiment.
Enhanced butanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum YM1 1319

Table 8 Kinetic models applied for estimation of kinetic parameters and kinetic constants values for butanol production, biomass
growth and substrate consumption for scale-up fermentation by 5L bioreactor and flask scale fermentation.
Parameter estimation Fermentation process Model
Bioreactor scale up Flask scale
Butanol production
Pt t
P0 (g/L) 0.001 0.009 P ¼ PmaxP0P
Pmax e
0 þP0 e t
P t
Pmax (g/L) 17.005 13.822
Pt 0.0754 0.068
R2 (regression coefficient) 0.999 0.988
d (variance) 0.0353 0.412
MSE 0.0413 0.1601
l0 t
X0 0.205 0.303 X ¼ Xm XX
0 Xm e
0 þX0 e 0
l t
Xm 1.742 1.710
l0 0.241 0.189
R2 (regression coefficient) 0.975 0.981
d (variance) 0.0098 0.0039
MSE 0.0218 0.0156
Glucose consumption
S0 50.80 50.30 S ¼ S0  Y1p=s ðP  P0 Þ þ Y1x=s ðX  X0 Þ
YP/S 0.363 0.310
R2 (regression coefficient) 0.999 0.999
d (variance) 0.06826 0.02032
MSE 0.04563 0.00378
Mean squares error (MSE).

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