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BUS-1234 Computer Applications for Business

Course Number: Co-Requisites: Pre-Requisites:
BUS-1234 N/A N/A
Prepared by: Sherri Veilleux, BBL, M.Ed., OA GN, EX, HS and Computer
Applications Partner courses Coordinator/Professor
Approved by: Chris Perkins, Dean
Approval Date: Monday, June 27, 2022
Approved for Academic Year: 2022-2023
Credit Weight: 4.00

Course Description
Strong computer skills are essential to finding employment in management and administration. This course
provides students with resources and guidance to develop skills in Microsoft Office applications. While the focus
will be spent learning and applying document processing, presentation and extra time on spreadsheet
management tools, students will also develop skills in time management, self-discipline, and attention to detail.
Students will also have an opportunity to improve their ability to read and follow written instructions. Computer
Applications for Business is a course delivered using practical hands-on applications and comprises additional
online skills assessment and training tools purposefully designed to provide flexibility in learning. This course
further prepares students to apply these professional business application skills, with enhanced emphasis on
spreadsheet management as they continue and expand in their program areas of study.

Course Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives

1. Apply and explore the basics of Microsoft Windows including records management features and work within
the Lambton College structure.
1.1 Demonstrate the ability to work with the Start menu, access Apps, on-line help, quick access pane,
layout group, file explorer search, snipping tool, calculator and locate notification area and action

1.2 Demonstrate the ability to navigate, manage files, folders, including basic principles such as
creating, moving/copying, expanding a folder, organizing and viewing contents of a folder, using File

1.3 Log on to the College's network and the College's Learning Management system to access course

2. Apply introductory and intermediate word processing functions using MS Word to generate and modify a

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wide variety of professional business documents.
2.1 Create a block style business letter and an envelope.

2.2 Save a document in Word and as a PDF.

2.3 Enter text, use autocomplete, autocorrect and proofread.

2.4 Adjust line, paragraph spacing and margins.

2.5 Preview, change page orientation and print a document.

2.6 Change font, font size, apply text effects, font colours and font styles.

2.7 Align text, add a paragraph border, shading, use format painter and work with pictures.

2.8 Work with comments.

2.9 Create bulleted and numbered lists.

2.10 Use cut, copy, find and replace text.

2.11 Incorporate and customize styles and themes.

2.12 Use the Navigation Pane.

2.13 Create, manipulate tables, insert data, sort rows of information.

2.14 Format tables with styles.

2.15 Create and insert tab stops.

2.16 Create footnotes and endnotes.

2.17 Format documents into sections, hyphenate a document, add headers and footers.

2.18 Create SmartArt and insert a cover page.

2.19 Develop a cover page.

2.20 Format text using columns, balance information and add a border.

2.21 Insert symbols, special characters and add a Drop Cap.

2.22 Insert, format graphic objects, text boxes and use the shapes menu.

2.23 Format text with WordArt and manipulate.

2.24 Insert and manipulate online pictures, graphics and photos.

2.25 Use Microsoft Word help.

2.26 Create and save a new document from a template.

2.27 Use spelling/grammar, the thesaurus and the editor pane.

2.28 Generate and update a table of contents.

2.29 Use the Accessibility Checker to inspect a document.

3. Apply fundamental presentation tool functions using MS PowerPoint to produce professional business
3.1 Create a new presentation, add and rearrange slides, add a layout and work with text and bulleted

3.2 Add speaker notes, perform spelling and grammar checks and print various forms of the
presentation slides.

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3.3 Apply themes and variants from different PowerPoint presentations and existing themes.

3.4 Add and crop photos, graphics, insert online pictures, resize and reposition graphics; create, modify
SmartArt diagrams.

3.5 Adjust colours, create and format tables, modify border colours, effects and shapes; apply a style.

3.6 Draw, format and add text to a shape. Insert and format text boxes; flip and rotate objects.

3.7 Animate objects, graphics; change sequence of animation, customize direction, insert headers and
footers on handouts and notes pages.

4. Apply introductory through advanced knowledge of MS Excel by developing accurate and well-structured
spreadsheets employing comprehensive design and documentation principles.
4.1 Identify key components of the Excel window.

4.2 Key and edit text, numbers and dates into a workbook.

4.3 Demonstrate the ability to resize, insert, remove columns and rows; to scroll and navigate between

4.4 Perform basic calculations on data using function syntax and entering functions with AutoSum,
COUNT, using flash fill and ranges.

