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Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

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Micro/Strat Eastern Medit Special Issue

A multi-proxy approach for reconstructing environmental dynamics since

the mid Holocene in Lake Ismarida (Thrace, N. Greece)
Olga Koukousioura a, * , Katerina Kouli b, Konstantinos Vouvalidis c , Elina Aidona d,
Georgia Karadimou c , Georgios Syrides a
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Geology, Department of Geology, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, Department of Historical Geology-Paleontology, Panepistimioupolis, 15784 Athens,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Geology, Department of Physical and Environmental Geography, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Geology, Department of Geophysics, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece


Keywords: The paleoenvironmental evolution of Lake Ismarida in Thrace (Northern Greece) is revealed by the combined
Benthic foraminifera lithological, micropaleontological (benthic foraminifera, pollen and NPPS), molluscan analyses, magnetic
pollen susceptibility measurement and radiocarbon dating of a 5.8-m long sediment core. The mid Holocene evolution
of the lake area is evidenced by the documentation of four sedimentary Units in the core ISMR-2, corresponding to
Lake Ismarida
four distinct evolutionary stages: (1) during 5500-3500 cal yr BP the lake area was a shallow marine environment
Thrace characterized by an Ammonia beccarii, small rotaliids, miliolids, Bittium reticulatum and Veneridae spp. assemblage,
Greece marine dinoflagellate cysts, and low magnetic susceptibility values; (2) during 3500-3000 cal BP the environment
is gradually tending to more isolated conditions forming an open lagoon, characterized by marine and euryhaline
fauna and low magnetic susceptibility values; (3) during 3000 cal yr BP, the open lagoon presented a transition to an
oligohaline inner lagoon, characterized by an Ammonia tepida, Haynesina germanica, Aubignyna perlucida, Pirenella
conica, Cerastoderma glaucum and Abra spp. assemblage, sedges and aquatic vegetation. This restricted, entirely
isolated from the sea inner lagoon could be definitely used as the landmark of the Lake Ismaris from Heorodotus,
while describing the march of Xerxes through Thrace in 480 B.C.; (4) since 2000 cal yr BP to the present, the Lake
Ismarida is formed, characterized by fresh-water indicators and aquatic pollen, Pseudoschizaea and high magnetic
susceptibility values. Finally, the progradation of the Filiouris River deltaic deposits resulted to a 4 km wide deltaic
plain between Lake Ismarida and the nowadays coastline. Pollen assemblages record the dominance of a rather rich
deciduous forest in the area with traces of human presence in the lower part of the sequence, whereas the opening of
the plant landscape under the increasing human pressure is evidenced after  3000 cal yr BP. Finally, an open
vegetation pattern, contemporaneous with the retreat of forest vegetation, is evidenced in the area already before
2000 cal yr BP.

1. Introduction Pirazzoli and Pluet, 1991; Vacchi et al., 2014). This evolution started, as
confirmed, with a rise in sea level causing a marine transgression at the
Multidisciplinary studies of sediment cores have been used broadly in beginning of Holocene and followed by the progradation of the coastline
order to reveal the paleoenvironmental evolution, since the last during middle Holocene. That resulted to a well recorded environmental
deglaciation and through Holocene (e.g., Di Rita et al., 2011; shift to closed environments and the construction of residual lagoons and
Emmanouilidis et al., 2019; López-Belzunce et al., 2020; Morhange lakes, derived by the diminishing rate of the sea level rise, primarily due to
et al., 2000; Triantaphyllou et al., 2010). All these areas were dynamically climatic conditions and local tectonics (even anthropogenic activities)
affected by the relative sea level change and the sedimentation pattern, (Amato et al., 2013; Avramidis et al., 2014; Gogou et al., 2007;
which were the main factors driven the environmental evolution of the Koukousioura et al., 2012, 2019; Lambeck and Chappell, 2001;
Holocene coastal plains (Antonioli et al. 2009; Lambeck and Bard, 2000; Pavlopoulos, 2010; Pavlopoulos et al., 2011; Syrides et al., 2009a;
Lambeck and Purcell, 2005; Pavlopoulos et al., 2011; Pirazzoli, 2005; Triantaphyllou et al., 2009; Vött, 2007; Vouvalidis et al., 2005).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (O. Koukousioura), [email protected] (K. Kouli), [email protected] (K. Vouvalidis), [email protected] (E. Aidona),
[email protected] (G. Syrides).


