Guidelines For Induction of Employees

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Guidelines for induction of employees

These guidelines are designed to assist the manager with the induction of a new
member of staff.

The aim of induction is to help the newcomer to adjust as quickly as possible to the
new working environment, in order to achieve maximum working efficiency in the
shortest possible time.

It is important to remember that induction is a process that should take place over a
number of weeks, it is not a one-day event.

The length and content of the induction programme will vary depending on the
nature of the new employee’s role. The checklists that follow are designed to
suggest general issues/ topics that may need to be included in the induction
programme in order to assist the new employee settle in as easily and effectively as
possible. Space has been left on the lists, for Faculties/Directorates to add other
topics as appropriate.

In addition to these guidelines, if you require further advice and guidance on

induction please contact the Directorate of Human Resources.

Good practice guidelines

Induction should take place over a number of weeks, even months. During this
time, employees need to assimilate a great deal of information. The Manager
responsible for the induction programme can help this programme by:

Not overloading

 Too intensive an information-giving session is

likely to be ineffective.

Deciding on priorities

 What must be said on the new employee’s first

day? What can wait for the second week? What
will have the most significance in the second

Explaining the purpose of knowing each new piece of information

 Information is more likely to be digested if the new
employee is told the relevance of it to their job or
the University.

Using a variety of techniques

 People have a variety of learning styles. Some

people may learn easily from written material.
Others may prefer to be given the information
orally and also the opportunity to discuss and ask

Involving other people

 This may include a number of colleagues from the

Faculty/Directorate, a trade union representative or
someone from another Directorate such as Human
Resources, Finance and Legal Services, Academic
and Student Affairs or Corporate Affairs.

Details of information and induction provided by the

Directorate of Human Resources
Contractual and other written information

In addition to the Contract of Employment new employees receive a number of

enclosures including the following:

Lecturing staff:

 the Staff Handbook for lecturing staff

 a copy of the appropriate salary card
 a guide to the Teachers’ Superannuation Scheme
 a copy of the Health and Safety policy
 a copy of the Data Protection policy

PGTAs and Research staff, Support staff and Management staff:

 a copy of the Health and Safety policy

 a copy of the Data Protection policy
 a summary of the main terms and conditions of
 an outline of sickness arrangements
 pension information
 a copy of the discipline and grievance procedures.
All staff also receive an invitation to attend an Introduction to the University day
which is compulsory and forms part of their induction.

Welcome pack

The Directorate of Human Resources sends to all new starters a "Welcome Pack"
which contains:

 maps of sites
 organisation structure chart of the University

and information on

 car parking
 staff ID card
 shops, banks and catering facilities on the various
 nursery facilities
 No Smoking Policy
 inter-site bus service
 Health and Safety
 semester dates
 induction details
 sources of internal information and communication

Information which may need to be provided by the

The following lists are designed to help the person responsible for induction plan
the induction programme and ensure it includes essential and appropriate
information. The lists provide suggestions of what may need to be included (not all
the points will be relevant to all jobs) and they are divided into the following two

Organisational information (not in order of priority, and only if applicable)

 Structure of the Faculty/Directorate

 Purpose/role of the Faculty/Directorate
 Staff list - names, telephone numbers, and room
 Roles and responsibilities of other staff
 Annual leave arrangements, who to contact
 Sickness arrangements, who and when to inform
 Tea/coffee, lunch arrangements
 Toilet facilities
 Faculty/Directorate safety procedures; fire exits
and extinguishers, first aid, accidents, safety
 Financial Regulations
 Arrangement for access to buildings/late working
 Other University regulations and procedures
 The internal telephone system/personal calls
 Explanation of the Modular System
 Holiday arrangements

Job information (not in order of priority, and only if applicable)

 Duties and responsibilities of the post

 Lines of reporting and supervision
 Colleagues doing interrelated tasks
 Procedural manuals
 Sources of funding for training, conferences,
research etc.
 Personal Development and Review Scheme
 Development and training opportunities
 Faculty/Directorate meetings
 How to obtain equipment/stationery etc.
 Hours of work
 Work allocation procedures
 Secretarial support
 Financial Regulations
 Examination dates and arrangements

There is also a list of action points for use by the Manager, again split into two

Action points prior to the new employee’s first day

 Arrange for a car park permit to be issued

 Ensure new member of staff knows the time and
place of arrival on the first day
 Ensure someone is around to welcome them
 Allocate office space, equipment etc.
 Inform other staff of the start date
 Obtain the agreement of other staff who are to be
involved in the induction programme
 Arrange meetings with other staff to meet the new
 Produce an induction timetable/programme
 Make arrangements for attendance on the Teaching
and Learning skills course and arrange the required

Action points once the new employee has commenced employment

 Arrange for a staff card to be issued

 Give the new employee a copy of Induction
 Provide tour of Faculty/Directorate and Campus
 Introduce new member of staff to colleagues,
including mentor (if applicable)
 Identify immediate information and training needs,
e.g. word processing
 Set up progress meetings

Other sources of information and induction

The OCSLD course on Teaching and Learning is run by the Oxford Centre for
Staff and Learning Development. [For some new academic staff this course is
compulsory and forms part of their probation period, please see contract of
employment for further information].

The session on understanding the Modular Course run by the Modular Office
(usually at the start of each term).

A useful source of information for the Manager when inducting the new employee
is this employment handbook.

 Directorate of Human Resources

o About your employment
 Access to systems
 End of employment
 Family
 HR Forms (linked to intranet)
 Guide for international staff living in the UK
 Performance issues
 Problems at work
 Recruitment to jobs at Brookes
 Policy and procedure
 Process map (PDF)
 Other related policies and procedures
 Forms and documentation
 Guidance notes and exemplars
 Question bank
 Training and development
 Interview practice
 Current vacancies
 Induction of new employees
 Guidelines for induction of new employees
 Induction checklist (Word doc)
 Induction checklist (changing job roles,
Word doc)
 Induction checklist for returnee's (long
term absence, Word doc)
 Managers' responsibilities
 Probation
 Useful web links
 Reward (pay and benefits)
 Short term and temp contracts
 Terms and conditions
 Work-life balance
 Working hours
o Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice (CDPRP)
o Equal opportunities and diversity
o Health and safety
o Nursery
o Staff and educational development (OCSLD)
o Graduate Trainee Internship Scheme
o Cyclescheme
o Personal development
o Project management

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