4.5 Apply print and preview techniques to a workbook utilizing portrait and landscape, scaling options;
print worksheet formulas.

4.6 Perform essential editing functions such as select and move cell ranges, insert, delete, move and
rename worksheets.

4.7 Demonstrate knowledge of essential editing tools such as find and replace, undo, redo,
spelling/grammar and precision selecting.

4.8 Identify methods to prepare well-formatted and professional workbooks.

4.9 Demonstrate the ability to create visually appealing and informative workbooks using a variety of
formatting tools such as fonts, colours, background image and the Quick Analysis tool.

4.10 Apply and edit built-in themes, cell and table styles to a workbook.

4.11 Apply conditional formatting techniques such as data bars and highlighting rules to format a
workbook to better interpret, analyze and understand the data.

4.12 Create formulas to add, subtract, and divide values.

4.13 Apply supplementary formatting features to demonstrate setting page breaks, page titles, setting
print areas, adjusting margins, using Format Painter and inserting headers and footers.

4.14 Construct effective formulas to demonstrate when and how to use relative, absolute and mixed cell

4.15 Use the IFS and explore MAXIFS and MINIFS functions.

4.16 Use the function library and the insert function.

4.17 Demonstrate the ability to use AutoFill to copy formulas and formatting to extend a series of
numbers, text or dates.

4.18 Apply date functions when working with dates.

4.19 Apply approximate match lookups and work with logical functions.

4.20 Apply exact match VLOOKUP function.

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4.21 Perform what-if analysis, using trial and error, Goal Seek and interpreting error value.

4.22 Construct a PMT (payment required each period on a loan or investment) function to calculate
monthly payments to repay a loan within a set interval of time.

4.23 Explain categories of Excel chart types, the different parts of a chart and the relationship between
charts and data sources.

4.24 Explain when data is best depicted in a chart as opposed to a table.

4.25 Construct a variety of chart types such as pie, column, line and a combination of both line and
column using the Quick Analysis tool.

4.26 Apply formatting techniques to edit chart elements, such as the legend, title, axes, and gridlines.

4.27 Demonstrate knowledge of tick marks and scale values.

4.28 Construct and format sparklines and databars.

4.29 Create other charts such as histogram, waterfall, pareto and more for finance and statistics.

4.30 Explain common uses of a worksheet and the importance of planning and structure to determine
how the data will be used.

4.31 Demonstrate the ability to freeze columns and rows to scroll through data.

4.32 Explain the purpose of an Excel table and its role with other data.

4.33 Plan and create an Excel table.

4.34 Demonstrate editing techniques such as renaming, adding, deleting and sorting data in a table.

4.35 Demonstrate the ability to apply a filter to display only data that meets certain criteria in a table.

4.36 Demonstrate the ability to apply a total row to display detailed rows with summary results from a
filtered table.

4.37 Create, modify, filter and sort a PivotTable as well as create a PivotChart.

4.38 Construct effective formulas to use the IF, AND, OR functions, as well as nesting the IF function.

4.39 Create formulas to summarize data using the COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF functions.

4.40 Use LookUp tables and functions.

4.41 Demonstrate how to group and ungroup worksheets as well how to format a worksheet group.

4.42 Consolidate information from multiple worksheets using 3-D references.

4.43 Create a link to data in another workbook and create a workbook reference.

4.44 Demonstrate how to insert a hyperlink and how to edit a hyperlink in a cell.

5. Define software-specific terminology and apply navigation techniques incorporating keyboard shortcuts as
5.1 Apply knowledge of key Word terms used throughout the modules.

5.2 Apply knowledge of key PowerPoint terms used throughout the modules.

5.3 Apply knowledge of key Excel terms used throughout the modules.

Relationship to Essential Employability Skills

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This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills:

EES 1.1 Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the
purpose and meets the needs of the audience. (T, A,)
EES 1.2 Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.
(T, A,)
EES 2.3 Execute mathematical operations accurately. (T, A,)
EES 3.4 Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. (T, A,)
EES 3.5 Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems. (T, A,)
EES 4.6 Locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information
systems. (T, A,)
EES 6.10 Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects. (T, A,)
EES 6.11 Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions and consequences. (A,)

Relationship to Vocational Learning Outcomes

This course provides the opportunity for you to achieve the following Program Vocational Learning Outcomes
(VLO's), which will be taught and evaluated at a taught (T), assessed (A) or culminating performance (CP) level:

ACTG - Business Accounting

VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and
private enterprises. (T, A)

AGBS - Agri-Business Management

VLO 2 Facilitate business-related communications with all stakeholders to ensure the success and
sustainability of a Canadian agri-business. (T, A)

AMMS - Applied Manufacturing Management - Advanced Material Process

VLO 2 Use technology applications to apply quantitative and qualitative analyses to support management
decisions. (T, A)
VLO 4 Use technology to generate written, oral, and graphic communications that are professional and
accurate. (T, A)

BACC - Business Administration - Accounting

VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and
private enterprises. (T, A)

BATC - Business Administration - International Business

VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and
private enterprises. (T, A)

BAUC - Automotive Industry Management

VLO 3 Participate in obtaining entry level management skills with respect to human, physical, and
financial resources (T, A)

BFBC - Business Administration - Finance & Banking

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VLO 2 Support international finance and banking functions the application of computer skills and
knowledge. (T, A)

BGEC - Business Administration - General

VLO 3 assess and use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business
initiatives. (T, A)
VLO 12 develop strategies for ongoing personal and professional development to enhance work
performance in the business field. (T, A)

BGEN - Business Administration - General

VLO 3 Assess and use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business
initiatives. (T, A)
VLO 12 Develop strategies for ongoing personal and professional development to enhance work
performance in the business field. (T, A)

BIAC - Business Administration - Accounting

VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and
private enterprises. (T, A)

BINM - International Business

VLO 11 Apply current technologies to support an organization’s integrative trade initiatives. (T, A)

BISC - Business Administration - Information System

VLO 1 Apply information technology to enhance business operations and address business needs and
opportunities. (T, A)
VLO 3 Apply knowledge of computer hardware, programming languages, databases, file structures,
networking, and software applications to the specific business processes of the enterprise. (T, A)

BMAN - Business Management

VLO 3 Use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business initiatives.
(T, A)
VLO 12 Develop strategies for ongoing personal and professional development to enhance work
performance in the business field. (T, A)

BMAT - Business Management

VLO 3 Use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business initiatives.
(T, A)
VLO 12 Develop strategies for ongoing personal and professional development to enhance work
performance in the business field. (T, A)

BMHM - Business Management - Human Resources

VLO 2 Use computer-based information systems to efficiently deliver HR programs and services. (T, A)

BMHR - Business Management - Human Resources

VLO 3 Adhere to the concepts of organizational behaviour. (T, A)

BMHT - Business Management - Human Resources

VLO 2 Use computer-based information systems to efficiently deliver HR programs and services. (T, A)

BMIB - Business Management - International Business

VLO 3 Utilize the concepts and business applications of computer information systems. (T, A)

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BMIM - Business Management - International Business

VLO 3 Utilize the concepts and business applications of computer information systems. (T, A)

BOOK - Bookkeeping Skills Certificate

VLO 1 Demonstrate intermediate excel and word software skills. (T, A)

BSNT - Business

VLO 3 Use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business initiatives.
(T, A)
VLO 8 Use accounting and financial principles to support the operations of an organization. (T, A)

BUSN - Business

VLO 3 Use current concepts/systems and technologies to support an organization's business initiatives.
(T, A)
VLO 4 Apply basic research skills to support business decision making. (T, A)
VLO 8 Use accounting and financial principles to support the operations of an organization. (T, A)
VLO 12 Develop strategies for ongoing personal and professional development to enhance work
performance in the business field. (T, A)

FPWS - Financial Planning and Wealth Management

VLO 5 Develop and present marketing and communication strategies that include selling and client
relationship management techniques suitable to prospect and retain clients. (T, A)

FPWT - Financial Planning and Wealth Management

VLO 5 Develop and present marketing and communication strategies that include selling and client
relationship management techniques suitable to prospect and retain clients. (T, A)

HATW - Hospitality & Tourism Management

VLO 7 Apply principles of finance planning, analysis, and control to assist in making decisions at an
operational level and to contribute to the achievement of financial plans (T, A)
VLO 11 Recognize and adapt to various and changing technologies, systems, and computer applications
for the hospitality industry (T, A)

HRMG - Human Resources Management

VLO 7 Research and analyze information needs and apply current and emerging information technologies
to suppport the human resources function. (T, A)
VLO 10 Manage own professional development and provide leadership to others in the achievement of
ongoing competence in human resources professional practice. (T, A)