0035-1598/© 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

Several coastal plains related to human activities, settlements, harbors advance of Xerxes through the Greek territory. Therefore, lithological
e.t.c., have been proved as useful archives in order to assess the past determination, micropaleontological, molluscan and pollen analyses,
environmental changes (Amato et al., 2020; Belloti et al., 2016; Mariotti magnetic susceptibility measurement and radiocarbon dating were all
Lippi et al., 2007; Pepe et al., 2013; Russo Ermolli et al., 2014; Sadori integrated for the interpretation of a sedimentary sequence at Lake
et al., 2010, 2015, 2016). Particularly in the Aegean region where coastal Ismarida area, in order to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental and
plains played the most significant role, so that they formed a geographical vegetational evolution, and to test the hypothesis of the location and the
cradle for past societies with global cultural impacts, enabled geomor- diachronic presence of Lake Ismarida at Herodotus’ times.
phological, paleoenvironmental and sea level reconstructions (Evelpidou
et al., 2010, 2012; Fouache et al., 2008; Ghilardi et al., 2010; Goiran et al., 2. Study area
2011; Koukousioura et al., 2012; Kouli et al., 2009; Pavlopoulos, 2010;
Pavlopoulos et al., 2007, 2010, 2013; Sidiropoulou et al., 2014; Syrides Lake Ismarida (or Mitrikou) is located in northern Greece, 20 km south
et al., 2009a,b; Theodorakopoulou et al., 2009; Triantaphyllou et al., of Komotini city (Thrace), and 3 km inland from the Thracian coasts of the
2003, 2010, 2016; Vouvalidis et al., 2010a,b). Nevertheless, very few north Aegean Sea (Thracian Sea), where a chain of lagoons (Elos, Ptelea,
have been conducted in Northeast Aegean coasts (Ammerman et al., Alyki, Karatza, Xirolimni) is developed from Molyvoti peninsula to the
2008; Galanidou et al., 2020; Karadimou et al., 2016; Koukousioura et al., west (Fig. 1). Lake Ismarida belongs to the Natura 2000 network and is a
2012; Pavlopoulos, 2010; Pavlopoulos et al., 2011), although Thrace area Ramsar protected area, while it is the only natural shallow (1 m average
is of great geomorphological and archeological interest. Anthropogenic depth) fresh-water lake in Thrace. It is a relatively small elongated lake
activity in the area is confirmed since the Bronze age with the submerged displaying a surface of 3.4 km2, and maximum length and width of 2.4 km
findings of Glyfada-Mesi Hoard (Simossi, 2009) due to the rise of the sea- and 1.7 km respectively, while it is surrounded by extensive reeds
level (Galanidou et al., 2020), and continuous inhabitation since the (Phragmites). Vosvozis River supplies the lake with fresh water,
Neolithic time (e.g., Ammerman et al., 2008; Efstratiou, 2006; Efstratiou discharging into its northern part (Fig. 1c). Until 1950 the extra fresh-
et al., 1998). water inflow of Vosvozis River, was overflowed to the sea through a
The present study is focused on Lake Ismarida area, located near the natural channel (Kousouris, 2014). Nowadays the lake is artificially
Aegean coasts of Thrace, where anthropogenic activity has been connected to the sea through a channel, while its water is mainly used for
continuously recorded since the Neolithic period (Arrington et al., irrigation.
2016; Bakalakis, 1962; Bakalakis and Sakellariou, 1981), while it has also The lake was formed at the deltaic plain of the Vosvozis and Filiouris
been used as a landmark by Herodotus, in Histories, describing the Rivers, bordered on the west by Neogene sediments, forming a low hilly

Fig. 1. (a) Map of Greece pointing to the study area, (b) location map of the broader study area and Lake Ismarida (from Greek Cadastre), (c) geological-geomorphological
map of Filiouris delta plain and Lake Ismarida (from Karadimou et al., 2016), and (d) ISMR-2 core location in the lake area.

