10 Second Tarot - BlueGold George

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Blu e G old G e orge 's

How to learn Tarot once and for all
10 Second Tarot

The Rider-Waite Tarot is a deck of 78 cards that was designed by Arthur Edward Waite and

illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. It is considered one of the most popular and widely

recognized Tarot decks in the world. The deck is known for its vivid and symbolic imagery, which

is meant to help the reader tap into their intuition and gain insight into their life and the world

around them.

The history of Tarot can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where it is believed that the rst Tarot

decks were created. The Tarot was originally used as a tool for divination, allowing people to gain

insight into their future and the events that were likely to unfold in their lives. Over time, the

Tarot evolved and became more widely used for personal growth and self-improvement. Today,

the Tarot is still used for a variety of purposes, including divination, self-discovery, and spiritual


You can learn Tarot one card at a time. This book is a list of meanings. Although it might be

tempting to read through all the meanings, the mind does not seem to memorize information in

this way. On the next page, I will describe the method by which the mind readily memorizes the

Tarot, so that reading becomes effortless and useful to you. It will also give two examples of

readings you can do for yourself and others, and an example reading to get you started. 

Con dence is gained through interacting with the cards and books of meanings such as these.

Although memorization happens over time, it is not necessary to get you reading with great

accuracy and con dence. It will begin to help you and others right away.

Let us get started! With the highest benevelonce for all, I present here the "10 second habits

method of learning Tarot" from the book: "10 Second Habits" by BlueGold George. 
10 Second Tarot

The 10 Second Habits Method of Learning Tarot 

To get started, shuf e your tarot deck. During shuf ing, a single card may stick out of the deck,

prompting you to take it out. You can then search your card in this book using "Find in document"

or CTRL+F,  +F on your computer or Apple keyboard. 

Another way to nd a card is to cut the deck, and use the card you cut to, or look on the bottom

of the deck after cutting it. You can also spread out the cards and choose one.

After choosing one, stare at it for a while, get to know the various parts of the image. There

could be mountains in the back, representing "challenges that can be overcome", or owers

which represent abundance. The symbolism in the cards is really important, and prompts another

book from me.

With this method, you will be able to focus on one card at a time, and really see how the

meaning applies to your life or to your question at this time. Once you read the meaning of the

card, place the card within your vision for the rest of the day, and go back to the meaning of the

card if you feel you want a reminder and want to resonate with it a little bit more. 

As you make this part of your spiritual practice, the Tarot will feel less daunting, and you will nd

that you innately remember the meanings of cards that reappear for you, as you've sat with

them and made them a part of your day. Learning the cards becomes simple, as you do not have

to take too much time out of your day. When Tarot becomes daunting, it tends to stay on the

shelf, unused and unlearned. 

May you be healed by the Tarot. Tarot is a mirror, which can help you see how you're thinking,

feeling and acting. It's great for self re ection. May you be at peace during your learning and

healing journey - BlueGold George 

10 Second Tarot

The Tarot Meanings 

Use the "Find in document" button or Press CTRL+F, +F

to nd your card.

The Fool (Upright): A new beginning, taking a risk, being carefree and spontaneous

The Fool (Reversed): Recklessness, ignoring warning signs, being unprepared

The Magician (Upright): Creativity, resourcefulness, using personal power effectively

The Magician (Reversed): Misuse of power, being manipulative, being dishonest

The High Priestess (Upright): Intuition, mystery, secrets being revealed

The High Priestess (Reversed): Lack of trust in intuition, hiding the truth, being super cial

The Empress (Upright): Nurturing, fertility, abundance

The Empress (Reversed): Lack of nurturing, infertility, lack of abundance

The Emperor (Upright): Authority, stability, being a leader

The Emperor (Reversed): Overbearing, lack of empathy, being too rigid

The Hierophant (Upright): Conforming to tradition, seeking guidance from a higher power,

10 Second Tarot

The Hierophant (Reversed): Rebellion against tradition, going against the grain, breaking free

from oppressive beliefs

The Lovers (Upright): Love, commitment, strong connection with another person

The Lovers (Reversed): Confusion about love, fear of commitment, disharmony in relationships

The Chariot (Upright): Control, determination, movement forward

The Chariot (Reversed): Lack of control, lack of direction, being pulled in different directions

Strength (Upright): Inner strength, courage, gentleness

Strength (Reversed): Weakness, fear, being overly aggressive

The Hermit (Upright): Introspection, solitude, seeking wisdom

The Hermit (Reversed): Isolation, being out of touch with others, avoiding personal growth

The Wheel of Fortune (Upright): Changes, cycles, good luck

The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed): Stagnation, being stuck in a rut, bad luck

Justice (Upright): Fairness, balance, being accountable

Justice (Reversed): Injustice, being out of balance, avoiding responsibility

The Hanged Man (Upright): Surrender, letting go, nding a new perspective

Justice (Reversed): Resistance to change, being unwilling to let go, being stuck in old ways
10 Second Tarot