SBMS - Sports Business Management

VLO 2 Use computer applications to manage and support sport business operations. (T, A)

SCMM - Supply Chain Management

VLO 6 Utilize information technology systems proficiently to support logistics management decisions. (T,

SCMT - Supply Chain Management

VLO 6 Utilize information technology systems proficiently to support logistics management decisions. (T,

SRAA - Sports and Recreation Administration

VLO 1 Select and effectively use technology and software programs relevant to the sport industry. (T, A)

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SRAM - Sports and Recreation Management

VLO 7 Use appropriate information technology including a variety of software programs relevant to the
business world. (T, A)

Learning Resources
• SAM 2019 Assessment, Training and Projects
• Ebook: Carey/Pinard/Shaffer/Shellman/Vodnik, New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 365 & 2019:
Introductory Course Technology, 2020.
• Ebook: Carey/Pinard/Shaffer/Vodnik, New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 365 & 2019: Intermediate
Course Technology, 2020.
• ISBN: 978-0-357-36671-4
Special instructions: Purchase BUS 1234 required resources through the Lambton College MyCampus shop only,
not through the publisher.
• A mobile device (laptop) with a Windows operating system as specified on the Lambton College Laptop
web page below:
ALERT: An iPad or Smart mobile device or Chromebook will not suffice for students to complete
assignments or projects in this course because the full Office 365 Professional needs to be used.
INFO: Office 365 Professional is available for free for registered students.
Click below for instructions to Install Office 365 on a Windows Operating System - recommended:
Note: Without these required resources, students will not be able to complete the course requirements. SAM
needs to be registered during scheduled class time as outlined in the course section schedule provided by the
professor and/or technologist.

• Headphones or earbuds whenever students prefer to observe and/or listen during training when using
• LinkedIn Learning - Lambton College students have access to a wide variety of online training modules
that cover many different professional development topics.
To access LinkedIn Learning:
Lambton College students have access to a wide variety of online training modules that cover many different
professional development topics.
1. Go to either or
2. On the sign in page click Sign in with your organization account
3. Sign in with your Lambton College credentials
4. The first time you sign in, you may be asked to link this to your LinkedIn account please do not do this.
5. Done!
Over 5000 on demand courses available to help supplement your learning, grow your portfolio and LinkedIn
profile throughout your tenure as a student at Lambton College.

Student Evaluation

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1. Windows Operating system - 5%
• SAM On-line Training - 3%
• Assignment - 2%

2. MS Word - 34%
Modules 1 through 5
• Test - 15%
• SAM On-line training - 7%
• Assignments (2 @ 2%) - 4%
• Project - 8%

3. MS PowerPoint - 17%
Module 1 and 2
• Test - 10%
• Sam On-line training - 5%
• Assignments (2 @ 1%) - 2%

4. MS Excel - 44%
Modules 1 through 7
• Test - 20%
• Sam On-line training - 7%
• Assignments (5 @ 2%) - 10%
• Project - 7%

Grade Scheme
The round off mathematical principle will be used. Percentages are converted to letter grades and grade points as

Mark (%) Grade Grade Point Mark (%) Grade Grade Point
94-100 A+ 4.0 67-69 C+ 2.3
87-93 A 3.7 63-66 C 2.0
80-86 A- 3.5 60-62 C- 1.7
77-79 B+ 3.2 50-59 D 1.0
73-76 B 3.0 0-49 F 0.0
70-72 B- 2.7

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Students who wish to apply for prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate
competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements outlined above. Evidence of
learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes:
• Challenge Exam
• Performance Test
• Project/Assignment

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Course Related Information
This is a HYBRID (blended learning) course with two weekly in-class components and one hybrid component:

Students are expected to attend class twice per week for 1, 50 minute period and 2 combined, 50-minute periods
as noted on the student timetable, according to their assigned section. The mandatory classes are for face-to-face
interaction, *lectures, and testing, as noted on the course schedule. *Students are encouraged to work through
the textbook tutorials during class lectures with the professor for optimal success in the course. Attendance is

Hybrid (Online) Activities:

Students are expected to visit the course websites, D2L and SAM at least five times per week depending on
assignment load. On the Lambton College Learning Management system (LMS), students will find: faculty contact
information, Open Lab hours, a course schedule noting due dates for SAM assignments, projects, tests, and
training, a course outline, presentations providing weekly overviews, supplementary presentations that breaks
down every module into manageable parts to be used to expand on topics covered in-class and those extras not
covered in the course curriculum. These extra resources are available for students for future assignments in future