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

terrain, and on the east by the alluvial sediments of the Filiouris plain 3.2. Core description and sampling
(Fig. 1c). Quaternary alluvial sediments can be found at the northern part
of the lake (I.G.M.E., 1986; Pisinaras et al., 2007). The basement of the The systematic description of the ISMR-2 core deposits was
area consists of the crystalline bedrock of the Rhodope Massif (Mposkos accomplished using as criteria the sediment texture, color (according
and Krohe, 2000; Osswald, 1938; Papanikolaou and Panagopoulos, to the Munsell soil color chart), grain size and evident depositional
1981), and eastwards of the lake, Mesozoic metamorphic and contacts. The sand and mud fractions (% dw) were calculated using wet
volcanosedimentary series are exposed (I.G.M.E., 1986). The overall sieving with a stainless steel sieve of 63-mm pore size. The systematic
Neogene sediments at the hilly western part of the lake include sands, sampling for micropaleontological analysis, was conducted at 2-2.5 cm
silts, sandstones and fossiliferous sandy limestones (Limnocardium, interval, or denser whenever was considered necessary, based on the
Congeria) of Paratethys origin, subsequently covered by red-brown sediment characteristics. The 51, in total, micropaleontological samples
Pleistocene sediments (Syrides, 1998; Syrides et al., 1997). obtained used both for benthic foraminifera analysis, while 45 of them
Uplifting trends are displayed in the northeast Aegean region where subsampled for palynological analysis, as the sand horizons where
(Thrace), and specifically for the adjacent Lafrouda Thrace area a omitted. Furthermore, 191 samples for mollusc analysis at 2.5 cm interval
slight tectonic uplift occurs (-0.3 to -0.5 mm/yr), probably induced by were obtained from the core.
the trans-tensional tectonic setting of the North Anatolian Fault
(Pavlopoulos et al., 2011). The estimation of sea level changes in the 3.3. Magnetic susceptibility profile
area can be based on several relevant curves concerning northern
Greece, such as the one of Thermaikos Gulf (Vouvalidis et al., 2005), A total of 288 low-field magnetic susceptibility measurements were
Lafrouda Thrace (Pavlopoulos, 2010; Pavlopoulos et al., 2011) and carried out in the ISMR-2 core using the MS2 Bartington Susceptibility
Samothrace Island (Pavlopoulos et al., 2011; Syrides et al., 2009a). meter and a MB2C sensor (ring sensor). The whole core was measured
Nevertheless, the Lafrouda Thrace curve will be taken in account since continuously with a step of 2 cm. The measurements were performed with
in Thermaikos area a subsidence is identified mainly as result of the ring sensor on the sealed core tube liners. The whole procedure was
intense sediment compaction (Pavlopoulos et al., 2011), most undertaken twice, and average values were calculated.
probably due to the loading of the entire Holocene sedimentary cover
(Fouache et al., 2008). On the other hand, in Samothrace the estimated 3.4. Benthic foraminiferal analysis
uplift (2 mm/yr; Pavlopoulos et al., 2011; Syrides et al., 2009a),
significantly exceeds Lafrouda’s uplift rate. Thus, the curve from A total of 51 samples were analyzed for their benthic foraminiferal
Lafrouda Thrace that corresponds to the study area, suggests a content. For each sample 10 g of dried sediment was treated with H2O2 in
minimum rate of sea level rise at 0.24 mm/yr during the last 2770 order to remove the organic matter and subsequently, washed through a
years (Pavlopoulos, 2010). 63 mm stainless steel sieve and dried at 40  C. 300 benthic foraminifera
Lake Ismarida that today is called by the locals as Lake “Mitrikou” or were obtained whenever was possible, and then determined in species
“Mana” (=mother; relative to its significant value for the life of the area), level, following the generic classification of Loeblich and Tappan (1987,
was named after the neighboring ancient city of Ismarus, a name-place 1994). The total foraminiferal density (FD; number of specimens/g of dry
reported in Greek mythology. This city was situated near the homony- sediment), and the relative abundances in the benthic foraminiferal
mous mountain, that according to Homer, in the Odyssey, was inhabited assemblages were calculated, while the diversity indices [species richness
by the Cicones and was afterwards destroyed by Odysseus on his way back (S) and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H0 )], were conducted using the
to Ithaca. Stravon places the lake between the ancient cities of Ismara and Past.exe 1.23 software package (Hammer et al., 2001).
Maroneia, while Herodotus (7.109) locates it between the ancient cities of
Maroneia and Stryme describing the march of Xerxes through this area in 3.5. Molluscan analysis
480 B.C., and subsequently arising a debate about the topology of Thrace
(e.g., Müller, 1975; Tuplin, 2003): Molluscan analysis was realized on 191 selected samples throughout
the whole core. 10 g of dry sediment was treated with H2O2, then washed
“After crossing the dry channel of the Lissus, Xerxes passed the Grecian
into 125 mm sieve and oven dried at 40  C (Karadimou et al., 2016). All
cities of Maroneia, Dicaea, and Abdera, which are in their
molluscs were selected, identified and counted, while several specimens
neighbourhood, Lake Ismaris between Maroneia and Stryme, and
were small sized and juveniles, thus they were identified in generic level.
Lake Bistonis near Dicaea, which receives the waters of two rivers, the
Although shell fragments were present in the majority of the samples,
Travus and the Compsatus” (Romm, 2014).
only complete individuals and characteristic fragments of gastropods and
The habitation of the area has been confirmed by the Neolithic bivalve valves were considered for further analysis. The total mollusc
findings of Paradimi (Bakalakis and Sakellariou, 1981), situated at the density (number of specimens/10 g of dry sediment), and the relative
north of the lake, and the settlement in Molyvoti peninsula related to abundances in the mollusc assemblages were calculated.
ancient Stryme (Bakalakis, 1967; Arrington et al., 2016). Additionally,
ancient Roman cemeteries have been revealed from the hinderland south 3.6. Palynological analysis
of Lake Ismarida (Terzopoulou, 2000; Loukopoulou et al., 2005;
Arrington et al., 2016). In-total 45 out of the 51 micropaleontological samples were
chemically processed for palynological analysis, while 6 samples
3. Materials and methods originating from sandy horizons where omitted. Subsamples of 5 to 8 g
of dry sediment were spiked with known quantity of Lycopodium spores,
3.1. Fieldwork chemically treated with HCl (37%), HF (40%), acetolysed and finally
sieved over a 10 mm sieve, while residues were mounted in silicon oil.
A 5.8-m long sediment core (ISMR-2), was retrieved from the SE shore Microscopic analysis was performed at a x400 magnification. During
of Lake Ismarida (coordinates: 611885,718, 4536536,64) (Fig. 1d), at an microscopic analysis all palynomorphs, including microscopic charcoal,
altitude of 0.87 m a.s.l. A Cobra MK1 vibracoring, equipped with 1-m long were identified and counted. Pollen identifications were based on Moore
and 40 mm in diameter corer was used. Subsequently the core was et al.’s key (Moore et al., 1991), Beug’s (2004) key, Reille’s (1992-1998)
transported to the School of Geology of the Aristotle University of atlas and the reference collection of Museum of Paleontology and
Thessaloniki for further analyses. Geology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (AMPG, NKUA),