Death (Upright): Transformation, change, letting go of the past

Death (Reversed): Fear of change, clinging to the past, refusing to move on

Temperance (Upright): Balance, moderation, harmony

Temperance (Reversed): Lack of balance, excess, disharmony

The Devil (Upright): Being trapped, feeling limited, materialism

The Devil (Reversed): Breaking free from negative in uences, nding liberation, letting go of

material possessions

The Tower (Upright): Sudden change, upheaval, chaos

The Tower (Reversed): Avoiding change, being resistant to growth, being in denial

The Star (Upright): Hope, inspiration, feeling connected to a higher power

The Star (Reversed): Lack of hope, feeling disconnected, being uninspired

The Moon (Upright): Fear, illusion, subconscious mind

The Moon (Reversed): Overcoming fear, seeing through illusion, facing the shadow self

The Sun (Upright): Success, joy, vitality

The Sun (Reversed): Lack of success, feeling joyless, lack of vitality

Judgement (Upright): Being judged, self-re ection, accountability

10 Second Tarot

Judgement (Reversed): Avoiding judgement, lack of self-re ection, avoidance of accountability

The World (Upright): Completion, accomplishment, integration

The World (Reversed): Lack of completion, feeling unaccomplished, lack of integration

The Ace of Cups (Upright): Emotional ful llment, new beginnings in the emotional sphere,

abundance of love

The Ace of Cups (Reversed): Emotional emptiness, lack of love and support, being closed off


The Two of Cups (Upright): Harmonious relationships, balance, mutual respect

The Two of Cups (Reversed): Disharmony in relationships, lack of balance, lack of respect

The Three of Cups (Upright): Celebration, friendship, community

The Three of Cups (Reversed): Lack of celebration, lack of close friendships, feeling isolated

The Four of Cups (Upright): Contemplation, being in a rut, feeling unful lled

The Four of Cups (Reversed): A new perspective, breaking out of a rut, nding ful llment

The Five of Cups (Upright): Grief, loss, feeling disappointed

The Five of Cups (Reversed): Accepting loss, moving on from disappointment, nding hope

The Six of Cups (Upright): Nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence

10 Second Tarot

The Six of Cups (Reversed): Refusal to let go of the past, inability to move on from childhood,

lack of innocence

The Seven of Cups (Upright): Choices, illusions, lack of focus

The Seven of Cups (Reversed): Clarity of thought, seeing through illusions, making a decision

The Eight of Cups (Upright): Moving on, letting go, nding a new path

The Eight of Cups (Reversed): Resistance to change, inability to let go, being stuck

The Nine of Cups (Upright): Happiness, contentment, feeling satis ed

The Nine of Cups (Reversed): Lack of satisfaction, feeling unful lled, dissatisfaction

The Ten of Cups (Upright): Emotional ful llment, lasting happiness, harmony in relationships

The Ten of Cups (Reversed): Lack of emotional ful llment, unhappiness, disharmony in


The Page of Cups (Upright): Emotional intelligence, creativity, intuition

The Page of Cups (Reversed): Lack of emotional intelligence, lack of creativity, ignoring intuition

The Knight of Cups (Upright): Emotional depth, being in touch with feelings, being romantic

The Knight of Cups (Reversed): Lack of emotional depth, being out of touch with feelings, being

10 Second Tarot

The Queen of Cups (Upright): Emotional understanding, compassion, being in tune with the

emotions of others

The Queen of Cups (Reversed): Lack of emotional understanding, lack of compassion, being out

of tune with the emotions of others

The King of Cups (Upright): Emotional stability, being in control of emotions, being level-headed

The King of Cups (Reversed): Lack of emotional stability, being out of control of emotions, being


The Ace of Pentacles (Upright): Financial abundance, new opportunities, practicality

The Ace of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of nancial abundance, missed opportunities,


The Two of Pentacles (Upright): Balance, exibility, adaptability

The Two of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of balance, in exibility, inability to adapt

The Three of Pentacles (Upright): Teamwork, collaboration, expertise

The Three of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of teamwork, poor communication, lack of expertise

The Four of Pentacles (Upright): Security, stability, holding onto possessions

The Four of Pentacles (Reversed): Insecurity, instability, letting go of possessions

The Five of Pentacles (Upright): Hardship, poverty, feeling isolated

10 Second Tarot

The Five of Pentacles (Reversed): Overcoming hardship, nding support, feeling connected to


The Six of Pentacles (Upright): Charity, generosity, balance in giving and receiving

The Six of Pentacles (Reversed): Greed, lack of charity, imbalance in giving and receiving

The Seven of Pentacles (Upright): Hard work, patience, reaping the rewards of effort

The Seven of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of progress, lack of patience, lack of reward for effort

The Eight of Pentacles (Upright): Hard work, improvement, learning new skills

The Eight of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of motivation, lack of improvement, lack of desire to

learn new skills

The Nine of Pentacles (Upright): Independence, self-suf ciency, luxury

The Nine of Pentacles (Reversed): Dependence on others, lack of self-suf ciency, lack of luxury

The Ten of Pentacles (Upright): Security, family, legacy

The Ten of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of security, family con ict, lack of a sense of belonging

The Page of Pentacles (Upright): Practicality, determination, focus on the future