Training, assignments, tests (password protected), and projects (often password protected) as well as two
comprehensive e-books are all accessible through SAM. These online activities are planned for and will occur (at
either a fixed time; scheduled by the professor such as a test or at the option of the student such as training),
whereby paying careful attention to dates and submission deadlines provided by the professor are essential.
Assignments and project work are created using the Word, PowerPoint and Excel applications but are usually
uploaded through SAM upon completion. Tests and training are also built into SAM for skills and assessment but
questions are formatted similarly to those in MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Exams.

The remaining one 50-minute period is not scheduled; the hybrid part of the course, and students are expected to
complete any uncompleted online SAM materials and anything indicated in the Course Plan scheduled by the
Professor to ensure all assignments and projects are completed. Some additional LMS features such as using a
Dropbox alongside of word processing, presentation, spreadsheet and email functions, including attachments may
also be used. Students have the option to complete some of this work with the assistance of the SAM
Administrator during Open Lab as noted in the course materials on the LMS.

Unless otherwise specified by the course professor, each student is expected to complete all work on their own -
SAM training, assignments, projects and tests. Copying or sharing of course materials either electronically or in
hard copy format, is considered a cheating offence, and shall be subject to the same penalties as described in the
section: College Related Information: Academic Integrity

Tests are scheduled during scheduled In-Class Meeting times only.

Refer to the BUS 1234 Schedule made available on the LMS for specific details.

Testing Policy

During testing time, no applications or documents should be opened except for what is directly required for the
test. Student ID is also required. Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in a cheating offence being
filed against the student. No electronic devices beyond that of a laptop or desktop of any sort will be permitted

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unless previously discussed or approved by the professor. Skype chat, Facebook, Instagram, or any social media,
games, or other instant messaging (other than course-related and endorsed activities) will not permitted during a
It is considered a vital part of the learning process that deadlines are met and course work is completed.
Adequate notice will be given by the Professor for tests and other evaluations (noted in course schedule) and if a
student is not present the mark will be recorded as zero. The Professor may make an exception and allow the
evaluation to be submitted at a time other than the scheduled time provided that:
• Prior notice is given by the student to the Professor as per Professor's instructions in D2L, 24 hours in advance
unless it is an emergency.
• Acceptable documentation of the extenuating circumstances is provided on request.
• The Professor has agreed in advance that the student will not be present at the scheduled time. If extenuating
circumstances allow for any evaluation to be submitted late, 10% per day will be deducted for each day it is late.

College Related Information

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for
transfer of credit to other educational institutions.
Academic Integrity

Lambton College is committed to high ethical standards in all academic activities within the College, including
research, reporting and learning assessment (e.g. tests, lab reports, essays).
The cornerstone of academic integrity and professional reputation is principled conduct. All scholastic and
academic activity must be free of all forms of academic dishonesty, including copying, plagiarism and cheating.

Lambton College will not tolerate any academic dishonesty, a position reflected in Lambton College policies.
Students should be familiar with the Students Rights and Responsibilities Policy, located at
The policy states details concerning academic dishonesty and the penalties for dishonesty and unethical conduct.

Questions regarding this policy, or requests for additional clarification, should be directed to the Lambton College
Student Success Department.

Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability please identify your needs to the professor and/or the Accessibility Centre so
that support services can be arranged for you. You can do this by making an appointment at the Accessibility
Centre or by arranging a personal interview with the professor to discuss your needs.

Student Rights and Responsibility Policy

Acceptable behaviour in class is established by the instructor and is expected of all students. Any form of
misbehaviour, harassment or violence will not be tolerated. Action will be taken as outlined in Lambton College

Date of Withdrawal without Academic Penalty

Please consult the Academic Regulations and Registrar's published dates.

Waiver of Responsibility
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information as of the date of publication. The content
may be modified, without notice, as deemed appropriate by the College.

Students should note policies may differ depending on the location of course offering. Please refer to campus

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location specific policies:

LAMBTON COLLEGE POLICIES - applicable to all Lambton College students:

• Student Rights & Responsibilities & Discipline policy (2000-5-1)
• Test & Exam Writing Protocol (2000-1-6)
• Evaluation of Students (2000-1-3)
• Policy Link -



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