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

while for the NPP’s identification Van Geel et al. (1989, 2003), were used. 52.2  105 SI at 204 cm core depth. Finally, within Unit D, a significant
Pollen concentration was calculated, while, the samples with concen- increase in magnetic susceptibility is noted and, especially, in the
trations below 150 grains/gram (7 samples) were considered barren and uppermost part, about the top 80 cm of the core the higher values reach up
excluded from this study. Percentage pollen diagram was constructed to 186.2  105 SI.
based on a pollen sum of regional pollen grains, excluding aquatic and
hygrophilous pollen and spores with the use of the program TILIA 4.3. Benthic foraminiferal analysis
(Grimm, 1992). The PDI sum (Centaurea, Cichorieae, Plantago, Polygonum
aviculare type, Pteridium, Ranunculus acris type, Sarcopoterium, Urtica Benthic foraminifera assemblages are generally well preserved, when
dioica type) has been used to infer past pastoral activities (Kouli, 2015). present. Within Unit D (149 cm to the top depth interval), the 12 samples
Riverine input has been calculated based on the sum of the erosion studied were derived of foraminifera. A total of 60 benthic foraminiferal
indicating NPPs type 207 and Pseudoschizaea. Finally, charcoal species belonging to 29 genera have been identified in ISMR-2 core
concentrations of all microscopic fragments bigger than 10 mm were (Fig. 3).
calculated. Foraminiferal density (FD) values present a high variability,
fluctuating between 4 and 1752 specimens/g, while the S parameter
3.7. Radiocarbon dating and H’ index display intense fluctuations as well (S: 4-30 species/sample,
H’ index: 0.95-2.85). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are mostly
Four samples consisting of marine mollusc shells (Cerastoderma composed of Ammonia beccarii, A. tepida, Haynesina germanica, elphidiids
glaucum and Acanthocardia tubercolata) and plant remains (Ruppia (mainly Elphidium complanatum and E. gunteri), other small rotaliids
maritima) have been collected from different layers of the core sequence (mainly Rosalina bradyi) and miliolids (mainly Quinqueloculina seminula
and used for radiocarbon AMS (14C) dating (Table 1). Samples were and Q. triangularis). However, the bolivinids which participate in the
submitted to Beta Analytic (Miami, USA). The conventional radiocarbon microfauna with lower percentages, exhibit not less than 8 species in the
ages have been calibrated after OxCal Ver. 4.3 (Bronk-Ramsey and Lee, total assemblage of 60 (Fig. 3).
2013), by using MARINE13 curve for marine data (Reimer et al., 2013), Unit A is characterized by the dominance of Ammonia beccarii
with a local reservoir correction factor (DR) of 149  40 as the average exceeding 50% (ISMR-2 540-542,5) of the total benthic foraminiferal
value for the Aegean Sea. assemblage, accompanied by mainly large specimens of A. tepida (Fig. 3).
Following, Miliolids comprise in average the 35% of the assemblage,
4. Results mainly represented by Q. seminula and Q. stelligera. Small rotaliids
(average 15%) and elphidiids (average 13%), have a significant part in the
4.1. Core ISMR-2 stratigraphic/lithologic description microfauna too. The FD parameter (max 213 species/g) and H’ index (max
2.68) present relatively high values.
The sedimentary record of borehole ISMR-2 comprises mainly of Within Unit B, A. beccarii values evidence a slight decrease, while A.
alternating silts and sands. Four different sedimentological Units were tepida percentages are increasing. They both appear with equally large
recognized in the core ISMR-2 deposits (Fig. 2). The lowermost Unit A and small specimens. Miliolids display a significant decrease (average
extends from 580 cm to 454 cm and consists of dark greenish grey to dark 15%), in comparison with the previous Unit, and small rotaliids and
grey silty sand and sandy mud, with layers of fine to coarse sand, elphidiids range at the same level. The FD parameter and H’ index still
containing abundant mollusc specimens (average sand and mud content present relatively high values.
76.56% and 23.44% respectively). Unit B, from 454 to 334 cm, is In the subsequent Unit C, a further decrease in A. beccarii is observed,
composed by dark greenish grey to dark grey sand and silty sand, with while A. tepida is reaching up to 57% (ISMR-2 160-162.5) and Ammonia
molluscs and plant remains, containing sand in an average of 81.2 %. Unit specimens are mainly small. H. germanica, Aubignyna perlucida and E.
C (334 to 149 cm) is distinguished by greenish grey fine sand with more gunteri show both a continuous presence and their higher values (max
silty and clayey layers, containing the mollusc species Cerastoderma 34%, 16% and 7.5% respectively) throughout the whole core. In contrast
glaucum and plant remains, and presenting an abrupt decrease in sand miliolids, small rotaliids and elphidiids appear with their lower values in
content (average 40.5 %). Finally, from 149 cm to the top of the sediment the whole sedimentary sequence. The FD parameter display high values
core, Unit D includes dark brown silty clay, and is characterized by the ranging from 273 to 749 specimens/g, while H’ index ranges at the same
absence of faunal remains. This uppermost Unit demonstrates the lowest level with the previous Units.
sand contents varying between 1.06 and 21.92 %. In Unit D no benthic foraminifera fauna has been found.

