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D Security Agency

Re: Unpaid Loan

Mr. A,

I am writing on behalf of my client, B in connection with the loan that you have contracted from
her on June 29, 2019 in the amount of P100,000.00. The remaining balance of such loan, in the
total amount of P25,000, remains to be unpaid until this day. My client already gave several
considerations regarding the payment of your obligation in light of the pandemic, and your
inability to make necessary payments during the majority of the months in 2020 and 2021 was
tolerated by my client because of her compassion.

It is clear that the latest agreement that you and my client have arrived at, is for you to settle the
remaining unpaid balance as soon as possible. We are giving you until the 15 th of December to
fully pay the amount of P25,000.00 and should you fail to comply with this demand, we shall be
constrained to file an action against you in court to protect my client’s interests.

Please give this matter your immediate and preferential attention in order for you to avoid the
inconvenience of litigation.

Very Truly Yours,


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