The Page of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of practicality, lack of determination, lack of focus on

the future

The Knight of Pentacles (Upright): Hard work, responsibility, reliability

10 Second Tarot

The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of hard work, lack of responsibility, unreliability

The Queen of Pentacles (Upright): Nurturing, practicality, nancial security

The Queen of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of nurturing, lack of practicality, nancial insecurity

The King of Pentacles (Upright): Security, stability, prosperity

The King of Pentacles (Reversed): Lack of security, instability, lack of prosperity

The Ace of Wands (Upright): Creativity, new beginnings, passion

The Ace of Wands (Reversed): Lack of creativity, missed opportunities, lack of passion

The Two of Wands (Upright): Planning, decision-making, taking control

The Two of Wands (Reversed): Indecision, lack of direction, lack of control

The Three of Wands (Upright): Exploration, expansion, looking to the future

The Three of Wands (Reversed): Lack of exploration, lack of expansion, being stuck in the past

The Four of Wands (Upright): Celebration, harmony, home and family

The Four of Wands (Reversed): Lack of celebration, disharmony, instability in home and family

The Five of Wands (Upright): Con ict, competition, power struggles

The Five of Wands (Reversed): Resolving con ict, cooperation, nding balance in power

10 Second Tarot

The Six of Wands (Upright): Victory, success, recognition

The Six of Wands (Reversed): Lack of victory, lack of success, lack of recognition

The Seven of Wands (Upright): Courage, determination, standing up for oneself

The Seven of Wands (Reversed): Lack of courage, lack of determination, being defensive

The Eight of Wands (Upright): Movement, communication, rapid progress

The Eight of Wands (Reversed): Lack of movement, breakdown in communication, delays

The Nine of Wands (Upright): Perseverance, resilience, inner strength

The Nine of Wands (Reversed): Lack of perseverance, lack of resilience, inner weakness

The Ten of Wands (Upright): Burden, responsibility, feeling overwhelmed

The Ten of Wands (Reversed): Letting go of burden, delegating responsibility, nding relief from

overwhelming tasks

The Page of Wands (Upright): Enthusiasm, creativity, communication

The Page of Wands (Reversed): Lack of enthusiasm, lack of creativity, breakdown in


The Knight of Wands (Upright): Action, determination, passion

The Knight of Wands (Reversed): Lack of action, lack of determination, lack of passion
10 Second Tarot

The Queen of Wands (Upright): Con dence, charisma, leadership

The Queen of Wands (Reversed): Lack of con dence, lack of charisma, lack of leadership

The King of Wands (Upright): Leadership, creativity, charisma

The King of Wands (Reversed): Lack of leadership, lack of creativity, lack of charisma

The Ace of Swords (Upright): Clarity, truth, new beginnings

The Ace of Swords (Reversed): Lack of clarity, deception, missed opportunities

The Two of Swords (Upright): Indecision, being stuck, avoiding the truth

The Two of Swords (Reversed): Making a decision, breaking free from a stalemate, facing the


The Three of Swords (Upright): Heartbreak, betrayal, pain

The Three of Swords (Reversed): Healing, forgiveness, moving on from pain

The Four of Swords (Upright): Rest, retreat, contemplation

The Four of Swords (Reversed): Avoiding rest, lack of contemplation, lack of self-care

The Five of Swords (Upright): Defeat, con ict, loss

The Five of Swords (Reversed): Accepting defeat, resolving con ict, nding a way to move

forward after loss

10 Second Tarot

The Six of Swords (Upright): Moving on, letting go, nding peace

The Six of Swords (Reversed): Resistance to change, clinging to the past, lack of peace

The Seven of Swords (Upright): Deception, stealth, stealing

The Seven of Swords (Reversed): Being honest, being open, letting go of deceit

The Eight of Swords (Upright): Feeling trapped, lack of options, feeling powerless

The Eight of Swords (Reversed): Breaking free from limitations, nding new options, reclaiming

personal power

The Nine of Swords (Upright): Anxiety, fear, despair

The Nine of Swords (Reversed): Finding peace, overcoming fear, moving past despair

The Ten of Swords (Upright): Endings, loss, betrayal

The Ten of Swords (Reversed): Beginning a new chapter, nding new beginnings after loss,

forgiveness after betrayal

The Page of Swords (Upright): Communication, truth, clarity

The Page of Swords (Reversed): Miscommunication, deception, lack of clarity

The Knight of Swords (Upright): Honesty, directness, conviction

The Knight of Swords (Reversed): Dishonesty, being evasive, lack of conviction

10 Second Tarot

The Queen of Swords (Upright): Clarity, objectivity, being logical

The Queen of Swords (Reversed): Lack of clarity, subjectivity, being emotionally in uenced

The King of Swords (Upright): Logic, fairness, being level-headed

The King of Swords (Reversed): Lack of logic, being unfair, being emotionally volatile

To connect with George, go to https://www.bluegoldmembers.com

George is an author and spiritual teacher rooted in Ancient Sumeria-Khemet, and has soul origins

connected to Ursa Major and Pleiadian starsystems. He is here to help to connect the world back

to Universal origins, and to the heart center where all Love sings forever. 

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