4.2. Magnetic susceptibility profile 4.4. Molluscan analysis

Fig. 2 illustrates the variation of magnetic susceptibility values along Molluscs (gastropods and bivalves) are identified into 148 samples out
the core, while all measured values are well correlated with the relative of the 191 studied, in ISMR-2 core (Karadimou et al., 2016). Additionally,
variations of the sand and mud fractions. From the bottom of the deposit in some samples Scaphopoda such as Dentalium sp., fragments of
up to 334 cm (Units A and B), low values, providing an average of Echinoidea and Crustacea, as well as plant remains were observed. The
7.15  105 SI for Unit A and 6  105 SI for Unit B respectively, are assemblage was relatively rich, including ten gastropod and seventeen
observed, with slight fluctuations. Unit C demonstrates progressively bivalve species. The most abundant species, exhibiting a constant
higher magnetic susceptibility values, displaying a maximum of presence throughout the core, are the Bittium reticulatum, Cerastoderma

Table 1
Radiocarbon samples of core ISMR-2 conventional radiocarbon dating and calibrated dates through MARINE13 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2013), with a local
reservoir correction factor (DR) of 149  40 as the average value for the Aegean Sea.
Lab code Depth (cm) d13C (m) 14C age (yr BP) 2 s (cal yr BP) 2 s (cal yr BC) Marker

Beta-397441 155 1.4 2490  30 2095-1850 145BC-100AD Cerastoderma glaucum

Beta-397442 373 14.4 2960  30 3015-3005 1065-1055 Ruppia maritima
Beta-397443 459 13 3150  30 3410-3340 1460-1390 Ruppia maritima
Beta-397444 564 +1.4 5210  30 5555-5295 3605-3345 Acanthocardia tubercolata

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

Fig. 2. Core ISMR-2 lithologic description, radiocarbon dating, vertical variation (dw%) of sand and mud fractions and magnetic susceptibility (MS) profile, within the
identified depositional Units A-D.

Fig. 3. Core ISMR-2 relative abundances (%) of the most common foraminiferal taxa, benthic foraminifera Density (Forams/g), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H΄),
within the depositional Units A-D.

glaucum, Rissoa spp. and Loripes lacteus, followed by Veneridae spp., consisting mainly of B. reticulatum that ranges at the same levels with the
Mactra sp. and Cerithium vulgatum (mainly in the lower part of the deposit) previous Unit. Similar ranges characterize also the rest of the assemblage,
(Fig. 4). although with some fluctuations, whereas Cerastoderma glaucum presents
In Unit A, the highest number of identified mollusc species (26 taxa) a small concentration (average <3%). Echinoid fragments were observed
and individuals is observed reaching 186 specimens/10 g; the macro- in several samples, along with scarce Dentalium sp. and crustacean
fauna is mainly represented by B. reticulatum exceeding 50% of the fragments.
molluscan assemblage in some samples, and Veneridae spp. that present A significant increase in Pirenella conica (average 39%), is observed
the higher concentrations of the whole borehole sequence (max 62.8% in in Unit C, although an abrupt reduction of species (15 taxa) and
sample ISMR-2 487.5-490), along with Rissoa spp., Caecum trachea, individuals (average 21 specimens/10 g) occurs. Cerastoderma glaucum
Cerithium vulgatum, Tellina sp., Tapes sp.; Mytilaster sp., Barbatia sp. and values also increase (average 11%) presenting small and thin shells,
Pecten sp. participate in the assemblage with minor values (less than 5%). while Abra spp. appears in the upper part of this Unit. Mactra sp., Rissoa
Dentalium sp., echinoid and crustacean fragments were observed almost spp., C. trachea and L. lacteus still participate in the assemblage but with
in every sample of this Unit. lower values. Rare echinoid fragments were observed in few samples of
Within Unit B, the macrofauna still appears diversified (20 taxa), this Unit.
although with lower mollusc density (average 36 specimens/10 g), Finally, Unit D lacks any mollusc fauna.

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

Fig. 4. Core ISMR-2 relative abundances (%) of the most common molluscan taxa, mollusc Density (molluscs/10 g), total Gastropod and Bivalve concentrations (per 10 g),
within the depositional Units A-D.

4.5. Palynological analysis represented by Poaceae (10%). Microscopic charcoal concentrations

reach values of 40,000 particles/gram in the lower part. The marine
Out of the 45 samples analyzed, only 38 bared sufficient palynomorph dinoflagellate cysts like Spiniferites, Operculodinium, and Lingulodinium,
load to be included in the present study, while 7 subsamples were and foraminifera linings, present high abundances with total marine
characterized as barren. For the samples presented herein pollen indicators reaching more than 58,000 grain/g (Fig. 6).
concentration exhibits high fluctuations varying from 47 to 29.500 LPAZ B (352-220 cm) records significantly decreased AP abundances
grains per dry sediment gram, while average concentration is 6.000 (45%) as a result of the drop in Pinus and deciduous Quercus abundances.
grains per gram. Despite the discontinuities, three different local pollen In contrast, the presence of evergreen Quercus appears slightly increased
assemblage zones (LPAZ) were distinguished in the pollen record of core compared to LPAZ-A. Chenopodiaceae (25%), Poaceae (15%) and
ISMR-2, based on the abundances of characteristic pollen types (Fig. 5). Cichorieae (15%) are the dominant herb taxa. PDI appears increased,
LPAZ A (500-465 cm) is characterized by the high arboreal pollen (AP) while microscopic charcoal fluctuates significantly throughout this
abundances (85%). Pinus (45%) and deciduous Quercus (35%) are the interval reaching maxima values of approx. 235,000 particle/g. Marine
dominant taxa, while Carpinus, Ulmus, Alnus, Fagus and Abies are also dinoflagellate cysts are recorded in lower abundances in this interval,
present in lower abundances (Fig. 5). Herb vegetation is mainly while foraminifera linings appear more abundant.

Fig. 5. Core ISMR-2 summary percentage diagram of the palynomorphs within the depositional Units A-D. Fresh water indicators (algae) and marine indicators
(dinoflagellates and foraminifera linings) are presented as concentrations.

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

Fig. 6. Core ISMR-2 palynological diagram of main pollen types encounted, pollen concentration and microscopic charcoal concentration. PDI (Pollen Disturbance Index)
is after Kouli, 2015.

During LPAZ-C (180 cm-top core) a further decrease in AP (20%) is transgression, according to the proposed for Thrace, sea level curve for
evidenced as a result of the dramatic decrease in all deciduous taxa, while Thrace (Pavlopoulos, 2010; Pavlopoulos et al., 2011), constituting a
Pinus is the major tree element especially at the upper part of the core. shallow marine environment from 5500 to 3500 cal yr BP.
Poaceae (25%), Cichorieae (20%) and Chenopodiaceae (20%) are the During the same interval, a rather rich and diverse deciduous forest is
main herb taxa, while increased is the abundance of Artemisia (5%). recorded, where even though deciduous Quercus was dominant, Carpinus
Coprophilous fungal remains and PDI are increasing. The marine was abundant and Ulmus, Fraxinus, Corylus, Tilia, Cornus, and Rosaceae
dinoflagellate cysts are practically absent, while Zygnemataceae appear also flourished. This is in accordance with regional pollen records that
in the deposit. register the development of mixed oak forests at low and mid-altitudes in
the area of southern Balkan (Lazarova et al., 2011; Marinova et al., 2012;
5. Discussion Marinova and Ntinou 2018; Masi et al., 2018; Sadori et al., 2015).
Mountainous forests were also well developed and both altitudinal zones
The combined micropaleontological, palynological and molluscan of conifers (Pinus, Abies, and some rare Picea) and Fagus forests are
analyses with magnetic susceptibility and grain size measurements, and represented in the pollen record. Herb vegetation is rather restricted and
radiocarbon dating of the core ISMR-2 deposits enabled the recognition of mainly consists of Poaceae and Chenopodiaceae. Human presence in the
four different evolutionary stagesof Lake Ismarida during the last5500 years. area is featured by the occurrence of several apophytes (ruderal taxa) and
From around 5500 and until 3500 cal yr BP (Unit A), shallow marine coprophilous fungi, while no evidence of cereal cultivation in the vicinity
conditions prevailed in the Lake Ismarida area that was in direct of the coring site has been detected. The low values of PDI (pollen
communication with the sea. During this time interval a silty sand and disturbance index; Kouli, 2015) and the lack of cereal cultivation indicate
sandy sequence was deposited (Fig. 2), displaying low magnetic low human pressure in the surroundings of Lake Ismarida, most probably
susceptibility measurements and confirming the presence of marine due to the location of the lake far from settlement areas (Efstratiou et al.,
deposits (Ghilardi et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2012). The microfaunal 1998; Kouli, 2015; Mercuri et al., 2019).
composition (Fig. 3) comprises typical species of the infralittoral zone, In the next evolutionary phase of Lake Ismarida, lasting from 3500 to
such as Ammonia beccarii, A. tepida, other small rotaliids, elphidiids and 3000 cal yr BP, the area is gradually becoming more isolated from the sea,
miliolids (Brönnimann et al., 1992; Moulfi-El-Houari et al., 1999; Murray, as indicated by the gradual appearance of mesohaline faunal indicators
2006; Sgarrella and Moncharmont Zei, 1993), similar to modern coastal (Unit B). The benthic foraminiferal fauna is still mainly represented by
environments of north Aegean Sea (Dimiza et al., 2016; Koukousioura marine species, although the percentage of large and small Ammonia spp.
et al., 2012). Furthermore, the marine mollusc species, such as Veneridae specimens, suggest mesohaline conditions (Evelpidou et al., 2010, 2012;
spp. and Bittium reticulatum, that dominate the macrofaunal assemblage, Koukousioura et al., 2012). Additionally, the association of the marine
indicate a typical composition of shallow marine environments (Syrides, with the euryhaline species H. germanica, A. perlucida and E. gunteri,
2008; Vouvalidis et al., 2010a,b; Evelpidou et al., 2010, 2012; Karadimou indicative of mesohaline conditions, compose a typical open lagoonal
et al., 2016). The same hypothesis is also suggested by the high assemblage affected by the sea (Frontalini et al., 2013; Koukousioura
abundances of marine dinoflagellate cysts like Spiniferites, Operculodinium et al., 2019; Triantaphyllou et al., 2010). Similar conditions are confirmed
and Lingulodinium machaerophorum along with foraminifera test linings by the macrofauna that is dominated by the strongly fluctuating
(Fig. 5; LPAZ A) (Elshanawany et al., 2010; Kouli et al., 2009; Morzadec- abundances of the marine euryhaline species Bittium reticulatum and
Kerfourn, 1992). The occurrence of the halophytic Chenopodiaceae Mactra sp. At the same time, the marine species of Veneridae, that were
represent near shore vegetation, while Cyperaceae, pollen from aquatic dominating during the previous stage, are becoming less important. The
plants such as Sparganium and the fresh-water indicators Pseudoschizaeae overall faunal composition in combination with the low magnetic
and type 353 (Van Geel et al., 1989), should be considered transported susceptibility values, suggests an open lagoon environment in good
into the marine environment by local streams or rivers. The micro- and communication to the sea with occasional fresh-water inputs. During the
macrofauna composition and the palynological data in combination with same time interval, the operation of the open lagoon system in Lake
the minimum magnetic susceptibility values confirm the occurrence of a Ismarida coincides with the existence of the already established open
shallow marine environment, in the present-day Lake Ismarida area. The paleo lagoon of Lafrouda Thrace (Koukousioura et al., 2012), westwards
lake area was flooded by the sea as a result of the maximum marine to the Thracian coast.

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

At around 3000 cal yr BP, the faunal, floral and magnetic susceptibili- mixed deciduous oak forests are neither as dense nor as diverse as before,
ty data suggest the beginning of the prior evolutionary stage lagoon’s, while Mediterranean woodland with evergreen Quercus, Pinus, and
entire isolation from the sea. This significant shift in Lake Ismarida’s Juniperus are becoming a more significant part of the landscape. The
conditions, from open to restricted environmental conditions, can be the retreat of deciduous forest elements coincides with increased micro-
cumulative result of the reduction of the sea level rise rate and the charcoal concentrations indicating the occurrence of significant regional
constant deltaic prolongation of Filiouris River, that could generate the fire episodes during the same interval. A smaller retreat is evidenced in
construction of a beach barrier in the study area. During the same interval, upland forest vegetation. The retreat of deciduous forest and the
the adjacent Lafrouda Thrace lagoon shows similar evolution, displaying expansion of sclerophyllous vegetation is in agreement with patterns
a gradual change from an open lagoon system to a closed one, a shift also observed in other pollen records (Athanasiadis et al., 2000; Masi et al.,
identified in other Aegean coastal plains during different time spans (e.g., 2018; Panagiotopoulos et al., 2013) as a result of the continuous human
Goiran et al., 2011; Triantaphyllou et al, 2003, 2016; Vouvalidis et al., pressure to the ecosystems. The increased abundances and high diversity
2010a,b). This paleoenvironment succession recorded in the study area of ruderal herb taxa (e.g. Plantago, Polygonum aviculare, Sanguisorba,
during this interval is in good agreement with the suggested sea level Rumex; Bottema and Woldring, 1990; Kouli et al., 2018), and the
curve for Northeast Aegean (Pavlopoulos, 2010; Pavlopoulos et al., amplified PDI values are indicative of increased human presence and the
2011). implementation of grazing activities in the area. This is further supported
The faunal (benthic foraminifera and mollusc) composition of Unit C by the increased abundances of Cichorieae (Florenzano et al., 2015) and
(3000 to 2000 cal yr BP; Fig. 4,5), provides evidence for the establishment the presence of coprophilous fungal and parasite remains (Florenzano and
of a restricted oligohaline lagoonal environment, since foraminifera Mercuri, 2012; Kouli, 2012; Van Geel et al., 2003). In addition, repeated
assemblages are characterized by euryhaline and low salinity tolerant erosional episodes, probably connected with the retreat of forest
species. A. tepida is an opportunistic taxon tolerant to a wide range of vegetation and related human activities in the basin, are detected by
salinity and temperature lagoonal and near-shore environments (Almogi- the erosion indicator fungal spore type 207 (Fig. 6). Finally, the amplified
Labin et al., 1992; Coccioni, 2000; Frontalini et al., 2009; Jorissen, 1988; Chenopodiaceae abundances represent the expansion of halophytic
Koukousioura et al., 2012; Melis and Violanti, 2006), that produces vegetation around Ismarida lagoon during paleoenvironmental Unit B.
smaller and thin-walled tests in low salinity and pH conditions, as During the last evolutionary stage (Unit D), the study area is entirely
observed from worldwide brackish and estuarine assemblages (e.g., Alve isolated from the sea and a fresh-water lake is formed. Lake Ismarida
and Murray, 1994; Debenay et al., 1996; Frontalini et al., 2009; seems to take its final form at about 2000 cal yr BP. The sedimentary
Koukousioura et al., 2012; Melis and Violanti, 2006; Murray, 1991; Van sequence consists of silty clay deposits (the highest mud values of the
Der Zwaan, 2000). Also, Haynesina germanica, is an euryhaline significant whole sequence). It is characterized by high magnetic susceptibility
shallow-water inhabitant (eg., Jorissen, 1988; Murray, 2006), which values, and a total absence of faunal remains (benthic foraminifera and
favors shallow silty lagoonal environments (e.g., Hottinger et al., 2001). molluscs) due to the unfavorable salinity conditions. A rather unstable
In this time interval, the association of the small-test sized Ammonia depositional environment is indicated by the pollen spectra that are rich
specimens observed in the assemblage, with H. germanica and A. perlucida in non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP’s) (Fig. 5). Fresh-water indicators and
points to restricted salinity conditions (Koukousioura et al., 2012). aquatic pollen are encountered, while marine dinoflagellate cysts are
Molluscan fauna is characterized by smaller assemblages and the intense absent and foraminifera linings scarce. At the same time increased stream
presence of euryhaline species such as Pirenella conica, Cerastoderma discharges are reflected, by to high abundances of Pseudoschizaea. The
glaucum and Abra spp. P. conica tolerates oligohaline shallow lagoonal lack of fauna (foraminifera/molluscs) and the outcome of the palynolog-
conditions, and develops dense populations preferring the edge of water ical analysis point to a mainly fresh-water depositional environment with
(Paperna and Overstreet, 1981), while Abra spp. favors silty lagoonal possible river discharges, even though ephemeral connection with the
oligohaline conditions (Fabbrocini et al., 2008; Gontikaki et al., 2003). marine environment existed. Finally, the progradation of the Filiouris
Furthermore, C. glaucum lives in large numbers in shallow lagoons, while river deltaic deposits resulted to a 4 km wide deltaic plain between Lake
salinity and temperature influence shell size and thickness, resulting in Ismarida and the nowadays coastline.
smaller and thinner shells in oligohaline conditions (Eisma, 1965; The retreat of forest vegetation becomes more evident after 2000 BP,
Tarnowska et al., 2009). The molluscan association of this interval in during LAPZ indicating the establishment of an open landscape in the
combination with the small and thin shells of C. glaucum and the decrease surrounding area. Pinus represents the major part of tree vegetation, while
in abundance of the marine euryhaline species (Bittium reticulatum and Quercus and other deciduous taxa are scarce. The opening of the
Veneridae spp.), indicate inner lagoonal conditions with fluctuating vegetation landscape is evidenced in most regional pollen records and it is
salinity (Kevrekidis et al., 1996; Koutsoubas et al., 2000; Nicolaidou et al., associated with a considerable expansion of human indicator taxa
1988; Nossier, 1986; Malham et al., 2012), similar to the present-day (Athanasiadis et al., 2000; Kotthoff et al., 2008; Masi et al., 2018;
inner coastal lagoons of the area (Elos, Ptelea, Alyki; Syrides, unpublished Panagiotopoulos et al., 2013) Unfortunately, pollen concentration is
data). The overall aquatic palynomorph assemblage (Fig. 5) reflects a extremely low and the plant landscape during this period is not clear.
complex depositional environment with both marine and fresh-water
inputs. The abundance and the concentration of dinoflagellate cysts and 6. Conclusions
foraminifera linings are decreased, in comparison with previous
evolutionary stages, while Cyperaceae, type 353 and type 207 are also Lake Ismarida, the only existing natural shallow fresh-water lake in
encountered. The palynomorph record further supports the establish- Thrace, represents a dynamic environment that has undergone several
ment of isolated environmental conditions (Kouli et al., 2009; different evolutionary stages during the last 5500 years, as clearly
Triantaphyllou et al., 2010), as suggested by foraminiferal and mollusc indicated by the multi proxy study of the ISMR-2 core deposits.
analysis and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The establishment of During 5500 to 3500 cal BP, Lake Ismarida was in direct
this oligohaline inner lagoon is confirmed after 3000 cal yr BP, although it communication with the sea and shallow marine conditions prevailed,
was still slightly affected by the sea possibly due to wave overflows over a characterized by an Ammonia beccarii, small rotaliids, miliolids,
closed beach barrier. The restricted water body, entirely isolated by the Veneridae spp. and Bittium reticulatum benthic assemblage, along with
sea, could have easily been characterized as a lake, proving correct its use marine dinoflagellate cysts, and low magnetic susceptibility values.
as a landmark by Heorodotus in 480 B.C., while describing the march of In-between 3500 and 3000 cal BP, Lake Ismarida area is gradually
Xerxes through Thrace. During this interval an opening of the plant tending to more isolated conditions with distinct open lagoonal features,
landscape is evidenced by the decrease of AP as a result of the opening of still in communication with the sea and occasional fresh-water inputs, as
the forest vegetation and a small retreat in mountainous forests. The indicated by the appearance of the mesohaline faunal indicators and the

O. Koukousioura et al. Revue de micropaléontologie 68 (2020) 100443

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